(Blogging from Seattle). Here is an email I got recently about a pre foreclosure situation and predatory lending. It’s a very touching story of somebody who has been mis-treated and has had lots of crazy bad things happen to her.
I usually help people in foreclosure by email with tips from my personal experience and my foreclosure process knowledge. But this person I didn’t know how to help. If you have any tips or ideas for this person, please respond in the comments.
======= Start of Email =======
I am dealing with a predatory lender, Homeq Servicing.
I am considering suicide, because I can no longer deal with their harassment and abuse and threats to take away my job. I cannot refinance with a reputable lender because my credit rating was ruined by telemarketing fraud and medical bills in dispute. I cannot get the credit bureaus to clear the crap from my report, so my FICO score is favorable.
They canceled my home owner’s insurance and now I cannot replace the insurance at my former rate, because of this ruined rating. My loan was a fixed rate, and these jerks changed it to an adjustable rate mortgage, raising the payments $250/mo.
I want Homeq out of my life and I don’t know what to do.
I have owned my own home since 1988 and never missed a payment.
I have asthma and a sensitivity to perfumes and chemicals and other toxins. In 2003, my then employer ignored my needs. As a result, I breathed in some toxins sprayed at work. I could not breathe and catch my breath. I was left writhing in pain on the floor for 45 minutes in front of a room full of people before an ambulance was called. By the time I got to the hospital, my stomach had perforated resulting in emergency surgery and a $15,000 bill, which the employer or its insurance company refused to pay. I also lost my job for reporting the situation and tried to obtain worker’s compensation to cover the income losses and get help with the bills. As a result of the outstanding hospital bills, I could not get treatment to be able to heal from my surgery properly. My former employee threatened me for reporting them.
I was deep in debt from the medical bills and credit card debt. At the same time, I became fodder for identity theft. While I was on pain killers. A telemarketer from a software company, Smart Certify billed me for $3,000 for a web design course I did not authorize on an MBNA credit card. Smart Certify and MBNA would not remove the debt and it went on my credit report. Before the surgery, my FICO score was 710.
To avoid bankruptcy, I attended a seminar with others in Cedar Rapids, sponsored by Financial Rescue Services and the National Consumer Council for debt settlement. My debts were settled for pennies on the dollar. I filed for financial assistance for payment of the hospital bills. I was told the application was approved and the debt was cleared. Yet, the 3 credit reports (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax) and still are reporting the medical as collection accounts, when they are not and the MBNA does not have the fraud disclaimer I requested. I was trying to heal from my surgery and the terminal illness of my mother from colon cancer.
Household Finance was paid off as part of the settlement, yet I am still hounded and harassed by collectors. My home mortgage was refinanced to clear off the debt by Financial Rescue Services. My mortgage loan was sold in 2005. I was living on income from bonds I had inherited. An ex-friend, which a substance abuse problem broke into my home and stole the bonds. Even though he couldn’t cash the bonds, it took 2 months to replace them. I was never notified that they were taking over my loan.
At the same time, my youngest brother was injured in a fall down some stairs, sustaining a serious brain injury. I explained the situation to Homeq Servicing Corporation, the company who took over my loan. They seemed to understand, yet many things happened. They took advantage of my situation and that’s when the hassle began.
Thanks to Homeq:
- They canceled my home owner’s insurance (which I had had since 1988) for $500/year and replaced it with a policy for $989/year and told me I couldn’t have other insurance. (this is a practice called “forced insurance.
- My payments were increased from $500 to $800/mo which violates my mortgage, without legal notification.
- Payments have not been applied even though I have shown proof of payment of checks cleared through my bank. So I am being told I am behind and in breach, when I am not. It is now on my credit report and I have been accessed late fees. They have destroyed my credit by reporting late payments, which have been made.
- Still continue to charge me for an escrow account, when my interest and taxes are included in my mortgage payments, according to my mortgage deed.
- I have been called a deadbeat and profane names by collectors even at 10:00 pm as well as “f—ing shit” and that because I am a low-life deadbeat, I do not deserve to be treated fairly and that they can do as they please and there’s nothing I can do about the situation. I even sent Homeq a cease and desist letter and they still call.
- An “attorney” called telling me that if I didn’t make payment and if I reported them to anyone-I wouldn’t have my home and job and I needed to pay in full by July 1st or face foreclosure. He wasn’t an attorney but posing as one, which is illegal.
In my research on predatory lending, I learned that my current mortgage which was financed by Financial Rescue Services through their bank, First Financial Bank NLC in California contains illegal items:
- The HUD settlement statement has illegal fees charged by the bank they cannot charge.
- I was promised a fixed rate but got an adjustable rate mortgage.
- My truth in lending and good faith estimates have 2 different rates, which is illegal.
- My interest and taxes were financed as part of the loan and yet appear not to be part of the loan, which is illegal.
- Did the loan you got at closing turn out to be very different from what you were promised? Is the rate much higher than the lender led you to expect? Did you think you were getting a fixed rate loan, and end up with a variable rate loan which can only go up from where it started? Were large fees financed into the loan? Were you looking for lower payments only to find that you now have to pay your taxes and insurance on your own, outside of the loan? Yes
I learned that in 2004, Financial Rescue Services and the National Consumer Council were shut down by the FTC for fraud and failure of full disclosure. (Court Closes National Consumer Council )
Because I don’t have the money, I cannot obtain adequate legal representation. The Iowa Attorney General has referred my case to the Office of the US Currency, who are slow to act even after 2 referrals by the Attorney General’s office. People are losing their homes because of this fraud and I don’t want to lose mine. I have home repairs that need to be made (leaky faucets and gutter cleaning to clear out trees that have grown) and haven’t the money to do so. The stress has been ungodly because of the harassment and red tape. My loan is owned by Wells Fargo who is known for predatory lending practices (Links and Information. )
I am asking for help in stopping the practices by Homeq and that my credit report is cleared of all negative information, restoring my FICO score and the negation of my mortgage and being paid in full due to fraud. Just because I am lower-income, does not mean I am beneath anyone and deserve to be treated fairly.
If you go to www.ripoffreports.com, you will find complaints by 250 others regarding Homeq Servicing. They have found ways to cause people to lose their homes and jack up payments illegally. My loan was switched from a fixed rate to an adjustable rate mortgage without my consent.
Help me get my credit report cleared of the garbage in it so I refinance and get in with a reputable lender.
======= End of Email =======
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Banks are the ones to blame for most of this housing mess. They act illegally and with a free hand to get clients.
Just check out what happened to me when I called Wells Fargo. http://repupil.com/posts/70
You best course of action is to continue to pressure Casey until he gives you some advice about your situation. Next, do the opposite of whatever Casey tells you.
Wow! That’s a LOT of bad luck for one person.
Can only get better here, I guess.
Wow….just, wow. There are a lot of things that don’t make any sense whatsoever in that email. I’m sure there are many perceived wrongs in the eyes of the person that wrote the email, but nothing adds up. If all of those things truly happened, he or she would have attorneys lined up and salivating to litigate.
Casey, if you really want to turn your blog into a “foreclosure help resource”, maybe you should have used that $16000 paid to NRU toward an accounting or law degree or something that could actually be useful to somebody in this kind of situation. If you truly, honestly want to help people in situations like this, you’re not going to gain that knowledge from gurus.
Have you attracted an advertiser or “sweet link” which you could refer this person to?
Very sad I have heard of lots of people having this type of problem.Im not sure anybody can help out.It will take several years to work this out.I had a loan sold and the new bank was nothing but trouble.
http://www.icantsellmyhouse.blogspot.com/ -
You need to start addressing your own problems. The credit companies have to follow the law. The law says that if they report a debt on your account, that debt must be proven. Therefore, there is likely a reason they won’t remove the negative comments.
I’d recommend a credit report to start with.
As far as all the other incidents, it sounds like you are finding yourself in some bad situations over and over again.
Get a new job. Sell your house if you can.
Move in to a small apartment and start over. Pay month to month if you have to.
Deal with your problems, quit blaming everyone else and quit feeling sorry for yourself. I don’t feel sorry for you.
There probably isn’t much this person can do other than start a blog detailing their trials and tribulations.
Then, I guess, go to Australia.
Seems to work for others in the same situation.
Why don’t you refer her to mark v********* and collect the $300 referal fee, and then Mark can sue her and her cats and anybody else that replies to this thread.Pro Per
-Marky Mark- -
I have had great luck with getting stuff removed from my credit report with Lexington Law Firm .
You are not qualified to give any advice, not even foreclosure advice. This woman needs a lawyer.
Okay, nice distraction.
What are you doing in Seattle?
Any resolution with the previous questions?
What on Earth are you doing in Seattle? Why aren’t you dealing with CashCall? Your credit cards?? Wells Fargo???? Anything? Anyone?
You need to get your head together.
Basket case. Hopeless. Sounds not only like a bunch of excuses but also like this person refinanced and signed papers for an ARM and didn’t read them. Among other things.
Heck, they’re on the same road you followed, Casey, though with only one house and a bunch of cards. No mention of any of the agreements/refinancings that surely went on, and which they signed. I bet lenders have the signed agreements, though. And I bet this unfortunate soul didn’t read their contracts, either, just like you didn’t.
Sell the house. If they can. If not, let it foreclose — abandon the house and get in a rental now before the credit score drops even further. Then declare bankruptcy. Being lower income will let them use the more favorable part of the BK laws. Save all available money now for paying the bankruptcy attorney. Keep working. Start over financially.
There, done. Easy.
Seattle? Oh Casey, why?
How does that help you?
Damn…. I thought your situation was bad Casey but thats beyond words.
I wish I had some encouraging words but for this lady but haven’t had time to think it through.
asw - corporation
No one is here for whatever it is that email you posted says. We’re here to hear about what you are up to.
Why are you ‘Blogging from Seattle’???? Why aren’t you in Sacramento? Content Casey. If you blog is to have any value, let alone the recently touted $100,000 plus figure you mentioned you have to provide content. Interesting content, not blah filler.
IMO this is the kind of post that will make this blog very useful and profitable.
Side note, casey, you should have my email. I am in Iowa. If you would like you can give my email to this person. I can not help with her legal issues, but I am a contractor and often donate my time to help with property repairs and maintenance to those who need help.
Why are you in Seattle?
Where is the Utah payment?
Be glad that your stupidity got you in your forclosure trouble, not the mess the person you wrote about is in.
You can’t see me right now, but I’m playing my violin. Wow, what a sad sack of crap. Notice everything she says in the email is someone else’s fault? Sort of a common theme, heh Casey? The first thing this woman needs to do is take ownership of her own life and stop blaming others for all of her problems. Everyone has a sad story to tell. Some people move past it, some people let it rule their lives forever and become victims.
1> I guarantee she signed an ARM mortgage and probably never looked at her paperwork (but that’s not her fault, right?). They probably told her “your payment will be fixed for 2 years,” but all she heard was “your payment will be fixed.”
2> TIL and GFE will always have 2 different rates. One is an interest rate, the other is an APR. I’m sure you already knew that though, right foreclosure expert?
3> What exactly are the illegal fees on the HUD?
4> When interest and taxes are “impounded” (read: included in your mortgage), they are paid through an “escrow” account. Again, I’m sure you already know this, right?
5> When you don’t pay your insurance, it tends to get cancelled. Lenders then “force place” their own insurance on the property to ensure that they are protected. If the woman wants another policy, she is free to go out and shop around for a better one.
6> If they are indeed calling her at 10pm at night and cussing at her and threatening her, this is indeed actionable. She should contact an attorney. Creditors are not allowed to harrass you, nor are they allowed to contact you at work if you tell them not to. And they definitely can’t call up anyone at her work and share her personal information with them.
This woman is clueless. She signed a mortgage that she didn’t understand. Granted, she may have been sweet talked by a fast talking Loan Officer, but who knows for sure? What we do know is that the lender has a copy of the note that she signed and I would bet money that if we were to see a copy of that note, it cleary says in big bold letters at the top of page one, “Adjustable Rate Mortgage”. That should have been a big clue to the woman that if was not a Fixed Rate Mortgage.
You see Casey, just because you have a sob story doesn’t mean that you are a victim and that people should feel sorry for you. Maybe this will give you some insight into the “haterz”.
Personally, I respect you for standing up and admitting your mistakes. But, I still want to see you go to jail for what you did. I believe that you knew very well that what you were doing was wrong, but you constantly try to wiggle out of things and skirt responsibility (for example: “I wasn’t lying when I said all 8 of my homes were owner occupied because I had at least some intent of occupying them”). Do you know how stupid this sounds?
Come out with the whole simple truth: You thought you could buy and sell 8 houses quickly. After all, how hard could it be. You watched “Flip this house” and “Property Ladder” every week and nothing ever went wrong. Unfortunately, you mistimed the market and were caught with your pants down. You knew that you were lying but you thought it was no big deal since everybody else was doing it. Oh, and it would help your cause too if anyone actually believed that you were still the least bit concerned with paying off your debts instead of jetsetting around the world on someone else’s dime.
And as for me doing your job for you, you’re welcome.
Why are you blogging from Seattle? Don’t you have business back home to attend to?
One. Huge. Troll.
A troll posting a troll.
I an attempt to distract people from his problems, Casey promptly posts someone else’s problems. I don’t know if he actually expects people to provide useful information to this person or if they will be distracted long enough that he can pack up and move to another city before they ask what he’s doing in Seattle and not California.
First??? Murst???? Sounds like she could use a vacation in Australia…why don’t you hook her up KC???
Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker
A mortgage broker helps you obtain a home loan. A mortgage broker may be licensed by either the California Department of Corporations or the California Department of Real Estate. Mortgage brokers make or arrange first mortgages and junior mortgages. A junior mortgage secures a loan which is secondary or junior to one or more other loans on the property. Some home loans arranged through brokers are very similar to a home loan you might obtain independently from a bank, savings and loan association (S&L), credit union, finance company, or other type of lender. Some brokers offer shorter loan terms and/or different repayment plans.
Prior to using the services of a mortgage broker ensure that you check to make sure they are properly licensed by checking with the California Department of Corporations at http://www.corp.ca.gov or 1-800-347-6995 and/or the California Department of Real Estate at http://www.dre.ca.gov or (916) 227-0931. You may also wish to check with the Better Business Bureau at http://www.bbb.org to see if the company is a member and if any complaints have been filed against the company.
Information and Complaints
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – The FTC publishes free pamphlets on home mortgages.
California Department of Real Estate (DRE) – The DRE can tell you whether a mortgage broker has a current license, how long the broker has been licensed, and whether the DRE has ever taken any formal disciplinary action against the broker. This information can also be accessed through the DRE’s Web Site at http://www.dre.ca.gov.
Private attorneys – The county bar association in many counties gives a referral to lawyers who have asked to be listed with the bar referral service.
Legal Aid – If you are on a fixed income or have a low income, you may qualify for a lawyer through the county Legal Aid Office.
Principal Office
2201 Broadway
Post Office Box 187000
Sacramento, CA 95818-7000
(916) 227-0864District Offices
2550 Mariposa Mall, Suite 3070
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 445-5009320 W. 4th Street, Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 620-20721515 Clay Street, Suite 702
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-25521350 Front Street, Suite 3064
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 525-4192——————————————————————————–
901 Market Street, #570
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 356-527011000 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 824-4343Toll Free: 1-877-382-4357
Web site: http://www.ftc.gov
You are stupid.
You are not qualified to give anyone advice about anything. Not even In & Out Burgers.
This subject was covered in today’s New York Times. Here is the link. This poor woman need real help, not worthless drivel from you.
Dear Iowa,
I’m up in the Twin Cities and I would be willing to come down and help you out with the home repairs. I can check with a few people at my church to see if we can come down there to help out. I’m sure you’ll get some good advice out there. But don’t take any from Casey. I’m really sorry about what’s happening. Where can I get your contact info?
Well, you answered one question…You are not in Sacramento.
How about the Jetta, BlueBall, lawsuits,missing Utah payment and lawyers…come on Casey Boy, quit trolling and spill the beans!!!!
Julian-tpb and hater
Advice to this person would be the same as advice to Casey - file bankruptcy.
You know what they say about fools and their money…
Wow. That truly is a terrible story. There seems to be some missing pieces “things happened….” that you’ve purposely ommitted, but I don’t doubt that the lender is a crook.
On a related note, Casey why did you run away from wife? Why do you keep lying about your situation? Why is she filing for divorce?
Everyone reading this blog knows the real story, why aren’t you being honest STILL…
“Blogging from Seattle” is a big silent lie.
J. McKeon
Why Seattle? We don’t want you either.
Well we found someone more pathetic than Casey. Stop being a victim! At least Casey admits some of his mistakes. Take control of the situation and do something, stop waiting for someone to clean up your mess for you. You have the biggest incentive to clean this up. If you are not willing to, why should we help?
If there is even an ounce of truth to this person’s claims, they should be directed to an attorney. Only that person after reviewing their paperwork can tell them what legitimate recourse they may or may not have.
“I usually help people in foreclosure by email with tips from my personal experience and my foreclosure process knowledge. ”
Seriously, what tips do you have? Do you tell them how to enter Lender Ignore Mode without a guilty conscience? Maybe you tell them how to cultivate more algae in their pool?
I hope Seattle is treating you well. Keep putting your head under the sand, ostrich, your problems will surely go away on their own.
You are the last person who should be giving advice. You run away from your obligations and have not come up with a plan to deal with your own problems.
I feel for that emailer. I hope they find a way out of this, but they should be forewarned that you aren’t in any position to offer advice. How much are you charging them for this “help?”
Let’s see, It all hsppened after GW Bush too office. Therefore there are one of two possibilities:
1. The relaxed regulatory and enforcement environment left the banks with a free hand to screw this person.
2. She is a terror suspect and the government is trying to punish her.
I have a great idea you can feel better by finding people that are even in worse shape than you are. This guy is number one. Have you called the Crisp Real Estate guy from Bakersfield? He is such an idiot he will make you look smart and since the “king of bling” David Crisp is such a “looser” tm you will get tons of traffic at the site since so many people want to see him crash (you can even offer to let him sleep with you in Vee Dubs after he “looses” all of his homes)…
P.S. Post a sweet photo of the Space Needle or a photo of you in a Seattle tree… -
That story could be real, or it could be total BS. Would not be surprising either way.
Either way, all that woman needs is a shot of wheatgrass juice. Can’t go wrong with a shot of wheatgrass.
Then file BK.
Alternatively, you could schedule a special brainstorming session with Nigel Swaby and Mark Villesenor. I am sure those two geniuses could figure out a way to help her!
So you drop a bomb that you’re in seattle and don’t explain??? Yikes!
So what’s the answer? Why are you ripping off The Ad Sense Code by Joel Comm?
I feel bad for the person who sent you this email. Suicide is never the answer. Unfortunately, I don’t have a cookie cutter answer for the situation you are in, either.
If you end your life, they win. You never want them to win.
Here is info on David Crisp (who went a little farther than you but who has an even worse life now with more forclosures):
http://www.bakersfield.com/102/story/56414.html -
There used to be two pretty decent flophouses in Seattle, back in the late 80’s.
One was the St. Regis Hotel, the other was the Moore, which was right around the corner.
From my suite at the Moore, I had a pretty good view down into a hooker’s boudoir, which provided hours of entertainment,(and some education…had I had an illustrated dictionary).
You could breakfast at the downtown McD’s, then hike up to the Million-Air Club to conduct business with one’s colleagues and associates, and return at night for a gourmet dinner at the Pike Place Market.
Evenings one could go to the bars down by the waterfront, where the sound known as “Grunge” was hatched.
Oh…the coffee kinda sucked.
It’s a “win-win”.
Hi, Casey! Seattle is my favorite city, my brother has lived there for the past twenty years. Unfortunately, the myth about Seattle real estate being different… that’s gonna be a myth.
Just stopped by to promote my Defcon presentation (featuring IAFF.com) again before your blog dies, I didn’t get much traffic last time other than your download from Sydney and two other Aussies.
Dude. What the heck are you doing? It’s entertaining but.. damn…
Rob Dawg,
How’s it feel to know that Casey is just free to run across the border into Canada, but you with your DUI may not be able to freely come and go.Thats gotta leave a bad taste of dawg balls in your mouth.
How long are you in seattle for? Email me and if we can work it we can get wheatgrass shots.
I full intended™ to read the whole email, but I mean it was sooooo long. I got about a paragraph in and had the general idea™ of what was going on. So after consulting with several members of my highlt qualified network™ of rofessionals™ I replied as follows:
Wow. Bummer. It sounds really bad and I hope that it gets better. I think what you should do is call CashCall™ and start a blog. I hear that the air in Australia is really good for athsmaand that Canada is full of wealty people who like to help.
Honestly? I don’t believe it. There’s too much in that email that is just outside the realm of common sense. She lost me at the point where she claimed a room full of people watched her writhe around on the floor in pain for 45 minutes without doing anything.
It may be that SHE believes her story… but if that’s the case, she needs a mental health professional more than a lawyer.
Why are you deleting comments left and right?
Item #1- she is too much of a victim. Things just happen to her. Whee the loan turned into an ARM, whee the insurance got canceled. Oh wow, someone billed me for a web design course. Suck it up already… all this stuff didnt just happen out of thin air. Where is the part about the payments you missed?
Item #2- Do you have the income to service the mortgage? If not its moot; you’ll need to move somewhere cheaper. Stop fighting with them.
Item#3- Tape the conversations with them. If they call you after you told them not to you can collect all kind of damages.
Item #4- Assuming you have the money to service your mortgage and just need to get things worked out with some non-collection type, call your congressman. Ask them for assistance in dealing with the lender. Regulated companies listen when they get called by government officials.
What a lot of bull.
From both of you.
I miss you.
Come home to me…
This person must truly be desperate if they think YOU can help them solve their problems.
Can you give the latest details on the foreclosure book?
Wow. I can’t say that I’ve been in a situation like this before, but don’t give in to them. Be noisy, be a pain in the a** , learn the laws that protect you in this situation (there are several) and drag them into the daylight. I don’t feel bad for people who don’t read their mortgage before signing it, but this is just beyond horrible and needs to be stopped. Even if it’s too late for yourself, you can perhaps prevent this from happening to others. It’s time to stop feeling defeated and get angry.
Isn’t RES-COM on ripoff-report? Yup!
When I got to the chemical and perfume sensitivity part I stopped. This seems to be a common affliction of the attention seeking, obese, poorly educated hypochondriac female.
That’s a lot of sweet fodder for your juicy Kontera embedded content links.
Way to think outside the box, especially when you’re strapped for time and/or can’t be bothered to put up a real post of any sort.
It sucks for this woman, but the fact is she probably got herself into this mess. “Chemical sensitivity” is basically code-word for FLAKE.
My advice to the person that wrote to you is this:
You are not qualified to give advice. You are not educated or licensed. What happens when someone sues you for rendering bad advice? Do you have E & O coverage?
I’m tired of watching you pretend to be a professional and give legal advice. You are not an attorney. You are not a licensed real estate agent or broker. On Thursday, I am going to file a complaint against you with the CA Attorney General’s Office and the CA Bar Association.
So this is it? All this talk about turning this into a foreclosure help site and your BIG PLAN is to post some horrible story from some poor woman and say “If you have any tips or ideas for this person, please respond in the comments.” Seriously, this is beyond absurd. She doesn’t need a bunch of assorted people on some website to help her - we can’t help her and neither can you. If you had a decent bone in your body, you’d tell her to see an attorney ASAP and would have never posted her story. We can’t help her.
so are you going to tell us why you didn’t go home? why did you do this to yourself? you turned a bad situation into a horrible one.
Hi Casey.
I found the below article, I hope it will cheer you up.
By the way - you Donald Trump is mentioned in that article too…..:-)
LOL FOREVER at everyone who thinks this woman is for real. Good Lord, Casey, no wonder you keep getting swindled. You’re even more gullible than you expect us to be.
Believe it or not, many people in this country take debt very seriously as a direct reflection of their personal short comings. I’ll give the e-mail the benefit of the doubt because I don’t think anyone would write something so long simply to incite a response. I’m surprised this person hasn’t sent the company a cease and desist letter via registered mail. By law, they need to stop hounding the person after the request is in. They can take the person to court afterwards but need to stop their muscle man collection techniques.
But even deeper than that, many folks in this country have committed suicide due to insurmountable debts from medical charges, gambling, or other credit issues. Beyond the legal issues, this person needs to meet with a mental health professional since they’ve mentioned contemplating taking their own life. No amount of money is worth taking your own life. Digging deeper in the mail, this person seems to reflect a feeling of the “walls are closing in” and this is not a good sign. The good thing is they are looking for solutions. Since they are contacting you, I would hope you could convey some of this information back especially the part of getting counseling ASAP.
This woman needs some good credit repair. Lots of expensive outfits, as well as many scammers, are out there. Anybody had good success with lexingtonlaw.com. or ovationlaw.com, or any of the others? We need to find qualified companies that are on the up-and-up.
casey, you never cease to amaze me. welcome back to the states. if you make it to portland, drop me a line and maybe i could get you a wheatshot or two. wouldn’t want to overdo it though.
about your follower asking for advice, it’s sad that you can’t help her. yet you wish to be a foreclosure advice/help site. how is that possible when you can only repeat someone’s story and then ask your readers for advice.
if you don’t have atleast ten questions to ask that lady before you tell her story, you shouldn’t be offering any assistance. also, no one will get the real picture necessary to offer assistance. as someone mentioned earlier, there are a lot of pieces missing in her story. sorry if it offends her or you, but tough questions need to be asked of people in her circumstance. it’s not easy or always pleasant helping someone in such dire straights, yet professionals will help if she reaches out to them.
The woman who wrote to you should be asking a lawyer for advice.
It believe the quote runs along the line of: Remove the log from your own eye before attempting to pluck the twig out of another’s.
YOU are the person who is supposed to be the expert. YOU should be giving the advice and counsel. Depending upon the comments thread to fill in the blanks for you does not help your cause. When you turn the problem over to the peanut gallery you will get the whole range of responses, from insults to actual constructive advice. From the advice I have seen here, none of it is anything that couldn’t have been gotten from Google or a financial advisor (or the better business bureau).
YOU need to realize the following issue: You have a plate full of trouble and you have been trying to avoid these problems for the last six months, either from just stalling or running away (Lake Tahoe or Australia or the most recent going to Seattle/Portland instead of California). If you do not turn up in California to work on these problems; you will find that people will have taken action without you and you will have no recourse in how it plays out. The important ones I can see are: (1) Impending lawsuit (2) Impending Legal Seperation (3) The legal and financial fallout from those two items. (4) The IRS. The IRS has still not gone away. If you intend on filing at some point, you will need the documentation that is in California so you can file properly-at that point you will have to deal with items one and two.
YOU need to start budgeting you money very carefully because you cannot expect anymore financial support from your family. So if you are making $1500/month you need to figure out how to live, eat and succeed on that budget.
So you are working on sweet deals in Seattle. If you are looking to fix-n-flip, I wouldn’t try it in Seattle. Seattle is running about 6-9 months behind the rest of the country for the housing crash underway. Plus you won’t get the credit required because the subprime market has tightened up its lending practices and you need 10% down and a demonstrateable form of income.
Once you have managed to get your financial house in order then I’ll pass along advice for the people you state post here needing help.
Why is it that this woman’s story is plastered at other sites?
this person is facing a similar problem. maybe we can help her too?
How are you getting to Portland? Flying or driving? Either way, both cost money. Where is the cash coming from? This doesn’t add up.
Regarding the distressed person mentioned in your post, free or low-cost legal assistance is available in most states. Such assistance won’t help you, but for honest people who are in trouble due to medical emergencies or job loss, resources are available. Let Google be your friend.
Casey, you might want to verify this link since she says that she DID order it, but then wanted to return it. That does not sound like what she wrote above. It sounds like she is twisting the truth a bit.
Fraudulent business practices!
Complaint Rating:
I had a telemarketer sign me up for a web design course I never order and put it on an MBNA charge account. This occurred during a time I was on painkillers recuperating from major surgery. The company refused to refund or allow me to return the course and MBNA would not answer phone calls, letters or emails. Beware! -
1-800-SUICIDE is a good number to call if you’re seriously thinking about suicide. They have counselors there to talk to you 24/7.
I’ll give her some advice, but not through you. Give me her contact information and I’ll get in touch with her independently.
And NO, I will not pay you a referral fee. I’ve got about as many clients as I can handle right now. This would strictly be pro bono advice. -
How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site
You’re not. Virtually none of your vaunted traffic is here for advice from you.
And it’s a good thing, too, because not only are you not qualified to give such help, but also any attempt at help that you do will almost certainly be harmful.
Advice for the woman in dire straights:
1. Go to a credit counselor.
2. Go to a lawyer. Bring all of your legal agreements, paperwork, etc with you. Let the lawyer attempt to sort it out. -
My Advice …. Have this woman (if shes real .. not a hater here but stories tend to be embelished a bit on this blog or otherwise enhanced) go to her local television station with this story … and the ATTORNEYS will be lined up for days to take her case.
Come on … this is a no brainer ….And you needed us to give her advice …..
When are you going back to California ?????? Or do you have no reasons to return to California any more … come on CASEY .. answer the questions like you have ALWAYS PROMISED TO DO …. otherwise we will find out other ways.
I notice the email isn’t prefaced by the salutory “Dear Casey”.
Which leads me to believe that you’ve simpley cherry picked this lamentable correspondence and inferred it was sent to you as a cry for help. I honestly can’t believe someone as luckless as the author would compound their bad luck by asking for advice from you.
Admit it, the writer didn’t write this email to you personally. You’re on another thinly disguised fishing expedition.
Mail Guru
I think this is really not the proper forum for resolving the multiplicity of problems revealed in this e-mail.
But perhaps you could extract the various problems and write about them in general. As others have suggested, your experience is limited and you’d require the advice of more seasoned professionals to be truly helpful.
As others have suggested, much of the attention of this blog is Casey, his unique personality, and personal story: not foreclosure advice per se. But obviously, your search engine rankings provide the opportunity to capitalize on this exposure.
Weren’t YOU supposed to be the one providing the foreclosure advice, or are you outsourcing that too? You know we’re all vultures here, what did you expect us to do, calmly hold her hand? No, vultures eat dead flesh! It’s our JOB! But seeing as you don’t have one of those, you wouldn’t understand.
Gotta agree with PortlandREAgent.
It’s your site, you are the expert, you provide a path forward for her.
Were I her, I’d spend as much time as possible looking for legal, free ways to do them in, and I’d contact a good lawyer. Keeping the house will cost. Losing (loosing?) it is free.
BTW…you have ignored all our advice in the past, why would you ask this woman to follow what we say?.
Shutting down hatin’ comments would be the smart thing to do. That would kill the blog and let you either start the foreclosure blog you were meant to write, or do something else.
I discourage looking to the internet for advice. Sure I’ve used it for hints and such but would never rely on it for anything as complicated as the situation you describe. In particular I wouldn’t trust Casey. I’m sure he’s a nice person but if he’s no more an expert on foreclosure than you are on Chemical sensitivity; you may know more than the average person but that doesn’t make you an expert.
If I were in the situation you describe I would likely be looking for an attorney. I don’t know where you live but your local law school may be able to offer something. Personally I’d think if what you describe is true you a good negotiator could get the entire mortgage erased given the sort of trouble they’d be in if their misdeeds were brought to light.
either Casey is pulling our leg, or one of th haterz is pulling his leg.
this story is not real…… -
I know you won’t post this, but anyway…
“hey guys, stop hatin’ and give this poor woman some advice.”
Hmm…. I thought it was _your_ job to provide advice? Have you outsourced this to the Haterz?
“How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site with this amount of hate?”
Filter the Haterz then. I still have yet to see even a single person ask for advice in the comments.
“I will have to get rid of the comment feature or severly filter stuff for the environment to be friendly enough for these poor foreclosure people to have a place to ask questions.”
They can ask by email, as this lady did. Or you can filter. Or you can turn the comments off completely. You’ve been threatening to turn off the comments for months now. Take Massive Focused Action and do it.
“On the Seattle topic. I’m here takin’ care of some biz.”
What type of biz? CashCall? The Utah Payment? Taxes of the county, state and or federal variety? Repairing the relationships with those closest to you?
“There is some potential opportunities here.”
Oops, ignore my previous questions. More pie in the sky nonsense.
I don’t even know where to start with this one.
Look, this woman has issues. Yes, a lot of bad stuff has happened to her. But she also let a lot of it happen. If she had a serious medical issue, she should have lawyered up and demanded proper compensation from her company. There are tons of lawyers who specialize in that type of thing.
Identity theft - yeah, it sucks, but most people are able to deal with it. The fact that Smart Service and MBNA wouldn’t remove it is a big red flag.
If homeq really is doing all the things she claims - she needs to get a lawyer, now. If she sent a cease and desist letter - they are legally required to stop the harrassment. She claims to have documentation on all of this - should be a pretty clear cut case.
Get a lawyer!
Please leave the pacific northwest as soon as possible. Our housing hasn’t totally tanked yet and I’d prefer you not share your bad ju-ju with everyone!
As for the woman, two words, legal aide.
On the Seattle topic. I’m here takin’ care of some biz. There is some potential opportunities here. And thanks to those who offered to buy me a meal. I will take advantage of those offers if I have time. I need to be in Portland tomorrow so time is limited.
More gurus perhaps? good grief! Casey you can’t eat but you’ll drive up more debt, stupidy. -
beer tommorw, on us.
WTF man, you claim you want to run a blog to help people, then all you do is ask the readers to help?
Besides, there was a very simple answer for her - Mooch a flight to Australia and work on some sweet deals.
Gee Casey — posts like this one just sort of write themselves, don’t they? How much lazier can you get? The poor woman’s calamity is just more fodder for CaseyCorp. My heart bleeds.
On the Seattle topic. I’m here takin’ care of some biz.
I believe you have urgent (and I mean URGENT) biz that needs takin’ care of in Sacramento. Where’s that on your priority list?
And I agree with the general sentiment here: you are not qualified to offer foreclosure or any other type of financial or legal advice (seriously, you could get into a LOT of trouble if you pretend that you are), and you’re unlikely to get too many useful comments. After all, you had a tonnage of amazingly helpful advice nine months ago, virtually all of which you ignored in favor of chasing shiny objects.
Casey, Just to say you shouldn’t give up hope, it worries me that you’ve been looking so sad lately. Anyway, the thing with the Haterz is that they’ve never tried anything big themselves. They’re afraid that you’ll succeed & then make them look bad…Don’t let any of this get you down, OK?
Don’t post other peoples email about thier problems. For all we know it’s bogus. Let’s focus on you and your troubles. It’s much more entertaining read about how your are avioding your responsibilities…
Hey Casey,
How do you know this email is not the first in a scam ??
With the credit reporting agencies, she should call them about the mistake, and within 30 days they have to respond with the answer. This is the law.
This womans comment about the credit reporting agencies shows either a scam or that she has not tried.
What is your test to this woman to show its not a scam. The next email will be for money.
I’d like this woman to respond with how she communicated with the credit reporting agencies ?
Loads O Money
Your email “client” thought they could walk away from their debt due to technical loopholes in the law.
It doesn’t work that way. Shouldn’t you know that by now?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!
“How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site with this amount of hate?”
You’re not. What you need to do is get rid of the hate. If you disabled comments you’d just be hiding the hate.
The hate will still be there. You get hate because of what you do (go to Australia for no reason you can possibly justify to anyone other than yourself) and the things you do not do (calling your lenders, telling people the things they want to know rather than being vague and sounding like you’re lying by saying things like your in Seattle takin care of some biz and that ‘There is some potential opportunities here.’.) So if you want to get rid of the hate, then you need to change your behavior.
What are the chances of you posting this huh?
sad story.
How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site with this amount of hate?
More importantly, how are you ever gonna have people leave foreclosure help requests on the site with your immense lack of ability to help them?
It’s not our job to give advice to whatever random person posts on your blog. Are you sharing revenue with us? No! You want to make the money AND outsource the writing, outsource the programming, outsource the moderation and even outsource the service while you freeload your way around the Pacific Rim!?!
I will have to get rid of the comment feature or severly filter stuff for the environment to be friendly enough for these poor foreclosure people to have a place to ask questions.
How are “these poor foreclosure people” going to get answers if you disable comments? Certainly not from you!
Leaving this woman’s future up to the advice of a bunch of anonymous blog commenters is NOT helping her. What if she follows advice that is illegal? You’re positioning this blog as a place to get help; there’s no disclaimer that nobody posting knows a damn thing about anything. She already got advice from some outfit that got “shut down by the FTC for fraud and failure of full disclosure.” You want to be next?
You should really consider selling the blog. You’re only gonna run it into the ground. You’re not even reading the comments anyway so I don’t know why I write anymore.
I must have missed your comments where you offered this person your own personal advice. You did so, right?
It looks like you’re wanting your audience to provide foreclosure advice to her. Outsourcing?
I feel like I know her. I’ve worked with people like her in the past…
You are still da man!
I think you might want to remove the name of the lender who is supposedly destroying this woman’s life. Unless you know for a fact that it is true, this name needs to come off this site. Otherwise you are asking for another action, this time for libel, and this time with people with the resources to pursue you effectively.
Looking forward to your return home! Have a nice day!
You don’t realize that the people you’ve attracted here have little to no interest in helping you or anyone else.
You’re again dreaming if you think you can turn this nonsense of a site into something more than cheesy entertainment.
IQ of 131 my arse.
Here is a specific web link on the FTC’s website regarding fair debt collection and how to file a complaint:
I used to approach people who were in foreclosure to see if I could buy their house. Whether we were able to work something out or not, I would give them a script to read to the debt collectors over the phone that would specifically instruct the debt collector to stop calling. The debt collector must stop calling or they are in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Feel free to record your conversations with the debt collectors if they continue to call, after you have told them to stop calling, and keep all of these recordings as evidence.
No 1, all of you guys have to Vote for Ron Paul ==> http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
Until the Federal Reserve and the IRS are eliminated, and Sound Monetary System is introduced, this is going to continue over and over again.
The Federal Reserve deliberately manipulates the monetary system to create booms and busts, purely by turning the money tap (which they creat out of THIN AIR) on and off.
Only this time they are going to push America into a depression, destroy the US Dollar and sell the Amero as the only solution. The Amero will be introduced as part of the plan to combine Canada, Mexico and the United States into the North American Union and eventually their One World Government. The only problem is that you can say goodbye to the constitution and your sovreignty, civil rights and just about everything else.
Now Americans would never accept the NAU if you have a rich middle class, so to get their NUA the Federal Reserve along with their Wall Street and European buddy’s deliberately engineered a huge housing bubble by introducing crazily low internet rates and low lending standards which we have just seen.
The next part of the plan is to wipe out the wealth of the middle class and poor which has started happening now.
Once the Poor and Middle classes have been completely wiped out and desperate, then they will introduce the Amero and NAU.
Once your in the NUA, nothing is going to get better, it will probably get worse. Watch this The Real Face of the European Union - http://video.google.com.au/vid.....0274168460
So instead of getting stuck into Casey who was sucked in like many other by this huge Ponzi Scam, you should be getting stuck into congress and demanding a proper Monetary System.
Now to get educated about the Monetary System, everyone needs to watch Money Masters ==> http://video.google.com.au/vid.....0256183936 and America: Freedom to Fascism http://video.google.com.au/vid.....3867390173
Only when America and the World has a proper monetary system, will the continual manipulation and transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the Rich be stopped.
Everyone needs to Educate themselves about the current Monetary System.
hey guys, stop hatin’ and give this poor woman some advice. Thanks to those who responded with sympathy. How am I ever gonna have people leaving foreclosure help requests on the site with this amount of hate?
Precisely why you should not be doing this!!! Keep this blog entertaining and top pretending to do a service! When have you ever helped anyone but yourself? Not hating, just a question.
Yeah, that’s a really good idea. Get rid of the comments. Yeah, that’ll do it.
Casey, the ONLY reason a lot of people read this (increasingly crapp*) blog is FOR the comments. It looks more and more like you really don’t understand what you have here and why people read it. They aren’t here for advice. They are here for YOUR story. And increasingly you aren’t telling your story. It’s getting pretty boring, dude. Get back to basics, the train-wreck. Look at how few comments you are getting lately, that should give you a clue. The best thing you could do would be to publish EVERY comment, unedited, and instantly. Then watch your numbers soar. When you were on the point of living in the VW, you were getting massive hits. Now??? Do what you do well, not this bullshi*.
Understand what you have, tinkerbell, and build on that. That’s the path to success and sweet passive income.
Casey the feckless dilettante is entertaining. Casey the shifty motivational info-blogger? Not so much.
C’mon kid, more about the Emerald City opportunities, the pending civil actions, the plight of your near and dear. IOW, make with the comments and wake us up when it’s all about you again.
unlicensed agent can not recevie commission, so that means when you sell the house, you do not have to pay commission to the unlicensed agent. YOU SELL IT FREE~~ AND THE AGENT IS IN BIGGG TROUBLE WITH DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE.
#85, I recognize this type of complaint and it’s very possible this story is real at least in the perspective of it’s author. I have the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with people who have the volumes of problems this woman is experiencing. Of course that person’s perspective about what is wrong, how severe it is and the causes may not always be representative of what is going on.
I don’t see where turning the comments off would be helpful to you. You’ve gotten real good at stirring up the hate to increase your traffic and notoriety. If you half that process this blog largely becomes vaporware.
Next Casey will be posting emails from exiled princes from Nigeria looking for advise.
>> 101. mejustme
Never cease to be impressed by your posts….:)
108. SteveH
The term “nail on the head” springs to mind….
Predatory Borrowing is when you borrow money and never pay back.
Jay Leno - David Letterman - Oprah Winfrey…. why haven’t any of you invited Casey to your talk shows? Don’t you think you have fed your audience with enough unintelligent blah-blah from the Hollywood stars and other celebrities? Maybe it is time for you to make your talk shows more interesting and real? This is your chance.
I am sure many of your watchers/listeners are facing foreclosure as well and would probably appreciate Casey as one of your talk show guest.
So wake up - Leno, Latterman and Winfrey!
So, July is upon us…..when doen this book materialise?
Here’s my advice for the woman:
1) Get a lawyer. Collections harrassment leads to lucrative lawsuits, therefore she should be able to find one that will represent you free.
2) Stop being gullible. Don’t trust anyone when it comes to money. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
And as a bonus Casey, here’s my advice for you:
1) Don’t steal letters off of the internet and claim that they were sent to you, that’s just tasteless:
http://www.complaintsboard.com.....13227.htmlHere’s an easy and non-hate-filled list of questions that I’d like to see answered:
-Why are you in Seattle? Is there a business opportunity or are you there to clear your head and focus?
-Are you planning on returning to California anytime soon?
-Do you have a specific release date for your book yet? Will it be in stores or will it only be available on-line? Will it be an e-book or a physical book?
Cheers from London.
Maybe if we give Bush 4 more years things will get better. Don’t we get what we deserve? Let’s keep watching Paris Hilton stories and voting for Republicans–how is that going for you’all?
Right, and I’m the Pope…
The moral of this story is “Fool and his/her money will be separated”.
No one forced this person to change his/her fix rate loan to a non-fixed rate loan. No one forced this person to spend the money that they did not have ( i know, it sucks to have medical bills, but s*** happens and non-secured bills are difficult to attached to a secured property ). What this person did is -believe- that there is an easy and fast way to make money (Wait, that sounds like the snowflake, does not it?). Blaming bank or so called “predatory” lenders for his her/stupidity is just stupid.
Hey Casey, why do thay call you “snowflake”?
It’s good to know that somehow, something worked out for you and just like what “info vilesilencer” said, your bad publicity worked the other way around and that there is no such thing as bad publicity at all.
You haven’t taken a single piece of advice given to you. Not one single one.
Why are you telling others to take the advice of your readers if YOU refuse to take that advice?
Do you know if Lossmitpro sues all of his clients or just you? Seems rather unprofessional. I would be very wary to have any dealings with Mark V********* /Lossmitpro after reading all this about him. I hope you come out on top! Use this for a win and more traffic!
Helping this poor woman, is what Lossmitpro should be doing. Not, going after you. Mark V********* is very unprofessional.
Casey, If you really want to give the haterz a coronary — Take a picture in front of the police station / FBI bureau. Maybe even take a picture with an agent. Have them stage your arrest, too.
That would send some of the haters over the edge. Good luck in Portland / Seattle, and post some pictures.
You are truly getting pounded over on the other boards.Why don’t you do us a favor and let us all know what the agreements were that you had with Duane and Mark. Please tell us what it was THEY hoped to get out of coming to your aid.
Mark and Duane want to act like they are coming to the aid of America by stopping your activities. On many levels I agree with them that you do need to be stopped.
We all know that Duane and MArk were for you before they were against you and entertained the idea that you could make some money partnering up with them, and they could make some money as well.
Why don’t you let us know what they were in it for and the type of reward they expected. Did you discuss referal fees with Mark if you were to direct clients to him. We are all interested in finding out what kind of monetary incentive it took for Mark and Duane to set aside the ciminal acts which they are now so enraged over, to try and partner up with you or benefit finacially from your exposure. ( which was the result of you cimes)
Does Mark have the clean hands that he claims to have?
Sounds like a scam to get money…
113. Web 2.zero
July 4th, 2007 at 10:01 am
>> 101. mejustmeNever cease to be impressed by your posts….:)
How nice of you. Thanks for that!
Smile as they take you in. I plan to when they get me.
In fact, I will spring lightly and with glee into the cop car.
And after the hysterical laughter (as they don the straight-jacket), I shall declare my utmost allegiance to the flag of justice.
And take my punishment. Like you should too.
Sleeping at night, without those clouded dreams is a fantastic release.
I aint no hater.
Give this poor woman advice? Casey, stop treating like we are developmentally disabled. This woman’s story is posted all over the internet. This made the rounds some time ago. Why are you pretending she wrote to you exclusively? Many lawyers have responded…This is so weird and creepy.
Your audience is quickly tiring. Please tell us your story, it’s what we come here for. If you won’t/can’t, please say so.
Mark’s hands are not clean. And his “lawsuit” is making the email rounds as a big joke.
This just keeps getting crazier….
Mark Villensenor is attempting to freeze your bank account with the ex parte motion for the TRO next week.
The judge may or may not grant it (probably not) but do you want to take the chance?
Unless you want to pay an attorney to show up and argue your case before the judge, the best thing for you to do is transfer the funds to another account that he does not know about. Don’t write a check or do a wire transfer, just withdraw the funds in cash, walk over to another bank and deposit them in a new account.
It is illegal to use the threat of criminal prosecution as a negotiating tool in the settlement of a civil case, so don’t let anyone do this to you.
Unfortunately, it looks like you will probably need to get an attorney at some point.
Hi Casey,
I think that the best thing you can do for this woman is to help her launch a blog like yours. Of course, she needs a lawyer, but the blog will help too.
Regards and good luck,
William -
This letter(true or not) leads me to the conclusion of what is missing as a resource for those facing foreclosure. I hope Casey you will try to do something with this blog in response. You could have a credit counselor who writes a column aimed at the problems from a credit standpoint. Also, these people will eventually need someplace to stay. If they walk away from their homes or get evicted or whatever they will need somewhere to rent until they can take care of their responsibilities. I think a board listing: 1) homes for rent for people who faced foreclosure even though lost their homes–some were paying their mortgages on time until they hit hard times–these same people may make good tenants for rentals. 2) a board listing those people who are looking for people to get their homes on a short sale 3) those looking for people who want someone to assume their mortgage so they can prevent foreclosure 4) classes in the area for people who want to learn about dealing with adverse financial problems5) a discussion forum for those who are facing foreclosure to give each other support–perhaps administered by a team of crisis counselors, real estate attorney, mortgage broker, loan officer…
Anyway hope you can put some of these ideas to work since you are getting lots of exposure on this website. -
I think this woman needs to get TRUE PROFESSIONAL help; not aid from people she has never met and does not know from a hole in the ground.
She might have to pay for advice, but right now her number one priority is to get realistic, independent legal and financial advice.
First of all one thing I noticed is that this person never accepts responsibility for their actions. By law you cannot just switch someone from a fixed to an adjustable rate mortgage. Theirs this little law called truth in lending. I suspect that they told this person that the loan would be an ARM but they did not ask any questions about it. Also, the “forced place” insurance is on the loan because you did not pay your insurance or your insurance was cancelled for some reason and you did not bother to follow up on the multiple notices that you received from your insurance company and mortgage company. I suggest that you start asking questions and accept responsibility. I personal opinion is that prior to anyone opening a mortgage on their home they should be required to take a financial education course. I know that it really would have benefitted me when I purchased my first home. Instead I had to search for resources and figure it out on my own. This person should really take the time and educate themselves. Instead of placing blame on everyone else.
What a bunch of friggin idiots. This guy has been foreclosed on 8 houses. He made every mistake known to man on these foreclosures. How is he not qualified to give advice on foreclosures? Because he doesn’t have a piece of stupid paper saying that he is qualified? Casey you’re unlucky to have attracted so many brainwashed puppets to your site. Or umm..lucky…your call.
She needs to contact a Consumer Law attorney right now. There are numerous FCRA violations TIL violations and all things the attorney can help her with, including suing getting attorneys fees and making her credit report correct.
I believe she should google NACA
>>mejustme - you are welcome!
# 139
Just because someone has been foreclosed on 8 times, this does NOT make him an expert, able to help someone avoid it.. All this shows is that he is a person who is ABLE to foreclose.
FDCPA..learn it..
Fair.Debt.Collections.Practices.ActThis is a federal act to protect consumers.
Under this hact is a section on how companies cannot due hato to any consumer. Hato is Harrase, abuse, threaten or oppress. Also, companies cannot pretend to be someone else. You have no funds, file a complaint with the better business bureau. They will just send a letter, yet its something.The proofs of payment, needs to keep that if the atty general gets around to it and will probably request that in the investigation, if there is one. Also, shop for lawyers. Some love taking on big business for no charges, since the prize they get for winning will more then pay for their services.
Her lender is regulated either by the FCC or the Comptroller of Currency. Get them involved, and they will intervene. These organizations are here to make sure these lenders are compliant. Another thought file a claim with the BBB in the area. Also if she is right and there are other claimants out there, a smell a class action suit. Some greedy lawyer will take it on. I wish her the best of luck, she needs all she can gets.
This is very sad story. Please contact HOMEOWNERSHIP PRESERVATION FOUNDATION (888) 995-HOPE.
Also listen to this Christian non-profit audio interview of the credit counseling. They will help you! Here is the link: http://boss.streamos.com/downl.....lo7-11.mp3 this link comes from www.Crown.org.
God Bless you!
I understand where you are coming from, I also have homeq servicing, and everything you described is exactly what is happening to me and my husband, when we asked for a lower or a bi-monthly payment due to husband having to have major surgery and going to be out of work for at least 8 months they responded by saying that I needed to pay them my payment plus half every month until my husband was able to get back to work, I am now behind and facing foreclosure, I have an appointment with an attorney to find out if there is something I can do from a legal stand point to get rid of homeq or get the payments down to where I can afford to pay my payment, property taxes, and home owners insurance on just what I make. I will forward any pertinent information from my attorney that may help you.
Wow, I have Homeq as well, its a wonder these people are allowed to be in business. I have never heard of any other of the companies giving folks a hard time like these people. I would contact a legal aid bureau for your troubles… On your troubles with your employer, I would contact DOL regarding your issue because it is illegal for them to refuse you help when you are hurt on the job. The DOL will hear your case, that’s the easiest of your concerns. I got help by posting an ad on craigslist.org under the real estate services forum. Believe it or not, I got a lot of reputable people, real estate agents, and investors who had heard of Homeq and who helped people out of foreclosure. I am in the process of trying to do a short sale with them. Other than that, I wish you luck. You really need to speak to an attorney, they can’t say you breached the contract when you have evidence that you have. And if you have ALL of your cancelled checks, I’d take them to small claims just to get the late fees they are quick enough to add on…
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