Have you heard of Pasha Bulker? Everybody here in Aussie has. I feel for Pasha. It’s kind of like my foreclosure story. People can’t resist to come and watch the ship/car/trainwreck and see if he makes out alive. Had to get first hand experience of this “foreclosure”…
Poor Pasha. So many parallels. Pasha doesn’t listen to warnings. Pasha cames too close to shore. Pasha gets stuck. Pasha trying to avoid “foreclosure” or at least get out alive. And people can’t look away. Poor poor Pasha.
(I wonder if Pasha’s owner is a distressed seller… Hmmm)
Oh and I finally got to drive on the other side of the road. It was kinda weird. I still say it’s the “wrong” side (as far as steering wheel goes). Most people are right handed, right? So, having the shifter and controls on the left just seems wrong. Aside from that, and the getting used to Kilometers again (just like in Uzbekistan) it was ALL good.
Check out more “shipwreck foreclosure” and other photos in the Australia set… mate!
Ok… I’ll try not to overdo the Aussie slang. They don’t ALL talk like that here.
June 16th, 2007 at 9:11 am
That car looks like a clean, spiffy rental car! How much does that cost per day?
Please let us know how the book is coming along!
Please stop posting only the ‘feel good’ posts or this site will bomb.
June 16th, 2007 at 9:13 am
What a stagnant site this has become. Glad you used your 15 minutes wisely - you know, like telling us about your murse, daily hits, sleep schedule - and that you’re seriously beginning to address your situation.
Keep pretending that everything is going to be a “cakewalk” or “slamdunk” and it just might happen; then again, it may not. Better yet, isolate all of the negative, and (unfortunately),realistic comments , and pretend that it’s all ok! You really need to shut down or sell this blog and clean up the mess that you have created!
God speed you lil’ buddy!
June 16th, 2007 at 9:24 am
Pascha’s owner may be a distressed seller, but you are not. So the analogy breaks down right there. How’s the Utah payment? What’s the point of this again?
June 16th, 2007 at 10:13 am
You know I was also going to comment on the car. It does look like a rental. Is it a rental Casey and if it is how are you paying for it (I would guess corporate credit card). If that is the case so much for only costing you $150 or maybe you are not going to pay this debt back either? You still just don’t get it. Debt chocks the ever living s**t out of you. It overburdens you and eventually depresses you. Why do you keep doing the same mistakes? Has any of this experience not taught you anything?
June 16th, 2007 at 10:22 am
And how exactly does this help your big foreclosure book?
“Remember kids, when the going gets tough, mooch a trip to Australia and dodge all your problems. Be sure to stop talking about the slightest things that are wrong in your life and ignore them completely (how’s that ’stack o’ mail doing?), that’s the path to riches!”
June 16th, 2007 at 10:48 am
I wish you well man but I’m pretty sure running from your mistakes isn’t the answer.
June 16th, 2007 at 10:58 am
New material please. Are you being held captive in aussie land? Are the feds after you,
? How many hits did you lose by your family taking the site down?
Any new manbags purchased?
June 16th, 2007 at 11:53 am
This is all good, Casey, but are you making any progress on writing the book, or on any other business plans you may have had? For someone who does not have a job, I’m pretty sure there is plenty of time to work on that and still take pictures, write postings, moderate comments or train someone to do so, and so on. But since in the past, you seemed to lose focus and had trouble doing things like opening the mail, a reminder is in order. You got what may be your last chance to work on your business without interference, or immediate financial worries such as paying rent. Take advantage of it, especially at the beginning. You never know what may happen. For instance, the novelty of having arround a guest who pays no rent may wear off, or some other reason may come up that would make it impossible for you to live there for free.
Work on your book as hard as possible as if you expected to be kicked out of that house or arrested within the next few days. Once the book is finished, it is up to you to see if you can live there a little longer and have fun. But since you are there because you needed to buy some quiet time for youself, don’t miss this opportunity to get the work done.
For those who asked: I don’t know any Ron, I have not been to any wedding lately and I’m not in the States. I’m in Canada, but I’m not the Canadian fan who helped Casey and I don’t know who that is.
June 16th, 2007 at 11:57 am
so what are you doing in australia, again?
June 16th, 2007 at 11:58 am
What exactly IS the point of this blog anymore? When are you starting “irefusetogetajob.com” or “iamcompetelyavoidingthegravityofwhativedone.com”? How about “iamfacingdivorce.com”?
See, the problem is that you’re just not that interesting, in and of yourself. Once everything foreclosed, we’re in denoument. We’re just waiting for the axe to fall.
Can you really expect your readership, commenting or otherwise, to not hate you? Moves like this trip to Australia dissolve any sympathy we have or have had for you. I’m sincerely starting to hope you do a little time, that someone is out there investigating you and building a case designed to put you behind bars.
June 16th, 2007 at 12:06 pm
Nice pics and post Casey….heheheheheheheheh…Reminds me of myself the first time I was shown your site…ROFLMAO. That is one of the things I loveeeeeeeeeee about IAFF. In between the RE/foreclosure stuff that I admit I know NOTHING about and have absolutely NO interest in…I am nevertheless ALWAYS guaranteed a good laugh by Casey. Man, you are a trip. I luv it!
Bring on the merchandize already!!! I wish people will just go with the flow. Sit back and enjoy the show…or go about the buisness of what brought you here (no dis intended.) I just can’t stand the ones that pick at every little thing. Hating Casey will NOT solve your problems. Learning from his mistakes might!!! Hey…and if you stop mentioning certain people(which is only fair)…your comments WILL get posted. Casey IS ‘organic” when it comes to “himself” but because of the vicious tongues of the haterz regarding people close to him…moderation is a ncessary evil.
Still Mocha…not as ghetto fabulous today…but a “mos def” Casey Supporter all the same…that is sure that he will fufill his duties as a husband to the best of his abilities…if only he is given a chance with NO hidden agendas!!!
June 16th, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Fascinating. Are you going to tell us about the ‘massive action’ you felt the need to go all the to Australia for? Or are you taking ‘massive action’ you just sightseeing?
June 16th, 2007 at 12:25 pm
If you want money to come through this site, you *must* do better than this. This was a lame post.
You said you miss home. Well, you better get back home ASAP if you expect home to still be there when you get back.
June 16th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
I am happy to see you are keeping your sense of humor.
The Blog has evolved and when the goal to reach as many people as you can who are in pre-foreclosure or facing foreclosure. You can offer the world a voice of experience on what it really feels like to deal with foreclosure. You have seen on page 13 of the foreclosure workbook of how the way you behaved with your situation is SOMEWHAT typical behavior for homeowners’ facing foreclosure.
That is why, we have to educate them as much as possible
with education on the subject the feeling of overwhelming fear subsides. Anyone can avoid foreclosure themselves with the foreclosure workbook.
You can help these people to save their home, credit, family life, reputation, and possibly their lives.
This blog has entertained, informed, now lets educate.
Looking forward to your next post.
June 16th, 2007 at 12:29 pm
It’s spelt ‘Crikey’
June 16th, 2007 at 12:48 pm
You are not in Australia. The visa costs a bunch, and so does the rental car. You would not have gotten the visa within a day. They would not let you in with a one-way ticket, they are way to careful about that.
You did not post my statement when I asked you to post a scan of your passport including the page with your photo, the visa and the entrance stamp.
This is proof that you’re fake. The photo of you in front of the shipwreck is clearly either photoshopped or you are standing in front of a poster of the shipwreck. The light on you is completely different than the light in the background.
Can nicely be seen when comparing to some of the other flickr photos with actual people next to the news car.
What will be interesting is WHO is doing this scam. Is it some new kind of art form or some new use of the media. The photos of you are way to stylish to not to be taken from a photographer.
So sometimes too good can also be revealing.
June 16th, 2007 at 1:31 pm
Your facing foreclosure, because you can’t manage your finances you git.
June 16th, 2007 at 1:59 pm
That is a real cool pic. It must be nice to walk on the beach. So lucky.
June 16th, 2007 at 2:01 pm
16. dohntelefon
June 16th, 2007 at 12:48 pm
“You are not in Australia. The visa costs a bunch, and so does the rental car.”
An ETA to enter Australia costs $16, hardly a “bunch”, and who said it was a rental car?
June 16th, 2007 at 2:06 pm
It’s spelt ‘Crikey’
It’s spelled Loser.
June 16th, 2007 at 2:10 pm
Hey Casey -
Not sure why you rejected my last comment….
Anyway - was that picture of the skyline (on Flickr) taken from within a hotel room? How’d you get the scratch for that?
Good luck…
June 16th, 2007 at 2:12 pm
Why Princess Casey you deleted all my comments. I’m hurt. Is it because of the agency I work for? Trust me, they ve had their eyes on you before I even heard your name.
June 16th, 2007 at 2:25 pm
Excellent post, though that picture kind of looks like its a photoshop job…did you figure out how to modify the date data on pics, the interwebz all say it’s a conzpiracy…
I trust you casey, great job as usual, keep em coming!
June 16th, 2007 at 2:35 pm
Casey, we really want to hear about what you’re doing about your situation. Most people here could care less about your sight-seeing jaunts.
Bills? Houses? Foreclosures? Business ventures? Publishing deals? Money???
Come on. You’re letting us down.
June 16th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Hey Svetogorsk (15):
It’s spelled “loser” — idiot.
June 16th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
Casey, could you talk about your time at RESCOM? What about the Utah wrap? We want to know!
June 16th, 2007 at 3:14 pm
I am not a hater but I am a critic of the illegal things which Casey has done. It is very obvious to anybody that has spent more than an hour following this story, that Casey did in fact commit numerous crimes when applying for his 8 loans. ( inflated income, false claims of owner occupied, lying about the other properties, as well as illegal cash back at closing)
What I find strange is the self- rightous indignation that is being expressed by Mark V********* of Q******** Asset Systems and Duane Legate of Homebuyers Network. Both of these individuals were more than happy at one point in time, in becoming business partners ( or being involved with ) a person whom they full well knew lied on eight loans, took cashback and then ceased making attempts at repaying any of the money.
These two individuals were willing to allign themselves with Casey when they thought it would be an advantage to them finacially, but when that failed they act as though they are some kind of defenders of justice.
Just a few weeks ago they were onboard with Casey, willing to work with or collaborate with somebody they KNEW had committed mortgage fraud. Now they try to act like Mother Theresa.
What kind of legitimate business seeks partnerships with somebody that has committed mortgage fraud and has acted the way Casey has.
Please call for their respective business’s to be investigated and let people know the types of people they are more than willing to bring onboard when it will suit them financially.
Duane and Mark, I find your newfound outrage at Casey’s ethics hilarious, seeing just two weeks ago you were willing to do business with him.
June 16th, 2007 at 3:17 pm
Been reading a little about you and your “deals” and only have one question for you…
How many spoons of stupid DO you put in your morning coffee?
June 16th, 2007 at 3:34 pm
When the Feds pop you be sure to let them know just how willing Duane Legate and Mark V********* were to work with you and utilize you to make money for themselves.
Let them know how eager Mark was to negotiate repayment of the money that was obtained illegally. Mark knew full well the manner in which you obtained the mortgages and the other loans, yet was more than willing to help you get out of repaying the full amount.
Those two aren’t upset at what you did,,,they are upset that you screwed them as well and they couldn’t profit from your exposure.
June 16th, 2007 at 4:15 pm
Heh…..You obviously can’t manage money and want people to feel bad for you. All i have to say is get a life/job.
June 16th, 2007 at 4:15 pm
Hey Kid;
I know you took a lot of guff over the wardrobe, but do you really think this new look is workin’ for you?
I mean really, hobbit, you look like some kind of misplaced navigational beacon.
And get a haircut…you look like a damned hippie!
Taxes, kid…the IRS never sleeps, it never quits…it’s the Terminator cyborg of Federal agencies…ask Al Capone.
asw: fresh
June 16th, 2007 at 4:16 pm
All things considered are you proud of yourself Casey?
June 16th, 2007 at 4:21 pm
I find it curious, that people post on here to complain about how boring and stupid this site is, yet you return continously to read it…….interesting
June 16th, 2007 at 4:27 pm
what happened to the google ads? get shut down for clickfraud again? those pesky haterz, you should sue them!
June 16th, 2007 at 4:35 pm
#16 - dohntelefon
You are wrong. The lighting looks different because of the fill flash on Casey’s digicam. The fill flash is on the right: you can see the catchlight in Casey’s eyes. Most importantly, you can see the shadow that the flash throws onto the railing behind him.
This is hard as hell to fake in Photoshop, and it is even harder to fake the curvature of the railing which you can see behind the strap on the Casey’s purse.
You can see the railing in the other photos of the news vans in front of the Pasha.
Oh, and if he were standing in front of a poster, the fill flash would have popped the same shadow all the way up Casey’s right (our left) side.
I dl’d the photo and checked it out in my photo editor, and I see no sign of tampering. I’m not a pro, but I know a bit about photography.
The EXIF info shows the camera to have been a Minolta Dimage X20. That’s a 2 megapixel consumer cam with the flash at the upper right. The EXIF info also shows that flash was used. This is the same camera as in at least two of Casey’s other images.
Everything in the photo is consistent.
Conclusion: either Casey really is in Australia, or somebody went to major lengths to fake this.
June 16th, 2007 at 4:37 pm
If you leave a note bashing someone’s spelling, try spelling correctly yourself. It is LOSER, not looser, dumbass. Also, it is SPELLED, not spelt, idiot. This should be a heads-up to all of you out there to stay in school and learn something before posting letters in public places. And haterz…get a life.
June 16th, 2007 at 4:44 pm
Hey Casey,
This is the first I’ve heard about you. I hope you can get the buzzards who spread your audio around. & Yes That is Piracy! Which is Illeagal, like the mp3 incident in 2000. shutting down one of the best p2p comunities on the planet. (Yeah Thanks Lars!) Which by the way who knows Case get hold of them you could sue & get some pretty sweet cash!
Good Luck.
June 16th, 2007 at 5:04 pm
Hey Casey,
That’s a nice spiffy Toyota you’ve got there… Did you know you can rent a Corolla for $AUD15 a day from Bayswater Car Rentals?
You might have seen those cars around… They have stickers that say “No Birds” or “www.nobirds.com.au”
June 16th, 2007 at 5:10 pm
Hope you’re not having too many problems with driving on the wrong side of the road… I remembered when a friend came from the states, everytime he tried to put on the blinkers for the car, he ended up turning on the wipers instead
They are on the opposite side too!
And another tip… remember to look the right way or both ways before crossing the street!
June 16th, 2007 at 5:18 pm
Please explain the point of what you are doing …. aside from breathing in oxygen and sleeping ect ? don’t get it.
June 16th, 2007 at 5:22 pm
i didnt think i’d be able to say this, but i think im done with you. after months of addiction to your ongoing trainwreck of a life i think i have finally broken free of it due to the totally boring and pointless direction this blog has now taken. thank you casey, for giving me my life back. i’ll be sure to check back from time to time, but the multiple peeks a day ae now over. you go casey, im just sure that if you vacation and relax enough good things are bound to come your way.
June 16th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
hey casey, whatever you’re doin, scam or not, keep on doin it! If it makes you happy and lets you sleep at night, do it! Your site is fascinating and I only wish I had the same balls to go out there and do something extra-ordinary with my life, rather than lead a mundane existence, which is what most of the world and the “haterz” out there do. Good luck to ya mate!
June 16th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
Gee I really love seeing you tool around the big island with stolen money. Please post more “Foreclosure vacation” photos!
June 16th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Hey Casey,
hope your are having fun in Aussie land
isn’t this your wrap Utah property?
June 16th, 2007 at 5:58 pm
I think this WHOLE THING is a sham, like the “Lonely Girl”. Someone is getting a good laugh from it…lol
June 16th, 2007 at 6:25 pm
You’re still censoring every comment even remotely non-cheerleaderish.
June 16th, 2007 at 7:02 pm
My god this site is getting lame. Can’t wait until real aussie cops pack you on a plane home to face 1) lawsuits, 2) a divorce, 3) possible jail time (no, you can’t blog from your cell) and 4) dim prospects you central valley loser with only a high school education
June 16th, 2007 at 7:07 pm
How is the weather there this time of year? It is almost winter right ?
June 16th, 2007 at 7:51 pm
We want you to suceed. Not by FRAUD, but by hardwork.
You want the easy way out my fradulant friend. We are going to make sure that does not happen. In short, Sweet!
Hey, remember what Robert Kiwasaki said - if you let go, you wont ever return to Real State. Must be hard to let go huh?
Looks like you are getting the full Monty treatment. I love it.
June 16th, 2007 at 8:08 pm
Stay strong and don’t listen to the critics. Anyone who is not an entreprenuer doesn’t have the capacity to understand what you are going through. I can, because I’m in your same shoes right now. I owe over 2 million in real estate properties, and I’m struggling to get rid of these properties too. Working a job will NEVER get you out of this mess. I worked in corporate American too many years before I escaped it, and I will never go back. People are lucky if they make $30-50K while making the business owner they work for rich. Just wait until some jerk decides to sue you and digs stuff up about you and your family’s past. That will be the experience you’ll never forget. And believe me, it will happen sooner or later. Or, when the IRS hunts you down for tax evasion for the properties you owe on. You’ll learn about 1031 exchanges real fast. Don’t worry, Casey. You’ll make it. Battered from the world a little, but you’ll make it. Just don’t crumble up and die right now. Keep moving forward…don’t let the Pasha Bulkers of the world screw up the perfect two way surf of your life. Ride the waves, fall, catch your breath and ride again. Lastly, enjoy the hard times, because they do get better and one day you can read the messages from the critics and just laugh with your wife about it over a nice glass of champagne and strawberries…in your yacht.
June 16th, 2007 at 8:20 pm
I never heard of you until this week so I have been checking out your site the last two days and reading.
I have two observations. First, I wonder if you are familiar with defense mechanisms in pschology, one of which is “Projection.” I have read several posts where you appear quite upset that people have taken your material without your permission, violated your copyright, engaged in illegal activity, etc… And, then I read what you have to say in regards to things you have done that are illegal. You (from what I have read) justify it or downplay what you have done that is illegal, yet want to point a finger at others when they break the law.
Second, I really dont know much about you. As I stated above, I never even heard of you until yesterday. If im not mistaken, you plan to continue to attempt to have a succesful business. All power to you, but based on your appearance alone I would never do business with you. I know it is trite, but first impressions do still have a large impact on clients trusting you. From all the pictures I have seen, I wouldn’t feel comfortable going into business with you. That is just my personal opinion.
June 16th, 2007 at 8:40 pm
What, they don’t have water there?
Not that you’re homeless, or anything, but you’re certainly starting to get that look.
O.K. Maybe you are homeless, but you don’t HAVE to look like it.
June 16th, 2007 at 8:47 pm
I know and I have also been told that I am cloned sometimes in this and other sites…(YAWN)…typical of haterz!
Casey, hopefully you know when it is really me.
These “haterz” muthafuckas (not the critics), must have plenty of time on their hands at these W-2 jobs they keep going on about. Either that or something is being neglected in their life…like kicking their defenceless puppies in their trailers…heheheheheheheheh.
IAFF for me is a welcome break in my day. But enjoyable as it may be (better than TV) I will not be forming any “supporterz” site. THIS is where its at!!! But if you do shut down the blog (which I kinda wish you would)…I will still have the FORECLOSURE CODE to keep me company while I enjoy my mocha
I don’t really care what these “haterz scmaterz” do anymore. Just imagine what they have put Casey through all these months and yet he is able to have a sense of humour about it for the most part. Despite his past “indiscretions,” I must say that he is really a “kool Kat.”
Anyway, Casey…I am waiting for the volume in your series where you discuss how you handled all the negativity. So far, you have been so “smooooooooooooove.” Pretty much cool, calm ,and collected which the haterz translate into “passive”. They twist everything!!! Just like, they know very well that your reference to your room in Oz being a “cell” was “tongue in cheek humour”…but they call it being “ungrateful.”
HOW DO YOU PUT UP WITH THIS CRAP??? Even I have to take of my gloves now and then and “cyber” bitchslap these dead beats. Casey…tell me…”how can I be down?”
make sure you’re taking care of business when it comes to you know who
June 16th, 2007 at 8:47 pm
LMAO @ 20
to #48. its winter in Australia, but that doesn’t exactly mean its cold.
we wear jackets at night but its usually tshirt weather in the day.. love that global warming scam.
June 16th, 2007 at 9:43 pm
Casey, any chance of getting your hosts to write a guest entry and tell us why they invited you to the land down under?
June 16th, 2007 at 10:25 pm
Interesting situation. You might be interested in hearing perspective from a guy that’s been a real estate broker in California’s Central Valley for the past 30 years. There was a special real estate symposium this past week and his speech is posted on the PMZ Real Estate Buzz Blog. Here’s the link http://www.pmzbuzz.com/2007/06/14/218/ or visit PMZBuzz.com. Hope that gives some insight.
June 16th, 2007 at 10:41 pm
Who is taking your pictures? They’re really good. I use a digital camera, and I can never get them quite as crisp as you do. I especially like the picture of you driving. I noticed that whoever took the picture, lowered the camera, because the perspective is parallel to your shoulders. Are you using a photographer, or do you just have a lot of experience?
June 16th, 2007 at 11:40 pm
Wow, I came here for foreclosure help and all I see is a picture of a boat.
June 16th, 2007 at 11:48 pm
ha38349: It is cold here at the moment in Australia…
And the weather’s been pretty horrible especially up in NSW, where there have been storms causing problems with roads and big ships etc….
June 17th, 2007 at 1:21 am
If you leave a note bashing someone’s spelling, try spelling correctly yourself. It is LOSER, not looser, dumbass.
Actually, the dumbasses are the people who have just outed themselves as ignorant newbies by “correcting” my deliberately satirical misspelling.
Also, it is SPELLED, not spelt, idiot.
Both spellings are legitimate. Google them both if you don’t believe me.
This should be a heads-up to all of you out there to stay in school and learn something before posting letters in public places.
Au contraire, this should be a heads up to all the newbies to actually learn something about the culture of a blog before posting pompous “corrections” and making idiots of themselves in the process.
Just to bring you up to speed (because if you haven’t picked up on this in-joke you clearly don’t know IAFF culture at all), Casey used the spelling ‘looser’ repeatedly throughout the last few months of 2006, in the face of literally dozens of posts pointing out his mistake. It became a symbol of his willful refusal to take or respond to advice, even when the advice concerned something as simple to remedy as this.
(Google “Casey looser” for examples - at the time of writing, eight of the first ten results pertained to young Serin).
June 17th, 2007 at 2:00 am
@16, dohntelefon
As someone else has already noted, visas to visit Australia aren’t expensive. A tourist (subclass 676) visa is $70 Australian; an ETA (subclass 976, electronic travel authority) is $20 Australian. Since the Australian dollar is worth roughly two flat rocks and a bit of string against most other world currencies, that works out to $12 to $16 US.
Also, you don’t necessarily need an onward ticket to gain entry to Australia. If you’ve got proof of support (ie someone willing to say ‘we’ll support him while he’s here’) and you’re a short term visitor, Immigration will not necessarily insist on the onward tix.
You can verify this with Australian immigration authorities - 131881 is the phone number within Australia. Or look at immi.gov.au.
June 17th, 2007 at 2:25 am
Now that I’ve finished laughing about the attempts at “correcting” deliberately satirical misspelling, I have a serious question.
Are there any genuine Casey supporterz™ who have been reading IAFF for a significant length of time? (Preferably back to the beginning of 2007 or, better, late 2006). And if such creatures do exist, why are you still on his side?
Because it seems to me that authentic supporterz™ (i.e. not trolls) basically fall into four categories:
1. The ignorant
By which I mean people who have only just discovered IAFF and who have fallen for Casey’s wide-eyed innocent act. Once they read the full backstory, they generally change their minds.
2. The amoral
People who ARE familiar with Casey’s backstory, but who don’t think his behavior is a big deal (despite it involving multiple counts of blatant fraud, the theft of large sums of money, treating legally binding contracts like toilet tissue, stabbing former friends in the back, etc.)
3. The opportunists
People who see Casey’s astonishing gullibility as a heaven-sent money-making opportunity - or a chance to offload some more debts and/or blame onto him.
4. The insane
Say no more!
But is there a fifth category, of people who are completely up to speed with IAFF, who possess a moral compass, who don’t want to stiff Casey in a loaded business deal, who are in full possession of their mental faculties and who STILL think that Casey is an okay guy? And if so, what are your reasons?
June 17th, 2007 at 4:24 am
aussie_cops is an a** …
it shows a lot about a person when they come to a place specifically to flame another.
“dim prospects you central valley loser with only a high school education”
that was the most ignorant thing i think i’ve seen in some time… it is quite well known that more than a few successful entrepreneurs have nothing more than a high school diploma. robert kiyosaki said it best in “rich dad, poor dad” and his many other works, that schools do a great job at teaching philosophy, but not much else thats valuable to making money in the real world.
the kiyosaki addage is true, it is no longer an era of “go to a good school, get good grades, graduate and find a great paying job and they’ll take care of you.” that just isn’t the way things work anymore.
June 17th, 2007 at 6:10 am
46. Walter Sobchak
June 16th, 2007 at 6:25 pm
You’re still censoring every comment even remotely non-cheerleaderish.
Yep…anything that tells the truth about him is censored. What a looser.
June 17th, 2007 at 9:18 am
Howdy to all the folks commenting on “looser” vs. “loser”, and welcome to Casey’s cool blog!
If you will scan the the older posts, back when things like W-2 jobs and paying back every dirty penny were frequent topics, you will see that Casey consistently spells “loser” with an extra “o.” It’s part of his charm.
So, Svetogorsk (and, I wonder if THAT is spelled correctly) knows what he is talking about.
You’ll also notice, if you read earlier posts, that the writing style has changed dramatically over the past few weeks. Is it jet lag? Is it someone else crafting posts for the blog? Hmmmmm….
June 17th, 2007 at 2:43 pm
@Siriana 50:
“People are lucky if they make $30-50K while making the business owner they work for rich.”
I’m not in your “lucky” range, as my looser™ W-2 job pays five times your lower figure. Am I therefore unlucky? Is it more bad luck that I have zero debt? And that other people pay *me* interest, instead of the other way around? Horrible, horrible. My life must be in ruins.
Racking up two million in personal debt can’t be done in the corporate rat race. Congratulations! A WINNAR IS YUO.
June 18th, 2007 at 7:31 am
no replies from Casey… no comments about foreclosure whatsoever… what does this have to do with foreclosure?
If I wanted to see vacation pictures I would go visit aunt betsey and see her slides
June 18th, 2007 at 11:41 pm
I am from Australia. From Newcastle, where that ship is, actually.
That car is a brand new Toyota Camry, so I can almost guarantee it is a rental car, as it is just the type of car rental companies use here.