Sunday, August 5, 2007

Foreclosure Blog in New York Magazine and Sacramento Bee

I was interviewed about my foreclosure blog in the New York Magazine feature article Say Everything about The Generation Gap and The End of Privacy. It has several examples of other young bloggers and how “internet fame” has affected their lives. Very interesting article!

New York Magazine


The biggest issue of living in public, of course, is simply that when people see you, they judge you. It’s no wonder Paris Hilton has become a peculiarly contemporary role model, blurring as she does the distinction between exposing oneself and being exposed, mortifying details spilling from her at regular intervals like hard candy from a piñata. She may not be likable, but she offers a perverse blueprint for surviving scandal: Just keep walking through those flames until you find a way to take them as a compliment.

This does not mean, as many an apocalyptic op-ed has suggested, that young people have no sense of shame. There’s a difference between being able to absorb embarrassment and not feeling it. But we live in a time in which humiliation and fame are not such easily distinguished quantities. And this generation seems to have a high tolerance for what used to be personal information splashed in the public square.

Consider Casey Serin. On, the 24-year-old émigré from Uzbekistan has blogged a truly disastrous financial saga: He purchased eight houses in eight months, looking to “fix ’n’ flip,” only to end up in massive debt. The details, which include scans of his financial documents, are raw enough that people have accused him of being a hoax, à la YouTube’s Lonelygirl15. (“ForeclosureBoy24,” he jokes.) He’s real, he insists. Serin simply decided that airing his bad investments could win him helpful feedback—someone might even buy his properties. “A lot of people wonder, ‘Aren’t you embarrassed?’ Maybe it’s naïve, but I’m not going to run from responsibility.” Flaming commenters don’t bug him. And ironically, the impetus for the site came when Serin was denied a loan after a lender discovered an earlier, friends-only site. Rather than delete it, he swung the doors open. “Once you put something online, you really cannot take it back,” he points out. “You’ve got to be careful what you say—but once you say it, you’ve got to stand by it. And the only way to repair it is to continue to talk, to explain myself, to see it through. If I shut down, I’m at the mercy of what other people say.”

[ read more ]

Also, my foreclosure story finally made local paper, The Sacramento Bee, about 2 weeks ago in the business section:

Sacramento Bee article business section

Bob Shallit: Investor’s tale of woe winning big audience

Casey Serin has had more than his 15 minutes of fame. He’s been on the cover of USA Today, in the New York Times, on National Public Radio. Now The Bee.

The reason for his renown? The 24-year-old West Sacramento resident has been singularly unsuccessful as a real estate investor. And, unlike most people who’ve lost a ton of money, he’s been happy — eager, really — to talk all about it.

Last year he launched a blog ( that chronicles in painful detail every mistake he’s made since deciding to get rich “fixing and flipping” — buying homes, making repairs and then selling them for a profit.

The site has caught fire, drawing thousands of people who follow Serin’s every move like a soap opera.

“It’s like a train wreck,” he says of his story and the national attention it’s attracted. People can’t help but stare.

[ read more ]

I got a few calls from people I know who saw the local article. They are concerned and wondering how I’m holding up. I’m holding up OK.

I am continuously being blessed with awesome opportunities through this blog / exposure. Once one of these things actually kick-in all the mistakes, criticism and negativity is going to be well worth it.

Starting this blog and talking honestly about my adventures was the BEST or the WORST thing I have ever done, depending on how you look at.


  • 1. Chuck U Farlie
    February 6th, 2007 at 2:03 pm

    “Once one of these things actually kick-in all the mistakes, criticism and negativity is going to be well worth it.”

    I’m so glad you’ll actually have a chance to profit from your lying and stealing.

  • New York Magazine!!?? Sweet! Way to go Casey. Keep on stirring the pot (open some more mail– when are the next foreclosure auctions coming up??). How’s the short sale going? We need more details, more juice! Dare I say it, what this blog needs RIGHT NOW is another espresso and wheat grass injection of drama and intrigue.

  • So when will these opportunities kick in? From what you have written in the past, you have considered the Rich Dad office, the guy you were “consulting” for, the S***** ™, the Home Buyer Network sponsorship, and the meeting with Robert Whatshisname to be opportunities. They have all busted out., at least in the sense of fixing problems or making you money. Probably you think that the meeting with Robert Whatshisname was a net plus, but what did you really get out of it? Are all of the future opportunities going to be as successful?

  • “It’s like a train wreck,” he says of his story and the national attention it’s attracted. People can’t help but stare.

    I am sorry you and others actaully (honestly) consider that your life is a train wreck. I guess most people want excitement that ends in doom than boredom that ends in comfort. Tell me how this one works out.

  • “I am continuously being blessed with awesome opportunities through this blog / exposure. Once one of these things actually kick-in all the mistakes, criticism and negativity is going to be well worth it.”

    You’re engaging in magic thinking.

    Now I see why everyone is so disgusted with you.

  • Congrats on getting the added exposure.


  • 7. Sheldon_Levine
    February 6th, 2007 at 2:41 pm

    Uh. congratulations?

  • Casey, How are you going to make money from all this publicity? Are there any other benefits besides money? Is it like, you walk into Jamba Juice, and some hot chick says “Hey I know you - you are the foreclosure guy from USA Today. Wanna come hang out with me after work?”

  • Starting this blog and talking honestly about my adventures was the BEST or the WORST thing I have ever done, depending on how you look at.

    Cassie, thanks for sharing your site and your story. It is good to see that you are being realistic.

  • “Filed under press and interviews, photos, sweet media”

    Please do not use the word “sweet” anymore.

    How about adding it to your new year’s resolutions

  • 11. Lonely_girl15
    February 6th, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    You mean once one of these things “kicks in” you won’t have to do an honest day’s work? Time will tell.

  • 12. Rio Rancho Friend
    February 6th, 2007 at 3:06 pm

    Casey, speaking of Pinatas, I drove by your Rio Rancho property on Guadalajara this afternoon. That sure is a lovely house.

    There is a lot of (major) flood damage to the land and roads in the area, though. In fact, Rio Rancho City Crews were out there today working on the dirt roads there, diligently trying to repair them before then next monsoons.

    Did you know that the dirt road behind your property has collapsed? Chihuahua Street between Kim & Guadalupe flooded so bad, the dirt road collapsed several feet and there are PVC pipes sticking out into the air. It is closed in both directions. That street is right behind you….What is going to happen when it rains hard again?

    There is debris on your property. Some boards, rocks, concrete blocks. Looks like they washed onto the yard during the floods. Your garage is dented. Otherwise, the property looks great. You should have your Realtor remove the debris…

    Drove down Sonora, the block that intersects with Guadalajara, and I felt like I was driving down a disaster zone. The streets are rutted, mounds of dirt everywhere, yards covered in mud. (Now dry, though.)

    Today was trash day and almost every trash can on the street was caked in mud. Guess they’ve really had it rough there.

    One of your neighbors is having mounds of dirt delivered and made into retaining walls surrounding their house. Huge mounds of dirt.

    Such a lovely, lovely area. I hope this doesn’t happen again during the upcoming Monsoon Season. It’ll be here soon… before you know it.

    Have you been out there lately? This isn’t the kind of house that you can just let “sit.” It needs to be monitored and supervised.

  • What is the point of this post? It just shows that you are not putting your precious time to things that matter most.

    - What’s the status of the homes?
    - Any more debt negotiations?
    - Bankruptcy?
    - Getting new sponsors?
    - Chris job?
    - External moderators? (Might have prevented the mass exodus of readers to other blogs recently.)
    - 2007 plan?
    - 2006 analysis?
    - Taxes?
    - Attorney advice?
    - Etc.

    Write about stuff that matters and that will help you get out of this mess. Relying on the possibility that something might “kick-in” is a failed strategy - odds are there will be no blank check from a very sympathetic “uncle” that will erase all your problems.

  • 14. What's Happened to You?
    February 6th, 2007 at 3:50 pm

    Casey - these articles and the self-promotion have absolutely NOTHING to do with the focus of this blog. What happened to helping others?

    Have you created a resume? Have you started looking for a job? What about G?

    Bigger issue: It is Feb 5 - have you made your rent payment? Utiities? Auto Insurance? G’s credit card payments? What are you doing for food?

  • What sort of opportunities are coming your way? If you don’t want to provide any specifics, why don’t you paint some wide strokes?

  • @Rio Rancho Friend: yes I heard about the flooding. My realtor on the ground said the house needs some cleaning too. We’re arranging for that to happen right now. He is my eyes and ears right now.

    @What’s Happened to You: this blog is all about helping people and I get emails all the time with people who are benefiting. I know I’m doing a good thing by talking about my experience for others to learn my lessons without having to go through it themselves.

    And I was never actively seeking self promotion. I was just writing my blog and then interviews starting coming in. I would tell everybody YES, hoping that if I tell my story for a larger audience it will help more people learn what NOT to do.

    To date I never approached anybody directly to pitch my story. It all sort of comes to me. The exposure may be negative but if channeled in the right way its a sweet thing.

    (I don’t use the word “sweet” for trolling, I really do talk that way. It’s a very descriptive term and sometimes there is no better way to put it. I’m sorry if it offends you.)

  • Casey, You are on the way to bigger and better things. Remember some things are best said less said, you catch my drift.
    You are a bigger, btter person through the trials in which you let be exposed. The people in fear of success are as well in fear of you, for you are going to be a huge success!

  • I don’t think your usage of the word “sweet” offends people per se, it just makes you sound uneducated and immature (which you may be, but these are facts you should probably try to downplay).

  • Eric, thanks for the encouraging note. Bigger and better things are indeed coming, I can feel it. I’m paying my dues right now and this whole thing is building my character so that I can be ready for the next step.

  • So Casey, why do you ingore my question about how are you going to pay every “dirty” penny with short sales?

    Short Sales means that the banks will get less than what is owed to them.

    Are you ignoring me like you ignored Jerome when he told you that you need to TURN YOUR SELF INTO THE FBI for the crimies you committed.

  • I always hoped to be famous but not this way. You’ll have a name but what will it represent?

    You are as good as your name…and your reputation. Thank the heavens you are young.

  • That’s right Cassie, big things are coming, better bend over and spread ‘em.

    P.S. I never knew you were a girl.

  • Don’t forget to take out the trash in the morning

  • > I don’t use the word “sweet” for trolling, I really do talk that way. It’s a very descriptive term and sometimes there is no better way to put it. I’m sorry if it offends you.

    I strongly suggest you stop talking that way, at least if you want to be taken seriously.

    I get all sorts of resumes and proposals with that kind of language in them. Increasingly these days I’m also getting the “lose-loose” problem, as well as “u,” “yuo” and other variants of “you.”

    I trash them all. I’m a professional and I work with professionals. If you can’t be bothered to communicate professionally, I can’t be bothered to consider doing business with you.

    Get a clue.


  • 25. Tim, from Monterey Bay area
    February 6th, 2007 at 5:24 pm

    “0. Peep
    February 6th, 2007 at 4:14 pm
    I don’t think your usage of the word “sweet” offends people per se, it just makes you sound uneducated and immature (which you may be, but these are facts you should probably try to downplay).”

    It’s trite, and cliched.

    It’s as if I ended most of my posts with “Right on!” or “Far out!,” two of the slogans from when I was around 16-18.

    But by the time I was in college, I appreciated the irony of such phrases, and never used them, except in ironic situations. (Favorites were “Right arm!” and “Farm out!.” Even these faded in use by the time I was 22.

    Something about the Gen Y illiterati that such catch phrases remain au courant for so long. Borat certainly agrees.

    High five!


  • Casey,

    You should take a very close look at the main article on that newspaper. Alternative energy was/is the hot up-and- coming investment vehicle. Real estate is over in California.

  • 27. Tim, from Monterey Bay area
    February 6th, 2007 at 5:31 pm

    “Are you ignoring me like you ignored Jerome when he told you that you need to TURN YOUR SELF INTO THE FBI for the crimies you committed.”

    This was silly on the face of it three months ago, when it first came up.

    First, the FBI does not prosecute cases. They investigate. They have limited arrest powers. The DA in most non-Federal cases initiates eventual arrest warrants.

    Second, suppose Casey finds the nearest FBI Field Office and shows up. A lot of “Huh?” reactions at the front desk will provide much joke material for the next several months. Odds are zero that arrival at the front desk will put Casey in touch with whichever agents may or may not be investigating his case.

    Third, until there are complaints from the various lenders, allegations of fraud, expect no action by DAs. My hunch is that despite Casey’s high publicity, most lenders will prefer to sweep this under the nearest rug. No complaints, no charges.

    Fourth, the courts are not even able to successfully prosecute most violent criminals. Casey’s case is small potatoes compared to murder and rape.

    (I’m not saying there won’t be civil cases, and problems with his attempt to “BK” out of his debts, just that I doubt handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit are in his immediate future.)


  • I’m paying my dues right now and this whole thing is building my character so that I can be ready for the next step.

    Paying your dues? How about paying your mortgages, homeowners insurance, property taxes, credit cards, the Countrywide unsecured loan and all the other creditors you’ve been stiffing for the past 9 months.



  • Casey,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I would like to ask you how you handle the stress and remain optimistic with all the pressure and problems facing you? My husband is currently trying to get our home refinanced, if we are not able to, we will be facing foreclosure also. He is incredibly stressed out, he lashes out me and the kids and is having hard time handling the situation. Again, I thank you for sharing and wish you the best.

  • émigré? Don’t they mean “immigrant”?

  • i hope everything goes well

  • 33. J. Whittimer Lightning
    February 6th, 2007 at 7:04 pm

    21. Casey Serin
    February 6th, 2007 at 4:27 pm Eric, thanks for the encouraging note. Bigger and better things are indeed coming, I can feel it. I’m paying my dues right now and this whole thing is building my character so that I can be ready for the next step.

    Paying your dues? Paying your dues? Are you kidding me?
    You haven’t paid anything. Not your minimum credit card payments, not your rent, not your cash call payment, not your payment to your older, sick friend that you borrowed money from. You have not paid your motgage payments, you haven’t paid your liability insurance on your homes, or the utilities and taxes for that matter.

    In your absolute deluded mind, you have actually turned this into you being the victim, when in fact you are the cause. You cry that Wells Fargo stole money that you owed them from your account. Now that your lenders have to foot the bill for liability insurance to protect “their collateral” do you not realize that you are stealing money from their accounts, to cover yet another “due” that you have not paid. Please don’t give another thought to the tens of thousands of dollars you took from these banks in illegal cash back deals, that now not only have to take your loss for you but get stuck with the carrying costs and the associated liquidating costs. This must be so hard on you, I can see how your lenders paying for your mistakes, would really be a character building experience.

    In what whacked out religious/positive thinking universe does your God reside, where a person who brings so much damage and destruction to those around him, is rewarded with golden opportunities, and flashing success, without repenting and restoring others to whole.

    You really don’t care about the money you are costing others do you?

  • I love this blog.

    The whole “eyes and ears on the ground” thing is so demeaning for the agent. I had an agent while I was away once, and of course she was my “eyes and ears on the ground,” but it’s so presumptuous and pompous to paint the picture like that. Sweet team! (THAT’S HOW I TALK!)

  • Great, another distraction.

  • 36. Casey's Biggest Fan
    February 6th, 2007 at 7:17 pm

    What happened to your other blog about buying apartment buildings? Paying your dues is working at the bottom before rising to the top. You dug yourself a hole.

  • 37. What's Happened to You?
    February 6th, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    Casey - a reply to your #18

    You can always say “no” to media interviews and my suggestion is that you start to do so…. return to answering questions regarding your foreclosure status, searching for a job, paying back “every dirty penny.”

    Postings that appear “self promotional” will come back to haunt you very soon…. focus on the intent of the blog and do not post or refer to any interviews in any posting. Nothing makes a reporter more happy than to “expose” a fraud…. reporters/journaists are competitive - I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that a reporter or two are following the blog, maintaining an outline of back peddling, when you’ve lied and other activities. These same individuals are likely interviewing Amy, Duane, Chris, NLL team, old friends and others as to your character. My guess is that within the next few weeks there will be a “less than positive” article pubished in a major business news paper or magazine.

    And, as peep said, your use of “sweet” and other terms show your lack of a forma education and immaturity.

  • “I’m paying my dues right now..”
    Well I’m sure glad that you think you’re paying something back. I don’t think that you’ve gone through any rough part yet. Have you paid back ANY of the debt you owe? All in all, wishing you luck and wanting you to know that I’ll be following the wreck, err. blog.

  • 39. What's Happened to You? Part 2 Response
    February 6th, 2007 at 7:22 pm

    It was good that you replied to my post - however, you failed to answer the following:

    … “Have you created a resume? Have you started looking for a job? What about G?

    … Bigger issue: It is Feb 5 - have you made your rent payment? Utiities? Auto Insurance? G’s credit card payments? What are you doing for food?”

  • Rio Rancho Friend:

    “Casey, speaking of Pinatas, I drove by your Rio Rancho property on Guadalajara this afternoon. That sure is a lovely house.”

    I’m glad you like it…I hear it’s on the market, too.

    Personally, I’ve seen prisons with better curb appeal.

    And where is it located, again?
    From your description, it sounds like Anbar Province.

  • Why is your realtor arranging for the cleaning of the Rio Rancho property??? What do you do all day? Go over there and clean up your property yourself!


    Does not our lad Casey see a distinction between being
    FAMOUS and being INFAMOUS?

    Between being RENOWNED and being NOTORIOUS?

    That wacky astronaut lady has achieved national, if not worldwide, publicity–all in less than a day. Is she worthy of emulation?

    Both of those articles, and $4, will get the lad a Jamba Juice.

    The blog is quite entertaining, and the misadventures can be hysterically funny. However, as Tim from MB has so patiently noted, it will all end soon…

    UNLESS…..herewith some possibilities

    1. The lad receives a sizeable inheritance, and it is ruled by a trustee who gives him enough to live on, and blog on.

    2. The lad becomes the object of affection of a wealthy lady, who decides to support him and his blog. Perhaps Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?

    Unfortunately, either must happen within app. 90 days.

    Thus, a reminder to fellow posters


    2 to 1 odds that all properties go through foreclosure.

    Happy Posting!

  • “Eric, thanks for the encouraging note. Bigger and better things are indeed coming, I can feel it. I’m paying my dues right now and this whole thing is building my character so that I can be ready for the next step.”

    Its sad to say this but this is how you learn how to invest. Almost all wealthy real estate investors have done some shady things in the past to get where they are today, almost all have almost lost everything or have lost everything to get where they are today.

    Biggest example is Donald Trump, if he didnt have his dad to bail him out in the 80’s he would of lost everything, we are talking about 500 million in debt, his daughter tells a story of when her dad pointed out a bum sitting right next to Trump Tower and trumps exact words were “See that bum. He’s richer then me.” That bum owed nothing, Trump was in the red 500 million.

    Casey keep on riding this till the wheels fall off, its not over till its over, you have learned so much in the buisness, it takes a life time for people learn what you have in a year.

  • casey you are an inspiration.. you will hit the big time the big big huge time you are great keep on doing what you’re doing the right way with no lying and no shady deals and do it with integrity

    you need to think bigger… casino’s and time shares in the Bahamas and the Caymans, that is what you should do
    go casey go, you learned all you need now just apply it correctly, go casey go

    great 2007 for you casey

    if you are interested in venturing with me click my e-mail

    and you HATERZ go read your own private blogs you can’t stand Casey’s success so you have to make up some blogs to avoid Casey’s moderating your posts

    Casey;s too good for you

    here is what you should look at casey, real estate is alive but residential in America is dead

    check it out:

    You should also consider Namibia, great oppurtunities there,too continue to fall forward CASEY!!!!!!!!!!

  • 45. Flabbergasted
    February 6th, 2007 at 9:22 pm

    Who needs publicity when you can’t feed your family, pay your rent, keep your homes insured? have you applied for a J-O-B that will give you I-N-C-O-M-E????

    And… sweet may be an appropriate terms for a 15 year old surfer dude to use, buit for anyone tryign to act like an adult, it jsut seems silly. Even if you’d been making money consistently in real estate, it would make me think twice about ever doing business with you.

  • 46. casey_is_a+_tool
    February 6th, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    You know how people read the national inquirer to see ugly pictures of attractive celebrities in order to feel better about themselves?

    Its kinda like an investor looking at your life.
    It makes them feel better about themselves, and give them something to laugh at.

    Robert Kiosaki thinks your an idiot by the way- but wants to thank you for buying all of his books even if you did not understand them.

    have fun going bankrupt and making your investment game much more difficult on yourself- if you had a common sense and clear thought you would not be in your predicament.

  • Well, you ARE doing something! Not what most people expect but atleast you are DOING something. My hats off to you. Lets see what happens next.

    Special Note: You already know how I feel. grrrrr.

  • Being an attention w**** … 100% success!

  • I’m paying my dues right now and this whole thing is building my character so that I can be ready for the next step.

    If you’re “paying your dues”, how come your debt is increasing by an estimated $800 per day?

    I have no doubt that you WILL start paying your dues at some point this year, but don’t kid yourself that the process is even close to starting. You’ll pay your dues either when you start making a measurable dent in your debts (and actually start feeling the financial pain that you’ve been ignoring thus far), or when you spend your first night with your new roommate.

    Sorry, did I say room? Well, it’ll have four walls, a door and a ceiling, so I suppose that’s a fair description. After all we wouldn’t want to get all downbeat now that this blog’s become all wide-eyed and fluffy, would we?

  • I thought that the continuation of the “sweet” adjective connotated sarcasm to your readers, Casey.

    If you are Sergey Brin, founder of google, you can use whatever terminology you would like.

    If you are Casey or Sean or 99% of this board, you have to walk the line and choose professional terms that are appropriate for the situation.

    Interestingly, though, “sweet” and “jamba juice” have entirely different meanings in this minor internet ecosystem. It seems that each internet ecosystem develops its own “jargon”. The more popular the site, the more jargon is developed over time within the site.

    That deserves a lot of future research.

  • Willoughby. The next stop is Willoughby.
    I think he’ll get off there.
    We’ll all be going home tomorrow.

  • “Paying your dues”? Duuuude, you have like seven figures of debt you owe (sweet!). And it grows by the price of a nice midsize luxury sedan EVERY MONTH.

    Of course it’s all just funny money to you. Numbers on paper that don’t mean diddly. Especially when the judge (you hope) wipes it all away. Well guess what… easy come easy go. Just as easily as they approved you they shall deny. For years to come. And this lack of available capital is going to hurt a hell of a lot more than the mess this free-money madness got you into.

    Sure, all the law and order suckers keep dreaming you’ll be nabbed by the FBI. And you probably wont. But that doesn’t mean you’ll walk away smelling like roses. Even if you fall bass ackwards into something bigger the fact that you never paid your dues means you’ll wind up broke. You have no appreciation.

    Of course maybe you got all the kickback money in an overseas account and are going to Uzbekistan after all this winds down. I hear you could live pretty well there with the money you may have skimmed if you were intelligent enough. In a white-collar criminal sorta way…

  • This clown cannot get enough Jamba Juice in 6 months to unscrew this situation.


    IM AN EARLY RISER!!!!!!!!


    Things are great here at the trailer park. 5 feet of snow and minus 30 degrees. Ogg is doing good, but Homey da Clown is not adjusting to the cold so well. Looks like its time to break out the rum and warm things up. Nothing like a good stiffy @ 7:00 am to get the day going. We think Homey is spending too much time at the “dating” trailer, but if he has the money, oh well…

    Our goal for the day is to shovel some snow and get drunk. Ricky and Bubbles have gone to the store for some more smokes and nacho chips to go with our liquor.(Canadian breakfast of champions) After we get finished I think I will take a nap or maybe even indulge in a “jamba” and rum tottie. A Big Kahuna burger might be good also.

    Looks like Lucy is having another party tonight and I might get lucky. Lucy is the best “ho” in the trailer park and I aint even gotta pay!!!!

    Hope things go well with your flooded house.We had a flood one time in the “farming” trailer when Ricky got too wasted and left the irrigation system on. If you need any help, just let me know and we will hi-tail it to California. We are professionals at this kind of thing.

    Remember to keep throwing that mail in the lake and fly under the radar. If that prickblitz lady gives you any problems, just let me know and Ill put her back to work at the trailer park.

    Also, you need to hook up your buddy with that hot R/E lady.


    Julian-The original Trailer Park Boy
    Trailer Park Flippin Guru
    Rehab Specialist
    Friend to Ogg, Homey da Clown and Casey Serin

  • Good deal casey seems all your hardwork is paying off for you …just to think your blog hasn’t even been live that long..compared to some that have been out for years and still haven’t been as successful as yours! :)

    check out my blog

  • Casey for the love of God, Jamba Juice, or whatever you are worshipping these days, FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND!
    Every action you take today, ask yourself, will this get me closer to being out of debt?
    If Not, the dont do it!
    These mundane posts that have nothing to do with foreclosure only HURT your blog!

  • 57. Reality Central
    February 7th, 2007 at 6:40 am

    Starting this blog and talking honestly about my adventures was the BEST or the WORST thing I have ever done, depending on how you look at.

    Judgement collectors and investigators will probably look at it as the BEST thing you’ve ever done.

    Your lawyer will probably look at it as the WORST thing you’ve ever done.

    So yeah, I guess it depends on how you look at it.

  • Casey…..hate to break it to you, but right now, you’re so poor you can’t even pay your dues. I think right now you are just marking time till the whole enchilada falls in on you.

    From what you’ve discussed here, when that happens you will be without any support from criminal or tax attorneys and without the shelter that may be available from bankruptcy.

    What are you doing about the impending tax liens you’re about to be hit with? You know you can’t get a mortgage until those are resolved?

    “Things are gonna change for me, I can feel it.” Should we note you borrowed that one from Beck?

  • I like all of the publicity you are getting.. You have to invite me over to some of the pool parties your going to have when when you hit it big. I will bring the salt.


  • 60. Casey's Biggest Fan
    February 7th, 2007 at 7:22 am

    What happened to the moderation? Its been super slow lately.

  • Have you ever talked to Jamba Juice about doing commercials? You seriously could become something like Jared of Subway fame. You already have a strong following, so you may be able to turn that into a decent endorsement deal.


  • Well Casey,

    I have to give you this. At least you are still going forward. I had a friend that “sort of” did the same thing except with construction projects, and it sent him to the bed. He ran out of money, and couldnt pay the suppliers for 20 construction projects. He eventually checked in the hospital for a nervous breakdown. The one thing that DOES bother me though, is that your rationale is a lot like his. He was looking for that MAGIC deal to make everything OK. Also, he would pretend to listen to advice from good people, but continue to do exactly what he wanted to do. He actually had investors willing to come in and help him out, but he wouldnt do the minimal things that they required to keep the committment. My only plea to you is that if you are truly soliciting good advice (not advice that you want to hear), please take it.

  • Casey,

    That is so awesome, I am happy for you. I hope that this popularity brings you some luck.

    @ Coyote Investor: Just because things didn’t work out with rich dad, robert whomever, duane legate (is rude and I wouldn’t work with him either!) doesn’t mean that it is casey not wanting to listen to their advice. These people do not know Casey’s ultimate situation. They only know what he tells them or what they have read on the blog. I probably would not have listened either. There really isn’t much you can do to get out of 2.2 worth of debt. I will admit though I would have 3 jobs and so would my husband and I probably would have moved into one of the homes (so that I could live for Free).

  • 64. iamnotfacingforeclosure
    February 7th, 2007 at 7:39 am

    lets examine the track record here:
    arrangement to work out of ‘rich dad’s’ office. (see famous casey sitting on big blue ball pic) - “Didn’t work out”

    Chris REAgent job, helping out around the office and’birddoggin’ sweet dealz’. - “kinda shakey”

    Duane sponsor - “Duane is out.”

    gee, do you think yUO might be teh problem?

  • Casey,

    You have been quoted that one cannot attempt to rewrite history online. Then, sir, why have you removed references to Mr. Robert Cote’s website? Sir, why not simply respond on your own blog to the points raised by Robert and others on his?

    Thank you.

  • 66. Stale and boring
    February 7th, 2007 at 10:09 am

    If you are serious about having new sponsors you need to be demonstrating the value of the blog, the visitors, comments, feedback, etc…… and what sets that value? The quality of your posts and the replies/responses from viewers/readership.

  • 67. Loads o Money
    February 7th, 2007 at 10:10 am

    Casey - you need to find a way to close out the disasters so far and the loan fraud you have commited. You need to go to the FBI and confess everything….

    Because guess what will happen if you dont. There are people on here, who will go to the FBI ( probably already have ) if you are successful. There are people on here who wont let you be successful until you have paid your dues for the loan fraud you have commited. The FBI will not let you be successful until you have paid for the loan fraud. ‘

    Otherwise, you will give the impression that crime pays - and you till be sticking it to the FBI…

    Casey - for everybody’s sake, please go down to the FBI. If you are serious about paying penance, then you need to turn yourself in. If you are really ethical you need to turn yourself in.

    Do you really think you will be successful when you have commited loan fraud to the FBI.

    Here is a simple question - what is the statue of limitations on the crimes you have commited.

    Loads O Money

  • Did you pay the Dallas prop taxes? If so with what money?

  • … we live in a time in which humiliation and fame are not such easily distinguished quantities…

    Oh, Casey, Casey, Casey….

    You really don’t get it. This is not good publicity.

    This is you being held up as an illustration of a new paradigm, one in which fame comes from humiliation and often at no profit to the inadvertently-famous, unless they are willing to further debase themselves.

    Go, get a dictionary. Look up “Humiliation.” Look up “debasement” while you’re at it.

    Of course, its only debasement if you feel debased. And you’ve already shown yourself willing to descend to lows unthinkable to most of us — what’s a little lower, after all that?

    February 7th, 2007 at 10:29 am

    Rob P here, posting under my new stage name.

    I had come, over the past four months, to view you as a self-absorbed, narcissistic young man with extremely poor judgment. Well, it takes a big man to admit he’s wrong, publicly, and I’m doing that, here. Eric J Herrholz is right.

    What I failed to see is the enormity of your gifts. You are charming, articulate and self-confident. You see the “Big Picture”, unlike those of us with lesser talents. And you’re not going to let yourself get ground down by life in the same fashion as most of the other posters on this site.

    Through the mud to the stars, Casey. You have a vision, and the tools with which you can translate it into reality. Don’t let the jackbooted intellectual thugs that skulk around this blog trample on the slender flower of your dream! Don’t, I pray, let the losers that comprise your audience get you down!

    Yours is a story for the ages. Others of us–the pedestrian types that populate your audience–might struggle with the enormity of your present financial baggage. But you–if and only if you persist in your dream of financial independence….

    [what is your target date now? September 10, when you are going to be generating $5K per month in passive income? Or was it $10K? And did that take into account the 100-unit building that you are going to purchase? It’s so hard to keep this all straight.]

    …will come out on top. Through your gifts of gab, vision and, particularly, your ability to smell a good deal a mile away and to act, effectively, to make it a reality, YOU will come out on top.

    I believe it was Langston Hughes who once said, in the eponymous play, that “a dream deferred is like a raisin in the sun”. Casey, don’t let that dream die.

    Eric J Herrholz is right.

  • Rather good article, although rather Obvious. Basically, Energy and Talent are Characteristic Observations Today regarding young Enthusiasts.

  • @#42.

    That’s hilarious. The funniest part is that Casey passed it through thinking it was a compliment. An ingenious way for a hater to get through!

  • Did you manage to remember to roll the trash out to the curb this morning?

  • After a while being a negative example starts to wear on the sunniest of dispositions. But you take it however you can get it, mostly because you will anyway.

    Trying to get through to you is like winning the gold at the Special Olympics.

  • Casey,

    Really, deep down, what are you thinking about this whole situation. In your private thoughts where to you think this is all leading to? What are your deepest fears and what do you believe will most likely happen given the big problems you are facing? Get real…what are you thinking?

  • Can you give us a list of the productive tasks you performed today so that we can in turn critique your list ? We just want to keep Casey on the track !

    And can you please please let us know whether or not you took the trash out today ? I would hate to read that sis-in-law threw you out on your ear !

  • Too bad this guy is gone, Casey. You might have found new ways to buy the 100 unit! OR
    Of course, Tom Vu ended up in jail, so it is too late now.

  • Casey, since you missed this one by a poster, let me repeat what they said:

    “Casey - for everybody’s sake, please go down to the FBI. If you are serious about paying penance, then you need to turn yourself in. If you are really ethical you need to turn yourself in.”

  • 79. wealthyboomer
    February 7th, 2007 at 3:24 pm

    Whether you communicate with people through email, a blog, a podcast or an old-fashioned sales letter, the following marketing fundamentals still apply:

    * People want what’s best for them … online and off

    * People will respond to well-presented offer of value … online and off

    * People will ignore a weak message with no value … online and off

    Technology changes the way marketers communicate with consumers. But it does not change the fundamental psychology that leads consumers to take action.

    Remember, website traffic is only website traffic until you act upon it. To get those website visitors to act in some way, you need to create a lead-generation program based on value and incentives.

  • Hi Casey:

    I’ve heard there are some “hater” blogs out there. Have you read them? One of my friends told me about them but I told them that I’m sticking by my man Casey. I think it’s terrible that people are mocking your sincere efforts to rectalfy your situation and do what’s right.

    Like you’ve said before, it’s surprising that there are so many depraved miscreants who engage in such blantant schadenfreude. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    What, are they jealous of you and the publicity you’ve received? I’ll bet they’ll eat their words when you rise above this situation and are reborn like a phoenix from the ashes of foreclosure and debt. I think a lot of people are afraid of success and just want to mock those who embrace it and embody a positive, can-do WINNER attitude. Like Gloria Gaynor said, “I will survive”

    Remember, my friend, that tough times don’t last, but tough people do.

    Don’t listen to all those HATER LOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!! If I were you I’d call them “playa haters” and I’d say “hate the game, not the playa”

    Peace, out dawg!


  • I don’t use the word “sweet” for trolling, I really do talk that way. It’s a very descriptive term and sometimes there is no better way to put it. I’m sorry if it offends you.

    Come on Casey, you know you use this as a dig. Don’t feel bad though. Apparently “sweet” is a real estate industry term. I got an email from a lender today entitled, “US Bank has a sweet deal on high LTV loans - see attached flyer.”

    I was also on the road today and noticed a sign on the 7-11, “Kona Coffee and donut - Sweet Deal.”

    Whoever is contributing to your Wikipedia article needs to update it to include, “personally reintroduced the colloquialism ’sweet’ to the American lexicon.”

    Now that’s sweet!

  • Casey, by reading your observations you remind me of when I was a small child. I ate the “stinky” food knowing that there would be, automatically, a sweet dessert at the end.

    You have surmised that after all of this bad stuff, there has to be by design and automatically, good things. A weird sort of ying after the yang. But we are trying to tell you that this is not automatic.

    You also remind me of the person who patiently sticks quarters into a slot machine, thinking that sooner or later the big pot prize will be given and he will walk off a millionaire.

    Sweet rewards are possible, but only for those who learn and work their butts off. Other than saying “I have learned from my mistakes”, you show no proof of having done so, since you keep digging yourself deeper.

    Trust me, your calling lies in self-promotion and marketing, not real estate.

    Don’t think that after your big dark night, a nice bright sun will shine in your life automatically. Life’s not like that.

  • quit erase my posts. forget other posters. that contract has so many holes in it you dont need an attorney to get out of it. but then you signed it. a contract is a contract. and you signed it. so. i am not attorney. you should get an attorney.

    do you want to be on my team, we are looking for an idea guy. the team is mostly filled with people of manual labor types. call returners and mail openers and some other stuff that we havent hammered out. oh and we got plenty of investors. we just need an idea guy. we want in on the Casey Serin business ground floor. actually i guess its lower than ground floor.

    you and me are a lot alike except i am not idea guy.

    my mortgage to income ratio is 0.22 the recommended is 28%. you could figure you’res out too. though i forget how to divide by zero.

  • “Have you ever talked to Jamba Juice about doing commercials? You seriously could become something like Jared of Subway fame. You already have a strong following, so you may be able to turn that into a decent endorsement deal.”

    Good suggestion, but come on, lol. Jared lost weight eating Subway so he was a decent spokeperson. He at least, accomplished, SOMETHING. What would Casey’s schtick be? I’am an idiot, drink Jamba Juice? Or Jamba Juice is so good, I’am willing to pay $40 for one with overdraft fees? How about “I’am 2.2 million in debt, I’am going to Jamba Juice, then take a hot/cold shower, and sit on my blue ball!”? I don’t know - it doesn’t do much for me.

  • Hi Casey - just want you to know I’m a big fan of yours

    Casey you truly are one sexy guy !

    you are a total HOTTIE !!

    I bet you have to use the Magnum XL size Trojans

    February 7th, 2007 at 8:00 pm


  • As one so put it to me not to long ago….. In whatever business you are in, if you are not known for something then you are known for absolutely nothing which makes you nobody. In any business you have to be known for something and therefore be somebody. Whether you agree or not Casey has achieved that. He is known on a national level now through all the marketing and publishing he has done. Whether he makes it out of this or not he will still be known for what he did which in the future will give him an edge.
    There is a story of a boat Captain that comes to mind. There was an opening for a boat Captain position. This veteran of many years had applied for the job. When he went for his interview the employer looked over all his qualifications. He showed more than twenty years as a boat captain. It also showed that he had a few accidents. So the interviewer posed a question to the applicant. “You have many years experience as a boat captain, but you have a few accidents. I have applicants I just interviewed for the job who are a lot younger and with no accidents. Why would I hire you instead of them?” His answer was one of the best. He said “I am no better than any of the others. You could hire them and it would be a good choice. The only thing that separates them from me is experience.” The interviewer looks at his record and says “yes you have a lot of experience, but you also have a few accidents on your record were they have none.” The Captain then says “exactly they have not made those mistakes yet so they will still have to learn.” He got the job.
    Casey has made those mistakes and learning from them. When time comes to do it again as he so chooses he will be able to get support (financial and otherwise) were most won’t because he is known for what he has done and most of us are not. Donald Trump was almost bankrupt in the early 90’s from his real estate deals (over 1 billion in the hole which is a hell of a lot more than Casey). He managed to get out and is now back on top of his game even better than before. I am not comparing Casey and Trump together they are very different and every person has there own nitch and way of doing things and levels they achieve. I am just using it as an example to make my point clear. Two of the many key elements for success Casey now has and is on his way to better things as long as he can ride this tide.

  • Pelegirl wrote:

    “What would Casey’s schtick be? I’am an idiot, drink Jamba Juice? Or Jamba Juice is so good, I’am willing to pay $40 for one with overdraft fees? How about “I’am 2.2 million in debt, I’am going to Jamba Juice, then take a hot/cold shower, and sit on my blue ball!”? ”

    Thanks a lot Pelegirl…I laughed so hard I almost got sent for a drug test at work! I literally had tears streaming down my face reading this!

    Casey, you seriously need to look at endorsements, becoming a guru, speaking to groups for $, etc. You are at the top of your fame and you need to capitalize on it now.

    Pelegirl, you are freakin’ funny!’


  • Sponsorship idea! How about adding some kind of doomsday countdown clock! Like a countdown to indictment, or foreclosure. Set it for about 90 days or so.

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