I simply asked all the characters to walk away. That’s all. Everybody cut your losses, forget the whole thing ever happened and it will all fade away. It almost always does. But if this particular character wants to fight, I have no choice.
One more thing! Remember that winning isn’t always winning unless those you care most about reap the benefits… I hope you are able to see what is best for them as well.
God gives us the strength to do what is put before us… this big load on you and such a huge opposition only means that you are stronger than most. Keep positive bro.
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.”
What is it about you that makes you think you can go dancing all up and down various states, jumping into and out of contracts and agreements at will, lying under penalty of perjury and everything else… then just say “let’s just forget this and move on”?
You have no where to move on to, Casey. Aparently, at least according to some, this whole SNAFU is because you agreed that the proceeds of your site sale would directly benefit the person whom you hurt most, and take care of credit card debts that shouldn’t be bringing her down.
Then after that agreement, you wanted to change it, yet again, to allow for you to use the money for some nebulous “Defense Fund” or whatever.
Every time someone makes an agreement with, of any shape, sort or variety, you seem to want to change it, break it, or ignore it afterwards.
Is there a different understanding of the word contract in your culture that American’s don’t understand?
Any chance you can give ANY detail whatsoever? I’m sick of going to haterz sites to try to figure out the story. Frankly, I’m tired of digesting your side of the story in that fashion…
Do it with a lawyer! You are not equipped to face this crew! I hope you realize this. If not,we’ll be hearing another “under duress” talkcast about how you all agreed what was best for you is a stiff kick in the a** , while LMP takes your website and book! Get a lawyer Casey!
You make it sound like you can actually do something. We all know you can’t because:
1. You have the attention span of a house fly. 2. You NEVER follow through with anything. 3. You lack attention to detail. 4. You have no money. (So you claim.) 5. You are toxic and you contaminate everything and everyone that comes into contact with you.
No matter what you say, you are ultimately responsible for everything that is happening to you and has happened to you. Action and reaction is an inescapable law of the universe. And believe me, Serin, attempted crimes against that set of laws are always prosecuted and sentenced swiftly and consistently.
I sincerely hope you took the advice of the intelligent and have obtained some form of legal representation. I also hope that whatever that legal representation suggests that you follow their instructions and deal with the issue. As has been indicated there is enough evidence against Mark to cause him legal problems of his own. If he truly valued his reputation as he claimed (which led to the first action by him) he would have let this play out in private and would not have participated in the HaterCasts.
Casey, if your really shutting down the blog as stated can you please start posting more frequently and really answering some of the intelligent questions. I can understand why your quitting but you have a really great story here. It would suck for this thing to end without closure. There’s tons of people who have been following this and basicly supporting you weather hating or supporting. You should do the right thing with the blog and tell the complete story. I doubt that Mark is going to fisht when you lawyer up I think that your post is correct in assuming that he’ll walk away. Why would he spend money on this nonsense it just makes no sense. Please give us some juicy posts and responses to comments until the end. Being a blogger has probably been one of your greatest achievements and your likely to go back to blogging in the future. Give us a good story and a proper ending. Thanks Aaron
After your experiences this past year, I’m sure it seems to you that it’s OK to walk away from contracts just because you find them inconvenient. After all, you’ve walked away from your mortgages, your credit card lenders, CashCall, and probably more than that as well, and so far have not suffered more than minor inconveniences.
Well, surprise, surprise — somebody has finally decided to try to hold you to the terms of the agreement you signed. It’s going to be a painful lesson, but one that it’s long past time you learned.
Next time, maybe you’ll think a little more BEFORE you sign something.
@ 3. Com “One more thing! Remember that winning isn’t always winning unless those you care most about reap the benefits… I hope you are able to see what is best for them as well.”
“Those he cares about most” is Casey and no one else, so he will most certainly make sure “they” reap the benefits.
oh, by the way, did you set up that gameboard just for the photo? or is that a stock photo? is that how you prepare your legal defense? by playing board games?
You never answered my question from the earlier thread: if you feel that the settlement offer was a bad deal for you, why did you sign a document agreeing to it last week?
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the major disfunction isn’t with the rest of the world, but yourself?
Get em CASEY!!! Tear your shirt off and reveal the red S on your chest. Use your endless resourses and superior intellect to take down your foes. With the right attitude, real life can be just like a comic book.
You better wake up and do what you have legally obligated yourself to do. Being a US citizen means you live in a land where the rule of law is required behaviour. You cannot wake up from a nap and decide that maybe you shouldn’t have done something - you commit and must follow through.
Get on with life. Face the fact that you must reap the seeds you have sown not a fantasy crop. The only chance you have to ever reconsile your marriage is to try to redeem the one thing a man has - his word.
Sweet! The gentle perfume of success wafts about you, leading you on course to your manifest destiny! Follow your dreams, and don’t let the legal sticks beat you down, bleeding, into the dirt. Is that G’s voice you hear in the distance, beckoning you onward? Onward brave soldier, onward. Fight the brave fight of your life, and you will reap riches beyond measure!
You are no obligation to continue publishing Sharky’s crypto-homoerotic screeds.
In fact, doing so may encourage his unhealthy obsession with you. Obviously with all these references to “flogging” he is barely sublimating something.
Here is proof its fake and book will come out soon IMO:
1. why would casey AND G**** kill the book AND blog just when its about to payoff and the book is done when they need $ bad.(duh! broke people grab money not flush it)
2. If he WAS gonna shut the blog, why wait til aug 3rd? (reasons given make no sense)
3. Duane and M*** V*** are professional businessmen WHY WHY WHY would anyone call in on hate casts and post online bashing a past/curent client and commenting on current/past business? And the throat comment and the yelling…all drama…..makes no sense unless to pimp a book.
4. it only got ‘crazy around here’ just before the book was supposed to be due out! coinky dink? i think not.
5. Anyone I mean ANYONE if treated how casey has been the last week would have TEN attornies, the cops, the FBI, and thier mom helping out. UNLESS ITS FAKE TO PIMP BOOK.
6. Casey never detail how he knew the FBI contacted him. After 10 months of waiting for the hammer this is HUGE NEWS. Why no details? It never happend, fiction to pimp interest. He will claim ‘it musta been a crank call’ when book is published.
I applaud casey for this brilliant web 2.0 marketing stunt drama to pimp the book. I will buy 10 copies of the book when it comes out cuz he had me for a while…. i was NOT gonna buy it b4 but now i deserve to be punished for getting sucked in like a NRU student.
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?
The only thing that happened IN FRONT OF the judge was we went up and said we’re gonna try to settle this thing. The judge gave us our blessed and told us he hopes we work it out.
Keep in mind his case was a simple TRO for defamation (using his real name on my blog). As soon as I heard that’s what he actually is doing and after talking with an attorney, I immediately took those posts down to prevent further issues. He could have just asked me I would have done it without no Ex Parte. I took down his posts before at his request (back when our business relationship didn’t work out). So he knows I’m willing to cooperate.
But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right? (sarcasm)
The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of. Most of you already know the full story if you read the comments on my last post (or the post before, i forget)
Today this character never showed up to the hearing!
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
Casey, Casey, Casey, you need a shrink…or maybe some testosterone, looks like you are still a little boy!!!!!
Here is a 12 point plan for your future…
1)Get a Lawyer…Litigation and Divorce
2)Get a haircut…Better yet don’t. You will get a free one when you go to jail.
3)Get the Blue Ball some air…
4)Sell the blog and pay of “g”’s debt.
5)Apologize to everyone…including The Trailer Park Boys
6)End the blog now…
7)Prepare for Jail/Prison…take some self defense courses, workout and bulk up as quickly as possible
8)On your first day in prison, find someone and beat them within an inch of their life. You will gain much respect. You will get thrown into solitary, but its the safest place in prison…
9)While in prison, get a education…a REAL education, not some guru course. If you need time alone to concentrate, repeat #8.
10)Leave prison educated and in great shape while maintaining your anal virginity.
11)Use your new found knowledge and get a good W2 job with great benefits.
12)Use your looks and new body to pick up a good looking and RICH woman…Rich is a priority, looks are your choice.
Well, there you go…now make it happen.
Julian the Trailer Park Boy is signing off now!!!!
7. Casey is moderating so frequent now people can actually discuss things (sorta) here this is best moderation EVER and for a blog thats gonna get killed? when he was a ‘professional blogger’ 3 weeks ago he moderated once a day! Why, due to book coming out soon! haha! explain that!
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N? please answer. great blogging drama. think up a new twist get G on a hate cast. then u call in and argue with her! whooooot.
Everyone keeps talking about you signing a contract. Casey can you please post a copy of this so called contract so that we can see what you signed? Mark is claiming that this document is a made of titanium and cannot be broken. Did you sign away the rights to the site to Mark as he claims? Or was it Duane that you made an agreement with? Duane has stated that he is done so it seems that its just Mark that you have to fight.
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.” =====================================
First off there was no contract that was signed before a judge. Mark and Casey came up with their settlement after the court meeting. No judge saw or approved the settlement. Marty, who is a party to the lawsuit has neither seen the settlement nor approved it.
Secondly, what part of the settlement did Casey break? Duane has clearly stated that his deal to buy the domain is outside of the settlement agreement. Its a side deal. Nowhere in the settlement agreement does it specify that Casey has to sell the domain to Duane.
Duane set up a condition that Casey had to buy the site by a certain time and Casey failed to do that. However within minutes he and Mark were ranting and raving that Casey had broken the settlement, blah, blah, blah, blah, E Pluribus Unum scarecrow, blah,blah,blah, sex parte motion.
Unless the settlement agreement said Casey had to sell to Duane and have the domain transferred by noon ( without having ANY monies deposited in escrow) then I fail to see what court settlement Casey has broken.
Casey is free to sell the domain to anyone whom he chooses. As the domain owner he has the right to shop the domain around and obtain the highest price and profit he can get. Duane has the right to limit the amount of time he keeps his offer on the table. Deals fall through everyday.
Does Mark have any evidence that Casey is about to sell the domain without his approval. Can Mark even legitimately claim that Casey needs his approval since there really is no legally binding settlement until all parties named in the lawsuit agree with the settlement.
Did these parties really enter into a settlement agreement which entailed the tranfer of assets of a person who is being investigated by the FBI for multiple counts of fraud.
Will Mark and Casey make up yet again.
Will WE be able to listen to another fraudcast as they tell us of their deep spiritual connection.
But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right? (sarcasm)
If you are going to use sarcasm, try to at least spell correctly. “show”, not “shoe”.
Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?
What lie? Where? You AGREED to a settlement! For the love of all that is holy, do you just not get it??
The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of.
Tell you what Casey. When you spend 3 years in undergrad, three years in law school and pass the California bar, you are free to draw that conclusion. Until such time, IT IS NOT UP TO YOU TO DECIDE! IT IS UP TO THE COURT!
Today this character never showed up to the hearing!
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me.
Awwwwww, da poor puddy tat fall down. He didn’t give you notice of a cancellation? Well, if that don’t put the ‘p’ in ‘poetic justice’, I don’t know what does.
Would it have helped you if he started a blog and stated: “Casey Serin: NO DEAL!”? But hey, that is pretty nasty. I mean, giving little or no notice about activities. Like the notice you gave the w*** prior to Australia trip, the notice you gave to M**** about the book deal, the notice you gave to Nigel. Duane. The NLL d**** . Etc,etc.
Welcome to the real world Casey. Keep you arms and legs in the car at all times.
Casey, if you want these idiots to go away (and by idiots I mean Mark, Duane, and the rest of the haterz) just ignore them. Don’t let them on your talkcast and just blow them off. They are obsessed with you in a really gay way and you gotta cut them off. Period. Otherwise they will keep on stalking you until you go crazy. That is what they want. Don’t let them succeed, Casey. Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let these crazy people into your life.
Good on ya, boy! Now announce that this blog isn’t going ANYWHERE, and that no one’s going to make you take it down an HOUR earlier than you intend to. Then get focused on your story and take this thing back like a man.
Everyone, especially Americans, love an underdog comeback story. There are plenty of people who don’t like these guys who are pounding on you. Give em a good bloody nose, get your message under firm control and stand by it. You’ll be amazed how fast this thing turns into your favor. I’ve seen public excoriations become roses in the street within a media cycle. It’s all about who owns the story.
Do it right and even the FBI will back off. Like I said, they don’t want a news story, and they sure don’t want one about the big nasty government dragging some cute blonde Internet kid away in chains. Old enough to remember Waco? Don’t underestimate the power of message control.
Get out there and kick butt, boy. And blog about it. You’re closer to turning this around than you realize!
I presume he did this by putting his boot in your a** .
You poor sap. If I was you, I’d just transfer the domain overseas, grab as much as possible and bail out, travel around the country and world with a laptop. At least you’d have some fun with this thing.
It’s very fitting that you chose to use a picture of toy soldiers to indicate your defiance. Unfortunately, the many opponents you will soon face will be using real weapons. Mister LossMit is the least of your worries. You are now in serious “doo doo”, and it’s only going to get worse from here. Are you happy with this lovely situation you’ve created for yourself? I wouldn’t want to be you right now. There’s no way out, man. It’s too late to fix it. It’s too late to wiggle free. It’s too late.
Where on Earth did you get the idea to use “cleverly” chosen pictures to headline your blog posts?
Thanks for the info Casey. Are you still having a talkcast on Friday? Question on the FBI. You already stated that they contacted you. What did they say or ask of you? Are you 100% sure it was an actual FBI agent? According to Caseypedia Homey the Clown was a possible law enforcement agent. I’ve also read claims that a hater called you claiming to be the agent. IMO if the FBI was “investigating” you they would of already arrested you. Its like the teaser of all teasers everyone saying you’re going to jail. If that was the case why delay it? it just doesn’t make sense to me.
God forbid that you’re inconvenienced in your very busy day of napping, not showering, not getting a haircut, and not working to hop on a bus to go to the courthouse.
If it was a frivolous claim (in your opinion), then why did you agree to a settlement in which you’re paying him serious money (for someone in your position, who basically has NONE)?
He is not required to give you advance notice of a canceled hearing. So long as he properly notified the court clerk, he’s fulfilled his obligation.
“Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?”
Well, did you enter into a settlement or did you not? If it was a real settlement, you signed some sort of legally binding agreement. If you didn’t sign anything, you didn’t settle. If you did sign something, then you can’t just walk away from it.
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me.
No notice? Shocking! Why, I believe you gave your wife at least an hour’s notice that you were traveling halfway round the world. Surely that’s the least you could have expected in return?
You can’t just cry and ask people to walk away from contracts you’ve signed. This will just be the first of several “attacks”.
-”Attacked” by him now -”Attacked” by the guy who wrote your book soon -”Attacked” by the IRS soon -”Attacked” by the FBI even sooner -”Attacked” by cash call -”Attacked” by the banks you owe money too -”Attacked” by your soon to be ex-w*** in time
ALL YOUR FAULT cause you are a no-good lazy whiner. It’s what got you into the whole foreclosure biz to begin with. Couldn’t lift a finger to fix up a single place. Couldn’t even get out of bed to check the mail.
You should seriously consider going underground/leaving the country. You have no future here for a long time.
You’re delusional. You brought this all on yourself.
You have more coming too - but seem to be too dense to realize it.
What kind of numbskull publishes their whole life story and details of their illegal activities all over the internet for the world to see? A dense one I suppose.
You want to kiss and make up. But that is not how the business world operates.
Notice that you didn’t deny all the other contract waffeling or trying to get the money instead of having it go to credit card bills of the only INNOCENT VICTIM in your game.
If he didn’t show up, what makes you think he wants to continue the fight? He must realize that keeping this alive will hurt his reputation even more. Who would hire him if this goes any further? He’s a blowhard, not an idiot.
Im not sure of what the definition of “fortune” is, or alot of money…but wow, your supportz act like $20k is alot of cash.
Breaking News….it’s NOT!!!
Maybe in your world $20k seems like big money, the reality is that’s about the highest offer Casey’s site is worth. You can’t even buy a sweet V-Dub for $20k, let alone call $20k success.
Are you people still under the impression this is actually about Foreclosure???
Breaking News…its NOT!!!
This site is generating zero cash for the real estate and financial companies advertising here. Apparently they need a shot of espresso to wake up and figure that out.
Breaking News…it’s all about the Train wreck!!!
Maybe Jerry Springer will figure it out, and start advertising. Afterall, this would be his target audience!
Bankruptcy. It’s the ultimate do-over. You want to exit the contract? You were insolvent when it was signed and got less than fair value for the exchange. Please contact a bankruptcy attorney. Bankruptcy is more than just fixin’ debts - it can clean up your whole financial house. That, plus the court will keep you from doing stupid things like selling your webpage for a pack of gum.
I’ve watched this from the beginning and have never said anything. Why would I? Debt is debt. Debt isn’t profit. You made your breakfast; now eat it. I’ve worked all my life to get a degree and be where I want to be. I never decided for two seconds that I would try to take advantage of the real estate market. Real estate is gambling. And, obviously you’re a bad gambler. You deserve to do the time. You care about my tax dollars…..I don’t think so. Do you realize that sending auditors, assessors, government officials, etc combined to foreclose your property make a alot more than judges, sheriffs, and correctional officers. Granted that you’ll be eating three hot meals a day and working out, but then again, I don’t have to worry about my a** in the shower. I would pay twice the taxes to see you behind bars. Best of luck.
Sincerely, A man who has made a living actually working and not trying to make a quick buck and then backing out of it when it doesn’t work.
Now that you have the advantage, it’s time to press the attack! You know you can win, and victory is in the air! The bouquets of thousands will be thrown your way if you can beat this deadbeat opponent– reach for the sky, and the earth will be yours!
“I simply asked all the characters to walk away. That’s all. Everybody cut your losses, forget the whole thing ever happened and it will all fade away. It almost always does”.
CaseyDude>>Kinda just like how you treated your wedding vows and your wife!
GJ Casey. I told you he would back off. He’s a friggin ambulance chaser and he doesn’t want to get disbarred so of course he didn’t show up. McMaster would see right through that s*** . LMP is a terrible lawyer from what I gather and so he’s counting on you not showing up. Make sure you counter sue the guy btw. Then you’ve got him by the balls.
Now you have to deal with that Fat Lazy Redneck Duane. Call him out and tell him to stop hitting on your wife. Seriously man, it’s your wife still. Kick his a** if he doesn’t stop. Hell, I’d show up to his door and punch his half balding pudgy little face into a meat pie if he did that to my wife or GF!!
File a motion for sanctions. Tell the judge Mark is abusing the court to harass you. Ask the judge to dismiss (with prejudice) LMP’s suit as the sanction.
I, like many here, am increasingly loosing track of what’s going on.
All I can say is: you are following the right lessons from history. In 1941 the then German Chancellor called “no deal” on an agreement he had with the Communist Soviet Union, turning a strategic disadvantage into a situation he could lever to his own advantage and force his enemies to retreat almost as far as Moscow and Volgograd.
Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.
Good on ya, boy! Now announce that this blog isn’t going ANYWHERE, and that no one’s going to make you take it down an HOUR earlier than you intend to. Then get focused on your story and take this thing back like a man.
Everyone, especially Americans, love an underdog comeback story. There are plenty of people who don’t like these guys who are pounding on you. Give em a good bloody nose, get your message under firm control and stand by it. You’ll be amazed how fast this thing turns into your favor. I’ve seen public excoriations become roses in the street within a media cycle. It’s all about who owns the story.
Do it right and even the FBI will back off. Like I said, they don’t want a news story, and they sure don’t want one about the big nasty government dragging some cute blonde Internet kid away in chains. Old enough to remember Waco? Don’t underestimate the power of message control.
Get out there and kick butt, boy. And blog about it. You’re closer to turning this around than you realize!
37. Bobbsey Twins July 17th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
6. rmz July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 pm Casey,
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.” =====================================
First off there was no contract that was signed before a judge. Mark and Casey came up with their settlement after the court meeting. No judge saw or approved the settlement. Marty, who is a party to the lawsuit has neither seen the settlement nor approved it.
Secondly, what part of the settlement did Casey break? Duane has clearly stated that his deal to buy the domain is outside of the settlement agreement. Its a side deal. Nowhere in the settlement agreement does it specify that Casey has to sell the domain to Duane.
Duane set up a condition that Casey had to buy the site by a certain time and Casey failed to do that. However within minutes he and Mark were ranting and raving that Casey had broken the settlement, blah, blah, blah, blah, E Pluribus Unum scarecrow, blah,blah,blah, sex parte motion.
Unless the settlement agreement said Casey had to sell to Duane and have the domain transferred by noon ( without having ANY monies deposited in escrow) then I fail to see what court settlement Casey has broken.
Casey is free to sell the domain to anyone whom he chooses. As the domain owner he has the right to shop the domain around and obtain the highest price and profit he can get. Duane has the right to limit the amount of time he keeps his offer on the table. Deals fall through everyday.
Does Mark have any evidence that Casey is about to sell the domain without his approval. Can Mark even legitimately claim that Casey needs his approval since there really is no legally binding settlement until all parties named in the lawsuit agree with the settlement.
again casey these bloggers mentioned here are blessed with proper genes. ofcourse he didn’t show up and canceled it collection pawn is a hustler. u see collection agents use scare tactics to do their job and trust me they do it well until they bump into a few well lets just say well informed genetically bred individuals then the chaos begins. u see the judge probably would have screamed or screamed so f****** loud that the f****** aliens woke up and screamed with him. the case has abuse of legal system written all over it and if i was a consultant to collection pawn would say man listen u will go to jail get this s*** thrown out and move on, u casey i would say if i was your consultant hey man this collection pawn wants to go to jail and give u money for slander, libel, and my favorite contract fraud under duress. and tell me weres 30 billion sold at did he leave already did he talk to his attorneys did they advise him to put a gag order on his approach to the whole law thingy i bet they did and just wait till someone contacts his family and informs them of his conduct around your wife, all i have to say is that his wife probably needs a divorce attorney.
Game is over. Casey wants to pick up his toys and go home. There is nothing more to see here, move along. Disperse. Go back to your lives. All this never happened. It’s a bad dream.
File a motion for sanctions. Tell the judge Mark is abusing the court to harass you. Ask the judge to dismiss (with prejudice) LMP’s suit as the sanction.
again a brilliant statement a good gene pool member
Lost Cause, you asked “Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something?” for it to be a crime. The short answer is no, you do not have to profit to commit a crime. Just *try* to rob a bank, and even if you don’t get money, you will find yourself in prison. Other examples: Conspiring to commit a crime is a crime. Knowingly helping someone commit a crime is a crime. Paying someone to commit a crime is a crime. Attempting to manipulate stock prices is a crime.
All of those crimes may not have the criminal benefitting monetarily from his actions, but they are crimes nonetheless. Plenty of people have been caught in the commission of their crimes before they attained money and ended up in prison. The fact that you do not benefit from your crime has little bearing on things. It makes you a poor planner, and maybe an idiot, but not less of a criminal. asw: gold
Often times an army would feign weakness and retreat, allowing the embolden enemy to run at them, only to turn around and surround the enemy…feigning weakness to gain strength.
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
For God’s sake, don’t let this slime get away with this. Go after him big-time by filing a counter-suit charging him with vindictively harassing you, publicly libeling your business (pick off his public e-mails from EN and other haterz sites), and wasting public resources by filing frivilous suits. This is beginning to sound like a broken record, but talk to an attorney about it. It’s not going to cost you a penny because there are a lot of hungry contingency lawyers out there who would take a third of any settlement to take your case. You get the other two-thirds, and it’s generally tax free (because its payment for damages), so that’s truly sweet. This height-challenged shyster has got big bucks, but not so big balls. By not showing up, he’s got to be on the ropes, so move in for the knock-out. If you do nothing, he’s just going to play you like a yo-yo, summoning you to court meetings on some new specious bluff, then not appearing, and expecting to wear you down. All he wants is to try and grab your blog from under you, and do what you haven’t done by monetizing all this viewership. I can’t that he has any real case especially since over on EN, Duane says has dropped out of these actions completely. So that means there’s no purchase of the blog pending, and nothing for him to get a court to take action. I’m also sure you would get a very receptive hearing from judges, who HATE ambulance chasers with lawsuit diarrhea wasting their time with frivilous motions.
Have you spoken to your wife? Why does she trust Duane? Why is she commenting and retracting comments at EN? If she values her privacy so much, why is she calling your enemies and requesting they comment for her? Or is it all a lie?
Casey admittedly lied to the companies that financed his deals. Where those were mortgages that constitutes Mortgage Fraud. But hey “it’s all good” right?
#80 I think the premise is that Casey got cash back on several of his deals. That in itself is fraud. He also lied and said that he was living in all of his houses. They are cracking down on this stuff pretty heavily since the mortgage and real estate downturn. That being said I’m not sure that they’ll do anything to Casey. Aren’t the real estate agents and brokers who got Casey the loans even more guilty of crimes than Casey? He is right when he states that its was common place for borrowers to get cash back on deals at that time. Casey made a huge mistake though. He bought houses simply for the cash back and got really crappy deals. Despite all of the hating Casey really just got ripped off. Personally I think that the agents and brokers screwed him over big time. I wonder if Casey can sue any of these individuals? What I don’t understand with all of the jail and FBI talk why haven’t they arrested him already? Waiting for him to admit to more crimes here? I doubt it. The haterz have been emailing the FBI and the cops and everyone else big time. Still nothing happens. Casey is not alone in his crimes in fact there are far worse criminals than Casey in this saga.
“Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something?”
Actually, no, you don’t have to make money to be guilty of a crime. I believe you are referring to the allegations of mortgage fraud.
One of the first podcasts Casey held was with a guy who committed mortgage fraud and spent about a year in the clinker. He told Casey, point blank, that Casey had committed mortgage fraud, and it didn’t matter whether Casey made money or not. Casey asked him what he should do, and the guy said that Casey should turn himself in to the FBI. But it’s a good thing that he didn’t, because we wouldn’t have experienced another 6 months of irritainment.
“Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.”
Nope. The biggest criminal action(probably) that Casey committed is lying on his loan applications. It’s fraud, probably at a state and local level. The feds are entwined in the whole mortgage process now a days(HUD, Fannie Mae etc).
Casey has probably committed interstate wire fraud as well.
There are also a whole rat’s nest of tax issues that Snowflake is entangled in.
Still, I doubt the FBI agent is legit. They don’t make their presence known until they arrest you or bring you in for questioning.
Profit and loss has nothing to do with the potential charges
Now, BE SMART. Don’t let the posts goad you into mentioning either of their names again !! Let it all die down and he can’t say you are still putting his name out there.
Still seek legal counsel. You have just cause to file a harassment suit. Make copies (I’m sure you already have) of the posts on the hater sites and recordings of the “rip your effing throat out” rant on talkshoe. Show how D**** was posting like a rabid dog on the hater site doing a countdown to NO DEAL.
is it me or is your army large compared to these three individuals? I would like to know who is on your team. Your whole army is in the water. I now agree with those who say that you need mental help.
“The only thing that happened IN FRONT OF the judge was we went up and said we’re gonna try to settle this thing. The judge gave us our blessed and told us he hopes we work it out.”
And, according to you and LMP, you indeed had.
Then the dildoz voiced their disapproval, Toilet Scrubber probably told you to go manipulate yourself, and you broke the deal.
So…you’ll be going BACK before the Judge, and he’ll want to know WHY.
The answer…your “feelingz”, and the opinions of largely anonymous blog-dildoz, is not going to stand you in good stead.
LMP will have even MORE proof that you are untrustworthy and dishonorable. (Glad that your Fraudcasts are maintained on TalkShoe, eh?).
Frankly, I’d request that both domain and blog ownership are transferred to Toilet Scrubber.
She can then sell the whole mess and get you “pumped out of her life”. (You got any experience with dames on the rebound, Hobbit? They’re a heap of freaky fun, they’ll do things with you and for you, that you’d be shocked to watch domestic animals perform in a barnyard. But you need earplugs to save your hearing from all the kvetching about what a louse “the ex-” was).
“That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me. ”
And haven’t we been HERE before? The New Mexico foreclosure snowstorm.
BTW, someone on another site is reporting that they emailed Mark and he stated he had to cancel about a half hour before the court appearance because he had car (truck) trouble.
No, sorry, sweetie (and your idiot supporterz), I don’t think Mr. V is “running scared”….your a** pounding will just take place at an alternate time. Wish I could be there to enjoy it.
@ 80. Lost Cause “Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.”
Really, what about the “cash back” at escrow? Casey admittedly set up fraudulent deals, using “lair loans”, solely to obtain “cash back”, as much as $30,000, $40,000, $50,0000 per deal. He put nothing in, so he wasn’t an investor as he claimed, and even a fool like Casey should be able to figure out the deals didn’t pencil. So, the motive becomes rather obvious doesn’t it?
Your claim defies logic. For example, a mail fraud their steals $50,000 through deception and illegal transactions (not unlike Casey), thens spends the money on living expenses, vacations, and frivolous things, until such time as he is broke (not unlike Casey). Based on your logic, the thief would not be guilty of a crime, because he has no money. Do you get it now?
What are your thoughts about Asperger’s syndrome? Bi-polar? I’m just wondering what your thoughts are regarding the validity of either. Do you think both are just silly faux science?
Kid, you are awesome. But you missed an opportunity here. When this snake didn’t have the guts to show up, you should have petitioned the court to dismiss the suit as frivilous. This would reall p*** off this creep because he would have to pay court fees to get the suit reinstituted. Frankly, I don’t understand how he got to Round One in this case, since from what is written about the case, he doesn’t appear to have much of an argument.
This whole thing is the biggest soap opera in history. A different twist and turn everyday. The blog dies… it comes back (sounds like a soap opera).
We’ve got the villans, the idiots, the failing love story…
I know what you guys are going to say, (well then why are you on the blog?), but this is the most ridiculous set of proceedings I’ve ever seen and has just about run its course… hope so anyway.
No matter what the three stooges mm & d do, YOU are the star and the main attraction! Regardless of what you do or don’t do, it only makes your celebrity stronger.
The stooges try the same thing and they only besmirch their own reputations. They will go back into the obscurity from which they came.
The stooges remind me of when a butler tries to become famous by writing a tell all about the star they work for-the butler is soon forgotten while the star is even more popular due to the latest “scandals”!
The stooges are the funniest characters you have brought on board in a while.
What price would you sell your blog for today? Any special terms? I would potentially be interested if it would transfer over to me by 5:00pm(PST) this Friday, July 20, 2007. Email me with terms.
Other than this post, I do not wish to have this matter discuss online. Hope to hear from you soon Casey.
Where are you living? How are things w/ creditors, family, gold markets, etc.?
(You do understand that you are letting others (M and D) call the tune at this point, right? They might as well own your blog if this is the type of crap you are going to post. Aren’t you doing anything OTHER than obsess about LMP?)
Casey - what have you done to get a w2 job in the last week? All of this looks like more shenanigans. I am about to turn my official stance from supporterz back to haterz.
Stop paying attention to BS you can’t control. Get a job. Are you allowed back in the house yet? I’ll bet your chances would be better if you would deliver on any of the promises you made.
Casey, please tell me that your defense team is not that group of green plastic soldiers. If so, I will enjoy watching LMP put his foot in your a** . Please tell me that you are taking the advice and getting an attorney.
Loss MitTit ran scred because haterz were going to snap a picture of him…LOL. The fat bald dude does not want anyone knowing what he looks like. LMT they wont give up that easily I am sure someone will find out what you look like ya loser!
Duane pulling out was not a win for Casey, it was a loss for G*****. She would have got all that money.
Now Casey has lost his last chance to derive real money from the blog/domain (even though he wouldn’t see the money personally).
It was sensible of Duane to retract his offer, but not for the reason stated (being pissed off with Casey’s mucking around). In fact, the domain/blog may not be Casey’s to sell. Two parties may have a prior claim on it - prlinkbiz and Marty (or this Joint Venture) and if Duane were to go ahead and buy the domain for real money, he and/or G***** might get sued.
Basically the situation with prlinkbiz and Marty needs to be cleared up before any conscientious buyer could complete a purchase of the domain or blog. Until then, whenever Casey writes “I warrant that I am the legal owner of this asset” he is lying.
your commets about the FBI not wanting to arrest people in the public eye for fear of bad publicity is COMPLETELY FALSE! Te truth is, the Government PREFERS hi profile people because it will make the media, and deter the masses. In fact, its even states in the IRS field manual thatagents should target celebrities, and other high profile people because it will make the press and deter the masses into staying in line. So if Casey were a nobody he would be much better off. Remember the guy who won the 1 million from Survivor? High Profile. Wesly Snipes, etc etc. Joe nobody from Jackson Wyoming, no prob
Tough guy Mark had car troubles? “You’re lucky my [’78 Dodge Colt] wasn’t working today, or I’d have kicked your candy-A!” Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Btw, I followed the link to his old (cached) site–I’d really like to know how to get my creditors to not only stop asking for money, but to PAY me! Why isn’t LegalFreakPro making that offer anymore?
If it was verbal, just walk away. If it was in WRITING, you must take responsiblity for whatever it is you signed”
Wow. That’s brilliant. Encourage him to cheat. Way to go, dude! You do know that verbal contracts are fully enforceable, right? Right? If it weren’t for the fact that Casey blogged about the deal he made and the details of the deal, your cunning plan just might’ve worked. “One person’s word against another” and all that. But see, Casey blogged about it & talked about it and there are records of it, so… I guess it’s back to law school for you. asw: manbag
Yes. That is how problems work in the real world. You decide to ignore them and they just fade away into the night. I’m glad to hear that you have learned such a valuable less through this whole experience.
Go to the California Bar Association and file a complaint against the lawyer. Try frivolous lawsuit or something like that.
A realtor screwed me over but I didn’t have really good, written evidence (I did have some written evidence but it wasn’t really strong), I complained to the board of realtors. They did a thorough investigation and gave me an evaluation of her conduct which would stand up in court. The combination of my evidence and the realtor board’s evaluation was VERY strong. I recovered the full amount.
Plus… She got fined a few hunderd $ and is in REALTORS SCHOOL now!
keep all your plan to yourself. don’t post anything personal ever again. i hope things work out for you and your family. i wish you only the best!!!!!!!!!! take care!!
This is complete BS. I thought these guys were really going to fight in court and I know now based on the stupid “RISK” board game picture that it is a total fabrication. We’re all getting played here. Casey is a dope….
Sharky, do you think being a Toilet Scrubber is a terrible profession? As low as one can get? That toilets should not be scrubbed at all? Sharky, is your toilet ever scrubbed? Who does it?
Don’t worry, an attorney is being retained today to put this whole circus to bed. The circus monkey has been asked many times to just back off and walk away. But that’s ok. It’s time to get some action behind the message.
Everything here for the last several weeks is very sketchy. Treating the internet as a vehicle for making your side of a legal argument is questionable and could compromise any case.
I would just maximize the value of whatever assets you control- at least the blog and the book. You talk about getting money to pay off debts, restore your relationship, etc., but then seem to want to get rid of the assets as cheaply and quickly as you can to anyone who threatens you. This is quite strange behavior. The value of said properties materialized out of your financial losses, but they need not be discarded so quickly or cheaply.
I know you’ve made mistakes in the past, but why keep making mistakes and dealing with people that may have mixed motives. You can protect yourself by writing good legal contracts that make clear what you are selling or buying, under what conditions, and what happens if those conditions are not met.
Everthing here is very murky. I’m not suggesting you need an expensive lawyer at every turn, but you can have a lawyer review a contract and discover ambiguities for pennies on the dollar.
But good luck- I think the Casey persona was entertaining for a while, but why don’t you just maximize your opportunities for once?
You can’t call anyone else a circus monkey. We’ve already tagged you with the “monkey” moniker, after you performed all those monkeydances during the beg-a-thon.
You may be able to call him a “circus clown,” but that might bring forth mental pictures from Stephen King’s “IT”, and that mightn’t be the kind of image you’re trying to portray.
57. nigel’s guest blogger July 17th, 2007 at 3:53 pm
I’m suprised at the hate expressed on your site, nigel’s guest blogger, towards Casey and the vigour with which you do it. Is it something personal, or just “haterz” stuff..? Just curious
“circus monkey” ? ? ? you do realize that many of us come to your sight just to watch your daily dance right? How ironic that you of all people would have the nerve to call anyone else a circus monkey. DANCE MONKEY DANCE!! AMUSE ME!!!
Once again, prefacing this with the fact I am not a suppoter. At all.
However, I am a Mark hater even more. Firstly, Mark and Casey DO NOT have a cotract, Mark just decided he wanted to be fame w**** and waded in on this whole debacle, appointing himself as Supporter/hater/Supporter/Hater in Chief (delete as applicable on any given day).
Secondly, the American legal system is a joke. The fact that you can even bring suits liek this shows just how flawed your system is.
Mark/Anthony V********* , it shows a sad state of your mental affairs that you think your absence is lending itself to imaginations gone wild. What a world of fantasy you live in! I hate to tell you this - you did not cross my mind once yesterday - can you believe that??? I too, would employ any legalities necessary to insure that you and your tactics do not encroach upon the rights of myself or for that matter, any of the commenters here. There is a reason that all of us - with the exception of you and Duane - post anonomously. This is a mere diversion for us - it is not our lives.
As for “false security” - many of us here employ real live attorneys with real live law degrees to handle our affairs. The particular team that I retain would love to have you to use as a chew bone for the afternoon. I see your post was written very late at night - did you wake up with a start realizing just what a fool you look like to thousands of people that have read your uneducated take on how the legal system works? Did you suddenly realize that many of the people here think you are a pompous windbag for the way you try to present yourself?? That your name and reputation are forever damaged by this 5 minutes of questionable fame? And that isn’t a pot shot buddy - it is the plain truth.
The only one living under an illusion of false security is you. Cause it sure as hell ain’t me.
YOU insinuated yourself into a public, ongoing affair, with a stated intent to become a participant and actor on the issues, for reasons of your own. As you did that, you already knowingly refered to your own personal, as well as your corporate identity. Being familiar with the web and this situation, you knew full well that curious minds would seek out [b]public[/b] information to complete the picture of this new participant. You even filled legal papers against a principal. You have used your own name in VERY spookily similar activities in past.
Enough on your own position, let me outline mine:
I am merely a trainwreck watcher, making commentary on sites set up specifically for that purpose. I have no slandered, libeled or made false claims. I am not hiding. I am [i]maintaining[/i] an existing position of anonymity, as is my right.
I, unlike Casey, WILL eagerly engage an attorney when cause presents itself, WILL use that attorney vigorously, and will not be bullied or squelched by threats intended to keep me from presenting germane and publicly available facts on an issue of moment. I also am aware of my rights, and leaving aside your own laughable jumble of pseudo-legal advice dispensed with most threats, I have do the right to both speak, and to protect my anonymity.
Should I discover that myself or other person who has done nothing but observe has had the methods of people like, say, bill collectors use, applied improperly to ascertain personally identifying information (IPs, names, addresses, etc) I will take aggressive, sustained, and forceful legal action against anyone improperly cyberstalking me for my public and legally protected commentary on events of the day.
I hope that is plain enough.
I don’t mind if in response to this you prattle on about double standards, ad geese and ganders, and such. I fully expect you to.
But you move a finger to use tools of the trade or improperly justified legal measures to uncover identities of those engaged in simple commentary, you will indeed be held to account.
Annie get your gun…then stick it up that big mouth of yours and fire away. I am sick of your whining. Spend some of that energy taking care of your children who obvious no longer have a father around because of your tired a***. You can’t even concentrate to cook dinner when a Casey podcast is on. Are you so desperate to belong? What a sad life you must live.
All of ya, Annie, T, Steph J., Akubi, Aspeth, FMW, Steph S, Khatie, get a f****** life. You all sound like a bunch of rejects. The male haterz don’t really want you either. You will be dismissed when Casey leaves. Mark my words.
If you would utilize half the energy you waste on Casey you might be in a better place. Do your bastard children a favor and give them some attension will ya?
I’ve tried to keep myself neutral on the whole legal issues brought on by LMP and the likes. As much as Casey’s lackadaisical ways irk me, and as much as his empty promises to the people that matter (which is not any of us) get my goat, I’m not sure I think this is the best way to approach the situation.
At the risk of pissing off some longtime Haterz™ for whom I have tremendous respect, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I don’t believe any of us have any business trying to influence the direction of Casey’s life or choices by our direct actions. We can yell and scream and b**** and moan until we’re blue in the face, that’s fine… we can create blogs, and fight amongst ourselves all we like; but I do not believe that acts of sabotage, or lawsuits are accomplishing anything at all. In nerdspeak: It’s like the prime directive; let him make his own choices, let him choose is own direction, and let us be amused by the results. Jesus, it’s not like he’s not doing a bad job sabotaging himself; opportunity after opportunity turned down for the hope of something better, for a shinier thing… he’s going to keep doing that until there are no options at all, and he’s lost every chance to get back on his feet. He doesn’t need lawsuits and interference in his ridiculous hare-brained projects to fail.
I’m not making any judgment calls about Mark or Duane; I think they both started out with great intentions and then were fueled by Casey’s ineptitude to force his hand because he won’t step up himself. I’m sure G***** ’s vulnerable appeals for assistance don’t help either.
But I just don’t see what it’s accomplishing. I don’t think anyone is really benefiting from it except perhaps the people involved in the legal process, who are billing a few extra hours. Maybe some Haterz™ are getting a little dark amusement from watching Casey scramble and whine about the suits—I concede I like reading the panic between the lines of his posts, I do. Casey’s feigned concern for the tax dollars being wasted is a non-issue, since that’s not what he’s really concerned about. His fear reads loud and clear.
I dunno. It’s like there’s no more story, so we’re inventing more by making some of us part of it. I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in the LMP and Duane story. It’s contrived. I’d rather watch things pan out ‘organically’.
I don’t think Casey should be protected from consequences, I just don’t think consequences should be fabricated for the sake of entertainment. That is my opinion. Fire away.
I'm a 24-year-old aspiring real estate investor from Sacramento CA. After going to few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months across 4 states with no money down. I fixed and sold 2 and then ran out of cash. I am now facing foreclosure on 6 houses. I'm learning my lessons, finding solutions and blogging about it. Comments appreciated!
July 17th, 2007 at 2:21 pm
Don’t ever give up. Be smart and speak very little about your plans.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:21 pm
Dear Mr. Serin:
Yes, that would be a good thing. We would also like an update on what is happening with G. Some of us are concerned.
-J. Murse Manbagger
asw: semivegan
July 17th, 2007 at 2:23 pm
One more thing! Remember that winning isn’t always winning unless those you care most about reap the benefits… I hope you are able to see what is best for them as well.
God gives us the strength to do what is put before us… this big load on you and such a huge opposition only means that you are stronger than most. Keep positive bro.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:24 pm
Everybody cut your losses, forget the whole thing ever happened and it will all fade away.
Did you try that tactic with CashCall?
July 17th, 2007 at 2:24 pm
July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 pm
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.”
July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 pm
What is it about you that makes you think you can go dancing all up and down various states, jumping into and out of contracts and agreements at will, lying under penalty of perjury and everything else… then just say “let’s just forget this and move on”?
You have no where to move on to, Casey. Aparently, at least according to some, this whole SNAFU is because you agreed that the proceeds of your site sale would directly benefit the person whom you hurt most, and take care of credit card debts that shouldn’t be bringing her down.
Then after that agreement, you wanted to change it, yet again, to allow for you to use the money for some nebulous “Defense Fund” or whatever.
Every time someone makes an agreement with, of any shape, sort or variety, you seem to want to change it, break it, or ignore it afterwards.
Is there a different understanding of the word contract in your culture that American’s don’t understand?
July 17th, 2007 at 2:30 pm
Any chance you can give ANY detail whatsoever? I’m sick of going to haterz sites to try to figure out the story. Frankly, I’m tired of digesting your side of the story in that fashion…
-Snowflake McFrankenflip
July 17th, 2007 at 2:30 pm
Do it with a lawyer! You are not equipped to face this crew! I hope you realize this. If not,we’ll be hearing another “under duress” talkcast about how you all agreed what was best for you is a stiff kick in the a** , while LMP takes your website and book! Get a lawyer Casey!
July 17th, 2007 at 2:32 pm
Too costly to fight…
July 17th, 2007 at 2:33 pm
You make it sound like you can actually do something. We all know you can’t because:
1. You have the attention span of a house fly.
2. You NEVER follow through with anything.
3. You lack attention to detail.
4. You have no money. (So you claim.)
5. You are toxic and you contaminate everything and everyone that comes into contact with you.
No matter what you say, you are ultimately responsible for everything that is happening to you and has happened to you. Action and reaction is an inescapable law of the universe. And believe me, Serin, attempted crimes against that set of laws are always prosecuted and sentenced swiftly and consistently.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:33 pm
By the way, how are things shaping up with G? I know a lot of us are concerned what’s happening there.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Hey, did you try that trick with your Lenders?
Walk away, forget the money I owe you!
Did that work? I think you are a genious. I am calling CashCall and ask for a Casey Loan.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:37 pm
So, what you are saying is that everyone should pick up their marbles and go home. No harm, no foul. Do-over.
Oh, wait… you stole all the marbles.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:38 pm
I sincerely hope you took the advice of the intelligent and have obtained some form of legal representation. I also hope that whatever that legal representation suggests that you follow their instructions and deal with the issue. As has been indicated there is enough evidence against Mark to cause him legal problems of his own. If he truly valued his reputation as he claimed (which led to the first action by him) he would have let this play out in private and would not have participated in the HaterCasts.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:38 pm
Casey, if your really shutting down the blog as stated can you please start posting more frequently and really answering some of the intelligent questions. I can understand why your quitting but you have a really great story here. It would suck for this thing to end without closure. There’s tons of people who have been following this and basicly supporting you weather hating or supporting. You should do the right thing with the blog and tell the complete story. I doubt that Mark is going to fisht when you lawyer up I think that your post is correct in assuming that he’ll walk away. Why would he spend money on this nonsense it just makes no sense. Please give us some juicy posts and responses to comments until the end. Being a blogger has probably been one of your greatest achievements and your likely to go back to blogging in the future. Give us a good story and a proper ending.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:39 pm
After your experiences this past year, I’m sure it seems to you that it’s OK to walk away from contracts just because you find them inconvenient. After all, you’ve walked away from your mortgages, your credit card lenders, CashCall, and probably more than that as well, and so far have not suffered more than minor inconveniences.
Well, surprise, surprise — somebody has finally decided to try to hold you to the terms of the agreement you signed. It’s going to be a painful lesson, but one that it’s long past time you learned.
Next time, maybe you’ll think a little more BEFORE you sign something.
ASW: signhere. Very appropriate.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:41 pm
@ 3. Com
“One more thing! Remember that winning isn’t always winning unless those you care most about reap the benefits… I hope you are able to see what is best for them as well.”
“Those he cares about most” is Casey and no one else, so he will most certainly make sure “they” reap the benefits.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:41 pm
oh, by the way, did you set up that gameboard just for the photo? or is that a stock photo? is that how you prepare your legal defense? by playing board games?
isn’t that copyrighted material?
July 17th, 2007 at 2:43 pm
Of course they want to fight. They want the domain name, since it’s worth a fortune. It’s the 7th hit on google for ‘foreclosure’ now.
Man I feel kind of bad for you. If you’d worked to sell advertising on this blog yourself rather then trying to be lazy and signing contracts with people and getting into ’sweet deals’ you’d be soooo much better off right now. Instead, people saw your situation and naiveté to swooped in. Now they’re going in for the kill, and they want to do it as quickly as possible, before you sell the domain to anyone else.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:45 pm
” forget the whole thing ever happened and it will all fade away. It almost always does.”
Almost always,but not THIS this time. The Ring MUST go into the volcano…the Ring WILL go into the volcano.
The Hobbit SHALL climb the volcano.
“But if this particular character wants to fight, I have no choice. ”
You have a choice. You will obey the court,or you will refuse and pay the price.
You MIGHT fight, but you WILL lose.
“I simply asked all the characters to walk away.”
Why don’t YOU walk away? Abide by the agreement, and then walk away.
Wasn’t this all about Toilet Scrubber’s debt?
When did it become about your greed and your pride?
After the dildoz pushed the “resetbutton” on your head.
Judge their sincerity for your welfare by the amount they donate to your Legal Defense Fund.
BTW,if someone set up a Divorce Lawyer Fund for Toilet Scrubber,which one would ring the bell first?
You’re going down by law, kid…accept your future,this LMP business isn’t even going to rate a minor bruise on the flogging coming your way.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:48 pm
@#11 dm don’t insult house flys like that!!!
July 17th, 2007 at 2:48 pm
You never answered my question from the earlier thread: if you feel that the settlement offer was a bad deal for you, why did you sign a document agreeing to it last week?
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the major disfunction isn’t with the rest of the world, but yourself?
July 17th, 2007 at 2:51 pm
July 17th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Get em CASEY!!! Tear your shirt off and reveal the red S on your chest. Use your endless resourses and superior intellect to take down your foes. With the right attitude, real life can be just like a comic book.
We’re pulling for ya!!
July 17th, 2007 at 2:57 pm
You better wake up and do what you have legally obligated yourself to do. Being a US citizen means you live in a land where the rule of law is required behaviour. You cannot wake up from a nap and decide that maybe you shouldn’t have done something - you commit and must follow through.
Get on with life. Face the fact that you must reap the seeds you have sown not a fantasy crop. The only chance you have to ever reconsile your marriage is to try to redeem the one thing a man has - his word.
Oh, never mind. Lost cause.
July 17th, 2007 at 2:58 pm
Sweet! The gentle perfume of success wafts about you, leading you on course to your manifest destiny! Follow your dreams, and don’t let the legal sticks beat you down, bleeding, into the dirt. Is that G’s voice you hear in the distance, beckoning you onward? Onward brave soldier, onward. Fight the brave fight of your life, and you will reap riches beyond measure!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:08 pm
You are no obligation to continue publishing Sharky’s crypto-homoerotic screeds.
In fact, doing so may encourage his unhealthy obsession with you. Obviously with all these references to “flogging” he is barely sublimating something.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:08 pm
Here is proof its fake and book will come out soon IMO:
1. why would casey AND G**** kill the book AND blog just when its about to payoff and the book is done when they need $ bad.(duh! broke people grab money not flush it)
2. If he WAS gonna shut the blog, why wait til aug 3rd? (reasons given make no sense)
3. Duane and M*** V*** are professional businessmen WHY WHY WHY would anyone call in on hate casts and post online bashing a past/curent client and commenting on current/past business? And the throat comment and the yelling…all drama…..makes no sense unless to pimp a book.
4. it only got ‘crazy around here’ just before the book was supposed to be due out! coinky dink? i think not.
5. Anyone I mean ANYONE if treated how casey has been the last week would have TEN attornies, the cops, the FBI, and thier mom helping out. UNLESS ITS FAKE TO PIMP BOOK.
6. Casey never detail how he knew the FBI contacted him. After 10 months of waiting for the hammer this is HUGE NEWS. Why no details? It never happend, fiction to pimp interest. He will claim ‘it musta been a crank call’ when book is published.
I applaud casey for this brilliant web 2.0 marketing stunt drama to pimp the book. I will buy 10 copies of the book when it comes out cuz he had me for a while…. i was NOT gonna buy it b4 but now i deserve to be punished for getting sucked in like a NRU student.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:11 pm
Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?
The only thing that happened IN FRONT OF the judge was we went up and said we’re gonna try to settle this thing. The judge gave us our blessed and told us he hopes we work it out.
Keep in mind his case was a simple TRO for defamation (using his real name on my blog). As soon as I heard that’s what he actually is doing and after talking with an attorney, I immediately took those posts down to prevent further issues. He could have just asked me I would have done it without no Ex Parte. I took down his posts before at his request (back when our business relationship didn’t work out). So he knows I’m willing to cooperate.
But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right? (sarcasm)
The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of. Most of you already know the full story if you read the comments on my last post (or the post before, i forget)
Today this character never showed up to the hearing!
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
I really like the Army Men!!!!
Casey, Casey, Casey, you need a shrink…or maybe some testosterone, looks like you are still a little boy!!!!!
Here is a 12 point plan for your future…
1)Get a Lawyer…Litigation and Divorce
2)Get a haircut…Better yet don’t. You will get a free one when you go to jail.
3)Get the Blue Ball some air…
4)Sell the blog and pay of “g”’s debt.
5)Apologize to everyone…including The Trailer Park Boys
6)End the blog now…
7)Prepare for Jail/Prison…take some self defense courses, workout and bulk up as quickly as possible
8)On your first day in prison, find someone and beat them within an inch of their life. You will gain much respect. You will get thrown into solitary, but its the safest place in prison…
9)While in prison, get a education…a REAL education, not some guru course. If you need time alone to concentrate, repeat #8.
10)Leave prison educated and in great shape while maintaining your anal virginity.
11)Use your new found knowledge and get a good W2 job with great benefits.
12)Use your looks and new body to pick up a good looking and RICH woman…Rich is a priority, looks are your choice.
Well, there you go…now make it happen.
Julian the Trailer Park Boy is signing off now!!!!
Its been a great run and its all done!!!!!!
Have a great life Casey…SWEEEEEET!!!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
One more proof of my humble fake drama theory:
7. Casey is moderating so frequent now people can actually discuss things (sorta) here this is best moderation EVER and for a blog thats gonna get killed? when he was a ‘professional blogger’ 3 weeks ago he moderated once a day! Why, due to book coming out soon! haha! explain that!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:15 pm
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
Please share if you ACTUALLY SIGNED ANYTHING with LMP after meeting w/judge last week? Y or N?
please answer. great blogging drama. think up a new twist get G on a hate cast. then u call in and argue with her! whooooot.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:16 pm
Everyone keeps talking about you signing a contract. Casey can you please post a copy of this so called contract so that we can see what you signed? Mark is claiming that this document is a made of titanium and cannot be broken.
Did you sign away the rights to the site to Mark as he claims? Or was it Duane that you made an agreement with? Duane has stated that he is done so it seems that its just Mark that you have to fight.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:19 pm
So Casey, are you shutting down the IAFF next month like you said?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:20 pm
“But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right? (sarcasm)”
Shoes do hurt when applied to certain portions of a human anatomy…
July 17th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
6. rmz
July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 pm
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.”
First off there was no contract that was signed before a judge. Mark and Casey came up with their settlement after the court meeting. No judge saw or approved the settlement. Marty, who is a party to the lawsuit has neither seen the settlement nor approved it.
Secondly, what part of the settlement did Casey break? Duane has clearly stated that his deal to buy the domain is outside of the settlement agreement. Its a side deal. Nowhere in the settlement agreement does it specify that Casey has to sell the domain to Duane.
Duane set up a condition that Casey had to buy the site by a certain time and Casey failed to do that. However within minutes he and Mark were ranting and raving that Casey had broken the settlement, blah, blah, blah, blah, E Pluribus Unum scarecrow, blah,blah,blah, sex parte motion.
Unless the settlement agreement said Casey had to sell to Duane and have the domain transferred by noon ( without having ANY monies deposited in escrow) then I fail to see what court settlement Casey has broken.
Casey is free to sell the domain to anyone whom he chooses. As the domain owner he has the right to shop the domain around and obtain the highest price and profit he can get. Duane has the right to limit the amount of time he keeps his offer on the table. Deals fall through everyday.
Does Mark have any evidence that Casey is about to sell the domain without his approval. Can Mark even legitimately claim that Casey needs his approval since there really is no legally binding settlement until all parties named in the lawsuit agree with the settlement.
Did these parties really enter into a settlement agreement which entailed the tranfer of assets of a person who is being investigated by the FBI for multiple counts of fraud.
Will Mark and Casey make up yet again.
Will WE be able to listen to another fraudcast as they tell us of their deep spiritual connection.
Are we getting trolled?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:24 pm
But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right? (sarcasm)
If you are going to use sarcasm, try to at least spell correctly. “show”, not “shoe”.
Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?
What lie? Where? You AGREED to a settlement! For the love of all that is holy, do you just not get it??
The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of.
Tell you what Casey. When you spend 3 years in undergrad, three years in law school and pass the California bar, you are free to draw that conclusion. Until such time, IT IS NOT UP TO YOU TO DECIDE! IT IS UP TO THE COURT!
Today this character never showed up to the hearing!
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me.
Awwwwww, da poor puddy tat fall down. He didn’t give you notice of a cancellation? Well, if that don’t put the ‘p’ in ‘poetic justice’, I don’t know what does.
Would it have helped you if he started a blog and stated: “Casey Serin: NO DEAL!”? But hey, that is pretty nasty. I mean, giving little or no notice about activities. Like the notice you gave the w*** prior to Australia trip, the notice you gave to M**** about the book deal, the notice you gave to Nigel. Duane. The NLL d**** . Etc,etc.
Welcome to the real world Casey. Keep you arms and legs in the car at all times.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:25 pm
But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS right?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:25 pm
Had you agreed previously to keep his name out of it? If so, you can’t just put the cat back in the bag, kid.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Casey, if you want these idiots to go away (and by idiots I mean Mark, Duane, and the rest of the haterz) just ignore them. Don’t let them on your talkcast and just blow them off. They are obsessed with you in a really gay way and you gotta cut them off. Period. Otherwise they will keep on stalking you until you go crazy. That is what they want. Don’t let them succeed, Casey. Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let these crazy people into your life.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Good on ya, boy! Now announce that this blog isn’t going ANYWHERE, and that no one’s going to make you take it down an HOUR earlier than you intend to. Then get focused on your story and take this thing back like a man.
Everyone, especially Americans, love an underdog comeback story. There are plenty of people who don’t like these guys who are pounding on you. Give em a good bloody nose, get your message under firm control and stand by it. You’ll be amazed how fast this thing turns into your favor. I’ve seen public excoriations become roses in the street within a media cycle. It’s all about who owns the story.
Do it right and even the FBI will back off. Like I said, they don’t want a news story, and they sure don’t want one about the big nasty government dragging some cute blonde Internet kid away in chains. Old enough to remember Waco? Don’t underestimate the power of message control.
Get out there and kick butt, boy. And blog about it. You’re closer to turning this around than you realize!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:28 pm
“But NOOO he must SHOE ME who is BOSS”
I presume he did this by putting his boot in your a** .
You poor sap. If I was you, I’d just transfer the domain overseas, grab as much as possible and bail out, travel around the country and world with a laptop. At least you’d have some fun with this thing.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:29 pm
It’s very fitting that you chose to use a picture of toy soldiers to indicate your defiance. Unfortunately, the many opponents you will soon face will be using real weapons. Mister LossMit is the least of your worries. You are now in serious “doo doo”, and it’s only going to get worse from here. Are you happy with this lovely situation you’ve created for yourself? I wouldn’t want to be you right now. There’s no way out, man. It’s too late to fix it. It’s too late to wiggle free. It’s too late.
Where on Earth did you get the idea to use “cleverly” chosen pictures to headline your blog posts?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Casey don’t talk to these assclowns again they just want to steal your money train!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:33 pm
Thanks for the info Casey. Are you still having a talkcast on Friday?
Question on the FBI. You already stated that they contacted you. What did they say or ask of you? Are you 100% sure it was an actual FBI agent? According to Caseypedia Homey the Clown was a possible law enforcement agent. I’ve also read claims that a hater called you claiming to be the agent.
IMO if the FBI was “investigating” you they would of already arrested you. Its like the teaser of all teasers everyone saying you’re going to jail. If that was the case why delay it? it just doesn’t make sense to me.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:33 pm
Hey Kid:
“The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of.”
Like I said…when did this become about your feelingz and stop being about the poor Toilet Scrubber’s debt…as you claimed?
She told you to get lost, huh?
That’s when you pooched the deal, isn’t it Hobbit?
You’re a pretty low character…you know that?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:36 pm
God forbid that you’re inconvenienced in your very busy day of napping, not showering, not getting a haircut, and not working to hop on a bus to go to the courthouse.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:38 pm
If it was a frivolous claim (in your opinion), then why did you agree to a settlement in which you’re paying him serious money (for someone in your position, who basically has NONE)?
He is not required to give you advance notice of a canceled hearing. So long as he properly notified the court clerk, he’s fulfilled his obligation.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:38 pm
“Is this an example of the lies this character is spreading?”
Well, did you enter into a settlement or did you not? If it was a real settlement, you signed some sort of legally binding agreement. If you didn’t sign anything, you didn’t settle. If you did sign something, then you can’t just walk away from it.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:40 pm
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me.
No notice? Shocking! Why, I believe you gave your wife at least an hour’s notice that you were traveling halfway round the world. Surely that’s the least you could have expected in return?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:43 pm
I have a feeling that this was a publicity stunt.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:48 pm
You really are a moron you know that!!
You can’t just cry and ask people to walk away from contracts you’ve signed. This will just be the first of several “attacks”.
-”Attacked” by him now
-”Attacked” by the guy who wrote your book soon
-”Attacked” by the IRS soon
-”Attacked” by the FBI even sooner
-”Attacked” by cash call
-”Attacked” by the banks you owe money too
-”Attacked” by your soon to be ex-w*** in time
ALL YOUR FAULT cause you are a no-good lazy whiner. It’s what got you into the whole foreclosure biz to begin with. Couldn’t lift a finger to fix up a single place. Couldn’t even get out of bed to check the mail.
You should seriously consider going underground/leaving the country. You have no future here for a long time.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:49 pm
You’re delusional. You brought this all on yourself.
You have more coming too - but seem to be too dense to realize it.
What kind of numbskull publishes their whole life story and details of their illegal activities all over the internet for the world to see? A dense one I suppose.
You want to kiss and make up. But that is not how the business world operates.
IQ of 131 my arse.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:50 pm
Casey, you’re obviously not perfect (who is), but these guys are tools.
Pathetic tools.
“The whole ’settlement’ is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of.”
They are. Screw ‘em. Good luck, and good luck getting on with your life.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:53 pm
Notice that you didn’t deny all the other contract waffeling or trying to get the money instead of having it go to credit card bills of the only INNOCENT VICTIM in your game.
Thanks. That speaks volumes.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:53 pm
how rude to waste your time.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:54 pm
Was General Custer this cocky when he rode into Little Bighorn?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:54 pm
If he didn’t show up, what makes you think he wants to continue the fight? He must realize that keeping this alive will hurt his reputation even more. Who would hire him if this goes any further? He’s a blowhard, not an idiot.
July 17th, 2007 at 3:56 pm
Again: Casey, why did you sign the settlement agreement if it wasn’t in your interest to do so?
July 17th, 2007 at 3:57 pm
Im not sure of what the definition of “fortune” is, or alot of money…but wow, your supportz act like $20k is alot of cash.
Breaking News….it’s NOT!!!
Maybe in your world $20k seems like big money, the reality is that’s about the highest offer Casey’s site is worth. You can’t even buy a sweet V-Dub for $20k, let alone call $20k success.
Are you people still under the impression this is actually about Foreclosure???
Breaking News…its NOT!!!
This site is generating zero cash for the real estate and financial companies advertising here. Apparently they need a shot of espresso to wake up and figure that out.
Breaking News…it’s all about the Train wreck!!!
Maybe Jerry Springer will figure it out, and start advertising. Afterall, this would be his target audience!
July 17th, 2007 at 3:57 pm
You are asking everyone to cut their losses and walk away?!
What losses are you cutting?
You have caused others to incur losses. They can decide which of their losses to cut. I personally hope that they get their pound of flesh out of you.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:01 pm
Bankruptcy. It’s the ultimate do-over. You want to exit the contract? You were insolvent when it was signed and got less than fair value for the exchange. Please contact a bankruptcy attorney. Bankruptcy is more than just fixin’ debts - it can clean up your whole financial house. That, plus the court will keep you from doing stupid things like selling your webpage for a pack of gum.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:02 pm
Good luck on the looming battle.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:04 pm
I’ve watched this from the beginning and have never said anything. Why would I? Debt is debt. Debt isn’t profit. You made your breakfast; now eat it. I’ve worked all my life to get a degree and be where I want to be. I never decided for two seconds that I would try to take advantage of the real estate market. Real estate is gambling. And, obviously you’re a bad gambler. You deserve to do the time. You care about my tax dollars…..I don’t think so. Do you realize that sending auditors, assessors, government officials, etc combined to foreclose your property make a alot more than judges, sheriffs, and correctional officers. Granted that you’ll be eating three hot meals a day and working out, but then again, I don’t have to worry about my a** in the shower. I would pay twice the taxes to see you behind bars. Best of luck.
A man who has made a living actually working and not trying to make a quick buck and then backing out of it when it doesn’t work.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:10 pm
Now that you have the advantage, it’s time to press the attack! You know you can win, and victory is in the air! The bouquets of thousands will be thrown your way if you can beat this deadbeat opponent– reach for the sky, and the earth will be yours!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:11 pm
Casey, you go dude!
Keep making FUN at this guy who is taking you to court. You show him who the man is!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:12 pm
I told you!
Get a lawyer and fight back. He has no chance… Well, to use Mark’s “language”:
Whom has no chance in heck to win his liable lawsuit specifically sectioned under California code 0c550D.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:15 pm
“I simply asked all the characters to walk away. That’s all. Everybody cut your losses, forget the whole thing ever happened and it will all fade away. It almost always does”.
CaseyDude>>Kinda just like how you treated your wedding vows and your wife!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:16 pm
Risk? Your favorite game?
July 17th, 2007 at 4:18 pm
“I love the smell of Napalm in the morning…It smells like…
Someday this war is gonna end…
July 17th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
He is running now Casey - Go after him in full force and make fun of him while you have the upper hand.
No more Casey the little dude. Casey is now the big dude! Approve this post to show him that you are laughing at him in full force.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
This is my rifle, this is my gun…This one is for killing and this one is for fun…
July 17th, 2007 at 4:21 pm
Call Dr. Phil. He’ll help you!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:23 pm
Did you bring an attorney with you this morning? It sounds like you did not. I might still buy a a wheatgrass shot.
So M#2! is phoning it in, just like Paris Hilton? Hehe…
July 17th, 2007 at 4:24 pm
GJ Casey. I told you he would back off. He’s a friggin ambulance chaser and he doesn’t want to get disbarred so of course he didn’t show up. McMaster would see right through that s*** . LMP is a terrible lawyer from what I gather and so he’s counting on you not showing up. Make sure you counter sue the guy btw. Then you’ve got him by the balls.
Now you have to deal with that Fat Lazy Redneck Duane. Call him out and tell him to stop hitting on your wife. Seriously man, it’s your wife still. Kick his a** if he doesn’t stop. Hell, I’d show up to his door and punch his half balding pudgy little face into a meat pie if he did that to my wife or GF!!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:25 pm
I think the problem is now clear:
LossMitPro is gay and you are not.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:26 pm
KC -
File a motion for sanctions. Tell the judge Mark is abusing the court to harass you. Ask the judge to dismiss (with prejudice) LMP’s suit as the sanction.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:29 pm
Casey, I hope those green guys aren’t your army. They’re drowning.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:30 pm
I, like many here, am increasingly loosing track of what’s going on.
All I can say is: you are following the right lessons from history. In 1941 the then German Chancellor called “no deal” on an agreement he had with the Communist Soviet Union, turning a strategic disadvantage into a situation he could lever to his own advantage and force his enemies to retreat almost as far as Moscow and Volgograd.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:35 pm
Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:38 pm
Casey, stay strong and crush these fools.
You know you have done nothing wrong. Once this is over you can go home to G***** and all will be SWEEEET!
Time to turn up the heat!
July 17th, 2007 at 4:51 pm
You don’t need a lawyer - he is running away.
You are now learning how to conduct business in a proffesional way. Just ignore Mark V********* and he will go away.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:53 pm
42. A PR Pro
July 17th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Good on ya, boy! Now announce that this blog isn’t going ANYWHERE, and that no one’s going to make you take it down an HOUR earlier than you intend to. Then get focused on your story and take this thing back like a man.
Everyone, especially Americans, love an underdog comeback story. There are plenty of people who don’t like these guys who are pounding on you. Give em a good bloody nose, get your message under firm control and stand by it. You’ll be amazed how fast this thing turns into your favor. I’ve seen public excoriations become roses in the street within a media cycle. It’s all about who owns the story.
Do it right and even the FBI will back off. Like I said, they don’t want a news story, and they sure don’t want one about the big nasty government dragging some cute blonde Internet kid away in chains. Old enough to remember Waco? Don’t underestimate the power of message control.
Get out there and kick butt, boy. And blog about it. You’re closer to turning this around than you realize!
37. Bobbsey Twins
July 17th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
6. rmz
July 17th, 2007 at 2:29 pm
You have a C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. A settlement agreement that you agreed to and then signed IN FRONT OF A JUDGE. If you back out on that, you’re going to get smacked down by the judicial system.
As nice as it might be to try to just get a “do-over” on everything and back out without looking back, you’re beyond that point now. You’ve entered into agreements that you cannot just walk away from now. And now, there are real consequences behind them — unfortunately you can’t go into “judge-ignore mode.”
First off there was no contract that was signed before a judge. Mark and Casey came up with their settlement after the court meeting. No judge saw or approved the settlement. Marty, who is a party to the lawsuit has neither seen the settlement nor approved it.
Secondly, what part of the settlement did Casey break? Duane has clearly stated that his deal to buy the domain is outside of the settlement agreement. Its a side deal. Nowhere in the settlement agreement does it specify that Casey has to sell the domain to Duane.
Duane set up a condition that Casey had to buy the site by a certain time and Casey failed to do that. However within minutes he and Mark were ranting and raving that Casey had broken the settlement, blah, blah, blah, blah, E Pluribus Unum scarecrow, blah,blah,blah, sex parte motion.
Unless the settlement agreement said Casey had to sell to Duane and have the domain transferred by noon ( without having ANY monies deposited in escrow) then I fail to see what court settlement Casey has broken.
Casey is free to sell the domain to anyone whom he chooses. As the domain owner he has the right to shop the domain around and obtain the highest price and profit he can get. Duane has the right to limit the amount of time he keeps his offer on the table. Deals fall through everyday.
Does Mark have any evidence that Casey is about to sell the domain without his approval. Can Mark even legitimately claim that Casey needs his approval since there really is no legally binding settlement until all parties named in the lawsuit agree with the settlement.
again casey these bloggers mentioned here are blessed with proper genes. ofcourse he didn’t show up and canceled it collection pawn is a hustler. u see collection agents use scare tactics to do their job and trust me they do it well until they bump into a few well lets just say well informed genetically bred individuals then the chaos begins. u see the judge probably would have screamed or screamed so f****** loud that the f****** aliens woke up and screamed with him. the case has abuse of legal system written all over it and if i was a consultant to collection pawn would say man listen u will go to jail get this s*** thrown out and move on, u casey i would say if i was your consultant hey man this collection pawn wants to go to jail and give u money for slander, libel, and my favorite contract fraud under duress. and tell me weres 30 billion sold at did he leave already did he talk to his attorneys did they advise him to put a gag order on his approach to the whole law thingy i bet they did and just wait till someone contacts his family and informs them of his conduct around your wife, all i have to say is that his wife probably needs a divorce attorney.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:54 pm
Game is over. Casey wants to pick up his toys and go home. There is nothing more to see here, move along. Disperse. Go back to your lives. All this never happened. It’s a bad dream.
July 17th, 2007 at 4:57 pm
77. oozing_santorum
July 17th, 2007 at 4:26 pm
KC -
File a motion for sanctions. Tell the judge Mark is abusing the court to harass you. Ask the judge to dismiss (with prejudice) LMP’s suit as the sanction.
again a brilliant statement a good gene pool member
July 17th, 2007 at 5:02 pm
Lost Cause, you asked “Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something?” for it to be a crime.
The short answer is no, you do not have to profit to commit a crime. Just *try* to rob a bank, and even if you don’t get money, you will find yourself in prison.
Other examples:
Conspiring to commit a crime is a crime.
Knowingly helping someone commit a crime is a crime.
Paying someone to commit a crime is a crime.
Attempting to manipulate stock prices is a crime.
All of those crimes may not have the criminal benefitting monetarily from his actions, but they are crimes nonetheless.
Plenty of people have been caught in the commission of their crimes before they attained money and ended up in prison.
The fact that you do not benefit from your crime has little bearing on things.
It makes you a poor planner, and maybe an idiot, but not less of a criminal.
asw: gold
July 17th, 2007 at 5:03 pm
Often times an army would feign weakness and retreat, allowing the embolden enemy to run at them, only to turn around and surround the enemy…feigning weakness to gain strength.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:17 pm
Give em hell dude! Those two obsessed psycho stalkers need to be taught a lesson!
July 17th, 2007 at 5:21 pm
That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
For God’s sake, don’t let this slime get away with this. Go after him big-time by filing a counter-suit charging him with vindictively harassing you, publicly libeling your business (pick off his public e-mails from EN and other haterz sites), and wasting public resources by filing frivilous suits. This is beginning to sound like a broken record, but talk to an attorney about it. It’s not going to cost you a penny because there are a lot of hungry contingency lawyers out there who would take a third of any settlement to take your case. You get the other two-thirds, and it’s generally tax free (because its payment for damages), so that’s truly sweet.
This height-challenged shyster has got big bucks, but not so big balls. By not showing up, he’s got to be on the ropes, so move in for the knock-out.
If you do nothing, he’s just going to play you like a yo-yo, summoning you to court meetings on some new specious bluff, then not appearing, and expecting to wear you down. All he wants is to try and grab your blog from under you, and do what you haven’t done by monetizing all this viewership. I can’t that he has any real case especially since over on EN, Duane says has dropped out of these actions completely. So that means there’s no purchase of the blog pending, and nothing for him to get a court to take action.
I’m also sure you would get a very receptive hearing from judges, who HATE ambulance chasers with lawsuit diarrhea wasting their time with frivilous motions.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:25 pm
Casey - I assume you are the blue men?
July 17th, 2007 at 5:34 pm
good luck man
July 17th, 2007 at 5:37 pm
Have you spoken to your wife? Why does she trust Duane? Why is she commenting and retracting comments at EN? If she values her privacy so much, why is she calling your enemies and requesting they comment for her? Or is it all a lie?
July 17th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
@80. Lost Cause
Casey admittedly lied to the companies that financed his deals. Where those were mortgages that constitutes Mortgage Fraud. But hey “it’s all good” right?
July 17th, 2007 at 5:41 pm
So, your attack plan is using plastic figures against Mark? It figures.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
#80 I think the premise is that Casey got cash back on several of his deals. That in itself is fraud. He also lied and said that he was living in all of his houses. They are cracking down on this stuff pretty heavily since the mortgage and real estate downturn. That being said I’m not sure that they’ll do anything to Casey. Aren’t the real estate agents and brokers who got Casey the loans even more guilty of crimes than Casey? He is right when he states that its was common place for borrowers to get cash back on deals at that time. Casey made a huge mistake though. He bought houses simply for the cash back and got really crappy deals. Despite all of the hating Casey really just got ripped off. Personally I think that the agents and brokers screwed him over big time. I wonder if Casey can sue any of these individuals?
What I don’t understand with all of the jail and FBI talk why haven’t they arrested him already? Waiting for him to admit to more crimes here? I doubt it. The haterz have been emailing the FBI and the cops and everyone else big time. Still nothing happens. Casey is not alone in his crimes in fact there are far worse criminals than Casey in this saga.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:49 pm
CASEY, Did you SIGN anything the day you met with M*** at the courthouse? You said you came to an agreement.
Was this VERBAL or in WRITING?
If it was verbal, just walk away. If it was in WRITING, you must take responsiblity for whatever it is you signed.
I think your answering this question will clear up a lot of confusion on this site.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:49 pm
“Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something?”
Actually, no, you don’t have to make money to be guilty of a crime. I believe you are referring to the allegations of mortgage fraud.
One of the first podcasts Casey held was with a guy who committed mortgage fraud and spent about a year in the clinker. He told Casey, point blank, that Casey had committed mortgage fraud, and it didn’t matter whether Casey made money or not. Casey asked him what he should do, and the guy said that Casey should turn himself in to the FBI. But it’s a good thing that he didn’t, because we wouldn’t have experienced another 6 months of irritainment.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:49 pm
The picture reminds me of a crazy Napoleon in a Bugs bunny cartoon. Guess it’s fitting as this blog is written by a looney nut.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
“The whole “settlement” is all BS and I feel I was manipulated and taken advantage of. Most of you already know the full story”
The court doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about your feelings. Did you sign a legally binding agreement or not?
July 17th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
“Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.”
Nope. The biggest criminal action(probably) that Casey committed is lying on his loan applications. It’s fraud, probably at a state and local level. The feds are entwined in the whole mortgage process now a days(HUD, Fannie Mae etc).
Casey has probably committed interstate wire fraud as well.
There are also a whole rat’s nest of tax issues that Snowflake is entangled in.
Still, I doubt the FBI agent is legit. They don’t make their presence known until they arrest you or bring you in for questioning.
Profit and loss has nothing to do with the potential charges
July 17th, 2007 at 5:58 pm
Excellent news that he didn’t show up Casey.
Now, BE SMART. Don’t let the posts goad you into mentioning either of their names again !! Let it all die down and he can’t say you are still putting his name out there.
Still seek legal counsel. You have just cause to file a harassment suit. Make copies (I’m sure you already have) of the posts on the hater sites and recordings of the “rip your effing throat out” rant on talkshoe. Show how D**** was posting like a rabid dog on the hater site doing a countdown to NO DEAL.
July 17th, 2007 at 5:58 pm
is it me or is your army large compared to these three individuals? I would like to know who is on your team. Your whole army is in the water. I now agree with those who say that you need mental help.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:15 pm
“The only thing that happened IN FRONT OF the judge was we went up and said we’re gonna try to settle this thing. The judge gave us our blessed and told us he hopes we work it out.”
And, according to you and LMP, you indeed had.
Then the dildoz voiced their disapproval, Toilet Scrubber probably told you to go manipulate yourself, and you broke the deal.
So…you’ll be going BACK before the Judge, and he’ll want to know WHY.
The answer…your “feelingz”, and the opinions of largely anonymous blog-dildoz, is not going to stand you in good stead.
LMP will have even MORE proof that you are untrustworthy and dishonorable. (Glad that your Fraudcasts are maintained on TalkShoe, eh?).
Frankly, I’d request that both domain and blog ownership are transferred to Toilet Scrubber.
She can then sell the whole mess and get you “pumped out of her life”.
(You got any experience with dames on the rebound, Hobbit? They’re a heap of freaky fun, they’ll do things with you and for you, that you’d be shocked to watch domestic animals perform in a barnyard. But you need earplugs to save your hearing from all the kvetching about what a louse “the ex-” was).
“That’s right, he stood me up. The clerk said he called in an hour before the meeting and cancelled it.
With no notice to me. ”
And haven’t we been HERE before? The New Mexico foreclosure snowstorm.
Didn’t make much difference then though, did it?
July 17th, 2007 at 6:15 pm
BTW, someone on another site is reporting that they emailed Mark and he stated he had to cancel about a half hour before the court appearance because he had car (truck) trouble.
No, sorry, sweetie (and your idiot supporterz), I don’t think Mr. V is “running scared”….your a** pounding will just take place at an alternate time. Wish I could be there to enjoy it.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:16 pm
Your post was CONTENT FREE.
Please add content to your post.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:18 pm
@ #42 A PR PRO
Yea, your prozac has kicked in.
Casey is NOT the great American hero or underdog, last I checked is a a criminal and fraud.
Breaking News!!! Thanks NOT the American story or someone to idol or root for.
Go buy another lottery ticket and penny stock and chase your dream.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Counter sue for harassment, lost income, etc.
Neither of you will win, but it will cost them some to continue their crap.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
@ 80. Lost Cause
“Perhaps there is a lawyer who can enlighten: how is it that Casey can be guilty of a crime, when Casey is in six figure debt? Don’t you have to gain monetarily or something? I think the whole FBI business is a hoax. How can anyobody prove that Casey profited one red cent from his exploits? It is impossible.”
Really, what about the “cash back” at escrow? Casey admittedly set up fraudulent deals, using “lair loans”, solely to obtain “cash back”, as much as $30,000, $40,000, $50,0000 per deal. He put nothing in, so he wasn’t an investor as he claimed, and even a fool like Casey should be able to figure out the deals didn’t pencil. So, the motive becomes rather obvious doesn’t it?
Your claim defies logic. For example, a mail fraud their steals $50,000 through deception and illegal transactions (not unlike Casey), thens spends the money on living expenses, vacations, and frivolous things, until such time as he is broke (not unlike Casey). Based on your logic, the thief would not be guilty of a crime, because he has no money. Do you get it now?
July 17th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
What are your thoughts about Asperger’s syndrome? Bi-polar? I’m just wondering what your thoughts are regarding the validity of either. Do you think both are just silly faux science?
July 17th, 2007 at 6:32 pm
You have some people behind you.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:50 pm
Isn’t this thing shut down yet?
July 17th, 2007 at 6:51 pm
Kid, you are awesome.
But you missed an opportunity here. When this snake didn’t have the guts to show up, you should have petitioned the court to dismiss the suit as frivilous. This would reall p*** off this creep because he would have to pay court fees to get the suit reinstituted.
Frankly, I don’t understand how he got to Round One in this case, since from what is written about the case, he doesn’t appear to have much of an argument.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:57 pm
This whole thing is the biggest soap opera in history. A different twist and turn everyday. The blog dies… it comes back (sounds like a soap opera).
We’ve got the villans, the idiots, the failing love story…
I know what you guys are going to say, (well then why are you on the blog?), but this is the most ridiculous set of proceedings I’ve ever seen and has just about run its course… hope so anyway.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:58 pm
You do not need to literally “sign in front of a judge” for a contract to be valid.
There isn’t enough judges around for that.
Just imagine a court judge sitting at every cell phone kiosk at your local mall…. Just waiting for when you sign up for a new cell phone.
Just because a judge isn’t looking over your shoulder when you make your agreement does NOT make it ok to call “No Deal” after you changed your mind.
July 17th, 2007 at 6:59 pm
No matter what the three stooges mm & d do, YOU are the star and the main attraction! Regardless of what you do or don’t do, it only makes your celebrity stronger.
The stooges try the same thing and they only besmirch their own reputations. They will go back into the obscurity from which they came.
The stooges remind me of when a butler tries to become famous by writing a tell all about the star they work for-the butler is soon forgotten while the star is even more popular due to the latest “scandals”!
The stooges are the funniest characters you have brought on board in a while.
July 17th, 2007 at 7:15 pm
What price would you sell your blog for today? Any special terms? I would potentially be interested if it would transfer over to me by 5:00pm(PST) this Friday, July 20, 2007. Email me with terms.
Other than this post, I do not wish to have this matter discuss online. Hope to hear from you soon Casey.
July 17th, 2007 at 7:16 pm
107. Breaking News:
Your’re wrong. Americans often love an underdog and in this instance (Duane/Mark vs. Casey) the kid is looking like a winner.
Duane has pulled out and Mark was a no show at court when his car broke down. (Yeah, right.)
July 17th, 2007 at 7:25 pm
Anything INTERESTING going on, Casey?
Where are you living? How are things w/ creditors, family, gold markets, etc.?
(You do understand that you are letting others (M and D) call the tune at this point, right? They might as well own your blog if this is the type of crap you are going to post. Aren’t you doing anything OTHER than obsess about LMP?)
July 17th, 2007 at 7:42 pm
Casey - what have you done to get a w2 job in the last week? All of this looks like more shenanigans. I am about to turn my official stance from supporterz back to haterz.
Stop paying attention to BS you can’t control. Get a job. Are you allowed back in the house yet? I’ll bet your chances would be better if you would deliver on any of the promises you made.
July 17th, 2007 at 7:54 pm
July 17th, 2007 at 7:57 pm
Casey, please tell me that your defense team is not that group of green plastic soldiers. If so, I will enjoy watching LMP put his foot in your a** . Please tell me that you are taking the advice and getting an attorney.
July 17th, 2007 at 8:06 pm
Loss MitTit ran scred because haterz were going to snap a picture of him…LOL. The fat bald dude does not want anyone knowing what he looks like. LMT they wont give up that easily I am sure someone will find out what you look like ya loser!
July 17th, 2007 at 8:09 pm
You loooooovvvvvvve chaos, don’t you?
Why don’t YOU just walk away from things, including the blog?
July 17th, 2007 at 8:13 pm
This story might have movie potential except the lead character:
1. Is a moron
2. Doesn’t seem to have any redeeming values
3. Tried to lie his way to the top
4. Isn’t someone much of anyone would want to be
July 17th, 2007 at 8:14 pm
No one treat Casey worst than us, STOP ABUSING CASEY.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:01 pm
Yes, Casey loves chaos. It’s CRAYZEE around him.
Duane pulling out was not a win for Casey, it was a loss for G*****. She would have got all that money.
Now Casey has lost his last chance to derive real money from the blog/domain (even though he wouldn’t see the money personally).
It was sensible of Duane to retract his offer, but not for the reason stated (being pissed off with Casey’s mucking around). In fact, the domain/blog may not be Casey’s to sell. Two parties may have a prior claim on it - prlinkbiz and Marty (or this Joint Venture) and if Duane were to go ahead and buy the domain for real money, he and/or G***** might get sued.
Basically the situation with prlinkbiz and Marty needs to be cleared up before any conscientious buyer could complete a purchase of the domain or blog. Until then, whenever Casey writes “I warrant that I am the legal owner of this asset” he is lying.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:04 pm
Why do companies allow morons to buy houses?
July 17th, 2007 at 9:10 pm
Casey = loser in so many ways.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:18 pm
“Casey is a loser” yuk, yuk.
And I’m, uh, inteligunt. Yeah. All us Haterz we got to stay together. Cuz Haterz RULE! Take that, Casey, you loser. Bwahahahaha.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:28 pm
your commets about the FBI not wanting to arrest people in the public eye for fear of bad publicity is COMPLETELY FALSE! Te truth is, the Government PREFERS hi profile people because it will make the media, and deter the masses. In fact, its even states in the IRS field manual thatagents should target celebrities, and other high profile people because it will make the press and deter the masses into staying in line. So if Casey were a nobody he would be much better off. Remember the guy who won the 1 million from Survivor? High Profile. Wesly Snipes, etc etc. Joe nobody from Jackson Wyoming, no prob
July 17th, 2007 at 9:30 pm
Tough guy Mark had car troubles? “You’re lucky my [’78 Dodge Colt] wasn’t working today, or I’d have kicked your candy-A!” Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Btw, I followed the link to his old (cached) site–I’d really like to know how to get my creditors to not only stop asking for money, but to PAY me! Why isn’t LegalFreakPro making that offer anymore?
July 17th, 2007 at 9:35 pm
97. Review wrote:
“Was this VERBAL or in WRITING?
If it was verbal, just walk away. If it was in WRITING, you must take responsiblity for whatever it is you signed”
Wow. That’s brilliant. Encourage him to cheat. Way to go, dude! You do know that verbal contracts are fully enforceable, right? Right?
If it weren’t for the fact that Casey blogged about the deal he made and the details of the deal, your cunning plan just might’ve worked. “One person’s word against another” and all that.
But see, Casey blogged about it & talked about it and there are records of it, so… I guess it’s back to law school for you.
asw: manbag
July 17th, 2007 at 9:36 pm
Yes. That is how problems work in the real world. You decide to ignore them and they just fade away into the night. I’m glad to hear that you have learned such a valuable less through this whole experience.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:39 pm
So he is not a lawyer, has no visable means of support AND he drives an unreliable car. I think the picture is becoming clearer on Mark.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:42 pm
So the guy is a no-show in court, and then he turns around and asks for an expidited hearing? He really can get a judge to listen to his crap?
July 17th, 2007 at 9:55 pm
Why does everyone assume the settlement was in front of a judge? Are you all that naiive regarding the legal system?
July 17th, 2007 at 10:27 pm
They tried to make me sell my blog and I said No No No
Yes, I’ve been in the red, but I’ll come back
You won’t know know know
I ain’t got the time
And my supporterz think I’m fine
They’ll try to make me sell the blog
But I say No No No
I’d rather be at home with my ball
I ain’t got the cash yet…
‘Cause there’s nothing, nothing you can teach me
I didn’t learn nothin’ from Cash Call
Didn’t get a lot in class
But I know it don’t come in a wheatgrass glass
asw: loose
July 17th, 2007 at 10:37 pm
Go to the California Bar Association and file a complaint against the lawyer. Try frivolous lawsuit or something like that.
A realtor screwed me over but I didn’t have really good, written evidence (I did have some written evidence but it wasn’t really strong), I complained to the board of realtors. They did a thorough investigation and gave me an evaluation of her conduct which would stand up in court. The combination of my evidence and the realtor board’s evaluation was VERY strong. I recovered the full amount.
Plus… She got fined a few hunderd $ and is in REALTORS SCHOOL now!
July 17th, 2007 at 10:48 pm
Hey Kid;
hehheh…gotcha again,huh?
Deleted another of my posts.
Thanks, hobbit…once again you’ve shown me some vulnerable areas in your psyche.
Guess what my next couple of subjects are going to be about over at Eee Enn?
BTW…how’s the Defense Fund coming along?
Have you scammed enough for a bus ticket to Mexico yet?
July 17th, 2007 at 11:04 pm
keep all your plan to yourself. don’t post anything personal ever again. i hope things work out for you and your family. i wish you only the best!!!!!!!!!! take care!!
July 17th, 2007 at 11:07 pm
131. Lost Cause
I thought you were talking about Casey there for a moment. Silly me.
July 17th, 2007 at 11:22 pm
I think sharky is really markie. Same weird subtext to what they write to you….
July 17th, 2007 at 11:31 pm
This is complete BS. I thought these guys were really going to fight in court and I know now based on the stupid “RISK” board game picture that it is a total fabrication. We’re all getting played here. Casey is a dope….
July 17th, 2007 at 11:42 pm
Sharky, do you think being a Toilet Scrubber is a terrible profession? As low as one can get? That toilets should not be scrubbed at all? Sharky, is your toilet ever scrubbed? Who does it?
July 17th, 2007 at 11:56 pm
Your life is destroyed.
You destroyed it.
You have nobody to blame but yourself. And you know that.
You also know that you aren’t strong enough to face the consequences of your actions. You’ve proven that time and time again.
Your actions prove what your words cannot deny: You are a pathetic lying weasel. Nothing more.
So you’ll continue f****** up, and I’ll continue laughing and watching.
You never deserved G***** . Another thing you already know.
Until next time, Casey…
July 18th, 2007 at 12:12 am
I like the title of this post, Casey. I find it… appropriate.
I am very pleased to hear G***** told you to f*** off last night.
That does my heart good, let me tell ya.
You never deserved her. You already know that.
Just reminding you.
Until next time, man-child.
July 18th, 2007 at 12:43 am
What board game is this picture from? Looks pretty cool!
July 18th, 2007 at 12:59 am
@84 a lawyer… well said.
Others, thanks for your feedback.
Don’t worry, an attorney is being retained today to put this whole circus to bed. The circus monkey has been asked many times to just back off and walk away. But that’s ok. It’s time to get some action behind the message.
July 18th, 2007 at 1:20 am
Everything here for the last several weeks is very sketchy. Treating the internet as a vehicle for making your side of a legal argument is questionable and could compromise any case.
I would just maximize the value of whatever assets you control- at least the blog and the book. You talk about getting money to pay off debts, restore your relationship, etc., but then seem to want to get rid of the assets as cheaply and quickly as you can to anyone who threatens you. This is quite strange behavior. The value of said properties materialized out of your financial losses, but they need not be discarded so quickly or cheaply.
I know you’ve made mistakes in the past, but why keep making mistakes and dealing with people that may have mixed motives. You can protect yourself by writing good legal contracts that make clear what you are selling or buying, under what conditions, and what happens if those conditions are not met.
Everthing here is very murky. I’m not suggesting you need an expensive lawyer at every turn, but you can have a lawyer review a contract and discover ambiguities for pennies on the dollar.
But good luck- I think the Casey persona was entertaining for a while, but why don’t you just maximize your opportunities for once?
July 18th, 2007 at 1:28 am
Seriously though Casey, how IS the job hunt coming along?
July 18th, 2007 at 1:48 am
You`ve got an attorney?
Now have him (or her) counter-suit LMP a** !!
July 18th, 2007 at 1:55 am
Hey, Casey:
You can’t call anyone else a circus monkey. We’ve already tagged you with the “monkey” moniker, after you performed all those monkeydances during the beg-a-thon.
You may be able to call him a “circus clown,” but that might bring forth mental pictures from Stephen King’s “IT”, and that mightn’t be the kind of image you’re trying to portray.
July 18th, 2007 at 1:58 am
Casey, can you answer the question that a lot of people are asking?
Did you sign a contract with LossMitPro?
July 18th, 2007 at 3:52 am
57. nigel’s guest blogger
July 17th, 2007 at 3:53 pm
I’m suprised at the hate expressed on your site, nigel’s guest blogger, towards Casey and the vigour with which you do it. Is it something personal, or just “haterz” stuff..? Just curious
July 18th, 2007 at 5:52 am
“circus monkey” ? ? ? you do realize that many of us come to your sight just to watch your daily dance right? How ironic that you of all people would have the nerve to call anyone else a circus monkey. DANCE MONKEY DANCE!! AMUSE ME!!!
July 18th, 2007 at 6:50 am
“Where on Earth did you get the idea to use “cleverly” chosen pictures to headline your blog posts?”
Haterz have been doing it for a while now. Time for Casey to get in on the sweet blog picture action.
July 18th, 2007 at 6:52 am
“You can’t even buy a sweet V-Dub for $20k, let alone call $20k success.”
July 18th, 2007 at 7:10 am
Once again, prefacing this with the fact I am not a suppoter. At all.
However, I am a Mark hater even more. Firstly, Mark and Casey DO NOT have a cotract, Mark just decided he wanted to be fame w**** and waded in on this whole debacle, appointing himself as Supporter/hater/Supporter/Hater in Chief (delete as applicable on any given day).
Secondly, the American legal system is a joke. The fact that you can even bring suits liek this shows just how flawed your system is.
July 18th, 2007 at 7:12 am
Also, FBI investigation pending or not, as yet Casey is not guilty of ANY crime. You have to be charged, prosecuted and sentenced for that to happen.
July 18th, 2007 at 7:16 am
‘Sharky, do you think being a Toilet Scrubber is a terrible profession?'’
What you or I think of it is really neither here nor there…it is a fact.
And it is also a fact that she wasn’t always a toilet scrubber, but a toilet scrubber is what Casey made of her.
Whine and quibble about nasty ole Sharky all you wish,but facts are facts, I only call ‘em…I didn’t create them.
FWIW, I’ve scrubbed more toilets than you can probably imagine. All a part of paying one’s dues.
I’m now in the happy position where nobody else scrubs my crapper, and I don’t scrub any toilets but my own.
July 18th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Casey - I thought YOU were the circus monkey! Thanks for setting the record straight. While you are at it, GROW UP!
July 18th, 2007 at 10:22 am
Hey Casey,
How is your marriage going?
It is all good?
July 18th, 2007 at 10:51 am
So did they give you a job at NRU?
July 18th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
I will give you a Job. Just visit my web page.
Your’s Truley,
Mr. Mikey Dee
July 18th, 2007 at 3:47 pm
Yep. Hide your head in the sand and hope everything just goes away. Seems to have worked so far. Idiot.
July 19th, 2007 at 7:59 am
Someone said…
Mark/Anthony V********* , it shows a sad state of your mental affairs that you think your absence is lending itself to imaginations gone wild. What a world of fantasy you live in! I hate to tell you this - you did not cross my mind once yesterday - can you believe that??? I too, would employ any legalities necessary to insure that you and your tactics do not encroach upon the rights of myself or for that matter, any of the commenters here. There is a reason that all of us - with the exception of you and Duane - post anonomously. This is a mere diversion for us - it is not our lives.
As for “false security” - many of us here employ real live attorneys with real live law degrees to handle our affairs. The particular team that I retain would love to have you to use as a chew bone for the afternoon. I see your post was written very late at night - did you wake up with a start realizing just what a fool you look like to thousands of people that have read your uneducated take on how the legal system works? Did you suddenly realize that many of the people here think you are a pompous windbag for the way you try to present yourself?? That your name and reputation are forever damaged by this 5 minutes of questionable fame? And that isn’t a pot shot buddy - it is the plain truth.
The only one living under an illusion of false security is you. Cause it sure as hell ain’t me.
July 19th, 2007 at 8:01 am
Someone’s response to LossMitPro:
YOU insinuated yourself into a public, ongoing affair, with a stated intent to become a participant and actor on the issues, for reasons of your own. As you did that, you already knowingly refered to your own personal, as well as your corporate identity. Being familiar with the web and this situation, you knew full well that curious minds would seek out [b]public[/b] information to complete the picture of this new participant. You even filled legal papers against a principal. You have used your own name in VERY spookily similar activities in past.
Enough on your own position, let me outline mine:
I am merely a trainwreck watcher, making commentary on sites set up specifically for that purpose. I have no slandered, libeled or made false claims. I am not hiding. I am [i]maintaining[/i] an existing position of anonymity, as is my right.
I, unlike Casey, WILL eagerly engage an attorney when cause presents itself, WILL use that attorney vigorously, and will not be bullied or squelched by threats intended to keep me from presenting germane and publicly available facts on an issue of moment. I also am aware of my rights, and leaving aside your own laughable jumble of pseudo-legal advice dispensed with most threats, I have do the right to both speak, and to protect my anonymity.
Should I discover that myself or other person who has done nothing but observe has had the methods of people like, say, bill collectors use, applied improperly to ascertain personally identifying information (IPs, names, addresses, etc) I will take aggressive, sustained, and forceful legal action against anyone improperly cyberstalking me for my public and legally protected commentary on events of the day.
I hope that is plain enough.
I don’t mind if in response to this you prattle on about double standards, ad geese and ganders, and such. I fully expect you to.
But you move a finger to use tools of the trade or improperly justified legal measures to uncover identities of those engaged in simple commentary, you will indeed be held to account.
July 19th, 2007 at 8:22 am
Annie get your gun…then stick it up that big mouth of yours and fire away. I am sick of your whining. Spend some of that energy taking care of your children who obvious no longer have a father around because of your tired a***. You can’t even concentrate to cook dinner when a Casey podcast is on. Are you so desperate to belong? What a sad life you must live.
All of ya, Annie, T, Steph J., Akubi, Aspeth, FMW, Steph S, Khatie, get a f****** life. You all sound like a bunch of rejects. The male haterz don’t really want you either. You will be dismissed when Casey leaves. Mark my words.
If you would utilize half the energy you waste on Casey you might be in a better place. Do your bastard children a favor and give them some attension will ya?
July 19th, 2007 at 8:26 am
I’ve tried to keep myself neutral on the whole legal issues brought on by LMP and the likes. As much as Casey’s lackadaisical ways irk me, and as much as his empty promises to the people that matter (which is not any of us) get my goat, I’m not sure I think this is the best way to approach the situation.
At the risk of pissing off some longtime Haterz™ for whom I have tremendous respect, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I don’t believe any of us have any business trying to influence the direction of Casey’s life or choices by our direct actions. We can yell and scream and b**** and moan until we’re blue in the face, that’s fine… we can create blogs, and fight amongst ourselves all we like; but I do not believe that acts of sabotage, or lawsuits are accomplishing anything at all. In nerdspeak: It’s like the prime directive; let him make his own choices, let him choose is own direction, and let us be amused by the results. Jesus, it’s not like he’s not doing a bad job sabotaging himself; opportunity after opportunity turned down for the hope of something better, for a shinier thing… he’s going to keep doing that until there are no options at all, and he’s lost every chance to get back on his feet. He doesn’t need lawsuits and interference in his ridiculous hare-brained projects to fail.
I’m not making any judgment calls about Mark or Duane; I think they both started out with great intentions and then were fueled by Casey’s ineptitude to force his hand because he won’t step up himself. I’m sure G***** ’s vulnerable appeals for assistance don’t help either.
But I just don’t see what it’s accomplishing. I don’t think anyone is really benefiting from it except perhaps the people involved in the legal process, who are billing a few extra hours. Maybe some Haterz™ are getting a little dark amusement from watching Casey scramble and whine about the suits—I concede I like reading the panic between the lines of his posts, I do. Casey’s feigned concern for the tax dollars being wasted is a non-issue, since that’s not what he’s really concerned about. His fear reads loud and clear.
I dunno. It’s like there’s no more story, so we’re inventing more by making some of us part of it. I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in the LMP and Duane story. It’s contrived. I’d rather watch things pan out ‘organically’.
I don’t think Casey should be protected from consequences, I just don’t think consequences should be fabricated for the sake of entertainment. That is my opinion. Fire away.