That’s me doing the last Talkcast at Capital Garage cafe in downtown Sacramento. Thanks to Mike for taking the pic.
As for today’s topic. I am trying to enjoy my weekend and take a break from all the drama lately. In perfect timing I received the following encouraging email from a fellow “Serial Entrepreneur”.
Wheather you’re a struggling entrepreneur, dealing with foreclosure or some other life obstacle… I hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me:
been watching your blog all along. you and i think exactly the same way. we are considered “serial entrepreneurs” and the W2 rat race crowd will never grasp what goes through our minds. i understand your work ethic 100%. i have always been considered lazy, but had huge work rushes whenever i got excited about new ventures.
only 1% of the population gets rich doing W2 jobs the other 99% live middle class or worse. most of the wealth is self-made and it’s the right way to go even if it means being risky.
as far as liar loans and other white collar crimes…i’d say most multi-millionaires and all politicians are guilty of it. it’s the sheeple who fall behind and don’t take advantage of loopholes in the system. it’s not like you committed murder or anything bad. you did what almost every applicant does, exagerrate the income.
anyways, i finally found a very good businessand it produces $1,500 to $2,000 per day. keep throwing ideas at the wall and taking risks….one day one of them will stick like it did to me. when it does you’ll work your ass off and love the rewards. the feeling of self accomplishment and self worth will be amazing.
i should call in next Friday and share this view with your listeners. it would be nice for a change to have someone who understands what motivates people like us
Emails like these keep me going in light of all the negativity and opposition. The only part I’m not sure I completely agree is that “white collar crime” is all good. I don’t think it’s OK to cheat but I do believe in knowing and taking advantage of of the system to increase efficiency (within bounds). But I understand what he is getting at. It’s not the same thing as murder.
Odds Keep Stackin’ - It’s All Good!
The odds keep stacking against me. But that means the victory is gonna be even sweeter! A few foreclosures and debt is nothing - opportunity to learn finance and do better next time. Haterz and criticism is nothing - opportunity learn to perform under pressure and handle opposition.
It’s only a matter of time. Not IF but WHEN. I can see and taste success in all areas of life, including marriage. Yes, I’ve made mistakes, I am sorry to those I have hurt, I have an opportunity to turn things around… so it will be all good in the end.
The Journey
Sometimes I stop and think about it, like I did today when I was at my cousin’s wedding - listening to the singing, enjoying some great food, sipping hot tea and daydreaming. It made me think about her, the one I love and miss. It’s OK though. Things will get better. This is just a trial, part of the journey.
Yes, for me it’s not actually about money or financial success in this world. It’s about relationships and it’s about the road that is life. And more importantly it’s about the life to come. That’s what I need to focus on more than anything.
However, money is necessary for this life and I want to use money as a tool to bless those around me, starting with the loved one and then the loved ones. That’s my dream. I must keep going to correct my financial mistakes, build businesses and passive income and achieve my dream.
I love this life. I enjoy every minute of it. Thanks to all the supporterz and haterz. Everybody is a blessing in their own way. Even those who oppose me are really helping me. Isn’t that great?
Risk ~ Reward
Let this post lift your mood and give a chance to see things in a positive light. No risks = no rewards.
Don’t let negative people who are too afraid to try something different stop you from going for your dreams. Just keep taking risks, and if you make a mistakes, don’t worry. Just be honest, admit it, learn from it and do what you can to correct it.
If you have fallen down temporarily like me for taking risks, don’t worry, just keep going and remember….
“Good things are coming!!”
Why didn’t you publish my last post? It was not a haterz post.
Also, I think you should take Pink Lips up on her offer to stay with her. She sounds like a fun chick.
ASW: itsallgood
Sweeeet post. Glad to hear you are getting some encouragement after the beating you took on the podcast Friday.
Keep your head up, it’s all beginning to turn around.
Jesus Christ…here we go again!!!!
Its not alright…
Money IS NOT everything…
You are in big trouble…
Things can and will get worse…
Bad things and evil people are upon you…
You have nothing else to risk…so no rewards!!!
Casey, get a psyc test…and a haircut, you look like crap. Professionals are neat and clean, not Hippy and dirty. You kinda remind me of the shortstop from “Bad News Bears”(the 1978 version).
Have a Jamba Juice and take a shower.
Julian-Trailer Park Boy and Hater
ps. asw=Jetta-Like where is it at?
Posts like this make me think you’re either trolling, doing drugs, or you have NPD (narcissistic personality disorder).
Any truth to the rumor that you recently tried to do a cashback at closing scam.. errr, deal?
Did you set up a shell corporation while in Australia?
How’s your 5% yield per month “investment” doing?
We need more bread and circus, dude.
PS: You look more and more like a vagrant, which is pretty fitting when you think about it.
Enjoy your weekend and keep plugging away at it. Success can only come if you keep trying, but remember, you need a good plan and you have to work at it.
You said in your talkcast that the only creditor you are repaying right now is your corp.
Couple of questions:
How much debt do you have toward the corp? Rumors say 23k of sweet corporate debt.
Part of that money bought GSPG. How do you expect to make a profit from a gold mining company that has no gold mines?
You also said in the talkcast that you have no lawyer (though you also said you did have a lawyer) and have no money to pay for one. You say the blog is making 3-4k / month? How can you not afford a lawyer? Is *all* of that money going toward your corp debt? How much a month are the new truck payments?
Of the emails and referrals you’ve been given for lawyers, how many have you actually called and talked with?
Do you have a written agreement with LossMitPro?
You said in your talkcast that you were going to post an updated financial spreadsheet (was it by tuesday or something to that effect?). Do you still have access to all your financial records?
Your taxes are due in Oct, have you made any headway on them? Likewise do you have access to the neccesary documents still or are they stuck in a house you “arent welcome in” anymore?
Did you recently try to buy a 9th home with cashback at closing?
What is the current state of your relationship with […] Do you owe him money? Is the book still coming out this month? You said you are now self publishing, what have you done to further this goal? How much money is it costing you? How are you going to distribute and market the book?
How many cashcall loans did you really take out? Was it just the one 10k loan or were multiple loans taken out in your families names?
I realize you dont respond to your commenters anymore, but these questions want answers. I waited over an hour #1 in your queue last night waiting to ask them.
I posted this at EN but it was removed…
I have been reading about Casey for months and months. I despise the little f***** but I’m wondering if this is how many perceive us true haterz?
The guy who wrote you sounds like a total crook. The idea that anyone successful exploited loopholes and cheated the system is complete bullsh*t.
Great post KC! (but - hey - where are the wedding pics?!).
My eyes glazed over before I could finish that post, Casey.
Do other patrons look at you weird when you’re talking into the headset doing the show, or do they just think you’re on the phone? (I seriously want to know.)
I have to agree to a degree. You can’t let details slow you down, but you can’t forget about them. The problem is most “Serial Entrepreneur”’s get sucked in to MLM’s. It’s because of the low startup cost.
I worke for a self-made millionaire a few years back and he taught me the greatest money lesson I’m still learning, hehe.
His first $100,000 was a lot harder than his first million. His first million was harder to earn than his first 10 mil, and so on.
Money compounds and great ideas and opportunities are the counter-snowball (see Dave Ramsey).
The problem is that first hit. Having that first idea that gives you the money for the second idea that gives you money for the third.
Are the two of you serial entreprenuers, or more precisely serial felons?
Is it really the sheeple who fall behind and don’t break the law?
Gotta stay on the cutting edge, I guess. -
Don’t let the haterz get you down. That’s the key. You can see how easy it is to get those fools to turn on each other. So don’t let those fools get you down!! Don’t mean to be crude here, but, women are like busses another one comes along every 15 minutes. Keep up your spirits.
Serial Scams
The attempt at a soul patch does not become you.
If you keep going down the road you’re going, Casey, things are only going to get worse.
You are a liar and an abuser. You need to recognize that and get counseling.
Hey Casey,
It’s good to hear you being positive again. You’ve got the haterz on the ropes. I think you need to keep being open or naked as you say. I guess you read that article in Wired. That’s the way to beat the haterz. Open up on everything, the haterz think they stole your story, that’s the key.
If you check the dogcrap blog, you’ll find that the Haterz turned on each other and ran LossMitPro off the board.
I guess a few people thought that it was a little psychotic for someone to call into an online talk show and threaten to rip his throat out. Our dear friend LMP didn’t seem to appreciate the constructive criticism. He made a particularly whiney post about how he was going to take his ball and leave and off he went.
The haterz implode when they don’t have you to pick on.
glad to see your staying positive. I hope that mark has hell to pay for what he’s doing to you. I can’t wait to hear the full story on Mark and Duane.
Aaron -
Casey, you look just horrible. I am not even going to berate you for the entrepreneur crap–you know you are not any such thing. If you are still bound and determined to present yourself as one, you really need to take better care with your appearance. Nobody is going to take you seriously or do business with you ( provided they don’t all ready know your record ) looking like a scruffy stoner.
And what the h*ll is wrong with your eyes?
That’s great Casey, but what you lack are two essential things:
A plan and Integrity.
You burn everyone. Now your family won’t even talk to you.
On top of that, you dress like a Polak.
What happened with your speeding ticket? Be specific.
Damn Casey,
This guy sounds like an idiot!!
And your reasoning following makes perfect sense, but only to a serial gambler unfortunately.
Here, post this for your next guest email:
“Duh… I keep dropping money into the slot machine, and it eventually paid out for me…. That means if you keep dropping money into the slot machines, someday it will pay out for you too… (Never mind those 99.9% who lost fortunes and never hits the jackpot). Duh… its only way to make it big because I did it, and eveyone is stoopid for not doing it. Keep betting… no risk, no reward. ”
Dumb dumb dumb dumb logic. The casinos just loves people like this…. Bet more win more, bet more win more…. Win Win right? Because nobody who is lazy ever loses….
(Hint hint, this dumb a** is not the only lazy person in the world. What do you think the likelyhood is for a lazy person to make it big in business compared to a one who is a hard worker? Better yet, do a survey of homeless bums in your neighborhood…. How many do you think are lazy and how many do you think are hard workers?).
What do you have left to risk?
I own Casey,
If I were you I would just write a post titled “Haterz, F*** OFF” and never post another hater comment again.
The traffic they are driving to your blog means absolutely nothing and if you lose this “audience” it won’t affect you a bit, it will only be for the better. They are just here to hate, so you might as well get rid of these losers because they are doing nothing more than showing their stupid, pathetic “self righteousness” self when in reality they do things much worse than the mistakes you made… You at least had the balls to admit that you are wrong and want to get better and from reading the haters comments the people I see behind those comments are people who are saints, they never made mistakes, never lied, never cheated, never said something bad, never stole something, never hated somebody, never thought that they are better than somebody, blah, blah, blah you get the picture…
Your haterz are typical hypocrites and rats, who will smile to you when they see you and stab you in the back from behind! If I were you I would get rid of this bad rat smell on your blog that they bring with themselves! They accuse you of trolling when in reality they are the highest definition of the meaning to troll. They think that by sitting on their computers, with their identities unknown they are superman and can do whatever they want… in real life these are typical american robots who work 9-5, pay 30 years for their house… and make payments on cars, take a vacation to Hawaii at the age of 80, sleep like dogs and work like horses and at the end of it all they call this the “American Dream”… PUHLEEZEE… and if they see somebody who is better and smarter than them, they hate you because they feel threatened by your superiority.
Oscar Wilde once said: “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation” - these are your haters my friend!
Jonathan Swift said: When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
You have a lot of unnecessary and unneeded dunces on this blog and believe me even when you make a comeback and spit in their face, they will hate you even more so you might as well start getting rid of them now! They don’t pay your bills, your rent, they don’t put gas into your car, they are worthless to you… think about it!!
I guarantee that there will be a lot of hate directed at my post and frankly I want it! I love when people get mad and upset in situations like that because it means that you’ve successfully punched them in their weak spot and it feels good!!
Remember one thing, don’t care what people think of you, you know better! Their is a wise saying that you should remember for life:
I’ve never mat a cat, who was worried about what rats think of him… always remember that!
To your success my man… I know you’ll make it!!
I mean
You can’t deal with ANYTHING if your teeth are in pain. Your teeth have deteroriated in the last few months, badly. You need to be seen by a dentist immediately!
This is the best idea you have received all year. Once they start to hurt - at your age - it’s too late.
hey casey, i start every day with a big bowl of lucky charms. occasionally do a second bowl when i’ve got some serious thinking about my next move to make.
if you do get an opportunity to talk further with your new buddy, be sure to ask him how long it took before he came up with his $1,500 a day idea. then how many hours a day he had to work to make it happen? and next, how many hours a day he now has to work to keep it happening? i’m not sure about this, but i don’t believe this will meet your passive income requirements.
No risk = No reward is pretty much true.
Stupid risk = No reward too
Only carefully planned, well understood risks, undertaken with the utmost seriousness are likely to lead to rewards.
Casey: your friend is 100% correct about the so called “liar loans”- Lets face it, if someone has to do a no income verification loan, then it goes without saying that the person cannot document or proove his income. Those loans are designed for people who work off the books, have cash businesses, etc. It only becomes a criminal act if there is some sort of “intent” to defraud a bank. If you are in sales per say, and you are estimating your income, thats not a crime. The banks are just as guilty, they wanted those extra points for the higher risk loans, therefor willing to close their eyes and not ask for proof of income. Look man, its just common sense, EVERYONE who does a no doc loan is fluffing their income, if they were not , they would simply pull out a tax return or W2 and pay a lower rate. You never see prosecutions for that type of thing, unless there are other mitigating circumstances. For example, say you are involved with the mafia or other organized crime, then they would come after you for everything they could pin on you. The overwhelming majority of mortgage fraud prosecutions are usually related to industry insiders (apparaisers, brokers, builders etc) and most cases are HUD fraud, phoney appraisals, people submitting fake tax retrns, fake W2 forms etc. Not people inflating their income on no-inome check loans!
>>Yes, for me it’s not actually about money or financial success in this world. It’s about relationships and it’s about the road that is life. And more importantly it’s about the life to come. That’s what I need to focus on more than anything.
Casey, I’m going to hope this isn’t some elaborate haterbait troll post. You say it isn’t all about the money for you and I believe you 100%. In the next sentence you name relationships as one of the things that you value more than money, that was either deliberate trolling or the hight of self delusion. Where are you going to sleep tonight? Q.E.D.
Please, please seek out someone, a pastor perhaps, anyone with a moral center and describe to them in your own words why your business is more important to you than your w***. We both already know more or less what they will tell you so the important thing in this exercise is to listen to yourself try to convince them of your argument, tape yourself perhaps. Then go to whatever you are using as a home these days and think about what you said. If that is the kind of person you want to be then fine, just don’t lie to yourself (or us) about it.
You need to take a look at people that make money (let’s exclude people in bands from Seattle).
Do any have the long homeless dude/grunge rocker/bad news bears in the 70’s hairdo?
The first step to millions is a haircut.
ASW: Looser ☺
Get a harcut you hippie!
I’ve been reading your blog and feel that that the time has come to comment.
1.) Being successful is not guarranteed by how hard you work or how educated you may be.
2.) Opportunity and the ability to recognize it is an entrepeneur’s third most valuable commodity.
3.) Discipline and patience are an entrepeneur’s second most valuable commodity.
4.) Time (and more specifically the ongoing manhours you produce) is an entrepeneur’s most valuable commodity.
If you want to be successful, the formula is simple. Find an opportunity, seize the opportunity, have the discipline and patience to control costs and work the opportunity, and minimize the number of man hours you must produce to create a inbound cash flow.
My profile:
1.) self-employed partner in an LLC
2.) debt = $0 (personal and business)
3.) personal annual income = ~ $340k USD
4.) living expenses: $3500/month
5.) cash in my checking account: $94k as of today
6.) cash in my savings account: $241k as of today
7.) 2 automobiles paid in full
8.) 1 wife, no children, & no pets
9.) no real estate since the Boston market currently favors renting
10.) hours spent @ work per month: approximately 20Did I mention that I pretty much amassed all this during the past 18 months. I wuit my useless job with my former employer and most of the time I spend playing video games.
If you want to be successful, imitate people like me.
- Forget real estate. The margins are not worth your time unless you are a developer, real estate agent, or urban renewal organization. It’s possibly the worst investment you could make an an individual seeking short term profits.
- Eliminate your debt. Only incur debt if it is required to facilitate short term cash liquidity or for short term leverage.
- Do not overly invest yourself in any one particular business idea. Maintain a pool of businesses that you are involved in at any one time and periodiclaly eliminate thos ethat are least profitable or require too much of your own manhours.
Good luck, I hope this helps you in the long run.
BTW, if you want a cool real estate investment idea that pays, I can give you winner. I used to do this one in Albany NY and it still can be done in other cities. I ende dup transitioning onto better things, but if you are so inclined - you could easily replicate the setup. We coined it the “turning crap into gold” real estate business. It’s actually quite abusive when it comes to non-profit exempt tax status.
1.) setup a 501(c)3 non-profit organaization for urban renewal **important** 501(c)3 org’s can own assets
2.) obtain $50k capital to start - can be a loan or personal money
3.) buy distressed tax forclosure commercial properties at public auction with preferably high back taxes - contatc your city tax assessment division. There are ways of getting lists of upcoming properties for sale.
4.) Introduce yourself to a few commercial developers that operate in the region you wish to focus on. Describe your plan and how the deal will work. I have yet to have adeveloper turn this deal down.
5.) Buy a property, have the developer renovate it in return for an extremely low lease for 10 years.
6.) wash rinse repeat.Here’s the beauty of how this winner works. I’ll give an example. A few years back I purchased a small distressed commercial office building suitable for 10 units in Albany for $10k at auction with approximately $220k in back taxes. Normally, the purchaser would have to pay the back taxes. However, because I was operating under a 501(c)3 non-profit, the tax exempt status of the non-profit compleetly wiped out the taxes due on the property. What?!? WTF?!? OMG?!? Well, needless to say the developer estimated that it would take $100k in renovations to retsore the structure to marketability and was eager to pay for the renovations in return for a 10 year lease at $1k/month plus $20k upfront for 10 years. Hmmm.. The beauty of this type of setup is that you make an instant 100% when the deal is signed, you make a residual yearly income form the ongoing lease of the property for ten years, your non-profit owns the property in rentable/saleable condition after 10 years, and you personally get to enjoy a nice annual salary for your efforts.
I don’t care what anybody says. This kind of setup kicks the crap out of buying a residential home and trying to sell it for a profit. I personally want nothing to do with real estate myself, but maybe someone else might be more inclined to put it back into action. I’ve got bette rthings to do. =)
Your buddy makes a good point when he says that 99% of people that get rich don’t get there with a W2.
From what I’ve read I would disagree with that. 100% of people that get rich do so by spending less then they earn. It is as simple as that.But lets say that your friend is correct, and the 99% of rich people get there without a W2 job. I would also be willing to bet that 99% of homeless people get there without a W2 job. While your pathological optimism is cute, not considering your downside isn’t helping you out at all.
One more thing before I quit. Considering the immense amount of stress you’re under, and the problems that you seem to be having with your wife, have you considered some sort of therapy?
The truth is that if you saved 10k a year (let’s say at age 24) and it earned say 10% per year (like investing in an index stock market fun could do) you “would” be rich by the time you were 60 or 65…but you’re too lazy to do it.
so far, you have only hurt people, not had success.
you stole homes that other people might have bought.
your vacant un-maintained houses reduced the property values in the areas around them. your misquito infested pool in Modesto threatened the health of the neighbors.
if you really had values, you would repudiate the philosophy of “shady is okay - it’s not murder”.
every time you let that slide you are reinforcing the idea off “lie, steal, cheat - it’s not murder”.
Casey does some fairly serious reflection!
Look, you’re still very young and your blog is already an asset with some value. Dick Renegade offered some useful insights, but I’ll add my own.
1. Real Estate may not be your best avenue right now, if ever.
2. Keep developing multiple ideas and run with those that work. IAFF was an idea that worked…but sure there are other ideas. The book is a good spin-off idea, etc. Keep going….3. Socialize in the entrepreneur world as you have started to do.
4. This “struggling entrepreneur” persona and ambitions has some potential- I think this blog (regardless of its title) is about your personal struggle to develop as an entrepreneur. These are ambitions that many others have, so you will have a built-in audience.
5. Your personal life will return at some point. It can be very emotionally draining, but execute a strategy to succeed, and these things will fall into place.
If you check the dogcrap blog, you’ll find that the Haterz turned on each other and ran LossMitPro off the board.
As with Casey’s versions of events, this doesn’t exactly chime with reality. What happened was that a number of people criticized LMP’s tactics while generally remaining supportive of his actions.
Outside this blog, there is pretty close to universal agreement that Casey needs to see the inside of a courtroom as a defendant, and sooner rather than later. The problem is that there’s a general feeling that LMP’s tactics are somewhat suspect and his inability to control his temper is a major liability. But if he accelerates a full-scale legal inspection of what Casey’s been up to, then it is very definitely all good.
I nominate #36 Dick Renegade for best post of the month. Dick, what business are you running now?
You keep talking about pursuing new dreams and opportunities but you are not (apparently) dealing with the problems you have on your plate in the here and now.
Legal Separation. At this point, have your divorce attorney contact the spouse to determine what is needed for you to gain access to the house so you can remove your property from the house or arrange for a place where it can be dropped off. If your spouse is not accepting your calls at this point I would assume that you do not have a good chance of reconciliation. If the separation paperwork has been filed, get a copy so you can see what the stated complaint on the separation is.
Pending Lawsuit. Contact your civil attorney to write a response to the complaint. Let the lawyer do the talking, not you. Judges dislike having someone stand in front of them and look like a fool, it wastes their time. While apparently you can talk a good game, judges have highly developed BS sensors and trying to pass BS past a judge is a surefire way to piss the judge off.
Debt Collection. Contact your debt attorney to start negotiating with your creditors. Be ready to bring something to the table: Most notably how much you can guarantee you will be able to pay on each loan every month until the loan is paid off. Anything less will involve the debt collectors coming after you with lawsuits and sharp knives. If it comes to the point of wage garnishment, the judge will most likely order you to start working so you can start paying off your debts. Otherwise you will be forced into declaring bankruptcy and having to endure the joys of having a financial and criminal investigation on your dealings that led you to where you are now.
Contact your CPA so you can properly account for your taxes and with-holdings for your income. If you plan on filing as a 1099 (self employed), you should start with holding at least 35% of your income to cover taxes, social security, and other government overhead. Your advertising revenue counts as income in the eyes of the IRS. So that $3500 you made from advertising in the last month with count as income on your tax returns when you file in January.
So your to-do list includes:
Contact/retain Divorce attorney ($2000 minimum retainer)
Contact/retain Civil litigation attorney ($2000 minimum retainer)
Contact/retain Debt attorney ($2000 minimum retainer)
Contact/hire CPA (Hourly billing assume at least $50-$75 an hour)No, divorce attorneys do not normally handle debt reconciliation or civil litigation involving fraud or the other complaints that your will be facing. I would assume you will need at least $10,000 for legal fees. My real fear is if your civil law suit gets the DA’s attention and he starts looking at you for criminal prosecution. Criminal defense costs a bundle.
On a technical note:
1. If I were you, I would assume that all of your mail is being rejected and sent back to the sender at this point. It is your responsibility to contact all of your lenders, creditors, insurance agents, and anybody else as to where your new place of residence is.
2. Get your ID updated to your new living address as soon as you can.
3. Get your speeding ticket paid off. Failing to pay your ticket will (most likely, it works that way in my state) prevent you from reregistering your car. Then your car will count as an unregistered vehicle on the road. Then your car can be impounded on the spot.
4. Do you know where your car (the VW) is? That would be good to know.
You have a very delicate house of cards built up right now and it looks like a couple of the cards are in the process of getting knocked out.
Do you understand that when everybody has to lie to buy a house, sometime everything will actually implode? Come on. Do you think people can actually afford a million dollar house? Sometime, the house of cards will crash, and real people are left holding the bag.
You’re holding the bag from this last one.
Claiming that “everyone was doing stated loans” does not make it legal. A great number of the people that were taking out stated income loans are now facing foreclosure because they could not handle the loan payments. The loan officer and the realtor made out because they got their percentage up front.
You took it to the next level by trying to buy and sell multiple houses at the same time while representing yourself as living in all of them. That is where it stops being common stupidity and wanders into the category of fraud.
The question is Casey:
Will you act on these tips?
I mean actual action. Not Massive focused action or plan of attack or its all good or any of the other catch phrases you use. You need to write up a to-do list and start getting it done. Otherwise you are going to flail around like you have been for the last 6 months (effectively you have been doing nothing because you have accomplished nothing in the last 6 months).
Your to-do list should resemble something like this:
1. Talk to each attorney in kind.
1a. Do I have anything I need to do for the attorney (produce paperwork, make phone calls, draw up personal budgets etc). Do it in a timely manner.
1b. Do I have any questions for the attorney. Write them down and ask them all at once. Every time I call my attorney it is going to cost me $100.2. Talk to the CPA
2a. See 1a. Insert CPA in place of attorney.
2b. See 2b. Insert CPA in place of attorney.3. Update budget. Do I know where all of my money is coming from and going out?
4. Pay bills for the week/month.
5. Earn money to pay bills and lawyers. This means a job where you work 9-5 Monday to Friday.
If you have extra time, money and energy after that, then maybe you can pursue sweet deals.
Are you high? Drunk? Or is this post the result of a personality disorder? Seriously. You have a massive amount of debt. You are ‘not welcome’ at home with your w*** any more. You seem to have lost your car and had to get another one which will add to your dept situation. Someone is trying to sue you. All of these things are a direct result of your actions. You have screwed up pretty much everything in your life.
Yet despite all of this you’re still spouting “It’s All Good!” and “Good things are coming!!” Are thing really ‘all good?’ Are good things really coming? Really? Honestly? it’s hard to see how you can honestly believe these things to be true unless you are high, drunk, or just have serious personality problems. You’ve been saying these things for a while now and so far things have just gotten worse.
Have you realised that on your last talkshow show you contradicted yourself many times, often within the space of minutes? You said the log is bringing in £3-4k a month but then later said that you didn’t have any money to hire a lawyer. At one point you said that you didn’t have a lawyer, then you started talking like you do have one. When you were being grilled about the emali addresses you claimed that you got that email from ‘Michelle’ because one of the addresses it was sent to was just an alias that went to you. You were then asked about each of the email addresses that email went to in turn and stated very clearly that they were both ‘real’. When called you fell back to the ‘don’t bring my family in to this man’ line and cut the caller off.
I read a quote somewhere recently. “If you tell the truth then you don’t have to remember anything.” I’m not going to explain this to you, I’m sure you can work out what it means with your 131 IQ.
do you think it’s possible to find somebody Pro Bono who will take payment through exposure?
Nope. In the Real World, professionals expect payment in Real Money.
Mark was helping you pro bono. That worked out well, didn’t it?
Hey Casey,
What have those guys got against you Casey ? Why they do mad at you ? Did you breach a contract ?
Loads O Money
Debra Opri would be good laywer.
I’ve got to admit, despite the fact that I think you’re completely irresponsible and have a ridiculous knack for jumping head first into things without thinking, you have nevertheless taken action and actually walked the talk, so to speak, something i guarantee almost all the “haterz” haven’t experienced. For that, I admire you.
Still though some of the stuff you do is just downright stupid
“if you do get an opportunity to talk further with your new buddy, be sure to ask him how long it took before he came up with his $1,500 a day idea. then how many hours a day he had to work to make it happen? and next, how many hours a day he now has to work to keep it happening? i’m not sure about this, but i don’t believe this will meet your passive income requirements. ”
i’m the serial entrepreneur guy from Casey’s post. i started making that amount of money from the first day the business began. it was one of those businesses you had to jump on immediately. the poster who spoke of “timing” and “recognizing opportunity” is dead on correct. i was completely inexperienced and not sure about it when i began so to test it out, i went and sold contracts for my new services. on the first weekend i sold $9,000 worth of jobs and decided it was a winning idea. i then financed some equipment using only $3,000 cash and hired workers who had the experience i lacked. that was it. it was the right business at the right time for my city. it was an idea that finally stuck to the wall.
it’s not about how smart you are or how many degrees you hold. (you can always hire smarter people with more experience).
its not about how much money you have. (you can finance, subcontract work, and rent equipment)
it’s not about working really hard (that’s what immigration labor and W2 employees are for)
Casey is doing the right thing by not getting a full-time W2 job. if he does that, he will get caught up in the rat race and will not have the time to devote to trying out new ideas. when a business idea pops up, you have to go full throttle to see if it works. a full-time W2 job gets in the way.
what Casey needs to do right now is find something temporary that pays full-time wages. for example: a firefighter makes very good money but only works like 3 days a week (long overnight shifts). before my business, i used to refurbish ATM machines for a large company on a monthly quota basis. i knocked them all out in 2 weeks each month and it gave me the other 2 weeks free to mess with new business ideas. he needs something like that and the blog might be the way to do just that.
and about liar loans. the poster who mentioned no income and no doc loans is correct. there’s entire categories of loans devoted to income exagerrations. otherwise people would tell the truth, bring in the income statements and get better rates. most of California homebuyers are forced to exagerrate their income otherwise they can’t qualify for a $600k house.
no one is saying it’s right, but it’s either that or they can’t buy a house. the lenders already know this and set up the system accordingly. you think the govt doesn’t know people lie on loans? i bet half the politicians use them to buy their the haterz:
have you ever lied in your life??????? of course you have. so get off Casey’s back you hypocrites. it isn’t it like he committed murder or lied to start a war in Iraq with no bid govt contracts.he’s doing the right thing. he just needs to find a way to monetize the blog better so he can continue looking for new business ventures
“The other email address that I was specifically asked about (the one that the hater sent an email to) is an alias which comes directly to me.”
Ok, well that’s interesting to know. Can you explain why that email address exists as an alias at all? What purpose does it serve? Do you know why the hater thought it was a real address?
“As for attorneys and CPAs…. do you think it’s possible to find somebody Pro Bono who will take payment through exposure?”
Not likely. Most attorneys are “W-2 loosers” who actually expect to get paid for their services. While most of them will do pro-bono work for someone in need, they typically will not represent someone who tried to game the system and lost. Besides, your track record of “paying” people with exposure hasn’t worked very well for the payees thus far.
Wouldn’t it be a scream if you got arrested for a speeding ticket? Got make payments even if they are five dollars a week! Good god man, do you think you can just not pay th court too? You claim to make so much money off this blog, but you can’t afford a couple hundred dolars for a fine? Your life is circling the drain…..
As for attorneys and CPAs…. do you think it’s possible to find somebody Pro Bono who will take payment through exposure?
If and only if you weren’t clearly guilty. Mark Lunsford, whose daughter was brutally murdered by the neighbor, got Pro Bono representation because the attorneys who represent him felt deeply moved by the tragedy (and the guy was very much working-class to boot). An admitted criminal such as yourself would almost assuredly have to pay for his representation. As for accountants, you might be able to get one off the taxpayer funds if it’s a forensic accountant, but you will probably not like the result (as in this person will not be working for your benefit).
I believe people have found that working with you is NOT exactly a career-maker and that the kind of exposure you provide is not desired much by anyone who isn’t looking to retire in the near future.PS. Don’t refer to someone who isn’t your attorney as your attorney. He might just pull a lossmitpro on you.
First off, I am not a lawyer. I can only give advice and commentary on my common sense.
Finding Pro-bono lawyers and other legal aide. It is possible to find lawyers that will take your case Pro-bono. For a lawyer to take a case pro-bono the lawyer has to decide he wants to take your case. So it is going to have to fit in a couple of categories:
1. He thinks that your case is winnable and he thinks that your case should be won so much that he will divert time and money (ie taking a hit on the bottom line) to this case when he could be making money elsewhere on other cases.
2. This case is high profile enough that it will generate more business for him in the long run.
3. Business is so slow the lawyer needs something to do in his free time.To comment on these items:
1. Do you really think each of your cases is winnable? You have a civil lawsuit, a divorce, the IRS and your debt collectors. Each is likely to require a separate lawyer that you would have to convince that you have a winnable case.
2. Before you start thinking that you are high profile enough to generate additional business, ask yourself: Am I OJ Simpson? The litigating attorney in that case got more attention than he ever needed after that. I don’t think the amount of exposure you could bring a lawyer would pay your legal bills.
3. Bored out of work lawyers are not necessarily the most efficient, experienced lawyers.CPAs work pro-bono? You can ask but don’t make me laugh.
Also for you to find lawyers that will take your case on pro-bono, you will have to start making phone calls. Pick up the phonebook (the commercial yellow pages under Lawyer or attorney) and start calling. You will have to explain your issue over the phone and explain how you intend to compensate the attorney. Dodging around this will annoy the potential attorney. If you are lucky (very very lucky), you will get all of the lawyers you need before you get to “Z” in the phone book.
On your contradictions: If a lawyer detects a contradiction in your testimony, the lawyer is going to move in and chop you up. How much money you are/were/will be making is a good example.
Stating in one sentence: I’m making $3400.
Stating in the second sentence: I’m broke
Stating in the third sentence: i can afford to send money to the spouse.
Stating in the fourth sentence: I could barely afford to eat right now.A lawyer will take each of those sentences and ask and re-ask each of those questions six different ways until you can (or can’t get your story straight).
Think of it this way: During your talkcast you were fielding relatively hard questions and were getting flustered and people started picking up on your discrepancies until you had to mute them. You cannot mute the lawyers you have to answer the questions to the lawyer’s satisfaction.
54. Casey- you do realize that most liar loans have been cut off at this point and banks are requiring down payments again for loans? This is because of the continuing collapse of the subprime market where loan agents where handing out money like candy to anyone who was breathing and asked for a loan. But now with losses mounting (due to foreclosure and fraud rampant) banks can no longer afford the huge risks that no-money down, no-documentation loans were putting on the banks. Several sub-prime lenders have gone out of business (Starpointe, stonepoint, flexpoint, countryide) and a large number of the others have taken millions (if not billions) in write offs, mark downs and losses (HSBC, WellsFargo, plus the builders trying to dump property like Toll Brothers).
I think you burned a major bridge when you annoyed Duane. You know he’s being quoted on CNN about the housing crash right?
“As for attorneys and CPAs…. do you think it’s possible to find somebody Pro Bono who will take payment through exposure?”
I dont think CPA’s would but lawyers definitely.
Think back about Gloria Alread representing Amber Fry so she could get herself on TV a dozen times.
If there is something unique about this case that will draw press attention you can get a free lawyer. I dont know Mark’s case but suing Mocha sounds like it might be press worthy.
As for attorneys and CPAs…. do you think it’s possible to find somebody Pro Bono who will take payment through exposure?
LOL… You want someone to represent you Pro Bono against someone who is suing you for burning him for work he did nearly pro bono?
What kind of exposure is that??
BTW, drink water for the cotton mouth, Visine for the dry bloodshot eyes and Doritos to cure the munchies. Then pass it to the left.
The other email address that I was specifically asked about (the one that the hater sent an email to) is an alias which comes directly to me.
Why is that, Casey?
I won’t identify the family member, but: why do you have an email address that appears to be for another family member but which really goes to you? What is the purpose of that?
It’s not like it’s murder or anything
Jesus: Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
Jesus: “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.
Jesus: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Solomon: A fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.
Solomon: A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.
Solomon: Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.
Solomon: A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
Solomon: Food gained by fraud tastes sweet to a man, but he ends up with a mouth full of gravel.
Solomon: All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.
Solomon: A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.
Ezekiel: In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD.
Paul: Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Paul: Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.
John: Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.
Titus: Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.
John: But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
I have never lied when it has come to money.
Purposefully concealing or mis-stating facts on mortgage application or other financial products is fraud, plain and simple.
Good things don’t just “come” to you. You have to work hard enough for enough time and they will make themselves available to you if you choose to put in the effort required.
Don’t get delusional here.
“I have never lied when it has come to money.
Purposefully concealing or mis-stating facts on mortgage application or other financial products is fraud, plain and simple. ”
you’ve never lied when it comes to money? gee how noble of you to segregate your lies. do you categorically sin as well?
The other night when I was asking you about email addresses, I wasn’t asking specifically about those two addresses. I was asking:
Are you now, or have you been, intercepting your family’s email?
And at this point, I think everyone knows the answer to that question.
Of course, I don’t expect you to post this comment. It defies the Serin Reality Distortion Field.
you’ve never lied when it comes to money? gee how noble of you to segregate your lies. do you categorically sin as well?
Spare us your recriminations. There IS a substantial difference between “lying” within the confines of day-to-day life (i.e. white lies, bending the truth, etc) versus fraud! Your supposition is that everyone lies and therefore, Casey is innocent of his crimes. That is the most asinine logical paradox I have ever heard of.
Casey violated the law through fraudulent actions. He does not dispute that. Yet you are attempting to wave some broad based wand of almighty truth over everyone’s head and chastise us for “lies” we may have made over the years.
So in other words, when you soiled your sheets when you were four years old only to emphatically deny it to your parents, that falls in the same realm as lying on a mortgage application or defrauding the IRS??
You have got to be kidding me. That reminds me of the South Park “Chewbacca defense”. Nonsensical rubbish. And I hope you aren’t the “lawyer” Casey is referring to.
You are not an “Entrepreneur”. You do not understand the meaning of the word.
SixfigureW2looser nailed it right on the nose.
stop calling yourself things that you are not.
The talkcast was good Casey except for the last caller. Did she have to drone on? It was difficult to listen to her.
But you are finally standing up for yourself. That makes it good. You are very assertive. Nice job!Sometimes you P me off and I lose it with you.
But at the same time, I do not offer help, have desires to use you or to get in your business, blab about you or ask you to come to my State or argue your point of view against mine.You are you and it is what it is. That’s between the lenders and the guarantor, you! And the houses are gone. The lenders have them. What do you owe?
They are gone..just concentrate on the unsecured debt if possible.There are only a few bloggers allowed to post on EN.
So be it.
But if they want to act like they are back in High School that has nothing to do with anyone else. They are abusive. Here is a ditty taken from EN verbatim.
“Mark and Duane stopped helping him when they discovered the extent of his criminality went beyond their ability to help”And my comment that I wasn’t able to post…
“It took you being in personal contact with Casey to figure out his beliefs are not in line with everyone else’s?
Jeeze”So Casey goes to bat.
Regardless of your cri…er, problems, it is the result of misplacing your trust. (Think of how all the lenders feel.) Plus the person who gives you a bad loan at C Call loses their job.We all need to back away.
Your life is yours.Many of us were aware from the start that Mark was setting you up under the guise of “helping” you.
The first tactic was to separate you from your family and blog.
The next tactic is to bring a frivilous suit in hopes the state will indict you on other charges.LMP appointed himself the President of “Get Casey” long before he offered you his help.
Just the “set up” alone is a violation of the law called “entrapment”, and Marks suit gets thrown out.Not a Supporterz
Not a HaterzYou life is none of anyone’s business…
Revise.I learned long ago that it is futile to try and change your mind.
Do you take subtle hints?
Get these weasels out of your home life. They are good at finding your families hot buttons.Now, you mean to tell me that they didn’t know what they were getting into and when they found out they turned on you? This makes zero sense. We all know what you are about. It’s is not our business.
One more time, you’re not an entrepreneur! You haven’t created anything and you haven’t risked anything of your own. You’re a child playing businesman with other peoples’ money. If you actually had some capital in this, I’m sure you would have been more prudent.
c’mon. you know i wasn’t talking about chldhood white lies.
he said he doesn’t lie about money….
as in “hey i don’t lie when it comes to money, but when my wife asks me about my secretary, i lie about the cheating on her because it doesn’t fall under anything financial and that’s ok”. -
For some reason they have been very dry and red lately.
It could be nothing, but it also could be a symptom of something more serious — for me, it turned out to be hyperthyroid, which has a crazy amount of symptoms, including unexplained weight loss, which you also mentioned, so maybe it’s time to go to the doctor and ask for some bloodwork (T3, T4 and TSH, minimally). Other symptoms: fast heartbeat, shaking, skin hair and nail problems.
I hope you go to jail.
Hey Casey,
Have you a book deal or not? I am an entrepreneur with a small publishing company in the UK. We have ties into the major UK bookstores, national (UK) press & TV for marketing purposes, & lots more.Could be sweet dude….
If I’m being totally honest, that is one horrid looking shirt. Absolutely atrocious.
I’d like to see you with a better haircut. The one you have is outdated. Can you surprise us?
Also, white shirts. You look good in white. -
SWEEEET! Looks like casey fell for my bait e-mail- even put it on the blog… Hey Mark- will this blog entry be used in the lawsuit?
I wish I had hair like that. Yippie-Ki-Aye Mutha F*cka.
In response to: 47. Goodbye Foreclosure
I currently own and run a niche training business with my partner. We started it in April. Next month we’ll be quite busy travelling through Las Vegas, San Francisco, Ixtapa MX, and Washington, DC. We’re already profitable, so it’s a decent venture. Avergae cost of running a class is $3k plus travel expenses for two trainers and our 4 day courses bring in $3500/student. We’ll do up to 20 students in a class. It’s quite a bit of fun.
During the past 5 years, my wife and I have succeeded in eliminating all debt that we had and managed to save approximately $230k USD. None of this involved real estate.
While participating in outside business ventures, my wife and I maintained W2 jobs in the financial services IT industry. I left my job in April to pursuit my own interest and she continues to work. So far, I’m averaging $1k/day in profit from my investment portfolio and I intend to draw $0 income from my training business since it’s an LLC and I have a general aversion to paying the IRS taxes. hehe
It will be a good year. We got a kind of bonus when my wife’s company was sold. Her retention package means that she’ll make $212k this year plus another $130k+ in shares she can cash out in shares. If we stay in the USA next year, then we may consider moving to Philadelphia. It’s 5 times the size of the current city we live in and commodity properties like urban loft condos will be very attractive in Q1′08. The prices are dropping like a stone in Philadelphia and they have a great tax abatement program. When a building is converted into loft condos, the developer can apply for a 10 year tax abatement for the cost of the project. Many condos in Philly have 5 - 10 years left on abatement with yearly property taxes usually $350 or less on condos costing $300 - 400k.
My partner and I also started working on some manufacturing deals in the paciifc rim. We’ve managed to submit a grant to the telecommunications regulating body of a south east asian developing nation and they want to fully fund a manufacturing project in their country. Essentially, we’ll be using their money to develop, manufacture, and distribute our products in their country and in return, we get 33% of the profits. I’ll take those bets any day when the project will only require about a month of my time to get off the ground.
Honestly, you wouldn’t believe the amount of money you can make off of SEA eveloping countries. All the south east asians want to turn their countries into tech manufacturing powerhouses like China, but they need foreigners with skills to come and do it for them.
Good luck, peace out.
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