Sunday, August 5, 2007

Need A New Place in Australia (and Maybe Overseas)

My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications. So I figure I take advantage of some recent exposure in Sydney Morning Herald (and Argentina) and ask.

Can somebody offer me a place to stay so I can finish up some stuff here in Australia?

Preferably on the east coast: Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne. But I’ll consider other areas. “Beggars can’t be Choosers” right? Some help with travel expenses would be much appreciated as well.

Also, thank you to those who offered me a place in other countries. I may or may not take advantage of it. I’m kind of taking it one day at a time. I WILL consider all the offers though.

Email me here if you have a place for me.

Thanks again for your continued support of my mission to tell my foreclosure story, help others avoid foreclosure and make a comeback through it all.

Advertising Referrals: Bring me an advertiser for sweet links or premium spots and I will give you a referral commission. I’m taking offers for the top banner spot and will probably have other spots available soon as well.


  • 1. OneOfTheLurkerz
    June 18th, 2007 at 7:31 pm

    Tells us about that scammy RESCOM place you used to work at.
    And what about the missing Utah payment?

  • Sounds like its time for a walkabout, mate!

  • Casey your just living the high life…right?? BUT MORE POWER TO YOU…GOOD LUCK!

  • 4. Thinking Clearly
    June 18th, 2007 at 7:44 pm

    So, more “complications” huh. Who would have guessed.

    Let’s see here. You want a free place to stay as well as someone to crack the travel expense nut for you. When in the name of all that is good and holy will you wake up and pay your own way?

    You have been stuck before but if you don’t get another sucker on the hook you are really going to be stuck. Homeless in Australia on a 3 month visa. WOW!

  • 5. Anon Y. Mouse
    June 18th, 2007 at 7:49 pm

    Seriously? Look for a cheap youth hostel.

  • Hey Kid;

    “My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications.”

    Ahhh, now THERE’S a surprise. Ah well, you didn’t care for those “prison cell” digs anyway.

    “Can somebody offer me a place to stay so I can finish up some stuff here in Australia?”

    Hobbit, what’s this? Are you trying to tell us that you’ve given up on your dream of living in your car?

    WTF, buckaroo?
    You’re in Australia…you can be the (for real) Road Warrior!

    “Some help with travel expenses would be much appreciated as well.”

    If you’re willing to go on the “barter economy”, I’m pretty sure that there’s money to be earned at rest stops and the parking lots of truckers’ diners…you seem to bring that streak out in certain kinds of fellows, judging by the offers you’ve received from your commentariat here.

    If you’re REALLY in dire straits, I’m sure some temporary lodgings can be arranged for you by the State of California or the US Government.

    And just so you know, little puppet, just because you actually ARE living under a bridge doesn’t mean that you cannot also be a troll…

    asw: blueball

  • What did you do to your Aussie hosts to make them kick you out, Casey?

  • Hey Casey -

    Occurs to me that you could use a new category tag for these types (”little help here?”) of posts. May I recommend:

    “Sweet Charity”

    Speaking of sweet charity, don’t forget to visit a doctor and dentist while in Australia!

  • Casey,

    This story has gone from intriguing, to sad, to pathetic. This is a new low. I even heard about you at a Russian church yesterday from a bunch of kids - and no, it’s not the kind of stuff I would call “sweet media”. I truly feel sad for you and hope that God has some bigger plans for you than what you are doing now. I think you should drop the high-tech begging (you say that Trump and Robert K had failures before successes, but did they resort to begging?) and come back to home.


    ASW: sweet … is it?

  • Hi Casey. I live in Sydney - quite close to where you were on the weekend.

    I will offer you a place to stay for two nights in return for getting some work done around the place. I need my garage cleaned out and the garden weeded, three trees cut back and the lawns done. that should be worth a couple nights’ free accommodation. Right?



  • Not so fast Casey…. you can’t get away with calling the reason behind your early departure as a house guest as “due to complications”. And don’t EVEN try to use the old “protection of privacy” nonsense…. how exactly did you screw up this time to get kicked out so quickly?

    Some of actually use this site for our entertainment… which as you accurately stated is “like watching a train wreck”.

    So give us the details please.

  • Alright Casey, I am man enough to admit I was wrong. I apologize for believing you were back in Sacramento.

    You can play this out for years. A lonely poor Uzbeki immigrant forced into exile by mean Americans.

  • I wonder if your picture on the front page of The Sydney Morning Herald will finally convince the “Everything-on-the-Internet-is-fake” community that you’re really in Australia, and that your photos aren’t photoshopped?

  • Welcome to Australia Casey..ignore the knockers and the haters.They’re just small minded people. I’m going to help promote you Casey because you are a star !!

  • 15. vamacharini
    June 18th, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    If you are desperate enough now to consider working for somebody else, it just occured to me…you should market yourself as an “entertainment consultant” to Time Warner or another big media conglomerate (like Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp…isnt’t Murdoch from Australia? Maybe you could get hooked up with them without even going back to the states.)

    So-called “irritainment” (entertainment through being irritated) is a media buzzword now, and your name has been mentioned in at least one article in connection with this trend…people like to read about/watch stuff that pisses them off…thus your appeal to the “haterz.” You should capitalize on this and sell advice to media conglomerates or help them brainstorm ways to make money off of this trend.

    Your track record shows that you have generally been too lazy to do real work, but maybe the prospect of iminent homelessness and/or starvation will change your mind…I could see you working as an entertainment industry bullshitter, one of those guuys who sits around the table and hashes out ideas for new sitcoms, websites, videogames, etc…put together a resume that highlights your media exposure to date and some one of those companies might take you on…you could maybe earn 6 figures or so in that kind of a gig if you are lucky, and it wouldn’t involve that much hard work…perfect & easy gig for a “creative ideas guy” who doesn’t like to get his hands too dirty doing real hard work.

  • Casey,

    Pack it up and head back to California, man. Maybe you can match attempts of others at gainful employment. Time to get a J-O-B (or two or three). You should be ashamed of yourself man.


  • 17.
    June 18th, 2007 at 8:49 pm

    Kind of dangerous staying with strangers isnt it? I guess that’s the risk taker in all entreprenuers!!

    Be safe! GOD be with you!!


  • 18. Uri Poopmonger
    June 18th, 2007 at 8:51 pm

    What’s the complication?
    That you’re a media magnet?

  • Complications? How Unsweet!

    What complications? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • If you can survive living on the street, you can do
    anything. Many millionaires once had to
    live on the street or in their car.

  • is this a fictional ’soap opera blog?’

    This is like wrestling years ago when people were unsure if it was real or not. Turned out to be staged, of course.

    Anyway, even though I get the feeling that you’re staging this, It’s still entertaining.

  • I read you are a web developer
    Come help me further my design/dev company and i will give you a place to stay in sydney

  • For all those who might have thought you are trolling about this trip to Australia they got the door closed on them with that interview over there.
    One question I have for you;
    Why is it every time you seem to get with someone you seem to piss on there cornflakes or get under there skin somehow? Now you are in a place you should have not even gone and are now having trouble because you soon will not have a place to stay nor do you have travel money.

    Email me with what you have to offer for advertising. I may be interested. I am a business man and will get over your reckless behavior. I would email you but you only respond back about 50% of the time.

  • What are the complications and why Argentina?

    Worried about extradition?

  • Why don’t you just go home?

  • Good article in the SMH. It is interesting that they linked to your actual blog. Should send in some nice traffic. Although, I am not sure how Australians will react to you asking for a free place to stay and “help with travel expenses”. Check out It is one of the bigger property forums in Australia.

  • I happen to know a place where you can stay for free in Bondi. It’s an open-air design, with 180 degree water views and close to public transport and amenities.

    Go and have a chat to Jhyimy “Two Hats” Mhiyles. I think you’d benefit from his advice. He’s a bit of a local legend around here…

  • 28. Pete Zarria
    June 18th, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    Are you kidding us? You actually managed to mess up your trip as well? Now you are in a foreign land with no money and no place to live. You know they call people who do that “bums” don’t you? I see you are still up to the same old tricks. You will never learn.

    But on a brighter side, I laugh my a** off every time you totally screw up you life just one more step… which lately has been every day!! I thought once the houses all fell to foreclosure this would end, boy was I wrong.

  • 29. Mister Gash
    June 18th, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    Try somewhere less expensive. A friend stayed in Malaysia for a year helping with a dive shop and they paid all her expenses which worked out to be just about nothing anyway.

  • 30. Mister Gash
    June 18th, 2007 at 9:51 pm

    P.S. Take the IQ test again. I am not sure I believe 131 anymore.

  • Dude, you are so pushing it.

  • What, you didn’t like the terms of the stay?

  • There are better times ahead, keep them in mind.

    GOD be with you.

  • If I were you I’d reconsider the whole abroad thing. You can’t run from your responsibilities forever, and if you still truly believe that you can make enough money with your story to come out on top, better get working on it right away.

    My advise:

    1. Get back to the USA and apologize to the people you left behind all of the sudden
    2. Get that book written asap
    3. Write every Real Estate Seminar Guru offering to accompany them on their tours and seminars, for a negotiable fee. In these letters include every bit of press coverage that you ever got, in order to stress that your bit of fame can help them get more people to their lectures.
    4. Before you send any of the letters, show them to us. Just want to make sure you don’t write something silly by hand again.

  • 35. White Rap Star
    June 18th, 2007 at 10:13 pm

    Yo son I dig ur ambition and drive u know in your situation cause if I was in your shoes I would have dungied with a side of shart stain in my overalls; and I’m actually wearing them right now. So Good luck with your mission to conguer planet earth dun cause that’s what so many people want to do but will never do to their fear, you no what I mean family. Yo so mad ups, big respect and one love.

    The number one stunner Serin oner!

  • The UK versus US attitude to failure fascinates me. It seems your comments are split between supporters and detractors.

    In the UK, business failure is seen as a black mark against you for life. Yet in the US, it’s a badge of honour.

    I’m not sure where you quite fall here!

    When I failed, there were no fellow Brits talking about their experience in cyberspace, and so I started a blog. And then I discovered thousands of blogs from Americans relating their tales.

    Seems to me though that you still have that support.

    I have talked about what I am doing about my predicament in my blog. I think if you do the same you may have a chance of turning a good proportion of your detractors around.

    Have you started paying your creditors something? If so, please tell people. Get a plan and tell people about it.

    I will certainly report back on what I’ve done (once my creditors come back to me!). Is my case completely unusual in both US and UK circles?

    My creditors refuse to chase me. It seems like a role reversal, I’m chasing them like hell and yet thus far, they won’t talk.

    Anyhow, Casey, please tell your public what they want to hear.

  • Why not try Indonesia since you are close. They do not have an extradition treaty with the United States. You seem to clearly be on the run. By the way is this site really for sale by auction? Since it is still up I assume you posted the ad. Good Luck, We will Miss You

  • 38. christiangustafson
    June 18th, 2007 at 10:45 pm

    Hahahahaha. Extradition is a free ride home, loser!

  • Casey, Downunder eh? Hope you’re picking up some of the “lingo”. You’re what’s known as a “goer” in Australia - someone with a bit of “get up and go” in them. Just thought I’d let you know I read the article in the online Herald. I’ll be back to read your blog - it looks fascinating. Cheers, Malkie, an Australian in Paris.

  • You probably aren’t the most hated blogger. There is a guy in Australia that would easily get get than title. see

  • This has got to be the weirdest way to build a community, but whatever blows your hair back.

    This is one good reason for the anonymity of the internet…imagine if all those angry “community” members got together in the physical world? Make Gaza look like Sesame Street!!

  • Who takes your pictures while you are “alone” in Australia?
    And how did you get in there with a 1 way ticket?

    Usually they won’t allow that..

    I’m not believing your story..

  • Some help with travel expenses would be much appreciated as well.— you are too much, casey

  • What kind of complications? What happened?

  • CS

    You are still da man!

    Anyway, CS, you need to get hooked up with the Church of Scientology.

    They are, of course, all criminals, however you should be able to make them a deal (get your AGENT to do it) where they pay you for your “turnaround” story because of your prayers to Zantu, or Wikimuk, or whatever their god is called. It worked for John Revolta, Casey Kassum, and Kirstie Alley, so why not you?

    They love pub, and I think you can give it to them.

    You NEED an agent NOW. Your flight story is particularly compelling. CS, you miss home, but forget about it. Time to move past that and into the bigger spotlight.

    CS, I know you are thinking about identity theft to solve your problems, but DON’T. It sucks having no money, but JAIL IS MUCH, MUCH WORSE. Also it is totally NOT WWJD, and being a hypocrite (and in jail) is even worse than being poor.

    Best of luck,


  • Aw, come and visit us up here in Brisvegas, Caseykins. There’s a lovely little place up here called “The Watch House” that would be just perfect for you.

  • I can organise a place where you can stay in both Sydney and Melbourne (for a max of 10 days though)……if you give us the real reason as to why you are in Australia.

  • 48. Loads o Money
    June 19th, 2007 at 12:49 am

    Hey Casey,

    What were the complications !

    What about Ropongi in Tokyo ?

    I know a nice place you could stay at; you’ll make a lot of sweet money and you dont need a visa for the type of sweet work you’ll do !

    Whatdya say Casey,

    Loads O Money

  • Casey

    Bad news about Aust not working out for you. I have just had a brief look over th posts and blogs and I have to say you are trying to make it big and stick it to the no hopers (i.e. Haterz).

    Who do these people think they are trying to cut you down? To be honest ignore them. If people think that they have never lied or cheated in any way who are they kidding?

    Do you think the executives of large corporations (namely those involved with oil caltex, mobile,) have never lied.

    Every one makes mistakes. Your trying to get back onto your feet and I support you for that. If you get stuck for a place let me know.

    To the Haterz (Here on in refered to as no hoperz) out there

    Why are you hating Casey? What has he done that Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Martin Luther King hasent? They tried to achieve a goal and go for what they had a passion for. Casey has tried but wasent successful. If you are ‘better’ why do you continue with this no hoper attitude.


  • in the it said:

    I ask him how he wants this to end.

    “I’d like to be known for a really creative comeback story,” he says. “Because I have so many odds against me I want to to be able to show people that no matter how down you are or how big a hole you’re in there’s always a way out. You just have to stay positive.”

    have to respect the attitude..

    good luck man..

  • 51. Sputnik_the_Cat
    June 19th, 2007 at 1:50 am


    Wow, Casey - seems like you’re on the verge of actually being homeless. Maybe you should get in touch with “Mocha” - I’m sure he/she/it would love to have you as a guest!


  • 52. Chad Thurston
    June 19th, 2007 at 1:50 am

    We are praying to the Lord that you will see his light and throw yourself upon his infinite mercies.

    Pray to the Lord . Ask him for his guidance and repent of your stubborn pride .


  • 53. Blinky Bill
    June 19th, 2007 at 2:02 am

    Hi Casey,

    If you need cheap accomodation to tie you over until you find somewhere to stay, you can try or…

    There are backpacker style accomodation for about $20-25AUD usually.

  • 54. Jamba Monkee
    June 19th, 2007 at 2:27 am

    “My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications. ”

    Translation - Casey alienated the people who were trying to help him out… again.

  • Good luck on your quest for accommodation, but maybe with all the coin you are getting you could pay for a room! Where to next on your adventures I heard Canberra is also lovely at this time of year, maybe our PM could swing opne the doors and let you bunk down in the lodge he’s never there anyway! Good Luck

  • Good Luck, I can help you with a rental spot in Rose Bay Sydney but its probably not your style. Why don’t you rock up to the lodge in Canberra and give the PM a bell and see if swings the doors open for you, you may be able to help him lift his rating in the polls. By the looks of it you could teach him a thing about drumming up a some PR business via setting up a blog for little john. Good Luck Again in finding shelter. Drop us a line if Canberra is not your cup of tea.
    Regards, James of Little Nomads
    p.s Canberra is really lovely at this time of year.

  • Ever been to NYC? Interested?

  • Just buy another house. Isn’t that what you do?

  • What kind of “complications” did you face with your current host? I sure hope that you compensated them somehow for their hospitality.

  • 60. sirliesalot
    June 19th, 2007 at 5:03 am

    i think the Feds have a cozy cell for you.

  • Awesome story in the Herald! Hang in there, Casey.

  • Welcome to Australia?

    At least you give me a topic about which to blog. Ironic isn’t it?

  • Hey man, dont have a place for you but im feeling for you.
    I’m about to post some radically new blogs in coming weeks, please subscribe to it and let me know what you think of the posts that i do in the next few weeks. I am also an entrepreneur at age just turned 18. Got 2 online business’s alrdy.

    Talk to you l8er


  • kick you out, Casey?

  • You’ve got to be kidding me…

  • Casey you know what I think, I think your home

    with mommy and daddy right about now, and your

    trolling baiting your readers or haterz as you like to
    call them.

    This is a good one,but I don’t think not even you is that dumb

    to risk your life begging for room from strangers

    good bait. though.

    And its not a bait, shows us a picture of you

    and the ad, with date, and the name of paper.

    I dare your no I double dare you.

  • 67. Agnostic Poster
    June 19th, 2007 at 5:47 am

    I can not beleive you said this in the Sydney Morning Hearld:

    “The stuff I did is technically mortgage fraud, but it’s not officially called that until someone prosecutes me and proves that that is indeed mortgage fraud,” Serin explains.

    I’m speechless.

  • 68. The Show is Over.
    June 19th, 2007 at 5:57 am

    The show is over folks. The last four or five posts of “here’s some pictures, here’s what I eat, and here’s my crazy life” are a signal that the story is at its end. The post today only confirms that.

    Casey, you’re begging for more advertisers…but even you should realize that no content, no interest.

    The story’s over folks, start lining up for the next train wreck.

  • 69. Begging for Handouts
    June 19th, 2007 at 5:59 am

    Begging for a free place to live? Is this the end of optimistic Casey?

    Honestly, becoming a homeless drifter really won’t add much more to the blog. Sell now.

  • Look like your 15 minutes fame is up, even your advertisers are leaving you. This must dent your passive income dream. I wish you luck, because the near future looks dim for you.

  • Hang in there case-man, I’m sure one of your supporterz will jump at the chance to put you up and pay for your travel.

    So….why did you get kicked out?

  • Have you no pride?

  • 73. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 19th, 2007 at 6:19 am

    You have GOT to be kidding.

    I seriously doubt anyone is going to step up to this one, especially without any details of the “complications” (that is, what did you do to wear out your welcome so quickly?). I think many of your readers expected this would happen, but I for one am shocked it happened so quickly.

    According to you, your Aussie hosts were offering you free room and board. Are you so lazy that you don’t even clean up after yourself, and they decided you were more of a burden than anticipated??!! I imagine they are nice people, to make the offer in the first place, so I can’t imagine them tossing you out (knowing you have no money and no return plane ticket home) for a trivial reason.

    You know the haters will do everything possible to uncover the reason for this latest turn of events… you might as well ATTEMPT to put your Casey-spin on it, and tell us why you got kicked out.


  • Go home and take care of Cashcall you jerk…

  • WANTED: Placeto stay RENT FREE on a sunny beach
    somewhere. Abodes offering free use of beach chairs
    and pool given preferencial (sp?) consideration.

    Also need; free food & use of car.

    I am on a mission from God; thank you for supporting
    my mission.

  • I am most happy to see that you have moved onto the path of a beggar. It is good karma to give to a beggar. You should go to India next. Many people will feed beggars there to increase their karma.


  • 78. Mister Gash
    June 19th, 2007 at 6:34 am

    Where are the comments? Are you finally dead, detained, or disposed of?

  • 79. Johnny Carcinogen
    June 19th, 2007 at 6:38 am

    Anybody here want to put me up for a vacation in Hawaii. I’ll need some help on the airfare too.

  • 80. generic_throw_away_June_11
    June 19th, 2007 at 6:58 am

    I guess they got tired of having you couch surf? or were your creditors able to chase you down in AU?

    very soon, you’ll be able to achieve that sweet vw bus down by the river, all on your own.

  • Wow. Your hosts are tired of you already?

    Werent you smart to bring your pillow along with you? Might come in handy sleeping on the sidewalk!

    Check into it, Casey. They might be bluffing.

  • 82. Are You Hiding From The Law?
    June 19th, 2007 at 7:27 am


    Please tell us the truth. I heard that the FBI is getting ready to file an arrest warrant.

  • I’ve been following Casey’s story for some time now … mainly because I’ve known this young man since he was 20 yrs old, and have always wondered what would become of him. You see, Casey worked as our webhost provider through his internet company “SweetHost” back in 2004. I knew from the very first time I met Casey, that he would probably be a millionaire by the time he was 30 yrs old. And I still believe that! What I saw in Casey back then, was the most brilliant computer technician I had ever met in my life. Given my background in Psychology, I figured that surely he must have an above average I.Q. Through my numerous interactions with Casey, I found him to be an honorable, intense young man, who had tremendous promise. Eventhough, I am much older than him, I found myself treating him more as an equal … instead of the manboy that he was at the time. I remember one time we had a problem with one of our websites, and we were really unhappy with Casey. So Casey remedied the problem by redesigning our entire website for Free of Charge. I know that it must of taken him the entire weekend to do it, but Casey wanted us to be happy with his services, and we were! About two years ago, Casey contacted us and told us that he could no longer work for us as our web host because he was going to do “other things”. Everyone in our business was so saddened by this, because he had become such a tremendous asset. Several times, we tried to get Casey to come back and work for us. It wasn’t until Casey quit working with us, that we realized how valuable he was. I learned a big lesson from my work experience with Casey, which is to never take anyone for granite … especially, when they’re already doing a good job. Nobody is perfect, and people make mistakes all the time. I think sometimes, we find ourselves judging too quickly without really looking at the big picture of the situation. Since I have firsthand work experience with Casey, I have a different perception of him than those who only know him through his blog. I know without a doubt that Casey is going to pull himself out of this hole that he has dug, and he will come out on top. I am proud of him, and proud of his honesty. I mean come on, he is just a kid … and he is sharing his story with the world so that others might learn from it. I think people should really give him a break, and start noticing just how creative this young man is. He really does have integrity, and he is a good person. I know everyone will see that one day. If you could have had all the “in person” experiences that I had with Casey, you would all recognize what a special young man he is.

  • 84. Bill Bloggs
    June 19th, 2007 at 8:09 am

    I’m sure some nice host who likes boys with blonde hair will oblige…

  • 85. James.Marks
    June 19th, 2007 at 8:23 am

    Casey, wouldn’t it be a good idea, in light of the recent things that have happened, to come back to the States and face your creditors?

    Look. You are begging for a place to stay now. You have everything you need at home.

    What are you hiding from?

  • 86. Listen to this!
    June 19th, 2007 at 8:25 am

    Is there a reason that the new moderator is not letting my posts through? Not a thing wrong with them. If you don’t post this one…it is bye bye for me.

    Casey, please listen to this message. It was practically made for you. God is calling…

    Click on the Father’s Day message. -Cheryl

  • Why not buy a motorhome? Can you get 100% financing and Sweet Cashback on a motorhome in Australia?

    Even without the Sweet Cashback, it would still be Sweet to travel Australia in a motorhome.

    asw: sweet

  • Casey, you are real star.You should start touring with some seminar.Selling advertising is good, but using it for you own interest would be moneymaker.

  • Post number 33 hit it right on target.I think its that simple you just have to do it now!

  • Have space in container ship leaving Sydney Saturday.

    Sweet bucket supplied.

  • 91. Robert Dobbs
    June 19th, 2007 at 8:51 am

    I know, why don’t you contact the banks whose money YOU STOLE and see if they have a place for you to stay. I’m sure that they would love to hear from you.

  • Hey Casey.

    Don’t give up - remember that video of you and Robert Kiyosaki. Robert told you that if you ever, EVER give up, it will be the end and you will fail and go into a loser W2 job.

    Watching that tape must be painful huh Casey?

  • Okay,

    I started a week or so ago. I spent about six hours reading the entire blog in chronological order. I was intrigued by your story and have been back daily since to see what the next thing is in your saga.

    The problem is, your sudden appearence in australia and recent entries have been completely devoid of detail and substance. I’m by no means a hater. In fact, I don’t mind one bit that you are leveraging your notariety and attempting to monetize it. But you have to realize that attention spans are short. I’m probably 3 days away from not returning and I suspect there are a lot more readers like me out there that aren’t posting comments.

    Not sure you even read them since you don’t respond to them, but if you want to keep the maximum number of people checking back and monetise your blog for its maximum value, you’ll need to do a better job of writing and spreading your come back story.

  • WALKABOUT, I tells ya!

    Saves rent, and would make a great chapter for the ‘book.’ And, without some spiritual element, your chances of being picked for Oprah’s book club are slim…

    Its a tough call - Scientology or Walkabout….but since there are fewer aborigines bearing heavy debt loads than there are Scientologists, and since you are in Australia, I’d go for the walkabout…

    Here’s a layman’s definition from the web:

    “In Australian aboriginal cultures, a “walkabout” is a ritual in which a young man goes on a solitary journey through the wilderness in an attempt to learn more about his own character and strength.”


  • 95. Tom Cullen: Real Estate Magnate
    June 19th, 2007 at 9:05 am


  • Why would the Advertisers leave when this Website has the traffic it needs?

  • @51 Blinky Bill:

    “There are backpacker style accomodation for about $20-25AUD usually. ”

    Do they take credit cards?


    Then the Hobbit ain’t interested.

  • Hey Kid:

    Jin’s got the solution, little hobbit:

    “I am most happy to see that you have moved onto the path of a beggar. It is good karma to give to a beggar. You should go to India next.”

    This is true, puppet, I’ve been to India, and yes, people DO give alms to beggars.

    The only downside is that you have to fight real hard to keep from being trampled by the thousand OTHER beggars scrambling for the “karmic-cashback”.

    But hey, you can stil realize your “guru dream”…only not in real estate…you can be DevaCasey, The Guru of Utter Flailure.

    Win-win, kid.

    asw: signhere

  • 99. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 19th, 2007 at 10:30 am

    @ Les Miserable
    “You’re what’s known as a “goer” in Australia - someone with a bit of “get up and go” in them. ”
    Les Mis, I’ve got to disagree with you there. Casey doesn’t even GET UP in the morning! (See the old IAFF entries, or for a real eye-opener, the old Earth Mission blog posted on Caseypedia).

  • Complications? Did he come on to you?

    How did you manage to overstay your welcome so quickly? Do tell.

  • 101. cashisking
    June 19th, 2007 at 11:23 am



    I learned that long ago too! Now if I could only stop taking people for marble…. hmmmm….

  • 102. Austin Guy
    June 19th, 2007 at 11:26 am

    “Can somebody offer me a place to stay so I can finish up some stuff here in Australia?”

    What exactly is the “stuff” you need to finish up? If you want an offer of free food/lodging, you should post a clear, real, honest answer before expecting someone to open their home for you. How long would you be staying, and what would you be doing there?

    Ever listen to radio station WIFM, Casey? What does the host have to gain? And honestly, why should anyone take the risk of having you stay with them?

  • This is unrelated to the situation at hand, but I just wanted to find out if there is anybody that reads these that could maybe offer me some advice. Long story short: I am 22, own four rental properties in GA, and am two months behind on all payments. The houses have been listed for sale for months, and I have been trying to work with lenders to atleast do a deed in lieu. I do not want the houses and have been trying to get out of this situation for months. Is there anybody out there that has had multiple properties foreclosed on? My main concern is the tax implications this is going to have, and not to mention if any of the lenders try to get deficiency judgements on me. I’ve been trying to look at this site for advice and help and haven’t found any. I worked my butt off for 4 yrs for an engineering degree, graduated last yr, and have a good paying job. I got into RE and got lied to by a lot of ppl, but i take full responsiblity and am just trying move on with my life. I’ve done a lot of research myself but I’m still pretty uncertain about how this is going to turn out. If anybody has any advice please e mail me at atlantaholdings at gmail dot com.

  • “I learned a big lesson from my work experience with Casey, which is to never take anyone for granite”

    Or limestone for that matter!
    Casey, did you write that glowing testimony?

  • put a “donation button” on the blog. I’d send ya some cents for the entertainment that i keep visiting back for.



  • also- you remind me of Dave Ramsey- He went from $3 Billion in Real Estate to Bankruptcy and is now a very wealth and popular man- by learning and teaching from his mistakes.

    maybe he would be interested in teaching you free in exchange for all the exposure he would get.


  • “I learned a big lesson from my work experience with Casey, which is to never take anyone for granite…”

    I wouldn’t take someone for a piece of granite either. But I might take someone for granted.


    Just go home. Your pathetic charade is getting old and your losing readers by the day.

    Take care of your problems and tell us how you do. It will be much more interesting than the little games you’re playing now.


  • “My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications.”

    Just in case you are thinking of whining about how everyone is assuming that these ‘complications’ are your fault, the reason people assume this is because, as with so many things, you have failed to provide details. If the complications were in now way what-so-ever your fault then you would have no reason not to say what they are. The fact that you don’t explain these complications makes people think you are hiding something that will make you look bad. Not that you should really worry about that given all the other things that make you look bad.

    Guess you won’t publish this but hey, if you don’t then it means you took the time to read it and dislike it.

  • Dude - rent “Wolf Creek” and wise up.

    These Aussies can seem all rustic and quirky - then they start snipping off your toes.

    Not a cool place to make blind trysts with strangers, mate.

  • “I’d like to be known for a really creative comeback story,” he says. “Because I have so many odds against me I want to to be able to show people that no matter how down you are or how big a hole you’re in there’s always a way out. You just have to stay positive.”

    - Casey.

    Awesome Casey, here are a couple of more quotes:

    “The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.”

    “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

    “Self-confidence gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that your world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person.”

    “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”

    “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.”

    “Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.”

    “Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something.”

    “To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

    “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”

    “It’s choice–not chance–that determines your destiny.”

    “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

  • Have you considered busking? You can sit in the street moderating comments with a shoebox for people to throw change into.

  • Hey how’s it going! My name is James and I was wondering if you would like to Link Exchange with me? My blog title is Fighting for Friday, and my URL is I would greatly appreciate it, and I look forward to hearing back from you! (A comment would be the best!)


  • Dude…I can’t believe how stupid you are. It’s one thiing to commit a crime of deception, but it is another thing to broadcast it to the entire english speaking world.

    If you have commited a crime you should keep quite about it, and avoid attracting attention to yourself.

    In case you aren’t aware, your blog constitutes evidence which can, and will be used against you, if you are prosecuted. Worse still, your blog will attract the attnetion of authorities. You are making yourself a target, and a scapegoat, and the US justice system will take advantage of you to scare off others.

    Your high profile, together with your admissions, means that it is very likely you will be prosecuted for obtaining a financial advantage by deception.

    Take my advice, and do not return to the US for a while. Be aware that Australia has a formal extradition traty with the US. The authorities can bring charges against you in absentia, they can alert interpol, and have you arrested in Australia and flown back to the States.

    So, travel to a place like indonesia. You will easily find web deisgn work there. Make some money honestly. Continue to service your loans from there.

    Delete this blog. It is a liability for you, and you are too stupid to realise it. Once your profile dims down, it will be safe for you to travel to the US.

  • I’ve reserved for you… gratis

  • “I learned a big lesson from my work experience with Casey, which is to never take anyone for granite … ”

    I guess that background in psychology didn’t teach you that the word is “granted,” not “granite.”

  • You should try couch surfing!

  • Only 75% successful at being a guest, eh?

  • Casey,

    Aren’t you overseas right now?

  • 81. Kris wrote:

    > Casey worked as our webhost provider through
    > his internet company “SweetHost” back in 2004.

    Sweet company name…

    > I knew from the very first time I met Casey,
    > that he would probably be a millionaire by the
    > time he was 30 yrs old.

    Looks like Chris was wrong.

    > And I still believe that! What I saw in Casey
    > back then, was the most brilliant computer
    > technician I had ever met in my life.

    I bet the only other “computer technician” that Chris has met was a retard that pounds his fist on the keyboard.

    > Given my background in Psychology, I figured
    > that surely he must have an above average I.Q.

    Probably for Saceamento where the “average” IQ is about 80 (anyone smarter moves out of this hot smelly hell hole)…

    > Through my numerous interactions with Casey,
    > I found him to be an honorable, intense young man

    Sure he is a liar and a cheat and does not pay hid debts, but other than that…

    > Eventhough, I am much older than him, I found
    > myself treating him more as an equal …

    Casey is smart compared to someone with an IQ of 70 (who thinks “eventhough is one word)…

    > Casey remedied the problem by redesigning
    > our entire website for Free of Charge.

    It looks like he has a long histroy of making no money…

    > Casey contacted us and told us that he could
    > no longer work for us as our web host because
    > he was going to do “other things”.

    Did he tell you he was going to try and become the “king of the fliptards” and the “worlds most hated blogger”?

    > I learned a big lesson from my work experience
    > with Casey, which is to never take anyone for
    > granite …

    Great idea since it is a long way from Sac to the mountains if you need some real granite….

    P.S. If Casey only had some granite on the counter tops of his homes he may have been able to flip them…

  • And besides touring, vacationing and eating (on someone else’s dime) have you been doing down under?

    That’s it - make sure you go to countries where you are not legally allowed to work - that’ll help explain why you do nothing except blog.

  • “My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications”

    Care to elaborate?

  • @ # 81 Kris

    Nice post.

    He has a quality to him this Casey. Good/Bad/Whatever… there is a little “Casey” in all of us. There is something that we all want BADLY!!! Many are just don’t go after “it” because we are so afraid to fail. We all have our own stories to tell…but on an open blog??? Hell no…not me…hehehehehehehe :-D

    Too bad his age is what is working against him. (No dis intended Casey.) You are more of a MAN than a lot of people even twice your age, when I think of a lot of the things you have accomplished. But you also fall HARD when ever you miss a step. You are after all “only” 24 and it is expected that your judgement will be impaired at times. But you gotta watch that. Anyway, with time, I hope that will improve and I believe you eventually WILL do well.

    AS FOR THE HATERZ: (You know I gotta get ghetto fabulous when I deal with their sorry asses…)

    You got Mocha clones running amock in the blogoshere huh? And I hear every other post you get kicking your a** these days is attributed to me. I hope whoever they are…they are really spankin hater a** …then I will proudly accept any blame you pin on me. As long as the comment really pissed you off…hehehehehehehehe :-D

    To be honest…I checked out your operation in the first place only to figure you out. I don’t like to talk s*** until I get a feel for the individual. Now, I already know what I am dealing with in haterz…a bunch of trailer park bred-no shirt/no shoes/noservice-wife beater wearing-fat gut-burping…oh and I better not forget the “geek squad”…those are the…internet snooping-tight pants/short sleeved shirt wearing- pants pulled up to their nipples-never kissed a girl-nerds…and of course the gals…the good ole gals…nuff said!!!

    Casey keep baiting them…which I hope to God is what you are doing!!!

  • Casey,

    I tried to find you a place to stay. Have you ever stayed in a Hostel? I have when travelling. They are very good when you are travelling light. Anyway, try this one:

    Brisbane City YHA
    392 Upper Roma Street
    Brisbane 4000

    Phone: (07) 3236 1004
    Fax: (07) 3236 1947

    I hope this helps you!

  • @41, DrifterBee:

    At least until he apparently ticked them off and got kicked out, Casey was staying with some Australian person or people, so I’m guessing they took the photos. Either that or the time-honoured ‘ask a stranger to take the photo’ strategy that’s only been in in existence for the last fifty years.

    As for visas, Australian Immigration does NOT require that you have an onward ticket in order to get into the country. You can get in without one - I’ve verified that with a phone call to the Dept of Immigration here in Australia.

  • 125. Quick N Easy Millionaire
    June 19th, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    I know where you can stay, a foreclosed house with a fence blocking it like homeless bob.

  • To the person who offered Casey a place to stay in Sydney for two nights in return for getting some work done around the place, I would say that Casey was supposed to be able to concentrate, not to spend the whole day working. However, look what I suggest. Offer to Casey a place to stay for a longer period. During that time, even if it takes a month or two, or whatever you agree with Casey, Casey would have to do at his own pace several things such as cleaning out your garage, weeding the garden, cutting three trees and doing your lawn. That would be a fair deal.

  • Casey,

    That’s impressive the amount of exposure you
    are getting. Keep up the good work.


  • casey are you selling your blog?

  • 129. one_who_knows1
    June 19th, 2007 at 10:10 pm

    Might as well end this travesty.

    Casey, you should go to the US Embassy and explain your situation. They can arrange passage back to the US for you.

    Your 15 minutes are up.

    You know it. So do we.

  • Casey,

    You amaze me. Everyday, I promise I won’t look at your site, but I just keep coming back for more. That line:”My stay with my current Australian host is coming to an end this week due to some complications.” was a brilliant hook. We all could see that coming. Casey becomes the unwanted house guest.

    Go back home, get a job, declare bankruptcy and start to live a normal life. Eventually, all this media attention will destroy you.


  • I lived in Oz for a year without working on about $10k. This included all accommodation, too much beer and even a week scuba diving. You just need to hold another begathon and entice some rich fans this time to pull the cash together. I had a great time, you should too. Good times are coming, Casey, just look up and take. Sweet take!

  • Surely you can gain more respect by confirming that you have paid, something, in fact anything to your creditors.

    How much have you made from all of this?

    How can you live with yourself if you don’t contribute at least something?

    I’m meeting my insolvency practitioner today, and I WANT to pay something to regain some dignity.

    Am I completely alone in thinking it is far better to be able to live with yourself and do the right thing. Not go through life carrying the burden of having the ability to repay something, but trying to get away with it.

    At long last, can you tell people what, if anything, you have repaid to your creditors from the ill-gotten gains of this site?

  • Hi Casey,

    Great web site and good on you for giving it a good go even if it did not work first time.

    Great to hear that you have picked yourself up and are still working at making a success of life.

    I have sent you a copy of my book Five Steps to Success. I hope you find it helpful. If you think others could benefit from it they can get it at

    Come and see us in the UK some time.


  • 134. Svetogorsk
    June 20th, 2007 at 3:42 am

    I don’t like to talk s*** until I get a feel for the individual.

    You must get a feel for the individual pretty quickly, then…

  • 135. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 20th, 2007 at 7:33 am

    122. Monica
    June 19th, 2007 at 5:25 pm
    To the person who offered Casey a place to stay in Sydney for two nights in return for getting some work done around the place, I would say that Casey was supposed to be able to concentrate, not to spend the whole day working. However, look what I suggest. Offer to Casey a place to stay for a longer period. During that time, even if it takes a month or two, or whatever you agree with Casey, Casey would have to do at his own pace several things such as cleaning out your garage, weeding the garden, cutting three trees and doing your lawn. That would be a fair deal.

    Monica: I’m hoping that you wrote this without really thinking much about it first, because it’s just about the most asinine line of reasoning I’ve ever seen.

    “Casey was supposed to be able to concentrate, not to spend the whole day working. ”

    “Supposed to”? According to what logic? That’s what Casey may have WANTED to do (though most of us have a different meaning of the word “concentrate” than “nap” or “sit on my a** and stare into space”), but he had not accumulated the resources or had a plan that made that desire even remotely logical. If someone wanted to go to Australia and work on a book or whatever for several months, they could certainly do that - after saving up the money to live on while doing it, having a plan, etc. All these things are absent here.

    Other bizarre things in this post:

    “Work” and “concentrate” are often connected in the real, grown-up world.

    “Fair deal”? Your use of the word “fair” is similarly puzzling.

    My husband “was supposed” to earn six figures upon graduating from law school. Guess what, he makes less than that. Who is obligated to make up that difference to him? You? When should we expect the check?
    (note: my husband did not, and would never actually take the above position. Why? Because he’s not an idiot, and it’s ridiculous).

    Why should strangers let Casey freeload for several weeks (or MONTHS, as you suggest) and “do things at his own pace”? The reality is that he is totally f*****d - he’s in a foreign country with no money and no way to get back home. (Not to mention that the foreign country he chose to go to is a great distance from the US and getting home will be a very large expense). As he himself put it: “beggars can’t be choosers”. The person who offered two nights lodging in exchange for yard work is actually doing a kindness. It would spare him from two nights sleeping in the road.

    Finally, to Casey: You should really think about doing a talkcast this week. I guarantee that there would be a lot of participation (and downloading, for that sweet, sweet, income stream!)

  • Casey,

    The reason why so many people hate you is because the things you write make you look like a presumptuous and sad child. I realize you play this up to encourage your crowd, and that you actually welcome the hatred, but I’m sure it nags at your pride to have to look like such a buffoon.

    I mean, to “finish things up in Australia”? What could you possibly be working on? Nothing at all. You take constant breaks from stress that you caused yourself. You constantly do childish and silly things - like shutting down your blog in CLEAR violation of what your publisher expected of you… If you were going to be honest with yourself, you’d admit that you work neither hard, nor intelligently.

    I mean… the essential problem is that you still seem to think you’re entitled to live a relaxing and successful life without the benefit of sacrificing anything. People basically hate you because you represent to the working world what “new age religions” are to the religious world. All the benefits, with none of the sacrifices. You’re basically looking for “The Secret” of jobs. It’s depressing in the same way that Oprah’s self-help afternoons are depressing.

  • Casey was offered the opportunity to stay in Australia as long as he wants, not just for a few days. While that may not necessarily mean that he could stay there all his life, asking him to leave so soon after he spent money on a plane ticket is just not fair. So, of course, if somebody else offered him housing in Australia, that would be fair.

  • Casey, why would you NOT sue Robert Cote for the damage he has done to you?

    The fact that you have suffered is EASY to prove.

    The HARDEST part of these types of lawsuits is FINDING the person.

    In your case THAT IS NOT AN ISSUE. His name, address, phone number, etc. etc. are ALREADY KNOWN.

    Robert also has plentiful ASSETS.

    Given the facts of your case, there are many attorneys who would take it on CONTINGENCY.

  • 139. Svetogorsk
    June 20th, 2007 at 11:15 pm

    Casey, why would you NOT sue Robert Cote for the damage he has done to you?

    Well, he’s welcome to try, but it’s hard to think of anything that might actually stick. What exactly has Robert personally done, aside from a great deal of obviously public-interest reportage and a few snarky comments?

    In any case, Casey would be well advised not to initiate legal proceedings against anyone, ever - the blowback could be spectacularly self-destructive.

    Oscar Wilde provides a useful warning: his attempt at suing the Marquess of Queensberry for defamatory libel ended up with Wilde himself being convicted and imprisoned, as an unexpected side-effect of material that came out in court.

  • 140. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 21st, 2007 at 6:42 am

    134. Monica
    June 20th, 2007 at 12:18 pm
    Casey was offered the opportunity to stay in Australia as long as he wants, not just for a few days. While that may not necessarily mean that he could stay there all his life, asking him to leave so soon after he spent money on a plane ticket is just not fair. So, of course, if somebody else offered him housing in Australia, that would be fair.


    Monica, are you familiar with the term “agency” as used in the social sciences? It refers generally to attribution of action to a source. Specific individuals (let’s call them Household #1) offered Casey a place to stay for some unspecified (but presumably long) period of time. Presumably they did this in good faith. Because Casey won’t tell us, we don’t know what he did to piss these people off so much that they are throwing him out - but think about it - as I’ve said before, since they made the offer in the first place, it seems unlikely that they would withdraw it so quickly (knowing that Casey has no money and no ticket home) without good reason.

    Now, you were criticizing Household #2 for offering Casey a place to stay for a couple of days. That offer came from an entirely different person, presumably unconnnected with Household #1. They have no need whatsoever to take into account the initial offer, given that it has nothing whatsoever to do with them.

    You seem to have the idea that actions and offers come “from the universe” and are just free-floating. Um, no.

    My point here (and I don’t know why I’m bothering, because you really don’t seem to be the brightest crayon in the box) is that the entire country of Australia doesn’t “owe” Casey a thing. “Fair” would be for Casey to get a damn job and pay back his lenders.

  • I believe in keeping one’s promises. Household 1 should have allowed Casey to stay. If he was such a pest that they could not keep him, they should have kept their promise by finding alternative accomodation, even if they had to pay. That would have been the honourable thing to do. I would be glad to provide free housing to Casey, but I’m not in Australia.

    Of course, Household 2 or anybody else in Australia have no obligation to offer accomodation to Casey, but in the whole country, there must be some kind people who can do that. They don’t have to, but that would be nice. Helping a stranger stranded in their country, although through no fault of their own, would be fair. Paying back creditors is only fair if it is reasonable. I don’t see why Casey would deprive himself of a large portion of the money he earns for many years just to give it back to the big fat banks and other money-lending businesses that make money by charging interest. Reimbursing various individuals he may owe money to is a completely different story. And paying something to the banks, too, but according to his means, may well be fair, but the banks can afford some losses, which are part of their business.

  • 142. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 22nd, 2007 at 8:14 am

    Monica: you must be new around here.

  • 143. That One Guy
    June 22nd, 2007 at 12:15 pm

    Welcome to IAFF, Monica! Nice to have someone around who’s a bigger moron than Casey.

  • “I’d like to be known for a really creative comeback story,” he says. “Because I have so many odds against me I want to to be able to show people that no matter how down you are or how big a hole you’re in there’s always a way out. You just have to stay positive.”

    I have to say that this shows an incredible amount of immaturity and denial on your part…the “odds against you” aren’t just coincidental, they were caused by you! You put yourself in this situation, and you’re down because YOU put YOU there. This isn’t just about somebody who is down on their luck….this is about your dishonest and deceitful practices finally catching up with you. I would hardly consider that being up against any odds-you’re just up against your own stupidity and bad judgement.

    This is definitely “irritainment.” Thanks for sharing that vamacharini.

  • 145. Svetogorsk
    June 24th, 2007 at 2:02 am

    I believe in keeping one’s promises.

    So do I. But…

    Household 1 should have allowed Casey to stay. If he was such a pest that they could not keep him, they should have kept their promise by finding alternative accomodation, even if they had to pay. That would have been the honourable thing to do.

    That’s all well and good, but I’d be more impressed by this argument if it wasn’t being used to defend someone who - as far as I can see - has never kept a promise in his life if there was a danger of it undermining any of his plans for instant gratification. Even if said promise was made in the form of a signed, legally binding contract.

    If Casey doesn’t keep his promises - to his lenders, his business partners, his friends, even his loved ones - why should anyone else?

    I don’t see why Casey would deprive himself of a large portion of the money he earns for many years just to give it back to the big fat banks and other money-lending businesses that make money by charging interest.

    The key phrase in that extremely muddled argument is “give it back”. It’s not Casey’s money, so he won’t be “deprived” of anything that belongs to him - and he won’t “deprive himself” as the decision won’t be made by him.

    The last time Casey had a genuinely free choice in this matter was when he consciously chose to tell lies in order to get more money than he was entitled to. And if he doesn’t have the money, he’s obviously going to have to earn it.

    Just think through what you’re arguing. Unless you think Casey is truly special and that normal laws shouldn’t apply to him, you’re arguing that people in general who successfully defraud banks of millions of dollars should somehow be praised, and certainly shouldn’t have to return the money.

    I can’t work out if you’re genuinely stupid or blinded by inexplicable love for Casey, but can you really not see why your argument is totally unsustainable?

  • So, Casey,
    Did u find a place to stay? Or did u just head back to California or stay in your car?

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