That’s right, there is a homeless guy living in that blue car on my Burdett property. (The boat is my neighbor’s and he will be removing it now that the house is listed on the MLS and ready for showing). The homeless guy wasn’t in the car when I was taking the picture.
I’ve seen him before inside that car except the car was parked on the street in front of the house. The neighbor has seen him there too on and off for months now. I have been ignoring the problem for a while because I was too busy to deal with it.
Then about a month ago I saw the homeless dude there and talked to him. He said he is there to check for the mail since he doesn’t have a forwarding address. He told me he used to live in the house back when I had it leased out last year. I never met him before and he wasn’t listed on the application so apparently he was living in the house last year without my permission. I told him he needs to get going because I’m selling the house. He said he will go get gas and move the car that same day. That never happened.
So this time (on Saturday) I see the car parked on my driveway as you can see from the picture above! On top of that, I find the guy put a lock on the gate so I couldn’t open it! I also notice the grass has been mowed and watered. The neighbor said the homeless guy did that. Is he trying to take care of the house so I would be nice to him or what?
Either way trespassing on my property is not cool, so I try to figure out what to do:
- I call the police and they said they can’t move the car because it hasn’t been reported stolen.
- I talk to code enforcement to report an abandoned car and they said they can’t do anything about this because the car is on my property and not on the street. They say I need to call a towing company and they will tow it for free and charge the car owner.
- I call my road-side assistance program that I just ordered. They are NOT willing to help me because I don’t own the car and they say this is something the police is supposed to do.
- I call the police again and explain my situation again thinking maybe they didn’t understand me the first time but the guy told me for sure they don’t do this kind of thing and said I should call around and find a towing company that will.
- After several calls to a bunch of different companies I FINALLY find a company that is willing to tow the car for me but they only work Monday through Friday 8 to 5. (This was on Saturday.)
- So I left a note on the car saying that the car will be towed on Monday.
- Today I found from the neighbor or the agent (I forget) that the car is now on the street.
- So I called code enforcement and report an abandoned car.
- They said it will take 1-3 days to get it towed.
We will see…
February 7th, 2007 at 8:36 pm
One freeloader pissed off at another person freeloading on him.
Poetic justice.
That’s all I have to say.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:44 pm
Since he’s willing to take care of the lawn, why not work a deal with him? You can let him live in the house for free, as long as he flips it in the process. He can become part of Team Casey! Once he’s flipped that house, you can send him over to Larchmont, and so on. This is another opportunity that has fallen right into your lap.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:46 pm
That is not “your” house. You stole that house from a bank that you defrauded.
That man has every bit as much right to it as you do. And from the looks of it, he’s putting it to better use than you are, and taking better care of it than you do.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:48 pm
You steal from lenders (i.e. Cashback at closing) so now someone has “stolen” your house.
Are you sure he’s living in the car and not the house? Afterall, it was cold last month.
Or, perhaps, you are having some cosmic adventure, and this is a sneek peak into your future - homeless and living out of your car…..
You might want to ask this guy the secret to his success — he could be a new guru for you.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:49 pm
I swear to God, I have never seen someone rack up so many problems. Every week it’s something new. I’d shoot myself….
February 7th, 2007 at 8:53 pm
Dude….no way! That sux!
That squatter is trying to interfere with your hard-earned property. He may have even lied to you. You have every right to invoke the legal protections afforded by the State of California to safeguard your interests.
Never lose sight of your dream, Casey.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:55 pm
How I would deal with the situation:
1. Write down the vehicle license #
2. Go to the DMV, find out the name of owner of the car
3. Pull a $50 background check (including warrants) on the owner of the car from a site like efindoutthetruth (that’s who I use but there are certainly better ones)
4. If he has any warrants, call the police, and tell them
5. If he doesn’t, invest $10 in a pair of bolt cutters, and call up to have the car toed.
6. Look into the house, see if there’s any evidence that he’s been breaking into the house, if he has, call the police and give them that.
Deal with this problem immediately. California is by far the WORST state to be a landlord in when it comes to squatters. I knew a guy who had to evict a squatter, it took him 18 months to do so.
February 7th, 2007 at 8:55 pm
We’ve been telling you to have people living at your properties, and you’ve followed through! Just imagine what it would have been like if it had been someone who paid you! You might have had thousands more dollars than you do now…
February 7th, 2007 at 8:57 pm
How about turning some of your homes in to homeless shelters to at least help some down and out guys before the banks take the homes back through forclosure?
February 7th, 2007 at 9:00 pm
He’s probably thick on money.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
Wow, and we all thought that the NLL we the type to kick somebody when they are down but here comes Casey trying to get a homeless guys car towed. How Christian of you….Lets see, you don’t pay the mortgage, you don’t pay the property tax on the property, and you don’t pay the liability insurance, yet you are insulted that another down and out person is sleeping in their car in the driveway.
What a power trip. What a complete a** you are Casey.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:19 pm
I also notice the grass has been mowed and watered. The neighbor said the homeless guy did that.
A homeless guy moves in and it actually improves the property? Ask him if he has another friend who into the Larchmont house.
And, of course, I’m sure he can send out a shout out to the vagrant community in Modesto.
This could be your comeback!
February 7th, 2007 at 9:21 pm
1. Bolt Cutters
2. Pick Up Truck
3. Chain to connect car to pickup Truck
4. Accelerate
If he’s in the house:
4. Gun
Remember, it’s your property… Err, property you obtained through “fraud and are “supposed to be caring for.”
You are responsible for your property.
If it were my house, the car would be have been towed to the junk yards in Rancho Cordova by me, personally. Abandoned vehicle.. Let the owner figure out where it went.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:22 pm
Dude! This is so awesome. Your life gets better and better.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:24 pm
The guy cut the grass?
Are you quite sure that he’s homeless?
There’s not many homeless people I know of that push a lawnmower around on their travels…have YOU ever seen any like that?
Shopping carts, yes…Lawnmowers, no.
And that’s a fairly late-model car for a homeless guy to be driving, isn’t it?
Are it’s tags all current?
Tell us more about the guy…was he well-dressed? clean-cut? well-spoken?
Was he sober?
Y’know what Casey? You might have just gotten face-time with an investigator for one of he many institutions and agencies that you admitted to defrauding.
Homeless people will crap on your lawn…not maintain it, see?
February 7th, 2007 at 9:26 pm
The car won’t get towed in three or four days. They are going to stick a day-glo tag on the car that informs the owner it will be towed if abandoned, and will surely look sweet in front of your house, and all he’ll have to do is move it a few feet and chuck the notice.
You are going to find out that he has as much right to sleep in his car in front of your house, as you do to create a nuisance by leaving your house unoccupied and unsupervised.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:31 pm
You should leave him alone. It’s not your house and he has a higher net worth than you.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:35 pm
Do you realize the homeless guy’s net worth is greater than Casey’s?
February 7th, 2007 at 9:37 pm
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Thanks I needed that. It’s been a rough day.
You should tell him he can stay if he takes care of the place.
It might be a problem for your realtor since she is showing the house.
Ummm whos that guy taking a bath with the hose?
February 7th, 2007 at 9:41 pm
did it feel like looking in the mirror when you met the free loader?
February 7th, 2007 at 9:41 pm
I hope your sister-in-law comes across this latest entry. It will probably make it so much easier for her to kick you butt out of her house when she sees just how ruthless you are when it comes to a person that is down and out.
Your sister-in-law should go talk to this guy, he waters and mows the yard, and you only take out the garbage once a week.
Why so much hate Casey? This guy is just falling forward like you. How many of you haters ever had the guts to let go of your little four walls and grab the world by the horns and risk it all. Thats what I thought, just jealous of a homeless guy thats livin on the edge. You mark my words, the man in the blue car, is gonna come outa this big time.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:46 pm
“Either way trespassing on my property is not cool..”
Casey, who do you think you are??? You justify this guy like hes some vampire sucking blood from your neck. He’s just some homeless guy that needs a place to park. It’s not like he broke into your home and trashed the place. He even tried to clean the place up to impress you. Have you ever heard of the word “empathy”? If you think you have it hard, look at this guy living in his car just trying to get by. I can’t believe you dedicated a whole entry to some guy that was parked on your driveway. Don’t you have more important things to write about? Slap yourself in the face and take a good look in the mirror. ONE.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:47 pm
Are you really that stupid? Is anyone?
Get a baseball bat and smash the windows out of the car. Beat the living hell out the doors. Slash the tires. Open up the hood and rip out random wires and do the same thing under the dash. Then push the thing out in the street and call the city.
Then hide out in the house and wait for the guy.
Either call the cops AGAIN and tell them that someone has been breaking into your house and tell them to come and arrest the guy or just blow the guy’s head off yourself.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:51 pm
“I have been ignoring the problem for a while because I was too busy to deal with it.”
Busy? lol@U
Seriously, that sentence sums up your entire existence.
February 7th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
I’m failing to see where the guy is hurting anything but your misplaced pride. You cheat people out of money, are in debt for more than you’ll ever be worth, and you’re worried about some seemingly decent guy in the driveway of a house you don’t own? Time to call 1-800-GetaLife.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:00 pm
He is not homeless! He has a home. He does not pay for it — but then again, neither do you. Funny thing is, his net worth is hundreds of thousands of dollars more than yours . . .
February 7th, 2007 at 10:04 pm
This is too funny; he padlocked the gate, lol. Smart guy. You should just call the cops. I hope he is not living in the house. If you had know earlier, you could have rented the driveway to him for like 50 bucks a month lol.
Sometimes, homeless people carry large sums of money in big, brown paper bags… maybe you should see if he has a brown paper bag, and maybe he can afford to buy the house?
Nice area. I can’t believe your neighbors allow this to happen. That neighborhood must be a very “nice” neighborhood.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:05 pm
You leech from the banks…You leech from the credit card companies…You leech from Prlinkbitch and others who helped you…Now you complain because some unfortunate is trying to leech from you. Stunning.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:16 pm
Definitely some karmic justice going on there.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:22 pm
hire the dude, for heaven’s sake. offer shelter for work. you’re totally powerless so go with the flow. vacant homes are at an all-time high, you’ve got a guy who can watch your property… even do some upkeep… and you wanna throw him out. you just don’t know what SWEET DEALS look like! you’re completely blind to pennies from heaven. an investor would have jumped all over this opportunity.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:23 pm
Casey, you need to call Mark Burnett and get him to make a reality TV show out of your blog.
I try all day to come up with funny sit for my blog.
but you my friend are comedy gold!
February 7th, 2007 at 10:25 pm
LMAO! The soap opera continues…..
Casey, this property is in your own city, right? You should be checking on it at least 2x/week. You have to admit, it’s pretty funny the guy took over the place, even mowing the lawn and all! Okay, wait, how does a homeless person, living in a car on your driveway, get his hands on a lawn mower? This sounds fishy. What gives?
You were supposed to get that boat out of there a month ago. Please tell your “user” neighbor to get it out of there. Between the loser boat and the homeless guy, your property must be the biggest eye sore on the block.
How do you think you can sell a house that way????
You need to take care of these things and kick some a** if you want to move this property before it forecloses.
Good luck.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:38 pm
How long has he been there?
Under California law in some cities, after 30 days he has established tenancy and cannot be easily evicted. After 5 years, in certain circumstances, he can take title to the property.
You better get him out chop-chop. Next time, I’d take a gun and give him a serious pistol whipping.
February 7th, 2007 at 10:50 pm
ahhh nothing like a thief with high morals - someone should call the authorities on you
February 7th, 2007 at 11:00 pm
You aren’t thinking about this creatively.
Within the next month, all 4 of your remaining houses will be auctioned and the Utah place will be unwrapped because you are focusing on trivia instead of real problems.
You are destined to be living in VDubs soon.
What you need to do is befriend the transient who is living on your property and work out a swap of cars. With cashback at closing, you can launch your comeback.
February 7th, 2007 at 11:03 pm
Casey, I thought you were supposed to be the good guy.
Why are you towing that poor homeless man out of your house that is lost cause anyways?
I thought you believed in God and wanted to help people out.
You let me down.
Not that you haven’t let me or others down long time ago.
February 7th, 2007 at 11:06 pm
Who says this blog has gotten boring? This is gold Casey, gold!
I once had a homeless guy break into my condo mid move. He stole some of my old suits. I kept my eye out for a well dressed homeless guy for months afterwords, but he never turned up.
Hopefully he used his ill gotten duds to get a job.
February 7th, 2007 at 11:07 pm
Aww, man, just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, now you got a homeless dude taking better care of your property than you do. You know you’re lazy when street bums are doing more work around the house than you. You may want to partner with him though as you will, more than likely, be joining him shortly. In the very least, it seems you both share the same tastes in beater cars. You can also probably pick up some good advice from him like what are the best practices in dumpster diving, what are the best bum wines, and how to find the best cigarette butts on the streets which have a little smoke in them left. I’m sure there is going to be a lot to learn in the next phase of your life, whether it be homelessness or prison I can’t tell.
To give you a head start, here is an excellent site on the very best bum wines.
February 7th, 2007 at 11:24 pm
If I went to view a house with my Realtor and saw a homeless person living in a car on or in front of the property, I would decline to view the property.
I would be concerned about the area and the future safety of my family and would lose interest in the property immediately.
After all, there are many, many, many other houses to choose from.
You say it’s on MLS now.
What if someone drives by to preview the property and area before they make an appointment to view it with a Realtor and decides to talk to the “resident” there…not realizing he is “squatting.”
We drove around neighborhoods and talked to people before we bought. We asked them how they liked it there, how the HOA was, etc…
Is this a safe situation for potential buyers?
February 7th, 2007 at 11:46 pm
Just unbelievable, Casey. That’s NOT your house. It’s the bank’s house. You borrowed it from them, spent thousands of dollars on books, tapes and travel, and now you won’t pay them back. You admit to doing it because some boob on TV told you that you could make an easy buck. You start a website hoping to find investor fools to cover your a** and buy your properties at even more lunatic prices than you paid. You can’t– because your genius real estate acumen told you to pay lunatic prices. You’re screwed, maybe even a criminal. You then proceed to listen to and then ignore the sound and prudent advice of hundreds of onlookers, all the while patting yourself on the back for your strategy and seeing your properties go nowhere. You dabble with some never-has-beens-and-never-will-bes, get your incompetence mentioned in the media mostly for the totality of your incompetence, and love yourself for it.
And look at what you’ve done! You are single-handedly blighting 4 neighborhoods right now with your vacant houses. Your genius real estate strategy is actually causing property values to DECLINE. One of them doesn’t even have fire insurance, for heaven’s sake. Some lady posted on here how your vacant house killed that street’s value in Dallas. What about 1912 Muncy Drive, Casey? You care so little you probably won’t even show up for the foreclosure sale.
Somehow you’ve managed to avoid getting arrested for bank fraud, my friend, and now you call the police on a homeless dude? He’s probably homeless because idiot investors like you, Duane, Joy, and probably everyone else you’ve met have taken cash back, done liar loans and speculated like a wild banshee to drive up the cost of housing so high that nobody can afford it! This man is homeless and people like you have SIX HOUSES for nobody to live in?! And YOU are the one upset??
You can call me a hater now.
February 7th, 2007 at 11:49 pm
He called his roadside assistance program to have a stranger’s car towed? Who would think of such a bonehead idea?
Oh right….
Do you think the lad’s life was much different prior to his real estate adventures? Maybe he has always been this way…
Did he go to college, hold a quality job for a good length of time?
I think not….
Has he succeeded at ANYTHING in life?
I think not…
This means that the pattern we are seeing will be repeated, over and over, for years to come…..
There are people who, for whatver combination of reasons, are complete and utter losers in life…
The difference here is that they usually don’t parade it on the internet for the world to see…
February 8th, 2007 at 12:07 am
Aww casey
Let the old buddy live in the hosue for free
Its been cold this past week. He even mowed the lawn, he could be your hobo friend/property keeper.
Let him burn the mail to keep himself warm so he does not start up the boiler though, oil is expensive these days ya know.
He can polish the neighbors boat too, it will give him a fresh start. He’ll be your burdett property manager. He can even allow some other homeless friends in for a fee, and he can share a cut of the fee with you.
Just make sure he’s not buttering you up to turn the house into a meth lab.
And dont let him live there too long, or else he will have the right to stay as a squatter until you get a court order to have him removed.
Maybe he can be lured with bottles of scotch or some other spirits. Just make sure he;s out by summertime, because they start getting smelly in the warmer weather.
Good luck and be nice to your new buddy casey!
February 8th, 2007 at 12:16 am
Also one more thing
The bankruptcy process/experience/nightmare will cause you to have more compassion for people like this, its all part of the education that gurus don’t teach.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:30 am
Call the police and say you see someone in a vehicle on your property. You think he has weapons, and you’re afraid to approach the house.
The Police will now show up to take care of the situation for you.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:30 am
The city probably mowed your lawn when you ignored their warning letters. Expect a several hundred dollar bill in the mail.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:32 am
You have to be aware of ‘Squatters Rights’ (a form of adverse possession) when you have vacant properties.
February 8th, 2007 at 1:07 am
February 8th, 2007 at 1:42 am
That’s a worrying development, frightening, really. Please describe this squatter (ie, race, age, etc). Did he break into your garage to get the lawn mower? You should put your own lock on the gate. And get complete car info incase the police have to look for him after the trashes the place. Get a pic of him, to……
good luck with that….
February 8th, 2007 at 1:49 am
I think this is by far one of the funniest things I have read on this blog. What is not funny is that poor guy is probably just surviving. I have read about this penomenon of being homeless in the suburbs. It takes alot of skill to hide out in the open like this guy. BTW his car is nicer than yours!
February 8th, 2007 at 2:00 am
just as this blog was about to roll over & die, casey pulls another rabbit out of the hat!
gotta love the sentence “I have been ignoring the problem for a while because I was too busy to deal with it.”
granted it doesn’t include the usual keywords like “sweet” or “jamba juice” but it should prove enough for the ravening bands of critics to jump upon.
let the hating begin - i predict 300+ comments on this one
February 8th, 2007 at 2:11 am
How cute! You have a squatter!
Rather than getting his car/home towed, why don’t you sign a rental agreement with him? He’s all ready shown you he’s willing to live in the neighborhood. He’s all ready getting his mail there. Chances are, he has a job (unlike a certain person who runs this blog) and can pay you *something* in the form or rent.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:14 am
I wouldn’t have called to have his car towed right away if he moved it to the street. If it the registration is current, I do not believe you can report it as abadoned.
Either way, being a Christian, talking to the guy again and explaining your situation with possible consequences for breaking rules would have been the right way to go, especially since he moved his car.
In the case it is towed from the street, it is likely that this guy does not have the money to remove it from impound and thus risks losing his car. Potentially, you could have eliminated his only form of shelter.
Just because he is a drifter with a thick veiny one doesn’t mean that he’s a bad guy
February 8th, 2007 at 2:15 am
This guy on top of the fact that he lived rent free will buy the property in foreclosure and then make a quick flip… sweet!
How much is the neighbor paying for the boat parking space in your yard?
February 8th, 2007 at 2:33 am
That “homeless dude” is not trespassing “on your property.”
You don’t own the property, the bank does.
And you better take it easy on him–you’ll be a “homeless dude” yourself soon if you don’t watch out! bwahahaha
February 8th, 2007 at 3:02 am
Is this really a problem or is it an opportunity? He is caring for your property by maintaining the lawn, locking the gate and being present to prevent vandalism. It sure sounds like win/win to me. You should make a contract with him and charge him a nominal amount (you could give him cash back at closing too). The nominal rent will keep him from having any squatters rights.
By the way, you don’t own the house. You own the debt. And since you have not made any payments on the debt the bank will ’shortly’ take their house back. You will still own the debt. It’s yours to keep.
February 8th, 2007 at 4:11 am
you are a dead set a******
this poor man is HOMELESS and you want to charge him to tow his car
how about you practice and act of kindness and humanity by letting him live in your house cheap or free in exchange for keeping it looking good
its not like you ever got around to mowing it or locking the gate
lord knows you could use the karma
February 8th, 2007 at 4:17 am
Pacific Heights anyone? THAT would be an interesting subplot!
February 8th, 2007 at 4:30 am
1)Call the cops and report he is selling crack and trying to pick up young girls, this works every time!!!!
2)If he shows back up call Homeland Security and report that he is a terrorist.
3)Suggest he joins the military. Free food, clothing and medical care…You cant go wrong here…
You have to be tough on these “Urban Outdoorsman” types. Until the property is sold or foreclosed, its still yours. If all the haters on this blog arent happy with it, tell them to house and feed him. Im sure he will get along great with there 13 year old sons and daughters…
90% of homeless people are homeless by choice. They make up about 2% of the unemployed in the USA.
Now on to bigger and better things…
Ogg and Homey are now Canadian citizens. They are both getting there own trailers, provided by yours truly. I made a “sweet” deal and made some good profit by evicting some guy in a blue car and did a little rehab and presto, I made some liquor money.
We had a “sweet” time at Lucy’s party last night. I didnt score with Lucy, but Ricky and Bubbles went “round the world” if you know what I mean.
Ogg is getting a divorce, stating he was tired of that overbearing cave woman and wanted a good old trailer girl, so I hooked him up with Mrs. Lahey. I think they make a cute couple even though there is about a 20 year age difference.
Homey is still single but has fallen in love with several of our girls at the “dating” trailer. Homey is quite the ladies man.
Well, thats today’s report from the great white north.
Have a SWEET day.
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy
Trailer Flippin Guru
Rehab Specialist
Homeless Advocate
Friend to Ogg, Homey da Clown and Casey Serin
February 8th, 2007 at 4:47 am
He takes better care of the property that you do!
February 8th, 2007 at 4:50 am
So the homeless individual has been maintaining the property? Sign him to a one-year lease. The lease will survive foreclosure and he will no longer be homeless. He can pay you in labor. This is a win-win sweet deal because you are giving someone a hand-up not a hand-out and it offers you the opportunity to have something positive come from this mess. A no loose situation.
February 8th, 2007 at 5:04 am
Why does this house need a steel gate on the driveway?
What kind of neighbors allow people to live in
cars in the driveways of vacant houses?
What kind of low-life neighborhood is this?
February 8th, 2007 at 5:19 am
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
-Proverbs 21:13
February 8th, 2007 at 5:22 am
You should be nice to this homeless dude. You’re likely to be in the same situation before long. Maybe he can give you the skinny on the dumpsters that contain the best left-overs.
February 8th, 2007 at 5:33 am
“I have been ignoring the problem for a while because I was too busy to deal with it. ”
Yeah, blogging, doing media interviews, working out your Myers Briggs psychological tests - waaaay too busy to do anything as basic as mow the lawn, keep the house presentable, drive by oten enough not to nip issues like this in the bud. I bet he reads your site and knows you are unlikely to be focused enough on selling your places to bother.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:05 am
It won’t be your property for long. Why the angst?
February 8th, 2007 at 6:06 am
Does the neighbor not care that a homeless person is living next to him? What does the neighbor think?
February 8th, 2007 at 6:15 am
You actually believe that this person has not been living inside the house? Casey, wake up and smell your delusions.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:21 am
I cannot wait for this guy to claim squatter’s rights and force you to evict him. But hey, that’ll give you a distraction from your real problems AND blogging material for the next 18 months. SWEET DEAL!!!
February 8th, 2007 at 6:24 am
Watch out Casey. That squatter has rights. More importantly, WTF do you care if someone is there or not? Honestly, could you explain to your legion of fans, what difference does it make to you? The trustee sale should be happening soon on this property and this problem moves on. You’ve done nothing of significance with this property in the time you’ve ‘owned’ it. And now you’re concerned about some squatter. Rest assured, he is not affecting your short sale capabilities on this place.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:36 am
The car is “abandoned” is it? You called code enforcement and reported an “abandoned” car. It is not abandoned, and saying so was a lie. Can’t you tell the truth? Are you telling us the truth? Do you even know what lying is?
February 8th, 2007 at 6:36 am
Better have one of your lawyers research adverse possession laws in California, Casey. Your tenant has rights you may be unaware of, and should you act illegally, he may be in a position to file a civil suit.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:49 am
“Dude, where’s my car?” Ouch. Casey, you should just ask him to give you the keys and title. Obviously, he’s not using the car. Is it tagged? Are they current tags? Maybe, you could keep the car… every state allows taking ownership to abandoned vehicles. Might be worth a few hundred dollars to you in a sale.
Instead of pursuing this guy… pursue the car.
Also, get some bolt cutters and change the lock on the gate. Lock his car in. Having a car their makes your house seem like there is someone living there…. THIS HOMELESS MAN HAS DONE YOU A FAVOR!
February 8th, 2007 at 6:59 am
I’m sure he’s living in the car. With free utils and a free house, I’m sure he’s living in the car in the driveway.
Have you checked the locks on the house? Hopefully, he changed those also.
February 8th, 2007 at 7:04 am
Casey I’m thinking he’s already living in the house. You need to find out quickly but be safe about it. If he’s in the house continue to call the police reporting an intruder. Good luck to you! Keep us posted on this situation. Also, please try to filter out the ridiculous posts from others that are completely off topic and immature. To see people post here that you don’t own the house anymore than the homeless guy is absurd. I enjoyed reading the feedback here when it was production and constructive. Please try to get it back to that. Thanks!
February 8th, 2007 at 7:06 am
Your sense of entitlement and moral outrage is a truly pathetic thing to see. I mean, it’s not like you actually paid anything for the house (100% financing, no money down, cash back at closing). Indeed, from the bank’s perspective, they could make a case that YOU (Casey Serin) is the one freeloading on them. So you’re pissed off because “The Homeless Dude” (God forbid you actually call him by his real name) has taken to living in the place and parking his car in the driveway. Well, Casey…why don’t you just cry me a river…a sophisticated and worldly real estate phenom such as yourself has been had by a squatter? You poor boy, I feel so bad for you. Perhaps you should have offered him a Starbuck’s Vente Latte or a Jamba Juice cocktail (with a wheat grass shot)?
Considering that by your own admission, you have been “too busy” to deal him until now (and he has been living there for how long?) and he has actually taken the time to cut the grass and make the place look decent, I would say he has even more right to be there than you. After all, didn’t you get the mortgage from the bank on the pre condition that you actually live in the place. Hell, you aren’t even bothering with that. And exactly how many mortgage payments have you made on that place?
February 8th, 2007 at 7:08 am
Did you think that all your abandoned properties could be squatted or even used to hide crack or anything illegal ? Who’s responsible then ?
February 8th, 2007 at 7:08 am
Please explain to the world why this house was not in MLS 9 months ago and then rented out when it didnt sell right away.
You said you didn’t rent them out because they are harder to sell. But then you didn’t try to sell it (no mls=no trying).
And the homeless sqautter is way way worse than paying renters in the house.
Buying homes to ignore is part of the seminar plan? Thats what cash-back and dissappear people do.
Or were you trying to ‘wholesale’ them to other seminar junkies? Or did you just give up and do nothing?
The FBI will want to know why you did not try to sell or rent this house out until now.
February 8th, 2007 at 7:09 am
It looks like the homeless ‘dude’ has a better car than you too!
February 8th, 2007 at 7:24 am
OK, so you guys arent being fair to Casey, Just because he is in foreclosure doesn’t mean it isn’t his property. It is still his property and he is still liable for whatever happens regardless if he has paid his mortgage or not. If that Bum decides to kill someone on the property Casey is still liable and can be sued.
Atleast he mowed the lawn!
Go Casey!!
February 8th, 2007 at 7:27 am
Oh that really sucks. I hope you take care of this problem because it could get worst. You never know their could be more bums (his friends) living on the property. Also, how can you evict someone that doesn’t live in the property?
February 8th, 2007 at 7:36 am
1. The car is not abandoned. It is used and parked on the street. You have no right to have it towed now it is not on “your” property and I assume that would be breaking the law (not that you seem to mind doing that).
2. I use the term “your” property loosely - you don’t pay the mortgage, you don’t pay the insurance, you don’t have any equity in it, you don’t mow the lawn. What, exactly, makes it yours?
February 8th, 2007 at 7:44 am
What this situation does is, help prove the point that a house is a LOUSY investment. You wouldn’t have a homeless guy sleeping on your S&P 500 portfolio now, would you? Empty houses invite all kinds of problems, and now you have one of the more serious ones.
On a lighter note: One of the other posters had a great idea: How about you cut a deal with this guy to maintain the property until it is forecl…. er, I mean sold.
February 8th, 2007 at 7:59 am
Dude - WTF!?
He is trespassing - have him arrested! By him living there for a yr & you not knowing it, by moving his car in your driveway, by putting a lock on the gate, by taking care of the lawn, he is trying to demonstrate should it ever go to court that the house has been abandoned & he is now squatting in it & taking care of it. He is trying to show he has adverse possession of your property.
“In common law, adverse possession is the name given to the process by which title to another’s real property is acquired without compensation, by, as the name suggests, holding the property in a manner that conflicts with the true owner’s rights for a specified period of time.”
“Adverse possession requires three elements in regards to the possession of the property[1]:
1. physical (actual, visible, notorious, exclusive)
2. mental (hostile)
3. temporal (continuous)
In simple terms, this means that those attempting to claim the property are occupying it exclusively (keeping out others) and openly as if it were their own. Some jurisdictions permit accidental adverse possession as might occur with a surveying error. Generally, the openly hostile possession must be continuous (although not necessarily constant) without challenge or permission from the lawful owner, for a fixed statutory period in order to acquire title. Where the property is of a type ordinarily only occupied during certain times (such as a summer cottage), the adverse possessor may only need to be in exclusive, open, hostile possession during those successive useful periods.”
February 8th, 2007 at 8:09 am
1. You are missing a “sweet deal.” This homeless guy could be taking care of your mowing and cleaning tasks while you sip Jamba Juice and wait for the passive income to roll in.
2. Also, he will have some great tips for you. When you’re homeless, you’ll need his advice so I suggest that you help him start his own blog “” to share his knowledge with others. You’re going to need tips on avoiding the cops, dumpster diving, and cadging sofa space from friends when your house of cards collapses.
3. WWJE? Who Would Jesus Evict?
4. Are you sure this homeless guy isn’t just a credit challenged buyer in disguise? Maybe he could be the one to buy this turkey from you?
5. The “righteous” indignation tone from you is hysterical! Keep up the comedy gold!
February 8th, 2007 at 8:12 am
You’ve got to see this video about squatters:
February 8th, 2007 at 8:24 am
Maybe you could hire this guy to help you clean up/ fix up your properties. It sounds like he’s motivated, so maybe you guys could help each other.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:28 am
Boy you get worked up over minor things.
There is nothing to worry about here. This is not your problem. Maybe you want to believe it is your problem, because that benefits your self esteem. However, at this point, it isn’t your problem. The reason why is because you are no longer calling the shots. The property is too much in arrears. You aren’t going to be able to sell or short sell it (at least not at 248) because the value of the property has depreciated too much. The property is going to be foreclosed on. The bum is the bank’s problem.
You just can’t deal with the fact that every project you started is now wildly and completely out of your control, can you?
Don’t waste any more time on this. Given your level of competence, you will probably break a criminal statute trying to get rid of this guy considering this is in California. In the People’s Republic cutting off the bum’s lock or towing his car may well be illegal. If this was the old Texas property, dealing with a trespasser would be far easier!
February 8th, 2007 at 8:42 am
KARMA is a Mother F#$%er, This guy mowed and watered your grass for FREE, that’s more than your lazy a$$ have every done for anyone.
I hope after you tow this guys car he breaks into your house and steals and destroys everything. Remember he lives there and you don’t.
You are just an other hypocritial phony deceitful part time christan when it benefits you and your selfish agenda.
You might want to think this through….you have put your address and picture on this site. genius
After you jack this homless guy you better look into some security, your Karma sack is empty and pay back is MF’er
What comes around goes around….
February 8th, 2007 at 8:45 am
Your a f****** a****** for not letting him stay there until you sell that house. I hope you never sell that house; besides he is helping you in doing what you are unwilling to do: take care of that house.
I hope you keep eating the fruits of your ungratefulness and keep f****** yourself more and more further and further down that hole you keep digging for yourself.
PS: If you had some brains you’d let him live there and take care of it until you sold it, but obviously your too dumb to even do that.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:49 am
I would sight review any of your other outstanding properties. If you catch people there, have them arrested on B&E and have them hauled off.
You are asking if you should thank the tresspasser for doing work on the property that you should have been taking care of yourself?
February 8th, 2007 at 8:54 am
Casey, this could only happen to you. It’s one story after another and this one made me roll on the floor laughing. Good luck with the squatter.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:57 am
Big mistake picking on the homeless. As if you were not in enough trouble and now you go and persecute the little guy.
Big mistake now you will seem like a bully and won’t get mercy on your own sentence. Remember $asey those that show mercy will be shown mercy…
February 8th, 2007 at 9:01 am
People look for neglected properties and take advantage. If the car’s on the street, hurry up to cut the lock and replace it with your own (strong) one so he can’t get the car back there.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:06 am
Do you not see the irony in this ?
February 8th, 2007 at 9:06 am
casey, this is not your property, not anymore, i know of all your problems by constantly reading your blogs, at least the guy is trying to take care of the house..just be carefull, i really hope everything goes well for you.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:12 am
Are you sure that he’s real and not a vision of Casey Future?? At least the car looks OK for a homeless guy.
He’s done more to spruce up the property than you have. This is poetic justice. Tell me that all the guru “education” didn’t cover this scenario.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:19 am
What choice does Casey have? He can’t let someone just live in there unchecked. Among other things he or someone he knows could damage the house or surrounding property and Casey would be totally liable. Not to mention if this person used his house for any illegal activity Casey would also be liable. He can’t afford to take that kind of chance.
And before anyone rips into me for “saying homeless people are criminals” I didn’t say that. He’s just a person and a person homeless or living in a huge mansion can be a criminal. You never know and you can’t take that kind of chance.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:25 am
I would be scared that towing a broke guys car would jinx me even more if I were in your position. You need to be thinking carma right now. Be cool with him but dont let him get over. I would realy not be high and mighty right now in your position. Paybacks a b**** .
February 8th, 2007 at 9:29 am
February 8th, 2007 at 9:29 am
It’s not your house, it’s the banks house. Let the bank deal with him. Thanks for the laugh though, I mean how more ironic can this situation be. Casey the freeloader, who hasn’t taken care of the property anyway, who hasn’t made any payments is upset that some homeless guy is living on the banks property and although he has no real interest in the property is taking better care of it than you. The thief and mortgage fraudster calling the police to have some homeless guy towed away.
I love it. I have no sympathy for you.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:31 am
What do you mean? Someone told you they would do something and they didn’t follow through?
And you got mad?
Wow, you must hate yourself then. How many things over the last year have you told yourself you would do, and you have either yet to start on them or even get passed the “idea” stage?
Maybe this is a sign, that with your new “sweet” ride, this is how you could live sometime soon.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:32 am
Doesn’t this homeless guy know that investing in real estate is his path to financial freedom?
February 8th, 2007 at 9:37 am
You’re worrying about the car when it’s the guy who drives it doing the trespassing. The car simply goes where he points it. At least trespassing guy has something to point. You, on the other hand, have no point.
By the way, my 18 year old freshly graduated from high-school college bound son thinks you’re an idiot. The love of my life thinks you’re an idiot. I think you’re an idiot, the same way that I would think of one of my sons if one was an idiot - one of them is an idiot. I refer to him as such - my idiot son.
You’re not stupid, Casey. What you are is young and inexperienced. And you are ethically challenged. One will only be relieved by time you haven’t had. The other is something you can work on now. Failure is humiliating, but the learning process that comes with it can be worth more than all the fly-by-night seminars and happy talk RE clowns in the world. Learning is priceless, and you should only stop doing it when they put you in a box.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:44 am
February 8th, 2007 at 9:48 am
Please add (Occupied?) or (Squatted!) to the description of the Burdett prop on the right hand sidebar.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:54 am
Soulpatch is right, maybe the homeless dude could “bird-dog” other properties too. win/win/win/win!
February 8th, 2007 at 9:59 am
Don’t be so angry at him! You might need to ask him for advice at some point.
After all, the man has a higher net worth than you do, and appears to care more about the property than you do, too.
When the time comes that you’ve lost all your houses and been evicted for nonpayment of rent, you’ll need a mentor for your new status! You say you’re always lucky that mentors just find you, well, maybe this guy has something to teach you?
February 8th, 2007 at 10:01 am
Think of the homeless person camped out at the property as a new friend and a “falling forward” experience for you. There are many ways this individual can assist you.
1. This person, by being on the property, can keep “negative elements” (i.e., drug dealers) from trying to use the property for illegal purposes.
2. This person is attempting to maintain an attractive appearance to the property with yard work - that’s awesome. The blue car with the boat make the place look way nicer than the “abandoned” appearance it had months ago.
3. If you were to provide this person with the means (i.e., laptop, pda, etc.) they could be doing some moderating for you.
4. You’ve been needing an assistant - here you go - this person can sort and open your mail, pay attention to the “smaller” details and give you the much needed positive support you’ve been seeking for your business.
5. This individual could be showing the property to prospective buyers, saving you $$ on RE agent commission.
6. This individual could also assist you in “birddogging” of properties in the neighborhood. You said you’d pay the mailman $500 - why not exchange birddogging service for that ability to stay on the property.
This could be a good thing for you. Think of the positive - no negatives here.
And, if you really want to do some forward thinking - this guy and you could become friends and take the experience of your joint misfortunes and create opportunties… a real “rags to riches” type of thing.
If you really want to do a great public service with this blog - interview the guy - find out who he is, where he’s from, how he’s come to living in the car, what his future plans are…. Perhaps you could become this guy’s mentor.
Remember, it’s all good and there could be a great “win-win” for the both of you.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:12 am
Here’s some more advice for you to ignore…….you should LET this guy live in the driveway, claim squatter’s rights, and then inform your lender of the situation…….They will not want to foreclose and get in the middle of a squatter’s rights case in Cali - nor should you, so you should come to an agreement with your “tenant” beforehand - but this will buy you a year or more to try and deal with the house. Obviously, if the guy is unstable, on drugs, or otherwise impaired, the plan falls apart; otherwise, you should look at this as an opportunity to forestall a foreclosure.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:15 am
I agree with comment 9. Turn all your homes into homeless shelters. Think of the good you could do?
By the time they foreclose, you will have provided shelter for six months (approx) to some deserving folks.
Just so you’re not giving them a free ride, work out a deal where they take care of the landscaping, maybe even make some home improvements to add to the value of the property.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:18 am
[…] Eviction by the foreclosed. The comments are the best part. […]
February 8th, 2007 at 10:23 am
You could call police and report that the guy is trespassing. Or is there something you’re not telling us? Like you did some sort of half assed rental agreement?
February 8th, 2007 at 10:28 am
Broken windows theory of crime: If you allow small stuff to happen, it will attract people who will do bigger stuff.
Or as applicable to this situation: You allow the house to become an eyesore, don’t mow the lawn, don’t have the lights on (because you don’t have electricity), don’t have anybody living there, can’t be bothered to be present in the house on a regular basis, then you’re surprised that somebody decides to treat it as an abandoned piece of property?
Once again, get a clue.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:38 am
Call the cops and make a citizens arrest for trespassing.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:49 am
And there, Casey Serin, but for the grace of God go you…
February 8th, 2007 at 10:57 am
Don’t be a prick.
Contrary to most, I’m no hater of you. But come on, you think the f****** guy “wants to live there” - prefers it? Of course not, give him the same break you’ve been allocated, legally, with all this bullshit.
And, he does your grass? He’s obviously making any attempt he can, to compensate you, however minute financially.
For all you know, he’s in this situation- after having 5 homes forclosed. He’s you, 20 yrs in the future. Don’t simply disregard him due to his current situation, homeless people had lives predating their homelessness.
Get him a suit, and let him show off the property when you’re unavailable.
February 8th, 2007 at 10:59 am
Geez, why don’t you just rent it to him? He’s doing a better job than you are of taking care of the property. And you’ll get a bit of cash flow. He obviously doesn’t care if he has to move due to foreclosure.
You call yourself a religious person but you obviously have no feeling of compassion or charity!
On another note, here’s a story that might interest you. A guy who calls himself “Dr. Prison” teaches softies how to survive prison.
February 8th, 2007 at 11:27 am
Empty house…
Homeless guy…
A possible match?!?
I read the other day that 2.7% of the houses in America are empty (rarely climbs above 2%). They could easily place every single homeless guy in those vacant houses. Make the flippers who flopped work for the homeless… that they are partly responsible for making homeless by driving up the price of real estate, making loaners insolvent for their bs loans, etc.
February 8th, 2007 at 11:36 am
1. It’s not YOUR driveway. It’s the banks.
2. Just let it foreclose and the homeless guy won’t be your problem anymore.
3. Maybe you should tell him to go get a JOB. Wait, you don’t even have a job. Nevermind.
4. You’d think that someone in your position would have sympathy for someone in his position. A true sign of your character… You and him may be roomies one of these days…
Remember the parable Jesus told about the slave who was forgiven a massive debt and then had his fellow slave thrown in prison for a miniscule one? Think you could learn a lesson there? Or was that one of the chapters you didn’t get around to reading last year?
Ironically, his net worth is actually significantly more than yours. Even if it’s in the negative, surely it’s not 2.2 mil negative.
February 8th, 2007 at 11:38 am
Nice try. Your detractors, and they are legion, recognize your scam. I’m sure you won’t publish this, but I know you’ll read it–you won’t be able to get away with burning down this place and receiving insurance money.
If they haven’t been already, local authorities and investigators will be warned about the issues surrounding this place, its impending foreclosure, and your blog. Your attempt to create a backstory to explain the fire (ie the homeless guy who mows your lawn) will not go very far in convincing them.
February 8th, 2007 at 11:46 am
Wow, you have some really hostile readers! I’m sorry that you have to deal with so many rude people. Just because you don’t technically own the home, doesn’t mean that this guy living in the driveway is right. Yes it’s nice that he cut the grass, but that still doesn’t make it right that he is crashing on the driveway or that he put a lock on the gate! Sheesh! I wish you the best of luck getting this guy out of there and that you quickly are able to sell this property and all the others you currently have. And may karma come back and bite all the naysayers in the you know what! Best wishes for you Casey, I truly mean that!
February 8th, 2007 at 11:48 am
You want everyone to be compassionate with you, are towing a homeless guy’s car??? You are a complete loser. Trolling for posts?
February 8th, 2007 at 11:58 am
Have you tried asking him if you can buy him dinner and getting to know him better? Maybe a long time ago he too faced foreclosure and lost. Maybe he just needs a friend. He can stay at your vacant properties and take care of them. Or you can hire him as a handy man. He obviously knows something about mowing lawns and locks. Sometimes we just need to hear the other side and get a discussion going to really understand others. Hugs!
February 8th, 2007 at 12:01 pm
Maybe he parked in the driveway so he didn’t have to walk so far with the copper plumbing he’s tearing out of your (the Bank’s) house.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:03 pm
Its kinda funny to have a car parked like that on your property but quite intolerable , i think u made the right move by getting it towed and letting the owner know about it.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:06 pm
Does someone this dumb really make a site to expose this about themselves.
It seems like you have been dumb for awhile as this site dates very far back.
Anyway- when you call the town they can take 2-3 weeks to put stamp on the car- as I have gone though this before with my sacramento county property.
They will put a pink tag on the car that says it has to be moved in 72 hrs or it will be towed.
When I called on the car the owner took of the tag and parked it on the other side of the street for the week- the next week he was right back where he was. In front of my house!
I called again to try to explain and the county said sorry- this person knows how to work the system and there is nothing we can do.
I slit his tires and put fake gang grafiti on the car in the middle of the night.
Next day they inflated the tires and moved the truck.
Point is the city does not do jack - you will have to take this into your own hands.
You have asked this d**** to go away before - now he is taking advantage of you more because you have not shown him what you can do.
Call a towing company and leave his car out in the middle of south sacramento on 65th and florin overnight- this will show this dickhead a lesson.
You can not get in trouble for this if you just keep your mouth shut about it and do it.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Why did you report an abandoned car? That car is not abandoned and you know it. Do you know you can get in a lot of trouble for filing a false report?
Seeing as you’re one step away from homeless yourself, you should put yourself in his place. This is all he’s got. The car’s not in your driveway anymore, so leave it alone.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:19 pm
How is it your property you bum?
February 8th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
Yeah, that car looks way too clean and well-maintained to belong to a homeless guy. (Usually they like something bigger and more comfortable to live in, like a rusted-out ‘78 Olds) Plus, why’s he locking himself into the driveway and mowing the lawn? That’s nuts…. homeless people just rave like lunatics, s*** on the sidewalk and beg for money. I’d definitely look into this a bit more…
February 8th, 2007 at 12:29 pm
I hate to be so pedantic, but it’s probably incorrect to call this guy a “homeless dude” now that he has a house, ….. yours.
February 8th, 2007 at 12:49 pm
Viewers, meet your new “American Idle” Casey Serin..
February 8th, 2007 at 1:00 pm
Does it bother you that the homeless guy is living in a better car than you’re driving?
February 8th, 2007 at 1:02 pm
Boy, I’ll bet Amy is just kicking herself for turning down this listing.
February 8th, 2007 at 1:17 pm
I dont beleive this story by casey. sounds very unlikely casey that you would go to one of your properties.
–After several calls to a bunch of different companies I FINALLY find a company that is willing to tow the car for me but they only work Monday through Friday 8 to 5. (This was on Saturday.)–
Dang Casey you work saturdays??? when do you have time to recharge your batteries. Chill with the roll, dog, i dont want you burning out.
funny thing is this homeless dude is in better financial shape than you.
i max out my 401k every year. and my employer matches a portion, ooh free money. who wants?
February 8th, 2007 at 1:20 pm
Hey I have been very nice to this guy. Back when I talked to him a month or two ago, I told him he can take his time as long as he moves the car fairly soon because I will be marketing the house. However, by cutting off MY lock on the gate, putting his car in the driveway and putting on HIS OWN LOCK on the gate is a bit too much… But looks like he is gone now.
February 8th, 2007 at 1:31 pm
Should’ve traded cars with the dude. His looks nicer/more dependable than yours.
You dropped the (blue) ball on that sweet deal!
February 8th, 2007 at 1:38 pm
Casey, did you check inside the house to make sure he has not been in there?
February 8th, 2007 at 1:38 pm
He might be gone now but might also be back. You need to check your houses at least twice a week. FIND THE TIME !!!!!!
February 8th, 2007 at 1:40 pm
Shoot the guy and flip his car for a quick profit.
maybe have him clean out the gutters first.
February 8th, 2007 at 1:45 pm
Well, all’s well that ends well as they say.
February 8th, 2007 at 1:51 pm
you said homeless bum is gone. dang it. i was going to go buy the house and give the bum $20 if he kept maintaining the yard. oh then i mapped the house location. that area is sketchy. i live over by land park. drop me an email next time you head over there maybe we can meet up at the jamba on Broadway. i’ll buy you a drink and b!tch slap you.
oops i mis-spoke above i hope i didnt get you’re hopes up. i do not want to buy.
i bought a used bmw 2 years ago and i got a loan at 4%. i could have easily gotten more car. something about living within my means something something.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:08 pm
Be careful.
Ever hear of the concept of Adverse Possession?
This is a little used legal concept by which a person can legally steal property. (REALLY. Seriously, it’s covered in first year Property Law in law school classes.)
If he moves into your house and is able to live in it for the requisite period (5 years I think in CA), without your permission, in an “open and notorious” manner (e.g. the way a person who owned the property would), then he can claim title to the property, subject to any liens or mortgages against it.
It’s a pretty interesting concept, and obviously doesn’t get much use in this day and age, but knowing your ability to let things slide, I’d take action.
If he’s been living there on and off since last year, and has put his own lock on the gate, that’s pretty “open and notorious” and he may be 1/5th of the way to a free house.
Get this taken care of, or it may come back to bite you.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:15 pm
this sounds like a southpark episode
where kyle’s parents hired
an actor to play homeless-future-kyle
to scare in-present-kyle into being a better more productive person in the future…
maybe your inlaws hired the guy.
honestly you should have asked him for survival tips…
he may have been a RE-Flipper in a former life!
February 8th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
I have a idea, it’s a bit late, but I think it might be a sweet little gimmick. I’m sure you have the skills to implement it.
Install a “hate-o-meter” on your site. Posters can opt in by just putting text like hate=6.0 in their post. You can parse it and display a daily average.
I’m not being facetious here. The ups and downs (you can plot over time even) can show you whether the consensus is that you are getting better or worse. I would be honest to adjust it with each post. Sometimes your posters sincerely think you have made positive steps. This is a way of measuring them.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:22 pm
Casey, did you look *inside* the house for evidence of occupancy?
February 8th, 2007 at 2:23 pm
James Marks of former FC fame? (I cant remember your moniker on FC)
I immediately recognized you as an FCer when you used the AYRTS acronym. Good show. I have seen a couple of former FCers on here..SISB is one.
Nice to see we have a blog where we can share in the Schadenfreude.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:30 pm
There couldn’t be a better illustration of why Casey’s fraud is evil. What Casey’s done through his mortgage fraud and irresponsible borrowing is to remove a bunch of housing stock from the sales and rental pool, with the effect of driving up prices for home buyers and renters (this is in addition to the big bill the rest of us bank customers got stuck with). Casey did not directly drive the blue car man into homelessness, but Casey’s actions drove someone on the edge, somewhere, into homelessness by making their rent higher than it would have been otherwise. These were not victimless crimes.
February 8th, 2007 at 2:58 pm
No, wait…. LULZ!
Casey ma man, the big guy upstairs is trolling you. The only difference between you and the homeless guy is that you have other people cleaning s*** up after you like you’re some sort of retarded hamster. Instead of reading the paper like an intelligent species, you poop on it. And then complain when you step in your own mess after you’re done.
Keep it up Casey and soon you will have no one cleaning up after you. And not a dime to your name. Be nice to the homeless guy cause you two might become roomies in the future.
If you had your stuff together you’d have already evicted him by now. You’d be a ruthless real estate maven who’d figure out a way to get the authorities involved ASAP. But you’re too pathetic to even do that. This alone should tell you you’re not wired for business. Only a common wage earning “sucker” like the ones you look down on.
February 8th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Over a month ago? SQUATTER’S RIGHTS MAN! He *OWNS* you now!
February 8th, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Hey Casey - ever heard of adverse posession ?
If this guy has any brains he would just live in the house - and you would have to evict him….
Welcome to the world of real estate…
Loads O Money
February 8th, 2007 at 3:38 pm
Since you do NOT have liability insurance on this or other homes, what happens if this person or the next accidently gets “hurt” while on your property?
Also, your true nature is showing. You stole from the banks and now you are throwing out a person who lives in one of your illegally owned house?
Amazing. How low can you go?
February 8th, 2007 at 3:42 pm
To post #43, A friendly neighbor
“The city probably mowed your lawn when you ignored their warning letters. Expect a several hundred dollar bill in the mail.”
The houses are in the ghetto and the grass has been dead for months from not being watered. Sacramento has been in a drought recently. Yesterday was the first real rain since around Christmas.
February 8th, 2007 at 3:44 pm
Hey, I *told* you that I was living ‘next door.’ Why’s it suddenly such a big deal??
Please don’t kick me out! I won’t have any place to charge my laptop.
February 8th, 2007 at 3:46 pm
You know, people look down on homeless people, but this guy may
be a lot smarter than you think. I’d bet he’s smarter than you Casey.
He might know the law. He may have already done the things he needs to do to take advantage of you. He may have read your blog Casey! He knows what you are like! Better check your other properties too Casey. Oh my God is this really happening?
February 8th, 2007 at 3:49 pm
Did you go inside the house and check if he lived there??
February 8th, 2007 at 4:46 pm
Well I guess on the bright side we found our landscapper/gardener for our winning team of the future casey. Seal the deal over a Jamba Juice
February 8th, 2007 at 4:50 pm
Hold on one mon. You’re like turning into such a hater. Like it’s this guy who’s down and your like all “trespassing on my property”. Whoa. That’s harsh.
Why don’t you like try to talk to him mon. It would be richeously compassionate and like way christian of you. maybe he’s got like some kind of gnarly disease and he’s like trying to scrimp and save a few for his meds mon. You like totally jumped into the heart of this dude mon.
Like he understands he could be like totally inconveniencing you and like making it way hard to do like the usual homeowner stuff. He like “well, mon, I’ll just mow this dude’s lawn to show hime like I am a richeous dude too”. Like maybe all he wants to do is to get some excersize for his medical condition. Did you ever think of that?
Mon. You’re way harsh on the guy. Don’t be a hater. You could be way cool if you bought him some oranges or maybe a pair of pliers to like set hime straight with the world.
February 8th, 2007 at 4:59 pm
“Looks like he’s gone now.”
Yeah, I’m sure you scared him off.
If the guy cut your lock off your gate and stupidly put his own lock on it, that’s destruction of private property. Perhaps you should have mentioned that to the police. People who carry around bolt cutters to get onto people’s private property may be homeless but they certainly have an occupation.
February 8th, 2007 at 5:32 pm
Don’t forget….Matthew 25:31-40
31″When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34″Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37″Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40″The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
February 8th, 2007 at 5:39 pm
Comment #44 is about Squatter’s Rights through Adverse Possession. Wikipedia has a good explanation. May want to check California’s interpretation of the laws on the subject.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:10 pm
You think it’s “being nice” to tell a guy parked on a public street to take his time moving his car?
Now you think you own a public street?
You let a neighbor who can afford a boat park it free in “your” driveway but you, Mr. Pious Christian, tell a homeless guy, who owns nothing, to move his car from a public street?
I really hope somebody calls the authorities and tells them you made a false report.
February 8th, 2007 at 6:58 pm
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
February 8th, 2007 at 7:31 pm
“This alone should tell you you’re not wired for business. Only a common wage earning “sucker” like the ones you look down on.”
There’s just one problem. He has no skills, no education and therefore no real wage earning potential (even though he believes he does, but then again he also believes he’s going to make a sweet deal on a 200-unit apartment building) with $0 cash down.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:02 pm
“I call my road-side assistance program that I just ordered. They are NOT willing to help me…”
Well, that $52 was certainly money well-spent, wasn’t it?
February 8th, 2007 at 8:09 pm
Have you ever considered the possibility that God will treat you with the same lack of compassion that you show that homeless man?
He’s mowing and watering the lawn and trying to be helpful… and you drive him away.
He is your future.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:31 pm
Simple answer… go get a 3 ton hydraulic jack and set it under the rear differential. Jack it up and pull it out to the street.
Write a thank you note for the lawn care and ask him to keep it out of your driveway.
February 8th, 2007 at 8:43 pm
Tell your lender that they have a bum on their property, not yours….
February 8th, 2007 at 9:22 pm
The Original Kevin,
You are as stupid as Casey.
Do you think the homeless guy can get the property via adverse possession?
Do you think “adverse possession” can prevent the bank from foreclosing? The answer is no you idiot.
February 8th, 2007 at 9:36 pm
[…] You simply must read this blog thread, in which Casey Serin of “IAmFacingForeclosure.Com” fame complains about a homeless guy squatting in one of his ill-gotten, under-foreclosure properties. The posters to the thread leave no stone unturned in exploring the irony of the 24-year-old real-estate anti-mogul coming down on a rather gentlemanly homeless guy for … ill-getting one of Casey’s properties. […]
February 8th, 2007 at 10:21 pm
@143. dumbererer and dumberereest
That was Stan (and Butters’) parents that hired the actors. Funny episode, though. Good catch there.
@164 Chris: If the blue car’s a rockin’, Casey best not come a-knockin’!
February 8th, 2007 at 10:45 pm
“Ever hear of the concept of Adverse Possession?
This is a little used legal concept by which a person can legally steal property. (REALLY. Seriously, it’s covered in first year Property Law in law school classes.)”
(a lot of stuff snipped)
I looked into adverse possession for a case involving one of my neighbors.
Turns out that not only does California require a solid 5 years of adverse possession, but the first time Casey told the guy he was trespassing, etc., this “reset the clock.”
Namely, Casey would have to let the guy now live there for _another_ five years, and pay property taxes, and make mortgage payments, etc., for this little-used side diversion in the law to matter.
Ain’t gonna happen. All of Casey’s junky properties are going to be back in the hands of banks within the next 3 months, guaranteed.
Fantasies about “adverse possession” are just that. Look, I am not excusing Casey’s “hands-off, don’t visit, ostrich” approach to his Larchmont, Burdette, Muncy, and Guadalajara properties, but “adverse possession” ain’t gonna happen.
–Tim from Monterey Bay Area
February 9th, 2007 at 12:09 am
one thing - that hobo’s net worth is greater than yours!!!! You don’t own the house any more than he does!!!! The bank does. And do you have a fully paid up car?????
February 9th, 2007 at 12:30 am
I have a great idea!
You get this poor homeless man’s car towed. He wanders the streets in search of shelter and finds another vacant home.
He could move in — but wait! Make sure he knows he can get $1,000 to bird-dog vacant houses by Casey Big-time Investor. You buy the house and he earns the cash. Win-win!
Part 2: You neglect the second house and don’t realize til it’s foreclosed that he’s been living there for six months.
February 9th, 2007 at 1:35 am
If the homeless man was there for 2 months, you could’ve NOT bought the $50 auto membership and made a deal with him to come get you if something happened to your car. His car looks nicer than yours.
Casey, it’s not just the financial aspect here. Irregardless, you stopped tending to any of your properties and other responsibilities. Seriously, if you’d have NOT let the neighbor park the boat there, plus had the homeless man move his car, you MIGHT have gotten a buyer.
If you invest in real estate, you have to tend to it. Nurture it. You can’t just flip it over night. It just doesn’t work that way. If you’re ever able to purchase anything again, plan on being married to it until you re-sell it.
February 9th, 2007 at 3:34 am
Maybe you can sell the house to the squatter. He has enough money to buy a padlock, that’s more than you have. Then you can squat in his house for 6 months.
February 9th, 2007 at 4:16 am
Why is everyone getting so mad at Casey? California is an insanely liberal state, and I would not be surprised if the courts for the state of California gave this guy’s CASEY’s house. Until the house gets foreclosed on Casey owns it.
Yeah…maybe Casey should just give up on the house and absorb all the debt instead of trying to short sell it. Of course you a******* don’t own the house, and would not let a homeless person live in your house for free. Save all your have mercy bullshit, because everyone knows the average person does nothing for homeless people her or himself. This is still Casey’s house, even if he did lie to the bank to obtain possession. Again, this is a matter for the court, not a matter for Casey’s judges, and jury on his blog site.
As other posters have said I think you should check for evidence that this guy is not breaking into your house and living inside. Definitely call the cops to charge him with trespassing. It was a mistake to not do so in the first place. Your a****** neighbor with the boat was supposed to “keep an eye on” that situation if memory serves me correctly, and in exchange you were going to allow him to keep his boat on your property. I would see about getting the boast towed too if it is completely legal. That neighbor suckered you.
Bottomline, get this guy removed from your property, it can only get worse if he stays there, and you, or someone else has to check up on the property to make sure he is completely removed from the property.
February 9th, 2007 at 4:54 am
Opened any utility bills lately? That would sure give you a clue about his activities in/around your (excuse me, the Bank’s) house.
February 9th, 2007 at 6:56 am
Scamming banks to buy that much property, refusing to service the debts by actually getting a JOB instead of trying to scam other people’s money, and putting up a fake “oh woe is me” blog like this is “going too far”, stupid.
Adios, FelonyBoy. I won’t ever contribute to your hit count ever again.
February 9th, 2007 at 7:23 am
Hey “teacher” - you talk to your students like that, numnuts? I didn’t say he will, I said he is setting the ground work.
Okay, numnuts?
Talk to you later numnuts….
February 9th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Casey remains clueless:
Posts addresses of all his empty properties on his blog.
Displays his sad financial situation for the world to see - making it clear that he cannot afford to hire a lawyer.
Makes it clear that he acts first, and thinks second - displaying for the world to see that it is oh so easy to take advantage of him.
Calls himself a “real estate investor” - but makes it painfully obvious that his only skill is in creating websites and blogging. Though he refuses to actually get a job using his skill set that might pay him some money (which he is in dire need of).
Then shakes his head wondering why all these things happen to him.
Dude - get a clue. You are not cut out for this. Besides lacking business sense, which is the first thing a real estate investor needs, it’s quite clear that you have no common sense either - which is what your average joe-blow needs to survive.
I’m not sure if your life is comical or sad.
February 9th, 2007 at 8:42 am
Yes, the irony here is very funny. What I can’t believe are the people bent out of shape because they’re sure this nice man is doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He’s doing it because he wants something. Most likely a place to stay, maybe to try to prove adverse possession (too bad the foreclosure will dash that hope), maybe to establish some kind of tenancy so he’s more difficult to evict or maybe to demand some payment for his lawncare services.
Oh, and the website was hilarious!
February 9th, 2007 at 9:16 am
I think the homeless guy’s car is nicer than your Jetta.
February 9th, 2007 at 9:47 am
I would not be suprised to find out the neighbors prefer the homless man taking care of the property over you. Let’s see, you personally are likely causing the additinal loss of property values of the neighborhoods you have houses in, because your are lazy, LAZY, LAAAZZYYY. They must love you boy, you are the squatter, it’s just you don’t live there but your having the same effect.
We should coin some phrases for you:
1) To act like a Casey=Someone who run around pretending to be a real estate investor without having the slighest clue what they are doing.
2) That neighborhoods been Casey bombed=Any neighborhood targeted by the cluelees ilk like Casey Serin ultimately destroying any property value in the neighborhood through neglect and sheer greed.
3) That house is a Casey shack=Any house whos price has been artificailly inflated by the sheer greed of scam artists like Casey Serin that only a complete moron would buy it at the asking price.
I could go on but then I would be “In the Casey zone”=To pretend your doing a lot of constructive work but basically your just spinning your wheels hoping that real life won’t intrude upon your firmly built up delusions.
February 9th, 2007 at 9:47 am
My bet is that he still has the keys from when he leased it from you and you didn’t change the locks. He’s been living in the house the whole time. Probably not the first time he’s mowed the lawn and you just have no clue.
If I were out to get you…aka Homey and a couple of other posters that get screened out nowadays in the “new and improved positive” IAFF…I’d pay a bum a hundred bucks to go move into any one of your places. Might not even have to pay them. Let them know how you will never be around and bingo they’ve got a place to crash. Anyway not that anyone would be that malicious…I think this situation was pointed out by Homey some time ago when you still allowed his posts…not 100%.
I bet this is the only house this has happened at though so I wouldn’t sweat it dude.
I actually bought a house with a squatter living at it…my strategy was beer drinking with him until I was able to buddy up a bit. I actually lived there too so I was able to pester him all the time…Finally I struck a deal…he had to kick in some money to cover electricity for his RV, we agreed to landscaping…he had to remove a ton of ivy out of my trees and fell one big one. He busted it out most of the way but finally got sick out the hard work and left. Win/win situation and a pretty sweet deal!
February 9th, 2007 at 9:58 am
The correct spelling of your imprecation is “numbnutz”.
As in: “ya freakin’ numbnutz, I oughta friggin’ smack youse, ya lowlife p*******”.
Eric J Herrholz is Right
February 9th, 2007 at 10:54 am
The Original Kevin,
“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”
You are dangerous.
Maybe you and Casey can go into business together.
February 9th, 2007 at 11:41 am
He probably read your website at Starbucks while drinking an organic vente latte with a wheatgrass on the side and thought he could score a sweet deal of the rent free type. You have gotta send Sputnik to poop in his shoes.
You need to check out the other houses now.
When are we going to have that party in the NM house?
Big Cheese
February 9th, 2007 at 12:50 pm
You’ve taught me to respect squatters. If the shelter goes unused because some kid signed too many fancy papers, let the squatter mow the lawn. It’s so obvious. You bet this guy has a much higher net work, and probably a higher work ethic.
February 9th, 2007 at 12:59 pm
This is your best post in a while. Ones like this are the reason people keep coming back. Keep it coming.
February 9th, 2007 at 2:12 pm
Here’s a thought. Come by some night when the guy is presumably sleeping in his car on your property. Call the police and tell them someone is tresspassing on your property. I don’t know if that gets rid of the car, but it gets rid of him.
February 9th, 2007 at 4:49 pm
In case you ever need to get a squatter out or need to go the midnite eviction route. Find a good actress through the local college, Jr college and go visit the squatter/ evictee.
Give them two hours to be gone for good or your female friend will call the police saying they went to the property and were attacked. Have her give a demonstration.
Works everytime.
February 9th, 2007 at 6:54 pm
Just a few questions here for all you that feel the need to rail against Casey here, right or wrong. How many of you would let a homeless person take up residence in any property you own? Could we have a show of hands please? What if the homeless guy decides to let someone setup a meth lab in the property? Do you know what you have to do to clean up a “meth lab house”? Basically gut the whole thing, which would only add to Casey’s woes.
So none of you have ever fudged the numbers before? No….really? If you have, even a little, then you’ve no right to take your frustrations out on a poor kid that got in over his head. Trust me, he’ll have to pay for this for many years to come, so he certainly doesn’t need to endure undue abuse from you lot.
Perhaps the bank does own the title, but they certainly don’t own the funds used to actually purchase the property. I’d suggest you all research fractional reserve banking a bit and you’ll realize that poor Casey here is small potatoes compared to the chicanery that the banks pull off. Low interest rates, easy credit, real estate prices increasing without any basis in fundamentals…do you think that Casey is the cause of all this, or just a tiny spec of dust on one of the smaller, more obscure wheels in a very large and well oiled financial machine. All bubbles are orchestrated, and unfortunately require suckers to buy into the scheme in order to work.
Perhaps Casey is inexperienced and a bit immature (things that can be improved on with time and perspective) but I simply fail to see him as the criminal that you all make him out to be. I wish some of you would speak to Bush, Cheney and Co. with the same vigor that you reserve for this young kid who got in way over his head, and was cheered on in doing so all the way. Shame on the banks for not performing their own due diligence and allowing him to dig in so deep.
February 9th, 2007 at 8:34 pm
OH THIS IS TOOOOO FUNNY! HILARIOUS. DONT YOU JUST LOVE CASEY’S TONE! I can picture Casey actually being pissed about this. Oh this is funny. Sorry Case.
Special Note: Rotten eggs eventually rot.
February 9th, 2007 at 11:58 pm
What if the guy gets mad and burned the house down…do you have insurance?
February 10th, 2007 at 12:13 am
That homeless man is 1.3 million dollars richer than you Casey!
February 10th, 2007 at 3:25 am
At least the bum is listening to one of the pieces advice constantly ignored by Our Hero, which is to live in (on) one of the properties to save on rent!
February 10th, 2007 at 8:20 am
To fix the car issue. Tie a tow rope to it, drag it out of your yard on to the street with your vehicle, and dump it in the middle of the roadway. Then leave. The police will move it when it is an immediate traffic hazard. And, because it is a police tow the bum must pay the tow bill to get it out of the storage yard.
February 10th, 2007 at 1:00 pm
Casy, I’ve always had sympathy for you in the past. You made some mistakes but you seemed like a nice enough person. Kicking this person out of your prop’ty is pretty pathetic.
Otoh, you don’t know this guy, so he might be crazy, or break into your house or something, which would be lame.
I’m glad I’m not in your situation.
February 10th, 2007 at 1:00 pm
[…] Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool in his folly.Proverbs 17:12If the irony wasn’t enough (I now feel okay with linking to the C Serin site because I know he’s not getting any advertising dollars): the man who is now more than -600K in the hole net worth from flipping, has officially become a self-loather. He kicked out a homeless man from one of his houses.Chew on that for a moment.It’s HIS house… the one that he hasn’t made timely payments on and will be auctioned off shortly. The one where he hasn’t been by in several months.Why the boy has not figured out that bankruptcy is his BEST option, I have no idea. It’s easier to dodge out of paying Countrywide than it is to dodge out of paying Uncle Sam. He just might be living out of a car pretty soon himself. I wonder how he would think of his treatment of others then.It is often said that the measure of a society is how we treat our poor and downtrodden. How does that work when they got their from their own self-destructive behaviours?The real surprising part is that people like him (caught the train too late) are still not entering into the mainstream thinking of lenders. Those loan buybacks that we’re hearing about? He may still be one of those waiting in the wings.The real pain will come when those who had marginal credit to begin with and got into negative amortization loans get their resets. What would motivate a person with poor credit to continue to make payments on a house that is worth tens or hundreds of thousands less than what they owe on it? Any guesses if “jingle mail” will again become part of the mainstream lending discussions? (that’s when homeowners just mail in the keys on non-recourse purchase loans in California due to being underwater on the property) We’re not there yet. We should check back on this topic later this year.Labels: Casey Serin […]
February 10th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
Hey, Casey — I don’t know many homeless people who own lawnmowers. I don’t know any who have cars that look as good as that one either. And when someone asks a person to move their car, they rarely move it into a driveway and lock the gate behind them.
Are you sure you have the right house?
February 10th, 2007 at 8:32 pm
[…] If the irony wasn’t enough (I now feel okay with linking to the C Serin site because I know he’s not getting any advertising dollars): the man who is now more than -600K in the hole net worth from flipping, has officially become a self-loather. He kicked out a homeless man from one of his houses. […]
February 11th, 2007 at 7:53 am
Casey - hate to tell you this but now this property is being used for criminal activity - at least it’s mailbox / address is.
Probably drugs, or an ebay scam.
February 11th, 2007 at 2:06 pm
I have built and remodeled many homes. I have had enormous problems with homeless getting in the houses and with abandoned cars. Finally I brought a tractor with a forklift attachemnt at one subdivision and started moving the cars abandoned on my driveways and yards onto the street. That was fun! They got towed fast. Do not work a deal with him. Get rid of him now and keep the residence secured. Next they will be building a fire in the house and ripping walls apart for the copper. I have actually shown up for work on houses and found people had broken in and were still inside. I called the police and was told they could not respond for hours. Afraid to confront them by myself in an isolated area I just left. Then the City Code Enforcement came around and said if I can’t keep the homeless out they will condemn the property!
February 12th, 2007 at 10:07 pm
What kind of gate is that in the drive way?
Do a lot of houses have drive way gates?
And why does it need to be so high?
February 13th, 2007 at 4:46 pm
Update please…
February 16th, 2007 at 11:26 am
Anybody wanna take up a collection to buy Casey a copy of this guy’s book?
Something tells me Casey’s gonna need a copy soon.
It’s a shame Casey didn’t take the time learn a thing from the homeless sqatter dude while he was still there…could have saved us all $29.95. But then again what’s another thirty bucks when you’re $600,000 in the hole?
This situation is so rich with irony and humor…
March 1st, 2007 at 4:32 am
abuse of the word “sweet”, Jamba Juice product placements, and obsession with wheatgrass shots, he continues to do so. Even today, he has a whole post dedicated to juice. Deliberate irony in several posts. The foremost on my mind is the post entitled Homess Dude Trespassing on my Property, despite the fact that he himself is homless (he lives with in-laws) and soon will not own the property either. Another is the post with the foreclosure auction, where the auctioneer is wearing a hat that says “flop”, and uses a trashcan as a podium.
March 19th, 2007 at 8:44 pm
Good for you Casey, you tried to get the American dream the American way.
Better to live with no fear and lose than live in fear and never try..
Better luck next time.