Sunday, August 5, 2007

Get Foreclosure Help by Drinking Fresh Juice

Making Fresh Juice

I am serious. I found drinking freshly squeezed juice in the morning gives me energy to cope with stress of foreclosure and debt. Aside from being a healthy morning habit and amazing cleansing benefits, I also found fresh juice (with ginger added) wakes me up better than coffee and doesn’t cause “the jitters”. Home squeezing is also higher quality and cheaper than Jamba Juice. (I gotta get a special wheatgrass juicer one of these days too).

Here is Dr. Mercola on juicing. The only thing I don’t agree with him is he recommends avoiding fruit juice and sweet veggies like carrots because it raises insulin and what not. Other expert praise the wonders of carrot juice. I guess there are trade-offs like with everything in life.

I love my sweet juice. It helps me cope with foreclosure and debt.


  • Did you make the first payment on the 50K promissory note? If not, why not?

  • Are you kidding? Does this whole blog even still have a point? You can write about juice but not what you did during the whole day before?

    Good luck Casey, because I think you are going to need it. Unless there is more to this story than you are telling any of us. (I think there is)

  • Hi Casey: Fruits and vegetables are definitely healthy, but fruit juice really isn’t. For example, take a look at Jamba Juice’s orange/carrot juice nutrition information at

    32 ounce size has 320 calories with 75 grams carbohydrates (e.g., fructose fruit sugar). That’s 25% of the recommended daily value of carbohydrates. You definitely don’t need that. So try eating more whole fruits and vegetables or drink nonfat milk.

    Your life is over for a long time as you know it. Please get a job.

  • Well, if cash back at closing is your crack, I guess fresh squeezed juice is less harmful than methodone…harmless really….but recent studies publicized this week questioned the claims about anti-oxidants…

    ANYHOW….the post itself reeks of trolling…..managing your money and investments wisely are the surest way to reduce stress and avoid foreclosure. And all the juice in the world won’t cause you to act in a prudent and mature manner with regard to money and investments.

    With that bit of chastisement…..bottoms up!

  • That’s a nice picture Casey. I think you should definitely try and capitalize on your excellent photography and presentation skills. Personally, I drink coffee– it’s served me well, having gotten me all the way though grad school, and countless late nights while starting my electronics company. I consider myself a devotee of caffeine (some would say “addict”) … But, having said that, I do enjoy a nice fresh-squeezed carrot and orange juice from time to time.

    Now, can we please get back to the intimate details of your financial carnage and cut out the touchy-feely crap????

  • Some of you have asked for a log of my daily activities, I figure I’ll post it here in the comments since this juice entry is slightly off-topic anyway:

    5:00 AM wakeup
    5:16 go outside for a jog / prayer / focus
    6:12 come home for shower
    6:43 squeeze juice and drink, cleanup juicer
    7:53 go to the office (upstairs), open and sort mail
    8:45 leave for foreclosure auction
    11:00 after auction, meet a business partner to discuss some deals, stop by starbucks for some green tea, do some errands, have a heavy conversation with my significant other about some personal conflicts/money, while taking care of business with the help of my cellphone / PDA with mobile internet access
    4:00 PM come home to finish the heavy conversation
    5:00 take a nap to recover energy and distress
    6:30 do other stuff but I forget exactly what

    5:30 AM wakup, juice, cleanup juicer, cleanup a messy kitchen
    7:00 quick shower, take roomate to work so I can borrow the car for the day since the Jetta has a spare on it and I don’t have the money to fix the tire yet. Not good to drive too long on a spare tire.
    9:00 Start work, loose track of time and forget to log activity, very busy day
    3:00 PM pickup mail from Roseville
    7:00 meet with business partners
    9:00 call bank and check balance via automated system, realize I don’t have money to fill-up gas in the borrowed car so I borrow some cash promising to pay back soon since I’m expecting a check in a couple of days
    10:30 go to bed early

    4:45 AM wakup naturally before alarm rings
    6:30 getup from bed, fire off some urgent emails to a partner on the east coast, go for a quick jog, juice, cleanup juicer, moderate comments, write this entry, take care of some more business communication, now it’s time for a hot/cold shower…

  • jesus… would you do something, anything, productive? please for the sanity of all of us.

  • Okay, you made breakfast this morning. Now go to work.

    What else have you done? What is the status of your other properties, status on outstanding debts (Wells Fargo, Cashcall, Promisory note, etc). I can only assume that Cashcall is on you like white on rice.

  • Update on other stuff:

    Muncy: submitted a short sale offer and waiting for the bank to get back to us

    Burdett: agent found a buyer but then buyer changed their mind, but we have another buyer that just submitted a short sale offer, I need to sign and fax it back today

    NM: submitted a short sale offer and waiting for the bank to get back to us

    Utah: that check issue is still unresolved. I must admit I have been kind of ignoring this problem and I’m not sure if they are even going to want to deal with me since it has been so long. It’s not going into foreclosure because the payments are being made but the late fees are stacking up. I need to address this soon. Perhaps I can talk to the buyers when I visit this weekend.

  • Casey,

    Make sure you put your fruits in whole. The juicer will definitely solve all of your problems and it will probably even give you the mental capacity to change your own tire.

    Reach for the stars my friend Casey.


  • 11. jamba juice momma
    February 28th, 2007 at 9:34 am

    THE UT buyer is gonna break your kneecaps. I would

  • Pathetic.

    You’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to “entertain” your audience.

    Utah: that check issue is still unresolved. I must admit I have been kind of ignoring this problem and I’m not sure if they are even going to want to deal with me since it has been so long. It’s not going into foreclosure because the payments are being made but the late fees are stacking up. I need to address this soon. Perhaps I can talk to the buyers when I visit this weekend.

    You’re going to Utah this weekend? With what money?

  • I suspect the reason for all the juice stuff is you have noticed lots of RE gurus now hawking overpriced vitamins and herbal stuff. Robert Allen apparently is doing that since the guru courses aren’t bringing in the cash anymore. Bronchick is now giving seminars on how to make money giving seminars on any random subject.

    You are learning. Sell what sells. You could probably find some schmucks who would pay for herbal consultations and vitamin mentoring. Its all good.’

  • What’s the point in Casey doing anything? I’m serious. Does anyone think he can really get out of this if he just works hard enough? There’s no way out of this now. There maybe was back in September, but it’s way too late now. Whether Casey spends all day on the phone trying to resolve this, or spends it sitting on his a** drinking juice, isn’t going to make any difference at this point.

  • Casey — a quick question for you:

    Why is it that all of your homes are either in foreclosure or are in the process of being short sold and that you took $250k+ cash back at closing in the process?

    What was your business motive in making these transactions?


  • 16. This Post Sucks
    February 28th, 2007 at 9:55 am

    Great job, Casey. You sleep, drink juice, occasionally jog, open mail, fight with G, nap, and meet with “business partners” all day. Much the same as in your old blog, minus the jello-making. (Note: Jello is not vegan, Casey.) If you actually took care of business, you would know what is going on with all of your properties and handle up on issues as soon as they arise. It should take you all of 2 minutes to sign and fax that short sale package. (We all know you’re not going to bother to read it first.)

    What do you discuss with your “partners”? Here are some of the things that you do not bring to the table for any business deal: credit, cash, property, assets (VW with a flat doesn’t count), good reputation, proven track record, business skills, drive, reliability. Here is the only thing I can see that you DO actually bring: a blog with 6500 daily visits. Oh, and also intense scrutiny from public and private interests. You are a HUGE liability to any business venture. You have one asset, this blog, which you are neglecting to the point of extinction. You write a completely worthless post, then put the actually interesting info in the comments? Come on Casey, Mr. Web Savvy, the haters are here to hate on you, the cheerleaders are here to cheer you on. NO ONE cares about juicing info.

    And how about some props to us haters that suggested changing the anti-spam words?

  • 17. What do I do all day
    February 28th, 2007 at 9:59 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Here is my long awaited list of what my days are like, starting at the beginning.

    9:08 AM - Wake up (yeah I know I really should be keeping with my Early Riser™ program but it’s really hard with my schedule)

    9:26 - Out of bed. Walk down the hall and into the kitchen for some coffee. Along the way, tripped of stack of whitish and brownish paper rectangles, several with some sort of green construction paper-like material attached to them.

    9:34 - In the kitchen savoring the freshly brewed arabica/kona blend that my sister in law keeps in an air tight container in her sub-zero freezer (a really sweet™ appliance - I’ll have to put one of those in my next flip)

    9:36-9:48 - ponder the nature of all of those paper goods in the hallway below the mail slot.

    9:53 - concluded that all of that paper (including, oddly enough, a lot of post-consumer recycled envelopes - good for the planet, you know) must be my mail. I’ll make a point to open it later - I’ve got a busy day and so many sweet deals™ to bird dog™ today. The pile is very large, maybe 200-300 pieces. I think I last opened my mail after returning home from Thanksgiving dinner.

    9:58-10:22 - showered until the water got cold (have to talk to G’s™ sister about either a tankless water heater - sweet™ or a rapid recovery 100 gallon unit (that would have been awesome™ for Burdett™ but it’s too late))

    10:24-10:39 - used a variety of exfoliants, emollients and natural; herbal extracts to maintain my clear complexion - it is a crucial component of my personal hygiene regime.

    10:51 - Just finished checking air pressure in my Blue Ball™ - it is stable at 4psi (just like I like it).

    11:33 - Reviewed and moderated comments on the blog from a week ago Thursday (note to self™ I have to get help moderating. I’m falling behind my self imposed 48 hour limit)

    12:19 PM - Made a sandwich from Panera Bread Company rosemary roasted garlic focaccia and free Whole Earth Foods free-range organic apple-wood smoked young turkey breast with a slice of Harmonic Convergence brand organic Chilean heirloom tomatoes, buffalo milk mozzarella and a light aioli with G’s™ sister’s home naturally germinated soy sprouts (totally awesome!™ sandwich)

    1:12 - Made several phone calls to various Realtors© to get the latest pulse of the market. To an individual they were all very up beat and commented that we have definitely seen the bottom of the market and that now is an excellent time to buy (sweet!™). That sounds very encouraging because the spring and summer are the time of year when the markets heat up and values really start to move.

    2:45 - Returned several voice mails from the past few days (I have been so busy I have neglected to return calls and make follow ups) and decided to finally drive down to see the Muncy™ property.

    2:50-5:35 - Was so tired from the day’s activities that I took a nap™.

    6:00 - G’s™ classes are late tonight so I decided to treat myself™ to a Jamba Juice™. I still had just enough on my Jamba Juice Card™ to get a protein boost (one of the haters™ made reference to my slight frame, so I have decided on a course of exercise to try and get in shape - I’ll write more about my proposed physical fitness regime in a post later™)

    7:30 - returned from Jamba Juice™ and tripped over the mail™ in the hallway as it was dark. G’s™ sister was also out but had left some delicious groceries in the kitchen.

    7:55 - finished moderating™ the blog and decided to treat myself™ to some of G’s™ sister’s Whole Earth Foods natural tofu and mung bean hummus along with a cracked wheat and barley fat free toasted pita. Yum!

    8:22 PM - Noticed a large thick envelope (legal sized) from Fed-Ex wedged in the mail slot. It was marked “Extremely Urgent: Deliver by 9:00AM” and had a return address from “The Law Offices of Dewey Cheadum and Howe”. Made a note to myself™ to place it on the top of the mail stack™ in the next few days so that when I get around to opening my mail™ it will be right on the top. I am pretty sure that this weekend I will be able to clear my blotter for enough time to look at/prioritize the mail so that I can intelligently plan the opening sequence of the envelopes (my thinking is: First Priority - Overnight/hand delivered. Second Priority: Certified/Registered mail. Next Priority: mail from Realtors© and my bird dogging™ network, etc.)

    9:25 - Fell asleep listening to disc number 28 of my “Gateways to millions - How to prosper in every type of real estate market. Volume 28: 11 costly steps novices make and how to avoid them. (had to get extra sleep because I plan on returning to my early riser™ routine soon).

    I am trying very hard not to despair over my situation. I am very optimistic by nature and I don’t want to loose™ any sleep over my predicament. I am confident I will be able to tell you about a sweet deal™ in the making that will allow me to pay back every dirty penny™ from those liar loans™ and enjoy the $5,000 a month of sweet™ passive income™ I so deserve.

    And to you haters™ out there: enough comments about G™ and about all of the negativity in general. You need to stay focused™ and confident in life. As many of my gurus™ have said: “It is not imprtant what you dwell on, it is important that in dwelling your dwelling is on dwellings - THAT is the key to millions in flipping™ residential properties”

  • I am suprised that you have funds to go to Utah and to maintain monthly cellular internet access, but cannot pay for gas or to get your tire fixed.

    I’m also curious of what deals you are currently working on with your business partners. You don’t provide any details in your activity list.

  • 19. Ferocious_Imbecile
    February 28th, 2007 at 10:06 am

    While juicing is nice I suppose, it’s expensive and wasteful. Really, the fibrous pulp of the vegetable itself that you toss out by squeezing the juice from it is one of the main cleansing and regulating elements in consuming vegetables and fruits. It scrubs the bowels and provides bulk.

    So I eat lots of vegetables and fruits, preferably raw and unadulterated and skip juicing them. You’ll save money and enjoy even greater health benefits.

  • Casey,

    You know what relieves the pressure of foreclosure and collection calls better than juice? That’s right, a job and money. Get cracking!

    I need to address this soon. Perhaps I can talk to the buyers when I visit this weekend.

    Are you coming to Utah this weekend? Let me know and we can meet up.


  • Casey,

    You make me want to poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick for continuing to read your blog.



  • Casey need focus on losing least money possible on flips.

    Take 30 minute per day.

    Spend balance of time working as waiter.

  • 23. Thank you Casey
    February 28th, 2007 at 10:54 am

    Casey because of you and people like you commiting mortgage fraud, I took a major hit on Forex yesterday. So don’t think your little scheme and lack of taking responsibility didn’t effect us little people. So keep drinking your Sweet Juice and making a joke out of this, I guarantee you one day you will get yours.

  • Utah, ugh Utah. You still haven’t dealt with perhaps the only positive thing going for you. Can you be any lazier? You have no place running a business, you truely do belong in a cubicle job where someone can keep an eye on you, or in jail.

  • “amazing cleansing benefits”
    You need it becuase you are so full of ….

  • It’s really sad to see anyone self-destruct.
    The only advice I have to offer you is to invite a clergyman to your home to act as a buffer when you explain how you have monumentally screwed up BOTH your futures.
    I think it would be in your family’s best interest if you were able to enter some kind of long-term mental-health residential facility.

  • Wow, isn’t juicing quite expensive? One glass alone could cost more than a Jamba Juice! I have disability income and wouldn’t even consider using IT for juicing. That bowl of veggies alone had to cost $$$. Where’s your secret stash coming from?

  • 28. At Least I Tryde
    February 28th, 2007 at 11:26 am

    Hmmm, let’s parse these sentences okay?

    “Utah: that check issue is still unresolved. I must admit I have been kind of ignoring this problem and I’m not sure if they are even going to want to deal with me since it has been so long. It’s not going into foreclosure because the payments are being made but the late fees are stacking up. I need to address this soon. Perhaps I can talk to the buyers when I visit this weekend.”

    I must admit I have been kind of ignoring this problem…. this should read ” I admit I have ignored this problem.”

    “…I’m not sure if they are even going to want to deal with me since it has been so long.” should read: I have not contacted my customers in months.

    “…the late fees are stacking up.” Should read: I’m screwing them over financially.

    “…perhaps I can talk to the buyers…” This should read:
    I will call the buyers right now.

    good luck. How are you paying for the trip to Utah? What business opportunities are you considering (you can change names and locations to keep them confidential. Just tell us the outline.) What did G. say to you? Has she realized that due to community property laws the foreclosure includes her too? Just curious.
    good luck

  • LOL.

    the anti-spam word of the day is “juice” for me. I HAD to comment.

    I’m gonna get a juicer soon! Thank you, Casey.



  • Casey - how much in ad dollars are you making from this blog?

  • Is this the next thing that you’ll be selling? Maybe you can hook up with Ron Popeil and start a show together. Maybe you can sell juicers and homes in a package deal; call it the “Juice the Green out of Your Home” show. The green juice will psychologically give your audience the feel that they are going to get rich, kind of like you think you are going to get wealthy with your delusions of grandeur and sucking down Jamba Juice. Each and every post you make drives you closer to what you are, a snake oil salesman. What does this post have to do with anything? So you got a juicer. Wow, that has everything to do with housing and your investment fraud situation.

    Go make yourself a spinach drink and Popeye up for the next foreclosure. This blog is dying out and in need of juice itself.

  • In terms of paying for my produce and juicer. I bought the juicer 3 years ago back when I was employed as a programmer and I bought it at Costco at a discount (rather then paying more via an infomercial).

    I get free produce from my parents when I visit them every week. They go to the Denio’s farmer’s market in Roseville and buy lots of produce direct from the farmers at a discount.

    I (try to) reimburse them for their cost. My mom is happy to help me out and will not let me leave without grabbing a bag of produce and any other food she can give me.

    I always try to refuse but she doesn’t want to hear it. So then I stopped refusing and just accept it gladly.

    Having such parents is a blessing. I am looking forward to becoming financially independent soon and completely taking care of their retirement.

    They have been paying for the first quarter of my life, I think they deserve for me to pay for the rest of theirs.

  • This gets my vote for the worst post ever!

  • this is a fake blog.

  • Casey,
    Why don’t you live with YOUR parents! I’m sure your in-laws would like that. You got yourself into this mess why don’t you force your own parents to put up with you everday!

  • I am looking forward to becoming financially independent soon and completely taking care of their retirement.

    Me, I’m looking forward to flying to Mars unaided and breeding goat-clownfish crossbreeds in the canals. Which of us has the more realistic dream, do you think?

    Seriously, Casey, if you’ve made any promises to your parents along those lines, or even vague suggestions, you need to do some serious soul-searching. Unless you have a massive private income that we don’t know about, you are financially screwed for years if not decades, and funding your own retirement is going to be a major challenge.

  • 37. Thank you Casey
    February 28th, 2007 at 11:53 am

    Now you gotta smooch of your parents for grocerys, why isn’t a job a option? What is this Casey?

  • You speak English very well.

    But sometimes the nuances of the English language is lost on those who speak it as a second language.

    For example, the phrase “try to” is not a synonym of the word “won’t” and “can’t”, nor is it one for the phrase “think about”.

  • Anti-spam word: winwin

    Hey KC!

    You know those UT buyers are going to go after you when that house forecloses out from under them, don’t you? It’s one thing to screw over a big bank (not that there’s anything OK with that), but you screw over an individual or a family and you are in a whole different ballpark. If I were you, I’d HOPE they use the legal system instead of taking matters into their own hands. Ugh, I’m definitely a “hater” but I’m worried about you kiddo.

  • 40. J. Whittimer Lightning
    February 28th, 2007 at 12:18 pm

    I am starting to believe that you took that Utah payment and now don’t have the funds to pay it back.

    Why are you ignoring the problem unless you know something that we don’t know? Why have you let almost 70 days pass without tracking that payment down, unless you know there is really nothing to track down.

    You have turned down numerous offers to track this payment down FOR YOU so that your Utah buyers do not lose their home. Think about that Casey. Total strangers have offered to resolve or attempt to resolve this problem for you, because they care more about YOUR customers and their financial risk, than you do.

    Why do you think that the bank cannot begin foreclosure because of the missed payment. The bank can demand payment in full now that they are behind.

    I can think of no valid reason for you to continue to ignore this problem, unless you took the payment and can’t pay the bank now. Why would any normal, honest person continue to ignore resolving such a basic business detail.

    Did your parents ask you to take care of them in their old age? Do they need you to? Didn’t think so, but nice little song and dance. You are still borrowing with your dreams to repay in the future when you make it big.

  • Umm, you’re going to “become financailly independent soon”???

    Hahahahaha…good one.

    Get a job!!!!

  • Given your situation, the fact that your parents continue to extent the teat is a curse, not a blessing.

  • 43. Ghost of Bob Hope
    February 28th, 2007 at 12:21 pm

    “They have been paying for the first quarter of my life, I think they deserve for me to pay for the rest of theirs.”

    Ummm. 24 x 4 = 96 years old.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say you aren’t going to make it to 96. Although you’ll need to in order to get out of debt.

  • 44. Bob From Earth
    February 28th, 2007 at 12:34 pm

    Wow it’s so great that your parents can count on you to take of their retirement. I bet they sleep really well knowing their son is going to take care of them.

  • The truth is juice is one part of the equation you need to cope with stress. Casey, I recommend you go to the gym 3 times a week and lift weights. The endorphin release will bring down your stress levels dramatically and will help you cope with the day to day pressures you are experiencing. The added benefit is that you will put some size on your frame which will help in your business dealings. Notice all successful entrepreneurs have physical attributes which suggest power and success.

    Finally you need an active sex life. If you notice every successful entrepreneur has a beautiful woman by his side that takes care of that part for him.

    Casey, combine Juice, Gym and Sex in healthy proportions and you will start to function a whole lot better.

  • You whole day is a waste of time! This blog is killing me!

  • I couldnt agree more, juice can have an amazing impact on your health and wealth. GO THE JUICE.

  • #19: I laughed out loud!

    #34: Your post continues to show how delusional you really are…

  • You look forward to becoming financially independant soon? How? I promise you, you have no shot at becoming a real estate investor or financially independant, ever.

  • Hey bro, why don’t you drop a fresh-squeezed turd into your juice before ya guzzle it down? That wat you’d be eating the same thing as your lenders!!

  • 51. Tried and True or Trussed and Tied
    February 28th, 2007 at 1:28 pm

    Boy the money must be getting really thin if you can’t afford to put gas in your borrowed car. Is that what the fight with G. was about? Who did you borrow the money from? What check are you expecting and from whom and for what? BTW, it’s rent time. Did you remember to take out the trash this morning _early riser?
    Got meds?

  • Congrats Casey, You finally did what everyone was asking and posted a log of the daily activities. No one said good job yet, so let me be the first. I agree there is not a lot of productivity in the list but you finally did the list. Maybe this is a step 1.

  • Agreed. This blog is losing whatever gawker value it once had. Casey– either fill us in on more info, or just close up shop already.

  • 54. Flabbergasted
    February 28th, 2007 at 1:39 pm

    Would someone find these business partners and take their check books away??? they clearly have no more sense than little Casey - who would want to do business with an admitted fraudster who brings absolutely nothing in terms of skill or assets to the table?

  • 55. Intergrity Spending LLC
    February 28th, 2007 at 1:47 pm

    When you speak of business partners are these people that you have entered into legal partnership agreements with via properly structured legal entities, or do you use the terms business partners and business meetings, as in multi-level marketing oportunities and pitch meetings.

  • So wait; I to can have 250K and all I have to do is ruin my credit score, Sweet Deal!!!!

    Your daily log really really sounds alot like my Weekends. Wake up, jog, make breakfast, deal with fianances (balance checkbook) and just hang out. However I do bust my A** during the week.

    I have been reading this blog for some time now and it has become evident that you are just to complacent to get out of this mess. You would rather not work and hope “everything works itself out” than actually do something about it.

    GET A JOB!!!

  • “35. Sam(fedup)
    This gets my vote for the worst post ever!”

    I second that.

  • Sorry to say, now you just blew the last bit of reality out of your head. One day, you will wake up.

    I forsee you

    …in Prison
    …working at Wendy’s when you get out of prison for the rest of your sorry live.

    Guy in Prison

  • The timeline answers a lot of questions. You’re a massive time waster.

    30 minutes to take a shower?
    70 minutes to have breakfast?

    Wake up at 4:45, get out of bed 1:45 later?

    I get up around 7, get out of bed around 9? I don’t worry about nothing, cause worrying’s a waste of my time?

    If you *were* dancing with Mr. Brownstone, at least you’d have an excuse.

  • Seriously, if you do have to abandon real-estate and restart look into marketing. This site is probably a pretty good resume builder and you seem to have the open personality for it.

    Also you could look into getting ads on your site. The traffic you get could add to your income. Certainly given this post you have a personal testimony to juicers.

    It must have been asked before, so feel free to ignore this, but did you ever wonder why all those people doing presentations on “how to make money off real-estate” were actually making money doing the lecture tour? Surely if they were in real estate the less competition the better and if they were making good money they would probably want to relax more than do the lecture market shuffle.

  • I 2nd that, Sam(fedup)! This is the worst post ever. Casey is simply trolling. Shame on me for wasting my time…

    I am outta here for good.

  • Glad to see you’re finally focusing on the important stuff like fruits and vegetables.

  • 63. and the winner is?
    February 28th, 2007 at 2:28 pm

    “10:51 - Just finished checking air pressure in my Blue Ball™ - it is stable at 4psi (just like I like it).”

    HAHAHAHAA that whole post was awesome. This is what really happens. Good failures Casey… Good Failures..

  • When will you face the reality that you need to get a w2 job?

    You speak of “business partners” and “meetings” but in reality you don’t even have $50 to your name.

    No man your age should be imposing on anyone for spending money or borrowing vehicles. Surely you feel like a loser doing those things?

    All those tasks you do could easily be done in addition to a full time job with still plenty of time left over for a second w2 job. And even then you’d still have some free time to play around. I know that because when I was your age I did that and much more. Maybe if you could admit to yourself that you’re lazy, you could overcome this problem.

  • 65. Inquiring minds want to know
    February 28th, 2007 at 2:43 pm

    How is the GTD system implementation going??

  • 66. The Awful Truth
    February 28th, 2007 at 2:43 pm

    Thanks for sharing your schedule. I especially like this line:

    Tuesday 9:00pm borrow money to fill gas tank in borrowed car


    Even now you have not realized how terrifying that is. I had a cousin like you. She’s in jail now.

  • Thanks for posting the log. It explains clearly why you are such a loser.

    Drink up all the juice you can. What you’ll be drinking in prison won’t exactly be juice. Well, at least not fruit or vegetable juice.

  • 68. To Hell and Back again
    February 28th, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    Does mommy tuck you in at night too?

  • Nigel,

    Why are you still giving Casey advice? It pretty clear now that he will only listen to people who tell him what he wants to hear. He will not listen to people who tell him the truth.

  • “Having such parents is a blessing. I am looking forward to becoming financially independent soon and completely taking care of their retirement.

    They have been paying for the first quarter of my life, I think they deserve for me to pay for the rest of theirs. ”

    All that we have now is juice and delusion. Very soon there will be no more properties to care about. I think that you have finally realized this and are now just trying to be a laughing-stock public spectacle (e.g. Paris Hilton, Kato Kaelin, etc.). It makes perfect sense. At this point, there are no better moves to make.

  • How on earth can you afford to go to Utah when you can’t even fix the tire on your car or put gas into the borrowed car?

  • #47. The Truth: I’m still trying to get my weight-lifting routine back into swing. I used to weight 165 lb before I got married when I was actively lifting. After marriage I kinda let that discipline slide a little bit. Now I’m down to 150 lb. Fifteen pounds of muscle loss makes a big difference since I’m only 5′8. People that haven’t seen me in a while say “Man, Casey, you used to be big, how did you get so skinny?”. So add “weight lifting” to my “to try” list.

  • Casey, thanks for the daily log but I’m afraid you didn’t really answer the question.

    I asked you for SPECIFICS. “Start work…very busy day” is not specific. What did you work on? WHo are these business partners?

    How could you screw over your Utah buyers like that? You claim to be a Christian and so religious and righteous and you may have put a family out on the street? How do you sleep at night?

  • Mark the calendar, Casey has officially jumped the shark. Sad attempt to troll for more attacks.

  • 75. Michael Cooke
    February 28th, 2007 at 4:48 pm

    Can you please fix the anti-spam word? If you forget it doesnt post then when it goes back its blank and everything you wrote is gone.

    February 28th, 2007 at 4:49 pm

    So when is the divorce going down?

  • 77. Michael Cooke
    February 28th, 2007 at 4:49 pm

    Casey, do you surf?

  • 78. Michael Cooke
    February 28th, 2007 at 5:01 pm

    “Having such parents is a blessing. I am looking forward to becoming financially independent soon and completely taking care of their retirement.”

    HaHaHa! Oh man! You need to take care of yourself first in order to do that! I understand you have the postive intentions but you are FAR away from doing this. It is a LONG way off.

    Oh wow! That one really hit me for a loop. You are full of surprises.

  • 79. jamba juice momma
    February 28th, 2007 at 5:09 pm

    Yep casey. I agree with a few others. You took that check that was suppose to goto mortgage for the UT buyer’s house and cashed it. Why else would you not make that a TOP PRIORITY to resolve. They are going to get tossed out b/c of you. You have done nothing christian in your life that I can see. Everyone is getting screwed by you. Even your parents. Your a mooch.

    sad sad sad. BTW, I think you could have made a good photographer. Granted you wouldn’t have passive income. However you would have been good at a job and would be making money instead of throwing it away. sad my friend.

  • 80. "Man Casey you used to be big"
    February 28th, 2007 at 5:15 pm

    Sorry casey, but 5′-8″, 165lbs is not ‘big’ unless you are a woman.

    With the purse around your shoulders maybe thats what people think you are?

  • Why don’t you parlay this train wreck into something “you” would be willing to do?

    You could be a permanent guest speaker for someone like Robert Allen and tell the crowd the pitfalls that made you fail.

    It’s apparent you don’t want to have a normal w2 job (can’t blame you) even though you desperately need one (do blame you)

    You have to do something quick or your spouse is going to ditch you. Guaranteed.

  • J. Whittimer Lightning says:

    “I am starting to believe that you took that Utah payment and now don’t have the funds to pay it back”

    I have ALWAYS thought that Casey took the first payment before the escrow company got the correct information about which bank to send payment to. If this isn’t true (as Casey continues to claim) he would be looking for that payment himself or allowing one of the many people who volunteered to look for it.

    Casey, why are you going to Utah ?

    Casey, definitely start lifting weights. You are going to need all the help you can get when your skinny little A** gets sent to prison.

    And stop carrying that god awful purse.

  • 83. Sweet Nothings
    February 28th, 2007 at 5:54 pm

    @ English ASL
    “But sometimes the nuances of the English language is lost on those who speak it as a second language.”

    That should be “are lost”, not “is lost”.

    That’s the problem with flaming someone over spelling and grammar. You almost always come out looking like a tard.

  • 84. This whole thing is just silly
    February 28th, 2007 at 6:31 pm

    Declare Chapter 7 so this blog can go away. Stop the madness!!!!!

  • 85. Moe and Larry and..
    February 28th, 2007 at 6:41 pm




  • 86. ALayedOfLooser
    February 28th, 2007 at 6:44 pm

    Well Casey,

    The bad news came for me today too! I lost my computer programmer position at a Mortgage Lender (H.P.M. - 130 ppl down to ~30 ppl in 1 year) in Stockton. Can you believe that! The state of the mortgage lending business is going to shambles and soon to get worse. I have enough funds to pay 3 months bills (credit card, mortgage, cars loans, child support and misc expenses and eat top ramen), thank God, but it sure sucks to be unemployed. I’d dig into my 401k to survive if I have to do that.

    Maybe I could pick up cans, or mow lawns in the meantime while I collect my ~$450/wk in unemployment. But still that’s not going to cut it, so I’ll probably work somewhere in the meantime until I find a position that pays well.

    Anyways, s*** happens. And I must roll with the s*** and get going on my journey to find another job. Flipping houses isn’t going to do it because it’s hella hard to make money short selling houses (anyone have a house I can short for them?)

    I’ll let you know how it goes, probably have to move to Sac or the Bay area where there are jobs o’ plenty. The IT business seems to be picking up in those areas.

    Wish me luck.

    P.S. My former company (HPM) is moving away from underwriting liar and sub-prime loans because to many investors are trying to push the loans back to us. HPM is also dumping relationships with brokers who previously made their living off that type of business. I wonder why?

  • @77.

    “How on earth can you afford to go to Utah when you can’t even fix the tire on your car or put gas into the borrowed car?”

    In Casey’s Magical Wonderland™ where colossal failures are “opportunities” and where he has daily business meetings with his Team of Advisors™ and Business Partners™, anything is possible.

  • I was one of Casey’s biggest supporters but he didn’t listen to my advice. I just kind of got fed up with the boy because he is just such a rascal and I can’t understand why he won’t listen to me.

    I am one of the most knowledgeable posters but yet for some reason he continues to not listen to me. I just think it’s time for some tough love. Maybe an intervention or maybe a few more links to my blog would help.

    Spam word: Juice.

  • Get Foreclosure Help by Drinking Fresh Juice?” — that’s the most surreal topic title I’ve ever seen.

    Really, Casey, the folks here — I’d guess 95% haters by now — would like to see blog entries related to your actual living situation. Not juicing. Everyone here knows what a juicer is, but no one understands what on earth it has to do with a foreclosed home.

    You need real topics — your current financial situation, your interactions over the phone with the lenders, how Gälínä is taking all this, your potential “business deals” that you keep mentioning. Something, anything! Help us out, dude!!

  • Casey, you knew when you wrote that about juicing that it would set people off. I wonder why you do that?
    Please tell me us your motivation…..just curious.

  • “I have ALWAYS thought that Casey took the first payment before the escrow company got the correct information about which bank to send payment to. If this isn’t true (as Casey continues to claim) he would be looking for that payment himself or allowing one of the many people who volunteered to look for it.”

    I can vouch for Casey on this. He is looking for the person or people who took that payment. Just like I’m looking for the Real Killers™.

    The Juice

  • @80. Alexis

    “How could you screw over your Utah buyers like that? You claim to be a Christian and so religious and righteous and you may have put a family out on the street? How do you sleep at night?”

    Maybe he figures Mormons aren’t real Christians, and they probably don’t even feel pain, so it’s all good.

  • Thanks “What Do I Do All Day” for this SWEET post !

    Good morning everyone!

    Here is my long awaited list of what my days are like, starting at the beginning.

    9:08 AM - Wake up (yeah I know I really should be keeping with my Early Riser™ program but it’s really hard with my schedule)

    9:26 - Out of bed. Walk down the hall and into the kitchen for some coffee. Along the way, tripped of stack of whitish and brownish paper rectangles, several with some sort of green construction paper-like material attached to them.

    9:34 - In the kitchen savoring the freshly brewed arabica/kona blend that my sister in law keeps in an air tight container in her sub-zero freezer (a really sweet™ appliance - I’ll have to put one of those in my next flip)

    9:36-9:48 - ponder the nature of all of those paper goods in the hallway below the mail slot.

    9:53 - concluded that all of that paper (including, oddly enough, a lot of post-consumer recycled envelopes - good for the planet, you know) must be my mail. I’ll make a point to open it later - I’ve got a busy day and so many sweet deals™ to bird dog™ today. The pile is very large, maybe 200-300 pieces. I think I last opened my mail after returning home from Thanksgiving dinner.

    9:58-10:22 - showered until the water got cold (have to talk to G’s™ sister about either a tankless water heater - sweet™ or a rapid recovery 100 gallon unit (that would have been awesome™ for Burdett™ but it’s too late))

    10:24-10:39 - used a variety of exfoliants, emollients and natural; herbal extracts to maintain my clear complexion - it is a crucial component of my personal hygiene regime.

    10:51 - Just finished checking air pressure in my Blue Ball™ - it is stable at 4psi (just like I like it).

    11:33 - Reviewed and moderated comments on the blog from a week ago Thursday (note to self™ I have to get help moderating. I’m falling behind my self imposed 48 hour limit)

    12:19 PM - Made a sandwich from Panera Bread Company rosemary roasted garlic focaccia and free Whole Earth Foods free-range organic apple-wood smoked young turkey breast with a slice of Harmonic Convergence brand organic Chilean heirloom tomatoes, buffalo milk mozzarella and a light aioli with G’s™ sister’s home naturally germinated soy sprouts (totally awesome!™ sandwich)

    1:12 - Made several phone calls to various Realtors© to get the latest pulse of the market. To an individual they were all very up beat and commented that we have definitely seen the bottom of the market and that now is an excellent time to buy (sweet!™). That sounds very encouraging because the spring and summer are the time of year when the markets heat up and values really start to move.

    2:45 - Returned several voice mails from the past few days (I have been so busy I have neglected to return calls and make follow ups) and decided to finally drive down to see the Muncy™ property.

    2:50-5:35 - Was so tired from the day’s activities that I took a nap™.

    6:00 - G’s™ classes are late tonight so I decided to treat myself™ to a Jamba Juice™. I still had just enough on my Jamba Juice Card™ to get a protein boost (one of the haters™ made reference to my slight frame, so I have decided on a course of exercise to try and get in shape - I’ll write more about my proposed physical fitness regime in a post later™)

    7:30 - returned from Jamba Juice™ and tripped over the mail™ in the hallway as it was dark. G’s™ sister was also out but had left some delicious groceries in the kitchen.

    7:55 - finished moderating™ the blog and decided to treat myself™ to some of G’s™ sister’s Whole Earth Foods natural tofu and mung bean hummus along with a cracked wheat and barley fat free toasted pita. Yum!

    8:22 PM - Noticed a large thick envelope (legal sized) from Fed-Ex wedged in the mail slot. It was marked “Extremely Urgent: Deliver by 9:00AM” and had a return address from “The Law Offices of Dewey Cheadum and Howe”. Made a note to myself™ to place it on the top of the mail stack™ in the next few days so that when I get around to opening my mail™ it will be right on the top. I am pretty sure that this weekend I will be able to clear my blotter for enough time to look at/prioritize the mail so that I can intelligently plan the opening sequence of the envelopes (my thinking is: First Priority - Overnight/hand delivered. Second Priority: Certified/Registered mail. Next Priority: mail from Realtors© and my bird dogging™ network, etc.)

    9:25 - Fell asleep listening to disc number 28 of my “Gateways to millions - How to prosper in every type of real estate market. Volume 28: 11 costly steps novices make and how to avoid them. (had to get extra sleep because I plan on returning to my early riser™ routine soon).

    I am trying very hard not to despair over my situation. I am very optimistic by nature and I don’t want to loose™ any sleep over my predicament. I am confident I will be able to tell you about a sweet deal™ in the making that will allow me to pay back every dirty penny™ from those liar loans™ and enjoy the $5,000 a month of sweet™ passive income™ I so deserve.

    And to you haters™ out there: enough comments about G™ and about all of the negativity in general. You need to stay focused™ and confident in life. As many of my gurus™ have said: “It is not imprtant what you dwell on, it is important that in dwelling your dwelling is on dwellings - THAT is the key to millions in flipping™ residential properties”

  • 94. A little birdy
    February 28th, 2007 at 7:45 pm

    “I love my sweet juice. It helps me cope with foreclosure and debt.”

    As opposed to a job or income helping you cope with foreclosure and debt.

  • 95. Broke laptop, etc
    February 28th, 2007 at 8:23 pm

    @Casey : Minor open issues — what was wrong with your laptop and how did you fix it? Also, what happened about your lost cell phone?

    Have a good Utah trip….


  • I have been on the fence, but now I am really starting to think this blog is fake. It’s fun reading - particularly the comments - but is it an elaborate hoax?

  • Hello Casey!

  • 98. Daniel (Foreign)
    February 28th, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    Go Casey Go!

    I see lots of envy-ers here. Because we see your checks coming in. You get passive income we see.

    Friend, It seem you short sold lots of property in 2006, its only three remaining. Maybe you should start building other internet assets, did you? I think you did :)

    Teach us!! promise you will teach these idiots how you did this.

  • We have unlimited juice? This party is going to be off the hook.

    – Buster

  • #18 is a classic. Whoever you are, more please.

  • Casey,

    It’s good to hear that you plan to take care of your parents when they retire. I’m sure there is enough room for them to move in with you in the VDub. You can charge them a modest monthly rent to help out fixing the low pro tire. Sounds like a win/win to me.

    Honestly man, you need to get a job. When you’re to the point where you need to borrow money, to fill up the gas tank, on a borrowed car, you need to get a job. You’re 24 years old. You shouldn’t be financially dependent on others.

    I’m repeating what others have already said, but seriously, your list of weekday activities sure sounds like what most people do on the weekend.

    To the people making fun of Casey’s purse, it’s not a purse. It’s a man bag. Apparently they are very popular in Europe, according to a Seinfeld episode I once saw, so lay off the guy. I could possibly be wrong on this, as some of the things in Seinfeld are not necessarily true.


  • It’s not a wheat grass shot, just a GRASS shot.
    This moe is a dope smoking Dope.

    Shmoe loser wouldn’t pass a prometric test if his
    job depended on it.

  • you’re such a stirrer casey

    a stirrer is someone who has or does something to a reaction from someone else

    kinda like teasing your older siblings

    its hilarious to watch and works so well :)

  • 104. real.passive.income
    February 28th, 2007 at 10:10 pm

    As a fellow 24 year old I am ashamed that you represent my generation.

    You want to know about real passive income, Casey? I am the same age as you and presently earn enough passive income each month to pay 80% of my total monthly expenses. Within the next six months I’ll be generating enough passive income to support myself 100% if I choose.

    Guess how I did it? For starters it didn’t involve even one “sweet deal”. I WORK MY A** off. The past three years have been spent working 80+ hours per week to get to this level. It’s been challenging, but guess what though? It’s a pretty SWEEEEET place to be!

    Passive income requires assets of some sort - whether it be capital (which you must initially WORK for), marketable skills, credit, useful business contacts/connections, unique ideas, reputation, etc. You have none of these. Guess what this leaves? A JOB (or three).

    On second thought you might as well just leave the country because it’s unlikely you’ll ever catch up with what you’ll owe the IRS and CA FTB once you get 1099′d for all your bad debts. The actual taxes notwithstanding, the interest and penalties will spiral over time and kill you. Tax debts are NEVER discharged even in bankruptcy.

  • Casey,

    While just grazing through property histories, it appears Larchmont was in G’s name also before it was quit-claimed to you. A reasonable assumption would be that she was also on that loan since lenders rarely lend on a partial interest, especially when it’s a 100% loan.

    So, was the “discussion” after the foreclosure sale related to the fact her credit is now really tanked, or was it more about what juice to make when you got home?

    The first on Larchmont can’t come after you, but you should know the second is still there, just not secured to the property. As I see it, the foreclosure resulted in about $50k in probably written-off debt and $50k+ in now-unsecured debt.

    Did I mention that’s not just your nut, but G’s as well?

    Investing at it’s finest.

    Since there seems to be a discretion filter at play, I’ll save this post for re-issue, if needed.


  • Stop the short sales, have everything go to foreclosure.
    You are getting exposed to risk you don’t understand; and the IRS is a lot less patient than your lenders.

    Don’t go anywhere, have everything foreclosed!

  • You are very lucky to have parents that will give you food. That in itself will set you very far ahead in life at this point. You have some redeeming qualities, but that is not enough. Unfortunately, you have been taken in by the late night infomercials, and made some very serious mistakes — which you cannot admit. Your cognitive dissonance is astounding. What do you think life holds for an immigrant kid in this country? You will be lucky to get a job in the medical industry after a few years of junior college. You want lots of money and never have to worry too? Money means worry, and are you going to be dishonest in order to get more of it? Sadly, you are approaching a bottom – I should say, the bottom is coming up on you – and you are going to have to crawl out as we all do: get a job, pay the bills and save a little bit, get a better job, and soon you will be a little bit ahead of everybody else, and someday – maybe a lot quicker than anybody expected, you will have that financial security that you want: you can retire early and look after your parents. But right now, you are going to have to crawl like the rest of us.

  • 108. Waaah,Waaah,Waaah
    March 1st, 2007 at 3:16 am

    Did you buy the Jack Lalane power juicer with some of the cash back you took out when you bought your dumps?
    That could become a seized asset in your bankruptcy. Maybe you should deed your juicer (and any leftover carrots) to a friend. That way you could still enjoy your fresh juice on visiting day.

  • Juice hasn’t thus far and will not help you stop foreclosure in the future!!!

    Go ring cashcall now, then ring a bankruptcy attorney!!!

    Please for your own sake!


  • 110. Walter Sobchak
    March 1st, 2007 at 3:32 am

    Our Hero is definitely going to take care of his parents’ retirement alright, seeing as they’ll have to work until the day they die trying to bail him out.

  • Even though Casey Serin is constantly mocked and parodied in comments and in other blogs for abuse of the word “sweet”, Jamba Juice product placements, and obsession with wheatgrass shots, he continues to do so. Even today, he has a whole post dedicated to juice. Deliberate irony in several posts. The foremost on my mind is the post entitled Homess Dude Trespassing on my Property, despite the fact that he himself is homless (he lives with in-laws) and soon will not own the property either.

  • Hmmmm. I wonder how long Casey has been without a traditional job. I think I would have done the flipping on the side like many investors.

    You make your day sound quite full and exertive but in reality it sounds like you’re the typical California hippie that wants to avoid the “monotony of the real world.” Juicing, jogging, napping and bickering is certainly not getting you out of your predicament.

    As horrible as it may seem get a job- meet with “partners” in the evening or on the weekends. and……

    You’ll have to miss you OWN foreclosure auctions. At least it might help you save some of the houses or ease your money problems.

    Good luck…

  • “They have been paying for the first quarter of my life, I think they deserve for me to pay for the rest of theirs.”

    pun intended?

  • Props to #18, BTW.

    “12:19 PM - Made a sandwich from Panera Bread Company rosemary roasted garlic focaccia and free Whole Earth Foods free-range organic apple-wood smoked young turkey breast with a slice of Harmonic Convergence brand organic Chilean heirloom tomatoes, buffalo milk mozzarella and a light aioli with G’s™ sister’s home naturally germinated soy sprouts (totally awesome!™ sandwich)”

    That DOES sound good.

    Lunch == sorted.

  • 115. Big Cheese
    March 1st, 2007 at 8:51 am


    Thanks for taking my advice and juicing some fruit before you move to juicing big deals.

    I take it you won’t go to Jamba Juice anymore?


  • OK, I get it now.
    Jamba Juice is paying you to not mention them. Maybe it’ll become a sales point: Casey can’t afford it- but if you have two nickels to rub together to make a noise, you can.

  • Casey,
    Condolences on your recent landing a new Anti-Job. Yes, 8 hours per day 5 days a week at $4.89 per hour Anti-Job. This is how much the interest is piling up on the CashCall loan at the default rate. If you actually dedicate $10/hr to the CashCall loan it will be paid off in about 3 years. You just lost 50 cents reading this. Get goin’ man. Stop staring into the abyss, the abyss is staring back. Sorry, that probably triggered the anti-intellectual filters.

  • 118. Is it all good?
    March 1st, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    What’s that in the bowl by the cucumber a parsnip? Do you put olive oil in there also?

  • What are you going to discover next? That California’s tap water is cheaper and just as safe to drink than bottle water? (Hint: I’m telling you that, please learn if you haven’t)

  • One time I was juicing with my JuiceMan juicer and I put in carrots and out came a liquid that tasted like semen. I was not pleased, but then I fed the juicer some pineapple and it was all good. Gloopy, but so good. Lots of protien in that!

  • It’s much better to just EAT the food and get the fiber, IMHO.

  • #125 - I don’t think that’s a parsnip, I think that’s fresh ginger.

  • SC: leverage

    This isn’t what we meant when we were chanting, “JUICE BY CASEY” back in October or so.

    So have you seen Requiem for a Dream chimpCasey?

  • foreclosure and fresh juice

  • Considering that an employee at Jamba Juice entered “d*** ” instead of the customer’s name on the receipt, it might be better off if you don’t go there. Who knows, the name on the receipt could be “looser” or worse.

  • Burdett Avoid Foreclosure Deadline Facing Foreclosure Story on CBS San Francisco Utah Trip a Success! Don’t Be a Dick. Do Some Sweet Deals. Timeline of Life, Houses and Foreclosure CashCall is Calling my Friends Get Foreclosure Help by Drinking Fresh Juice My First Trustee Sale / Foreclosure Auction Results Foreclosure Auction On Monday I am Facing Foreclosure Fan Mail Attorneys Say Corporate Credit is OK, Need a Plan Why Should I Go To Jail For Mortgage Fraud?

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