[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”]
Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know.
In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent.
Casey had asked me to create a post, and then a post at least once per week leading up to the launch of his first book in a series.
I agreed on one condition.
The posts I create will be completely unedited. Why? I have a few “beefs” personally with Casey, while resolved behind the scenes, will help you (the readers of IAFF) get an insight to things happening in Casey’s life he hasn’t really discussed before, or has been very cryptic about, giving clues, but not really explaining.
First, who am I?
For the sake of this post, “The Publisher” will be referred to as “I, our, we, me”. On behalf of my company, I’ve been the main contact person with Casey and have spent the most time with him over the last two months, from finalizing our publishing agreement, to doing many hours of interviews with Casey creating content for the first book in a series.
Who we are is unimportant at this point, due to the fact we don’t want our office being hammered with phone calls and emails.
The views and actions expressed and taken by Casey are solely those of Casey. These views and actions by Casey do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher, its parent, affiliates or subsidiary companies. We are reporting on his experiences and turning those experiences into an information product series.
Our agreement with Casey is much deeper than merely a “book” or “publishing deal”. It’s a joint venture that encompasses an information product series, including: multiple books, home study courses, teleseminars, live events, workshops, speaking engagements, coaching and consulting programs, etc…
However, to keep it simple, we’ll refer to all of this as Casey’s “foreclosure book” or just “book”.
People will be absolutely blown away by all that has been going on behind the scenes!
And for the most part, Casey has been very tight-lipped in keeping certain behind the scene things under wraps. This has been a huge breakthrough for Casey in the sense that for those of you following the IAFF blog know that Casey can be unpredictable, speak his mind without thinking, and just off the wall crazy with his actions sometimes.
Reason for a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Casey
Speaking of those things, this is the specific reason we added a very “wordy” Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Casey, and drilled it home that he can not discuss anything pertaining to our publishing deal unless we agree to it. This only makes good business sense not to discuss every financial detail of your life, especially in a pubic forum.
Last Two Weeks of IAFF
When Casey says “some crazy things have been happenin’ lately”, that is a complete understatement!
To what led up to pulling the plug, what happened during the week the blog was down, to what Casey has been doing the last 72 hours, will completely make your head spin.
It made our head spin in disbelief. This stuff couldn’t be scripted even if we tried, as it is so off-the-wall, and could only happen in Casey’s world!
And yes, all these juicy details will be in the book. It will definitely make it even more compelling and informative.
Shutting down the blog
For personal reasons, Casey shut down the blog. It’s not my place to discuss these, and Casey will have to choose to discuss them publicly if he so chooses. The details will be in the book though.
From a business perspective, this had to be the worst move Casey could have made.
The previous week before Casey shut the blog down, he generated over $2200 in advertising revenue in one week with a little focused effort!
Actually, it was a lot more, because his affiliate revenue and another $500 advertiser weren’t counted in that total. So, the numbers were actually over $3500!
If you have to survive and pay basic “survival” living expenses, such as rent, food, utilities, insurance, gas for your car, internet connection, cell phone, etc., why on earth would you throw that away? You need to “survive” right?
It’s like saying, “Casey, here’s $50,000 in cash.” Then, he takes the money and literally starts crumpling up brand new crisp $100 bills and flushing them down the toilet over and over, until the pile of money is gone.
Who in their right mind would flush money down the drain when they desperately need it?!?!?!
Also, I had personally referred a $500 per month advertiser to Casey, then he shuts the IAFF blog down. How does that make me look to the person I had just referred to Casey only a week earlier?
My thoughts were:
“Why did you shut the blog down abruptly?”
“What the hell is going on?”
“If you’re going to ruin your reputation, don’t ruin mine in the process!”
“You better refund that $500 to that advertiser immediately or else!”
Needless to say I was extremely upset with Casey initially, as well as many others, including the advertisers and you, the loyal readers of IAFF.
A blank website will cause you to loose your natural organic search engine rankings for all your keywords rather quickly. The longer the blog stays “empty” the worse it will affect all the hard work Casey put in the last nine months.
No traffic = no revenue.
Plus, one of the key components of what Casey was bringing to the table was the IamFacingForeclosure.com blog and community. There is tons of marketing leverage to having a built in audience and traffic to market a book effectively.
Contrary to what some people left in the comments under Casey’s 6/6/07 and 6/8/07, publishers typically don’t market your book for you. That is a common myth and assumption. They distribute it. Authors need to take marketing responsibility for their book to have more success. There are many “poor” best selling authors out there that made those same assumptions of publishers.
More on that below under “Interesting Statistics Surrounding Authors and Book Publishers”
However, in our agreement with Casey, he does have certain obligations he agreed to with marketing the book series, namely this blog.
Luckily the one week the blog was down didn’t seem to affect his search engine rankings much.
Refunding the Advertisers
According to Casey, he had refunded all advertising money shortly after shutting the blog down. He personally contacted them. Some advertisers only asked for a partial refund, others a full refund. He took care of everyone.
I know for a fact he refunded the $500 to the advertiser I referred to him, as that particular advertiser contacted me directly once they received the refund in full.
Is Casey W-2 Job Material Right Now?
Many people have commented and told Casey “Just get a job!”.
In my opinion, Casey is “unemployable” in a W-2 job, working for someone else, at this time in his life.
This is just my opinion, so let me explain.
Casey is a true Entrepreneur at heart. Business is in his blood. You can’t shut that drive off. Entrepreneurs typically don’t like working “for” others, except they do like working “with” others doing joint ventures and structuring deals.
Besides that, his credit is ruined. Any decent job he may be qualified for, and may go through several interviews to get, once they do the “formalities” of doing a background check, which always includes a credit check, most W-2 Employers won’t hire him.
They will see all of those foreclosures on his credit, and would probably not want to take the risk on Casey, because he looks unstable and “flaky”. W-2 Employers want star employees that are stable, honest, and trustworthy. Their “perception” of Casey will be the opposite.
If they Google his name, they will see all of this exposure, drama, and stories all over the Internet. Employers will not want this to creep into their workplace and have Casey be distracted from performing his job while he’s on their payroll.
Since Casey needs “money in hand” right now to survive, there will be a lengthy time frame before he would start work at a W-2 job.
Here’s a worse case scenario that would probably occur.
Casey is finally hired by someone. He starts work. Then, several of the true “haterz” of Casey, people that genuinely hate Casey with a passion, will find out where Casey works, and call his workplace obsessively to harass Casey and his Employer. Casey would then be fired, because it would drain time and energy from the Employers workplace.
Casey needs to “have money in hand” right now to survive.
He’s proven he can generate revenue from the blog with focused effort. That is just the start. There are so many other revenue streams that Casey will have by continuing to blog, and keeping IAFF going.
The more obstacles Casey self imposes on himself will only hinder his efforts in ultimately becoming successful, let alone having enough money to survive on in the short term, and being able to structure reasonable time frames to repay “every dirty penny” of his debt as he puts it.
Bringing Back the Blog
Casey stated in his 6/8/07 post that we “forced” him to turn the blog back on.
I say this may be 20% correct.
We definitely did not hold a gun to Casey’s head and tell him to turn the blog back on, however, we had to use some “leverage” points with Casey to bring him back to reality as it pertained to our agreement, regardless of personal issues he was having.
Although Casey did shut down the blog for personal reasons, “The dog ate my homework” excuse and other excuses like it, don’t hold water in the real world, especially with business agreements and financial loss/gain at stake for others involved.
Here’s how events happened between Casey and us after he pulled the plug on his blog late Wednesday evening 5/30/07.
My assistant called me to say Casey’s blog was “blank”, not offline, but “blank”. She has been on the blog almost daily, doing research on earlier posts, and pulling out other interesting things for the first book.
Dozens of Emails and Phone Calls go Unanswered
For the next several days, we tried getting a hold of Casey. Dozens of phone calls, voice messages, and emails went unanswered.
Over a four day period, our thoughts went from concern for Casey to being very aggravated, irritated, to down-right pissed off and insulted, big time!
All of a sudden, we felt we were being treated like one of Casey’s creditors, and totally ignored by him. From virtual daily contact with Casey for over two months, to nothing in over 4 days!
Assume the Worst
Not hearing from someone for that long, and under the circumstances, you start to assume the worst.
So, we had to do something to get Casey’s attention in an abrupt way. Just so he would at least contact us to let us know what was going on. In business, lack of communication is not good.
To be labeled a scapegoat by Casey as an excuse for him to turn the blog back on, so be it. We had to do what we had to do to protect our investment and hold Casey’s feet to the fire with honoring his end of our agreement.
Our position is the blog should have never been shut down in the first place.
Let’s face it.
80% of Casey needed / wanted to keep blogging due to the fact he needs money in hand right now to live on, and he knows it made him look even more unpredictable by abruptly shutting it down for personal reasons.
And, whether he likes to admit it or not, he misses ALL OF YOU guys and gals, the loyal readers of IamFacingForeclosure.com!
Casey needs to monetize all his hard work, sacrifice, and making himself a target for criticism, over the last nine months to even have a shot of getting himself out of a huge financial hole he dug for himself.
To pull the plug is complete insanity when you need to create stable income first, get your debts structured to repay, and ultimately achieve financial success. Strong financial legs to move forward.
Starting over and reinventing the wheel is not a smart choice.
Behind the Scenes in Casey’s Life
We have been privy to many details in Casey’s life he’s revealed only to a close few in his “inner circle” and some details he’s never shared with anyone.
These things were “leverage points” we had to use with Casey to point out what route we “could” take, but merely pointed these out to get Casey’s attention, as he ignored us for over 4 days. We had to assume the worst, and that Casey was flaking out on his publishing deal with us.
Relief came when Casey contacted us, and told us what really was happening, why he shut the blog down, and more importantly, how we could discuss how he could still hold up his end of the agreement.
To make changes to an agreement are simple, if two parties have open communication. Casey did fail to perform on several minor issues with our agreement that we let pass.
However, shutting down the blog was a huge issue we couldn’t let pass. It would severely affect the marketability of the complete info product series and plans over the next 12 months and beyond.
Agreements are Like Toilet Paper
Many people look at Casey as someone who is unable to keep agreements with anyone, even himself.
In fact, when you really look at it, unless there are things at risk, agreements are only worth the paper they are written on.
When entering into an agreement with someone, you have to be relatively certain the other party is able and willing to hold up their end of the bargain.
Our agreement with Casey is structured more like a joint venture. We both brought something of value to the table. A breakdown on one side, means failure for the complete project.
The agreement was very “wordy” and had clear cut consequences for lack of performance. We had to protect ourselves going in, due to Casey’s past experiences of saying one thing, then doing another.
Those days we didn’t hear from Casey really made us think “why did we get involved with Casey in the first place?”
Does Casey Care if Anyone Sues Him?
When you look at it, Casey’s credit is ruined. If a creditor tried to sue him, what would they really get?
Nothing! But, more headaches, aggravation, and lost money.
When pointed out to Casey in our seven page letter to him, reality sunk in, and he decided he really needed to honor his agreement with us, as it greatly benefits his financial situation.
Is Casey Really “Judgment Proof”?
Yes and no.
Having “insider information” into Casey’s life, allowed us to touch on some hot buttons that Casey’s creditors have no clue about.
I won’t go into detail here, as it would provide a roadmap for his creditors to follow.
Honoring business agreements: contractually, morally, and ethically
Most of that letter we sent Casey was pointing out things from a business perspective. It was done tactfully and professionally.
The main things we pointed out, regardless of things going on in his personal life, is you can’t tune people out, decide to walk away from obligations, and basically crap all over people and your commitments.
Also, Casey was two months into out agreement. A lot of time, money, and effort had been invested on both sides up to this point, not to mention the future revenue that would be shared in.
Too much to loose for Casey simply to walk away.
Again, no blog = no marketing leverage = little or no revenue for Casey or us!
Casey is Now Holding Up His End of the Deal
Casey has mended his actions with us, and is back on track to honoring his commitments with us. We’re not holding anything against Casey for doing what he did for personal reasons.
Several other people probably can’t say the same, as numerous people are probably not happy with Casey with agreements he broke with them, namely his creditors and others.
We are not forcing Casey to do anything. He realizes that it’s far easier to continue on with things already set in motion, that are near completion, rather than start something from scratch.
This is a very customized agreement that has many lucrative points for Casey.
Is Casey a Brand?
Whether people like it or not, Casey is a brand. He’s definitely unique. Whether you agree with him or his actions, his life and experiences are exceptionally compelling to follow.
Love him, or hate him, he’s a very entertaining guy. You never know what he will do or say next!
Eventually, Casey may have the notoriety of other bloggers like Perez Hilton, Shoe Money, Matt Cutts, or Darren Rowse, just to name a few.
Millionaires Have 5x as Many Failures for Each of Their Breakthrough Successes
Did you know that countless numbers of millionaires and other successful people have failed many more times than they have succeeded? There are many stories of successful people’s failures out there.
Casey is far from millionaire status at the moment, but well on his way if he does things correctly, and consistently, over the next 12 – 24 months to lay the proper groundwork that will allow him to accelerate to millionaire status at some point in the future.
That starts with consistently honoring commitments, building character, using leverage to create financially strong legs, and working on the highest revenue producing things possible.
Fail Fast!
At only 24, Casey is already on his way to success, because in real estate, there are countless mistakes he made, that he now knows what not to do, in order to avoid those mistakes next time.
Painful mistakes? Absolutely.
Embarrassing mistakes? No doubt.
Personal sacrifice? Yes.
However, there were several key things he did right. These got overshadowed by all the failures though.
His “failures” with loosing many of his properties provide quite a bit of experience (both good and bad) to share with others.
People Facing Foreclosure:
How Could Casey’s Experience Help You?
With many people having leveraged themselves into more house than they could afford, there is a huge wave of foreclosures on the horizon across the country.
Many people across the country took out interest only mortgages, or short term adjustable rate mortgages. They also took out 95% to 100% financing on those same properties.
More lenders will be going out of business, more people loosing their homes, more bankruptcy filings, etc.
Casey experienced this almost eight times with his properties. His experiences can help educate people on what to expect before, during, and after foreclosure, as fear of the unknown to most people causes a great deal of stress and worry.
By Casey educating people on the complete process, and assembling others that can help those facing foreclosure, this would provide tremendous value to these individuals.
Real Estate Investors, People Looking to Invest in Real Estate:
How Could Casey’s Experience Help You?
Whether you are a first time homeowner, want to get involved with real estate investing, or are a seasoned real estate investor, there is tremendous value in Casey’s experiences.
At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.
In addition, analyzing each of the eight deals in microscopic detail, provides a blueprint of what to do, and what not to do, when purchasing a home or investment property.
As an investor, or potential investor, you will make a lot more money knowing this information!
There are Many “Poor” Authors Out There
When most authors get a “book deal”, they are often elated.
Shortly after, assumptions are realized to be just that, assumed. Reality sinks in.
If an advance was received, if they were that lucky, often that is the only financial gain an author will see.
Authors assume their publisher will do all the marketing necessary to make the book a success. This is a complete myth. Authors must take responsibility for their own marketing.
Unless an author is a “big name” proven commodity or celebrity, publishers do very little in the way of marketing. They merely put it into their distribution channels.
Interesting Facts, Statistics, and Myths, Surrounding Authors and Publishers
Did you know…
- An average of 330 books are published each and every day of the year! That’s over 120,000 books published each year, not including all the other self-published books.
- Where do all of these books end up? Not being noticed that’s for sure!
- 1 in 50,000 books are ever considered a “great” success.
- A successful fiction book sells 5000 copies or more.
- A successful non-fiction book sells 7500 copies or more.
- Most published books never sell more than 100 copies in their lifetime!
- There are approximately:
6 large publishers (in New York)
400 medium-sized publishers
86,000 small/self-publishers - 78% of all books published are from small independent publishers or are self published.
- Books are the new “business card” of this decade and beyond.
- Typically, you don’t make any money on the book itself, rather all the other ways the book will make you money through positioning and branding. Seminars, speaking engagements, home study courses, audio and cd programs, dvd’s, and other info products.
- Authors greatly enhance the success of the book by taking 100% responsibility for marketing their book. Of course, publishers like to take the credit, but it’s really the author’s personal marketing and publicity that is key in a successful selling book.
Successful Authors – Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield are two of the most successful authors of all time.
Their “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Book Series has more than 100 books published, and have sold more than 120 MILLION COPIES Worldwide, generating in excess of $100 MILLION DOLLARS in sales.
Walk into any Barnes and Noble or Borders Book Stores and you see giant sections dedicated to their successful book series.
How did they achieve their phenomenal success?
It all started with them taking responsibility for the marketing of their book series.
For two years, they committed to doing one radio interview every day of the week, and sent out five books a day to reviewers and other potential opinion molders, that would help to promote their book.
See page 19 - 20 of their book “The Power of Focus”
This is what built the solid foundation that leveraged the success of each of those 100+ “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books.
The authors took marketing responsibility for their book(s) and made a fortune in the process. Their publisher made a fortune also, but if Mark and Jack didn’t do all that leg work for the first two years, all involved would have made only a fraction of the revenue.
Eliminate Making “Weakening” Decisions
With Casey making continuous weakening decisions, such as avoiding agreements, obligations, ignoring people, say one thing-then do another, being inconsistent, this has already proven to be a recipe for disaster in all areas of his life.
Wasting time chasing every “opportunity” that comes his way, setting unrealistic expectations and goals, setting himself up for failure, were just some of the things that Casey kept doing over and over.
Some people would call it “spinning your wheels”.
By holding his feet to the fire, was helping him take the first step to take a stand, and break the cycle of wrong decisions that would keep him from spiraling downward even worse financially.
Time for Consistent “Strengthening” Decisions
For Casey to ultimately tell his “success story” or “comeback” in the near future, he has to start making consistent strengthening decisions that will make this possible.
One of Casey’s strengths, is he likes to “jump in”. In other words, he’s a doer. He may “fire” first, then “ready” and “aim” as he goes along (using the analogy of “ready, aim, fire”).
Most of you have heard of Mark Burnett, creator of many highly successful Reality TV Shows such as: Survivor and The Apprentice. He also wrote a book a few years ago titled “Jump In! – Even if You Don’t Know How to Swim”.
In his book forward foreword, Mark says, “Always remember in order to succeed you must be willing to fail. I hope you always Jump In.”
Casey is definitely not afraid to jump in!
Casey also has a very thick skin to criticism, a high tolerance level to stress, and gets up and keeps moving forward no matter what. He has a tremendous drive for success, and is not afraid to fail.
These are all key attributes of a successful entrepreneur and business person.
Sure Casey has other areas to improve on, but he definitely has the
The key for Casey now is to focus on one highly leveraged thing, and ignore all the rest. Leverage that thing into the next, and so on. Create a cash cow to survive in the short term, and to have the finances to pay off his debts over a longer period of time.
The views and actions expressed and taken by Casey are solely those of Casey. These views and actions by Casey do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher, its parent, affiliates or subsidiary companies. The reason for doing a publishing deal with Casey is that we are reporting on his experiences and turning those experiences into an information product series.
In Conclusion…
Casey is back, is honoring his agreement with us, and is well on his way to helping others, entertaining others, and improving his financial and personal life in the process.
Thanks for reading this rather lengthy post, and thank you Casey for allowing us to address these things to your readers directly and unedited.
“The Publisher”
P.S. In a few days you will be able to submit your questions, comments, and suggestions to us directly.
What is the biggest question you have for Casey that you’re just dying to know the answer to?
What do you want to see in Casey’s first book?
You can even be quoted in the book as “haterz” or as “supporterz”. There will be one chapter dedicated to both sides! Love him, or hate him, you have a chance to be quoted!
Only Casey Serin would sign an agreement with a “publisher” who doesn’t understand the difference between “forward” and “foreword.”
Barf! Just what the world needs! More pseudo-intellectual quackery designed to help and inspire, but more importantly, to line the pockets of charlatans. As a publisher, you seem very skilled at writing a lot of filler. You should apologize for wasting people’s time. What a lots of words that essentially say nothing. I am indeed blown away — by hot air.
What if KC just decides to get more cashback from the publisher and does not do the book? Or if he is doing this with multiple publishers, it’s not like he hasn’t done anything similar in the past..
In his book forward, Mark says, “Always remember in order to succeed you must be willing to fail. I hope you always Jump In.”
>>>>>>Wow. You have zero credibility with me. It’s a FOREWORD, not a forward. I can tell that you are really into the written word. Really got your finger on the pulse of the publishing world, eh?
I’m ignoring the other mistakes, considering them typos, but this one was a egregious enough for me to point out. Get an editor!
Casey, who are you mixed up with now?!?!?!
Good Luck Casey!
Hey Junior!
Thought I was the only pedant out there! -
Worst post ever.
“With Casey making continuous weakening decisions”
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Casey - I have no idea what your agreement with these folks is, but I guarantee you they are taking advantage of you. Tell them to go to heck.
If you insist on “publishing” your pamphlets with these losers, please get them a style guide and a dictionary so you don’t end up looking any more ignorant than you already do.
Seriously - they actually bring the level of discourse on this blog DOWN a few levels. You are above this (and I hold you in contempt, so thats a pretty strong statement).
Here’s a much more relevant Mark Burnett quote for you:
“Everybody’s looking for something … Some of them want to use you.”
Your poster says:
“The key for Casey now is to focus on one highly leveraged thing, and ignore all the rest. Leverage that thing into the next, and so on. Create a cash cow to survive in the short term, and to have the finances to pay off his debts over a longer period of time.”
Casey - that is meaningless babble. Pure BS. Cult-ish guru babble.
At the very least, couldn’t these fine folks give you a job with their “publishing house” (IT work or something), so you could pay the rent while they rape you?
“His “failures” with LOOSING many of his properties provide quite a bit of experience (both good and bad) to share with others.”
Come on now… was that on purpose?
I have to laugh at your post. Yawn. Casey’s 15 minutes have come and went, and this blog is getting more boring every day. Should have done this 9 months ago. Especially since he shut down the blog - his “brand” as you like to call his ineptitude, dishonesty, and fraudulent behavior - has received so much “exposure” that it’s rather annoying now. We’ve had our fun and entertainment, but hate to tell ya - unless he gets escorted to jail like Paris Hilton on Friday, nothing here is worth reading, even the so called “secrets” that will be revealed in the so called book. No one cares anymore.
Just letting ya know. Glad you’re leaving the marketing campaign up to him.
I’m not genius, but even I can see that this is all BS.
You never finished this sentence under “strengthening”
“Sure Casey has other areas to improve on, but he definitely has the …”
You also use “loose”
Other than that, good points.
I have some questions, Mr Publisher:
1) Did you pay Casey an advance?
2) Are you serious when you say that a publisher doesn’t do any marketing? Isn’t that the main function of a publisher?
3) Since no book exists yet, why do you think that Casey needs to be marketing with his blog at this time?
4) Why do you think a person of such poor judgement and education as Casey would be responsible for a successful line of merchandise?
5) Are you unfamiliar with this track record of failure?
6) How much money do you have at risk in this venture, in rough figures?
Don’t worry, you reputation is already in ruins, by the fact that you would form a joint venture with an admitted fraud. We will categorize you with the other business people who have made an appearance here — mostly well-intentioned entrepenuers, hovering over the borderline between creative capitalism and something else.
Wow. I always heard that the ‘easiest man to con is a conman’ and you ladies clearly had a windfall. After 9 months of following this train wreck, I was looking forward to Casey getting what he deserves. I think this has finally happened.
If you think the average reader is going to read the above and come away thinking you’re in the right, you’ve underestimated a few of us. Your logic and rationale are flawed and insulting. You try to convince us you’re helping Casey when you’re clearly leveraging the fact that you’ve got ‘his brand’ by the gonads and are going to make sure you earn every penny you feel you deserve. I still have no idea why you think you ‘own’ Casey - slavery is over my friends.
Frankly, you are an embarrassment to those of us who work in publishing. Hope you’ve got a nice independent publisher lined up.
“This only makes good business sense not to discuss every financial detail of your life, especially in a pubic forum”
ummm….don’t you mean “public?” -
OMG I was having trouble falling asleep until I read this missive.
Sir/Madam, you work better than a sleeping pill. My head kept hitting the keyboard as your post droned on and on and on…
hmmm i was going to point out the obvious mistakes, but then i realised that a publisher IS NOT AN EDITOR
thats a whole other job description.
Casey’s pseudopublisher is a joke! FUNNY STUFF! So OBVIOUSLY a self publishing scam. Get real Casey. You look worse than ever now. And NO…that is not going to help you sell more e-books. ROTFLMAO
“I won’t go into detail here, as it would provide a roadmap for his creditors to follow.”
Well, whoever his publisher is, we know one thing: that they’re not above aiding and abetting Casey in hiding money that he owes to his creditors. Nothing shady at all about helping someone steal (Used in the moral sense for yes, I know that he hasn’t been convicted yet. Still praying for that.) money from multiple businesses and/or private individuals. Right.
Total BS. What does this mean?…”Casey, because he looks unstable and “flaky””. He doesn’t look unstable and flaky. He is unstable and flaky. Why should an individual who absolutely screws up everything he touches be rewarded? Casey has never, ever given advice that would help anyone facing foreclosure.
I like this quote …”Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.” Anybody who was breathing could have done what he did. The system encouraged this behavior and he was stupid enough to bite.
I will give you (whoever you are) this…Casey is a brand, but so was Hitler, Ponzi, Gotti, Nixon and GWBush and couple of other thousand crooks and liars. Branding can be negative and that is what you have on your hands now….count me in the hater camp now.
“His “failures” with loosing many of his properties provide quite a bit of experience (both good and bad) to share with others.”
Note the spelling. This is quite possibly a pure troll of Casey’s. The lack of a name for this alleged publisher, any corroborating details, and the blatant cliffhanger into nothingness in the summary just push further towards that possibility.
Again, all I can say is …wow!!!!
This is getting as bad as a soap opera…
From the link to Jack Canfield’s homepage:
“Determine what you want to accomplish this year, and then let Jack guide you in meeting your goals through easy-to-apply action steps and unique ife-planning tools to get you where you want to be. Report your progress, and you’ll be invited to meet personally with Jack other top achievers from around the world!”
From the link to Mark Victor Hansen’s homepage:
“The Law of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy says
that you get what you expect…Why not create great expectations
and the highest vision possible
of yourself and the world?”Marvelous. So your publisher’s idea of successful authors are someone who essentially misspells their name and a complete idiot. Simply amazing. Not to mention that both of them peddle a mixture of New-Age quackery, Guru-B.S., and other people’s anecdotes. And then goes on to say that books are just business cards.
So… Nouveau Riche Publishing House?
As the “mos def” Casey supporter…I am waiting patiently for the book, CD, movie, whatever!!! How about some merchandize to start of with. Dunno if Nigel still has the “sweet” T-Shirt available? I would love something like that. Casey how about a link for your merchandize for supporterz and haterz alike.
As we discussed Casey, I am NOT in favor of the blog being back up as it indirectly hurts those dear to you…but I have faith in you still. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to prevent that. You, my friend, has “blue ballz of steel” unlike the rest of us (that is MOCHA speech for…you have a high stress tolerance level). You don’t go waddling like a chicken with its head got off or a “dawg” wimpering with its tail between its legs like that LossMitPro guy, Mark (what ever the f*** his name is), when the going gets tough. LMP??? Like in Last Monthly Period??? That’s all he is…a hot bloody mess!!!
Don’t even get me started. I am trying to study and stay focused. I just can’t stand the hollier than though crap that rolls of the tongues of some of these clownz. Anyways, Casey…I am still here…on the side lines cheering you on.. and that is “fo sho.”
Still MOCHA…with a lil less umf, fingers crossed, hoping that “the publisher” is not another “judas”. I got my eye on you”publisher”…you better not mess my boy up…I’m from Detroit where “the weak are beaten and eaten”…you don’t wanna mess with me!!!
asw: blueball
I will buy a copy of that book if it ever becomes reality. If for no other reason to have a momento from the great housing meltdown of the early 2000’s. IMHO it also may be the closest Casey has ever gotten to earning honest money in a good long while.
Mr. Publisher,
I’m not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish. My intuition tells me you are a scam artist, but that doesn’t make any sense — Casey has no money left for people like you to scam away from him. So I’m left to wonder — what do you think you are going to get out of this? Do you really believe that you can turn Casey into a marketable brand? If you do, then you might be just as delusional as our fair-haired snowflake.
This is good news. As soon as Casey begins to make some money, his creditors can finally get paid. It’s a win win.
FIRST book in a series!!!
Someone found a publisher dumber than casey.
Umm, Casey, is that you typing as the “Publisher?” I mean, what reputable employee of a publishing house would write that ridiculous screed?
Mr. Publisher,
I LOVED THIS POST. It made me laugh a lot also.
I found your post VERY WORTHY in the info you gave about publishing, and how to market yourself.
VERY WORTHY when you describe about how is it there a lot of “poor” best seller authors. And the mith.
VERY WORTHY your descriptions on the situation of Casey… If Casey want to run, forward is the only way he can go”. No one described his situation better.
VERY FUNNY when I think about how you “leveraged” on him… with insider info! LOL
VERY FUNNY when I imagine the irritating situation of you in Casy dissapearence! that was a very comic move of him again! in the first week he makes $3000… he just vanish!!! A very Casey move.
I’m a supporter, I always been. This post is one of the BEST in this site after Casey-Priblzinks scenes. Definitely this post is the most WORTHY.
However I make 2 observations:
1) you should not write such a long article for US customers, this has been more info than most people have ever read in their lifes.2) your post was worthy enoungh and funny enough to cover about 5 articles. I suspect you must be or have been a book reader, your description on situations was very clear.
3) Google Robot reads pages once a month as much as I know. And make rankings based on averages, so it would be a penalty in the course of this month. Gradually
4) Not much penalty… Although painful. Googleing Serin founds 6th place for “foreclosure”!!! (lost 1 position this week)… 17th place for “cashcall” (lost 4 positions this week)
To Mr. Publisher:
#1. You must have a lot in common with Casey, cause you can’t spell ‘LOOSER’ correctly either!
#2. Your quote: “At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.”HOW IS KNOWING HOW HE DID IT WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD? HE DID IT BY LYING ON APPLICATIONS! PERIOD!
Casey, beware.
When he filled out the loan forms he knew
That the words he filled in were not true
Checking numbers was rare
and the banks didn’t care
Now their loans have turned into poo poo -
Correction: Mr. Publisher, in the last post when I say “you must have been a book reader” I meant to say “you must have been a book writer”
I forgot to say, maybe this one week foreclosure had not been that bad as it looks… I found A LOT OF HATERZ SEARCHING FOR SERIN ALL OVER THE WEB, in many blogs and forums. We all missed him, suporters and haterz.
Was funny to see there were indeed haterz damn at him (in his absence) for foreclosing his blog, and other haters asking if someone have some info update on Casey’s life.
KC is today’s Peter Pan
And Caseyworld is like Neverland
When reality intrudes
And darkens his mood
He says” I’ll never grow up” life is grand -
If the writer of this post is also writing the “book”, people will be paying you to keep the book away…..wait a minute, is this in fact the plan to generate the “cash cow?”
Casey, your blog is mildly amusing and I don’t wish you ill, but you don’t really think people will fork over cash for your entrepreneurial guidance and wisdom, do you? This book is a fantasy and your “publisher” is a creep. I don’t know which is more distasteful, you trying to parlay your financial fiasco into a self-help course or him blackmailing you with details of your private life.
GOOGLEing, oh my God!!
This web stands #2 and #3 for “foreclosure book”!!! right above ebay!
I mentioned before,
- #5 for “foreclosure” (lost 1 position this week)
- #17 for “cashcall” (lost 4 positions this week) -
“In light of Casey shutting down his blog, turning it back on, his last several posts and people’s comments, the need for many clarifications are apparent.”
Hey “publisher”, you need a remedial lesson on subject/verb agreement. Don’t let those pesky prepositional phrases trip you up like a 7th grader!
People of Transnistrian Moldovan Republic now in streets, parks, cul-de-sacs dancing! Please, now we have bulk shipment of sharks Albania from, how to Jump?
Greetings from Tiraspol
Hey Casey,
I may be becoming insane, but I feel that this post is really good. It tried to answer most complaints (though most answers sounded a little bit forced). If you guys keep this up IAFF might not fade into obscurity just yet. There seems to currently be a lack of people commenting, but that is what you must expect after so much “drama”( Casey, stop taking your haterz for granted). Just keep on posting stuff like this, and writing about your financial troubles, and the readers will just keep coming back, although I do believe it will take a few weeks to get back to 500+ comments every post.P.S. Giving an update of your financial spreadsheet is a surefire way to get those readers back on board.
P.P.S. I’m taking back what I said, I no longer think this blog has jumped the shark. I stand corrected.
I think I know who Casey’s publisher is now. It’s almost certainly either Random House or Penguin. My money is on Penguin.
My Dearest Casey -
You seem to have fallen in with a pack of illiterate retards. Even with my low expectations I thought your quote publisher unquote would have a least a passing familiarity with English As She Is Spoke, but once again… disappointment.
‘ “The Publisher” will be referred to as “I, our, we, me” ‘??!!Confusion regarding object and subject forms of the pronoun is common in our post-literate age, but can’t this character even get the number correct? Or perhaps he (or they!) confuses (confuse!) having a firm grip on your pubic hair with omnipotence? Christ on a cross, man, why not just add “Buddah, Jehova, Zeus, Zarathrusta” to the mix as well? Publishers typically have egos in inverse size to their brains, especially once they catch a whiff of money, but this is simply absurd.
As are the disappearing posts. Got to drop that habit, I think.
I have grave doubts about this venture, old boy. Your “Publisher” is starting to make the infamous and egregious “No Limit Ladies” look like William Shawn and Alfred A. Knopf.
Nonetheless, I remain yours -
Your publisher is a complete moron who has too much time on his/her hands. A true, effective publisher wouldn’t waste time writing that much crap for your blog.
I STRONGLY advise you to dump this “publisher.” As I am sure the publisher’s legal acumen is matched by the crap written above, you can easily get out of the “contract.”
Good luck Grasshopper!!
worst post yet for iaff, talk about a yawner. now i need a cup of coffee after reading that snooze festival. i thought my head was gonna spin…well to be honest it did tip to the side. then woke back up.
“The posts I create will be completely unedited. Why? I have a few “beefs” personally with Casey, while resolved behind the scenes, will help you (the readers of IAFF) get an insight to things happening in Casey’s life he hasn’t really discussed before, or has been very cryptic about, giving clues, but not really explaining.”
You should think about editing, because the last sentence in that paragraph made absolutely no sense.
WTF was that tripe? Was anybody able to read thru it?
50 bucks says Casey wrote that post.
I think people chose not to post because they could not find the text box.
“The publisher” in his post says he referred one of the $500 advertisers to Casey. Does it mean that the publisher is Denali Media Group, LLC who published book “Maverick Mistakes in Real Estate Investing” and this book is advertised on this blog ?
“Whether people like it or not, Casey is a brand.”
In the same vein, “Ebola Virus” is a brand. A brand to be avoided.
“At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.”
He committed loan fraud, that’s how he did it.
What the F??
Casey breaking agreements with creditors? Did he really do that?
You are misguided. Casey never intended to honor agreements with lenders. He lied about it all.
I think you have been snowed just like the rest of us. Only we are onto him now and you are not.
You say Casey learned alot by buying 8 houses? Yeah..he learned how to dupe the lenders. You forgot to mention that Loan Officers who wrote those loans are the masterminds behind his simultaneous purchases. Every one knows not to do that..hello?
This is more bait and all fluff.
Don’t you realize that at Christmas-time he had 140k worth of unsecured debt then it quickly went to 150k and now it is over 500k. All this while he didn’t have a job or a way to pay it back. He continues to lie and cheat and he does not intend to pay anything back…so where is that money now?
It’s no accident he is in debt. He has views that are not right.
He thinks banks have it coming.
What makes you think that anyone will believe the things in that book much less read it?
Casey is not a brand.
Casey is a bold crook and has no intentions of changing.
He baits people with his scams and manipulates because he does not know how to operate to success otherwise. Since he does not know how to do any business honorably, he is far from entrepreneur…he is a scammer.
Hello…haven’t you figured it out.
I think you are a scammer too…gees
Your post is so mis-guided.
You have no idea what the f is really going on..
Stop leading us on to think there is some worth while reading in his Book…there is nothing but a pile of scams.
We all want Casey to pay for his crimes.
He will continue onto bigger crimes if he is not taken into custody.
Take it like a man Casey.
Don’t censor me. -
At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.
He committed loan fraud, that’s how.
“Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield are two of the most successful authors of all time.”
Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield are also writers whose work product can instantly trigger the gag reflex in any literate person with an education beyond 10th grade.
“Casey also has a very thick skin to criticism, a high tolerance level to stress, and gets up and keeps moving forward no matter what. He has a tremendous drive for success, and is not afraid to fail.”
That’s because up to now, his failure (some of us call it mortgage fraud) has cost him nothing.
Let’s see how calm he is under pressure when the FBI puts a GPS on V-Dubs.
@10. Amused Onlooker
I was wondering the same thing myself
Let the hating continue!
“The views and actions expressed and taken by Casey are solely those of Casey. These views and actions by Casey do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher, its parent, affiliates or subsidiary companies. The reason for doing a publishing deal with Casey is that we are reporting on his experiences and turning those experiences into an information product series.”
Mr. Publisher, are you saying this so you cannot be considered an accessory to mortgage fraud?
Casey, we’d like to make an appointment. We’ll be in touch.
oh my this “publisher” is almost as delusional as is KC.
“What do you want to see in Casey’s first book?”
His imprisonment.
“At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors.”
How is lying on multiple loan applications valuable information? There’s no secret as to what Casey did.
Casey is “one” man and he has put up with your negative comments for the past 9 months. You haterz get a few negative comments that slip through the obvious “moderation” on your haterz sites and you call them “trollz”. So you haterz have been “trolling” on IAFF all these months then too. A case of the pot calling the kettle black. (I wonder if this comment will ever get posted on a haterz site, so I will post it on IAFF too, at least the moderation there has a point.) You haterz want people to think you are the majority! Well YOU ARE NOT!!! You are merely a chapter in the saga that is Casey Serin.
This is going to be so very, very awesome to watch.
Did you write this, Casey? You and your “Publisher” have remarkably similar writing style.
What does that tell us? Either this guy is a chump, or you are a sociopath. Either way, bad Mojo.
If this is not going to benefit Casey financially, I really wonder if he should publish a book. “Books are the new “business card” of this decade and beyond”. While I agree with this statement, Casey’s business card is all about foreclosures and losing *a lot* of money. I cannot see this benefiting his future career in business. His only success to date financially speaking, is with this blog. If he was able to turn the situation around, pay off his debt and go on to become a successful real-estate investor, then that story would make a good book. To make the book interesting, more private details about his life and transactions are going to have to be revealed. At least with a blog, you can turn it off. Is it possible that a book is only going to incriminate him more?
Haven’t been here in a while but this story just gets stranger and stranger.
Good Luck, Casey, with whatever it is you are doing.
so Casey flaked out on another contract. No Way!
It seems per the post there are some assets out there… but the Publisher wont give us a roadmap…. Interesting.
I guess the only thing we learned today is where Casey got the term “Focused Effort.”
this makes me less apt to come back. I couldnt even read this whole post. Im bored.
You’re writing the wrong book.
Who’d buy Casey’s book on how to invest in real estate? No one.
Who’d buy Casey’s book on how to create a blog that gets 6,000 unique visitors a day? More than no one.
Many more, in fact, including me.
Seem pretty obvious.
Duane Legate,
You back stabbing mutha fucka. Get back in that hole you just crawled out of. Yeh, you can talk freely on haterz sites because you are with your haterz crew. You are just a two faced son of a b**** ! You are scum and if any of the haterz take you back in their fold then then really have no credibility as I already suspected. They profess to call it what it is when it comes to Casey. But when it comes to one of their own, they show a blind eye.
I am NOT Casey supporter but you, a****** , can kiss my a** . I refuse to read any sneaky bullshit you have to share. “It is war” you say? You declare war on a 24 year old that was just trying to make a way for himself in the world? War against a 24 year old that respected you and held you in his confidence? By “war” you mean you are the f****** spy you spinless bastard.
Please post my comments, so the world will know that there is more to this story than just through the eyes of haterz!
Where the heck are the No Limit Ladies?? Do they know about this new agreement? What about that NDA? Is “the publisher” going to defend Casey in court against them? Casey is their b****, not yours!
“purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors”
he writing a book on how to commit fraud? good luck trying to sell that.
“Millionaires Have 5x as Many Failures”:
You’re assumption that Casey is on his way to millions is nothing less than stupid.
I know people who have failed hundreds of times. The word I use to describe them is losers; not future millionaires.
Look up “spurious relationship”. -
I’d think a publisher would do a better job of editing their posts….
” Reason for a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Casey
Speaking of those things, this is the specific reason we added a very “wordy” Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Casey, and drilled it home that he can not discuss anything pertaining to our publishing deal unless we agree to it. This only makes good business sense not to discuss every financial detail of your life, especially in a pubic forum.”PUBIC? forum?
Duane said…
“Hey A****** … I offered him 15 K for the blog… LAST MONDAY STRIPPED of all the content… THAT is money in hand.. you freaking WANNA BE”
Duane honey, do I have to wash your mouth out with soap. I thought you and lil Casey were buddies? Sweetums, are you upset cuz he would not take your 15K? Awwwwwwwww, don’t huff n puff so much sugar fluff, here’s your inhaler. Poo poo honey, Casey stands to make millions with “the publisher.”
I know, where can we get you one of those sugar pie. Quick, get in the car seat muffin! We are gonna go right to PUBLISHERS R US!!!
Now Duaney Laney stop holding your breath. You will turn blue. You’re already green with envy dammit!!! Here’s your bottle…you know mommie wuvs you!
Even burger king is a W-2 job. Casey isn’t W-2 unemployable, but he might have trouble in the real-estate or programming fields. He could still get *A* job.
Casey dont forget that I am a “supporterz” when you get around to that chapter
OK. Now we have a Casey blog without Casey.
Guest bloggers like publishers and the Loss Mitigation Guy?
Everything you ask Casey has to be approved by the Publishers now??What’s next? A guest blog by Casey’s Astrologer?
Scientology?This place has just jumped the shark.
I’m almost sure this post will be ‘moderated’. -
Only a fool would buy your product series:
“multiple books, home study courses, teleseminars, live events, workshops, speaking engagements, coaching and consulting programs, etc…”
Casey harmed many people when he didn’t pay back the money he borrowed. You seem to view his failure as some great success story.
You speak of the things Casey did right, and his strengths–”not afraid to jump in”. Why would someone want to study the strengths of a failure? Why would someone want to study what a failure did right on his path to colossal failure?
When you want to succeed, study somebody who succeeded not Casey. -
Is this a joke topic?
Sounds like the “publisher” has been drinking the Carelton Sheets/Robert Craposaka kool aid.
Worst. Post. Ever.
More trolling.
Casey, you have gone off the deep end. Completely, utterly and certifiably.
Fail. Foreword. Fast. Indeed.
Anyways, Duane LeGate falsely befriends Casey Serin with the only intent of getting over on him. When he finds out that said Casey Serin is smarter than the average “mark” he instead becomes a spy to collect “the goods” on the unsuspecting gaulible young man. Then he splatters all the s*** he collects on haterz sites, but not right away. HE FEEDS THEM LITTLE BALLZ OF S*** AT A TIME. The haterz, NOW FULL OF S*** , run around in circles chasing their tails in the “Dawg pound”.
Kinda like the paparazzi getting a job at Paris Hilton’s home then plowing through the trash with bare hands on their knees in her bathroom while pretending they are cleaning the toilet. Then they run off to one of the gossip rags to sell their “crap” cuz Time Magazine is not buying their s*** .
We already know you are a scumbag Duane. No surprise here. So you have the scoop huh???WOOPEEFUCKINDOO!!!
Casey tells all anyway, you moron. That is what got him in this mess in the first place (duh). Besides, the book will have it all neatly tied togother, so we can see the WHOLE picture.
Assuming that this isn’t just Casey, or Nigel, et al, this “publisher” is clearly a scam artist.
“# 78% of all books published are from small independent publishers or are self published.
# Books are the new “business card” of this decade and beyond.
# Typically, you don’t make any money on the book itself, rather all the other ways the book will make you money through positioning and branding. Seminars, speaking engagements, home study courses, audio and cd programs, dvd’s, and other info products.
# Authors greatly enhance the success of the book by taking 100% responsibility for marketing their book. Of course, publishers like to take the credit, but it’s really the author’s personal marketing and publicity that is key in a successful selling book. ”That part in particular is really blatant. You might as well have posted “we are a scam company”.
While I could spend hours picking apart that ridiculous post, I will just simply point out that neither Casey, nor his “publisher”, can distinguish between “lose” and “loose”.
You’ve got to be kidding me … seriously.
Someone really needs to learn the difference between “lose” and “loose”; it gives me pause when a post from an anonymous publisher contains Casey’s hallmark grammar errors…
nice troll, got me though. my troll motor is breaking down, care to sell me yours?
Hello “publisher” and kidCasey,
Casey did fail to perform on several minor issues with our agreement that we let pass.
OOPS!Can’t wait until snoozefest, err workshops, siminars, etc. comes along.
Basically we want to hear stuff we’re not going to hear about. We want the dirty family gossip, the irresponsible spending, the emotional breakdowns.
But Serin’s made it clear (and so have you) that this is going to be a dull, sanitized blog for the purpose of selling books.
Here’s letting you in on a secret: nobody cares about his financial details except to see the Schadenfreude fester. Nobody wants to take advice from a failure and a scammer. We want to laugh and point and stare, when he’s dragged into a courtroom yelling “It’s not fair! Moooooooom!”
Except for the embarrassing grammatical errors, this so-called publisher’s post reads like a four-page direct mail sales letter that comes bulk mail.
The subheads. The single-sentence paragraphs. The bold print. The promises. Everything was there except the P.S. Order now and get your free autographed copy of Facing Foreclosure the Casey Way!™
It was sooo like junk mail I kept trying to throw away my monitor.
This guy’s not editing your book, I hope, is he Casey?? (I’m assuming it’s a he.) He lacks a grasp of basic spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. He thinks “entrepreneur” and “employer” are proper nouns! And forward i/o foreword — yikes!
(I imagine he’ll claim he didn’t take time to edit his post for a blog. A bunch of crap. He’s been working on it for days. If you’re a “publisher,” especially one who crows about your reputation, English is your business and you don’t let grade-school mistakes slip through. And consistently making the same mistake four times or so isn’t a typo; it’s ignorance.)
Even Casey knows how to spell “lose” now! And English is his second language!
A blank website will cause you to loose your natural organic search engine rankings for all your keywords rather quickly.
Too much to loose for Casey simply to walk away.
(and several more “loose” errors)
Many people have commented and told Casey “Just get a job!”.
Casey is a true Entrepreneur at heart.
[M]ost W-2 Employers won’t hire him.
The more obstacles Casey self imposes on himself …
That’s some brilliant writing!
I won’t go into detail here, as it would provide a roadmap for his creditors to follow.
So? That’s not your problem! Now you’re helping Casey hide assets from his creditors? Because you don’t want to lose a couple of weeks of work? They’re out hundreds of thousands of dollars!
I hope you get subpoenaed to disclose where he’s buried his cigar box of benjamins. Cashcall, are you paying attention!?
This whole project sounds like it’s going to be one big attempt to string people along, continually promising more information to come, the secret just beyond the next horizon … but there really isn’t any substance after all. Because Casey can’t help a soul avoid foreclosure.
What is the biggest question you have for Casey that you’re just dying to know the answer to?
I have a few, actually.
What interest rate is Hammar charging Casey?
What’s his payment plan?
How much did he borrow?
Has he started paying the corp back?
Has the corp started paying back its creditors?
Have his *ahem* corporate backer(s) paid anything to his creditors?
Did he (or the corp) buy GSPG or not?
Is he going to pay the missing payment?
Does he have anything toward July rent?
How much advance did he get for this book deal? (I’m guessing he got zero — or actually less than zero — because it sounds like Casey had to put money in. What kind of “publisher” asks an author — especially a guy in debt up to his eyeballs — for money?)
… and of course …
Utah wrap?
Excuse me, I believe I meant to write “Bronte” sisters in my last post. Sometimes when I get mad I ‘loose’ my train of thought and forgot how to type. If there ever were a reason to have a book burning though…I mean Chicken Soup…that’s the kindling right there. I have to say however, if there ever was going to be a perfect fit publisher for KC, I think we’ve got our match.
So basically casey had absolutely no common sense whatsoever in the last 18 months. Here’s what common sense casey lacked. I demand some royalties from the book !!!
1. Lender Ignore Mode™ doesn’t make your problems go away.
2. Don’t buy houses you can’t afford
3. Don’t buy stuff you can’t afford
4. Periodically check your checking account and have an idea of what the approximate balance is
5. When you’re facing foreclosure don’t go to starbucks, macaroni grill, jamba juice, chipotle, or ikea. See #3.
6. Don’t take vacations when facing foreclosure. See #3
7. Don’t spend tens of thousands on real estate seminars when facing foreclosure. See #3.
8. Don’t lie on loans or enter any “gray areas.” Lying on loans is illegal.
9. Read everything you sign. See #8
10. If you don’t understand something you’re signing, it’s ok. Seek competent counsel.
11. Cashback after closing not reported on the HUD form is illegal.
12. Debt is not income.
13. Refinancing debt is not “paying off” another debt.
14. A good FICO makes everything possible. A bad one makes everything impossible.
15. Publicly admitting to felony mortgage fraud is not a good idea.
16. Mortgage fraud is NOT a grey area.
17. Pools need maintenance or they come alive.
18. Houses require maintenance.
19. Failure to maintain houses makes them harder to sell.
20. A house whose mortgage is 2-3x the rent it brings in is a bad investment.
21. We were in the biggest bubble in the history of mankind.
22. Real estate that pays a smaller cash yield than the zero coupon rate is overpriced.
23. Ignoring contracts is a bad idea.
24. Living in cars sucks. That’s why most people don’t do it.
25. When you are facing foreclosure, you should not have cell phone bills in the hundreds of dollars every month.
26. When a blog is providing you with Passive™ income, you don’t shut it down.
27. Trolling your own blog is a bad idea.
28. You should have a reliable hosting solution that can deal with the traffic your site generates.
29. Everything is not all good.
30. “Borrowing” from a shell corporation that has no sales, revenues, or income is fraud. This is illegal.
31. Ignore the IRS at your peril. They have guns. Cashcall does not.
32. Cashcall and other unsecured creditors are paper tigers.
33. Buying penny stocks is a bad idea.
34. Only buy penny stocks that you wish to pump and dump. But this is illegal.
35. Fresh juice doesn’t help avoid foreclosure.
36. Putting ads on a high traffic site is a good idea.
37. Having a high traffic site with no ads and no source of income is a bad idea.
38. Getting up early doesn’t help stop foreclosure.
39. Paying mortgages prevents foreclosure.
40. Vdubs is a bad car brand.
41. Foreclosure is a bad thing you should not be thankful for.
42. Ch. 13 bankruptcy is better morally than not paying back a single dirty penny™.
43. Begathons™ are humiliating and they only work once.
44. Napping is not a good way to stop foreclosure.
45. Those sweet deals™ you typically find in your spam folder aren’t all good™.
46. College education is quite beneficial-especially economics, business, and accounting. Even if you’re an Entrepreneur™.
47. If you have a lot of Haterz™, there’s probably good reason why they Hate™.
48. Being the “World’s Most Hated Blogger™” is not something to be proud of.
49. Financing your house with Caseyloans™ is a bad idea.
50. And finally, Napping™ does not help avoid foreclosure.Maybe I should write a book about this book. Just like there’s blogs about this blog.
These “publishers” are about on par with your real estate gurus. Casey, you are being taken again………..
Why are your “publishers” not very concerned with you going to jail. One would think, incarceration might get in the way of seminars and you marketing your book.
There are so many red flags here Casey. It is as obvious as the Dawgs car weaving across the center line and back again.
“Authors assume their publisher will do all the marketing necessary to make the book a success. This is a complete myth. Authors must take responsibility for their own marketing.”
Yeeeeeah…I can see where a publisher would front an advance or at the least buy the rights to the “Noodlehead Memoirs”, go out-of-pocket to have the cover artwork and printing done, and the distribution set up.
And then just toss the books in the back of a truck and hope for the best…like buying a lottery ticket and then not even bother with looking at the results.
It’s all up to “Mr. Noodlehead” if he wants to crack the NYT bestseller list, right?
Say…do you see a second penis growing out of my forehead?
Does a book/CD/Home Sudy course mean that the Hobbit gets to sit in his hole sucking Jamba Juices?
Of course not…but you have to bring some sweat to the table also…who does he buckaroo know in the publishing world?(Home Study Course?…from CASEY? …in the Name of the Living God!
Will this “course” be marketed to correctional institutions as an inducement to promote inmates self-selecting the option of capital punishment?:“Watch THOSE DVDs?
HEY you screws! Gimme the Warden! Put me in the Chair!…Please!”).But then, the Hobbit is in no position to negotiate, is he?
But here’s the deal, Pubby , and you should know this.
Now that “blogging” is Casey’s “job”…watch the content continue to suffer and the readership decline.
He’s been phoning it in since the “Contract” episode.
It’s getting BORING.
See ya ’round the ranch, cowboy.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees the obvious — that the “publisher” is really Casey’s alter ego du jour.
You remind me of a friend of mine, Casey. He’s a pathological liar, too.
This is a comment on a damn blog. I refuse to even proff read it. Above is just a post, not by an English professor or editors. Haterz, why don’t you dissect the sentence structure and use of words of your mates? I don’t have useless time on my hands as you do to create a supporterz site as you loserz have done in creating your haterz sites. But if I did, what fun it would be exposing you all.
One site led by a “drunk dawg,” another by a “wailing banshee” on a talkcast not that long ago. Then there is the “wanna be tits & a** jeep girl” (that we all know is really an ugly fat slob) Casey groupee, practically cyber effing other haterz to keep the hatin’ going. Oh lets not forget the Nigel “hounds.” Those that are just obviously jealous of Nigel Swaby’s success at such a young age. I could go on and on. If only I had the “wasteful” time, then I myself would provide name, addresses, phone numbers and documents, photoshop moments, etc. to out these “goody two shoes imposters” Oh by the way, I hope I made enough “grammatical errors” to bring you to a squealing haterz o***** .
And I though Casey was bad…..
Didn’t think it was possible that the blog could be made worse…. But I guess you picked the right person for that job Casey.
“The previous week before Casey shut the blog down, he generated over $2200 in advertising revenue in one week with a little focused effort!
Actually, it was a lot more, because his affiliate revenue and another $500 advertiser weren’t counted in that total. So, the numbers were actually over $3500!”
10 Sponsor links for a month = $1,000
2 Premium sponsors for a month = $1,000
Google Adsense with Stats = $1,000 a month approximatelySo I’m counting $3,000 a month give or take. A lot different from your $2,200 x 4 implication of $8,800 a month.
And as previous readers have mentioned, how did Casey buy $2.2 million in real estate? Fraud. Now do you want to sign me?
In California it isn’t very hard going $2 million in DEBT with real estate; it boils down to 3 over priced homes and some shady mortgage lenders. He proved he can overpay for real estate and once we find out who the publisher is, we will know that you have also over paid for financial advice from a criminal.
Will said, “the publisher.” Casey keep doing what you doing and you will reach your goal. Sometimes lifes seems dimmed but there is a light end of this tunnel.
Go Casey Go!
- Max
Looks like a post of one of your co-workers at Jamba Juice.
Oh my, is anyone going to buy that book?
I know you created a lot of “innuendo”, things that nobody knows except CS, boehoe … I am never going to know some secrets of CS, my life is becoming living hell now, boehoe… -
Oh my. Another Gary Halbert/Jay Abraham/Dan Kennedy wannabe Copy Writer who bathes in delusions of grandeur.
Casey, this clown is going to eat your time. He is a crazymaker loser who can’t write beyond copywriting 101 . . . and you can tell he didn’t pass that course.
If you want to write a book, Casey, hire a real pro. Get away from this guy.
The question is: how to repackage the blog in such a way as to preserve its hysterical entertainment value? I mean, who wouldn’t want a copy — a sort of the program — for our nightstands, to regale ourselves before bedtime? This is pure comedy gold here. No doubt about it.
amateurish hack!
Casey, since you are a real estate investor do you have any plans to buy real estate?
This is so sad.
I can’t decide if it’s Casey himself or the No Limit Ladies or a combo.
What a sad ending.
Closing the blog and walking away had some dignity.
But this?
Very sad, Casey. -
dadadadadada that’s all folks.
Note to “Publisher”…
We’re not here to get Casey’s advice. We aren’t going to buy his book, go to his seminar, or purchase whatever else you have planned for him. Think of us as people on the highway slowing down to see a nasty car wreck. If you could dig up some dirt on Casey that hasn’t yet been posted then some here would buy that book, but it seems as though you’re not going that route.
The only good move Casey made in the last 9 months has been taking the blog down, and you ruined that.
Dear Publisher:
I don’t know if that was ultimately meant to be a marketing spin on behalf of Casey and his future product, but quite a bit of was self-contradictory.
First of all, nobody could be quite gullible enough to believe that failing 5x miserably is a necessary prerequisite to becoming a millionaire. That’s like saying you must get humiliated by Simon Cowell 5x on Idol in order to become champion someday. That’s not to say that successful entrepreneurs don’t fail frequently, but that it’s certainly not a requirement, and to suggest that it means that Casey will be successful is more Bizarro World than anything else.
More importantly, you yourself go to the trouble of listing Casey’s various weaknesses/personality flaws. Yet you don’t link his spectacular failure to these flaws. You act as if they had nothing to do with his situation, when in fact they in large part precipitated his current state. In fact, the legion of “haterz” here exist primarily to point this out - that his flaws have not been remedied, or even for that matter, acknowledged, and that these are what ultimately prevents him from succeeding, not a couple of common business mistakes. I suspect you will find this out soon, as the laundry list of others in front of you already have.
Sad, sad, sad.
“Casey is not W-2 material!”
… Not all employers do background checks. I work for an IT Staffing company that works on contracts, contract to hire, and direct placements. Many firms just want to make sure you haven’t killed someone.
This is all hype, and frankly, bullshit. Casey needs to get a job. I was so happy to hear this site had gone down. Thought maybe he had gotten a bit of sense in his head.
I don’t doubt he will write a book, become a brand, and be touted all over television. Bullshit, frankly.
Do you honestly, Mr. Unknown Publisher, believe that anyone would look at Casey’s story as anything other than a comedy of errors? Bwahahahahaha!
You say people would want to know how he bought all that real estate at the tender age of 24……HE LIED, that’s how.
Something OTHER people could pull off, too, if they had no ethics, scruples, morals, or conscience.
Chew on that for a while Mr. Big Shot That Stands To Make $$$ Off Casey And That’s The Only Reason He’s In This Mess.
I was mostly kidding in my previous comment when hypothesizing that Casey was self-publishing this “book”, but now I’m not so sure. The sad thing is that even if this post is legit and you truly have a “publisher”, it’s once again amateur hour. Where do you build your team at, Casey? The local clown college?
For the love of Jebus, Casey/Casey publisher, the word is “lose”, not loose. You have loose morals which cause you to lose money hand over fist. You apply loose ethics to any and all situations, which has caused you to lose a colossal amount of money in a very short time.
Aside from the grammatical train wreck, so many outright errors and misrepresentations here. Many publishers do indeed promote books. Like, you know, legitimate ones. As far as all W-2 employers running credit checks, where in the world did you conjure that nugget up from? Casey’s subconscious? Only 10-20% of employers run credit checks, which you could have found out for yourself with a few quality minutes with Google. The only thing that makes casey unemployable is Casey, not his credit score.
Everyone is hammering the “publisher” for not knowing the proper spelling of that part of a book called the “foreword”. Indeed, that should be a flag. But, I couldn’t get past his spelling of “lose” … l-o-o-s-e. Interestingly, spell-check wouldn’t catch either of these errors, since the mistakes are both still words. His post would have to have been proof-read!
Anyway, it’s good to have you back, Casey. I hope everything works out.
As usual the comments make far better reading than the post.
“Knock knock”
“who’s there?”
“Casey Serin”
Door slams
This isn’t exactly what I meant when I said you should share your story with people who need the information. Your “publisher” seems to be turning you into the exact sort of crap-brand in real estate and foreclosure investing that already litters the internet.
This blog was probably the best ‘business decision’ that you’ve ever made because it took your experience and made it useful and applicable to others. Now, it would seem that you’re letting some money-hungry losers take your experience and turn you into “just another real estate investment scheme.” I would caution you against this move because I think it detracts from the uniqueness that makes you interesting to people… but it would seem that I might be too late for that.
Remember, you reap what you sew in life. The reason that you have so many supporters is because you came clean about this whole ordeal in a free and open forum (this blog). You may think that everyone will support you as you ask them to pony up the dough for some more juicy tidbits, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see your readership shrivel up and die. You used to be something novel, now you’re just another real estate investment “guru.” Good luck with that.
Maybe Serin really thinks there is a publisher. Maybe he’s truly cracked at long last.
Snowflake, get thyself to a mental health facility, and quickly. The poor grammar, style, spelling, and general approach of the “publisher” reveals his true identity. Your writing is impossible to hide, or improve.
Diapers. This post was too long and I missed the bus to school. Now I have the day off, since it’s too far to walk! Sweet success! Itsallgood.
“Casey is a brand” ????
Yea, Casey=Fail, Casey=Looser, Casey=Fxck up, Casey=bye
This Blog is a Joke,
welcome back. i missed you.
Boy, there are so many things disturbing in this post that I don’t have the time to copy and paste them all.
From the beginning, where it’s mentioned that Casey will be involved with home-studies, tele-seminars, etc, I started to feel uneasy. These are the very things that started you down the road to debt, Casey. Can’t you see that?
I guess if you can recover your finances by doing to others that which was done to you, so much the better for you.
I would bet the farm that this post was actually written by Casey, not some publisher. Especially since most publishers know how to spell and write correctly, or at least know how to edit their mistakes! Casey is just pulling another grift.
Hey Mr. Publisher,
I’m a real estate investor in the Dallas region. Why would I buy Casey’s book when Casey has failed. Am sure its not that difficult to get $2.2M when you lie on the apps.
Do you really think Casey can advise people on real estate ? The other problem is Casey is motivated by Money, not real estate.
The way to prove Casey has learnt something is to start now again in real estate and make some real money.
I think you need to explain your foroword ? I am no English specialist and didnt notice anything until Mr. Forward pointed out foroword ! To be a success the attention is in the detail.
Casey not speaking for 4 days.
If Casey could be succesfull then there would be many successful people about.
I am looking forword to seeing your books and series in Bordres,
Loads O Money
Hey Casey, it’s certainly getting interesting. I’m in California this week for a conference, but unfortunately not near Sacramento. If I was closer, I’d stop by and buy you a Jamba Juice before you get too famous to talk to us common folk.
Casey, I’m writing this from the Bada Bing, I’m with some people here who want in on any Cirus Cirus deal. This is a lot of money and they trust you more than some guy nobody has ever heard of. The public media is working for you. Please call me at 201-262-7108 and lets talk.
Danny Ocean
There are plenty of W-2 jobs out there for Casey. You don’t need a credit check to work at Jamba Juice. (Think of it Casey, a 50% discount on all those “sweet” wheatgrass shots and $6.50 an hour to boot.) You don’t need a credit check to wait tables at Macaroni Grille.
Hell, you don’t even need a credit check to become a Cashcall spokesperson. I hear Gary Coleman’s contract is up soon…
Greatest post ever. I would have laughed had I stopped yawning.
You could actually write a book & call it “How to buy RE with no money down and get “Sweet” Cash Back at closing”. I think plently people would buy that. Lots of disguntled wage slaves looking to get in on the cash back at closing scam.
Timing a bit off though. Cash back at closing is going to much more difficult in the future.
Publisher = another identity for Casey to write in the third person about himself
I like that even Casey puts “Publisher” in quotation marks.
That is on par with calling a drug dealer a “Pharmaceutical Sales Rep” -
M-O-O-N! That spells publisher! Laws yes!
Hey, why did you block my post about the publisher Denali Media Group?
Too close to home?
Dear guessed blahggur,
Wowee sir, you have learned much from Casey in your short time together. You control the drole troll. Casey is probably bipolar and certainly qualifies for membership in a number of 12 step programs where he can spend some time with his Maker. But don’t pay any attention to me, I’m just a gal in a tight spot trying to make it all work out. Wish me luck.
coyote -
@ MOCHA #23
She said,
“Still MOCHA…with a lil less umf, fingers crossed, hoping that “the publisher” is not another “judas”. I got my eye on you”publisher”…you better not mess my boy up…I’m from Detroit where “the weak are beaten and eaten”…you don’t wanna mess with me!!!”
I was wonderring where you were girl. Stand by YOUR BOY!. You go girl!. I love reading your stuff here. You talk so much s*** . You go after the haterz with no fear and now you’re threatening “the publisher”. I luv IAFF, it never dissappoints me. Now I rush to my cubicle in the morning and never want to leave. There is nothing else like this in other blogs. IAFF ROCKS!
Good morning!
I’m almost an early riser™ today.
After I went to bed yesterday afternoon, I had a dream in which I had voluminous posts saying that what my publisher wrote was to™ long an meandering. So when I got up this morning, I emailed my publisher and asked if he could whittle it down a bit. Here is his reply:
“Dear Casey,
After further reflexion™ I have desided™ that maybe my explanashun™ wuz™ to™ long. If you promise not too™ change anythings™ I have maid™ a shorter post:
Too™ all. I am a profesional™ publishr™. I have many experience in eding™ and pulibshing™ fine books. Casey present™ a very comeling™ storee™ that will have readres™ interesting™ to read. I am took™ a very bg and substantial risk, but Casey is brite™ and kind. He might not be a regular W-2 guy and maybey™ will end up in jail so I must hurry.
In the forwerd™ (got it rite™ this time!) you will hear about why to buy the book and enjoy it well. My vast experiens™ in the high presure worlds of publisment is very lare and good. You have made me mad buy™ suggesting I dont™ not no™ how to right™ nor edit™. I am profession in this guilds.
A pox on you if you will not think the wrigtings™ flowing and delicious! May your village become covered in rat-dropping encrusted voclanic ash mixed with the sputum of wild boars!!I give you good writings to enjoy by thi sfall!
J. Woodward Hubbington Esq.”
So that’s it. I hope you now have a better understanding of the professional capabilities that I am linked with. I am sure that this little sampling is only a tase of what is to come this fall.
Stay tuned.
Sounds like a great plan to have Casey (aka the dumbest man in the world) write a book about real estate…
WTF is this? Casey a “brand”? “So many interesting things happening in Casey’s life behing the scenes, your head would spin”?
Going beyond this blog, you think we care? You honestly think that we are going to pony up for a book about someone who changes his directions more than the wind?
This has got to be a joke or you must be the dumbest publisher on earth.
G’day, mate. Cooking up some organic shrimp on the barbie?
more boring than ever - this site has nothing now
So-called publisher: Do you really think Casey can create anything more entertaining than the haterz’ limericks, photoshops, and the flowchart?
The haterz provide the real value here: good advice (well, before they realized it fell on deaf ears) and comic genius.
Contrast that with Casey’s feeble attempt at advice: His knee-jerk reaction is to find a short-sale specialist. Or go into lender-ignore mode.
Contrast that with Casey’s feeble attempt at humor: what he has in his murse-slash-manbag (manbag sounds even worse than murse, if you ask me). Not funny.
I’m glad I just received my state issued hip waders. Even with those, the crap is seeping in.
What a complete load of crap I just spent time reading.
I’ll bet seasoned investors can really use Casey’s great experience and knowledge of lying on loan documents to secure more investment real estate.
ps. Along with other misspellings and bad grammar from the “publisher”, the word you really want is LOSE (four letters), not LOOSE. These are two different words with two different meanings. Please try to learn the difference. I would expect a “publisher” to know this.
By the way,
ASW: loose
How appropriate.
This really pathetic.
Not worth the 0s and 1s it’s composed of.
**shakes head sadly**
Now u see haterz, now u see! Casey is almost a millionaire, and you waste your time being negative posting here.
Well, teh publisher should shut you up for good, no? Just wait until the first edition is printed, and it is OVER for your theory. Casey will be rolling in money while you roll in nothing.
How does it feel to be wrong all the time!
Hmmm, joint venture huh….. Sounds like someone got cut a check from the old business line of credit.
Casey, my man!
Did you get my invite to check out the Scientology Center? I think this could be the best way to solve all your problems. Look what it’s done for me.
Only $12,000 a session (about 50 sessions) and you’ll be on your way to a debt free, moneymaking life. All because of Scientology and what it can do for you.
Call me soon,
Casey? Flushing $100 bills? No, that’s not like him at all…
Contrary to popular belief, Casey and the publisher are not the same people, they just had the same 3rd grade teacher.
“The Publisher” has been pwned.
Another win for Team Casey!
Why does “publisher” write just like “Casey?”
You people have a whole lot of time on your hands. Do any of you people have jobs?
From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…
[Begin guest post from the “Publisher”]Warning: this will be a lengthy post, but will answer many questions people are dying to know.
In light of Casey shutting ..blah blah blah
blah blah…
Behind the Scenes … blah blah
blah blah blah
So there we have it. Casey may succeed in publishing as a result of failure in a legitimate industry. This speaks volumes for a society obsessed with celebrity (i.e. Ms. Hilton) that it forgets the important stuff (war on terror).
It would be one thing if Casey had turned his real estate business around (OK he never had a business), paid off the debts, then do a publishing venture; but to monetize from celebrity now is wrong. Any income should go to creditors.
Who knew celebrity would become a viable career choice? That’s all Casey has acheived. Perhaps they’ll begin teaching the pursuit of celebrity in schools and colleges. Welcome to the 3rd millenium.
Will the book ACTUALLY be about foreclosure and real estate related investing items or a similation of things happening in Casey’s life?
A series of informational books? Pertaining to what subject matter?
Good Luck Casey!!!
Who’s going to buy these series of books, seminars, stuff?
The 5 or so clueless, cashless, paris fan’s that post here as
supoorterz. -
Can’t wait to read all the juicy details in the forthcoming book.
Is the “Publisher” Michael Masterson from earlytorise.com?
That’s his writting style. If not, it’s definetly some type of direct response copywriter.
HATERZ…boyyyyyy, you gotta love the lil buggerz. They are soooooooooooooo predictable…hehehehehehehehe…. .
They whine and whine about “the publisher”. The people provide them with a nice detailed post but then they go on and on about the “gramma and typos”. They have pulled that grammar/typo crap on me so many times…its just a haterz cop out!!! I say why even bother?
In my case because I am a “mos def” Casey supporter, they ask…”is mocha gay, straight or bi, man, woman or shemale?” I told them I am BLACK dammit…and the rest you can speculate all you want…I don’t give a flying f*** !!! Then its…”oh mocha is a crack head, a drunk, on welfare, in the ghetto.” hehehehehehehehehe… .Crack? Like in you “crack” me up??? Yes, that you do!!!
I am done trying to drive the haterz off. I DARE them to stick around. I want to be able to locate them you see, when Casey makes it BIG so that I can say…”NOW WHAT???…kiss my black a** !!!”
You know what, I am not even gonna get all tied up in this for now. Casey, you know who I am, what I am, where I am and what I am about. That is all that matters to me. “Do your thang” and Like I said…”I got your back, man”…just watch out for the “snakes in the grass.”
Casey, you are a sad pathetic little boy, running away and leaving others to clean up your mess. The truth about you and your lower than pond scum behavior is out there on the web for all to see. No more visits from me you low life scuz.
>>Having “insider information” into Casey’s life, allowed us to touch on some hot buttons that Casey’s creditors have no clue about.
Casey you should just sell the blog bids are up to $10K
http://www.myebid.com/cgi-bin/.....ingID=4046 -
How is the land down under? Gonna be a mess when you ever come back home.
G-DAY MATE! Care to comment to the trip to Aussieland?
what’s with the AU rumors out there? did you get a sweet exit stratergy?
truly embarassing.
let me give you some advice, “Casey”:
the wise make decisions quickly and change those decisions slowly.
the stpuid make decisions slowly and change those decisions quickly.
if you believe otherwise, you’re in for a lot more hard, hard lessons.
and, of course, nobody’s fooled by this latest ploy.
I have been keeping up with your story since october 2006 and I have never posted. I also read haterz blogs sometimes. I posted today to let you know that there are many people that read your blog and appreciate your honesty and intent to prevent others from making the same mistakes as you. It is very unfortunate that you receive the reception that you do. I hope that it does come to some good. Like, keep you on your feet and, thinking twice about all your decisions. This is America and anything is possible here. Continue with your pursuits and stay within the confines of the law from now on and every thing will turn out well. I wish my 24 year old son had the smarts to accomplish some of the things that you have. Not illegal activities, just the know how to move in the circles that you have. My generation seems to be coming down very hard on you. If people new of some of the things I did at 24…well lets just say, try not telling all from now on. Seems a lot of people can’t see that the glass is half full. All they see is that it is half empty. Good luck to you and your family.
The interesting point in all the publisher mentioned is that SOMEONE will pay to get SEO tips from the young man or information on his TRAINWRECKED R.E. endevourS. Either way… LOL Casey will get PAID!
I am happy to see that everyone involved with him knew exactly what they were doing and proceded to go forward. There is no need for complaining, blaming, or justifications for actions, choices, results.
Casey, pick up your man bag, hop in the V-Dub, and go straight PASS GO, SKIP OVER THE JAIL, and I’ll see you at the COMMUNITY CHEST aka THE BANK!
JV this puppy for all it’s worth! Then make ammends, if it’s possible.
I’m glad you liked the foreclosure workbook, wish we had got it to you before all this, well no, I take that back. Everything happened this way for a reason and it all works for the good. Keep looking for the good things in all the bad experiences.
See you in the book stores! http://www.foreclosureworkbook.com
I seriously think you may make M. Singh’s head explode with all this.
Does anyone else see a bit of a comparison between Casey and Luke Ford?
How is the land down under? Say hi to Mel Gibson for me.
Casey, just found your site, interesting situation you have gotten yourself in to. best of luck with the book
“Entrepreneurs typically don’t like working “for” others”
Nor do lazy people. I fear you are getting the two groups mixed up here.
One bit of advice for you - be sure when you communicate with CS to do it over the phone or in person. Just don’t send it via the postal service, as he is too “entrepreneurial” to open his mail.
I was let down from this post. I hope it all works out for Casey
http://www.icantsellmyhouse.blogspot.com/ -
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. There is no “publisher.” There is no mighty and powerful Oz. There is no book deal. There will be no seminars. Pipe dreams all. Whatcha been smokin’, Casey?
So Marty, do you have a cover design for “The Foreclosure Code” or is KC gonna do a little photoshop work. That would be sweet, a win-win.
All the working loosers listen up:
Casey is still W2 employable. The claptrap about his credit score eliminating him from the running is BS invented by the banking biz to keep the lemmings nervous about their debts. One which snowflake clings to as an excuse why he shouldn’t go out and find real work.
Same for the writeoffs… if he’s insolvent there’s no tax liability.
Banks want you to believe there is some sort of blacklist lest you get any funny ideas. I’ve hired dozens of people and we rarely peek at credit scores IF the person interviews well AND is qualified for the job. Now those aforementioned qualities are difficult for Cassandra Serin to come by, but should he finally grow up and act like a man he can get a decent job. As is Casey interviews like a weakling and is likely to flake out at the earliest possible moment.
The worse case scenario is that an employer would see his dire straits and offer maybe $10k less hoping for a nibble. Any company anal retentive enough to preclude one due to FICO scores is a place for unimaginative asshats anyway.
Of course there’s a real need for companies to hire unimaginative asshats since there’s so many of them.
That was a SWEET post!
What I’d like to see in the book (I’m buying a copy and several for my friends and family when it comes out), is how Casey was able to overcome the adversity sent his way by the Haterz. It is the Haterz’ fault that Casey is in the doldrums.
But I see now that Casey is in good hands
I finally know why this blog is so stupid, such a waste of time and yet so addictive.
It’s like watching a 3:00 a.m. infomercial over and over again, and it just keeps getting dumber and dumber. What we have here is a collection of never-has-beens and never-will-bes. Watching them fight over scraps of money nobody has is immensely entertaining. It’s possible that our “publisher” is even dumber than Serin himself! A Casey Serin line of education products? That could be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!!
Casey– where do you find these people? STOP finding them.
Hey Casey,
Keep your chin up mate, good things are coming!!! By the way, what do you think of the band Savage Garden?
Did Casey really go to Australia?
You are bot dealing with a legitimate and/or seasoned publisher. All the good advice in the world is wasted on you, murse puppet.
By the by, how’s the weather down there? -
“The longer the blog stays “empty” the worse it will affect all the hard work Casey put in the last nine months.”
That must be some Dank WheatGrass he shares with his
ASSociates. -
Hey! They didn’t moderate my last post.
Sonofabitch! Maybe there is hope for this place yet!Still. Having guest bloggers and editing Casey is making him sound like a lot like Howard Beale from the movie, Network, and you know what happened to him. Casey is the man who fell for every get rich scheme out there and paid the ultimate price in debt. Now they are using him to sell get rich quick schemes. It’s ironic.
Casey is the internet’s favorite clown, and if he can get paid well for making us all laugh, more power to him! Hell, he might have actually found a way to get rich by blogging on the internet. It isn’t the way he planned to get rich, but we all have to make the gold however we can. Stranger things have happened. Go for it Casey! It’s all good! We all need a laugh now and then.
@ 144. Svenson
“Casey will be rolling in money while you roll in nothing.How does it feel to be wrong all the time!”
We don’t know but you are certainly qualified to enlighten us.
Be sure to include a synopsis of delusions of grandeur. -
Hey Casey,
How many For’s does it take to make a word ?
Foreward !
You have been forewarned.
Ooops sorry, I meant foreclosed,
Loads O Money
Hey Caesy,
I just hurd your going to be asked to testify in front on congress on the sub prime debackle.
This is sweet Casey,
Loads O Money
The “publisher” said (among other things):
“Is Casey Really “Judgment Proof”?Yes and no.
Having “insider information” into Casey’s life, allowed us to touch on some hot buttons that Casey’s creditors have no clue about.
I won’t go into detail here, as it would provide a roadmap for his creditors to follow.”
Hehehe, you don’t need to go into detail. All the creditors need to know is there is more to know. That is what depositions (under oath) and discovery are for. Once a creditor gets a judgment Casey gets to fill out a financial statement and attest to it under perjury rules. Then if they suspect he might have left something out they can call him in before the judge, put him under oath, and dig into each and every details. They can also force him to disclose who “the publisher” is and since you have freely admitted you know the inside stuff, they can subpoena you as well.
All in open and very public court.
I wonder if those proceedings will make it onto Court TV?
This post reads like one of those BS spam mailers I get on the daily. Iamfacingforeclosure is not the only 24 year old kid in mortgage fraud trouble. It’s rather common now a days and the FBI is cracking down on it. I hope this blog can do better than BS post and filler content. Good luck
Please tell your publisher that while your financial history and Internet notoriety might make it more difficult for you to get hired, I don’t think it makes you unemployable. Not every position requires a credit check, licensing/bonding, etc. A job at Payless would probably be a shoe-in (sorry for the pun). A W2 job may still be in your future… or you could substitute W2 with whatever the equivalent tax form is called in Australia.
I don’t beleive it.. this story has just gotten about a million times better (or worse) than I could have ever imagined.. I’m shocked, just shocked. I’m sorry I posted earlier about divorce; it seriously seems to be imminent. And maybe KC will get to meet blog old timer Ozzie Tim. hint hint.
Casey you should no let people be so down on you. You own this site, you can delete the bad posts.
When your book is published by a big New York publisher, when you are sitting on the best seller lists, then you can rub the nose of the haters.
Until then, keep your chin up and focus on your family. The rest is all W-1101!
I am very happy that the seeds that Casey planted are starting to grow up.
His story is very educative and diserves to be put in a book.
I will defenitely buy it.David, Nashville
“…At 24, he purchased $2.2 MILLION in real estate in less than one year. That was eight properties.
Just knowing HOW he did that, especially at his age, is worth its weight in gold to real estate investors…”
Not really.
I suspect most scammers already know how to lie on a mortgage application.
As a publisher you may have some exprience and I can undersatand that you trying to put all the puzles together; but to make the book a success Casey should write the entire book and probably not you.
I just think Casey can write better that you!!
Mocha - get a grip. Seriously.
lol… I love my “anti-spam word” “Whatedebt” that’s awesome… kinda how I go about my life… I’ve got a TON of debt… my friends FREAK out about it… but I’m all about jumping in head first and then swimming for the top!!
In running my own business, I’m slowly learning that if you don’t do that, you never go anywhere…
I can’t wait to read Casey’s book before I begin my own realestate investing!
OK, so if “the publisher” is going to sue him, what’s he going to get? All his debt? By all means, sue him, because you’ll just be out court costs. He can’t pay anything, let alone being sued. Obviously his relationship aka “contract” with the publisher and fear of being sued is more important than his marriage. Also, we all know, Casey, that this “revival” in your blog is was planned from the beginning. Do you think people are that gullible? Get a life and stop trying to “make it” in this world. Even if you do have money after all of this, are you seriously going to be better for it? Do you actually think money solves your problems that you created - ruined character, broken vows, etc.? The only thing I hope is that you find God and get your life back on track.
makes me wannu hate the publisher
it’s clearly publisher is just using you big time
especially when “they” say something like “we knew how to get his attention”
yea, what is that?
Publisher, good luck to you! “What goes around comes around” we all know that! So it just a matter of time! -
thats what im talkin about he even has a cadillac ad on top the marketing is key i said it before and believe it or not this blog is entertaining about life and debt under current market conditions the blog is fresh and vibrant i hope casey had proper legal counsel as he negotiated the agreement with his publisher media group, casey is a brand a fiancial tool for corporate use i hope he understood like i said before millions can be made when marketed propertly its the american way its the only way in europe in any foreign soil its the marketing that makes u the loot anyway i hope man this media group isnt screwing u man make them put the agreement in the book so the support will transfom from u to them by way of good referral meaning nobdy wants bad publicity if they screw u it will be bad for them because all the supporters here will go after them its bad to screw with someone but if they are humble want u and them to make massive loot than my man its all good and i will send them referral personally one hand washes the other when everybody is
h o n e s t everybody eventually makes massive loot -
Dear Casey,
This post was very boring and extremely long…even longer than Mocha.
-J. Murse Manbagger
asw: blueball
First of all am I the only one that smells a troll?
Second I believe you are lazy Casey. You could get a W2 job that doesn’t check your credit. Those jobs are available. Obviously you won’t be able to join the military or work at a bank, but it is possible. You just would rather be lazy and lay about on this blog than go earn an honest living.This writing style is entirely too similar to your own native writing style. Additionally it is virtually impossible to get busy personnel to write a lengthy blog such as that for you.
Hey Case, congrats on the publisher/book thing. I do have to laugh after reading part of this ‘publisher’ nightmare article…what is the percentage chance that each chapter in your book will have a chapter heading that is a mantra/slogan. 100% indeed. May it sell a million (hey, even 20,000 isn’t a bad start)–congrats again!
WOW, so manyy comments from both sides!!
you know what? It is my first time visiting this blog, and I, for one, will buy the book.
that, in itself, means that many many people out there, like myself, will want to read teh book to see what to avoid… how NOT to succeed…
and, as the donald says, “any publicity is better then no publicity”…
I’m sure that in 10 years from now you will be a wealthy entrepreneur, with a successful future and build successfully from your noteriety.
Casey & Publisher,
First off casey, I found your blog a while back after the SFgate article. I gotta hand it to ya sport, exposing yourself like this is hard to do, but at the same time I understand that it was the craziest, weirdest way to make some sweet deals flat on your back. At first I was a hater, but I began to wonder why? Yeah the kid completely f*cked up just about everything in his life and is now using the media to gain notoriety to hawk his story for some sweeter green than he ever could’ve banked flipping houses. And then I realize why not start a hating Casey website and then maybe I’ll make some sweet deals off of him, now that would be sweet! I didn’t of course, but I’m sure some have tried - I don’t know how sweet their deals are or their site is, I really haven’t looked. The point is - just do it. Like you are. Roll the dice, start a site and work it.To be honest, I am interested in the book. How I learn, personally, is I f*ck up, try again, f*ck up, and then I know. Many, many people learn the same way. However, in order for this book to be useful, it needs to contain all the dirty linen. I MEAN ALL OF IT. On the business end of course. Otherwise, it’ll just come off insincere.
So, good luck, keep workin it, and who knows.
people act as if real estate and foreclosure investing is a Las Vegas gambling casino. Just throw the dice, pull the slot lever, and make some money. It doesn’t work that way. Quick money making schemes are just that….they don’t provide you with long lasting income you can depend on.
Casey, this foreclosure s*** is the least of your problems. Ever heard of peak oil? No? Go google it. It is very sobering to the real crisis at hand - the world is facing a massive die-off of the population, not because of some housing bubble.. The housing bubble is bursting because of this.
While you’re correcting typos, add
“Also, Casey was two months into *out* (OUR) agreement. ”
Too much to *loose* (LOSE) for Casey simply to walk away.
I can’t help but wonder if this wasn’t either:
- all written by Casey to elicit support/sympathy
- the plan all along - take Casey’s blog down for a week to elicit publicity and then come back online.I question that any of this is true.
Hey Casey,
So, like, how is Marty doing? How is the book deal going?
This is so utterly and truly RIDICULOUS that I cannot even begin to process it. The sole purpose of this post is to make sure that people will buy the book and YOU (the publisher) will make money. With small clips and teasers, you begin an explanation, only to quickly state it will “all be in the book.”
Casey is a waste of time and a waste of space. By owing the amount of money he owes, and frankly, not doing everything in his power to legitimately earn money (get a frickin job like the rest of the world), he is seriously affecting peoples livelihoods. By backing him with this book and ultimately, cashing in on this mess, you are showing your greedy ways.
Duane is the Linda Tripp of the serin saga.
I have no doubt that Casey will be more successful than I am if he takes his steps correctly. America loves entertaining stories more than anything else. I on the other hand have a much harder time in getting my book and my site to take off. Certainly Casey is much smarter and successful than I am in this respect.
I only hope that Casey will not dump his debt on the society eventually.
Best luck.
This is complete and utter bullshit. Casey wrote this and it is obvious. Only Casey spells losing as “loosing”….
Can’t you people tell when you’ve been had?
This generation wants fast money as well as CEO power at the age of 24.
Our culture has now been “Jackass’ed” ie where those who are
1) plain stupid
2) don’t wish to work hard
3) don’t wish to do the research
4) Completely gullible when you “show them the money”can make a living from selling blatantly obvious mistakes.
My 2c’s
P.S. saw this in SMH in oz.. Was curious.
Wow, what a long post to try to sell a couple s***** books
1 comment:
Thanks for blog post. I've dealt a lot with foreclosure and it can be a complicated mess. The more information you have better. Fortune Builders has a great article on this topic that helped me out a lot. Keep the info coming!
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