I don’t mind being foreclosed and “The world’s most hated blogger” but being down really REALLY sucks!
With the CNET coverage yesterday (and also a Podcast and a similar article on ZDNet) being down all day was very very bad.
My old provider has been coming down quite often because my site has been going over the CPU usage quota a lot. So I wanted to switch it over to dedicated for some time. My old provider was taking a loooong time to get the dedicated server provisioned…
I didn’t want to risk anymore downtime so I went ahead and bought a dedicated box from GoDaddy.com. Go daddy’s crappy server didn’t work even though I followed the instructions precisely. They also refused to give me support since I bought the bare-bones self-supported server for $80.
So I switched the site back to my old provider yesterday, knowing that I may come down again if the site hits the CPU limit (it’s a semi-dedicated box and they don’t want any one site to tie up the CPU too much). I can put in a ticket and they will bring it back up but there will be 10-30 mintues of downtime. That’s still better than being down the whole day!
But at the same time the semi-dedicated server is free, thanks to Zewg.com. So I can’t complain too much. I just wish we planned this out a little better.
I’m told I will be in the slideshow at #3 position on the front page of MSN tonight midnight until 9am tomorrow PST.
This is the worst time to have server downtime!! All you other bloggers, learn from me and make sure your blog has rock-solid hosting. You never know when you get featured somewhere and get tons of traffic over night.
Go ahead and shut down. This is just becoming a silly waste of time trying to stir up a little interest when there is nothing interesting left except the indictment. I can read about that in the paper.
so…all this exposure. How is it paying the bills exactly?
Shut it down!
Shut it down!
Shut it down! -
Where did you get money for the dedicated server?
You will never shut this site down and she will get over it! Now that you announced to the world that you bait us, could you be a tad more creative?
They also refused to give me support since I bought the bare-bones self-supported server for $80.
I think that just about sums up Casey’s rank idiocy in one line.
I learned about this site on Cnet. What’s with all the hate? So the kid lied to get loans. But it’s not like he stole from you or me. 8 houses in 8 months at the age of 24! It must have been one wild ride. That’s more than what most people accomplish in a life time. You still have a long future ahead of you, if you don’t go jail like people think you should. Good luck.
Hey Casey - how are you going to do a book deal with the No Limits Ladies still own the rights to your story?
A greedy, lazy, manipulative, lying crook? Have I left anything out?
You’re a dead-beat Lebowski. Get a job!
Casey, why didn’t you let Duane sell the blog for you?
Why didn’t you take Nigel’s offer to buy the blog for $10k?
Casey, the CPU problem can be addressed with a few small changes and software modifications. Use less dynamic content, cache old results, etc.
Casey, did you say that you’re trolling with us on new dot com?
Didn’t your youtube video blog say that you’re honest and will show us that you’re not kidding about your situation?
What the hell man
What’s your problem?
Some of us come here to give our honest opinions on what you should do (as in HELPING OUT). Don’t tell me that you were TROLLING with us.
Go ahead and shut this blog down. whatever
Come on, Casey. Use the publicity to your advantage! How many people get this much attention for basically failing. It’s spectacular!
For the rest of you who are interested in a blog about building a profitable business, drop by my site and check out the project: http://www.peabee.com/blog
Granted, the rise is not as spectacular but so far I haven’t lost my shirt
I’ll be posting articles about using my technology for your own business as well as offering early subscribers some truly useful free services (possibly even for real estate
). Hope to see you there!
Hang in there, Casey.
Only 119 days ’til success!
Here’s an idea to generate some lost traffic. Do a podcast conference call with Nigel Swaby and Robert Cote. Should be sweet & Juicy!
asw: mogul
Then you can go ahead and do whatever. Whatever floats yer boat.
I never heard of you until today but, man, did you get yourself in a heap of trouble.
As far as I can tell, you are a compulsive gambler, debtor, and shopper with unusually high self-esteem and a massive impulse control and judgment problem.
At first, reading your blog made me angry. How could someone who made such idiotic, immature, and selfish decisions have the gall to pretend that he was in any position to give advice to others? How could such a person continue to make the same mistakes and not see the error in their ways? As the quote attributed to Einstein goes, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” How could a reasonable adult expect that he should be entitled to a passive income promised by RE con artists?
At the same time, I think I feel bad for you more than anything. I’m the same age as you and have a partner of over five years. I am also in debt, but my debts are consolidated fixed rate federal loans on deferment until I finish my PhD (in like ten years). Like you, I refuse to get a normal job like a normal person. Instead, I earned a fellowship with a stipend and I live on that money. It isn’t a fortune, but I don’t live in the fantasy of getting rich quick. And that is the crucial difference between you and me. You have internalized the notion that you deserve something for nothing RIGHT NOW. And you will pay for that.
I hope you can turn your life around. I recommend you start stocking up on Ramen noodles today, stop spending money on luxuries (and most of the expenses you list are luxuries by any reasonable standard), and learn to be an adult.
Casey, I’m really not feeling properly monetized right now. And I have a few buttons that are still unpushed. Pick up the pace.
Any news on your remaining properties?
Where’s the Utah payment?
Any contact from Cashcall? -
Yeah, you may as well shut down the blog now that you tipped your hand to C-Net that you are trolling for attention to keep your traffic up to monetize it. You aren’t stupposed to tell people you are trolling!
You are a stupid fool and should close the blog.
Hey Casey,
Can you please answer if you have read that great book “Getting things Done”
I bought it also, but I am such a procrastinator myself that I have not had time to read it. I read the first few pages then lost it somewhere,
Anyway - let us know you have read it. Am sure you have - your such a success Casey,
Loads o Money
Hey Casey - I did ask you before. Is any of your Guru material for sale ? I will pay big bucks, let me know and let me know the price,
Loads O Money
Hello boys! I’ve a present for you in my blog. thanks!
Hosting, domain names, servers, etc. are all high paying PPC keyword terms. This post was primarily to get snowtard some good keywords for ContentLink to place high paying ad links on.
Casey, I’m finding it difficult to believe that you would be THAT stoopid so as to tell CNET that you bait and string along your readers. Did you think we wouldn’t read that? Of course, it was already obvious that you were doing just that to begin with.
So, what’s bringing in more dough: Yahoo!, ContentLink, affiliate/CPA ads or text link sponsors? (We’ll assume you’ve secured $200/month from text link sponsors, seeing as there are two. As fragile as your mad biz skillstm are, they probably negotiated you down to $20/quarter…)
dangit, gotta look up the HTML entity for the TM symbol…
Troll. And a bad one at that. YAWN.
So, what’s bringing in more dough: Yahoo!, ContentLink, affiliate/CPA ads or text link sponsors?
He’s not getting a dirty penny from me. AdBlock is a wonderful thing.
You won’t shut down the blog because once you do you will have to face the fact you have nothing, no money, no job, no education, no business knowledge, nothing to offer the world of value. The blog at least lets you believe you have something of value even if it is just people looking at a train wreck.
shut it down Casey ..everyone is tired of your threats just do it …lol big publicity and the site is down …lol…and you think your going to survive the blogosphere after the stupid comment ..lol good luck casey
AdBlock is good.
I don’t run ad blocking software because I do run/work on sites running ads, so I need to be able to see them. But, as long as you don’t click on the ads, you’re generally okay. You’ll run up the impressions, but unless a site owner is getting paid on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis then they don’t get a dime just for seeing an ad. Actually, it makes their eCPM drop.
Also, with CPM ads, unless it’s a really major site with tons of traffic, the chances are pretty good that a couple dozen impressions won’t garner more than a penny or two anyway. CPM is generally used with those annoying banner ads where you have to punch the monkey. (Hmmm… Idea: banner ads for EN where you slap the snowtard…) Those will generally only pay a buck (or less) for 1,000 impressions…
This web advertising lesson has been brought to you by… Well, who the hell cares anyway…
I think you will succeed through all of this. Keep trying and continue to write the book.. These people will be haters no matter what!!
™ = & # 153
“Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it, €? he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post. €?”
You dumb little troll. Casey, you do know we all have adblock, right? The guys who bought ad space from you - they know nobody clicks on your links, right? You know we don’t believe a word you say, right? We just write in to humilliate you on a daily basis. That’s all.
Casey, now that you’ve come out and said you’re trolling for comments (and ad revenue), we can dispense with the formalities of the haterz/hateez relationship. Perhaps now we can make this more of a collaborative blog. You can poll us (haterz) as to what are some things that you can do that will really piss us off. Then we can all vote on which is the most irritating, and you can write a post about doing it. Maybe we can even help! Then we’ll all act really mad and do our haterz thing and then look at ads and stuff. Meanwhile, you can sit around and think of new ways to screw up the server.
I’ll start you off with some post suggestions.
1. OMG, FBI agents are so MEAN!!
2. Heekee broke my server!!
3. Hey Duane Legate, wanna buy my website? PSYCHE!! NO DEAL!!!
4. Hey Haterz, I’m taking a nap on my blue ball while wearing my murse in a Jamba Juice in Las Vegas
5. My doctor says I need a new kidney! What a hater! Please donate money.
6. I’m living my dream of sleeping in a Salvation Army drop box
7. Nigel wants to trade me his koi pond for my website! Should I do it??
8. I’m thinking about shutting this site down. I’m serious this time! You better start looking at ads!! -
I don’t run ad blocking software because I do run/work on sites running ads
I don’t know about AdBlock, but AdBlock Plus allows you to define exceptions - e.g. “don’t block ads on this page, or this site”.
Additionally, AdBlock Plus is just generally superior to AdBlock. I highly recommend switching.
unless a site owner is getting paid on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
An “M” means “Mega”, which is a million, not a thousand. A thousand would be “CPK”, i.e. “Cost Per Kiloimpression”, not “CPM”, “Cost Per Megaimpression”.
So is it really CPK, not CPM? Or is it really million, not thousand?
@ James_Marks
#6 is especially creepy. I imagine the birthing process would be reminiscent of that scene from Alien. -
I find it ironic that your blog, titled “I am Facing Foreclosure” is no longer accurate. Shouldn’t you rename it to “I am Foreclosed” or something reflecting the current state of affairs?
Oh well, glad to see you have ads and monetizing the blog. At least it’ll cover your rent and hosting fees. In a way, your failure is bringing in money for you. Casey, congrats on your first success by monetizing the hate!
Hi Casey,
With that CNET article, I think you’ve just guaranteed yourself special attention from The Man. That FBI agent quoted in the article says they are only going after serious cases of mortgage fraud (if yours doesn’t count as serious, I don’t know what is), and all this publicity you’re ginning up may be perceived as taunting them. You are seriously angering a lot of people who have played by the rules, and many of them are demanding action.
Just saying, Casey. I get the feeling that you still do not understand that you may be facing serious prison time. This isn’t about pushing our buttons to generate ad revenue. Do you understand that you could be going to FEDERAL PRISON?
@39. Lost Cause
Gratze™. -
later…wish you luck
A lot of us were hoping you’d get a clue in time to resurrect something of your mess of a life.
Any hope I had for you; any goodwill just went out the window. It was bad enough when you shamelessly begged for money here to pay bills, then spent it on God-knows-WHAT (probably another fun trip) but the CNET article is just another instance of you giving your readers the finger. By admitting you troll us and push our buttons to drive up the comments……you are just slapping us in the face ONE MORE TIME.
That is it for me. I am leaving this site, never to return. I hope you get arrested and do the time you so richly deserve, in a federal prison, with a 265# cellmate named Bubba drooling over your skinny white azz. You have stolen, lied, begged, stolen some more, and claim you are going to pay all your creditors back. Yet you still continue to borrow money to live on with NO clue that you need to go out and actually WORK for a living. Somehow, you believe you are too good, too above work. We common folk that go to our jobs every day took pity on you and some actually sent you money. Did you appreciate that? HELL NO. You believe you are ENTITLED to every thing. You make me ill.
This is the last straw. I was rooting for you to overcome all this but you have made it abundantly clear you are nothing but a lazy, manipulative liar and a crook.I hope your readers leave you in droves. This blog won’t matter then. There will be no “haterz” to click on your ads. No one wants any advice from you anyway. You make more of a mess of your life every day, what makes you think you could actually help anyone else?
You are seriously delusional and need to be on medication.
People like you are also sociopaths and dangerous. As long as you are loose on the public, you will continue to steal and lie and hopefully some day you will be caught. -
CPM in regards to buying advertising is cost per thousand. I know it’s weird–seems like it would be per million, but it is per thousand. -
zoozomp, CPM is standard advertising lingo for cost per thousand. Think of the Roman numeral M. Also you’ll see job ads (this might be more prevalent in NYC?) for, say, $70M salary. Million is shown as MM.
CPM is “Cost per thousand”
Not per million…. “M” is one thousand in Roman Numeral
oh my God….
The EN haterz are now congratulating one another for being mentioned in an article ABOUT CASEY. You know their sad little ego’s have little boners over being mentioned in a real live article.
Something tells me that the overwhelming majority of the readers will look at the obsession of these haterz as pretty pathetic. Right in the article Casey admits that he is playing them for suckers, and they are dumb enough to keep coming back. Sad little lives. No wonder Robert Cote got a DUI. I’d drink too if I was reduced to basking in the reflected glory of a 24 year old failed real estate investor, that bought 8 homes, lost 7 of them in foreclosure and is looking at hundreds of thousands in unsecured debt.
Coming tomorrow:
I will start posting the pathetic emails I recieved from some of the geek squad over at EN when I was posting over there using a female name. Geeks on the prowl,,,can you say scarry……..and DESPERATE. -
Okay, I’m going to play devil’s advocate here for a minute. Keep in mind: once a hater™, always a hater™.
Everybody keeps telling Casey to get a job and I agree. He doesn’t need to be working for himself. He doesn’t have the drive, motivation, positive ambition, etc. All he has are pipe dreams of “sweet deals”, wheatgrass fields and Macaroni Grill meals.
But, last I checked, this blog has had about 14,000 visitors today alone. If he can manage to keep the server up, that’s a pretty nice bit of traffic. And, if, say, 50% of those visitors are haters (how do we know, really?) that will never in their life click on an ad supporting fliptard here, that still leaves 7,000 visitors in one day to click ads.
Let’s say that he has a 0.5% CTR (click-through-rate) (on a visitor basis, not an ad impression basis). That’s 35 clicks in a day. Now let’s say that he gets, on average, $0.50 per click, which is not unreasonable. That gives him $17.50 per day or a bit over $500 per month. This is, of course, all hypothetical. I’m imagining that our favorite fragile fliptard will fill us in on his earnings at some point in the near future. He won’t be able to resist…
Add that $500 to the $200 he might possibly be getting for the text ads and you’ve got $700.
(Keep in mind, though, he’s probably not getting the full $100 per link. Lots of downtime lately and the more comments that are placed, the less likely it is that a search engine will read far enough to get to the links. That’s the primary value of the paid links, really, is for search engine placement, not necessarily for anyone here to click on. If he were smart, he’d move the code for the links to the top of his document and position it with CSS. If…)
Now, what does he do for that $700? Not much. He trolls and haterbaits™ a few times a week at best. How many hours does he spend? Honestly, more than he probably should, or has to, even. It’s very damn near passive. (And my personal philosophy is that there is no such thing as passive income. It’s a non-existent dream that Robert Kiyosucky et al dreamed up to help sell their own imaginations of what wealth is and should be. Something must always be done to receive any sort of income from any source.)
So, there you have it. He can probably make $500, maybe $1,000 per month on the kind of traffic he’s had today. That’s not too bad. It’s not a living. He still needs to get a job. But, a normal person would very easily be able to hold down a 9-5 making $50k or more plus run the blog in his spare time (30 minutes a night, three or four times a week should cover it, once it’s set up) to pull in an extra $12k or so per year. (Which, btw, does get reported to the IRS on a 1099 so that they can tax the hell out of it, self employment and all.)
So, IF motard was a normal, rational, intelligent and honest carbon based life form, he would currently be working his tail off at a 9-5 pulling a meager $50k to screw up other people’s websites, running his blog either in the morning (remember the early rizer™?) before work or in the evening when he gets home and then take on a couple of web dev contracts making maybe $30-50 an hour for that. (Considering his appalling technical abilities of late and Duane’s recent exposure of Casey’s failure to even return a simple phone call in his own best interest, I’d honestly have to be intoxicated to offer him even that for his “work”.) He could pull $80k or more easily if he were willing to put in some long nights, a bit of elbow grease and a tiny drop of brainpower.
But, he’s not driven, motivated, rational, intelligent, hardworking, honest or any of those other traits that even a fraction of a teaspoon of would help turn his situation around for the better. So, I suppose this is all just conjecture. He’ll never listen to anyone but his gurus.
But it’s fun.
Casey, quit jerkin our chain boy. You know this is all one big sham. Just yank the thing already.
@ dm #69
that’s HATERZ™
@70 unbelievable
Had a pinky cramp and couldn’t hit the… (uses index finger) z button. I’m a total haterz™
You need to double up on your GPSG stock, which is now down to 17 cents — half of what you bought it for. It’s down 16 percent today, but that’s a golden investing opportunity for you, young Casey. Cough up another $4,000, and you are on a path to becoming if not an owner of this goldmine, but at least a chance to get on the board of directors.
The reference to your investments in the Cnet article makes me believe this was no April Fool joke, as many suspected. But forgive me if I think you are jinxed, and everything you touch just goes to s***. -
@74. DUI Cote
Tell us about yourself. Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do for a living? You don’t have to be too specific, but you see, we never know who Casey and Nigel are posing as around here. Casey obviously thinks that we actually buy his made up BS.
Did you read the article, by the way? Did the phrase “irritainment” appear in there? Some people watch TV, some read books and some surf the ‘net looking for an interesting story. This story is interesting and entertaining. And you know, if Casey turned around and did everything exactly right for the next 12 months and blogged about it here, I’d come here to read about it and I’d personally feel good about seeing someone slowly unscrew their way-beyond-screwed life.
But, we come here for fun. The personal attacks are a bit annoying, but I can personally overlook them. It’s really only a reflection of who you are when you attack another person for no apparent reason…
Wow, I’m talkative this evening. It’s lonely in here. Anyone else out there? Anyone with instant commenting privileges, that is?
I’m here off and on. The traffic here today is crazy. Yet few comments. Must be a lot of new people.
You need the blue ball of dumb back.
How about a photo of you “back in action” sitting on the blue ball looking for “sweet deals”?
you assinged one contract before last year….how many have you done since then. why dont you contine to do them. you can make 1,000-14,000 on each one. why arent you doing that????
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spam (sweet) sweet only if you answer this question
For the newcomers, here’s an IAFF drama summary.
Thanks to Casey’s brilliant decision to go with his $80/mo GoDaddy Econo-Servar instead of the $180/mo server that Heekee (Zewg) is paying for, IAFF was down for most of the weekend and then died just about the time the C|Net story hit. Casey missed out on most of Monday’s traffic and some today. This site is currently hogging 65% of the shared server’s resources and will probably be shut down by tomorrow morning. If it goes down, he misses out on the traffic spike from MSN tonight.
Casey also recently managed to really piss-off his ex-partner from December-January, Duane Legate, by leading him on about purchasing the website. In December, Duane was paying Casey $1500/mo for advertising on IAFF as long as Casey worked on getting his act together. That deal fell apart when Casey refused to get a job or show any progress. Casey recently contacted him about buying the site, let Duane do a bunch of legwork to line things up, played him and Nigel against each other, and then blew Duane off. Duane showed up at Exurban Nation and started telling details of his dealings with Casey. He will be telling those details sequentially starting tomorrow. It will probably be pretty entertaining.
DUI Cote is a buddy of Nigel Swaby (another of Casey’s ex-partners) who has a problem with Exurban Nation and has an attack blog dedicated to trashing Robert Cote, the site’s author. Recently he has resorted to posting sexual remarks about Rob’s 16 year old daughter. Interestingly, now he’s also apparently trolling as a woman trying to get people to hit on him.
This is just today’s drama. I keep waiting for this trainwreck to run out of steam, but it keeps on chugging. And for those who think the whole thing is fake, the real estate losses and fraud are real. Details about his personal matters may or may not be trolling (see the C|Net article.)
[IMG Casey Serin’s Lichen Land is SWEET]
@87. lostsite
I agree with your assessment. As has been said by others before, I don’t know that there are that many people here that really, really hate him. There are some, but I think that most are frustrated, as you say.
I suppose my frustration comes from the fact that I work my tail off for a good 80-90 hours per week on several different businesses/projects that are all returning some sort of profit and will grow steadily, but I realize it takes a lot of time and effort and hard work and sleepless nights to build something great that will pay off for the long haul.
At the very same time, this little twerp (who, by the way, is older than me by a good few months), sits back, reads and spews a bunch of BS motivational crap and thinks that there’s a short and easy path to becoming stoopid-rich. It’s really an insult to those of us who consider ourselves true entrepreneurs who have education and experience and the drive, motivation, ambition, etc. to become “financially independent”. (Which, by the way, is another concept I don’t believe in: no man is an island. Everyone’s finances depend on other people, no matter how rich or poor you may be. They are your responsibility, but they are very much affected by others…)
So, I think you nailed it on the head. I am frustrated. But, what can I do? Rant about it, vent a little, have some fun with it and then put my head back down and go back to making bucketloads of money that CS will only ever dream about.
Swabco Industries®
Hater Antagonist,
Pardon me if I’m not particularly impressed with your noble one-man crusade to stop the evil haterz by impersonating women in blog comments. (I’m assuming you’re also DUI Cote, which therefore also makes you Casey, Nigel, Brian S. Nick, and Nigel’s a**-kicking forensic accountant.)I’ve taken risks and lost money on investments before. The lesson I learned is that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did and didn’t do my homework. It’s people like yourself who sit around going “Well at least I had the courage to try” (wait, I mean “was bold enough to pursue my dreams”) who make the same mistakes next time around. The real investors either got out of RE by early ‘05 or at least got rid of their riskiest properties. The gamblers and the noobz are now being washed out of the market, some more spectacularly than others.
The haterz are here because Casey created them through his lack of action. Casey could turn a saint into a haterz with the stuff he pulls on a daily basis. He can get rid of the majority of the haterz simply by getting a job. And C|Net showed that he’s made his peace with us.
I’m just here for the entertainment. And you, as the local pontificating wacko, are part of that whether you like it or not.
Aww, you lost Hater Antagonist… well at least he was bold enough to pursue his dreams of commenting on this blog. He will be missed.
Casey, why did you delete my comments about your earlier scams? You don’t want people to know the truth about you? you endlessly repeat the same themes “i need a plan” but you delete my comments with your google newsgroup scam and a link to your letter to your friends guaranteeing 24% return on their investment.
You repeat yourself over and over why can’t the commenters?
The server really is slow as hell, but that might be because your traffic is way up. It’s already matched last Tuesday’s traffic and we’re only 4.5 hours into the day. You made it onto MSN. (Repeat of the C|Net article.) The influx of new visitors is going to be huge, but if you don’t do something spectacularly stupid or annoying in the next couple of days, they’re going to drift off. How about Monkeydance II?
* Noobz disclaimer: If I sound like a big fat jerk, stick around for a while and you will eventually understand. By the way, welcome, future haterz!
long rants. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly useless stuff, just me venting a bit. But, it did make think about something: Why is it that this guy (Casey) gets on my nerves so much? For one thing, I can just tell that he has the type of personality that really
So you’ve gone from “would-be real estate mogul” to a half-hearted attempt to offer online foreclosure assistance to blatant trolling and traffic whoring. You’ve failed at the first two and now you’re in the midst of effing up something as simple as staying online in order to make it failure trifecta. Your mother should be so proud.
The Real Estate Forum Blog LATimes.com: LA Land Blog Salt Lake Real Estate Blog MSN.com Stern (a German Magazine) ABC News Nightline NPR.org (National Public Radio) USA Today New York Magazine: News and Features He doesn’t mind all these negativity, in fact this negative popularity has given him countless opportunities, media exposures and great connections. His life story is one great example of how something so negative can be positive. Oh well, not completely positive
wow, I want to grow up to be just like you. you are a legend
wow, I want to grow up to be just like you, you are a legend
Hello Casey, I have question for you. Did any of the lenders come after you for deficiency judgment or took you to the court. Because I am in almost same situation as you are. So I am kind of worried.
Hmm. In response to “truth hurts,” I believe Mr. Serin is referring to his _server_ being down, as opposed to his general disposition / outlook on life.
Not that attending to one’s responsiblities as an adult/man/husband aren’t a good idea….. but they really won’t have much of an effect on his uptime, other than possibly allowing him to afford a better server…
Wow! These ppl really hate you!I really like to read your blog, so DON’T shut it down! On the other hand,if G*****’s points are really valid, you should shut it down to show her that you really respect her!But in the end, it really is YOUR choice, isn’t it?!!
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