I couldn’t sleep for some reason so I’m staying up taking care of somethings like sending out my last email to my mailing list and closing down that service to prevent future charges. I will not be promoting myself or my business ventures anymore for a LONG time, maybe forever.
Also, yesterday I talked with some potential buyers for this domain. I’m getting some strong interest so I’m very hopeful I will be able to pay off my wife’s 30-32K worth of credit cards with the sale and have some left over to pay for the best credit-repair service I can find.
My wife trusted me with her credit to use for my real estate investing adventures and I promised I will not screw it up. Now it’s ruined but I have a chance to bring it back with the sale of this domain. That’s the least I can do. After that, any left-over money will go to pay off MY debt which is roughly $140K unsecured plus $200-300k from mortgage deficiencies, but I need to get all that updated.
On the job front, I looked over my resume thinking how I should modify it to reflect the real estate investing experience of 2006 and my “blogging job” as of late. Let me know if you have any good ideas. I want to start applying for jobs this week.
I was gonna try to update my debt sheet and call the mortgages. Unfortunately I don’t quite have the access to my files at home but I’ll see what I can do. I don’t want to make any more excuses.
The talkcast is still on tonight at the Capitol Garage Cafe again located at 1500 K Street in Sacramento at 5PM. Call into the talkcast to ask me questions or give me feedback. Or if you’re local, go ahead and swing by. The show will probably go for 2 hours or so and I’ll hangout afterwards. This will be one of the last opportunities before I go away.
By the way, here is a copy of the email I sent to my mailing list:
Either, we’ve talked before, or you’re in my mailing list or you left a comment on my blog:
I’m shutting the blog down on August 3rd. That’s about 23 days from now.
After failing as a real estate investor and deciding to share ALL my mistakes, including “shady loans”, the blog become a huge success as far as attention goes. I’ve been on TV, on radio, in newspapers, and international media; got to meet famous people, made great connections; got to travel the world and successfully monetized the traffic through advertising.
I’ve been labeled “The World Most Hated Blogger” on CNet because of the large following of “haterz” that developed overnight. These critics want to stop me from “profiting from my crime”, give up on my entrepreneurial dreams, give up trying to pay back “every dirty penny”, get a job and lay low. (However, I think a lot of them deep down want the best for me, but are simply frustrated by my choices. And I appreciate that.)
Well, instead of stopping, I enjoyed negative publicity because it added to the controversy and traffic. I always felt there is gotta be a way to leverage all this and do something positive.
Any publicity is good publicity. Right?
My marriage and my family has been affected in a big way by my actions and this toxic exposure. The internet could be a cruel place and I am the one who put myself and my family out there. If I knew things were going to get this bad I would have done investing and blogging in a much different way.
Now I may lose my wife over this.
The blog and publicity is just the tip of the iceberg. Underlying is my desire for financial success and “passive income” and also being known for something and having recognition. The love of money and pride. I fell into the trap. It’s all my fault. I blame no one else.
I have always believed fame and money is NOT worth broken relationships. But my actions in the last 10 months of blogging and the last 3 years of marriage have been sending the opposite message.
So now I am pulling the plug on EVERYTHING:
Business, blog, publicity, book, etc… and getting a regular W2 job for at least 2 years or however long is necessary. It’s a VERY tough decision, since I’ve been at it since high school.
There is nothing wrong with any of these things but not in the WAY I was pursuing them - making financial success my idol. It’s NOT worth losing my wife over it and hurting my friends and family. I must put my financial goals aside and focus on what is truly important in this life. I will only get back into business in the future if I can do it in harmony with my relationships. If not, then I’ll be content without.
I pray for the strength to change my core attitudes about money and start doing the right thing (instead of just talking about it). And I pray for healing to my relationships.
Thanks for all your support. After this email, I’m closing down this mailing list. I will not need promote myself or anything I’m doing in business for a long time… maybe forever.
I am sorry if you have been negatively affected by any of my actions, please accept my apology.
May God bless you.
Casey Serin
Hi Casey,
“There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them.”Clare Boothe
1903-1987, AuthorGood luck,
Dick -
This all seems very impulsive and poorly thought out. You need to get counseling and on multiple levels on multiple problems. Debt counseling, marriage counseling, criminal defense counseling and vocational counseling. Trying to do all this in 48 hours is nuts. One small step at a time is the only way to effect lasting changes.
Anyone who negotiates with you will be looking at your record of signing contracts and then renegging on your portion of the agreement. Who can trust you in any kind of contractual arrangement? Your record is completely and thoroughly convincing that no agreement you sign is worth anything. If you had been sincere in your desire to honor your word, you would have completed your agreement with Smarty_ your signed, written, posted agreement.
But in magical thinking land that contract is now null and void. Hey Smarty! No DEAL! Good luck with that. I see all the same impulsive behaviors, the same magical thinking, the same commitment to denial of the past. But it is entertaining. I could be wrong, stranger things have happened.
1. Get help: medical, spiritual, financial, legal, marital.
2. Follow their instructions.
3. re-read #1
4. re-read #2
5. re-read #3
6. re-read #4
……. -
“This will be one of the last opportunities before I go away. ”
I was watching ‘Wall Street’ on DVD last night, and two scenes in particular reminded me of your saga:
Bud Fox, cuffed and being led from his office by Law Enforcement officers. From hero to zero.
And the final scene where he is dropped off at the foot of the courthouse steps by his parents, and starts the long trek to face the consequences of his actions.
So Casey, are you really “going away” in a few weeks?
I believe you once said “financial challenges don’t create problems in a marriage but rather exposes those that are already there.” Killing your baby may not be enough since you will likely harbor resentment for being force back into cubicle dwelling and the underlying problems will still be there. In fact, not only will the problems still be there, but now you will no longer have an outlet to vent or the hope that has resulted from your ventures.
I’m not sure this has to be a “one or the other” type of decision. What would preclude you from getting a W2 job and still lend support to your website and ventures? If you are concerned that it might interfere with your W2 job, then go the route of independent contractor. You can have your cake and eat it too. I myself worked at a Fortune 50 company up until March of this year and managed to purchase 31 properties as well as launch a company in Latin America. I don’t say this to impress you, but to impress upon you that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
The problem with pulling the plug on your site every few weeks is that you lose credibility with your advertisers as well as visitors to your page. I’m not sure if you will be able to put the genie back in the bottle this time. If you really believe that throwing away everything you’ve worked for will save your marriage then by all means do so. I hope you are correct.
Hi Casey
Once you have your W2 job, live below your means, save as much as possible after you have paid off your debts and invest in dividend paying stocks.
After 10 years, you will have some of that passive income you keep dreaming of.
You will have to earn it the hard way, but like everyone has been trying to tell you - there is no easy way to success.
Good luck,
Well this is the action you should have taken ten months ago. Oh, wait you did shut it down ten months ago. Only to restart it.
Maybe you should have shut it down when you failed to honor your ******* with your ****. Oh you did that too.
Good luck, you will need it.
Hey Casey,
You have given up for good or for worse…..not sure…but sure that it is under pressure….Forget about what everyone says….over here and other places…Do what your heart tells you….and the people who love you….because the care about you the most…
It will be tough to give up all this publicity and start a conventional life with you wife tagging along with your new status. It will be a very much sure bitter pill…be ready.
Even though you may earn $45000 to start with, if you wife goes to work, your wifes earnings can go towards the family budget whereas your income could go towards paying off your debts.
Promise to yourself never to go into further debt or to take another debt to get rid of the earlier one….Just keep saving and paying off till it is all over.
Just keep your self-esteem rock solid so that you can perform well at your new job. If you perform good, it will give your confidence that you are capable of positive things and the future will be bright.
You can do part time / over time work during free time to earn that extra money a part of which you can spend the rest you need to save for a raining day (when you or your wife of both may be without a job)
This can be online work or offline such as assembling/fixing computers, furnitures, etc…whatever you can learn fast, at least cost and will be good at. I know lots of Indians in America who made it big this way…and now own businesses. Some of them even drove taxis to make two ends meet.
Once your annual earnings are more than your debt spread over 10 years, you can think of other luxuries of life. Such as continue with your education, buying a new car, etc.
And if you want to start your own business, I have a good idea for you……Start a home delivery business. I am not sure though if this will work where you live..
Good Luck.
Hey Casey,
Wouldn’t releasing the book also help out in paying your wife’s debt and probably some of your own as well. I think it would be a good idea to at least go ahead with that. And make that a final step. Don’t you think?
Trying to salvage the wife and marriage is a lost cause by now. Waaay too late.
She can’t stand the bottom, she is not going to be able to stand the LONG LONG climb back up either.
Good luck Casey.
I’m still amazed that you would fold the tent on the blog, book, etc. It is my opinion that all these things are better live than dead. Yes, the domain can be sold, but without the content and Casey Serin story, they are worth far less. It seems silly to throw away the book as well: it is a chapter i in your life and is, more or less, completed.
I can respect you for wanting to pursue a W-2 and re-build your relationship-others have suggested the importance of these things months ago. Closing down the blog in June (if but for a few days) suggests your life is quite unstable and your decisions, at times, irrational.
Definitely do incorporate your IAFF experiences into your resume with results achieved in terms of traffic, interviews, revenue, etc. These are achievements.
Don’t see how anyone with a serious business would want to buy the domain… Or want to have any business dealings with you now (or ever, IMO).
Seeing as everyone who had personal, marital, or business dealings with you in the past got screwed….. The latest being your publisher.
Especially now that you are verified as being under FBI scrutiney…
“Come on, someone jump in the toilet with me!!…. The Feds are checking us out!… If you get lucky and I don’t crap on you, the feds might still look you over!”
Maybe some Supportz would “Support” you by sharing some of that jail time for you… No? Guess they don’t care where you end up either.
You are too much out of control to be as sorry as you say you are, as the recent Oz escapade shows. IMO, the contrition you are expressing now is the same as a felon walking up the steps of a gallows, now you see the FBI putting a case together against you. It’s too late for tears and regret — you say nothing of the damage you have done.
As an aside, are you and G citizens? Under U.S. laws, conviction on any felony charges will result in both of you being deported back to your homelands. -
Don’t do it. Don’t become a sheeple. Please.
CASEY - one comment only:
In your recent post you say :”I’m very good at rationalizing my actions (and deceiving myself in the process)”.
You should have that statement tattooed on your forehead so can see it, and are reminded of it, every single day for the rest of your life.
I’m really sorry to see you go…
I guess the haterz will have to start a support group to deal with their grief.
As a supporterz of Casey, I speak from the heart when I say… I truly hope you are able to work things out. One entrepreneur to another… You’ll be back at it again with an ever better idea!
You can’t suppress who you really are. No matter how hard you try, you’ll always be looking for the next “big idea”. It’s who we are… It’s what we live for. I wish you all the best at your w2, and in your marriage.
Don’t give up on being brilliant! The world needs people like you and me. If for nothing else, to hate on.
“It kind of sucks that right when I decided to do the right thing now the law is after me too. ”
WOW, what an amazing coincidence indeed!!! Nobody believes your BS anymore, except maybe yourself.
PS: the Haterz won
Paying off your wife’s cards and paying for a credit repair service will not magically erase the late payments from her credit report. If you are serious about doing this, you need to read CreditBoards.com. Basically, you can write a letter to the credit card companies to the effect that, “I know I haven’t paid on this card in months, but I will settle the debt or pay it off in full if and only if you will remove the late payments from my credit report.” This is more effective than paying for some credit repair scam.
Good luck with your wife. As far as job titles go, try “Professional Blogger” or “Head of I am Facing Foreclosure .com”
I’m sorry you have to shut everything down. It seems a little foolish to get rid of the good with the bad, but I’m sure your wife is tired of hearing about good ventures.
Good luck man. -
It all sounds good!! I hope the guys on the haterz site are not right. They are saying that this is all smoke and mirrors and you are scared! Either way, hope it works out for you.
The right move all along has been to get a real w-2 paying job to establish a responsible base.
When we interviewed you in October 2006, IMO you made the mistake of having zero experience in something and trying to make it big in it. Not only that, you were also somewhat a victim of a housing market environment that was / is sucking many like yourself down with the ship, including many on Wall Street and Investors who bought into the myth that you can turn subprime and Alt-A mortgatge waste into gold. If seems too good to be true, that it usually is. Don’t ever be in denial of such.
Nonetheless, you threw your life — family and all — into this relying way too much on your own instincts to make it. Your instincts brought you to this point given you skipped the very important skill development part — learning under the guidance of someone or a firm that actually knows what they are doing. You also made the all too common mistake of believing you can get rich quick. That’s rare, too, and virtually impossible using the shortcuts you kept trying over and again.
Only a fraction of a % of people can skip the experience part. You’ll benefit greatly from learning to follow someone else’s system that is successful at their employment.
Your next lesson IMO is learning to accept and follow the advice of others who are successful by not taking shortcuts or promising the sun, moon and stars to the naive.
The best lessons in life are often humbling. Good luck at rebuilding your life.
You’ve been pretty good at ignoring advice in the past. Try to ignore all the nay sayers that are telling you to keep going, etc. While this blog and perhaps the book will go down as a failure, your life and future doesn’t have to be.
Rebuild, piece by piece. Who knows what the future will hold. And this doesn’t have to mean that you will never do business again. People change and mature and learn and improve.
You say “This will be one of the last opportunities before I go away.”
Ah, so true, so true… although with a different outcome than you might think.
gud luque -
24 hours become 23 days???
then 23 days become 24 yrs./…
We can not trust you…..
Thanks for keeping me post. Best of luck.
I hope you change your mind, though. -
I logged in at one time, and was saddened to see what you were doing (most of the time … but not all of the time).Don’t forget that to drive oneself in the way that you have is against most rules, including the oldest book in the world.
I am a W-2 employee, and have been for quite some time. I also started up a business at one point, which has seen little if anything done in the past 2 years. However, my wife and I ensured a certain amount of success by going about things the tried and true way.
1) Save for 20% downpayment on a house. This was literally my wife’s entire take home pay while she was working in the “corporate” world, and part of mine.
2) Making sure that our income exceeded our expenses throughout the year.
3) Making sure that we could save for retirement as part of our “expenses”. In this case, the catch phrase is typically “pay yourself first”.You see, there is nothing wrong with being an employee, as long as you do it right.
Being an employee gets you medical/dental benefits in most places, on top of a steady paycheck, which you can use to get rid of the debt that you have, along with helping you to save for your future retirement.There is one thing that my wife and I try to inject into our children’s thoughts (all 4 of them). If you are an employee, take most (if not all) of your take home pay, and put it aside for investments that earn you money (even if it’s a paltry 5.31% at UFBDirect.com).
God bless you too, and here’s hoping that you put as much energy into your relationship now, that you used to in this blog.
This is the way Casey increase traffic on his blog before his book come out after 23 days…
Casey scam you again…
One more thing I forgot to mention.
You don’t have to pay a company to perform credit repair. Do it yourself.
1) Call the creditors and tell them that you have a regular job (once you get one of course), and what you can afford to pay back every month.
2) Go to work (like most of us “bumps on a log”), and minimize your expenses. You can do this by packing lunch every day, and stretching every dollar until it hurts. As an example, we feed our family of 6 (my wife and I, and 4 kids), and our pet dog on about $5.60/day. And that’s 3 square meals a day plus snacks for everyone.
3) Time. You didn’t build up this credit nightmare overnight, and it isn’t going to go away overnight. -
I’ve read a few other posts since my initial one above (#19).
Don’t forget, some of the most successful people start at the bottom. Andrew Carnegie started as a telegram delivery boy. Work hard — quality people recognize genuine effort and smarts.
HI, I got your mail and i am really sorry for what has happened to you. I am making a request to your wife not to leave you….
I pray to god that all your problems are solved.. -
Ever heard of me?
Dear Mr. Serin:
I wish you luck in your future endeavors. I also hope that both you and your wife will find happiness with others if you do divorce.
-J. Murse Manbagger
asw: lawsuit
It’s your best decision ever. Stick to it. I was a bit surprised when you just continued with your blog and business, like nothing had happened, when your wife didn’t want you home. I’m happy that you’ve reconsidered.
IMHO a 180 degree change is the only thing that can save your marriage now. I pray that it’s not too late. It’s a great decision to drop everything, also the book.
The most efficient way to success is failure. But no success in the world is worth your family. To be a well functioning business man a balanced family life is required.
Do the W2 for a few years. Get a child or two. Get the family working. Then, down the road, do some business on the side, and let it grow to something full time.
You need time to learn to control your impulse actions, because it will kill any business venture you might be involved in. Let W2 be your learning experience for learning working consistently towards the same goal over time, learn patience, learn to following through on your commitments over following the impulses etc.
Davaj, davaj, rabotaet!
Once again you can’t make up your mind about anything. In your previous post, you said that “I don’t want to see one single penny from [selling IAmFacingForeclosure.com domain]” and now you say “…I’m very hopeful I will be able to pay off my wife’s 30-32K worth of credit cards with the sale and have some left over…”
Which is it, Snowflake? And why are you waiting until August to close this thing down? We all know how it is going to end: you get divorced, can’t (or won’t) find a job and live in your car for a short time before getting served three square meals a day in a four by six cell for the next 10 to 15 years. Assuming you don’t flee the country in the meantime.
I don’t think putting in your experience as a real estate investor is going to help your resume.
I think you need to accept that the first job you get may not be your dream job.
That said, I wish you luck.
24 hours become 23 days???
No, 24 days became 23 days. After 1 day. Learn to read.
Sometimes I read what is going on and I am just like wow. There have been so many discrepancies and I am just wondering if we should believe you.
I have a question…is this a deal you made with someone or is this a promise you are making to yourself?
Don’t do credit repair. It is a huge scam that will probably get you into worse trouble.
I also still think you need to seriously consider personal counseling.
Congratulations, Casey.
A hater stops hating when you stop taking stupid actions.
Take care of you know who. Get a job. Pay your debts. Then, even if you don’t become a wealthy entrepreneur, you’ll be succesful, and happy. And that’s what’s important, not “passive income” and “fame” and “sweet dealz” and media exposure.
It’s finally good to see you accepting responsibility and taking some steps in the right direction. I hope you are able to work things out with your wife - that is the most important thing!!
I heard about your story a while back and thought you were just an idiot. I’ll stop the critisism there, because even though you were then, if you really are doing what you say you are now, then you need to start educating yourself. Start with some of the very helpful and positive personal finance blogs. Look up Getting Rich Slowly & I Will Teach You to Be Rich and the other hundreds out there. Even though what you did will take a while to fix you are so young that it is not undoable. You just need to sit back and make some daily goals on how to get this fixed in a smart, ethical way. The biggest thing you have going for you is optimism so use it in a good way. Can you not keep the blog going & use it to show people that you really are going to change. You can still use this as an extra money-maker and write daily how you are changing. Your attitude towards getting this “W2 job” sounds like you are having to give up. Get creative and you can find money. It won’t be quick, in your case it will take a long while, but if you really work hard on it then things will be better and you will look better for realizing what you did was very wrong and doing something to seriously turn everything around.
I am really sorry to hear this.
As to whether the “haterz” won - I doubt it, the FBI is probably more interested in those that helped snowflake rather than snowflake himself.
Any fines can go into the bin as he has quite a bit of debt already and he still hasn’t BK’ed yet (I guess BK after any court case). Perhaps some time inside. Of course - first offense & white collar & young age & ADD… What a joke……And in the end the only reason why the FBI is going to “get him” is because he said “I did something wrong”. Wow… Go FBI who punish people who admit do wrong things.
Now perhaps the FBI could, I dunno, stop trying to protect Financial Institutions (like Banks which tend to get massive fines from Elliot Spitzer for their ILLEGAL behavior, but are totally IGNORED by the US Federal authorities) and worry about, oh I don’t know, perhaps the WAR ON DRUGS which KILLS countless of AMERICANS!
But thats hard, you know, because the real drug suppliers have lawyers…… As I said before, what a joke!Shame on the haterz, shame on those whom tatter-tailed on him and shame on the FBI for try to prosecute when the real criminals get away with murder……
Another note:
Post #29 said:
“Don’t forget, some of the most successful people start at the bottom. Andrew Carnegie started as a telegram delivery boy. Work hard — quality people recognize genuine effort and smarts.”And I wholeheartedly agree!
At one point in my life, I literally was digging out several “corkscrews” that were used to churn up decomposing waste (along with a great “methane” gas smell), and getting paid about $8/hr.
I now make almost $50/hr, and I am a professional lead computer programmer/analyst (which is what I wanted to do when I was young). -
I’m with the crowd which thinks you’ll end up kicking yourself for shutting down this site and resenting family members later on.
Of course if there are serious legal entanglements which you can’t discuss that are the chief reasons for closing this blog than so be it.
I hope this is just another bluff of yours.
I don’t think you should give up, you are already earning more money from blogging than what you can get from a Job.
You could have made mistakes but if your wife doesn’t support you on this mess, I must tell you that unfortunately… she is not for you.
Don’t worry, everyone had been depressed once in a while. Just remember you are an entrepeneur and that will not change.
I noticed you mentioned finding a credit repair service. I offer 4 pieces of advice.
1. read the email i sent you earlier today (7-12-07)
2. don’t use a credit repair service, the FTC is investigating them to find that most – if not all – are false & cause more harm than good.
3. don’t repair your credit (this sounds counter intuitive), instead, vow to never borrow money again. Check out http://www.daveramsey.com.
4. (this is highly important) stick with your wife… the both of you can face this and beat it!Proverbs 22: 6-7 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”
Wish you well. keep in touch. Become DEBT FREE! Trust me, it feels GREAT.
Hey Casey! Sad to hear your closing it down.
I’ll pray for you to stay strong and pull through.
Man, you learned at a very young age that life’s not easy.
But, you did teach younger audiences like myself not
to make those same mistakes.
Just Love your wife the best you can. People don’t
understand how difficult of a situation your in, because
it’s not happening to them. And I also think you should continue writing the book. -
Give up the blog? Choose your marriage over your blog and you “business?”
I don’t believe you.
Best of luck to you. Hiring a lawyer is going to be tough without the money to put down a retainer. Hopefully the FBI isn’t really interested in pursuing the matter and it will go away.
I think you are making the right decision. The truth is you are not any good as a real estate speculator (or a stock speculator for that matter). Stick with the things you are good at.
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? -
For job hunting:
Search for new jobs every day.
Keep a log of all of the jobs you have applied for, including firm name, phone number, contact. Etc etc etc.
If you don’t hear anything back, follow up within a week. Find out why you weren’t accepted for the position (or an interview).
I expect you will have to apply for many many jobs.
Go to the local MANPOWER (or headhunters) and file an application with them to help your application process.Make sure your log of jobs you have applied for is kept up to date so you don’t try to apply for the same job twice (unless there is cause).
Casey, will a W2 job be enough for you? Why not continue this or something similar while you work in your job?Don’t make emotional decisions.
All the best.
Repeat after me.
The Internet, and Haterz, did not make you break the law, ever.
The Internet, and Haterz, did not make you go to Australia.
Take some responsibility for your actions.
OMG Casey. Have you checked your stock its up to $0.19 a share buddy. You are sitting on $223,500. CASH OUT NOW. Sweet.
I just wanted to thank you for the value you brought to mine as well as many peoples lives either in the way of entertainment/help/friendship/or ?
You have touched many peoples lives in way or another including being very open with them and allowing them to share parts of your life and have suffered many pains as well as some joys to do this.
supporters/haters/whoever have chosen to spend part of their lives to visit this blog for whatever reason but they chose to come of their own freewill.
My point??? whether they admit it or not you will be missed.
Thanks again Casey for all you do and have done. You have changed peoples lives to some degree whether they admit it or not at least briefly.
Take Care,
Dan at:
Thanks for the plugs by mentioning the site!!
Hi Casey. Do not worry about your future. You have proved that you are a fabulous entertainer. Take a rest now and later you can become the new Michael Moore.
re: Pulling the plug
I think you are bluffing… I’ll check into it.
Have you spoken with your wife? Will this be enough to make things right again?
Is Garage Cafe sponsoring/paying you? You seem to be mentioning them a lot (and their address). -
You a barn cat. You won’t be let back into the house. Nor should you be. Everytime you see a mouse you will chase it.
Out of respect for your family, just leave them be. You are Toxic and know it. It is OK to be what you are. You can’t change.
Go and continue being a Grifter. You can go fleece Pink Lips, She is ripe. There are a ton of fresh kills available, now is the time find a fresh rock to hide under. Pink Lips hideout is a good start.
Good luck man. As someone else said, sorting things with your wife is priority, family is all that matters in a world where very little else makes sense.
Maybe Taco Bell Jeff from the SDCIA board can get you a gig at TB? He’s a fellow Real Estate Investor™.
Wow, getting scammed to the end…
“have some left over to pay for the best credit-repair service I can find”
Must be the only person who doesn’t know that credit repair services are all a con. Still looking for that shortcut.
If all of you clowns would stop feeding Casey’s ego with responses he’d just go away and live his life… I can’t believe that there are websites built just to chronicle this stuff….
I was thinking “why on earth would he not at least try to sell the site and get at least something out of it, since it is on the first page for “foreclosure”. But then I realized perhaps the courts are forcing you to shut it down and will not let you sell it. That’s the only reason I can think of.
Hey Casey
Just remember family comes first, and take care of yourself.
God Bless You, and Take Care. -
I think you are making a huge mistake. I really don’t see why your blog has to be an issue at all. If you would simply treat the blog differently you could continue to run it and make money off of it. Your blog is your passive income that you have been dreaming of from the start.
Let’s say you “only” make $2,000 a month off of it. That’s $24,000 a year. That’s a hell of a lot of money. All you need to do is spend 30 minutes a day writing a new post. As for comment moderation, just turn it off completely. Don’t even allow posts and that problem is solved.
Do, you realize how good $2k a month for a risk free investment is? You can get 5% interest risk free right now. That would take an initial investment of $480,000 to pull that off. You are literally throwing away half a million dollars.
Now for your book. Dude are you crazy? You have so much exposure, your book will sell. You may be leaving over a million dollars on the table walking away from that. You have already done all the hard work which is promotion. Millions of people have read about you and may buy your book. Now you are going to throw that away?
Get a W2 job but don’t be stupid. Don’t throw away all this money that you have worked/suffered so much to get away.
We will miss you since whatever we do that is stupid we can always log on to this Blog and know that there is someone dumber out there…
Hey I just got your email Casey and I am very sorry to hear about your current situation. I wish you the best of luck and hope one day you can find a nice balance and get back in the game as far as internet marketing goes. I wish you the best of luck to with your wife and personal life.
Phil Said: “Once you have your W2 job, live below your means, save as much as possible after you have paid off your debts and invest in dividend paying stocks.”
This is good advice. I’m not retiring early on dividends, but I do get about $325 per month (after tax) in dividends. It is nice to see that money come in, and if something comes up and I need some extra funds, it’s nice for it to be there to draw on. I do prefer to reinvest the dividends but every now and then life interposes. It’s much better to use cash than credit whenever possible.
I was thinking “why on earth would he not at least try to sell the site and get at least something out of it, since it is on the first page for “foreclosure”. But then I realized perhaps the courts are forcing you to shut it down and will not let you sell it. That’s the only reason I can think of.
That is actually pretty close. A tad more complicated, but you are in the right ballpark.
(Assuming this post sees the light of day)
Folks, despite the apparent “revelation” and coming to Jesus moment you think you are witnessing, be advised: this shutdown of the blog is not, I repeat NOT voluntary. Nor is he caving into “pressure” from family. The point is, his situation has now gone completely out of his hands and he knows it. Its Endgame. Now he is repenting on his death bed asking forgiveness for his previous misdeeds. That is his only option now is to try and show good faith and throw himself at the mercy of the lions. Whether he will get it, who knows.
Oh, and on a sidebar, those of you thinking this is part of an elaborate plan on the part of the Feds to have him turn witness, think again. He has nothing to offer that they don’t already know. And honestly, Casey as a witness would be tantamount to putting Jar Jar Binks on the stand. “Meee-sa inno-sent! Meee-sa see gray are-as!”
Regardless, all I can do at this stage is wish you luck Casey. Not because I believe you have reformed in any way, but simply because luck is the only thing that can save you.
If absolutely everything you’ve written over the last two days is 100% true (and given your track record you’ll forgive my skepticism), then naturally I applaud your decision to FINALLY take the advice that people have been offering you since September.
Naturally, you would be far, far better off by now if you’d taken it back then, but better late than never. Not that you really had much of a choice - reality was bound to catch up sooner or later.
I honestly believe if you love her, you’ll let her go. A good friend is hard to find, and when you have the oppurtunity to make her your wife you do it whole heartily.
I don’t think the realization of being kicked out of the house opened your eyes a little. But now, is it the threat of losing your relationship, or your roof over your head. Look at your track record that you’ve exposed here. You won’t be able to stay away from this, or the next sweet deal.
At some point you have to come to terms with who and what you are, and not make up expectations that you can’t live up to.
Hurt her now, or hurt her later is what I’m saying.
Obviously I don’t know you, but with the information you’ve allowed us in on, you seem to justify everything in your own mind. So convincing yourself that you can do anything seems to be pretty easy for you. Reality will slap you in the face. So look honestly at whether you can really do a W2 job, or if you’re just satisfying her. You’ll also come to resent her later if you are just doing this to make her happy. And the next time this comes up, it may not just be you and her you’re hurting. Could be little Casey’s.
Give it thought, you’re selfish anyway, so maybe you should be a solo act for a while.One more thing, to me, if you really cared about her, you wouldn’t have went to Australia. iamselfishandfacingforeclosure.com might have been a better name.
@Slashdotterx #18
He can just call the credit card companies and settle for a sum with most of the finance charges and such removed… they’ll do it on the spot.
However if the card company is inclined, they will send him a little form near tax time that counts the forgiven debt as income. He will have to claim it as such on his taxes… if he does his taxes.
Good luck with everything Casey.
I am puzzled by the comment, “The haterz won”, as compared to what for God’s sake? I guess that means now your cyber bullies will have to go back to bugging other high school kids on myspace?
I don’t understand how ‘running’ this blog can take up that much time. I agree with the other ‘contributors’ that you should keep this blog and limit time/posts to 3-5 total per week… get a ‘real job’ and support your wife. Cutting off this income stream surely cannot help… The real problem is probably that you spend hours a day reading all of posts and feeling bad about what negative stuff is said…
It is not looking good in Sac. Why not let it all go and get out of town. Change you idenity and start over.
Most people in a rough situation could recover. You are a different story. Think about, you can’t change.
I just got your email! Sorry to hear that you can’t keep the blog, are you sure you can’t keep this and get a job?
Anyways, take care and Good Luck!
#76. You are thinking the same as I am. Casey, if you would simply limit the amount of time you spent blogging you could keep this website running and keep your passive income streaming in. All you have to do is turn off posting and limit blogging to 30 minutes a day.
Closing down the blog and killing the book deal are almost as bad an idea as buying $2.5 mil of houses to flip.
How much money do you think you are going to make with a W2? You have no degree and have been out of work for a year. If an employer checks your FICO, many do, they are not going to hire you. You are also going to have one hell of a time finding an apartment. Seriously, if you can find someone that will take you on, they are going to require like 6 months of rent upfront as a deposit.
If you close the blog down again it’s going to be fubar for good. No advertiser is going to want to take a chance on you again. Same with the book deal.
Get it together man!
P.S. I’m a “supporter” and have been from the start. Why are you giving in to all the haterz?
Mmmmmm…You finally coming home. Can’t wait.
Get your debt spreadsheet up to date and solicit tactics for repayment.
Have you ever considered that the blog has NO VALUE without you?
Do you think people are going to come here when some fat 40 year old white guy takes over the blog and wants to sell vitamins?
No one is going to come. That’s why you’re not likely to get a lot of money for this blog, especially if you don’t participate.
Hate to tell you this, but this blog is your real wife. When woman decide to end a relationship, it’s usually permanent. So your half-a** attempts to get G back may be useless, while you give up the only thing left of yours that has any value.
Sorry to be harsh, but life can be harsh. That’s the way it is.
“Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and the master you are serving is Christ.”
Col 3:24
Good luck Casey! Glad to see your priorities are really shining now. I thank God for that!
Casey, let me help you out on the JOB front (w-2 for you success types).
Jamba Juice is hiring. You can apply at your local store, or else go to this website http://www.jambajuice.com/jobs/employment.html
And on a side note, my ASW is ‘juice’
Dear Casey – I have been reading your site and various hater sites on and off for several months. Although I would describe myself as in the “haterz” camp, I have never posted since I didn’t think there was much point to adding to all the negativity out there.
Now that you are finally doing what I personally believe is the right, I feel the least I can do after receiving so much free entertainment is provide some concrete tips for your job search:
-Expect your job search to take a minimum of 2-4 months. You should treat it like a fulltime job for the first couple of weeks, during which you should be writing your resume, assembling a portfolio of your web work (if applicable), applying to headhunters and temp agencies and determining what kind of job you want. After that, expect to spend 2-3 hours per day on average, every day, scanning ads, sending out resumes and networking. I know it will be difficult for you to make this kind of focused effort but it will be worth it.
-As other posters have discussed, track the jobs you apply to on a spreadsheet so you can see how many applications you are sending out and how many interview requests or other responses you receive. If you receive fewer than one response out of 10 resumes sent you are clearly wasting your time by applying to the wrong kinds of jobs or need to change your resume significantly.
-Prepare several versions of your resume that are tailored to specific types of jobs you want: For example, one version could focus on web development skills, another version could be used to apply to be a blogging correspondent. To create these different versions, it will be important to first understand what types of jobs you would be interested in, then to look at ads for these types of jobs so you can see what kinds of skills they are interested in as well as what kind of terms they use.
-Definitely include your blogging experience on your resume (although I would not go into your real estate transactions in too much detail). You do not have much hope of being able to conceal this information from an employer and did gain some skills that legitimate businesses might find of help – for example, high search engine placement is something many companies work hard to achieve. However, counterbalance the blogging experience by adding a goals/mission statement on the top of the resume that emphasizes your commitment to being a stable, contributing employee. You have cast aspersions on “W-2” jobs many times and it will only be natural for employers to be wary.
-In terms of types of companies to consider, while it may be tempting to consider working for a real estate related company, I would be very cautious about this. Given your background, I suspect that few reputable real estate companies would be interested in working with you, and these prospective employers would also be motivated by publicity, which will defeat the entire purpose of your efforts to go W-2. The same goes for financial workshop companies, motivational speakers, etc.
-At the same time, I would also avoid applying to very large, established companies. These companies are likely to be very risk-averse and would be reluctant to hire anyone who has been self-employed as long as you, let alone someone who has attracted so much controversy. You want to keep your response to application ratio relatively high (again, at least one out of ten) to avoid getting discouraged or wasting time applying to jobs you’ll never get.
-Overall, I suspect a small entrepreneurial business, preferably headed by someone who has also tried and failed and is willing to take a risk on you, will end up being your best chance. Small businesses tend to value people who can fulfill multiple roles, so for example you could create a position where you manage their website, administrate Google AdSense and handle search engine optimization. This also might help keep you engaged given your limited ability to focus on a single task.
-Don’t take a position where you will be working from home. Given all the turmoil in your life you need a much more structured day where you keep regular hours and spend time with other people in a professional setting. Although I’m sure this will be hard for you at first, given the problems in your personal life you may find the workplace to be a refuge that allows you to focus on something other than your own problems, so you can refresh yourself and do better when you are at home.
-If you find the job search difficult given your background, pursue temp web development positions through an agency. The risk will be relatively low for employers and if you apply yourself a temp gig could turn into a permanent position. This will also provide you with additional experience for your resume and also get you used to keeping business hours and working for someone else.
Again, since I have spent a lot of time on your site I figured that giving you some friendly advice was only fair if the site is indeed soon to end. I hope you find this advice helpful and you have my e-mail address in case you would like me to take a look at your resume; I am not a recruiter, but have a fair amount of professional experience and often mentor college students and other job seekers.
Reading other posts, I have to agree that it seems stupid to give up the passive income from the blog and book, given all the PR you’ve done already.
Yes, get the W-2 AND post three to five times a week on the blog- that is a part-time avocation. Get someone to moderate the comments. Tilt the blog (or do a spin-off) to focus on entrepreneurial issues- lots and lots of issues on maintaining focus, maintaining relationships , fighting your own demons, etc.
Still amazed you can’t pursue it this way- this is the same Casey that wanted passive income?
dude… gnarly!!
We have a ton of debt ourselves from school… it’s considered “good debt”… but what it really means is we can’t move forward til we pay it down… (and no, I’m not talking 30k…) I’m talking, we’re nearly standing beside you on this stuff!!!
Hope you get this all taken care of and that your wife is able to get her credit back up, and that you guys work things out!
If the owners of Microsoft, Google or Yahoo had been smart and bright guys they would have employed you, Casey. But as we all know, the owners of the mentioned companies are not the brightest among us. They were only lucky to be in the right place at the right time once and since then they have not done anything spectacular, except buying companies established by others. So I am afraid you have to forget about losers like Bill Gates and the owners of Google and Yahoo, and look for a job elsewhere.
Personally I think it is a bad idea to shut this down. You are now pulling okay money from this site. Manage it a little better , try and pick up more clients, get more people to the site, and then see where it goes. You may have screwed up before but that is now a learning experience. You use this site to start paying down the debt, get a W-2 job or become an agent and make money that way.
Most people are conservative in the way they think about a job. Most people just go to work to get a paycheck and then go home. You have that drive and giving up on it now will only make you regret things later in life. Go to marriage counseling and see if you can work something out with your wife. If not then it might be time to pull the plug on that because now her trust is gone for you and that trust might not ever be built back up. Plus if you ever want to get back into owning your own business she is just going to be a negative thorn in your side and not support any of your decisions.
For everyone who is taking Casey’s words (yet again) at face value - PLEASE! There is a far more compelling and true reason why he is shutting down and it has nothing to do with him repenting and wanting to all of a sudden do right by the ones he abandoned and hurt.
It all sounds warm and fuzzy, but it is NOT the real reason. Casey just cannot admit the truth.
Casey, doubt you would let this comment through.
KC -
Even if you do manage to pay off G’s credit cards, I don’t think that will help.
First, she is still on the hook for at least a few of those mortgages - she was on some of them, right?
Second, if you (and only you) file for BK, your other creditors will be able to go after the credit card companies (and maybe G personally) for the money. Google “fraudulent conveyance” for an explanation.
I don’t think you will find help in a BK court. The frauds you committed in obtaining the loans preclude relief.
Finally, many here have said that California’s community property laws put spouses on the hook for each other’s debts. I don’t know anything about this, but you (and G) are screwed if it is true.
I don’t think G will be able to BK the debt either. She has “unclean hands” just like you. That depends on the trustee and the judge. If she lucks out on that and has a good lawyer, she may be OK.
You on the other hand? You’re on the hook. I don’t think judgments can be collected on for more than 20 years, so maybe you’ll be debt-free before you turn 50.
That is if you don’t wind up dead for pissing off your cellie in Federal PMITA prison.
At #90. alright then, spill the beans. What is the real reason? Is he being sued? Is his wife divorcing him? Is he going to jail? What is it?
I just got your email, Casey. At first I was overjoyed. “I’m so happy for him, he’s finally coming to reality, this is everything I’ve always wanted to hear him say.”
Then I realized — Oh. He’s saying everything I want to hear. Hmmm.
You’re on the path to becoming either a really good con man, or a really good salesman.
For your sake, and everyone else around you, I hope you pick sales. Just don’t pick homes. No one’s buying them right now.
By the way. Since you have been known to shut down and re-open blogs in the past. I read an interesting article this morning. I don’t know how true this is. But if the “turning-IAFF-into-a-foreclosure-advice-site” bug catches you again, please be aware of item #4 at the very, very bottom of this blog post.
In case that URL gets mangled, it’s an article for people facing foreclosure, and item #4 says:
“Do not let anyone charge you an upfront fee for foreclosure advice and assistance (it’s illegal in California).”
#68 -
Ha ha - so true!!!!!
I feel like a friggin genius when I come on this site.
well buddy, it’s been fun. I guess you can categorize me as mostly just an observer. Not a hater and definitely not a supporter. I really wish you would’ve had some great comeback story to report but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. You really do suck at real estate and just business in general. The problem Casey, is you are just too young and inmature. You are not ready. Maybe one day when you are about 40, you will be. Try again later. Much later. I do want to say “thank you” for the entertainment value of your blog for the last few months. It really was interesting and I admit - I like many others would look forward to reading the blog at lunch from work everyday. I also, wish you luck on your marriage and with your federal case. At least you tried to go for your dreams buddy and most people can’t even say that. One last thing: do what you say you are going to do. In 23 days, shut this thing down. We’ll still know what’s up with Casey Serin when we read about you going to jail in USA TODAY. Good luck pal!
Is there anyone else out there blogging from jail? If you can work out a sweet dealz with the guards I think that would really boost hits.
I’ve said for a while that your worst move was not involving your w1fe in the blog from the beginning - letting her post etc. would have boosted hits AND brought you together instead of driving you apart. Oh well, seems a bit late for that now although I think you could still do that together. You both must see that the easy income from the blog is the only financial thing working in your favor right now.
Flip side of course is that the haterz are kind of right that the blog IS in fact all about profiting from a crime you committed, so maybe morally it is the right thing to do in shutting it down.
Don’t know. But seriously, I wish you well, and you are in my sincere prayers Casey.
p.s. You should read “The Millionaire Next Door” - most millionaries actually accumulated their wealth slowly while working W2 jobs!
Hi Casey,
I rather agree with Alex, #3 above. He says he hopes throwing away everything you’ve worked for will make things better… but suggests that that might not be the case.
This mirrored my own thinking.
For starters, it is easy for you and your spouse to blame the blog for your troubles. But I think the real culprit is what led to the blog - that being your financial troubles. Those, unfortunately, won’t go away if and when the blog does. Have you thought that through?
Saving your marriage should be your number one priority. And if killing the blog is your only realistic hope at saving the marriage, then it’s an avenue you must pursue. However, the two of you should BOTH understand that it does not, by any means, mean the end of your troubles. The rocky road you must travel is long, and I’m afraid you’re still at its start.
The two of you have a few other issues to deal with:
Convincing #1 that you deserve another chance.
Filing and paying your taxes.
Finding food and shelter.
Dealing with the debt. (If you really want this to ever end Casey, declare bankruptcy.)
Problems your history creates in landing a good job. You can forget about government work, for instance, until your credit rating improves.
The resentment, distrust and embarrassment that now exists in all your relationships.
The possibility of legal woes.
The possibility of jail time.
The possibility of life as an ex-con.
Figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life.I think I a pretty complicated life, but I don’t have to deal with any of this. If the two of you can get through it without being torn apart, you both have near-superhuman strength of character.
I think you should make sure #1 has thought all of this through - because if she thinks everything will be better once the blog is gone, she’s wrong. One of the only problems you don’t have to deal with right now is where to find money for day-to-day expenses. You have that, probably in perpetuity - and you’re taking it down.
But if #1 in inflexible on this, then you really have no choice.
Good luck to you.
The stress you are going through right now must be unreal. It’s stressful just reading this stuff. I have sincere symphathy for you, and hope you get the help you need.
I remember your saying it would stir the pot (legally) if you filed BK. Now that the FBI is pursuing an investigation, you might as well go ahead and file. Please do this to relieve yourself of a lot of this grief.
Just trying to help…..
You say that the reason for this remarkable change in direction is that you are about to lose your wife. That is incorrect. You were about to lose your wife when you bought a one-way ticket to Australia. You lost her when you took off for another continent for an unspecified purpose and unknown length of time and left her holding the bag. And, to your surprise, she hasn’t gone along with the usual program of understanding and foregiveness this time so out come the promises. They call that the contrition phase of the abuse cycle.
(1) Instead of simply paying off all of your wife’s credit card debt in full, you should try to settle for pennies on the dollar. This will give you more bang for your buck. You need to settle your credit card debts as well. For some reason you seem to think that if you pay down your wife’s credit card debts, that’s it for her and she’ll be okay. Wrong! You live in a community property state and all of your credit card debts are arguably community debts. This means that your credit card companies can sue both you and your wife over your credit card debts. Your wife actually is not going to be in good shape until you take care of your debts as well. You are too focused on credit reports and credit scores. Those are important, but you really need to think about taking care of legal exposure as well.
(2) If you sell your website, you are probably going to have to pay capital gains taxes based on the sales price.
(3) I know you want to pay every dirty penny, and so you have had reservations about settling your credit card debt in the past, but you really shouldn’t have reservations. Just try to settle as much debt as possible now. There is nothing stopping you from paying debts back after they have been settled. You can always pay the companies back later out of the kindness of your heart. At the very least though, settling now will limit your legal exposure and will give you all the time you need to make voluntary payments to pay back every dirty penny for the rest of your life. So just do it. I have to say though, that the idea of paying back your credit card companies in full is a bit naive. By now, your credit card companies have almost certainly sold your loans to collection agencies. They don’t even own the accounts anymore. They are off the credit card companies’ books. So if you do pay either the credit card company in full or the collection agency in full in the future, you may be giving one or both of them a windfall. They’ve already written you off.
I’ll stop by the Garage later.
What’s REALLY going on? I feel like I am watching a TV commercial “but wait! There’s more”Don’t shut down get a w-e gig spend 4 hours a week on this thing release the book and divorce “g” as she has made her mind up to hook up with the other guy
God bless you Casey!! I am confident you and your wife will be able to work this out. You are sacrificing everything so I think that holds alot of weight. God bless.
Stay away from this con man:
Hmm. I see I’m being deleted again™
If you are going to have “ground rules” on the Talkcast tonight, it would be helpful if you could post them in advance. For instance, if there are topics you absolutely will not (or cannot for legal reasons) discuss, can you tell us please? I’ve actually never called in, was considering it this time, but I don’t want to waste my time if you aren’t going to be willing/able to answer the questions I have.
thanks. I’m sure a lot of people will find that useful. It might even make your talkcast go more smoothly if people know in advance what you are going to make “off-limits”.
How about starting www.iamfacingdivorce.com??
May all your deals be sweet
Only the best of wishes.
I have been listening to the people on your talk cast who are obviously working against you, even threatening you, I hope they get their fair rewards, and that Karma catches up with them.Good luck in all your endevours, take care and best wishes.
You will make it work. -
Hey Casey,
Looks to me like you have sc****d your book publisher.
I thought this was business ?
Loads o Money
Give yourself another couple of weeks playing around. Try and tie up loose ends and bank a few bucks. You are free to pull any scam you can dream up.
Take money from anyone, sign anything, promise the world. Just get as much cash as you can. evaporate.
You should be able to get a black market work visa. Apply for citizenship and within a year you are back in business under a new name. I bet you could get a new mortgage within a year.
Its all good
I hope you believe in reincarnation, because it’s the only way you’ll ever be able to have anything resembling a life. Nothing can stop your long slide down the slippery slope of ruin now. Whether you’re actually being forced to shut down this blog or whether it’s just another click-farming stunt on your part is irrevelant. Soon, you will be little more than a cautionary tale told to those who would skip over the “hard work” part of the American Dream. I suspect there are a lot of hard-working people who will relish watching the American Justice System have its way with you.
Are you going to do “under the radar” like you stated in your blog if things got bad with the law?
C.S. wrote: “and getting a regular W2 job for at
least 2 years”What? You’re waaay to damn young to talk like that 2yrs. Puhleez.. At your age, you need to thing of working for The Man for the next 40yrs!
I think what
73. Amazed
is tying to say is the words a wise marriage counselor once told me:
“If you love something let it go. If it doesn’t come back, hunt it down and kill it.” -
Casey, run the settlement past the judge first. Explain to McMasters exactly how it came about, and who all of the parties are, and ask him - since you are an indigent pro se - if it is good, and won’t come back to haunt you.
In other words, have all parties behaved appropriately.
You must pray to the Good Lord who in his infinite mercy will deliver you from your slough of depond.
Hey Casey!
I’m kinda upset to hear u’re finally closing down! Work your best in W2 and keep hoping for the best!
I first discovered your your blog when I saw an ad in MSN-”World’s Most Hated Blogger-Casey Serin”…and I wanted to read it bcoz I thought its gonna be about some idiot who is mean to ppl[I’m only 15..don’t blame me for being so childish]…but having read it for quite some time now already[thou I don’t usually comment], I wonder why ppl hate you… No one likes to admit defeat and alomst everyone likes to venture out to try new things…Don’t be put down..
Good luck in all your future endeavours…I can’t wait for you to be finally in the news, here in Singapore[I’m a Singaporean], mentioning that you’re the world’s most successful person:)…Many ppl in S’pore don’t know abt you..Good luck,once again &
God Bless you:) -
Maybe you could start a divorce blog.
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