From my pictures many of you have noticed my constant companion on my real estate investing adventures: my “manbag” (incorrectly identified by some as “murse”).
It’s time to show you what’s inside the Real Estate Investor’s Bag of Tricks. Here are the contents:
Victorinox bag made by the makers of Swiss Army Knife - just the right color and style for the real estate investor to wear it with casual clothes as well as semi-dressed up. It completely zips up to keep all the contents safe. Real estate investor can even run with it - to catch somebody or run away from somebody.
Wallet with Credit Cards and No Cash - a real estate investor does NOT carry cash in this matching genuine leather wallet. It’s not safe and if you don’t have it you won’t spend it on impulsive deals. Smart real estate investor maxes out all the credit cards into great investments in order to increase cash-on-cash return. Also when there is no credit available a stolen card can do no harm.
Hacky Sac - for when the real estate investor is bored, like a the foreclosure auction.
The Original ALTOIDS Peppermints - the only kind that the real estate investor will ever put in his/her mouth. These keep the investor’s social networking going smooth at real estate investor clubs. Nobody likes a real estate investor with bad breath. These are the only mints strong enough to even overcome the wheat grass aftertaste.
Natural Tear Drops - keeps the eyes hydrated when the real estate investor is blogging his sweet deals late into the night.
PDA Cellphone - no real estate investor can go without a smart communication device - a blend of a PDA and cellphone. Keeps all the contacts, todos, and appointments synced with Outlook and within easy reach. Many a sweet deals have been done on this phone. Wireless internet allows moderating comments and blogging remotely. This phone is specially designed to help real estate investor dodge pesky collector calls during occasional lender-ignore mode.
Win-Win Deal Pen - not just an ordinary pen, the real estate investor uses this pen to sign win-win contracts, iron-clad partnership agreements and $50,000 promissory notes. This Win-Win Deal Pen comes equipped with built-in clock and stylus tip for use with the touch-screen PDA. As with all vital equipment the real estate investor demands the very best.
Connections Notepad - even in this digital age a smart real estate investor understand the value of good-ol’ paper when it comes to quickly jotting down a sweet deal lead from a birddog or taking down vital contact info for an important connection while networking.
Digital Voice Recorder - real estate investor must record important conversations and negotiations for training purposes.
Minolta 2-Megapixel Digital Camera (not shown) - to take all the semi-staged and famous pictures.
Million Dollar Bill - for the real estate investor to stay focused.
You’re a tool. No one cares what you carry around in your murse. Where’s the Utah missing payment?
TROLLING!!!!!!!!! but we still love ya Casey!!!!!
“This phone is specially designed to help real estate investor dodge pesky collector calls during occasional lender-ignore mode.”
Haha I love it!
This is a great blog!!! We get to see the inside of your purse! This is just the kind of content that creates millions of visitors per day; looking secretly inside and seeing things like Natural Tears, and Alltoids.
OMG you are going to make soooo much money from this.
I don’t know why I didn’t think about it.
I think I might start my own web site as well. Here is my little secret…
I am going to show people the inside of the glove box of my car!!!!!!!!
I know I will get lots of hits from that. I will even give you a taste of the contents that you will see…so you don’t have to wait…
…McDonalds napkins!!!!!!
Thank you for the great idea!!!11
Sweet! bag of tricks.
Sweet. Casey, maybe you should consider writing for CaseyPedia?
That should all fit nicely in a couple plastic bags when you are living in a cardboard box under a bridge.
Interesting humorous look at your bag’s contents. Even though I’m sure they bring lots of utility, I could not bring myself to carry a man bag or murse. I keep my important contents in my pockets and carry a laptop bag when I need technology or reading material with me.
More goofing off when you should be working.
Why am I not surprised?
Casey, this is so boring. This may be the most boring thing on the internet.
Here’s my response to your request that I call in on Friday:
Which number am I?
that was pretty good. keep it up.
if you really want to monetize this site you’ll probably have to go to three or four posts a day, and the comments need to go up quicker.
how about a “haterz friday” where a casey detractor gets to write a piece (reviewed by you prior to publication of course).
What is the point of this post?
Advertising sales dried up, eh?
Great post!
Which well-meaning family members and business associates will you be rude to on Friday’s show?
TROLL TROLL TROLL all day long…
TROLL TROLL TROLL while I sing this song.How the hell would you know what a real estate investor keeps in his murse? Unless, of course, you call compulsive gamblers “slot machine investors” or “blackjack investors”.
Casey, does the term “jumped the shark” mean anything to you?
I hope so, because with this post, that’s exactly what you’ve done.
Also, you might want to go do a little reading on use and abuse of credit, as many personal financial advisers advise their clients with bad credit habits to pay for EVERYTHING in cash.
What “sweet” deals have you done? You sold a couple grand in links but it cost you $2 Million to do it! Maybe you should add MATH to your list of things you need to improve on.
Great job about the murse. It’s all about you!!!
Where’s this week’s earnings countdown???
poor little casey and his murse jumped the shark.
#14 : must post SOMETHING daily, no matter how inane. Sigh.
What are the credit cards for? In case someone gets locked out of their house, you can slide one in the crack and break them in!!!
Maybe you can use them to throw at your creditors when they attack!
You can use them to play a quick game of poker. It looks like you have about 52
What are the credit cards for? In case someone gets locked out of their house, you can slide one in the crack and break them in!!!
Maybe you can throw them at your creditors when they attack!
You can use them to play a quick game of poker. It looks like you have about 52
Ok, I liked this one. Poking fun at yourself. I think a few heads exploded that can’t take this for the humor that it is.
WOW, Casey that is alot of credit cards!!!! How the hell did you get all of them. I feel bad for the person who approved those credit cards. (They are probably out of jobs now!)
Maybe he can explain to me how he paid off $700,000 of unsecured debt (so he claims) without any additional borrowing or doing any business and why he wasn’t willing to give me any actual hand-holding with my situation
WOW!!!!!!! Crack is Whack!!!
Let’s face it this is a “troll” posting. your link clicks are down, so you need to revive it. Sorry to say, but it won’t work.
As for Duane… what do you expect? So many people here have warned you about the characters who are willing to help you. Those who REALLY wants to help you, will not ask for a cent. Ponder this, if you make deal with the Devil, he wants your soul. If you pray to God, how often do you offer up your soul?
Duane is as big a scum as you and all the skunks trolling at exurbannation. You did shady things because you think they are in the “grey” area, and it’s there. What do the low lives at EX do? Invading your privacy, because such and such provide the information… sound just like your excuses, no? So blame yourself. What goes around comes around. This happens with Rob D after you know who (another skunk you befriended) allegedly pulled a credit report on him because he could.
In summary, you are trolling. You are still unproductive. You are still a skunk, and thus you attract more skunks. And no, I am not a skunk. I am just a zoo visitor watching the skunks spraying each other.
I gotta keep the flow going and can’t let people tie up the line for 30 minutes. Also, when people ask me a very vague question I like to ask clarifying questions. That’s all.
No, that’s not all. Callers complained about your interruptions, but they also called you on two very significant behaviors:
a) you put words into callers’ mouths by paraphrasing their words back to them: “so you’re saying…”. This can be a very effective active listening technique in a one-on-one conversation, but it doesn’t work so well in your talk-show context: it can make you sound shifty, particularly when callers disagree with your paraphrasing.
b) you attack callers’ credibility by quizzing them on their qualifications and experience. This makes you sound defensive and evasive: if the question is a good one, what does it matter who is asking it?
Considering you just wrote about your purse, I fail to see just how much more to the story there could possibly be. Maybe the next chapter of the story is simply seeing just how long you can hold readers before we all realize that its over. You had your 15 minutes and instead of going out with a bang you just kinda whimpered along trying to get that 16th minute in….
At this point, your best bet is to be less Geraldo and more Springer. Get more of your family royally angry and get them to give you some “tough love” on fridays….
Hey, I noticed you took down the money counter! How will we know if you made your goal, or is that a thing of the past? i was wondering how you were going to tell your advertisers that you might be shutting down. or is your deal with “the lady that we can not mention” no longer valid?
It’s humor people! He was being funny.
Don’t stress out honey. It will cause you all kinds of health issues which you do not need. You got to stay strong and hard for your women … at least once in awhile.
I like your humor - You will be ok. Just take a deep centering breath and say a quick prayer.
Also, go to the mall. It can be a fun place!
When I saw my new word I had to post again. Its “letsdoit!”
Isn’t that exciting! Its going to be summer soon! Post a pic of you in your spandex! I know you are a spandex guy!
Love you !
real estate is a tricky business and a bag of tricks is almost always needed..
Casey sez:
“However, I will see if maybe I will do an update at the end of the week how much I’ve made this week and what we’ve been spending it on. ”I’d like to see this, but doubt he’ll post it. Anyone wanna bet that he didn’t withold taxes — or God forbid — pay any debts? The IRS is gonna love the photographic evidence of his income, too. Sweet deal for them.
The descriptions are funny in a tongue-in-cheek way, which I seriously hope was the intent. Otherwise, I’d have to ask where the cyanide capsule is for “when things inevitably go south in one of the greatest real estate market collapses in U.S. history.”
“The money counter is down this week because I have enough to carry me through from last week. However, I will see if maybe I will do an update at the end of the week how much I’ve made this week and what we’ve been spending it on. ”
So, just to clarify - you are carrying money over from week to week on this deal? You don’t have to make a brand-spanking new $1000 each week?
If this is the case, then it sounds like you are planning to make $52,000 per year whether you can do more or not.
Good plan - it means you can take plenty of vacation during the year when the “sweet deals” are temporarily out of reach!
Casey, call it what you want (manbag,murse,etc…), bottom line , it is a PURSE.
Women and little girls have purses, men carry a backpack or a wallet.
Are you having a gender identity issue????
Are you really the “mistress” that “those we do not speak of ” was talking about in the last blog session????
I am beginning to wonder about the real meaning to all this!!!!
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy and Hater
btw-Great post today!!!!! We love ya…man????
The money counter is down this week because I have enough to carry me through from last week. However, I will see if maybe I will do an update at the end of the week how much I’ve made this week and what we’ve been spending it on.
with that attitude you’ll never make it…
Weakest post ever, Casey. Intentional humor is not your strong suit….
Yes, yes…I know how to close a browser, but thought I’d recommend (again) a post that would interest your fans -
How about a weekly cash flow post? What you made, where you spent it? We want to know if any dirty pennies are being repaid, which creditors are getting stiffed…updates on your GOALS. I miss the early rizer days, when you had some goal, any goal, other than ad revenue.
Are you still taking out the trash? What is the mail pile looking like?
Seriously, man - there are plenty of other blogs with people yakkin about their cats, the last pair of shoes they purchased and what is in their purse. Only YOU can bring us the real info we need.
For example - how does one get back into Google’s good graces? And, once there, how does one prevent c***k-f***d this time?
Rock on.
Bring back the blue ball of dumb.
People keep reading since you are the dumbest man on the planet earth.
You jumped the shark a long time ago and don’t even know it.
P.S. When you do the slow speed chase in the Jetta make sure to have a web cam
Adding more employees I see.
Another win for Team Casey!
Are you sure TimelineGuy didn’t write this post?
Why do you carry all those credit cards with you? I am assuming that most, if not all, are no good. Unusable credit cards and a fake million-dollar bill are about what I would expect to be in my 6 year old granddaughters Barbie purse. All you’re missing is the Barbie lip-gloss.
Also, all those things can easily fit in your pocket. Modern technology has made things small just for the purpose of not having to lug them around in a bag. Most women only carry a bag because of make-up and also because many women’s clothes don’t have pockets. If you really do need to carry something, and based on that picture you don’t, then be a man and get a briefcase that you only carry when you need. I think you’re using that thing more as a ’security blanket’ than anything else and it really does make you look unprofessional.
Now why do you carry that purse, I mean murse, I mean ‘man bag’ around?
I recommend T Harv Eker. Your financial blueprint needs some tweaking.
If you don’t change it fast you’ll blow through the little bit of money you are getting.
Eye drops and a hacky sack.
Ohhhhh, It’s all making sense now! Puff puff.
This post has fully convinced me that you’ve completely lost your mind. I suggest you run away and join the circus.
So, you basically wanted Duane to do all your “sweet deals” for you? Holding your hand???
I don’t blame him for getting rid of you. You were sitting on the fence and then threw him under the bus. Busy people do not have time for your games, Casey.
Grow up.
If you don’t like the criticism, then why do you continue to invite it with posts like this one? You just keep adding fuel to the fire and you expect no consequences? Maybe you think there aren’t any consequenses to your actions because thus far there have been none? Even in the face of obvious fraud, you have faced no real consequenses whatsoever. Is that a fair assumption?
Casey you should put a money counter of how much money was made how much money is spent on junk and how much money is spent paying down debt.
You are much smarter than I ever gave you credit for! This post is a hilarious and finely crafted example of fine trolling. I especially love the description of the pen.Do you have a ghostwriter now?
Why do you carry all those credit cards with you? I am assuming that most, if not all, are no good.
It’s because, like many children, he likes to pretend he’s an adult.
“Victorinox bag made by the makers of Swiss Army Knife: …Real estate investor can even run with it - to catch somebody or run away from somebody.”
So you can chase homeless men from your (former) properties or if you turn a corner and see Guido, the cashcall enforcer, you’ll be able to run your little a** off.
“Wallet with Credit Cards and No Cash: …Smart real estate investor maxes out all the credit cards into great investments in order to increase cash-on-cash return.”
Ok, that’s what a smart investor does. What do you use them for?
“Hacky Sac - for when the real estate investor is bored…”
…and when bouncing on the blue ball gets old.
“The Original ALTOIDS Peppermints - …These keep the investor’s social networking going smooth at real estate investor clubs.”
Because everyone knows that you won’t be kissing your w*** anytime soon.
“Natural Tear Drops - keeps the eyes hydrated when…”
…when Casey needs a photo opp. to try and make everyone feel sorry for him.
“PDA Cellphone: …Keeps all the contacts, todos, and appointments synced with Outlook and within easy reach.”
So you can go ahead and schedule all of the things you have no intention of doing.
“Win-Win Deal Pen: not just an ordinary pen, the real estate investor uses this pen to sign win-win contracts, iron-clad partnership agreements and $50,000 promissory notes…”
Maybe we should rename this the “I have no intention on keeping my financial obligations” pen.
“Million Dollar Bill - for the real estate investor to stay focused.”
And to remind Casey of how much debt he has.
Those credit cards are as good as the million dollar bill…
As far as murses go, that one is as good as any, I guess. A murse is a murse is a murse. All the hip metrosexuals wear one.
Nice post, Casey. I wonder why the angry tone though…
Re: casey @ 27
good stuff champ
to the comment cloggers “don’t let the door kick you in the a** ”
casey, you frustrate me, but i still love reading you’re blog. you have a great attitude, just channel that stuff into making money… and don’t rest on your laurels just because you made some extra cash last week.. keep going, and ignore Di**heads like Duane and the rest… keep true to you,
the people who care don’t matter, and the people who matter don’t care.
BORINGThere’s so much information requested by regulars here and you choose your manbag?
Get real.
Stop clogging up the comments and spreading your hate. Do I need to show you the door (err… the close button on the browser)?
Feel free to leave the blog and never return. It’s not like I’m holding you here or forcing to read this!
Silly rabbit trix are for kids. Leave the blog? it’s not that easy, I need someone to hold my hand so I can leave. -
The Springer comment was dead on the money. This site abandoned all pretense of having anything to do with forclosure aeons ago. You haven’t helped a solitary soul other than the “Don’t do what I did” obvious. You haven’t consuled or advised anyone ( which I am sure you couldn’t do competently anyway ), you discuss your own foreclosures but there is nothing to glean there as your answers range between vague and blatantly dishonest.
So, the only value your blog can offer now is entertainment. And even that is backsliding. If you were not trolling and your above post was intended as humor, you are even more devoid of a personality that I’d care to speculate. Too contrived, not funny as satire or parody ( terms you might look up ).
Worst post ever - you absoultely have jumped the shark on this one.
How about having Steve call in and talk some more sense to you this week?
Wow, I’ll send this list to cashcall immedietly! I know you’ll never get around to it…
Duane is a tool
I’m in your man bag.
#49, yeah, 420 may be the reason nothing gets done, it all comes together now. Who knew the answer for all his bizarre attitudes/behavior was in the murse all along.
Congrats, Casey. One post where you are actually making money, then another genuinely funny post.
The talkcast was nice, too. Your brother… dude, he may be younger than you, but he’s a lot more mature and smart. Listen to him. Duane is.. well, let’s just leave it like that. You can handle criticism quite well. The question is - are you listening to us, or willing to make a change?
Look, I come from the Robert Cote camp. I liked his forum, yet I can’t stand it today. It’s like everyone is obsessed with how stupid you are over there. I mean - you are pretty dumb, but devoting 24/7 of your time to watch out for your “MURST” thread is beyond pathetic.
Listen. Try and get your feet back on teh ground again. You ain’t special, junior. You aren’t an entrepreneur. You couldn’t cut it in the business world. Most people can’t do it, either. You have an extremely supportive (”insert name here of that person we can’t name in this blog”).
If you really love her, try and understand the fact taht you are this ->
First you get “15 minutes of fame.”
Then you “jump the shark.”
Thanks to Casey Serin’s blog, we now have a new expression to describe what happens when you are WAY past your prime:
“It’s time to open the murse!”
Desperate. One step away from blogicide.
I came here to check out if there is any more new information that may reflect what is happening to the current state of our real estate market.
Casey, the popularity of your blog bounced upwards on the POP of the biggest RE bubble in history.
Capitalize on THAT.
This current comic relief blog is a break from your personal financial delimma… Neither of which are reflecting anything to do with RE… I am still here on the off-chance that there would be some new valuable and interesting information… but you can’t take a break from weak blogging by posting an even weaker entry.
Chances are getting slimmer and slimmer for capitalizing on this blog for a financial turnaround.
You have raised trolling to an art form.
Too bad you’re still multiply-foreclosed, a compulsive gambler and mentally ill.
Hey Kid;
A “What’s in my Man-bag?” post.
It was humorous, in pathetically “IAmFacingForeclosure” kinda way.
Y’know, this could very well be the blog analogue to the “Spock’s Brain” episode of Star Trek.
You’re goin’ like a runaway freight train, little hobbit!
asw: millions
Casey: I have a question. You say you are still planning to do some more deals if you can get a good one. But with your bad credit how would you get financing? I mean, even with the corporation wouldnt you need to guarantee it? Unless you are thinking about those no money down owner finacing type of deals. Just curious as to what your game plan is
Hey Casey-
Is that a “modified vegan” genuine leather wallet? -
Seriously, Casey, I would not take any more calls from Duane LeGate. Taking a call from him implies that you are not that bent out of shape from having him post your e-mails on EN. His second call to you was BS. I’m glad you muted him. He is of no value to you now. Good riddance.
And although you probably won’t do this (which is cool because, unlike some of the flakes on this board, I don’t mind when people don’t take my advice), I would suggest not letting anybody mention your family or EN on the Foreclosure Friday show anymore. If they do, you should mute them immediately. Keep the topic on foreclosures and minimize the distractions. Otherwise it just becomes a circus sideshow where you are the main topic, and the topic of foreclosure takes a back seat.
Leather wallet? I thought you tried to do the right thing and be vegan?
Holy cow!
I send it, it posts…in the same week!
Hey kid;
I got a grand idea for ya when you just want to “phone the post in”, like you did with this one.
Try a “My Favorite Overdue Account Notices”…all you need to do is scan ‘em, fu’em and post ‘em.
and maybe “My Favorite Bill Collector Phone Calls”…you already have the voice recorder…bu it up on the innertoobs so we can all enjoy and critique the techniques they use.
It’ll be awesome, hobbit….
asw: awesome
Clicks and traffic must be down bigtime considering the insignificance of this post. The most boring post ever by far.
Duane wanted to buy your blog from you so he could own you. You backed out so he got mad.
Cut him out of your life. Don’t acknowledge him on your talkcasts etc. He’s shown himself not to be trustworthy.
You are not a real estate investor. Those guys make deals work. You comitted fraud and lost.
Your post (# 34) where you say, “The money counter is down this week because I have enough to carry me through from last week.” is the WRONG attitude.
You need to focus on making $1,000 every week and any excess of the goal (i.e., last week’s $1,500+) you should count as a “bonus” and put aside for either (a) paying “she-who-shall-not-be-named-or-referenced” credit card payments or (b) for a rainy day (i.e., those weeks you don’t meet the $1K goal).
You should look at the $1K goal as your “minimum” of earning per week - isn’t “unlimited earning potential” why you don’t want a W-2 job? If you plan to just meet the “minimum” amount every week, you’re letting yourself down.
A motto from my office is “Think Big Or Go Home.” Don’t think minimum….. don’t think average…. Think Big and Go For It.
Challenge yourself to not just make the minimum, but to increase your numbers every single day, every single week.
You have less than 72 hours - sell the last three monthly sponsors ($500 ea) by Friday. In addition, start your action plan for next week’s revenue generation….. Figure out what you have to offer (service) or sell (different promotion or advertisement sponsorship) that provides a valuable service to your clients.
In the meantime - today’s posting was pretty Lame. If I were one of your advertisers or sponsors I’d be rethinking my decision - no posting for three days and then the lifeless posting and information offered today….. this does not maintain the traffic numbers your sponsors were told this site would generate.
Remember - Go Big or Go Home
Is anyone else rolling their eyes? So Casey made 2000+ last week. Instead of thinking “great now I have an emergency fund or wow, I can put some money to pay off cash call, etc” he thinks “Sweet now I can nap and take a week off!”
Typical… -
Utah payment?
Progress on the $300 blog work?
keep going dude… you’re doing a great job entertaining the crowd with your blog. talk about monetizing skillz and faith.
you’re doing a great job showing them…
congratz… keep up the good work - you’ll bury the haterz and the looserz in no time… -
Casey? Would you come here for a moment, please?Casey:
I’m sorry. I was late. I was having a power nap to get ready for lunch.Her:
I need to talk about your earnings.Casey:
Really? I had 1 thousand on the table last friday…Her:
Well, ok, 1 thousand is minimum, ok?Casey:
Now, it’s up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare
minimum. Well, like Brian, for example, has 7 thousand. And a
terrific smile.Casey:
Ok. Ok, you want me to make more?Her:
Look. Casey.Casey:
Wives can get an alimoney anywhere, ok? They come to earners
for the money and the trips. That’s what the flair’s about.
It’s about fun.Casey:
Ok. So, more then?Her:
Look, we want you to express yourself, ok? If you think the bare
minimum is enough, then ok. But some people choose to make more and we
encourage that, ok? You do want to express yourself, don’t you?Casey:
Yeah. Yeah.Her:
Great. Great. That’s all I ask.Divorce papers soon follow…
You are definitely the master of unintentionally being hilarious.
Intentionally, not so much. As for trolling, you could teach classes- wait, that’s it!Guru Casey - How to Troll on teh Interwebz! Three days, three thousand men! 18 grand for an intensive seminar on catchphrases, pissing people off, and exposing yourse- err… getting web exposure. Get a college credit!
You’re welcome to send the $500 for coming up with this blockbuster idea via paypal or in cash.
he picks it up and puts it in his manbag
You’re ingenious. Forget these haterz(tm). You know exactly what you’re doing. Give only little bits of treasure at a time, and they’ll undoubtedly keep coming back…keep your traffic up!
you are scam and you are going to jail
That was a sweet post. I agree with your post #34–you don’t need to make as much money as last week, so you deserve a break. You earned it, man!
Keep up the good work. We “loverz” are very proud of you!
Otherwise it just becomes a circus sideshow where you are the main topic, and the topic of foreclosure takes a back seat.
I hate to break this to you, Chris, but Casey is the main topic. He’s not going to keep his audience with dull calls like last Friday’s “I’m about to miss a payment, can I short sale now? can I? can I?” snoozer.
Nope. Sorry. People tune in to hear callers throw rocks at Casey. That’s the entertainment. That’s the show.
And Casey: nobody believes you when you say, yet again, that “great things are coming” and “sweet deals are brewing”. Steve certainly didn’t. You’ve cried wolf too often; we didn’t believe it to begin with and we certainly don’t believe it now. Stop promising; start delivering.
Casey, don’t let these people get you down. Your site is entertaining to read whether or not these people want to admit it. The fact that they are coming back and setting up all these ‘haterz’ sites is proof that they are being entertained.
I’ve been wondering exactly what kind of people are at these haterz sites. The main one, Exurban, recently hosted a series of discussions that are outright racist (against Chinese). Without the anonymity of the Internet, I doubt any of them would have the guts to express these comments in public. The fact that not a single person spoke out against these comments makes me think more than a few of the regulars are just rednecks in disguise.
Forget Duane. It’s not ‘tough love’ as he claims. He’s just pissed at you but too immature to admit it. His employees are like one big family but then he doesn’t want them to know what each other makes. Some family.
Nigel is a scum too. And the PrLinkBiz b****.I don’t know how you meet these people and how you end up hooking up with them. You need to do better at picking your friends. And enemies…
but the only reason i visit and keep up to date is for the circus sideshow!
and i think most repeat visitors agree, considering we only had 1 new caller asking for help in a 2 hour show last week
I remember all the talk about hot/cold shower therapy, early riser program, and strict diet habits. I’m sure you could milk that angle for a few more posts.
How about a breakdown of your daily routines; a day in the life of Casey, if you will.
The money counter is down this week because I have enough to carry me through from last week.
And this, young Casey, is why you will never be a successful entrepreneur.
Aside from the lunatic gamble of buying all those houses/shiny objects in the first place, your entire approach to this saga has been reactive rather than proactive. You should have been aiming for (at least) $1,000 a week, every week, since September, but you only started to do it seriously in the face of threats issued by someone we’re not allowed to mention. And you only kept that up for a week because you did better than expected and thought that this meant you could put your feet up for a bit.
It’s far better to work at generating continuous (and, ideally, predictable) income than this stop-start approach - because with the latter you have to keep reinventing the wheel. As soon as you stop, everything else stops too - and it’s your job to restart it. And if you spend your entire time restarting things, you waste time that you more profitably be spent trying to improve your present situation.
It’s been said countless times, but two of your most fundamental character flaws are that you’re lazy and you think the world automatically owes you a living. And unless you work (and work damn hard) to overcome both of these, you’re looking at a pretty miserable few decades ahead of you.
It’s only Wednesday. You still have enough time to generate a fresh $1,000 by Friday. Do it.
so photos like this one are all I have to show for it. [IMG Thank God Sacramento is behind us] Anyway, PSD is mainly focused on blogging about blogs about…etc. Since most folks are far more interested in the contents of Stephanie J’s purse over Casey’s murse, I’d like to recommend While we’re on the topic of murses, I also recommend Red Schnapper’s Taraxacum Officiale Looserius Speaks Out…
If you have taken the counter down for the week, have you turned in that $1,000?
I have also been looking at Duane’s side of the story (its available on other blogs if you want to track it down). So far, you haven’t been covering yourself with glory with what he has reported and reprinted (he evidently keeps all his email).
From how I understand it: He was willing to sponsor you but you had to shape up, get your debt under control and start working on getting it paid off. I can understand why he was getting frustrated with you. -
I think GC (#43) is on the right track. This is not that entertaining- a weak attempt at humor- but lots and lots of substantive issues to talk about.
As others have said, let’s hear about what you’re doing to make money. Give us the counter every day and recap once a month or so. Provide us what you are doing to get to the next level. $1,000 is nice as a start (to stay out of the doghouse), but let’s move the target to $1,500 and $2,000, not to meet the spouse’s minimum, but to show what you aspire to do….
Then maybe the blog has a purpose…
Are you kidding. I think you have officially “Jumped the Shark” this blog is useless. Have you run out of things to talk about?
@ Casey #27
“To everybody that keeps saying “I’m jumping the shark” with this post or the other.WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE THEN??”
I can’t speak for anyone else but I check back to see whether or not you have finally addressed ANY of the MANY questions we have been asking you.
You haven’t.
Do you still consider yourself like a real estate investor ? You have no longer any RE. I’d say you are now some gold speculator (well…). I am short on Nickel by the way.
about the 1000$ a week… What part of the 2200$ was from monthly ads ? You should work for 1000 bucks this week again anyway.
Damn, I really thought I had an original thought making reference to “Jumping the Shark” After reading the rest of the comments I see I am just as cleverless an nonunique as I have feared. lol I should read comments before posting my own.
Kelly (96)
that would require WORK, and work is too much like a JOB, which we all know snowflake is allergic to.
Exurban Nation’s Blog seems to be getting more interesting than Casey’s not to mention alot more hits. This blog is getting less and less popular. An investor bag??? Come on man, you are not an investor. It is not the best use of an investor’s time to do what you do Casey. This post is pointless. You say you are looking at sweet deals right???? Well I am an investor myself, same age as you, and I know for a fact that “sweet deals” don’t last long at all. You have a bag that has a bunch of things in it that have nothing to do with being a realestate investor and you say that this is a realestate help site??? I know that you won’t comment.
“The money counter is down this week because I have enough to carry me through from last week.”
As already mentioned, this is a horrible plan, Casey. You should have looked at this money as insurance — for a week where you tried to reach your goal, but couldn’t. Something you could fall back on, not the easy ticket to slack off for seven days.
Ponder that the first week you’re not close to your goal.
Oh, and billing yourself as the next great foreclosure help site is ludicrous when you make joke posts about maxing out all of your credit cards.
Casey: Good post! Things have been way too heavy around here lately, with the threat of imminent bankruptcy, devorce, and family alienation.
Still, don’t disregard people’s good advice. If ten people tell you that you need to do a thing (fix wrap payment before it explodes; find a job), think very seriously before you write it off as ‘haterz.’
Geeze, Casey! You were on such a roll last week. Don’t take a break now! You can get way ahead if you have an equal or greater amount of success this week. Shoot, get greedy!
This post was actually quite funny - more like this. All the Haterz need to realise that saying ‘jumped the shark’ has itself jumped the shark.
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!Romans 11:33 (NIV)v
Casey you ahve jumped the shark just like fonzi when the show was waning.
i am not even gonna mention what my antispam word is.
I agree with others on this post that “Dee-wayne” is an idiot. He is also a crook (even more crooked than Casey-Boy).
Go to this site…
Punch in “Legate” in the name column and check it out!!!
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy and Hater
What a freaking d********* you are.
Your freaking man bag cost ~1000 bucks to put together …
Yes dumbass, its money well spent … considering you’re still posing as “investor” I guess that’s the new code word for someone who costs society millions of dollars …
Cow_tipping. -
If I may interject with all due respect here. I’m a college student, and i managed to run up about $40k in debt on credit cards. Was it stupid? Yes. But I managed to pay every last dollar off because i swallowed my pride, got my tail kicked around, stopped talking big, and got a JOB.
The reason I say this is because to get out of debt i had to sell my guitars, amps, my cameras, and get a job that at first I detested, while finishing up a double major in psychology and music production. But it was a job, and it showed my collectors I was at least willing to try and show good faith to my financial responsibilities.
Casey, rather than praying that people are going to help you with handouts, seriously consider a job, with this on the side. If nothing else, if you come up a few hundred short of your goal, the job $$ will help you perpetuate this blog for a longer period of time. And btw, showing us your murse is not going to help your cause in trying to increase funding.
Wanna see what’s inside my litter box??
Excuse me Julian, but I only see 2 cases in 1991-2 Seems he did not pay a couple of staffing agencies. (Boy, that is another crooked industry.)
@112 - What ‘Name’ column are you referring to? The page you provide a link to has nowhere to enter a name. Presumably the relevant place to enter Legate’s name that you are referring to is on that site somewhere, so link to the specific frickin’ page. I’d look up Legate if you did but I can’t be bothered searching through the whole site trying to find what you’re referring to.
Duane Legate comes across as an abusive a****** , don’t worry about he has to say.
Way to bitchslap the crying little EN haterz. That was funny..Its nice to see you start to stand up for yourself Casey. If you can get the bipolar thing under control and pay your dues ( which may include incarceration) you will pull through this and succeed in the long run.
@112. Trailer Park Boys:
I agree with others on this post that “Dee-wayne” is an idiot. He is also a crook (even more crooked than Casey-Boy).
What, because he was sued by a temp agency in 1991? In a case that was ultimately dismissed?
Because that’s the only listing *I* can find there.
Umm, yeah TPB, those cases got dismissed.
So, yeah. your point?
I only started reading this blog a few weeks ago, but it is more entertaining when you’re explaining your cash scrambles instead of intended humor. Give the readers what thet want or they will go somewhere else.
What a snooze fest this blog is. I think I’ll take a nap.
When are you going to have foreclosure help information etc on this site?
Any real estate investing hot news available? As far as what cities are hot for investing? Any techniques anyone is using with success?
I notice no one on this blog ever says how to buy real estate or make money in it in detail just how they lost it or some other negative.
How about some positives? Are we allowed to post how to invest ideas etc???
If allowed I will post a simple way to invest in real estate primer.
Let me know if anyone is interested.
This site is just idiotic and a complete waste of time. Clearly a bunch of losers making themselves feel good by bashing a bigger loser has to get boring at some point?
I thought a murse was a male nurse? It was an interesting post but I want to hear about your next real estate “sweet” deal.
Absolutely not! No actual content is allowed on this blog. Only half-truths, lies, and troll posts are allowed here.
Here is a link I know of that offers a bunch of real estate info for free including complete Ebooks such as Multiple streams of inclome-Peter Conti/David Finkel 289pgs and others…..Really cool site as follows:
My real estate course (condensed version) coming soon if allowed to be posted.
Other items should be made available on this blog…might keep it interesting to hear various ideas on investing and help for one another.
Go for it!
Hey DDH,
jerk beat it. nobody at IAFF is here to make money. read the effing posts. we only here to make fun.
Made you all look!!!!!!!
You thought we had something juicy on Dee-wayne!!!!!
What a bunch of TROLLS!!!!!!!
Julian-TPB and Hater
ROFL Casey
Great and entertaining post! It’s custom designed for all the haters (yes, rednecks?) that can’t stand the thought of a person who is not a woman who needs something to carry his things with him. (gasp!)
It’s the old double standard — a woman can have a bag, but a man can’t?This was great (redneck) bait - they always bite so seriously because they don’t understand the obvious parody. It’s humorous to the rest of us to watch it happen.
Regardless of anything else, what’s funny is funny. Thanks for the laughs.
#134 anti-DDH…????..namecalling and you dont even know me??
If interested in investment short-course I’ll make it avail by tomorrow or later this evening once I see the interest level and see if it is allowed I will post it.
If not interested ignore it!!!
@49. Joe
RE “Eye drops and a hacky sack.
Ohhhhh, It’s all making sense now! Puff puff.”LOL! I would agree with you if he said there was eye drops and a snacky snack!
No one is really interested in that here. You’re best off to focus your interests and posts to creative investment clubs. This blog is mainly here for trainwreck watching
Basically by posting, you’ll attract the haters, and they’ll do stuff online that wont be nice.
Trust me, this site is about trainwrecks
DHH dood. i dont know you but i no you’re type.
dont take this personally. i just dont like/know you.
(in case you didnt know this is a parody site)
only the tools at EN take it seriously
“Here is a link I know of that offers a bunch of real estate info for free including complete Ebooks such as Multiple streams of inclome-Peter Conti/David Finkel 289pgs and others…..”
Fantastic. Casey: download some of this stuff, make slight alterations, then SELL it as your own. That’s the best way to make $$ off this free advice.
C’mon Casey- we need some excitement in our lives. Don’t you have a new demand letter or a credit card statement or something you can show us?
Kinda perverse what drives us to this blog.
How about some instructions about your show tomorrow. What time is it on…can we email questions? What number to call? We need more IAFF dude!!
Some crazy things have been happening. I wish I could say more.
You don’t ever say more when there is more to say. You only say more when you shouldn’t say anything at all…
Put the cat in the bag then throw it in the lake…the same lake you threw your mail in!!!!!
That it! I’m done! Casey abuses cats! You sick, sick, boy…
DownsideUp @ #134
You are such a simple minded idiot.
Good job showing off what a dumba** you are.
You seem so excited to see a post about a “manbag” that you completely missed the point.
People are saying this is a lame post is becase its too much of an obvious attempt at deliberate humor… which most people don’t seem to find it that funny or entertaining.
Does calling people “rednecks” when they find the joke a bit lame make you feel smarter about yourself?
You seem to be the only simple minded idiot with the IQ of a mentally challanged 4th grader that is laughing and clapping your hands going “funny, funny”. (while the rest of the world “rednecks” are standing there, dumbfounded with the stupidity being exhibited).
Good job, good job… what a “special” person you are.
@ KC #140 and #141
Good for you KC!!!
Hey, the “manbag” post is hilarious as hell !!! Hehehehehehehe…ROFLMBAO
You gotta be a real hater if you can’t find humor in that
KC:2 Haterz:0That is what I love about this site…you get the “boring” technical info and the humor makes it easy to swallow!!!
Also even though the traffic is not all “I am facing forclosure” people but we are all still welcome
The “manbag” is very popular in Europe…would be cool if people pick up on it here more…it seems very handy and actually quite hip. Casey’s generation does not necessarily carry around briefcases…they set their own rulez, and it is actually quite refreshing.
Hey Casey…how about merchandizing some of your popularity…T-Shirts…Mugs…Manbags etc. Someone might even come forward and partner with you…or is it already in the works…also patiently awaiting the book
Also…thanx for the e-mail!!!
Yesssssssssss he obviously does do his best to check his email and even responded in a timely manner to “lil ole me”. What a nice guy…give him a break will ya?
i love the million dollar bill!
seems like a lot of haters here…I like your website, read it most of the days even though I dont understand much in a real estate…Today’s blog is fun and relaxing..dont know why people got so upset about…
WHO IS that Dueeb Stonegate guy? Please spare us and don’t let him speak anymore. Even the haterz can’t handle it.
Really. You have some very good points to make on talk shoe when it comes to others asking stoopid questions.
And that Loss mit guy..please loose that too..he mumbles so much it makes me think he is not credible…but that is what this site is about right? Incredible, uncredible bores.
Don’t let them steal the show. They drone on and on in their own unique co-dependent way…please spare us. Get some fresh spontaneous callers to talk. Keep it brisk and keep it all about you and tell that Stonegate dude to get a life.Your Purse is full of maxed out cards so why do you carry them?
You don’t have to worry about losing the purse with those cards in them. No one wants them because they are all maxed out.Not a hater or supporter and I came here to see if your arse got picked up yet.
Clever purse post Casey. You always did have a good sense of humor. Bank robbers have to, or they’d go insane with guilt.
asw: sparse purse -
@147. Redneck Manbag
Re: You are such a simple minded idiot.
Good job showing off what a dumba** you are.Redneck,
Thanks for proving my previous point! (see below)
>>This was great (redneck) bait - they always bite so seriously because they don’t understand the obvious parody. -
That wallet looks brand new. When did you buy it? How did you pay for it? How does a new wallet help you pay back your creditors? Your friends and family?
I have some comic relief for you…. 1. Instead of the the win-win pen 2. Don’t call is a murse or a manbag, call it a Faggett Baggett and tell everybody it’s a French carry all. But in all seriousness, What you tried to acheive when you started buying real estate I take my hat off too because there aren’t too many people that comment on your blog who would take a risk as that. You made the mistakes when you got in game and it appears to me that the decisions you made were the wrong ones so my question is..why are you still trying to do the same thing that failed before?
What a stoner!!
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