Yesterday marked 120 days until my 25th birthday on September 10th. I like round dates and I like challenges. My 25th birthday is a big deal for me. I must have a turnaround story by then. I’m sick of not being able to pay my debts and all this financial instability. Because of it my marriage is seriously on the rocks…
- Marriage - start counseling, address her concerns, etc..
- Cashflow - control expenses and create stable income
- Progress - focus on key opportunities and big deals
Foreclosure and non foreclosure opportunities available to me:
This is the stuff I’ve had brewing over the last 8-9 months. Most of these came as a direct result from my foreclosure experience and blogging about it.
- Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+
- Continue monetizing this foreclosure blog with advertising, sponsorships and affiliate commissions: $1,000-3,000/mo
- Review foreclosure related services and products: $250-500 per review
- Help people stop foreclosure by offering and/or referring consulting, loss mitigation, short sale assistance, buying their house, etc: $ varies
- Be a student advisor for real estate investing college and make 50% commission selling tuition: upto $8,000 per sale
- Create and sell book(s) and info products around my foreclosure story: $ varies
- Work as an account executive with a commercial capital / brokerage firm on big deals 10 million and up: $50,000+ commissions/fees per deal
- Invest in private equity funds and high-return real estate developments/deals: 24-60%+ returns
- Wholesale/assign (or assist in) real estate deals: $2-10K+ per deal
- Almost-guaranteed roulette strategy: $100-500/session
- More beg-a-thons?
That’s a lot of great opportunities. I may or may not do them all. Part of the challenge is going to be focusing on the right opportunities and managing my time ruthlessly.
Creating stable income is the first order of business though - whether is a job or contract work (I prefer the latter).
It’s time for massive focused action…
What’s with the “I may or may not do them all”?
Don’t kid yourself - you won’t do ANY of them.
Here is my take on your “list”
Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+
Continue monetizing this foreclosure blog with advertising, sponsorships and affiliate commissions: $1,000-3,000/mo
Review foreclosure related services and products: $250-500 per reviewCONTINUE BUILDING YOUR AD SPONSORSHIP
Help people stop foreclosure by offering and/or referring consulting, loss mitigation, short sale assistance, buying their house, etc: $ varies
Recruit for real estate investing college and make 50% commission: typically $8,000 per sale
Create and sell book(s) and info products around my foreclosure story: $ varies
Work as an account executive with a commercial capital brokerage firm doing / referring / funding big deals 10 million and up: $50,000+ commissions/fees per deal
Invest in private equity funds: 24-60%+ returns
My comments on your plan:
1. Get a job. Sounds realistic, start putting out those resumes and pounding the pavement.
2. Web site advertising: I think your dollar amounts are really high. Knock a zero off the end and I am guessing you will be in a more realistic range.
3. I don’t think you are qualified for this. I don’t think people will want to come to you for advice they want to pay for. Count how many times you have had paid consulting for foreclosure advice.
4. I don’t think you are qualified for this. Just because you took a beating does not make you qualified to teach karate. You have not shown any success. How do you plan on helping peope beyond “Don’t do what I did”
5. Housing college. You do realize that the housing market is taking a serious nosedive right now? The loose money (0% percent down, low interest rates, declared income) loans are coming to an end. Plus Congress has taken an interest in the whole issue and may start regulating the industry again. There will be no house flipping for at least 5-20 years. Plus, 50% sales commission? As a salesmen, you would take your 5% like every one else.
6. Sounds like an interesting idea. You need to have to things: a publisher willing to publish this and the time to write it. Decent books take upwards of a year to write. From the position you are in, I don’t see you getting an advance. I would shelve this idea until you have some money in your pocket and your debts under control.
7. Private brokerage houses would look at your resume and reputation and never let you in the door for an interview. Anyone who looses over two million dollars in one year is not someone a brokerage house wants running their money. If you work for a brokerage house, I would assume 50-60 hour work weeks. Plus you would have to get your brokerage licence, that is some heavy duty studying on top of the work week.
8. Private equity funds. First, you have no money to invest with. Second, who is going to be choosing the funds you invest in (so you can get the 24-60% return)? Mutual funds are not liquid. Mutual funds and private equity take time to invest, grow and harvest. You don’t have that kind of time. It also smells of compulsive gambling again.
Of the ideas you tossed out, only #1 has a hope of stablizing you right now. Everything else is pie in the sky kind of stuff. Also once you start working items 2,3,4&5 will no longer be viable be because you won’t have the time to commit to them. Book wriitng can be done at night after you get home from work. Just keep plugging away at it every night. Items 7&8 also right out, but because you have no money to work with and anybody who wants to maintain their reputation in that field will not let you into their building.
Sounds like a good plan of action.
Don’t the the haters get you down.
I know what your problem is. You’ve studied material such as “The Secret” or the various Robert Kiyosaki material.
You should have stuck with the classics, like “Think and Grow Rich”, or “The Richest Man in Babylon”. Even Bob Proctor’s material is far superior to what you’ve studied.
And the best part? “Think and Grow Rich” is a $6.00 paperback. Same thing for “The Richest Man in Babylon”.
Everything I’ve mentioned focues on planning, saving, and ACTION. Things you sneer at as things only “W-2’s” do.
One more thing. You’re a fool because you’re making too many plans… and you will never do any of them.
You need to focus on one thing at a time. Set a goal. Set a date to accomplish it. Accomplish it. Move on to another goal. It’s so simple.
And counseling will only open G’s eyes to what a dick you’ve been to her. It might be the final straw to set her free. Be careful with counseling.
For a one-time consulting fee of $150 I will tell you why your site is virtually unreachable at the moment.
“Continue monetizing this foreclosure blog with advertising, sponsorships and affiliate commissions: $1,000-3,000/mo ”
That is best choice for you, with that kind of traffic you can make more than that
Just keep blogging about your life and you will be fine
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Wouldn’t a low credit score be a basic barrier to entry in the brokerage industry?
# Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+
How about Cleaning toilets - $ANY/hour +
Or you could just turn your life into a freakshow circus and sell advertising.. wait.
Why do you keep trying to fool yourself? Who in their right mind is going to hire you as an account executive? You have failed, just admit it and move on.
Baed on history, my guess is that you will do nothing except get divorced and file for BK…
Love the C-net article.
“Not all these details have appeared on his blog yet, but Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”
That comment really shows your hand, but then you’ve never been much of a poker player. But I would like to give a shout out to my haterz peeps, Rob Dawg, Aspeth, Casey Fannnn, Vague Guru, and Keith (HP). Congrats on making it into the media!
Hey Nigeypoo, how come you got no quote in that article after you provided all that “foreclosure juice”?
Invest with a 60% return!?!?!?
ya know I asked a friend why I even show as much intrest in this saga as much as I do. He said because you offend my sensibilities.
You could also come work at my company and design fire sprinkler systems….
you’d make 12-15/hour to start, we’d train you, and you’d also get a garunteed 15% bonus your first year (15% of your salary, not including overtime)I’ve been at it for 10 years now and pull down 65k a year.
I have a 401k and am paying off my 30k in credit card debt ($10k a year bonuses help)
Plus at the end of the day, I produced a drawing that creates a system that gets installed in a building, a ‘legacy’ if you will.
Plus there’s the possibilty of management, or I could also get a certification to stamp my own plans and strike out on my own and freelance… working only when I need to… witch is the dream you’re trying to achieve.Anyway, I have seen post after post on here giving you excellent advice and I’m not sure it’s heeded, but the morale of the story is what you want takes time. Put in your dues, work hard, save YOUR OWN money and invest that.
you can go ahead and try doing the account executive thing. A friend of mine did that after being a youth pastor didn’t work out for him. The only problem is you work about 70-80 hours a week the first few years..and why would anybody give a greenhorn with your track record a 10 million dollar account… you’d probably put it all in a hedge fund and evaporate it overnight (you know you would)
the other “offers” as you put them just sound like spam mail garbage, but who knows…
ASW=craziness, which is what your “offers” are
You can do it. I wish you luck!
Everyone knows you are not going to do anything, who knows - you may know it too.
All talk, no action.
You keep talking about ‘massive action’. I would put that away. Pick a small thing and get it done. Then take another small thing and get it done. Just one thing at a time.
So instead of trying to do everything on your list. Pick one of them and get it done. Spend every waking moment working on that one task. I would personally suggest working on getting a job and then keeping that job. It has a steady paycheck that you can budget against. Once you have a handle on that one task and do not need to devote every waking moment to that task to make sure it is complete and successful everyday, then you can add a second task.
But then I may have said this before in a previous thread.
Try focusing on just one or two things.
You should totally avoid the recruitment and the investment in equity funds.
Why not just get a job at an internet company, and take a break from the get rich quick schemes/scams.By the way, I am a first time poster and long time reader. You have created a huge following and I was hoping to see you make some money off this thing before it is too late. You time is running out.
Hey Casey, it looks like unbelievable and I are all you have left. Where is everybody? Shouldn’t this be a high traffic day with the C-net coverage? This place is a ghost town. Only 14 comments in cue.
I saw the photos of you posted on CNET in your most recent “sweet media” event. Is that a Tommy Bahama campshirt you’re wearing? Don’t those cost about $100+ each (100% silk and all that)? I should know considering I own a bunch of ‘em, all paid for by my loser W-2 job.
How, exactly, do you justify purchasing this kind of luxury item when you owe the banks and creditors hundreds of thousands of dollars? After all, that’s almost 1/2 a Cashcall payment !
But then again, I guess living life without luxury goods just “wouldn’t be a life worth living” …
you forgot to add some of these great opportunities
1. Aluminum can collector $.25 a pound!!!on1!!1
2. Shameless begging $1.34 a day
3. Pickpocketing oh wait, that’s work
BTW, good job “pressing our buttons” to get extra posts. It just makes me sleep warm at night knowing I can step on little people like you on my way to the top.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Nobody! Nobody is here.
Are all the haterz napping?
Of course, once Casey releases the anonymous comments (up to 20 now), none of what I’m saying will make any sense.
Casey I am doing my best to make it look like you actually have an audience. But I have to be honest, I really don’t feel like you’re doing enough to push my buttons right now. As a card-carrying Haterz, I expect a little more irritainment for my CPM hits.
Well, back to the knock knock jokes.
Knock knock.
Who’s there??
Hahahahahaha!! Get it? You owe them money.
Flaing Forward, you need to get a life. Do you work? What do you do all day?
Here are my comments:
“Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+”
What’s wrong with that? Good money for someone without a college education.
“Continue monetizing this foreclosure blog with advertising, sponsorships and affiliate commissions: $1,000-3,000/mo”
Go for it! Why haven’t you already?
“Review foreclosure related services and products: $250-500 per review”
Dumb idea. Waste of time.
“Help people stop foreclosure by offering and/or referring consulting, loss mitigation, short sale assistance, buying their house, etc: $ varies”
You are not qualified. Plus these services are scammy. You tried it and how did it work out for you?
“Recruit for real estate investing college and make 50% commission: typically $8,000 per sale”
MLM type of scam. Waste of time. Someone should sue those scammers out of business.
“Create and sell book(s) and info products around my foreclosure story: $ varies”
No comment
“Work as an account executive with a commercial capital / brokerage firm on big deals 10 million and up: $50,000+ commissions/fees per deal”
You need to spend months/years learning the ropes to make $50/K per deal. Plus, the guys I know who are successful at this have extremely good organizational skills.
“Invest in private equity funds: 24-60%+ returns ”
Its heads they [the private equity sponsor] win, tails you lose.
Hahahhaahahahah, im laughing my a** off. What mortgage brokerage will let you work for them and manage money? Please tell me, I will short the stock immediately. Manage 10 mil for sweet deals? Hahahahah you will blow it all in 6 months and not only that when investors find out they let a 8 time foreclosure loser work for them, the company will go belly up and face a ton of lawsuits. Please stop being in denial and seek mental help I will be willing to contribute $50 for it if you can prove to us your really doing it, I don’t know if I feel sorry for you or angry at you for being so immature and idiotic. You can’t be in the right state of mind.
Tough crowd.
Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+
Yes. You need stable income. This is the stable income to cover your basic expenses.
Continue monetizing this foreclosure blog with advertising, sponsorships and affiliate commissions: $1,000-3,000/mo
Sure, why not. But, this is a sideline. It should not take more than an hour or two a day. If it is, then it’s because you’re not being very efficient with your time or wasting it on non-value-added activities.
Review foreclosure related services and products: $250-500 per review
Somebody is really going to pay you to review their stuff? Where? I seriously doubt this is real.
Help people stop foreclosure by offering and/or referring consulting, loss mitigation, short sale assistance, buying their house, etc: $ varies
I don’t see how you’re qualified to help anybody. You completely failed at this yourself. While some failure along the way is to be expected of anybody, you can’t really expect anybody to pay you until you’ve had some success first. Forget it.
Recruit for real estate investing college and make 50% commission: typically $8,000 per sale
As a sideline, I see nothing wrong with this. But once again, it’s a sideline. Keep in mind that with all the hot markets collapsing, and the dreams of easy money being dashed, there are going to be a lot less interested people. The real estate investing “college” may very well go the way of all the “day trading bootcamps” of 1999-2000.
Create and sell book(s) and info products around my foreclosure story: $ varies
This is a long term project with a very small chance of success, and once again is something that would need to be a sideline.
Work as an account executive with a commercial capital / brokerage firm on big deals 10 million and up: $50,000+ commissions/fees per deal
Sorry, but without so much as a college degree, no experience in the field, horrible credit and multiple foreclosures on your history, the chances of being hired by any reputable firm are close to zero.
Invest in private equity funds: 24-60%+ returns
Current federal regulations require anybody investing in private equity, hedge funds, venture capital or any other similar investment partnership to have a net worth of at least $1, or a joint income with spouse of at least $300K.
There are some exceptions if the fund is very small or raising only a small amount of capital, but no reputable fund (the ones making those great returns) meet those requirements. Besides, you don’t have money to invest and nobody will lend you money to invest in a private partnership that may not show any return for several years. (Typically these partnerships have 7 year timeframes and you’re not guaranteed ANYTHING before the end of the seven years.) This is a pipe dream.
As I see it, your choice is of what things you will do on the side, because you can’t do them all. The stable job is not an optional item.
Here’s an idea: Why not outbid Cerebrus Corp. and take over Chrysler?
Chrysler is basically being sold for no money down and take over payments.
Of course, in this case the payments amount to untold billions in future labor union wage, retirement, and health care costs.
Can you imagine the Jimmy Hoffa gangster types at the union finding out that Casey is responsbile for all the future billions in payments?
And, Casey would get a new company car…
“I’ll have to manage my time ruthlessly.”
“Have to get stable income.”This is the laugh of the day, is it not?
As Homey would say,
This is the 3rd or 4th time you’ve done this post in the 6 or more months I’ve watched you. It always follows this theme:
1. I’ve got a problem and I’m TIRED of it
2. I MUST take DECISIVE action right NOW
3. Here’s my AMBITIOUS plan - ranging from ‘maybe/sorta get a flexible part-time independent job’ to ‘make a zillion dollars with no effort’
4. I WILL do this in xxx days [where xxx is an absurdly low number]followed by:
5. Several months of DOING NOTHING (dithering, napping, juicing, traveling, bloging…)
6. Create a NEW post containing 1 thru 4 above.Keystrokes are cheap - I’ll expect the same post in another 2 or 3 months!!
It’s all good!
You are both under stress right now, and maybe you can do something like play tennis, that will help reduce the stress.
Perhaps, also, you should count how many hours today that you have put into dollar production. This 120 day plan is just a postponement. Please just put in at least one hour of revenue producing activity today!
Almost-guaranteed roulette strategy: $100-500/day+
Please do that. Everyone knows Casinos are losing money hand over fist to those who can beat the laws of physics.
“Can only imagine the withdrawal symptoms you would experience if this blog went dark”
That’s kind of true. Casey has been the Rolls Royce of trainwrecks. I can’t go back to a Hyundai now. I’m a trainwreck snob.
I think you should take this idea off the list too, it’s clear that you have no aptitude for this either.
“Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+”
Time to start a new list Casey. I’ll get you started.
Take a job flipping burgers at BK $7.00 hr
Casey if you’ve got the IP address for the new server, I’ll post it over at some of the other sites so people can get IAFF until you get DNS fixed.
If anybody hasn’t seen it, Casey got written up on C-Net today.
You forgot:
* Discover buried pirate treasure: lots of gold doubloons and sweet jewels
The proof that the “almost-guaranteed roulette strategy” is a troll is that everyone somehow forgot to include it in their point-by-point responses until Comment #42 (i.e., it was tacked on later).
#22 - Since Casey lives in CA, which has a can deposit, he’ll actually make more. That, of course, brings up the idea that Casey can drive to Nevada, scrounge all the cans he can, and return them for a dollar or more per pound, thanks to the CRV.
Advantage - it’s illegal. Since Casey has no qualms about breaking the law, this one is perfect for him.
Disadvantage - it’s actual work. Besides, one speeding ticket on I-80 wipes out the entire Jetta-load o’ cans.
You can’t migrate your own website correctly, and you plan on running your own web site consulting service for $50/hour fee? Unskilled and delusional.
You fail at being born in September. The rest of us, who have positive checking account balances, outstanding (paid!) debt of less than 7-figures and wives who actually love them, hereby boot you out of being born in September and sentence you to being born in February. Those souls who have the associated misfortune of being born in February along with you are granted free license plates for life to be produced by you while in the state pen.
If Kasey want quick $1 mil in bank account, Kasey should start with $3.2 mil.
to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”Casey Serin, puppet-master. People have been posting for months about how transparent Casey’s troll-baiting has become. The funniest moment was the day he opened up comments, otherwise Casey seems to be one of the few who’s bought his own hype and now he believes that he’s really good at “playing” the hater crowd.
I love the fact that my anti-spam word is FIXNFLIP. Which I have done. Successfully. Then again, I was a working for the man making under $50K in LA, living in a construction zone for two years and doing most of the work myself. Sadly, I only made $250K. After taxes and commissions. Oh, and I’m a girl so what do I know.
I am a bit stunned at the fact that you haven’t considered coming to LA to take on the entertainment industry! Get to work on that script, become a manager or better yet, start a talent competition. We need more dreamers like you here! C’mon….do it…
You have two priorities right now:
Working on your marriage.
Making Money - to both (a) cover your living expenses and (b) pay down your debt.That’s it.
Forget working in the real estate brokerage or investment industry.
Right now your track record does not spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
Having your name in print, internet and television media does not equal S-U-C-C-E-S-S that would translate into a job within either the real estate or investment/banking industries.
Focus on what you know for which you have a proven track record, which appears to be IT/programming. Get your resume on this blog, post it on job search sites, and start networking and making phone calls.
Break down each activity into specific 15 to 30 minute increments so that you can measure your progress. Establish goals that can be quantified. (i.e., today I will call the HR managers at the following 10 companies: xyz.) Go to local IT industry groups and network with others. Call former co-workers to find out who they’ve heard is hiring and call those people.
That’s it. Nothing more. Spend no more than 2 hours p/day on the blog. 1-hr in the morning. 1-hr in the evening. And this is only after you’ve spent a minimum of 6 hours actively job searching.
RE: writing reviews. Not a good idea. Why? Because you don’t have the experience nor track record to distinguish between an excellent, good, moderate and poor product. And, by accepting money for the review, it is implied your review would be favorable - which knocks at your credibility and reputation.
Scratch everything else from the list. Eliminate it.
Marriage and job. That’s it.
@timeline guy- your comments are great and the only reason I come here, please keep up the posting.
Dear Mr. Casey:
I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equalling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region.
You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accomodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount.
However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience at. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it.
Yours truly,
Humbert Humbert
I’m actually honored that you’ve refused to post my last 5 or so comments. I guess some of those comments of mine really hit a little too close to home, even for a baiter like you, eh?
Seriously, I’m just trying to be helpful. You need a job. W-2 gets me $150K/year, almost a million in net worth. Sure, I work my a** off, and like a fool I went to college and got a masters degree. But you can’t argue with success.
Web traffic won’t get you out of debt. Especially when your blog jumped the shark and your 15 minutes was up about 28 minutes ago…
“it seems to be that someone out there would be willing to hire a young, entrepunrial, honest type like yourself.”
What the Fook are you talking about??? Honest? You think Casey is honest? What nut tree did you fall out of?And Casey…You cannot work in any brokerage for any reason, at any time in your life!!! You admitted to fraud remember? You are crooked. You are a liar and a thief.
A background check and a little googling and you are never going to ever be considered for a job like that. And besides, you are not smart enough nor are you able to put in the long hours or live up to the extreme stressful demands. Mortgage fraud crooks cannot work in the Mortgage industry. It is against the law to hire a person who committed fraud.
Are you Trolling?
Everyone listen up! Don’t forget about what he did.
There is no pot at the end of the rainbow. You have to work for what you get…duh???asw= semivegan (hamburger eater.)
Casey is my HERO!
I am a section 8, living on the DOLE, 35 yo and living with my MUM 100% GRADE A+ BUM!!!
I too have dreams of “Sweet Passive Income” too =]=]=]=]
There are some sick people on here. Seriously, they are stalking you Casey. Failing Forward, don’t you have anything better to do.
———————————————————————————————— Here’s a comment I found- ———————————————————————————————— unbelievableMay 14th, 2007 at 3:42 am What’s with the “I may or may not do them all”? Don’t kid yourself - you won’t do ANY of them. Here is my take on your “list” Website/blog development and consulting - $50/hour+ TAKE A JOB IN THE INDUSTRY - ANY JOB - TAKE 2 JOBS
your not going to do anything, because you like gathering options, but have no interest beyond that.
For the roulette, you’re going to do a Martindale, aren’t you? Either that, or the old “It landed on red 5 times in a row; it’s go to be black next!”.
Either way, you’ll lose. Don’t do it.
Hi Great blog. Yeah, dont give up whenever you face a such situation!
Casy, I’m not a hater but if you:
“Be a student advisor for real estate investing college and make 50% commission selling tuition: upto $8,000 per sale”
I will be.
My 83 year old father has spent over $25k on various Russ Whitney/ Charlatan Sheets type BS in the last few years and despite never coming close to earning any of that money back he seems depressingly eager to hand over more of his quickly dwindling life savings to yet another fast talking, conscience impaired get rich quick salesman. If that salesman turns out to be you then you will have earned every ounce of vitriol people have spewed on you in these many months on this blog.
You better than anyone should know the danger posed by the type of “education” these services provide. In order to sell their seminars and boot camps they exaggerate ease and profit potential of their systems and grossly understate the risks and amount of effort required. If they didn’t they could never get as many people to pay thousands of dollars for “tuition” and their “student advisors” would lose out on their commissions.
You are the poster boy for what can happen when the type of half truths and RaRa motivational tactics employed by these “educators” actually get put into practice. The fact that you would consider perpetuating these same organizations after telling us all in graphic detail what following their advice has done to you speaks very poorly of your intelligence and character.
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