Sunday, August 5, 2007

Norway Would Be a Sweet Place to Visit

Norway Scenic

As a break from the craziness lately, I’ve been checking out one of my Sweet Link sponsor’s website: I didn’t know much about Norway before, so I did a little bit of reading and talking with the sponsor.

I never realized Norway has the highest Human Development Index of any country. It has had this ranking for the last 6 years. Besides that it has the second highest GDP per capita. Looks like what keeps it going strong is oil, quote from Norway on Wikipedia:

In 2006, oil and gas accounted for 58% of exports. Only Russia and OPEC member Saudi Arabia export more oil than Norway, which is not an OPEC member. To reduce over-heating from oil-money, the uncertainty from the oil income volatility, and save money for an aging population, the Norwegian state started in 1995 to save petroleum income (taxes, dividends, licensing, sales) in a Sovereign wealth fund (“Government Pension Fund - Global”). This also reduces the boom and bust cycle associated with raw material production and the marginalization of non-oil industry.

Because of its size the fund is invested in developed financial markets outside Norway. The budgetary rule (”Handlingsregelen”) is to spend no more than 4% of the fund each year (assumed to be the normal yield from the fund ). By January 2006, the Fund was at USD 200 billion, representing 70% of GDP in Norway. During the first half of 2007, the pension fund became the largest fund in Europe, totaling about USD 300 billion. Already (April 2007), Norway has the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. Projections indicate that the Norwegian pension fund is set to become the largest capital fund in the world. Conservative estimates tell that the fund may reach USD 800-900 billion by 2017. Other natural resource-based economies (examples: Russia and Chile) are trying to learn from Norway by establishing similar funds.

That $300 Billion fund sounds pretty sweet! That’s bigger than our $250 billion CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System), which is the largest pension fund in the United States. I wonder what kind of assets they’re looking for…

Aside from oil and huge funds, Norway has some awesome scenery. I love scenic places and getting away into the nature when things get crazy and when I want to get some thinking done (Lake Tahoe is my local favorite, I lived there for 6 months at one time).

Here are a few pictures from

Norway Scenic 2

Norway Scenic 3

Norway Scenic 4

Norway Interesting Sculptures 1

Norway Interesting Sculptures 2


  • Nice orgy-statue pic, there, Casey! That should boost your clicks.

  • I’ve been to Norway. If anything, those pictures understate how beautiful it is.

    But it’s also - and I really can’t emphasize this enough - one of the most expensive countries in the world, and the cost of even basic items is eye-watering.

    Then again, you don’t seem to have a problem paying up to $40 for a Jamba Juice, so maybe it’s your sort of place?

  • 3. OneOfTheLurkerz
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:31 am

    Keep working at it, Casey! That $300 billion fund could be yours!

  • 4. WeWantTheFunk
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:32 am

    Fiddling while Rome burns, eh?

    Well, since you no longer have any Google ads, you can get away with pimping your links, I suppose. Of course, they coughed up a few sweet dollars for the mention, and wheatgrass doesn’t pay for itself, so itsallgood. Integrity at its finest, there, Casey.

    Are you planning on opening a new credit line to finance this week’s vacation? Gotta keep your head clear, and spending Other People’s Money™ on a trip is the best way to apply some massively focused action to your legal and financial situation.

    asw: loose

  • 5. Sputnik_the_Cat
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:38 am


    Casey, you should be careful about what you say on your blog during these last days … your creditors and the authorities could be tempted to think “flight risk”.

    Having said that, I hear there are some totally hot chicks in Norway…



  • Great base jumping there too!

  • oh and by the way….EN is getting really boring.

    I mean not really worth it at all. SAD REALLY

  • wow… that’s a very interesting statue…

    That green valley looks like Yosemite, but sans the rock!!!

  • 9. From_The_Edge
    July 24th, 2007 at 1:07 am



    Casey wants to bait and troll the haters to get them riled up, like the trip to Aus…. But doesn’t have the money to actually travel!!!!!!!!

    So he puts up postcard photos and talks about “wanting” to travel instead.

    Too funny….

  • This is great. A travelogue of Norway! Could Italy be far behind?

    How is the real estate market in Norway? Are the foreclosure laws similar? Are stated income loans popular there?

    Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know…

  • Hey Kid;

    Begging for a ticket and a place to stay, hobbit?

    Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.

    At this point, lush and exotic Battle Mountain or swank and cosmopolitan Moab are more your speed.

    But yes, Norway certainly looks lovely…of course, so does New Jersey if you photograph it very selectively.

  • I know you feel like you have to pump all of your advertisers, but everyone else is bored. Unless you have a sweet supporter who is willing to house you while you are there, we simply don’t care.

    “In other words, tell me which one of you have NEVER overstated ANYTHING (including little things) on ANY application or resume or tax return or whatever.”

    I’ll raise my hand to that. By the way Casey, in your new quest for W2-slavery I thought I’d give you a word of caution. DO NOT EXAGGERATE ON YOUR RESUME. The rule of thumb is that anything on your resume is fair game in an interview. If you claim that you are an expert in web technology, you better be damn prepared to answer any questions the interview has it.

    Or as my boss (slaver-driver) phrases it, “If it’s on your resume, then on your head be it.”

    Back to our regularly scheduled program:

    1) Have you updated your resume?

    2) Have you actually applied for any jobs, other than the one your “advertiser” was pitching to you?

    3) What types of jobs are you applying for?

    4) You said you had a higher offer than Duane’s for selling the blog. What happened to it?

    5) What’s going on with Marty?

    6) Have you solved the mystery of the missing Utah payment yet?

    7) Have you contacted Cashcall yet?

    8) Have you even tried to update your financial statements since Feb? Do you even have access to the documents?

    9) Have you settled your lawsuit yet?

    10) Who, specifically, informed you about the FBI? Have you bothered to confirm that the phone call you got wa from a real agent?

    11) Do you plan on staying in the Sacramento area?

    12) Did your truth-in-lending friends think you have a case against your lenders?

    13) How have you been able to keep up payments for your Hammar debt, with very little income?

  • 13. Astro Zombie
    July 24th, 2007 at 1:21 am

    But Norway has no lions.

    Who will get the joke?

  • Norway is a lovely country, although you have to be quite strong to survive the long winters. Being active through skiing and hiking is a good way to beat the winter blues. Some people use sun-lamps as well to get their vitamin D fix.

    As a poster above said, the prices are very high, especially for alcohol. Oslo makes London seem cheap.

  • Also the real estate market is fantastic here in Norway. Last year it was 20% up or something. There is a lot of cash among the middle class.

    There is some talk going regarding a crack in the real estate market. However the “problem” is that people got a lot of money, there is still fewer houses built in the urban areas than the growing demand and unemployment is almost distinct. A crack would probably only be short term.

    You should really should visit here sometime. We got a sweet social system that makes sure that even when you fail you don’t fail. The government provides housing and meet other basic needs if you can’t afford it. ;-)

  • 16. Loads o Money
    July 24th, 2007 at 1:59 am


    Would you believe the owner of the subject to in Dallas I have been telling you about lives in Norway and wants to meet with you. What ya say Casey ?

    Shall I tell him next week ? Monday ?

    Loads o Money

  • 17. Richard Wicks
    July 24th, 2007 at 2:06 am

    Is it time for another vacation already?

    I guess you deserve it, you put in more effort doing nothing than anybody I’ve ever seen.

  • It might have a HDI but it’s also very fecking expensive.

    Listen kid, don’t talk about places you’d like to visit, sort some fecking stuff out!!!

  • Great pictures!

    Definitely would be a place that I would interested in visiting.

  • 20. Walter Sobchak
    July 24th, 2007 at 2:59 am

    So you’re going to run to Norway when Flowers By Irene comes knocking, eh?

  • LOL!! You crack me up Casey!

    You’re running off to Norway, what a hoot!

    Good luck man, you need it.

  • Looks like a pretty nice place - take the next flight out! Don’t worry about all the crap you are leaving behind.

  • In the immortal words of Monty Python “run away, run away!”

    I’ve been to Norway. It is a beautiful country, and I have some awesome photos of it.

  • Casey,
    Surely the FBI have taken your passport off you, if your being investigated then you arent allowed to leave state.

    Good luck with the wife problem anyway.

  • SWEET! Do I see another skeedaddle on coming!?!

    Snowflake, a trip to Norway is just what you need!

  • casey, casey, casey.

    you can barely meet the cost of living in the united states. i have been to norway, and i can say with utmost certainty that it is so expensive for even basic items it hurts.

    oh yeah, and it’s beautiful in spring and summer - there is nothing better than a scandanavian summer. the flip side - january there TOTALLY SUCKS. dark and cold.

  • Stay the hell out of Norway, loser. They’re much too dignified a country to have to suffer the likes of you.

  • You want to run away again before the Feds come and you are soliciting feedback as to where you should hide. Is that your point?

  • 29. GO FOR IT!!!!
    July 24th, 2007 at 4:49 am


    Go for it. Think of all the sweet arbitrage waiting for you.

    It’s all good Casey… all good.

  • I have been to Norway, and it is astounding how beautiful all of Scandinavia is! That said it is also ridiculous how expensive it is there. I remember in 1999 one drink at a non-descript bar was the equivalent of 8 U.S. dollars and this was when the dollar was strong. Now with the Euro being what it is I can not imagine what things cost over there.

    Planning on some sweet travel?

  • 31. Charles Darwin
    July 24th, 2007 at 5:00 am


    1. No, I am not gong to click on your website links.

    2. Norway has an extradition treaty with the USA to ship fleeing criminals like you back home to face justice.

    3. Norway used hard work and self-discipline to amass its oil fund instead of spending it all on useless government programs. See what hard work and self-discipline can do Casey?

    4. You can find used copies of “You Are Going to Prison” on ebay for about $50. This may be the best investment you will ever make, so you’d better get a copy while you still have your freedom. The FBI will come knocking any day now, and I seriously doubt you have any assets to post bond…

    5. Get a blood test BEFORE you go to jail, and have the results notarized and filed with an attorney (if you can find one willing to associate with you on the record). This way, you MAY be able to prove that all of the diseases you pick up in prison (hepatitis, AIDS, etc…) were caused by negligence of the prison bureau, and you might get a settlement that will at least pay for the drugs you will need to survive…

    6. When they tell you “it only hurts the first time”, they are lying…



  • Casey, you’re stealing bandwidth. That’s pretty shady of you.

  • Casey,
    What are you thinking? You have no time to be reseraching Norway and saying how sweet it is. You’re up s*** creek without a paddle, and you’re dayreaming. Get focused!

  • Casey,
    I am pretty new to this site and it seems that it is coming to an end soon. From what I can tell you have had some legal problems with regards to other individuals.

    What I’m curious about is where you stand with the authorities?? That MUST keep you up at night knowing that you have broken the law and then wrote about it online. So they have 10-years from the time you committed fraud to come and get you. Have you been contacted by anyone with regards to the legalities of you false loan docs?

    I wish you well man. Often times people get blinded by greed and make some very bad decisions. I certainly hope there is a way out of this so that you can save your marriage and avoid a felony record.

    Good luck.

  • 35. dirtysanchez
    July 24th, 2007 at 5:46 am

    No no no no no!

    Norway HAS an extradition treaty. The whole point of fleeing the country is to go to a country that DOESN’T have an extradition treaty.

    I think Costa Rica is the closest but Uzbekistan might be a good option as well.

    … I’m kidding BTW

  • Run, Casey, Run!

  • 37. A "supporterz"
    July 24th, 2007 at 6:08 am

    CASEY. Get off your computer, stop surfing the web, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SITUATION.

  • Casey, while you’re been playing professional-blogger, have you noticed what your l33t HTML sk1llz have done to your web site’s page-load time?

    You’ve added so many images that every page takes aeons these days. I’m kinda glad that your story is so much more boring than it was a few months ago and I only check in every now and then, because it’d be painfully tedious if I was, say, trying to follow one of the comment-conversations you used to have back when your site was popular…

    Hope you’re not intending to get a W2 job in the web design sphere. This site isn’t exactly something you want on your Curriculum-Vitae, if you know what I mean…

    ASW: lawsuit

  • Oh, yeah:

    Norway, eh? Yes. I understand they have a lot of Snowflakes up there…

    ASW: corporation

  • 40. leopards don't change their spots
    July 24th, 2007 at 6:33 am

    Ahhhh yes…trolling at it’s finest. Of course your intent with this posting is to start the haterz speculating about you possibly running off to Norway. I think you SHOULD run off….especially if the FBI tells you not to plan on going anywhere. At that point in time, you should slip away, undetected, (don’t forget your fake passport). And from time to time, you should send letters to the FBI, all of your lenders, Cashcall and your family… from an “undisclosed” location…taunting them all about how “sweet” the living is and how itsallgood. You can still do your talkcasts and post pictures of yourself in places all over the world…like the travelocity gnome!! Please, please, please take my advice. RUN FOR IT! I doubledawg dare ya!

  • 41. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 6:49 am

    $250! Sweet!

    I assume that last picture is the Spastic Peepee Dance of Fury?

  • Ever heard of Peak Oil?

  • Norway looks like a great place to do some serious thinking. As I recall, the trip to Australia was justified as an opporutnity to focus and finish your “book” away from all the nagging over your persistent failing… and the book will be out when? Next week? Week after? I think you deserve a little break by now.

  • Savings? Those Norwegians are a crazy people!!! Don’t they know that credit is cheaper than ever, and that only suckers don’t have sweet leverage!

    Casey - you need to go pay those folks a visit. A country with that much money needs a new guru - and you could be that manchild.

  • Fiddling while Rome burns, eh?

    ROTFLOL - Only Casey!!

  • Hey Casey,

    I heard on KSFO about unclaimed property in California. The state seizes inactive accounts and then keeps the money until you come looking for it.

    Anyway, go to the state site and search your name. You have $50 waiting to be claimed.

    And unlike most of your dealings, this is not a scam.


    W.C. Varones

  • 47. The Nachos are Stale
    July 24th, 2007 at 7:14 am

    Is that last picture of you?????????????

  • Hi there Casey,

    As a Swede I can safely say that Norway is truly awesome (I’m regularly visiting to go snowboarding/kiting whatever). Their only problem is that their indexes are going “too” high. What I’m saying is they’re becoming really spoiled compared to what they had before. Norway used to be a swedish province, poor as hell with fisheries and small farms as their basic income. Nowadays they’re surpassing us (can you dig that? I mean common, sweden rules); making swedish youth going there in summers and for W-2 jobs and coming back filthy (sweet) rich :D

    Perhaps that what you should do, go to norway and work in a fishery gutting fish? I hear they pay up to 4000k / month before overtime .. if not more. I could show you some sweet spots for nailing those 520s too!

    Well, enough ranting and good luck with your life Casey, take care!

  • Ouch, I was so with you on this one until I got to that last pic :(

  • Here is a reference of countries that you might want to avoid (hint they’re in light blue).

    Click here

    July 24th, 2007 at 7:20 am

    Casey, the FBI is watching you!

  • Wow, that might be really nice. I wouldn’t mind a trip there.

    One Man. One Year. $100,000 online. So I can visit Norway.

  • 53. these pretzels...
    July 24th, 2007 at 7:38 am


  • Here we go again with the PULLING A NIGEL™ crowd but we have a third entrant:

    #19 OneBeggarsGoal vs. #49 AJFacingPennies vs. #52 OneYearBeggar.

    Who will win the title of link wh*re? Stay tuned.

  • 55. Junior Mint
    July 24th, 2007 at 8:06 am

    It looks as beautiful as Sweden.
    You should go to Sweden. Land of the majestic moose.
    My sister was bitten by a moose once.
    No, really!

  • Casey, how about an update on the Circus Circus casino deal that you’re brokering? I think that could be your ticket to success.

  • #14 abba “…..Oslo makes London seem cheap….”

    As a matter of fact, the most expensive city is Moscow with London as the second most expensive city….. and Oslo #10 on the Mercer’s cost of living list:

  • Casey has the presumption of innocence - he hasn’t been convicted of any crime. He isn’t under indictment for any crimes - he has no legal obligation to limit his travel, the FBI doesn’t have the authority to simply decide whether people can or can’t excercise their constitutional right to travel - they have to indict casey and show, at arraignment, that he’s a flight risk to do that.

  • 59. Make A Run For It
    July 24th, 2007 at 8:35 am


    Is this your way of saying that you may go under the “radar” like you blogged you may do if things got bad?

  • I am getting tired of reading these plugs.

  • By the way Casey, I’ve been listening to your super-secret audio, and on day 7, at 55:30 minutes you talk about how you had one successful deal using an auction. Then you took one of the parties who lost the auctiuon and convinced them to buy the winner’s home.

    You then say: “I tried to collect a wholesale fee, cause I wanted to basically wholesale it. And I ended up… I ended up not getting the fee because they basically screwed me out of it”

    Here’s the deal, you introduced a buyer to a seller, and then wanted a piece of the action for your troubles. That makes sense. The problem is that only licensed real estate brokers can receive a commission.

    You weren’t wholesaling, you were trying to introduce a buyer to a seller. The difference, as they say, is the skin in the game. If the buyers had walked away, you would have lost nothing, so you were therefore angling for a commission.

    No offense, but yet again you’ve shown us how little you know about real estate. And therefore how little you’ve learned from these “gurus”.

    The Landlord

    Here’s an applicable link (not exact, since it’s talking about law firms, but still relevant):

  • Yawn. All this Norway™ talk makes me sleepy. I am going to take a nap™.

  • To everyone that fed me for the lawyer fees…Please don’t be mad…Just add a couple more $20 and I will personally guarantee that Casey won’t use it for the Norway trip and use it for Lawyer fees…Hahahahahahaha…Suckers

  • 64. The Guy Next Door
    July 24th, 2007 at 9:57 am


    Remember your justification for keeping the blog up one last month? You were supposed to be finishing things up… bringing closure to various aspects of your story. Sooo, what part of your story do you think involves NORWAY???

    It’s very hard to believe you’re sincere about shutting down your blog in 1.5 weeks when you’re still pulling stunts like this, blatantly trolling to up your hit count.

  • I agree with the guy above - the term “wholesaling” doesn’t make sense - you’re simply buying the contract with hopes of assigning it to someone else (did you actually buy the contract). Considering your current legal problems, I’d be very cautious about serving as a broker between a buyer and seller, something you need to be licensed to do*.

    * I think it’s ironic that the only real estate “education” actually worth spending your money on is that which will allow you to get your real estate license. After $16,000 spent at NRU, you still don’t have the education necessary for a license.

  • casey, are you hinting at your next job? bird dogging investments for CalPERS? sweet!

  • 67. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 24th, 2007 at 10:12 am

    @54. A Winner
    July 24th, 2007 at 7:48 am
    “Here we go again with the PULLING A NIGEL™ crowd but we have a third entrant:

    #19 OneBeggarsGoal vs. #49 AJFacingPennies vs. #52 OneYearBeggar.

    Who will win the title of link wh*re? Stay tuned. ”

    If you go to the “oneyearguy” (that’s the same a****** posting under different usernames) site you will see that “AJ” is a regular poster there. AND, one year guy has some drivel about posting comments on random blogs to get people to click to yours.

    Pathetic losers.

    Oh, and Casey: As others have pointed out, Norway DOES have an extradition treaty with the US. It’s also expensive, and cold in the winter. I think you should wait till October or so to head over there. It will be SWEEET to follow your adventures in homelessness there.

    ASW: winwin. gack.

  • Have a job yet?

  • 69. See You Here August 4th!
    July 24th, 2007 at 10:26 am

    Just want to say again how much I’m looking forward to continuing the saga on August 4th. This ain’t gonna end here, folks. Count on it.

  • 70. WeWantTheFunk
    July 24th, 2007 at 11:24 am


    Phoenix job?

    Utah payment?

    Answers . . . ?

  • Not since Adolf Hitler cast his eyes to the west has a country had reason to have more fear and apprehension than Casey Serin’s musing about life in Norway.

  • What is this? A geography blog?

    This post is lame.

  • 73. Fred and Ethel Murse
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:10 pm

    Putting together pretty pictures of Norway…….are you insane?

  • Let me guess:

    Suddenly you’re going to be blogging from Norway - and talking about all the work and productivity you’re achieving and blah blah blah.

    Stacey: Wake up. Get a job. Norway is one of the most expensive countries on Earth.

    And you have NO MONEY, NO JOB, TONS of DEBT, a MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS, and you appear to be DELUSIONAL.

  • 75. Cast The First Bone
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:32 pm

    It looks like a GREAT place to live out of your car, Casey.

    I wonder how much it would cost to ship over Vdubs?

    ps. You might want to go to Disneyland for a couple days to prepare yourself for the price shock that awaits you in Norway.

  • are you being paid for this badly veiled advertisement or is this a beg-a-thon for another free ticket somewhere?

  • 77. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 12:55 pm

    Norway Would Be a Sweet Place to Visit

    Innocent Would Be a Sweet Verdict to Receive.

  • 78. TV Announcer
    July 24th, 2007 at 1:10 pm


  • So like, what happen to the MULTIPLE offers (emphasis on multiple) you on the table well over $100k for IAFF?

    While you explain that one, tell us why the $20k deal you accepted was canceled by the buyer.

    Can’t wait for that answer.

  • Casey,

    Here is my advice. Head to your local FBI office, confess your sins, aum crimes. You will feel much better.

  • OneYearGoal - you’re such a coat tail rider, try not to be so obvious…

  • If you move to Norway, that will move Iceland to #1 on the index.

    asw = troll

  • 83. From_The_Edge
    July 24th, 2007 at 2:01 pm


    I am actually looking forward to the end of this blog… And bring a closure to all of this.

    Especially if the next few posts are gonna be:

    -A car would be a sweet thing to drive
    -Food would be a sweet thing to eat
    -Water would be a sweet beverage to drink
    -Maine would be a sweet place to visit
    -Air would be sweet to breath
    -Toilet would be a sweet place to take a crap…….

    (Sorry Casey, if I had given away any of your upcoming topics for the next 10 days…).

    …… Its terribly boring stuff to read I tell you.

    … Harder and harder to find good entertainment on the net nowadays. Even or craigslist housing forum is more entertaining than this.

  • Hey Kid;

    How about the Congo?

    Think about it, hobbit.

    No government regualtion, a low cost of living, no long dark cold winters, very few pesky taxes for social programs, and an exploding poulation,(which means a great demand for housing).

    And…you could gain fame as “the White Pygmy”.

    Heck, man, think of the business wardrobe you could wear…flip-flops, a loincloth, and a kente kuf.

  • Great post Casey…Norway is fun and so is posting meaningful comments on your blog.

    I’m the queen of the linkw****s

  • Completely boring and not even worth commenting on. I guess out with a whimper.

  • 87. Some norwegian
    July 24th, 2007 at 3:02 pm

    Norway is a great country, and has some great opportunities. The housing market has not yet gone belly up like in the rest of the world (but might be going that way soon), so we need some Casey magic.

    If you want some sweet passive income this is also the country to come to, each Norwegian is a millionaire, because the world owes us lots of money. Getting disability pay is also easy, so that almost any taxi driver (of Pakistani origin) can do that after some years. We also have free healthcare and a stunning nature.

    So what do you say? Maybe relocate once more? Leave all that mess behind you and come to Norway with a clean slate. Just forget about your debt and leave others to clean that up, you are the ideas man! Norway is full of blue eyed people with to much money in their pocket, so you can make some great deals here.

    If it sounds appealing, I can offer you a room to stay in for about 4 weeks (as soon as I get back from vacation). So you can get the feel for the country.

    Note: Offer for stay is not a joke. I want you to make it in this world. On the other hand, if it would me not to much of a hassle, I would like as you one small thing…. It is not much…, but maybe you could keep updating your blog while you are in Norway ;)

  • 88. RichExPat in Sydney
    July 24th, 2007 at 3:02 pm

    If I were you I would already be there! You need to leave the country and start over. Beats Federal prison every time. It will be Spring here in Sydney in another month. Qantas also has some great deals $900 round trip but I suggest you don’t use the return ticket.

  • 89. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 3:12 pm

    Yes: spreadsheet. How bad is it now?

    IAFF talkcast, July 6th:

    So this week is my goal, and yeah, you know, you guys can hold me accountable on this blog that by the end of this week I’ll have an updated spreadsheet.

  • Casey, you know what would make this blog semi-interesting again? I would like to see the following post:

    You know the FBI knows your whereabouts at every moment. Think about that for a second, at every moment they know exactly where you are. They are just waiting for the go ahead to arrest you. It’s not going to be a phone call, it’s not going to be a turn yourself in type situation, you are a flight risk.

    With no notice they will knock on the door, even if you are with friends and/or family, you will be put in handcuff and lead away. With all the press your story has gotten, do you think your arrest will not be reported on?

    The stories will start appearing in the paper, locally, likely the first page. They will include quotes from you like “Yes, I committed mortgage fraud”.

    The whole world will know about your misdeeds, your friends, your family’s friends, your wife’s friends and family, imagine how awkward and uncomfortable it will be for them it will be for them, it will be the big white elephant in the room, after all, the were so close to someone that was not only an admitted criminal, but someone who boasted about it under the guise of “sharing their mistakes”.

    You will be strip searched, and completely alone, nothing to read, no one to talk to, no one to tell you that it will be alright, because it won’t. It will be hours, perhaps even days before you get to speak to anyone that would genuinely care about your well being, feeling all alone, sharing a small cell with someone that has likely committed crimes that you consider much much worse, assault, robbery, rape, etc, you will be just waiting to appear in front of a judge and likely cameras there to document your um-kept appearance and orange jumpsuit just waiting to be published in the local newspaper the next day for all your friends and family and their friends and family to see.

    Please, I would really like to see a post on what it’s like to be looking towards that and how you plan on handling it.

  • No way in hell are we going to let you touch our sweet oil passive income fund.

  • #42. OHMY!
    July 24th, 2007 at 6:50 am

    Ever heard of Peak Oil?

    Yes I’ve heard, reading websites like will convince you that we’re about to have the end of civilization as we know it. I was starting to buy into it and even started looking into honing my surviving / fishing / farming skills.

    But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy. Once that technology is in place everything can be powered by it: cell phones, cars, houses, airplanes, spaceships, and never run out of juice. As crazy as it sounds I believe its real. (It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)

    So if this thing takes off the oil companies may go out of business (provided these companies don’t try to squash this new startup). And the whole Peak Oil scare is not going to be much of an issue.

  • A few weeks ago you did explicitly say you were going to update your spreadsheet (and that we could call you out on it)…

    Wait, in Caseyland promises and agreements are null and void after a few weeks, my bad.

  • 94. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    I was starting to buy into it and even started looking into honing my surviving / fishing / farming skills.

    Those might still come in handy when you go on the lam.

  • 95. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 24th, 2007 at 5:27 pm

    re: Casey’s musings on peak oil

    Whew! I was really worried about that, but now that I know about your big-money associate and the cold-fusion battery thingy, I’m not any more. Thanks Casey!

    (of course I’m falling into the trap, but I’m pretty sure this post is designed to up the comment count - there just weren’t enough to feed his sad, desperate, troll ego).

  • Casey sez:

    I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy.

    As crazy as it sounds I believe its real.

    (It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)


    You are sooooo 2007-housing-bubble-burst-over. YAWN.

    Just when I think you can’t be any lamer, you somehow still manage to find and then shoot another leg out from underneath yourself. What are you a caterpillar with a Sten gun?

    I think the only question left now is: “How long does it take for a person to actually die from embarrassment?”

    Please do us a favor and have a family member email everyone the answer, ’cause I really am not sure many have enough interest left to have to navigate back here to find out.

    Last haterz™ to leave the website, please turn out the lights.

  • 97. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 5:41 pm

    But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy.

    Sweet! If only you had some juicy corporate credit to invest…

  • “It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.”

    What, you mean delusional snake oil salesmen who take advantage of the gullible?

    Good thing you don’t have any money left to invest in this nonsense, or I’d be worried about you.

  • You should keep the blog going.

    Everyone is interested is seeing how continue to screw up, time after time, but more importantly how you are able to top each screw up.

    As far as re investment goes, I am truly troubled that you individuas are seeking advise from you. I just don’t understand it, so please tell those folks that if they are asking you for advise, they should not pursue real estate. They will fail irrespective if you help or not, so use your power for good and tell them not to invest in the re market.

    Better yet, pass them on to some of the re bubble pages.

    I am not here to say that one can’t make money investing in re, I am just saying if they are asking you they do not have the ability to make money in re investing.

    I have been following this site since the begining, and if you just stay focused and listen to some of the smart folks that post you should be able to turn it around. I recommend that you keep a lower profile and do not feed the trolls.

  • Looks like I should pull out of the stock market and invest in canned goods and shotguns!

  • oneyeargoal dude - imagine the unlikey for a second: That casey does actually go dim for a while. That means a lot of testy haterz with no outlet. You sound like the kind of shyster they’d a have a field day with yet you’re still sticking your head over the wall.
    100k - thptptt

  • Hey Kid:

    “I was starting to buy into it and even started looking into honing my surviving / fishing / farming skills.”

    Y’know, hobbit, I find that statement utterly hilarious.

    You AIN’T exactly the “survivalist” type, see?

    How’d it work out? How well could you survive? Could we drop you naked in the Amazon, with only a pocketknife, and come back in 30 days,(honestly! trust us!), to find you hale and hearty?

    “But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy.”

    Magic Energy Beans! Woo-Hoo! How much did THAT great opportunity dent your corporate credit ?

    “(It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)”

    Boy-howdy, I’ll say! So…how much money did you lose on this updated version of a perpetual motion machine-thingy?

    “As crazy as it sounds I believe its real.”

    Hobbit, the crazier it sounds, the greater are the chances that you’ll believe it.

    You believe that you’re gonna walk away from your present debacle without incarceration, don’t you?


  • 103. WeWantTheFunk
    July 24th, 2007 at 6:17 pm

    Too bad you blew all your credit with your crooked house-buying scam. You could buy into this “cold-fusion type of battery-thingy” and lose some serious money! It’s not too late, though — you could always trade ‘em a casino for the rights.

    What physics journals is it published in? Or is it being suppressed by the mainstream scientists with their black helicopters and stuff?

    Also: spreadsheet? You said we could hold you to it! If you were lying, just say so for once. Otherwise, we are forced to fall back on our assumptions, and you wouldn’t want that.

    Also also: Phoenix job? When do you start?

    Also also also: Didn’t you have a firm employment offer from a capitalization outfit in Utah that sold casinos and NBA teams and things? Did you tell them “NO DEAL!” because the Phoenix gig was too sweet?

    Also also also also: How’s the blog sale going? Still entertaining firm offers over $50K only? Gosh, you’ll just HAVE to keep it open until it sells or they cart you off.

  • You know nothing about oil production and supply issues.

    I work for an oil services company.

    Trust me you know nothing about peak oil.

  • Sigh. It’s just scam after scam after scam with you, Casey.

  • “But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy. Once that technology is in place everything can be powered by it: cell phones, cars, houses, airplanes, spaceships, and never run out of juice. As crazy as it sounds I believe its real.”

    I see you flunked your high school physics class as well as being the world’s worst real estate investor.

  • I feel a disturbance in the force again young Serin.

    You must concentrate on borrowing more money so that you can do some sweet deals.

    Papa Serin, think Papa Serin. Papa will give you some.

    Do it now.

  • 108. DC Economist
    July 24th, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    Peak Oil is an economic misnomer. Can’t happen, won’t happen.

    Seriously are people this uneducated.

    The Simon-Ehrlich Bet

    look that up. Seriously, if you’d gone to college or taken 1 economics course you wouldn’t fall for a myth whose premises rests on basic models of supply and demand not being correct

    Please hurry up and close your blog so I can watch football

  • Casey,

    The big oil companies are not going to be going anywhere anytime soon. Once any of those other power options goes public Mobil will buy them out, shelve the technology and then pull it out once the oil crunch comes to fruitition.

    If I think I am being cynical, look at the history of the trolley car in moderate sized cities: The big three car companies bought the majority of them out after world war two and then ripped out the tracks, forcing people to buy cars. Coincidence, no?

  • 110. Andrew Dice Clay
    July 24th, 2007 at 7:32 pm

    Good for you Casey, look at you, it’s good that you can do that.

    I am over here now.

    Hickory dickory dock.


  • Looks like a great, photogenic place to visit. No wonder they have such a rich history of photography!

  • 112. incredulous
    July 24th, 2007 at 8:06 pm

    You do know that the cold fusion “research” was an elaborate hoax, right? Scandal that rocked the academic world of research? Eh?

  • Cold-Fusion? Please…

    If you’d bothered to go to college you would have learned about thermodynamics, aka TNSTAAFL.

  • Hey Casey, if you went to college and took a ex: chemistry course, you would realize that everything in the universe is in a balance. You can’t constantly produce energy out of nothing.

  • 115. Lost Cause
    July 24th, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    Americans are really surprised when they find out what conditions are like in socialist countries. They have no idea that they live in a serf society dedicated to industrialists.

  • So the blog isn’t dead, then? Must be just pining for the fjords.

  • 117. Major Hater
    July 24th, 2007 at 8:34 pm

    Robert Kiyosaki (your hero) and peak oil:

  • 118. I am facing Idiocy
    July 24th, 2007 at 9:02 pm

    Cold fusion? You won’t need that. The guy who faked the moon landings is working on a perpetual motion machine using alien technology recovered at ground zero previously suppressed by the Kennedy assasionation.

  • 119. Quick N Easy Millionaire
    July 24th, 2007 at 9:46 pm

    Yes I’ve heard, reading websites like will convince you that we’re about to have the end of civilization as we know it. I was starting to buy into it and even started looking into honing my surviving / fishing / farming skills.
    LOL, there’s work involved, you wouldn’t last very long.

  • be warned: this webwsite has been noted on I would expect to get bum rushed.

  • “But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy. Once that technology is in place everything can be powered by it: cell phones, cars, houses, airplanes, spaceships, and never run out of juice. As crazy as it sounds I believe its real. (It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)”

    And so will the personal vibration-collecting hat that I’m designing. It converts your personal psychic vibrations into sweet, sweet energy that can power your phone, your laptop and your car. You put on the hat, and the energy flows like a never-ending stream. It’ll be ready soon, so not only will the world’s oil supply be preserved, but global warming will be thing of the past. I’ll e-mail you my PayPal account info. I’m taking $1000.00 contributions for this exciting and new idea. Come on, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  • Casey, you are such an ignorant little kid. Do you know that billions have already been spent trying to develop cold fusion in laboratories bigger than the jail you are going to and they’ve not been able to do it yet. Let alone in something the size of a battery.

    Jeez man, when are you going to wake up! Believing all these “people you know” is what got you a half mill in the hole. If you had an ounce of science in that starry brain of yours you’d appreciate how stupid you sound.

    Please stick to your train wreck and let us know how you are suffering. That, and baiting the haterz with posts like this is the only thing that keeps people around and seems like all you do these days is troll for haterz and talk vaguely about the real things that people want to know about. It’s getting old.

    There’s plenty of misery in your life, just keep us up to date or we’re leaving! Simple.


  • 123. Milton's Ghost
    July 24th, 2007 at 11:04 pm

    Please post the updated spreadsheet.

  • 124. lawnmower man
    July 24th, 2007 at 11:10 pm

    As crazy as it sounds I believe its real. (It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)

    You think this talk of “connections” makes you sound big and important and part of the inner circle to big riches. Like the Circus Circus deal.

    But really you’re just demonstrating that you lack the bullshit filter that keeps most smart people out of the sort of hole that you keep falling into, over and over and over again.

    How’s GSPG going, anyway? Still believe your “gold guru”? Or have you now moved onto “future energy guru”?

    (”Cold-fusion battery-thingy” is D2Fusion, right? OTCBB:SLRE. If only you still had corporate credit…)

  • 125. WeWantTheFunk
    July 24th, 2007 at 11:47 pm

    Since you defaulted on your self-imposed commitment to post an updated spreadsheet, we, your readers, can now “hold you to it” as per the terms of the July 6 agreement.

    We require you to eat a bug.

  • And now we see what use a college education, or even an advanced high school education would be.

    People who have studied high school or introductory college physics know better than to waste money investing in these scams.

    “Young lady, in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics.”

  • You really are going to shut down this blog and sell the domain to the highest bidder.

    And you are planning to start two new blogs in it’s place: and

    At, we can look forward to posts like the following:

    I’ve just been bitten by a rattlesnake, should I see a doctor?
    and “My plan to use squatters rights to acquire and sell national forest land”.

    You can even troll us with comments about how staying in the Four Seasons instead of sleeping in a tree makes you a semi-sweet survivalist.

    For , we can look forward to posts like “Second Law of Thermodynamices: NO DEAL!!!” and read about various exploits as you travel the globe while ignoring the laws of gravity.

    I can’t wait until you demonstrate spontaneous human combustion.

  • 128. full of sound and fury
    July 25th, 2007 at 6:13 am

    You have a misspelled word on your domain sale page.

    “Serious inquires only please”

    “inquires” should be “inquiries”

  • I posted the Peak Oil comment to suggest to Casey that perhaps now (with the major field in decline) wasn’t the time to invest in oil since he seemed to have visions of managing or creating a 300 million superfund in Norway. I rather though he’d perform his usual research before borrowing yet more money to invest .

    I wasn’t trolling, and have to admit never expected him to think that Cold Fusion would save us all or that only people with sweet connectin had heard of it. Perhaps only people with sweet connections (a Google toolbar, I think) are planning to invest in it.

  • Casey, we have nothing to worry about with peak oil. You seem to be very adept at creating algae. Maybe you should use those madskillz to make biodiesel out of algae.

    That’s some sweet passive napping income!

  • My best friend Elisabet is from Norway. She still is a Norweigen citizen, but she prefers it here in America. Her pictures of home are so beautiful and we often visit this site.
    I see you are still blogging ;-)

    Catherine, the redhead

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