I Am Facing Foreclosure blog just made it to the first page of Google under the search term “foreclosure”. I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results. That’s pretty good since foreclosure is a very general term and there is a lot of competition. The rising search ranking of this blog has been very amazing to watch.
I’m starting to get more and more people emailing me for help with their own foreclosure situation. I help out with whatever advice or tips I can but it’s starting to become a problem. I don’t have enough time to answer all the emails and I’m letting them sit. I feel bad because I want to help everybody. I know what it’s like to be in financial trouble facing foreclosure so I feel for these people.
What I want to do is to start turning this site into more of a foreclosure help and resource site. Topic will include general foreclosure information, how to stop foreclosure, reasons to avoid foreclosure, local foreclosure laws, detailed explanation of the foreclosure process, etc.
I’ve been blessed with all the inbound links and all the media exposure so I want to use my position to do good things. I will need some help though. It’s too much to do all this on my own. I’m already weeks behind on my email and the volume keeps growing. I’m not getting any compensation right now for answering emails or growing this blog so it’s hard to justify devoting all of my time to it. So I need to learn to delegate and starting thinking about building a business out of this.
I’ve been considering setting up a network of trusted foreclosure and real estate professionals that I can refer people to - mortgage brokers, short sale real estate agents, real estate and bankruptcy attorneys, debt management consultants, etc.. I need to setup a system to automate referrals and track the referral to make sure the person in foreclosure gets timely help and accurate guidance.
I just keep thinking more and more how my facing foreclosure experience and my desire to take the story public is really one big blessing in disguise. I can help people avoid or survive foreclosure, find solutions for their debt, get back on their feet… all while turning this into a self-sustaining business.
I know, I know… you’re thinking “Why don’t you first help yourself”… or “You don’t have the credibility to help people in foreclosure” or “You haven’t even come out of your own foreclosure mess and now you’re going to try helping others??”
Yes, I may not have a ton of credibility in some people’s eyes yet. And you may not agree with some of the choices I’ve made in trying to avoid foreclosure and get out of debt. But I do feel like I learned a lot and I’m not going to wait to start helping others. That would actually be selfish of me. Also the entrepreneur in me is saying that I need to jump on this opportunity and start building toward the future of this foreclosure blog. It would be a waste of time and effort if this blog goes away after my foreclosure story is over.
One way to increase credibility and value might be to start letting other real estate bloggers and foreclosure experts guest blog here from time to time. Also, besides a blog I want to also have maybe a foreclosure help forum, “10 Ways to Avoid Foreclosure” type of e-books, a directory of trusted foreclosure prevention professionals, foreclosure FAQ pages, “How to Stop Foreclosure” and “Foreclosure Law” pages, bankruptcy, debt management, and other related topics.
I see IamFacingForeclosure.com becoming THE #1 foreclosure resource and foreclosure help site on the internet. I see this site helping thousands of people per day in solving their foreclosure and debt problems. To make this happen I see myself receiving ideas / help / connections / support from you and building a successful team.
Thank you!
I’m glad you have a new “TECH GUY” to help you out.
You’re the “BOSS”Casey, according to this
“I’m starting to get more and more people emailing me for help with their own foreclosure situation. I help out with whatever advice or tips I can but it’s starting to become a problem. I don’t have enough time to answer all the emails and I’m letting them sit. I feel bad because I want to help everybody. I know what it’s like to be in financial trouble facing foreclosure so I feel for these people.”It seems like perhaps you’d like to start your own ‘FORECLOSURE GURU” seminar?
That’s totally wicked man! Er, I mean, SWEET!!
And guess what? You’re also #7 for “CashCall”.
That’s right, #7 for CashCall is Casey Serin!ASW: cashback
Yo, Case, why don’t you manage to stop foreclosure on just one — ONE — of you remaining properties and then maybe we’ll talk about your credentials to counsel other people facing foreclosure.
Anti-spam word - itsallgood.
You bet it is, baby.
Casey ,
People want advice about stopping foreclosure?
Fast and simple. No guru needed, no master plan necessary!
It’s sweet and loose
: If you want to build a business out of this website, you have to ask the following questions: What product am I… doug: Some of the major foreclosure issues are going to be going away for a simple reason: Banks will be preventing… Boo Freakin Hoo, Casey: Lying out of your a****** again Casey. “I don’t have enough time to answer all the emails…
You need not worry. You won’t be ‘helping’ for long. Homey D.A.(district attorney) clown and others are going to make sure you are shut down shortly. enjoy your short lived freedom. You are soon to be made quite the example for mortgage fraud. -
Im gonna visit your site about how to get some help with a foreclosure . Then Im gonn read John Kerry’s site about ‘How to become President of the US’ and then Brittney Spears site about ‘How to be a star and not loose your head’.
anti-spam word: cashback
Sounds like a plan. Perhaps you can create a resource site and have a personal blog running off that.
You should really look into other ways to monetize this site. With the amount of traffic you get here, you could really pull in some extra money.
SO what you’re saying is, if, perhaps I became a colossal failure in the field of investment banking that perhaps people would want to give me millions of dollars? You’re saying that failure is good…failing forward. Ahem…
Gotcha. Just checking. Hang in there for #1 status. You could be hanging a while. But just so you know, if this does become the #1 site, your haters will make sure a pure bash site is the #2.
Are you kidding? Of course you have a lot of credibility in foreclosure. Why, if I ever wanted to foreclose, I’ll just do what you’ve done.
What you don’t have any credibility in, however, is in getting things done above-board.
How high do you rate on the word “loser”?
Why would anyone in trouble come to YOU for help?
If it were a choice between taking your advice and eating a bullet, I’d take the bullet.
Casey, you won’t be successful at anything if you lie to yourself. If you want to monetize this blog, then you have to understand why people come here.
Do you think that people come here because you offer great insight on how to avoid foreclosure?
Or do you think that people come here because you don’t mind making a public spectacle of yourself?
Did you get your own server?
SWEET! Another GURU!
Kind of like having the former head of FEMA (Mr Brown. . . what was his first name, Charlie?) give seminars on how to deal with disasters in New Orleans.
What advice are you giving? I think I have a few ideas that you might be throwing out at your new followers;
1. Go to CASHCALL and get a loan.
2. Don’t open your mail. . .
3. Buy a blue ball and sit on it. . .
4. Start a blog. . .
SWEET!!!! Oh and don’t be a Dick. . . (by the way, what the hell is wrong with that?)
Dick -
You have officially hit celebrity status sir. Oprah should put you on her show. You could tell your story to the nation there and give some advice to people on how to avoid the situation you got yourself in.
Casey, use the fact that you’re #10 - leverage that somehow to make money. There are people that can do this for you — and you can get out of this mess you’re in. If you can’t or won’t do this - then bankruptcy is all that’s left. Not jumping on this and capitalizing will indicate your failure. If you feel you are overwhelmed and just can’t get started doing it, then go back and read some of the literature about keeping motivated. It’s time to stand up! Remember the concept of absolute value from mathematics? No matter the value - positive or negative – value is value. Use it or lose it— you have what passes for fame in the USA and it’ll only come around once like you have it now. The door is right in front of you! Make that call…
“Also, besides a blog I want to also have maybe a foreclosure help forum, “10 Ways to Avoid Foreclosure” type of e-books, a directory of trusted foreclosure prevention professionals, foreclosure FAQ pages, “How to Stop Foreclosure” and “Foreclosure Law” pages, bankruptcy, debt management, and other related topics.”
I’m HOPING that your only contribution to this supposed new and improved website will be the actual website traffic itself, and not any sort of advice to anyone. Unless the advice you will be giving is not to do what you’ve done. Additionally, I hope you plan to put a strong team in charge of this new venture so all can run smoothly while you are paying your debt to society.
I guess that was the idea with this blog from the beginning:
First gain popularity and than turn it into a buisness venture…
Anyways, good job on promoting your web site - I think you might be able to sell it to some (foreclosure.com) lender/FK resource for a hefty $$$.
“I’m starting to get more and more people emailing me for help with their own foreclosure situation. I help out with whatever advice or tips I can but it’s starting to become a problem.”
You are in no position, as you have not learned from your mistakes.
With your vast knowledge and connections in the mortgage and foreclosure arena why cant you stop just ONE of your houses from beig foreclosed on?? You are such a self important little turd that it stopped being funny months ago. What advice could possibly come from your sad little mouth? “Drink juice”? Sorry pal, the Florida orange growers have been saying that for decades, so even thats not an original thought. It will actually be funny to see you do the perp walk, if only because of the look of disbelief that will be plastered on your mug.
This post contains 666 words, no counting the title, but that isn’t the important statistic. ‘Foreclosure’ appears 28 times, not counting the blog title itself. And you want to be the #1 ranked search response? I call Google W**** , not to mention narcissistic psychopath.
The reason why you’re so high up there in searches is mainly due to the haters linking your name to foreclosure in their attempt to boost their stature. If you think its bad now, you’ll be facing JohnTReed on a whole new level.
In addition, this is a bit pie in the sky. You cannot move onto a new project when you haven’t taken care of your previous business. You have foreclosures on your record, cashcall is calling you, and the lenders will come after you for your missed payments, the CC companies will come after you, and bankruptcy is pretty much not an option, so any work you do do, will go to your creditors.
That, and the IRS will pay a big visit on April 15, 2008
Have you opened up all your mail? Called your creditors? DO YOU KNOW WHAT RESPONSIBILITY MEANS?
Whyd you never link to this story on you Casey?
Why don’t you put up some ads if you’re so high-trafficked? Seriously, it wouldn’t get you the 2.2 M, but it would at least help you somewhat.
So you’re planning to offer guru seminars in how to fail successfully? If I may, I’d like to suggest “Failing Forward©” as the title.
I can see the infomercial now….
Help me! I am 8 months behind on my house payment and have probably already been foreclosed upon. The bank keeps sending me this pretty paper with their logo on it for me to make paper airplanes.
Anyway, I need your help NOW! You have been through this before!!
Can you help me check my mail in a timely fashion?
No? ok, well can you help me sort my bills in order of when they need to be paid?
Uh, thats out too?
Can you show my how to use my credit wisely?
Crap, maybe you can show me how to increase the value of my home through sweat equity?
Another no.. Can you at least show me how to mow my grass so I dont get fined by the HOA?
You dont know what an HOA is? Well, okay I’ll have a number 2 with a diet coke. Wait, you cant even flip burgers? Your foreclosure knowledge is the greatest! This is better than the Carleton Sheets program I ordered!By the way here is the $2495.99 for your 15 minute seminar on how to look busy in the face of ultimate disaster.
On a serious note, What could you possibly be teaching these people? How not to show up at the court house steps when you havent been to your property in 6 months?
Floating along through Foreclosure, by Casey Serin, Cr. Ook, Head of Financial Turmoil, Broke U.
Congrats, Casey. You and your little blog haver officially JUMPED THE SHARK.
You are a liar. You do not feel compelled to “help” people…you just see an opportunity to make money by referring people on. It’s called a kickback.
ANSWER THIS QUESTION: What fee are you charging to become a member of this “trusted resource” network? Do these gurus pay any fee or compensation to you? What revenue is exchanged between parties when a referral is passed on?
I find it unfathomable that you are $200+k in debt on credit cards & persoanl loans and a few million in debt on foreclosures and you worry about returning emails and updating a blog.
Just get a job.
Your 15 minutes of fame are just about up…
Casey, did you know that you can make a fortune on foreclosures? Just scan the public records and mail postcards, and visit the hapless souls to get them to sign on the dotted line. It is a scam — I mean service — that is as old as the $15,000 seminar. (But the other guy charges $32, 000 — so, its all good!) Start mailing out the postcards, and hanging up the signs on phone poles. And remember, if you happen to be down a few ten thousands, it is something that you did wrong — you could never be the victim of a swindle. Repeat after me — it is all my fault.
“I see this site helping thousands of people per day in solving their foreclosure and debt problems.”
Just when do you see this change occurring? Because up until now, it’s all about you and helping you.
That’s like bragging you are the tenth worse investor as ranked by google, soon to be ranked as the *worst*.
This site is a dummies guide on how not to invest in real estate.
Just shut it down and get a job already.
Like we all told you before, you are NOT an expert until you have this BEHIND you.
You want to tell people how to stop foreclosure? You can’t even stop your own! How does this make you an expert? Makes a bigger failure in my eyes.
If you think you are going to be some kind of “guru in the making” with this situation, it is going to be awfully difficult because you laid your entire story out on this blog.
Trying to profit off this whole situation is going to look awfully stupid in front of the Judge you will have to face to get out of this mess.
ASW= winwin
Advise them to do what you did…NOTHING!
I see you doing nothing to actually make this idea work. I see you, once again, failing miserably because you refuse to buckle down and actually do the work yourself.
And a tech guy to handle server issues? I thought you were the tech guy in your last W2 job?
About time, you are making this site useful. Yes, the links and affiliates may help. However, have you think through the whole process? Considering how clueless, hopeless, helpless you are yourself, you mind sharing what / how you exactly proposed to set up the affiliates? Here are some points, questions to ponder:
1) how would you fight off the haters? Some haters may launch DOS attack on your affiliates, you might need to make sure the affiliate is willing to take on this risk.
2) have disclaimers on your site. I do not pay much attention to legal detail, but sheesh, even I know I need to put up a disclaimer, term of usage somewhere. I thought you worked as web developer before.
3) how come your copyright year is still 2006? We are in 2007!! Wake up.
4) Again, THINK service first (Kiyosaki’s recommendation, not mine), if you plan to turn this affiliates / network project into something lucrative, write out a plan. This should take no more than 2 hours if your claim to web design, application is legit. BTW, plan includes a schedule. Post that here, it will help you.
5) DO NOT CLAIM to help others. Your lack credibility may get yourself into more trouble. Always direct to the experts / links / affiliates.
6) now do it.I will admit you have some marketing charm/magic to you. However, you are HORRIBLE at everything else. This mean, don’t claim you are helping others, you aren’t. Instead direct to those who are experts at it. And for God’s sake, don’t vouch for anyone. Just put a note noting “this person helped me in such and such situation. If you feel he may help you out as well, contact …”
Good luck.
to anyone seeking advice about foreclosure:
contact an attorney.
casey serin is not an attorney.
thank you
If you are so concerned with helping people and doing good works, join the Peace Corps. In fact, a stint in a foriegn country for a few years might be a wise thing to do for a man in your position, preferably a country without an extraditition treaty with the US. However, I could easily see you living in some mud hut someplace, conning the locals into ’sweet real estate deals’ while extolling the virtues of Juicing. Instead of building a school or clinic, you’d build them cheaply constructed townhomes, complete with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, then provide financing with No doc/100%/ Neg Am loans. Come on Casey, goforit!Subkommander Dred
Finally, something productive! You may have “success” (ASW) with this.
Hopefully you will the first prisoner who actually has a website that would pay off every dirty penny he stole..plus restitution. Good Luck, America will pay to much for mooches and loafs like you in the next coming years!
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade?
You’re the symbol of everything that I hate regarding the recent housing boom and bust. At one time, I thought that you were a special case for a return to the days of debtors’ prisons.
But in fairness, you made yourself public. So you’ve become a sieve for everyone else’s frustrations.
I haven’t read every single item in your blog, but I think one way that you can increase your “street cred” (even with the “haters”) is writing an expose on the housing speculator market. If you liken yourself as a victim, then it was the sub-prime lenders, the hucksters’ seminars who got you into this mess.
The best way to avoid foreclosure is to do what I’ve done:
1) Don’t upgrade to a more expensive home when the market booms, even if you can afford it.
2) Don’t buy a home that you can barely afford during the good times. The home you can comfortably pay for, even during the lean times is the one you should live in.
3) If you can prepay without penalty, do this as often as you can. Whether it’s an extra $10 a month to $500 a month, do it. Whatever your mortage rate is, is the equivalent rate of return in the long run.
All of these 3 “tips” have sustainability in mind. One should protect their homes from job loss, cut in pay, rise in interest rates and recessions. The mentality one should take about a mortgage is that you don’t own your home until the mortgage has been paid in full. Until then, you’re basically renting your home from the bank.
Seems to me that other people’s problems are the new “shiny things” you are chasing (at your peril, in my opinion). That’s exactly why many of us check in here.
Truly hilarious to me that you think you can help….I’m imagining such sound advi(S)e as….
1) Invest in caller ID, and don’t answer your phone if you don’t recognize the number.
2) Don’t open your mail, especially when it’s certified.
3) Spend your time looking for more “sweet deals.”
4) Ignorance is bliss….
5) Foreclosure really isn’t THAT painful….the guy on the county steps has a cool hat.
6) The echoes of hearing the words “Back to the Bank it goes.” die down after a few days…especially after a few trips to Jamba Juice.
7) Misery loves company….
8) When your credit score is under 400….why worry about another foreclosure (or two..)
9) How to keep your spouse oblivious and let them continue to pursue their dreams, even when you can’t afford it.
10) Advanced skills for mooching off the relatives as an alternative to generating income. Let them be the wage slaves!
Get real!!!! Can you describe just one case where you’ve actually helped someone?
You say you have learned a lot and could write an eBook on avoiding foreclosure.
Avoid foreclosure on the remaining two properties you own (plus the wrap).
If you can’t do that, you have learned NOTHING.
asw: awesome
“Am Facing Foreclosure blog just made it to the first page of Google under the search term “foreclosure”. I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results.”
The very essence of the term “left-handed compliment”. This would be akin to being the top search result for “compulsive masturbation.”
I called this move all the way back in September.
There is great value in offering a service where you and others share their experiences. Some people just need to know they are not alone. That the decisions they are trying to get comfortable with are the right ones.
In other cases there will be services or advice that people can and will pay for in their time of need.
You have made an investment in the site. It has become a bit of a “speaker’s corner” for foreclosure conversations. Earning some income from your efforts is fine. Granted some will try to sabotage such efforts. Is it envy or is it just their nature?
As you are not forcing people to come to this site I say let people choose on their own. If the advice works for them that is great. A silver lining to your cloud.
Yes, you will need others to help. Either volunteers or paid support staff. At some level you can not maintain true quality control unless you have ample income and staff so go for the light touch initially.
Get in touch if you want some guest articles or moderation support. I already moderate a few lists for other people so I know the drill.
John Corey
http://johncorey.wordpress.com/ - real estate investing advice -
I’ll make it real easy for you…(and you don’t even need to pay me!)
10 Tips for avoiding foreclosure:
1) Pay your mortgage
2) Pay your mortgage
3) Pay your mortgage
4) Pay your mortgage
5) Pay your mortgage
6) Pay your mortgage
7) Pay your mortgage
8) Pay your mortgage
9) Pay your mortgage
10) Pay your mortgage -
I think our boy’s level of detachment from reality has reached new highs (lows?)
Lying out of your a****** again Casey.
“I don’t have enough time to answer all the emails and I’m letting them sit. I feel bad because I want to help everybody.”
Yeah, I’m sure you have so much compassion and love in your heart to lie on 8 applications, sit on you azz thinking you are going to get rich, let your houses go to crap and then refuse to pay for your mess, leaving it to the American taxpayers to clean it up for you!
Some Christian you are, I hope you land in jail soon because you truly are a menace to society! Scamming and easy money is in your heart!
Some of the major foreclosure issues are going to be going away for a simple reason: Banks will be preventing them from happening in the future (for a while). 0% down loans are rapidly disapearing from the market, along with stated income loans. With those going away, a lot of the mess that is out there will start to dry up in the next couple of years (along with housing prices dropping because people cannot afford the more stringent loan requirements).
If you want to build a business out of this website, you have to ask the following questions:
What product am I offering?
How do I stand out from the rest of the pack?
If I am acting as a referrel service, why would people want to go to me instead of direct to the service provider?
What am I going to charge for this service and who pays for it? -
There are two kinds of blogs out there. One marks the day-to-day travails of the blogger, and can be very enlightening as a step-by-step journey through their situation. For example, someone starting a business details the process of finding retail space, ordering merchandise, getting permits, etc., as they are happening.
The other kind has posts about a topic. For example, a blog might still be on starting a business, but one day they talk about keeping books, the next day it’s hiring help, the next day it’s “Are you cut out to be an entrepreneur?” Often, the blog is little more than links to outside articles the blogger found interesting, and a few of his/her comments on the subject.
There’s no question which is more compelling. Not only is the first more useful as a step-by-step guide, but readers establish more of a connection with the blogger. (In your case, you’re the blogger we love to “hate.”)
It sounds like you’re going from the first kind to the second. I’m not surprised that you want to take the focus off yourself and use the site more as a business. Anyway, you soon won’t have any houses left to lose and therefore you’ll have less to write about. I do think your traffic and notoriety will suffer, though, because most people come for the train wreck.
Are you ever going to answer our many questions? There’s so many loose ends, it’s no wonder people become frustrated here. Like, aside from meeting Nigel, what were you really doing in Utah?
Number one rule of Foreclosure avoidance…
#1 Make your payments.
#2, sell if you can’t make payments..
Other than that you’re stupid holding onto a money losing investment.
To help your credibility: Design and implement a plan to pay off your unsecured debt. Last I knew it was running in the 200k range.
Last I checked, the daily interest was costing you $150/day (unsecured debt only, no mortgages).
It is kind of hard to be credible when one side of your mouth is saying “I want to help people” and the other side of your mouth is saying “I am avoiding my lenders”
You need to prioritize: Solve your problems first. Everyone else’s problems second. Start filtering your email so mail you know is important gets set aside and not lost in the sea of white noise that is an inbox.
My simplest advice for avoiding foreclosure: Don’t set yourself up for failure from the get-go. If the mortgage is to big for you to afford, then you will be foreclosed on (its just a matter of time).
Set up a budget, include all of your monthly costs in it (car, food, gas, taxes, rent, maintenance, safety margin, etc). From there determine how large a monthly mortgage payment you can afford and go from there. It is relatively simple: If you are spending more then you are earning, you will go broke. If not, then you are saving something at the end of the month. -
did anyone notice how many times Casey started a paragraph with “I”
Wow, I’ve never seen a bigger case of the blind leading the blind. It’s too bad you can’t run for president.
You do realize that you need a license to give any kind of financial advice to anyone … right?
It’s pretty obvious that your goal is to make money off of this site and you probably could do alright with it with high rankings.
Is this money going to be used to pay back every dirty penny?
Are you going to get a job if it’s not enough money to pay back your loans and live off of?
Casey: Have you started a side business selling blue balls (I was at the gym today and they had a wall of them on a rack)?
How are things going on the Jamba Juice sponsorship (do they know you are #10)?
The guru seminar is a great idea (charge people $1,000 to help them avoid forclosure).
You should set incremental goals, like “Be #8 result, #6, etc” … it’s going to be tough to beat the likes of Foreclosure.com, and Wikipedia. Take it one step at a time. Although this might be a possible business idea, I have serious doubts that you will execute. It reminds me of your approach to 2007 goals: aim high, and do nothing.
You make it sound like nothing is possible without a crack team of advisers around. You can start by proving that you are serious about your idea by implementing certain parts, and only then ask for help once you have demonstrated that you are committed. Given your track record, however, you will only complain that you don’t have enough time to do anything because you’re always meeting with business partners. Whatever, just prove to us you can do SOMETHING.
Vlad -
Those who can not do, teach.
here are some other google successes from casey listed by search phrase and ranking:
foreclosure idiot #6 Casey Serin
foreclosure moron #3 Casey Serinforeclosure dimwit…drum roll… #1….CASEY SERIN!!!!!!!
once i struggled to pay my own mortgage. (my credit report still shows one single incident where i was about 20 days late with a payment.) i know at that time what i really wanted most of all was to seek counsel with someone in even more dire shape than me, and give them some money. or maybe i’d just want to chit-chat with them until the day i “pull the trigger” and pay their sponsor to, what, BuyMyUglyHouse or something.
let me tell you what i did instead: i worked very, very hard, delivering pizza by day and building web software by night. the software interested people who have some cash to spare. now, three years later, even while i have a very profitable day job, these people still pay for my web software.
one of the things you’ll need to achieve is control of criticism. that’s why you’ve been trying to steer critics elsewhere, and shut down the Wiki description. you will continue to find that the harder you press to control criticism, the louder it gets. if you made a concerted effort to suppress criticism on this site, your critics would be more aggressive and creative. google giveth, google taketh away. don’t take this personally. people are entitled to their opinions, and they know it. but certainly you could try. my hunch is: the venture sounds worth about $10/day. your target audience doesn’t have money to spare, you don’t have much to give (sorry), and the barriers to transformation are not small (you have devoted readers, but we aren’t exactly supportive).
it does sound like one of your few profitable assets, but it can’t compare to truly valuable hard work. but you wouldn’t deliver pizza, and you wouldn’t sweat to code truly valuable or useful software. so apparently your options are more limited than mine.
How can this be a “foreclosure help and resource site” when most people care about AVOIDING foreclosure and you don’t? Honestly, what do you think the average person Googling “foreclosure”, hoping to keep their primary residence after being laid off or getting sick, can learn from you? -
Tibetan Monk say:
How much will freeloader pay Casey to advise them not to pay debt?
Sound like good business plan.
Why should anyone take advice from you? What have you actually DONE either to avoid foreclosure, minimize its impact, or learn from the experience?
You’ve gone to the courthouse steps to watch the auctions. You know what the guy there looks like and that he likes to say, “back to the bank it goes.” Great, I can do that too. On my lunch hour, even, and still be able to work the rest of the day.
Here, lemme give you a pretend scenario. I live in Chicago (this part is true). Last year (this is where the pretend part starts) I took out a $350K mortgage on a condo. I got one of them negam I/O 2/28 thingamabobs and my payment has gone from, oh let’s say $1500/mo to $3500/mo now and $4500K/mo next year. On top of that I have to pay $300/mo in property tax and $500/mo in assessments. I can no longer afford this, because my takehome from my semi-legit W2 job is only $3000/mo (see, housing eats up my whole pay). I can’t refi because I still have negative equity.
I’ve stopped eating out, canceled the cable teevee, don’t patronize overpriced exotic beverage-selling establishments and have let my car insurance lapse (illegal, but Illinois doesn’t really care).
Now Casey, help me. I am facing foreclosure.
Done right, this latest little plan could actually generate a little cash. Not much, but a little, which could help with the credit card payments, legal fees, tax payments, speeding tickets, snowboarding trips, etc.
. . . Oh, and speaking of which, where did the cash for that snowboarding trip come from?
Hahahahaha. That’s like all the failed novelists who couldn’t hack it who are now teaching “creative writing” classes at the local junior college. The difference here is that at least they have an actual education…
Now Casey can offer “advice” that doesnt really say anything at all, and position himself as “the expert guru” on surviving foreclosure.
He’s following the path that Kiyosaki did to get rich - fail at everything you try, then become a guru and sell fake hope to the masses.
Great news!
Google: casey looser
You are the first 6 hits!
Time for a reality check…No one comes to this site for any actual useful information. It’s a hilarious diversion for all. You are delusional but still somewhat entertaining.
“I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results.”
In prison you’ll be the most popular inmate. And you’ll be in #1 position.
asw: “itsallgood” — it certainly will be.
You’re in a catch-22 here, Casey. You are correct to believe that you can turn a profit from this website based on your traffic, but you obviously don’t understand why your traffic is so high. People come here for the trainwreck factor, that’s it. Once your last house is gone, what’s there to continue blogging about? No trainwreck equals no traffic.
Hi Casey, yes i would like some advice. yeah i quit my job because it doesnt pay very well. so i am going to hold out until i have a sweet paying job. but the thing is i havent been paying my mortgage. Now they are calling all the time. i told them i cant pay until i have a sweet paying job but they are being unreasonable. What should i do?
How about adding a section/forum on peoples horror stories with subprime mortage lending and how they got into trouble. It would be educational reading these stories.
Loc -
Brilliant concept. Sort of reminds me of the speeches of reformed alcoholics and druggies addressing church audiences of the errors of their way. But what do you tell people facing foreclosure who solicit your advice?
1. Looks are everything, so buy scarves and expensive murses to make yourself look successful.
2. If you had more money, you wouldn’t be in the problem you are. So just go out and obtain more credit cards, then let the good times roll and head for pricey restaurants and exclusive shops to make life bearable. Spend today, because tomorrow you will die.
3. Don’t bother making improvements in the properties you won. It probably won’t do any good, so why waste time.
4. Leech from your relatives, pull your sheets over your head, throw the mail away unopened, and wait for impeding doom. -
These foreclosures are putting banks out of business.
They tooooook our jobs
“I see this site helping thousands of people per day in solving their foreclosure and debt problems. ”
Until you have successfully demonstrated that you have avoided even ONE forclosure, anything you have to say on the subject has as much value in helping people facing forclosure as the gas that escapes a cow’s rear end. Actually, less, because the gas that escapes a cow’s rear end can be captured and used as fuel. Your words, on the other hand, cannot.
Great idea! Casey can start a licensee program to allow respectable professionals to use a “Member of Trusted Casey Serin Network” badge, for a fee of course. I’m sure respectable professionals will line up for the privilege of being recommended by a crook.
Don’t you have to actually stop a foreclosure to advise people on that topic?
I don’t get it.
Perhaps you can tell others what to expect and don’t do what I did, but I am puzzled as to why anyone would come to you for foreclosure advice.
I’ve mentioned 2 times that you should parlay this site into a cash source, which I think can be done, but I don’t think people are going to look at you as some Kevin Mitnick type that is a guru at anything but pretending all is good while reality is chewing you up and spitting you out.
Speaking of foreclosure, what’s going on with the remaining houses?
Also, how’s the expenditure ledger for 2006 going? Many of us are dying to see where you spent all that cash-back money and credit card charges last year. Given that it appears to be well over $200k in spending and you apparently have nothing to show for it, it’s very interesting.
Many have asked about the Utah “missing” payment. Why haven’t you responded?
Actually, you have a few better Google keyword rankings… This is a quick list that I compiled with the keyword and the ranking:
Dirty Penny #7
Looser’s Foreclosure #5
Sweet Foreclosure #1
Foreclosure Blog #1
Utah Trip #6
Cashcall #7
Jail for Mortgage Fraud #1 & #2 -
For your FAQ section:
Q. How does one avoid foreclosure?
A. By paying your mortgage.Q. How does one pay their mortgage?
A. With an income.Q. How does one get an income fast?
A. With a job.Q. How does one get a job?
A. By looking for a job.Q. What if I lied about my income, don’t have a job, can’t afford the mortgage, the house is worth 30% less than I owe and I spent the cash back at closing?
A. Look for some sweet deals. -
It’s good to see that you are finally taking Kiyosaki’s advice. Make your money by telling people how to get out of foreclosure, without actually doing it yourself. He did the exact same thing: became a millionaire by writing a book about becoming a millionaire. All you have to do now is make up a fictitious rich dad that just so happens to be one of the smartest and richest men in Hawaii but no one knows his true identity and you will be the man!!
I just can’t see how anyone who spends some time on these pages and reads any of the comments would take anything they get from here seriously.
Antispam: Cashback
Casey what really makes me mad about you and probably a bunch of other people too:
You put money, greed, and lies in front of people. You could care less who you hurt or rob from to get the cold hard cash to live an extravagent lifestyle. All that with the least amount of work and the least amount of accountability when the s*** hit the fan.
Why do you call yourself Christian when you actually do evil and selfish things in a country that gives you a chance to escape poverty and Communism.
Your just as bad as a con-artist, a pimp, a drug pusher and a thief who steal from their family.
I truly do hope God has his vegence on you..
With the number of stupid people who took the loans they knew they couldn’t afford popping up more frequent, those same people will be desparate for any advice - even from you, Casey! Kinda like asking a convict: “What’s it like in jail” for the first timer who is scared as s*** . You will get more traffic and money to pay back every dirty penny you stole. (You still are going to pay every dirty penny back, right Casey?).
I believe it was P.T. Barnum that said that no one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Now that I’ve failed forward and had two foreclosures in two months, you’re going to start giving people advice on how to avoid foreclosure?
What type of bizarro world do you live in????
Wouldn’t you be better at giving people advice on how to achieve financial ruin?
#10 for foreclosure? Try these out:
“sweet mortgage fraud” - #7
“sweet liar loan” - #6
“sweet cash back scam” - #1 !!
Don’t see you in the top 100 for “prevent foreclosure.”
You’ve got alot of work to do kid, but you’re on the right track. Your web skills are infinitely better than your real estate skills. Do us all a favor and give up real estate dreams for a few years and do your growing up someplace that doesn’t cost us all millions of dollars.
I’ve been blessed with all the inbound links
God had nothing to do with that.
foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure, foreclosure,
there, keyword density should take you up the page. GOod luck.
“did anyone notice how many times Casey started a paragraph with “I””
uh, no.
Just a quote from a precious post.
” I was creative in getting myself into this thing (with good intentions but bad tactics). Now I will have to be ten times as creative and resourceful to:
1) Pay off all my “dirty” debt - lender will not loose a penny on me.
2) Do it 100% legally and above-board.
3) Avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy.”
How did those goals work out, so far you have avoided bankruptcy, but only because taxes weren’t due. What happens when the IRS comes calling?
Oh yeah, post some real content, answer some of the questions.
How did you spend 200k?
What were your cash back amounts on “your” properties?
What is your current credit score that you tried “so hard” to save?
Finally: what makes you think that you are qualified to give advice? (If you ignore all the other questions PLEASE answer that one.)
I personally would not take any advice nor would any other sane person. All you have done is bought houses illegally and then went on a picture taking, self important blog-fest. You have no skills viable to the real estate community, nor do you bring any so called “time” to the table in any future deals, you have no work ethic and feel that you deserve things that many hard working people do even when they have money to pay for it. I am fed up with trolling, lying and self delusion, You are a PARASITE and I can’t wait to see you hauled off to jail.
You may strive for #1, but in my eyes you’ll always be a #2.
Besides, the only other person who has successfully failed more than you is GW Bush. -
Ok, here’s my prediction - despite all the advice here (and hopefully, in real life) Our Hero will actually think he can do this and will try.
He’ll whine at us because he can’t get a team of professionals to work with him (after all, who would want to be professionally associated with Our Hero).
Then he’ll whine because this brilliant idea of his isn’t making him $$$ in passive income by September 2007.
Then he’ll say maybe he jumped in over his head, but that it’s all good - he’s failing forward and it’s a learning experience for him.
Then who knows what he’ll whine about, because by then no one will be listening.
Sheeesh! You’d think by now even a retarded monkey (no offense intended to the cognitively delayed or to monkeys) would have figured out that if EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD says it’s a bad idead, maybe you shouldn’
t stake your whole life on it. But not Our Hero! He always knows more/better than anyone else. Things don’t ever work out for him, but it’snot his fault. -
ASW juicy
1- Set goal of “I want to be rich the easy way”
2 - Find a scheme
3 - Begin the scheme without fully thinking it through
4 - Realize scheme actually involves some form of work
5 - Avoid doing the work
6 - See scheme begin to fail
7 - Make resolution to actually do work
8 - Fritter away time with unproductive distractions that seem productive since they have to do with mental or physical well being.
9 - Scheme fails, breathe a big sigh of relief as the pressure is lifted from your shoulders
10 - Begin again at step one.You will repeat this in all aspects of your life.
Casey, you are the underpants gnomes, except that they work hard and you don’t.
Praise God!
I hear Las Vegas is the next hot spot for flipping houses. Have you had a chance to look into this area yet? Don’t waste your time in Utah. Go to Vegas, man. That’s where the action is.
Casey these anti spam words are sweet.Mine was loose. Glad to see your at least trying to make a living even if its thru your blog
Type “real estate loser” in Google and an article about Casey is #1. It’ll take a lot of work to get to #1 in “loser” alone, but I have confidence.
I also still think some slick marketing of yourself as a foreclosure guru would be great–you may have some trouble sleeping at night, but after years of having BK clients with credit and foreclosure problems, I know they’d spend some money listening to a snake oil pitch about keeping their house.
Just to be clear, Casey, whoever keeps advising you “those who can’t do, teach,”
To actually teach something, you have to know how to do it. Preferably by having done it yourself.
How on earth do you plan to offer advice in avoiding foreclosure when you have yet to avoid it yourself? What on earth do you have to offer anyone at all other than the mockery of your readers, NONE of whom actually have any belief that you either will avoid foreclosure or ever had any intent to do so.
I bet if you figured out how to post a poll, you’d find that the vast majority of your readers either think you’re an incompetent buffoon or an actual criminal — neither category inspires trust in those seeking assistance.
You may be getting emails from those in similar circumstances, but the first email you return to them will reveal to them just what a dunderhead you are and how useless any advice you might have would be.
Lets see: How to avoid foreclosure, by Casey Serin
Step 1: Continue to spend money with abandon, long after it has become clear that you’re hopelessly in debt and getting deeper every day.
Step 2: Steadfastly refuse to do anything that might improve the value or saleability of any property you own.
Step 3: Stick head in sand. Refuse to open mail, answer phone calls, or find out timeline for foreclosure proceedings.
Step 4: Stick head deeper in sand. Don’t even consult your “reference materials” from laughable “Real estate Education” courses. Let blog commenters be the ones to let you know your property was just foreclosed upon
Step 5: Stick head up rear end. With debt racking up interest at ridiculous rates, go on vacation!!
Step 6: Go to your own foreclosure auctions looking to make business connections! Suhweet!
Step 7: Refuse to get a job. Post publicly that you consider what you call “A W-2 Job” a sad waste of your oh-so-important time.
Step 8: Continually reveal to anyone who will Google your name that you’re incompetent at what you claim to have done for a living (web design - I know housewives who hack Wordpress and php scripts better than you).
Step 9: Continually reveal to all Googlers your charming work ethic by casually mentioning you couldn’t get around to changing your DNS entry as fast as your webhost did.
Step 10: Sit back and watch the world fall at your feet in adoration, until a wave of supporters comes forth with palm leaves and carries you on their shoulders around the city, showering you with the deeds to Suhweet Apartment Buildings. Live happily ever after, having been declared King of Sacramento and Emperor of Greater California.
Dude… that’s awesome that you want to help others.
Yep, lots of haters are still gonna hate… but really, are they doing anything to help? NOPE…
Good for you! Keep moving forward and get whatever good you can outta all this, and share it with others!
Free knowledge within blogs is AWESOME!
******Casey, please read this******
There is already a group of foreclosure specialists that answer questions and provide help to people. Below is the web-site. This effort is a non-profit group that provides contact information on credit counseling information to those that call.Please check them out Casey, you could really help a lot of people.
If people facing foreclosure are reading this, please call 1-888-995-HOPE for advice on your situation. This is a non-profit group and is a FREE service.
@27. Distressed Homeowner
@ 41. JTR
Classic! 5 Stars!
Do they allow blogging from Folsom Prison? If so you can get all the inmates to attend your seminar. Nothing better than a captive audience. Hookup with New Century Financial and they’ll be happy to fund all your new friends.
Who cares that you defrauded $2.2 million in loans when you can blog your way to success!
Finally!!! You figured it out!
Kiyosaki did not make money by doing, but rather by selling his “knowledge”. I have a feeling you can make a lot of money as a guru (the same way that gurus made money off of you).
So, you final parsed the text of Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. Yes, success does not lie in becoming a real estate mogul, a stellar investor, or by building anything of value. It lies in getting people (like the “old” Casey) to give you money.
Casey, I commend you for finally catching on. It was an expensive lesson. However, if you can sell yourself half as well as Kiyosaki does, it will have been worth it.
I for one don’t want to see Casey go to jail.
It will cost taxpayers more money.
What is the cheaper alternative?
Deportation back to Uzbekistan.
@ #40:
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade?”
Only the first rule of three. The other two are:
When life gives you hemlocks, do NOT make hemlockade.
Know the difference between a lemon and a hemlock.There is no evidence that Serin knows these two, or will or even can ever learn them.
Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit:
Isn’t that kind of like being the most famous failure?
Hate to bust your bubble but you didnt make the first page of Google under the search term “foreclosure”
I think you may be on to something now. You can act as a facilitator between people seeking advice and the advisors on this blog. Someone will e-mail you a story, situation and/or question. For a fee you post it on this site for comments. You moderate the comments but don’t give advice yourself. There seem to be plenty of people out there that don’t have a clue what they are doing. Maybe it is because they didn’t go to college, or perhaps they were taken in by some get rich quick gurus. But in any case there are lots of folks out there who have fallen for the 100% or more financing of real estate they can’t really afford, either as a sure thing investment or perhaps just for a place to live. These people seem to lack a reliable mentor / advisor such as parents, siblings or friends that can point out the risks and downside (or maybe they just don’t listen).
ASW: equity
“One way to increase credibility and value might be to start letting other real estate bloggers and foreclosure experts guest blog here from time to time.”
Do you think that they might be deterred by the hatred, humiliation, and damage to their reputations that they will inevitably receive as a result of being associated with you?
How’s Duane LeGate?
Until Google retooled itself, our Fearless Leader was the top search result for ‘miserable failure.’ Are you looking to take his place? Don’t forget those lovely girls in Arizona that you signed your soul (and more importantly to you) your royalties away to!
Casey, I seem to have gone thru the same progression most do with this site. A longtime reader and first time poster, I came to this site with morbid curiosity, began to pull for you, but then devolved into a bit of a hater due to your inability to face up to your situation and shake off the guru-gestalt that landed you here.
That being said, with this you are starting to get on track, utilize your notoriety to become a resource to soon to be record breaking number of people face foreclosure.
BUT, you still need to get a job. Speaking as someone who is about to launch an internet startup, you have to put you pride aside and get some cashflow. Cash isn’t king, cash flow is. Get a crappy job, be a waiter, a programmer, a barista, it sure isn’t going to get you out of this situation-but it will keep food on the table and gas in the tank. I’m about to close my first round of financing and I am still bartending, and will be for the near future.
Do that during the day and set up your foreclosure network in your off time. In all honesty as a real estate investor you don’t have that much to offer, or at least not much more than any of the other huddled masses from the seminar circuit. What you do have is some notoriety and some traffic, build off that. That is real, pie-in-the-sky fantasies are what got you to this point, now start using the reality of your situation to go into a new direction.
Casey and newbie Conversation…
Newbie: Casey, I’m in foreclosure. What can I do?
Casey: Well, for one stop making the payments and don’t even answer the phone when they call.
Newbie: I shouldn’t talk to them.
Casey: No, sometimes it just goes away.
Newbie: But what if they really take it?
Casey: Rip out the sinks and anything of value and then ask them if you can have more time to do a shortsale…
Who are you to be giving advice to people going through foreclosure? What gives you the right to give advice when you have no credibility whatsoever. Instead of wasting time answering emails to people that are MOST LIKELY going to loser their house, do something productive like getting a J-O-B.
Your a joke Casey, in fact don’t even get a JOB. Because obviously your incapable of even doing that, do everyone a favor and declare BK. After you do that, buy a one way ticket back to wherever you came from.
I don’t care about helping people in foreclosure. I’m just here for the train wreck. By the way, what blessings *are* you getting from your 10% tithing?
One week has passed since the Burdett property was foreclosed. Do you have an update on your last two properties? Will either short-sale get done in time? Do you plan to go to the Modesto courthouse on March 28th if that short-sale does not work out?
again, not interesting
try cash call -
“57. Soup Nazi
You do realize that you need a license to give any kind of financial advice to anyone … right?”Soup Nazi, You are an idiot.
And anyone who takes financial advice from Casey is an idiot.
Ant Fraud Yields Death Sentence
By Ariana Eunjung Cha
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 20, 2007; Page D01YINGKOU, China — To hear Chinese authorities tell it, Wang Zhendong is a danger to society, the worst kind of person, one who took advantage of his fellow citizens’ naivete and trust. Last month, a court here gave him the death penalty for his crimes.
Wang’s misdeed: selling overpriced ant farms to the public.
As China moves fitfully from a planned economy to a free-market system, cracking down on fraud, embezzlement and other financial schemes has become a major priority for the government. Among the cases taken most seriously are ones that harmed common people.
In Wang’s case, for instance, investors shelled out 10,000 yuan, the equivalent of about $1,300, for cardboard boxes full of black ants, purportedly rare ones sometimes used in China to make medicines and wine but actually worth about $25.
Over two years, more than 36,700 residents of 12 towns in China’s northeastern Liaoning province were tricked out of nearly $400 million, resulting in many of them losing their life savings. At least one investor committed suicide.
Hey Casey,
have you been to this website?
[…]According to the “HATERZ” website, the guy who is making fun of you is the guy who operates zweg.
You’ll probably not post this up, but why are you being stepped on like this?
Come on dude, grow some balls.
Rename your site “howtodrinkgurucoolaidandseefailureassuccess” -
What is your FICO? -
Maybe you can put up a Q & A for common foreclosure questions that you are asked… And make it a separate section of your site… For a start just answer the most common questions first.
Good idea Casey,
Regardless of your credibility, the ability of you to network professionals to “Help” people is a good thing. Even if you can’t tell someone how to “avoid foreclosure”, you can tell them what NOT to do if they are ever faced with defaulting on a loan, or foreclosure. I wish you luck in this, but I feel that you would have much more of a position had you stopped foreclosure proceedings on at least one house. Good luck anyhow!
i don’t understand how you can even consider yourself qualified to help other people when you can’t even get yourself out of your own situation.
You are the NUMBER ONE google hit for the phrase “mortgage fraud juice”, so anyonwe who wants to read the real juice on mortgage fraud will certainly come to your site. SWEET.
Dude, I was a supporter for so long until I saw that you went snowboarding this past January. You’ve really angered me.
I’m an entrepreneurial type. I reward myself and I take risks, but I keep the rewards in proportion. If I’m in debt, the debts come first because that’s other people’s money. I can’t believe you went snowboarding, got a ticket for driving above the speed limit, and then had the balls to post that online while having as much debt as you did.
Unless someone else paid for this, I am seriously disgusted with your behavior right now and feel like you should be in jail.
@#57. Soup Nazi
“You do realize that you need a license to give any kind of financial advice to anyone … right?
Not our Snowflake. He’s special.
Good God Casey, you better hope to hell this works, otherwise you’ll be carrying a ton of debt.
Where’s that Utah payment again?
57. Soup Nazi
You do realize that you need a license to give any kind of financial advice to anyone … right?
What sort of license do you need to give financial advice?
@ #55. triple T
did anyone notice how many times Casey started a paragraph with “I”———–
That doesn’t matter. Casey probably got his boytoy Nigey to write it for him, unless he spent all day proofreading the post.
Dude, I have the sweetest idea!
You said you don’t want a job where you have to work more than 40-hours a week, and you are also worried about your JJ and Chipotle addictions putting you into further debt. Why not get part-time jobs at Chipotle and Jamba Juice! I’m sure they give sweet discounts to their employees. When you aren’t working at those places, you can go birdogging!
This is a decent idea. It’s a shame that you’re so incompetent at everything that you’re going to ensure that you never make any money off this web site.
OOOOooohhhh Casey,
Still interested in 100’s of units of passive income? Check out Detroit
Last time I spent time in the city in the early 90’s I almost bought a 63 Unit (Marsdon Ave) for $85,000. I think the prices have dropped since then. . . -
You are so fricking lame it’s laughable.
You want your site to become the be all/end all resource for things relating to foreclosure. Because?You don’t know anything about the foreclosure process in any of the states you owned property? You don’t know how to deal with a lender when you can’t make payments? You do the exact opposite of what any reasonable person would do?
Your blog rose to the near-top not because you had anything to offer, it’s just the results of an algorithm. That same algorithm will quickly send your site to the unplumbed depths as soon as you don’t have repeated media mentions.
Which of the top ten results would link to you? Which of the top twenty would link to you? As the media links age, and decline in significance, so will your Web presence.
The boat is sinking, a temporary spotlight on the boat doesn’t change underlying facts. You know nothing, you can’t provide insight and most people will understand you are just whoring for whatever you can get.
You do know that if your site contains material copyrighted by others, your site will get de-listed by all major search engines, right? DMCA infringements aren’t treated lightly.
So, do you have an incredible concept/knowledge of foreclosure where you can post to enlighten, or are you just looking to make a buck by referring to someone that may/may not know what they are talking about?
Approve this or not, there are other forums.
Keep on keeping on Casey. You’re one step closer to #1. Much in the same way the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were #1 in ruptured spleens last season. It’s good to be the king. Who cares if you are the king of forclosures on the night before the angry mob storms the Bastille. Let all the honest fellows who follow the straight and narrow of financial common sense eat cake.
You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down!chopper
Was it like this when you went to college? This market has been just like an old favorite Squeeze song of mine . . . squeeze_ifididntloveyou.mp3 Many more leaving California for the comfy confines of Oregon. Glad to see Casey help others out– Truly Hilarious debacle Sir Buttonwood is back with a goodie The Inverted Yield Curve - Is It Really Different This Time? Builder Confidence Declines in March Where is the guy
Is this correct?
Serin will have to pay taxes on the difference between the fair market value at the time of purchase (his purchase price) and the amount recovered by the loan-holder (i.e. what is recovered at the foreclosure)….
So this means that he’ll be stuck to the IRS for paying on about $400k of income.
So that probably comes to about $260k due to the IRS. Obviously he hasn’t started paying estimated taxes yet.
So my questions are these:
if Serin gets done for tax evasion which at this point seems likely, how long will he have to spend in jail, and how much in fines will he be expected to subsequently pay?2.
If he leaves the country and starts over in say France or someplace like that, will they extradite him for tax evasion? Is that in itself another criminal offense (say he leaves today).(anti-spam word is “millions”)
CASEY ANSWER… what did you do with your 200,000 cashback?
did you get cash back with a buyers agent helping you? or did you buy everything by urself?
I am now firmly convinced that you are bipolar. ADHD has been mentioned as well, but bipolar is associated with ADHD symptoms.
You should get on Zyprexa. There is a chance that it could give you diabetes, and you could get into some sweet litigation!
Then there’s the possibility that it could WORK!
what’s he doing on his blog?
I wish i could be there when you go to prison.
If you Google “Casey is a flipping idiot”, even leaving out the “Serin”, you are #2!!!!!
Getting pretty picky about what some of us have to say.
get a job.
if you don’t want to get a job everyone here shpuld boycott
You must create a foreclosure consulting program.
You can create a FAQ in a separate site, and collect $20 suscription to your consulting site. Also, with your wide knowledge and huge amount of contacts, you can solve all their problems only by telling them where to contact an apropiate lawyer, broker or consultant all over the country.
in fact, you could have a Guide for US foreclosure consultants.
You are in the top 100 google search results for “letsdoit” and “wheatgrass shot”.
What I want to do is to start turning this site into more of a foreclosure help and resource site.
Translation: This site is for sale. Please… somebody… I need the money.
Have you been arrested? How did your talk show go? The feds show up?
that is sweeter than the sweetest shot of wheatgrass
What happened to your help with the comment moderation?
Did someone bail on a commitment they made to you?
Huh, that’s funny considering how responsible you are.
I would sure be very grateful if you could give me some advice.We too live in the Sacramento area. I have 2 part time jobs (allows me to be with the children) and my husband works 50 hours a week at a job he has had 4 years. 10 hrs. overtime is the most his company will allow. He gets a .75 raise every year. But Kaiser just raised their rates this past January.
We have 5 children. We have no debt and rent a 950 sq. ft home. Our take home pay for all the jobs is $2220.00 a month - 26K a year. We take very good care of everything we own, because there is no replacing it. When we first moved here our income was $1700.00 a month and each year is does increase.
We have 2 cars. One was given to us several years ago (94 Buick) and mine was bought with last year’s tax return. It was a 93 Plymouth. It broke down last month and we can not afford to fix it.
When we get this years refund, it will go to paying off medical, dental and vision co-pays for the children and diabetic husband that have added up over the last year. The remaining balance we save for food through out the up coming year because our monthly budget for food/paper goods is $540.00 a month, $135.00 a week. It is very hard to say the least.
What advice can you give me because I know you too have been through the wringer.
The best resource on your site will not be the information coming from you. Instead, the wealth of information will come from the comments.
The “How can I stop foreclosure” site should just be people posting their questions with a comment section. Your input is not needed.
detroit auction reported by reuters…. houses going cheaper than cars. one went for $1300…. another listed for $500,000 goes for $130,000. many go for under $29,000. casey never had a chance.
“Topic (sic) will include… reasons to avoid foreclosure”
If you are stupid enough not to know why you should avoid foreclosure, then you are stupid enough to take advise™ from Casey.
Hey, it all works out!
James Marks,
Award Winning Actor -
Pay your bills on time, if you don’t have money don’t buy it and what ever you do, do not do a Casey. steal from the bank then claim you don’t know what they are talking about?
What loan did I call cashcall? no…no..no..maybe….no..no
Ask his family they scammed the banks too. -
Hasn’t budged in ages.
This site is dying.
ASW: equity
> I see IamFacingForeclosure.com becoming THE #1
> foreclosure resource and foreclosure help site on
> the internet.It might - good name, will trigger on searches. This will NOT happen while you own it though, it will require work - and we know your opinion on that.
> To make this happen I see myself receiving ideas /
> help / connections / support from you and building
> a successful team.People are openly mocking you and calling you a failure, are you that disconnected from reality to think any -reputable- real estate professionals will want to tie thier name to you?
> Thank you!
You’re welcome.
Hey – Eight days until you are no longer facing foreclosure. All the properties will be gone and only the debt will remain. The ensuing trials (still taking bets on which hits first - civil or criminal) will be entertaining, they are still far enough out that the blog won’t last long enough to chronicle them.
Although a remote possibility, the idea to have a “how to stop foreclosure” website may be in the right direction as far as the future of your website is concerned. Who better for help and guidance than a person who has been through it before, who knows the embarrassment, guilt, difficulty of foreclosure?
Of course, you’re still in it - so you can’t really speak to getting out of it yet. And you haven’t been able to stop any foreclosures on your own properties which negates your credibility. But, perhaps you’ve found that niche with foreclosures - if you can develop it further than just a blog.
Ultimately, however, I think you’re going to have to get a job. There is no get rich quick scheme - just hard work. Even the few lucky ones that do get rich quick have a work-hard ethic and mentality. Financial independence takes serious time - decades of patience earning income, wise money-spending/saving habits, and diligent and savvy investing.
I have to tell you that the real estate market everywhere is going to soften even further - as people like you who relied on ARMs and 100%financing no longer have access to money that helps to create a hyper-inflated market.
This market in the next 24 months will be for difficult investing, and the days of $30,000 below-market foreclosures will be gone very soon. So NOW is the time to buy as it will soon be cash-flow only based investing, instead of cash-flow and instant-equity based investing.
Perhaps you could turn this website to where other individuals facing foreclosure can post their houses for sale or short sale, etc. to avoid foreclosure. If the house sells, you collect a fee. You can thank me later for this idea by waving the fee on the first house I purchase via this new website.
Having purchased short-sales and foreclosures from others in the Houston area, I am always interested in finding good, cheap foreclosures with lots of equity in them.
Good luck.
Phillip -
“I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results. That’s pretty good….”
You are the only person I have heard of who would think that this is an accomplishments. As a guru/author/public speaker who has doen everythign from Oprah to seminars, I can tell you that this would only be a good strategy if you had actually succeeded in pulling out of the tailspin before you crashed and burned.
To anyone facing foreclosure:
If you can afford it, hire an attorney to advise you regarding bankruptcy and foreclosure law in your state. If you can’t, call all of the law schools near your residence and see if they have any pro bono programs you can take advantage of.
Don’t do as Casey did. Casey is a real estate investment failure and a facing foreclosure failure.
Do not trust any mortgage broker who puts you in a floating rate product, especially if you can qualify for a 30 year fixed.
Do not refinance and treat your house like an ATM. Under no circumstances should you sign a loan which requires a prepayment penalty, unless it’s nominal (under $1,000).
If your payments are adjusting higher and you owe less on your house than it’s worth on a sale, sell your house right now. It’s just property. Your health and your loved ones are more important.
If your payments are adjusting higher and you owe more on your house than it’s worth on a sale, CALL YOUR LENDER and explain your hardship situation. Work out a new payment schedule. Ignoring your lender is the worst thing you can do.
If the bank plays ball, great.
If the bank doesn’t play ball, try to work a short sale ASAP before house values decline any further. Call the IRS and have them work with you for a payment plan for taxes payable on your “windfall”.
If the bank doesn’t play ball and you can’t work the short sale, you’re probably going to lose your house to foreclosure. Live and learn.
Soup Nazi:
You need a license to make money from a service that includes giving personalized financial advice.
If you give personalized advice completely for free, you are also in the clear, but it has to be really free. No ad revenues on the side, no sponsorship deals, etc.
If you give generalized advice in the form of a blog, website, newspaper article or any other public forum, you’re also in the clear so long as the advice always is general in nature and it’s offered in a place where all your readers can see it. It’s OK to post a public reply to a comment on a blog, not OK to respond privately by email.
Casey may have already crossed the line. If he’s making any money of this blog, then he is not allowed to give personalized advice on any matters related to the business of the blog, or to any individuals who find him through the blog.
Let’s see…
Amy your Realtor asked you to remove her photo and link to her site from your blog.
Duane stopped his sponsorship and had his ad removed from your blog.
While you were attending classes at The College for the Newly Wealthy, you were requested to not mention or link them in your blog.
You speak of “setting up a network of trusted foreclosure and real estate professionals that I can refer people to - mortgage brokers, short sale real estate agents, real estate and bankruptcy attorneys, debt management consultants, etc.” Do you honestly think any respectable professional in these fields will want to be associated with you? Even RK rediculed you on his video.
I, personally, have benefitted from this site. Casey’s experiences through this ordeal taught me everything I need to know about facing foreclosure- including all the scam artist “short buyers” that come out of the woodwork when a home goes Lis Pendis, the RE “professionals” that supposedly have “investors” that will save your property, but in fact are trying to get your listing so they can plant a huge sign with their name (and sometimes their MUG) on your lawn. Foreclosures attract attention, so pre-foreclosure listings are wonderful. I am just happy as a postal worker, to see all the stamp revenue generated from this national housing crash in the form of RE ads, legal paperwork, “short Buyers” ads etc.. I can continue to be an overpaid postal worker for years to come as the economy unwinds. Happy times, indeed.
@CASEY — Your ticket photo is all over the Cote blog. Why not just post the detailed story here so you can take control of it?
good luck!
You’re already #1 under “favorite failed flipper” and #4 under “guru kool aid”. Good work!*
* by work, I of course mean whatever Casey does all day
Boring. Look at the lack of comments. We don’t care.
Talk about what a great success you are. Bring in the Jamba Juice. Talk about how you deserve to buy yourself a fancy car because you tried, or how failure is only in the mind and you’re learning so much. That stuff gets comments.
What you fail to comprehend in your demented search for fame is the following. At best, “Casey Serin” will become infamous - and synonymous with failure - just like names and terms like Tonya Harding, Monica Lewinsky, Tulip Bulb mania, Milli Vanilli, Ford Edsel, etc. At worst, you will end up in jail (or dead) as the poster boy for Liar Loans and the Housing Bubble era - like Ken Lay with Enron.
Well, maybe that is your goal after all.
The lenders are not really tightening up that much. Just a little. The government will need to create new Real Estate laws first.
Right now all “foreclosures” are being delayed by the banks and lenders for as long as possible.
Look how long Casey held onto his houses before any real action was take.? He still has 2; and he has never even made any payments!
Casey’s situation proves the TRUE rate of foreclosure is being artificially delayed by the lenders so that they can keep their fake earnings on the books as long as possible.
Thats real nice Casey how you decided to celebrate your newfound destiny to educate everyone who is facing foreclosure by NOT posting anything at all worthy for 2 days.
Are you out celebrating?
Just curious?
Are you the only moderator here?
I posted something on a previous blog entry of yours, as a comment, and the entire length of my reply was not posted?
I offered some good advice, and was not a ‘hater’.Frankly, having nearly fallen, financially, and emotionally, and getting at rock bottom, more than once in life, I might have just learned a thing or two along the way……….and posted, rather than emailed, to help you, and others.
If you truly want to make this a foreclosure information forum, don’t sell things, but, perhaps get some pros to moderate, and post.
No offense, but you can really only share the emotional side of being foreclosed on, and the wrong things to do.
Which is good, and is archived here already, so folks won’t make the same mistakes you did.
A pro however, can offer advice, early on, to assit those falling, to get out, or perhaps save themselves, and the property.
Frankly, lately, with the glut of foreclosures out there, my phone as an investor is ringing off the hook.
The thing is, most are too thin for me to do something, and make a profit.
But, there are things that can be done to stop, and prevent the foreclosure, or minimize the hurt at least………without leaving room for profit.
I’ll gladly pass along info like that to those calling me, in trouble, where they can perhaps save themselves, with the correct info.
I don’t make a dime on those, but sure do get referals.
This could work for you as well, perhaps have a place where people in trouble, could be sent out as leads, to ethical investors, who can help them.
The money from that could help you pay daily expenses easily.Anyway, we shall see if this post gets thru or not.
Good luck, you will see the bottom soon, whether you acknowledge it or not, and look/move up, depends completely on action.
Handling todays expenses, with consistent, (spell that job), will make all efforts, and profits, from entrep. efforts, the very things that help you clime out and move forward to better things.Many of the worlds millionnaires, drive old cars, live in little houses, wear old clothes, take lunch with them, from home, buy at discounts, and save.
The truly wealthy are free, because they live below their means, and thereby, can continue to work, and know that should they not, their income will continue.
That’s the part Kyosaki leaves out with his bling and Armani suits.Me, I AM a millionnaire, and wear jeans, the same pair(s) for probably a year or so. (They just don’t last like they used to.)
I even resole my boots, yearly, rather than buy new ones, and drive a nice vehicle, but its a few years old……….and paid off, as it was purchased with cash, I saved.
Opportuniy can only be seized when you are ready for it.
Having financial stress in your life, will prevent you from having an open mind, to see it.
When you can pay all monthly expenses, without having to figure out where it, or next (few) months will come from, you are then at square one.
Hope you leave this post up……Good luck,
Jim -
So Casey,
When I just looked at positions, you’re not #10, you are number #11.
Second page is filled with “also-rans”. Every day that goes by your story becomes less and less significant. You think you’ll get a reputable company to work an agreement with you? Not if they’re smart.
I’ll give you $500 for your POS site, content included. A week from now the offer will be a lot lower. You provide nothing of significance, take the money and run while it’s still on the table.
Other than the entertainment value of your train wreck, you are still not offering any advice or knowledge on your blog. You allude to the many emails and calls you get from people asking for help but you don’t share what you are telling them. Much less as others have already pointed out you have let three of your properties go to foreclosure; two others are almost certainly going to end in the same conclusion; the wrapped property appears to a “win” for the person who took possession of it and really renovated it to prepare for sale. I don’t believe you are stupid, you realize your public display of constant lying and scamming is what keeps people visiting - not your financial knowledge (or lack of).
Anyone facing foreclosure is better served visiting this HUD government site
Which happens to be the #2 Google ranked site out of 23,200,000 for foreclosure searches. This site gives real advice, strategy and common sense for a person who is in financial straits and wants to do the ethical and honest effort to make the best of a bad situation.
You are shameful in your mortgage fraud and reneging of your financial responsibility. How you can stand putting a bad mark on you family name is such a blatant manner is beyond my comprehension.
How about this? Call it the Guru Recovery Network. A group of people fufill a chronic need to flush five figures, but they each take turns, and with a large investment pool everybody retires on their GOOG shares. The End.
Someone beat me to it.
Why would anyone in their right mind seek any type of advice from a looser?
Why don’t you respond to some of the questions your readers are asking you in this blog?
he bought 8 houses in 8 months in 4 states with no money down looking to fix ‘n flip. he made some mistakes and is now millions in debt, trying to avoid foreclosure, sell quickly, repay everyone, and share his lessons to help others in trouble. In a recent post on his blog (he receives about 8,000 visitors a day) he mentioned that his website now appears on the first page of Google for the search keyword “foreclosure” - which is searched for a massive 296,000 times each month (according to Overture).
Looking at the top ten responses for foreclosure I doubt you will rank any higher then you have.
Six of the responses are listings for houses that have been foreclosed, one is the wikipedia entry, two are from HUD on how to avoid foreclosure and one is from an independent site on how to avoid foreclosure. Tough competition, especially since #1 is foreclosure.com, #2 is wikipedia and #3 is HUD. -
169. BelowTheCrowd
You need a license to make money from a service that includes giving personalized financial advice.
You do? Which agency grants licenses for giving personalized financial advice?
The reason why people are visiting your site isn’t for “help”. They are doing it because they take pleasure in your failure. Until you can afford a home you shouldn’t be investing in the sector.
#1 under “foreclosure fool”
it’s all good!!!
i’d like you to add voting to this blog to calculate approval rating for what you are doing. i would really like to know, as an investor, how many others like you are out there. this information is priceless and will help me make better investments. if you make an honest attempt at collecting this data, i will make an honest attempt at paying you for it.
@166 Phillip:
Aren’t you the guy who was going to keep a tenant’s damage deposit even though
there was no damage ‘because that is the current trend’?“I’m sorry to say that they will not get their security deposit anyway because
that is the current trend - take the tenants security deposit too. I know it
seems mean, but it happens to every renter, just ask them.”Why is this relevant? Because that is pure Caseyspeak. That’s the reason
Casey gave for why he did all his owner occ and stated income fraud. Yes, I
know you eventually gave it back but how you could even consider screwing
someone over like that because your buddies were bragging about it is beyond
me. Basically, while not necessarily comparing you to Casey, you heard some
things from some ‘advisors’ and although knowing it was wrong, were about to do
it anyway. Plain and simple, it’s pure business. Damage = keep some deposit.
No damage = give back deposit.At least you didn’t revise your blog Casey does revisions like that also.
ASW: Sweet
To Doug at #52:
Why would Casey follow such sound advice? That’s the proven way to make money, but it would require a lot of thought and effort on his part, and he’d just rather hope the money comes magically, and maybe if he got more web visitors, he’d somehow make more money. He’ll be deep in thought about how to “monetize” the site for the next several years, borrowing money in the meantime to keep it going.
serin’s Foreclosure Avoidance Game:
Avoid Foreclosure
Avoid ~ Ignore
Ignore Foreclosure
I’ll help you out with your site.
Q: How can I avoid foreclosure?
A: Pay your mortgate.Yep. It’s that simple. People who pay their bills don’t get foreclosed.
The reality is, you want to make a site for people to “creatively exploit” the system so that they can “seek alternate means” of “avoiding foreclosure”.
In other words, how to defraud, cheat, extort and abuse the system.
Just want to ditto that no landlord should or legally can refuse to return a security deposit. Tenants are entitled to the entirety of their deposit, minus actual expenses to repair damage beyond normal wear and tear. In many but not all places, tenants are also entitled to the interest earned on the deposit during the time it was held by the landlord.
TENANTS = You are entitled to the return your deposit! Do not let your landlord screw you!
I went to the website, and I can see that if you actually followed their instruction, you may have been able to avoid foreclosure.
However, it’s a “may” because you didn’t live in any of those houses you “stole”
@#184 - “Which agency grants licenses for personal financial advice?”
The SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) grants licenses for fee-based advisors. If you manage money, make a fee of giving advice, or earn other fees/revenue from advising others on personal finance, money management, etc. then you are regulated as either an IAR (Independent Advisor Representative) of a B-D Broker-Dealer….if said person is licensed as an advisor to sell securities and give advice. If not a representative of a broker-dealer then the person registers as an RIA - Registered Investment Advisor.
If he wants to earn commissions - then he is regulated by the NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers) and the NASAA (North American Securities Administrators Association).
He’ll need at least a Series 6 and a 65 or 66 to be paid a fee for advice. he’ll need sponsored by a B-D to sit for these tests, which means they ‘ll want him to take the Series 7. He’ll need E&O, as no B-D will allow him to say a freakin’ word without some coverage for his mistakes…that’ll run $1,100 to $3,500. If he is not backed by a B-D and tries to by his E&O by himself he’ll spend $8,000 to $11,000 a year on E&O alone. And in most states it is illegal to practice without it.
Oh, and by the way, the NASD and SEC run credit and look at past history. Mortgage fraud, 8 foreclosures and $200k of unsecured debt will not look kindly on our aspiring advisor. He will be denied his application.
Yeah, I used to be in that world so i know this s***.
Great work casey…maybe that number one spot will be yours shortly!
“And you may not agree with some of the choices I’ve made in trying to avoid foreclosure and get out of debt. ”
You haven’t avoided foreclosure yet you dingbat. Your last two houses are going back to the bank in short order.
You also haven’t avoided your non secured debt. In fact you’re racking it up at an amazing rate. Your Cash Call loan alone is probably 75 to a hundred dollars A DAY. Think about that. Even if you were making what you claimed to make at your last job you can’t cover that vig.
You’re screwed. In another thread it looks like Tim from the Bay Area is back. Forget whatever scheme you have come up with and do what he says.
@127. Lost Cause:
Only the chinese would be that weird and stupid enough to fall for that scam.
“…under the search term “foreclosure”. I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results…”
I bet yo mamma’s proud
I have alot of work ahead of me. Lots of work. So, I am excited. I am scared. I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Side Note: I’ve noticed that nearly half of the traffic to this blog comes from that crazy Casey Serin
195 -Mr B.
Considering Cashcall’s loans:
If they are garnering interest at the (stated) interest rate of 24% - Daily gain of $6.60 with an increase of half a cent a day. that means todays interest will be 6.60, tomorrow’s interest will be 6.605 and the day after will be 6.61. Enough that the compounding interest is having a daily basis.
If the interest has risen to the (infamous) rate of 95% (give or take a percentage):
Daily gain of 26.10. with a rise of 6 cents a day. So today’s interest would be 26.10, tomorrow 26.16 and the day after would be 26.22.His cumulative unsecured debt ($150k) at a 30% interest rate is gaining roughly $125 a day right now with a gain of about ten cents per day. I don’t have his exact numbers so I couldn’t give a more exact estimate then that.
@196. Chin Chong
Only the chinese would be that weird and stupid enough to fall for that scam.
A cardboard box for ants describes half the units in Orange County.
Casey, The Economist has produced an article on the US mortgage market and the sub-prime issues. You are the lead in story at the top of the article. See the link below to The Economist.
Note that The Economist is popular outside the US so you will get more exposure and interest from non-US investors and readers of blogs. Motley Fool UK has a Property Market Trends forum and the link to The Economist was posted there. Second time actually that someone on the Motley Fool UK has picked up on your blog.
John Corey- Real estate investor, 20+ years - multiple states and countries.
Check my blog - http://johncorey.wordpress.com/ - advice for real estate investors. -
focus of his site. It sort of makes sense considering the search engine positioning he has. Then an article released today in the Economist said, His website, Iamfacingforeclosure.com, has become a magnet for those whose mortgages are in trouble.
The Economist has their analysis wrong: [Casey’s blog] “has become a magnet for those whose mortgages are in trouble.” - your blog is a magnet for those who can’t believe your apparent scams and lying. If anyone is here for the advise or to commiserate with you I would like them to post as a “Casey Companion”. Show me!
The only way I can see you are able to accept the mess you have created is you have deep pockets of family money or you have sold your blog for big money. At face value, you have no way of getting out of your financial bind. So if you have hidden assets, take your money and run before the IRS comes asking for you to make good on your debt forgiveness (in a way this is your “passive” income that you keep trying to develop and you have paid no taxes on). The irony of you owing tax money for money you don’t really have in hand just makes my head spin.
is a 24 year-old who lied on loan applications to get approved for loans on overvalued properties without any strategy whatsoever. I really cannot accurately represent the hilarity that ensues once you begin reading, so just take a look at this recent post: “I Am Facing Foreclosure blog just made it to the first page of Google under the search term “foreclosure”. I’m in #10 position out of 24,200,000 results. That’s pretty good since foreclosure
ASW: itsallgood
Check out Detroit (click on my link)
yes it isallgood, if you can get a whole subdivision for the money you lost on the pissant real estate market of California.
Yeah, you’d be a great resource for those facing foreclosure.
“Just um, start a blog, sponge off your relatives, go snowboarding, don’t pay a single bill, ignore your properties, get hounded by creditors, never get a real job, and become the poster boy for the real estate bubble.”
What a fount of helpfulness you are. A true role model for the masses, yearning to be debt-free.
a problem for most as there would be no reason for the average person to link to crappy pages, but if you are a part of areciprocal linking program, this will immediately become relevent. 10. Not Blogging. You should have seen this one coming… You can’t deny the amazing ability of blogs to rank well in search engines. They are search engine magnets, they create easy to index content, and they attract links like crazy. Create a directory from your main site and start asap
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