Sunday, August 5, 2007

Listening to Legal Advice

Just got off the phone with a real business litigation lawyer. I was advised to take down any posts that might give the other party any ammo, regardless of how frivolous the lawsuit is. I considered the risks and rewards and decided to follow through. I’m just going to ignore the whole non-sense for now and fight in court when required. I’ll save all the juice for that.

Sorry to be so cryptic. In the future I may re-consider this strategy and I may even post court transcripts if allowed. But for now I will choose to focus on taking care of my financial problems instead and not be bothered by this crap.

I know, I know, many of you advised me about this already (I appreciate it). No offense, but I had to check with somebody who I can trust and really knows what they’re talking about. Now I’m much more prepared to face this whole thing head on.

Huge thanks to lawyer who has been helping me on this!!


  • Casey,

    I think following the advice you received is a good idea at this point. The threats in the cast will go a long way in your favor if you play your cards right.

  • Wise decision.

    So, are you still giving him until Monday, July 9th, 5 PM Pacific Time before carrying through on your threat?

  • Thanks…. Don’t worry I have lots of “juice” for me to share in court if needed.

  • REAL lawyer? As opposed to fake?

  • 5. lawnmower man
    July 8th, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    It’s a shame Casey already emailed *his* threats to his opponent. Taking the post down doesn’t make that go away.

  • Court is the best place to dish it.
    If you do it in public people will sue you for it. If you do it in front of a judge you’re making a case.

  • 7. MassiveAction
    July 8th, 2007 at 5:58 pm


    I think Lost Mittens will be paying you, unless he forever wants his name, business and talkcast behavior to be easily googleable for anyone who is thinking of being in business with him.

    Dont sign away your ability to post about this situation unless he gives you money. He will try to “make the suit go away” and will slip a gag item in there for you to sign. Dont do it.

  • this is the first time you’ve listened to advice, ever.

  • Anything from the civil action is automatically public record, unless sealed by the judge. So nothing improper about the transcript posting, I suppose. On the other hand, it is like posting on the internet: public, and for all time.

    Good idea to give the headache to the lawyer — that is his job. Don’t stress. And listen to his advice: you pay dearly for it, usually.

  • 10. fromsfcali
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:26 pm

    I think the lawsuit is bs. You can’t be profiting from a crime if you are not convicted of one. It’s like mentioning in your autobiography that you had smoked weed in the past. Then you make a profit from your book. No one would get sued for that.

  • 11.
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:28 pm

    Snowflake, get a freakin’ HAIRCUT before you have to appear.

    Don’t ‘think about it’
    Don’t ‘do some more research’
    Don’t ‘try to get a panel of mentors to advise you’
    Don’t ‘play it by ear or see how it goes’
    Don’t ‘wait to discuss it with your family’

    just walk into your local pro cuts or whatever is cheapest and get the $10.99 special. Leave a $2 tip. yeah it’s on the light side but explain you’re a little light at the moment.

  • 12. DC Economist
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:29 pm

    its too late

    its all over

  • Casey, this is a good idea. You never should have posted that other article. In fact, you shouldn’t post anything about this unless your Lawyer O.Ks it.

    Hope everything works out for ‘ya

  • 14. James.Marks
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:33 pm

    I guess even you realized how stupid it was to give even more ammo to Mark.

    No matter. I mean, your shady deals are more than enough to send you to the slammer.

  • 15. fromsfcali
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:45 pm

    The law is for convicted felons. If you did become a convicted felon, then the proceeds from your book, website, ect. could go to your victims. That would be your creditors. So you would just end off using the profits to pay off your debts.
    Bob fromsfcali

  • HOw much you pay for the legal advise?

    I can give you Free, Stop Blogging

  • Casey,

    So you don’t think that whoever needed a copy of your original post hasn’t already printed it off ?

    ASW should be - Duh

  • Casey,

    Regarding your new “Needs” list. Go get some contract work. They don’t always do credit or background checks and the pay is good. No excuses, get busy.

  • 19. Doesn't Passive Mean You Take It?
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    A turning point for you, Casey–you listened to advice for the first time. Of course, way too late. But a positive step.

  • 20. DC Economist
    July 8th, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    Question: How’d you get ahold of a lawyer on Sunday?

  • Dang Casey. That is some fancy beggin’ you are doin. Your “needs” section is just too much. Here - give me stuff and not just any stuff….but the good stuff!

    Also see, I need these services and I will do my due diligence on you to make sure that you are on the up and up….before you give me services that I can’t pay for anyway!


  • 22. HungryBear
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:04 pm

    The lawyer gave you good legal advice, but does the lawyer know you are judgment proof?

    Why not use that to your advantage, and burn Mark just to get more Juicy traffic? That d******** deserves it.

    Besides, even if you really did libel him, to beat you in court, Mark would need to hire an attorney (which I doubt he can afford). If he tries to do it pro per, he will fail forward head over heels onto his butt. He is a $10/hour collection agent who never even graduated college, and should stick to collecting $300 unpaid electric bills and that kind of thing.

    Like I said before, hearing Pink Lips in action against the haterz was very entertaining and she held her own against five of them. She has a sharp wit and I hope she does her own talkcast.

    ASW: looser

  • Wow, you sure do “need” a lot of free legal representation.

    My nephew is a lawyer (a good one) and he wouldn’t represent anyone with a situation as messed up as you have for free (or advertising)… who would ?

    Honestly, he wouldn’t take you as a paid client.

  • 24. DC Economist
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:09 pm

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Online Marketing Exper

    You need this? Wasn’t this the job of your partner, the guy who’s going to publish your book?

  • 25. Mister Gash
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    Don’t worry. We have already made copies of everything, as per usual. I am sure your opponent has also.

  • Casey,

    That is a really good idea.

    Don’t let jerks like this guy detract from any positive goals you have like paying off debt and building your business.

    Let the dreamstealers burn themselves out.



  • 28. Bloggy McManpurse
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:15 pm

    Wow, I am reeling over the fact that you actually behaved prudently. Will wonders never cease?
    You got ahold of a lawyer at 6 (7?) pm on a Sunday night. got him to listen to the entire debacle and he agreed to advise you/ act as your counsel? Truly, I am stunned. Be thankful for your good fortune, Casey, (if this is true).

  • 29. Mister Gash
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:20 pm

    “post court transcripts if allowed”

    News for you - court transcripts are public. If you don’t post them, I will!

  • ASW = blueball, taking on a new meaning for you now…

    Walmart will cut your hair for $5.95. I will reimburse you via paypal.

  • I was also pretty surprised the lawyer was willing to take a large portion of his Sunday afternoon to help me out. Big thanks to the lawyer! I’m glad there are still some good people left in this world.

  • Lawyers would generally advise clients to shut up. But since what you said was not that bad, by deleting messages, you are creating another problem. Now, the other party can say that worse things were on your site and have been deleted and that in fact, you make it a habit to spread information by actually posting it, but only for a short time. Make sure you still have and can provide if necessary whatever you delete.

    And how is the mentoring going? What about the book?

  • @Sub2Guy… I think it would be sweet if I can make a turn-around in real estate. Perhaps your Subject-to investing strategies might come in handy as I get started again.

    What do you think of my Utah wrap? I sold it subject-to but I also have an all-inclusive trust deed in place to protect me in case they default. that way I can foreclose on them before the underlying lender forecloses on me.

    I’ve never bought anything subject-to though. I’ve always been fascinated by the strategy because it is some SWEET arbitrage - using the existing financing to buy an asset and turn around and sell it with owner financing, collecting a spread in the middle.

    Anyway, just wanted to give you a shout out because you have been active in the comments and you’re also one of my advertisers (Here is his sweet link).

    Thanks for your support and input.

  • 34. LostMittens
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:32 pm

    “#4. lawnmower man
    July 8th, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    It’s a shame Casey already emailed *his* threats to his opponent. Taking the post down doesn’t make that go away.”

    It’s a shame that psycho-boi LMP threatened to rip Casey’s throat out on a call-in podcast that got recorded.

    Next you’ll be saying that Duane didn’t have ulterior motives when he contacted a certain woman.

    You people are a truly disgusting group of stalkers.

  • 35. Aussie trip yellow car
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:41 pm

    What car was that yellow sports car you’re appreciatin’ in the pic? Also, how did you put the flights together so fast, and did you fly into Brisbane?


  • Hey Kid:

    “I’m just going to ignore the whole non-sense for now and fight in court when required. ”

    HOORAY! “Litigation Ignore Mode”…en-GAGED!

    That’s the way to play it, hobbit.

    He can’t lay a glove on ya! You’ve got that vial of mineral water that elf-dame laid on you.

    LMP…jump the hell back!

  • Why would you invest in property in the middle of a downturn?

    That ship has already sailed and no lender is going to be silly enough to finance you.

  • You can ‘’take down'’ anything you please but thanks to Google Cache and Google Reader, everything is easily accessible to anyone needing a copy. Or proof that your piss-poor attempt to play ‘’hardball'’ was as weak as anything else you’ve ‘’threatened'’. You know, like paying your creditors, being an honorable and loyal spouse and adhering to any Christian principles.

  • 39. Researcher
    July 8th, 2007 at 7:54 pm

    “Now, the other party can say that worse things were on your site and have been deleted….”

    No they can’t. Nothing ever really gets “deleted” from a website. An internet cache would pick it up.

    If it isn’t in the cache, it didn’t happen. Of course most judges wouldn’t know that, but then LMP’s “case” already has too many holes (most of all the one correctly pointed out by fromsfcali) to even make it to court.

  • 40. Just Like Grape
    July 8th, 2007 at 8:08 pm

    Casey, it’s so cool that Sub2guy is one of you sweet links. From his website:

    “What if you could buy a never ending supply of houses, as many as you wanted, month after month, to create the kind of income you need and want for you and your family? What if you could do this regardless of your income, credit score, debt to income ratios, relationships with banks, length of employment (if you are employed or not) or even if you had a recent foreclosure or bankruptcy?

    Sound too good to be true? Well, keep reading because I am just getting started!”

    Dude, you didn’t screw up listening to all your RE gurus, you just didn’t listen to the right one. You’re just $1,597 from sweet sweet passive income. Hell that’s 1/10th of what you paid NRU. Forget Duane, forget Nigel, forget LMP, forget Marty, forget Yarro, Sub2guy is the guy to help you turn it all around.

    What are you waiting for??? Unless Sub2guy’s sales pitch sounds exactly like all the other gurus who’s advice got you into this situation in the first place. But if that was true why would you make him a sweet link?

  • Glad you’re taking your attorney’s advice. Learning to avoid lawsuits( may prove a useful skill over the coming months.

  • Im glad you decided to get some real legal advise casey and are not just dismissing the whole thing. there are many good people left in the world. It’s just we all like to stay low key. Lol
    I know who Sub2guy is and he is a good person to listen too. He has given me some great advice in the past. Good luck with everything

  • Hey, Casey! You should remove the “My Foreclosed Properties” list (after all, it no longer matters) and replace that valuable visual real estate with….

    15 more sweetlinkz!


  • Casey,

    Subject to is a great technique to buy real estate. Because you are taking over loans already in place, you can buy as many properties as you want.

    Because there is no qualifying, you do have to be very careful that you are making good deals. If you don’t make good deals and fail, you not only lose the asset and any money you have invested (if any) but you also wreck someone elses credit. For that reason alone it is not something to enter into lightly.

    I love the technique because I can buy as many houses as I like without the bank deciding that they don’t want to lend me more and limiting my income. We have been buying this way for almost 8 years and have done well.

    I would be glad to help you with the tchnique if you have interest. Let me know.


  • Hey Kid;

    What happenned to your link count? You had only 9 remaining, and now you’ve got 11.

    No more hotcakes?

    DAMN! I love hotcakes!

    And I see that you can’t seem to sell those last two premium links…whazzup with dat?

    I’d a thought one of your second-tier “sweet linkers” would be all drolling and slobbering to snarf one of those up.

    Hard times, little hobbit, hard times.

  • That’s my man! You go Casey! I’m so glad you’ve found a lawyer - hopefully this whole suit will soon be exposed for what it really is - frivolous and a waste of the taxpayer’s money. The haterz should hate on MV for that…

  • Hi Casey.

    I’ve been watching your blog for a couple of weeks now and feel the
    need to comment.

    It’s astounding the negative energy people will direct at
    someone they haven’t met and who affects them in no real way

    I’m reluctant to fall into the “hater” tendency to assign
    psychological disorders to everyone, but truly, these people seem to
    have some sort of obsessive dysfunction. At least Captain Ahab had
    the excuse of a gnawed off leg to account for the relentless pursuit
    of his white whale. (Caseypedia? Get a life!)

    You seem like a cool guy, I wish you the best.


  • @30

    what everyone thinks about your utah wrap is “WHERE IS THE MISSING PAYMENT”?

    you’ve never adequately addressed that question.

  • well as glad as i am that you followed the advice, i was actually looking forward to reading the drama… hehe

  • 50. PO'D ValleyGirl
    July 8th, 2007 at 8:47 pm

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s all a little too late sweetie. I hope to see you doing the perp walk. I finally sent an e-mail to my producer friend that works for 60 minutes. You’ll finally get your 22.00 minutes of national fame on your way to the slammer. I know you will not be able to resist the national media. I’m ready to see you where you belong. You think you have Haterz now? Just wait. HAHAHAHAHAHA

  • Dear Casey,

    Remember in life if you are too busy focused on whats behind you instead of all the good things that are infront of you - you will lose the quality time and your true momentum that should be set aside for progress.

    People who are in postion to lead should do just that. Don’t let any hecklers in life slow you down. It seems you have the attention of your audience - now turn it into gold. At this point you should know the true secret of success. Good luck.

    William Steiner

  • “you not only lose the asset and any money you have invested (if any) but you also wreck someone elses credit”

    Wow, sounds like the perfect Casey victory turnaround scheme.

  • Needs:
    • A reliable, economical car/truck.

    What happened to vdubs? Maybe you should buy a Kia, Ford, or Yugo. I hear they’re reliable.

    (Pssst, I’m using reverse psychology here hoping that you’ll do the opposite of my advice and buy something like a Honda, Toyota, or Nissan).

  • You listened to good advice, FOR ONCE. But what’s up with that “needs” list? For a guy who is so sure of becoming a successful self-made man you sure do beg a lot. Just remember that nothing is truly for free in life…

    I still don’t see why you don’t just declare bankruptcy. You’re obviously not puting any effort into paying off your debt, which is growing much faster than your income. You’re hoping for a Hail Mary type financial success that’s going to catapault you well beyond your debts but it’s not going to happen. Why not just call a spade a spade and move on? You’ve trashed your finances and personal relationships. Move out of California and start over somewhere else. Sometimes it’s best to just push to reset button.

  • A lawyer, are you paying him in jamba juices? will you actually be able to keep your mouth shut?

  • the needs list is pretty weak, dude. it’s not innovative; it’s begging.

  • 57. Svetogorsk
    July 8th, 2007 at 9:32 pm

    I still don’t see why you don’t just declare bankruptcy.

    He can’t. Most of his debt was either obtained fraudulently (Casey has admitted this countless times) or after the point he knew that he was in severe financial difficulties and would have difficulty paying it back.

    Both of which disqualify him from applying for bankruptcy.

  • Casey:

    Don’t forget that you will never get a good deal buying something “subject to”. The only properties that sell that way are turds that no one with cash who can qualify for a loan will by (and only desparate people sell subject to). Didn’t we just learn why it is bad to overpay for property?

    P.S. I’m thinking about using reverse psychology like #44. foobeca and say: “paying way above market is fine as long as you can buy it “subject to” with no money down. If the renter is paying half the mortgage that is OK since you will soon flip it for thousands more than you paid.”

  • @Monica… book is coming along quite nicely. I’m editing it as we speak.

  • KC, you didn’t talk to any lawyers on a Sunday - I can’t believe all these people are falling for your lies again. If you did - then I dare you to post their name and contact info. What do you have to lose? And don’t come with some crap about privacy. Let the lawyer post a comment then! With their real name and where they work.

    Liar! I know you won’t publish that.

  • Casey,

    I saw your needs list.

    Where are you sleeping?

    What are you driving right now?

    El Gabo Gringo

  • 62. lawnmower man
    July 8th, 2007 at 10:19 pm

    Next you’ll be saying that Duane didn’t have ulterior motives when he contacted a certain woman.

    I see what you’re doing there: it’s an attempt to call into question Duane’s integrity and credibility, and it’s couched in “isn’t it obvious” terms that make it seem like a well-established fact.

    Sorry, but no, it doesn’t ring true.

    And nor do Casey’s protestations about Duane “only telling one side of the story”. People: he’s telling the other side of the story. Casey wants Duane discredited and silenced so that he can go back to the salad days when Casey’s side was the only story being told.

  • SAC Realtor, if you think only turds can be bought sub2, you are sadly mistaken.

    By the way, we have NEVER paid even market value for a house but you probably don’t believe that either.

    And yes, it does matter what you pay even buying sub2.

  • Any idiot could’ve seen that you shouldn’t have made that last post. You were doing exactly what he accused you of doing, so you go ahead and do it. Stupid stupid stupid.

    I’m pretty sure Mark still can get his hands on that post, and prove to the judge that you’re doing what he says you’re doing.

  • What car was that yellow sports car you’re appreciatin’ in the pic?

    Looks like a Lotus Elise (or related model) to me.

  • WOW, You did something smart for a change. I guess it took hundreds of posts saying so and a lawsuit to push you into it. I guess one good thing did come out of it. Did you happen to elaborate with this lawyer the mess you are in and did he explain the gravity of the situation?

  • I googled “fraudulent inducement of employment,” which is one of the things Lost Mittens is suing you for, and all the cases I saw were about actual employment, as in being hired.

    For example, a lawyer who specializes in environmental law is recruited to another firm based on promises she’ll be working on environmental law for a big client and heading up their new environmental law dept., except there is no big client and no dept. Her career suffered as a result, and it was found she was fraudulently induced into employment.

    You never hired Mittens as an employee. I really doubt he’s gonna get anywhere in that regard.

  • I would be my left…….arm, this will be thrown out of court. The whole thing is ridiculous. Casey you will be vindicated

  • [B]ook is coming along quite nicely. I’m editing it as we speak.

    Here’s some more advice you really, really should follow:

    Hire a professional editor.

    I hope when you say you are editing the book, you are just going over the text and trying to clean up and clear up things before you pass it along to one or, I hope, more editors.

    I’ve worked for newspapers and magazines and international news services, and I’ve written weekly columns. I have a journalism degree. I’m a great speller and good typist. AND I NEED TO BE EDITED. Usually by two editors, because one person seldom catches everything. You, with your creative spelling and word usage, need at least the same treatment.

  • aack!!

    Hey Casey, how come you need a car/truck?

    Where’s the VDUBS?


  • yeah, pink lips slapped all of them around on that last haterzcast. she held her own. not sure what she was doing at the end (sounded like a toilet was flushing or something), but she did good. EN is starting to crumble, and frankly this is getting old. Casey, what is your plan? Are you sincere at all? Do you want all of this to get better, or are you in it for the drama? Just asking, because at the end of this, there are gonna be a lot of hurt feelings, and pissed off people in this saga. It would be a shame if you kept all of this going just to get some internet traffic. just my opinion.

  • thank you for news.everybody must be careful on this subject.
    have a good work

  • 73. Web
    July 9th, 2007 at 3:28 am

    65. mejustme

    Too true, I work in Flash development and I leave EVERYTHING to do with copy to the editor/producer…It’s a whole different ballgame to what you do as a job

  • 74. Loads o Money
    July 9th, 2007 at 4:04 am

    Hey Casey,

    When you do a subject to loan; are you going to inform the bank that the deed has transferred ?

    Loads o Money

  • 75. JustWondering
    July 9th, 2007 at 4:21 am

    Oh come on! Two editors? You sure got value for your college education.

    The great Casey can self-edit, self-publish, self-market and make it all good!

  • This is the first positive thing you have done since this blog went up.

    Many Haterz ans Supporterz alike have suggested getting REAL leagl advise.

    Keep this up and you may make a go of it…but if you slide, the Haterz will pounce on you worse than ever.

    Julian-Trailer Park Boy and Hater

    ps. Where is the Jetta and Blue Ball?

  • Well you posted it… It’s Google cached now. People have read it. You should have taken legal advice BEFORE (as usual). Hope it won’t be used against you. If you want to last in business, think first, act last ;-)
    Good luck for the court stuff, guess you’ll need it.

  • 78. you are deluded
    July 9th, 2007 at 5:50 am

    So according to your logic the guy in front of the liquor store mooching change is an entrepeneur right? Because in reality thats all you are really doing.

  • 79. MassiveAction
    July 9th, 2007 at 7:02 am


    He never said anything actionable in those comments on this blog. So it really doesnt matter that they can be found in a cache.

    Do you really think that you can be sued because you said “Help! Mark Villiasenor is suing me and my Family!” when Mark has been saying (if not successfully doing) that all over the internet?

    The point of the lawyer’s advice is that he can come in to court [and I doubt it will ever get to this point] and say “look, I dont even have anything up about this guy… he’s the one who keeps talking about this situation, not me”. The judge doesnt want to sort through a million posts- you have any articles on Loser Mental Patient on your Intertubes site? No. Good . We are done here.

  • Posting of the entire court record is quite legal. That means the complaint, the attachments, and items found in discovery, transcripts from depositions and then and oral arguements in front of the judge. A lot of civil law is done through what is called ‘motion practice’ (Write your motion, other side writes a response and so on). Oral arguments are heard when it cannot be handled with motion practice (or any of another myriad reasons why).

    You will have the following problem: Lots of people will be watching this case and all of the paperwork will be available for them to see. So all of your dirty laundry will be aired out in public.

  • Never assume a court case will be thrown out because you think it is frivolous. The judge is there to determine if:

    1. The other party has standing to sue.
    2. The case is frivolous
    If it makes it this far, then you go to discovery and depositions. After that is complete, then you go onto….

    3. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim
    4. Summary judgments (can the case be determined on the merits of the law and have no need for going to the jury. See a real lawyer for the particulars of a summary judgment).

    Since IANAL and I have not read the entire complaint, I will not even hazard a guess as to chances of the case making it to the jury.

    If you actually want to post lawsuit related materials. first I don’t recommend it because you are an interested party and there is the chance you may not post everything related to the case.

    If you want a really good example of a website covering a lawsuit, developing a strong user/reader base and having a well organized website to support this try Groklaw’s coverage of the lawsuit between Sco and IBM over the Linux kernal and the related copyrights.

  • 82. Mr. Flipper
    July 9th, 2007 at 7:38 am

    #58SacRealtor wrote:

    “Don’t forget that you will never get a good deal buying something “subject to”. The only properties that sell that way are turds that no one with cash who can qualify for a loan will by (and only desparate[desperate] people sell subject to).”

    As a professional RE merchandiser I consistently buy brand new homes subject to the existing financing because the sellers want a quick, sure transaction where they don’t have to pay out of pocket to unload their homes, and they want to protect/improve their credit in the meantime.

    Meantime, no one in their right mind would buy “iffy, over priced houses, sub2 or not, from any seller regardless of their desperation level. Your perspective and advice on “sub2″ comes from ignorance and lack of experience.

    So, go back into your residential RE marketing hole there in Sacto, and leave the “sub2″ investing/advice to the professionals.

  • Now we have “lawyer ignore mode” Sweet!

  • I agree with the editing post above. People just don’t realise how difficult it is to produce & market a book, they think they’ll get it printed, send it off to the major book stores & hey presto…

    Unfortunately it isn’t that simple. If you try & cut corners & costs by not using a professional graphic designer, editor, printer, etc etc, etc you are not going to get anywhere fast. Also the book stores & distributors are innundated with hundreds of books a week that people want stocking & if yours isn’t A1 in terms of what I mentioned above & the content then you’re going to crash & burn.

    You need to invest some money Casey & hire some professionals.

  • Your “needs” are cracking me up. You know, I like having a cell phone, a laptop computer, and a vehicle as well. THAT IS WHY i HAVE A JOB where I get PAID every two weeks. I do not beg random strangers on the internet for my “needs.”

    You are outrageous.

  • Here is your case number: 07AM06649

    Public record here we come.

  • 87. LossMitten
    July 9th, 2007 at 8:17 am

    Please forgive me,Casey,

    miss you,.


  • 88. Pete Zarria
    July 9th, 2007 at 8:37 am

    This post stinks. Like rancid style. What attorney was available to you on a Sunday? Was this a “friend” or some random person from the blog, who may or may not have been a legal advisor. Did you verify their credentials? Have you actually retained them to address this issue or are they merely providing you some quick advise on an as needed basis.

    But the money question is, where is a real update on what is happening? These trivial bait posts are getting old. Next subject please.

  • #47 “It’s astounding the negative energy people will direct at someone they haven’t met and who affects them in no real way

    Umm, try again. It’s people like Casey who make the cost of buying a house (or doing other business with banks) that much more expensive. The longer he stays in lender-ignore mode and doesn’t pay his debts, the more the rest of us pay for it.

    And don’t forget the other things going on — the CHP-ignore mode (did you blow your court date on the speeding ticket, Casey?) and the IRS-ignore mode (though he theoretically has until October, assuming an extension was filed).

    The haterz — at least most of them — have all started out trying to help him. This lawyer — if there really is one — is the first person Casey has bothered to listen to. There comes a point, after trying to help and repeatedly being ignored, that you just throw up your hands.

  • 90. Another Lurker Mouse
    July 9th, 2007 at 8:50 am


    I realize you are not a native english or “‘merican” speaker, but you really should check out the definition of the word “need” and then check out the definition of the word “want”.

    I’m pretty sure that you have them confused.

    People need food, shelter, and clothing, they want to eat at Macaroni Grill, sleep in a king sized bed in their own nice house, and wear designer clothing.

  • 91. Svetogorsk
    July 9th, 2007 at 9:06 am

    He never said anything actionable in those comments on this blog.

    …aside from yesterday’s blackmail and extortion attempt. But hey, it’s all good, right?

  • Even as we mock the greed and stupidity of housing speculators, lenders, and hedge funds, let’s not forget that there are innocent victims of the housing bubble, mortgage fraud, and related fallout.

    Some of these mortgage-backed securities were sold to little old ladies who are now screwed:

  • Hey Casey

    Where are you living right now? Have you moved back home with your parents?

    Despite the lawsuit, I think you should have a think about how you are going to pay off your debt. Are you directing funds from this website towards that? If not, are you going to declare bankruptcy?

    The sooner that is out of the way, the sooner you can get your life back on track and create the deals for passive income.



    Which of those best describes you? Be sure to take in to account the amount of money you currently have as credit (credit means the contents of your various account minus the amount you owe people), the begathons and the contents of

  • Hey Kid;

    William Steiner wrote:

    “Remember in life if you are too busy focused on whats behind you instead of all the good things that are infront of you …”

    Hobbit…this is a wisdom so profound as to boggle the Mind of God.

    Brought tears to my eyes,it did.

    Try and remember those beautiful words in the prison shower, okay?

    Except….what is in front of you may be essentially no different than what is behind you.

    But hey…itsallgood!

    How ’bout that case number,kid?

    You should play those numbers in the Lotto…and no, you can’t “cashback” the ticket.

  • The ridiculous case against you is now showing up online:|07AM06649||01/01/1997|12/31/2007|Name|Asc

  • Casey,
    PLEASE, do not listen to sub2 guy, and attempt to buy houses, or anything else ’subject to the existing financing’.
    You are NOT ready to be responsible for other folks credit and well being, not yet anyway.

    You also have a few subject to courses and books, including my own, from previous broken promises to work as an I.T. person/Web Designer.
    A sure income, which you blew off.

    Read those, and don’t commit to working with, for, or under the guidance of anyone, until you are truly ready to WORK!

  • 98. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 9th, 2007 at 10:03 am

    Casey, I’m pretty sure you just invited everyone on the internet into your marital problems (It’s her marriage too!!)
    by begging for a marriage counselor in your “needs” post.

  • Casey-

    The Needs thing is a little much. I know you’re in tough straits, but listing it like this makes you look pathetic.

    I hope as others have suggested that you have a professional editor on the book project. You clearly have a marketable story and some ability to market yourself with interviews. But you could still come out with a flawed book that compromises the effort . It’s more than typos or bad grammar- it’s how the story is told, too.

    I read the 10 Mistakes USA Today article and it suggests a good story. So hope the book delivers….

  • ASW: donation… like please donate funds to casey because if not he might go to prison. we all have heard what happens to pretty little manicured, long haired, mommas boys who go to prison. I hope your “casey serin reality avoidance sheild”(or whatever the hell they are calling it) can help you avoid the reality of bubba your new roomate who will make you sit down to pee. you need to run the f*** away NOW

  • DC Economist @ R Boy @ Stephen LOOSER

    so how is your ongoing tip off to your justice colleagues coming along (assuming they even let you in on the same floor, or perhaps you work in the mail room actually)? hahaha, 9 months of running around blwing your horn on this , and ZILCH to show for…the wheels at your place must be stuck on SNOOZE. i think govmt work suits you fine…punch in, punch out, 2 hour lunch breaks and unlimited time to surf the internet while at work…..future drunk 300 lb walrus

  • why do you need to beg for a marriage counselor? Isnt the pastor of your church willing to help you out? If not, why not?

  • 103. lawnmower man
    July 9th, 2007 at 11:57 am

    A quick question: Casey, on the previous (now deleted) post you stated that you had also emailed it to Mark.

    You pulled down the post; have you also rescinded the emailed ultimatum, or does that still stand?

  • Because there is no qualifying, you do have to be very careful that you are making good deals. If you don’t make good deals and fail, you not only lose the asset and any money you have invested (if any) but you also wreck someone elses credit.

    HMMM, sounds just like the perfect vehicle for Casey. No risk of your own if you fail.

  • 105. NoVa Sideliner
    July 9th, 2007 at 12:30 pm

    You sure need a lot, from what I see on that needs list. Are these things you are looking to buy, or hope to get given to you as charity?

    And where is the V-Dubs? You already have a car, so why do you need another? Don’t be greedy, Casey.

    But I do see one item you might swing easily enough: “A cell phone with nationwide unlimited-talk plan or a high number of minutes.”

    Oh wait, my mistake, I thought it read thusly: “A cell, with high number of minutes”

    I think you might one day find a DA willing to help you get a cell, if you keep up your scamming. Not you own cell, of course, but a comfy one to share. How many hundred thousand cell minutes do you get for each count of fraud?

    You might even get your wish for a cell fulfilled if the CHP stops you for *anything* if you don’ pay that ticket, but this cell won’t be very free.

    Please pay that ticket. I don’t know about California, but in states I’ve lived in, when they get you on an unpaid ticket warrant, they haul you out of your car, cuff you, put you in a jail cell, and you have to pay the ticket, the late fees, and more on top of that before you can get out. Most of my friends have found that they could pay up with a valid credit card, though. Oh no, DOH!

  • 63. Sub2Guy says: “By the way, we have NEVER paid even market value for a house but you probably don’t believe that either.”

    It could happen but you will have better luck finding a Ferrari for sale for $10K where the owner lets you buy it for $500 a month than a home at a below market value where the seller sells it “subject to” (you might find someone stupid enought to sell below market, but there are a very small number of people that will sell below market “and” stay on the loan)…

  • 107. Sold already
    July 9th, 2007 at 1:21 pm

    I rarely comment. I just come by occasionally to watch the train wreck.

    But today, for some reason I listened to your last broadcast and the various call-ins. Boy, am I sorry.

    Look, I’ve always thought you’re kind of whacked, but some of your haters are positively deranged. You have gotten yourself entangled with some seriously unbalanced people for whom your marriage and life are an unhealthy obsession. Some sound breathlessly desperate for fame and see you as their ticket to stardom, while some are sounding desperate for your wife.

    Now that you’ve finally started consulting an actual expert professional, I suggest you keep up the good streak and talk to some more. You need to talk to both a marriage counselor, if you have one already, and another lawyer, and find out how to get these people out of your personal life.

    The level of obsession is extremely disturbing, and frankly dangerous.

  • 108. cheesburger
    July 9th, 2007 at 1:23 pm

    the fraudcast is too funny. Nacho (Annie) got owned by that crazy chick pick lips

  • No lawyer would represent Casey without a massively focused retainer. And if Casey is planning to self-publish his tome, don’t hold your breath on seeing any proper editing.

  • It is quite simple. Success is reaching the goals that you set.

    It doesn’t matter what they are, riches, W2 job, family, anything. It helps to be clear as to what your goals are. Something simple with a fixed deadline.

    The goal of one thousand dollars on the kitchen table by 5pm Friday is an excellent example of a goal.

    Now you might think of yourself as the idea man. We all have ideas. The successful can take those ideas, translate them into concrete goals and see them through.

    You have mentioned that you want to have a success story. Yet you have not defined any goals for your success. You have failed to achieve goals that would be obvious to most people.

    1. Make a plan to deal with the debt so the interest doesn’t snowball.
    2. Maintain a good relationsip with your family.
    3. Provide a income for basic living expenses.

    Well, what are you goals then? It is easy to say you are falling forward but towards what are you working?

  • 111. Billy Bob
    July 9th, 2007 at 1:58 pm

    regards your needs page. I just got a smokin Dell laptop that meets all your needs. 2 GB RAM, thing rips through photoshop on vista like a hot knife through butter. Cost me less than $2,500. They have many more ready to ship direct to you online at

    Hope this helps,

    Billy Bob

  • 112. wealthyboomer
    July 9th, 2007 at 2:27 pm

    AVOID subject-to GET THE DEED transactions like the plague. You really do not legitimately own and can lose the property in less than 30 days if a loan is accelerated. Subject-to buying is another common creative real estate guru ploy to encourage property flipping and they know they are dead wrong when they recommend it. But they sure do sell courses and seminars to the uniformed on the subject

  • You actualy listened to someone?Thats a first.

  • wealthyboomer & sac realtor,

    You guys know it all I guess.

    Better get back to sellin’ my courses since I don’t know how to buy any houses.

  • 115. wry editor
    July 9th, 2007 at 4:01 pm

    What a hopeful, desperate “security word” today.

    Question - aside from where are the missing payments, where you’re living, what you could possibly be thinking …

    How are you now editing a book that is also to come out this month? Impressive cover someone dreampt up, but is this to be a download-only type of book?

    Or just another way to capture emails; allowing people to “sign up” to “preview” this “book”?

  • 116. The Murse
    July 9th, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    What happened to the VDubs?

    Will the Publisher be at court with you tomorrow?

  • 117. Astro Zombie
    July 9th, 2007 at 4:51 pm

    Casey - when was the traffic ticket due? It seems you must be past the deadline (I know…. details…) Do you have a warrant out for your arrest yet? That would be ironic, but then again think of how they got Al Capone.

    ASW: Awesome!

  • Casey,

    Nothing that you put in the Internet ever goes away. You can delete this website, delete specific posts but anything you wrote here is archived forever. Don’t believe me? check:*/

  • 119. fromsfcali
    July 9th, 2007 at 5:13 pm

    I was listening to your podcast. These guys who take an extreme interest in your life seem to have some sort of control issues with you and are super creepy.

    You should find a neutral professionals who has nothing to do with your blog (did not contact your through the blog) to give you advice for your biz and personal life. A real professional (therapist) would not even be able to legally talk about your issues to anyone.

  • why do you need to beg for a marriage counselor? Isnt the pastor of your church willing to help you out?

    For the same reason he needs a lawyer.

    Seriously, why would the earthly representative of an all-knowing, all-powerful being be any less qualified to give legal advice than he would be to give relationship advice?

  • Thank you Sharky and Nova and so many others for the comedy…

    KC - you’ll make more money publishing the comments to your posts as a joke book than you ever will from your “story”.

    If you make any profit from that idea I want 50% or I’ll sue you.

  • 122. SAC Realtor- Here's the truth
    July 9th, 2007 at 6:43 pm

    Sac Realtor,

    It is possible to buy subject to at a discount.

    I did it in your own backyard in the white hot real estate market of 2003. I paid 65,000 subject to for a house in the Freeport Area that was worth 145k fixed up at the time I bought it. I fixed it up and sold it for 210k. My fix up to 4 1/2 months and the house appreciated about 25% in that time.

    Also, in the Northgate area in 2003 I bought a house subject to for 105k that was worth 145k at the time. I fixed it up and sold it for 185k.

    Matt R.

  • kc - about your needs - I have a laptop I will send you. I haven’t used it since I graduated last year. Where should I have it shipped?

  • Man, you are being seriously reamed on the web about your needs list.

    I think you need those PR ladies again.

  • If anyone has a case to sue for damages it is you.

  • 126. wealthyboomer
    July 10th, 2007 at 12:14 am

    Mortgage vultures swoop on US housing crisis :

    Home owners who have become mired in debt during America’s growing housing crisis are falling prey to a booming new industry in “mortgage rescue” scams that end up depriving them of their properties permanently.

    The scams lure owners into signing over their deeds to a temporary purchaser after being falsely assured that they will be able to buy the property back when their financial situation improves. Often the paperwork is so complicated that they do not realise they have surrendered ownership.

  • Okay, I really want to ship this laptop to you but it’s only fair that you pick up the shipping costs, right?

    I don’t have the cash on-hand right now for the shipping costs, could you at least send that much to me?

  • I also have a Nissan truck that I haven’t driven since high school. It needs some engine work and you’d have to come to Compton to drive it back. Is that okay?

  • 129. Anti Success
    July 10th, 2007 at 9:31 am

    hey, jeeper has a troll now. Kewl!
    My new alias in Anti Success.
    You now, like my brother is the father to success.
    Which is about as close to success as kc will ever get.
    Sweet organic massively focused success-like product.

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