Thanks to “Andrew from Canada” for putting together a master list of Top 5 Pieces of Advice I Have Been Ignoring. There are more than 5 but its all good - I will address all of them. My responses are in BOLD.
[Andrew from Canada:] I know people have been asking for to address the “top 5″ so I am reposting my summary (oh and I missed one item the last time I posted this, so I have added that in!).
Ranked by the number of times it made somebody’s “Top 5″ list (number of times is in brackets), here are the top items:1 - (22) Casey and/or wife should get 1 or more jobs that have a regular income stream
As much as I want to continue working for myself and doing deals full time I do agree that I may have to go back to a stable job for a while in order to provide a stable base from which to launch my next venture(s).
I was making 50k/yr as a Programmer/Analyst at my last job at Pride Industries in Roseville and should be able to get back into something like that if I must.
I have been a little slow in looking for a W2 job last several months because I have managed to make money there and here to get by (a little bit of contract work and other stuff)
But unless I find a really sweet deal very soon, I agree that I need to think STABILITY. My marriage/friendships have been suffering due to the lack of it. I can’t just keep going like this.
My wife told me she will get a job if she must but since I have been telling her that she doesn’t have to worry about it quite yet she has been trusting me to provide.
I want her to focus on finishing school and not have to worry about the money. Besides, her earning potential is pretty low right now and it is not going to make much of a diff considering our burn rate with debt. So she would be just spinning her wheels instead of helping us move forward.
2 - (16) Declare bankruptcy
I am definitely considering it but there are issues with it which I have already discussed. I would rather avoid it and find a way to pay off and/or settle the debt somehow.
I would feel better about myself too if I can find a way to get at least some of the money paid back.
But there are those days when the pressure gets to be too much and I am ready to Chapter 7 all the debt away.
3 - (12) Stop eating out and other unecessary expenses
Regardless how it looks I live pretty frugally already. And cccasional dinning out is OK, especially since most of it revolves around business meetings.
However, I think we can probably cut out some more fat from our budget… I will be tracking every single penny this year via MS Money and/or Quickbooks so I will have better control over the finances.
I also will be going through all the records from 2006 and should have a spending report to show you within a month. I need to give that report to my CPA on Feb 14 so we can do my taxes.
4 - (10) Stop going to real estate seminars and guru workshops
What is wrong with education? I agree not to over-pay for gurus (many are a rip-off) but some have quality education that is what will help me succeed. I just need to be more picky about who I learn from perhaps.
And at this point I already know enough from all the seminars from last year. So instead of more seminars I need to start applying the knowledge I already have and applying it CORRECTLY by learning from my mistakes.
5 - (8) Involve your wife in decisions and keep her apprised of everything
Good idea. Need to get better at that…
6 - (7) Stop taking out more loans
Good idea unless the loan has a business purpose and will make me money. But yes, I need to be more careful with leverage. It’s a double-edge sword. Leverage is a sweet thing but must be used properly.
6 - (7) Get out of the real estate business
I am too determined to succeed in RE/business and do it with integrity. So, no turning back. (Though I need to focus on stability right now…)
6 - (7) Talk to a criminal attorney
Good idea. I started putting the word out for referrals.
9 - (6) Get legal advice before making deals
Very good idea. I need some good legal advisors on my team. Been lacking on this one. Working on it…
9 - (6) Take the time to maintain/fix your properties
I have mixed feelings about spending more time and money on under-water properties…
9 - (6) Live in one of your houses
No. It sounds like good advice but there are many issues with this…
12 - (5) Seek out a medical health professional
Haha… Is this a joke?
Please put the Mental Item as #1, and for item #2, make a link back to item #1.
Casey, I had semi-respect for you until I read this:
As you were facing forclosure, you were trying to get friends to “Invest” in you thru blatant lies?
How low can you go guy?
“What is wrong with education? …quality education is what will help me succeed.”
This coming from a guy who scoffs at higher education.
Well, it’s your funeral kiddo.
This is the same broken record of excuses you’ve been playing since your first posts.
You’re not learning, you’re not growing–this blog is stagnating.
“9 - (6) Live in one of your houses
No. It sounds like good advice but there are many issues with this…
MANY issues with this? Name three.”
“9 - (6) Live in one of your houses
No. It sounds like good advice but there are many issues with this…”
What are the issues?
Oh, and number 12 is no joke; probably it’s the most accurate and important piece of advice.
You have definite mental issues.
12 - (5) Seek out a medical health professional
Haha… Is this a joke?
No. Why would anyone, hater, sycophant, trainwreck observer, anyone be this flippant? You are up, you are down, you have erratic sleeping patterns, you are easily distracted, impulsive, … there’s a long list. I have deleted the rest of the list to save you the time you do not have in editing it. This “advise” above is clearly heartfelt, honest and sincere. I’m thinking Adderall, Stratera and Focalin, possibly lithium or stronger. I’m thinking those last because I just visited your updated spreadsheet. You have broken through the $600,000 barrier and continue to “loose” ground at least $800/day. Deleting the $50k Countrywide note didn’t make it go away did it? Due tomorrow? $417, 15jj.
But there are those days when the pressure gets to be too much and I am ready to Chapter 7 all the debt away.
Just to be clear. Not all the debt goes away. Say it: “I, Casey Serin, will be held responsible for any taxes and penalties and accrued interest of such for any debt forgiveness in addition to any debt incurred in the 6 months prior to bankruptcy and any notes I signed outside of the bankruptcy process.” You are facing a dismal post bankruptcy future. “All the debt away” is more of the evidence some people cite when suggesting medical evaluation.
In other words, you laugh at all the stupid advice people are giving you. You are sooo above them…
here are some suggestion to our BIG LIAR,Casey,
you should go to walmart and buy those “instant noodles” to save $
and you definetly need a psych help.
9 - (6) Live in one of your housesNo. It sounds like good advice but there are many issues with this…
Like what?
You are quite right to avoid BK. As far as I can see, you are doing fine right now not paying bills and debts owed, yet relishing a Jamba Juice lifestyle. Haters out there would be seeking medical advice if they had accumulated the credit card debts you have, but somehow you keep trucking along. You certainly have exceeded my expectations for collapsing.
My advice: continue to ignore the debts, and ignore the bad investments as well. What the hell, it looks to me as if you’ve got nothing to repossess, so let them pound on your door and cram your letter box with demands. If the banks want to foreclose, tell them it’s just fine with you. I don’t see how you are in any position to do anything about it anyway.
My suggestion is to go to cover for six months, resurface and deal with the consequences. You can pray they just go away by the time you are ready to start again.
Remember, Berlin and Hiroshima were both destroyed and flattened. They flourish today. Reconcile yourself to the concept you are flattened, and prepare for rebuilding to come later this year. -
4. Real Estate Seminars are not education, they are mostly scams. Get a CFA instead, and you will understand the finance behind real estate (and everything else).
12. No, it is not a joke, and this is an advice you definitely SHOULD NOT ignore. You display symptoms of someone with ADD, you should get that checked. At least, get a book “6 types of ADD” from Dr. Amen. It will be helpful to you.
Lets get these posted faster.
It is not a joke to go to a mental health professional.
You might have ADD. I know because I have it, and it takes one to know one. Take this quiz. You might be surprised by the results.
“Seek out a medical health professional?”
Not a joke at all, although it should really say, “seek out a mental health professional”. I am not a doctor, but based on your erratic behavior as shown on this blog over the last several months, I think the odds are high that you suffer from either ADD or Bipolar II or possibly both.
What about stop tithing?
“And cccasional dinning out is OK, especially since most of it revolves around business meetings”
As a service to you Casey: may also want to join the “Mac Pack”. I hear the newsletters are superb.
You are so deep in Denial a hippopotamus is going to eat you and no one will notice.
What is wrong with education? Nothing. But those seminars are not education. They are infecting you with a group delusion. They are a cult. They are a scam. You do not walk away from any of them with enough “Education” to become competent in real estate.
You know what? If you *did* become competent through attending those things, then people wouldn’t keep going back, they wouldn’t keep paying “Tuition,” and the gurus who run them WOULDN’T MAKE MONEY. Further, if they really were “education,” then everyone who took those seminars would be filthy, filthy rich.
IF it were that easy to suddenly become wealthy, EVERYONE would do it. But wait, the day that everyone is a millionaire, millionaires will be “The poor,” and Trillionaires will be “the rich.”
The rich are always either 1) the people who were born that way, or 2) people who were willing to work their butts off to get that way. You’re not willing to pick up a letter opener on a daily basis - how do you plan to become rich?\
As for the time/money on underwater properties. I almost understand the money thing - since you have none. But you have NOTHING BUT TIME! You are NOT EMPLOYED. This real estate stuff was SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR JOB. One of those properties looks like it would be much more “showable” if you went over there and spend a day with a bottle of Lysol and a scrub brush, fercryingoutloud! If you thiink that is “beneath you” then you really, really aren’t ready for real estate.
Your credit is shot… you need money to make money:
1) Take out more loans.
2) Ignore your lenders - the homes are toast.
3) Acquire what you can before there are too many problems.
4) Gut the homes you do have for quick cash. You could probably sell some of the fixtures for some quick cash.Use the cash to launch an unrelated business to make money.
“pay off and/or settle the debt somehow”
Settle?? So why do now think it is right to not pay back all the money you have borrowed? What does your church leader say about not paying debts?
Haha… Is this a joke?
OK, there’s just too many targets in this post! Let me just choose one - NO, IT’S NOT OK TO EAT OUT when you can’t pay your everyday living expenses.
No, it’s really not.
It’s interesting but what will happen is that you will end up following the advice for the most part…self will run riot can be very dangerous and disasterous as you have proven.
JOB, stability will seem really attractive. And maybe you’ll be able to build something one house at a time.
how are there issues with you living in one of your houses….
your essentially burning cash that can be saved by living in some apartment or w/e. you’d save tons of cash by just living in one of them houses. plus, you’re desparate, if even you wont live in one of those houses, then who will? -
“And cccasional dinning out is OK, especially since most of it revolves around business meetings.”
Considering how successful your business meetings have been, perhaps you’ll want to cut back on those too.
No dude, I think number 12 was to seek out a MENTAL health professional, and it was no joke.
Per number 9, how can you expect to do well in the REAL ESTATE business if you refuse to maintain and give curb appeal to the REAL ESTATE you already own?
And for number 4, there’s a huge difference between a real estate seminar and actual “education”, much like the difference between watching a medical program on TV and actually going to medical school.
Just because you really want to succeed at the real estate business doesn’t mean you’re going to.
One of the secrets of success is learning from your mistakes. If you continue to refuse to seek out legal experts before signing legal documents that can negatively impact your future, continue to increase your debt load without an accompanying increase in income, and insist on doing your non-productive tasks before the tasks that can actually help you, you’re going to have a long road ahead.
Dude, there is no way you are ever going to be able to dig yourself out of this hole.
If I was you I’d:
1. Mail the keys to all the back to all your properties.
2. Declare bankruptcy. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can get back on your feet. You’re young enough where this mess could just be a blip in your life’s history.
3. Get a job.
4. Give up on the idea of making it in Real Estate. You’ve already failed, big time. You’re either too stubborn or too stupid (or both) to recognize the fact.There’s no way you are ever going to fix this mess you’ve made. No matter what you think, you won’t ever be able to pay back all the money you owe. There’s no way you can salavage your real estate business. Be man enough to admit you fucked up big time.
You said you were making 50K at your past job. Do you have any idea how many people would love to be able to make 50K a year?
Casey, if you have your mind set on becoming a true real estate investor, fine. That’s your dream and you have every right to pursue it. But now is not the time. You must shift your focus from real estate to conquering your debt. Don’t you realize what a huge handicap it is? Entertaining thoughts of hiring good legal advisors for your deals and obtaining more loans is just not a reality right now. Being $2.2 million in debt should be your focus. I understand you bought massive amounts of knowledge at your seminars and are eager to put it to use to find those sweet deals, but hold off on this until your debt is manageable. During this time, educate yourself. Read REAl books on the subject (no more gurus), network with successful people in real estate, and examine your mistakes. Take the time to fully understand the process and the industry. This isn’t something you can master by following the bullet points in some book. By the time you eliminate your debt, you will be much better equipped to give it another try. Remember, you’re young. Time is one asset you shouldn’t ignore.
Despite the fact I find what you did disgusting, for some reason I find myself pulling for you. Good luck.
12 - (5) Seek out a medical health professional
Haha… Is this a joke?
Sadly no. This is the key problem. For months now hundreds of people have given you solid advice–and you ignored 95% of it. You are a compulsive gambler with a “real estate investor” disguise. If you were more self aware you could begin to resolve your problems, but as it stands now you’ve got a perfect wall of excuses to keep out reality.
Oh, Casey… you just don’t get it.
Give it up.
Stop living in a dream world.
Casey, I am joining the Parade of Others. You are beyond help.
You’ve jumped the shark, dude.
@ 8 Stephanie J
You are right on. Those, like Tim MBA and Duane Legrate, who have invested large amounts of time giving Casey good advice, are going to have to face reality here.
Casey has serious problems. Nothing gets through to him. Nothing has, nothing will. -
6 - Thinking that you can become a real estate investor by buying single family houses is foolish in the first place. It is hard to make money doing rehabs. Market conditions have changed, so you might have a few years to hone your skills. I suppose there are ways to make money in a down market, and lots of people (with cash and good credit) will be collecting bargains at some point. If this is where your “education” has led, then you have wasted money. Most make money on multi-family rental units. Useful skills include cleaning toilets. Not a good time to get into the real estate biz, unless you have cash to last you for a few years. You need cash very badly right now. You may discover that you like auto sales. You should let go of even this idea.
6, 9 - The phone book is full of attorneys. Generally they charge by the hour for advice, something like $125-300.
9 - You could already have one year of residence in one of your houses (toward two years out of five, for tax free income.) Just imagine how fast another year would go. Another bone-head mistake, along with no tenants.
@1. Get Multiple JOBS
Yeah, what a scam. 24% interest? How could Casey not know that this is a crime? Casey, you have a lot more amends to make than just a few million dirty pennies. You seem to be a serial fraudster.
Nothing is wrong with education. I’m still waiting for you to start your university.
I’m done.
It’s been a great train wreck to watch, but Casey… if you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results, you’re insane.
I’ve wasted too much time hoping that somehow you would wise up and use some of this great advice you’ve been getting. YOU WON’T.
Frankly there are other blogs that are talking about you and your situation… I can check in there and get the synopsis of what you’re not willing to do.
I think everyone should boycott the site. It’s getting boring…. face it… you’ve become a re-run…. over and over and over again.
Good luck Casey….
I’m outta here.
Love ya Casey. You’re unbelievable.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. -
“I was making 50k/yr as a Programmer/Analyst at my last job at Pride Industries in Roseville and should be able to get back into something like that if I must.”
God, you’re a retard. The time to do that was like, THREE MONTHS AGO.
No job worth having will hire you without doing a credit check.
This credit card debt is a huge weight around your neck, and the interest keeps getting worse every day you don’t deal with it.
Dammit, be a man, and handle your business.
BTW, I forgot to mention…I’m actually beginning to kick my own little addiction to this blog.
I didn’t know, however, that one of the 12 steps to recovery is being bored to tears by the object of your addiction. Your inability to accept advice or change the tiniest of behaviors has rendered you a complete bore.
You also now lack the means (i.e., ready, borrowed cash) to screw up in an even more spectacular fashion. Also boring.
The clock is ticking on the last of your 15 minutes…
I predict that today’s posting will reduce your readership by 50%.
O.k. so assuming Casey continues without declaring bankruptcy how long before the homes will be taken from him? And if he does declare bankruptcy what kind of debt will follow him?
On the other hand why shouldn’t Casey continue hanging on in an attempt to get out of debt? What’s he got left to lose? What’s the point of filling for bankruptcy if you’re still going to in debt for years to come?
This blog may yet save him. Sure 85% of the posts are from “haters” (god I hate that term) but this blog is one of the most popular sites concerning the housing bubble today.
Sure years down the road the housing market may be such that Casey can sell and break even but he hasn’t the time to wait. (My guess is Casey still feels there’s got to be some way he can sell those homes. He just needs more time).
The money is in this blog! What Casey needs to do is work like hell to get more media exposure. He’s the poster boy for the housing bubble for christ sake!!! The traffic this site gets is enormous. I don’t care if people they HATE Casey. There’s money to be made here if Casey can increase the mainstream media exposure. He’s white, not bad-looking, seems friendly and doesn’t seem fazed by all the intense criticism.
So… my advice would be to milk the popularity of this blog for all it’s worth esp. while the housing bubble is on everyone’s mind and a major story.
ha ha this is a motha effing joke ! !!h!
and i am not talking about healthcare. -
Haha… Is this a joke?
Casey, this might almost be a “personal attack” but if you stayed in your programming job, you’d probably have $50,000 to $70,000 in the bank– at least, by the time you finally solve your debt situation and it’ll take some time for the RE/economy to rebound.
As the bible says: “plant in the spring, harvest throughout the summer.”
Of course, since you’re $2.2 million in debt, almost anything is like “spinning wheels.”
Work isn’t all that bad and Rich Dad does work! His brain is constantly looking for good deals… including “working with Trump.”
I do software engineering and found somebody with “deep pockets” and, in that case, you can make $100,000 to $200,000 along with the possibility of stock options, etc… The problem with Rich Dad is that he doesn’t know about these things…
I will donate $25 to your church RIGHT NOW if you provide us with proof that you actually tithe and have done so consistantly for any length of time.
‘Cause I call B.S. on that one!Honestly, if you were faithful in your tithing, you wouldn’t be in the mess you are in. THINK ABOUT IT!
It just gets worse–Casey has inspired others to flip flop: -
Casey mayby you shpuld think about the BK thing since when Robert Coté said “You have broken through the $600,000 barrier and continue to “loose” ground at least $800/day” I don’t think he knows how fast Sac Real estate is dropping. The flipping is going to be tough inthe spring when you are down by over a million…
Louis very well said.
My point is that Casey should do something…anything, at this point. He has talent and most of us know very well what those talents are, but all this negativity is clouding his judgement. He is not thinking clearly and I guess my previous post was an attempt to get him thinking some. I am encouraging him to DO something…anything…to not resign himself to this blog and all its negativity.
Oh and people (here) keep saying that Casey should file bankruptcy. I am quite sure that Casey has already spoken to many people about this and they’ve all told him the same thing. I won’t repeat what he did wrong…but he’s making bankruptcy his last resort because there are going to be consequences for his actions either way. Whether he files for bankruptcy or not. He already knows this.
Also, I feel strongly that Casey does not have mental issues as people have suggested. Casey is suffering from severe DEPRESSION. Anyone in this situation would have similar symptoms. This is classic depression…is all that it is. Men have been known to kill themselves over an experience like this. Should Casey be rational at a time like this? If he is not thinking clearly its because he has the weight of the world on his shoulders right now. Telling him he has ADD, ADHD, is hogwash and i’ll be the first to say it. Casey suffers from depression plain and simple.
Casey does still have a story to tell. There is an interest. Me personally I knew nothing about “flippers” until this Casey story hit. My only gripe is that he’s given away too much of himself via this blog…too much information about his personal life and other areas of his life to KEEP it interesting. Thats like telling his story for FREE.
So Louis the previous post was my feeble attempt at motivating Casey. I just dont think he’s thinking clearly now or using his God given talents. Unfortunately time is not on Casey’s side and he needs to DO SOMETHING now.
Special Note: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Making money in real estate involves handling real estate. Based on how you’ve handled real estate I believe you might have lost money even in the good times. All this neglect reflects on your character. I believe you need to look at the very character defects that doom you to failing.
Making it big with little work is a character defect.
Not handling details is a character defect.
Not handling important issues is a character defect.Unless you turn around these defects of character, they’ll continue to hinder any success you may dream of.
Real estate involves hard work, something you don’t seem interested in.
Casey - This Message Is for G:
Dear G:
I was a lucky girl. My parents made it possible for me to attend college on the “mother/father scholarship” program. This included paying my tuition, books, supplies, not to mention a car, plus a credit card that they paid off every month.
Sweet deal? Sure. However, I worked part-time throughout college. Why?
* I felt it important to do my part - so while my parents were taking care of many of my costs for college, making it possible for me to graduate without any loans or debts, my part time job earnings allowed me to have little “extras” without having to ask.
* While it is great to have parents who can afford and are dedicated to paying for an education, employers will often seek candidates who worked while attending college to offset the costs.
* Professional connections - a part time job or paid internship will provide you with resourses, references and connections that will serve you well throughout your life.
* Personal pride and self-esteem - it is easy to be a “princess”; however, the pride I got from getting a paycheck every two weeks was very gratifying. Earning something is way more gratifying than having it given to you.
You and Casey owe $2.2 million - the only thing you “own” are the furnishings in your shared apartment and the Jetta. You will need to work while you go to school, if only to pay your own tuition costs and other education expenses. Every dollar Casey earns will belong to creditors for a very long time with little room for “extras” - eating out, fancy coffees, vacations, etc.
You will never regret working part time while going to school.
Another important point. In his post today, Casey wrote the following:
……I want her to focus on finishing school and not have to worry about the money. Besides, her earning potential is pretty low right now and it is not going to make much of a diff considering our burn rate with debt. So she would be just spinning her wheels instead of helping us move forward.
While this may sound “kind” it is actually demeaning to you. To be a true partner in your marriage as well as a strong woman, you need to be involved with the reduction of your household debts - you need to understand what the debts are, how it happened, how they will be resolved, and how to avoid this same mess in the future.
In addition, it was disrespectful for Casey to say “her earning potental is pretty low…” he is underestimating you and your abilities. Everyone starts somewhere - and while it is nice to think that once you earn your college degree you’ll “suddenly” have all these great skills and opportunities for the workforce, the reality is a part time job will provide you with the ability to learn to work with others, navigate “office politics” — all “people skills” essential for any post-graduation career you seek.
A part time job is not “spinning your wheels” - and the added income from a part-time job - even if it is only $400 p/month - is a necessity.
Good Luck
Come on, this is California. How much would it cost for a production company to swoop in, buy up all those houses, turn up with a camera to film Caseys’ profound relief, then run the story on an entertainment network ad nauseum for a couple weeks.
Could happen, you know. Movie of the week material.
Doesn’t cost the production company that much - they can sell those houses later…
[IMG ] Pick the cliche. Casey is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. He’s fiddling while Rome burns. Casey’s jumped the shark. After reading today’s post, I’ve joined the growing list of haters and have given up.
You’re denser than cement. Go back to the drawing board and try this again. You don’t even offer a thoughtful response to half of these items.
- The guru seminars are not quality education. They’re overpriced scams. As much as you scoff at Higher Ed, a degreee from an accredited institution is as good as money in the bank. You’ve probably already spent more money on seminars than you would have to acquire a 4 year degree from a state school
- What loan have you ever taken that you made money on? There is a disconnect between making money and thinking that it will make you money. Every loan you take just digs your hole deeper
- Clean up the properties is a no-lose proposition even if the only return is on the moral imperative to pay back every dirty penny. There is alot that you can do that won’t cost a thing but are you opposed to a little sweat equity?
- Forget about this mythical “team”. If you outsource everything, what are you bringing to the table? You’ve got no capital to invest so what is the incentive for anyone with know how to get into bed with you? -
I’m not even going to waste my time responding to your idiotic reasons for avoiding the quality advice you’ve been given. Let us know when you get back from your vacation to La-La Land.
This will probably be my last post as Casey is either super trolling or so far gone on the RK Koolaid that there is no hope.
However, I think this post, with it’s delusions, avoidance, and while maybe not outright lying, probably close enough, would be cause for Duane to bail.
(examples: “Regardless how it looks I live pretty frugally already. “;”I have been telling her that she doesn’t have to worry about it quite yet”;”And at this point I already know enough from all the seminars from last year”)If you are reading Duane, could you comment?
if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Yeah, things are really picking up now.
I’ll wager that “G” kicks you to the curb in less than 2 months.
“I am too determined to succeed in RE/business and do it with integrity.”
You can’t borrow money.
You can’t buy property.
You can’t sell your houses.
You won’t do work on houses yourself, you want to ‘outsource’ everything.
You won’t get a realtor’s license.
No one in their right mind that’s legitimate would ever partner with you.If you can’t buy, sell, or repair property, what the heck else do you expect to do to it??? Take pictures?
Mental health professional. Specifically, psychiatrist, or “shrink.” Not just any “medical health professional.”
“Why does she need your OK to get a job, anyway? Are you her master?”
No, I think she’s his master, because he needs her OK for her to get a job, and she won’t give it. She’s living in a dream world too, and in her world, she doesn’t have to work and she’ll always get what she wants. Casey is just waking up from this dream world a bit earlier than she is.
“But unless I find a really sweet deal very soon, I agree that I need to think STABILITY. My marriage/friendships have been suffering due to the lack of it. I can’t just keep going like this.”
You “can’t just keep going on like this,” but you do.
How soon does this “sweet deal” need to come your way? A week? A month?
Why don’t you just say, “If I don’t have a ’sweet deal’ by Feb. 10, I’m getting a job.”
There! Decision made! And start looking for the job NOW just in case…
Dude, I saw this on TV last night. You should go for it.
Things are gettin’ strange around here…
No word from Ogg the Caveman, MBA Tim, (or Ozzie Tim for that matter), or Ethical Realtor. Even Duane hasn’t shown up for a little while. Still with us, Duane, or is the futility of this starting to sink in?
Even WV Hillbilly only posted two lines of text, surely a sign of apocalypse.
To me, everyone is overlooking the ovbious about Casey getting a job. Fact is: he does not WANT to get a job. Any idea how hard it is to get a job that you don’t want?
“Like, Hi… are you guys doing any hiring right now?”
(Believe me, I know: I have a teenage son who approaches getting a job exactly the same way.)
Worse: he views the “job” situation as a short-term solution, until he’s on to his Next Sweet Deal. He’ll no doubt make it clear to any potential employer that … such “job” is only short term, maybe 6-9 months. But he’ll want the $50K/yr salary. Even if he doesn’t state this, any potential employer has already heard about Casey, and knows this to be true.
Any employer that hire staff these days, even in the $50K range will do a google search on the name, and a background check. Neither will look good for Casey.
Also realize that jobs at such salary level with Casey’s limited skill set… require a computer with Internet access. How long would it take said employer to realize that Casey spends 1/3 of his workday on this ‘Blog, and about 1/3 of his workday scanning and responding to e-mail. Worse… once Casey finds a ‘gold nugget opportunity’ in an e-mail, he’d quit that job in a New York Minute!
Which leaves… what? Entry-level, minimum-wage jobs, that’s what. And ol’ Casey has made it clear that there’s just not enough money in those kinds of jobs to be of any real help. No way at entry-level that you can make $3K/month take home, let alone $4.5K/month. There just aren’t enough hours in the week.
And even if he did: imagine the look on Casey’s face when he banks that first $4.5K check… knowing it took him an entire MONTH of long days to make that much… and knowing, through all of his guru-classes that JUST ONE SWEET DEAL would net him TEN TIMES THAT AMOUNT.
So let’s all face it: when Casey quit his job a year ago, he basically retired. Real Estate is all he’s got.
Casey has been dancing all around this reality without actually coming out and saying it.
Read between the lines of his posts and responses about getting a JOB. You’ll see that all I’ve written above is true.
Casey is not the only one who believed these scammers,
please check this one. -
“Frankly, I’m surprised that a high school graduate could get a 50K job as a programmer. Hmm. Did you lie on that application, too?”
I have to say, I am skeptical with regards to that number as well. College degree computer science and engineering graduates usually make that amount. A high school diploma is not likely to provide that level of income.
“The money is in this blog! What Casey needs to do is work like hell to get more media exposure. He’s the poster boy for the housing bubble for christ sake!!!”
Unfortunately, that is no longer a viable option. Due to the repetitive nature of Casey’s convoluted posting style, the blog traffic is declining. Initial good will that was offered by posters has now evaporated. And most importantly, he has that NNL contract to contend with. If the blog (or his story) ever became a media sensation, they would opt to exercise their right to his earnings. (Not to mention what the creditors would be doing to get parts of their losses back)
I know several people have commented on the veracity of the contract; but that is incidental UNTIL a judge declares the contract void. Casey cannot simply say “No deal…nyah nyah nyah” as he attempted to do. There is due process involved and that will take time and money.Ultimately though, his 15 minutes of fame have already passed. So it is unlikely that he will receive even a mere pitance for his troubles.
sweet deal sweet deal sweet deal
STABILITY STABILITY STABILITYdoesn’t sweet deal give you STABILITY? if not, why bother with sweet deals.
Your situation is not funny any more, kind of old and boring. How do you eat, put gas in the car, buy grocery. Do you eat your sister in-law’s food and not pay rent. Is that why you are not moving out to one of your own houses?
Louis very well said.
My point is that Casey should do something…anything, at this point. He has talent and most of us know very well what those talents are, but all this negativity is clouding his judgement. He is not thinking clearly and I guess my previous post was an attempt to get him thinking some. I am encouraging him to DO something…anything…to not resign himself to this blog and all its negativity.
Oh and people (here) keep saying that Casey should file bankruptcy. I am quite sure that Casey has already spoken to many people about this and they’ve all told him the same thing. I won’t repeat what he did wrong…but he’s making bankruptcy his last resort because there are going to be consequences for his actions either way. Whether he files for bankruptcy or not. He already knows this.
Also, I feel strongly that Casey does not have mental issues as people have suggested. Casey is suffering from severe DEPRESSION. Anyone in this situation would have similar symptoms. This is classic depression…is all that it is. Men have been known to kill themselves over an experience like this. Should Casey be rational at a time like this? If he is not thinking clearly its because he has the weight of the world on his shoulders right now. Telling him he has ADD, ADHD, is hogwash and i’ll be the first to say it. Casey suffers from depression plain and simple.
Casey does still have a story to tell. There is an interest. Me personally I knew nothing about “flippers” until this Casey story hit. My only gripe is that he’s given away too much of himself via this blog…too much information about his personal life and other areas of his life to KEEP it interesting. Thats like telling his story for FREE.
So Louis the previous post was my feeble attempt at motivating Casey. I just dont think he’s thinking clearly now or using his God given talents. Unfortunately time is not on Casey’s side and he needs to DO SOMETHING now.
Special Note: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Oh, and
“occasional dining out is okay.”
No. No its not. Because…. forgive me for yelling…
What’re you gonna do - start doing dine ‘n dashes all around town? Your cards are maxed, you have no income.
What part of “IT IS NOT OKAY TO SPEND IMAGINARY MONEY” don’t you get? It doesn’t matter if it is a business lunch or a personal one! If my boss stopped getting grants and pulling in consultant jobs, guess what? NO MORE BUSINESS LUNCHES! Heck, the people to whom she is accountable for the use of their money occasionally check up to make sure she’s not spending it on frivolous business entertaining!
It doesn’t matter. If you’re not eating prison food soon, my guess is that you’ll be eating government cheese and canned fruit from the commodity pantry pretty soon, when the last card maxes and you run out of cash for real.
Roadside assistance means nothing unless you look at the details…purchased new tires, maybe they are already covered,
wheres your spare tire? oh yeah the last owner tossed it to install some boombox thing in the trunk?
did you know you can call pepboys 8**-TOW2PEP and a towtruck will come and tow your car to PEPboys for $50 (payable at pep when you do the repairs)
maybe leaving it on the side of the road would work too?what exactly are you paying for, Roadside ASSISTance means that, maybe a free or lowcost tow (probably says forthe first mile only in the fine print)
does not mean free roadside repairs, does not mean free flat fix, certainly does not include tire replacement…
if you run out of gas youllhave to pay for it, dont think those roadside assistance people will give you free gas!!!casey POST THE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CONTRACT…lets see it?
dont have it? you mean you paid for RA without reading the fine print of the contract?i bet you were swayed by some silly pitch like “ONLY ONE DOLLAR A WEEK to PROTECT YOUR FAMILY”
when in reality it prob free anyway from your insurance plan (GEICO hint hint) or costs an extra 99cents a month if you just ask for it…
you just been CONNED AGAIN!
purchased something you dont need!!hey casey do you need a tax form, they have them online for free at but ill sell you one for FREE + shipping
Why did you post this thread twice ? Can you delete one and consolidate the comments ?
“I will be tracking every single penny this year via MS Money and/or Quickbooks so I will have better control over the finances.”
Hey Casey, it’s February 1. You cannot say you “will be tracking” money “this year.” This year is the PRESENT, not the future. Did you keep records for the month of January, or are you 0 for 31 so far with this plan????
69. Trailer Park Boys: Have you told Casey to throw all his mail into the lake like Ricky did in season four? It seemed to work for him. Credit card bills? Into the lake. $2,000 electricity bill? Into the lake. That way they couldn’t trace it. We never heard a thing about those things again all season.
Casey should rent every season of the Trailer Park Boys. Not only will the show give him some great money making ideas like stealing barbeques and opening up a gas station, it will give him an idea of where his life is headed, assuming he can throw all of his debts into the lake.
@ Loather #92
“Why did you post this thread twice ? ”
So he could convince himself that he’s being twice as productive with the time and effort he put into responding to the questions, of course.
Casey will never a successfuly business owner or investor, but I think he has what it takes to be a well-compensated commission salesman for some sort of borderline-scam operation: overpriced life-insurance, funeral plots, vacation time-shares, condo-hotels, usurious home-equity loans, etc.
What does everyone else think of this? -
You need some PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. Bottom line here is you are still stuck in your idea of being a successful real estate investor and making money for nothing.
You need to change your behavior. You might be able to do that down the road but right now you are in serious trouble and seem to be in denial of your situation.
Unless somebody like Donald Trump steps in right now and gives you like $2 million (something you seem to be hoping for secretly), you are in deep doggie doo.
So you missed one here which is SEEK PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. A counselor or somebody to help you with your obvious compulsive disorder.
He was expecting the market to go up, it seems. That’s not even the sad part. The sad part is that he still hasn’t given up. Casey Serin does not accept defeat. He refuses to declare bankruptcy, or get a job; he still thinks he can make it big in real estate. He went on spending money on seminars. He tried to take out a mortgage on a 9th house. He hasn’t failed, you see, he’s just had a learning experience. That’s what happens when you refuse to lose hope.
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