I’ve been watching the Casey Serin entry in Wikipedia get written over the last couple of months. It’s obviously written by my critics but they say they are trying to keep an “encyclopedic tone” (see the discussion tab).
The problem I have is that the entry is highly skewed toward making me look bad. So much for following Wikipedia rules on biographies of living persons. Much of it is exaggerated and blown way out of proportion. Worse, it currently comes up as the #2 on google search for Casey Serin.
I feel the article is damaging my reputation because it’s very one-sided. I’m not trying to deny that I’ve made some mistakes or done some shady loans out of inexperience. However, an encyclopedia entry needs to be factual and un-biased.
Please help me by editing the article to make it more balanced and fair. That’s the beauty (and the built-in problem) of Wikipedia is that anybody can edit.
I myself don’t want to get involved because I don’t want to be accused of trying to spin my story. Instead, I’m going to leave my thoughts and additional details below and hopefully I can get can some positive support in editing my Wikipedia entry.
Here is my take…
Casey Serin (born September 10, 1982) is a failed real estate investor who, at the age of 24, became known as the “poster child for everything that went wrong in the real estate boom”. Serin was born in Uzbekistan and emigrated to America in the mid-1990s. In his early twenties, Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people), but he decided to quit this job with the hope of earning a living flipping houses. Beginning in October 2005 and continuing through the following year, Serin purchased eight houses in various U.S. states, and then began blogging about the process of facing foreclosure on several of the properties he was unable to sell before his money ran out.
Although Serin was unemployed (with no ostensible income) when he bought the houses, he chose to declare on his loan applications that he was employed and earned a steady income…
I was employed at Pride Industries for over a year (Since Aug 2005 2004) making $50,000/yr salary when I applied for the Calla Way, Sacramento house in September/October 2005. My income was just shy of doing a full-doc loan so we had to go stated-income. The income was stated a little higher then I was really making in order to qualify. I was told this was a common and allowable industry practice.
I bought the house slightly under value ($330K) with built-in $30K of equity which I chose to cash-out right at purchase by buying at full appraisal value of $360K with 100% financing. (My FICO score was only about 630, I think). I used the money to pay off our $30K of credit cards: about 15K was from Russ Whitney RE seminars and the rest was expenses from wedding in 2004 and miscellaneous consumer debt.
After some cleaning I immediately started marketing Calla Way myself (without an agent) in order to sell it at retail quickly and pay off my loan. I ended up selling the house on January 4th for full retail value (360K+costs) and simultaneously buying the buyer’s old house - Burdett Way, Sacramento. I didn’t want to lose the buyer and didn’t want to wait for their old house to sell so I put the transaction together to where we bought each other’s houses. This allowed me to secure the $30,000 as profit which up to that point was really part of the original loan.
The truth is I was a bit desperate to sell Calla Way because I didn’t want to start making payments on it and I knew the market was starting to reverse so I had to act quickly and make the deal work. I also got a little emotionally involved when I found out the buyer is a family trying to move to a better school district and safer neighborhood for the kids. I wanted to help them out and ended up paying too much for Burdett considering its condition and location. I figured trading down to a lower mortgage amount (295K) was still a smart move because it will be easier to service the payments.
By the way, I applied for Burdett property while still being employed at Pride Industries but had to use a stated income loan again. The stated income was within reasonable parameters for my job title (Programmer/Analyst) and it was justifiable at the time based on the advice I’ve been given by the real estate professionals working with me.
After that I tried to lease option the Burdett property while looking for more deals. Since paying off my credit cards my score went up to around 680. I was ready for more action.
In early January 2006 I took a 3 week leave of absence from my job at Pride Industries and flew with some investors to Albuquerque, New Mexico, which was a hot area for investing. There I put two houses under contract (Sonora Way and Guadalajara).
I came back to my job and found myself so busy managing all these deals that it was starting to affect my programming job performance in a big way. I didn’t feel it was fair to my employer to be doing my business on company time. So I ended up resigning from my job the same week and (end of January 2006) to pursue real estate investing/flipping full time.
I also had a side business doing freelance web design, web application development and hosting. I’ve have been doing the web business on and off for the last 10 years. I used the business to qualify for all of the loans going forward. Since it was hard to verify income from the business continued to use stated-income loans.
The only loan where I didn’t state my income was the Angleridge property in Dallas. There I got a loan from a hard money lender and they normally don’t even check credit because they only lend upto 65% LTV and thus are pretty secure with just the collateral.
… Serin has repeatedly admitted that he lied on his loan applications regarding his employment and his intention to reside in the purchased homes. To avoid lenders seeing that he had taken out multiple loans, he used several lenders for the various properties, and filled out the loan applications within a short time frame, so that the loans would not have sufficient time to appear during a credit check…
See my explanation of employment above. I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount.
I did run each each loan as an “owner occupied property” or as a “second home” in order to qualify for 100% financing. I didn’t have any other properties at the time and I was buying all of them so fast that the credit report didn’t show all the other loans right away. This allowed me to justify the owner-occupied or second-home status. At the time this seemed OK to me and the professionals I was working with.
… In addition, he received cash back at closing on most of the properties — for his California properties, Serin received more than California’s legal maximum rate of 3 percent of the selling price.
Yes, I got cash back at closing through different methods. Sometimes disclosed on the closing statement, sometimes not. Either way I didn’t realize this was fraudulent behavior, I just thought the lenders didn’t like it. I definitely didn’t think I was committing any kind of a crime.
Cash-back at close is a pretty common technique among the real estate investors and associates that I collaborated with at the local investment clubs. I just thought it was a great way to finance repairs and payments for the fix-n-flip investment strategy.
The cash-back money was spent on both the mortgage payments for the houses, and on various luxuries such as a Hawaiian vacation for Serin and his wife.
Almost all of the cash-back went toward the repairs and servicing the 15-20K monthly burn-rate on 6 properties (at the peak) which includes mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, utilities, travel expenses, etc. Some of the money (about 15K, I think) went toward additional real estate seminars so I can get better and learn new techniques.
We also used the money for living expenses since this was our main business during 2006. The goal was to buy at wholesale, take some of the equity out at close, pay a few payments, fix up the properties and sell at retail and pickup an additional profit on the sale. Since I quit my programmer job I had to use some of the cash-back to live on while we wait for the houses to sell.
I never intended to commit any kind of fraud by taking the cash out and letting the property foreclose. My goal was to make a business out of it. I simply got overzealous and made some beginner mistakes. How many new business owners don’t make any mistakes?
And yes, I did take my wife for a surprise anniversary trip to Hawaii. We haven’t gone on a real vacation since we got married and I wanted to do something special for her. This was not a lavish or extravagant trip by any means. We even saved money by living with a friend for part of the week.
In a matter of months, the money largely ran out, and Serin is now 2.2 million dollars in debt, with a net worth of around negative $600,000. Interest in his blog at http://iamfacingforeclosure.com developed first among readers of blogs devoted to the United States housing bubble. His story was featured in USA Today, National Public Radio, and the San Francisco Chronicle, among other mainstream media. An online discussion of the fraudulent nature of overstating income in stated income loan applications uses the case of Serin as a running example.
Many readers of the blog initially encouraged Serin to contact an attorney in the hopes of discharging at least a portion of his debt by filing bankruptcy. Serin has largely ignored this relatively sound advice, in favor of essentially ignoring the problem and letting his debt burden grow daily.
I did consult a couple of different bankruptcy on several occasions. Filing bankruptcy is not a magic pill and has many consequences and issues that need to be considered. Every case is different depending on the desired outcome.
In my case I chose to avoid bankruptcy and attempt to pay back the debt by selling the houses and/or pay back most of it by doing a short sale and avoiding foreclosure on my credit score. If I was to declare bankruptcy it would have interfered with the short sale process and would have forced all the lenders to foreclose on me for sure. (With the exception of maybe one of the homes if I would choose to move into it.)
Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t prevent foreclosure, it simply delays it 1-3 months. The secured lenders still have the right to liquidate the asset and will exercise that right in order to minimize loses. Even if my mortgage is discharged in bankruptcy the lenders still get to foreclose on the house - their collateral. Then I would have both a bankruptcy AND a foreclosure on my credit.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy (the repayment plan) wouldn’t have helped me much either because I didn’t have a stable income or a large enough income to try to negotiate a repayment plan on 6 houses. Chance are I would probably miss a payment and the houses go right back into foreclosure. I didn’t want to sight up for something I can’t commit. Even if I was to get a job there is no way I can earn enough per month to get on a repayment plan to catchup and float the amount of debt I have/had. Chapter 13 would also prevent me from doing a short sale on the properties and avoid foreclosure on my record.
Anybody who says “why don’t just declare bankruptcy” without considering all of the issues above obviously doesn’t know what their talking about. On the moral side, I felt declaring bankruptcy would have been equal to giving up the fight and walking away instead of trying to make it right.
Various readers of Serin’s blog have estimated that the interest on his debt is growing at the rate of approximately $600 per day. Serin has been referred to as the “pied piper of financial ruin”, and his plans for remedying his debt have many readers wondering if he is being overly optimistic, or if he is in denial over the gravity of his financial situation. In early 2007, Serin set his goals for returning to fiscal solvency — he plans on amassing an even greater debt burden by attempting to purchase an apartment complex.
Perhaps the apartment idea was a bit extreme. But what am I going to gain be being a pessimist?? Positive thinking is what kept me going all these months. Sure, some of my ideas get a little crazy but I didn’t want to just give up without a fight. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” is the quote that comes to mind.
In addition, Serin has proposed to transfer his personal debts to a shell corporation purchased with the sole aim of hiding his debt, a course of action that numerous people have advised him is blatantly illegal. Serin initially conceded that there might be something “shady” about his proposal, although he has gone so far as talking to a corporate attorney about the plan.
See the problem with my haters critics is that most of them don’t understand enough about what I’m doing to give me competent advice. Everybody is quick to judge and since they have already made up their minds about me, everything I do is going to be “shady” to them.
Buying an existing corporation and applying for cash lines of credit with the help of a credit partner is a perfectly acceptable and legal business practice. I can even borrow from the corporation to refinance my person credit, as long as that’s not the only purpose of the corporation’s existence. My goal was to continue doing real estate and other types of investing with my corporation. So I may or may not use the cash lines of credit to refinance my debt. There are several issues to consider and I’m still in the process of seeking advice and figuring all that out.
Despite his repeated public admissions (both via the blog and on a webcam video) of lying on loan applications and committing felony mortgage fraud, Serin has not yet been arrested for these crimes — although IP logs of the visitors to his blog have shown that the blog has been accessed by the FBI, the IRS, the SEC, various state governments, and banks from which his fraudulent loans were obtained. Various readers of the blog, angry at Serin’s complete inaction, have attempted to alert the relevant authorities to Serin’s blog. In early 2007, Serin started up two further real estate websites: ablebuyer.com and buyingapartmentbuildings.com, though the second address now directs visitors to the first.
Serin is regularly criticized on both his blog and other blogs specifically devoted to his story. A number of specific criticisms that have been leveled at Serin include:
* Disdain for standard university education in lieu of real estate guru seminars, for which Serin spent over $30,000, including training at [NRU].
I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee. Nothing wrong with that because everybody needs to have a job for stability at some point in their lives. Going to college will make you more employable and you will make more money. But a job will not make you truly financially independent.
I decided to go straight for the business owner / entrepreneur / investor route and those skills are not typically acquired through college (though college can help with some aspects of it). I still have a desire to go to college someday but do it purely for personal growth and for the benefits of a well-rounded education. That would be after I become financially independent.
Even though I don’t regret the path I’ve taken I would recommend to all high school students to still go to college first, even if they want to be financially free. Just don’t get too brainwashed.
By the way, NRU was only about 16K for over 30 classes and 2 years of education (a bargain compared to seminar companies). It was a private loan with flexible repayment terms which include the ability repay the loan by working it off. NRU is much more than just some fly-by-night guru seminar. They are the only real estate investing educational company to receive college credit recommendation by the American Counsel of Education (ACE). They also have local communities of investors for support, a network of positive cash-flow properties and a bunch of other benefits. And no, this blog is not some cover-up to market NRU. Again, the critics and blowing things out of proportion.
* Not looking for full-time work, rather than living off his over-extended credit cards.
Why is full-time work considered the standard? I do work full-time on my own projects as a self-employed individual and do make some money there and here - technical consulting, online marketing, sales, helping other investors do deals, etc. Just because those are not traditional jobs doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Yes, what I’m doing right now is not super stable and I have/am considering a standard W2. We’ll see.
While I did continue to borrow some money AFTER facing foreclosure and starting this blog, it has been limited to trying to float my wife’ credit cards and also short term loans for business purposes. We haven’t been going into any more debt for living expenses much.
* Not declaring bankruptcy — however, a bankruptcy attorney told Serin that he may be prosecuted for fraud if he files for bankruptcy.
That is one consideration but there are a lot of other issues with bankruptcy. See my explanation above and my prior posts about bankruptcy.
* Living beyond his means — Serin’s bank statements posted to his blog showed expenses relating to dining out regularly, incurring repeated overdraft fees in the process.
How can you assume a pattern from one instance of an event? I don’t overdraft my checking account on a regular basis and I rarely go out to eat to nice places. But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill. Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!
* Being evasive about how he spends each day, given that he doesn’t work.
I have a lot of projects that I’m working on and I don’t want to talk about it too much because the hat… er… critics are following my every move and are ready to dish out hate on everything I do. I have a right to privacy and just because I share a lot on my blog doesn’t mean I have to share every single thing I do.
* Attempting to use unethical and/or illegal methods (i.e., shell corporation) to get out of debt.
I already addressed this and if done right, there is nothing wrong with my corporate strategy.
* Serin’s determination to continue as a real estate investor despite his current abject failure in that field.
Failure is part of success. Show me one successful person that has not failed a bunch of times (big or small). Failure is how we learn. Failure is good. The goal, of course, is to minimize failure by learning from it and not repeating the same mistake. I’m still learning that part.
Determination to succeed is the key ingredient of those who succeed. But I don’t need to explain this. It’s common sense. Those of you who are telling me I’m a failure because I happen to make a mistake are a bunch of babies. Grow up!!
Completely ignoring his current bills, and looking for more credit lines with subprime lenders like CashCall.
This is inaccurate. I am paying my personal bills and rent. I am NOT paying credit cards and mortgages because I can’t handle the debt load at this point. And NO, I am not getting any more personal credit from CashCall or any other company. Some people love to spread false rumors.
* Serin’s refusal to live in any of the houses he purchased, possibly delaying the foreclosure process.
How is me living in the houses going to delay the foreclosure process? I’m not living in the houses because I’m trying to sell them and marketing a vacant house makes it sell much faster. Plus, many of the houses are not move-in ready. The bills and maintenance is higher in a house rather then renting a room like we’re doing now. And its a waste of time and money moving around only to have to move again in a couple of months because I lost the house to foreclosure.
Serin’s personal eccentricities: his habitually unkempt haircut, his carrying a purse, and his obsession with juicing.
Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. Big difference.
Inability to reconcile his purported Christian faith with his actions, particularly his mooching off his family and in-laws.
I’m not mooching off anybody. I’m paying rent for the rooms and my family willingly helps me with food from time to time. I’m in a time of distress and am blessed to have such great family support.
In addition, more than one website has arisen whose main focus is following Serin’s postings and actions in a critical manner. Serin has referred to these sites as “hater sites”.
That’s right. Haters!
Personal Life
Casey Konstantin Serin is married to […]. His wife does not participate in the blog or other publicity, although publicly-available documents filed with various county offices indicate that she participated in some of the financial deals. In addition, Serin has photographically documented his wife playing a part in some of the alleged rehabilitation of the properties. They currently live with Serin’s sister-in-law in West Sacramento, California.
It’s very obvious that my wife doesn’t want to be mentioned online. Why are some people so determined to violate her privacy by posting her name everywhere? I took down pictures of her shortly after I started the blog per her request. The haters have saved cached versions of the pictures and spread them all over the internet. That’s just not right.
The public record has her name because in order to hold California property in just my name as a married man I must have my wife deed her interest in the property to me upon purchase. It’s a standard procedure and if you know nothing about real estate don’t spread false rumors.
She was involved with my business to a degree. She went with me to some of the seminars and helped me do some of the account and administrative work. She also tried supervising contractors one time but that didn’t work out very well. She was not on any of the loans except for the one in Dallas where the lender insisted to have both of us on there. Aside from that this whole real estate thing has been pretty much my baby.
Themes and Catch Phrases
Serin is very fond of using catchphrases and buzzwords on his blog, perhaps as a by-product of his preference for get-rich-quick gurus over conventional education. He frequently talks about finding “sweet deals”, “repaying every dirty penny”, and “falling forward”. These phrases are often mentioned sarcastically in his blog’s comments, generally mocking Serin’s exuberant optimism. Serin also likes to end postings with a cheerful “It’s all good!”, even at the end of a post that otherwise describes a situation of utter financial ruin.
There are also numerous references to Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill on his blog, which stem from a post on November 21, 2006, in which Serin reproduced, but later withdrew, a photo of a recent bank statement. His blog’s readers immediately spotted that despite his dire financial predicament, he was still a regular customer at these establishments. With almost no money in his checking account, Serin had incurred numerous overdraft charges, and had essentially been paying upwards of $38 for a drink that normally cost less than $5. Since then, the names of these two restaurants are repeatedly cited in attached comments — usually with the intention of symbolizing examples of luxuries that Serin cannot realistically afford, but to which he nonetheless feels entitled.
I’ve already explained the Macaroni grill and Jamba Juice. As far as “catch phrases”, those are part of my regular speech. I write this blog in a conversational style. I’m not trolling, just being real.
As you can see my Wikipedia entry is filled with highly biased opinions, inacruate information, and assumptions. This is hurting my reputation and I consider it libelous. I love Wikipedia but we need to do our part to keep it fair and balanced. Don’t just read, jump in and edit.
March 14th, 2007 at 2:40 am
They really socked it to you this time. That was pretty harsh.
By the way, why did you delete my post from yesterday????
I said nothing that was offensive nor untruthful.
I am hurt.
I am now truly a “hater”.
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy
Trailer Flippin Guru and member of the “Haters Club”
ps. my anti-spam word of the day is “letsdoit”. I mentioned this to Lucy last night and BAM, I scored…
March 14th, 2007 at 2:40 am
Well written and pretty convincing… I do hope you attain your goal. Keep an open mind.
-Ex hater
March 14th, 2007 at 2:51 am
But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill. Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!
Actually, yes it does. Not just for the obvious reasons that you’re “living a normal life” at someone else’s expense, but because you have a moral responsibility towards your lenders to cut your personal expenses to the bone - if only to show that you’re serious about your financial predicament. Everything you describe in that passage I’ve quoted - literally everything - is a luxury that you can’t afford. (In any case, what’s “normal” about wheatgrass shots and soy lattes?)
Quite apart from anything else, if you do end up in court, your lifestyle will come under intense scrutiny - and if it looks as though you were trying to carry on as normal without taking your creditors into account, this will be reflected in any judgement against you.
So you’re being incredibly short-sighted as well as totally selfish - and those trips to Jamba Juice may end up costing you dear.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:01 am
In fairness, the Wikipedia entry is completely biased against you. I do however think that you need to accept some of the criticism that was levelled against you.
eg, you have commited mortgage fraud, even if it was unknowingly.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:09 am
The current Wikipedia entry looks factual to me. I see no need to edit it.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:13 am
“I myself don’t want to get involved because I don’t want to be accused of trying to spin my story.”
And then you begin to spin your story. And how quickly it doth spin.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:20 am
“…The problem I have is that the entry is highly skewed toward making me look bad..
Actually, I think it is more your actions
(and inactions) that make you look bad.
antispam “millions” (in debt??)
March 14th, 2007 at 3:49 am
>My income was just shy of doing a full-doc loan so we had to go stated-income. The income was stated a little higher then I was really making in order to qualify.
How much did you say you were making?
>I bought the house slightly under value ($330K) with built-in $30K of equity which I chose to cash-out right at purchase by buying at full appraisal value of $360K with 100% financing.
California state law only allows a maximum of 3% cashback at closing. And the lender needs to be aware of it. If you would have informed the lender, you couldn’t finance more that 339,900 on this property.
>By the way, I applied for Burdett property while still being employed at Pride Industries but had to use a stated income loan again. The stated income was within reasonable parameters for my job title
Did you use the same amount of exaggeration on this deal too? If not, how much did you claim you were making on the Burdett financial application?
>In early January 2006 I took a 3 week leave of absence from my job at Pride Industries and flew with some investors to Albuquerque, New Mexico, which was a hot area for investing. There I put two houses under contract (Sonora Way and Guadalajara).
How much did you claim you were earning when you got these loans?
>I also had a side business doing freelance web design, web application development and hosting. I’ve have been doing the web business on and off for the last 10 years.
People hired you as a web consultant when you were 14? Or are you counting your pyramid scheme as part of your web work history?
You skipped over your employment status for Muncy, Larchmont and Utah.
You also state “See my explanation of employment above. I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount.”
Yet you also state “We also used the money for living expenses since this was our main business during 2006.”
In other words, you had no income during the period in time when you bought most of the houses. You didn’t just exaggerate your income, you invented your income.
I am amazed that you “ethics” prevent you from editing the Wikipedia page on you, yet the same “ethics” allow you to commit multiple cases of felony theft.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:51 am
Casey, do you have guts to post this comment?
it does not damaging your reputation, it’s a fact.
you already spin in your blog, it’s ll positive support in Wikipedia from us already.
you are not a trump, not 1% of it.
so how much did you get the cash “under the table” from each deal??
a trip to hawaii?? geeez, you are a waste
March 14th, 2007 at 4:35 am
You have way to much free time on your hands. This is probably because you do NOT have a JOB.
Get real and get a JOB.
Stop the dicking around and go to work at a JOB.
you will probably not post this because you don’t want to hear the truth.
March 14th, 2007 at 4:47 am
I’m appalled that your defense of 90% of what’s written about you doesn’t actually dispute the core truth. Just blather on and on and maybe we won’t notice that you’re not actually saying much substantive in your response to these entires. You don’t dispute:
-You did lie about your income
-You did lie about your intent to reside at the houses
-You did take more than the legal percentage of cash back at closing
-You DO still refuse to get a full time job (W-2) even though your desire to somehow make this work on your own terms isn’t working. The debt load IS the problem. Address it.
-You STILL believe you are somehow entitled to a life (and starbucks and Macaroni Grill) even though you broke the law and destroyed a lot of people financially including yourself.
I will personally see to it that the Wikipedia article retains its TRUTH. You want people to pad it up and use lots of nicey nice terms but actually this will have a reverse effect. Your critics will see to that.
March 14th, 2007 at 4:51 am
I think it is your own description that needs editing. This can’t be right.
“I was employed at Pride Industries for over a year (Since Aug 2005) making $50,000/yr salary when I applied for the Calla Way, Sacramento house in October 2006.”
October 2006? That’s got to be wrong.
March 14th, 2007 at 4:53 am
Casey, a college education does not make someone a better “employee”. College encourages teamwork as well as individual achievements, personal goals and follow through. It also fosters maturity to the younger students. Most importantly, it proves that an individual can see to the end, a long 4 year or longer commitment. I have a bachelors degree and it’s the bare minimum to even get people to take you serious in most occasions. Sure you can get wealthy without a degree and I’m not wealthy by any means but a proper education is never a bad thing. If you had gotten a good education, you most likely would not have made the many mistakes that you did.
You claim to have gotten an education by RE hucksters but what did that get you? Millions in debt and nothing to show for it.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:11 am
It really looks like you are trying to revise your history in order to create an image in your mind of nothing more than a failed businessman. Why do life’s little facts boggle your little mind so much??? You have the same problem as anyone else who seeks out fame and fortune by placing themselves in the public eye. When you seek out public affection and acceptance you also open yourself up to public criticism and scrutiny. From what I’ve read on Wikipedia and your blog, if anything the article is nothing more than brutal in its honesty and objectionism. Could it be that your fragile little self-ego is hurt by reading what is so obviously true?? You are a failure by any standard no matter what little positive attitudes you can come up with that simple truth remains. The one thing you’ve done that seems to be working is posting about what a complete and utter failure you are in every other aspect of your life!! Its a vicious circle ain’t it boy?
asw success Just too damned funny!!
March 14th, 2007 at 5:17 am
Casey, you’re still under this complete delusion that you “made” $30,000 on Calla. The ONLY — and I mean, ONLY — reason that you sold it at the price you did was because you agreed to buy the seller’s Burdett property at a ridiculously high price. I think the rest of your Burdett story confirms that.
The fact that you simply cannot grasp these fundamentals is proof that you are simply too stupid to be in real estate, or perhaps anything else. You are truly too stupid to live.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:22 am
Gee, Casey… I’m working on so many of my own projects like you, I just dont have any spare time for anything considered “work.” You will have to edit it yourself.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:23 am
You still don’t seem to grasp the fact that ignorance and bad “professional” advice isn’t a valid defense to any of the charges that are leveled against you.
You’re still trying to sweep away all the criticism of your behavior (your sweet cash back at closing under the table deals, consistently overstating your income, consistently claiming owner-occupied status on mortgage applications) under the rug by chalking it up to “I didn’t know it was wrong, so it’s not my fault.”
If you did any one of those things one or two times, then maybe you’d have a few more sympathetic ears. Sure, sometimes buyers will be encouraged to fudge a bit on stated income. Sure, there will always be less than scrupulous investors/flippers who will lie and claim that it’s to be an owner-occupied property, or will work out a sweet deal to get some cash back under the table.
But we’re not talking about isolated incidents in your case, here and there. You systematically and methodically abused the system at each and every point, overstating your income for nearly every property you purchased, cooking up sweet cash back deals for every property you purchased, and claimed owner-occupied status for every property you purchased.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you truly didn’t know one of the above was illegal. Maybe your “professional” advisors truly didn’t know that another of the above was illegal.
But it’s next to impossible to believe that you were blissfully unaware that every single action you did that allowed you to purchase all those properties was, to some extent, completely and utterly illegal.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:28 am
I had to stop after the first paragraph, where you already had a misnomer:
he was unable to sell before his money ran out.
should be:
he was unable to sell before the cashback money he obtained from the loans ran out.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:29 am
There ya go. If you have a problem with the Wikipedia entry you can go there and follow their instructions.
Actually, I am surprise your entry hasn’t already been deleted since you probably don’t meet their guidelines for notability.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:31 am
Perhaps you should focus on how incredibly screwed you are and how to fix it, rather than worrying about what people are writing about you on Wikipedia.
You’re such a narcissist. Get a job.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:32 am
Also…why would you tell people to go edit the Talk page?
March 14th, 2007 at 5:34 am
Actually, I thought the Wikipedia entry was a fairly accurate summation of information you’ve posted over the past six months.
ASW: winwin
March 14th, 2007 at 5:37 am
Dude, you crack me up.
You ARE spinning the facts. Maybe it seems real in your diluded mind, but to 99% of us, actions speak louder than words.
You LIED about your income on some of those loans.Might have been true on loan #1, but not by loan #8.
You LIED about living in each home so as to get more financing.
Playing loose with the truth is ok when trying to hook up in a dating web site. It is AGAINST THE LAW on a Federal home loan application.
If you took the time, you would have seen the wording 8 DIFFERENT TIMES as you got each mortgage. It is quite explicit. You had to sign 8 pieces of paper saying you read the section about not fibbing.
You basically have laid out the case against yourself. You must think Americas are rich and stupid, and will laugh which will make all this will go away.
You said
“But a job will not make you truly financially independent. ”
Show me a person who has made it themselves without working their brains out at JOB. You either steal it, inherit it, or you EARN it.
Speaking ill of you.
Hey, was it not your hero Donald Trump who said any press is good press? You wanted to be famous. You really ought to enjoy the ride for what time is left. People are talking about you. You may go down in history with the likes of Crazy Eddie and Charles Keating.
Why they have not put the chrome steel jewerly on and had you do the prep walk can only be attributed to lackeys in the AG office. You have done enough damage (to lose 1 house is bad luck, to lose 8 in year is fraud)and with the market tanking, there is no way for you to “hit a homer” on the remaining houses to get you out of this.
There is a saying: “The gears of Justice grind, slow but sure”
ps If I were you, I would not be hanging around the foreclosures on the court house steps. Cash Call may see the same trend the rest of us do…
March 14th, 2007 at 5:37 am
I’ve been following this blog from time to time since it’s inception. Call me a ‘hater’ if you will, but the reason why people are generally PO’d about you is that you’re one of the many reasons why the housing bubble went insane and crashed into a horrible death.
Speculators such as yourself outbid legitimate home buyers and they were forced into high-priced subprime mortgages if they wanted to buy a home. Some people take years to save up the 5%, 10% or 20% money downpayment… but what’s the point of doing that if house prices always appear to increase by 40% every year.
I had friends who scrimped and saved only to find that prices had doubled and now they’re completely priced out of the market.
I was one of the lucky ones who “only paid” $180,000 for his 1400 sq. ft. home (now it’s worth close to $400,000 on the open market) about 3 years ago and everyone kept telling me that I had a “nice starter home, when are you going to upgrade?”. I’m NEVER GOING TO UPGRADE BECAUSE I’M NOT A MORON. I’m even making DOUBLE the salary as I did back then, and I’m making extra prepayments on my mortgage (I’m sure that’s pissing off the banks, lol) so that I can semi-retire comfortably by the time that I’m 40.
I suppose the “real estate investment community” consider people like me to be parasites for not joining in on this little pyramid scheme. I will shed nary a tear as the speculators lose the shirts off their backs. I don’t consider myself the legitimate owner of my house until the mortgage is paid off (unlike most idiots who think their house is some kind of bank machine).
I’m quite certain that had you got into “real estate investing” in 2001 you’d be a multi-millionaire by now. Well guess what, you just got into the Ponzi scheme at it’s peak and it was about to come tumbling down. The old tricks just stopped working.
You should have just bought 2 houses at most and taken the time to care, upkeep and by doing a few things to add value to them. One guy I know flipped houses, but only did this one at a time–he would live in the house for the 6 months it took him to add improvements and then sell at a profit.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:48 am
The Wikipedia article is not nearly as damaging to your reputation as your own writings on this blog.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:55 am
My favorite part:
Serin’s personal eccentricities: his habitually unkempt haircut, his carrying a purse, and his obsession with juicing.
Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. Big difference.
Gotta hand it to you Casey, your positivity is infectious.
“Failure is part of success. Show me one successful person that has not failed a bunch of times (big or small). Failure is how we learn. The goal, of course, is to minimize failure by learning from it and not repeating the same mistake. Determination to succeed is the key ingredient of those who succeed.”
March 14th, 2007 at 6:05 am
How much time did you spend writing this post?
“But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill.”
March 14th, 2007 at 6:07 am
He has been referred to as the “pied piper of financial ruin”
Nice! Lol, I made this up a couple months ago in one of my posts. No one change this in Wikipedia - this is Casey’s movie title - I’am envisioning something along the lines of “Dumb and Dumber”.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:14 am
You’re fooling yourself Casey. I doubt you’ve convinced anyone else.
It’s ironic how you disregard a college education yet end up promoting N.R. @ 16k for 2 years. If you spent the same time and money on a real education, you’d have something to show for it at the end. Your stance that college teaches people to have a job is ridiculous. Anyone with a brain knows junk like N.R. and Russ Whitney are for suckers. I didn’t go to college or graduate high school but even I know that.
“NRU is much more than just some fly-by-night guru seminar.”
Yeah, come back in 5 years and tell us that.
“I do work full-time on my own projects as a self-employed individual and do make some money there and here”
Ok Casey, tell us how much income you’ve made this year so far. To make it simple, round if off to the nearest 100. I bet you would have made more working a minimum wage job. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Post your income so far for this year.
“I’ve have been doing the web business on and off for the last 10 years. I used the business to qualify for all of the loans going forward. Since it was hard to verify income from the business continued to use stated-income loans.”
Give me a break. What did that business report to the IRS? What did you report on line 31 of your Schedule C? That’s all you need to verify. Let’s get real Casey. Your spin might work on the uninformed but do you think the Feds, the IRS or anyone running a real biz will believe you?
“Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
You just don’t get it Casey. There are many people, even people with jobs and not in debt that can’t afford the things you mentioned. You are one of them. You are living above your means.
“Those of you who are telling me I’m a failure because I happen to make a mistake…”
You made much more than a simple mistake. You can’t compare yourself to successes because you haven’t accomplished that whatsoever. Stiffing creditors for several hundred thousand dollars in less than a year is hardly a minor failure. Fact is you haven’t learned anything from that obviously because your modus operandi has not changed one bit over this time.
“I’m not mooching off anybody.”
Hate to tell you Casey, but a 24 year old married man living with in-laws, habitually broke, in massive debt, AND refusing to get a job to earn some real income is pretty much the definition of a moocher. You’re in serious denial there.
You’re also in serious denial about the “haters”. Many of them I’m sure, like myself would like to be supportive of you but you make it entirely impossible. The best thing that could happen to you is to become a “hater” yourself. I have a feeling that anyone who disagrees with your deluded sense of self-worth is a “hater” to you.
Think about it Casey. Who’s wrong? You, or the hundreds of “haters”? I’d say in this case, the people have spoken.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:15 am
I have to call bs on this one:
‘I did run each each loan as an “owner occupied property” or as a “second home” in order to qualify for 100% financing. I didn’t have any other properties at the time and I was buying all of them so fast that the credit report didn’t show all the other loans right away. This allowed me to justify the owner-occupied or second-home status. At the time this seemed OK to me and the professionals I was working with. ”
Saying you would occupy the property in each case was just flat out fraud and you know it. Any defense to this is a lie. Any ‘professional’ that you were working with who had knowledge of your other transactions in progress is guilty of fraud as well. How could it ’seem okay’? If it was okay, the loan applications would not ask the questions they ask. Ask yourself this - if I told the truth, would I have gotten the loans? The answer is a resounding NO. Since you used multiple lenders for simultaneous transactions, there was no way the lenders could have sniffed this out so you can’t blame them for this one. Once you get arrested, this is the thing that will bring you down.
Your friend
Cotton Swaby
Award Winning Commenter
spam word: signhere
March 14th, 2007 at 6:16 am
Nicely done Casey.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:19 am
Man, you really did drink the kool-aid!! Your speech is almost exclusively “guru” or “expert” talk.
Failure is good - NO ITS NOT. It sucks and hurts most of the time.
College teaches you how to be a good employee - Have you ever been to college? Do you know that many offer an entrepreneurial component and even degree?
Marketing a vacant house makes it sell much faster - Not in a soft market with a lot of speculators. You living in it (and having furniture in it) would have provided a “staged” house without you paying someone to stage it. Even renting the other houses would have been a good selling point in a market with so much inventory.
Cash-back at close is a pretty common technique… - Yeah, if you listen to the GURUS.
Casey, you need to think for yourself, and stop speaking this guru talk. The advice is very common, but rarely practical.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:19 am
Speaking of spending other peoples money, when are you going to post your expenditures ledger for 2006 like you said you would?
I’m sure many would like to know where you blew $200k in less than a year.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:20 am
Edit your own damn entry. Stop depending on other people to do things you should be doing YOURSELF.
Quit wasting time on the Web and clean up your own damn mess.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:20 am
This is hurting my reputation and I consider it libelous. Mr. Serin, be very very careful using words you do not understand. Libel would involve ‘discovery.’ Do you know what happens in discovery? You don’t else you would never use the word. You may think that at this point ‘what would it hurt?’ There’s lots left to be hurt if you start blustering. Right now the implosion is mostly selfcontained. Should you choose to escalate, people around you could be engulfed as well. Good job diverting attention from the multiple Cashcall accounts questions.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:24 am
Casey wrote: “I bought the house slightly under value ($330K) with built-in $30K of equity which I chose to cash-out right at purchase.”
The Real Estate gurus are the lowest form of life on the planet and they have warped Casey. Crack Dealers and Real Estate agents at least sell something. People that are too stupid to be a crack dealer will just rob people (and say “I saw a lady who was going to give me a gift, so I just took the purse to get the gift early”). The people that are too stupid to make money in real estate tend to find people even dumber than they are and take thair money…
March 14th, 2007 at 6:31 am
Hi Casey,
“In his early twenties, Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people),”
Wow. I owe you an apology. That explains a great deal. I want to compliment you on knowing how to program. That must have been very hard for you.
Whatever the bias of the Wikipedia article, it HAS succeeded in getting you to address many things which the readers of your blog have repeatedly questioned. Score one for Wikipedia! This is probably your best post and most informative post in the nearly six months I’ve been reading your blog.
The folks at Wikipedia were nice enough to post a favorable photo of you. They could have easily pulled the one of you wearing ‘The Hat.’ Or sitting on that stupid blue ball. Or… well, I’ll put it this way: There have been at least as many unprofessional or ‘doofus’ shots of you as decent ones. (And, as usual, you’re to blame for that.) In that respect, at least, Wikipedia’s authors chose show you in your better light.
Now… was the overall article biased against you? I hate to break it to you kid, but being judgemental and demonstrating a negative bias are two different things. Yes, the article is judgemental. But it’s a judgement that most people agree with. Don’t believe it? Tally up your blog compliments and criticisms sometime. I don’t think you will like the result, but it will at least give you an inkling as to whether it is more likely the Wikipedia author, or you, who is further tilted away from reality.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:46 am
Casey, we, the humanity, are so sorry you view reality in different terms than the rest of us. For us, $2.2 million in debt acquired by shady loans, lies and fraud is, well… fraud indeed.
You are a very corrupt man. Probably has to do with your russian origin. Surely you thought becoming a “kapitalist” would place you squarely above the law in America.
Surprise! It’s not. And that’s what your Wikipedia entry reflects. Reality. Not “your” reality, where a man completely broke and in danger of going to jail can go to Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill because “that’s what normal people do”. You are pretty dumb, Casey. I have a job, and I usually avoid restaurants in order to save money. You don’t have a thing, and believe soy lattes are the norm? Grow up.
Your time is up. Reality is closing in on you, and you’ll soon face the fact that your life is a complete and utter lie fabricated by you in order to avoid the fact that your tiny “mistake” you mention in your entry is, in reality, the last stop in the highway of corruption that is your life.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:51 am
Maybe you should drink the Kool-aid-o-saki instead. I used to have the same exact mentality as you due to reading the complete garbage written by those gurus. They play on people who want to take the easy route, forgetting that it takes REAL work to figure this stuff out.
I am glad I figured it out and did my research before getting in over my head. I am not nearly as dumb as you, but could have been easily as much in debt.
Your honesty is noble, but your stupidity is unbelievable. Good luck my friend, as there is no “whole grain pasta with grilled salmon” in jail….
March 14th, 2007 at 7:14 am
You’re asking people to “jump in an post”?? Are you nuts???
The haters will be all over this like stink on Sputnik’s poop. You think your Wiki entry is bad NOW? Just wait .. you aint seen nothin’ yet!
So what kind of tactics are you using to keep CashCall at bay??
March 14th, 2007 at 7:22 am
Casey - I think people are also mad because many people have lost their jobs this month do to liar loans and the lenders that are now going under because they loaned money to people who refused to pay it back.
Another reason is that you refuse to do any actual work. Even a part time job would provide some income to live off of and pay your rent, etc. You keep saying that you get money “here and there”. People assume this is more fraudulent activity unless you disclose how you got it. How about giving us a breakdown on how you earned all your income last month?
March 14th, 2007 at 7:26 am
Sure some of the things on there are a little bit streached and some things are just assumptions based on history. But the lack of daily meaningful details has only helped to contribute to it. It appears as though there are a great deal of things on there that are accurate, maybe you just don’t like how they are phrased. Part of being a “public figure” is taking the critisims of the general public. You just have to live with it.
On a side note… It does appear as though you are moving forward to get out of this mess. You have a very positive attitude for your situation, but remember to be realistic. The current events will shape the future ones so don’t look past the “now”. Still think your decisions have not been thought through at all, but hopefully your current mentors will force you to work on that. And seriously take Nigels advice and get into a w-2 job.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:27 am
It is all about perception.
People looking in perceive all you have done differently than you. You do not agree with their perception of the information you have given.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:33 am
Tibetan Monk say:
Casey quote: “Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
Normal life mean earn more than spend.
If earn is zero, spend should be zero.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:35 am
Casey, you truly have your head in the sand. Prison would do you well to teach you a lesson you haven’t yet learned. I couldn’t believe I just read all the crap that you just wrote. I’d say that wikipedia entry is pretty much on target about you.
FYI, its a purse, not a man-bag.
This comment cracked me up “Just don’t get too brainwashed.”
Yeah, just like you didn’t get “brainwashed” by all your garbage seminars and the kool-aid fed to you by RK.
Just so you know, the panhandler I saw on the side of the freeway on-ramp today is richer than you.
You NEED to be in prison.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:36 am
Using borrowed money to pay for a trip to Hawaii is, by definition, lavish and extravagant.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:42 am
I have to admit that the Wikipedia entry seems to be largely factually accurate. You seem to have a problem with the ’spin’ of it, but really the truth doesn’t spin, it speaks for itself.
Speaking of spin…
“This is inaccurate. I am paying my personal bills and rent. I am NOT paying credit cards and mortgages because I can’t handle the debt load at this point. ”
Your credit card bill and mortgages *are* your personal bills. *Maybe* you could argue the mortgages aren’t, but the credit card bill is by definition your personal bill.
“Determination to succeed is the key ingredient of those who succeed. ”
Nope. It may be *a* key ingredient. Other suck ingredients are: hard work, ethics and intelligent decision making.
“Colleges teach you how to be a good employee.”
Actually, colleges teach you applicable skills for both salaried and self-employment. The successful entrepreneur without a college education is the *exception*, not the rule. This is why such a big deal is made of those who have made successes of themselves without a college education.
The overwhelming majority of successful entrepreneurs have a college education, worked a *gasp* W2 job for several years to accumulate the capital to *ethically* start a business and (this is the important bit) WORKED THEIR BUTTS OFF. EVERY DAY. FOR YEARS. And when they ran into financial difficulty, they *tightened* their belts. They went without. If they failed *they* fell forward by working to fix what was wrong, not by vacillating about it and watching their own life as though it was a spectator sport (going to your own foreclosure auctions? Seriously?)
March 14th, 2007 at 7:48 am
Hi Casey,
I’m a tad curious. Since you were obtaining loans for ten to twenty percent more than the actual purchase amounts, you should have netted something like $300,000. Can you account for all that cash?
It’s not in your bank account, and I’m not seeing it in the home repairs you did. Did you transfer money to friends or relatives to hide it? I hope you realize how illegal that would be, and that if there is ever an investigation, the investigators are going to expect a full accounting of what you did with all that extra money.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:48 am
lol your wiki entry has been updated with the picture in this post
it wasnt me!
I love the “(a group that employs mentally disabled people)” description about casey’s former employer.
The wiki entry really is a work of art.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:52 am
“marketing a vacant house makes it sell much faster.”
You obviously have no clue about real estate–have you ever heard of staging a home? That’s when you put some furniture (but not clutter or personal items) in the rooms so that it sells faster and for more money. So no, a vacant house doesn’t sell much faster. See the link below:
March 14th, 2007 at 7:52 am
Casey, once again, this is what you get for making yourself a public figure, I warned you about this, and now here you are crying about it. Fame, ain’t it a b**** ?
March 14th, 2007 at 7:56 am
You are a liar of immense proportion. The only difficulty I have is in determining if you are trolling, delusional, or so utterly lacking in moral values that you think what you are doing, or have done is acceptable. Gawd man, wake up! You and you family should be hiding in shame.
First of all, you used “Liar Loans”. You had to because you
had no money to “invest”.
CS: “I bought the house slightly under value ($330K) with built-in $30K of equity which I chose to cash-out right at purchase by buying at full appraisal value of $360K with 100% financing.”
No, the truth of the matter is, there were no buyers at the $365k listed price, so it was not worth that much, so you were able to get the seller, a lender, and an appraiser to go along with your crooked scheme. You got $360K loan on a $330k house, if it was worth that much, then you pocked the $30k, illegally I might add. Then you traded the house as you already knew it would not sell for $360k. And now, that house is in foreclosure. Surprise! Your slight of hand may fool some, but it will not fool all.
CS: “See my explanation of employment above. I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount.”
Yes, you did lie. You swore that you were employed, and that assumes you have an employer, and did not.
CS: “I did run each each loan as an “owner occupied property” or as a “second home” in order to qualify for 100% financing. I didn’t have any other properties at the time and I was buying all of them so fast that the credit report didn’t show all the other loans right away. This allowed me to justify the owner-occupied or second-home status. At the time this seemed OK to me and the professionals I was working with.”
You lied to the lender, telling them it was intended to be owner occupied, when there was no such intent. That is purely and factually a lie.
CS: “Yes, I got cash back at closing through different methods. Sometimes disclosed on the closing statement, sometimes not. Either way I didn’t realize this was fraudulent behavior, I just thought the lenders didn’t like it. I definitely didn’t think I was committing any kind of a crime.”
Right! I knew how to work the system to get cash back; it is a SCHEME I learned in the guru seminars, but I didn’t know it was illegal. How would I have known that lying when you swore to tell the truth was fraudulent? Really, I didn’t know that lying was wrong, even thought I am very public about my religious devotion. You were lying with the intent to deceive, for personal gain no less. That is criminal Casey, face up to it.
CS: “Cash-back at close is a pretty common technique among the real estate investors and associates that I collaborated with at the local investment clubs”.
That is because you associate with bottom feeders, not investors. Your statement is synonymous with saying, the guys I hang with steal cars and strip them of parts, so I didn’t know it was wrong. I just thought it was acceptable as my “associates” do it.
CS: “I never intended to commit any kind of fraud by taking the cash out”.
Yeah right! Then why did you seek deals on non-performing homes, where the seller would agree to go along with your scheme? Kind of telling isn’t it? It was not a mistake Casey, it was planned. You planned to buy houses, pocket the cash back, and resell the house WITHOUT doing any upgrading or remodeling. It is just that you greed blinded you to the fact that such unearned increments would not last forever.
CS: “Chapter 7 bankruptcy doesn’t prevent foreclosure, it simply delays it 1-3 months. The secured lenders still have the right to liquidate the asset and will exercise that right in order to minimize loses.”
No kidding. Maybe you though you could declare bankruptcy and the houses would be yours for having taken such a hit. But the reality is, the idea of filing bankruptcy was not to save your properties, the crooked manner in which you acquired them pretty much excluded that, rather it was to discharge that mountain of debt, which will eventually require you to file bankruptcy anyway. It’s just that you are delusional and prefer to do it the hard way.
CS: “Perhaps the apartment idea was a bit extreme. But what am I going to gain be being a pessimist??”
It is not pessimism that is the problem, it is realism!
CS: “Everybody is quick to judge and since they have already made up their minds about me, everything I do is going to be “shady” to them.”
That is because everything you have done is “shady”, or illegal. Sometimes it is easy to judge a book by its cover. When I see Charlie Manson, I kind of have an idea what he is up to, no good.
CS: “with the help of a credit partner”?
Who prey tell would be that stupid? It must be a shell person, or someone without assets who pretends to have assets, or someone on drugs?
CS: “My goal was to continue doing real estate and other types of investing with my corporation.”
Yeah right, it worked out sooooo well, why stop?
Casey, there is no need to go on. It is glaringly obvious that the Wikipedia article is more than fair. In fact, it should only be edited one more time, to document the prosecution of your crimes. They should include the part where you tell the judge, “I didn’t know it was illegal to lie when I swore to tell the truth”.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:57 am
Casey, you look like one of the “DUMB AND DUMBER” in the movie.
Are you relate to them??
March 14th, 2007 at 7:59 am
3. Saucy Matilda
Well stated!
March 14th, 2007 at 8:01 am
I see you wish to arouse more hater comments with this entry.
I agree with you that you have right to your privacy. Unfortunately, this so-called americans have forgotten that. One of the hater site I visited recently made me sicker than your action. They attempt to tap into your loan situation by “noseying” around a lender website. The justification for that, shamelessly by that the hater was “because the lender site allows it, and they should be blamed for not protecting the client privacy.”. That to me, is as lame an excuse as you, Casey, with all the mortgage application. It’s there, so I can do it. You see Casey, karma is coming back to haunt you with the shady dealings.
I don’t have problems with you making mistakes. It’s the way you shamelessly attempt to justify your actions and continue to make shady deals. Instead of say, grow your web application business, you want to set up a corporation to pay for your personal debt. This corporate credit was questioned even after many warned you about the shadiness behind it. You attempted to send a shady pyramid scheme type of emails to your acquaintences. You continue to make another deal with cash back to float your other deal. Taking out more loans without any thought of repayment. Now this shameless begging on modification of wikipedia just says it all. Frankly, if you don’t want people to bad mouth you, stop doing “shady” business. Your actions speak a lot on how other perceives you. As you said, you can either look at the negative side or the positive side.
Positive side of all the hater comments? The number of hater comments will decline if you are doing the “right” moral thing. If I were you, grow your web business. Remember what RK said in his book, create cash flow positive business. Web business can be one, it doesn’t have to be real estate. You have contancts? ask them if you can act as an affiliate which may generate income for this site. Every bit counts.
So Casey, the choice is yours. If you do the right thing, haters will turn supporters.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:04 am
I don’t even read what you write; I just read the comments.
When may we expect payment?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:09 am
Personally, I like the article for Mortgage Fraud in Wikipedia. The article has a link to your article with the (correct) identification of “Casey Serin - Unindicted poster boy of mortgage fraud.”
March 14th, 2007 at 8:12 am
You have been spinning your story from day 1. All this talk about transparency and honesty? B freaking S. What happened to all those photos you took down? What happened to updating your spreadsheets?
And when someone finally decided to aggregate all the dirty information now you want to turn it into a puff piece?
Your 15 minute notoriety is the result of commiting fraud, being a hypocrite, whining, crying, ceaseless trolling, inability to implement sound advice, and your constant narcisism.
I would say the wiki entry is not negative enough…
March 14th, 2007 at 8:12 am
I have tracked the Wikipedia entry since last fall, and the current entry is relatively tame compared to earlier efforts.
So you’re not denying that the FBI, other law enforcement agencies, and the banks who you borrowed money from have tracked he entries to your blog? And yet you continue to thumb your nose at them? I don’t believe in karma, but I sure believe that actions like that will come back to haunt you!
Now that you’ve offered your “defense,” could you answer some of the questions folks have been clamoring about lately: 1) how do you pay for daily expenses? 2) how’s the credit score look after the foreclosures? 3) how is the job search going? 4) have you given up on the “corporate” scheme? 5) What are the “sweet deals” you keep mentioning?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:19 am
Dude, did you ever consider the multi-year statutes of limitations for fraud and various other legal transgressions?
Why do you keep giving everyone more examples of how you did illegal acts, but weren’t absolutely sure they were illegal?
These would count as admissions if someone ever did decide to prosecute you, and your latest blog post would be far more damning than anything anyone else could write about you.
Obviously, I think the likelihood of your being prosecuted is slim, but why do the D.A.’s work for him/her?
Dude, the average man only has one MAN BAG, and he’s not waving it around in public.
I mean JESUS, if you did end up in jail, and somebody got ahold of that picture of you with a purse, things would not go well at all from that point on.
I can’t wait until the bubble bursts a little bit more, and I can start the I am not facing foreclosure website.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:25 am
Wow. You truly are stupid. Or at least you want us to believe so…
“I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee.”
WRONG. College is a place that offers a variety of experiences. You can learn, become a scientist or screw up and drink your parents money away at the frat/sorority. Education is what you make of it. And obviously you choose to make nothing of your education. Instead choosing “education” from infomercial scammers.
Thing is a decent education in marketing/economics would have had you avoiding most of the fatal errors when you pursued your RE biz. You could have learned by investing just four years of your time and the same amount of money instead of learning the hard way and crashing/burning. How many years is it going to take to dig yourself out now chuckles?
Failure is a part of learning? Really? So I assume then it’s ok to learn how to fly by just getting in there and taking the controls. After a few dozen crashes you’ll probably ace the perfect landing. Or maybe you can learn open heart surgery without going to that stupid brainwashing medical school. After a few hundred dead patients you might just get the hang of it!
The hilarious part is you’re too stupid to see the futility of your own ignorance. Like all idiots…
“The truth is I was a bit desperate to sell Calla Way because I didn’t want to start making payments on it and I knew the market was starting to reverse so I had to act quickly and make the deal work.”
Ahhh… the market is reversing. Hmm… what should I do? I KNOW! Let me buy another SIX houses with money I don’t have using subprime lending! Woohoo!
The truth is Casey saw the market was imploding and felt cheated that he spent all that time and money on “education” only to miss the boat. So he figured the cashback deals would give him a decent return on his money NOW and if everything went south, no biggie. Just let it all foreclose. Sweet!
“Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
Once upon a time I would say that anyone facing foreclosure is not living a normal life for any definition of. And therefore they should stop living a “normal life” like the folks who actually pay their own way. You can’t enjoy the freedoms of adulthood when you’re still suckling on another’s teat for survival.
But since the impending RE meltdown means that a lot of retarded Americans are going to be facing foreclosure, then I guess it’s ok to continue living the normal life since it will very soon be a normal thing for a lot of people!
March 14th, 2007 at 8:26 am
Sorry Casey, you may not like the truth but that Wikipedia entry pretty much sums you up.
You committed fraud and you try to blame it on the “professionals” you “consulted” with. These “professionals” in reality were a bunch of chumps who were attending the same seminars you were, that does not constitute “professional consultation”. Any reputable mortgage broker or real estate agent would have told you that what you were doing was fraudulent. You know it, you just won’t admit it to yourself which is completely humorous because you freely admit it in every post you describe what you did, including this latest one.
Starting a corporation to lend yourself money in order to pay off personal debt IS illegal. No matter what you say, that is what you are trying to do. You have mentioned that repeatedly as a primary goal and have not expressed any detailed business plan describing what this corporation is supposed to do to make money. You have no credit, no means to repay the loan, and would be considered a terrible credit risk by any lender. Any corporate entity lending you money without any operating revenue to cover the loss would be putting corporate assets at extreme risk and acting in an irresponsible manner.
You and people like you are the reason the economy of the United States is on the verge of collapse. Like the dotcom morons and the S&L fraudsters before them you are just part of the current wave of “want something for nothing” losers who abuse the system at every opportunity until it collapses. There should be laws in place to revoke your citizenship and send you back where you came from. You do not deserve to be here.
It disgusts me that people like you are allowed into this country. Your parents and family should be ashamed of you. In many cultures you would have been labeled a pariah and thrown out into the street for what you have done and continue to do. You are a disgrace to your family and your generation.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:40 am
You are some piece of work, kid. Let’s keep it real, shall we?
You did not do the shady loans out of inexperience, you did them out of greed. Pure and simple, easy money-chasing greed.
And you say you don’t want to get involved in the Wikipedia stuff, but then you spend more time on this post than you have on any other post and you’re asking people to edit the entry FOR YOU, so YES, you definitely want to get involved.
Actions, Casey. Actions speak much louder than words. Just because you call yourself an investor doesn’t make it so. Just because you say your intentions were honorable (yeah, like you even know the definition) doesn’t make it so. Just because you SAY you want to pay back every dirty penny DOESN’T MAKE IT SO.
You talk long sh#t and do nothing to back it up. You’re a con artist and a bullsh#itter, Casey. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing and you have a warped sense of self.
And you knew intuitively that over-stating your income to obtain a mortgage was dishonest. I don’t care what you say someone told you (that it was common in the industry) you KNEW that if you stated the proper income you would not get financed. Cut the bullsh#t and keep it real, Casey. This wide-eyed innocent little real estate purchaser act is getting old.
You also did many loans in a short block of time so that each lender would think you were simply mortgage shopping rather than actually trying to obtain 7 freaken loans on 7 different houses.
You’re scheisty, Casey. Just be honest about it. Say, “I was scheisty and now I’m sorry and I’m going to get a job and do everything I possibly can to make this right” and the “haterz” would be right here giving you excellent advice and encouragement along the way. But you want something for nothing like most scheisty people. And you don’t want to make things right, you just want to take the easy road.
Your dishonesty disgusts me. I have a 20 year old son and I’d tell him the same things I’m telling you if he were doing the same things you’re doing. Actually, I’d probably be even harsher with him because he’s my son. Where are your parents in all this? Why aren’t they giving you a backhand and telling you to get a friggen job?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:43 am
One more thing, if the Senate does try to do this: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/.....refer=home
I will personally go and start organizing an activist group to stop people like you from being “helped”.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:45 am
Casey said:
“See my explanation of employment above. I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount.”
You stated income within reason? Are you kidding me? For you to get the loans that you did, you would need to have an income of $100,000+ per year. Somehow I doubt you were pulling in that kind of dough. So I would love to see those income statements posted on here. Go ahead and post what income you stated. You’ve posted EVERY other thing on here why not the most primary of documents? Whiteout everything else and highlight in the Truth and Lending Statement your income. I doubt you have the guts to put this up because you know that you committed fraud.
And you say within reason? So you think fudging the numbers by oh say, $50,000 a year is within reason? Your moral and ethical rubric is so biased to your own self-interest that you don’t even realize it. Now that you see your Wikipedia entry, which after reading the entry seems perfectly reasonable, you gripe about the nuances in it? Maybe they stated the facts within reason using your logic. Why can you and no one else state the facts in different terms?
Then you talk about buying homes with “built in equity” as if this was common real estate practice. This is BS cash out refinancing mumbo-jumbo that is bringing down New Century Financial, NovaStar, and other shady subprime lenders that attend the Casey Serin school of real estate shenanigans. Oh and by the way, this is illegal too but you knew this right?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:45 am
So what is the difference between a “MAN bag” and “purse”? How many men have needed man bags?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:46 am
I humbly disagree with you on what college teaches. College should teach critical thinking and above all should give you the ability to learn.
Also all this “positive” thinking is just denial. Just because you think it’s ok doesn’t make it so. Your positive atitude has no bearing on reality. Now with a bit of critical thinking you’d have escaped the embarasment of chasing after dreams for the past year.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:47 am
One more thing…
This fellow is in similar predicament; http://www.my334442debt.com/ . The thing is he is attempting to do the right things. He prioritize what he can pay and can’t pay (like many of the comments here). He doesn’t “reward” himself with some extravegant dinner. He’s on ramen diet (something I disagree - health is your greatest wealth and ramen is not good for your health). He worked all night for a few nights straight so he can continue to build his business. He tries to sell some of his assets. He considered living in his office for a short duration. See, now that’s a person I can see succeeding in the future.
Meanwhile, you just b**** and complain about haters, spend time looking for deals (utah trip) and thinking more shady methods to take out more loans (corp shell). Any of this actually helping you get out of debt? You post nothing but “negatives”. The positive such as generating income was never mentioned. You want to be a biz owner? then act like one. Build a business, blog it here instead of blogging idiotic trolling topic such as “I reward myself with another juice” or “look at me, I am in Utah”. Blog something like “I am thinking of expanding my web biz, currently I have xxx clients, I see it can be real useful in…”.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:56 am
“History is written by the winners.”
That would not describe you.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:00 am
“The problem I have is that the entry is highly skewed toward making me look bad.”
Sometimes, the truth hurts. Justify your actions all you want, but that doesn’t mean that what you have done isn’t reprehensible.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:04 am
Perhaps the fact that you have a diet identical to a four-legged, four-stomached ruminant would explain the visible effects of wasting evident in your last few photos.
Dude, you’re not a cow. And why are you paying premium prices to eat like one?
Wheatgrass? Yeech. Why don’t you just mow your sister’s yard and toss some of the clippings into a blender?
March 14th, 2007 at 9:07 am
“I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount. I did run each each loan as an “owner occupied property” or as a “second home” in order to qualify for 100% financing. I didn’t have any other properties at the time and I was buying all of them so fast that the credit report didn’t show all the other loans right away. This allowed me to justify the owner-occupied or second-home status.”
1. In one part of this post you say you quit Pride Ind in Jan 06, yet you say the deals were done Oct 06 declaring you were employed. You’re contradicting yourself within your own post.
2. “State my income (within reason)” - you mean you inflated and lied. Don’t use fuzzy language to distance yourself from the fact that you were writing incorrect numbers in order to get loans you knew you didn’t qualify for.
3. “justify the owner-occupied or second-home status” Justify to whom??? Yourself and your lawyer - perhaps. To judges, juries, investigators and readers, this is obviously and blatantly fraud. You can not pretend that you assumed this was OK and everyone was doing it. Maybe everyone using stated doc loans inflated their income a bit (which is not true - I know many who didn’t), but very very few were doing this on multiple properties at once, nor were they claiming they would live in more than one property at a time.
You do realize that your eight properties puts you in the high end of the professional fraudsters, don’t you? People who have done much less are being prosecuted. The majority of mortgage fraud is peanuts - a single deal with overstated income done by one person to get his/her own house to live in. Professionals pulling in millions of dollars of loans in a matter of months puts you in the seriously criminal category, not the naive beginners making a few “oops!” errors.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:12 am
“How can you assume a pattern from one instance of an event? I don’t overdraft my checking account on a regular basis and I rarely go out to eat to nice places. But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill. Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life! ”
Just kind of says it all doesn’t it?
Casey I know millionaires who have never had salmon. Perhaps your ideas of a “normal life” are a bit out of whack.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:14 am
So, what you are saying is that, with the limited information available, the Wikipedia description of your situation is pretty accurate.
I do not recall any case that you cited where the wikipedia version was untruthful. It may have been interpreted differently to the way you would like, but you are probably viewing it from a biased perspective. To you, your actions seem rational and reasonable (or else you would not have done them). To an independent third party, they are not.
Whether it was ‘accepted practice’ to lie on stated income applications, to receive cash-back and to claim owner-occupied status, ALL of these actions fail the stink test. The corporate credit issue also SOUNDS unethical even if it is not technically illegal.
Your big problem is that you have no follow through. The NM property is going to produce a nice profit for someone ELSE because they were willing and able to invest the time and money in refurbishing it properly. You give no evidence of knowing how to manage that sort of work, let alone being willing to do it.
You could have lived in one of your local houses and spent time getting it up to livable condition, which would then have allowed you to sell it for a much higher price than it is now worth. This would have cut your lenders costs and would have given you valuable experience with refurbishment. Instead, you were not willing to make the effort.
Even if most successful people have multiple failures behind them (and I doubt that this is true), having multiple failures does not make success any more likely.
You, sir, are a failure. If you ever want to be anything else, you need to start by accepting your current situation and giving up on your fantasy.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:14 am
“The problem I have is that the entry is highly skewed toward making me look bad”
The problem is YOU DO LOOK BAD. And your continued denial and attempts to put a spin on what you have done is pretty pathetic.
People in millions of dollars of debt that they have no hope of ever repaying don’t continue to eat out regularly and spend discretionary income the way you do. They get a job, eat top ramen at home and work their butts off to get themselves out of their hole.
You, on the other hand, continue to look for ’sweet deals’. You are accurately portrayed as the poster child for the instant gratification generation and the decline in personal responsibility.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:15 am
You didn’t mention that Wikipedia will lock the article and not allow anyone to edit it if it gets revised too many times.
You’re attempting to con people into getting the article locked in hopes that the Wikipedia admins will delete all of the content and make it stub article, which will remove all of the negative comments about you.
The Wikipedia article is the number two hit on Google for the phrase “Casey Serin”.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:15 am
The irony is you can’t control Wikipedia, and I’m guessing no reader of this blog is going to change it to how you want it to be, so it’s only going to make it worse.
Plus now when they google you they get all the juicy details immediately, such is your own fat, and the beast you created.
I think the bottom line is people don’t respect you. And without respect it’s going to be a long hard road to protect your image (especially when you’re not helping it with whiny posts like this)
March 14th, 2007 at 9:18 am
Bottom line, Casey, you’re totally in denial. Evidently you’re too proud to admit that your ‘detractors’ (really people trying to talk some sense into you) might have some valid points.
At the end of your foreclosures you’ll still have a ton of debt to dig out of, and no income, since your income was reliant upon credit which you destroyed.
In other words, you will have a big pit to dig out of. But don’t think people who are trying to talk some sense into you are haters. If they were truly haters they’d just walk away and let you continue on your downward path.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:19 am
It seems like you’ve answered a “negatively-biased” article (Wikipedia) with a “positively-biased article” (Your own account). I’m sure that somewhere in between the haters’ accounts and your account is the actual truth.
BTW man… get some sleep or something! You’re starting to look older than your age…
March 14th, 2007 at 9:27 am
Your denial is surpassed only by your self-absolution.
ASW: sweet
March 14th, 2007 at 9:31 am
“I did not lie about employment but I did state my income (within reason) to meet the debt-to-income ratio for each particular loan amount.”
You LIED about your income to meet the requirements of the loans. If you had told the TRUTH i.e. not LIED, you almost certainly would have been denied the loans.
Yes, you wanted the loans real real bad and your lack of income was going to be a problem so you LIED about it.
“Yes, I got cash back at closing through different methods. Sometimes disclosed on the closing statement, sometimes not. Either way I didn’t realize this was fraudulent behavior, I just thought the lenders didn’t like it.”
Why wouldn’t the lenders like these methods? Maybe because they were, are, and always will be FRAUD? Didn’t any of those classes teach you this. Weren’t you concerned that you were commiting a crime? No, your brain was too busy thinking about all that beautiful lovely money you were going to get.
“I never intended to commit any kind of fraud by taking the cash out and letting the property foreclose. My goal was to make a business out of it. I simply got overzealous and made some beginner mistakes. How many new business owners don’t make any mistakes?”
New business owners often fail but they fail honestly. They don’t turn to fraud to cover up their failures because anyone with brains knows they’ll get caught eventually. Since fraud was your first and only option, you’ll never know if you could have actually been a legitimate success story. Now you’ll forever be a fraud on Wikipedia.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:31 am
Just let it be its only the internet
March 14th, 2007 at 9:52 am
I work for the attorney general of the United States.
So I am really getting a kick out of most of these replies.
Some of you guys are very good at making it sound like you know what you are talking about.
But trust me…. You don’t.
I think you just want to make yourself sound smart, when in reality you dont know what you are talking about.
This is how bad info gets passed around.
If you dont know about the topic….Dont make yourself sound like you do.
Cuz some wikipediers belive anything they hear.
You should totally sue them Casey. You’d win.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:54 am
you did create one problem by self-publishing your information, which probably could vaulting you into the public persona type for purposes of libel. (don’t know the exact laws on that). it’s an uphill battle though. while i could figure out who writes your wiki, i couldn’t say that most of it is fairly accurate by your own statements, even if some might be slightly spun. unfortunately, no one would have known anything about you had you not published this site. nevertheless, i wish you the best.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:54 am
Was your photo professionally done? It’s really good. You almost look like a male model.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:56 am
Casey, congratulations for rediscovering the genius behind your blog. We absolutely revel in what a total idiot you are. Please, keep throwing us bones like that stuff about being entitled to whole wheat pasta with salmon. It really can’t get much better than that, unless you share your new investment ideas with us.
You do realize that entree is going to cost you like $60 because you’re paying for it with very expensive money, right? When will the madness stop? Get a job already! At least there are jobs out there– what will you do when the economy tanks (in no small part because of the greed of uneducated “investors” such as yourself)?
By the way, are you on welfare and food stamps? You poor.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:11 am
I made a picture for you, Casey.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:24 am
National Mortgage News. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s estimate that mortgage fraud costs the lending business $1.2 billion a year is off the mark by more than $3 billion, according to a fraud analyst speaking at the Midwinter Conference in Park City, Utah.”
Wow, Casey, look how much more you could have stolen. You must feel horrible. Oh wait, my bad, it’s all good.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:28 am
I don’t understand why Casey would lie about living in the homes to get a lower interest rate and to then never make any payments. I mean, why bother?
March 14th, 2007 at 10:29 am
Apparently the head of Countrywide is upset guys like you were able to get subprime loans, lie about not living in the properties you bought with them and are now f***ing with their profits and their stock prices. Morillo is not a happy camper…just watch the video.
Watch this and tell me Casey and his family are still going to be enjoying wheatgrass (which you can grow at home on a windowsill and juice in your sweet home juicer…my cats eat the stuff to keep regular and frankly the idea of juicing it makes me gag), whole grain pasta, healthy ground beef and salmon (which you can buy at Costco or some way cheaper place and cook at home instead of mortgaging yourself further at Macaroni Grill or some equally disgusting and overpriced chain restaurant) and prancing around town with your purse/man bag racking up more debt.
Antispam word: sweet (as in ’sweet irony is at work here’)
March 14th, 2007 at 10:39 am
@The Slashdot Report
So no, a vacant house doesn’t sell much faster.
Vacant means no renters living in the home whist it is for sale.
It is easier to sell a vacant house.
Staged or empty.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:48 am
Good Morning!
Wow the haters™ are really after me today. I have had to delete about half of the comments because of the vile and vitriolic nature of them. Please, I am only trying to explain the facts about me and my motivation™.
As you can see by the timestamp on the most recent post, I arried home very late last night from a business meeting™. I thought I had it posted at 5:30 when my business partner™ arrived to pick me up, but I forgot to hit “Enter”. I’ve made a note to try and do better next time™. After all, failure is the first step to success™.
I slept in until about 10 AM after resolving to begin taking better care of myself by getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. I admit I almost™ acheiced that goal™, but about 6 minutes short. On a percentage basis™ I acheived 98.75% of my goal™. Sweet™
I woke up this morning with a very queasy stomach and a massive headache. I hope I am not getting sick. I read somewhere that if you start taking a combination of asparagus root, bolivian mohagony bark extract and fish oil it can help strengthen your immune system. I should make a note™ to remember to do that™ later™.
My whole head is throbbing and I have tried to keep to my modified vegan™ diet. My business meeting was at Ruth’s Chris restaurant and was very productive. I ate a nutricious “special of the house” and brought some leftovers home. In my effort at staying healthy I kept my fluid consumption to several different organic grain extracts (the first few were mainly barley based, and then I tried some purifying potato and Juniper berry extract based beverages).
By the time we left at 1:45 AM I was quite a bit drowsier than I am accustomed to and I felt as if my gross motor skills were begining to deteriorate so I was concerned that I moght be coming down with something.
My new business partner™ explained an exciting opportunity that he is pursuing in the San Fernando Valley area north of LA. I can’t go in to great detail (got to keep a competitive advantage™), but suffice it to say that for a comparatively small initial investment (between $5,000 and $10,000), and coupled with my web-design skills, each increment of $5-$10K could generate $50,000 to $100,000 in gross revenue based upon ad placement and clickthroughs to the web-based business.
Best of all, it does not involve selling or physical inventory, rather it is all marketing based. Sweet™. My partner has some new and innovative ideas of how to differentate his product from many of the others that occupy the same basic business space.
I am somewhat regretting signing the contract he presented me at about 1:30 this morning before having it properly reviewed™ but he assured me that signing it would be in my best interest.
To answer some of the questions I know are sure to follow, he found me quite by chance last week after I posted the Utah photos and thought with my unique look and avant-garde style I would be a natural success.
I’ll update later as details arise. For now I have to tend to my health, so I’ll go make a carrot, mango, spinach and beet juice.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:55 am
“…Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. Big difference….”
Do you keep your big blue balls in your
“man bag?”
antispam winwin
March 14th, 2007 at 11:06 am
I’ll meet you halfway - the portion of the Wikipedia entry dealing with your Real Estate transactions seem to be entirely accurate. The personal aspects - the satchel, appearance, and religion - are opinion and should be off-bounds.
Regarding the Jamba/Macaroni Grill aspect - there’s a difference between living a normal life and living beyond your means. If you’re truly trying to learn from your mistakes and adjust your life accordingly, this would be a small way to start. Googling “latte factor” will bring up a ton of personal finance blogs that will explain how cutting down on the small luxuries add up to a lot in the long run, and don’t really cut down on quality of life.
You should seriously consider applying to be on The Apprentice - http://www.nbc.com/The_Apprentice_5/apply/. If you’re trying to learn and help others through this experience, then you might learn something and at the same time do some good in the long run. And I think your current story gives you a shot at being accepted. Just a thought.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:07 am
Really, the only thing you can’t honestly defend is the “man-bag.” It’s a purse.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:11 am
“Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people)”
I think that statement is unintentially funny. And an insult to mentally disabled people everywhere.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:17 am
Oh freaking WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! You don’t like forums where you can’t control the message. Stop being a little b**** .
“business owner / entrepreneur / investor” You are none of the above. You don’t own a business and you’ve never invested any of your own assets to build one. You’re a child playing with other peoples’ money
March 14th, 2007 at 11:21 am
“Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. Big difference.”
Man bag is a colloquial expresion for scrotum. Murse, scrotum, big difference.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:34 am
The wikpages are missing some facts:
Like the time you tried to swindle your own family and friends with that 24% guaranteed return rate right as you found out you were facing foreclosure.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:46 am
Please post info regarding what amount of income you stated, especially on the houses that you bought after you quit your job at PRIDE. Let us decide if you merely exaggerated your income, or you totally falsified it. Either way was equally immoral, I just wonder how brazen you were.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:47 am
I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee. Nothing wrong with that because everybody needs to have a job for stability at some point in their lives. Going to college will make you more employable and you will make more money. But a job will not make you truly financially independent.
Well, Casey, this blanket, sweeping statement about what a university education provides truly demonstrates your ignorance. I’m really sorry you “drank the Kowalski Kool-Ade” and bought his line about higher education being a waste of time.
For instance there’s physics class, where one might learn such important lessons as “what goes up must come down”, and “energy can neither be created or destroyed, only converted”, two lessons which may have helped you stay out of the deep doo-doo that is now staining your trousers.
Or let’s take economics. “There is no free lunch.” Except for that pasta and salmon, right Casey?
Or maybe history. In history class one can learn of how many empires fell and many nations were conquered because of the delusions held by important figures within those magnificent but oh-so-temporary states. Ring any bells? Then of course, one can peruse the stories of the South Sea bubble and the Dutch Tulip bubble. I suspect those stories would be new to you, Casey.
I feel sad seeing your generation buy age-old snake oil and think it’s new wine in a new bottle. Maybe attending a few classes would start to turn things around for you, when you realize how badly deluded you are about most everything.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:50 am
LOL you worked at a place that hires retards:D
March 14th, 2007 at 11:53 am
“you have commited mortgage fraud, even if it was unknowingly.”
If Casey committed mortgage fraud, the banks committed much worse - especially the employees of banks who were charged with and compensated for the responsibility of disbursing loans to qualified applicants. Obviously, Casey was not a qualified applicant - he should not have qualified for those loans in the first place.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:08 pm
“Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people)…”
This just made me laugh out loud.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:10 pm
I like the new entry in Wikipedia:
“On March 14, 2007, Serin asked his supporters, most of whom exist entirely in his imagination, to rewrite this Wikipedia article because he felt it was too negative towards him.”
Oh my God, this is a gut buster!! HAHAHAHA
March 14th, 2007 at 12:20 pm
Well, Casey, this blanket, sweeping statement about what a university education provides truly demonstrates your ignorance.
Why would anyone who wasn’t actually mentally retarded believe a word of what Casey says about higher education?
What does he know about it? What can he possibly know about it? He’s never studied for a degree - if he had, he’d know that it’s about the exact opposite of “teaching you to be a good employee”: it’s actually about teaching you to think for yourself and to argue your case in your own words.
Maybe if Casey had studied for a proper degree instead of memorising Kiyosaki’s mantras for later regurgitation he wouldn’t be in his present mess - but the fact that he has so demonstrably been such a miserable failure makes it doubly hilarious that he thinks that his opinions on education have any merit.
If anything, the Casey saga illustrates just how important it is to have a decent, rounded education!
March 14th, 2007 at 12:23 pm
Weird - your Wikipedia write up mentions nothing of that fact that you are a vegan that eats dairy and eggs.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:23 pm
LOL LOL that is perfect!!! what is funny is that you are all butt hurt about the entry and it is 100% accurate. You may not like it but oh man I am still chuckling. I love how they included your need to always have a purse!!!
And I knew Pride industries was a manufacturing facility to help mentally challanged people. But that you worked for them added a very funny undertone. Best post in months.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
Dread Pirate?
Very few people work *For* the AG. I just had lunch with an AAG a few hours ago.
Lawyer, Economist, or Staff?
March 14th, 2007 at 12:32 pm
“I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee.”
Nobody is this stupid. Casey, who told you this lie? Somebody had to as you are too dumb to make this up.
“Yes, I got cash back at closing through different methods. Sometimes disclosed on the closing statement, sometimes not. Either way I didn’t realize this was fraudulent behavior, I just thought the lenders didn’t like it.”
Welp, I guess you’re not responsible for your behavior then, right snowflake??
Oh, and after reading Wiki I concur with the other posters here in saying that it is plenty accurate. Ah, the musings of a 24-year old. Sometimes ya just can’t beat the entertainment of the entitled generation.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:33 pm
No LOL for me today.
I agree w/ the university grad (#115).
Well… ok, maybe just one LOL @ “juice” the anti-spam word.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:35 pm
There’s no need to do short sales on the last two houses. Just get them re-appraised at a higher value, and refinance! Soon you’ll be able to sell them at the higher value and make all of your money back, and then some.
It’s a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn’t buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their property will continue its 30% yearly price increase.
Renters, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 starter home in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.
This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:37 pm
Here is the whole story in a nutcase, excuse me, I meant to say, in a nutsack, excuse me again, in a nutshell (phew!)
Casey: “I’m in lender-ignore mode.”
Only in lender-ignore mode can you go to starbux, macaroni grille and manboy juice or whatever it’s called. When the lenders present you with the court papers and lender-ignore mode is no longer possible, then this will begin to get real for you. Until then, it’s all just a story. I don’t blame you for wanting the story to have a happy ending, maybe you’ll get lucky and even have a “happy finish”.
investor relation
March 14th, 2007 at 12:39 pm
You cannot curb inertia. You are the poster-child of what is wrong with the industry as a whole and being made out to be a sacrificial lamb.
The truth never gets in the way of the legend. Don’t you know? Do you think Leonidas and his 300 battled a million Persians? Probably more like 100,000 but nobody cares now.
The only way around this problem is to dig yourself out, become a success story instead of a cautionary tale and prove in the end, everyone wrong.
Quit whining and take like a Spartan.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:40 pm
here’s a valuable lesson i learned in college that you should try, casey.
Take all the real estate guru books, cd’s, dvd’s you’ve amassed and sell them on ebay. take the money and pay your friend back as much of the $2,000 as possible.
when that money is burning a hole in your pocket, avoid rewarding yourself like the plaque.
March 14th, 2007 at 12:47 pm
My brother is developmentally disabled. However, he has enough sense and morals to pay back his debts. Pride Industries is better off without you.
ASW= (you need to give the) cashback…
or at least explain where it all went. Inquiring minds need to know.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:00 pm
casey, I may have a solution to your problems. I will secure financing for you, in exchange for a fee after you get approved for. Sound fair? I don’t ask for a dime up front.
I am a consultant, and I really think you are my kind of client. I will trust you to pay me my share, but with all the money you get, you could pay down your debts, and invest in some better opportunities. What do you think?
March 14th, 2007 at 1:08 pm
You need to get a job and work on supporting your family and paying down the debt.
Worrying more about a your wiki entry shows how shallow, self-centered, egotistical and narcissistic you are.
Get over yourself. And get a job, hippy.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:13 pm
Casey my man, don’t forget, today is Steak and BJ Day! Opps, sorry, I guess you won’t be getting either. lol….
Dude, get real. The Wiki is just the facts. Don’t like them? Change them! Get a job and bail your a$$ out.
Who exactly is Gary anyways? You still haven’t answered the question.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:20 pm
Hmmm. Well, I must say I’m actually going to back Casey on this one… amongst all the negativity seen.
You are all here for some reason. If he sucks so bad then why waste your time even commenting? You know who you are you two-pagers.
For me- I’m actually becoming quite fond of this blog because it puts some entertainment and PERSONALITY into well, a rather dull industry that through work- yes, my JOB, I have to research.
So, if you keep up the Casey-bashing (excluding any {quasi successful} witty banter) then he might actually stop blogging and…. GET A JOB.
Oh NO!
Then whose woes will we be glad we don’t have??????
March 14th, 2007 at 1:27 pm
Casey, good luck to you! A couple of questions: Do you sleep with that bag strapped across your chest? Does it contain your toothbrush, change of clothes and teddy bear? It seems to be with you at all times.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:35 pm
Wow, I had no idea that Pride Industries mostly employs disabled people (as one previous poster noted). I think that explains a lot about young Casey– he may, in fact, have some kind of mental disability that either makes it impossible for him to think rationally, or makes him exceptionally gullible. We should all be compassionate towards him, instead of constantly criticising!
March 14th, 2007 at 1:37 pm
Enough about G’s privacy. You have no problem letting the names of hatters slip through the cracks. You’ve been doing it for months friend.
At least be consistent either way.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:44 pm
To all you Casey Supporters:
If you’re wondering why us “haters” are pissed off at Casey and stupid people like him. It’s because we might have to pay the bill for managing our money responsibly. Here’s the article:
Casey is the poster boy for this crap. And now the government is actually thinking of bailing out these people. If this happens, I for one will be leaving this craphole country. I refuse to pay the bill for some idiot who decided to sign a contract and get themself into something they couldn’t handle. This is the exact reason why this country is going down the toilet while our deficit keeps rising
March 14th, 2007 at 1:46 pm
So, what you’re saying, for example, is that you didn’t LIE about your income on the loans, it’s just that you didn’t state the truth? That really clears things up.
I am, as are others, also interested in what you inflated your income to on the loan apps, and suspect that it must be high else you would’ve thrown the number out there already.
March 14th, 2007 at 1:58 pm
“Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people)…”
I burst out laughing when I read that. The laugh resembled that laugh Kiyosaki had when he heard Casey’s story. Remember that episode?
Why isn’t the Wiki entry mentioning some favorite episodes like the ponzi scheme that’s still on Google Groups (Usenet)?
Or how about the PRLinkBiatch saga? That was fun.
And the meeting Casey had with Robert Kiyosaki? Before that meeting, Kiyosaki was mentioned in glowing terms… after that meeting, our hero no longer mentions Kiyosaki.
And Casey, after reading about your Pride Industries job… everytime I remember that picture of you with the Dr. Seuss hat, I now think of Special Ed from Crank Yankers.
March 14th, 2007 at 2:38 pm
Your veracity is tainted by mendacity, and a little bit of audacity.
Not a hater, but now firmly believe you need some prison time. Not because it will straighten you out. Just because…
Maybe because it will shift your focus from worrying about your credit score. (Talk about the tail wagging the dog!)
March 14th, 2007 at 2:56 pm
You are absolutely right. You have been cruely libeled, and your reputation is in tattters. Casey Serin is probably
the kindest, bravest, warmest, most selfless human being
I have ever known.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Hate to break the news to ya, but that Wikipedia article is spot on. And frankly it’s only going to get worse when you invite people to edit it some more.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Your ingnacious will fire the blue.
I see jail for you.
You are done.
March 14th, 2007 at 3:38 pm
In his early twenties, Serin was working as a php script programmer for Pride Industries. (a group that employs mentally disabled people)
March 14th, 2007 at 3:56 pm
I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee. Nothing wrong with that because everybody needs to have a job for stability at some point in their lives. Going to college will make you more employable and you will make more money. But a job will not make you truly financially independent.
This just reveals how little you know about education and about the way the world works. You’ve bought your gurus lines about education being something for “the masses with jobs.”
I live in a town with an Ivy League university. All around town there are “Tech parks” full of offices in which very smart people who got very good education are running startup businesses in various technologies. Many of them have patented actual products. They are the true “Idea Men” (and they are not all men).
I know people who used their educations to develop tech projects they licensed to huge corporations and now live off the proceeds. I know people who used their educations to write amazing books that allowed them to go travel the world for several years. My husband education got him a position in which he gets given money to do something he loves and would do for free if he could. My education gave me skills that not only back up my hobbies but have allowed me to walk into multiple workplaces when I need that darn “9-5 job” and get paid to do something I find fun and interesting.
When you parrot back your line about education and what it is and isn’t, you come across as an ignorant fool who wanders around sputtering about “financial independence” with no idea what the words actually mean. You’re full of sound and fury and you signify nothing.
March 14th, 2007 at 4:05 pm
But you don’t get it #131 Tom, NJ.! Casey wants all that stuff NOW, not in fifty years when he’s old like you are! This is exactly the kind of “saving for the future” brainwashing he’s trying to avoid! While you were risking your life welding iron, Casey was kickin’ back and gettin’ rich like a passive-income magnet!
March 14th, 2007 at 4:33 pm
@ 97. Dead Pirate
DP: “I work for the attorney general of the United States. So I am really getting a kick out of most of these replies. Some of you guys are very good at making it sound like you know what you are talking about. But trust me…. You don’t.”
Sorry, I don’t trust you, I think you are a Troll. Given the current situation in the US AG’s office, it is difficult to believe that any sane person would volunteer over the internet that they were employed in that branch of the government, at least at this point in time. You do read don’t you? And just what is your capacity? Which region do you serve? Are you a lawyer? Do you prosecute cases? Care to provide some proof?
The AG, and the President, have very recently acknowledged that “mistakes were made in the AG’s office.” There are claims of incompetence, and claims of evil doing. Could you be one of the employees to whom they refer?
Secondly, how is it that you are you able to speak for the State AG’s office, or even the DA for that matter? Have you thought about that? A lot of the real estate fraud is handled at the State and local level. So, what exactly is your expertise on that subject?
And finally, in that others on this blog are so dumb, and you are so smart, maybe you could actually give some factual information that supports your position? Please tell us why Casey should not, or will not be prosecuted.
March 14th, 2007 at 4:50 pm
Does Casey remind anyone of Zoolander with that unshaven, model-esque “Blue Steel” pose, plus his obvious slight mental retardation?
March 14th, 2007 at 5:14 pm
“But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill. Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
What an incredibly irresponsible sense of entitlement. This sums up your entire character, thoroughly flawed, morally bankrupt, bordering or sociopathic, and bearing little hope of reform. You belong in prison.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:20 pm
Look, you metrosexual dandy, your debt is increasing by $700 a day. Why don’t you get a job instead of sitting around, being amazed by yourself.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:34 pm
“Either way I didn’t realize this was fraudulent behavior, I just thought the lenders didn’t like it. I definitely didn’t think I was committing any kind of a crime. ”
Either way I didn’t realize rape was a crime. I just thought women didn’t like it. I definitely didn’t think I was committing any kind of crime.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
5 fradulent loans * 20 years a pop = 100 years in the joint + 5 Million in fines.
A Russian Gulag is going to sound like heaven when the judge pounds that gavel.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:35 pm
“I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee. Nothing wrong with that because everybody needs to have a job for stability at some point in their lives. Going to college will make you more employable and you will make more money. But a job will not make you truly financially independent.”
Three letters: MBA
March 14th, 2007 at 5:38 pm
Thanks for catching the mistakes in my article:
1) I started working at Pride Industries in 2004, not 2005 and started buying investment property in 2005, not 2006. I just had the years mixed up. I fixed it above.
2) The edit link to the Wikipedia entry was actually to edit the TALK page, not the main article. I fixed it above.
I’m realizing that additional exposure on the Wikipedia article may back-fire on me. However, I trust the good folks out there will help me out. Lets keep the quality of Wikipedia high by making sure it’s factual without biased assumptions and personal agendas.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
@125. NotoriusPIA:
“Nobody is this stupid. Casey, who told you this lie? Somebody had to as you are too dumb to make this up.”
That would be Robert Kiyosaki. You’re right, Casey’s not bright to make this up. It’s Kiyosaki’s standard anti-education drivel. And Casey bought it for a mere, what, $15,000?
March 14th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Is the Wikipedia stuff about an email chain “$$FAST-N-EASEY CASH$$ NO risk, NOT a scam!!” really you?
Do tell us more . . .
March 14th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
@151 -
This is a common troll on the interwebs made famous on Fark.com. You can safely ignore it or you can use it yourself, just change the company/organization name and you’re golden.
March 14th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
WINEX is absolutely spot on, and I too am waiting for the answers to those questions about “stated income.” But then again you too are correct Casey. It seems to me that after all your moaning about the Wikipedia entry, point by point you actually admit that nearly everything stated is true. For God sakes, most of it is quoted from your website!!! Just because you put a sugar coating on it and try to characterize it as “normal” does not make it so to educated Americans. That is why we value education here. We don’t just go to college like sheep, to become mere employees in some fantasy Matrix like the movies want us to believe. We educate ourselves to become intelligent people, gaining knowledge and experience in all of life’s aspects, most importantly-independence and responsibility. All of your deplorable actions just prove that you are seriously lacking in the intelligence deparment, which is not surprising considering you would like to skip getting an education until you’ve gained the financial freedom from doing nothing. That seems to be working out really well. You say that you aren’t doing nothing (excuse the double negative). You said that you couldn’t live in the houses because you were “selling them.” But then we read blogs posted from actual WORKING real estate investors that do this kind of WORK SUCCESSFULLY for a living who are baffled by your interpretation of “selling” and “fixing” them up. I’ve see the work involved in flipping on shows like TLC’s Trading Up, and I’m much more inclined to believe these doubts than your assertions. I’m also not saying that the only way to learn how to be responsible and independent is through University. Another path to is by WORKING at a JOB. Any job, regardless of what kind of unconstitutional tax form you fill out. Just DO SOMETHING. Pick fruit if you don’t want to study. And then whatever you choose to do, you are responsible to live within the economic framework of that chosen situation. You are not allowed to inflate your “stated income” on one property nevermind, on a multitude of properties. You are not entitled to even one overdraft, or line of credit on top of the debt you have, whilst you knowingly have no net income after expenses. Hell you can’t even cover your damn expenses. These are the objections the “haters,” the government, Wikipedia and 99% of the people out there are quite rightly citing. We watch the news. We watched the market take a nose dive after those 12 financial lenders went out of business this week. Hard working homeowners are watching their values tank in part because of immigrant left coast swine like yourself committing fraud then calling it standard practice in the industry. I’m quite glad to break it to you Casey, that Wikipedia has summed you up extraordinarily well. You will go down in 21st century history as the infamous real estate burglar that you are. Mi fai schifo!
March 14th, 2007 at 6:00 pm
“I’m realizing that additional exposure on the Wikipedia article may back-fire on me. “
And why would this be like anything else you’ve wasted your time on in the past 16 months?
March 14th, 2007 at 6:03 pm
Here is my response to the “$$FAST-N-EASEY CASH$$ NO risk, NOT a scam!!”. I addressed it a long time ago but the haters love to bring it up every time like its some HUGE deal:
March 14th, 2007 at 6:07 pm
“I have nothing against standard college education. Colleges teach you how to be a good employee. Nothing wrong with that because everybody needs to have a job for stability at some point in their lives. Going to college will make you more employable and you will make more money. But a job will not make you truly financially independent. ”
Well, it was a *very* close race, but I believe that the above is the most asinine quote from this entry. College education, of which your are obviously ignorant, do not teach you to be a “good employee”. A decent college will give you a base knowledge in your subject of choice, but more importantly will teach you to learn. The exercises required of you to gain a post-secondary degree will teach you more about how to learn new things than it will teach you actual things.
Your so-called “education” at your guru “colleges” are nothing more than a trade school (vocational school). When you are finished, you may or may not know how to work in one industry well (i.e. it teaches you how to be a “good employee”). The skills learned in that type of school will not help you in life or any other skillset other than the industry at which it is directed.
You have not found the magical bypass to putting in your time humping jobs you don’t really like in order to gain the experience necessary to gain financial independence. The only thing that would provide what you are looking for is a brand new and marketable (i.e. something people want) product or idea that you also have the intelligence to build and market. For examples of this type of success, see Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Steve Jobs.
You have no new ideas. You are just another [failed] real estate flipper. If it were really as simple as you seem to think it is, then everybody would do that instead of working at a “real job”. If it were really that simple, the gurus would be making their money from real estate deals instead of milking suckers like you of $15,000 a whack.
I hope you do never get a real education because your stupidity and naivety are amusing to the educated among your haters.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:14 pm
Wow, you are crazy. Thank you so much for going public with your trainwreck, it’s been very, very entertaining.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:22 pm
Casey say higher education dubious. Maybe Casey right, but he not know from personal experience. Casey take many moons to figure loser different from looser.
Casey prove one thing - lower education big steaming pile of crap.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:31 pm
If it weren’t for the so-called “haters”, Casey would be here talking to himself.
Since you won’t tell us what’s going on in your “business world”, please tell us what it is you carry in your purse? What is up with that “dashing” neckwrap? Who dresses you in the morning? Are you gay?
March 14th, 2007 at 6:33 pm
Actually, the bias in the Wiki article might help you in the end. It’s pretty clear that the people who wrote the page have an axe to grind, so most people who come across it won’t take it too seriously.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:36 pm
Casey, you mentioned how your Wikipedia entry is the #2 search term on Google for “Casey Serin.” The CashCall entry (http://iamfacingforeclosure.com/154/no-more-drafts-for-cashcall-for-now/) is also quickly climbing Google’s index when searching for the term “Cashcall.” It’s on the first page now! One day it, too, may be the #2 result.
You’ve got quite the popular blog, Casey, one whose Google Juice is far more potent than any wheatgrass shot.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:40 pm
You do understand that ‘unbiased, without personal agendas’ still makes you look pretty darn bad, right?
March 14th, 2007 at 6:45 pm
Your biggest asset, pathetic as it is, is (or rather, was) your stupidity. You could have monetized it to the tune of millions with book deals, movie deals, a reality tv show, and the like. If mainstream media has shown one thing, it is that the great unwashed masses lap this crap up all day long.
You had even stumbled on the right path to capitalizing on your stupidity with this blog. In an ironic turn of events, your stupidity could have flipped your gigantic negative net worth to a decent positive net worth of about the same magnitude, virtually overnight. In the midst of this subprime fiasco you could have minted gold.
But then… you hook up with the PRSausage Ladies, and in a single moment of dazzling stupidity you fully trade off your rights to any such monetization for a cheesburger and fries, and the privilege of gawking at Robert Kiyosaki for a couple of hours. And in case you’re still wondering, that is a legal and very much binding contract, and I highly doubt the Sausage Ladies will loosen their viselike legal grip on you where there is any potential for cash.
And such is the irony of your life. Hope that was one hell of a cheesburger.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:55 pm
Casey, regarding comment 163 –
I re-read the post, and was wondering if you ever paid the remaining $2,200 payment to your friend. The original “loan” took place 5 months ago, I’d imagine he’d be rather ticked off by now.
… and regarding the various CashCall™ accounts, without naming names, it was found that multiple e-mail addresses ending in “@serin.us” had current outstanding loans with CashCall. One was you (Casey), another was G*****, another was A******, and another was “Serin”. You can test it out yourself if you don’t believe me.
Care to comment?!
March 14th, 2007 at 6:57 pm
Someone asked you about a timeshare you had or have in another post. Did you really buy a timeshare with the cash back money? Do you still have it? Please answer.
March 14th, 2007 at 6:58 pm
Just goes to show you Casey’s Christian values have got him a long way ahead of us loosers!
March 14th, 2007 at 7:10 pm
…like its some HUGE deal
Federal mail fraud is a huge deal Mr. Serin. You don’t get the big picture. You’ve done more harm to this nation than any terrorist currently enjoying 72 virgins in heaven could dream of inflicting.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:20 pm
Casey - everything will be fine buddy. Five years from now you’ll still be slurping down jamba juice and dining out at MG. No doubt. You’re not going to jail - not even close. At least I think not. You don’t seem like the jail type and, besides, there are proving to be just too many Casey Serins out there for our pens to hold – hell, California prisons do not have room enough as it is. And you don’t need a good credit score to make money in this country to pay for a jamba or a man bag - look at all the illegal aliens - they don’t even have an SSN and they’re getting by. Just join the massive underground network this counrty has allowed to florish - and the past part is; no taxes. I know you’ll be alright, because I know this about you Casey - you’re a lying, cheating, immoral shell who will do anything to ride that escalator to the good life. And that’s not a knock against you buddy - I have no time to hate. I’ll just pay higher taxes (I’ll be paying for two) and move on - that is if I still have a job in five years. You see Casey - your ilk has brought us to the precipice of what will be the most volatile credit cycle in this country’s history – that is you and your donkey lenders. You know that moment when you’re at the top of the roller coaster…just a few more weeks and then AAAHHHHHHHHH…..two more houses to go for you - 3-5 years of pain for the rest of us. Sweet deals buddy
March 14th, 2007 at 7:22 pm
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
And apparently so do 99.9% of others.
Ego aside, why the blog? (i.e. apart from your selfless efforts to help others, why the blog?)
Prosecutors are smarter than 80% of 99.9%.
They have incentive, too.
Your blog is a gift wrapped stepping stone to an ambitious prosecutor.
After reading this blog for many months I came upon the wiki link a few days ago.
I thought it was entirely accurate (based on your blog) and unbiased.
The personal entries about your purse/bag, haircut etc were offensive and should be removed.
Also the parts about refusing to work, living beyond your means, etc. These are within your rights in a free country.
Violating laws are not.
Unfortunately for you there appears to be a queue to write the final chapter of your wiki entry.
Special Note: Guilty parties receive lighter sentences when they display remorse and heavier sentences when they display righteous indignation.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:22 pm
“Good Folks” are helping keep that wikipedia entry about you truthful. What you are asking for is the entry to be biased so it may reflect only positive things about you.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:45 pm
Dude with that scarf thing around your neck you look lke duce bigilo gay gigilo,maybe gay porn is your calling.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:53 pm
Casey says “But even if I do enjoy an occasional wheatgrass shot at Jamba Juice, soy latte at Starbucks, naturally-raised carnitas burrito at Chipotle, semi-healthy burger at In-n-Out or my new favorite whole-grain pasta with artichoke and grilled salmon at Macaroni Grill. Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
This slays me! I am a single mom. I lost my job. I didn’t have enough earnings in 2007 to establish a base to collect unemployment. I live in a state that is financially depressed with huge unemployment. I am college educated, yet am looking at any and all employment as a means to support my son and I. I can’t even get hired at Mickey D’s as employers want to know why I would work for them when I have an education (”overqualified” they call me). YET I CONTINUE TO HUNT DAILY FOR WORK. AND….get this, I don’t even buy my one love/vice in life: diet coke! I cannot justify purchasing soda. It is not nutritious. And it is not cheap, at $1.20 per 2 liter bottle. Boy, what is wrong with me?? According to Casey, I should be eating salmon and whooping it up at Macaroni Grill!! Hmmmmmm if I “lived a normal life” as he calls it, I would probably hurl up that pricey dinner…..because my guts would be in a knot through the entire meal, trying to justify spending that kind of $ that would go towards oh, say, my utility bill.
Satellite TV? cancelled. Magazines subscriptions? not needed..cancelled. Monthly massage (used primarily for health related reasons) OH HELL NO. cancelled. Monthly hair cut/color? yup. Save that $ and do it myself. Weekly night out with the girls? Don’t go anymore. Movies? Stay home. Pizza delivery? Buy a box of Appian Way. Do it myself. I could go on..you get the idea.
Maybe the fact that I don’t have in-laws willing to let me squat in their basement and mooch off them makes me more fiscally responsible. Or maybe it is because I am a grown up.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:56 pm
Do you groom your eyebrows? My girlfriend says you must, based on the picture above.
She wants to know, do you wax or thread?
March 14th, 2007 at 7:58 pm
“Federal mail fraud is a huge deal Mr. Serin. You don’t get the big picture. You’ve done more harm to this nation than any terrorist currently enjoying 72 virgins in heaven could dream of inflicting.”
Wow, that’s even sillier than Casey’s post.
March 14th, 2007 at 7:59 pm
Good luck in salvaging your reputation. You must do this, as well as clean up the credit report. You are doing the right thing. I do wish you luck — I don’t have virgin credit either. Sorry the haters are correct so much — you leave your self open to this — I myself have mocked you, but you are really hitting bottom now. So I hope there are better thngs ahead. Good luck. You will pull out of this.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:05 pm
#174: Additional CashCall loans - I am not aware of anybody in my family taking on any more loans. I suspect somebody tried to use my email addresses and registering and then claiming that I’m taking out loans. You never know what the haters are going to think of next. How are you able to tell that those email addresses have been used?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:21 pm
Cash procedure …
Apply for a loan online.
Enter one of your domains email addresses.
We have found that four of them pop up with messages saying “You already have an account with us”.
Haterz™ Inc.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:24 pm
When all of this is over, and your houses have been foreclosed upon, what on earth are you going to do?
You don’t have any money. You don’t have any way of getting a loan. You don’t have a job, and have been unemployed for a year. You don’t have a place to live.
Why can’t you turn this blog into a nice, Christian, uplifting story of a man who made some very big mistakes and is working his way out of them? You wouldn’t have quite so many critics, you’d actually have supporters, and it would make for a pretty good story.
You’d need to:
get a job.
get another job.
start trying to pay down some of the loans.
declare bankruptcy.
pay off your taxes.
and then buy a house with a nice legal loan.
By the way, ever heard the expression: “clothes make the man”? It’s true. Get rid of the bag. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it makes people take you less seriously.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:33 pm
@ 182. Someone who Knows Better
Well it’s your own fault that you are a single Mom. So you are definitely not someone who knows better.
Jees what a terrible post. That is so sad. I would never want to be you. Where do you live? Rural Wyoming? You need to relocate to where you can get hired and re-hired if necessary.
Diet Coke? Wow. That sounds like sad situation. My condolences.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:34 pm
Investing Rule #1 : Never lose money.
March 14th, 2007 at 8:42 pm
@ 181. bottom feeder
Dude - don’t listen to him Casey. This is probably some guy that rolls out of bed and comes to work in his sneakers and jeans.
I am not gay and that scarf looks KILLER! I think you might be onto next years fashion.
As a matter of fact I’m going to get one those too. Where did you get the Man-Bag?
March 14th, 2007 at 8:48 pm
Casey (#186) — One can go to CashCall’s homepage, click “Apply for a Loan”, and fill out the first page with random information inlcuding an e-mail address. If you put in any of the previously mentioned e-mail addresses, a message will be returned stating that you already have an outstanding loan with the company.
BTW, on an unrelated note, searching for Nigel Swaby on Wikipedia™ now redirects to your page. Sweet deal…!
March 14th, 2007 at 9:04 pm
@ 177. Robert Coté
Oh please. Your an idiot. Casey is one of millions. If you allow a free-for-all environment to take place; any free-for-all environment, this is what is going to happen.
George Bush is the worst President in US history. Him and Greenspan allowed this situation to take place in the name of a free market with no federal lending oversight and the lowest interest rates in history. The economy was very bad and the only thing Bush could brag about for the middle class was that “home-ownership is at an all time high”.
I specifically remember his exact words regarding the housing market.
You need to relax.
March 14th, 2007 at 9:08 pm
Casey, some haterz™ were checking out CashCall as part of CashCall’s policy of reporting lender/borrower violations. They take that very seriously. Apparently someone has at least applied over the internet using several names of your family members and your root email domain. You need to contact CashCall immediately to ensure your good name and credit are not impacted. Impaction is nothing to fool with. I’m sure CashCall is equally eager to hear from you and work with you on these matters. You owe the haterz™ a debt for discovering this discrepancy. If someone took out a loan in Gs name without her knowledge it could ruin your marriage or lead to jail. Can’t have the former and if true in the latter case the criminal must pay. Do you need the CashCall number to protect your family?
March 14th, 2007 at 9:27 pm
Casey, you may be bad at flipping but you know how to dress cool!
March 14th, 2007 at 9:58 pm
Wow! That wikipedia entry has more details about Casey than it ever has seen!
Damn, I think more people are mad at Casey for being a scammer when 6 months back these same people were sympathetic!
What did you do to your audience, Casey?
March 14th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
Casey, I read a lot of your blog and I read the Wikipages about you.
What are you complaining about? The Wikipages describe you perfectly - they reference what you said on this blog?
What wheetgrass are you driking that makes you think they are wrong?
March 14th, 2007 at 10:03 pm
Gees dude. On your first Sweet Deal, Calla Way, I figure you were paying almost $2600 / month in mortgage, taxes and insurance assuming a 30 year fixed at 5% with 2% tax per year.
On an income of $50,000 this amounts to more than 60% of your income.
Best of luck. For myself I am sitting back worried about paying 20% of my current income on a house to live in because it will reduce my savings and increase the amount of time until I can be Financially Independent.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:03 pm
“However, I trust the good folks out there will help me out.”
Sigh. Please reply to this. Please. Can you cite one single example of something you’ve done in your life to demonstrate that YOU are a good person. Something that demonstrates you care about anyone other than yourself? Seriously. Can you? Have you ever helped another human being? Saved a kitten? Tithing with borrowed money you don’t intend to repay doesn’t count. Have you ever done anything truly GOOD that required effort or sacrifice on your part?
March 14th, 2007 at 10:12 pm
“Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. ”
That’s some funny sh** right there.
March 14th, 2007 at 10:36 pm
Re: 151 Shamu
What 160 Deep Thoughts Time said. It’s just a meme from Fark. I’m easily amused, what can I say?
Let me say it straight out: no, I don’t really work for the AG. I don’t know the first thing about the AG.
I do however support Casey suing Wikipedia. That’d bring some more entertainment value to this blog!
March 14th, 2007 at 10:56 pm
Michael Cooke: FYI: being a single mom through divorce is nothing to be ashamed of. And my life is not as sad and pathetic as you say. Sure, I can afford all those things I quit. My point is, there is nothing wrong with looking at your lifestyle and trimming it if you aren’t working. Why should I spend $ on crap I don’t really need? A lesson Casey needs to look at.
I am not ignorant. I am a registered nurse with several specialized certifications and worked in management. Unfortunately, the job market is very tight right now. People that say “you can always find a job in nursing” need to look at demographics. And I am not in a position to move.
And I must be nuts, justifying myself to you. I was merely pointing out that if you aren’t working, eating pricey dinners out and drinking wheat grass shots MAY not be prudent moves on Casey’s part.
March 14th, 2007 at 11:09 pm
now casey you know thats pretty much a fair deal! wikipedia wouldn’t do you wrong…lol
March 14th, 2007 at 11:13 pm
Actually, the bias in the Wiki article might help you in the end. It’s pretty clear that the people who wrote the page have an axe to grind, so most people who come across it won’t take it too seriously.
Actually, what’s been happening with the Wiki article over the past 24 hours has been much tinkering around the edges - but the substance has remained surprisingly intact.
And that’s because it’s well-written, well-referenced (the number of references jumped from 17 to 25!) - and, as far as I or anyone else can see, entirely factual.
The irony is that Casey’s complaint has probably achieved his short-term goal (of eliminating obvious bias) but with the long-term side-effect of making it far more authoritative - and therefore much more damning.
My ASW was “itsallgood”, and for once I agree!
March 14th, 2007 at 11:42 pm
What if most of you sacrificed for nothing and Casey Serin ends up paying off all his debts? This a remote - but real possibility. All it will take is a US Dollar crisis. This will result in massive inflation. Many experts have stated this is a real possibility that would result from the real estate bubble and the record US trade deficit.
IF this ever happens the puchasing power of the dollar - and hence all of our savings - will evaporate. Let me simplify it for you:
People who have scrimped and saved living frugally and building a solid nest egg or 401k forgoing the Jamba Juice, wheat-grass shots, soy lattes, the Macaroni Grill etc - will lose their entire life savings while the vast majority of people who are in debt (Like Casey) who enjoyed these daily pleasures will essentially get most of their debt wiped away and a receive a “get out of jail free card”.
Look at what the think tanks are saying. It is remote - but very real possibilty.
Can you even imagine this? What would the results of something like this be? I wonder………
March 14th, 2007 at 11:50 pm
There really isn’t much you can do about your wikipedia entry. You can try emailing wikipedia and seeing if they will let you take over and lock that entry. It’s possible.
Truth be told, what I’ve read there is pretty accurate based on the posts you have made here.
Also, it is unlikely that any visitor from this site is going to alter wikipedia for you and make the changes that you are responsible for making. It is possible that some of the chicks here who feel you can do no wrong might take a stab at it, but the entry will then be overwritten by your “haters” who far outweigh your fans.
I am not one of your haters. I am not a fan, either. I’m just interested in the psychology of your decision making processes, and the comparison between your view of reality and everyone elses’ view of your reality.
March 15th, 2007 at 12:04 am
Top investor sees U.S. property crash:
March 15th, 2007 at 12:44 am
When did you meet Ryan Seacrest? That is him in the photo right?
March 15th, 2007 at 1:52 am
Serin’s personal eccentricities: his habitually unkempt haircut, his carrying a purse, and his obsession with juicing.
Why are you attacking my style and health choices? It’s not a purse. It’s a MAN bag. Big difference.
March 15th, 2007 at 1:52 am
its a MAN BAG…… haha!!!!
March 15th, 2007 at 2:16 am
Casey you keep referring to what you did as your “business”. The word business seems to fall short. It sounds more like a “Ponzi” scheme to me.
Especially towards the end. Look at some of your statements where you said “I needed to close one more deal to get some operating capital…”
You wanted to use the money from the newer investors “one more deal” to float the payments to the initial investors. This is a classic Ponzi scheme tactic.
He spent his stolen money much like you did. Living the high life. He even put his life on display as you have here. He allowed auditors in to examine his books which eventually led to his downfall and incarceration. He too was an immigrant and he was eventually deported back to Italy.
Here’s to hoping you continue to follow in Charles Ponzi’s footsteps. Particularly the incarceration and deportation I mentioned. Cheers!
ASW: millions
March 15th, 2007 at 2:49 am
@184, Meg
184. Meg
March 14th, 2007 at 7:58 pm
“(177 says) Federal mail fraud is a huge deal Mr. Serin. You don’t get the big picture. You’ve done more harm to this nation than any terrorist currently enjoying 72 virgins in heaven could dream of inflicting.”
Wow, that’s even sillier than Casey’s post.”
Meg, I agree. Cote’, I’ve thought you were starting to get a bit too intense about all of this, and this post of yours is not changing my mind.
March 15th, 2007 at 3:48 am
Great going, Case! Now there’s even more of your dirty laundry on Wikipedia.
March 15th, 2007 at 5:37 am
You knew what you were doing the whole time. You stole and you knew you were stealing. Now it’s minimize time.
You sound like Uncle Leo when he was stealing books from Brertono’s. “Im an old man, I’m confused.” BS.
Everything you do is “shady”. I wasn’t a hater until I read this crap. Now I hope you get a ton of jail time including fedreal time.
I can’t believe you’ve not been arrested and charged yet. Looking forward to your trial. My suggestion is get a jury trial. Maybe you will be able to confuse a hand selected group of nit-wits. I think it’s your only hope.
March 15th, 2007 at 5:43 am
I just read the “Revisitng Mistakes” post. You have a lot of excuses, and have had them for a long time. The problem is that you sound like the guys in “TO CATCH A PREDATOR”, and it looks like the “haters” are Chris Hansen. LOL
March 15th, 2007 at 6:00 am
So the 16K for a cheesy real estate university taught you to swindle loan money in the tune of 2.3 Million? I could have got the same education at the library for $2.50 in late fees! You’re an azz.
Real university education sucks, I know I’ve been there, done that, and would do it again cause it helped me in my life. However, I’m calling NASA to tell those engineers that their college education is bullcrap and they could have learned all they know from an unacrediated RE school labeled an university in Sacramento. I’m sure they would like to know that they could more easily blow up the Space Shuttle! Your success will be my validation.
And quit talking about you being a programmer/analyst. Hell, you use PHP/mySQL which intergrates so well that a 12 y/o kid becomes a guru! Wordpress isn’t programming dumbazz!! It took you a day and a half to migrate your site to another server - a task that could be done in 10 minutes!! And get real about the task cause you didn’t even do it yourself!
You really piss me off! A 24 yo man who loves himself so much he poses for every picture with puckered up lips - like a highschool yearbook collage! We need to throw that Metrosexual element to your wikipedia biography cause that is what you are - a gay man with a purse who likes to pucker up for the camera!
And furthermore, WHO IN THE HELL RAISED YOU cause they did one sh!tty job, I tell you?
P.S. Be man enough to post this you smuck!
March 15th, 2007 at 6:07 am
Do you realize that you have been compared to Hitler and Saddam on the Wikipedia Talk page? It sounds like your half-baked plan backfired.
“Karada offered the following advice in the context of the Saddam Hussein article:
You won’t even need to say he was evil. That is why the article on Hitler does not start with “Hitler was a bad man” — we don’t need to, his deeds convict him a thousand times over…”
March 15th, 2007 at 6:16 am
Frugal Joe says: “Rule #1 : Never lose money.” Does this mean the same thing as “never loose money”?
March 15th, 2007 at 6:19 am
Looks like you got what you wanted. Your readers have been busy editting the wiki entry for you. Now everything is sourced so there are no discrepancies. That’s SWEET. It’s also ALLGOOD isn’t it.
asw: cashback
March 15th, 2007 at 7:02 am
Can you imagine the positive press and comments you would get if you follow the advice of #188.
Please tell us why you will not do this? It could turn your whole venture into a huge moneymaker and if you were successful, probably get you on Oprah or something like that.
Oh yea, I forgot, it’s work.
Your friend
Cotton Swaby
Award winning commenter
March 15th, 2007 at 7:07 am
Looks like your plan worked, your Wikipedia page is now full of more truth than you can shake a stick at. Welcome to the wonderful world of being a public figure. Once again, what, specifically, are the “various means” you are using to pay for your day-to-day expenses? Ad space on this site? Dealing drugs? Mowing lawns? Family still paying your way? Remember, thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor….
March 15th, 2007 at 7:24 am
Possible side business: flipping man bags?
Law Vibe
March 15th, 2007 at 7:26 am
“you signify nothing.”
That say’s so much, on so many levels!!!
ha, ha , ha, ha , ha
March 15th, 2007 at 7:30 am
The Early raiser club is not doing so well?
I have not seen a 5am update in a long time.
March 15th, 2007 at 7:35 am
Decided to remove my picture from the post because some people thought it makes me look egotistic, narcissistic, and what not. I don’t consider myself those things so I don’t have a problem taking the picture down.
March 15th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Wow… if you thought the wikipedia article was bad last week, go take a look at it now.
I’m surprised the Erin Morgan drama didn’t make it to the blog yet, nor the time you tried to scam your friends into “investing” in you (in your defense, you came clean and apologized).
Your life would make a really funny comedy. I think the guy who played Napoleon Dynamite can really capture your true essense in a movie.
I wonder what scams you tried in your native Uzbekistan…. did you try to replace the fermented horse urine with ripe pig urine? Did you try to fool Bibo the Rapist with a sweet deal? Did you trick the village into financing your trip to America?
It would make a facinating and funny movie. I would pay $10 to see it.
March 15th, 2007 at 8:15 am
“Decided to remove my picture from the post “?
What post are you talking about? The Encyclopaedia entry? An Encyclopaedia entry is a post now?
Anyway, right now it is there, along with the image of your family. “G” - her real name is in the entry - is cute. She won’t have any trouble back on the market. I think she is probably sending out “resumes” as we speak.
A lot of stuff that was suppressed in that article just keeps poping back. Magic!
ASW: Sweet
How many times did Cash call today?
March 15th, 2007 at 8:41 am
Decided to remove my picture from the post because some people thought it makes me look egotistic, narcissistic, and what not.
How about a complete fool with a man purse!
you idiot
sws equity, sweet,
March 15th, 2007 at 8:55 am
@ 43
DAMM !!!! That was life in a nutshell! I was inspired to work harder reading the post. Excelent post. Well done. Bravo!
March 15th, 2007 at 10:47 am
Casey…will you please explain why lying about your income is not “lying”? (in an application process in which you also acknowledge repeatedly, in writing, your obligation to tell the truth?)
And why is lying about your intention to take residency in a property not “lying”? Have we hit the language barrier with you again?
I think what’s most daming about this entry is that many parts of the Wikipedia entry still go uncontested while you quibble over the meaning of words. It’s creepy and sad.
March 15th, 2007 at 1:26 pm
After reading the Wiki entry, I’m puzzled. What could I change? Yes, it’s not nice, but it isn’t inaccurate.
Humans often mock when others do weird or abnormal things.
You don’t eat meat - that’s weird
You are a man that carries a purse - that’s weird
You don’t parlay this website into a cash cow - that’s weird
You optimism is very weird
March 15th, 2007 at 1:30 pm
I forgot this:
You aren’t ashamed of being a criminal - that’s very weird
I personally think that it’s going to take jail to make you wake up and see why so many of us hope you are prosecuted. You are a criminal. No different than if you robbed a bank IMO.
March 15th, 2007 at 3:57 pm
Casey WTF are you doing?
Put that picture back up. It looks GQ. Do not listen to this critism - that photo is the s*** ! It makes you look focused, confident, stylish and sharp. My friend is in the modeling industry. I showed her your website. She seconds it. Dont buckle to the haters. They are just jelous!
March 15th, 2007 at 4:07 pm
@ 202. Someone who Knows Better
“being a single mom through divorce is nothing to be ashamed of”
Yes it is. This is a good representation of what society has turned into. Divorce used to be a last resort and now its common and acceptable.
Yes it is something to be ashamed of. No wonder people who get divorced once are more likely to get divorced twice. You cant even learn your lesson and accept responsibility. What about your kid? Wow that is such a typical statement. I mean at least you got married first so that is a plus. Whatever. Its not up to my personal standards so that is my opinion.
Marriage is an oath. If you are going to get divorced that you should not get married in the first place. Or unless you were married by a women then technically your marriage was never valid in the first place - but anyways - you get my point.
March 15th, 2007 at 4:30 pm
March 15th, 2007 at 4:36 pm
Dude, your wish came true. Your Encyclopaedia entry is now pretty fixed, if you ask me.
James Marks,
Award-Winning Commentator
March 15th, 2007 at 5:46 pm
Put the picture back by popular demand.
March 15th, 2007 at 8:04 pm
That is a sharp pic, you are like the rest of your family, very good looking.
March 15th, 2007 at 11:29 pm
Or unless you were married by a women then technically your marriage was never valid in the first place - but anyways - you get my point.
The point being that this last sentence proves beyond any doubt that you’re a blinkered fundamentalist bigot, while the rest of your comment merely hints at it?
March 16th, 2007 at 6:36 am
I will ask again:
Can you imagine the positive press and comments you would get if you follow the advice of #188.
Please tell us why you will not do this? It could turn your whole venture into a huge moneymaker and if you were successful, probably get you on Oprah or something like that.
Your friend
Cotton Swaby
Award winning commenter
P.S. don’t forget to clean your ears
March 16th, 2007 at 7:16 am
and his failure to achieve real estate riches in spite of having 8 properties in 8 months. His story is such a celebrated case that he has been dubbed as the poster child for everything that went wrong in the real estate business. In one of his latest articles, he defended himself from his critics; more particularly from his write-up in Wikipedia. I got hooked up on reading the 190+ comments. It gave a general sentiment that Casey’s wikipedia description is fairly accurate. Moreover, in criticizing
March 16th, 2007 at 11:15 am
Casey, the reason I want you to come out well of this funk is because the American system is rigged. I want you to prove to haters & posters alike that they vote with their feet. Hey, if the warmongers at the White House and their cronies are making money by destroying an innocent country, while treating the injured soldiers at Walter Reed like crap, you have the right to spit on the system, too. I hope that whatever new idea you’ve been hiding really works out and turns you into a rich kid. Nothing in this country makes sense anymore, and the main reason is that Americans just think about buying crap from China while manipulated by Karl Rove. Wall Street is rigged, government is rigged, so you go boy and stick to all these posters here, while they naively believe that Jesus or the American flag will make them succeed. Unfortunately, there’s no reason to believe anymore that doing everything by the book will help to accomplish life goals. We’ve been witnessing scandal, corruption, abuse of power, and incompetence for six years already. And guess what, most of those people are getting richer and richer, thanks to the puppets here, who are too busy reading the bible, consuming oil while selling their souls to the Saudis, buying crap at Wal-Mart which destroys American jobs, stuffing their fat faces with processed food made of subsidized corn, or watching the lies at Fox News. Casey, I really, really, really, want you to succeed and stick good to all these idiots here who are helping to destroy our country. Screw this system of crooks, which is rigged and corrupt all the way up to the White House, Wall Street, and the Fed.
March 16th, 2007 at 11:15 am
Why do you spend so much time on this blog when you could be working?
March 16th, 2007 at 11:39 am
@226. Casey - “some people thought it makes me look egotistic, narcissistic, and what not. I don’t consider myself those things”
Egotistic narcissists never do.
(Antispam = “juice”)
March 16th, 2007 at 4:48 pm
Casey, the only reputation you HAVE is of being a Real Estate Idiot Savant… minus the Savant. It’s hard to libel you when the reality is so much worse than what people have said. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and if after 15k in Real Estate seminars, you hadn’t learned that lying on a mortgage application is fraud, then you obviously learned nothing.
If you REALLY want to be involved in the RE industry, get a job, get rid of all the properties, pay off every dime of your debts, quit using credit cards for ANYTHING, and start saving money. Take a few accounting and business classes on the side while saving. When you’ve got ACTUAL MONEY SAVED (100k), then you can give it a go again.
A plucky attitude does not beget success. A plucky attitude with a good business model begets success. You have way too much of the first and absolutely none of the second. And do not even TRY and convince yourself that you do have a business model, let alone a good one. You don’t.
March 17th, 2007 at 9:25 am
Casey, are you still rising early?
Law Vibe
March 17th, 2007 at 7:21 pm
@ # 240 Gribble
“The point being that this last sentence proves beyond any doubt that you’re a blinkered fundamentalist bigot, while the rest of your comment merely hints at it?”
If you want to paraphrase easy to remember media slogans such as “bigot” etc - please feel free. The only thing that proves is that you are ignorant.
I am not a religious zealot or fundamentalist. I’m speaking from a factual standpoint.
Most world religions today consider a marriage valid only if it is performed by a male preist. This relates directly to the original scripture found in the old Testament. Thats why 99.00% of the time you almost always see men in postions on the preisthood and hence performing weddings.
For instance if you were Jewish, Baptist, Muslim, Greek Orthodox, Catholic (just to name a few) - with any decent lawyer and assuming you acted within a reasonable period of time you would actually have a case for an annulment. It has happened before.
Anything else?
March 18th, 2007 at 8:42 pm
Your answer reminds me of the time my friend became highly insulted when I remarked that she is almost always late. I reminded her she was late that day, the week before, another event, etc.
She blustered that she was late today because she had to pick up (whatever) and couldn’t find it in the store. She was late the week before because (whatever). She was late for the event because (whatever).
I told her, I never said you didn’t have excuses. But you’re still usually late.
You can excuse your behavior away — you didn’t fudge your income that much, it was a believable amount (as if they would approve an unbelievable amount), you thought it was acceptable practice, you intended to pay it back (you just never thought the “how” part through).
We’re not saying you don’t have excuses. But you still committed fraud.
March 19th, 2007 at 12:43 am
Recent Entries Facing Foreclosure Live Call Wednesday March 21st My View on College Casey Serin Facing Foreclosure on Wikipedia - a Defense Couldn’t Avoid Foreclosure on Burdett Burdett Avoid Foreclosure Deadline Facing Foreclosure Story on CBS San Francisco Utah Trip a Success! Don’t Be a Dick. Do Some Sweet Deals. Timeline of Life, Houses and Foreclosure
March 22nd, 2007 at 12:42 pm
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a big loser than this guy.
If I send you some money will you use it to buy a clue?
March 23rd, 2007 at 4:19 pm
I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Ramit recently shared his thoughts on a New York Times profile of Russ Whitney, a real estate mogul who charges thousands of dollars to learn the secrets of his success. (Whitney helped inspire Casey Serin’s foreclosure odyssey. John T. Reed has extensive information on Whitney, not all of it negative.) Ramit’s post prompted me to read the original New York Times article. I began the piece planning to offer my own criticisms of Whitney and his get rich quick schemes. But
March 25th, 2007 at 1:56 pm
Casey, you would have benefited way back in the beginning by DIVERSIFYING your investment attempts….instead of only trying to make it in real estate, the stock and futures market should have been part of your plan…daytrading with even a small account would a have made a difference and given you what you needed most: CASH FLOW.
March 27th, 2007 at 6:55 pm
From a softer side of this, we Underwriters see the overstated income deals all the time. Because Brokers were not licensed in many states prior to 2007 they didn’t understand the consequences of their actions. Stated loans are for self-employed people or those people with hard-to-prove income such as waitresses and bartenders (who mainly get tips). Thank goodness that most lenders out there have stopped doing 100% stated loans due to people like you, who I’m sorry to say, did take advantage of the banks. We didn’t mind though while business was still high but now many companies are shutting their doors and going out of business because people like you who took advantage of the situation and now can’t pay. We are the people who are suffering right along with you as I have a young son who I am not going to be able to feed if I get laid off because we shut our doors.
By the way…when you falsify information - Such as claiming the house is going to be an owner occupied or second home, you are committing fraud. What did you think owner occupied or 2nd home meant??? I think it’s pretty clear that you were trying to take advantage of the situation.
I will say though that it was the bank’s partial fault. We have ways of looking up if you own other properties, even if they are not showing on your credit. Those banks that you dealt with should have done their due diligence when underwriting your loans. Shame on us.
One last thing, I will tell you that a foreclosure, or 3, will affect your credit score more than any BK.
Good luck ever trying to do this again. All public records will be showing on credit now for 10 years instead of the standard 7.
April 1st, 2007 at 3:59 pm
“Just because I’m facing foreclosure doesn’t mean I should stop living a normal life!”
“Failure is part of success. Show me one successful person that has not failed a bunch of times (big or small).”
Actually, you should stop living a normal life because that is what you chose. But then addicts always make excuses. I’ve heard the second line a million times from wannabes.
April 7th, 2007 at 10:22 pm
Have you been hanging around peter pan?