Tomorrow I will be on national radio in Australia: ABC Triple J - Top Shelf with Robbie Buck. The interview is live at 3PM. I will be sharing my foreclosure story and what I’m doing to pay back debt and make a comeback.
I’m blogging right now from an internet cafe in Sydney ($2/hr), ‘cuz I couldn’t find a free WIFI quickly enough. Tonight I’m staying in a hostel. It’s $50/night for my own room so that my stuff is secure.
I need a place in Sydney for a few nights. There is another big interview opportunity that may or may not happen. So I want to hang out here just in case. If I can’t find a place I’m comfortable with I may continue doing the hostel thing or maybe By the way, thanks to my host in Newcastle for putting me up!
Update: I finally addressed some FAQs in the comments.
Wish I could make money out of a blog to get out of my debt. My company went bust and I started a blog to track the experience.
But I haven’t a clue how to do it. Think the blog looks awful -it must do because I’ve had just 4 comments and hardly any visitors. It’s at
I’m actually looking for feedback and advice, but because the blog is so terrible, even someone criticising it would help!
I realise you were a property investor, but any blogs or people you have come across who turned it around when their company went bust and their employees with it, would be greatly appreciated.
Would love to share experiences and ideas.
who cares?
By the way, thanks to my host in Newcastle for putting me up!
What a shame it “didn’t work out”, eh Casey?
Are you going to offer any clues as to why it didn’t? Might be an idea now that you’ve started another accommodation begathon.
You on a tourist visa in Australia or a work visa?
How much longer will you avoid going back home and facing your reality? You are living far beyond your means - where are you getting so much money?
what happened to your original aussie hosts?
of course you won’t answer, you never do. coward
Oh, btw, have you noticed that you are homeless?
Careful… the movie Hostel was really scary, minus the hot Ukranian chicks.
And what, exactly, are you doing to pay back your debts?
Things are getting tight. Why don’t you go home and face the music?
Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer. Homeless guy with a computer.
“and what I’m doing to pay back debt”
this should be a short one.
What are your plans? Make more sweet deals and buy at the peak? -
What happened to the old host? Did you get kicked out? Just TELL US. Thanks.
I notice you haven’t updated your debt spreadsheet since February. Are you intending to update that so we can follow along as you pay back your debts?
How are you going to pay off the debt when you are spending $3-5K a month traveling?
Did you bring the Blue Ball with you?
P.S. My boss said we have “hit bottom” time to come back to Sac and start flipping…
Seriously, STOP CHASING YOUR DREAM OF MONEY! It will only ruin you… Instead, chase the job to get yourself back on your feet. I’m only saying this to help you. I could care less if you drift away into nothing because, frankly, I don’t care. But I am only trying to help because that is what life is about…treat others how you want to be treated as well….
Oh my god…
$50 a night for a Host-el… (as they say in Oz)…
So that my stuff is secure?
You really are denying reality aren’t you even when it’s trying to kick you in the a** . Listen mate, go buy the small padlock for the locker cos you are going to be hanging out in alotta of Host-els from now on… I recommend the east coast route all the way up to Cairns, you can stay in the Asylum for like $30 a night with your own room complete with cockroaches…
A guy who spends an extra $20 on putative security in a Host-el has a lot of growing up to do…
Welcome to the world casey, don’t let the door hit you on the a** …
Are you being paid for your radio interviews? Or are you using it as a publicity thing?
This makes no sense - if getting out of debt is your priority then a steady job and negotiating with the bank on a long term repayment plan is the only real way to go. I’m new to this blog…so admittedly I stand to be corrected.
Hey Kid:
“If I can’t find a place I’m comfortable with I may continue doing the hostel thing or maybe ”
I don’t get it, hobbit, this is your golden opportunity to test-drive” your dream of living in a car, and you’re letting it drift away by insisting on inflicting yourself on your Fanz.
“I’m blogging right now from an internet cafe in Sydney ($2/hr), ‘cuz I couldn’t find a free WIFI quickly enough.”
What happenned with all the dough rolling in from monetizing the blog?
I see you’ve still got 9 slots left on your ad board, (so much for them “hotcakes”, huh?), but you SHOULD be able to swing for internet access.Or are you crying “poor-mouth” to keep stiffing Toby out of his cut?
Why on earth is the country of Australia interested in you?
Try living in a van down by the river!!
Don’t give up on your dreams.
Wow, this is amazing. Do u honestly think that this blog will carry u for more than 1 year or 2 max with the ad revenues (which are quiet tiny by the way). Look at the big picture, this is 15 minutes of fame and you are on your 7th minute or so. Your traffic on the site is diminishing and within a year it will be half of what it is now with most of your ad supporters being gone. Dude, face reality, shut this silly blog down, get a job or start working on a real business idea. No one will buy your silly book except maybe your family and a few other curious individuals. What can possibly be insightful or interesting about a kid buying a bunch of houses and not being able to sell them? If you make a few $K on your book I would be amazed.
Sell this site if you can, although I am sure no one will even think of actually giving you $100K for it. Any smart business man will know that people log on to watch your wreck and if it is a new person traffic will drop instantly.
You are kind of in like the crazy ‘Britney Spears’ phase. No one really cares, but we can’t turn away. Our society is fascinated with failure but at some point, you will need to admit to yourself that you are one and either come up with a real niche, or get a job and file bankrupcy.
What happen to LossMitPro?
You introduce him on your talk shoe thing. What happen? Is LossMitPro helping you out like you thought he was going to?
How about telling your readers something they want to hear, before even more stop visiting the site daily?
You could mention the Utah payment that is missing (something that comes up in almost every commentary on a post). You could talk about why you’re no longer in the place you were staying originally. You could tell us if and when you plan to return to the USA, and how you’re paying for your ticket back. You can tell us exactly what you’re currently paying back (I guess nothing), and what the status with CashCall is (elaborate on their ’scare tactics’ etc. please).
Tell us interesting things.
Also, how much profit do you expect to get from the book? I hope you’re not so deluded that you actually think you’ll make much money from it.
So, yeah, about the people you stayed with before, uhhhhh….
Man, your posts are waaaaaaay down. Moderation must be stopping the juicy stuff. You’re going to loose your base and the credibility of this blog.
What about the Utah payment????????
I fail to see how the exposure, and attention are going to pay your bills. You say you’re planing on staying in Australia just in case there is another interview. Would that be a paid interview? Are you hoping that people decide that they love you so much that they’ll pay your debts for you?
The entrepreneurs I know, are obsessed with their ROI.
What kind of an ROI are you expecting from these extra couple of days?
You were cooler when you answered questions. -
Hey Casey,
Have you read that book “Down and Out in London and Paris” by George Orwell ? Its a great book - you should read it.
Loads O Money
Why the notoriety in Australia? Have you purchased the boomarang shaped house I always see on the Discovery Channel? What other languages will you book be published in? Is an Asian tour in your future?
I seriously doubt the thing is going to work out for you. See, you have to have something to offer in order to be in the network, and for people to be willing to host you. You, Casey, bring nothing to the table. You just want to be a freeloader. I’ll bet you don’t even clean up after yourself.
As has been pointed out above, you are HOMELESS.
I know you think you’re haterz proof
but I really do support u
You and the haterz are symbiotic
Some haterz don’t know jack
and I know it’s hard to do but don’t be silly
Everybody else has made mistakes too
Come back home before the family says adieu -
Ah. Just read Nigel’s blog (sweet mother of pleather!) detailing how you planned to earn that 5% per month (!) return. Obviously a scam. It’d be a shame for you to make money only to give it to scam artists. Try using it to live on and negotiate debts instead, and do some hard work reading about real investments before you lose more money.
Despite what the gurus, your publisher, Yaro, Mocha and the NRU guys tell you, making money is hard work. And when you do make money, it feels great.
The people who are telling you they make money by sitting on their a** are lying to you.
You are homeless now ! Soon you will be a barefoot beggar in the mountains.
Karma is a b**ch huh.
I’m board. When are we going to get some more dirt? There’s no dirt any more.
Think I’ll go take a nap. Wake me when something happens.
Dude, if we wanted a travel blog, we’d go find one that’s more interesting.
Tell us more about your current debt position, and what you’re doing to fix it.
This is waaaaay tooooo funny!
The lesson is, “Don’t be a Casey!”
Good times.
Dude … This is weak. Get a job
You’re staying in a $50 a night hostel? I didnt know there was such a thing. That must be the Four Seasons of hostels. It would have been cheaper to stay in the US and live and make mortgage payments in one of your now foreclosed properties.
the euporia of the iphone is looking more interesting than what your doing. Based on the reviews, the phone has a great interface, but suffers too long a lag time before anything interesting happens, sort of what’s happening on this blog.
start telling it like it is.
Have you started writing yourself a budget? $50/night is going to get expensive very quickly. That will run you over $1500/month for sleeping arrangements, not counting food.
And since I was asking, is that austrailan dollars or ameerican dollars?
This blog gives me gas.
Many of the comments here are really hilarious. People claim Casey is unrealistic, that he needs to stop chasing the dream of money and instead find a job.
You who think you are so damn realistic, ask yourself this simple question: Who do you think would employ Casey????
The tragic fact is, Casey is unemployable - it will be impossible for him to find a job! He can only do what he is doing now, try to earn money on his blog.
This taken into consideration - you should stop the harassment and instead try to help this poor guy.
Wow, only $50 a night? That’s only 1500 a month!! I wish my rent was that cheap……oh wait, i’m only paying a third of that.
Maybe you can build a time machine and start over again.
Oh, and maybe a brain transplant.
What you are doing to pay back debt and make a come back?
You aren’t making any payments… You are spending money as fast as you are making it… and you are doing everything you can to INCREASE your debt load by opening up new lines of credit through your corporation or whatever… until those got closed again.
If you wanted to pay back some debt you could have taking the $1000 plus that you’ve wasted on this fantasy trip and stayed home in Sacremento, eating cheaply and making payments to some of your creditors with the extra money.
You didn’t do that, did you?
It’s you Casey,= homeless
please file your corporate tax on time
Tripple-J, Radio for 13-year olds for Western Australia. You should try to get on 3GG over in Gippsland. Lots of sheep out there.
So, now that you’re making money in Aussie land, have you bo thered to update your visa, or would staying legal just cramp your style?
Look on the bright side: Think of all the work you’ve gotten done since leaving the distractions of home and coming to Australia!
What volume are you up to now?
More juice, please, I’m getting bored.
Casey, I understand you don’t want any advice that would call for you to take a job or pay your bills. To tell you the truth, it’s part of your appeal, if you took a job, made good financial decisions and paid your debts you’d have nothing to blog about, nothing worth reading at least. Finding out how impervious to common sense you were in the face of mounting tragedy truly made for compelling reading. And the thing that really sold it, that separated it from some dumb reality TV script was that fact that it was genuine. Oh you spun things, dissembled and distorted but it was always clear that you deceived yourself far more than you ever tried to deceive us. THAT is what made your blog a hit.
I’m sad to say your blog has lost that quality. Ever since you announced your book that old “IAFF Feel” is totally gone. It’s almost like you are clearing everything through someone else before posting, someone who only thinks they understand why people used to keep coming back here. I have to say man, they are killing your blog. Sure, without someone acting as an editor you might post something you might regret, but walking that line with yourself was the creative spark that fired this place. If you want to be responsible, mature and business like, sell this blog and get a job. If you want to make this blog a success then follow the same instincts that caused you to invest four grand of borrowed money in penny stocks when you were already grave deep in debt and then write about it, in detail. It’s one or the other man, as Mr. Miyagi told Daniel-san:
Miyagi: [sighs] Daniel-san, must talk.
[they both kneel]
Miyagi: Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do “yes” or karate do “no.” You karate do “guess so,”
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: just like grape. Understand? -
methinks you’ve all been had. this guy is a F.R.A.U.D. everything he says is bullsh*t.
its amusing to read the threads, but the posts offering advice on where he should stay and what he should do in Sydney are really quite laughable. he knows very well what he is doing, and is having a laugh behind your backs. -
I wish you would lookup the word ARBITRAGE and get it’s usage correct.. Arbitrage means the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets to profit from unequal prices.
You don’t know what ‘arbitrage’ means, do you? Doesn’t bode well for someone selling a book spouting financial advice.
“I need a detail person to help me out or something’”
Time to print up new business cards, boy!:
Re: private equity/hedge funds:
You are not an accredited investor, nor is your corporation. Any PE firm that agrees to take your money is scamming you.
Private equity exists outside the auspices of the SEC only partially. Regulations like the aforementioned exist to prevent guys JUST LIKE YOU from getting scammed (it is worth noting that your net worth approaches negative one million dollars, while one standard for “accreditation” is a net worth over positive one million).
A lot of people lost money on the stock market in the 1920’s not just because of bad fundamentals, but also because a house of cards was built by selling bad equity to unsophisticated investors. Think shoeshine boys talking about the market, or college-aged kids flipping houses.
You are not an accredited investor.
The idea behind “accreditation” of investors is that indviduals of high net worth can weather potential losses better, and that wealth is a proxy for ability to do due diligence on risky investments.
There is a concept called “valuation” they teach you in the accredited kind of business school. This is how prices are put on businesses. For sane purchases (think buying someone’s print shop that makes a popular local circular with sustainable ad revs), it works by using some kind of rate of return, based on risk, plus expected future profits (NOT revenues, remember, there is a difference).
Remember when you tried to value your blog? Let’s say it pulls in the $50K a year or so you were insinuating it does. It’s quite risky as an investment property, so let’s use a high required rate of return you might use for a bar or restaurant - 30%. This is a high rate of return for a small business, and it takes into account a substantial probability of failure. It is not uncommon to see businesses valued at much lower required rates of return.
$50K valued at 30% return as a perpetuity is 50,000/0.30=$167K. $50K valued the same way over only five years (a common method for businesses of “questionable sustainability” like your fair blog) would come out to less than 100K.
This simplistic, didactic method of valuation neglects the fact that, if an individual buys your blog, the 50K is subject to substantial 1099 taxation. Remember, profits, not revenues.
Obviously, there are other shortcomings to this facile method of valuation (income might go up, which is part of why you see some ridiculous stock valuations, for example - also, in the arms of a sophisticated investor, the blog is probably more tenable and the required rate of return is less). Note that, were your blog much less risky, with a 10% required rate of return, it’d be worth $500K, valued as a perpetuity.
Your business is not a perpetuity. will probably go away in the near-term, lowering the valuation. Not a slam on you, just being realistic.
However, this kind of risk-vs-return thinking is what lies at the heart of any good investor’s thoughts while doing due diligence. Most people with the six-figure scratch to buy this blog follow (more sophisticated) variations of this sort of thinking.
Now, what kind of risk would you expect out of an investment with a return rate of >60%, as you claim to have found?
If they’re willing to take your money, they’re not the kind of people you want taking your money.
I am not a lawyer/accountant and this is not legal/financial advice.
Speaking of money. I have only spend $200-300 on the ENTIRE trip so far.
You dropped a grand getting there.
Why are you being so mean to me?I’m not mad, I totally understand. Some men have a problem with, you know, “early release.” We can work it out, don’t let this come between us.
To reply to your FAQ
1&2. You didn’t answer the question with specificity.
3. Answered the question but continued to note a running weakness of yours: details.
4. Answered the question. Still more details that are missing.
5. Your question was incomplete. Which debts is the corporation covering: Your personal debts or the corporation debts?
6. Answered the question.
7. Didn’t answer the question. You dodged.
8. Answered the question.
9. Answered the question.
10. Answered the question.
11&12. Answered the question. More details.
13. Answered the question.
14. Answered the question, I think. I think this implies that you will be returning to the United States soon.
15. Answered the question.
16. Answered the question.
17. Answered the question.
18. Answered the question.
19. Answer was a dodge.
20. Answered the question, to the best of your knowledge. Not a completely confirmed answer though.
21. Answered the question.Now my side comments.
1. Details details details. I have been harping on this issue for many months now. You need to keep track of the details yourself if you wish to succeed yourself. As my college degree reads: “Knowledge and Thoroughness”. Anything less means you have left something out.
2. There is a difference between work and busy work. Work is something you have to do in order for the company to continue operating and succeeding. Busy work is something an employee does in order to kill time. Taxes, talking to bill collectors, and dealing with details is not busy work.
3. If you are going to answer a question, be complete. If you are not going to answer a question, just do that: “I am not going to answer that question”. Don’t tap dance around the issue. If you tap dance around the issue keep will keep coming at you with the same question until you answer the question.
4. Your operating costs in Australia so far have been pretty low. If you do not get another sponsor your costs are going to pile up quite quickly, I would assume at the rate of $50-$75/day. How long can you afford to live at that burn rate?
5. Financial jumping jacks. You are admitting to trying high risk ventures in order to get a high return. Investing in penny stocks is a high risk investment with a very low chance of return. Finding a mutual fund or private equity fund that pays out at 60% annually is also high risk. High risk/high gain ventures are done with extra investment money, not to be used as a hope to cover current expenses. I’d rather play the ponies with a better chance of coming out ahead. Also for any private equity fund that is going to be playing at a level higher then that, you need to have a large amount of money so you can buy in. Preferably several hundred thousand dollars. Some how I don’t think you can come up with that kind of money. Also, did you do your own research on these companies and equity funds? Just taking it on the word of someone else smacks of someone else running the pump and dump on you (always need someone else holding the bag after you get out of the market).
6. Your creditors. Attempting to ignore them is not going to play out well in the long run. The big names (Master Card, Visa, Cashcall) all have large legal departments that are very good at putting legal pressure on people to make them pay up. I can see that getting very painful very quickly. As to your “I’ll see what they want”-They want money, lots of it, and on a monthly basis. If you say you can’t do that, then its going to get (as I already said) very painful.
7. Returning to the US. I can forsee that is going to be very difficult. Not entering the country difficult. More like, where are you going to live difficult. This is just speculation on my part, but I would not be surprised to find the car towed, your property on the lawn, and the locks changed. You pushed your family into that situation and I don’t think you understand that. Have you spoken to your family and confirmed that someone will be picking you up at the airport when you come home? -
Please tell us how to get money with no work done.
23. Roberto Culosaki
June 27th, 2007 at 8:04 am
“Why on earth is the country of Australia interested in you?”***
Hey, we like rubber-necking at road accidents as much as the rest of the world. Morbid curiosity is a powerful driving force.
And Triple J have a history of covering odd-ball stories. They’re government funded, so they can afford to.
You were superb on 2JJJ radio this afternoon. Don’t listen to the Haterz. We all suffer people who want to bring us down.
You have taken the risks. You have shown the willingness to embrace the Carnegie Secret. Through Persistance and the Master Mind Principle you will overcome the barriers to success that have stood in your way so far. Others cannot understand the sheer will that you have in respect of achieving your passive income goals.
Stack on track my boy. You’re doing super. You endeared yourself to tens of thousands of Australians with your can-do spirit today.
Dude, you are a jackass.
There is no such thing as a “private equity” fund offering 5%/month in return. Just look at Blackstone’s (one of the largest private equity firms in the world) IPO documents and see what they offer. They “offer” nothing. They are historically very good, but they don’t “promise” anything, so you again show your naivete and stupidity. And whatever they have done in the past, I’m quite certain it hasn’t included a 5% monthly dividend check. That’s not the way the world works.
And once again, if you knew anything about private equity, you would also know that you are not legally allowed to invest unless you are an accredited investor. Look that up at some point when you’re not googling for get rich quick schemes, and you will find out quickly that you do not qualify and therefore cannot legally invest in a private equity fund.
I hope this is not some misbegotten scheme to invest whatever proceeds you may get from this “book”, because its becoming painfully obvious that whatever money you get will be ripped off by the next “expert” you come across.
And as others have noted, you might want to learn the actual meanings of “arbitrage” and “leverage” before you continue to overuse them incorrectly, giving further fodder to those who think you are feckless and clueless.
Paying taxes is a detail?
Book next month already? How much do you expect to get from it? Don’t expect too much.
Gold stocks shooting up? Don’t expect too much.
You’ve got an attack of optimism again. Reality is that there won’t be a comeback, there won’t be huge profits from gold, penny stocks or a book deal. You’ll be in debt for decades to come.
Casey, Your protest of “I am not a con man” sounds very Nixonian.
Dude your story is funny. I think you’ll get cashed up from all this eventually. If some religious nut doesn’t murder you in the street that is
But why do you sound like Kermit the Frog on the radio? -
Having just heard the interview on Triple J, I’ve come here, read for an hour or so, and can’t really believe what I’m seeing here.
What on earth are you doing in Australia? How could coming here, possibly clear your mind, or put things into perspective?.. A simple solution to that, might have been to simply turn off your computer, so that your ‘haterz’ couldn’t effect you whilist completing your book.
For a man in such dire straights as yourself, to continue to indulge in lifes luxurys, whilist stating you’ll pay every last cent back to your creditors, is prepostorious.
If you’re looking for a place to hide, you’ve come to the wrong place. I sincerely hope you’re not attempting to make a foothold here to escape your liabilities at home… That would be yet another mistake.
You do understand, when your day in court comes… Your ‘getaway’ to Australia, is not going to weigh up well with any judge… Even the much more financially sound, would think twice about unnecessarily spending cash, at the rate you are.
Casey @ #63:
”If people understand how I took out the loans and the lending climate at the time and that I had NO criminal intent and had FULL desire to pay back all those loans maybe people wouldn’t be so quick to call me a CON MAN.”LOL, well, of all the people you’ve dealt with I understand how you took out the loans and how the LAW interrupts intent (motive). Your aim was to profit; you lied on the 1003s for that end (execution), and failed at the schemed profiteering (damages). Thus it doesn’t matter how you justify your “mistakes,” nor deny wrong doing as the law is clear and specific.
“Desire” to do a thing don’t cut it, Casey, we’ve discussed this before. Want to have a thing materialize doesn’t make it so; and, absconding what you think are jurisdictional limits is your undoing (only you’re too delusional to realize that, again, aspect we’ve discussed already)!
So yeah you’re a con man, playing self as the prime mark.
Casey @ #64:
”The funny thing is… with your [Haterz] attempt at sabotage you’re actually helping my story be more interesting and keeping the World’s Most Hated Blogger label going. Thanks for your help. … You can try to throw sticks into my wheels (is that how they say it) but I will keep ridin’. You may win a few battles there and here but the outcome of the war has already been determined.”LOL, I’ll remind you of these words before long.
(Knowing Casey is too cowardly to post this.) -
hey budy,
heard u on triple j today when i was driving home from work, it got me thinking about the world like why should i be in a car on the way home from work not doing something smart to make money, like yer you took a chance and went down but like if u didnt take that chance you wouldnt have know ever know what i mean? i would do the same thing if the oppurtunity presented itself i am totally on your side, not a hater lol. should email me man im an hour from bris catch ya -
Casey, as I said in the Triple J guestbook, I’m not one of your “Haterz.” I have nothing against you personally.
It’s just that to me, you’re the equivalent of Paris Hilton: someone who is famous for doing absolutely nothing of any noteworthiness.
I’m sick of that kind of crap being lauded all over the media. It’s bad enough to celebrate mediocrity, but notoriety? That’s just appalling.If you actually had any semblance of a success story, if you had an actual, plausible idea of how you’re going to rectify your situation, (like the milliondollarhomepage guy - that’s at least original) that would be something. But you have nothing.
So my contacting Triple J was not simply an attempt to sabotage you. I was merely expressing my displeasure at their programming quality. (Or lack thereof.)
How, exactly, do you commit fraud, knowing full well what you’re doing, with no criminal intent? Puh-leeze. “Yes, I intend to occupy the property, only not really.”
“Not sure when and hopefully I will be welcomed back. That i’m not sure about either. ”
You’re a gambler, wanna make a bet about your welcome?
Nice to see you coming out swinging, and so confident that the outcome of your minor transgressions will not meet the same fate of many others who also committed such minor transgressions.
Of course, occasionally someone speeding on the highway does get the book thrown at them, but they have to be caught first.
And with your amazing story still unfolding, you still seem to possess the last of the V-8 Interceptors. Who says life in Australia can’t be like a fairy tale with Mel Gibson in the starring role - there is even the vaguest resemblance between you, I may add in a touch of coquettish flattery, though it comes more from the apparent lack of lavish fresh water than hair styles.
My comment was mercily rejected by the comments cops. I’m not even a haterz.
Give us 12 hours or so and we’ll feature you again on our blog.
But Casey, you got it right on above. The haterz work in your favor. Do your thing as you’ve always done- it will all work out for you.
Your’re a young guy and you’re still in chapter one of your life. Lots of people dig themselves into a hole and then recover. It’s not easy, but very possible if you learn. Absorb the criticism that makes sense to you- and ignore the rest.
BOOST does in fact have wheatgrass shots. But I’m tellin’ ya, the Watermelon Crush is the BOMB!!
Just trust me on this one…
Not yet. Since i’ve been traveling last couple of days I didn’t have a chance to sit down and call my lenders.
The CashCall situation flared up on June 18th, a full ten days ago. You weren’t traveling all that time, were you?
I don’t know about you, Casey, but if I got into financial trouble and that creditor started issuing legal threats to someone else (who might, for various technical reasons, also be liable for repayment even though it wasn’t this person’s fault), I would drop EVERYTHING I was doing, get on the phone and try to sort it out - within approximately five seconds of hearing that there was a problem.
But maybe that’s just me.
As someone who couldn’t care less about how this story turns out, and who certainly wouldn’t try to interfere with it through contacting people and stuff like that, I must point out that the ‘haterz’ are *right* when they say you can not profit from crime.
You got into this whole situation through fraud, that is undeniable. It is illegal to make money from crime, including the criminal story. It can very well be argued that this entire blog, and your book deal are in fact criminal. That’s just how the facts are, whether you like it or not.
I only became interested in your story recently after listening to the Jon Ronson BBC interview. Right now I’m not a hater and just want to see you get out of this mess.
I listened to the interview from the UK today (Had to get up at 4am to do so!) and I did enjoy it and felt abit of empathy for you but it did raise alot of necessary questions.
Are you still doing the Friday Foreclosure show tomorrow?
Can we have ‘bulletpoints’ added as an ASW? It’s now an integral part of the IAFF codex.
What is a “unware supporters”?
Is this like something that supports your underwear?
Julian-Trailer Park Boy and “unware supporter”
“You may win a few battles there and here but the outcome of the war has already been determined.”
Indeed, Casey. Which is why you are reluctant to come home.
@#64 Casey
Hehehehehehehehehehe… .
“The funny thing is… with your attempt at sabotage you’re actually helping my story be more interesting and keeping the World’s Most Hated Blogger label going. Thanks for your help.
You can try to throw sticks into my wheels (is that how they say it) but I will keep ridin’. You may win a few battles there and here but the outcome of the war has already been determined.
And who says anything about a war? I should thank you again for being such devoted haterz. My comeback story would not be possible without you. So we must be on the same team then.
Sweeeeet! ”
Still MOCHA and still hatin’…errr…LOVING the haterz
(Deep Breath…now back to Proctor, Vitale, Nichols and ‘em)
Hey Casey,
Away from the US again. Now my W2 is giving me a salary while I go on vacation; would you believe!! No wonder the US is going down the tubes !!
Anyway Casey - I gotta a sweet Deal in Dallas - you want in ?? Remember you heard it here first - Dallas is going to take off in three years, the appreciation here will go through the roof when people realize what good deals they are getting now.
That’s a great idea about having somebody write your blog; I’m also looking for someone to go to work instead of me - great use of arbitrage hey Casey?
One question Casey. Why is doing a W2 job any less entreprenurial than owning a company ? Even when you have a W2 job; its exactly the same as owning your own company, and you need to think this way. Sort of be the CEO of Mr. Serin.
My W2 jobs gives me cash flow to play the real estate game here in dallas.
Hey Caey - next year, we’ll be millionaires !!
Loads O Money
Oh and I agree. The outcome of the “war” (as you put it) has indeed been determined!
What did you do that the public is against you???
Why people hate you???
Are you ok?
I dont have an idea about whats foreclosure
Casey, Casey, Casey
Intent doesn’t change a criminal act into a non-criminal one. It just changes the charge. Follow me here.
1) You lied on your loan applications by overstating income, and took more than 3% cashback on various properties and/or the cashback was concealed from the lender.
This statement is true2) Intentionally mis-stating your income and/or concealing cashback from the lender is considered mortgage fraud, definitionally
3) Therefore, Casey committed mortgage fraud.
Finally Casey, with your lack of attention to detail, forward planning, etc, I don’t you have the slightest idea what it takes to win a war or where the pieces are currently aligned on the chess board. I’ll give you a hint: You’re failing falling backwards.
Casey, do you realize that you come across as if it the responsibility of the people reading your blog to take care of your finincial problems. If you really wanted to pay back the money you wouldn’t be making excuses such as I can’t call Cash Call because I’m waltzing around Oz.
Also, intending to pay back the money from the “liar loan” doesn’t change the fact you lied on them.
Wow. Simply put, wow.
I can’t believe that you would think it’s possible to (legitimately) make 5% per month. That works out to a shade less than 70% per annum, if my mad math skilz are working properly.
If, and we’ll have to pretend on this one, there were a way to make 70% per year on money, why, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, would banks (aka, chumps) borrow money from the fed at 6%, loan it out to deadbeat mortgagees for 15%, and pocket the 9% spread? They could borrow from the fed at 6%, earn 70%, and pocket 64%, or more than six times what they were earning before? More money, less risk. Now THAT is a win-win!
Why do you keep trying to sabotage my every opportunity to get exposure and make money to pay back my debt??
I can’t speak for anyone else, but my e-mail to Triple J was to make sure that they were aware in advance of the large and widening gulf between your sob-story version of events and the reality of life as a mortgage fraudster on the run. I didn’t hear the show, but it sounds like they took my advice.
Oh I know, you want to stop “a criminal from profiting from his crime”. That’s what I’ve heard some of you say. What a bunch of crap.
Indeed - as I’ve said on countless occasions, if you showed any willingness to actually work hard to pay off your debts, I’ll be cheering you to the rafters. But instead, you bend over backwards to find the easy way out, grab any opportunity to live a life of luxury (trips to Lake Tahoe and pointless foreign holidays are luxuries by any standard), boast about ignoring your creditors, and generally thumb your nose at anyone who thinks that maybe you should be showing a bit more humility.
And there’s another major reason why many people have switched from supporting to loathing you in the last few weeks, but it involves mentioning someone you’ve banned from being discussed on this blog, so I won’t.
This is the best way for me to make money right now.
What, traveling to a foreign country on a tourist visa that explicitly forbids you from working there? If that’s the best way, I’d hate to see the worst!
You’re taking away my best opportunity to avoid bankrutpcy. How does that make it right?
Casey, you know full well that the only reason you haven’t declared bankruptcy already is because you can’t - because much of your debt was incurred through outright fraud, or, if legitimately, after you became aware of the extent of your financial problems and knew that you’d probably not be able to repay it. So don’t pretend that it’s somehow all our fault.
But that’s your problem all along, isn’t it? It’s always someone else’s fault. True, it would have helped immensely if your various lenders had done their job properly and refused to lend you a red cent after they found out that you were an unemployable bum who thinks opening the mail and taking out the trash constitute a full week’s hard work - but you were the one who applied, and you were the one who lied. You. No-one else.
10. Did you “check into” Cashcall’s threat of a lawsuit?
Not yet. Since i’ve been traveling last couple of days I didn’t have a chance to sit down and call my lenders. Plus i have had limited internet connectivity and my Skype headset is no more. I was actually borrowing it from my Brisbane host. But I did buy my own yesterday so as soon as I get situated with free internet somewhere and a quiet place I can call CashCall and see what those guys want.
I wonder what CashCall could possibly want from you??? Let me think. OH, maybe the money you owe them!
Casey, what is your plan to pay back the money? You keep alluding to it, but won’t elaborate. Are you trolling again? Answer the question MurseMan!!!!
To all the newbies here:
Welcome to Caseyworld where it’s OK to rob a bank as long as you “intend to pay it back”.
These haterz are out of control and dont realize the personal liability they are letting themselves in for.
“Man faces cyber-bullying felonies”;nav=0RceIt is illegal to post someone’s personal information online without their consent, among other things, that causes that person to feel terrorized or threatened.
There is no reason for people to be out there trying to screw up Casey’s business dealings and agitating his creditors to take action. Sneaking around taking pictures of him and his wife?! In doing so they are opening themselves up for civil and criminal liability.
MOCHA @ #90:
”HATERZ…YOU JUST GOT SERVED!!!”No Mocha, that hasn’t happened, but as for YOU such is another matter for process… And I don’t mean that in the guttural, Yubanggie, sense but quite literally a legal one.
Why are my comments being banned?
I was asking you to just answer a few more questions, and I didn’t attack or saying anything personal!All I wanted to know was please just answer me STRAIGHT if you are in OZ evading prosecution or your debts?
That was all.
If people understand how I took out the loans and the lending climate at the time and that I had NO criminal intent and had FULL desire to pay back all those loans maybe people wouldn’t be so quick to call me a CON MAN.
OK, here’s a scenario: Let’s say I know you in real life and I say, hey, I have an opportunity to make some money, my friend needs to sell his very profitable business, it’s up and running, so I can keep my $150K day job while reaping the profits. But he needs $50K cash, which I don’t have right now, so I’m asking to borrow it from you, and I’ll pay you back $1,000 every month with above-market rate interest.
Let’s assume you had $50K from selling the blog and you’re like, wow, sounds great! You give me the money and I make a payment or two, then I stop.
You come around wanting to know why I can’t make the payments. I say I don’t have any income. What happened to your $150K day job? Oh, that. I didn’t really have a $150K day job. In fact, I wasn’t working at all. But I knew if I told you that you wouldn’t lend me the money and it was such a great opportunity, I didn’t want to pass it up.
You of course are angry that I deceived you. Then you realize that you at least can take possession of the business, which is worth at least the $50K you lent me.
Oh, sorry about that, chum. I did use it to buy a business, but actually the business cost me $40K and I kept the other $10K in order to make the payments back to you. But I only paid you $2K because, sorry, turns out I needed it for other things — I mean, I’m not working, how else would I pay my daily expenses?
Well, it turns out I overpaid for the business anyway. To make matters worse, in the last two months, sales have been way down because I don’t know much about the business, so I kind of ran it into the ground.
But go ahead and take it! You’ll just have to pay a few thousand in legal fees and other costs, but then you’ll be the proud owner of a business you don’t want that’s worth about $15K, maybe, if you can sell it.
Are you at fault for not doing the due diligence on the business and on me? Yes, but you had my (doctored) pay stubs and an (inflated) appraisal of the business. You are a busy guy and you took me at my word.
Would you be justified in calling me a con artist? A fraud? I think you would. Even if I had every intention, every desire, to pay you back. Even if I didn’t see any profit from this bad deal myself. I misrepresented myself to get money you wouldn’t have given me if I had told you the truth.
Homeless beggar manchild wanders OZ looking for next sucker.
Stay tuned…
Sorry your talkcast didn’t go as you desired
Gl to you in solving your problems man.
Oh, and P.S., even if Internet costs $2/hour, you can download our comments then read them offline, then type your response offline, and upload it.
Do they charge at that public library you went to? Can’t you find an unsecured WiFi connection like everybody else does? lol
@ 95 and @ 96
Right on, right on.
Casey has no fundamental sense of what is right and wrong.
“Geez officer, I only held up this bank with the INTENT of paying them back! Quit hatin on me and sabotaging me when I try to pay them back!”
Dude, you deserve only the worst treatment. And kudos for being “positive”, but you cannot treat the system like this without reprocussions.
You MIGHT have not faced any jail/legal reprocussions if you had simply laid low, and stayed out of the limelight. BUT, the “war” as you put it, is not determined by you. It is determined by the law.
Come back and meet your maker!
Dude, if you haven’t dealt with your taxes yet, do it now. You don’t want to mess around with the IRS–especially when it would be so easy to get information on you through this blog. The IRS could even seize your website. I would take care of getting them paid as soon as possible.
Did you ever think, Casey, that your constant attention towards money is what is creating these problems? When you opt to put your attention on something, the universe does give it to you, but not necessarily the way you think you want it. I can see several problems with your approach and they don’t have much to do with how bright or not bright you are.
#1 Your actions don’t match your words.
If you want to figure out what you really believe, then pay attention to what you are doing. That’s where your truth lies. You say you want to pay back money, but you make no attempts. Therefore, the real truth is that you don’t want to.
#2 Change your actions little by little to get what you want.
Obviously, you can’t pay back 2.2 million in one shot unless you won the lottery. If you want to know what I think (which you might not), you have better chances of winning the lottery than making money on penny stock - and it’s faster too.
So, what are you to do? Start by paying off little loans one at a time. Then start updating that part of your blog. I paid so and so $25 I owed him or her. Checked off your list! Then, you might have more credibility. It will also start putting energy back into a balancing of your accounts. Then, leverage that!
#3 A positive attitude is no better than a negative attitude. It’s not going to create wealth for you, if you have no idea how to create it. Many rich people I know are really brutal on themselves and that doesn’t mean they are creating poverty. It’s a new age misconception that good thoughts create good circumstances. It’s only one influence.
While I see you doing many things in a way that show you are getting some idea of how to consciously create what you want, I also see a lot of sloppiness. Tie up some of the loose ends so they don’t drag you down further. Think how much more energy you will have to build wealth if you aren’t thinking or talking about irate creditors and haterz all the time. While I don’t support or hate what you do, I think it has value. It can show people that there are other options besides a 9 to 5 job. It also can show people how to avoid certain pitfalls.
I think your main problem is that you can’t decide whether to be a nice guy or a an all-out con. Whatever choice you make in your heart, making it single-mindedly will do a lot to even out your energies. You can’t do it half-as**. You can’t say:”Okay, I am a nice person when I choose to interview to show others how to avoid my mess” and then at the same time, not return money to your lenders. That’s not nice. Of course, if you want to be an all-out con, then start telling us how you managed to get away with not paying your debt without getting sued or taken to court. Then, at least your words match your actions and people can respect that, even if they don’t like it. Right now, you are just not credible because you won’t admit to yourself that your actions don’t match your words. And, that’s exactly how you got into this mess. You said you intended to live in houses that you had no intention of living in and never did. Take a close look at how that thread just weaves in and out of your entire story and you will see why people are a bit upset with you.
Anyways, right now, I see more service to self than service to other. That’s just a choice and you can stay that way and make money - a lot of people do. It’s not exactly a recipe for happiness, but that’s not your goal, is it?
Well, good luck to you. I am following the story, but I don’t see much hope until you become more honest with yourself and choose either to be a die-hard criminal or someone who really cares about how his actions affects others.
I wanted to see if we could work out a deal where you could leverage your arbitrage into a win-win by endorsing me for president.
When I do get elected president, I’m sure it will be win-win for both of us. -
Doug - Comment 66 - Most worthwhile post I’ve read yet
Casey didn’t write post #64!
Take a break, Mocha. Or is that you Casey?
I don’t have any problem with you making money on your story, nor do I have any problem with you paying back every dirty penny with the money. One problem, as all the haterz know, is that you are not using the money to pay back creditors.
Even if you did pay it all back our justice system does not play by a “no harm-no foul” rulebook. The foul was in the commision of the crime, not your inability to mitigate the damages and make a profit. The banks that were lending to you had the right to know that your income was less than 50K per year. They also had the right to know that you were not planning to live in the houses. You gambled with their money and lost. That would be OK if you had told them the truth and they still loaned you the money to speculate. You what you did was wrong if you ask yourself “would they have loaned me the money if I had told the truth on the loan apps?”
Having said all that, let me outline a plan whereby you can earn respect AND profit from your activities.
1) Return to USA
2) Obtain consistent employment
3) Start making payments on your debt.
4) If these payments are not acceptable to your creditors, file for bankruptcy
5) Your bankruptcy will lead to criminal investigation and charges of fraud
6) Plead “no contest” to said charges
7) Be sentenced and serve time, probation, make restitution, etc…
8) Start working again
9) Do not even think about investment opportunities until you have saved in advance 12 months of living expenses, and are investing with your own earned excess cash to. (I know this sounds harsh, as many entrepenuers borrow $$$ to create wealth, but your track record of fraudulent/dishonest/criminal borrowing precludes this activity)
10) If you can manage steps 1-9 start blogging again and making passive income from your blog. (I don’t have any problem with you making money on your criminal story as long as you have first faced the consequences of said criminal activity-imagine how much more redeeming your blog would be if you could tell people about your experiences with criminal court and jail time, thus sending a clear message to those contemplating committing other types of fraud which they view as OK)I dont even know why I bother to write all this. Even if it doesn’t get moderated out, you don’t care.
Security word = whatdebt
Careful, Serin. You have this odd ability to convince yourself that anything your imagination comes up with is truth and reality. Convincing yourself the last few years have been a dream and you really have no debt is something I can see you doing.
Although, that would provide you with the good ol’ insanity defense. Wonder if that defense tactic has ever been used in a mortgage trial?
Has anyone here met their partner through commenting here? I think that would be a hilarious and fantastic traffic/profit driver, if I hater & a supporter met through their mutual addiction to what is going on here….!
This blog has now taken on a whole new feel to it. It doesn’t have anything to do with real estate and foreclosure anymore. Not even sure what the point of this thing is anymore . Its really gotten extremely boring. Now just checking in occasionally out of habit more than anything else . Don’t know how much longer I will even bother with that as this really isn’t even interesting anymore.
1. What interest rate is your corp charging you?
2. What is your payment plan?I’m not doing anything else with the corp at this moment. That whole plan has been put on hold because of some set backs. I do have some debt inside the corp but I plan on paying that back on time like I have been so far.
A couple more questions …
1. What interest rate is your corp charging you?
2. What is your payment plan?I don’t know how you could call what you wrote an answer.
An interest rate is A NUMBER.
A payment plan is A NUMBER and A TIME INTERVAL.
I’ll add another question or two:
22. How much did you borrow from the corporation?
23. How much have you paid?NOTE: The answer to both questions is a NUMBER.
Triple J Kate:
Here’s the rub…to Casey Serin you ARE a hater. I am a “hater” even though I am not jealous of the kid whatsoever. I don’t even HATE him. I despise his ACTIONS and HOLD HIM RESPONSIBLE for them. He calls you and me and others haters because he needs to have drama so he can keep the blog’s ratings up. Sooner or later, supporterz turn to haterz because the kid can’t follow through or keep promises.
Sure, Casey, you didn’t know what you were doing was wrong…yawn. I am quite sure most crooks play the innocent game on a regular basis.
Sabotage is a harsh word. I am not sabotaging you and neither are the majority of your “haterz.” I could care less who interviews you (since we all know you are a narcissist). I DO care when you try to bend the rules to make a quick buck. THAT is where I make sure others are aware of your game.
One more thing, why do you keep perpetuating this myth that you will take any money made and settle your debts? I could ask some other rhetorical questions, but I actually do respect your wife’s privacy and won’t even go there.
People, Casey WILL NOT pay back any debts. Why should he? He most likely has a fico in the low 400s and paying back charged off debts is not going to raise that score anytime soon. How do I know? I’ve been here since the beginning and the kid talks and talks and talks with no tangible results. He refuses to take responsibility and will not make cuts in his extravagant lifestyle to make good on his promises. I could even point out the letter you wrote to Ramit which was really suspicious but I will do that elsewhere. THAT letter is what turned me from sympathetic to critic or “hater” if you prefer.
Note to you, Casey: Go ahead, don’t post this. I will make sure Google heavy sites get a copy of this post. I think you know I’ll do it and it won’t take much to edit this post to include your full name for search reasons. I too understand Google optimization, so it won’t take much for me to get this up and high on Google asap.
Why do you want to be in Australia during wintertime, when you can be in sunny California during summertime?
B. Boop
ps. Called CashCall yet?
Casey, maybe you can come to Sweden.Unemployment money is pretty good here.I get 2000 dollar every month.Very nice money.
I successfully short sold my house! Now, I just need to deal with not having a place to live, and the other 307K in unsecured debt I have to deal with…
Maybe I could move to Australia!
Good luck to you Casey. I gotta get back to work…
532a. (1) Any person who shall knowingly make or cause to be made, either directly or indirectly or through any agency whatsoever, any false statement in writing, with intent that it shall be relied upon, respecting the financial condition, or means or ability to pay, of himself…for the purpose of procuring in any form whatsoever, either the delivery of personal property, the payment of cash, the making of a loan or credit, the extension of a credit, the execution of a contract of guaranty or suretyship… for the benefit of either himself or of such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a public offense.
@#115 j-dog
do this, it will lead to sweet dealz -
“You can try to throw sticks into my wheels (is that how they say it) but I will keep ridin’.”
Yeah. Right over a cliff. Does that seem wise to you?
The Comments keep changing numbers…hehehehehehehehe
That’s cool though, comment moderator person…”its all good.”
I’ll send Sharky an invite to Detroit too if you like…put his old, cranky a** in check right quick…hehehehehehehehe
Anyway…You know what? I spent $23.95 on this damn book “The Secret” and $34.95 on the DVD. I am trying to think “good thoughts” but that imbecile LMP is gonna make me “back slide” here for a sec.
Mark V********* (LossMitPro),
You need to go back to that website that lied to you and told you that they were giving out law degrees for $19.99 plus shipping and handling, and tell them that you want your money back…hehehehehehehehehehe
What are you doing on IAFF anyway? You threatened Litigation if all reference to your dumbass was not removed.
Loss Mitigation Professional my a**!!! To are just LMP:
“Litigator Mark Poltroon”…heheheheheheheh
That’s “p o l t r o o n” :
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: coward
Synonyms: craven, dastard, chicken, quitter, recreant, yellowbellyHummmmm…wait a sec…I know…You strayed away from the other goats in the herd and now you are lost. So you decided to graze on the greener pastures that is IAFF?
Post 111 is the best post ever made on IAFF. Period.
@#105 mejustme
You are exactly right
Good on you. I am also in the business of creating wealth for myself and don’t have a ‘job’ nor do I intend on ever having one. I have been broke and have experienced wealth and I can tell you that unless you have tried and failed you will never really succeed. Keep the dream alive. Plenty of people have made mistakes and failed but look at them now. As for the haterz, let them hate, gives them something to do while we make money.
Wow. Just read your updated FAQ. I actually thought you were joking a few months ago about buying that penny stock GSPG.OB. It’s not even worth a penny, it’s like $0.0012. I find it hard to believe such a crappy stock will ever rise, especially confusing since the price of gold is about $647.90 per ounce, why is the penny stock so low? Anyway, a low cost broker like Sharebuilder doesn’t even allow you buy Goldspring.
But wait, I have to ask. Are you trading on a margin account? Or are you playing around with options and futures contracts? I know it sounds incredible to even ask such a question about such risky investments, but I’m really interested to know if you also think those are great ways to make money. Your quote bothers me, “‘Cuz it’s gonna go through the freakin’ roof one of these days.”
Why don’t you get some common sense and stick to a more conservative approach where you get to keep all of your capital investment? You should be thinking about interest bearing checking accounts, money market accounts, short term certificates of deposit, places where you can park your money and let it grow until the moment you absolutely need it.
For an example account to keep your savings, take a look at that pays 6% APY until September 2007, open an account for $1 with no fees.
For an example account to keep your checking, take a look at that pays 6.17% APY, no minimums but there are plenty of requirements in order to get the interest rate. Might be worth it.
Browse for some good banking deals (,, and others) and tell us your actual “arbitrage” experiences where you generate a nice fat interest check to yourself by being smart for a change.
Hey Kid:
“You can try to throw sticks into my wheels (is that how they say it) but I will keep ridin’.”
I don’t want to throw sticks in your wheels, hobbit.
Although if you climbed back up that tree, I might bring a golf bag full of pool cues and do my “Masai Warrior” imitation…see how many direct hits it would take to knock Koala-boi down out of the branches.
Just for fun…y’know? Post it on YouTube.
(’Cuz I’m like that.)
“And who says anything about a war?”
Well, youngster…YOU did.
I’m not at war with you, little buckaroo.
If I REALLY wanted to bring you down, I wouldn’t bother with the fun stuff…I’d just set your tree on fire.“My comeback story would not be possible without you.”
Oh…so you’re returning to the USA soon, huh?
When can we expect you?
asw: organic
Free bankruptcy forms on the web
1. Voluntary Petition
Voluntary Petition - Page 2
2. Declaration under Penalty of Perjury on Behalf of a Corporation or Partnership
3. Application and Order to Pay Filing Fee in Installments
4. List of Creditors Holding 20 Largest Unsecured Claims
5. Involuntary Petition
6. Schedules
Summary of Schedules
Schedule A - Real Property
Schedule B - Personal Property
Schedule B - Continuation Sheet 1
Schedule B - Continuation Sheet 2
Schedule C - Property Claimed As Exempt
Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims
Schedule D - Continuation Sheet
Schedule E - Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims
Schedule E - Continuation Sheet
Schedule F - Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims
Schedule F - Continuation Sheet
Schedule G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases
Schedule H - Codebtors
Schedule I - Current Income of Individual Debtor(s)
Schedule J - Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s)
Declaration Concerning Debtor’s Schedules
7. Statement of Financial Affairs
8. Individual Debtor’s Statement of Intention
9. Notice of Commencement of Case Under the Bankruptcy Code, Meeting of Creditors, and Deadlines
Form B9A Chapter 7 Individual or Joint Debtor No Asset Case
Form B9B Chapter 7 Corporation/Partnership No Asset Case
Form B9C Chapter 7 Individual or Joint Debtor Asset Case
Form B9D Chapter 7 Corporation/Partnership Asset Case
Form B9E Chapter 11 Indidual or Joint Debtor Case
Form B9E (ALT.) Chapter 11 Individual or Joint Debtor Case
Form B9F Chapter 11 Corporation/Partnership Asset Case
Form B9F (ALT.) Corporation/Partnership Asset Case
Form B9G Chapter 12 Individual or Joint Debtor Family Farmer
Form B9H Chapter 12 Corporation/Partnership Family Farmer
Form B9I Chapter 13 Case
10. Proof of Claim
11A. General Power of Attorney
11B. Special Power of Attorney
12. Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement
13. Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Fixing Time for Filing Acceptances or Rejections of Plan, Combined with Notice Thereof
14. Ballot for Accepting or Rejecting Plan
15. Order Confirming Plan
16A. Caption
16B. Caption (Short Title)
16C. Caption of Complaint in Adversary Proceeding Filed by a Debtor
16D. Caption for Use in Adversary Proceeding Other than for a Complaint Filed by a Debtor
17. Notice of Appeal under 28 U.S.C. ? 158(a) or (b) from a Judgment, Order or Decree of a Bankruptcy Court
18. Discharge of Debtor
19. Certification and Signature of Non-Attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer (See 11 U.S.C. ? 110)
20A. Notice of Motion or Objection
20B. Notice of Objection to Claim
Don’t come back to the States.
I heard the Feds are waiting to swoop down on you.
Wall street wants their money back form the loans you tricked lenders to give you.
They will make you a laughing stock in court. -
Go to Amsterdam…and disappear
I see that you are still maintaining your position as ‘The Most Hated Blogger on the Internet’.
# 127 Mocha
You stand up to that LameAssPro!
You go, girl!
Its pretty obvious that you don’t know what arbitrage is. Here is a definition from
Finance. the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets to profit from unequal prices.Example: Buying bananas at the grocery store for $.30 and then sell them outside at the playground for $1.00 each.
Soooo… mooching off of someone’s goodwill and sleeping on their couch is NOT an arbitrage.
Why don’t you live the dream of living in your car instead of the hostel?
“That’s cool though, comment moderator person…”its all good.” ”
Hey…it’s name is “Toby” show some RESPECT, wilya?
Even a miserable and unwashed Comment Coolie has FEELINGS, y’know.
Just cause you and I have our own Caseypedia entries is no reason to treat it like a Nobody…(I’m workin’ on that Caseypedia thing, Toby. Give me some time…I got you the Bandago account, didn’t I?)
“I’ll send Sharky an invite to Detroit too if you like…put his old, cranky a** in check right quick…hehehehehehehehe ”
Awww, gee…that’s real swell of you, MOCHA. I do appreciate it.
But who would feed my cellar full of Freakz while I was away?
They may only be meatbag playthingz , but I DO have some modicum of responsibility towards ‘em.And it’s such a drag to have to lead ‘em outside and hose ‘em all down…they get a bit twitchy in the sunlight these days.
But hey…I thought the Hobbit was going to come and stay with you?
If you need to “modify” your cellar, drop me a line and I’ll send you some Do-It-Yourself kennel plans that worked out quite well.Your bestest stereotyped pal;
In any venture of journay the beginning is always the “rockiest” and dangerous.
Keep going Casey, you still have supporters out there. The haterz are a bunch of little people that have too much time on their hands.
To Haterz, “SHUT UP and mind your own business!”
Good LUCK!
- Max -
Forget a few more things, I read about Duane and Nigel. Wow, they are a bunch of backstabber weasels. I guess now Casey will know how backstabber weasel look like. All he has to do is look at Duane and Nigel.
- Max
Anyhow Congrats for Being on AIR that too on Australia National Radio which is prestigious
I read about Duane and Nigel. Wow, they are a bunch of backstabber weasels. I guess now Casey will know how backstabber weasel look like. All he has to do is look at Duane and Nigel.
…assuming he can’t find a mirror.
For when it comes to backstabbing, Casey makes Duane and Nigel look like rank amateurs. Or possibly amatures.
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