On the job front - I’m in Phoenix area for a night to check out an opportunity. No, I am not paying for the trip. Offered by one of my advertisers. May or may not require relocation. Will see. Still talking. Progress!
Will be back in time to retain an attorney to put a stop to the circus.
Probably be the last trip before I go away. I’m gonna miss traveling and talking about it here.
Holy crap! You’re looking for a JOB? I’m honestly shocked, and I hope it works out for you, for G and for your lenders.
Please. You know you’re not shutting the blog down. And you know that we know it.
What a load of crap. Last trip before you go away? Troll Bullshit.
Good luck bro, hope it works out.
- Andrew
Probably be the last trip before I go away.
Don’t be so pessimistic - you haven’t been charged yet, much less tried and convicted.
Casey: Leeching off others to take trips you cannot afford and leaving your wiife behind again? Have you no shame? Clean up your mess, stop freeloading/evading your life, and be a man.
Anti-spam word: signhere
Is this a “consulting” job?
You are just now retaining an attorney?!?!?!
I hope your attorney will help G as well. You are hanging her out to dry. She must be a saint. If you were my husband I would have taken care of business long ago.
Hey Casey,
Do the right thing and speak with the fbi.
Trust me, this is the way to go.
Am sure the fbi would be interested in your dealings with your shady business partners,
Loads o Money
You just never know where you are going to end up next. What kind of opportunity are you looking at in Phoenix? If you have to relocate what about your spouse?
strange, don’t most employers pay for your trip costs if you’re coming for an interview? oh, wait.. “opportunity” in KC slang usually means something incredibly shady…
Relocating to Phoenix! Way to win G back! (Does she know she’ll be moving?)
Well Casey, you have succeeded in one respect.
I own a successful “real estate business” (I own houses and rent them out) and rake in more than $120,000 from my day job (if you want money, work in finance).
And I don’t travel half as much as you do.
I know that you love the image of the jet-setting entreprenuer, flying all over the country to settle deals and “network”. But reality isn’t like that. If you ever do get a successful ventrue running, you’ll quickly learn that.
Still, I hope that this “opportunity” is a salaried position. And I do hope that it pans out for you.
Casey - the last trip before you go away where??? Are you just talking about shutting the blog down?
Go away? Are you expecting prison, or do you mean that you are still thinking of shutting the blog down.
BTW-the circus monkeys need to be taken down a notch or two. I hope your lawyer really puts the screws to them. Best of luck~!
I like your style: let us know upfront that you did not squander needed funds on a jaunt to Phoenix. But good to hear your talking to people about opportunities.
Despite what others have said, your publicity trips should benefit because you are known. Now that you’ve vowed to fade from the public eye, don’t believe the reputational issues will hinder you.
oh my how cryptic! “before I go away” How unlike you to throw a phrase out like that and then not say what it was all about. After all, you are so transparent, honest, and open about all your dealings. Can hardly wait for the next thrill packed entry. bleh I think I just threw up a little I really hate to break it to everyone, but tard will land a pretty good job in the end, life just seems to work that way. My prediction though is that he is such a flake that he wont keep it for over a month though.
Casey — If the group is legit, be honest with these guys and totally clear that you will follow whatever they ask you to do as long as it is legal and ethical.
Its time to hang up your own ideas for a while and defer to an experienced, successful someone or entity.
Also, don’t buy into easy street get rich quick garbage. Run the other way. You want to hear something like “if you work hard here and put in your time and are looking out for us, we’ll know and we’ll help you succeed.”
Good luck
You’ve gotta sit down and set your priorities. You have too many things going on at once and you need to start reducing your task list.
any word on why marky mark and the funky bunch didnt show up to court?
How’s the weather in Phoenix, Casey? Be sure to take some photos … everyone loves your photos!
PS - Be sure to hit the local nightspots while you’re in town … there are some hot babes in Phoenix! Thpptt!!
Dear Mr. Serin:
What type of ‘opportunity’ is this? Just wondering…
I was also wondering if you could give us an update on your current marital situation. There are many people that are interested in that aspect of your life.
Thank you!
-J. Murse Manbagger
Before you go away … to jail?
So you’re staying at the Westin. Terrific. I’ve never managed to spend that kind of money for business or personal travel.
You can still make passive income once you go away. Just open iamfacing4years.com.
Rumor has it that this is an NRU trip. Please verify, and tell me this is not the W2 job. Casey Casey Casey!!!
you don’t already have an attorney? what are you thinking?
So you’re speaking to the NRU guys.
You should have obtained an attorney first, then spoke to these real estate gurus later. But you have a hard time figuring out what is important, and then working on the task on hand.
Can you apply for a W-2 job that is not connected with an MLM or real estate scam?
Are you saying you cannot find listings for computer programmers in the San Fransisco/Sacremento area? I think you should try a little bit harder.
Plenty of job listings in the area. Maybe you should start applying.
Before you go away is a Freudian choice of words. Innocent intil proven guilty…but even convicts get like 4 dollars a day to make license plates. Maybe that doesn’t count as passive?
Hey Casey,
If you want, come up to Sedona-it’s only an hour drive from Phoenix. USA Today voted us the most beautiful place in America.
Where are the three stooges? I miss their antics. They are so ridiculous they are funny! They must be going crazy seeing you fly around the country having fun and success while they are fuming.
Anyone else think this a sad end to the saga?
Hey Casey,
Maybe you could partner up and blog for the person that registered iamfailingforward.com . -
I am from Phoenix, I Live in Phoenix, and we dont want you anywhere in our fair city. Go back to Sacramento and never come back.
33. Free Online Real Estate School
July 18th, 2007 at 7:46 amAnyone else think this a sad end to the saga?
For real… its hideous reading, I know poeple keep saying “is own fault” etc, but still…
They must be going crazy seeing you fly around the country having fun and success while they are fuming.
Wait, what?
Anyone else think this a sad end to the saga?
Depends on what you mean by “end”, and on who’s expressing the emotions.
“Casey grows up, gets a proper job and starts working for a living” is a happy ending by most yardsticks - it’s what most people have been urging him to do all along.
On the other hand, “Casey gets arrested for multiple counts of fraud and gets locked up for years” clearly isn’t going to be a happy ending for him - but this hasn’t happened yet.
Is this the “Independent Student Advisor” job?
Given that the president of that school in Phoenix is a convicted felon, you’ll fit right in there, I’m sure.
Sponsor? Hmm, maybe a certain real estate university perhaps thats scamilicious
Which one of them buttons gets porn?
Are you saying you cannot find listings for computer programmers in the San Fransisco/Sacremento area?
I work as a Product Manager in the San Fran Bay Area. If Casey’s resume came across my desk, I would not give it a second look. And that has nothing to do with his notoriety. Its because he lacks a degree.
Sorry, but at my company: no degree equals no job. Why would I waste my time on a youngster with minimal experience and no degree when there are hundreds of applicants with bachelors and even masters degrees vying for these positions.
And FYI folks. Nouveau Riche is in Phoenix. Care to guess where that “opportunity” resides?
Let’s add TheDude to the list of freakish Casey stalkers. Why would a grown man dedicate his entire days to all things Casey?
Loss MitFreak has serious issues.
Duane is a hick.
These weirdos need to get a new hobby. Their current one borders on the perverted.
Casey, what is the job opportunity? Where is the updated spreadsheet? Cashcall update? You were asking to be held accountable. Your readers are getting bored…
Dont try to flip any houses there.The boom is over there also.Just thought you might want to know.
http://www.icantsellmyhouse.blogspot.com/ -
you needed an attorney yesterday, and it’s an ongoing serious error every moment you lack one. i can’t believe you are still putting it off. except i can.
Working a W2 Job is not going away, althought for you, a W2 job is worse than prison.
Start getting ready to do grunt work dude and let us know your new work number so that we can call you.
Did you get a job with RichDad PoorDad?
Hey Kid;
Another deletion,huh hobbit?
So…you’re on the run or not?
So Casey, how’s the golf course view? NRU close by isn’t it?
You should’ve blurred the fax number on the hotel idiota
If you need a place to stay in Phoenix, email me - got a few rooms avail.
Keep forging ahead and living your dreams!!!
Aren’t you ashamed of having to beg for your travels? Most people pay for them, you know.
So you must be back already? Or did you stay for 2 nights?
Always running, from something…
Where are you living now?
Hi Suppportaz!,
This is Duhwayne WeHate. Click my link for http://realestateinvestors.tv/And find out how yuu too kin fat on my ALL YOU KIN LURN BUFFET SPECIAL!!! HEE HAAAWW!
“Lurnin’ - its not just fer breakfast anymore!”
what happened to your w2 job and no more business?
Wow, this is my first time posting a comment on IAFF. I accidentally sent an email to you instead of commenting and now, I’m getting a load of crap a** emails because you obviously are giving away email addresses sent to you. I’m slightly ticked off at you for that…
But I’m surprised at all the folks taking time out to comment on how you are a troll and just seeking attention. Obviously you’ve grasped theirs… -
When will you be starting another blog? You know you can’t stay away from the internet for more than a few hours.
Good Morning!™
I am an early riser!!™ Look at the time zone change and you’ll see!
Alot™ of you have wondered what I am doing hear™. Well, I picked up a February 2004 copy of Forbes and it lited the “top 10 US cities for real estate appreciation over the next decade” and, guess which city was number 1? You got it. Phoenix.
You see, I figure that since the article was written over 3 years ago most people will have forgotten about it buy™ now and there are still like 6 years to go according to the article. That’s is called opportunity.
I found a really nice realtor hear™ who says that with over 25,000 active listings the possibilities of finding a great short sale or flip are nearly limitless. Roxi (the realtor) says that she is developing a new partnering program where she couples a passive investor with excellent credit with a bird-dogging™ active investor with market savvy™ and practical know how™ to purchase and make quick profits.
Roxi says the key is not too™ take to™ much cas back at closing. She says that nowadays lenders look pretty closely at the paperwork and limit the cash back to no more than 3%.
That seems reasonable to me. Here’s my math: Assume I by™ a property for $500,000 that is 40% beow market (that’s an instant $200,000 profit - sweet™) and take $15,000 cash back. The lender is OK with it. I get a $5,000 up fron bonus, and have $10,000 to carry the property. I then re-list it and close in 45-60 days (long before the $10,000 carry is gone) and me and the passive investor split the $200,000. I am truly blessed to have found such a highly qualified professional™ realtor in Roxi.
If I can do 1 a month, and I still have 6 years to ride the wave, I can retire with a little over $7 million by age 30.
Phoenix is good!
Glad to see you’re looking for a job. Kind of suprised to hear it’s in Phoenix though. Please tell me you’re not going to work for CashFlow Inc or whatever that guru’s company is called. That wouldn’t do much to lower your profile.
Not NRU again! If I find out you put off hiring a lawyer for NRU I’ll drink a wheatgrass shot myself–punishment for believing you still had some brain cells firing.
Your ideas about this blog and your general direction are deeply flawed, much like you, your character, and your entire life. You claim that you’re running it so that others can learn from your mistakes and take some information away from your own experiences. If you take a good look at your situation, which I know know you won’t do since A) There’s nothing to indicate that you ever have (otherwise you simply wouldn’t be where you are—or you have a serious mental impairment that prevents you from doing so?) … and B) Criticisms of any kind are lumped together as “hater” comments — if you took a good look you would see that you have basically taken a wrong turn at every opportunity you’ve been given. Get a loan? Lie. Realize you’re failing at real estate? Compound the situation. Go public to…what…get input from others? Ignore every comment you don’t like and if it goes against your own way of thinking, call it the comment of a hater (I’m sure you’re calling me that right now). Get offers of assistance? Blindly reject them after breaking your agreements (and news flash: verbal agreements are also contracts). Ignore phone calls. Leave the country. At every single turn when you’ve been given a choice between actions, you’ve shown a COMPLETE lack of judgment and chosen the *wrong* course. If you think you’re doing something right, explain why you’re in the situation you’re in now. You’re facing criminal charges, civil litigation, IRS investigation, marriage breakdown…yeah, you’re clearly a winner. You’re piddly blog is earning a thousand dollars a month? Please, I make more than that in half a week and I haven’t even started my business fulltime yet.
Casey, you are wrong. Period. You have done nothing right and continue to do nothing right.
So your defence of this blog is that you’re going to show people how NOT to go about doing things in the world of real estate? That’s like being a guide to people who are starting out to drive by describing how to crash a car. There are millions of ways to do something wrong, only a few ways to do something right. The only thing that makes your story captivating is the same reasons why Paris Hilton got so much coverage. You’re a train wreck with no definable skills. You’ve achieved nothing and your advice is completely pointless. Why in the world would I want to take pointers in how to fail? You mean I should avoid ILLEGAL activities? Wow, that’s a nugget of wisdom.
You keep walking into a brick wall with an insane notion that you’ll walk through it if you just persevere. You ignore any advice of anyone around you and systematically reject anyone that isn’t in total support of you. That’s clinical mental retardation sprinkled with bits of sociopathy. I’ve listened to your talkcasts and you literally put words into peoples’ mouths. You “repeat” things that were never said and make ridiculous assumptions about what people are thinking…not saying but thinking! You read between lines that aren’t there, ignore questions, deflect perfectly valid queries (so why did you make your life public and CONTINUE to do so?).Frankly, Casey, you deserve every last little thing you get. I have nothing against ignorance so long as people are willing to do something about it. Knowledge can be gained and if something can’t be understood then it’s simly a matter of biology. In your case, however, it’s willful ignorance. It’s sloth, stupidity, continuing and baffling idiocy. You exemplify the worst of American society; a ridiculous unwillingess to learn anything; a belief that you’re right even as the noose tightens around your neck; abuse of everyone and everything around you; you ignore everything that doesn’t put you on a pedestal. Have you heard of Conrad Black? He’s kind of like you except that he has half a brain. But guess what, he’s going to jail for the rest of his life. He’s simply a sociopath, unappologetic for his misdeeds. You claim to appologize but you’ve literally taken NO steps to rectify the situation, which means you’re not sorry at all. You can talk all you want but actions speak louder than words. Your actions speak loud and clear about how you’re not sorry at all, you are not willing to make any amends, you haven’t learned a thing, you listen to no one, and you won’t do a damn thing to change. Talk is cheap and that’s all you’ve done. You’re a hypocrite, liar, and frankly an idiot. When you get yours, and you will, you deserve it.
So I know you’re calling me a hater now and rejecting what I’ve said. And do you know why? Because I’m right about you. How’s that for a conundrum? If I’m right, then you’re everything I said you are. If I’m wrong, then you have to accept what I said. If you pick and choose, it goes back to my original point and again, you’re exactly what I say you are. You know I’m right…you’re predictable and so I know that your next steps will be the wrong ones. I know you’re going to dig yourself a deeper hole. When you’re behind bars….now THAT will be sweet. Man, you are so stupid. I mean, you are REALLY dumb. -
Casey, your current situation reminds me of John Delorean. He lived in financial ruin for quite some time. Of course he must have had some $$ socked away somewhere…. even though he was haunted by creditors, he managed to live in his New Jersey mansion for over 20 years. Right on until 2001, when they finally took it from him.
Anyway, John’s motto was “Living Well is the Best Revenge.” So make sure that you get to the point in the future when you can live in style. Then tell ‘em all to go to hell.
I think our dear boy is re-pursuing the ‘job’ of being a shill for NRU and their whole little enrollment pyramid scheme. They conveniently happen to be located in Phoenix. Find five suckers a year and make $40k!
Let me guess, you’re not going to post my last reply, right? Again, goes to who how predictable you are. You’re verifying unequivocally that I’m right about you. You’re going to jail Casey. Doesn’t matter if you call me a hater. Doesn’t matter if you reject my comment. In fact, I know that whatever you do, it will be wrong and you’re going to fail. It’ll be spectacular and a lot of fun to watch because you deserve it so much. I’m not going to wish you good luck. You don’t deserve it.
What’s the update on the last minute attempt to find an attorney?
One other question - are you the one approving comments vs. looking for a lawyer?
Casey, it’s so easy to tell when you are lying. You state things indirectly so it’s clear you are not being honest.
“On the job front” I’m in Phoenix to “check out an opportunity”?
If it was a job, you would be interviewing, not checking out an opportunity. Plus you would be more forthcoming with details. You LOVE talking about yourself to the n’th degree so when you are being evasive its cause you are LYING.
Plus there are like 100X as many jobs an hour from you in the SF Bay Area than in Phoenix. I know, I’ve lived in each cities. Pay is way better too. No reason a job would pop up in Phx.
You are not job interviewing, liar. Either
-or a “Sweet Deal” to buy a house in Phx through your corporation.My guess. You are looking at foreclosed houses in the Phoenix area. Another monkey move on your part cause prices will go down there for quite awhile longer. Probably longer than you’ll be out of jail.
I’ve lost interest in this blog considerably since all your lies have been coming to light.
I hope by “go away” you’re talking about Jayle.
Oh, kid;
What happenned to the Casey Serin Fund?
It’s “poofed”,hobbit…no mas…kaput…finis.
Did your horde of blog-dildoz break the intertoobs in their stampede to contribute?
Pretty fickle and hollow bunch,these supporterz of yours, huh?
If you’re not actually scampering off to Mexico, then good luck interviewing to be ROBERT KIYOSAKI’s cabana boy.
I’m pullin’ for ya,kid.
(You might want to learn Spanish so you can communicate with your supervisors, y’know?)
Hmm, your hotel’s about 1.5 miles from NRU. What ever could you be up to? Figures that it couldn’t be a real job you were pursuing.
Say hi to those gorgeous no-limit ladies for us all.
Sweet. I’ll take you out for a JJ or dinner at Macaroni Grill. Email me if you are interested.
Please tell us this isn’t NRU…
Many of you have posted or sent private emails about what I am doing in Phoenix. As I said, I was offered the complimentary travel by one of my excellent advertising partners to take advantage of an opportunity offered to me by Consolidated Realty Advisors of Phoenix. You see C.R.A.P. is a highly respected™ leverage oriented organically integrated results oriented strategically positioned consulting firm that employs top minds™ (not unlike my network of highly trained professionals™).
Initially I was in discussions with C.R.A.P.™ for stricly a W-2 position (in order to kee my word with “those of whom we cannot speak”™). Essentially, because of my track record an unique abilities™ I was offered a W-2 position that could, if my analytical and organizational models prove successful, develop into a more flexible compensation mode™. I think that with my unique abilities that would be the best use of me and of C.R.A.P.™
I know that there are some of you haters™ that think I shouldn’t waste my time on C.R.A.P.™, but I think I should. While I know that I got into trouble with real estate this C.R.A.P. is different. It is an advisory role, not yet entreprenurial™. I think that with C.R.A.P.™ I can deliver the kind of advise™ that people would expect. I beleive that I can be a “value added solution” with C.R.A.P.™ behind me.
I have done my due diligens™ and I now can attest that I know C.R.A.P.™ and feel comfortable with it. All that is left is to negotiate the details. I can’t let any of the details out of the bag, or this C.R.A.P. opportunity might slip away.
I’ll update as soon as I can.
I thought a “lawyer” advised you to wait until Monday to accept the offer for the blog?
Note that Casey didn’t say “job.” He said “opportunity.”
We know that the two are distinct entities in the Caseyverse.
So wheres the Phoenix Meetup? You are about a mile from me.
Why do you need to look around for a lawyer? What about the ones on your Power Team™?
Oh, and — spreadsheet?
Good luck on the job prospects. I hope it works out for ya.
Can someone get Sharky a set of books other than the F’ing Lord of the Rings? Seriously, you manlet…get a new reference. You sound like a complete idiot.
Casey…keep gettin’ up and trying to knock them down. These fools are weak and are basically leeches.
I’ll self-edit and try again.
1. You will never stop blogging voluntarily. It is a drug you cannot give up. You are an attention addict.
2. You will ignore any appropriate advice given to you by an attorney
3. You will part ways with the attorney within days of retaining him and it will be all his fault.
4. You will ignore any bill you receive from the attorney subsquent to whatever up front $ he was able to squeeze out of you.
5. You will never hold a W2 job more than 7 days (but it won’t be your fault).
Or is it Damion Lupo? None of your other advertisers are in AZ.
Timeline Guy
You are my hero. Casey, never moderate his comments. He is the star commentator. He is #1. Numero Uno.
He’s worth his weight in gold to you Casey. He’s why so many of us come back to this sad place.
Never Block His Posts, no matter what. He should always get a pass.
Readers, hit Ctrl F, enter “Timeline” in the box and hit “search” to go right to his posts.
Casey, can you background his posts in color, the way you do yours in grey?
No way in hell this blog goes away on August 3rd. You’re a freaking crack addict. You CAN’T give it up.
Probably be the last trip before I go away
Guess this means plea bargaining with federal prosecutors coming to a conclusion?
By the way, while you are in Phoenix, you should drop in and see Damion Lupo, who weaves an absolutely fantastic story about how he lost hundreds of thousands in real estate investments. He wrote a book on how mavericks can avoid mistakes like he made. Sound familiar. He’s one of your advertisers up top, second down on the right.
But be very careful prlinkbitch doesn’t find you around, and slap you with a Mark-type writ involving contract violations. On the other hand, she’s pretty cool-looking and since you are coming back on the market, might make a better catch than the out-of-work housepainter she’s been dealing with. -
Why do you need to look around for a lawyer? What about the ones on your Power Team™?
They are of the “Mighty Morphin” type.
I believe that ‘AJ - Iamfacingmillions’ is PULLING A NIGEL™. He stops by a couple times a day to offer support and good tidings while dropping multiple links.
No offense, AJ, but it’s pretty transparent.
I haven’t checked the haterz blog yet this morning, but I’m sure that Rob and his pet chihuahua LMP are having the big O over this one.
Wow. Damion’s incredibly impressive credentials (note the Black Belt for future reference) here: http://www.theguthriegroup.co......n_Lupo.htm
And graduation pix half-way down the page here:
http://www.danpena.com/docs/te.....entees.htm -
But be very careful prlinkbitch doesn’t find you around, and slap you with a Mark-type writ involving contract violations. On the other hand, she’s pretty cool-looking and since you are coming back on the market
Have you seen the shnoz on her? When she sneezes, NORAD goes to DEFCON 3.
I thought you were going to turn this into a foreclosure help site, not the online version of wrestling with “characters” and fake moves.
Hey Casey,
You should think about a sweet partnership with these guys.asw: juicy
Terrorists running loose, gang warfare, racketeering, and the FBI is going after Casey? I highly doubt it.
Phoenix is a much more fun place to live than Sacramento. I never should have left.
#75 Timeline guy - That’s some funny s**t.
Who are these supporters of yours who keep giving you money? Don’t they have better things to spend their money on?
Tell G I said hi, We got to hang out again!
Terrorists running loose, gang warfare, racketeering, and the FBI is going after Casey? I highly doubt it
Do you work for them? Are you saying the FBI doesn’t prosecute mortgage fraud?
My friend, Casey HIMSELF has indicated that he knows they are investigating him. So either they are looking to make him a state witness or they are ready to send him to Club Fed. Option 3 is that the FBI, like many of us, likes watching this trainwreck as much as the next guy.Wait for this housing debacle to gain steam. Right now, only a small percentage of people have been hurt. As this grows, the screaming masses watching their home equity evaporate will start howling for blood. Obvious targets? Lenders. Realtors. And flippers. Sorry dude, but in any situation such as this, there are always one or two so called “small fries” that fall under the FBI’s gauntlet. It is part of their strategy. They want to send a message to would be fraudsters (and to the voting public) that they will come after you no matter what.
Don’t think that’s how the government works? Go ask Martha S****** . You telling me her measily profits from Imclone warranted an investigation? Nope. But nailing a public figure? That’s gold.
ASW: whatdebt
(How poignant. Guess paying back ‘every dirty penny’ is no longer high on the old priority list) -
#62 - Ash
Ash, your words are the wisest and truest I have ever read regarding this saga.
Casey, take note.
It’s really gonna suck without IAFF
So this is what the real story is…..hilarious.
asw: semivegan
I think you are living the life you should at this point. If someone told me I had three months to live, I wouldn’t be looking for a job. The only thing you have is knowing this will end in tragedy.
In a few months you should be able to say “I had fun” If you can’t then you have completely failed. Before it hits the fan, let some of the people in your life think that you are sorry. You don’t have to mean it but it can’t hurt.
Give up fighting. At some point you just drown. Why try and swim for shore. You are in the middle of an ocean filled with lies. You can’t survive this, accept it.
The final chapter has started. You can either enjoy your last taste of freedom or you can fight a fight that you can’t win.
The view from a jail call will be much easier if you can look back and remember some of the good times. The way you are going is sad. Your memories will only be of pain not missed business deals. It will only be of destroyed relationships.
While you are in jail it will be hard to imagine G having children and building a life. It will be tough thinking about your family. The worst part will be visitor’s day. You may see a cop or a lawyer but your family will be gone.
My advice is to live it up. Do whatever you want to do. Try and enjoy what is left of your train wreck called life.
Casey’s IQ drop to 101 now.
Marc’s IQ is less than 101 because he’s suing Casey, same level as Casy
Casey is bipolar,
August 4th will be the book release.
This blog will be control by Casey no matter whatever people said.
Casey found out that he’ll be rich by marrying a very rich woman.
“Note that Casey didn’t say “job.” He said “opportunity.””
Of course they’re different. Opportunities are massaged until they’re ripe for juicing. Jobs are dead ends to financial slavery. Opportunities hold unlimited potential. Jobs are for W2 loosers. Jobs typically result in an inflow of funds, aka positive cash flow. Opportunities, for Casey, typically result in an outflow of funds, aka negative cash flow.
Yes haterz, G-men (and G-gals) do operate by phone. Casey is not the Mafia, and their investigation shows what’s involved were non-violent (white collar) offenses, so why do they need to go in all hot, hostile, and with guns blazing?
The way I see it, the phone call from the friendly FBI indicates their phase of the investigation is over, they are preparing charges, and that an arrest is immanent. In the gotcha phone call, the FBI would have told Casey this information and warned him to get an criminal attorney. Wow, do I hope Casey took this suggestion seriously, rather than ignoring tiresome haterz suggestions over the last 10 months he seriously needs legal advice.
After the criminal attorney is retained, the next step is for the attorney to get back to the FBI, and find out what evidence they have accumulated. I don’t think it’s fair, but the government has to show all of its cards, and what it has found. (Anyone else find it interesting how the $42k loan Casey drew on his company account was suddenly withdrawn and put under review while he was in Oz).
A wise lawyer then might probe to see if any plea bargaining was being discussed with the U.S. attorney to bring this matter to a conclusion. Unfortunately for the government, another contract signing could be involved here which I’m sure the FBI will be aware is a dicey issue with Casey.
This whole process can take several weeks and conclude with an arrest, processing, court hearing and conviction all wrapped up in one day. Older haterz will remember the way Vice President Spiro Agnew’s case was handled.
Some addicts of TV lawyer shows might find this very strange, but I’m afraid this is the way our justice system works real-time today. It saves taxpayers oodles of cash, which is certainly one of Casey’s dreams in telling Lostmittens and the other b* to go away. For the FBI, doing it by phone means no mileage charges for going to Casey’s house. In the end, the system achieves its goal of showing that outrageous mortgage fraud is wrong. Of course, I’m assuming the FBI didn’t find more than what we already all know, and there wasn’t a dead body in the basement of one of those houses.
For those thirsting for a pix of Casey behind bars, I would suspect what’s happening now involves discussions of jail/no jail. My vote: Bottoms up. -
With inventory up in Phoenix you will have plenty (oe as Timeline Guy says “alot”) of flips to choose from.
@62 Ash
Wow, you really nailed it. Terrific analysis.
Casey: you really should read #62 again carefully, as painful as it might be.
I started out in your corner, but like many others have become frustrated by your always-terrible decision making. I can’t recall a good one, and I read about your decisions every day.
You need to get your head screwed on right. Maybe the get-rich-quick seminars messed up your thinking. (Explore suing them.) But my advice to you would be to come to terms with your failure - in real estate, in business, in family, and in life. Bring yourself back to the starting gate and start over. The only asset you have is your youth, and that affords you the chance to start over after you’ve really screwed things up. Close the blog, sell the domain, stop all real estate-related activities (including writing books and speaking engagements). Stop the bleeding and start over again. Keep things simple this time so you don’t screw them up. Flipping burgers at McD’s is terrific compared to where you’re at now.
And please don’t fall for the credit repair agency scams.
you deleted my comments which wasnt unreasonable or mentioned your family, just that youre in phoenix attending a real estate university
we all know
More shiney things in Phoenix ay?
Watch this video. It will teach you to deal with your creditors.
Sorry 106 your completely wrong. The FBI wouldn’t contact Casey unless it was to interview/interrogate him. No way their gonna call him and tell him to get an attorney. In addition Casey’s case isn’t worth the FBI’s time. IF and big IF the FBI contacted Casey it was due to the numerous complaints that the haterz have been making against him. Rob on EN has been begging his readers to call everyone they can and complain about Casey. If Casey was going to get busted he would of already been busted. No jail no FBI nada. Casey walks scott free. You have to realize that even though Casey broke the law and lied on his applications he did NOT intend to be foreclosed on. The real criminals in this story are the mortgage brokers and real estate agents who scammed Casey on his horrible deals. Casey isn’t going to jail. The Jail thing is more speculation and hype from haterz that think that Casey is responsible for the real estate bubble.
#106: Good description.
I personally like the FBI to take their time - makes the guilty sizzle at night.
Casey is obviously not getting his power naps, morning nor night.
I love this slow process.
Casey, I believe that you had a calling to Flip and that you followed that dream.
You should always follow your dreams! The only thing wrong you have done, is that you ran mid-way while your dream was being given to you. You heard:
Casey, Go Flip……
But you cut the message short. The full message was:
Casey, Go Flip Hamburgers!
don’t go back to sac… although you’re probably already there… just find a job, anything that puts money in your pocket and and apartment around 35 th ave and Camelback and just hunker down there.
better yet, sell domain, flee country and join French foreign legion… they really don’t care that you have law enforcement after you, in fact they’ll let you join under a fake name… just don’t lie to them, you have to tell them everything. after 7 or so years come back and start over.
Easy as pie
You should have retained an attorney a long time ago.
Good luck on the interview. Phoenix is great if you can take the heat.
The biggest mistake ever was starting this blog.
No blog=no haters, no NLL, no NRU, no DLG, no LMP, no FBI.
Only the IRS would be after you and you could have declared insolvency/bankruptcy or paid them back slowly if that couldnt work.
Thanks for the reminding us of these two important things Casey.
Why is flipping burgers any better? What McD job is going to pay several thousand dollars a month? Casey made several dollars a month and had the opportunity to publish the book. If things did not continue that way, that’s because he listened to people who did not want to let him continue.
Casey is an entrepreneur at heart and wouldn’t last long, or be happy, as an employee. And in the blog and book business, he was actually quite successful until he stopped listening to his business acumen for the sake of people he cared about, because said people couldn’t wait a little longer (for Casey to continue in his business) when success was right around the corner.
Casey, if there is any chance you could reestablish your blog advertising business and the book publishing deal, by all means, do so, even if you have to beg for this opportunity. This is a goldmine. Had you continued, you would already have been on your way to success by your 25th birthday. I wish I married someone who may one day become a millionaire, just like you but closer to my age and geographic location. You have the potential to succeed, but only if you follow your dreams.
“Probably be the last trip before I go away.”
LOL - Truer words have never been spoken.
Just an update: after reading what I’ve read here and on other threads, your’e a looser! Klown Kollege != a legitimate W-2 job.
How’s it going with the FBI?
And thanks for not posting my other comment.
You managed to check out a job opportunity! 100% success!
Just my opinion:
Unless this is the opportunity of a lifetime (which I doubt), you still need to try to get a W-2 job. Almost everyone has one- even people who are pursuing their dreams beyond the normal 9-5.
You could even donate your weekly salary to family if you don’t trust yourself with the money.
It’s ok to dream but when the dream becomes a distortion of reality, it’s time to realize that you have to return to a proper set of priorities.
Just my thoughts
Bruce -
Members of my family are going to end up in a coronary care unit, if you don’t get one soon. They were concerned about my interest in your story and finally heard all the tapes. They are bewildered by your lack of self-preservation.
If you need help with airfare to Aubagne, FR to join the legion, I’ll help out with that.
PS I come from a long line of attorneys and judges.
119. Monica - you can marry me
You haterz are evil loosers, you have probably not done anything admirable in your boring lives. All you can do is throw dirt on others and by doing so you show your disgusting personalities.
To all you haterz: I would rather have 10 guys like Casey as my friends than 1 of you haterz!
112 Aaron;
“In addition Casey’s case isn’t worth the FBI’s time. IF and big IF the FBI contacted Casey it was due to the numerous complaints that the haterz have been making against him.”
Did you hear the news about Michael Vick?
Federal indictment for running a dog-fighting ring that transported dogs across state lines…dogs.
Still think Fliptard isn’t going to eat a s*** biscuit?
Of course, Michael Vick is a black man, so you could be right and the oily little honkie hobbit gets a wink and a nod from “The Man”.
Hey there Casey, hope all is well in sunny Phoenix! How have you been able to moderate comments all day (hourly and/or half-hourly) if you’re interviewing for a job?
Good luck.
119 Monica;
“I wish I married someone who may one day become a millionaire, just like you but closer to my age and geographic location.”
A millionaire wouldn’t have you…get over yourself.
I can smell your basket of misery from here.
Why don’t you go make your own damned million…what are you, helpless?“You have the potential to succeed, but only if you follow your dreams.”
He might be available…can you scrub toilets?
Phoenix is a great place to hang yourself.
I mean hang OUT. Yes, hang out…hee hee
Dude there’s no reason for you to be at the Westin in north Scottsdale unless you are heading to NRU
Ash … comment #62 … best comment ever …
Score: +5, Informative
AAA+++ Would read again.
Cool Casey, does this mean you are headed towards a Professorship at NRU. I mean your success is just the model everyone should follow.
You do realize that “nouveau riche” for the longest time was a cutting remark for people who came into money, but had no breeding, education, taste, or class?
And this unaccredited institution puts itself out there via multi-level marketing? Are you kidding me?! You paid $16k for this tosh?!
@ Ash 62
Hey, Casey? How come you let Ash tell you you’re stupid, but you delete all my comments telling you you’re a moron?
Ash: Succinct and well-stated, but you’re wasting your time.
We can see th ephone# and the address from the photo, we know where you are now.
Police will be there shortly…
Oui, C’est La Légion étrange à l’appareil, Casey.
I’m sure you’d look very dashing in a Kepi. Seriously, you should consider it - you could start to recover some fragments of honor.
I thought I’d never post again, but Timeline Guy is just way too talented to stay away. The C.R.A.P. acronym had me in tears. I agree with Wishful Thinker, that all of Timeline Guy’s postings should be highlighted so as to expedite one’s visits in and out of this crappy blog.
On a more serious note, I am quite intrigued with this waste of tax dollars concept brought up recently. Although I absolutely loathe the IRS and the state of California, I find myself feeling rather generous, perhaps ready to do a little tithing of my own.
Can anyone offer any advice for sending some extra hard earned tax dollars to the Socialist Republic of California just for the sole purpose of prosecuting everyone’s favorite filthy fraudulent foreigner, the one, the only Sackless K.C. Serin?
Of course, just as the supporterz to Snowflake’s legal fund are requesting some type of assurance that their monies will actually be used for said purpose, I too would require some guarantee that the donations would not be spent on Nancy Pelosi’s bi-weekly botox bonanzas or Barbara Boxer’s operation from b**** to a full on male canine. Suggestions?
It would be nice if you had a little more imagination. And while you’re at it get a new moniker. I’m the only Mr. Flipper on this board! And I don’t flip burgers either.
Why don’t you try “Mr. Looser!” That fits better.
Thanks for playing!
I have the “Foreclosure Song” aka wellwater for download if anyone would like to take a gander. The bands name is audiofonixxx and they seem to be refering to you! e-mail me for the file. And you have permission to post it on the site!
who the H is moderating comments? its Marcus Villasackless isnt it?
Attention Flippy McDolittle,
This is the FBI! Your hotel room is surrounded! Step away from the NRU training materials and put your hands in air! This is your last warning!
Snarky Sharky, Get a life dude. You said you were finished with Casey and you have been posting like a liuttle b**** . Do you have a little thing for KC? Do you wanna touch him in special places. I mean you came home from a camping trip early to do KC stuff. How does your wife feel about ylur obsession with Casey? So much for stopping, hell you cant even cut down. Get off of Casey’s leg!
Hey Casey,
I just took a look at Goldspring (GSPG). The share price is now down to around 0.1c.
Looks like you really screwed the pooch on that stock. Your $4k is now worth a bit over $1k.
If you had bought IBM instead, 42 shares at $94.26, at the latest stock price of $111.08 your shares would be up in value around $700, less brokerage fees. Wouldn’t that have been sweet?
Need a place to get away from the mess? Move to detroit! I’ll rent to own you a 2 unit house for $600/month. Both units are two bed/one bath. You can rent out one unit for ~$850 (which will cover your cost). First month is free rent when you sign a 5 year lease purchase option. You can do work from the house. You’ve got nothing to lose!
Detroit sucks!! Not to mention can’t you buy a 50,000 square foot mansion for less than 100 grand in Detroit? -
I have been trying to do some due diligence for a story and having some trouble with some fact checking and information. I’m trying to figure out why you and Mark went to Judge Longs chamber on the 10th. The ex-parte motions were to be seen by Judge Chang, Dept 54 or Judge McMaster, Dept 53 located at 800 9th street.
I can’t understand why you went before Judge Long who is located in a completely different building. 5th floor - 720 Ninth street. If you went before Judge Long before, why was Mark asking for an ex-parte motion with McMasters?
Wouldn’t the same judge preside througout the case.I can’t seem to find any evidence of this meeting on 7-10, in any of the tentative rulings. I also couldn’t find any evidence of yesterdays motion on McMasters calendar.
Can you also provide the last 4 digits of the FBI agents phone number. I noticed you took the reference down to being contacted by the FBI. Why?
What is a good salary for living in CA?
Honestly, you should’ve gone to Phoenix when Borat was in town, ya could’ve hitched a ride back to Kazakhstan or whatever backwards eurasia country you emigrated from.
Once a d******** , always a d******** .
Goldspring (GSPG) set to announce better than expected geological surveys Monday. A full report on the impact of this and resolved environmental problems are to be published with its quarterly statement. The stock is expected to return to levels not seen since the end of 2006. (source:Gold Futures Quarterly)
Well the people who bought at 7 cents are still screwed but a rise to 2-3 cents from here is huge!
To all you guys asking who is moderating: Sharky is the moderator. The funny thing is that he hates himself so much that after writing entries he deletes his own entries and then blame it on Casey.
Vaa Hee Nah asks:
What is a good salary for living in CA?
See, there’s Casey’s problem: You don’t get a salary for just living in CA, you actually have to work too.
Honestly, you should’ve gone to Phoenix when Borat was in town, ya could’ve hitched a ride back to Kazakhstan or whatever backwards eurasia country you emigrated from.
Nah, the Kazakhs hate the Uzbeks - didn’t you see Borat’s famous press conference? He called them “evil nitwits, who as we all know are a very nosey people, with a bone in the middle of their brain”.
Not that he was necessarily wrong, mind you.
#106 Respondents, it is very likely charges will be filed. Whether it’s the FBI or not who initiates the legal proceedings, that may not be the case. Information may be turned over to them but there are most prevalent bodies in the chain of command.
Casey, there isn’t much help for you now. I think jail would be a good idea, give you some structure and get you some regular psychiatric care. At every opportunity to alleviate the gravity of your situation, you have in turn, gone and made it 4 and 5 times worse for yourself. But I am guessing you’re beyond comprehension now……..
first Paris, than Casey. maybe Bush will be next!
Note that Casey isn’t on an interview, he’s checking into an “opportunity.”
Note also that an advertiser paid the travel expenses. While this may be Caseyspeak for using some advertising income to cover the cost, I’ve never even heard of an out-of-state interview where the prospective employer didn’t pay for the trip.
In sum: this is not a W2 job. What it is, we do not know, but there is a half-perceived creeping wrongness about it that troubles the sleep of good men.
Nouveau Riche University should have Casey on their alumni page. I could just imagine the ad…
“Thanks to NRU I learned how to commit mortgage fraud, get shady corporate credit, have $2.2M of real estate get foreclosed on, and many other financial skills. Most importantly though I learned how to think and act like a con man. I even trashed all of my personal relationships! I threw my family under the bus and my w*** too! In the hallowed halls of NRU I mastered the fine art of not honoring contracts (”No deal!”) and manipulating people. As a result of my advanced NRU education I now live in the very comfortable backseat of my car. All this for only $20k per week. Thank you NRU!”
I hope you sort yourself out Casey. Good luck mate, I think you’re going to need it.
Casey, You go boy! You should still pursue your dreams and just go for it all the way. Go, go, go, go,go and and don’t stop until you make it all work. I also don’t feel those others had your 100% complete best intentions in mind and both ego and their own structural inadequacies and preconceptions to cultural norms were involved. You should really simply be going all the way and take them for what they are - minor characters in the larger drama. My wife picked up Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad for me from the library and we both believe you have the potential to really succeed - please don’t go quietly away into the night but ‘rage’ rage hard against the dying of the light (Dylan Thomas). Or as Neil Young put this, it’s better to burn out than to fade away but I don’t think you’ll burn out but simply get sparked and start to burn bright.
I didn’t like the patrimonious attitude that the others also took to you in the last podcast and your somewhat subserviance - we could tell you were going against your best self and inner genius. Continue to pursue your dreams and if G***** is with you, she will be with you through thick and thin as will your family.
You should read this short book called “The Alchemist” Paul Coelho I believe, who goes through similar situations to pursue his dreams. I think its as Kiyosaki told you, you must know failure to know success and you are well on your way. Call off the deals with the website and book and continue forward diligently and centered - you are the owner of your life and keep up the good fight!!! We love your fighting savvy slavic anarchist and freedom loving spirit - it really is purely American and human and appreciated. Keep it up!
Casey will be the teacher in the school..
Casey would actually be good as a teacher if somebody coached him on what to say. After all, he failed in the actual RE business but then, there must be a way to explain why he shouldn’t have and how others can avoid making the same mistakes. He is a likeable guy who can talk convincingly, remain calm under pressure, be optimistic and present everything as an opportunity.
Find any good flips in Phoenix (or was it too hot to go look)?
Do they make you deflate the blue ball before you get on the plane (what to the security people say about it)?
Sure, teach people how to let the lenders foreclose your houses.
someone said…
Someone said…
Mark/Anthony V********* , it shows a sad state of your mental affairs that you think your absence is lending itself to imaginations gone wild. What a world of fantasy you live in! I hate to tell you this - you did not cross my mind once yesterday - can you believe that??? I too, would employ any legalities necessary to insure that you and your tactics do not encroach upon the rights of myself or for that matter, any of the commenters here. There is a reason that all of us - with the exception of you and Duane - post anonomously. This is a mere diversion for us - it is not our lives.
As for “false security” - many of us here employ real live attorneys with real live law degrees to handle our affairs. The particular team that I retain would love to have you to use as a chew bone for the afternoon. I see your post was written very late at night - did you wake up with a start realizing just what a fool you look like to thousands of people that have read your uneducated take on how the legal system works? Did you suddenly realize that many of the people here think you are a pompous windbag for the way you try to present yourself?? That your name and reputation are forever damaged by this 5 minutes of questionable fame? And that isn’t a pot shot buddy - it is the plain truth.
The only one living under an illusion of false security is you. Cause it sure as hell ain’t me.
A qiuck updat. Things are moving very quickly.
Yesterday I told you about my first experiense with C.R.A.P.™. It seems real enough. I have done my checking and my sources say that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it is a duck, so this is C.R.A.P.™. I am concerned that they have been pressuring me tomake™ a decision.
I don’t know if I want to relocate to Phoeniz. “Those of whom we cannot speak”™ does not have any relatives here so accomodations could be a challenge. Also, as someone noted it gets hot hear™. It is supposed tobe™ 110 today and it only got down to 89 last night. That means the Jetta is out as well. Airconditioning is a must. I wonder how hot it gets in the winter?
I met with Roxi for awhile™ last night and one of the things we discussed (I know I shouldn’t be talking about more properties but it is in my blood) was the fact that there are nearly 450 new listings added every day. There is no way I could possibly look at every one, and I don’t yet know any mailmen (letter carriers?) to do my bird dogging™. On the plus side, there are 7 Jamba Juices™ and 6 Macaroni Grills in the greater Phoenix area, so I could realistically maintain my lifestyle.
I received an email from Colin, on of my many hosts in Australia last night (actually, the email is from tomorrow because of that Dateline thingy, and the future travel concept that I discussed at considerable length in several posts that never made it through the ether of the time/space continuum [or maybe the moderator]) who has agreed to monitor tomorrows news and keep me posted one day ahead in real time.
I know it sounds confusing, but anyone who has ever travelled professionally and crossed the International Date line knows what I mean. When you cross the line you instantly go from today to tomorrow. Viola! You are in the future. Colin says it has to do with gravitational curvature and the fact that the earth is a sphere. All I know is that right now in Oz it is tomorrow and right here in Phoenix it is today. Colin will keep me updated to important events from the future. I am blessed™ to have made such a loyal friend. I am going to keep him in my network of highly qualified professional advisors™. If I decide to dive into C.R.A.P. I will need all of the insight I can get.
To that end, I am considering going against my good judgement and enroll in college. I know I have told maky of you haters™ my thoughts on college, but Roxi introduced me to afriend of hers that works for the admissions office of the Phoenix Institute of National Knowledge. Ambur (Roxi’s friend) said that P.I.N.K.™ has a fantastic financial aid office and she said that almost everyone get qualified for government loans. Ambur explained that P.I.N.K. has counselors that have the ability to not only get my tuition covered, but living expenses as well. That would be sweet!
In fact, Ambur explaind that the loans don’t have to paid back until after I graduate. Maybe I’ll get an MBA?
What do you think? A) Take the C.R.A.P.™ job and start in Ambur’s P.I.N.K.™ to cover living expenses, or B) Keep looking for another W2 job?
Hi Casey,
Quick question, if you care to answer…
If you relocate to Phx for your possible new job, will this negatively affect your relationship with (G)? Will she move with you?
I think you should think this possible job offer carefully.
Goodluck with everything. It’s too bad you don’t have a long-standing trusting friend to help you make better choices.
Remember, it’s much easier to solve problems, when you don’t get yourself into such problems.
Most of the supporter posts are just making fun of you at this point Casey. Just so you know.
Maya Sophia –
Casey snuffs out his own flame. Time and time again.
Hey Kid:
Here’s a sweet passive income idea for you,hobbit…and it might even be legal.
Take up residence in a refrigerator box on the sidewalk in front of your “alma mater”.
On the sides of the crate,spray-paint:
“NRU alumnus down on his luck…please help me!”
The NRU “Chancellor” should cough up a coupla bucks for you to get lost and stay lost.
That time line guy should get a medal - He is gifted in summarizing every illegal and un-moral thing you do, into a funny way that ridicules you royally.
I’ll bet that you don’t even get that?
Hey Sharky have you and Stale Nachos been forced t post here since CHC isnt working, and hasnt been? LOL .What a couple of LOSERS! Sounds like both of you have no life and have nothing better to do.
ASW: craziness
Here’s a sweeet passive income idea– put all of Timeline Guy(TM)’s post in a book and advertise it on your blog. I’d buy one.
Hey Casey, fool them all !! Run for public office !! Doc
You need more help than Casey. Seriously. Is it booze wafting up from your posts or just terrible boredom? Did you recently retire? Do you have hobbies? Dude, you’re making me sad.
#173 Sharky’s Shadow:
“Hey Sharky have you and Stale Nachos been forced t post here since CHC isnt working, and hasnt been?”
Your ignorance is both profound and abysmal.
I don’t post on CHC, double-dummy. I’m not even registered there.Y’know, with years of study and intensive training,you just MIGHT have what it takes to become an “idiot”.
“LOL .What a couple of LOSERS!”
Laugh’s on you,ace.
“Sounds like both of you have no life and have nothing better to do.”
Coming from someone who signs themselves:”Sharky’s Shadow”,huh?
I’m renaming you, sport: “Sharky’s Stools”.
You’re nothing more than useless waste that I excrete from my r***** .
If you’re a good little turd, Nacho just might drop by to flush you away later.
#176 WhatGives:
“Dude, you’re making me sad.”
(Izzat you,”Whatever”?)
Sharky… i have been reading this blog for awhile now and your posts are just plain creepy. You do indeed seem to be a freak. “hey kid”, “hobbit” etc… what world are you from?
Everyone needs a hobby I guess… I just have this suspicion that we will see you on Dateline sometime soon
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