Sunday, August 5, 2007


… going on. I’m PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And its pretty hard to get me pissed.)

I will not say more, will go and cool down before I say something stupid about these 3 “characters”.

Update: I’m trying to cool down but some people are really getting under my skin… There was supposed to be an internet truce but there was a podcast where a certain person was talking crap about without first getting to the bottom of the facts. I told the other guy I was gonna be gone for a few hours till late afternoon. This is just craziness.

I really want to work with these guys but right now I’m feeling BULLIED and I just want fair treatment. If this was really a big misunderstanding I figured people would appreciate it and let me sleep on this whole thing.

If this is an example of what will happen now that i’m trying to do a turn-around… I am just wondering what will happen if I end up being “married” to these guys for a year or whatever it happens to be.

Please guys, lets back off, calm down, sleep on it and have a good conversation and get things back on track. See my comments for more stuff as I was venting today…


  • Perhaps you should have kept the deadline, eh? I can’t imagine anything else that should have been more important this morning, can you?

  • 2. unbelievable
    July 14th, 2007 at 4:54 pm


    You create your own crap, you should be mad at yourself.

  • Casey, you dont seem to understand what the word “now” means.

    To fill in the blanks, Casey failed to follow through with the domain transfer to Duane today and Casey is pissed Duane may back out after Casey (again) failed to follow through on a commitment.

  • Why didn’t you post this? It was good advice.

    You need a parrot. And fast.

    There are at least 5 unusual uses for a parrot and some very good reasons why you should get one.

    How often do you think about parrots?

    Not often enough. These 5 tips will have you rushing out to the pet store.

    In fact, don’t delay. Don’t even read the rest of this article. Don’t even get dressed, get in your car and go buy one.

    Then rush back to find out how darn useful they are. Why are you still there? Get going now.

    You back? Take the wrapping off of your parrot. Sit it on your shoulder, peering at the screen with you, so you can learn together. Prepare to be amazed.

    1. Parrots mimic what you do. There…did you see? They are amazing creatures. In that split second, they discovered how to use a PC, keyboard and mouse. You can now get a proper job, and your parrot will blog for you all day. Better still, when you get home, they’ll tell you the best posts they read, recite any comments you’ve received, and save you trolling through the usual nonsense.

    2. Not many people know this, but parrots are fantastic swimmers. They love it. And they can save you a fortune on plumbing bills. Blocked toilet? Simply flush your parrot. They get right to cause of the blockage and their beaks are especially designed to break up the crap. When the parrot emerges for air grab it straight away. They love it so much, they’ll just dive straight back in otherwise. Can’t be bothered washing them? Stick ‘em straight in the washer. They adore the spin cycle.

    3. Lazy? Overweight? Unfit? Pissed off with society telling you to eat less or exercise more? Fear not. Parrots are not only IT-savvy, they are amazing chefs. And you can combine those skills together. They can internet shop. Have the ingredients for your favourite meals delivered, and a most fantastic gourmet delight served piping hot for your arrival home from work. Parrot feathers absorb grease, oils and other leftovers. So when you have finished, simply wipe your plate with your parrot. Voila! a clean dish for your next meal tomorrow.

    4. Take them to the office. Perched on your cubicle, specially adapted bluetooth headsets make them ideal secretaries. They can take sales calls. Answer the usual bull you have to listen to from colleagues. And s*** on them if they really get on your nerves.

    5. Improve your sex life. Chase your parrot around the room vigorously for 10 minutes. Make whooping noises. It has to be frightened. The adrenaline transfers an irresistible hormone which can be extracted from the sweat. Wipe it with a cloth. Dab your neck with the cloth before your date. DON’T go into the restaurant. Instead meet her for a drink. One whiff of your parrot-aroma will save you a fortune. She will want to go back to your place straight away. Just try stopping her undressing you in the cab home.

  • 5. sactown agent
    July 14th, 2007 at 4:57 pm

    take a moment and take a deep breath casey. sorry that your deal seems to have run into a snag but good things are coming. tell us what happened. what lead to this miscommunication? i’m sure this can all be worked out without seeing another deal blow up. quit the failing forward casey. it’s time to stand up and succeed. i know you have it in you!!

  • 6. unbelievable
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:03 pm

    Casey had a deadline. Unfortunately, Casey has no idea what the word “deadline” means. Casey missed his deadline by about 6 hours.


    itsallgood (ASW)

  • Casey, email me with a way to contact you. I cannot get throuygh to you in email or phone. I may be able to help.

  • Casey Serin: NO DEAL!!!

  • Casey, getaway from these snakes as quickly as possible.

  • LOL …the greedy snakes are going to start feeding on each other .

  • ASW: Australia

    Don’t you wish you never left Australia now? **snort** Learn to read a clock, btw.

  • Casey,

    I miss you.


    Your Blue Ball

  • 13. stressed.boi
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:12 pm

    Is there any spare room in your world? I definitely need a break from reality and thought maybe we could hang out and drink jamba juices together.

    SC: juicy


  • 14. nigel's guest blogger
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:12 pm

    Good luck Casey, it’s too bad everyone isn’t as sane and professional as you.

  • They are all snakes casey, dont listen to them, dont sign anything, dont settle anything. Your story is your own, dont let these bullies take advantage of you! Sell the blog and live like a king. Mark, Duane and everyone else can go rot!

  • So you finally realized that you entered another loosing deal? You realized that it wasn’t win-win?

  • 17. Internet Floozy
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:17 pm

    Run away with me, Casey! We could be good together!

    I have a 720 FICO and sweet lines of credit!!

  • It’s about time someone holds you accountable!

  • 19. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:18 pm

    Casey -

    Why are you so up set with Mark, Duane and Marty? You are the one who caused the mess. You are the one who created all the drama that has become your life.

    If you can’t honor an agreement, why do you sign contracts? Seriously.

    I told you over two weeks ago, you can’t renegotiate once the contract is signed.

    More importantly, what happened to your “I’m doing this for my wife” - “this is for my marriage.”

    Seems to me rather than moving forward with honor, you are back to using shady deal tactics. My understanding is that you now don’t want the money to go towards your wife’s credit card debt. I thought that was your number one priority?

    If the proceeds of the blog don’t go to your wife’s debt, what do you propose doing with the money? Which lender will be the first to be paid? CashCall? Wells Fargo?

    All eyes are on you Casey. Your actions speak louder than your words…. because, as we’ve all seen, your words are just lies.

  • Casey, I know you’re pissed, but this is the best thing that could have happened for you.

    None of these people have your interests at heart. Quite the opposite. You should just shut down contact with them.

  • Well, Casey, the fact that you now wait until you say or do something you may regret is good. You should have done that before making decisions like selling or giving away the very things that bring you an income, most likely without knowing whether your other plans, such as getting a job that pays at least as much exactly when you need it, will work out. In fact, if the problem is that the deals you made, such as selling the blog and no longer publishing the book, will not work out, you should be thankful. If the initiative comes from the other party, those people are doing you a favour, because otherwise you may have a hard time undoing those deals, which you should if you can.

    You may have to find a neutral party to act as a “moderator” for your own messages or deals. I would be willing to do that, and I’m sure other well-intentioned people would. On the other hand, if I were one of the “characters” you are talking about, I would rather find out about that in private, before you post any message here. After you cool down, if the “characters” don’t know certain facts that you want to post here, tell them about that. But don’t make any more rash decisions, such as a sale, before you wait long enough and think about it, and ask for advice. In fact, keeping the blog has the advantage that, although you should not listen to the first advice you get from strangers, there are many people who can give you ideas to think about.

  • Another deadline missed, another deal blown?

    Oh dear.


  • 23. Your Biggest Fan
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    I would like to make a sincere offer of 2,759 dirty pennies to buy your doman.

    Deal? Or no deal? Deal? Or no deal?

  • Casey, you must cut these arrogant con-men out of your life.

    They are taking the last thing you have of value and leaving you with nothing, not even your story belongs to you anymore. I feel bad for you.

  • 25. Joseph P. Kaplan III, Esq.
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:31 pm

    Listen up, Casey:

    You do *not* want to sell your only asset at this time.

    You are only starting to make some serious money with it. If you run with it a little more, you can make a lot more.

    Do *not* kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, dig?

    Peace out!


    Joseph P. Kaplan III, Esq.

  • There’s the domain transfer, and then there’s the book. It sounds like Marty saw how Lost Mittens got away with murder, and now he wants his piece of the kill. Didn’t you all get the email? Marty is making all kinds of noise. Sounds to me like he’s the next one to try to extort money from Casey. If I can find the email, I’ll post it later.

  • It will all work out in the end.

  • deja vu. Caseys back. How long did that take?

  • Rule #1 Always face your accusers.

    Rule #2 Do not do any irrational things based on emotions.

    Rule #3 You see who your friends once you put them into a true position were they have to react and show there true colors.

    If Duane was looking out for your best interests he would know your behavior and would accept and expect a delay. Nothing in business with any value go according to plan. There is always delays in everything in business when it concerns anything of value.

    What I would say Casey is do a money-a-thon that should go into an escrow account specifically to hire a good attorney and send these snakes to h*ll were they belong.

  • The three characters are Duane LeGate, Mark V********* , and …? Marty?

  • Casey, looks like you have issues with picking who your friends are and/or how you treat your friends. I seriously think that you should just go back to the Russian church community and lay low from all this crap.

  • Oh man, you are in some hot waters now.

    You are good at throwing people under the bus MULTIPLE times.

    They don’t learn, so keep doing it.

    So you got a better offer for your IAFF?

  • 33. Unbelievable
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:46 pm


    Don’t let these guys p**** you over. They are just trying to take what you have built up and leave you with nothing.

    Tell them to get lost and stay the hell out of your business.

  • 34. Hey Pink Lips
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:47 pm

    Hey Pink Lips,

    Put your money where your mouth is. Why don’t you come forward and help Casey out since you seem to be financially able to. I am personally sick of these bullies pushing him around. Why not help him kick dust in their face.

    They act like he is a kid and disrespect him at their will. Can you set something up? Maybe even a supporters site where people can donate. You can also do this all legally and Casey can owe you or something.

    It all just seems so unfair. What are your thoughts?

  • casey have u previewed the website it clearly states that u have a prior contractual agreement with them u cannot transfer over rights to your foreclosure book because that agreement supercedes any and all agreements and if u could transfer over the book rights it would have to be clearly stated in the contract with marty’s approval thus the agreement that u signed under duress or not with other party is unenforceable. sorry young man u still got a book deal its not that easy to transfer something u have no power or authority to transfer so when the book sells sit down collect the capital and deal with it geesh oh and by the way don’t sell the blog or domain contact marty’s attorney first, oh wait u cant sell the blog its part of the book deal marketing parameter sorry kid u really cant sign anything without marty, marty’s attorney, your attorney or any attorney present, well i guess u need to refer all sales and transfers to marty’s attorney but don’t worry marty wont sell the blog or book deal i guess when u get large amounts of capital in your account and u want to sell or transfer it u can just make sure u don’t transfer it to those hustlers u have been dealing with recently

  • Did you forget to set your alarm clock?

  • 37. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 5:51 pm


    As I understand it, as part of your “settlement agreement” with Mark you handed over the blog and the sale of the blog requires his approval?

    Did I misunderstand that? Or, are you able to sell the blog to the highest bidder?

  • So why is this filed under personal/feelings if this is ultimately a business transaction for your blog which was bringing in money?

  • Mark and Duane on the cast were laughing at you the same way Kiyosaki was. Stay far away from these people. I don’t know how your marriage is going, but I am not surprised your business relationships are not going well, and that they have betrayed you.

    Duane was right about one thing; your blog is not a domain name, it’s a personality. The supporterz, haterz and trainwreck watchers will follow you wherever you go, and provide sweet passive income via web traffic.

  • hey Pink Lips I have contacted Casey 3 times, no response. I do think we should get a legal defense fund of some kind together, where people can donate (including myself) I am not going to pay for all of Casey’s BS, but I do not like what is being done to him by these bullies.

  • 41. Hater turned Supporter
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:02 pm

    I agree with “Hey Pink Lips”

    I was a hater but I DO NOT agree with the tactics of Duane and Mark. They are in this for themselves. They worked behind the scenes for their own benefit. They left haterz out of the loop because they wanted to get paid!


  • Well we all saw this coming now didn’t we?
    There is no FBI agent is there?
    The book profits are being stolen…
    The site purchase is conveniently being organized as a result of being sued…

    Takes a while for it all to register…

  • You were offered free advice over and over on this blog; never sign a contract without a lawyer.

  • Casey… I hope you are not selling your website. This is your big success!!! Screw Duane and the haterz!!!

  • 45. Otis R. Needleman
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:05 pm

    Yo, Casey.

    The email you sent me recently said you were shutting down the blog. What’s up? You need to shut this blog down and move somewhere far away, where you can start your life over.

    You’ve really blown this, dude.

  • I can’t wait to hear about what new drama unfolds. Are you still closing down the blog?

  • Did you sign the agreement to settle with LMP? Do you have a signed copy of the agreement?

  • 48. Maybe I will and maybe I won't
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:08 pm

    I think I’ll march on down to my courthouse and file a lawsuit against M**** for his copyright infringement on Dan Brown. Whaddyall think? I mean, it pretty much worked for Mark.

  • 49. Casey Help Fund
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:09 pm

    Is there a help fund for Casey?

    These goons have gone too far!

    The guy is getting conned!

    Even the bulk of the haterz were left with their mouths open but they are too embarassed to admit it!

    I wonder will they take back LossMitPro and Duane?

    They probably will!


  • 50. WeWantTheFunk
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:09 pm

    @39. Hater Club
    “Mark and Duane on the cast were laughing at you the same way Kiyosaki was.”

    Mark wasn’t on the cast. I, however, was, so I know from whence I speak.

    @34. Hey Pink Lips
    “You can also do this all legally and Casey can owe you or something.”

    HAHAHAHahahaha . . . . oh yeah, Casey has a GREAT track record of paying back people he owes.

    @35. a lawyer
    Most lawyers of my acquaintance use capitalization, punctuation, coherent thought, and paragraphs and everything. Maybe you’re an XTREME lawyer?

  • 48. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:08 pm
    I think I’ll march on down to my courthouse and file a lawsuit against M**** for his copyright infringement on Dan Brown. Whaddyall think? I mean, it pretty much worked for Mark.

    Do that and I’ll sue you good .

  • The haterz in EN won’t take Mark back because he already exposed his crappy cards and true intentions. They’ll still take Duane back any day of the week and twice on Sunday, because Duane insists he isn’t in this for the money but for helping G***** . He’s being the southern gentleman defending the poor wife.

  • Casey, these pricks have nothing on you, tell them to go pound sand.

  • Casey, quit making up fake supporters. Once again you f*** it up. Man you’re retarded.

  • 55. I wuv Pink_Lips
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:16 pm

    @ Pink_Lips

    Do you have the time to lead the masses? You obviously have the ballz(LOL). What is your background? I hate Casey, but I hate Mark and Duane more. Lets do this!!!

  • 56. Casey's Biggest Fan
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:20 pm

    I can’t believe what happened to you on Thursday night. This was not the Casey Serin I remembered for the past 9 months. I can’t believe you let Mark take advantage of you like that. Good thing you are hopefully ripping up the agreement. Why should Mark get a hold of your stuff? Mark V********* is a vulture.

  • #19. Annie - the one and only

    Talk about jumping at conclusions…. should you not wait for Casey to at least tell us something before you open your dirty mouth?

  • Sorry to hear about the problems.

  • 59. Pink_Lips ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:23 pm

    Pink_Lips ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I wanna see Pink_Lips rip off Duane and Mark’s ballz and shove it down their throat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would ask for her to do the same for Benoit too but we all know he castrated himself with a table knife in his teens(LOL)

  • 60. Bubs' Concession Stand
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:24 pm


  • I cant imagine something going wrong with a deal from casey.

  • Casey,

    We all read because we’re interested in you. Who could possibly stop you from selling this blog and starting up your own personal blog with advertisers etc? We’d all follow you. All you’d have to do is send an email out to your list, and in seconds your URL would be posted on EN and and everywhere else. Maybe you’d lose some traffic, but all of us repeat visitors are here to read about YOU.

    Good luck. I’m rooting for you.

  • 56. Casey’s Biggest Fan
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
    I can’t believe what happened to you on Thursday night. This was not the Casey Serin I remembered for the past 9 months. I can’t believe you let Mark take advantage of you like that. Good thing you are hopefully ripping up the agreement. Why should Mark get a hold of your stuff? Mark V********* is a vulture.

    Ok , I have this documented . I’m going to sue and call in the fbi . I will personally straighten you out . I know the law .

  • 64. Liberal_Elite
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:30 pm

    You DO realize that the only thing that slack jawed redneck Duane Legate is after is your wife. And frankly you should have gone to the hearing first before settling anything with that ambulance chaser Mark.

  • Annie,

    Why don’t you, T and Flying Monkey Warrior move in to gether. You all have so much in common. Cats, GED, hate men, 40is, bastard children, angry beyoches.

    GET A F****** LIFE!!!

  • Lucy and Ricky agree with us: you thrive on chaos.

  • 67. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:36 pm

    Hey Casey:

    What kind of meeting did you have and with what associate?

    I thought you were going to be looking for a W-2 job?

    It sounds like your still doing shady things. Why not tell Duane what you were doing. Who were you meeting with? Why were you meeting with him/her?

    Come on Casey - it was noon on a Saturday - no “meeting with an associate” was worth losing $20,000.

    ASW word: lawsuit - how appropriate!

  • My two cents:

    1) LMP is crazy. I don’t know what his problem is, but he’s far more invested in this than he should be. Talk about throwing temper tantrums.

    2) Duane: I think his heart is in the right place. But, it’s time to get out of this mess now.

    3) Casey: Hopeless. You have the ‘Midas’ touch, so to speak.

  • 69. Semi-vegan Koi
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:39 pm

    Take a shot of massive focused wheatgrass and relax. It’s all good. Sit back and think about your options. Good things are coming!

  • Casey,

    You are now hosed dude. Mark has legal rights to your book and IAFF and worse, he is pissed.

    Not only did you blasted his name on the Internet, but now, you made a joke of him and he is FUEMING.


  • another thing guys i am gonna say it again casey does not have the authority to transfer his blog or book rights due to a prior contractual agreement with marty. its that simple compounded on that fact he has a wife. another thing the only way he can transfer anything is by having an attorney present and marty. i dont think he understands the contract between him and marty thus the settlement agreement with collection pawn is void and unenforceable.

    casey and marty and their attorneys need to be on the next talkcast explaining this.

    put restraining orders on collection pawn and real estate foreclosure con man

  • I wonder LMP, how a CA court would look at a contract signed under duress. Is it true in CA like elsewhere that such contracts are voidable? Think about it — your physical threats and goofy roots lawsuit. That may add up to duress.

  • I told you your decision was impulsive.

    So have you called pink_lips yet?

  • 74. Ignore the HATERS!
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:44 pm

    58. LossMitPro:

    At this point neither you nor Duane has much credibility left. Either you win a judgment against Case in court or you don’t. Nobody cares what you or Duane (whose recent ramblings on today’s radio cast are both uninformative and worse… boring) really has to say.

    So… either get your a** in court and win or shut the fuxk up!!

  • Casey,

    You are a genius! Now that the legal status of your blog (Duane and M****), your Book (LossMitPro and M****), and the “Casey” Personality (PrLinkBiz) can all be contested, you can sit back while they all do battle to the death with each other!

    This is right out of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, “Take out your enemies with a borrowed knife”!

    ASW: Cashflow

  • Casey, remember possession is 9/10ths of the law. If you can keep IAFF running, you will reap the benefits. Don’t make another mistake, or listen to baseless threats. Your financial future is at stake.

  • (In response to a new EX PART THREAT I sent the following to the two characters)

    WHAT KINDA OF CRAP IS THIS??????????????????????

    1) I was told there is going to be an email for me to approve
    2) I had to leave for a meeting and I didn’t see any email yet, so I go anyway
    3) I come back and I see Duane is pulling out and sending me a bunch of threatening emails, i see Mark sending me a bunch of threating emails too
    4) I got PISSED, so I went on the podcast to yell at Duane and hung up because i’m pissed
    5) I send an email to both Duane and Mark saying i’m pissed and need time to calm down
    6) Mark continues to THREATEN ME and now sends me this STUPID EX PARTY CRAP!!! Especially when I was ASKING FOR SOME TIME TO COOL OFF!!!!!!!

    I had NO INTENTIONS OF BACKING OUT!!!! But it was already a stressful situation. When both you guys threatened me I seriously felled like i’m being bullied since I told Mark I will be OUT FOR A FEW HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What kind of crap is this??????????????????????

  • wake the hell up kid. Don’t you think it’s about time?

  • >I had NO INTENTIONS OF BACKING OUT!!!! But it was already a stressful situation. When both you guys threatened me I seriously felled like i’m being bullied since I told Mark I will be OUT FOR A FEW HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Casey if you hadn’t hung up you would have heard why all that happened as it did. Both Mark and Duane think “old Casey” is back and are acting accordingly. Duane even said if it was a big misunderstanding so be it, that everything would be worked out.

    Duane thought you had started the transfer and that it was DONE, no waiting for anything.

    It just snowballed from there.

  • “I will not say more, will go and cool down before I say something stupid”

    There’s a first time for everything.

  • What kind of crap is this??????????????????????

    Who cares? Just cut them out of your life. Completely. Don’t talk to them, don’t make up with them, don’t email them, don’t respond to them, don’t contact them.

    They’re just in this for their fifteen minutes of fame, and if they can bully or trick you out of some cash, that’s icing on the cake.

    They are a negative influence on your life. Just leave them behind.

  • If you knew you had to leave, why’d you wait so long to do the transfer? And wouldn’t you check to make sure it had gone through?

  • 84. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:53 pm


    What kind of meeting was so important to stop the transfer?

    Why did you not e-mail or call Duane and let him know that you had a meeting?

    My understanding is that it was very clear, you were to execute the transfer by a specific time. You were walked through the process.

    Did you execute the transfer?

    I can’t believe any meeting was worth more that the transfer of IAFF that results in a $20,000 sale.

    Tell us what was so important.

  • 85. lawnmower man
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:54 pm

    Casey, handling the sale to Duane should have been your top priority today. Why wasn’t it?

  • There is no crap in this situation. In grown-up land words have meaning. Don’t try to turn this around. It’s always someone else’s fault in Caseyland. A deadline is a deadline, and you had several days to get it going.

  • 87. Dread Pirate
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:55 pm


    Learn how to meet conditions people give you then jackass. For example, when G***** says she wants X, DO X.

    “What kind of crap is this??????????????????????”

    YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS. This is you WANTED. You want to play the victim and cast those you screw as the villains. Give me a break.

  • I just hope, if these people are really NOT trying to screw me they will let me cool down and get back into this deal… but when people are THREATENING ME OUT THERE… it just aint right… i’m already edgy about this whole thing.

  • 89. unbelievable (the original)
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    Casey - go sit in a bath tub full of ice cubes, that will cool you down. Oh wait, you don’t have a bathtub - silly me!

    Why didn’t you tell Duane that you would be delayed by a meeting?

  • Mark and Duane are both bullies. Sell the blog to the highest bidder, take the money, and persue your dreams. You can do it casey, i believe in you! You can be a great real estate success if you had one more chance..and the chance is to sell the blog for as much as possible. Do it casey!

  • Someone (I am not in the USA), please contact a lawyer, ask him/her to open a bank account where supporterz can donate money to pay for an attorney so Casey can get legal help to kick the asses of those two guys once and for all.

  • 92. JohnDiddler
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:56 pm

    carrot and a stick. deliver: fine. fail: stick. if you’re telling the truth, then the transfer will go through. if you’re playing games, then you’ll hem and haw but avoid the xfer. pretty basic.

  • Casey,

    Mark is bulling you. If he wanted to help you, he would not be pushing you into this. He is also making money out of the deal. Mark is trying to screw you.

    You need to talk to a lawyer. Mark does not know the law, he is bluffing you. If you had a lawyer representing you Mark would run away.

  • 94. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:57 pm

    58. LossMitPro
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
    Please take notice that any transfer of the domain
    name, is subject reversal under California law. Under stipulated settlement
    pursuant to California law, Casey Serin DOES NOT have sale rights. Therefore
    should money exchange between you and Casey Serin for a sale of said domain,
    such a sale is subject to reversal by court order.

  • They’re likely trying to get you to realize that when you make a commitment, you have to follow through with that commitment or face the consequences.

    How many times in the past 10 months have you actually accepted and dealt with consequences, Casey? You probably don’t know because you haven’t. It’s long overdue.

  • 96. SlashdotterX
    July 14th, 2007 at 6:59 pm


    Here’s what kind of crap it is:
    1) You were given a deadline.
    2) One final last chance.
    3) You blew it.
    4) Those who gave you the last chance are angry that you’ve burned them again.
    5) You shouldn’t send e-mails when you’re pissed.
    6) It’s “ex parte,” not “ex party.”
    7) Judge Chang will not be happy to see you in her courtroom again.
    8) She will probably press the “ejector seat” button and dump you into the pit of FBI wolves below the courtroom.

  • I think you need to sit down for a minute. You agreed to a settlement, you agreed to the transfer… effectively in front of a Judge.

    YOU DON’T F*** WITH JUDGES!! Get it?

    If not.. you’ll find out why next week.

  • FFS, Casey COMMIT!
    Or if you’re going to be flighty, don’t do it in your classic style. This “ignore-mode” BS isn’t cutting it.

  • You should be relieved.

    If anyone calls saying that they are FBI the first thing you should do is ask for a badge number and a call back number. Verify that you are dealing with an agent and if not, have the idiot face charges for impersonating an officer.

    My guess is that the agent that called was a prank to add to your court drama. Got you all shook up after court and in a panic you coughed up the story rights without LMP paying a dime. Interesting.

    Duane’s offer of $20K and 50% of the gross was nuts. Anyone that can afford to offer 50% is ripping their customers off or overpromising.

    There are a ton of folks in the RE biz that would scoop up the url quickly and easily.

    Why limit your scope of options to a small group of people that have invested so much of their time screwing with you?

    Good luck.

  • I always sleep on a decision before signing anything, and it’s good advice, especially since looks like you are having second thoughts about this alleged deal. I believe that under California consumer laws, you can cancel a contract within a certain time period. You need to talk to a lawyer about this, and don’t be bluffed by threats. There must be really big bucks involved here, or they wouldn’t be so anxious.

  • All I’m asking is for a little bit of time to get into my senses as I’m known for doing impulsive things but these characters won’t give me sometime to cool down… still trying to do the right thing.

    But some people are throwing around THE LEGAL STICK for dealing with personal issues… i just can’t stand it.

    I was giving these guys the benefit of the doubt and I really think they have some good intentions, i just always HATED their tactics, plastering my personal emails all over, throwing around frivolous lawsuits…

    BUT HEY, i’m willing to forgive all that ‘cuz I know the their intentions are good… BUT GIVE ME SOME FREAKIN SPACE AND LET ME CALM DOWN… pressure is making it worse!!!

  • 102. unbelievable (the original)
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:01 pm

    @ Casey# 59

    “I just hope, if these people are really NOT trying to screw me they will let me cool down and get back into this deal… but when people are THREATENING ME OUT THERE… it just aint right… i’m already edgy about this whole thing.”

    Just admit that you screwed up the deadline and maybe LossMit and Duane will do business with you again. Wasn’t the “deal” done and you just failed to follow through? So typical, kind of like that Cash Call fiasco in March, isn’t it? Pay attention to the details. If you’re going to be late for a business appointment, you need to let everyone know.

  • 103. nigel's guest blogger
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    Chill out Casey, they just don’t understand the stress of honoring the terms of a contract.

  • 104. Spiderman™
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    Oh what a tangled web we weave
    When first we practice to deceive…

    Hey KC, thanks for bringing all the lowlifes, con artists, and greedmeisters out of the woodwork so we can see how Americanz act!

  • 105. Nadia Belemi
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    You were one left click away from initiating the domain transfer when you dropped out of communication (from Duane’s point of view). You say you emailed Mark to tell him you were taking some time to cool off. Duane had no way of knowing that. You missed the deadline, whether it was for noon EDT or PDT. You don’t see how to a real businessman, it seemed like you were breaking your agreement with Duane?

  • Casey, YOU were the one that made the deal. If you needed time, you should have said so. But then again, that’s not like you.

    Also, it’s very immature to blame others for your screw ups and incompetencies. Man up and own your actions. Stop whining. It’s annoying.

  • You won’t get much space in prison. Maybe a 6X8 cell if you’re lucky HAHA

  • Casey, this deal is very bad. I can’t believe that by now, instead of regretting it and trying to break it if you can, you are the one who wants to get back into it. One day, possibly as soon as you cool off, you will be glad that this opportunity was offered to you. Don’t you see that you have actually been led to want something that is bad for you and deep inside do not want? By all means, seize any opportunity to keep the blog and publish the book!

  • Notes to self :
    1. Next time I sue myself make sure I send myself to the correct courthouse address .
    2. Don’t let anyone make me out a fool .
    3. Oops , I said “fool” .
    4. I have to amend the suit to include #3 , nobody says “fool” to me . Especially me .

  • Why cool down? Just keep on blogging and monetize this thing.

  • 111. Mia Smiles
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:07 pm

    Casey, their intentions are *NOT* good. How many people have to tell you that before you wake up?

  • if these people are really NOT trying to screw me they will let me cool down and get back into this deal

    I agree that you should cool down.

    I disagree that you should cool down and get back into this deal.

    These people are, and have been, using you. Just walk away and leave them permanently in the past.

  • 113. nigel's guest blogger
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:07 pm

    Don’t worry Casey, i’m pretty sure California has a 180 day “cooling off” grace period.

  • you called for the pressure by caving on the first lawsuit, now it’s their ‘make KC make a decision now’ button…

  • @ Casey comment #3:
    What pressure?

  • 116. Jamba Monkee
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:10 pm

    Damn, Casey! One of your truly admirable qualities is your ability to handle stress and maintain your composure, whatever the situation. Now you seem to have lost even that! Let me guess, the three characters are Duane, Mark, and Marty. I guess that Marty wants something from the sale of the domain too? Take a deep breath and talk to these guys. You have got to get this deal done. Remember, it will benefit the person that I’m not supposed to mention. One more thing, you have got to meet your deadlines or you will not survive a W-2 gig for long.

  • 117. Think about it casey
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:11 pm


    These guys Casey……These are the same people that get in a car accident with a millionaire and sue them for millions….

    typical ambulance chasers.

  • casey do not contact collection pawn or real estate assistance con man for anything. bring your lawyer, marty, to next court date. do not let anyone use extortion against you before you know it they will want u to shine their shoes or worst maybe have u arrange something for u or your family. they are bad con man trailer park trash wanna be hustlers. u need to stay away from them do not sign anything with them u do not own anything if they keep contacting your family tell your family to stay away from them they are con artists and hustlers if your family does not listen fine so be it. get a good attorney. use your revenue from your blog to pay for it monthly like 1000.00 or so a month have your supporterz create a legal fund draft a note on pdf fax and sign pay them back with revenue from blog easy.

    i am concerned about your safety and their true intentions put a restraining order on them now

  • set up a talk cast and we can all talk Casey, do NOT let Mark duane Nigel any of them on. We will not talk about them, you need some support.

  • This site is all fake. Casey sold it when it closed weeks back. Don’t believe any of this drama its all designed to get you back to read the next installment.

    Casey, why don’t you send us some pics of you and the misses in Australia TOGETHER? We know the truth.

  • Casey, if you want the deal, transfer the domain and Duane will honor it. Do it now before he backs out.

  • Grow a set

  • File a restraining order against both of them for harassment. If this is such a SWEET deal why the pressure tactics? Something isnt right, you are dealing with some psychos here. Do not respond to them at all right now Casey.

  • Casey,

    When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Give ‘em hell man.

    One Man. One Year. $100,000 online.

  • How ’bout just getting a lawyer to look into it for you. Otherwise it’s like trying to operate on yourself dude.

  • 126. James.Marks
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:33 pm


    I’m absolutely… words elude me. Dude, you are the biggest criminal I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Not only are you a scam artist, but you are also an irresponsible idiot.

    You deserve all the crap you can get. You deserve losing G***** . You deserve jail.

  • Hey Casey, if this site is really making $3k per month it is worth much more than $20k.

    Lets say we were to assume you could profit a consistent $2k per month from this site. If we were to give it a conservative valuation like it were a public company it would have a p/e value of at least 18.

    That means if your site can make $2k of profit a month it would be worth a minimum of $36k. If we were to give it the valuation of other web sites Google, Yahoo or Amazon we would be talking about valuation over $100k.

    Casey, these three snakes are not your friends, and they only have their interests in mind.

    I know what it is like to be young, trusting and idealistic. The world does not work that way. Even if you only had 5 dollars in the bank, you will always have hucksters around you with their hand out. They want your 5 dollars and any additional dollars you could make in the future.

    Casey, I bet if we went back in time and looked at everyone of your deals we could find thousands of dollars going to these scumbags.

    Its time to wake up, and start kicking these Don Lapres to the curb. Without you, they have nothing.

  • This is an unbelievable story!!!!!!!!

  • 129. SlashdotterX
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:43 pm


    The ad revenue for the next couple years under the agreement was to go to Casey’s wife’s debt, not to these “scumbags” who are offering him money for his domain.

  • 130. Alexander Manuel
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    Casey, if you had a close friend you could trust that happened to be a lawyer, wouldn’t you be working with them to sort through this mess?

    I am certain that there might be a couple supporters in this site who happen to be attorneys and may be willing to lend you a hand (publicly or privately- their choice). I think you should make a public request for their services and get some legal muscle of your own so that you do not feel cornered into making impulsive decisions. I got around to hearing the last podcast and simply can not believe this drama. Either you and all of the characters in this story are the most brilliant marketing publicity gurus on the planet, or we are witnessing an unprecedented series of unfortunate events equivalent to a slow-motion train wreck where the audience can interact.

    Seriously though, in spite of your high level of intelligence, you are juggling too many balls right now and even your 131 I.Q. isn’t going to cut it. Marital problems, FBI investigation, fire-sale with your assets, along with a cadre of conmen and haterz nipping at your heels would simply be too much for anyone.

    By the way, I suspect the FBI investigation phone call was a hoax. One of your more clever haterz may know how to spoof telephone caller ID’s and probably inserted the FBI phone number prior to making the call. This is VERY easy to do and there are services now like that have made it even easier. I tried calling your cell phone the other day to demonstrate how easy this is but apparently you’ve changed your number. In any event, the FBI calling you as a courtesy simply does not make sense. Someone must have had an interest in making you believe this was true for their own personal motives.

    Difficult as it might be, take some time to “cool off” and clear your mind of fear. Begin with your marriage and keep your wife away from the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” you’ve met through this forum. It needs to be you and your wife against the world- period.


    p.s. Change her phone number too while you’re at it.

  • Maybe you should learn to meditate. It might help to clear your head and it’ll certainly help to dampen your ego.

  • 132. The Haters need to get a life...
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:44 pm

    The Haters sounded pathetic on their call. All of these nitwits have way too much time out there. What the heck is it with taking away time from your family and LIFE to organize these calls and talk about CASEY? Get REAL people….there is a REAL world out there. If you want to get Casey arrested or whatever, that is one thing, but extorting money and playing this game is dumb.

    Casey you rock on as long as you can. Don’t you dare make any deals with these Haters.

  • 133. dirtysanchez
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:48 pm


    Of course they don’t want to give you time to “cool down”. They don’t want you to think about this or talk to anyone because they know they are taking advantage of you. If you stopped, thought about it and talked to a lawyer they know that you probably wouldn’t go for it. So the ball is in your court buddy. The “deal” you agreed to with them was obviously under duress and through coercion.

    Don’t be bullied. If it is a real deal, they will wait for you.

  • Casey,

    Is it true that it was YOUR idea to give away IAFF and the book rights to Mark, as opposed to Mark demanding you give that to him? If so, what were you thinking? Mark doesn’t have your best interests in mind. You think your true friends are ever going to take you to court?

  • In business you have to keep one thing in mind. When you go into a business transaction with someone you should always go into it with the understanding that they are trying to screw you because more than likely they are. If by some chance they don’t screw you then you can be pleasantly surprised.

  • 136. bluegrasscat
    July 14th, 2007 at 7:53 pm

    the only snake involved in this matter is named Casey Serin. Grow up, Casey, anything that goes wrong is YOUR FAULT.

  • A previous poster said your domain and website is worth more than $20k, but the only reason this website attracts traffic is because so many people like to read your posts and comment on them. Under new ownership, this website is likely to have a limited life. What kind of content would keep current readers coming back, if Casey’s out of the picture?

  • You get a lawsuit filed against you. You publish the name and contents of it. plaint-tard is pissed that you publish is name and info. Plaint-tard made it part of the public record by filing ANYTHING in court. Plaint-tard has no cause of action, which is why plaint-tard settles prior to hearing. PLAINT-TARD is a big dumb no-nothing poser using you…or U ARE the -tard.

  • 139. JohnDiddler
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    just imagine making an income from the internet while also holding a job. like, well, like me. oh wait i’m a w2 looser!

  • 140. sactown agent
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:04 pm

    so take your time and calm down casey. don’t spend any time to read anything online. when you’ve finally calmed down, pick the phone and call duane. see if he’d like to consumate the deal at your previously agreed upon terms. if the answer is yes, turn your computer on then and transfer the keys to him. take a moment and say thank you. and then move on. don’t go back to see what your haterz think or feel. it’s all irrelavent to you at that point.

    good luck casey. we all know you have the strength to do the right thing so you can move on with your life.

  • 141. WeWantTheFunk
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:05 pm

    @60. Casey Serin
    “But some people are throwing around THE LEGAL STICK for dealing with personal issues… i just can’t stand it.”

    You said repeatedly it was a business meeting. Now it was for “personal issues.” Which was it? Pick only one.

  • Casey, had a bad feeling that these 3 guys were taking advantage of you with maybe the exception of your book deal guy. I just wish you could have held out a little bit longer. It seemed you were close to turning it around and using your amazing nobody to internet celeberty to make back the money you needed to pull off the turn around. I think you will look back and see the biggest problem you have is not beleiving in yourself and staying focused. You were so close despite the many mistakes. Turning over your writes to Mark and selling the Domain to Duane looks like the end of the line for this story. Man, you have done an amazing job of generating a great American Story. I would get G to wake up and realize that she still has a huge opportunity to tell her side of the story. I would buy that book. Get her on board and get her book done and get her on the big talk shows. Maybe even Oprah. Good luck Casey. In the future get good legal advice and then make your sweet deals.

  • I am not sure what has gone wrong, however it seems time to have a good look @ everything. I am not supprised this is doing your head in, cause now it’s starting to do mine in as well. Casey just make sure you get the best deal you can or it will have to be no deal @ all.

    Side Note can someone please fill me in on what W2 job stands for ????????

  • Man, this is addictive.

    It’s all about Casey and not the domain. The domain could be anything with the masses following Casey wherever he goes. The guys trying to pry the domain from his death grip don’t get this fact. If they did take it over, people would lose interest.

    I’m not privy to all the details but I hope the C-man retains control of it. Otherwise it’s dead.

  • What people need to realize is that my goals are sincere:

    1) shut down the blog and get the best deal (Duane even blessed me getting a better offer if I can!)

    2) pay down or pay off my wife’s credit cards

    3) also have money for defense attorney

    But when i’m being pressured or not treated right it just doesn’t feel like the 2 characters understand that what they’re doing is the OPPOSITE of helping me!!

    Using legal threats doesn’t make it any better. Also pulling out on me today when I simply walked away from the computer is not right either. Especially since I told one of them that I will be away:

    I’ll be gone for a few hours on an appointment but will be back late afternoon to check my email and can get on the phone then.

    The threats came in while I was gone. I don’t have a cell phone anymore, by the way, so I can’t answer to calls.

    Before I left for my appointment, I was expecting a confirmation email of the transfer which I needed to approve, based on my conversation with Duane’s tech guy. I didn’t get the email so I figured I’ll check it after I come back from my meeting. The meeting went for a few hours. I come home right away and check my computer.

    What do I see??

    I see a bunch of emails (like 5 emails of the same thing) with “you better finish the transfer NOW or I’m backing out” that just really rubbed me the wrong way. Also the other character is threatening legal action again, when I TOLD HIM THIS IS UNCALLED FOR when we met in person. Throwing around legal threats is NOT THE WAY to keep things calm and low key. I am not being unresonable.

    Seriously, i’m not backing out, but now I feel BULLIED. Very bullied.

    I’m stilling willing to work with these characters but I was simply asking a little time to cool off in light of all this crap. I don’t want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing.

    Yeah they say now, WELL WHY DON’T YOU JUST TRANSFER THIS TONIGHT and then it’s all good. Well its NOT ALL GOOD right now.

    Anybody who is reasonable will not be using this kind of tactics. I’m just asking for reasonable treatment.

    Also, this is Saturday night for crying out loud!! What is so wrong with letting me sleep on it or waiting till the next BUSINESS day?

    Duane says he is under a timeline (for getting new content up before IAFF goes down on Aug 3rd)…. but the thing is, he KNOWS how tough this whole process has been for me and I’m asking for a little bit of patience. Today has been really weird, finding all those emails in my inbox and the other guys legal threats.

    I told Duane I can work out a way for the blog to stay on another week if needed for his timeline to still be met.

    Then when I heard the podcast that HE called for… the question is…

    WHY GO ON THE PODCAST AND TALK CRAP ABOUT ME??? If we were DONE with internet talk about each other…


  • 146. LostMittens
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:17 pm

    Casey, it’s already rather well documented that you’re impulsive and will sign anything. Both Duane and LMP are very aware of that. They don’t want to give you time to think things through.

    Only a few weeks ago, Duane and the rest of the haterz were talking about how evil Marty was for causing your marriage to break up. Next thing you know, Duane is posting emails from your wife on the haterz blog and getting people to encourage her to leave you.

    That’s pretty hypocritical if you stop and think about it.

    A whofailedtoday/campidiot troll claims that he was the person that called you and claimed to be an FBI agent. I’m not convinced that it wasn’t someone else who stands a bit more to gain than some LOLZ at your expense.

    You know, Casey, at least when the NLL bought you a hamburger from In-N-Out when they tried to steal your story. They didn’t try to get an additional 1500 dollars out of you to cover “costs”.

    A lot of the haterz are starting to see that perhaps these people that they’ve cheering on aren’t exactly as pure as they claim to be. Perhaps it’s time that you see it too.

    I know you’re not going to do what you need to do, but you really should STFU, delete the last few posts and all the comments associated with them, and go speak to an attorney while you still can.

  • 147. SlashdotterX
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:24 pm

    “…pay down or pay off my wife’s credit cards…”

    No. You kept asking LMP if you could receive the money directly rather than having the money go to escrow for her creditors. If there was or is a way for you to get your hands on that money, that’s what you planned to do.

  • 148. Just Rubbernecking
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:24 pm

    3 characters? You’ve got that right, finally. It’s more like 3 Bozo’s.
    It’s n secret that they ulterior motives.
    And they have tactics to reach the motive.

  • casey calm down and have a wheatgrass shot

  • It looks like Casey is outdoing me.

  • The last podcast seemed to end on a happy note, but not surprisingly it looks like there are problems. I don’t think this is ever going to stop until you close the blog and move on. Even though it is making you money you are going to be spending 10 hours a day dealing with your critics.

    Hope the job hunt is going well.

    18 days to go.

  • 152. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:29 pm


    Take a deep breath

    You could put an end to this very easily……

    Show us the you got the confirmation e-mail you were waiting for that indicates you had done everything in your power prior to 12 noon PDT to execute the transaction.

  • Here is an email I just sent to the two characters… again just trying to be reasonable:

    Duane, I saw YOU called for the podcast today. Even if you didn’t, you still went on in light of our agreement.

    I though we both called for internet truce???

    Dude this whole thing is getting weird.

    I still want to see this to completion but Mark is now throwing Ex Parte crap around and you’re being unresonable. ITS SATURAY NIGHT!!!!!

    Look, even if this was a misunderstanding, WHY GO ONLINE and talk trash??? And why not be reasonable when I ask to calm down and sleep on it.

    What’ is going to happen this weekend that I must transfer the domain tonight?

    I told you I can give you more time for ramp-up if really needed.

    I WAS NOT shopping your domain, I was away on a meeting!!!!!!! I don’t get why you don’t believe me!!

    I’m really upset over all this

  • “Yeah they say now, WELL WHY DON’T YOU JUST TRANSFER THIS TONIGHT and then it’s all good. Well its NOT ALL GOOD right now.”

    From an outsider’s standpoint it looks like you’re just stalling, trying to make them look like the bad guys. If you wanted to sell to Duane then why not just do it. What are you waiting for?

  • Not that you’ll post this.

    And not that you’ll ANSWER it.

    What was your other appointment about today?

  • 156. SlashdotterX
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    “What’ is going to happen this weekend that I must transfer the domain tonight?”

    What’s going on is that you AGREED to do the deal at a certain time, and then failed to do it. Does that not mean anything to you?

  • Why not just say that you have Sellers Remorse and that you don’t want to sell.

    You pretty much stuck your finger way deep in LossMitPro’s a**s and you wiggled it a lot.

  • 158. Mr. Flipper
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:39 pm

    These guys are not just trying to screw you. It’s way worse than that.

    Casey, you’re plowing new ground every week, and you’re selling yourself short because you don’t know any better. These three people are con artists like none I’ve seen recently.

    I listened to the entire clip today where you called in and finally hung up (which I would have done also). They had a big laugh and made bets on what you would do next. Completely “little league”, unprofessional bottom feeders they demonstrated themselves to be.

    The “ma*k” thing is so much hot air. You are the asset, not the blog.

    Isn’t it interesting that these knuckleheads seem to think they’re losing so much money here, that they would take you to court, but only offer you 20k for your blog up front? Or a future value of 50k with residuals? Come on. If it’s worth fighting like this, jack up the price to say 180k and insult their inability to pay the real professional dough.

    The domain “I am facing foreclosure” was a genius play. Don’t give that away for $20k. After taxes it’s only 10k.

    You have the most notorious foreclosure story/blog of any 24-year old on the internet! That’s worth more than 20k before taxes.

    And what’s with this effort to give the money to your wife to pay off credit cards? That’s not spending money. That’s investment money! You haven’t made any money yet to start paying off squat. This is principal, not profit!

    It takes money to make money, and the last thing you want to do is do the same thing you did last time —- dump it down the drain and try to keep the kite flying.

    So what that CashCallk doesn’t get paid for a while? They’re worse than the Villiansenore and his ilk. Screw them for a while. It can’t get worse, because at this point you’ve got nothing to give up except your pride, and that went out the window back in Sept!

    Your wife and her credit will just have to suffer for the time being. Put the blog up for bid with a licensed internet auction house if you want. When your reserve of $180k is met, sell. If not, crank that baby up a notch and make it worth 180k!

    BTW, Ebay comes to mind as a licensed internet auctioneer. Then put the cash money into the corp. and not your personal accounts. Operate the corp as usual, and separate that from anything a judgment could attach. Then as you make more and more money, you can pay off CashCall, or settle for a discount (without telling the world what you’re doing). Business won’t cooperate with you when they believe you’ll make any bargain they make with you a public spectacle. They have stockholders to protect. This is one reason you couldn’t negotiate a practical short sale. The whole transaction exposed the lender. Exposing transaction details is what gets you into trouble. Stop doing this.

    Anyway, I’m rooting for you, and will wait for more news with my fingers, toes, legs and eyes all crossed —- for you!

  • He doesn’t believe you because you have lied over and over again. Why would anyone believe a word you say?

  • 160. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:41 pm


    These are your words:

    “Before I left for my appointment, I was expecting a confirmation email of the transfer which I needed to approve, based on my conversation with Duane’s tech guy.”

    “What’ is going to happen this weekend that I must transfer the domain tonight?”

    Which is it? Did you execute the transfer earlier or not? It appears you are indicating two things - that you took the necessary steps to execute the transfer….. and there is a confirmation e-mail that is evidence of that action. Or, that you did not take those steps and at this time don’t want to take those steps.

    And your final comment: “I don’t get why you don’t believe me!!”

    Ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf? It is only your actions, not your words, that can be believed.

  • Casey,

    Do you realize that you just enabled LossMitPro to go after you and TAKE your IAFF without having to pay you.

    You basically just gave IAFF away for FREE.

    The greater Fool!


  • 162. Snakes on a Blog
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:48 pm


    With the Tsunami of foreclosures on the horizon surely this blog/site/domain of yours easily is worth six figures. As in $100,000 minimum.

    Don’t let some snakes flip this blog.

  • 163. HungryBear
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:50 pm

    Just wash your hands of those guys. Don’t even talk to them anymore. Get a real attorney to fight and dismiss Mark’s suit.

    Keep the blog as it is your only source of income right now, and get the book published as well. You have already invested time and money in the book, may as well see if it makes any money. If it bombs, nothing lost.

  • Duane is most obviously the type of slime that someone like you should steer clear of. How you thought that he would be honest about anything, especially regarding
    business transactions (based on his history), is shocking.

    Anyone can hear his numerous emotional issues by listening to any of the podcasts that he has been a part of. After hearing the level of anger in his voice and his illogical emotional behavior, I am concerned for not only for the safety of you and your wife, but also the safety of his wife and children!

    Mr. AngerGate clearly has some issues. I think you should try to avoid him at all costs!

    Good luck Casey, I wish you the best!

  • Casey, post the “contract” made by up by those two clowns.

    Are dwane and mark this stupid as a result of a lack of education or is genetic inbreeding to blame?

    asw: itsallgood

  • Internet truce?

    How old are you? Eight?

  • #
    81. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 8:29 pm [EDIT]


    Take a deep breath

    You could put an end to this very easily……

    Show us the you got the confirmation e-mail you were waiting for that indicates you had done everything in your power prior to 12 noon PDT to execute the transaction.

    First, the deadline was prior to noon EST. Which is 9am my time. (PST)

    I sent an email to BOTH Mark and Duane LAST NIGHT saying i’m ready to move forward and i’m gonna reject all other offers.

    The deadline called for me to LET THEM KNOW, not to have the transfer completed. Anybody who know domain transfers knows it takes a few business days to complete.

    So I met my deadline LAST NIGHT.

    IN the morning we talked about all the logistics and Duane had his guy call me.

    Duane’s tech guy said he will initial the transfer and I will get an email to confirm the transfer.

    The time was coming up for me to leave for my lunch appointment with an associate.

    Since I had to get going and there was no email yet, I had to leave.

    When I come back later in the afternoon I find all this crap.

    Again, Mark had NOTICE of me leaving to the appointment I told him I was going to be back later in the afternoon..

    Look, maybe I should have told Duane I was going to be gone for a few hours, but I figured since I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go.

    I can see from his side that he thought I was backing out again.

    That’s fine..

    But why not just instead of ASSUMING give me a little longer to get back to him in the afternoon.

    Also WHY


    Did he IMMEDIATLY go on a podcast and start spreading crap about me how i’m backing out WITHOUT first checking the facts?

    All after we had an INTERNET TRUCE agreement on the phone.

    Ask him he will tell you its true.

  • Casey, stop acting like a child and just complete the f’ing transfer. For once in your life, act like an adult businessman and follow through on something that you agree to.

  • 169. lawnmower man
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:05 pm

    Casey, reread this post.

    That was good advice then and it’s still good advice now.

  • I really want to work with these guys but right now I’m feeling BULLIED and I just want fair treatment.

    Dude, you will get eaten alive in prison.

  • Casey,

    You’re blowing things way out of proportion. When you are sitting in jail for multiple counts of fraud, none of this is going to matter.

    In fact, I bet you in a few years (perhaps while Bubba is having his way with you) you will look back on all of this and laugh. Or cry. I’m not really sure, since I heard prison rape can be painful.

  • “The deadline called for me to LET THEM KNOW, not to have the transfer completed. Anybody who know domain transfers knows it takes a few business days to complete.”

    Bullsh*t Casey. Bullsh*t. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete a domain transfer, any time of day or night. I’ve done it many times. If it takes you that long to transfer a domain name, you are an excellent candidate to run a register at Goodwill.

  • Don’t let these guys BULLY you, Casey. If you want to do right by your wife, it’s going to take a LONG time and you know you’re going to get bored of a “regular” job within months and face all this again except with no assets whatsoever. The “characters” are only interested in taking your money, splitting it amongst themselves and your wife and convincing her to stay as far away from you as possible while making sure to treat you like a little kid in the process. If anyone knows a sweet deal, it’s you and you know that’s NOT a sweet deal.

    If they want to back out and threaten you, let them. Transition to and document (with hidden camera) your (likely hilarious) attempts at finding a niche as a regular worker. You can go from bagging groceries to telemarketer to daycare worker to Cashcall payment enforcemer and then finish off as a loan officer dealing out SWEET DEALS for you, the bank and the customer. SWEET!

    Get a couple of wheatgrass shots tomorrow and you’ll have the power to overcome the bullies! I’m serious, man… take control of your life.

  • Hey Casey, got you!

    You were approving IAFF posts during the time you said you were “out”.

    Cute. And all of a sudden, you don’t have a cell phone stuck to you like you always have?

  • 175. Casey's Biggest Fan
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:18 pm

    Why do you cowardly back down to Duane/Mark? I can’t believe you have no spine and are giving them the site and now are going into full apologize mode. Shameful.

  • does the internet truce mean no Zerg rushes and no shooting the tiberium harvesters?

  • I thought LMP’s lawsuit against you was weak. But it got you to sign an explicit contract.

    But now if you try to slither out of your agreement with LMP he has a much, MUCH stronger case to file a breach of contract suit.

  • If they will break an agreement and trash-talk you, what will they do in coming months to the rest of this agreement? Take Sunday off as you usually do, and take a long walk and think it all over. You need an attorney. This ex parte stuff smells bad to me, since ex parte cases are usually used in cases when the other party is absent. You are obviously not absent, but are in Calfornia. But since I don’t understand why the court would even consider this case _ and obviously you don’t either _ you need to talk to an attorney about your options here. If they want the deal, why the ungodly haste? They can wait a while ple of weeks to see it carried through. They are just using common pressure tactics, and you are right: it’s not fair.

  • 179. Bloggy McManpurse
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:24 pm

    Casey, I reiterate my offer of assisting with getting you some professional mental counseling. I genuinely think you need some help.
    You can also contact your county health dept. and they can refer to free or income based services.
    This situation has progressed from sad to hideous. For a moment, stop trying to assign blame. This will keep happening to you until you recieve some help.
    Are your eyes doing better?

  • Casey…

    Just remember that it is a FEDERAL FELONY to impersonate an FBI agent.

    Look it up on the InterWebs. It’s troof.

    Just sayin’.

  • 181. Relentless
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:26 pm

    Casey the whole point is, once again you fail to consider the consequences of your actions

    1. you agree to sell the domain to duane
    2. you waffle, see other offers try to buy time, Duane lets you try.
    3. Duane give you a deadline (based on other peoples scheduled projects), you agree
    4. you miss the deadline, fail to communicate that you arent going to meet it.
    5. Duane tries for hours to get in touch with you, not knowing where you are and in fact finding out third hand you are having a “business meeting” assumes the worst, tells Mark
    6. Mark recalls conversations you had in the past few days about waffling about the financial arrangements (putting legal bills above your wife’s bills) and about leaving town, assumes the worst and begins preperations to stop you legally.
    7. After re-establishing communications you STILL fail to go through with the transfer, and can’t understand why it STILL can’t wait.

    Face it, you have no intent to get off the net, look at what you wrote, If Duane NEEDS you to blog longer you think you can?

    Put “new casey” back on the phone, the guy we heard from wednesday is locked up somewhere, the guy who ran off to Australia is back.

  • 182. Bloggy McManpurse
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    Oh TimeLineGuy&trad;, where for art thou?

    (ASW-awesome….so completely NOT awesome)

  • You know that these “characters” are con-men and are working with each other behind your back, right?

  • Casey,

    All this talk about domain transfer rights is making me horny. When are you coming to visit me in my prison cell?

  • Casey,

    Say goodbuy to the $20k. LossMitPro now has judgement grounds to seek damages that will magically equal to “20k” worth of damages and proceed to take IAFF away from you with the contract YOU SIGNED.

    He will force you to comply under the law, you will get $20k and immediatelly, that 20k will be given back to him for “damages” you cuase today.

    Talk about the greater fool!

  • Casey,
    Duane is accountable to others and he can’t wait for your capricious butt to get into gear. In the real world, you snooze you loose [sic], Snowflake.

  • 187. X-Rooting 4U Casey
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:39 pm

    Well, well, well, will the FUN around here ever stop:-0 ???

    Just when I thought that I was going to have to get a real life, Casey does it again. AMAZING!? 18 more days to go with the blog and I bet most folks had gone on vacation after all the celebration last Thursday about selling the blog and the book rights and everybody kissing and making up!!!

    Please hold on while I go grab me some popcorn and settle in for more of this unending saga:-0 Maybe we should start a betting pool as to what direction this will all take next???! I’ll wager that Mrs Casey (G) gets a book offer and goes on Oprah. I see Casey doing some jail time, but getting bailed out by __??__the mysterious new GF;-0

    What would we do without Casey??? Who like me, was a bit saddened by the Happy Ending last week:-( You know, what with summer reruns on tv and all, it was starting to get a wee bit boring.
    As my good friend Judge Judy says, you’ve got to come to court with ‘clean hands’! Doesn’t sound like we have any folks with clean hands here :-0

  • 188. DrifterBee
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:40 pm

    Casey, for a guy who can’t afford a lawyer, you sure are gonna end up in a lot of legal trouble.. The lawyer you listened to might have been your best investment ever..

    I’m just waiting for this sad saga to end.. You’ll be chilling in a van by the Sacramento River in the near future.. (Or a mosquito pit in Natomas, your choice)

  • Casey,
    When you work for yourself, business hours are 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Work hard.


    People who want to be millionaires do not get Saturday night breaks.

  • So, who are pretty much the only two people left in your life at this moment who you can trust, who have a good deal of life-experience and wisdom, and really don’t have “any skin in this game”?

    That’s right: Your parents.

    I hope you’ve been in contact with them and getting some valuable feedback and advice. And if you haven’t been, then I think you should start right now.

    Nobody else. I’m serious. Because they’re the best “sounding board” you’ve got right now.

    Good luck, man. Be strong. You’ll pull through.

  • 191. Liberal_Elite
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:47 pm


    My advice. Sell the domain to the 2 characters and then register a new domain, move this blog to it, tell everyone on the blogs where it is. Poof. Your new domain skyrockets. Another instant winner. Sell that domain, rinse, repeat…


  • Casey,

    Darn this whole earning money thing is stressful ain’t it.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of business.

    If you want to stay in it, you’ll need a harder shell

    And bigger balls.


  • 193. MexicanMike
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:48 pm


    This is Mike from the podcast. That session seemed to good to be true. And apparently it was because the big deal about the blog fell through - one of the most important pieces to get your life in order fell through today.

    I would say get on the phone with Mark and Duane and work this out. You have enough problems dealing with the FBI; people are starting to question if there is involvement with the FBI. Duane says there is. Either way this story is starting to look real bad!

    You have bigger problems to worry about if you have to go back to the judge and tell him your deals have fallen through….in fact he may be pissed that full grown men can’t handle their business.

    That podcast at the Capitol Garage was over the top. Make it stay that way. Keep you what little credibility you have, take the $20K and pay off G***** ’s cards, get a lawyer with the rest. Make it happen, some people still have hope for you. As frustrating this all is, I’m pulling for you - and I’m just a sideliner. That last thing you need to be is in jail.

    Good luck and hope this can all be worked out by tomorrow. I think it can. So get with it.

  • 194. Grow Up Nacho
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    Why doesn’t Tracy take her foul mouth and get a life. She has two failed marriages, more posts than anyone else on CHC because she is desperate to be noticed and has nothing intelligent or witty to offer. Anyone that heard her on the Podcast last week thought she was an imbecile. She is the last person in the world to be giving someone else advice. That woman is the biggest loser of anyone going along with this story.

  • Who is able to do a wire transfer on a Saturday? Was this PayPal? lol I really hope you haven’t completed the transfer until your funds are received, and I mean totally received, NOT in escrow.

    These guys are sharks Casey. They’ll be all over you like a wet suit. Duane has a nasty mouth, and he talks trailer trash. Mark is a lawyer wannabe. Let them come after you if they want. You don’t have any assets for them to claim anyway.

    You’ve been bullied into contracts before, and you know what happened after the face. Sadly, they’re taking total advantage of you. You’ll be applauded if you walk away!

    Why not consider the other higher offer?

  • 196. Annie - the one and only
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:52 pm


    Thank you for answering my question. However, things are still unclear for me.

    You told Duane in your e-mail you wanted to move forward with selling immediately. What did you mean by that if it didn’t mean meeting his terms of 12:00 noon Saturday?

  • 197. See You Here August 4th!
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    Wow, it sure quickly went from 100% of every penny will go to my wife to NOT 100%….suddenly you’re going to take some of the $20k for your own legal defense fund. Not surprising.

    I have never known anyone with such consistent lack of follow through. If we were at a restaurant and you stood up to announce you were going to take a leak, I fully expect you would walk into the kitchen, look in the fridge, and come back, only to make sure you didn’t do what you said you were going to do.

  • 198. WeWantTheFunk
    July 14th, 2007 at 9:56 pm

    “Take Sunday off as you usually do, and take a long walk and think it all over.”

    Casey only takes off days ending in “y”.

  • Sometimes you just have to have a little faith in people. Everyone is gunshy, maybe a step back and then a step forward would be best for everyone.

  • 200. Borat's neighbor
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:00 pm

    Now this saga makes me think that this all is not for real. Look how easily Casey makes the saga continue. How skillfully he drives people crazy. Makes total strangers participate. Did you notice how good Casey at hosting the talk shows: the voice is steady, calm most of the time, easily shuts down those callers that go nuts, etc. I guess, _at least_ he has taken some serious lessons of being a radio show host. However, the way things go, make me suspect that this whole story thing was planned, staged, planned, financed (to buy a bunch of properties, finance trips abroad, etc). And Casey is a professional actor who is playing his role. At least one of key Haterz also an actor, to keep things boiling.

  • 201. Soggy Blueshirt
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:00 pm

    For the love of God Casey PLEASE take up Bloggy McManpurse. (I can’t believe I just wrote that).

  • Im shocked casey still thinks Duane and Mark are his BFF’s

    Duane is a shark of the highest order trying to get your domain for CHEAP as fast as possible.

    All you duane lovers view his site here and tell us would ANYONE honest build such a site???noooo

    Duane wants to point this domain at his ‘we buy houses’ web site, are those guys honest? u tell me.

  • Question:

    During the podcast earlier this week, you indicated you would call Mxxxx (I’ve added the X’s to save you the time, regardless of how idiotic it is).
    That being said, I read on the book website that you have yet to contact him. Why the delay?

  • Casey,

    Do not do anything else with anyone until you consult with a lawyer of your own. If Mark, Duane, Marty, or whoever else are honorable honest men they will not have a problem with you consulting with a lawyer and moving toward wrapping this thing up once and for all. Don’t take this the wrong way, but based on the few pieces of your past I’ve read about in your blog you really shouldn’t be doing any of this on your own. You are getting some very bad advice from a lot of people right now and a lawyer is completely necessary. Good luck Casey.

  • #200. Borat’s neighbor

    You are not the only one who have been thinking like that….
    It is all so completely crazy that it is almost hard to believe. Maybe this is the Internet’s first reality show?

  • It occurs to me, why is this contract with LostMittPuff any different from the other contracts that it would expect to get any expedited approval by a court.
    As far as I can see, you have prior contracts still enforceable with:
    1. Prlinkb* and the other Arizona lady that you have shared with us.
    2. G* involving shutting down if the blog didn’t produce enough revenue, the text of which we also have seen. Looks like this contract was witnessed as well.
    3. The book contract, which we haven’t seen, but which apparently involves keeping the blog running. We do not know how much of an advance, if any, was given for this contract.
    4. The latest contract “enforceable in Calfornia” with the alleged bullies, which we also have not seen.
    Damn, but looks to me as a non-lawyer that these contracts all involve about the same thing involving this blog, and if certain alleged bullies were to take me to court over these issues, I certainly would show the judge these other contracts to show there’s nothing really certain about the most recent deal done, as some parties might suggest.
    Why should contract No. 4 should get priority treatment over contracts #1, #2 and #3? Strikes me, any move to take this issue to the courts will result in a very, very long and complicated court case.
    It could be even more complicated if there are other contracts out there we haven’t been told about.

  • 207. Your Friend
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:16 pm

    transfer the ownership to your company and you declar BK so LossMitPro can not get your $ and you still have your company to do things.

    LossMitPro wants to own you and make you a slave..


  • Casey:

    Have you seen M**** post at

    He says you’ve not contacted him and will post facts regarding your breached contract and that he will be going forward with the publishing of the book.

    Are you going to contact him?

  • Casey,

    If you don’t want to make the deal, have the balls to back out. Don’t go MIA, then blame someone else when the deal goes through.

    When are you going to finally act like a man?

    El Gabo

  • 210. LostMittens
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:24 pm

    @#180. FFC RA!
    “July 14th, 2007 at 9:25 pm
    Just remember that it is a FEDERAL FELONY to impersonate an FBI agent.”


    It’s also a federal felony for people to threaten to kill each other on the boards, but they do it anyway. Besides, if it’s true that a troll called Casey - Casey, please confirm whether it was just a phone call or if there was some other proof - then it would be Casey’s word against the trolls that it happened.

    I think it was a troll, but I’m not sure if it was an F/FC/CIer or if it was a haterz.

  • The talkcast

    Duane:”I told Mark a minute ago, bury this bastard, bury him….kill him…. Mark is gonna put a hurtin on him.”

  • 212. Quick N Easy Millionaire
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    Not honoring contracts again ay? Maybe the FBI will let the dawgs out on CS.

  • 213. LostMittens
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:44 pm

    Casey, again, please confirm whether the FBI agent thing was someone that called you if there was some other proof that it was real.

    For example, did the judge mention it or anything like that?

    I really think you’re getting trolled by someone and that the time is suspect.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Casey, while I may be both a supporter and haterz, if #211 is correct, you need to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and go get a restraining order on these guys. Even if you flaked out on them, clearly, they are harrassing you, and that is against the law. Get the restraining order ASAP.

  • 215. WeWantTheFunk
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    @ 207. Your Friend

    “transfer the ownership to your company and you declar BK so LossMitPro can not get your $ and you still have your company to do things.”

    There are two issues with this:

    1) The sole activity of the corporation is lending Casey money. Period.
    2) BK will not cover debt from fraud.


  • Just transfer the domain, dude. Why can’t you undesrtand why people - especially the ones you have thrown under the bus many times - cannot believe you? No one is trying to believe your words. You lost that privilege, you have no integrity, no word of a man. Once a con-man, always a con-man. Welcome to your reality. You will always be judged on your actions and your actions only. Meeting with an “associate”, whatever. You are beyond words.

  • Casey,

    There is one part of contract law that is simple.

    For a contract to be valid there must be consideration provided by both sides.

    If someone would write up a contract where they get your blog for nothing at all, you are not getting any consideration and the contract is not valid.

    Past consideration is not consideration.

    Preexisting duty is not consideration.

    An illusionary promise is not consideration.

    These links have more information:

    On some of the broadcast calls I have heard you being personally threatened with physical violence.

    An assault invoves:

    An intentional, unlawful threat or “offer” to cause bodily injury to another by force;
    Under circumstances which create in the other person a well-founded fear of imminent peril;
    Where there exists the apparent present ability to carry out the act if not prevented.

    See this for more information.

  • 218. Joseph E. Davis
    July 14th, 2007 at 10:59 pm

    There is no chance that Casey will go dark for good in 21 days. This is the mother lode of train-wreck goodness that can never be tapped out. It’s almost supernatural.

  • Casey are you afraid for you life?

    Mark was recording saying “I will rip your F***ing throat out!”

    Now Duane with my quote in #211

  • Wow, it sure quickly went from 100% of every penny will go to my wife to NOT 100%….suddenly you’re going to take some of the $20k for your own legal defense fund. Not surprising.

    It’s Casey’s money. What he does with it is none of Duane’s, Mark’s or Marty’s business. They’re buying a domain name, not the right to run his life.

  • Casey, Come back to motherland and you are FREE again.

  • What happened to the Supporterz links?! I paid $50 for that thing!

    And boy, have you really screwed the pooch this time.

  • Hey Casey.

    Mark gone silent - you know what that means dude. Get ready for a royal time at the court house.

    They own you Casey. They will be in controll of your life in various ways - you signed your life away.

    You made a strong enemy and worse, that enemy has all of your secret dirty information.

    Who is the greater fool?

  • If there are attorneys reading this blog and not saying/doing anything to help Casey, then they are disgusting!

  • CS

    You are still da man!

    Can’t you just take your wife and move to Canada or Mexico or something? $4k a month should be enough to live off of while you get your life together.

    The IRS/FBI haven’t precluded you from leaving the country. Just inform them of your whereabouts in the event they need to contact you.

    This might be a good option. Blog from the beach and keep this soap opera going. It’s clearly entertaining a lot of people and has substantial value. Get your wife to understand that $4k/month is $4k/month, and that you’ll also get another job that’ll generate another $2k/month. Get her away from her sister-in-law who is probably demonizing you. She’ll have to go with you if she’s a good Christian woman.

    Just make sure to keep the IRS/FBI aware of your whereabouts.

    Be well.


  • 226. Bungled Conspiracy
    July 14th, 2007 at 11:33 pm

    Transfer this domain to a server outside the United States that doesn’t have to listen to a US TRO, or law.

    Its obvious that “Mark will get you” is lossmitpro. I’d recognize his legal butchery anywhere. He sounds nuts. Get a TRO on him.

    So what is the truth with the F.B.I

  • 227. Loads o Money
    July 14th, 2007 at 11:45 pm


    All these people you are dealing wih don’t give two wazookas about you. They could not care less. This is pure business. There relationship to you is for business reasons.

    If you are going to be successful in real estate or anything, don’t think that people have.your best personal interests at heart. They don’t care about your personal interests !! If they did, there are a bunch of babies in Africa dying everyday more deserving of help.

    Approach everything you do from a business perspective; what’s in it for you. Also, you have to respect contract. Often, one party changes their mind after the contract is written - and is just waiting for the other party to breach any part of the contract - so they can back out.

    Until you do this Casey, you won’t be successfull in business.

    It’s all good !

    That subject to deal in dallas - let me know if your interested ok ?

    Loads O Money

  • Casey,

    Sleep on it and cool off. A lot of times misunderstandings are just compounded in our head when things don’t go the way we expect them to. The same thing is going on for the other parties right now.

    I think doing the right thing for your other half is important. You need to defend yourself too. Was that part of the original agreement? (those against you are saying it wasn’t).

    I’m not going to say my overall opinion of the deal itself right now because my opinion doesn’t matter, but I think integrity in dealings is important.

    No matter how hot they get, stay in communications with those you made a deal with. If you think there is something wrong with the deal, you really should seek legal counsel/opinions on it and follow their advice. Don’t argue with them. If there is something wrong with the deal, tell them straight forward what your objections are.

    Anyway, I wish you the best and hope you can sort things out.

  • Crap, I keep forgetting about the bracketing HTML issues in blog posts… So here goes again, not that it matters:

    “I had NO INTENTIONS OF BACKING OUT!!!! But it was already a stressful situation. When both you guys threatened me I seriously felled like i’m being bullied since I told Mark I will be OUT FOR A FEW HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Do LMP and Duane share the same e-mail account? If not, you sent your e-mail to the wrong person. Ooops! Looser stoopidity cost you another deal.

    ASW: stated

    You’re pretty much stating you’re an idiot.

  • Hey any attorneys out there I have a question:

    Is it legal in CA to say on the phone (yell) “I will rip your F###ing throat out”?

    Thats what LMP said to cs on the long talkcast last friday.

    Perhaps LMP could answer this question he is an astute legal scholar.

  • First of all…CHILL! Second of all…realise that you’re the only person in this world who will be with yourself till the very end… the ppl uo are dealing with really don’t care about how your life is gonna turn out in the end!

    “People come and go into your life…you just have to trust that life has a road mapped out for you.”
    And the person who said it is Orlando Bloom…he is rich and famous so you might wanna trust those words…

  • You’re a socipathic creep, Casey. As I told you before, you are unfixable. You will continue hurting other people without conscience or accountability.

  • You chose Evil, Casey.

    I knew you would because I’ve seen guys & situations like this first-hand twice before in my life.

    You chose Evil because you can’t imagine anything else.
    And you are unfixable.

  • Hey Casey, You should be mad. What took you so long? Dude, please set some boundaries for people in your life:
    Why are you allowing these scumbags from the internet access to your wife to screw with your marriage? Why did you think you needed to sell your blog for a fraction of its value to settle a BS lawsuit? You’re a different kind of person than the average W2ers and haters, but I sense that you have some insecurity about that. Dont let others exploit your insecurity for their own advantage.

  • Casey wake up these guys hate you and in the end are going to screw you over! I can’t believe that yiu want to deal with them after everything that they have done to you!!!!!!! Dude wake up!
    You need to talk to a lawyer! Don’t go through with this deal until you speak to an attorney! You also need to call Marty.
    Damn I can’t believe you threw away your book deal especially to Mark!!!! What if G doesn’t take you back? Don’t deal with Duane or Mark their gonna screw you!!!!
    Wake up dammit!

  • 236. Svetogorsk
    July 15th, 2007 at 1:54 am

    What I find fascinating about Casey’s posts here is that if you didn’t know any better you’d swear they were written by a 14-year-old who’d just been grounded for some trivial offense - the language, the petulance, the belief that life is like just so unfair, dude.

    Instead, they appear to be written by a 24-year-old man who has just - yet again - failed to fulfil obligations that are clearly laid out in a legally-binding contract WHICH HE SIGNED.

    Casey, do you actually understand why businesses have contracts and deadlines? It’s to prevent deadbeats from agreeing to do something one day and then going back on their agreement the next because they changed their minds and didn’t feel like it.

    I work freelance, and I’m totally reliant on contracts, not least because they guarantee that I’ll be paid for my work. But in turn I am legally bound to deliver what’s expected by a specified deadline. And if I think what’s expected isn’t reasonable, I don’t sign the contract in the first place.

    Frankly, I’m amazed that you’ve only been sued once. And I suspect last week’s court appearance will be the first of a very long line. Because the more you pull these adolescent stunts, the more likely it is that you’ll find it impossible to do any kind of viable business - especially as you’re already internationally famous for your inability to honor an agreement.

    In all seriousness, Casey, if you won’t honor contracts, what does it take to do viable business with you? And why should anyone feel inclined?

  • 237. whatafarce
    July 15th, 2007 at 2:28 am

    The talkcast

    Duane:”I told Mark a minute ago, bury this bastard, bury him….kill him…. Mark is gonna put a hurtin on him.”


    I heard it … and surely you did too.

    You must realise what’s going on here ?

    Run … run while you can. Get as far away from this mess as you can.

  • KC,

    When you have a 20K deal on, you’re not supposed to be waiting the last minute to honor it… Besides, it seems that Godaddy domain name transfer only needs a click to be effective, not several days as you say.

    You wanted to chase several rabbits. Why don’t you admit you changed your mind ?

  • BTW who is moderating comments ?

  • Casey - I hope you are still not considering doing these deals after all that has been said in a negative light about you. I listened to that whole podcast with Duane and he just chopped you down. If this is what kind of people you want to do business with you really need to look hard at yourself. In the podcast Duane said he was 185% sure about the FBI. How is that possible? Does Duane have a special phone line that goes right to the FBI? Let me tell you that when the FBI are doing an investigation on you they are not going to tell you that fact. They certainly are NOT going to care about some silly law suit. As a matter of fact the only time you will hear from them is when either they are executing a search warrant or executing your arrest. They do not call you up and tell you “hey just wanted you to know there is an investigation on you and we have all the evidence we need.” Second if the FBI or any agency were to come after you for what you did in the past they would not have some big investigation into this alleged crime. You are small potatoes to them and would not spend all these man hours putting a case together. There is a third element to this that is even more important than the first two, but I will not post it here because of all the haterz. I am not going to give anyone any ammunition to try to use against you. If you want to know what that third element is just email me. The other thing I have a problem with is that in the middle of the podcast Duane stops for a moment and claims he received an email with a copy of an email you sent to G about how you felt you were being bullied. I hope that either you sent it or it is not true. If G sent that to Duane than your problems are deeper than you think. I will tell you that at this point NOTHING you do will change your current condition. Do not be blind to all this. Start looking at everything, do your own investigations on the facts, and face it all for better or worse. Duane said on the podcast that he keeps in touch with G. Unless Duane is somehow related to G and you just did not disclose this, he should have zero communication with her. Don’t be fooled by these guys into thinking they are doing what is best for you. Do not be a fool and just go along with what these guys want you to do. As I stated earlier and others followed, there are people out here, myself included, that will help you set up a legal defense fund so you can hire a lawyer to look at all this and help you. Be smart about this whole thing and start doing what is right for you. If you do you will be amazed as to how everything else will fall into place. The way you are going right now it is just going to lead to more regrets and problems. You are showing a lot of weakness right now and it is being exploited by these other guys.

  • You really shouldn’t make financial decisions. Strike financial.

  • Seems to me that Duane told you that you had to do something by a certain time and you agreed to this. You didn’t do it and you didn’t give him any indication of why. (What good is telling Mark you’d be away when it is Duane that has told you to do something?)

    I suspect Duane was ASSUMING you were backing down when he didn’t hear from you and couldn’t contact you because you have built yourself a reputation as someone completely unable to stick to their word.

    So now you’re getting pissed off because you didn’t meet a simple deadline and Duane n Mark have decided that this is the proverbial straw. Communication is important in the real world Casey. Especially for someone like you who has a created themselves a reputation of being completely untrustworthy.

  • 243. What the heck?
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:10 am

    Must just be me - I’m completely lost! I’ll admit that I just started reading this blog about a month ago…but what the heck is going on?

    All I know so far is that Casey supposedly gave over the rights to his book (which he was not at liberty to do), and he is allegedly selling the blog for $20k.

    Who is this LossMitPro? And why is he upset at Casey? And why does he think any judge anywhere gives a crap what he has to say about anything? He sounds like a con-artist. Hmmm…mysteriously settles with Casey before they see the judge - he obviously knew he had no case and he was just pressuring Casey into giving him money. I’ll bet he was eager to “settle.”

    And now all this about problems with transferring the doman and whether or not somebody else will get all the money?

    Somebody please post a timeline of what has happened. I’m lost.

  • How do you explain this exactly (it is dated 07/13 !!!)?

  • Will somebody please put this guy in prison already?

  • Casey,
    1) You have some legal issues that you really should speak to an attorney about whether your wife is going to be able to keep any of this money after she receives it. Your blog looks like an asset of the bankruptcy estate (you are insolvent), and prefering one creditor (your wife) over another (your friends you owe money to, the banks, cashcall, etc.) might be construed as a fraudulent transfer. You need to speak to an attorney to find out if a creditor will be able to use any money you receive from these three purchasers to pay off your debts………………even after your wife receives it. I think it would be awful for your marriage if you give your wife 20K from the sale of this blog and she has to give it back in a few months. Once again, if I didn’t make myself clear - SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY on this.
    2) You really need to speak to an attorney to find out if this covenant not to compete on the web is valid in California. It may not be.

  • Why didn’t you call Marty to talk about any implications of your *new* contract? You just don’t get it….

  • 248. Maybe I will and maybe I won't
    July 15th, 2007 at 5:57 am

    By the way, how the hell is Duane able to conirm this FBI investigation? Don’t you all know he is the one who planted the phone call to Casey? He’s just after one thing, and we all know what that is. Where’s the proof? There is no FBI investigation. Caseypedia says “Duane confirms Casey is under investigation” as though he is some FBI Bureay Chief now. Gimme a break.

  • “I just want fair treatment”

    Funny, i’m sure everybody who has dealt with you Casey has been thinking the same thing. You’ve screwed over so many people and companies, yet when you get screwed over yourself you start crying about it.

    Maybe if you hadn’t backed out on so many deals then people would be a bit more understanding and prepared to give you extra time. As it is though, with your track record, is it any wonder that they feel the need to bully you to make sure you don’t screw them over.

  • 250. The Guy Next Door
    July 15th, 2007 at 6:23 am

    Stop posting, Casey. By the time LIMP gets hold of the blog, the traffic will have dried up and he’ll be left with squat.

    You didn’t sign a noncompete agreement, did you? If not, start a blog elsewhere. People will be there… trust me. IAFF isn’t the attraction, and LIMP could never attract anything but flies. If you start a new blog, you’ll get plenty of traffic almost instantly.

    For that matter, you don’t need to start a NEW blog. You have a couple of others already, right?

    Stop posting. Just stop. LIMP will be left with an empty bag. That would be kind of fun, right?

  • 251. Web
    July 15th, 2007 at 6:23 am

    If a man faces foreclosure in the forest, do the trees laugh..?

  • @219 - Anon

    Amigo, it’s NOT just Casey’s money. Even if you discount that the money really belongs to various lenders, NOT Casey, at least half the value of the blog would still belong to his Wife, whose credit cards Casey ran up from zero to $30K in a matter of months via cash advances for his Real Estate Guru Seminars.

  • I go away for the day, thinking IAFF was being sent out to pasture, Casey was getting a little cash and a one year grab on the top line growth of the blog…..and a chance to salvage a relationship.

    All would be well in Sacremento. Casey would launch a new blog,, which would be a blog for all the struggling businessmen with a dream of riches…He’d still make impulsive decisions and fess up the next day.

    Instead, we get a “bunch of crazy crap”. “Why can’t we all just get along?”

  • 254. Unbelievable
    July 15th, 2007 at 6:51 am


    I just listened to the call.

    Duane Legate is a disgrace to all real estate investors.

    Did you hear how he backpeddled when it was clear how pissed you were? He is so scared he is going to lose out on stealing your property. I bet he is one of those investors who steals houses from little old ladies.

    He asked for moral advice…..he wouldn’t know a “moral” if it slapped him in the face.

  • Has anyone contacted Ripleys? I still can’t believe what I am reading. Maybe this is some type of hoax. All of these “pretend” business people talking about family and ethics, and what they think is best for someones LIFE? Marty was even chastised for not giving a crap about the marraige, which I personally think is the best response for a business situation. Do we still live in America? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! WTF

  • 256. Quick N Easy Millionaire
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:03 am

    Casey appears to forgot the catch phrase Time is Money with M*****

  • 257. Web
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:08 am

    >>I just hope, if these people are really NOT trying to screw me they will let me cool down and get back into this deal…

    Man, HOPE???? At this crisis point, there is no room for “hoping” for anything, you MUST be in control or have a full blown say in ANYTHING that happens from here on in. Anything else, any other excuse for not being there when it happens amounts to situational suicide. As many other have said, nothing should have been more important than honouring being in the agreed place at the agreed time.

  • 258. Casey's Biggest Fan
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:11 am

    Why the hell are you dealing with people that “want to bury you”? You are making a deal with the devil. Also, why do you keep on talking to LMP? You guys have like 5 hour conversations every week. Just cut him off from communication.

  • 259. Caseys Sex Life
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:26 am


    For what it is worth - I was banned from CHC for questioning Duane LeGate’s motives. Though I disagree with the way you have handled yourself, I would ask the judge to put a gag order on both Duane and Mark ASAP. These two clowns are trying their best to ruin you. And it is amazing to me that now anyone who questions these two is branded a supporter and banned “for life.”

    Why is Duane so obsessed with your wife - it is beyond ridiculous, and borders on the obsessive. The biggest irony of this whole saga is how these two idiots took the heat off of you and took it upon themselves. They will go down in internet history as two of the biggest “professional” jokes of all time.

    Duane wants to buy your site to “save the houses” - in reality he wants to make money off people in desperate need. What an overblown windbag. He was BACK on the air yesterday - you would think with his “major” corporation he would have better things to do then immerse himself in yours and G***** ’s business. Doesn’t he have his own family to worry about? Tell him to leave your wife and family alone already - he and Mark are freakin stalkers.
    Duane and Mark - hope you are reading this - you are two losers that deserve each other.

    Shout out to my buddies at CHC - Tracy decided that she didn’t want anyone bashing her precious Duane so I have been banned. So I will be posting here to dispute all the inconsistencies that the “characters” keep shoveling out.

    Casey - GET AN ATTORNEY NOW!!!!

  • Casy you should KEEP THE BLOG and keep bloggin no matta what. The life of a professional blogger is heaven on earth compared to never ending w-2 slavery. You can ALWAYS get a w-2 job. Hell get one if u want but keep blogging, w2’s dont last long anyway.

    quiting the blog while ur hot is a huge finanical mistake. opportunity is knockin. anyway ur already infamous. and now these bullies are making you look good, you are a victim! cha-ching=$$$.

    “Worlds most famous blogger becomes victim of internet predators and may lose blog!!” Declan will be all over this nutthouse story if u manage to KEEP YOUR DAMN BLOG u can get more ad revenoo!

  • Hey Casey,

    The other day you said you don’t have to work hard, you just have to work smart. That could be true. However, you don’t work smart. You are not a businessman and you will never be a success. Oh shake your head and say I am wrong, but I am right. All successful people have one thing in common. They take care of details. You don’t.

    I can’t wait to see what happens to you in prison. Eff Me I will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at what the other prisoners will do to you.

  • 262. Caseys Sex Life
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:02 am

    May I add that Tracy banned me from CHC immediately after Duane LeGate told me he was “tired of my s*** ”, used the f*ck word in reference to me and said “screw you, b**** .”

    Nice “southern gentleman”, eh? And you feel like you need to defend this person, Tracy?? CHC is going to go straight down the drain with Tracy and her heavy handed misplaced ideals behind the wheel. I guess this is her first taste of management - too bad she doesn’t know how to use it wisely.

  • 263. unbelievable (the original)
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:08 am

    I have never found myself in a position (personally or professionally) where I left myself with no VIABLE options.

    I am curious Casey, just how does that feel? This isn’t a trick question or a “haterz” question, I am truly curious.

    Deep down inside, how do you feel about the life you created for yourself?

  • Reading this blog is more entertaining than going to the movies on a Saturday night!!!

    Casey, anyone with half a brain can see through this click-farming farce you and your “3 characters” cronies are perpetuating, but that’s not really the point. I for one don’t mind at all being one of thousands of “clickers” you’re trying to get to sweeten the pot, etc… I view this blog as free web entertainment, as I would NEVER click on any ad I see on this (or any other) blog, let alone pay for the products they are trying to flog.

    Reading this blog makes me glad I worked hard in school and in life so I don’t have to engage in these high-risk, low-reward activities you and your cronies do to try and make a living. People are laughing at you Casey.

  • Hey Kid:

    “BUT GIVE ME SOME FREAKIN SPACE AND LET ME CALM DOWN… pressure is making it worse!!! ”

    Welcome to the business world, hobbit.

    “Duane’s tech guy said he will initial the transfer and I will get an email to confirm the transfer.
    The time was coming up for me to leave for my lunch appointment with an associate.”

    Uh-huh…lunch is important. Twenty grand can wait…especially since it’s money that was going to benefit your wife and not you

    So, okay hobbit…you screwed the pooch yet AGAIN.

    “What people need to realize is that my goals are sincere:

    1) shut down the blog and get the best deal (Duane even blessed me getting a better offer if I can!)

    2) pay down or pay off my wife’s credit cards

    3) also have money for defense attorney”

    I understand, kid…you SINCERELY want money (for your defense attorney, of course), MUCH more than you SINCERELY want to pay off “Toilet-Scrubber’s” debt.

    I think we all can see that quite clearly now,hobbit.

    btw, kid…pull this kinda crap in a prison deal and you’ll get shanked or strangled…believe it.

  • 266. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:42 am

    “…now that i’m trying to do a turn-around… ” This is not some new, sudden moment. You have been doing this for almost a year now.

    You lie down with the dogs, and you get flea bitten right in the a**.

    Beware the ides of July — consider carefully who your partners are: one has sued you already, and the other is in the equity extraction biz. Don’t be blinded by their phoney Christian piety. Anyone can walk away with simple written notice. Slavery went out with Abraham Lincoln.

  • Casey,

    You need to get a lawyer ASAP to deal with this mess, stop posting messages in your blog, and stop interacting with V********* or Duane on your own. Get a lawyer and have the lawyer handle your interactions with other people.

    BTW, why did you offer to transfer IAFF and the book rights to Mark? Have you no sense?

  • 268. Caseys Sex Life
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:54 am

    Letter to CHC -

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I was “banned for life” for expressing my views and opinions in a rational manner. The First Amendment goes out the window on CHC, it looks like. My posts towards Duane were not obscene in the least, but I am the one that got booted? Immediately after he said, “Screw you, b**** ” to me? Give me a break. Duane LeGate is in business to make money - he is not in business for “philanthropic” reasons. If Tracy prefers to boot those that oppose her views so be it - at least you would never hear me on the air screaming the word “c*nt” over and over, completely out of control - and she thinks it is ME that has a problem??? Her posts are vile, obscene, derogatory and inflammatory, but yet she will be allowed to always be in the right on CHC??? To the extreme of banning the other regular posters, who are the ONLY reason this forum will survive - whatever happened to free speech?? My guy fighting over in Iraq would be so proud that an uneducated person such as Tracy is allowed to govern the beliefs and viewpoints of other fellow Americans …………

    Oh and Tracy - I will remind everyone at least several times a day just how narrow minded and vacuous you really are….

  • 269. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:02 am

    Casey, if you are ever going to really turn around — you need counseling. Go to a professional. You are not acting rationally, and it is getting worse. Best of luck to you. Start with today, and create that new life that you want.

  • Casey,

    Lawyer up and do it now!!! There is more than enough evidence in a couple of the TalkCasts (yours and the CaseyBlowsItAgain) to get yourself free of Mark and Duane. And it’s all admissible. You may be facing huge consquences with what you’ve done, but in my opinion based on the facts I’ve seen they have screwed up more than a little bit as well.

  • Casey,

    Do me a favor, please take 5 minutes to list out your top 5 business successes? Take away the first condo that you lucked into and mommy & daddy helped with anyways. So here, i’ll make a form for you to make it even easier:






    I’m dying to know, because for the life of me, I see none.

  • 272. Astro Zombie
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:14 am

    Casey - I have to say that it does kind of sound like you are trying to back out, asking for another business day, etc.

    Also, what was the meeting that you went to attend? I sure hope it isn’t another “Sweet Deal”. I thought you were done with those? The only meeting you should be going to is a job interview.

  • 273. I See Debt People
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:23 am

    Hmmm, I hope you’ve calmed down by now. Take a deep breath. Have a glass of cold water. Keep it simple.
    Who was this “associate” and why does lunch take 3 hours? That is the question you have yet to answer.

  • 274. Svetogorsk
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:23 am

    Caseys Sex Life - you might want to change your username if you’re expecting sympathy from young Serin…

  • You Go, Girl! Don’t take any crap from anyone. Be your own boss. Isn’t that the def. of freedom?

  • 276. Uri Poopmonger
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:38 am

    I honestly was hoping the best for you the past couple of days on your apparent willingness to turn things around.
    Now I have to wonder what the hell have you put yourself into now?
    With all the comments here regarding the recent podcasts, it doesn’t sound businesslike to the say the least.
    Good luck dude.

  • Casey, Take a copy of Duanes death threat to the local police dept. Get a restraining order on him and Loss Mit t** . Find an Atty that handles cases on a contingency basis, sue both of them and any business they have. Set up a donation site where people that think this is unjust can donate money, so you can defend yourself from them. Duane is crazy and is obsessed with “G” I also feel he could come and hurt you. You have a right to not be threatened.

  • or should I say dummies…Don’t you all get it? This “controversy” is the “Blair Witch” of blogs/podcasts. NONE of this is real…enjoy SUCKERS.

  • 279. Just Rubbernecking
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:48 am

    Duane:”I told Mark a minute ago, bury this bastard, bury him….kill him…. Mark is gonna put a hurtin on him.”

    What have I been telling you before anyone else ever took this stance Casey?

    The “characterz” want to rip your throat out…that means they want to silence you! These two want to separate you from your blog and it’s supporterz. They want to separate you from your family and their support. Then you’ll be without a job or any support and they will “go for the throat ” by doing a citizenz arrest.

    Not to be redundant, but THEY have been planning this for quite awhile.

    Remember, they intend to make you “pay” for your ‘crimes”.
    If it means sweet talking you or strongholding, they’ll use any method they can, to bring you to your knees.
    Most people on this blog are much older than you and your W…We have been around the block and back again. We can see with clarity because we have experience. Now, since “most” people here are more experienced with reading people, you should listen.

    One of these guys makes his living off of ‘equity skimming’ which is frowned upon to say the least.

    The other guy makes his living ‘terrorizing’ people who are down on their luck and can’t make a payment.
    Are these upstanding citizens?

    It is clear to all of us that you have chosen the wrong people to deal with AGAIN!

    Ask advice before you do anything ever again.

    And Casey, listen to your gut more often. If you were listening to your gut more often you would not be in this predicament from the get go.
    Successful people always listen to their gut talking, so to speak.

    The “characters” were livid when you were seemingly going to stay in Aussie. That meant, the many months of planning to bring you down, were not going to be realized while you were out of the country. The ‘characters’ want to speed things up to bring you down before you take off again.

    4k/mo income on this blog makes this blog worth $48,000, at least.

    FBI is not going to do anything.
    This is too public. None of the lenders want to air this out. It will threaten their stance in the loan reselling securities market and they have alot to hide with issuing loans to people who had a pulse and nothing more.
    What’s done is done. Let the houses go. They got the property back. They took the risk.

    Let these “characterz” go too. They hate you no matter what they say or do.

    It looks like the “characterz” broke THEIR contract commitment here.
    The “characterz” promised not to slam you anymore and a couple days later they are back to their old form and MO.

    The supporting factor of your contract transaction with them was that everone, including them, not slam each other publicly. They broke the rule. That voids the contract. They broke the verbal contract rule that supports the transaction.

    Now that the “characterz” publicly threatened to kill you, you have a case against them. Don’t take this lightly. The “characterz” DO want to destroy you. One wants your w…..The other wants YOU.

    When in doubt…do nothing. That should be EZ for you.

  • Please update us before my clicky finger falls off.

  • 281. Caseys Sex Life
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:50 am

    No need for that Svetogorsk, I am not expecting sympathy from Casey or anyone else. If anything, I appreciate these comments being allowed through using the moniker that I have been going by.

    I am still in disbelief over the socialist rule that is being allowed over at CHC. To allow Tracy, T, Nacho or whatever she calls herself to be the voice of moderation is a joke.

    Once again, Casey you have not been doing the smart thing by dealing with these two shady “professionals”. Get an attorney, get a job and cut the communication with the Bozo Brothers. Their egos are feeding off of this - the sooner you cut them out, the sooner they will go away. Mark thinks he is a celebrity now - he is still responding to every post on EN about him like it is fan mail. Too bad this 5 minutes of fame has destroyed his and Duane’s reputations.

  • Casey, Is it smart to do business with soemone that uses the work dadgummit? (sp)? Duan is a stuttering FOOL.

  • If Duane offered 20K you should just accept it and move on. 20k is a good price just for the domain. Even Mark said that he can’t stop you from blogging. Get the cash, pay off your wife’s debt and move on. Write your own book without M*********.

  • #240. Lostsite

    Casey, read that entry again and follow his advise.

  • IMO-Everything that has been posted here over the last 2 weeks is ALL A PUBLICITY STUNT,—–Caseys book will be out in a few weeks and this all being done to drive attention to the book, pure and simple. NO FBI phone call, but it sure sounds good!
    Mark and the guy buying the blog are all playing along. This is why he is “selling” the blog to someone he knows. Caseys no idiot, if he really wanted to sell the blog it would have been in an online auction. But then he would have had to follow through, this way, he can spin this drama some more.

    1-Casey will post that the deal to sell the blog fell through
    2-He finds out he cant transfer his interest in the book to Mark
    3-The SAGA WILL GO ON!
    4-Casey really hopes this gets picked up by the mainstream media in the next few weeks to boost book sales
    5-Casey goes on Larry King (or similar) and talks about the mysterious FBI phone call, leaving everyone to guess if its a hoax or not, and promote the BOOK
    6-its all GOOD

  • AWW…. caseys sex life, now Iknow why I am unable to register at CHC because Nacho is in control. LOL I have tried 5 or 6 times, I cannot get registration. It is because I b**** slapped Nacho in the past, great to know she is still licking her wounds! Pathetic, fat, ex drug addict, I bet she eats alot of Nachos. Perfect! Now I understand. Thank you

  • Firstly, Casey, STOP saying you know they have good intentions. Ol’ Loss mit pro TOOK YOU TO COURT!! Who the f*** does that out of the goodness of their heart?

    Secondly, note to self, never to business with the kind of people that a) b**** about their associates on a podcast and on blogs b) initiate totally pointless lawsuits that make a mockery of the legal system.

    Congrats to Duane and, especially, Mark for making yourselves seem as unprofessional as Casey. That’s quite the achievement.

  • 288. Get Lost Bozo Brothers
    July 15th, 2007 at 10:28 am

    Let IAFF go - it is not the domain name that gets the recognition - it is you. Spend $6.95 and register a new domain name for yourself.

    Do it!!! The hell with the Bozo Brothers - let them have your effed up past life for 20k. Time to let go of past mistakes and start over!! Everyone says they want you to succeed, here is your chance!!! Start a new blog - positive stuff only!! Chronicle your day to day activities, but don’t troll!!! A lot of people would like to see you do well - make an honest effort at it and you will. The number one rule though - stop looking for a “guru” - they will lead you to keep chasing shiny objects, which in turn will cause you to lose focus of your life and where it is heading.

    I am not a supporter, but I sure as heck am not so personally involved with you as to hate you. And to hear Mark and Duane throwing around the taunts and threats make me sick. Mark needs to get a life, and Duane needs to spend an hour with his wife and kids, for once. What a pair of clowns.

  • Caseys sex life, do what everyone else does and use a proxy. “Banned for Life” LOL!

  • Yup these guys are ripping you off. You have, what, 20 days left to blog. Demanding the deal go through immediately means that they they’ve got a sweet deal that they are afraid will evaporate, which means you’re really getting ripped off.

    What you should have done was collect proposals for a certain period of time, give everyone who wants a deal an opportunity to present their case, and then make a decision. You never should have chosen so quickly.

  • Casey, were you taking a nap when you were supposed to be doing the transfer? Honest question.

  • Casey,

    Best to sell the domain name anyways cause you are no longer facing foreclosure.

    You’ve moved beyond that. Sell this domain name and start up at something like the “”. Everyone will follow you there. You are the reason people com here.


  • This gloating snickering bunch of self-righteous blowhards on the “emergency” haterzcast shows that the world view solidly grounded in hypocrisy continues to rampage unabated among the self-appointed upstanding citizenry just as well as it was when Mark Twain was writing “The man who corrupted Hadleyburg”.

    Not that Casey himself is any better.

  • 294. sacramento
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:02 am

    No s*** talk about pathetic. Tracy over at CH has let power go to her head like Mark.

    Its sad watching such little power go to someones head.

    I can ban you. capiche

    Shut the hell up nacho and your little cat too.

  • I was banned from CHC too. Oh well, if you aren’t drink their brand of kool-aid you are banned. It’s the new inner circle.

  • 296. HungryBear
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:25 am

    How many times do you have to hear it before you get it?

    V********* is NOT, never will be and never has been your friend. He is out to F**K you for sport and profit.

    What part of that does your 130 IQ not understand?

  • 297. See You Here August 4th!
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:34 am

    From the podcast…….What’s funny is that Casey claimed to say no to a $50k deal to “be a man of [his] word’. Bwa! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

    The idea that Casey would walk away from an extra $30,000 of desperately needed cash to preserve his good name is an absolute laugh riot. I’d be laughing my a** off if it weren’t so insulting a notion.

  • 298. The Nachos are Stale
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:39 am

    It would seem that a third grader could make more intelligent comments than “T”. She will be the reason that everyone jumps shop on CHC. Rob Dawg even says that he has never banned anyone, even soemdood.

    I think Ms. Tracy would be in for a rude awakening if she realized just how many people feel her comments are at best, juvenile. And anyone that has the time to make over 600 comments - first, unless you have a severe ego problem, why would anyone think that other people would care to read their childish opinions that many times? And second, doesn’t the woman have ANYTHING better to do with her time - go out and volunteer for god’s sake.

    Just stop shoving yourself down everyone’s throat that vists CHC, Tracy. You are not amusing, witty or relevant in the least.

  • 299. Svetogorsk
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:42 am

    What part of that does your 130 IQ not understand?

    Casey’s IQ isn’t anywhere near that. He admitted himself that he cheated by using a calculator and scratch paper, which rather defeats the purpose of a test designed to measure what one’s mind is capable of without artificial aids.

  • 300. I Don't Care
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:42 am

    Tracy (T, Nacho) is a self righteous b**** ! I can’t believe everyone left EN to post in her world.

    T ~ Step down. You aren’t doing any favors for CH.C

  • Pink #277

    What death threat

    Casey needs to grow up,
    for someone who is suppose to be such a comptuer
    whiz, he didn’t know how to transfer a website please.
    If it was a misuderstanding why didn’t he just transfer the
    site when he got home, no he checks out all the
    other sites, finds a talkcast is plan calls in a cry, no fair
    what he could of done is call in a say hey I made a mistake
    am going to do the transfer now,
    No not you, you get on computer and start sending out
    e-mails and bloging about threats, been stress out and
    been bullied.
    You seem to have forgot the main purpose of what the sales was suppose to be for.

  • 302. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 11:48 am

    One question:

    Do you have in your posession, or have you ever had, one red cent from any of these clowns who have recently spun you into circles? And, say these people are as upset as they seem to be. Do you think you will get any more out of them?

    Seriously, Duane might have something worth protecting. It is a wonder lawyers aren’t calling you left and right.

  • 296.

    Hungrybear is 169% correct.

    The domain has value so long as it’s yours. No one is interested in the haterz. These guys can’t do anything but whine and b**** about you.

  • Two things are possible:

    1. This is a horrifying example of business in america as demonstrated by the parad of flunkiez and dropoutz Casey atracts like strippers to a billionaire.

    OR OR OR
    2. This latest crap is a big fake show by M***,Duane,LostMentalPatient, and Casey in which case they got me good and I will have to admit that and buy the book as they are gooood if thats the case.

  • How does your impulsive reaction help in this situation? If you really wanted to calm down, why did you make this post first?

  • 306. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    The unspoken remark here must be that Mark and Duane are good Christian men. There is no other explaination as to why you would lie down with these dogs. Realize that experts in matters of faith may still be unqualified in other areas. You would not expect a doctor to fix you car. This is know as the false authority fallacy.

  • 307. DrifterBee
    July 15th, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    299. Svetogorsk

    “What part of that does your 130 IQ not understand?

    Casey’s IQ isn’t anywhere near that. He admitted himself that he cheated by using a calculator and scratch paper, which rather defeats the purpose of a test designed to measure what one’s mind is capable of without artificial aids. ”

    When tested (Stanford Binet) some ungodly long time ago, I had an IQ of about 130.. I have no doubt it’s drifted down to the average daily temperature here in Phoenix, but still - I have the intellectual capacity to analyze when I am screwing up… I supervise people who can’t figure that out. I estimate they have 80-90 IQs.

    Casey is probably in that range. Just smart enough to be dangerous.

  • 308. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    BTW — If you did sign a non-compete, I think that LIMP must pay you to sit on you a** for whatever the duration of the contract. Keep that in mind. Nobody can prevent you for earning bread for your family table, unless they pay you for that right.

    PS — the quality of the comments here still amazes, and far exceeds babbling h8trz –they can’t even spell.

  • Casey’s IQ isn’t anywhere near that. He admitted himself that he cheated by using a calculator and scratch paper, which rather defeats the purpose of a test designed to measure what one’s mind is capable of without artificial aids

    I took that test just for sh*ts and giggles and it came back with 134. (Without the aid or benefit of scratch paper or a calculator)

    Not trying to toot my own horn. But also keep in mind that this type of IQ test does not necessarily reflect the “standard”. I took a Mensa test once and I scored 141 which by their measure is “genius”. But in actuality, I wouldn’t call myself one primarily due to the fact that the Mensa test is geared more towards spatial abilities which is something I just happen to have a knack for. Throw me a test that emphasizes reading comprehension and I will probably come out with a score rivaling Forrest Gump’s!

    Either way, I wouldn’t put Casey’s IQ in any high level. Maybe low 100s. A little above average.

  • Casey, this is great news. Not bad news.

    You were almost conned into giving everything away.

    Those two are not out to help you anymore than any other “hater” is out to help you. The haters that call into your talkcasts and say they are only doing this to help you are lieing. They are a bunch of losers with psychological issues. Essentially, they are stalkers.

    You should seriously take them to court. Get a restraining order and sue them for harassment and slander/libel. Whatever agreements you signed were done so under duress and can be ignored. Furthermore, you should use those documents as evidence when you sue them.

    Please, stay away from those conmen and especially keep Duane away from your wife. He is trying to destroy your marriage. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he is after your wife.

  • Casey, this site can estimate the value of your domain:

  • trying to enjoy my sunday and not do any work…

    no posts today, but i’m hoping to have an update on the whole situation tomorrow

    By the way…,

    I also told Duane that one of the defense attorneys I was speaking with told me to HOLD OFF THE SALE TILL MONDAY since there may be some issues with defense. I was gonna hear from the attorney on monday if there are any red flags.

    I told Duane this but he didn’t care.. and Mark stated with full confidenence that there will NOT be any issues. As if he knows what he’s talking about..

    That was another reason I was careful with this whole thing and waiting till the next business day is never too much to ask.

    But NOOO they just keep thinking that i’m backing out and all that crap.

    With this treatment I don’t know HOW I will be able to deal with these guys for another year.

    I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision.

    Will check back in on Monday…


    PLEASE read this! I’m one of a few who you’ve listened to wholeheartedly in the past..

    #1. Since your publisher said your contract with his company was already null and void, then M*** doesn’t have legal rights to anything!. Let him try to sue you. Essentially, you signed over something to him that didn’t exist in the first place. You’re off the hook.

    #2. You may have missed the deadline yesterday, but just the mere fact that Duane would rush to do a podcast and slander you before you even spoke is reason enough to NEVER to business with this man again. Additionally, someone needs to tell G that he is manipulating her. His involvement with her is…well….creepy! This man needs to have a restraining order to leave both you and your wife alone. He is NOT normal.

    PLEASE read this again, that’s all I ask.

  • “I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF…”

    Dude, wake up!


  • 315. Svetogorsk
    July 15th, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision.

    Now why would anyone get that impression?

    Seriously, Casey, if you want people to stop treating you like an incompetent retard, don’t you think it’s time you stopped behaving like one?

    And you’ve done a pretty amazing job of taking care of your own crap so far, haven’t you? If you’d got a job back in October, as advised by 99% of your commenters, how much better off would you be by now? If you’d actually taken the advice of numerous professionals that you’d talked to, instead of doing the exact opposite in some mad attempt at asserting your “independence”, how much better off would you be by now?

    Your single biggest problem is that despite OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary, you still think you’re some kind of hotshot businessman. You’ll only climb out of your hole when you finally accept reality - and it looks as though you’ll be digging a while yet.

    Not hatin’, just tellin’ it like I see it.

  • Casey boy,

    Dee-wayne Lefake and lostmittens needs a good A$$ Whoopin.


    I plan on showing up at his house Monday AM and take care of business.

    Mark V is nothing to worry about. I hear he is a communist.

    These people are pond scum. They are in cahoots and are most likley lovers. I bet Dee-wayne is the wife!!!!

  • Question …. If the FBI guy was a fake and a set up by M, M or D …. could be your contract was obtained illegally … I dont think a court would like intimidation of that sort putting pressure on you Casey.
    You really need to just back off and get some REAL legal help with this. Tell M, M, and D where to go. They are a bunch of thugs …. what a shame. I knew M & D were … but now M too …. thats amazing.
    So many suits threatened here .. like they are all BIG MEN or something.
    Tell them to get F***ed … what do you have to lose? Put your blog and book in bankruptcy .. they can get them out of there. If they messed with me much thats what Id do .. file tomorrow and list them as assets … and then tell the whole bunch of them to go to hell.
    Youve got nothing to lose and IN FACT .. I think getting rid of these assetts before you file BK could have a negative impact on you. Id file and then let them show up as CREDITORS .. hahahaha

  • And on the 1st-7th days of the week the Lord rested.

  • “trying to enjoy my sunday and not do any work…”

    Right-o. Add Monday-Saturday to that sentence and we’ve got your weekly schedule.

    As always,


  • Casey: Transfer the domain now and stop this blog nonsense. You have no integrity. Only a fool would hire or do business with you in the future.

    I don’t wish bad things for you, but by your actions or inactions, you deserve your fate. Count me in the haterz category now.


    Anti-spam word: squeeze

  • LossMitPro has a huge post up on EN.

  • 322. Benwa_mandelbrot
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:11 pm

    “I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision.”

    Imagine that!

  • 323. Punch My Ticket
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:15 pm

    ASW: craziness

    Interesting stuff about CH.C upthread. Sounds like it’s time for …

    to be registered.

  • 324. Tracy is a Clown
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:18 pm

    Hey Rob Dawg -
    How do you like this being posted about you by Tracy, the “administrator” on CHC?

    “Yes, his daughter.

    It was ok when it was other children…like Casey’s little sister, but boy oh boy, did Cote draw the line when it came to HIS daughter.

    Who the internet tried to rape.

    In case he hadn’t told you already.”

  • Casey,

    Any updates on the brokering the casino deal?

  • Casey, I’m not a lawyer, but I do know someone who is interested in being one. On that basis, I have given her the information on this blog. So she is highly qualified to make a decision on this issue.

    You, or whoever is moderating the comments, have not printed my comments on a number of occasions. I have wondered why, since I am very nice and professional.

    Now I know why. According to the person I gave your information to, whoever is actually moderating the comments is in major legal doo-doo for disseminating criminal information across state lines. That is a felony, and that means jail.

    Don’t know if that is you, or someone else moderating the comments, but sounds like prison is not far off.

  • 327. Young Scientist
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:36 pm

    Casey, I have just read the posting of LossMitPro.

    His case against you is airtight. He has a powerful sense of the law, and very compelling case on his side. He clearly has the brains and knowledge to be a world-class attorney.

    I know you won’t post this because you only post positive comments how, and anyone who shares an opinion has to go to another site (that is why those site’s existence are totally your fault).

    Despite that, let me give you a good piece of advice: don’t mess with this guy. He knows what is he doing.

    Please take my opinion the heart, I am a mathematics professor at one of the best universities on earth.

  • 328. The Dude is a Dud
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:41 pm

    Just posted by The Dude, who runs CHC:

    “There was some mention about 1st Amendment Rights and this board. I’ll make that one short and sweet….the only rights you have are those granted to you by this board. People have been pretty much free to express their point of view so any comparison to Nazi tactics is ludicrous.”

    So your adnistrator, making jokes and accustions that Cote is indifferent to child rape is okay, Dude????
    But posters with valid opinions are banned? Not a single person either here, at EN or at CHC has made a positive comment in defense of Tracy yet. Doesn’t that tell you about the level of respect that people feel for her? Slim to none at best??

    Cut your losses Dude - lighten up and get rid of 250 ugly pounds quick - dump Tracy.

  • 329. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 3:43 pm

    Seriously — get a lawyer. Do not walk back into court without one. She will have the judge rule on all of this withing 10 minutes, and get this stuff straightened out. A judge would not let all of this nonsense stand. Please spend some money on a decent attorney.

  • Casey,

    Take the day off.
    Enjoy your Sunday.
    On Monday, resume pursuing your dreams.
    If you think about them enough, the law of attraction states that they must come true.

  • LossMittPro is a freak the highest order. Is he off his meds? Seriously. This can’t be very good for his business, can it?

    Mr Pro - its a beautiful day in the Sierras, why don’t you get away from that computer for a while?

    Also - I’ve been traveling for a couple weeks - can someone tell me when EN turned into the John Birch society? It seems pretty….um….extreme and uninformed. Under informed might be a better term…little knowledge dangerous thing, etc.. Xenophobic, too.

    Anyway - Casey - just close the blog, man. Who cares if you get 20K for it? Big deal. Peanuts. Let LossMitPro do whatever he wants - he’s obviously obsessing for some reason - but you shouldn’t take it too seriously. You shouldn’t pay ANY attention to it, actually.

    I think you are the biggest retard to ever manage to stay alive for 20-plus years, personally, but I can’t figure out why these defenders of the faith are taking it all so personally. You certainly shouldn’t let anything they say on a podcast bother you. Your reputation can’t be salvaged, and they are only making themselves look dangerously unstable.

    What a freak show!

    You guys need to stage a wrestling match, or something - you could make some dough….if you idiots would stop pretending to be lawyers and actually DO something other than b**** and threaten legal action.

  • Just readed the two new posting at EN and I think you and all your so call supporters should go and read the lates bit of information, that you seem to have left of your post.

    My dear Casey you are a fine peice of work.(NOT)
    So I guess you were out getting legal advice yesterday,, and you couldn’t have explain that to Mark or Duane because,……………………

    Casey you play the poor me card so well, you lie, with such
    ease that its scarey, and the only person that you truly care
    about is you. I feel sorry for your wife, your mother and
    anyone else that you have managed to screw with your
    dreams of passive income. “dam boy your good”

    You need to be locked up, and the keys thrown away
    for your own protection and others.

  • 333. What I don't understand
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:10 pm

    If I have followed correctly up to this point, Mark didn’t want his real name plastered all over the net, correct? But he keeps it out there and some of the drama that is playing out seems to make the situation worse for his reputation. Why would someone who is a professional keep involving themselves in the mud when they could let it all play out in court and ulitmately end up with a better image in the end? Just doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Casey,

    I hope you indeed have a lawyer looking over these “agreements” with V********* . Did you sign them? It’s clear they haven’t been reviewed by the court, but have them being signed?

    NEVER trust in other people. No one will approach a person with your history for the sake of helping you. They want whatever little you still have left.

  • 335. unbelievable (the original)
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    Still waiting Casey, can you answer this simple question for me?

    I have never found myself in a position (personally or professionally) where I left myself with no VIABLE options.

    I am curious Casey, just how does that feel? This isn’t a trick question or a “haterz” question, I am truly curious.

    Deep down inside, how do you feel about the life you created for yourself?

  • 336. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:19 pm

    Casey, you are full of crap. You are behaving like a retard.

    You didn’t talk to any attorney. You didn’t get any advice to “wait until Monday”. What will be different on Monday? You’re just bluffing, stalling for time to prevent the domain being transferred.

    Nobody has your best interests at heart. G***** gets $20k, Duane gets the domain and blog, Mark gets $1500, you get nothing. This is entirely fair. Do the honourable thing for once and help G***** get out of debt.

    Email the domain’s password to Duane.

  • 337. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:21 pm


    When you go back into court and the Judge hears about all the crap you pulled after signing a settlement agreement, he is going to send you to prison to think it over. You don’t break a stipulated agreement.

  • CS

    You are still da man!

    #327. Young Scientist - You are like another da man. You are being modest, you are one of the best mathematics professors in the universe! !yay!

    I was working on a math problem the other day and couldn’t figure it out, so I called my friend Jermaine (who went to tech school and knows A LOT) but he didn’t know the answer either, so if you could help out that’d be great.

    If 2x is 4, what is 2x?



  • 339. Bungled Conspiracy
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:26 pm

    While I would agree that Casey is a terrible businessman, I am beginning feel the exact same way about Duane Legate.

    Long before Casey had failed to initiate the transfer, Duane was already talking on a thread and getting the haterz all riled up. Duane even had alittle countdown and a blow by blow of the demand emails he was sending Casey. Stirring up the pot, BEFORE he knew if Casey was going to drop the ball.

    The minute this became a default situation, Duane was calling for a hatercast and getting Mark involved.

    I agree that Casey should be held to strict business principles, but so should the other players. Real businessmen, put the deadline out there and if somebody doesn’t go through with it, the deal is off. There is no need to involve hundreds of strangers in the countdown to the deadline and no need to call other parties and want them go bury the person that didn’t meet the deadline. A true businessman shuts his mouth and moves on to the next deal. Circus monkeys shouldn’t be held to real business rules.

    Do not donate to any Casey legal defense fund until Casey provides the truthful information about the FBI and the investigation. Something is very wrong with the whole FBI story and everybody knows it. Maybe the idea was to scare Casey, or maybe the idea was to scare Marty off thinking that this was a no win situation that he should just stay away from. The way these guys backpeddled and have all of a sudden claims sealed court records and inability to talk about how they know about the investigation, stinks of bullshit. Maybe the events of the past day are to try to cover that stinky turd up.

    I suggest that those upset with this case, politely forward this information to the FBI and write polite letters of concern to the court over the manner in which this is being handled, and aasking the court to address concerns that the threat of an FBI investigation is being wrongfully used to coerce individuals into contracts, or away from pursuing their rights.

    Wouldn’t it be funny if some of these other turdblossoms went down too. They are running scared..Keep up the pressure. If you want help Casey, tell us the truth about the FBI. When did you FIRST hear about it and from whom?

  • 340. Svetogorsk
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    Pop quiz: who wrote a post containing the phrase “Casey is full of lies” earlier today?

    I’ll give you a clue: it’s a major player in the saga (almost as major as Casey himself), and it wasn’t Mark, Duane or Marty.

  • shout out to my banned peeps SexLife,SillyMe and otherz!

    CHC is great as long as you dont diss duane too much then wont ban you. BTW you can come bak under different name if you feel like it. New email/ Use TOR with Privoxy if that doesnt work. Google it. cool stuff anonymous for real.

    Its very odd how it turned out CaseyLove is on IAFF
    DuaneLoverz is on CH.C
    LMPLoverz is on EN

    this is the weirdest phenom ive evar seeeeen. Each of these characters has thier own blog they post on!

    Is that also in the settlement? Orrrrrr is it the savvy savvy internet marketing plan cooked up by the guy who wrote the book?!?

    web 2.0 is freakin me out!!! someone stop this crazy thing!

  • This Person is 100% wright about this:


    PLEASE read this! I’m one of a few who you’ve listened to wholeheartedly in the past..

    #1. Since your publisher said your contract with his company was already null and void, then M*** doesn’t have legal rights to anything!. Let him try to sue you. Essentially, you signed over something to him that didn’t exist in the first place. You’re off the hook.

    #2. You may have missed the deadline yesterday, but just the mere fact that Duane would rush to do a podcast and slander you before you even spoke is reason enough to NEVER to business with this man again. Additionally, someone needs to tell G that he is manipulating her. His involvement with her is…well….creepy! This man needs to have a restraining order to leave both you and your wife alone. He is NOT normal.

    PLEASE read this again, that’s all I ask.”

  • collection pawn is nervous his en post screams help me.

    casey bring counsel to court slam the agreement and the case will be dismissed or continued but eventually dismissed.

    put a restraining order on collection pawn and real estate con man wannabe.

    the judge will allow it based on the merits of the communication email blog etc., but u need to bring counsel to court.

    tell ma and pa whats going on he wants to take them to court to. have ma lift credit line restriction use the loot for legal counsel. slam them in court with a restraining order and get marty’s but in there with u. tell him to deduct it from future proceeds of book.

    under contract law an agreement that is settled cannot be proved up without all parties consenting to it in front of a judge and legal counsel.

    the merits themselves scream extortion, blackmail, slander, tax fraud, and of course d u r e s s. if collection pawn is an attorney or paralegal all i have to say is jail time and disbarrment.

    u cannot settle an agreement based on abuse of law, non consenting agreement, without wifey’s approval, without counsels approval, without marty’s approval, without your approval man.

    the last time bring counsel in court slam them down i mean he’s quoting footnotes from old case law he will get smashed in court stop playing around, words to live by 1. duress, 2. extortion, 3. blackmail, 4. slander, 5. tax fraud, 6. wire fraud, 7. and my favorite family law fraud.

    oh hell i see incarceration for collection pawn.

  • Why the hell would LMP try to get money from a turnip anyway????

  • 345. gaddington
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:37 pm

    Post a copy of the settlement agreement. It’s clear that mittens hasn’t gotten past the first few pages of “Law for Dummies” (despite his own cocksure tone).

    I had a shot of ultra-concentrated, pulverized wheatgrass in your honor. I hope you did too. Cheers, mate!

  • Talkshoe featuring LossMIT here

  • 347. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 4:47 pm

    Casey, when are you going to grow up?

    July 15th, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    Please read the advice by “a lawyer”. Do exactly what he says. He is the only person in this entire affair that has a clue as to what he is talking about.
    Definitely get a restraining order against Mark & Duane. Get them out of your life. Make sure you keep copies of Mark’s verbal threat against you. Shut their bogus lawsuits down.


    I just started to read the post that lossinspace wrote on EN. If there is one thing I can not stand is when someone insults the intelligence’s of others! I just pulled the case law he has quoted in his post as the reason for his actions. Below is the exert of that post. My problem is the case law he is using. Below his quotes is he actual case law.

    “I agreed and accepted those rights under those conditions, and did so pursuant to Civil Code ß954 (and Favello vs. Bank of America Nat. Trust & Savings A** ’n., 1938 — supporting case law).”

    Favello v. Bank of America etc. Assn., 24 Cal.App.2d 342
    [Civ. No. 5760. Third Appellate District. January 11, 1938.]

    TONY FAVELLO et al., Respondents, v. BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION (a National Banking Association), Appellant.


    Louis Ferrari, George D. Schilling and C. Ray Robinson for Appellant.

    Gregory P. Maushart and Francis W. Murphy for Respondents.


    Pullen, P. J.

    This is an appeal from a judgment arising from an action to restrain an execution sale of real property on the ground that it was exempt by virtue of the prior recordation of a declaration of homestead by the judgment debtor, a plaintiff herein.

    [1] It is the contention of appellant that the declaration of homestead above referred to is invalid and ineffective to create a homestead exemption by reason of the fact that the declaration was not acknowledged, as required by law.

    We need not set forth the declaration of the homestead, as that appears to be regular and in due form. This instrument was executed by Tony Favello by making his mark. His signature by mark was witnessed by two witnesses, accompanied by the following:

    “Tony Favello being unable to write, made his mark and signature in our presence and his name was at his request, [24 Cal.App.2d 344] written near it by Gregory P. Maushart and we at his request have signed our names as witnesses to said mark and signature.

    Gregory P. Maushart,

    Carmella Malardino,

    Witnesses to said mark and signature.

    State of California,

    County of Merced,–ss.

    Tony Favello, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

    That he is the declarant named in and who makes the within and annexed declaration of homestead; that he has read the same and knows the contents thereof, and that the matters therein stated are true of his own knowledge.


    Tony X Favello


    “Tony Favello being unable to write, made his mark and signature in our presence and his name was, at his request, written near it by Gregory P. Maushart and we at his request, have signed our names as witnesses to said mark and signature.

    Gregory P. Maushart,

    Carmella Malardino,

    Witnesses to said Mark and Signature.

    Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21 day of March, 1935.

    (Seal) Gregory P. Maushart,

    Notary Public in and for the County of Merced, State of


    This case law is in reference to appeal of a judgment based on real property and the Homestead Act. The homestead act is an act in which you can not have your home taken from you in a law suit. Your home becomes exempt from being used to satisfy any judgments.

    Now given this information I ask just one question… How does any of this case law apply to Casey?
    My answer would be it does not and this is another example of Mark trying to use his legal tactics to take what is not rightful his.

  • Listen to #343 A Lawyer

    Lost-it-pro is a loser.

    If you had been my client after last weeks podcast where he lost -it, I would have had assistants researching which of his assets we would be going after in the counter-suit.

    If you get a lawyer and show up, you will win.

  • 351. HelloThere
    July 15th, 2007 at 5:09 pm

    HOLY CRAP THAT GUY ‘a lawyer’ really IS a lawyer.

    OMG you need to do eggsactly what he says.

    THen have your attorney sue Rich 10 billion a year Duane LeGate AND LMP. You will never have to work again. Duane will settle out of court for hundreds of thousands or pay out of state attorneys a fortune. HES THE ONLY ONE that is not judgment proof and he is possibly conspiring to tell some guy to kill you? wow.

    LMP should go to jail he is outta his mind breaking so many laws in front of the internet! wow! The FBI READS HERE! hehe.

    There are two and only two ways to make real money in CA unless you work at google:

    1. Real Estate
    2. Law suits
    3. Both!

  • Casey,

    Do NOT be afraid of Mark. He is a leech, a bully and a con artist plain and simple. I took the following paragraph from his manifesto he posted on EN:

    Although Casey did in fact inform me that he would be unavailable for “a few hours” his email also expressly indicated that the domain transfer was initiated, had already begun, pursuant to terms agreed. (Duane was to transfer funds on Monday into escrow.)

    You where suppose to transfer the domain name on Saturday but the money was not supposed to be put into Escrow until Monday. That makes no sense at all. That is like when you sell a house giving the buyer the keys and the deed before you have received any money.

    Duane and Mark are con artists who are trying to scam you.

  • 353. Rex Reason
    July 15th, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    I feel bad hearing that you are in trouble with the law. I read on another board that the FBI has been contacting you. The fact is that there is a likelihood you will be going to jail. YOu need to be talking to a criminal defense attorney and preparing yourself and family for this possible outcome. Please, when you get in there watch yourself. Stay with your own kind. Gangs in places like that can be awful. I know from past experience.

  • Mark V********* is a blowhard. Oops! I used his name. I guess I’ll be the next one to receive a summons and complaint.

    He assures us that he has entered into a settlement agreement, but how to we know it is valid? He admits that the court has not reviewed it, and we (at least I) know that his knowledge of the law is piss poor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the written agreement doesn’t contain a fatal defect.

    Mark, you can crib from form books and ape writing you’ve seen. You can even drop legal terms into your writing to impress people.

    But you don’t impress many. In the first place, your grammar and spelling are really BAD. Then there’s the fact that you think you can go after people for using your real name. And I loved it when you dropped res judicata the other day. Priceless! You do not impress anyone with an advanced understanding of the law.

    You know why? To those with legal knowledge, your legal errors are just as glaring as your writing errors.

    You have two problems. You don’t know what you are talking about, and you have a startling lack of insight that blinds you to the possibility that you just might be wrong.

  • Will some please explain why Casey turned down offer(s) that were higher than what Duane put on the table? Casey has said this is because he wanted to leave the site in “good hands.”

    Huh? Giving up thousands of extra dollars because he wants the blog in Duane’s good hands?

    If this is all about paying off debt esp G. credit cards why then didn’t LossMit tell Casey to take the higher offer?

  • LMP, what did you sue Casey for in the first place? Why do you think he owes you money?

    And why won’t you post the complaint? When you say the merits were tested by the court you need to clarify what that means- that doesn’t mean that you would have won and it doesn’t mean your case is NOT frivolous. I think you know what it really means, so please explain it to the peanut gallery because I have stuff to do. Thx.

  • 357. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 5:40 pm

    To the person who was saying that what Casey signed isn’t enforceable because it doesn’t have consideration …

    Casey didn’t sign a contract, he signed a settlement agreement for the court case. Such an agreement doesn’t need to have consideration. It is very legally binding - because it occurred as part of court proceedings.

  • hey y’all ,

    did i read that correctly. . per :

    mr. serin wrote,

    “First, the deadline was prior to noon EST. Which is 9am my time. (PST)”

    meaning kc left for meeting/lunch a @ 8:00 a.m. pdt ???
    and then came back in the afternoon ?

    wasn’t his time about up before he even left the hovel ?

    early riser ™ mode must still be in progress.

    any clarification ?

  • 359. Liberal_Elite
    July 15th, 2007 at 6:08 pm

    Casey, Get a lawyer and fight Mark. He can beat you but he’ll lose this whacked case to a real lawyer. Hell, he said was going to rip your throat out. Use that in court.

  • OK, long time lurker, second or third time poster. I’ve been following since the beginning, and for the first time actually feel sorry for Casey. After reading LMP’s novel, I wanted to vomit. The fact is that LMP came out of no where to take over a blog that this guy built from the ground up. What could Casey possibly have owed you in that short of time to justify any of this? OK, for the obvious questions: NO, I don’t agree with Casey’s fraud, and HELL NO, I am not a Casey supporter. But this whole thing stinks to high heaven. The court system is cluttered as it is, and now he fills it with this bullsh#t!! Casey, get a lawyer!! LMP, get a life!

  • Other than the fact that I’d lose my only source of weekend entertainment I’ll say that if the “involved parties” (Casey, Mark, Duane) wanted to show a level of intelligence they would take this stuff private and leave we “uninvolved” (Haterz, Supporters, curious gawkers, et al) in the dark completely. 99% of us don’t have all the facts on either side of the coin and those facts we do have are suspect on many levels.

  • 362. Young Scientist
    July 15th, 2007 at 6:31 pm


    That’s pretty funny. Actually, using math, I have been able to calculate that Casey is in violation of many laws, and that LossMit is actually in the right. I have also been able to calculate that Casey may get divorced, and may be going to jail.

    IRS, out of curiosity, would you be interested in a math contest? No? I didn’t think so. But thanks for playing.

  • “trying to enjoy my sunday and not do any work…”

    Not do any work? How is “sunday” different than any other day?

  • Casey you definitely need to get a restraining order on this LossMitPro guy. I can understand why Duane is so much into your business. He is obviuosly after your wife. What I don’t understand is why the other stalker retard is so obsessed with you.

    What is the deal with this LossMitPro guy? He sounds like some kind of collections agency pond-scum working stiff with wet-dreams of becoming a lawyer. His rant on exurbannation is filled with legal mumbo jumbo gobledy gook. You really need to call this stalker’s bluff. You need to sue this guy for harassing you and get him out of your life.

    Casey you aren’t even that famous and you have two psycho stalkers. We live in a sick world.

  • #349 — Great post/research.
    I’ve been wondering why this Houseman dude is so cloyingly boastful. Unusual for a lawyer who has a major court victory in his pocket to be so insistent that others butt out. If he’s got clear title to IAFF as he presents, then what does he possibly care if others make bids on the site, and perhaps even buy it. It looks to me as if this settlement agreement is nothing more than a piece of paper, unless the judge accepted it and put it in the file. Also strikes me the judge in this case looked at it as some q**** sort of nonsense, with its specious claims of payments for services once voluntarily given, and was happy to see it resolved before he had to sit there and sort it all out.
    I could be wrong, but Casey’s appearance (I bet without a lawyer) threw a spanner in the ex parte proceeding since that was based on the expectation Casey would not be present.
    It will certainly be interesting to see what develops 7/20, if that is the next court date.
    But what bothers me the most about this is that the attitude of these but-in-skys (some of whom did not learn proper English in their legal pursuits, who are moving in to take advantage of snowflake when he’s not really at the top of his game. Casey made this site out of the vapors, and it’s annoying to see it end in this way. If he wants to shut it down Aug. 3, that’s his business. Is there some pecuniary reason the but-in-skys want to keep it operating beyond that date?

  • I am amazed. Casey is nothing more that real estate’s Paris Hilton, his story unremarkable in every way except for the undeserved attention.

    Don’t you all have something better to do?

  • Hey KC, which one of these guys is duane?

  • Wow, IAFF exploded today!
    So as my business is exploding ;)

    Dear Casey, you know you shouldn’t stay whit these scams.

  • Very well written article and nice website

  • I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision


    Casey, not only do you need adult supervision (for the aforementioned reason you so eloquently stated), you also need some strong meds. Seriously.

    Think about this for a moment. You have creditors hovering around you. You have problems with your marriage. You have the Feds knocking at your door. And what do you do? You alienate ONCE AGAIN the very people who were trying to help! And you have the temerity to try to state you can handle yourself? Please! You are lucky the judge hasn’t made you a ward of the court!

  • 371. Lost Cause
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    I will buy you a wheatgrass shot if you bring an attorney with you to court on July 20. Perhaps you qualify for legal aid?

    I would think that the whole thing is a publicity stunt, if it were not for the verifiability of the public court records. Unbelievable — what lurks on the bottom of the world.

  • 372. Basket Casey
    July 15th, 2007 at 7:47 pm

    The downward spoiral continues. What are you going to do to beat this, Casey? Cough up a lung? Human sacrifice?

  • Once the primary impetus of a meme cracks up (IAmFacingForeclosure), all sorts of havoc and fissures appear. This is the first time I’ve tried to empirically measure the effect.

    Bandwidth of EN vs CHC vs IAFF

    There’s a lot of mental bandwidth dialed into Casey and now it’s been freed up, floating around, casting about, trying to find a similar meme to occupy itself.

    I expect the changes to be more apparent over a longer time period, perhaps the next 2-3 months when Casey really, completely implodes.

  • We will protect you from those 2 suckers.

  • Hey Casey,

    Just wondering if you’ve been watching the meltdown by Stanley and Tracy (aka The Dude and T, respectively) at CHC today and if you have any comment about the Haterz turning on each other. Feel free to delete this comment of course if you’d rather not get into it.

  • Casey,

    Get yourself a real lawyer and have him/her interface between you and V*****. Any lawyer will tell you that you must stop interacting with V****** on your own. Also, stop posting anything on this blog related to your current lawsuits, deals, etc. with those fools. They’ll use anything they can to screw you, especially what you write yourself.

  • What I really want to know: Casey, are you sleeping under a bridge or in a cardboard box in a back alley? Are you fulfilling your dream of living in a van down by the river?

    Perhaps most importantly, where is the blue ball?

  • 378. C. Paddington
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:30 pm

    Casey, the only thing more expensive than a good attorney is not having one. Lost Mittens is a bush league bill collector. The verbal diarrhea he tries to pass off as legal argument is laughable. Do something good for society for once and take this bottom feeder down!

  • 379. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:33 pm

    Casey, you signed a legal agreement in the view of the court. When are you going to honour it?

  • 354. ted

    Very good entry!

  • Atta boy, Casey - keep those two running circles. Mark with his legal mumbo-jumbo and Duane trying to get up new content like the world is interested?

    When are both going to wake up and realize that they are basically buying your diary?? WTF? That’s what it boils down to. Yeah, a blog is an electronic diary. Dude, Mark bought an electric diary for $20,000 and wants to go to court!!

    Mark & Duane need to move on to bigger and better things. If either of them had ANY business acumen they shouald move on to doing real deals not playing with someone’s diary. Oooh, $20K from Mark for a domain! Sounds so 1999 actually. What a rip.

    Casey, just reneg on your deals - they are highschool anyway. Mark & Duane are highschool. Screw them, keep blogging, let them go to Mickey Mouse court. You da man!! GO GO GO!!

    Hope Duane’s not moderating now - that’d suck. Email me your new site if that’s the case!

  • 382. Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 8:54 pm

    So Casey, when are you going to transfer the domain name to Duane?

    We all know there is no other interested party.

  • Here is what has got Casey between the hammer and the anvil:
    Someone else offered a larger sum for the sale of the website (roughly 35k). This buyer offered to pay in cash.
    Here is the problem: Part of the stipulated agreement (that was a court order) was that any proceeds from the sale of the website would go into Escrow, be preserved there and used for the payment of outstanding debt. Getting paid cash on the barrel head would circumvent that.

    LMP is trying to force Casey to play by the rules that he agreed to (ie any money from IAFF is used for debt reduction, not lawyers fees, airplane rides or Jamba Juice). Evidently this is what has gotten Casey a bit pissed off.

  • “By the way…,

    I also told Duane that one of the defense attorneys I was speaking with told me to HOLD OFF THE SALE TILL MONDAY since there may be some issues with defense. I was gonna hear from the attorney on monday if there are any red flags.

    I told Duane this but he didn’t care.. and Mark stated with full confidenence that there will NOT be any issues. As if he knows what he’s talking about.. ”

    You know, Casey, the smart thing to do is to consult an attorney **before** you sign something, not after.

    “I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision.”

    But then again, we’re talking about you. Yes, you are “some incompetent retard” if you can’t even think to consult an attorney before you sign a settlement.


    Will your attorney be with you on Monday, when LMP takes you to court again?

  • Someone is planning on taking a new purchase and doing a quick sale.

    They promised their buyers and when it didn’t happen, they lost face and possibly the deal. That’s why they are putting on the squeeze

    Someone close to you is defrauding you. Trust no one.

    Their take on the flip is a split of 65.

    Nothing in your life is private, this makes you an easy target.

  • 355. ted

    Because Casey’s an idiot. This is a guy who signs agreements that are put right in front of him and THEN seeks advice about them. This is a guy who thinks that signing a settlement without an attorney present is a good idea. This is a guy who voluntarily sent out M****’s contract to LMP after signing a non-disclosure agreement with M****. This is also a guy who got an inspection on his used car AFTER he purchased it. He also thinks that settlement agreements with specific deadlines are things he can back out of any time he wants to.

    “Huh? Giving up thousands of extra dollars because he wants the blog in Duane’s good hands?

    If this is all about paying off debt esp G. credit cards why then didn’t LossMit tell Casey to take the higher offer?”

    Good question. The other question is: what ever happened to the higher offer of 50K? I’d heard that it vanished into the ether. My guess is that LMP wanted the whole business over with sooner rather than later, and Casey was too stupid to ask for time to “think it over.”

  • 387. Mark Anthony Villaseñor
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:34 pm

    Mark Anthony Villaseñor is a crook. He is not to be trusted.


    Supporter of Casey of Serin. Casey got screwed by him.

  • Casey,

    You should really consult with an attorney on these matters. I listened to the podcast myself, and I strongly believe these guys are sketchy. Either call the deal off, or get an attorney fast. They stand to make a ton of money off of you.

  • 389. We Support You
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:40 pm

    Screw the 2 stupid guys and let them go haywire and you go back to russia, take the money and run fast..


  • 390. JohnDiddler
    July 15th, 2007 at 9:44 pm

    I hope you’ve secured legal representation for any court appearance. I want to offer assistance for your legal representation, only with assurances the money goes to the cause.

  • Casey,

    I just read LossMitt’s side of the story on EN.

    Dude, you signed the contract. LossMitt’s doing his side of the bargain. Plus the work he’s doing for you would cost you a heck of alot more if he wasn’t doing it for free.

    He’s trying to do right by you and your wife. You are back chasing shinny objects. Get the deal done and quit crying like a baby.

    GROW UP!!!!


  • The bum’s rush, and shady business taking place on non-business days. LMP thinks he is judge, jury and executioner. He is just as desperate — he must be broke himself. It is just sickening the depth’s plumbed by this con man. He represented himself as a professional to help Casey debt issues, and entered into an agreement with him? Debt collection is not an unregulated industry in California. I would love to see what the Department of Consumer Affairs or the Attorney General would say about such creatures lurking and preying on the unsuspecting. Now, he is trying to legally steal Casey’s only asset? He has never given Casey one red cent. Despicable.

  • Hi Casey,

    When I google Duane L***** I find he is the president of something called REI.TV. When I go to that website, it is a “GURU” site that charges $39.95 a month to teach you how to short sale etc…

    So, Duane L***** is really a GURU, just like all the other GURU’S you have tried to follow. Only this one is getting really deep into your pants. Costing you a lot more than $39.95 a month!

    How did you meet Duane L***** ?? Did you contact his REI.TV to find out how to short sale your foreclosures? Did you sign up for his program?? His $39.95 a month program???

    Wow, what a scammer he is. Some big help. He’ll line his pockets with your hard work.

    And people are rallying around him and saying what a good guy he is… I call BS. He’s a GURU just like the rest of them.

  • Judicially speaking, they’re gonna strap you down to a table and using industrial strength rubber gloves, pull your still-beating heart out through your a****** .

  • 395. aburo udua
    July 15th, 2007 at 10:01 pm

    This blog rocks!

  • 396. I own Milton's Ghost
    July 15th, 2007 at 10:02 pm

    ignore those 2 guys, you live your own life.

    you can always go back to russia, take the money and find another wife in russia

  • SWEET!

  • @358: “meaning kc left for meeting/lunch a @ 8:00 a.m. pdt ??? and then came back in the afternoon ? wasn’t his time about up before he even left the hovel ?”

    much as i hate to defend casey (i think he’s either an incurable moron or a total hoax), just read the rest of his comment #167, it’s pretty clear. he claims the only deadline was to notify those guys by 9am saturday that he was committed to the sale, and that he had already emailed them friday evening, thus meeting the deadline. saturday morning he initiated the transfer and left for his mysterious appointment, at which point people flipped out about the transfer not being completed.

    true, half-true, all BS? who knows.

  • house buyer network ripped me off, they took my house from under my nose they make millions that way and now they are doing the same to Casey

  • FWIW: Marty has just posted a pretty convincing argument for how Casey violated their JV agreement over on

    Casey I know that you feel like you are being bullied in ten different directions by a dozen different people, but you do realize that you did this to yourself? You made the JV agreement, and the failed to follow through on it. You made the settlement deal with Mark/Duane, and then failed to follow through. You are in a really crappy position right now, but you understand that you’re 110% responsible for this whole mess right now, right?

  • 401. Quick N Easy Millionaire
    July 15th, 2007 at 10:25 pm

    trying to enjoy my sunday and not do any work…
    Soooo like any other day then.

    I also told Duane that one of the defense attorneys I was speaking with told me to HOLD OFF THE SALE TILL MONDAY since there may be some issues with defense. I was gonna hear from the attorney on monday if there are any red flags.
    Your the red flag.

    I just wish, IF THEY TRULY have my best interest in heart they would BACK OFF and let me take care of my own crap and stop treating me like i’m some incompetent retard who needs adult supervision.
    Well the contract said saturday at noon and you’ll get back to them on Monday. It’s the Casey Time Warp Weekend! where Monday is Saturday and Saturday is Monday!

  • Casey should have had this domain appraised, before making a deal. Some crazy things have been going on lately, and maybe, as suggested earlier, some could be fake?Perhaps there are straw buyers, and fake lawsuits.
    Has anyone verified this stuff? I hope Casey starts a new blog, and makes $4k/month from Ads. The buyer of the domain will likely lose a ton of SEO, especially on Google, when the content gets pulled. Now, the contract with his SO, never said who the Employer had to be for the W2 Job, so why not his very own Corp? He can issue his own paychecks! He can also pay her back as well, and some of his bloggers can help fix her credit. As for the FBI, IMO the FBI has an informal investigation on. With all the media attention, there’s no way they aren’t aware of this happenings. They do have a ton of time to do anything. If anything does go down, I hope he gets a good lawyer.

  • CS

    You are of course, still da man!

    #362 - Young Scientist. Sure, a maths contest is no problem. You’d have to be over 18 though. Is this going to be similar to the test I had to talk for the Ph.D. qualifier?

    I figured you were being facetious about this guy (whatever his name is) knowing something about the law, but apparently you were serious. He sounded pretty retarded to me, but what do I know.


  • 404. dirtysanchez
    July 16th, 2007 at 7:04 am

    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer
    get a lawyer

  • 405. James_Marks
    July 16th, 2007 at 8:55 am

    Casey: Go back to Russia, leave your wife, forget your debt. There’s no way you can fix your life now.

  • 406. Can't Stop
    July 16th, 2007 at 9:20 am


    seriously.. why do you care about someone talking smack about you on some dopey podcast…. not like your reputation can get much lower…. take a chill-pill and decide what you want and make it happen.. ignore all the other emails….

    By now we all realize that all of this is just another plot line in a great internet soap opera.. none of this is reality…

  • Casey, this site is worth WAY more than they are offering. There is a tsunami of foreclosures comming and you have the best name there is. This site is worth $1m. Seriously. Don’t sell for less.

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