I’m shutting down the blog in 24 days and getting a job.
No amount of “fame” or money is worth a failed marriage. I had good intentions with the blog but never did I think it would get this crazy and this toxic. The saying “any publicity is good publicity” is only true if you don’t care what happens to your relationships. I thought I can leverage it for the positive but that back-fired.
To me that is not a good trade off. I’m sorry it took me this long to see it. I kept telling myself I can find a way to make it all work out (”win-win” and all that). I shut down before but couldn’t stay way and then I to a whole new level (for the worse) by coming back online and going to Australia.
No more excuses…
While I said the main reason was because I was threatened to be taken to court my my publisher. That was not the main reason. I was using that as an excuse. I truly did not want to shut down. What can I say, I’m very good at rationalizing my actions (and deceiving myself in the process).
Well this time I’m shutting down out of free will. And no, the lawsuit has nothing to do with it, the restraining order was not against the entire blog.
If I want to save my relationship, I can’t even begin to ask to go back “home” until I start changing my attitudes in a very fundamental way. Shutting down the blog is the first step towards that change. Words will no longer matter. Only actions.
I pray that God gives me the strength to follow through on this decision and change my attitude toward business and success.
Reason for 24 day timeframe:
The last day of the blog is Friday August 3rd. That’s about 24 day from now. The reason for the “wind down” time:
- Give my advertisers a value - for their money since most of them pre-paid for the month.
- Document the end of this whole “saga” - including be getting a W2 job and shutting down any business things I have going on.
- Time to sell this domain - for the most amount of money I can in order to have all of it go toward paying off my wife’ debt. That’s the LEAST I can do for her with the all the harm I’ve brought.
- Finish up a few media interviews - that I have in the process. After August 3rd I will go completely silent and disappear from the public’s eye.
- Round number - 24 is my current age (for another two months) and August 3rd falls on a Friday. I dunno… sounds good.
No more business…
This is by far the HARDEST thing for me to do. I have been pursuing financial independence and passive income since my high school days. Reading all those self help and business books got me really inspired (and perhaps brainwashed) to succeed. Problem is that I proceeded to do that without considering the costs.
I do NOT want to be a successful business person at the cost of my marriage. I would rather be a regular W2 employee for the rest of my life than give up my wife. I hated having to make a choose between her and the business but I can’t avoid it now. There is no win-win when business is my “mistress”. I must cut it off and put it to the side for as long as needed, maybe even forever.
I pray that I have the strength to follow through. I sure couldn’t do this before on my own. And I pray that I will be content with a W2 job with no passive income and no leverage. Hey it doesn’t have to be that bad, right? I know I can find happiness regardless of financial position. Man, I have a lot of attitudes to change. I’m ready to submit to the changing process.
It took me a while to get to this decision and I fought it hard. The internal conflict will continue but I believe the tide is definitely turning. My actions in the next 24 days will prove that.
Here are my objectives in no particular order:
- Get a W2 Job: Update my resume and start applying for jobs in the IT / blogging / web design / programming / marketing or real estate fields. However, I cannot be a public figure anymore. A W2 job must be with a stable company, have benefits and compensate me well for my skill-set. I must get the best job I can in order to provide stability and security.
- Figure Out Debt: Figure out a debt repayment plan, settlement or bankruptcy. I’m open to any sensible option. I must talk with several professionals and get good advice on this. Repaying every dirty penny might sound noble but I have to be realistic and do the best I can.
- Sell IamFacingForeclosure.com domain - money will go directly to my wife for her to pay down the debt and anything she needs. I don’t want to see one single penny from it. Also, the current blog content is NOT part of the sale, it must all be taken down. I’m selling just the domain and it’s position with search engines and all the back links.
- Figure Out Taxes - I got an extension for 2006 taxes and it’s coming up very soon. Must finish that plus figure out any other tax issues for this year as well as corporation and foreclosures.
I will use the rest of the time on this blog to clear up any misconceptions, tell the rest of the story (as much as I’m allowed to say) and demonstrate I am not looking to hide from my mistakes but fully own up to them.
But more importantly I want to demonstrate my follow through on my agreement with my wife, for those who remember it. That is the first step toward focusing on what is truly important in this life.
There is nothing wrong with business or investing or real estate. But the way I was going about it was wrong - taking shortcuts, doing shady stuff and ignoring my wife. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before - and when I saw it I chose to ignore it.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:09 pm
Settlement reached?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:10 pm
FIRST! if, and only if he follows through
July 11th, 2007 at 5:10 pm
What will the haterz do with nothing to follow?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:13 pm
What about the book?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:18 pm
I will have more on potential lawsuit settlement and the book soon, as soon as things get all figured out and I know i’m able to speak about it.
That however, was not the reason for my decision. The main reason is - money and fame ain’t worth a failed marriage.
She is not going to take me back this time with a few smooth words, flowers and chocolate.
I must change inside. This is the first step.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:20 pm
Casey, you have no hopes of landing a decent paying job. You’ve been unemployed for over a year. You only hold a high school diploma.
In a sea of recent college graduates your age that have respectable references and meaningful internships, you’re going to drown.
Better ask for a job application at Jamba Juice.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:21 pm
No woman worth having can be bought with “smooth words, flowers and chocolate”. And no man worth having would try it.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:23 pm
Eh, I don’t believe you buddy. If you were really serious, you’d close the blog down today. Betcha in 24 days this thing is still up. Sorry, you have absolutely no credibility with me.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:24 pm
Casey, I feel a little like Charlie Brown coming up to kick that dang football one more time, but….
…but until I see signs that you are not being honest on this one, you will get no more flack from me, on any site, anywhere.
I pray you all the best, and hope you succeed.
The things you *say* here are right! I only hope your heart will follow your mind, and do the right thing.
One foot in front of the other.
No more GooRoo crap. Ever.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:24 pm
Knew it.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:25 pm
Great news, Casey. Now I can get some work done!
Seriously, it sounds like some things finally sunk in.
I recently saw an (old) interview (http://www.ifilm.com/video/2833649) with Jennifer Ringley of Jennicam. She was the first camgirl, very famous, and when things got too hot for her life, she shut down, too.
Now she doesn’t even have so much as a myspace page, and she’s happy about it! Guess what: She lives in Sacramento, too. And she’s a programmer. Maybe you could look her up.
Many years ago when I quit smoking, I thought it would be a lifelong struggle to avoid cigarettes. Wrong! Once I got them out of my system for a few months, I couldn’t even imagine smoking. I can’t stand being anywhere near a cigarette and I have trouble even imagining myself smoking. Obsessions and habits fade as long as you don’t backslide.
Congrats and I hope things work out for you!
July 11th, 2007 at 5:25 pm
I know this is something Mark demanded as part of his agreement. I sincerely hope that this is something you truly welcome and not something you feel boxed into doing. She will immediately sense your resentment if you’re even able to follow through. I’m not sure I believe she will even take you back. You have made so many promises, how can she possibly trust you again? That said: she has shown an amazing capacity for forgiveness so you just might get one last chance. Don’t blow it, Casey
July 11th, 2007 at 5:27 pm
A very wise decision, Casey.
You are getting your priorities in order. Only good things can come from that. Trust me.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:27 pm
Good luck to you mate. There is no reason why you can’t create an internet business and work full-time at the same time. I think a job will help to get some structure back into your life and will be the best way to get your relationship back on track. Some how I don’t think we have heard the end of this story yet.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:27 pm
Stoopid move, dude.
Yuo are going to regret this for the rest of your miserable life.
Tsk tsk.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:28 pm
I am glad you have come to your senses and figured out what really mattered in life. That you acknowledge what’s truly important, and are ready to sacrifice a pipe dream for the success you already have — a good w1fe who has stood by you thick and thin and who will be the mother of your children one day. Follow through on this and honor your w1fe and you will have gained your manhood. All this other stuff you’ve been pursuing was nothing other than the dim aspirations of a child.
You may enjoy financial success one day in the future, but it will not be the way you have ever gone about it so far. Get your house in order first and foremost and learn what really matters in life. The money is incidental.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:28 pm
I think this is a very wise decission, Casey. Good look to you.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:29 pm
Please, please don’t be bluffing. The best of luck with all of this. I really hope your marriage works out, and I’m happy for you that you recognized that nothing is worth a failed relationship. Praying for you!
July 11th, 2007 at 5:30 pm
I smell BS. I don’t think this was written by Casey, but someone for him. Casey I think these intentions are good, but you are not ready for them.
If you really want to get rich quick and get all the fame. You will still blog about life of a W2 working and how you continue to pay of the debt. Then you can write your book about how real people pay off real debt and become rich.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:30 pm
Wow Casey, this is the end of an era. Your blog has touched thousands if not millions of lives. Good luck on your more conventional adventure. I hope your relationship is strengthened by this journey.
One Man. One Year. $100,000 online. How’s he doing it?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:32 pm
these are just words, too, and not very convincing ones.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:35 pm
Casey, you’re doing the right thing……however this time DO IT!
Best of luck….you’ll need it.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:36 pm
Good luck Casey. This is probably the most realistic and sensible that you’ve ever sounded.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make a lot of money. It was the way you were going about it and your priorities that the Haterz objected to.
It sounds to me like you’re finally doing the right thing. I wish you all the best of luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
Good luck, Casey. This is going to be very hard for you to stick to. I hope you succeed in it.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
Your plan of action doesn’t include what you’ll do with the “Corporation”, the money that you’ve borrowed for that, the shares of GSPG that you bought, etc.
Best of luck selling the domain. Content has been marginal at best recently and with you promising to close down in 24 days, there’s little incentive for interested parties to offer more than you’ve been offered in the past. People visit this site to read about the stupid things that you do. If your past, present, and future stupid actions are removed from the blog, your readers will likely leave, too.
All that being said, good luck with this plan if you’re sincere (only time will tell). And best of luck to your much more significant other who shall remain nameless.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:40 pm
I want to believe you, Casey, but you’ve made this promise before.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
Casey, I’ve long since believed that you were brainwashed. I entered into an MLM when I was 18 and another when I was 19. I spent several years trying to “work the business”, going to functions, listening to the stupid tapes, etc. They suck you in with dreams of easy riches and “passive income”. I’ve heard from other sources and I believe it myself that the buzzwords and mindless sayings constantly repeated in the books and tapes and functions are brainwashing. It can take years to work all that out of your system. You have probably spent a lot more money on Guru programs and training that I did on MLM stuff, so you obviously have that emotional commitment.
There is nothing wrong with a “W-2″ job. There are many ways to achieve success in a job.
I do hope that you really are doing this of your own free will and I pray that you will be changed.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
July 11th, 2007 at 5:42 pm
I hope and pray, for your sake and the sake of the people you love, that you’re serious about this and that you’ll follow through. Seriously consider counseling.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:43 pm
You don’t answer questions much less answer them honestly (i can feel your long blinks)… but maybe you’re actually turning over a new leaf… let’s try tilting at the windmill one final time….
What’s with the FBI mention, have the come a callin?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:43 pm
Did someone hit you on the head? You’re saying all the right things now, I just hope you mean them.
Now that you’ve decided to “come clean” and stop all the shady deals, why don’t you tell us about the NRU scam/pyrimid scheme. You don’t have to pretend to like them any more, because you’ve given up on that $8000 referral fee.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:44 pm
I hope you change your mind about this.
Everytime you get close to hitting paydirt with the blog, you shut it down.
I think you just need to tweak it - change the main focus of the blog away from yourself to other real estate train wreck stories, then it will be all good.
Why can’t you do something like the Pixel millionaire?
Why can’t you get a job and continue the blog in your free time?
This blog is who you are, dude.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
I’m not asking anybody to believe me. I mean its just words right? I’ve made this promise before and brought the blog back on. Well this time it’s different but you won’t know that until 24 days from now, until you see me get a W2 job and disapear from the public’s eye. So, if you don’t believe it, its understandable.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
Nor is a failed marriage worth money and fame.
A good marriage would be. But that’s not what you have.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
If you were serious, you wouldn’t wait 24 days to close the blog. You should have waited 24 days the [i]first[/i] time you shut it down, but its too late for that now.
She isn’t taking you back. Go have fun with Pink Lips and he horsies out in Colorado.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Why not shut it down right now. This minute? Go ahead and do it NOW.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
“A man looks in the abyss, there is nothing staring back at him. At that moment he discovers his character. That keeps the man out of the abyss” - Wall Street
I get the same feeling reading this that I did when you agreed to the last contract with your wife. I hope you’re telling the truth but I suspect you’re full of s*** . You dumped all over that agreement and until your actions prove otherwise, I expect you to dump all over this one and flail toward the “grey area” again.
There’s no doubt you deserve jail time for your actions and forgiveness is forged by repentence AND by accepting the consequences of your actions. It’s going to suck. But if you have the balls to do this, you’ve earned my respect. Good luck kid.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:49 pm
Book: There is going to be no book for the same reason there is going to be no blog. The two go hand in hand. I need to call the publisher right now about this.
It sucks to do this but if this is the kind of person that I should be in business with, he will understand. A person who has no regard for the marriage of their partner is not the kind of person I want to be with.
I should have seen this before, but I was kind of blind to it or chose not to acknowledge it. Whether the book makes money or not, it’s not worth the cost I have to pay.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Best of luck Casey…. nice that you are trying to show that you are willing to change, although I questioned your sincerity when I saw your comment on how you choose between being a succesfull business man and your marriage. This is not the choice you are being forced to make! You are not a successfull businessman and I think most people who read this blog doubt you ever will be. The choice you are actually facing is between living on the streets with a blog whose main audience is people who hate you or living with your wife and getting a job. You need to think about that and acknowledge it because that is the only way you will ever be able to change and move forward. Think about it…..
July 11th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
So Casey is not gay?? Damn…. i thought i found my love.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
I believe you will do as you say. You seem very sincere. Best Wishes to you and yours and best of health.
Will you update offers on your domain name sale? And how/where will you sell it?
How can one make an offer? What will you take for it?
God Bless!!
July 11th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
ps—this doesn’t read like it’s written by you at all
July 11th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
You could have gone far, kid. You were on the right track. Instead, you’ll just become a nobody, a nothing, a low-wage cubicle grunt who’s bored out of his skull and hoping he can make it through yet another torturous day of monotony.
I do not envy you now.
This is a horrible, horrible decision.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
Forgot to ask how/where can the foreclosure book be bought?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:52 pm
Casey, it does not matter what the readers of this blog believe - what matters is what YOU believe and what YOU do. You have made the right decission. Think about your family and your family name….think about what your brother told you on the live chat… That should be reason good enough to stick to your decission.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
I wish you best, Casey. You have probably been through more in the past year than most guys go through in fifty. I hope everything works out for the best.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
“I pray that I have the strength to follow through. I sure couldn’t do this before on my own. And I pray that I will be content with a W2 job with no passive income and no leverage.”
- Casey Serin
“Prayer. The last refuge of a scoundrel.”
- Lisa Simpson
July 11th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Please do not forget some sort of outpatient psychiatric treatment and counseling. You are definitely going to need it. You should show this blog and give as much detail as you can to the person who completes your intake in order to make sure you get on the right medications. Needing psychiatric meds does not make you crazy, Casey. Needing them and not taking them certainly does.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Has the FBI started an investigation?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:54 pm
Here is what I told my publisher:
I will not continue to talk about my publisher in order to respect him. This is just to show you what I’m doing for making positive changes.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:56 pm
Good Luck Casey!! I hope it all turns out well for you. I believe that even once this is shut down you will get a high paying proposition aside from a W-2 job.
Like a paid appearance on various media channels.
Will you do it? It will probably go a long way towards paying off debt and maybe some extra for a long overdue getaway for BOTH you and your wife to spend some time away from everyone/everything and be alone together!
Only the best for you and yours,
July 11th, 2007 at 5:57 pm
You’re going to resent her for the rest of your life.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:57 pm
Casey, Casey, Casey.
You should have called the publisher *before* making this post…
I wish you the best of luck, but I find it very difficult to believe that you will stick to this any more than you stuck to ‘Early Riser’ or ‘veganism’ or ‘cold showers’ or anything else.
I hope I’ll be surprised, but would be surprised if I am… surprised.
July 11th, 2007 at 5:57 pm
If I were in your shoes, I would let the wife go. I don’t understand why she stands in the way of you achieving your dreams.
I would give your relationship another 2 years at best. The crushing debt load is not going to go away, and a W2 is a patchwork fix that just won’t service the debt. Even if you did get a job, it won’t pay well.
There are people with your age who have skills that far surpass yours. Your only hope of making money to do what you need it to do is through a legitimate business with high income. A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS WITH NO BORROWING is really the only shot you have.
This blog is the last thing you have and you are letting it go for absolutely no reason. The haters can be persuaded if you take the right steps AND maintain the blog.
This decision of yours is just stupid. Google is out there and a million people know who you are. Who is going to hire you for any serious development work?
July 11th, 2007 at 5:59 pm
This is the first time I’ve ever read one of your posts and thought you were doing the right thing, and I’ve been reading them for a while.
I know that getting a regular W-2 job feels like turning your back on your dreams, but nothing is permanent. You won’t be ridiculously in debt forever, and eventually you can try something else when it won’t risk putting a huge burden on your family.
In any case I think you’ll enjoy life a lot more spending time with your friends and family than you would chasing get-rich-quick schemes and entertaining strange people on the internet with your hilarious train wreck of a life (not that I’m unappreciative).
Good luck dude!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:00 pm
Good thing about the book. Only I heard the audiobook version. LostMittens posted it on his site a while back.
It would have bombed anyway. Too boring.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:01 pm
You just screwed over your publisher too. See, this is the kind of stuff that makes it difficult to work with you. You have no reliability at all.
Your wife wanted $, so she took you seriously at the start of your marriage. Now, she finds out you’re a broke deadbeat and files separation papers. She offered no real solutions to your predicament and she offered no support when you were in your schemes — not even so much as a no to tell you what not to do.
At this point, bet everything on red and go with it. Nothing will repair your relationship, and the book might actually produce real income. Don’t quit at 80% — you will never see the fruits of your labor.
There are a dozen G***** -type women out there, but there’s very few high-traffic web sites that actually generate money legitimately.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:03 pm
Casey, you won’t find any time soon a job that is paying more than what you are making just from advertisers. Whoever is advising you to get a job must have a traditional view of employment as being the right thing to do. But you are making more than you would make if you were working. Moreover, if your salary is garnished, you will have no choice, as you will no longer be in control of the money. You may end up having nothing to eat. However, by getting out of business, you are losing your best and perhaps only opportunity to make money. Who is going to care about your story a few years down the road? What opportunities exist (although even now it is somewhat late) exist here and now. You have also invested too much time and effort to just give up.
At this point, your efforts may not even help. It may already be too late. I would hate to see you lose your blog and business without even saving the other part of your life that is important to you. The opportunities you are giving up will never come back. Besides, you will always resent the fact that you had to give up so much.
If you could really sell the blog for 10 millions, that would be different. But since you may have regrets no matter what you do, stay in business. With lots of money, you may well be able to fix things that seem broken forever in your personal life.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:04 pm
Well I hope you are sincere about shutting down this time. There’s nothing wrong with a good stable W-2 job. Just remember that everything has tradeoffs, and I mean EVERYTHING. The guru books make it sound like owning your own business and being an entrepreneur is so simple, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Remember that you never get something for nothing, and that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Also remember that actions speak louder than words…
July 11th, 2007 at 6:05 pm
i don’t believe a word you’re saying, but i hope you do follow through.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:07 pm
sounds like a lawyer got a hold of you and you’re doing exactly what someone else is telling you to…
go figure, only Casey will act upon something when he’s paying someone fees…
July 11th, 2007 at 6:07 pm
If you really want to show your wife and the rest of the world that you’re serious about this, sign a marital property agreement transferring the domain to her as her separate property, and change the domain registration for IAFF to her name alone - so SHE can sell the domain or shut down the blog even if you change your mind again.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:09 pm
I’ve followed you from the beginning but have never posted. I was and still am an extreme doubter, but I wish you the best of luck and strength to follow your post. It is the type of stand up plan and honesty we’ve been waiting for since the very beginning. Hopefully you’ll end it on the same note.
Best of luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:09 pm
Are you listing the domain for a sale on any particular site, or are you doing a private sale?
Please advise.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:10 pm
“Co-operate with the mortgage companies I defrauded and the FBI - and do what I must do to make it right.”
What do you mean “defrauded” and op-operate with the FBI? Does this mean the FBI has contacted you? I would think your attorney would also tell you to STOP saying you defrauded banks on the web, which is basically a confession just waitting for soemone to file charges. Please explain
July 11th, 2007 at 6:12 pm
Seriously Casey you need to post what you are doing each day until its over if we are to belive you.
And let the comments go without editing or moderating them, if its truely the last 24 days.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:13 pm
Good man, Casey. Your have a very nice w***, it would be a shame to miss growing old with her. You are young, a W-2 job isn’t so bad when you are young. Try selling cars or something, you are famous, that helps. I hope it works out for the best.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:14 pm
Casey, while this is what we told you to do 6+ months ago for your old good, it would be easy to say “I told you so” but you may finally starting to face some of the consequences of not following that advice.
If you truely go through with this, you will regain some respect.
If the next 24 or so days don’t go according to your plan and you back out, you will never get the benefit of the doubt again, probably including the very people you want to reconcile with.
As you might expect its being discussed elsewhere that this is not “above board”. I want to believe you Casey but you have misled everyone so many times before. Regardless of what your intent was.
take the blog down
get a job (the first one is going to suck, stay with it)
crawl back to your family, hope you havent done permanent harm to that relationship.
I’m a skeptic, I want to believe you, but history proves otherwise. Dont repeat history.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:14 pm
Ever think about getting a spouse who wouldn’t hold you back? You’ll find yourself in another “marriage” soon enough. You may not like mixing the powdered cherry drink into the petroleum jelly and putting it on your lips, but you’ll get used to it. There are other things that you REALLY won’t like, and you WON’T get used to those.
But it’s all good!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:15 pm
Uh-oh… lawsuit #2 is coming from your publisher….
I smell a gigantic stinking heap of Uzbeki BEEEE ESSSSS…..
July 11th, 2007 at 6:16 pm
you’re an entrepreneur at heart and she needs to understnad that. it’s part of eho you are and you can never stop the wheels spinning. every new product, new opportunity, and new way to create financial independance will tug at you.
i’ve been doing this throughout my youth as well. hit roadblocks like you have. even had to move back to my parents house at the age of 25 after a failed business ventured. you will never escape your desire to create something that will set your free. mine came a few years later and now i make $500k to $600k /year. you will find your niche if you keep looking. quit now and find a W2 job will kill who you are and unhappily imprison you to the rat race for years to come.
your solution:
(1) find a job that you only have to work part-time while earning full-time pay. ex: firefighter, marine mechanic, ATM refurbishment, etc.
2) your wife already knows how you are inside. find that job described above and work on the side (as a hobby) finding your niche. don’t ever work full-time hours. between a full-time W2 and family life, you simply will not have the time to experiment. part-time hours, full-time pay. find it and explore new businesses.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:16 pm
I don’t believe you.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:16 pm
just a few random thoughts on this:
Casey, you just made my day.
You just turned 95% of your haters into non-haters. The other 5% are pathological haters and they will soon find someone else to hate.
Being a millionaire does sound cool to us mortals. But you can’t put a price tag on stability and happiness, and they go hand in hand.
If you think about it deeper, ‘financial independence’ is not so expensive. If you’re able to pay your bills, food and housing, dress properly and still have some money for fun, you basically have it. And no matter how many millions you have, you can’t take them to the other world, I absolutely guarantee.
Try to see the beauty of work, any work. Even cleaning the toilet can be a divine experience if you do it wholeheartedly. Hint: the more you volunteer to do it, the more you will enjoy it.
Finally, I know it will be an almost impossible task to gain the trust you’ve lost. Be respectful, and if you catch yourself thinking of something fishy again, slap yourself on the hand and stop doing it.
To prove you’re not hiding anything, it would be a cool idea to put all your email passwords on display where your loved one can see them.
Good luck!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:17 pm
Casey - I have followed your blog for the last few months and it has definitely been a roller coaster ride. All I can say is GOOD LUCK.
I have my very own debt struggle at: www.1guymoney.blogspot.com
July 11th, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Damn Casey, what am I going to do now? I guess it’s back to flippin trailers and growing dope for me. I bet you could get a job at Jamba Juice or Big Kahuna Burger.(These places should fit your skill set.)
I hope everything works out and you get your marriage back in working order. I am sure she deserves better, but if you live up to your end of the bargain, things should be fine.
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy
ps. Can I still kick Dee-wayne Lefake’s a$$ ? I will do it for free!!!!!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
Is there still going to be a Fraudcast tomorrow night?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
“A person who has no regard for the marriage of their partner is not the kind of person I want to be with.”
Do you understand that this is the very reason your wife would be best leaving you far behind? Do you realize you are “hoping” that your publisher will give you the respect you NEVER gave your wife?
I think this is all smoke and mirrors so that you will not get sued, jailed, and divorced. I think it will fail.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
Good for you Casey. Stick with your plan. Relationships with your wife and family need to come first. Good luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:21 pm
tap tap tap (is this thing on?)
We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when
But I’m sure we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through, just the way you used to do
Till the blue skies chase the dark clouds far away
:releases white doves:
July 11th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
Well I wish you all the best in future endeavors.
I’ll keep you and your wife in my prayers, and I hope that you two are able to work out any problems.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
So you didn’t know that hiding assets is illegal? And Marty the snake didn’t know, either?
I’m calling BS….
You’re in full damage-control mode. I should’ve known better!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:24 pm
Sorry, no more room at the W2 inn!
July 11th, 2007 at 6:24 pm
>But more importantly I want to demonstrate my follow through on my agreement with my wife, for those who remember it.
But that was weeks ago…
July 11th, 2007 at 6:25 pm
I can’t help but be a little skeptical, Casey. You sound hesitant about the idea of giving up the blog even now. I am one of the folks who started following you after you were featured in the Housing Panic blog back in September. Since then, I have seen you close the blog twice before and threaten to another time (after coming back from looking at the Modesto pool). Having said that, I think this is the right decision. I hope you can follow through with it and work out all of your problems - personal, financial, and legal. Good luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Long-time lurker, first-time poster.
Sounds like a good plan. I hope you stick with it.
Best of luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Isn’t the blog worth a lot less now that you’ve made this little “announcement”?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:28 pm
Don’t most successful businessmen know that money laundering is illegal? And that putting your intention to launder money into a contract is a Bad Idea?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:28 pm
Thanks for all the support guys… Now instead of dreaming of passive income I want to start dreaming of getting back with her and building a good future together. I find I only have room to have one primary dream in my mind.
I just hope all of this is not too late…
July 11th, 2007 at 6:29 pm
July 11th, 2007 at 6:30 pm
That’s great news! I’m sorry to say, you won’t be missed. {not really sorry}
July 11th, 2007 at 6:31 pm
“I just hope all of this is not too late…”
Dude. It’s too late. Seriously. How do you expect her to *ever* trust you again?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:31 pm
The love of money is the root of all evil. These are true words. It seems that you are starting to find the truth in those words. Paul said it best “be content in whatever state your in”.
No amount of wealth is worth losing someone who loves you over. Compare Mother Threasea and Donald Trump, who do you think is happier?
I see hope for you for the first time. Your finally getting your priorities straight! Change is hard Casey, I Hope and pray you follow through this time. If you dont I fear your going to end up a very unhappy middle aged man.
Gods Speed Casey I wish you success in finding what is truely worthwhile in this life. You have begun taking baby steps in the right direction
July 11th, 2007 at 6:32 pm
Casey will bring back the blog again after his wife divorce him soon…
c u next time ….
July 11th, 2007 at 6:33 pm
Hey Kid;
“I’m not asking anybody to believe me.”
Good…because I don’t.
“I mean its just words right?”
Right…but what they reflect is what is in your mind.
“I let a certain person intimidate me from doing the right thing for my marriage …”
Are we allowed to discuss that topic now?
It is no different than in business, hobbit. Once a trust is betrayed, it cannot be redeemed. Some losses cannot be made good.
I’ve told you repeatedly what the score is here.
“She is not going to take me back this time with a few smooth words, flowers and chocolate. ”
Assume ALL the debt, turn over ALL the assets,and begone…it’s OVER.
The clock cannot be turned back.
You were intimidated, huh?
Sounds like you’re saying that this was someone ELSE’S fault. Coupled with the “After-the-Courtroom” timing makes me suspect that you’re just blowing more lies to yourself…and to us.
“I pray that God gives me the strength to follow through on this decision and change my attitude toward business and success.”
God,huh? Haven’t heard you mention Him in many,many months,hobbit.
You see one judgment in a pissant lawsuit coming at you, and you get all religious on us?
All that happened at court was that the Dark Lord Sauron looked you over, and one of the orcs whispered your name in his ear,and you cracked under the pressure.
Tell me,kid, did you visit a church while you were in Australia?
They have many lovely ones there. I saw you on beaches,in cars, climbing trees,and playing with kangaroos…but no time for God then,huh?
You’re a nauseating phony and a transparent little punk.
Your pain and discomfort gives me great pleasure…I’m honest about my sadism.
” The internal conflict will continue but I believe the tide is definitely turning.”
No it’s not…the tide of Casey Crap is still flowing from your mouth to your ears, and through your fingers to the world at large.
Right down to the time limit and the “To-Do” list…
(120 days was the LAST countdown, and NewYear’s was the LAST “List”).
Same amount,same flow,this just stinks a little more than the usual content…must be the self-pity you’re spicing it with.
“Round number - 24 is my current age (for another two months) and August 3rd falls on a Friday. I dunno… sounds good.”
Here’s another round number…the “roundest” of numbers:
…that’s the percentage of true remorse you’re displaying here.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:34 pm
I’ve been following this story because I was interested in the exposure angle, that’s all. I already knew Casey was going to either get dumped by his wife or get a W-2 job. I was interested because, Casey, you seemed to think that monetizing hate was a good thing. I kept wondering what the difference between that and funding a war was, but that’s just my own musings. I think we have enough violence and hate in this world. There’s no reason to stir up more, even if you’re making a profit on it.
Many of your callers told you point blank that you did not have what it takes to be in business. Right now, you don’t. You lack maturity. Owning up to your agreements and your mistakes is a degree of maturity. So, maybe this is a step in the right direction and it will lead you out of the mess you’ve created. And, you did create every last bit of it. Unfortunately, I see that you have entered other agreements which will make it difficult for you to back out without ANY consequences. You’ve long since passed the point where you had no consequences for your actions. Your name is up on wikipedia and it’s spread all over the Internet. The odds of it disappearing as you apply for a W-2 job are slim to non-existent. That means you will have to get a job through your relatives, connections, or friends. I’d be nice to them, if I were you.
I was very curious to see how you would work the exposure, and I’m a little disappointed, I suppose, that you decided it was too much exposure. I do agree that all exposure is not good exposure, but spiritually and metaphysically that’s a fallacy. That’s why my interest was here to see if you could get it to work for you. I think in an ideal world, where people weren’t eager to make a buck off each other, it would work. It’s very difficult to do in this type of legal environment we have today.
I’m not sure I believe you either, but it doesn’t matter because the consequences are now very clear to you. Whatever you do, it won’t be with this idea that what you do does not impact others and that they will not choose to do as they please too. Good luck. I do hope it works out for you. Give it a few years and by then you might have more perspective on the whole thing. Everyone makes mistakes when they’re young.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:34 pm
ASW mogul
Alright Casy,
My lunch offer still stands for you, and G (whether together or separately).
First off, I know how it can be to have good intentions in your mind, but then your actions don’t meet them. To paraphrase what you wrote in your post, your new mantra must be, “actions, not words”. Everytime you want to make an excuse or blow something off, bite your tongue and say it in your head, “actions, not words”.
Beyond that, I think you are over reaching by taking everything off the net and choosing not to be on the web. I think you would benefit from a blog that you update once a month or so, with your notes from continued journey. However, this would not include all the comment reading and responding, you just need to cut out all the time consuming parts. I say this because i think it is too harsh and not productive to your long term goals.
Just like the previous “agreement” was too harsh, and it just makes it easier to turn your back on. You need to be realistic in setting these mandates.
The information is out there, and probably can’t be erased, unless everyone else pulls their content too. But that is all your decision. I think most of your goals are realistic, except for the “no web presence” one.
No more talkshoes? No more email list?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:36 pm
Here at the Lucille Ball Show, our vote is that you are full of it.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:36 pm
I have followed your story almost since this blog first went up.
I want to tell you that the post above is the most mature thing I’ve seen you write. You seem determined to do the right thing.
You have let a lot of people down; both family and well wishers. If you are sincere in the above, then I wish you well.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:37 pm
She should not take you back. Your talk is some of the cheapest out there.
And the publisher should sue you for breach of contract, since he’s the reason you “put it back up in early June” right?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:37 pm
I’m not terribly optimistic that you’ll succeed or shut down this blog.. But hell, its worth a shot..
24 days.. If you were serious, you’d shut it down right now.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:39 pm
why don’t you tell the full story of what happened today?
you know it’s going to come out “elsewhere” shortly anyways.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:40 pm
So Casey, can you tell us where you are living now and what you are doing all day? You don’t have to be specific. Are you staying at a friend’s house? Are you living on the street? A shelter? Are you posting this from that restaurant you were at the other night?
July 11th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
I’ve been reading since almost day 1, but this is the first time I’ve felt the need to comment. Like many, I’ve drifted from hater to supporter and back again about fifty times as you made questionable decision after questionable decision.
I keep reading because your story and your life is captivating in so many ways. I do think that you could have turned this blog and subsequent book into a financial success, and it’s unfortunate that you have to choose between your wife and your career passion. That said, you are doing the right thing and I think you’ll ultimately be happier focusing on the things that really matter in life.
Good luck,
July 11th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
Now instead of dreaming of passive income I want to start dreaming of getting back with her and building a good future together. I find I only have room to have one primary dream in my mind.
snowflake, i think you finally found an english word you understand. Dreams, and that is exactly all those will ever be, dreams. I’d offer you good luck in your endevours but you’d probably trade it for some magic beans so instead i offer you some nyquil, to help you spend more time with those dreams of yours.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
“I pray that I have the strength to follow through.”
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Don’t believe the clowns who tell you you’re about to “make it”. You aren’t. You do need to do everything you say you are going to do. I don’t know if you can still save your marriage, it may be too late - but then, I don’t know your wife, so I don’t really know anything about that.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:44 pm
She’s just a chick. There are more than 3 billion other ones out there.
But, you’re still too young to realize that just yet. Oh, well. Somewhere down the road, you’ll understand. And it will hit you like a ton of bricks.
You’re giving up way too much, son.
You had so much promise… and now, it’s gone.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:45 pm
So, you are giving up the only two successful money-making ventures you’ve ever had –blogging and a book–for a W-2 job.
Did you know most bloggers also work W-2 jobs? And so do most authors, unless they write best sellers?
Anyway, you still have a very odd way of looking at things. You think a good businessman should “understand” that a marriage is more important than business.
Casey, you signed a contract. The time to consider the impact on your marriage was before pen went to paper. Not after. No one will be surprised if your publisher sues you.
Well, no matter. Closing the blog is foolish, but the W-2 is probably a good idea.
Another good idea might be to stop making agreements, period. You fail to honor your business contracts anyway–but then you go and make ridiculous personal commitments giving other people control over your life. You’ve got it backward.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:46 pm
I expect that you had some sort of revelation. What the exact source of that was I cannot name but I hope gives you enough warning that you need to keep up your commitment.
I expect your next couple of years will be very difficult. Dedication, organization and patience will be paramount.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:46 pm
I haven’t followed your saga very closely and have relied mostly on comments made on other forums to keep abreast of the unfolding events in your life.
Based on my scan of the comments on this particular page, let me throw my two-bits worth of advice.
1. If you fought over money before, you will most likely fight over it in the future. Money is a strange thing in marriage. If it’s an issue then it remains an issue–forever. Doesn’t matter how much you make.
As an aside, I just finished reading the new book “Richistan”. Guess what. No matter how rich people get they always face financial pressures. When you become a millionaire, you start having to compete with other millionaires. All the wealthy in the book said that they really needed to have twice the net worth that they had. In other words, the people worth 10 million felt they really needed to be worth 20 million. The ones worth 50 million felt that things would be better if they were worth 100 million. Wanting more never stops.
2. Passive income doesn’t have to involve real estate. Have you read “The 4 Hour Workweek” by Ferriss? It’s a damn good book on setting up passive sources of income other than real estate. I’ve been doing it since 1995 and can vouch for his advice.
The reason I mention these things is that the people in your life need to understand that you are an entrepreneur at heart. They should therefore support you in following Ferriss’s plan for building additional income sources after you come home from your day job. It can be done.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:47 pm
Also, why the early date? why not wrap everythign up neat and tidy on the date of the end of your 5 year plan. Give it some real reflection for the full five years and see where it has brought you to.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:51 pm
I’ll be in my basement room,
With a needle and a spoon,
And another girl
To take my blues away.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:53 pm
Do not talk with law enforcement without having a lawyer present. If you can’t hire a lawyer to defend you, get the courts to appoint one for you. Doesn’t matter what they tell you or offer you, don’t give away your right to remain silent. Do not answer any of their questions.
July 11th, 2007 at 6:55 pm
Casey is lying; the true story is being posted at the usual spot.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:03 pm
Looking at your five goals I expect some of them will have some difficulties with some of them.
1. W2 job. You are going to have to work very hard to sell yourself because you do not have a Computer Science degree. That will just be a case of properly selling yourself to potential employeers.
2. The debt load you have will be with you for a long time (5-10 years) or you declare bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy means you are going to have to deal with the FBI (ie item 5)
3. Selling the domain- If you are serious about selling it-put it on ebay-advertise where it is going to be sold and get fair market for it.
4. Hire and pay for an accountant.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:04 pm
what amount of W2 salary is needed for G to be satisfied??? if you got a $40k job will that be fine? 50k? 60K?
find this out. it will be very important later on. make her say a number !!!
because when there’s an opportunity to make the same or more on your own, she needs to know that she already endorsed a specific amount as the guideline and she can’t complain.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:04 pm
I’ve been what you would probably call a “hater” for many months now. I never actually “hated” you, per sé, but I’ve always been wishing that you would stop screwing around, get some stable income (a JOB), and start providing for your family and paying back your debts. Time after time, you would ignore the world’s advice and continue to dig yourself deeper and deeper into debt, telling yourself that salvation was just over the next hill. You appeared to cost yourself many friendships and family ties in the process.
If this is for real, then you have my sincerest support. This is what’s best for you, this is what’s best for your family, and it’s what every friend or family member that you’ve ever borrowed money from DESERVES, because you need to pay each and every one of them back, plus interest, and apologize to them for taking so long and squandering their good-faith investments. Get a job, bring in a steady paycheck, and try to start a new life. This is the best that you could have ever hoped for.
But, if this is another hoax, I hope that Uncle Sam brings down the full fury of the law on you. It’s always nice to see a smug bastard with a superiority complex get what’s coming to him. I may have “just a W-2 job,” but I’m $0 in debt and I make more than enough money to buy everything that we could possibly need. For all the times that you’ve looked down scornfully on W-2 workers, I certainly seem to be far better off financially than you are.
Assuming that this is for real, I want shake your hand for finally getting your head on straight for once.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:04 pm
hey Casey,
This would have been a bit more persuasive if you had done all this before (a) getting locked out of the h**** and (b) been taken to court.
I agree with the others — if you really meant this you’d turn off the blog immediately, not after 24 days.
And quit with the pious “God” stuff. How many of the 10 commandments have you broken so far?
ASW: “winwin”
July 11th, 2007 at 7:05 pm
Good job Casey, this is the right thing to do.
There’s sill a hope of you have passive income, etc, but later in life. You’ve got some growing up to do first, and a w2 job will help that.
Good luck!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:06 pm
Casey - if you are being truthful then I switch my stance from haterz to supporterz. Somehow though I think you are a liarz.
1) What is the mention of the FBI for? Is there an investigation?
2) Have you applied for any jobs yet? Consider joining the army? They could put some good discipline in you and you would be committed. That is a stable income plus they provide housing for you and your wife. If you do 20 years you get a pension (Sweet passive income).
July 11th, 2007 at 7:07 pm
If your wife loved you, then she would
support you AS LONG AS YOU ARE
(1) declare bankruptcy. Start anew, with
as little baggage as possible. That’s the
purpose of bankruptcy. This baggage
will probably be some IRS obligations and
bad credit. And the bad credit is actually
good for you since you are a credit-a-holic.
And without the weight of your past failures
you will see life in a whole new light.
(2) Keep your website going until after
bankruptcy. If you sell it before it will
all be taken to settle debts. If you keep
it running then you will have some income,
some networking, and can sell after bankruptcy. It is dangerous even to get
offers on it before bankruptcy as then your
debtors have an argument that it is a valuable
asset that they can try to claim.
(3) If the website is insufficient to pay the
bills WITHOUT CREDIT, then get a job
to make up the difference and blog in
non-job time.
(4) After bankruptcy, decide to sell the
domain as follows:
FIgure out how many years you can
keep this site popular if you had to.
Lets say that number is P years.
If you get an offer
for X, compare passive income of
10% of X to P years of yearly income
from the site. If the latter is more, then
keep the site. Otherwise, sell the site.
(5) learn to live without “bad credit”.
“bad credit” is credit used for consumption,
“good credit” is credit which returns at least
2% more than your cost of credit.
Learning to live without credit means
saying, “If I cannot afford to pay cash for
this item of consumption, then I won’t
buy it on credit.”
July 11th, 2007 at 7:09 pm
Way to go Casey! Good luck with this next chapter in your life. I’m pulling for you to follow through.
Once you get settled in the new job, take a look at your friend Ramit’s www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com. It will take a while, but following his free advice is more likely to bring you to your goals than all the guru courses combined.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:10 pm
Forget my last post if these new rumors are true.
Casey, if you’re seriously trying to deceive us all here, you’re deserving of a swift kick in the balls.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:10 pm
There is an entire sea full of woman out there for you, kid. Some blonde, some with brown eyes, some a little more curvier then others. Some are witty, and some are rather dull. But there are millions of them out there. That’s the point. Thousands your broke a** would fall head over heals for.
But a dream…A dream comes and goes for those who are truly gifted, maybe once in a lifetime. It they bust their a** and try, or they are just lucky. But the point is you have to be gifted or lucky. And then there’s still a 95% chance you won’t make it.
Think twice before you decide to throw your dream away over a woman who you will not be with in 10 years. Guarenteed. There is way too much harm done. And, if she were the right woman for you, she would have stood by your side. Regardless of what you put her through.
I like you. You’re a gutsy son of a b. And you took a shot at something and failed. But at least you took your shot. That’s more then 999 out of 1000 people could say.
But if you throw it away now. You lose twice. On both ends. Your marrige is over dude. Deal with it and move on. People break up/get divorced everyday. F these people who are saying you’re doing the right thing.
You’re not. And they’re wrong.
Write your book, make your money, be what you want to be and the right woman will fall into your lap. Don’t live down your dream dude. You’ll regret it forever when your stuck in your cubicle.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:12 pm
I’ve told you here before to take care of your wife and you ignored that advice like all other advice. To answer your question if it’s too late to go back to her, the answer is unfortunately yes, it’s too late. You’ve amounted a debt that 99% of the people in the world could not pay off in their entire lifetimes. Most barely can provide for their families. You are about to discover that as you get older, that debt is still going to be with you probably till you die. This is not an innocent little youthful indiscretion, this is a Thermo Nuclear Bomb of Life Fuckups. The thing is Casey, that Nuke hit you 2 years ago and people were trying to tell you a Nuke just went off over your head and all you ever said was “It’s all good” and “Sweet” and so on. We’re long into the aftermath of your downfall. You better start praying harder to that god of yours because you’re going to need a magical super natural power to get you out of this. But it doesn’t seem like that god has helped you at all yet, so I doubt it’ll help you now.
Good Luck anways.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:12 pm
Good for you Casey! I hope you are sincere this time!! Either way, good luck!!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:15 pm
Try to get a job in commercial real estate. That is, a company that buys, sells, builds or manages shopping centers, office buildings, industrial parks, strip centers, RV parks, etc. Any of that will help you begin to understand risk, cash flow, financing and the importance of planning, due diligence and financial forecasting.
Since you have no apparent skills in this area, you might offer to trade some technical services (e.g., designing or upgrading websites) in exchange for them training you at some skill they could use. You might need to work on commission, but you may have a knack for selling (which mainly means building personal relationships, so you might end up doing pretty well for yourself.
Good luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:17 pm
I almost married someone very much like you. Being taken advantage of IN PUBLIC is humiliating and feels overwelming to most women. Do you get that?
July 11th, 2007 at 7:17 pm
Are you the subject of an FBI investigation?
July 11th, 2007 at 7:21 pm
KC, you must spend at least 2hrs a day on this blog, if you can make at least 2500 a month on the blog with that little effort that is like 62.50 an hr, why not keep it with some content and pay down the debt, selling it is a short term solution…
July 11th, 2007 at 7:35 pm
Casey… I have to say… wow! good for you!
go back to your wife… in the end, marriage is what is most important. you’ve had your fun, but your wife needs you!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:39 pm
Two suggestions:
1) I propose a big bash to celebrate the end of the blog! I think a lot of people would make it, and it would give you closure.
2) Change those antispam words now! Change them to positive words like love, marriage, and commitment.
And a third: Think twice before you post from now on and never bait or troll again!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:41 pm
Seriously this post was not written by Casey. He can’t handle the truth!!!
Why not let the post go unmoderated if the blog is going away???
July 11th, 2007 at 7:41 pm
DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE. Your wife is holding you back! You are young and have unlimited potential! Ditch the wife, keep the blog up, and follow your dream, dont le anyone crush it.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:48 pm
Who cares if Casey doesn’t make a lot of money right away in a W2 job? He’s got to start somewhere. It’s a beginning, not a death sentence. He’ll work his way up, like everybody has to do. And maybe get two jobs …
July 11th, 2007 at 7:52 pm
I dont wish you the best. I hope you get kicked to the curb more. Much more. I hope you got to jail. I hope your wife finds someone else to be with. Lets hope it is someone who can wash your crappy scammer mentality out of her. I hope for justice, because mercy has been used up on you.
I simply dont believe you!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:53 pm
A criminal defense attorney is what you should have gotten a year ago.. A priest might be a better choice at this point.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:56 pm
I want to say that your marriage is paramount. If you truly believe it. I don’t know about you. It seems to me that if you had gotten that W-2 job a few months ago you could have salvaged some of the mess you are in. Hindsight is 20/20 sure, but your blinders were thick!
I hope you do put your marriage as the most important thing in your life. Because a partner can help through thick and thin. Also I may be one of the few but I believe that marriage is forever.
Good luck to you!
July 11th, 2007 at 7:56 pm
Normally a hater here but sad to see you go. I thought you were going to at least get through the book launch before you shut things down. Maybe you can get the Mrs to consider just waiting until the book launches and then shut things down. Otherwise you are looking at another lawsuit.
That said you should get a decent $ for your website given the traffic. Best to get a closed deal before you shut down so the traiffic is still high before you stop.
So, say you get $100k for your blog:
1. Get a professional to negotiate your debt down. You can probably get the $200k or so that you owe down to 35 cents to 40 cents on the dollar.
2. Get those taxes done cause that will get you in serious trouble if the IRS is staring you down. They don’t mess around.
3. Seriously consider going back to school yourself via student loans to get a basic education in things like math and business. These are skills you will need if you ever want to be a serious businessperson and not some MLM or pyramid scheme b***** .
4. In two years, you can save up enough and get enough basic education to get back into real estate again. The market will tank for at least the next 2 years, maybe 3. Use that time to get yourself ready for when the market starts to pick back up.
5. Treat your wife to a vacation ASAP!!! You got to go to Australia. She got to sit on her arse for you. Even if it’s something simple like a package deal to Hawaii for 10 days for $2k, the time you spend together building your relationship back up with be priceless.
6. Close down that corporation and pay back and loans taken against them ASAP. That’s just a corporate fraud scheme that would give you some serious time in the pen.
Take care of yourself and your wife man. You’re the only one who can do it! You’ve got your whole life to make money. Just get some money in your pocket before you start gambling. It will make you take your decisions more seriously.
I opened up a business with my wife and its been crazy busy but awesome for our relationship. 18 months ago we barely had $250k in savings. Now were at a half mil and making $20k+ a month not including what our stocks are doing. Well be to a mil in just over 2 years. The power of hard work and compounding interest really works both ways.
Best of luck,
July 11th, 2007 at 7:57 pm
Casey dreams of getting back together with G and ends up bunking with Bubba for 5 to 10!
Go to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect any passive income.
Casey you are an idiot. I’m glad you are going to prison and I hope it is for a LONG TIME.
I also hope M publishes the book without you dumb @ss and makes a bundle of your stupidity. That would be the icing on the cake.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:58 pm
The guy who was gonna offer $100,00 for the blog turned out to be either fake or changed his mind. Not sure how much I can get for this thing now. We’ll see.
Thanks for the other tips though.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:58 pm
Your future:
Average Pay for High School Graduate: $29,600.00
Average Pay for Bachelor’s degree: $48,400.00
Source: http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=77
Of course, that was two years ago. Let’s assume that you find a good unskilled job for $15/hour and you work 60 hour weeks for 50 weeks a year. You make $45000/year. [I don’t think this is likely, but let’s just play along for fun.]
How much of that can you apply towards your debts? All $45,000? Not likely. Let’s figure out what your expenses will be every month as a normal Joe Blow:
Rent. You can’t get a decent apartment because your credit is shot. So, you have to slum lord it in a crack neighborhood at over market prices. [FYI, land lords in crack neighborhoods charge more then normal neighborhoods to cover the cost of dealing with deadbeat tenants that would rather skip on the rent and pay for $200 cable packages and crack.] So, you rent a 1 room apartment that’s part of a crack house for $850/month. That’s $10200/year. You have $34,800 left.
Food. Let’s assume that you eat a poor man’s meal every day: Oatmeal, milk, and apple for breakfast. Salad & baloney sandwich for lunch. [I hope you like baloney, it’s cheap meat]. For dinner you go all out: meatloaf or other meat for sale, rice, and steamed seasonal veggies. $15/day. That’s $5475. You have $29,325 left.
Utilities. Crack apartments aren’t efficiently built. $200 month. $2400 year and that’s without air conditioning and other niceties. Your left with $26,925.00.
Auto Insurance. You lapsed in your plan. You live in a bad neighborhood. Probably $3k easily. Your left with $23,925.
I’ll stop there. Four expenses are enough. Let’s assume that all other things cost $3,925/year. Your magically left with $20,000 to apply toward debts.
Do you know what your debts are?
Let’s be nice and guess $350,000. Let’s also be nice and guess that your creditors only charge you 5% interest on your debts [okay everyone, stop laughing]. Let’s assume pay off your debts with monthly payments of $1666.67 [1666.67×12=20000].
How many years until your debt free?
What about saving for a retirement? What about having a family? Kids? More $$$. Is your wife supposed to sacrifice that? Is your wife supposed to support you and help you with all of this? Is she supposed to work and pay off your mistakes? Is that really fair to ask her to do?
If you love her, leave her to let her start new. Go declare bankruptcy.
July 11th, 2007 at 7:59 pm
So the talk with the judge must of rattled something loose in that empty head of yours.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:00 pm
Boy, the ‘publisher’ is another person in the long line of people you’ve hung out to dry. Remember everything that happened with your various ‘mentors’?
Casey, going to Australia was one of the dumbest things you’ve ever done. And that’s saying a lot. I’ll be amazed if your attempt at reconciliation is successful.
Since it seems there is an FBI investigation, I would assume that your days of freedom are numbered.
asw: passive
July 11th, 2007 at 8:01 pm
KC, the FBI is after you now, better choose what you want to do with your freedom while you have it…
July 11th, 2007 at 8:01 pm
Pink Lips, in light of the fact that you tried to steal Casey from his wife (inviting him to come live with you, sending him lewd emails, projecting your desires on to Duane, etc.), do you feel hypocritical now suggesting that he should make amends with his wife?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:02 pm
What’s the comment about FBI all about?
Has the investigation already begun?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:04 pm
Visit www.sitepoint.com
They have a very good auction system for sites, with lots of good, serious buyers visiting frequently, and putting their money where their mouth is.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:08 pm
FBI? Itsallgood!
This saving your marriage talk is the usual crap - the FBI investigation is the REAL reason. You never cared about your marriage, it’s just hard to admit to the world and yourself the truth why you wrote this last post. You have always been a coward, and you acted cowardly towards the ones closest to you. You betrayed them! The world is closing on you, and will be getting worse from now on. Your comment about Marty is some defence you are trying to insinuate. TOO LATE! TIME TO PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES! WHat you can never pay is the hurt you have caused to your family and will continue to inflict as you are brought to justice. Coward!
July 11th, 2007 at 8:10 pm
Like most people I’m skeptical that you’ll follow through on this. However, you at least sound sincere in this post (in contrast to, literally, every other post you’ve ever made on this blog). Would you mind elaborating on your requirement that your W-2 job “compensate me well”? I will be more specific:
1. Characterize “well.” Do you have specific dollar requirements in mind?
2. What happens if you don’t find a qualifying W-2 job? Some companies won’t want to hire you because of your notoriety. Others run credit checks and, well, you clearly wouldn’t meet anyone’s creditworthiness standards.
If you respond to those questions at all I assume you’ll be vague or evasive. So:
3. If you have no other options at the end of the 24 days, would you be willing to take a minimum wage job (at, e.g., Jamba Juice)?
4. If you are unemployed at the end of the 24 days will you consider keeping the blog online?
With respect to selling your blog:
5. What’s the lowest price you’d accept for the URL?
6. If you get no good offers will you put it up on an auction site with no reserve on the price?
7. What will you do if the URL fails to sell within 24 days? (e.g., because you auction it and it gets fraudulent bids)
Please answer specifically!
July 11th, 2007 at 8:11 pm
You’re guilty. Get an attorney, listen to his counsel, but cooperate with the FBI fully. Ask your attorney how you might turn yourself in and get some kind of deal.
Massively focused stupidity isn’t a defense, but it is an extenuating circumstance that maybe a judge/jury will look kindly upon.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:11 pm
Nailing yourself to the cross for your romance? Barf! The marraige is doomed, if it hinges on changing the other, anyway. It should be about accepting the other, unless you want a lifetime of frustration. Your wife’s demands make good drama, but otherwise serve little purpose in life.
I hope that you are given mercy for your misdeeds. Good luck.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:12 pm
“I’m not shutting down because of the FBI thing. The agent told me they don’t care if I keep blogging since they already have all the evidence they need, including the entire blog, loan documents, etc.
I just want to be careful what I say before I can find a criminal defense attorney and make sure I’m not doing anything stupid.”
Those horses bolted so long ago that they have since grown old, died, been turned into glue, and the barn rotted away. The land was sold and turned into subdivisions. It’s door was kept and passed down through generations until no one alive knew what it was for. A bit late to try closing it now, don’t you think?
I think your defense lawyer, when one is appointed for you, will have problems building any defense beyond “my client pleads guilty”. Things like your point five (”Co-operate with the mortgage companies I defrauded…”) will leave you both with little option.
Of course, you might see if NPD is a valid defense now. It might be. And flying a** -monkeys might be reenacting the Battle Of Gettysburg inside my pants.
You know what they say about the wheels of justice? First, the FBI, next the IRS.
I would be more sympathetic except that you totally brought this upon yourself and blew off the advice of thousands of well-meaning people. Now your joyride has come to an end and you must face the music. Do it with a bit more dignity than this, for God’s sake.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:13 pm
This is half believeable. I believe the part about getting a job, but not the part about dropping the blog. After all, it’s the only part of the whole Casey story that has ever made a buck - and it does.
If you do drop the blog, give up investing forever - you’re flushing away the only thing in the saga that has made a dollar for you.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:13 pm
I’m not shutting down because of the FBI thing. The agent told me they don’t care if I keep blogging since they already have all the evidence they need, including the entire blog, loan documents, etc.
How were you notified? Did the FBI actually contact you directly? Did you hear this from a third party?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:15 pm
Ok, let’s see a pic of you cleaned up with a nice short haircut. Hmm, not holdin’ my breath, lol…. Face it, you’re just desparate for luv. And where will you live? Do you honestly expect that your “landlady” will allow you back after all the drama you’ve put her thru?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:18 pm
hey kid,
you need to do a couple stand up things before this ends.
Contact Duane, apologize to him, ask him if he’s interested in the blog, take any offer he gives you, ask him to pay G***** ’s creditors’ directly.
Stand up for once and do something for someone else aside from blogging empty promise after empty promise.
First step in a long road back for you.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:18 pm
You have to realize your credibility is shot.
Second time in a month?
C’mon. See ya’ in three weeks.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:20 pm
M**** S****** - NO DEAL!!
July 11th, 2007 at 8:20 pm
Seems to me that the only reason you’re trying to get G to stay with you is so she cannot testify against you when it comes time.
“Club Fed” is no fun at all, Casey. Better hope that the best lawyer your parents can afford is a good one. You’re going to need it.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:21 pm
Hey Casey, what kind of job are you going to try to get?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:22 pm
Aw, come on now. I’ve been following this blog since last Sept., and you cannot possibly claim now you were ignorant of the criminal difficulties you were exposing yourself to with your posts. There were several posts _ and I am sure the FBI has them _ warning you to tone down what you were disclosing in public. If this FBI probe develops as I think it must, you will have plenty of time to re-read them and contemplate on what people of some goodwill were warning you.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:22 pm
If you have been in direct communication with the FBI then you have real trouble. Generally the last person told about an FBI investigation is the target of the investigation. Expect an indictment in the forseable future.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:23 pm
how do we know this isn’t just another troll?
El Gabo Gringo
July 11th, 2007 at 8:23 pm
Long-time reader…never posted…
Someone’s already taken this blog over for you, haven’t they? I don’t believe this is even Casey speaking…
If ANY of this is even real, you’ve given info to the FBI in exchange for your immunity, and your story is, “Isn’t it amazing the FBI showed up on my doorstep mere seconds after I decided to come clean?”
You won’t even post this, will you?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:23 pm
Casey: you’re being stupid. You don’t solve anything by shutting down your only income-generating asset. It’s the same mistake you’ve made for years: going on impulse and assuming it’ll lead to success because it FEELS right.
Success doesn’t work that way. Making money takes brains and balls, that’s it. Brains: keep the blog open, and turn it into the story of putting your life back together and dealing with creditors - that audience will be exploding in the next couple years, and you’re right on top of it. Balls: don’t be a tard and fall back into the old patterns and let the haterz run your life, show you’re in control and G***** will recognize that. You don’t have the luxury of screwing around anymore. Time to get smart or get buried.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:24 pm
If you have been in contact with the FBI, then they are just about ready to file indictments. Usually the last person to find about an investigation is the target of the investigation.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:26 pm
Just canceled all the PayPal subscriptions with all my advertisers. This way they will not be billed anymore.
I will leave all the ads up of course in order to give them value. Big thanks to the advertisers who took a chance on me and put up with all the haterz who were harassing them for supporting me.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:27 pm
Yeah, you should totally hold out for a job with a great wage and a decent benefits package. What company wouldn’t want to hire some guy in the middle of an FBI investigation, presumably for fraud?
That guy sounds like he might be a real asset, at least while he’s still a free man. Oh no wait, he doesn’t.
But by all means tell us, is it still “all good”? Is this what falling forward looks like?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:29 pm
Still blaming the Haterz I see. You havent changed a bit!
July 11th, 2007 at 8:30 pm
Quit moderating comments and go call a lawyer now. You can moderate comments later.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:30 pm
Kid -
This is the problem with marrying too early. Yeah, you had your dreams, we all did. The problem for many is that we get hooked to women who are dreamkillers. They hold us back.
Fortunately, I learned how to Dump That B**** , and now I’m a successful radio host and a millionare.
You need to learn how to Dump That B**** .
July 11th, 2007 at 8:31 pm
Ok, wow, it went through….
Is this whole thing just some huge, gigantic, BORAT-kinda thing?
Is there really a book, but it’s gonna be about how you and a cast of characters fooled the world?
Are you Andy Kaufman’s illegitimate son?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:31 pm
Timeline Guy. Please, for the little Baby Jesus’s sake, if ever your services were needed, we need them now.
I’m sending up the Timeline Guy signal. Let us all pray he takes heed.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:32 pm
Damn, dude….
July 11th, 2007 at 8:34 pm
How are you going to work a w-2 job when you are rotting away in jail?
July 11th, 2007 at 8:34 pm
All of the gobbledygook about how important your marriage is to you…it just reeks of damage control. It’s just a wee bit suspicious that you find out about the FBI investigation, and all of a sudden you are making it a priority to patch your marriage up. I figure you got one of either two things going on in your brain right now…1-damage control….you want your wife on your side so she won’t testify against you or help out law enforcement in any kind of investigation. Or 2- You are so scared right now that you are clinging to the idea of saving your marriage. You figure that it will make your parents and family members happy if you come off as having “changed your ways”. And right now you need your family’s support (financially and emotionally) Unfortunately, I think the patching the things up with the wife pledge is just another con game.
If you and your wife do manage to stay together, and you somehow do manage to land a w-2 job, how long before the resentment eats away at you and your marriage? And for the flip side of the coin, how long before the wife’s resentment takes hold? It’s hard to be poor….hard to work your butt off and have nothing to show for it because you are paying off debt. I’m sure your wife would like a home of her own, and a decent car and some security and you are looking at many years before you can provide any of that. Perhaps you can somehow patch it all up (for now), but realistically…marriages under the sort of pressure yours is under, rarely last long.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:35 pm
I’d like to believe you Casey, I really would. But I fear a number of things: The siren’s song of adulation (sic) by the supporterz and attention from the haterz. The drag of a W2 job (oh, but doesn’t it suck to have to come to work - if only we were all entreprenurial geniuses like that dude Kiyosaki or whatever his name is - frankly his posts on Yahoo are more nonsensical than yours.) I won’t believe this until I see it happen (anyone taking bets?)
July 11th, 2007 at 8:37 pm
Back up the BS truck…beep, beep, beep.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:37 pm
Are you certain you spoke to a real FBI agent and it wasn’t just one of the more intense Harterz trying to mess with you?
I’m not doubting there is an investigation, but there appear to be a lot of people with an unhealthy obsession with you. If you are going to talk with them, (IANAL so I won’t speculate whether tlaking to them is helpful or not), ask for their phone number. Check that the number does refer back to an FBI office and then ring them back.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:41 pm
Good luck bro.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:42 pm
impersonating an FBI agent is a crime. Casey is the criminal here, not his haterz.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:47 pm
“I just want to be careful what I say before I can find a criminal defense attorney and make sure I’m not doing anything stupid.”
At this point I wouldn’t be worried. If they go after you, everything you said in the past is going to be the “anything stupid” part and it is going to be more than enough. All the same, don’t talk to them and certainly DO NOT LIE IF YOU TALK. If you do this they may just prosecute you for obstruction of justice because it is easier to prove than a technical case like loan fraud. That’s what they did to Scooter Libby and Martha S****** . NEVER TALK TO THE FBI. NEVER LIE TO THE FBI. IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE TO LIE, JUST DON’T TALK.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:50 pm
“There is nothing wrong with business or investing or real estate. But the way I was going about it was wrong - taking shortcuts, doing shady stuff and ignoring my wife.”
July 11th, 2007 at 8:51 pm
On the other side of the coin, wasn’t it reckless to bring some other person along with you for the ride?
First, if you failed, which you did, you land her in the same mess as you.
On the other hand, if you succeeded - which you might in the future - she will be entitled to 50% of your net worth when you divorce - as over half of all marriages do as well as over 70% of marriages between under 25 year olds.
Then comes alimony, and almost certainly, child support, which goes on for at least eighteen years.
I don’t suppose you have a pre nup, do you? You could be FORCED into a menial job to pay your support obligations.
When you kiss and make up - for now - be sure to use a condom.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:51 pm
> The saying “any publicity is good publicity” is only true
> if you don’t care what happens to your relationships.
Hey Casey, how come you never told us about this article? Funny how you didn’t use your real name…
July 11th, 2007 at 8:53 pm
It seems like you were left traumatized by the court room experience from wanna-be pimp and now you desperately want everyone to like you by saying everything they want to hear. Read the no nonsense busines logic in post 142 from b4freedom. It doesn’t make much sense in shutting down this blog if it’s pulling in 4K a month with minimal effort on your part. Don’t let a bunch of jealous working stiffs bring you down to their miserable state. The FBI is on the case? So what, are you suprised? You should have assumed that a long time ago. I think the creditors bringing you to court is the concern, and it’s doubtful they would waste the time since your judgement proof.
My advice. Go ahead and sell this blog for as much as you can get. The fact is you’ve cried wolf now so many times that it’s dying regardless. Give the money from the sale to yoru wife so she can fix her credit and start anew. Like a previous poster stated, if you really want the best for HER then divorce her and allow her to move on without you. Go to a domain registrar and spend 5 bucks on a new domain name so you can turn it into another 4k/mo operation. Go ahead and get your W2 job and start blogging about the experience of being a single W2′er trying to survive and within a month or two you’ll have a new source of passive income. Once you realize after a month that working 50 hours a week for less than your ad revenue defies logic and common sense; you can dump the job and get back on track. BTW, why not finish up the book deal? Make sure it only covers the real estate stuff. Later you can write another book about the ensuing soap opera.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:53 pm
You’re on the right path.
May the bridges that you burn light the way.
July 11th, 2007 at 8:54 pm
Whoaaa! Slow down….you’re making too many massive decisions at once.
Cancelling people’s subscriptions just greatly reduced the value of your domain.
Since you had a big announcement scheduled for tomorrow, why don’t you just post it tonight since you’re on a roll?
What’s the announcement? Is Talkshoe still a go?
July 11th, 2007 at 9:04 pm
So, if I’m getting you here, you’re telling me…there are consequences to lying to the tune of $2.2M, not working for a year after sinking yourself and your wife beneath a pile of debt that is well beyond your means, trotting the globe without wifey, and meanwhile shouting all of this from the rooftop of the blogosphere? Noooo. I won’t believe that; that’s not the way things work, according to Rich Dad. One has only to make the decision that they will make $80k per hour, and then they do so. Take a shot of the wheat grass and take a seat on the blue ball of truth until you pull yourself together. And get your balls back from your wife’s purse, they belong in the murse.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
Back in January, I told you that your two priorities should be 1) saving your marriage; and 2) staying out of jail. You of course ignored that advice, foolishly thinking that G would go along with whatever forever and that you were above the law. Finally, after nearly a year, reality is catching up.
I don’t feel very much satisfaction in that, though. I hope that you are able to save your marriage and yourself… but having watched you in action for nearly a year, I’m pretty sure that you will find a way to screw it up.
So prove me (us) wrong. Work the W2 job (you’re going to find it difficult to find an employer who will hire an employee with so much baggage), do what you can to resurrect the marriage, and hopefully law enforcement will ultimately decide not to go after you.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:10 pm
You’re never going to get a W2 job.
One google search by any potential employers and your resume will go right in the trash.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:14 pm
You just blew my mind.
Have you ever heard of “Oppositional Defiant Disorder.”
July 11th, 2007 at 9:23 pm
I have mixed feelings about this (as I’m sure you do).
Nothing wrong with a W-2 job, even if your aspirations are to be an entrepreneur. Nothing wrong with trying to make a relationship work. These are good things.
However, I think you are leaving much on the table in closing down the blog now and not publishing the book. (I assume you’re either finished or close to being finished with the book.) Yes, you can sell off the domain-it does have some residual value- but as I and others have said, the real marketable asset is you and your story. I’m really mystified that you can’t see that.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:28 pm
I really hope you follow through. I don’t like watching a guy spiral his life downwards, and accepting your real position as an idiot with a failed marriage who needs to get a job is the best thing you could have ever done. All the best Casey.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:28 pm
If there is any chance to save your marriage, pursue that and pursue it first. Be sure you understand that your other half is not standing in your way or otherwise. She stood by you through so much. It’s your turn to stand by her and be proud of it and happy that you did if it’s at all salvagable.
On the FBI thing, don’t let it get you down. Get a good criminal defense attorney. There may be some consequences, but with the right attorney and a willingness to own up to this, the consequences will probably not be all that bad.
Finally, on the business thing, start a new lead today. Keep your commitments. You cannot be successful in business, now or in the future without a willingness to keep your commitments. I sincerely believe you have always had good intentions in your own way (however misguided they may have been). But you know what they say about good intentions? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Honor the 2 year agreement to do no business. And when the 2 years is up, I would encourage you to go into business, but take a different angle.
First, if it’s get rich quick, it’ll get you broke quick and you’ll definitely lose your marriage. If you can save it now, you’re not likely to get another shot down the road.
Second, if it requires you to borrow money, pass on it. There are good and legitimate reasons to borrow money for business, but you can make it without borrowing too. You need to learn to build successful business first.
Third, if it’s a deal that you have to decide on today, expires soon or won’t be available if you wait, you should do just that… wait.
Fourth, don’t do anything without your other half’s blessing. Remember, when you married, the two of you become one.
Fifth, spend some time learning. Learn at your W2. It doesn’t have to be a grind. Especially if you get into computer related areas.
And finally, if you do later in life venture back towards business (which I would encourage you to do after all is mended and you have the blessings of your other half and you’ll only gain that by trust and consistent behavior and responsible actions), start part time andkeep the W2. I know there is plenty to be said about risks and not getting as much turn if you don’t take risk. But remember, lower risk = lower return doesn’t mean no return. You start lower risk = lower return and you get a more solid foundation. As you succeed you slowly nudge towards more risk, but you always keep a solid low risk foundation and don’t let the nudged up high risks be so excessive that if you miss they wipe out your base/foundation as well.
Casey, I wish you the best of luck and I hope things work out for you.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:29 pm
The folks on the other site are going to scoop you on some big news . . .
July 11th, 2007 at 9:29 pm
Don’t sell the domain even if you get a legit offer. (Unless it’s so huge that it would be insane to do so.)
Without you this domain is not really worth much. If someone else buys it, the traffic will cease because it’s The Adventures of Casey that people are interested.
Take your time and think about how you could build this into a profitable business. America loves stories about people who fall and then rise up again. Think of the Phoenix myth.
You should do a search on Bill Bartmann. Here’s an interview with him. He went from poor kid to billionaire to alleged crook back to businessman. http://img670.libsyn.com/img67.....eminar.mp3
July 11th, 2007 at 9:38 pm
So the real deal behind this supposed change of heart is the law is finally catching up with you.
Do you really think the FBI or any other LE is going to buy the oh gosh just when I was going straight you guys showed up bull? They have seen much better cons than you.
Your going to jail, as you should, this fake repentant crap has been exposed for what it really is.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:39 pm
Casey, I truly hope that this works out for you.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:41 pm
Dude, you are going to HATE a W2 job. It’s going
to suck what’s left of your soul out of you and you
do know it. It maybe ok for awhile, but in relatively
no time, you will feel your beckoning calling you.
You can ignore it for quite some time, but it will
persist and get louder and louder.
Look man, you’ve got some respectable passive
income from your blog. You don’t seem to be
all that materialistic other than some good food
and drink. You really don’t need all that much
money to live pretty good.
You didn’t even post my previous comment,
and I don’t know why, it seemed to be on
the spot, but take it into consideration.
Make up with the Family.
Get a decent conversion van and have someone
help convert it to BioDiesel. There are lots of
good people out there with organic additudes that
will volunteer to help.
Cruze the America’s will blogging. You don’t like to
be nailed down to one place and like to travel.
Your wife can get her degree online and you can
blog from your PDA / Laptop at some free
WiFi spots. You can get your ‘fuel’ donated from
some of the local cuisine.
This way you can pursue multiple streams of
entrepenorial income and keep the blog.
Listen man, you are not wired for W2. You
aren’t wired for official business man either,
you are wired for some where inbetween.
You are about 80% of the way along and are
going to throw it all out. Don’t stop now, it
will be a true failure. Work something out
with the families, but you will not change who
you are because you can not change it.
And please post this comment this time.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:45 pm
Looks like the light bulb just went off, probably the best decision you have made in your young life. When I was your age I believed the same BS about passive income from the so called guru’s. Carlton Sheets, William J Mc Corkle, Nationwide Real Estate, Amway, I even got invited to a personal meeting with Russ Whitney, which turned out to be an MLM meeting for some crappy phone scam.
When you are young and ambitious it’s easy to get brainwashed by the passive income dream. There is nothing passive about becoming wealthy, it’s f****** hard a** work.
I finally had the lightbulb to go off and let go of the crazy belief that if I listen to these idiots I’ll be just like them. I focused on my carreer and earned enough from my W2 job to get into R.E. the hard way. I focused on my career a bit more and now have a W2 job that pays $175,000 a year plus stock and I own a business that I run with th wife that does $1,000,000 a year, that took me 6 months to build. I should make $500,000 this year.
Son there just is no quick way to get rich quick unless you become one of the scammers preaching that crap to the next generation of suckers. William J. Mc Corkle is a good example if this, he is getting asspounded for 24 years in Federal Prison.
There is no system that you can buy on a television infomercial that is going to make you rich.
You’ve learned a hard lesson but , hopefully others learn from your mistakes. At least your young.By the time you are 31 you will be free and clear of this mess.
So put your head down and get to work. Plan on paying cash for everything and not having credit for a few years. I wouldn’t open a bank account and try to get work as a contractor to avoid garnishments.
Dont give up your dreams, but realize if your want success you have to work for it.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:46 pm
Get a W2 job. Get on a debt repayment plan. Save the marriage. Genius!!! Why the heck didn’t somebody think of these things sooner?!?!
Ech. So soon?
P.S. When did the wife join the haterz club? Did I miss the welcome party?
ASW: Sweet!
July 11th, 2007 at 9:47 pm
Where/how can we bid on the domain? Maybe a good idea is to list the domain on Ebay and put a link here for interested parties to bid. I believe this would also weed out non-serious bidders etc….or at least minimize them!
What a climatic end to the site especially with the FBI/romance etc all going on…..like some kinda mystery drama movie..WOW!!!…?
Sheesh Casey what a mess but I have a feeling you will make it through just fine. I really do!
I’ll be watching.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:47 pm
Hello Casey,
If you do this then I will send you $$$. Hopefully you do. (I was a hater)
Some of the haterz really destroyed their reputations — I guess they will have to wonder if it was worth it. I notice _some_ of the hater sites were removing links about LPM to try and do damage control.
Good luck and enjoy life.
It is great to hear you are taking care of G.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:51 pm
You have flaunted the FBI and farted in their faces for so long, that I hope they now do the same to you.
Actually, the FBI is like a big ship, slow to turn, slow to start, but damm hard to stop once it’s going.
You are only changing BECAUSE the FBI is after you.
You WILL be serving time, unless you run away or go under the “radar” like you told me many months ago.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:51 pm
So let me get this straight. You are going to:
- Shut down the blog
- Figure out how to repay or BK your debts
- Get a W2 job
- Give up on becoming a RE mogul for the near future
- Focus on your significant other
In case you have not noticed, this is the exact advice people have been giving you for the past 8 months or longer.
To make this sound like you have had some sort of epiphany is sort of……just like you.
:::shakes head:::
July 11th, 2007 at 9:51 pm
I hope that you (and anyone who is actually considering buying this site) realizes that all the rank, all the listings, their all gone within 30 days of you selling the domain. All that will be left is the traffic that comes in from people who are looking for a site that’s no longer here.
See the way that Google and the other search engines work is pretty simple. They see content with certain keywords getting linked to with those same keywords so they bring the rankings up for that page. Over time more links and more content makes the rankings better. Remove the content and the pages go away. Pretty quickly the links are removed as well, and those that remain point to dead pages (since the blog content isn’t coming with the site). A few weeks later everything starts to slip. And of course as more and more links drop, all the rankings drop to the point that all IAFF will rank well for is the term “IAFF”.
So while there’s some value in the domain and the traffic that will come after it closes, it’s not much. Any decent marketing person could drive as much traffic for far less money then you’ve indicated you feel the domain is worth.
That said, good luck with the sale. I’m sure that’s the big goal here for whatever reasons.
Hopefully you’ll post this for the open world, but if not, at least be sure to understand it yourself.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
Just want to say looking forward to seeing everyone here on August 4th and in the weeks and months that follow.
July 11th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
“Yes there is an FBI investigation as well. I just learned about it yesterday after I made the decision to shut everything down.”
Wow. Just Wow.
I am surprised to hear that because when I once tried to report a theft of funds crime to the FBI, they basically told me, for white collar stuff under $1 Million, they don’t get involved.
How did you find out? Are you sure it wasn’t one of the extreme haterz just yanking your chain?
It seems weird that they would contact you, unless they wanted you to go in for questioning.
If they already had all the evidence they needed, why not just take you down? Why alert you to the investigation and give you the opportunity to flee the country?
July 11th, 2007 at 10:00 pm
I wish you the best of luck KC. Damn I can’t believe that the FBI is after you, that can’t be good. Good luck with your life. File Bankruptcy if at all possible and try to move on. I think you’ve got some really tough times ahead with the HUGE IRS debt that you must have. I still think that Mark is a total a****** and I hope that he gets what he deserves.
I think your on the right track trying to pay G@@@@@@ debt. If she doesn’t take you back you should give her space and let her move on with her life. You gotta be honest with yourself and realize that if she decides to stay with you she’s basically signing herself up for a life of being poor and not much chance of getting out of debt. I hate to say this to you but you’ve gotta understand it. With the FBI after you that really can’t be good at all.
You may want to change your focus to getting her out of debt so that she can move on with her life. I know that sucks to hear but its really the best thing for her.
Again good luck
July 11th, 2007 at 10:06 pm
When are you going to fess up about what’s really going on? Your post doesn’t sound like you at all - you are a con man and a scammer - and people like you never change. There must be really really SOMETHING else that is FORCING you to say those things, OR ELSE!
You know there are other people who know, and it will come out.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:10 pm
Bad things are coming.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:20 pm
Not that you will post this anyways…but at least I hope you read this for your own sake.
After 8 months of me reading this blog I still see how convenient it is that you suddenly have a change in heart after legal issues are involved. Oh, I’m going to jail? but I promise to go straaaaaaaight!
The greatest part of this post is that you want to turn everything around for your w$$$ but you want to keep blogging for the next 24 days. Still can’t leave the shiny toy, a real man would have shut the blog down the minute she had issues.
Women have a point of no return that once you pass that she’ll stick around just long enough to make sure she leaves with everything she can get from you.
Oh but thats right you aren’t supposed to talk about her on the blog, so be sure to air all your dirty laundry for all her friends and family to read about your trouble. How chivalrous!
July 11th, 2007 at 10:26 pm
I don’t know dude, marriage is overrated. Either way things will never be the same, might be better to just let it go.
With a criminal case open it might be hard to make money on a W2 job, this blog would have provided a steady income stream.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:27 pm
I never went this extreme, but my life had a similar cross road, I either got my sh*t together and took care of business…or I followed my dreams and failed miserably. I’m 100X happier now that i’ve adjusted to my “new” life. Give yourself a couple years to adjust. If you follow through with this, you’ll earn respect from all the haters i’m sure, me included ofcourse. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, you sound very honest right now and i’m a true supporter until you do something to make me think otherwise. GO CASEY! YOU CAN DO IT MY FRIEND.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:29 pm
@186. Media S*** :
That Onion article was brilliant.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:34 pm
I would be willing to bet that Casey is being investigated by the FBI to testify against his mortgage, appraisers, title company(s) and/or Real estate agent(s). FBI wouldn’t get involved in a case like Casey’s. They are looking to take down habitual fraudsters. The mortgage, appraiser, title and/or RE agent have facilitated likely 10’s of millions of dollars worth of casey types to defraud lenders.
You heard it here first…if Casey allows this post…
July 11th, 2007 at 10:36 pm
@Hungry Bear 210:
“I am surprised to hear that because when I once tried to report a theft of funds crime to the FBI, they basically told me, for white collar stuff under $1 Million, they don’t get involved.”
Last I checked, fraudulently acquiring $2.2 million in property counts as a crime of more than $1 million. 2.2 is greater than 1.0 (higher mathematics, there). The debt currently owed is completely beside the point and has nothing to do with it.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:37 pm
Extremely difficult decisions, all of them. I’m sure a lot of people are angry with you right now, but it can sometimes be hard to do the right thing. Marriage and family must trump all.
We do what works for us until it doesn’t work for us anymore — for you, the threat of a divorce was what it took to jolt you awake. For others, a divorce might not have been a wake-up call. I’m glad you finally got a glimpse of the toll your decisions have taken on those around you. I believe now you are at last ready to join into a true partnership with your wife — to make decisions together that affect your marriage.
The problem you faced was you bit off more than you could chew. Chasing passive income isn’t an inherently bad ideal, but you neglected to build up a solid foundation to ride out the storm. Migrating from W-2 income to passive income is like two ships traveling side by side at different speeds: you need to shuttle all your stuff from the W-2 ship onto the new “passive income” ship before staying on the the new ship permanently. Instead, you just ran ahead and left the W-2 boat behind… realizing too late how many supplies you forgot to bring. We all get impatient that tomorrow will never come. But it does.
Rebuilding your fortunes and your reputation will take a while. Accept it. It’s okay. It will be for the best. Your marriage will grow stronger. You will once again strike at your passive income goals — but with your wife, as partners, not in spite of her protestations.
By the way, I actually tried to attend the Ex Parte hearing because I live in Sac. So when the blog is finally shut down and all this blows over, think about dropping me an email to have lunch or something: I used to do real estate investing just like you and I ran into many of the same problems you’ve already faced.
Bottom line: life gets better. This, too, shall pass.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:39 pm
Whatever. If Casey does go down for his “crimes” than many of you here better be scared. Your transgressions in life are probably a whole lot worse that anything involving mortgages.
July 11th, 2007 at 10:40 pm
“I’m shutting down the blog in 24 days and getting a W2 job, and will do no more business for at least 2 years” - Casey
“Lord, Make me chaste, but not yet” - St. Augustine
July 11th, 2007 at 10:51 pm
Hi Guys,
Especially Benwa (hee hee™) # 174. I have become a bit tired after somehow my last 6 or 8 (maebi™ more) posts somehow mysteriously ’self censored’ themselves and never made it to print… I kinda got tired of typing.
If this one doesn’t self destruct maybe I’ll fill you in on some of the crazy™ things that have gone on. Well™ sea™
July 11th, 2007 at 11:08 pm
Casey, if you want to avoid spending the next 10 years in prison, I think you’d better hop on a plane to Uzbekistan. I hate to say it and hope it ain’t so, but there’s no way your marriage will survive an extended stay in prison. I wish the best of luck to you, but if you do the crime, you do the time. I wish the best of luck to you when it comes to negotiating a plea agreement.
July 11th, 2007 at 11:10 pm
Gosh you are so pathetic. Riding the wave casey. If you can get the net in Prison I guess you will be back, Otherwise I hope the FEDS cart you away.
July 11th, 2007 at 11:11 pm
Hey Kid;
So the FBI has an open investigation on you?
And how many months ago did I tell you that the Eye of Sauron was upon you?
Remember that room…the documents with your signature all over the table.
I’ll bet they love you…you served ‘em your behind on a silver platter…they secured all the evidence they needed over half a box of donuts,y’know?
BTW, give my regards to Special Agent Toby: Undercover Comment-Coolie.
Enough gloating…
You have something ELSE to tell us?
July 11th, 2007 at 11:11 pm
I’m so disappointed in you. I’ve now joined the Inner Circle at EN. Duane just sent me the membership papers and they are throwing me a welcome party next week at Rob’s house.
July 11th, 2007 at 11:17 pm
hungrybear: He’s over the million mark - it doesn’t matter how much “sweet equity” the banks managed to get out of the houses after foreclosure, the loans were obtained through fraud and total well over the million mark.
Plus of course the whole mortgage fraud thing has finally caught up with Wall Street (Bear Stearns) so the FBI is waking up: http://www.fbi.gov/publication.....raud06.htm
The maximum penalty is only 30 years plus a million dollar fine, so “it’s all good”. So even in the worst case, Casey will have plenty of time to get rich in real estate after doing his time - the market might even be in another bubble by then.
July 11th, 2007 at 11:26 pm
This is a regular Soap Opera show.
So let’s see.
LosT Mitigator separated you from your wife and family while you were in Aussie.
Now he is succeeding in separating you from your blog.
He gets you in this vulnerable place and simultaneously sics the FBI on you.
This long thought out plan of LosT Mitigator- Instigator is succeeding in bringing you down.
Funny how this all came about shortly after your tapes were published on the web for all to listen to. Those tapes were meant to hurt you. You were set up. ENTRAPMENT is against the law.
Long ago, he planned on taping your story under the guise of helping you straighen things out. All along, he knew what he was going to do with those tapes. Did he send them to the FBI? That was his plan. Go back through his posts from the beginning of the year through March, Casey. He posted he would do this. It wasn’t very subtle either. That is why he had you delete all of his posts.
He is probably in cahoots with the publisher who told you to go to Aussie to set up an off shore. Getting you away from the country bought LosT Mit time and space to do his dirty deeds.
Now maybe you learned to not give away trust. People have to earn it. A little irony.
I hope they have photography classes in the Fed pen of your choosing. I see potential for you in this area.
This whole saga is like a train without brakes. Where it stops, no-one knows.
July 11th, 2007 at 11:36 pm
This blog, your book, your debt…all of that stuff has nothing to do with your failing marriage. The problem lies within yourself. Shutting down this blog is only an “excuse” in making the changes that you need to make in the way you live and the actions that you take.
The first step in fixing your marriage problems is to recognize your mistakes. If you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, then you can’t fix it. The second step is communication. You need to talk to your wife and dissect all of your problems together. And the last step is to compromise. Your wife means the world to you, but she has to understand that this is who you are. It’s not that you can’t change, but there are certain things that you shouldn’t have to change. Same with her. Compromise with her and find that middle ground, then things will be much better. Shutting down this blog (your only source of income right now) and getting a W2 job is not something that should make a difference in fixing your marriage problems…
July 11th, 2007 at 11:56 pm
While I do hope you face some criminal penalties for your egregious behavior, I hope you do NOT go to prison. Some heavy fines & a felony conviction with probation would be sufficient.
To a certain extent, the lenders deserve some blame for not doing any due diligence on idiot borrowers, such as yourself. Their greed played as much of a role as yours.
If you go to prison, you better hope it’s a minimum security prison. Because if not, the Aryan skinhoods are gonna trick you out. Even that is too harsh for an unscrupulous doofus as yourself.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:03 am
Well, I saw this coming, I just hoped it would be sooner than later. You will be in the spotlight for awhile to come as well as your “publisher”. I am glad you finally saw the light though and might be able to save your marriage.
Your story might be marketable in a few (5-10) years after you get your personal life straight, the outcome of your RE misadventures is known, the FBI investigation is concluded and the lawsuit is settled. The debt you owe is now not as nearly pressing as legal fees, they want money up front.
Many people point out how it is unlikely you will serve time. You have really aggravated the situation with you posts. No doubt the FBI and the states you have done business in are tired of being called daily by the haterz. At this point I think it is a possibility you will some time in jail, although little, just because of the above.
Well good luck. This will probably be my last post unless you stop following legal advice like you were doing and persist in breaking your promise with your wife like you did.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:07 am
I totally believe that this time, it’s for real. Best of luck.
Although you are done blogging when this thing shuts down, definitely consider keeping in touch with the dude who runs donthatecasey.blogspot.com.
Would be good to just get an occassional update on how things are working out for you. You can just give him a verbal update every so often and he can do the postings.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:35 am
THE TIME IS NOW … Ive been telling you this for months.
I hope you listen now .. THE TIME IS NOW ……
I think you know what I mean.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:46 am
Casey, if you are really sincere about this turnaround, then you should take the blog down in 24 hours, not 24 days.
The 24 day grace period seems to feel like procrastination, or sort of what addicts do to convince themselves they are quitting. “I’ll quit smoking in 1 month …” Seems like you are *starting* to realize your mistakes, but you are still hanging on to your baby, or mistress, or whatever you call this thing.
I think you can address the important issues you mentioned above for keeping the blog up for 24 days in a different way. Leave up an almost blank page, stating that the blog is for sale with a link to email you with offers, as well as a section for sponsor links.
The other part of winding down and doing more interviews, etc is really reminiscent of your talkcast after you took the blog down the first time … you shut it down, but it was blatantly obvious that it was still more important to you than anything else. So my advice is to go cold turkey as fast as possible. I just don’t see the value of staying online; I only see it as a temptation for you to keep blogging.
Anyway, I really do hope you are being sincere. Hopefully you will be able to save your marriage - God can work all kinds of miracles, but you also need to play your part in showing that it is important to you. There’s lots of hurt that has been dealt, but like you said hopefully it’s not too late.
Good luck with everything … really hoping you don’t get sucked into this blog again, seems like you are walking a thin line.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:47 am
I see it now…
You’ll be back Casey, why would the book publisher who threatened the suit last time not go ahead this time???
What about PRLinkBiz? She’s just waiting for a juicy cut of whenever you finally do sell this site!!!
There’ll be so many claims on whatever hard real cash comes down for the sale, that CS nor wifey will see jack…
And by golly boy, you’d better start taking down all of your negative W2 comments, change your name and cut your hair otherwise the only boss you’re going to attract is one with a bigger shinnier object obsession than yourself…
July 12th, 2007 at 1:41 am
If you are really doing this and quiting fair enough good idea. Get some stability. BUT, and here is the big BUT don’t sell the domain quite yet…
Right now nobody is going to give you any money because they know you are down and kicked hard into the ground. They want to watch you squirm.
So talk to your wife and wait a couple of weeks or so. Let whoever is bidding wait… The foreclosures will start getting bad at the end of this year. Look at the blog I made my first million at 33. Use that to judge when you should sell the URL.
July 12th, 2007 at 2:48 am
Hey Casey, your marriage may be over whatever you do. Your wife is putting you into a no-win situation: Either shut down your blog and cancel your book deal, both sources of current income, or she will leave you. What do you think she will do when you dont have the blog revenue and you dont have a W2 job because you are unemployable in the corporate world? (e.g. gap in resume and your story plastered over shadow web sites) You have an entrepreneurial personality and you won’t be happy in a W-2 job. What about your web-site consulting business?
July 12th, 2007 at 3:25 am
Everyone and every business that got involved with you got crapped on.
Banks, W***, lost mittens, Duane, Publisher……
Now an FBI investigation no less.
Bet everyone that has been in any sort of business dealings with you are pretty damn nervous now. Retracing their steps to make sure they are in the clear with their own business ventures and dealings with you for the feds… just in case something about them pops a red flag when you get scrutinized.
Doing business with you is kinda like being with King Midas…. Everything you touch…. Turns to CRAP.
Don’t see why people would still be interested in buying your site or doing business dealings with you…… if that means they themselves may come under the microscope of the Feds for doing so.
Still, I am sure there will still be people reaching into the toilet to see how close they can get to the the pile of turd sitting there with their finger without touching it…. Some will fail.
Good luck with your wife…. By the way, its too late…. At this stage, its pretty much game over…. It just takes a while to sink in.
July 12th, 2007 at 4:12 am
If you were serious about closing the blog then you’d have put up a goodbye message and closed it. Anyone else would have just shut it down long ago.
But as long as you make Markie Poo scream like a woman some more, then itsallgood!
July 12th, 2007 at 5:13 am
I wish you well. I don’t know how much luck you’ll have with a W-2 job particularly given your considerable internet exposure, but you’ve clearly got some blog maintenance skills which should pan out as long as your employer doesn’t have to admit they hired you. :-I
If what they say is true, that you learn more from failure than success, you have certainly learned a lot Casey. Good Luck. I wouldn’t do business with you today, but maybe in 10 years or so when you’ve matured a bit and discovered that there is RARELY a free lunch.
July 12th, 2007 at 5:29 am
You sealed your fate when you baited the FBI whilst you were in AUS, stating that they have to charge you with mortgage fraud before you’ll admit to it, and thought you were calling a haterz bluff
July 12th, 2007 at 6:03 am
Timeline Guy! Any chance you could email me the lost posts, or see if Jade will update her blog as the thing is now, hopefully, finally coming to an end?
I would certainly love to catch up on them, and I bet others would too. Your posts elivened and embiggened many a dull day or IAFF post.
July 12th, 2007 at 6:09 am
Looks like things might be looking up for you Casey! Good luck.
July 12th, 2007 at 6:34 am
Good job Casey, seems to be a mature decision and my best wishes and prayers go with you.
Go spend some time on http://www.persecution.com/ and get a feel for Christians around the world suffering at the hands of the oppressors, should help keep you humble in your journey as it has in mine.
July 12th, 2007 at 6:47 am
To all the people who are telling C. that he should keep after his dreams and that he’s giving up his chance to be rich, I say:
All his efforts to be rich haven’t worked. Why should he keeping digging the same hole. He doesn’t know how to make money flipping houses. You think he is a genius. But he’s a genius who lost money, not made it.
July 12th, 2007 at 7:19 am
the only mistake you made, I think, is to post questions like: “should I pay cashcall or not?” once you did this, the lenders needed to start protecting their industry.
July 12th, 2007 at 7:23 am
Good luck Casey. For once I believe you.
July 12th, 2007 at 7:26 am
Damn Casey,
You don’t know if you have 300 or 400k in mortgage deficiencies?
You are in trouble.
Just don’t kill yourself.. I don’t like you but I don’t want to see that happen either.
Bankruptcy is your only answer.
July 12th, 2007 at 8:06 am
Dear Casey,
Wishing you the best. I have enjoyed your blog and I admire your spirit and wish for better things in life. I am including you and your family in my prayers.
July 12th, 2007 at 8:20 am
Assuming any of this is true, my faith in the grand karmic design of the universe is slightly recovered. Casey, you have burned through more lives than a six-toed cat. Legal action and FBI investigations are long overdue. You should not escape them just by re-re-re-re-re-re-turning over the same old leaf (which, apparently, has “itsallgood” written on both sides of it).
At the heart of your various schemes is the same base avarice that has driven a million shark-suited snakeoil salesmen. The vast sums of money you squandered were not derived from some magical money tree - they came from banks invested in and funded by hard-working people, the very “W-2 loosers” you so despise. You are a drain on them and on this country in much the same way you are a drain on your family, friends, and w-fe. The vast wheels of the universe do not turn just to provide you passive income and a life of leisure you feel you simply deserve just for being you. A true entrepreneur makes money as a side effect of creating and maintaining a successful business that provides some benefit to society. By contrast, you simply want to do nothing and get paid for it. In a perverse way, however, this dream will come true when you spend 6-8 years in lockup supported by the taxpayers yet again. The only drawback is that your cellmate boyfriend will probably use a whole different sort of organic wax for your hair.
July 12th, 2007 at 8:29 am
great to see you are turning things around! good luck with your marriage.
July 12th, 2007 at 8:52 am
I’ve been following your blog and was hoping everything would work out for you. Hopefully things can be worked out at home as well. I hope that this whole FBI thing works out in your favor.
July 12th, 2007 at 9:00 am
Good Luck Casey.
July 12th, 2007 at 9:40 am
I’m breaking my strict IAFF boycott to let you know that I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, Casey.
I’m not sure why you would choose to do it in 24 days, except perhaps out of consideration for your advertisers who paid for the month, but we will *all* be watching.
You certainly don’t hold much credibility with your readers because of your frequent flip-flopping–and many of them are laughing at this announcement. I am not laughing. I am counting you to keep your word for a change, and hoping you will put other peoples needs before your own.
Whether or not she decides to take you back, Casey, this is the best course of action. Get stabilized, create a plan, stick with it, and maybe in a few years, you can figure out other ways to branch out and pursue dreams in a more responsible way.
Being responsible sucks, but it’s part of being an adult.
Please do not make me regret believing you.
July 12th, 2007 at 10:33 am
Casey, you and G***** move to the south where 30,000 to 40,000k a year is still decent money. You can find a nice 3 bedroom house here for 350 to 450.00$ a month. Living expenses so much cheaper. If you don’t care to roll your sleeves up a little you could make it okay without a degree. You might could drive a truck otr for a bit and come back and drive local. Lease to purchase your trucks and start your own company. Tons of other things you can do without a college degree. I know a fed-ex guy that owns 6 routes grossing around 280,000k a year.
July 12th, 2007 at 11:04 am
The FBI may be investigating. Investigating is cheap. They “investigate” practically anything. So what?
After reading this blog, the only investigation left is of the mortgage companies, the real estate agents, the loan brokers, the sellers who cooperated with the cash back scam, etc. etc.
With all this, Casey is only one of millions who did the same thing. However, even if Casey borrowed 2.2M, that represents only two single family houses in my neighborhood! So, Casey is small time compared to the real high rollers.
And what bank is going to cooperate with a prosecution willingly?
The lenders deliberately failed to verify any of the “qualifying” statements of millions of borrowers, including Casey. How will this help the prosecution?
BTW, who’s damaged more here? The predatory banks offering “liar loans”, or the borrowers telling the banks what they want to hear.
As far as I see it, it’s a mutual disaster. The banks closed after the predatory lending came back to bite them. The borrowers lost their houses because they said they made more money than they did to qualify for mortgage they couldn’t afford.
So, it’s hard to know who to root for here!
I have no confidence that the FBI will be doing anything to Casey — or the banks Casey did business with.
However, as home prices spiral into hell’s back yard, I’ll bet my house that regulators make it practically impossible for new C and D borrowers to get a loan.
Casey, your wife comes before your business. However, wives are usually the impetus and inspirations for a husband’s successes. So, if you can get a new vision, and sell her on it, she’ll help you become more prosperous than you could ever dream possible. It’s the law of God!
Otherwise, you’re headed down the road of being a potential “retread” of a divorcee at 24!
July 12th, 2007 at 11:55 am
I’m not shutting down because of the FBI thing. The agent told me they don’t care if I keep blogging since they already have all the evidence they need, including the entire blog, loan documents, etc.
They have the “smoking gun.”
(that you shot yourself in the foot with)
I just want to be careful what I say before I can find a criminal defense attorney and make sure I’m not doing anything stupid.
too late
It kind of sucks that right when I decided to do the right thing now the law is after me too. But I guess we all knew this might happen. So its not a big surprise now.
Bank robbers can’t “make all better” by giving back
the money (and you ain’t got the money no more)
I’ll just have to take responsibility and deal with it the best way I can.
Going to the big house
Who would have seen it coming?
(answer: everyone except you)
July 12th, 2007 at 12:01 pm
This is a breeding ground for con men:
July 12th, 2007 at 12:11 pm
casey- i wish you the best of luck. but im afraid i have some bad news about your website..
that is the value.
i think i have a solution for you though. e-mail me on Myspace- i sent you a message recently under the name and logo BioNergy. E-mail me back on there.
July 12th, 2007 at 12:48 pm
Casey, Is the FBI investigating you for real? If this is not a rumor you need to get out of the US –NOW!. Brazil will not extradite if you are responsible for the care of a minor child. You need to research what other countries may provide refuge, including your home country. DO NOT MAKE ANY STATEMENTS TO ANY INVESTIGATOR without legal counsel. Remember, Martha S****** served time for “lying” to the FBI even though they could not prove any of the charges that they were investigating her for. BTW I dont agree that you should sell the blog to pay your wife’s credit cards first. She took the risk with you and would have gotten half of the spoils if your investments doubled in value. Get thee out of the juridiction my friend. Dont think that the US Government wouldn’t entice people to buy houses as investments with zero- down -stated- income loans and then prosecute for acting exactly as the govt incentivised when things go badly. That wont be a legal defence here, but some foreign courts would look at that as a defence against extradition.
July 12th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
@257. Mr. Flipper
ditto on the first half of that post.
Banks are not going to air this laundry out.
Ever heard of Amsterdam? Or statute of limitations?
I bet your wife may like it too.
Anyone want to pitch in for tickets?
July 12th, 2007 at 2:52 pm
Bit of advices sir…nothing against your wife, but as you get older you will realize that women come and go but your dreams never do.
Don’t ever sacrifice your dreams for a woman. The right woman for you will be the one that helps you with your dreams, not forces you to give them up.
First however, you need to learn to be responsible…of which you have not been forthe last couple years.
July 12th, 2007 at 10:04 pm
Hope you will find the true meaning in life. I do not think that you will be able to find it when you are just 24.
July 12th, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Casey Buddy,
Follow you heart! There’s always a place for people with great talent and skills. Don’t let others influence your decision. Stick to your plan. Good Luck!
July 13th, 2007 at 11:45 am
Deep down inside, you seem to be a good kid. I respect a man who’s willing to take the kind of chances 99% of the rest of us don’t have the berries to take. You made mistakes. Admitted them. And seem to be willing to face the consequences and take responsibility. American culture doesn’t know that kind of accountability. We here at Nine-Seven wish you the best.
If things don’t “work out”, can I contact your possibly soon-to-be-ex-wife?
July 18th, 2007 at 6:05 am
Good luck.
July 27th, 2007 at 9:19 pm
Man, I hear you and I feel your pain, however, don’t