Sunday, August 5, 2007

Live Call Tonight: My Time, Jobs and The Future of I am Facing Foreclosure

Powered by TalkShoe On the call tonight (6PM PST) I will be addressing:

  • Updates on my remaining foreclosures, debt, CashCall, etc..
  • How I spend my time and what I’m doing to make a living nowadays - picking up more and more stable web development and consulting jobs.
  • Coming up media coverage (I will mention the details when it gets closer).
  • The future of I am Facing Foreclosure website
  • The future of my real estate and investing business
  • Answering your live questions and questions from comments

Here are directions for how to listen or participate on the live call.



[To come after the call… maybe, if I can get somebody to help me]


  • Oooh…Casey you’re gonna get swamped by the haters…I won’t miss it! :p

  • Are you going to mention your 90 mile an hour speeding ticket?

  • Are you going to renounce your guru heritage?

  • How did you pay for the gas that you used to get to that 90mph?

    Does CashCall know you’ve been spending their money on weekend jaunts? Has their interest rate hit triple figures yet?

  • Does quitting junior college really count?

  • 6. Cotton Swaby
    March 21st, 2007 at 4:56 am

    Will Suze Orman make fun of you like Koolasaki did?

    Your friend
    Cotton Swaby
    Award Winning Commenter

    P.S. Don’t forget to clean your ears.

  • I will also be discussing how to make prison hooch in the toilet I share with my cellmate Big Mike.

  • You self important little twit. You don’t have a real estate or investing business. If you have no assets, you have nothing to invest.

    Please address:
    - What is the arrangement with the money partner and what does he perceive you to be bringing to the table?
    - The questions of your moral obligations to keep the properties up and how you as a Christian can justify never investing an ounce of sweat equity to improve the places (WWJD)

    ASW: success

  • this should be fun… haha

  • 10. Tim from Monterery Bay Area
    March 21st, 2007 at 5:35 am


    I haven’t posted in a while because I needed to take a break from you. You are now out of runway.

    BK is the only option, take another look at your spreadsheet.


  • I’m going to listen in just for the haters.

    Keep the updates short and sweeeet, Casey… then get to the calls.

    Unless something better is on TV tonight, I’ll be listening in.

  • Too lazy to write this down?

  • Dude,

    please tell us all about the speeding ticket?

    without a JOB, how can you afford to get a speeding ticket?

    We know you were not running late getting to work at a JOB!!!!!

  • Casey, I’ll be driving around to all the local mcdonalds and burger kings to see if you’re working there. Hope to see you soon and I hope for your sake the fries are fresh.

  • @ your tags…

    Please. Stop. Saying. Sweet. Please.

  • 16. Not good with money
    March 21st, 2007 at 6:45 am

    I know you busy, so I bumped this up to get your advice.

    I would sure be very grateful if you could give me some advice.

    We too live in the Sacramento area. I have 2 part time jobs (allows me to be with the children) and my husband works 50 hours a week at a job he has had 4 years. 10 hrs. overtime is the most his company will allow. He gets a .75 raise every year. But Kaiser just raised their rates this past January.

    We have 5 children. We have no debt and rent a 950 sq. ft home. Our take home pay for all the jobs is $2220.00 a month - 26K a year. We take very good care of everything we own, because there is no replacing it. When we first moved here our income was $1700.00 a month and each year is does increase.

    We have 2 cars. One was given to us several years ago (94 Buick) and mine was bought with last year’s tax return. It was a 93 Plymouth. It broke down last month and we can not afford to fix it.

    When we get this years refund, it will go to paying off medical, dental and vision co-pays for the children and diabetic husband that have added up over the last year. The remaining balance we save for food through out the up coming year because our monthly budget for food/paper goods is $540.00 a month, $135.00 a week. It is very hard to say the least.

    What advice can you give me because I know you too have been through the wringer.

  • 17. SilentHater
    March 21st, 2007 at 6:50 am

    Can a Jetta do 90 MPH?? Well I guess the sweet rims give it the extra speed.

    a.s.w. leverage (to the hilt??)

  • No one participate in this. Do not give casey a cent. He is getting a cut of all the money (all 18 dollars) that is generated.


  • Casey,

    Alexa ranking is showing you getting approximately 120,000 page views per day.

    WHY are you not using Google’s AdSense or the Yahoo Publisher Network to run contexual ads on your site? Or, there are several other ad networks that would work with this.

    At 120k page views x reasonable eCPM of $10, that is $1,200 per day in income here. $20 eCPM is possible with optimization which makes $2,400 income per day. I have seen these numbers work with other websites. You are missing out on some huge revenues.

    We’ll contact you in the future. We’re putting financial and real estate blog networks together and perhaps there is some synergy that can occur here?

    Contact me if you have any questions at the email entered in this form.

    Good luck


  • A cloud of uncertainty has descended on the over-leveraged United States of Foreclosure. The storm is just ahead. The stewards of the system–Paulson, Bush, Bernanke–could care less about the public welfare. All their energy is devoted to building a lifeboat for themselves and their fat-cat buddies. Once, they’ve robbed the last farthing from the public till they’ll be gone, and we’ll still be marching along the path to national calamity.

    High-flying US fund manager Jim Rogers summed up the impending crisis like this:

    “You can’t believe how bad it’s going to get. It’s going to be a disaster for many people who don’t have a clue about what happens when a real estate bubble pops. Real estate prices will go down 40-50% in bubble areas. There will be massive defaults. And it’ll be worse this time because we haven’t had this kind of speculative buying in U.S. history.”

    Then he added ominously, “When markets turn from bubble to reality, a lot of people get burned.”

  • casey i try to set up an account but it is not working, would you please fix it!

  • In my experience, Casey, those who drop out of college rarely return to it. If you’ve persuaded G….. otherwise, then you’ve deluded her. In time, you’ll see I’m right.

    Not necessarily - I dropped out first time in order to grab a job I fancied (my degree wasn’t going anywhere) but returned to college six years later.

    And there’s no question that I was a far more motivated student second time round, not least because I had a far better idea of what I needed to know. (The fact that my unfinished degree was in English Literature and my completed one in Business Studies speaks volumes in itself).

    But this does require a level of self-knowledge and self-sacrifice - and a willingness to absorb a hefty cut in income - that I strongly suspect neither of the Serins come close to possessing.

  • 23. DC EConomist
    March 21st, 2007 at 8:44 am


    Casey gets 5K visits and 10K pageviews a day, not 120k
    I would say quite a bit of those visits are not unique.

    Soure : Sitemeter. You silly fool

  • I’ll just wait for the transcript.

    How can it be possible for somebody to admit 8 fraudulant loans and still be able to blog about it and go national without any criminal prosecution?

    There is definitely something wrong with the justice system when a major industry is taking a big hit for fraud. Someone is definitely not doing their job.

  • I suppose a way that Casey will see his case in court would be in behalf of the mortgage lender’s shareholders.

    If they lost a lot of money in this housing downfall, they will want someone’s head..or a few individuals. CEO, accountants, underwriters etc. Since Casey has made his name so public, he’s easy pickings for loan fraud prosecution.

    More publicity may not be good at this time.

    It’s amazing what people with “Christian Values” will do for money.

  • 26. The Guy Next Door
    March 21st, 2007 at 10:12 am

    Good post Gribble. Your own experience not withstanding, I maintain that I am correct about most college dropouts never returning. As you noted, the pay cut involved in returning to school is usually prohibitive. And folks start building families… and dependents. Lastly, once out of school, most people begin to FORGET. There’s a reason graduation requirements need to be completed within a certain amount of time, after all.

    The bottom line is that the pressures involved in returning to college often exceed those that prompted dropping out in the first place. Not always - there are those such as you who successfully return and graduate, and even those who return for higher degrees - but usually.

    Dropping out isn’t a dealbreaker to G…..’s chances of ever obtaining her degree, but it seriously hurts her statistical chances. Of course, a person is not a statistic. She could prove me wrong. But if that’s the plan, dropping out is a really BAD first step!

  • 27. Not good with money
    March 21st, 2007 at 10:24 am


    Stopped having kids 10 years ago when husband was making 48K a year.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Nobody’s allowed to offer advice unless they can actually spell it. And Tim from MBA… nice to see you again. Maybe you can go medieval on yneone this time; someone who truly deserves it.

  • #30 ever heard of birth control? stop having some many kids. it’s obvious you can’t afford them.

    Imagine seven people living in a 950 square foot house! My advice would be to not purchase a home anytime soon. Unless the bubble bursting thing happens. Then you’ll be able to buy a house twice that size with your next tax refund.

    Thanks for the link to Casey is married to one hot babe. I’m not surprised he “accidentally” misled her into thinking he was a high roller big shot success — what else could he do to convince her to find someone better i.e. anyone? I have about $800,000 in assets (stock, savings, RE) less than $16,000 in debt, and the body of an adult yet the smart educated women I’ve been going out with aren’t half as hot as her.

    Wait a minute! There IS something Casey has succeeded in! Please please please Casey, advise me on how to accidentally mislead sweet hot women into thinking I’m a high roller big shot success! Do I need to quit my six figure job? Do I need to put minus signs next to the big numbers in my portfolio? Should I start driving at 90 MPH all the time? Should I fly around the country for no reason instead of for work? Wait, it’s the Jamba Juice, isn’t it!

  • #18: Call Suze Orman before having more kids. She will tell you “You can’t afford it!”.

    Income of $2220/mo to support 7 people? That’s $317 per person per month. Damn! I like my own ratio better. $11,000/mo for one person.

  • xxx Coming up coverage on ABC News, Suze Orman and PBS Money Track with Jack Gallagher. xxx

    Wow, I cannot describe how underwhelmed I am. Who is Jack Gallagher?
    Enjoy the limelight. It’s going to take you years to recover from the financial mess left by your leap for attention, and I totally agree with the poster above who excoriated you for allowing G. to become a drop-out. You are dragging other people down with you, and that is sick, sick, sick.

  • Sounds like she dropped out not because she wanted to work, but she couldn’t pay for tuition and gas to get to school!

  • Well the call day is finally here how are the servers going to cope with all that traffic??

    Antispam: Sweet

  • #3 on google when you look up sweet liar loans. SWEET!!!!

  • Hi Casey,
    I have come up with a list of things you can add to your web site if you’re serious about helping people in foreclosure. Take a look and let me know what you think:

  • 36. Liberal_Elite
    March 21st, 2007 at 1:32 pm


    I got a call from Cash Call for some reason and they asked how to get in touch with you.

    I told them you were hosting a Call In tonight and gave them the info.

    Have fun.

  • 37. Donky Do Do
    March 21st, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    G is following in your footsteps. Doesn’t seem to know what to do, and now the tuition money is toast.

    Driving 90 mph is insane unless you’ve just gotten a brand new ‘turbo’ vehicle and decide to bust lose* on the highway for the first time. SLOW DOWN and drive like the responsible adult you aren’t. Good luck paying that one.

    In general, I think the feds won’t go after Casey until all the foreclosures are complete. That way they have a stronger case.

  • 38. Big D (That's Dallas FYI)
    March 21st, 2007 at 2:21 pm


    It looks like your last two houses were scheduled for the court-house steps mid-February:

    Guadalajara Dr, Rio Rancho NM
    Muncy Dr, Modesto CA

    Why no updates? Were they already foreclosed? You’re just delaying the updates to keep us wondering and keep the interest up? Or, did I miss something?

    asw: juicy

  • 39. Waaah,Waaah,Waaah
    March 21st, 2007 at 2:33 pm

    Stop the Presses
    I have a way for you to get out of debt and start living the life of a millionaire.

    Get on the next plane to Nassau, Bahamas
    Take a cab immediately to the courthouse and find a Bahamian lawyer
    File paperwork with the courts contesting the parenthood of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby and claim you are the father.
    Call “Extra” or another tabloid TV show and offer to sell them your story for 2 or 3 million.
    Since you’re good at making things up, photoshop some photos of you and Ms. Smith, make sure you wear one of your dorky shirts and include the stupid blue ball.
    Instant Millionaire

  • I will be one of the ones to call in and make you a buck or two. I will be asking tough questions though

  • I’m really sorry I’m not going to make it. I have prioritized that time slot for moving my ebay junk from the left side of my garage to the right side of my garage.

  • 42. Chris Johnson
    March 21st, 2007 at 3:37 pm

    I’d listen if it was Timeline Guy doing the podcast as Casey.

  • 43. Santa Flipper Clause
    March 21st, 2007 at 4:04 pm

    Ho Ho Ho - It’s Santa Flipper Clause

    The elfs are working on the Casey Serin board game for the 2007 Christmas year. You move Casey and the other investors from ghetto to ghetto in a process to see who can lose (loose?) $2.2 million the quickest. Bloggers, real estate agents, lenders, family members, Joy All Day and the police frequently get in the way and disrupt the players. You also need to avoid jail to win. Should be the game of the year.

    Santa F. Clause

  • all i have to say is WOW..

  • 45. Jamba Monkee
    March 21st, 2007 at 6:04 pm

    The talkcast with Jerome Mayne was better than this one.

  • 46. JLIN (the LOL guy)
    March 21st, 2007 at 7:04 pm

    Hey Casey,

    I had a flippin’ sweet day. I might be in San Fran soon, so I will do a wheatgrass shot in the Jamba Juice for you. I don’t see any Jambas in the Great White North.


  • I missed something… when did Mrs. Casey drop out of school? Was this on the podcast thingie?

  • Casey, you said on your show that you are surprised at the level of hate directed at you. I think you put yourself and those around you in real danger by continuing with this nonsensical behavior. Notoriety is not an attribute in your situation.

  • 49. Fred Flintstone
    March 21st, 2007 at 7:29 pm

    How can people say Casey took a day off? He has nothing to take a day off FROM!

    captcha: sweet

  • That was fun, Casey. Thanks for being a good sport.

    And my offer to help find the missing Utah wrap money was sincere. You have my work details. Let me know if you want to take me up on the offer.

  • Casey:

    I missed the call but thought you might like this video (you were not the only one)”

  • Google Casey Serin blue ball

    #1 WOW!!

    Casey Serin Genius

    is #3

    and Casey Serin the next Donald Trump is

    #1 so it looks like Google thinks you will make it.

    P.S. We have not seen the “Blue Ball of Dumb” for a while…

  • Why don’t you have a book deal yet? I’m not asking why you’re not writing a book. You’re clearly too lazy and too stupid to manage that. But, praise be, in this day and age you don’t have to write ‘em even if they’ve got your name on ‘em.

  • Kudos to the last caller tonight from southern California. She was hilarious!!!!

    Casey, the missing Utah payment should be easy to track. Just get a photocopy of the front & back of the check and find out which bank it was deposited in, or who endorsed the back. That’s where you start, and it shouldn’t take long at all from that point.

    You were extremely vague about Suze Orman, yet you said you’d be addressing it in the podcast. Has the show already been taped? What is the t.v. date?

  • Too bad that most of the comments you require are on EN. I will throw you this bone. Man you really lost your nerve at the end there. Not cool if you want to make it in this cold hard world. Man, New York would eat you up and spit your jamba juicing backside out so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you.

  • In the show you say that, although you don’t talk about them, you do have jobs, so we shouldn’t keep telling you to get a job.

    Then you give as your example working for Chris — that was months ago and you never once made the $3,000 a month that was promised, did you?

    The only other examples you give are things you have lined up. Are you saying they’ve paid you in advance? If you ask me, the meager amount of work you did for Chris and the promise of doing more work for someone else don’t amount to a hill of beans.

    After all, if you were putting in the hours somewhere, why wouldn’t you be doing it for Chris?

  • 57. someone who knows better
    March 21st, 2007 at 9:32 pm

    Casey since I just landed a sweet job I am passing this very exciting business deal directly on to you! No need to thank me, just the knowledge that you can forego work and continue to conjure up sweet deals while bouncing on that blue ball are enough to warm my cold heart. Oh, and please pardon this ladie’s english/grammar: I don’t think she wasted her time in college, either.

    From Mrs Seilta B. Okpom
    Dearest One

    My name is Mrs Seilta B. Okpom a nationality of Kuwait.I am married to late Mr. Jerry Okpom who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year Octorber 2005. We were married for twenty years with a child. My husband died after a the illnessthat lasted for long four days. When my late husband was alive we deposited the sum of $12Million (twelve Million U.S. Dollars) with one of good banks here in Cote d’Ivoire .
    and this money is still with the bank.

    Recently my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to my cancer problem.Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to safeguard this fund into a private account for investment purposes and part for cahrity donations. Meanwhile, i am contacting you to utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. You will donate 30% to cahrity,45% for my son,20% for you and 5% for any expensis you may incure in this transaction.I took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money but my son can not carryout this work only because i and my late husband decide to use some of the money to work for God and live some for him to have a better live.our son is just 17years old now and been grow up in africa,he have low manterity.My late husband relatives are very wicked and they want my family hard earned money to be misused.They have collected many of my late husbands properties both my car and houses and sold them off and i do not want my family hard earned money to be misused. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision.

    I am not afraid of death but my only problem is my son and i want some one who will take good care of him in the event of my death.I want your telephone communication in this regard because of my health and due to the presence of my family relatives around me always. call me or my son his name is David on this +22501017881 immediately you
    recievd this message.

    As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the new beneficiary of this fund. I want you to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd.Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for another person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here.

    Remain blessed..
    Mrs Seilta Okpom.
    Telephone: 0022501017881

  • SWEET!!!!
    Hey I just found two Google #1 SEARCHES!!!!!
    “casey serin loser con artist”
    “casey serin looser con artist”
    Good for you ;)

  • Casey,

    Congatulations on your waste of bandwidth/presentation.
    Do you honestly feel you can attract any qualified person to assist and/or present material on your site?

    I did listen to part of the ramble, but I didn’t hear one person looking for foreclosure advice from you. Did I miss someone who did ask for advice? Your traffic is based on repeated “hater” visits, they aren’t unique and they certainly aren’t looking for you to provide any insights to the foreclosure process.

    It’s obvious you can’t provide useful information for other people who are going through foreclosure, and you aren’t going to be able to have qualified “guests” help you out. Anyone with any kind of reputation won’t want to be linked to you either in web links, or just by reference. You’re damaged goods, only the weak will feel there is some benefit to associating with you.

    I do look forward to your first guest presentation, it will provide some brief amusement while I expose their lack of knowledge.

  • Casey:

    I don’t understand you and am at a loss for words.

    You call your efforts a “business” and believe that your “business” failed and therefore you are in someway shape or form exempt from paying the business debt.

    When you purchased the properties, did you purchase them as an “individual” or did you purchase them under the umbrella of your “business” using a “business name”???

    You purchased these properties, not as a business but as an individual.

    Were G’s credit cards (a debt that has exceeded $26,000) used for the “business” or were the charges used for living expenses?

    Your financial problems are much more than the “cash back at closing” funds…. it is the HUGE credit card debt and added debt (such as cash call, personal notes, loans from family and friends) that also add to the sum total of your situation.

    You’ve lived “larged” and now you need to start to live “small.” You need to tighten your purse strings and start paying your creditors - all of them.

  • Casey,

    You’re following your Google position, right?

    Maybe things aren’t fully updated, but it looked to me like the best position you had for the term “foreclosure” was #11, and it looked like #12 was becoming the standard.

    In your last post you thought good things were coming when you hit #10 for a day or so. It wouldn’t surprise me if you got a jump from your “live” presentation. Those are short term impacts though, kind of like having mentions in the WSJ. Nice, but you don’t want to base your business on it. Oh, I forgot, you do base your business on momentary whims.


  • Casey,

    I have been contacted by the Canadian Mounted Police about some of your shady deals in California.

    Look dude, we dont need any “heat” on us at this time. I run a legitimate “farming and distribution” business and you need to stop using me and Ricky as a reference with that CashCall company.

    If I get another call from that “Sarah” chick again, I’m going to get pissed off and turn you people in to the fuzz. I am real tight with Governor Arnold (one of my “clients”) and it wont take but one phone call to get you busted. That speeding ticket will turn in to a “child molestation” charge real quick, if you know what I mean.

    Intense Hater

    antispam word=millions…like in how much you owe!!

  • “you’re making me want to dump my precious metals as we speak”


    ok, who said that. fracking hilarious.

  • CASEY!!!

    More great news from the Google front. You are now #4 for “wheatgrass shot at jamba juice”.

  • 66. Cotton Swaby
    March 22nd, 2007 at 5:21 am

    To ‘Not Good With Money’:
    How about a little more detail? You say your husband works 50 hours a week (at that job for 4 years now) and you have two jobs. Total take home is 2200 per month. How much is his and how much is yours?
    Assuming 30% for taxes, your gross is 2860/mo roughly. Two part time jobs for you, let’s assume 500 each a month so that leaves him with 1860 gross/200 hours a month = $9.30 per hour.
    Without trying to be condescending, if he was making 48k a year prior, why would he still be at a job for 4 years with pay that low? Is the job market that bad in your area? What was his prior occupation and what does he do now? Are these numbers in the ballpark? If not, please give corrections.

    asw: sweet

  • Here’s a real tragedy….much more worthy of our attention than Casey’s financial lunacy….

  • Does anyone else see the irony in G’s going to college in the first place, considering Casey’s views on the subject?

  • Casey, you put down $75,000.00 down on the Texas property for a hard money loan only to have the house foreclosed on. Do you cry yourself to sleep every night knowing you basically threw 75k out the window?

    Next time you want to throw away 75k please think of the charity I represent, the Human Fund.

  • 70. Ronald McBurgar
    March 22nd, 2007 at 7:40 am

    You’re BiPolar. Get help. There is help available. Be a man about things and get the help you need.

  • 71. TimeLineGuy
    March 22nd, 2007 at 8:09 am

    Good Morning everyone,

    I am not an early riser today™ (Thanks for the quote, Julian).

    Wow. What an evening! I feel so blessed™ that so many of you spent your valuable time™ to be in on the first of my calls.

    I want to address some issues that have come up and I want to let you know about some things that I have only been able to alude™ too™.

    OK, The ticket thing. If any of you have owned a Jetta, you will be aware of this, but for those of you who don’t, I will tell you to™. The accelerator on a Jetta is a very sensitive devise™. The slightest touch and vroom! off you go. I was driving to an omportant business meeting™ with some potential business partners™ when I suddenly saw the CHP red lights in my mirror. As I looked down, I saw that I was driving in excess of 100mph!

    It was my sucky day that the CHP officer only wrote me up for 90 (sweet™!). I tried to explain that it was 4:57 pm and I had to get my short sale™ packet delivered to the lender by 5:00 pm and that I was still making notes on my PDA™ to upload and then print at the lender’s office (about 20 miles away in Davis), but he wouldn’t listen.

    I don’t know how much the ticket will cost, but I will be extra alert™ for the mail n about 7 to 10 days when it should arrive. I have spoken to a hard money lender™ about the possibility of either bird dogging some sweet RE deals™ for him or maybe setting up and organizing his filing system in lieu of his makin the payment of my ticket. We will have to wait and see.

    Unfortunately it was well past 6:30 by the time I arrived at the lender’s office (I should have downloaded directions before I left) and for some strange reason the office was closed. I left the short sale package outside the door and I hope they found it and will respond favorably™.

    The potential business opportunity in the Simi Valley did not pan out. It turn out that what the business was invlved in was to me unethical. It involved an adult oriented prduct and I cannot condone that.

    The Utah payment is still missing despite my many and diligent efforts™ to locate it. I can say with 100% certainty that it is not under a cushion in the couch. Next place to look will be later this week in the mail. (Note to self, G’s™ sister is getting a little preturbed about the size of the pile - it is now roughly the size of my desk in the office). I will have to re-sort the prioritized piles as many of the overnight and certified mail packages that have arrived in the past 6 weeks should probably be moved down from “urgent open immediately” to the more mundane “open at leisure” status.

    Many of you have asked what it is that I do all day long. I will answer that one directly. I spend my days making important business contacts™ that I can use to leverage™ my time to get involved with more sweet deals™. I think the single most important capacity that any successful business person™ has is the ability to contact any one of a number of professionals inside their network™. I feel that as the number of contacts and professionals that I have cultivated in my network™ grows, my probability of success™ also increases.

    As for those of you who have asked about book deals, there actually have been 3 presented so far. Too™ of them appear quite lucrative (from skmmin the first page of the lengthy contracts) and one did not seem to mention any compensation (at least by the middle pf page 2 of 19). The only problem I see in this is selecting a suitable ghost writer (I am to™ busy working on my RE career to dedicate enough quality time to do the writing on my own) that can capture the unique and high energy qualities of my personality.

    I have been scanning the classifieds in the SacBee for 2 and a half days and have not yet found an adequately qualified ghost writer. Perhaps I can contact some of the highly qualified professionals™ I have developed in my network of qualified business contacts™ and see what they can “bring to the table” so too™ speak.

    One last thing before I have to run around the block (I am still spotty on my physical futness regime™ so today will be doubles) I want to thank Time from MBA for his return. I have always valued your advise™ and I look forward to hearing more of your word to live buy™.

    At any rate, if any of you readers care to transcribe the podcast I would be appreciative (for the reasons stated above I simply do not have the time to do it myself). I will be working on a solution to the missing second hour of the recording and will try very hard to get it linked up soon.

    Stay tuned!

  • #34

    I’m sorry to hear it but it sounds like you’re in a tight spot. First thing that you have to do is stop asking a dope like Casey for advice unless you’re considering starting a bogus corporation to borrow money with.

    The birth control horse is already out of the gate. What you need to do now is find some way, any way to maximize your income. You say that your husband’s raises are limited to .75 a year and that he can’t work more than 10 hours overtime a week.

    It’s not easy, but time to pound the pavement. I don’t know what he does, but there has to be a better deal than 26k a year. Think about even if you found something in the low 30s, what a difference it would make. Low 30s isn’t that hard to come by for anyone willing to work.

    I wish you well.

    PS - I missed the call but I’m sure it was tremendous.

    FINCH PROPERTIES Residential Property Managers

    Care to explain this?

  • The sucker’s refrain: “Get a job Casey!”

    Same people who b**** up and down about their jobs, but they have no choice because they have brats to feed, and SUV’s to make payments on.

    Jobs are for suckers. Hang tough Casey.


    Guess what my anti-spam word is??????

  • Casey– this is a quote from your October 8 post:

    “I heard somewhere that out of all the willing buyers in the market: 30% are A and B buyers with good credit - can qualify for a loan, 70% are C and D buyers who have credit issues and cannot qualify for a loan.”

    Where did you hear this? Is this true? If 70% of willing buyers over the last few years were subprime, doesn’t that mean the entire market is going to crash hard now that subprime money has dried up?

  • Congrats Casey, you were mentioned in The Economist today.

    CASEY SERIN knows all about the excesses of America’s housing bubble. In 2006 the 24-year old web designer from Sacramento bought seven houses in five months. He lied about his income on “no document” loans and was not asked for anything so old-fashioned as a deposit. Today Mr Serin has debts of $2.2m. Three of his houses have been repossessed; others could share that fate. His website,, has become a magnet for those whose mortgages are in trouble.

    Mr Serin and people like him are Wall Street’s biggest uncertainty just now. How many Americans are saddled with mortgages they cannot afford on houses that are losing value? The answer matters to anyone who bought high-yielding mortgage-backed securities when a booming property market made mortgages look safe. It also matters to investment banks, which packaged the securities and often own subsidiaries that originate mortgages. It may determine whether America’s economy falls into recession. It could even affect the outcome of next year’s elections.

  • 78. Andrew from Canada
    March 22nd, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    @ 55 (oozing_santorum)

    ROFL … I like your style man!

  • Hey Casey, sorry I missed the call last night but I did check out the link and listened to some. I’m still a little lost on a few things. You believe that you’ve already ‘paid’ enough for the properties going into foreclosure, even though you lied on your loans and made no payment, or next to no payments, on any of the deals. Yet I look at it as you having committed a crime, loan fraud.

    If it was only one individual that was committing loan fraud, or any crime, we all could deal with it. But when someone commits a crime, then goes around bragging about it, I get a little cranky. Since you believe that you shouldn’t spend any time in jail for loan fraud, what do you believe the punishment that other individuals doing the same thing should get? Maybe you believe there’s a certain plateau that you must reach before ’someone is hurting someone and not just a company’? What level of fraud would that be?

    If I came and stole your car, you’d probably report it to the police, right? Why? Because it’s a crime. And if I was to get caught, you would want me to be punished. Yet, there are quite a few cars stolen each year in Sacramento. And people are getting punished irregardless of others doing it.

    I see that you got a speeding ticket recently. Are you going to pay the fine or just forget about it? I recommend that you don’t pay the ticket. Everyday people don’t pay their traffic tickets in California. And nobody cares.

    Guess my real question to you is what are laws for? Who needs to follow them and who doesn’t? What would happen if there were no laws?

  • 80. Mike Hawk (is big)
    March 22nd, 2007 at 12:30 pm

    Please Case I have to know want music were you playing when you got pulled over. I had to get rid of the large stereo system in my car because I drove around “bumping” music getting pulled over time and time again. After seeing pictures of the Sweet system in your jetta I concluded that those hard hitting speakers problably contributed to your breaking the speed limit.
    I have to know what where you listening to the moment you got pulled over?
    P.S. dont lie.

  • Congratulations Casey Serin– this is as close as you’re ever going to get to immortality. The phenomenon of your total failure is now global.

  • Harsh words from a lot of people downing Casey for doing whatever he needs to do to get out of this. . . Tick Tock, who are you to be continually downing Casey for the site and his efforts. Go get a hobby or something. Short sales are a part of the market history and therefore will always be around, be it from Casey or many other investors-gone-wrong. He made some mistakes but I guess you never made of those did you? I congratulate him on going down fighting but if you feel the need to kick a man while he’s down . . . better look in the mirror my friend, because we all make mistakes and I genuinely hope you have people there to rip you up when it happens.

  • Casey, what happen to the audio portion you had with Nacho?

    We are all waiting for the audio and transcripts of it. Someone told me it was Awesome :-)

  • Cover story of this week’s Economist magazine:

    “CASEY SERIN knows all about the excesses of America’s housing bubble. In 2006 the 24-year old web designer from Sacramento bought seven houses in five months. He lied about his income on “no document” loans and was not asked for anything so old-fashioned as a deposit. Today Mr Serin has debts of $2.2m. . . .

    Fraudulent activity should be punished.”

    File under: Sweet Media :: Reasons I went to Jail

  • Listened to the recorded call in show…waste of time. Glad I couldn’t get the second hour.

    This is just getting rediculous.

  • 86. unbelievable
    March 22nd, 2007 at 2:49 pm

    @john g

    You missed nothing, there was no second hour. Casey got tired of talking and abuptly hung up. I guess he couldn’t handle the “heat”. Overall, Casey performed as he usually does by not answering questions directly. Very much like his lame a** blog.

    Casey had better learn to start answering questions directly and completely or he is going to piss off the prosecuter.

    ASW = deals (as in no more deals for Casey)

  • 87. unbelievable
    March 22nd, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    ASW - winwin

    Casey, I suggest that you change this one to looseloose

  • 88. RE Divestor
    March 22nd, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    No, there was in fact a second hour of the show that started up about 20 minutes after the first hour was abruptly stopped.

  • 89. Chris Johnson
    March 22nd, 2007 at 3:30 pm

    Ah, so Casey’s b.s. wasn’t flying last night and he hung up on his “fans”? Sweet! Even college-learnin’ wouldn’t give someone the tools to b.s. their way out of the questions he’s been getting. I can only hope that after crying himself to sleep he admitted failure and got a job.

    By the way, I think most successful entrepreneurs have had jobs early on, so it in no way should prevent him from leaving that J.O.B. behind when he’s more sensible about making money, as in having a business plan with positive cash flow.

  • 90. Dumbfounded
    March 22nd, 2007 at 3:48 pm

    For anyone that missed it…There was a 2nd hour. It started after about a five minute gap of silence at the 57 minute mark.

    The best part of the entire broadcast starts at 1:39:20 when Nacho called and runs through until the end when Casey hang up on her. If you are limited for time, just listen to the Nacho call!

    Note to Casey…Why did you run away from Nacho?

  • @98 Cazz:

    I hope you are being sarcastic or have some way to show exactly what Our Hero has been actively doing to put up such a ‘fight’.

    I wouldn’t classify myself as a ‘hater’ ~ but, come on, how much non-action has gone on for months and months.

    Casey, if you only have a 75% success rate at taking out the trash - I’m curious what your nap rate is? Opening mail daily rate? Getting out of bed rate? We already know your bill paying rate is 0% - which is clearly opposite to your Jamba Juice buying rate or your murse wearing rate.

    ASW = sweet (as in sweet, sweet wheatgrass. Please don’t moderate this comment on the toilet!)

  • #103 - Unbelievable:

    There was a second hour. After about 15 minutes Casey came back on and took a call from T (aka Nacho)…. you can read the transcript of the call on one of those “haterz” sites.

    I don’t know where Casey went for those 17 seconds - could be he was having a Richard Nixon discussion that was turned to mute and lost…. perhaps he was talking with his new $$ partner or G??

  • I signed up for the broadcast, but since I get up at 5 AM Eastern, I couldn’t stay long.
    I truly feel sorry for you, I hope someday you get it together.

    March 22nd, 2007 at 4:36 pm

    @Timeline Guy

    Thank you. You’re about the only reason I still check in here.

  • 95. unbelievable
    March 22nd, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Casey - Did you ever “find” that missing Utah payment ? Why don’t you just tell us the truth, you kept it didn’t you ?

    ASW = juicy (as in no more Jamba Juicy for Casey)

  • 96. Jamba Monkee
    March 22nd, 2007 at 4:51 pm

    I had my first Jamba Juice at Charlotte airport last month. It was a raspberry smoothie - pretty good but certainly not cheap ($6). Thanks for talking up JJ so much, Casey. I had never heard of the chain (none are close to me) and would have passed it by without a second thought otherwise.

  • Another interesting aspect to all this is that Casey, literally, can’t quit writing this blog. The reason, you see, is that if he does, his story will be told by the haters, and the migrants that will join those sites once this one shuts down. They will find out how things turned out for him, and regardless of the truth, their spin on it will be the very worst imaginable.

    And to Casey, this is a nightmare, since how others perceive him is everything to him.

  • 98. SubPrime Nation
    March 22nd, 2007 at 5:02 pm

    I am sitting on this big wad of cash (well, at least
    big for me) waiting for the real estate market
    to crash so I can scrape-up a bargain.

    This is gonna be real fun to watch.

    Thank you Casey & associates for being
    the genesis of what just might be the
    big opportunity of my life.

  • #83,

    Dude, I couldn’t read that website. I felt like a thousand blows had been dealt to my stomach. Damn, that was sad :(

    Casey, you deserve to be in jail.

  • #34 - Not good with money -

    I have several suggestions.

    One, get down to the food stamp office with copies of all your receipts - rent, utilities, check stubs from jobs, medical bills, etc. - and see if you qualify for food stamps. I suspect that you do, and that will help out a lot.

    Two, if you qualify for food stamps, your kids should be eligible for KidMed, or Medicaid for kids, or whatever they call it in your state.

    Three, if any of your kids require afterschool care so you can get a better job, see if there is a program to help you pay for that. There is, in most states.

  • 101. Quicki Wiki Update
    March 22nd, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    It’s official! Wikipedia editors have decided to keep the Casey Serin Wikipedia page. Seems all the sweet media references saved the day. Now your story will live forever . . .

  • Hey Casey, don’t worry about that parking ticket. Sometimes the CHP doesn’t even send you the ticket, and just like those 1099 forms, if the bank doesn’t send you them then you don’t owe the government any money and you can just forget about it forever. I should also tell you I’m not a licensed financial counselor, thanks to those nosy jerks at Dateline!

  • Casey,

    This guy is your bizzarro world twin:

    You should take a look at his posts and i’d love to hear your comments about his situation.

  • 104. Jim Henson
    March 22nd, 2007 at 7:26 pm


    We are still trying to contact you. We heard you on Live Call and believe you would be perfect as the voice of our latest Muppet, Jamba Monster.

    Please contact us as soon as possible for an interview.


    Jim Henson

  • @98 Cazz

    It’s tough love, baby.

    This site has very few supporters, or people looking for help. Without the haterz and the media attention they draw to this site, traffic would be nominal.

    The concept of switching this site to a different format/concept will lose the user base which will cause search engine rankings to drop like a rock. The sooner Casey internalizes this reality the better, although I really doubt he’s capable of it.

    Casey should have known the audio broadcast wasn’t going to turn out well and it was obvious he was unprepared. Caller asked about properties, Casey should have known that Modesto had been postponed, it was postponed days before the broadcast. The comment that Larchmont wasn’t a good buy, but he needed the cash back to finance other properties wasn’t very smart. Some people might consider that intent.

    When things go from “kind of stupid” to “really stupid” to “getting kind of dangerous” an investor pulls the plug.
    There’s no upside here.

    Nice name, BTW.

  • 106. HungryBear
    March 22nd, 2007 at 9:02 pm


    Now, I offer to bet you that ALL your California properties will be worth less than half of what you paid by 2012.

    If I am wrong I’ll buy you an extra large Jamba Juice with a wheatgrass chaser. If I am right you only need to buy me a cup of Circle K coffee.

    It’s all good, dude.

  • 107. Long Time Second Time
    March 23rd, 2007 at 2:13 am


    I have a major beef with some stuff you said on your audiocast.

    1. You avoided directly answering questions like the plague. The minute you start doing that, people know you’re full of it. You want us to believe you’re not toying with us? Answer questions truthfully and completely.

    2. You told a caller that the reason you’re not paying your bills but still living the Jamba Juice high life is that your bills are “business debts” and that Jamba Juice is “personal.”

    Guess what chief? Unless you properly structure your debts through a business, they are YOUR DEBTS. They appear on YOUR CREDIT REPORT. They will take YOUR CAR and YOUR COMPUTER. They will go after YOU. By assuming all of these debts as personal obligations, you put your good word on the line.

    You told us early on that you wanted to avoid foreclosure, and pay beck every dirty penny YOU borrowed. Well, start paying. Skip Jamba Juice. Skip Macaroni Grill. Start paying Cash Call. Pay SOMEBODY. So when you get hauled into court, you can tell the judge you’re making good faith payments on your debts.

    BTW, with YOUR trashed credit report, good luck renting in California. They’re anal here. Foreclosures? Delinquent credit cards? Cash call on your case? No landlord will touch you. And that’s a big lesson you failed to learn. LIMIT YOUR LIABILITY. You did not, and should have.

  • The Economist article was really nice to Casey. Calling him “Mr. Serin” is quite a stretch, however, as he is not a man, but a child. A man takes responsibility for his actions, admits to his mistakes and treats people with respect.

    L’il Casey is still a child living in his own dreamworld.

  • 109. Endgame Observer
    March 23rd, 2007 at 6:34 am

    From reading others’ Cashcall experiences, they consider anything to be physically located at the deadbeat’s address of record to be ripe for the taking.

    Man, is the sis-in-law going to be PO’d when Cashcall starts carrying her couch, TV, microwave, stereo away.

  • 110. GoBigOrGoHome
    March 23rd, 2007 at 10:42 am

    The only way out is for you to buy more homes. Prices have dropped recently as evidenced by your inability to sell your current homes at a profit. So you should buy a few more homes on credit and average down your cost per home. That way you can make a bigger profit when things turn around. Go for it Big Man!

  • Casey, why did you hang up on NACHO?

    That is not nice.

    Also, you do know that CashCall will take away your PDA, right? They now know you have one they can re-posses.

    Sweet :-)

  • 112. Michael Cooke
    March 23rd, 2007 at 8:38 pm


    Is there any other software you can use for this next-time? I downloaded, dialed in, and could not connect.

  • 113. not a homeowner
    March 24th, 2007 at 10:37 am

    Casey, as far as stated income loans what you’re doing (with the bank officer, who’s actually stating the income for you in order to close the loan and get points for a sale) is estimating a near-term future income at your position using predicted industry market trends.

    So for a programmer-analyst position, the range is easily 50k-100k per annum nationwide depending on experience, job growth in the local market, local market housing costs, performance, etc. You would not, technically, be doing anything wrong if those stated incomes listed you at 100k. Even if you weren’t making 100k at that moment, with the structure of loans currently in progress and knowing - I myself am a programmer-analyst for a private non-profit - the salary range, it’s entirely feasible that you could have moved from a 50k salary into 100k within 2-3 years if you got lucky and worked extremely hard.

    I am against stated income loans myself, but I understand how they work: those loans are based on predicted market earning power and were never designed to simply state your current income without paperwork. That’s why they’re considered higher risk to banks and the interest rates on stated income loans is higher than on others.

    BTW, sometimes I’m a “hater” (not personally, tho) because you have a flair for talking like money should come to you easily. It won’t, it doesn’t for anyone unless you’re born into wealth. But I stand on your side in defense and against REAs and bank loan officers who are simply escalating housing prices for their own personal returns and commissions.

    I wish this bubble would pop so that normal, young families such as yours and mine would be able to purchase a home - without going into debt until our death - and pursue the American dream, children, and financial freedom without grossly enriching an older generation whose retirement benefits we are already paying for.

    Like yourself, my parents are immigrants and I’m basically a first-generation American. My mom and dad first purchased a middle-class home in a bubble area in the 80s for 6x their annual, middle-class salary. Let me tell you, even with a 20% down payment and with only two young kids it was brutal. No vacations, worn furniture, careful budgeting, etc.

    Today, average lower-class homes in the same area are 10-14x the average middle-class family salary. This is, first and foremost, the indicator of a bubble. The bottom line is that escalating housing prices benefit nobody in the long run - we’re simply turning America into a nation of debt slaves for the benefit of a very few.


  • 114. Loads o Debt
    March 25th, 2007 at 2:00 pm


    You are just not going to believe this. You were actually on Sponge Bob Square Pants. This is amazing.

    I was watching Sponge Bob, as I do while eating breakfast salty popcorn, dreaming of my once large real estate empire and there you popped up. They actually drew you, quite a good likeness, but I think they got the hair a bit wrong. They had a small bald patch which I am sure is not accurate.

    Anyway, the bottom fell out of Bikini Bottom Pineapple market. As am sure you know, Sponge Bob lives in a Pineapple.

    Anyway, Squidworks went to a real estate seminar on Bikini Bottom, and there you were, sitting next to Squidworks. Can you believe that Casey.

    Hey Casey - please tell us how your family life is going ? My life is giong down the tubes Casey. With no money I am seeing all my friends suddenly get busy.

    Casey - all my friends have deserted me cos I have no money. Can you believe that Casey !! Are you finding the same thing ?

    I spend all my time now watching Sponge Bob reruns!! Is this healthy Casey.

    Loads O Debt

  • all good.” But I’ve told Casey that if he wants to be taken seriously, he needs to stop acting like a clown and clean up the site. People who have serious questions get shouted down or insulted. A poster a while ago said: 18. Not good with money March 21st, 2007 at 6:45 am I know you busy, so I bumped this up to get your advice. Wow,I would sure be very grateful if you could give me some advice. We too live in the Sacramento area. I have 2 part time jobs (allows me to be with the children) and my husband works 50

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