Casey Serin has turned baiting readers of into something of an art form. He’s pictured here drinking wheat grass, one of his favorite things to do…. Not all these details have appeared on his blog yet, but Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”
That’s according to Declan McCullagh who interviewed me for the CNET article he wrote. (Also on front page of MSN tonight)…
My take is that Declan focused WAY too much on that part. Yes, I’ve done a little bit of baitin’ in the past. But most of it is NOT intentional. It’s not my fault the “haterz” (I’ll start adding a Z since they prefer it that way) don’t like how I do stuff. Like other entrepreneurs I do things very differently and tell you how it is. It comes with “being naked”. I’m not trying to irritate!
The problem is people (and many reporters) focus on the negative and love to dramatize things. Back when I posted the Wells Fargo statement, there just happened to be Jamba Juice and an over-draft charge. So everybody assumed I go out everyday and live a extravagant lifestyle that I can’t afford.
But that’s not the norm! I am living with family (renting two rooms for $550) to save on expenses. We rarely go out to Starbucks and Jamba Juice. (Yes, there was that Macaroni grill thing once, but that was a special occasion.) We have only over-drafted our account 2-3 times in the last few months. And even though I don’t currently have a full-time job I HAVE been making money there and here.
So an occasional wheat-grass shot or freshly squeezed juice is all good. Especially, during these stressful times I need to stay healthy and put good things into my body. Besides, instead of going to Jamba Juice I normally use my own home juicer to save on money.
The only thing I can maybe take a fault on is spending too much on my cell phone. I need to find a way to cut down my $200-300/month bill (or whatever it is lately). Everything else is pretty much bare-bones. (Like the crappy GoDaddy dedicated server).
People just love to hate and criticize. There are so many haters sites about me out there that I’m loosing track (sorry couldn’t resist). There seem to be a new one popping up every month. The comments are filled with hate too. I used to follow the hater sites out of curiosity and read every single comment. But that takes way too much time and only depresses me. I have a turn-around to work on. Must focus.
I should just follow Robert Kiyosaki’s advice that he gave me when I talked to him last October. Here is a screen shot of a particularly choice moment in that video (or on YouTube).
Robert told me to “Screw the Critics [Haterz]”:
If Robert Kiyosaki says “F” the haterz, then I say the same thing.
Robert Kiyosaki is a multi-millionaire, and just recently did a book with a billionaire - Donald Trump.
These are the people you should be listening to, millionaires and billionaires.
The haterz, as you call them, are probably stuck in their own rat race, and will never get out. They’re jealous you’ve accomplished more by the age of 24, than they have their entire lives!
Keep moving forward! Success is just around the corner for you.
Michael B.
And even though I don’t currently have a full-time job I HAVE been making money there and here.
You haven’t had a full time job for over a year. You couldn’t do one anyway as:
1. Your FICO is about 401
2. You’d never get up earlier enough to get there on time
3. You’d still be playing with your PDA blogging when you should be working.
You still don’t get it do you? You don’t have the commitment to the right (necessary?) things in life so you’ll never get round to doing them. Just one example, you’ve been saying “must focus” for about 6 months now, but we’ve yet to see you do it in any worthwhile way.Declan McCullagh said one of your credit cards is backed by your mother. Would you confirm that?
Especially, during these stressful times I need to stay healthy and put good things into my body
Anyone reading this please check the pictures from the start of this saga and compare them to the recent ones from the CNET article. There was also one recently which showed Casey’s fingernail have a distinct blue hue. Casey you are not healthy. If anything your health has gone downhill over the last few months. Please get it checked out.The story about the “the crappy GoDaddy dedicated server” is that you chose the package without support features and you are now complaining that they didn’t give you the support you wanted.
As for Kiyosaki, I read one of his books and thought it jumped around a bit and was full of warm words, platitudes and generalisations. When you check on the guy (see John T Reed and others), the guy writes fiction. Also, given that he was taught so well when he was a kid, why did it take him until his late 50s(was it?) before he started to become a success? Most successful people I know of were either well established or retired by their late 50s.
Two final points for you:
What are you doing about the $22k balloon payment due next week?
What will you do if Cashcall or another creditor take action to seize this blog as an “asset” that has some value? -
Robert said “Screw the critics?”
Yeah I remember that from your youtube video.
But I also remember that Robert said “You are a greater fool”Greater fool definition:
Person A buys a messed up property near the appraised price. He didn’t buy it wholesale. He hopes that he can find a fool who will buy the price at this ridiculous price.
Person B buys the messed up property from person A, and person A gets rid of property that will not normally sell for the price that person B paid for.
Person B = greater fool. -
hey fellow blogger,
u lost ur home for ur blog site, r u insane….
you have to count ur steps before u start walking buddy.
anyway, best of luck so that you get out of this.
viva puto pollo mecago en dios
I’m really amazed at how much publicity you have received from not paying your bills. Who knows how many other people out there don’t pay theirs but yet you don’t see them on or
I really have a hard time believing you. It’s not that I don’t believe the fact that you are in debt up (and past) your eyeballs… what I don’t believe is all that you have written in your blogs.
I must admit, I’ve only read a couple blogs and the MSN report, but from what I have read I just get the feeling you are it. I really think that you are saying all of this to get the attention to make the haters (I refuse to use the z, that’s just purely silly) keep coming.
For example… you wrote “Everything else is pretty much bare-bones” after you spoke of your huge cell phone bill, the juicer you have at home (a good one runs about $200), going out to eat at Macaroni Grill, how you rarely get drinks at Starbucks or Jamba Juice.
This is not bare-bone living. Bar bone living would be not owning a cell phone, eating store bought lunchmeat on bread even on special occasions, and drinking water.I figure all of this is simply for the hype and to get people’s blood-pressure up. As long as you keep writing and making people mad, they will keep talking about it. They will keep coming to your site and fueling the fire.
Then again… I could be wrong… not like that hasn’t happen before in my life.
Don’t let the bastards grind you you down.
Tell them all to go get f*cked.
Also, go tell the Banks to go get f*cked as well.
If they they were stupid enough to lend you all this money without checking whether or not you could pay it back, or earn what you say you earn, then they have to accept half the responsibility and half the outstanding debt.
This means you should only be responsible half of the debt you have accumulated and then you and the banks have learnt some important lessons.
Your lesson is to not get over-leveraged, and the banks lesson is that they shouldn’t lend money to people who can’t afford to pay it back and should check if you really do earn what you say you do.
And never loose sight on what is really important, and that is too make sure that the ones you love are always number ones.
And on Casey’s behalf for all the critics, go f*ck yourselves….
Casey, why did you delete the comment I made pointing out to your new readers about some of your previous activities? Don’t you think they’re entitled to read it?
We’ve had to sit through your “I need a plan” post about 4 times now with nothing happening, I thought you were honest and transparent in your approach to blogging?
@ Theft by mortgage
Yes let’s see what I DID NOT achieve by the age of 24:
Bought and lost 8 houses
$170,000 debt
Committed mortgage fraud in several states
Not have a job for over a yearI’m so jealous - NOT.
“Yes, I’ve done a little bit of baitin’ in the past. But most of it is NOT intentional.”
Give me a break. A couple dozen people have probably already said this, but due to your need to moderate I wouldn’t know: You’re a master baiter, Casey.
Let’s not forget that in that same interview Kiyosake also told you that you could be going to jail and might end up being somebody’s girlfriend. He also laughed in your face several times. New people: don’t miss Casey’s November post describing the Kiyosake debacle which still stands as probably Casey’s greatest post ever.
Casey, I love the Monkeydance countdown at the top of the page. No baiting going on here, no sir.
I have to say that I don’t at all understand why people are hating on you. You made some terrible mistakes, and have enough decency to share those missteps with others, so they don’t repeat them. This is like a free “learn from what I did wrong” site. Most people would have too much pride to admit to the whole world what they did wrong, but you don’t, and that is very admirable. It takes a big man to admit his mistakes; it takes a bigger man to admit them publicly; it takes a giant to write a blog about them.
I say, slap the cups of Haterade out of their hands, and shove your forclosure notices up their asses. They’re all just jealous, I think, that they can’t have such a popular site. I know I am. However, I don’t think I’m going to put myself into financial peril just to get where you are in the blogosphere.
Oh, and my word verification is “blueball.” I think your site needs to get laid.
It must be so weird being hated in the online world, while trying to make your mark in the real world. Good Luck, Man… maybe next you’ll be on the Today Show.
“…GoDaddy’s crappy servers…”
They’re only “crappy” because 1) you don’t know anything about running a server and 2) you didn’t pay for support but expected to get it anyway.
Both items are your fault.
Man you have some dumb luck.
Nevertheless, who cares what Robert Kiyosaki says. You put yourself into hock — big time — and then sold your life story for nothing — just to see that vulgar bastard. I never realized the harm that he causes, until I saw your beat up old VW, and that shelf full of guru books in your sister-in-law’s closet. I am ready to complain to my PBS affiliate.
Have you played golf at his favorite Sac Town golf course yet, Casey? Meanwhile, h8trz are paying the bills for you.
Oh, kid:
“As soon as you see the comments open back up you will know you’re on the new “grid” and things should be very smooth at that point.”
Yeah kid, back to normal…like molasses in January:
“Your comment is awaiting moderation by the blog owner. (Typically takes 12-48 hours).”
I shouldn’t complain, it’s not like I’m waiting for a check from you for money you owe me, huh?
“Your payment is awaiting realization by the debt owner.
(Typically takes 12-48 years).”Taxes, kid!
asw: letsdoit
(I did mine, now YOU do yours…TAXES!)
Keep backpedalling, Casey.
You haven’t been “keeping it real” for months. Your posts and comments here have been shifty and evasive. You’ve teased us with cliffhangers and Flickr photos. You have been trolling for maximum outrage.
C|Net reported your words. Big mistake on your part. No amount of spin from you is going to put that genie back into the bottle.
Good luck with the beg-a-thon. You’ll need it after the way you burnt those who donated last time.
And I know you’re deleting comments, Casey.
Too bad. You’re not in control of the story any more.
What do you think about Duane spilling the beans on you? Your story is being told without your input and before you could publish it. That would piss me off.
I don’t trust a word I read of yours any more. Bye Bye.
I’m telling you, you need to get into the credit repair advice business. It’s so damn easy which I know will appeal to you, you’ll learn about it as you fix your own credit. Suzy and Robert have made a bundle from selling common sense, why don’t you.
It appears to me that most of your haters appear to be the “Real Estate” guru’s that are mostly responsible for:
1. The Housing Bubble
2. Teaching you how to get into your current financial problems
3. Teaching anyone and everyone about flipping. The last flip they will do is to all the suckers who paid for their courses, etc, who are now facing foreclosure/bankruptcy.I wonder what the next bubble will be, cockroaches maybe, I don’t believe we have had a cockroach bubble yet.
No how can we flip a cockroach for profit…
Declan McCullagh CNET He is everywhere…from blogs; where he started to open himself to the world…to print and other forms of media. Here are some of the links that elevated him to the level of the “most hated blogger in the world”: Housing Panic Blog Get Rich Slowly Blog The Digerati Life Blog The Real Estate Forum Blog LA Land Blog Salt Lake Real Estate Blog Stern (a German Magazine)
You know what they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Congrats on getting articles in big time publications!
Casey, you said that you were baiting people. How is that making it “more negative” than it really is. Admit it. You are an inept troll.
And you look awful.
Go ahead and shut down the blog. Nobody wants to read fiction anyway. I’ll stick to exurbannation to get the real scoop.
If you want to convince us otherwise, tell us that you honestly believe one of your opportunities (as outlined in your last post) is a can’t fail roulette strategy.
Wow! Only 117 Days until success!
Remind me not to show up for the beg-a-thon after we saw what he did with the money last time.
To quote CNET:
“Not all these details have appeared on his blog yet, but Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.” ”
You admit that you are attempting to push people’s buttons and then you come back and say “Who me?” When we learn more from a second hand source (like CNET) instead of diretly from the horses mouth because you are attempting to string people along-that pisses people off.
Mr. Serin!!!
Don’t keep it real.
Keep it Realz.
Uses for the beg-a-thon money: Keeping Casey’s servers running.
I agree, not all of your readers are “haters”. I enjoy this blog — it’s very dramatic, and I would hate to see it go.
Good luck and continue blogging!
I had to comment, your parasitic lifestyle has reached a new low.
If I send you 1 dirty penny in your beg-a-thon, that will be 1 more dirty penny than you deserve. -
Any comment on Duane’s chat with EN?
Kiyosake fliipping a bird?! Now thats funny! He’s a real class act!
Congrats on finally getting IAFF back up. You might want to release the comments so it looks like people are actually reading the site.
@ James_Marks
There’s no place for corrupt people like you here.Sure there is, it’s called the NAR. Just ask David Lereah.
At least you’re smokin’ hot.
Just keepin’ it fake is more like it.
“Real” means reality, something that I created, and as the expert on it, I can assure you that you don’t have a clue about it.
Could you snivel more about the free hosting Heekee has given you?
“What happens is I feed off of it,” he said.
This is what happens after you “feed off it” - I suggest you starve, cos you dig yourself deeper after feeding.
Cow_tipping. -
Only about 20 comments when there used to be hundreds.
This Blog Is Dead!!
Rather than rehashing the usual babble, why don’t you take some pictures of the humpback whales in your backyard and blog about them? -
“The haterz, as you call them, are probably stuck in their own rat race, and will never get out. They’re jealous you’ve accomplished more by the age of 24, than they have their entire lives!”
Yeah. We’re all jealous that we haven’t managed to accumulate a huge amount of dept, commit fraud, jeopardise relationships with friends/family/spouses and become the subject of international mockery.
Casey, here’s an opportunity you should consider:
I’ve been in touch with a Nigerian senator about a very large sum of money that he is about to release to me as his foreign partner. The details are confidential and I’m not going to disclose them here.
I can use a partner here in US for this business opportunity and I know you have the type of drive and business savvy it takes to make it happen.
This is BIG (in the millions). Contact me asap. Don’t let this pass you by.
So many shiny thngs™ and so little time™.
I was watching the Home Shopping network on the satellite last night and they had the Binford Juicemaster 5000™. I was very tempted to buy it for 11 easy payments of $99.95 (plus S&H), but G™ woke up and made me turn it off. Good thing, or I would have done it. I still might because I was TiVo-ing the whole segment.
Its been a very busy and productive week so far. I have had my sahre of server issues (by the way, you were right™ the Go Daddy bare-bones server was monthly, not outright. I should have read the contract I signed™. Maybe next time). Since getting the server up and stable I decided that another beg-a-thon™ would be cleansing for me (notice the wheatgrass™ in the picture). Also, what do you guys think about the little beard-ette on my chin? I think it converys power.
I was feeling down yesterday afternoon after my meditation™ so I needed a little something to reward myself for being a semi-early riser™, semi-vegan™ and being semi-organised™. I went to Niello Porsche and Niello BMW and did some testdriving.™ I told the sales guys that I was a professional real estate investor™ and I was going to begin hosting a new professional real estate college™ and I might need a nice set of sweet™ wheels to inpress the students.
It was alot™ of fun and further reinforced my desire to generate passive income™. That was when I decided to do another beg-a-thon™. The way I see it it is not much time and a big reward. I can’t tell you yet about my next big development™ but it promises to be life changing! Keep clicking back to see the announcement.
I also got some leads on some sweet™ foreclosure deals that I might be able to wholesale and warehouse. I found a service that will provide me with daily listing of notices of forecloseure in the Sacramento area for only $600 a month. If I can warehuse and wholesale only 3 a weel, I can turn a profit. One of my highly skilled professionals™ in my network tried to talk me out of it, saying its free if I read the SacBee at the library, but I’ll have none of that smoke and mirrors kind of stuff.
I’m thinking of taking G™ to Macaroni Grill™ Saurday night to celebrate being only 114 days away from sucess™. It will be a night to remember!
Hey, Casey…. someone emailed me to tell me you have another beg-a-thon scheduled. Imagine that. Anything so as not to have to do any actual work, eh?
You have yet to photograph the groceries you were supposed to buy with the money I sent you.
Your lazy, easy-money mentality makes me sick to my stomach.
I’ll be in NYC on business this weekend but trust and believe, if you haven’t posted photos of the groceries you were supposed to buy with the money I sent you by the time I return on Wednesday, I will reverse the payments I sent you via Paypal.
It’s disheartening to see that you still have not learned much throughout this experience.
And if your posting the pic of Kiyosaki giving us “haterz” the finger is some kind of passive-aggressive personal message, then right back atcha, skippy.
another beg-a-thon huh? who in their right mind will give you money?
On this picture, you look like a russian criminal.
Finally, the photos show who you really are.
Perhaps you should rob a bank next.
Nice pic, Casey!
We can show the world! F ‘em and screw the pooch! HATERZ be damned! There are greater fools than you!
Tu Rico Padre,
Roberto C. -
I think you should read Duane’s story over at Exurban Nation.It truely is humbling. I doubt you could learn anything but try to see the light anyway ok.
Nice shot of you sitting on the hood of the “Bittersweet Jetta™” and holding the wheatgrass shot. Was that paid for by you or the C-Net reporter? And did Jamba Juice actually let you take their “presentation tray” outside the restaurant or did you need to ask first?
BTW, start eating some red meat for dinner. Your skin, over the past year, has gone from looking healthy, to looking pale, to looking almost albino. Soon enough you’re going to be jaundiced and translucent :-p
On a random sidenote, despite whatever Jamba Juice might claim… the health benefits of drinking wheatgrass are debatable and have been disputed by some. And common sense would say that taking what is essentially someone’s lawn, pureeing it in a blender and drinking the result can’t possibly be good for you. Your waif-like appearance would seem to back that point up… :-p
I know why casey is looking like he is!!!!
He is trying out the “Invisible Man Juice” he bought off E-Bay and is trying to disappear. The guy he bought this stuff from also sells a “Time Machine” type product(as seen on the movie “Napoleon Dynamite”). I dont think it worked Either.
Casey, you are screwed.
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy
take a look
Quit writing about your ef**g servrz. It’s lame that you take the time to write about the tech stuff, but don’t comment on relevant stuff. I don’t care about your servrz and I’m reading your blog about 10% of the time I used to. Write about something relevant and real or get someone else to.
bla bla bla
“So everybody assumed I go out everyday and live a extravagant lifestyle that I can’t afford.”
What IS your net worth, again? I’m confused.
Actually, your behaviour reminds me of one of our dogs. He’ll do anything to receive attention; to him, negative attention (”haterz”) is better than no attention at all.
Once again I can not resist but to comment on this post.
“Like other entrepreneurs I do things very differently and tell you how it is.”
Really? How do you do things different since no one has seen you do anything (or is that what you mean by different)?
I am an entrepreneur and sometimes I differ on opinions with my advisor’s. Sometimes I am right to do so and other times I kick my self square in the pants and should have listened. The point of this is everyday I am working and trying to make something happen. Yet I do not see you do anything besides talk.“And even though I don’t currently have a full-time job I HAVE been making money there and here.”
This one almost made fall off my chair. The only money I believe you are making is money you do not have to work for. I had in the past reached out to you to do some web design work for me on my business. This as I said in the past would have put some money in your pocket. I only wanted to hire you to help you with your current situation. Instead you just ignored the 2 e-mails and 1 voice mail I left. If you truly wanted to get out of your situation all it would take on your part is effort and people would help you with it along the way as I tried to do. Instead you shut doors that open to you and once they are shut usually you can not re-open them.“The only thing I can maybe take a fault on is spending too much on my cell phone.”
You do not return phone calls for business so how is your bill so high?“I have a turn-around to work on.”
That’s not going to happen so why mention it? We only determan people’s character on what they have done in the past. Yours is easy and predictable.“I should just follow Robert Kiyosaki’s advice that he gave me when I talked to him last October.”
Why do you have to keep going on what these gurus, who charge exorbitance amounts of money to lead you a stray, have to say? You have gotten a lot of experience now. Has that not taught you anything? If you can not learn from your experience than the gurus you so worship can not help you. Also if you can not learn on your own past experience and keep wanting to make the same mistakes I would personal advise you to stop with these dreams of being independently wealthy and start looking for a job. You will never make it if you can not learn from your own mistakes.#1. Theft by Mortgage
“Success is just around the corner for you.”
There has to be a thing called effort and hard work first before someone could even have a chance to become successful neither of which young Casey posses.Casey if you want people to start looking at you in a different light than show them you are capable of that honor by doing the right things and making efforts. We all love super heroes because they go against all odds and make it were others failed. That is the story I want to see not this garbage about your gurus or what this one said or that one told you to do. Start being a man and go after what you keep talking about and not doing.
Meanwhile, over at Prlinkbiz and Kimber’s place (”no limits ladies”) we have this:
E,I’m going to drop Lois a line and see if she wants to do a cyberinterview with us. She has so much good information.
I do a lot for free (like post here) but I do that consciously. I consider it a donation and put a value on that donation.
That’s what I need. Free advice from car-flippers. I’ll BET they put a value on that “donation” - for tax purposes.
I once got involved with a scam called Primerica, (formerly A. L. Williams) because a friend recruited me. Primerica is pretty much the Amway of insurance and financial services - a legalized pyramid scheme, if you will. Fortunately I didn’t get as deeply involved in it as did my friend. I walked away with a mere $1,600 loss while his was closer to $50K. I should’ve done my research on this corrupt company before I jumped into it. I already had a great full-time job and a pretty good part-time gig, so I don’t know why I bothered. Maybe it was like seeing a guy win the lottery when I could’ve purchased a ticket with him and shared some of the prize. I figured my friend may have been onto something and I’d have hated myself if I passed on the opportunity. Perhaps that’s what you were thinking when you got into this RE guru thing. You saw ordinary people making vast fortunes in real estate and said, “Why not me?”
All I have left from this experience is a tape of speech by A.L. “The Coach” Williams that somebody gave me. I sometimes listen to it for laughs and to think of what a fool I’ve been.
Maybe you can post some of you RE guru material so we all my get a good laugh at some of their idiotic, reckless, unethical, and destructive advice.
Kiyosaki, Carlton Sheets, John Becker, et. al. are all crooks. First of all, if real estate was as easy and lucrative as they present it, why isn’t everybody doing it? Why do they air their infomercials at 3 AM? Who the heck is up at that time except alcoholics, the unemployable, and troubled loners? I see these gurus pitching their schpiel and I think, “Yeah, right!” These guys didn’t get rich following some system they invented. They got rich by pitching their crap to a bunch of wide-eyed innocent real estate wannabes and selling seminars, books, and tapes for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Maybe you keep doing what your doing because you feel so bad for being duped? You don’t have to prove to the world that Kiyosaki and others were right and that you really can be a real estate tycoon. Hey, they were lying! Would you believe Kiyosaki if he told you he had an elephant sandwich for lunch?
I think us haters should ad block or boycott the blog until casey emails us with an update that he has a job.
Casey, Got the next big thing for ya…
check out this link
Scorpion venom goes for about $38,000,000 a gallon!
just get together a gollon of this and find a buyer…. How could this not make sense!!! -
Dude, you really are sad. Get a job and work….dancing doesn’t count.
Here’s to you getting me a new neighbor
Good lord, another begathon.
What will you say this time after you fritter away the money that unsuspecting people donate to you? “I kind of lost track of where the money went, I need to get better at this and get more organized. I need to focus”. Same crap, different day.
Ever hear the song “Ball and Chain” by Social Distortion?
“Times are hard, getting harder
I’m born to lose
and destined to fail”That’s basically the story of your life.
Casey, are you feeling OK? You look ill, dude. You may have a muscle wasting syndrome and anemia. Not surprising you feel the need to take naps every day.
Could be the sign of something serious. Plus its probably affecting your performance.
Seriously, dude, see a good doctor. And above all don’t let your medical insurance lapse.
And don’t fall for that BS about wheatgrass juice being the cure for all that ails you.
I wish you well.
Worthless, worthless blog.
very boring
Why your website no have been work all this time? I have been try to read for long time already. Pls make sure website be running, you should have been check often that site run smooth.
I have been want to learn to real estate invest, you site have been very helpful, tks!
I believe I am respectful and constructive…
While perusing feeds this morning, Table of Malcontents reminded a certain Project SCOBY Doo™ agent of Codex Seraphianianus and he is now certain the answer to our Casey Serin puzzle can be found in the Codex. At this point, we’re not sure if he’s been sampling too much of Casey’s kombucha. Stayed tuned for more!
Nobody reads this blog anymore. RA!
@James_Marks: People are reading this blog for the interaction between Casey and the haters. All readers of this blog simply want to know what he’s going to do next.
You seem to be duped by all the gurus and sales tactics. You do everything that is TRENDY.
Yeah, you really need Jamba Juice ( or a Juicer) to stay healthy. obviously it aint working. Every time you do an interview or post a pi, you are getting frailer and frailer looking. Maybe you should try food and exercise.
Those are the things that can keep you healthy: food, exercise, work, money. In turn- you avoid stress, save your marriage, look like a male,etc.
Instead your diet is: Jamba Juice, (Jesus juice?), RichDAD/gurus, and blueballs ( ASW)
Casey, there’s nothing wrong with GoDaddy’s servers, so please stop falsely disparaging their business.
The problem is your lack of technical skill and your consistent ability to take advantage of people. IAFF has been down for about half the last month because (1) you overload a free server (kindly provided by Zewg), (2) you somehow manage to delegate your DNS to a place where both the nameservers are the same IP address and the box is up but ignores DNS requests, and (3) you switch back to the original server and think you are on the new server (and how SWEET it is!).
You complain about Zewg who is giving you server bandwidth for free, and about GoDaddy because you bought a no-support server and then expected support when you couldn’t get it working.
That’s not to mention the times you broke the site, or comment posting didn’t work, etc.
And you think you can earn $50/hour doing web development and consulting?
Don’t you think its a bit dirty to be advertising for a payday loan place that in your own experiences bilks the people that get loans from them?
I thought usury, especially large usury like payday loans, was not Christian. I thought you would not want to help people get into debt like you did.
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If you want more details and have some time, there is an excellent Casey Serin Primer posted here at Twelve Years Of Being Annoyed By Chloe Sevigny.
For the other side of dealing with Casey, Duane LeGate has started a very compelling read of another deal Casey let slip through his fingers.
Onward and downward young gypsy with highlights!
Casey, as ArtyWankspittle pointed out, you are not judgement-proof. You have one asset other than the Jetta: Your blog. This will make an interesting court case. I think it would be fair for CashCall to seize IAFF to settle your debt.
“the health benefits of drinking wheatgrass are debatable”
It causes depression and delusional fits of rage.Kyosucki is giving the finger because he knows he is a scammer too and we are onto him as well.
Amazing how you are still walking free. Why haven’t you been arrested yet? Did you cut a deal?
Please don’t buy anymore property. You suck at it.
Haterz are stupid morons. Casey you rule, dude!
Dude, you look just ill in that pix with the wheatgrass juice. Like there isn’t one ounce of meat on those birdlike bones of yours. And your fingernails and blue and your “moons” in your nails are huge, a sign of illness.
You seriously need to see a doctor, get some bloodwork done. You look like he11.
I may think you’ve acted like a sh*t all along, but good heavens you look like crap. Take care of yourself, or you’re gonna like collapse into a heap of murse/bones/boy fuzz.
we should go into biz ness 2gether casey
Viviparous Offer!there is a gaining of restful life,change your life existence,its Free & Clear Real Estate System.Apply with confidence!
Please return my purse. It was only supposed to be a temporary loan.
Mom -
Lawnmower Man, great detail.
For more detail on bipolar disease, here’s this:
casey dont listen to those haters they are a bunch of victims who have never eaten well, made money, invested, owned property, accrued a solid relationship with their family, no friends, speculated, or attempted to created wealth for their family. i told all those haters to go to the prom they replied no he or she stole my date, i replied go buy a date hell for every date u have lost there are 20 that look the same u just have to drive around and network and hobnob before u know it u have a prom queen in yr hands and yr the s*** . u see most haters try to go to parties they never learn that the party is here its around u if they take that bit of advice there will be no need for people like me who go to the gym and weightlift and are hired by people like u to beat the piss out of them in the alley ways of their homes, anyway good luck casey any problems with the haters just call we will come and get them for you.
You are quite annoying, thats all buddy.
FYI: Seeking a 30% Investor for $340,000.00 for new Night Club in Orlando.
The Club holds 700+ people
Restaurant Patio serving all types of Food
Orange County Liq. License in Place
You call yourself an entrepreneur but you’re not. That’s an easy moniker for someone to give themselves but more often than not it’s complete BS. All you did was jump into an arena you knew nothing about, lied and stole and ended up in a huge amount of debt. You should do what Kiyosaki does and become a fraudelent motivational speaker. If you did your homework, which I know you’ll never do, you would know that Kiyosaki is a fraud who doesn’t have any real business success to speak of other than his self-help book business. The guy is a total fake and not worth much at all. You need to step back and be a realist, you are not a good risk-taker. Smart risk-takers will be willing to take big risks when they understand what they are getting into and no how to manage a business and finances. You don’t know anything, all you know how to do is lie and steal and then whine about the results.
I am almost sure you’ll end homeless or at least on welfare before you’re 30.
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