I get lots of great emails from this blog. Some people ask me foreclosure questions (I help as much as I can), some people offer encouragement and advice, some offer sweet opportunities (those are the gold nuggets!) and some simply waste my time.
Here is a great encouraging email from somebody who has gone through some rough times. I will write my response/feedback in BOLD.
(Trip update is at the bottom of the post. By the way, thanks to Sean Reynolds of Housing Affordability Blog for dinner, beers and helping me find a hostel after my “supporter” pulled out. Also see Sean’s original emails)
=== Start of Email ===
I hope this email finds you well. I want to share with you some of my story and what I have learned because I can relate to yours on many levels.
I left the corporate world at about your age to start some type of home-based business.
My girlfriend left me (luckily in one sense) soon after because she was jealous that she was going to work in the morning while I was home….even though she saw I was working.
It was a blessing in disguise because you really find out who your friends are when the going gets rough.
That’s very true! I’ve been blessed with some great new friends through my foreclosure experience who support me through think-n-thin. At the same time I found some of my friends are really “haterz”. It’s good to know this. -CS
Within the same time frame I lost someone in my family and starting drinking heavily to deal with the pain of the loss. It was my first time dealing with so much loss as an adult and I did not know how to cope plus I had a weakness for alcohol.
Anyway, I ended up losing my home and my cats (3 of the 4) who were like my children. I still miss them and am 32 now.
Sorry to hear that… I recommend blogging as a good healthy way to cope and share your experience with others. I also know what it’s like to loose a child (well sort of… temporarily). -CS
I decided that I did not want all of this loss to be for nothing and defiantly refused to give up my dream of working from home. I started selling on eBay to survive and have led a meager existence (financially speaking only) since then.
I also never addressed the drinking and got arrested (stupid drunken misdemeanors) several times over the last 5 years…
The last time I got in trouble at the casino and was charged with breach of peace.
I understand… I’ve had many tough days myself. That’s why I sometimes need to get away from all the drama and spend time in the mountains or some remote part of the world. And I sure know what you mean about “meager existence”. You are selling eBay and I am selling ads. It’s all good because it’s buying me time to work on bigger better things that will make a huge difference very soon. -CS
Anyway, all of this has finally come to a head and I have been going through what I consider to be a rite of passage for me as a man.
Here are some things I learned:
1. I needed to become more aware of why I was taking certain actions and disassociate myself from that old behavior. I needed to stop the destructive pattern. It was especially important for me to remove myself from negative / unsupportive people even if they were family or (supposed) friends. I am much happier living in near poverty while I get back on my feet because those type of people are like an anchor around your neck.
Well said!! I have many many anchors and many are reading this blog right now. I would also much rather be in near poverty then be “anchored up”. -CS
2. People will kick you when you are down…especially friends and family
sometimes even the most…
Oh man… how true is that. I feel ya on that one. -CS
3. Never deal with problems by toying with addictions..whatever they may be as they WILL compound the problem sooner than later.
Yeah… them addictions, not good. -CS
4. Not having a steady income for a long time causes decisions to be made out of desperation which can come back to haunt even when you are making better decisions.
Man… does this hit close to home or what. There whole reason I’m in this mess could be boiled down to this. Getting overleveraged with real estate, making mistakes and then trying to keep everything afloat without stable income. -CS
5. THERE IS A WAY OUT as long as you are healthy and learning from mistakes.
That’s very encouraging! -CS
6. PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT (relates to above): no matter what happens, god willing, as long as you are alive you need to watch your health and stress can kill. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE….take care of your health so that when you are in a better place (and you will be) you will still be a vibrant and energetic person on this planet. The one thing I wish now is that I had not damaged my body to the extent I did when I was dealing with all of this..
Very good point… I’m normally very health conscious but lately I’ve been letting it slip. I’ve lost weight, don’t exercise much and don’t eat as healthy anymore. It’s interesting, when you’re going through a tough time, that’s the best time to exercise and stay healthy, but that’s the hardest time to stick to it. (I do try to make up for it with ultra-potent wheat grass shots). -CS
7. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all of this… you will be uniquely qualified in some way to help others…even if all of the hatred makes you think people don’t deserve it…(which I understand)…do something that you are passionate about (seek a mentor who is making money doing it) and help others through selling a product/service.
Hey, interesting you mention that… that’s one of the reasons I started the blog is to help others in foreclosures and I do a lot of that by email. I have plans to develop this blog further in that direction to help more people in foreclosure. Also by writing a book about my foreclosure experience I will be able to both make money and help people. The foreclosure book is coming out soon. -CS
Casey, I also understand about not wanting a job as it feels like admitting defeat and everybody is telling you to get one so it makes not want one even more as these same people will shit on your dreams to work for yourself.
I am now in the position (two interviews tomorrow) where I HAVE TO GET ONE TO SURVIVE. I am living in a small hotel with almost no money but am very excited about the future… This is because I know if I get even a shit job to live a meager existence I can take what I have learned from my Internet marketing endeavors and start some type of business that will soon render my
part time job pointless.
So you might want to look at getting a job differently. Use one for your own ends (even if your opponents might see it as defeat) to start another business if that is your dream. This way you can survive and your path still be proven in the long run….
Anyway, that is my only choice and plan right now. I am taking whatever part time job I can get so I can survive while I start a business.
Good point about having some stable income while I’m fighting to get out of this mess and pay back my debt. I’ve been blessed with a lot of great exposure and am able to monetize the traffic on this blog for income (thanks to all the sponsors). I’m glad because blogging for a living is much more rewarding and gives me flexibility to travel and work on high-leverage projects. -CS
I hope you can appreciate my sharing. I understand a lot of what your going through and just wanted to share.
It would be great to hear back from you and I wish you well.
All the best
=== End of Email ===
Australia travel update:
Thanks to one of my long time silent supporters for taking me out for some sushi last night. He is a full-time property investor with properties mostly in western Tazmania. We had a great time talking about Australia property market, blogging, etc.
And today, thanks to Kris (who left a nice comment the other day), for taking me out to lunch. She happened to be here on a business trip. It was great to catchup with a past hosting / web dev client.
I will be flying straight back to the States any day now. As soon as my other supporter is able to book the flight. I feel so blessed by all the love and support (financial and emotional) people have shown me on this trip.
Love you or hate you, crime or otherwise, we all need to pay for our mistakes. I’m hoping they make me bankrupt for my family, but doggedly determined to avoid it and pay something back for my pride.
You should do a UK tour. I may not have a home to put you up in, but I’m sure there will be a kind-hearted spirit somewhere.
I know someone in London who would be fascinated by your story. He knows a thing or two about writing copy. You never know!
He’s about to unveil his story about when he went bust in 1970 and became a millionnaire a few years later. His books have been translated into dozens of languages and sell in 39 countires - he is on the 5th edition of his best-seller.
I’ve put a link to it on my blog.
It’s an hilarious story full of valuable lessons. I’m still learning mine through my blog, but this guy wrote books that taught me an awful lot.
There’s one piece of advice there that I hope you’ll head carefully. In the e-mail there was a reference to making poor decisions during these times. Penny stocks, 5% monthly returns in equity funds, etc. are simply not it.
Focus in on this blog and focus on more avenues of income beyond merely the links on the right hand corner. If you keep plugging away at it, you might get it.
Best of luck to you.
“I will be flying straight back to the States any day now. As soon as my other supporter is able to book the flight. ”
What a moocher…
I’m really surprised there are supporters left…….
where is his blog? where can we contact this man?
post it Casey. That was a touching story. You know who are your friends… only in rough times. Very true.
get a job, ya bum.
Well at least this guy has the sense to get a JOB. I don’t know that you’ll ever see the light. The first step to getting yourself out of a hole is to stop digging.
Sounds like you had fun on your Aussie adventure. You mooched the entire time and had people giving you all kinds of special attention (I’ve never seen someone so comfortable begging for and receiving handouts). The media even seemed to care about you. You were able to completely avoid your bills, responsibilities, and shattered relationships. Don’t think things will be the same when you get home though.
the communal showers in the hostel were too “dirty” for you? good luck if and when you do time in prison, buddy…
Its good to see tht u help people on foreclosure.. Great.. How do you get time for that?
“I sure know what you mean about “meager existence”. You are selling eBay and I am selling ads.”
Oh now really. Come on. Meager existence? Only you could claim to live a meager existence whilst traveling round a country half a planet away from your home (assuming you have one still). A meager existence doesn’t involve international travel.
Selling your personal possessions on ebay in order to get buy is not the same as selling adspace on a blog.I’m you go on to make many more ridiculous statements which show just how naive/dumb/deceitful/desperate you are but I couldn’t be bothered to read any further in to this dross.
Hey Casey, I have only 3 questions…
1) When will you return to the USA to face justice/creditors etc… ?
2) What is up with the Utah payment?
3)Have you called CashCall?
Julian-Trailer Park Boy and Haterz
ps. asw = looser-Thats you Casey!!!!!
um……………….okay………………….yeah. And the point of this post is………….???? sigh………..GO CASEY GO!!! YOU DA MAN!!!! There, since you only want to hear positive crap there ya go. But one thing, a damned wheatgrass shot is not a viable replacement for a decent diet and exercise, idiot. When you get suckered into something you go whole hog dont you?
so what do you mean hot and cold shower.
You lost a child? Come off it. You don’t even like cats.
And what you seem to miss in all the “I tried to get rich, lost everything, then made good stories” is that the making good part involved working very hard.” I was reading about a man (who now devotes his life and fortune) to give wheel chairs to people living in poverty — the kind where people don’t treat you to shushi) who started out sell cars, and when a series of snow storms nearly ruined his business, traded a car for a truck with plough, and started each day at 3 am ploughing parking lots to earn enough money to carry his business through. Oh, he turned up at this place of business each day at 7 am and worked until 9 pm, and did everything, including the cleaning himself. On top of the ploughing business. He didn’t say, oh, snow is ruining by business, but it’s all sweet, something good will happen, I’ll just WAIT for it. He realized he had to DO something.
I don’t know why I bother. I don’t think you can understand the concept of work.
I am not interested in the topic foreclosure….. What fascinates me is the person, Casey, how he deals with his problems.
81. Kris http://iamfacingforeclosure.co.....ment-48890 gave us all a glimpse of you and let us all understand that you most likely is a great guy, Casey.Sooner or later a pro writer has to realize that this is great material for a book - even a TV program. Seinfeld could keep it going for many years with a TV series about nothing - you can do the same, Casey. Your story is, however, much more interesting than any TV series or reality show, because it is real and I think you handle your situation wonderfully. We are all entertained, day after day. Keep it going, many of us appreciate this blog.
Finally…..some decent content. Casey learn from this guy and do him a favor and if he has a blog publish it so you can get some of that sweet-Karma going in your direction.
Good Luck on that long flight accross the Pacific.
You might want to consider removing the MyBlogLog tags - they reveal quite a bit about the traffic your ads get.
Just sayin. -
BOOST JUICE!!!!aack!!
Will the process server be waiting for you in the airport?
Oh, and if you DO make it to the U.K. (comment #1), hit me up and I’ll buy you a semi-vegan lunch.
But don’t think you’ll be sleeping at my house.
Wow. You’re still delusional as ever. Must be all that wheat grass you drink.
I’ll pass, thank you.
Hey Kid;
“I recommend blogging as a good healthy way to cope and share your experience with others.”
Yeah, hobbit, I recommend that too. Through your trials and tribulations, we’ve laughed, you’ve laughed, others have cried…it’s all an integral part of us now.
“I have many many anchors and many are reading this blog right now.”
Not an anchor, kid…that’s that bigmetal thingyou handcuffed yourself to before you jumped into the water.
I’m a shark…BIG difference.“At the same time I found some of my friends are really “haterz”. ”
It’s nice when people are atleast consistent, huh?
Consistently supportive….consistently malignant…consistent about paying their bills.“some offer sweet opportunities (those are the gold nuggets!) and some simply waste my time.”
Puppet, how much money do you make an hour?
How much money do you LOSE an hour?
If my posts make you eat your liver for an hour, I figure that I’ve SAVED you a few sawbucks.
Otherwise you’d be doing what you usually do…I’m here for you kid, (at least, aslong as it’s convenient and entertaining to me.).
Nice of you to give advice but a hard drinking cat lover will not do well in America (unless he finds a rich boyfriend in San Francisco to support him)…
P.S. Where is the Blue Ball?
Casey, Western Tasmania is wilderness. Anyone who tells you they’re investing in real estate there is yankin’ your chain.
Or you’re yankin’ ours.
The end will be jail cell.
Here’s a tip for you. Last I checked, situps, pushups, and pullups are free. A full calisthenic routine shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes or so. Self discipline is key to success.
hope the immigration officer is going to let you come back…
Hey There: I just tripped over your blog this morning, pretty interesting. I took a quick look at a couple pages and some background. Good job mate.
Call it whatever they want. You were the one out there swinging the bat. Even hall of Fame home run hitters strike out 70% of the time, and they got paid much more with less at risk. At least you stepped up to the plate instead of calling the plays from the bleachers like so many “fans”.
I’ve been involved with foreclosures from the time I was 17yrs old. I ran a foreclosure dept for a bank in Canada. at that early age, during the last market downturn… Different rules, same game. I’ve seen it all. Things you can’t even imagine. You did all right. Bad timing and a lack of experience, that’s all. Don’t bail out. You just received your initiation at training camp. The real season starts very soon.
As for the haters that talk shop about how you played your game, tell them to take a look around, read the paper, or Yahoo finance. Even mortgage company execs are getting thrown in jail over foreclosures. The CEO of a coutry wide mortgage company just skimmed $30 miilion out of the mortgage company in May selling stock like a banshee because he knew what the next earnings report is going to look like. I just came back from a default servicing conference where I sat “inside” a closed meeting with all the Loss mitigation managers, and the conversations would scare you out of your skivvies. You were playing in the minor leagues Lad. You are only 1 of over 2.5 million Americans that will default on mortgages this year. I know, we have a web based foreclosure processing platform that helps people in foreclsure deal with the banks, servicing companies, and attorneys. You aren’t the only Lad that was staring into the headlights, not knowing what to do.
I will be travelling internationally sometime this summer. Maybe we can hook up and talk shop. If you ever want to ping me back. You have my email address. Along with everyone else in the foreclosure game, I am slammed right now, so I may not answer quickly, but with my years of experience, I may have some alternatives for you, tax wise included. It’s just a puzzle kid, put it together. JimmyMac.
“The communal showers in the hostel were a little too… um communal and dirty for my taste.”
What are you going to do in jail? The hacks won’t let you go without taking a shower. My tip to you: don’t drop the soap.
Word in the Law Enforcement world is; you’ll have a couple men in black suits waiting for you at the airport gates upon your return.
Hey Casey, listen to this guy: “When people tell you that you won’t be able to achieve something, cross them out of your life because they’re directly interfering with your success.”
You have some nerve comparing ‘loosing’ your blog for a few days to losing a child.
You cannot support your self independantly, so you must beg for others to support you. You are a man Casey, start acting like one.
Why are you in such a hurry to get back to the U.S? It sounds like Aus has been sweet for you. Why not hang out there for a few more months - go camping in the outback, for instance. There are certain things best done while you are young.
Nice email from that guy. He made a lot of good points. I think steady income is very important.
Debtkid.com has been making significant progress.
I think it boils down to having a job to fallback on- trying to live your dreams is ok but they have to be rooted in reality.
You *talk* about helping people, but it seems the help only goes one way — in your direction. Do you count this email reply you sent as helping people?
You said you went to Australia to work on the book without distractions. I can’t see how jetting from city to city, taking in sights and attractions, dining out and moving from here to there is less of a distraction. You haven’t even mentioned writing.
Maybe you’re doing it but not blogging about it, but most authors find their first book to be all-consuming, and would at least mention how writing the book is coming.
Dude. That post sucked. Utah payment. Cash call update. Update on the family update on the finance spreadsheet
Any legal action goin on?
I also know what it’s like to loose a child (well sort of… temporarily).
I hope this is more baitin’, Casey, because if it’s not it is monstrous.
You have no idea what it’s like to lose a child. The temporary shuttering of your blog in no way compares. To suggest it does insults anyone who’s faced a real loss.
I sure know what you mean about “meager existence”.
No you don’t. You’re swanning around Australia on someone else’s dime, visiting wildlife parks, showering in hotel rooms and being bought dinners.
Reality has not hit you yet. I hope it does, soon, and hard.
Are you really coming back to the states? Or will we soon hear that you’ve found “supporterz” in some other country?
Otherwise, your right back to where you started with nothing to show for it. Mail piled sky high, voice mails overflowing from lenders calls, any personal belongings (that weren’t sold) at curbside, blueball deflated. You get the drift.
Sounds like fun to me.
You should have a competition with yourself to see how long you can avoid coming back to the States. See how many “supporterz” you can get to fund your little international travel blog. See the world on other people’s money (OPM).
Just a thought.
I would love if you could stop in at my blog from time to time. I have taken on an ambitious task and could use people commenting that have experience similar to yours.365 Days
http://onemansgoal.blogspot.comWill I succeed?
This guy pours his heart out trying to give you some advice and encouragement.
Your “feedback” is to try to sell him your “book.”
Casey, you are a tool.
Isn’t it funny how Casey and his mysterious book publisher both use the word “loose” instead of lose. It’s eye opening.
You know what it’s like to lose a child?
My god, your arrogance is astounding. You have NO idea what it is to lose a child! None.
I have lost a child Casey. A real live flesh and blood child. Not some crack pot scheme I failed at. A child. One I carried for nine months, birthed, nursed at my breast and raised.
I went through the hell of having police officers come to my door to tell me she was dead. I went through the hell of seeing my precious child lying on a funeral home gurney. I went through the hell of bathing, dressing and preparing her body for burial. I went through the hell of picking her casket, her burial spot, her headstone and planning her funeral.
Every day I live through the hell of her not being alive and with us anymore.
I live through the hell of missing her, grieving her, and wishing there was a way I could go back in time and save her, tell her I love her just one more time…
I will never see me child grow up, graduate high school, go to college, fall in love, marry, have children, or follow her dreams.
My child, my real child is dead. Her death has forever changed our family. There is a whole in our world that nothing can replace.
You comparing your petty financial losses due to your own lame mistakes and delusions of grandeur are NOTHING like losing a child.
So you are taking inspiration from a near-destitue alcoholic loser? Your future grows ever brighter.
Misery Loves Company
Casey, you are claiming to be a Christian, then I do implore you to address your debts.
Romans 13:8 “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.”
Proverbs 6:1-5
1 My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have struck hands in pledge for another,2 if you have been trapped by what you said,
ensnared by the words of your mouth,3 then do this, my son, to free yourself,
since you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Go and humble yourself;
press your plea with your neighbor!4 Allow no sleep to your eyes,
no slumber to your eyelids.5 Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler. -
Just came across your blog. Looks like you have some good info. I may post some of your articles on my blog if they are educational. Good luck brother.
In your entry entitled “Australia and idiot haterz” on 11th (eighteen days ago) July you said:
“I have been thinking of getting away and doing some massive action in business for a while. ”
In a video Q&A interview with the Sydney Morning Herald published 19th July (eight days ago) you said that you couldn’t talk too much about what you were up to in Australia.
When are you going to tell us about the ‘massive action’ and all the good worthwhile things you have achieved to help you sort out the mess you’re in whilst you’ve been Australia? I’m sure Supporterz and Haterz alike are dying to hear details. So far you don’t appear to have achieved anything other than lots of sightseeing and getting yourself a little bit of media coverage and it’s hard to see how that actually helps you in any real paying-back-your-lenders type way.
So now you’re finding inspiration in e-mails from unemployed guys living in hotels?
You really are going to end up living in your car.
Casey, I’m very disappointed. I thought your trip was going to last longer and possibly include other countries. Did you accomplish what you wanted to do? How much of the book have you completed, since it’s supposed to be published next month?
I suggest you stay (or go somewhere else) a little longer, but not long enough to get into further trouble. At least, do so if what you need to accomplish is not done yet. You needed some peace of mind. Are you sure you will find it back in the States, since you did not seem to have it and now there may be some extra issues, such as the fact that you would just leave on short notice any time you feel like and Cashcall’s “scare tactics” while you were away?
I was only reading for the trainwreck aspect anyways, but I’m done now.
To have tha audacity to compare losing a blog to losing a child (and to have the nerve to be “cute” about the spelling.) That’s just it for me. My level of disgust is simply too high. I hope you burn and that rock bottom hits soon and hard, for the sakle of your family if not for yourself.
@#33 Bruce D. Collins: were your two comments elsewhere — I won’t link to it because Casey and Toby moderate out all comments that link to haterz blogs — stating that you would not be renewing your advertisement on IAFF genuine, fake, or just hot air?
And Casey, you can’t count. 25 slots minus 15 sweet links is 10 left, not 9. But hey, you’re not a details guy.
As a father, I’ve got to say this…..
For you to even DARE compare your shutting down this p.o.s. blog for a few days to losing a child is contemptible beyond belief.
I’ve been following this blog for months, but this is the limit. Good bye, moron.
365 days, I just checked out your blog. Very interesting concept. What are your plans if this doesn’t pan out?
Oh Casey,
ASW was Cashcall, hows it going with them?
Okay (see me post #1). You can stay at my place. I may not have it much longer, but I do have a plan to pay off my debt, so got it for a few more months.
Not saying I’m a supporter, but could keep the bandwagon rolling. Know lots of PR people - they’re clients of ours. And we love a good story in scouseland (doubt anyone here knows what one is).
Failing that, sure I could fit you up with a gig in London. Check the blog. There’s someone I know in London who loves to buy lunch for interesting people. He went bust too, is writing blog about it. But he became a millionnaire.
For the record, haterz - don’t go near my blog. I love Casey for the sheer story. I am though paying my way!
I’m new to all this, and don’t want the daily laugh to end.
Check out Caseypedia.com for the definition of Caseyspeak.
Since the so called supporter (I won’t out her… I am not like that) didn’t let me stay with her I had to switch my plans last minute.
Are you going to give us your side of the story? We’ve already had hers. You said she shouldn’t believe everything she hears - so what, specifically, did she get wrong?
Go Casey go!!! Show them haterz who da man!!!!
i’ve never had stake.. is it anything like steak?
What advice have you given for someone who wanted it? Any examples?
http://www.icantsellmyhouse.blogspot.com/ -
Hey Kid:
“Goes to show you, you can’t trust even the so called “supporters””
I know you read me Hobbit, and I know that it sticks. The “kangaroo impersonation” photo…right off the 2nd Hatercast… so why did you not bear in mind something important that I told you way back?
You’ll NEVER survive incarceration since you don’t know who your friends are and who is trying to put one over on you.
You have utterly no idea who can be trusted.
You apparently never once insist on answering for yourself what the other guy is getting out of the deal.Do you recall when I told you that?
You don’t know these basic, vital and simple things because I suspect that there is no room in your mind left over after the Needs, Wants, Fantasies and Whims of Casey Serin have used up all the available space.
You got no Empathy, hobbit. (And this coming from ME, I know, but I’m good at being cruel precisely because I HAVE empathy.).
You can trust me, buckaroo. Have I not been consistent with you all along? (Well…I DID play a Supporter once…for about ten minutes, I think…couldn’t pull it off, it’s contrary to my nature where you are concerned)
Whine and cry about “Hate” all you wish, but admit that it is an honest emotion, and those who “hate” you have been honest with you about that.
“Anyway, i’m back in the conv store on the computer writing this huge comment. Usually I don’t ramble on like this but hey, why not. ”
Poor little Caseyroo…you’re lonely, broke and scared.
And you don’t like the glimpse of your possible future that you’re getting tonight, do you?
(See what empathy can do for you?)Remember that homeless guy on “your” property?
It would have killed you to offer him a “deal”?Better go reread your Scriptures, little self-professed Christian fellow.
How was Lot and his family saved from Sodom and Gomorrah?
Angels walk among us,kid, but they don’t always appear as we might think that they should.
Was he an angel? Maybe not…but think on this.Can you recall his face? His voice? His hands?
Your last comment was like the old Casey and much more interesting than your last four posts combined.
Some questions to add to the growing list:
Has a lawyer assured you that you won’t be arrested upon arrival?Will any of the nameless be waiting for you at the airport?
Are you a little scared to come home?
THIS will never get posted … but ….
I wonder how those CLOSE to you feel about being anchors in your life.
I simply cant believe you say crap like that.
I don’t want to clutter up a “foreclosure” blog with this kind of stuff.
This blog hasn’t been about foreclosure for months, and you know it — you’ve been “stuffing “foreclosure” in there for SEO”, but you have nothing new to say on the subject.
So another question: What is this blog actually about?
Casey, reconsider what “supporter” means. I have lots of “supporters” in my life–people who care about me, think I’m capable, trust me, and want me to do well. Would I expect a single one of them to subsidize me on a trip around the world if I were unemployed and then label them “so-called supporters” if they refused? No way. I’d expect them to do what any real supporter would–tell me to act like a grown up and get my a** a job.
Hey kid;
I don’t mean to crowd you, but I’m not sure how long this blog is going to be up, or that you’ll be able to access it.
And what I have to say is kinda important.
I’ve given you some pretty good lumps over the months, I realize that and I meant to land ‘em, but apparently I didn’t land ‘em hard enough or often enough to break you down early enough to induce you to WANT to do the right thing…to chance that narrow path.
I’m sorry for that Casey, please forgive me.
Because soon I think your young life will sail through very bleak and dangerous waters…and remain there for a very long time.
I want to remind you of a tale you may have heard before, but perhaps have never had interpreted for you, and certainly not in these circumstances where you know you’ll soon be facing a righteous judgement.
It’s about a crucifixion, (no, not THAT one!, the OTHER two mugs that got nailed up on the same Friday as He did).
Ahh, good..you remember it. Luke 17, IIRC.
One got Saved, the other got…who knows. It’s one of my favorite and most cherished passages in the Good Book, youngster.
(This may surprise you some, but I ain’t exactly been a Boy Scout either).But, that’s not the part I want to highlight to you.
The saved thief had his legs broken and died on a cross just the same as the other one. (Friday afternoon…no different then as it is now, I guess. Everybody wants to beat the traffic.)
Salvation ain’t a “Get out of Jail free” card, see?
The other bit I want you to keep in mind through these times of trouble rapidly approaching on your horizon.
Remember when the Christ asked what it benefits a man to gain the World if he loses his Soul?
Work it backwards.
What loss is it to a man who loses the World, if he gains his Soul?
Your pal;
hmm ‘propaganda’
Where on earth could Casey possibly find someone so completely sympathetic to his situation who has made an even greater mess of his life? Someone who has tanked to such a depth that he makes that looser(tm) look good by comparison can’t be easy to come by; might I suggest that “he” is a strawman constructed by our friend Casey to illustrate the proposition that there is in fact a supporterz(tm) left in the audience?
Again, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Casey- I wonder what you think of the John T Reed site?
I remember reading it years ago and his “rate the guru” is quite funny (ah, for the simpler days of Tom Vu). I found his critique of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” cogent.
I’d like to hear if you think Reed’s advice in retrospect could have helped you out.
Anyway, enjoy your time in Australia; its a wild ride and I am sure things are going to get better for you.
So you went away to work on the book, but you do not know how the book is progressing?
Why post about taking a shower in Kris’s hotel room then delete that portion of the post?
You don’t appear to be acting consistently. Are you sure that you are well? -
by the way, michelle did not give up you phone number. i know but will not tell. and my domain is shielded. only approved addresses can even ping it. hope you like what happens next…
bye, bud remember - what they say about the wheel turning. -
one day out of the blue, i became paralyzed. beat that for a bad time story.
hey, did you ever do the work for the $300.00 donation for blog support? we never heard any followup on that subject although several persons asked…
well, have a fun time on your fraudcast and hope to see you in sacramento soon. -
Great post Casey, LETS TALK ABOUT THIS
Most people dont understand the “real money game”… let me give you just one tip on RE: Money is just plain printed paper they don’t want money, they want your property!!
when the financial system blow, they will keep your house. .
You’re not going to go in jail because: They don’t want you to pay your mortgage, they want your HOUSE.
did you see how many families have no own house? well that’s the XXI century Feudal System. We are going into
Casey, you didn’t talk about selling the blog tonight, did something else come up?
Casey -
That was the best talk cast ever! Good to have you back in form and on the air….
Towards the end you sounded a bit…frustrated? You need a vacation, man! New Zealand is nice, as are Bali and Lombok. Or, you could do Tahiti since you are down that way.
anyway - glad to hear your “massive down under action” was a success, and that you will soon be heading back to the states.
I’m spreading your gospel here in SF - every time I see a homeless guy with a “will work for food” sign, I give him five bucks, confiscate his sign, and hand him a shiny new one that says “Casey is the answer”, with your url on it. I will be giving them copies of your book as soon as its available. Give a man a fish, etc., etc., right?
“Will work for food?” With that kinda attitude, its no wonder they are homeless, huh?
Oh, this is great! Now the haterz start quoting the Bible as well (Sharky).
The haterz should read this one then: “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
(John 8:6-8) -
Hey, Casey! My “Click Fraud” submission was accepted for Defcon 15 in Vegas on Aug 3-5th! IAFF.com was a significant piece of its development!
Maybe you can make a brief appearance if you can get back into the US without being arrested?! Just think, what more could you ask for than having 1000 hackers crawling all over your site and life, looking at every nook and cranny for an exploit!
Casey, you must be proud. Congratulations.
Did LossMittPro prepare his lawsuit by himself, without an attorney? Why don’t you pull it up online and post it here.
Should be good for a few laughs, probably like the no limit ladies contract.
The book deal is great and all, but what about the movie deal? I assume you’re getting a healthy cut of the book sales (much above the typical author), but Hollywood could put the spin on the Casey Serin story and this could lead to regular stints on the talk show circuit, further book deals. etc. Remember, the book promises this is only volume one!
You’re already internationally recognized and sporadically featured in the media, but I expect a more prominent Casey after the screenplay gets developed.
Somebody will pay for the story and it will make the $100,000 blog offer seem like chump change.
You guys both sound like you just need to mature a little bit. You know… become a real man…
I mean, jesus- you’re 24.
Maybe prison will help accelerate the process. -
Why don’t you just hire a lawyer to defend you? That’s what a “mogul” would do.
Bottom Line Is That Casey Is In Debt 2 Million… And… He STILL manages to live better than all you numbskulls.
You guys are just jealous because you don’t have the guts to try and succeed like Casey has.
Instead, you go back to flipping burgers and criticising other people who are trying to make their lives better.
You can’t make 2 million flipping burgers, at least not in a resonable amount of time.
Donald Trump was in debt one billion and he made his way back out of it. Everyone laughed at him when he was in debt just like all you loser’s are laughing at him now.
But if we have learnt anything from history, not only did Donald climb out of that debt but now he’s making more money than ever before!
So laugh all you want, at the end of the day, your still just flipping burgers while Casey is doing something that you could never have the guts to do.
Casey has the potential to make millions in the area he’s learning about. You burger flippers have the potential to make $8 an hour.
So for those of you who wanna criticise someone who is doing his best to improve his life — you should really f*** off and get back to flipping those burgers while the rest of us go make some real money.
Who knows, maybe he will be your boss someday.
Donald Trump had something called a business plan.
Phillip, I highly doubt Casey lives better than most of us posting here.
I own a nice home in a nice neighborhood. I own three vehicles, a “sweet” motorcycle, a boat, a great camp trailer. Our income (from one working adult) is well into six figures.
Our total debt, not including our home is less than $3000. I do not have collection agents calling my home or cell phone.
We have a retirement portfolio that when it comes into use will be worth millions.
We have a loving marriage, children, grandchildren. We spend our days with family, enjoying each other’s company. We don’t spend them chasing “sweet” pipe dreams and hiding from bill collectors.
Hell, my 16 year old has a better job than Casey and is making $12.50 an hour as a CNA. Hear that Casey? 16 years old, has taken a college level course, graduated, passed state boards and is a certified nursing assistant.
Even my 16 year old is better off than Casy! HA!
Definitely want to know about the Australia updates! Let us know!
Hi Casy - I admire your spirit, and your tenacity! Have you ever considered a career in mortgages?
I think that you’d be great!
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