Sorry for the interruptions in the last 12 hours. Since I went public with the full story on Erin Morgan (PrLinkBiz) and Joy O’Day yesterday, things have been a little bit crazy.
The ladies actually sent a complaint to my hosting company sometime last night with threats of a lawsuit. Here it is:
Dear Customer,
Your account on the gator25 has been suspended due to a DMCA complaint. Due to the nature of the complaint we have are required to take action. From our Terms of Service:
Use of our services to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying of music, books, photographs, or any other copyrighted work. The offer of sale of any counterfeit merchandise of a trademark holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please email with the information required. A list of required information may be found here. If the request is of a licensing issue, we may require further documentation.
If you feel this claim is unfounded or untrue, please fill out a counter dmca complaint form from and submit it to us.
To whom it may concern,I am writing this to demand the removal of the content displayed at the domain Casey Serin or domain author has:
- posted confidential information regarding Erin Morgan, Joy O’Day and TAO Realty, L.L.C. despite having signed an NDA. The signed NDA is posted on the site with repeated admissions to the signature of the NDA.
- posted, and allowed his bloggers to post, untruthful and slanderous information in effort to defame the character of the parties aforementioned
- posted a link to a video created and owned by Robert Kiyosaki and / or Cashflow Technlogies / Rich Dad as well as posted, and allowed his bloggers to post, untruthful and slanderous information in effort to defame the character of Robert Kiyosaki
Casey Serin, and applicable persons or entities will soon be party to litigation for his actions. If your company continues to host Casey Serin’s blog, your company, by its inaction, could potentially be a party to this litigation as you have been formally notified.
Formal Declaration
I hereby state that Erin Morgan, Joy O’Day and / or TAO Realty L.L.C.
is the owner of the exclusive rights referenced above and that I am authorized to act on its behalf. On behalf of Erin Morgan, Joy O’Day and / or TAO Realty L.L.C., I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that use of the content in the manner complained of is not authorized by Erin Morgan, Joy O’Day and / or TAO Realty L.L.C., its agents, or the law.I, Jeremy O’Day, hereby digitally sign this e-mail message under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America with the additional statement under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate.
Jeremy O’Day
HostGator Technical Support / Abuse Team Lead,
The hosting company pulled the plug on me immediately and I was down for over 12 hours. I am amazed how easy it is for somebody to bring a website down with one intimidating-looking email with very questionable claims.
I am assuming since I am only paying $10/mo for hosting means that the hosting company would actually be loosing money trying to look into the validity of the complaint and calling me about it. They would rather pull the switch and avoid any potential liability. I don’t blame them though. That’s cheap hosting for ya. (If you have controversial info or major “haters” on your blog, let this be a lesson to you.)
I must admit though, the support response time for HostGator was very fast and they have been VERY helpful. And I just like their service all around. Definitely consider them for all your cheap hosting needs (and no, I don’t make any referral fees, just a shameless plug.)
I did tell the hosting company that we will take care of the content under question. However, instead of taking anything down I’m working with some people right now to move this website to better location.
So I’m back up for the moment but I wouldn’t be surprised if the ladies try to pull another fast one. Man this is becoming way too dramatic…
Thanks for Duane for posting the update on his blog while I was down.
Also… thanks to Nigel Swaby’s post, I just realized that www.NoLimitsLadies site is down… I agree with Nigel they probably took it down to hide evidence.
Thanks to Google for the cached version of Casey Serin: Deal or No Deal? How It All Went Down… by PrlinkBiz herself. As you can see it pretty much confirms my story and you can see that I am not making this stuff.
TO EVERYBODY: I am very grateful for this blog and the community around it for all your guys’ help, especially the pro bono attorney. Thanks man!
January 26th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Now I’m first
January 26th, 2007 at 2:55 pm
Maybe not
January 26th, 2007 at 2:57 pm
Wohoo!!! A real fight!! I can only hope your opponent spend real money trying to sue you — that’d be a laugh, if they tried to collect, as you’re so destitute you can’t even pay the rent…. Keep at ‘em tiger.
January 26th, 2007 at 2:59 pm
haha those ladies have brought down their reputations right with casey’s. Once google is through with them, i have a feeling their businesses will suffer.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:02 pm
First, glad to see you back. F^%$#@ the C**’s
January 26th, 2007 at 3:09 pm
that was hilarious however, now more people are getting their CASEY FIX at other sites
and they prob now know much more details about things your not admitting to on this site
so come clean about
chris, the university, ETC.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:10 pm
Let the hating begin.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Make sure you get a copy of the Google cached page. They are unpredictable and can be removed from the cache at any time. Just a heads up.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:13 pm
Great job Casey. Way to pick your battles.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:17 pm
Good job getting back online! And I must say, I’m impressed. Despite all your shenanigans, you’ve got us rooting for you as you battle against people doing something even more vile than you did. Whatever you’ve done, I do honestly think you weren’t malicious about it. You’re callous and unthinking, but you’re not evil. You’d get a kid to give you his lunch money and promise a ‘big reward’ later and then never pay him back, but you wouldn’t punch him out and steal the cash.
These women have tried to do just that, and as someone who has no stake in this whatsoever, I hope you give ‘em hell.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:20 pm
I had some sympathy for Erin and Joy when you first mentioned them a few months ago, but seriously - a DMCA claim? Over your last post?
What absolute tools they are.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:22 pm
those 2 ladies sound like psychos (yes thats probably slanderous and i understand if you don’t post this comment)
really really really casey you gotta read your contracts before you sign them (signing away all your royalties is a bit steep!!)
the good point however is that they obviously broke the contract by not giving you the mentoring that is promised in the contract - so get yourself a kickass lawyer and counter-sue for breach of contract
January 26th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Don’t rely on google cache. It is very easy to delete stuff from there.
Save all cached pages from “NoLimitsLadies” on your computer so that you can repost them once they dissapear from Google too.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:28 pm
I think Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are worthless opportunists who tried to steal your story. Their actions are unreal and reflect badly on RK considering he’s associated with them.
There is no defending what they did.
The video link to YouTube, isn’t that someone associated with RK? And they are not representing RK, so why do they care?
I think you are well protected from any frivalous lawsuit and I think their agreement, NDA, and everything else they’ve written is completely worthless.
This is a nice twist to your story!
Good luck.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:28 pm
So a guy who pulls “fast” ones for a living is upset about someone pulling fast ones on him. Casey your a hoot!
January 26th, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Wow. Here I saw thinking that you finally got busted by the Feds, or else ran off in the dead of night, and were halfway to Mexico…
January 26th, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Casey I urge you to talk to a lawyer and although I am a lawyer in real life, I do not play one of the blogosphere and I have no knowledge of Arizona or California law regarding this, but I just re-read the nondisclosure part of the contract and looks like to me, well garbage, but beyond that it appears that the intent of the verbage is to prevent disclosure of information gained in the course of the agreement and not to prevent disclosure of the agreement itself.
You’re still in the wrong on so much else, and again I am not an intellectual property or copyright/patent/trademark lawyer, but it appeared there was a little abuse of the DMCA .
But talk to a lawyer.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:31 pm
Take screenshots or printouts of the relevant pages in the Google cache for NLL.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:31 pm
You are the dream ticket it of witless little chancers like these women.
The emergence of their ilk shows what a hyterical bubble mentality the entire real estate market (both in the US and especially the UK) is locked into.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:31 pm
This your buddy Duane, Casey. The one who got beat out of the “Flip This House” gig? Now he’s using your blog to promote his company.
Duane LeGate wrote:
Unbelievable. I stumbled across this website. I havent seen Sam on Flip This House, I watched part of a show with the San Antonio crew. When I saw Sam’s named associated with this show, I about fell out of my chair.
When Sam was with Platinum, I had a property in the Atlanta Country Club. I cant remember how Sam and I got together, but he put a contract on the property with curious stipulations.
Bottom line, he had asked for a 50,000 dollar kick back at the close. Needless to say that is not legal and I told Sam I had accepted another offer. I ran into his broker at a tradeshow and asked about Sam, I was just curious if he had any idea what type of guy he was… his broker had FIRED him for doing fraudulent activity.
The irony in all of this, was that A&E actually came to my office in Marietta GA and filmed for a day for the show…
I lost out to a crook???
Your kidding me…
Posted on 20-Sep-06 at 2:22 pm | Permalink
January 26th, 2007 at 3:32 pm
Casey, I am writing to you as a friend. You need to be careful. You have all of these people in your ear telling you what you should be doing. Even these new sponsors may be suspect. All I’m saying is that make sure that they have your best interest in mind. It is very unfortunate that you signed that contract with those 2 crooks. As a realestate investor myself, I know that it was not your intentions to rip any one off. I feel like you have been making alot of decisions off of emotions, and that is because you are moving at 100mph. You need to focus my friend on what it is that you need to do. As you can see, alot of these people that you would think have integrity, show their true colors when enticed. I know you are learning from all of this. Remember Casey FOCUS. God bless.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:35 pm
Even though I think this whole exercise has been pointless, their taking your site down should give you a claim to damages against NLL. Of course, we all know this site is worth $1500/mo right now, so 12 hours downtime is what, 25 bucks worth of revenue you lost, right? I guess plus whatever it costs you to get setup somewhere else. There you go Casey, stick it to them for that 100 bucks or so! I mean focus on the important things like that rather than the minor details like the increase in your debt of $330 or so during the same time period, selling your houses, or the fact that the contract would be no less enforcable had you not posted it.
Then again, I am only a spacecraft.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:36 pm
Wasn’t that the point of you and MENSA Duane, to declare a “bring it on” call to the Phoenix NLL?
So they responded, what did you expect. Up until that time, the contract just sat collecting dust in an empty drawer. I don’t recall the NLL making any demands that you pay them a portion of your blog revenue or anything like that. That contract was a worthless piece of paper until you and Duane brought all this teenage melodrama onto yourselves.
“Bring it on”
OOOPS, Did I do that?
- Urkel from “Family Matters”
-Duane and Casey from “I am facing foreclosure”
January 26th, 2007 at 3:42 pm
Those mf byatches deserve to have their toenails pulled out with pliers. What abject, absolute human scuz. I still say K Quackosaki is a tranny.
I hope you’ve now fully learned that these cash-flow, MLM people are all pigs who will throw you under the bus just for giggles. Take all that garbage on your shelves, and just throw it away. If you’re ever tempted to believe any of that stuff legitimately works, remember what just happened to you.
RE investment is a prosaic, repetitive business. And, yes, doing it is a JOB. Sound sexy now? Wanna be a junior Trump now?
Besides, you’re OUR meat…not theirs. I woke up to your site being down this AM, and it f***ed up my whole morning. Props to Robert Cote, who picked up the ball in your untimely absence.
Of course, I got into NLL before they took it down, and laid the smackdown on those fat s***** . Let those $2 w***** come after me…bring ‘em on!
January 26th, 2007 at 3:42 pm
Fot the love of God, Casey, that Joy O’Day has to be the most butt ugly woman that I have ever seen.
If my dog had a face like hers, I would shave his rear end and teach him to walk down the street backwards.
Please post some type of warning if you are going to send us to a web site that explicit.
We want Amy back, she was cute and cool.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:44 pm
Casey -
You may have the basis for a big lawsuit. I’m not sure what you can get for a frivolous DMCA claim, but maybe there could be a civil-rights violation here, too.
If you have a case (and if these people have assets) you may be able to get a sweet settlement!
January 26th, 2007 at 3:47 pm
That sucks Casey, best of luck with your work.
Keep on going.
January 26th, 2007 at 3:51 pm
That sounds like a sweet deal.
Get those cool women on your side. You can learn a lot from sharp good looking women like them. I always like learning from women more then men.
January 26th, 2007 at 6:25 pm
Fatashticum! Dear boy, this is *eactly* the level of nutty behaviour we’ve been craving! Lawsuits! Threats! Bogus, pseudo-legal posturing! Web shut-downs! Cross-posts on other sites!
No time for further analysis, got my face too deep in a bowl of the “electric soup” to hit the keys with any accuracy but bravo! Bravissimo! Your gfans oops fans are standing by!
yours in growing excitement,
January 26th, 2007 at 6:29 pm
I think that No Limit Ladies realized what no limits really means! The folks on this blog will stop at no limits to keep their entertainment.
I was shocked this AM when the ladies took down this blog. I figured that folks here would now turn their very kind, thoughtful and respectful spotlight of unvarnished truth on the ladies.
OMG! One thing I would never want is to have the likes of you guys become interested in me! I’m sure that even now Dolph, Oog, Walt, Kevin, and the rest are combing the Internet for everything they can find on these ladies. Homey is working up a good one, and Sputnik is saving a little something special.
The message is clear! Don’t take away our entertainment!
January 26th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
Casey, I think you are just compounding your troubles.
January 26th, 2007 at 6:39 pm
“I agree with Nigel they probably took it down to hide evidence.”
Just keep shooting your self in the foot over and over again. I think they are planning to sue you for slander not over that silly contract you signed.
Also weren’t you bragging about these women being important connections you would bring to your future business deal a few days ago.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:02 pm
Welcome back. Look forward to hearing more positive news as you move forward and shake the bad things out of your life! Now on to that debt. And don’t be so naive…always wonder what’s in for them if anyone offers to help.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:29 pm
Wow those women are mean.
The guy Duane? that said post everything was correct.
Looks like free speech is alive and well on the internet.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:33 pm
The hell with you Casey - you are a bono fide idiot. I have better ways to waste my time than spend it on your hopeless and infantile ideas. I am from an old old Georgia family that has real estate money that you can’t even begin to believe is available to invest. Please be informed that none of my “old money” relatives are interested in the least into signing a partnership or limited ownership agreement with you or your “sponsor” who readily agrees that he is not a real estate professional. In fact, if I hadn’t approached the subject as a joke I would have been laughed at as a fool. Tell Duane that at this stage in the game he better rely on the strength of his “sales” abilities - he doesn’t have much else going for him.
Sorry Casey, take this one for the team - no more for me - too effing boring and you are a freaking cyborg - thank god there are still a few real men in this world instead of the babbling babes like yourself. Hey Casey, guess what, did you hear about that Blackwater helicopter that was shot down in Iraq the other day? My man is over in Iraq with Blackwater - btw you are a complete joke to him - he spent three hours in mortal combat that day so that he could retrieve the bodies of his fellow Americans. The memorial service was supposed to be last night - but the incoming rockets and mortars were so heavy that it was canceled so that OUR people would be in the bunkers. My man is sick about it - he is the truest definition of a what it means to respect another human being - please tell me Casey, what have you done, in your brief time on this earth, to earn the respect of others?
January 26th, 2007 at 7:36 pm
Hey if you’re seeing this comment that mean new DNS has already finished propagating to your ISP. I need to import some comments that came in after the DB export from the old server to this new server.
Just warning you guys there is going to be some confusion with the comments because of the switch and I may loose a few. Please don’t get upset with me if your comment falls through the cracks.
I’m glad the server switch is going so fast and so smooth. Everything should be ironed out by tomorrow.
Thanks to Duane LeGate of and and his awesome tech crew for hooking me up!!
January 26th, 2007 at 7:37 pm
Hey man! Quick question. Is it likely that Jeremy and Joy are “fronting” for Kawasaki’s Rich Man “enterprise”???
Seeing the way you were treated on the RichMan show kinda got under my skin.
Did you read the tale about the wolf in sheep’s clothing? It’s a good read.
P.S. I wish you well.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:44 pm
The “Ladies” are bullies. The only to deal with bullies is stand up to them. Duane was correct in calling their bluff. Now continue to post every ridiculous threat they make. Let them make an a** of them selves as they already have.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:47 pm
Oh, you’re afraid of the ladies “pulling a fast one”??? What a pitiful shmuck you are - try taking a few remedial business law courses you complete and utter loser. (See,”loser” is not that hard to spell, you LOSER!)
January 26th, 2007 at 7:51 pm
Too bad you can’t “loose” the extra o, Casey.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:52 pm
yea, cool musta been another SWEET deal
January 26th, 2007 at 7:55 pm
“Hey if you’re seeing this comment that mean new DNS has already finished propagating to your ISP. I need to import some comments that came in after the DB export from the old server to this new server.”
Casey, let me tell you something straight out, being able to mostly understand this jargon and use it correctly, and administer systems, and build new ones, is A LOT MORE VALUABLE THAN “FINDING SWEET DEALS” is.
Sure, a lot of people “rode the wave” of escalating house prices (it was even worse in the past–it used to bug me at the chip company I was at, this was in the 70s and 80s, when engineers at important meetings were talking about how the house they bought in Palo Alto for $90,000 just sold for $340K. (Multiply these prices by 8 for current conditions.)
For the next 20 years, i expect the “new new economy,” sometimes called “Web 2.0,” made up of IT, blogs, IRC, cellphones, Craig’s List, EBay, and such arcania as web ontologies and semantic networks, will be where it’s at.
Considering your dismal RE experience, your apparent skills in the “new, new” IT economy, and the oversaturation in new construction, it seems like a no-brainer that you should concentrate on what you started in (not the chain letter, the programming!).
Also, as I said (though some disagreed), your cratered credit rating and foreclosure record will likely not stop you from working in an IT job.
(An acquaintance of mine never graduated from high school. I have no idea what his credit rating ever was. But he started a thing called “BitTorrent,” said to account for 30% of _ALL_ traffic on the Internet. I’m not joking. This guy is now likely to become a gazillionaire. No high school diploma. But plenty of smarts.)
Good luck,
–Tim from the Monterey Bay Area
January 26th, 2007 at 7:56 pm
Casey, I say we start selling Casey-Prlinkbiz Rumble in the Digital Jungle 2007 souvenir t-shirts. I’ll photoshop you knocking out prlinkbz in front of a big American flag and maybe an apple pie. Underneath it could say “HATERZ NEVER WIN-WIN” or something. We’ll be rich! Of course we’ll probably have to give prblimpwiz all of the profits thanks to that contract you signed, but hey nothing ventured nothing gained.
January 26th, 2007 at 7:57 pm
OK, you’re still millions in debt, no job, no way to pay any of it, no way to even pay your own day-to-day living expenses, facing foreclosure on how many houses?…yep, fighting to keep this blog up is definately you’re most urgent priority.
Another lovely distraction to keep you from actually facing your real problems. With the added bonus that now you get to play the victim - how dare they pick on poor little you!?!
As long as you remain completely passive, not even reacting (mush less being proactive!) this blog will die on it’s own anyway. People get tired of hearing you whine and complain about how the world mistreats you when you continue to do nothing for yourself.
I mean, sheesh! If you at least tried and failed - that would be something!
January 26th, 2007 at 8:11 pm
I thought for sure you got cut off due to non-payment…. You know those bills you never open.
I could think of 100 things to say but I’ll let the 600+ posts to come do it.
“and I may loose a few” ……fitting.
January 26th, 2007 at 8:34 pm
Oh Casey, every day is a new trainwreck for you, lol!
Between this and the new Paris Hilton sex tape, this is gonna be the most entertaining weekend we’ve seen in a while! ^_^
January 26th, 2007 at 8:35 pm
Wow, what a day for you. THere’s gonna be alot more drama.
January 26th, 2007 at 8:41 pm
Nice job getting the site back up so quickly. I’ll buy you a wheat grass shot!
You must be opening your web hosting bill and paying that on time without fail. If you are motivated (not just a motivated seller) you can do normal things like pay bills and open mail.
It’s clear where your priorities are and actions speak louder than words.
Big Cheese
January 26th, 2007 at 8:52 pm
If I could not hate on you in a direct way, (ie through your blog) I would derive zero satisfaction hating on you via any other medium.
If you or your story were on the television it would not interest me in the slightest; if a book were to surface documenting your travails I would not purchase it (nothing personal, just who would waste their reading time reading about you and the mess you have created for yourself {apart from us here}?).
The fact is, this blog is unique because it is a freak.
Your circumstances are uniquely bizzare and those circumstances have drawn the ire of many incredulous spectators who can criticize you directly on this blog and in concert with others.
Just as visual media (TV/movies) allows one to relax and absorb, and audible media (radio) or literature stirs ones imagination, the internet blog is unique because it encapsulates both benefits and adds participation to the mix.
The above reasons and the latest quasi-legal entanglement complete with ensuing soap opera are why I believe your success (with marketing your story) will be limited to this very highly successful blog.
PS: If I’m wrong I believe your loyal haters deserve a cut.
January 26th, 2007 at 8:53 pm
I look forward to the normalcy of being a venomous byatch again.
I was getting worried for a minute there–nobody to berate; it was having a detrimental effect on me–I was *this* close to washing the Jeepie Jeep.
::shew:: Close one.
January 26th, 2007 at 8:59 pm, eh?
There is a Russian word “беспредельщик” that originated from the criminal patois and is usually applied to individuals acting without any qualms about what to use as means to their end and with no regard whatsoever for the rights and concerns of the people with whom they interact.
The literal English translation is “a person with no limits”.
Sometimes the clues are right there in your face, dumbass.
January 26th, 2007 at 9:09 pm
As much as I don’t like some of the things you have done, man, Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are real scums. What the hell is the problem with providing a link to content on the web? If you don’t want people to link to it, for god’s sake don’t put it on the web!!!
I read through the contract she offered you, and it’s incredible how blatantly one-sided it is. You were very foolish to sign it, but they were clearly out to take advantage of you. You look at their associates who post on her blog site, and you see car flippers and mall cart vendors. Woohoo. Real big tycoons here. The ‘businesses’ are not much more than kids’ lemonade stands. Less profitable, too. Pathetic.
Kind of tells you a bit about Robert Kiyosaki, too, if this is the kind of associates he has getting leads for his ’show’.
I may have been a hater, but I definitely hate these people more. Best thing you can do is to get word out about Erin Morgan so people don’t fall for her traps. See how much business she gets once googling ‘Erin Morgan’ takes you to stories about the scams she pulls on people. I hope you take them down, Casey. Go go go!!!
January 26th, 2007 at 9:23 pm
New server is fast. You got skills, unfortunately, your skill is not in real estate or finance. But keep at it, avoid costly mistake, in time, you will get better.
You should also consider, money is money, no matter how you make it, as long as it’s legal. Working on 9-5 job and invest in stock market is viable way to grow rich and retire early.
Be careful about other people’s money, like water, it can float the boat and it can sank the boat.
Good luck,
January 26th, 2007 at 9:40 pm
Jeremy O’Day is a clown.
January 26th, 2007 at 9:56 pm
The server switch seems to be a-ok. Hang in there and don’t let those witches get you down any more!
January 26th, 2007 at 9:57 pm
Thanks to, and Casey’s spelling, I have come to realize that Casey is not a loser; he’s a looser. Readers, if he doesn’t loose your comments, you could fill in more examples. Let loose!
Lose = 1. to come to be without (something in one’s possession or care), through accident, theft, etc., so that there is little or no prospect of recovery: Real estate is risky; it’s possible to lose money.
2. to fail inadvertently to retain (something) in such a way that it cannot be immediately recovered: I just lost a dime under this sofa. And 200,000 others.
3. to suffer the deprivation of: to lose one’s job; to lose one’s life.
5. to fail to keep, preserve, or maintain: to lose one’s balance; to lose one’s figure.
7. to give up; forfeit the possession of: to lose a fortune at the gaming table. or on Larchmont Drive
8. to get rid of: to lose one’s fear of the dark; to lose weight.
9. to bring to destruction or ruin (usually used passively): Ship and crew were lost. if not for the courage of gallant crew, the Minnow would be lost!
10. to condemn to hell; damn.
11. to have slip from sight, hearing, attention, etc.: to lose him in the crowd.
12. to stray from or become ignorant of (one’s way, directions, etc.): to lose one’s bearings.
13. to leave far behind in a pursuit, race, etc.; outstrip: She managed to lose the other runners on the final lap of the race.
14. to use to no purpose; waste: to lose time in waiting.
15. to fail to have, get, catch, etc.; miss: to lose a bargain.
16. to fail to win (a prize, stake, etc.): to lose a bet.
17. to be defeated in (a game, lawsuit, battle, etc.): He has lost very few cases in his career as a lawyer.
18. to cause the loss of: The delay lost the battle for them.
19. to let (oneself) go astray, miss the way, etc.: We lost ourselves in the woods.
20. to allow (oneself) to become absorbed or engrossed in something and oblivious to all else: I had lost myself in thought. or on Casey’s blog
Loose = 1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end. now where did I put that foreclosure notice?
2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night. Not having a job leaves you free and unfettered; you are a looser
4. not bound together: to wear one’s hair loose.
5. not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms.
6. available for disposal; unused; unappropriated: loose funds are often spent at Jamba Juice
7. lacking in reticence or power of restraint: a loose tongue.
8. lax, as the bowels.
9. lacking moral restraint or integrity; notorious for his loose character.
11. not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth; a loose rein.
12. relaxed or limber in nature: He runs with a loose, open stride.
13. not fitting closely or tightly: a loose sweater. a loose screw.
14. not close or compact in structure or arrangement; having spaces between the parts; open: a loose weave.
15. having few restraining factors between associated constituents and allowing ample freedom for independent action: a loose federation of city-states.
16. not cohering: loose sand.
17. not strict, exact, or precise: a loose interpretation of the law.
January 26th, 2007 at 9:59 pm
I originally hated you, but now i’m rooting for you here. fight back! how dare they mess with our viewing of your trainwreck!
January 26th, 2007 at 10:05 pm
Sorry Casey, it doesn’t matter what other posters think about Prbizlink, you are pwned. Totally.
January 26th, 2007 at 10:08 pm
I’m starting to like you again. Balls of steel boy!
January 26th, 2007 at 10:12 pm
Legal eagles on this site should advise if you have legal rights to take action against these two slags as a result of this. It’s clear they sought to sabotage your business, and you must have lost some revenue from the ads running on your site during the down period. Given the lucrative businesses these two run, might be worth six figure settlement that would make you whole once again. Think about it seriously.
January 26th, 2007 at 10:17 pm
AELFSCINE Post #197 (Last topic) Probably the best post I have ever read here. (I am from Texas, so the Swaggart one was PRICELESS!)
Thanks so much for sharing.
Dr. Big Cheese
coffee out the nose…..again
Hey Mr. Soprano….I drive a 1984 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. You are welcome to use it if you need to. The trunk space is “generous”. It only has 50k miles. I am sure we can come to terms. You let me know, boopey
I am sure we can “borrow” Steph’s Jeep for those desert runs.
Oh, and Casey…happy we are up and running, son :::pats on the head:::
January 26th, 2007 at 10:19 pm
I always thought those “ladies” would regret the day they tried to mess with you!
January 26th, 2007 at 10:30 pm
Casey hits a home run, the crowd cheers.
This is great. I’ve been laughing for the last 15 minutes.
The comedy is back!
Burn the witchs
January 26th, 2007 at 10:33 pm
Good job Casey for standing up to those bullies!
Why is THEIR site down? Did you complain to their ISP about the untruthful things about you over there? Or what about them having links over to your blog without your permission?
January 26th, 2007 at 10:36 pm
Definition of ‘lady’ from
“A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.”
Is Erin Morgan a lady? You decide.
January 26th, 2007 at 10:39 pm
I cant believe noone has gotten my casey mathematical formula yet.
lets try again class.
1 casey
16 counts of fraud
69 mistakes made
and 3 months until either divorced or in jail
and 1 consonant “R”
11669 x 3 + “R” = …anyone anyone..bueler bueler
HINT Turn the damn calculator upside down.
January 26th, 2007 at 10:46 pm
I’m obviously loving this thread right now. Those “cows” probably shutdown the site because of all the negative feedback. Good, great, and good riddance!
January 26th, 2007 at 10:54 pm
I work in digital media rights management, and I understand the DMCA and copyright law very well.
The contract between you and this other party is not subject to copyright law.
Slanderous statements are not subject to copyright law.
Links to material found elsewhere on the web are not subject to copyright law.
The DMCA simply does not apply here. But your ISP must take down the disputed content until you file a counter-claim. Once you do so, let these kooks bring their lawsuit. They’re freaks and they are bluffing. Oh man what I’d pay to be in the copyright court for litigation that had no foundation in copyrights! Hilarious!
January 26th, 2007 at 11:17 pm
I’m so glad you got the internets working again.
If those gals have no limits you shoulda held out for free special favors on demand. hehe. just kidding.
seems like there must be lots of other scam artists you can get involved with.
hmmm. Jack Ambramoff is in jail but he posts here….maybe he can give u legal advice for props here?
Actually the only person you should listen to here is Tim from whatever his advice is spot on. But that would be working and working is fer chumps right?
January 26th, 2007 at 11:22 pm
Where’s Jerry Springer when you need him..
January 26th, 2007 at 11:45 pm
Casey -
What the hell is the point of this blog?
We now know, thanks to Duane LePornName, that you’ve been apparently, theoretically, talking to lenders, trying to work out financial deals, doing *something* and yet… you’ve posted none of that.
Random, intermittant posts about Modesto, and that you’ll post something in the future, and how many days you’re taking off to clean your “office” when there are possibly actual things going on? What’s the point of this blog?
You don’t consistantly moderate without someone standing over you, you’re not telling us about how you’re dealing with the entire POINT of the blog… what’s the point, Casey?
January 26th, 2007 at 11:45 pm
lol. Your blog is the best on the web.
-Trainwreck Watcher
January 26th, 2007 at 11:47 pm
You know, you really probably need to take a serious step back and get a serious reality check on all of this, because you seem to have a compulsive disorder.
Not only did you buy all these houses before making sure you could sell them, and you didn’t just stop at one, two or three and get those out of the way, no, you bought like five.
Then, everything since with the website, publishing all of this … bottom line is you have compulsively done pretty much everything since this all started.
You might seriously want to seek some professional help. And I’m not saying this to make you feel bad or anything but if things continue this way and you do have a compulsive disorder you don’t know what you will do next or how much trouble you will get into.
January 26th, 2007 at 11:47 pm
These ladies got more rocks and loose screws in their heads than Casey. That watery stool of a contract would have been 1000 times more binding if they paid Casey one stinkin’ dollar and wrote it in as “one dollar and other valuable considerations”.
Big Brown Ears
January 26th, 2007 at 11:59 pm
Casey, we’re haters but we couldn’t let those two scammers abuse you like that! We’re the only ones allowed to kick you when you’re down. But it’s all done out of tough love. Now go pick your switch and drop the drawers, boy! We gots a whole days worth of Casey bashin’ to catch up on!
January 27th, 2007 at 12:11 am
This story keeps getting better!
Now you have 2 bull d**** trying to claim all future intellectual property you produce in exchange for their “guidance”! HA
Is there any contract you WON’T sign Mr serin?
You shouldnt be allowed near a pen for the next ten years!
(not a hater, just offering “guidance”)
And prlinkblitz, letting casey sign your papers is like stepping into quicksand! The serin quagmire has been well documented and is nearly at the point of shutting down the US economy. He’s a like an exploding hedge fund but with real estate and a large audience.
January 27th, 2007 at 12:43 am
“Tales of Brave SerCasey” to the tune of ‘Tales of brave Ulysses’ by Cream
You thought the Uzbek winter
would bring you down forever
so you rode upon a steamer
into the sunshine of CA.
Now you try to stop foreclosure
while sitting on a ball
and though you don’t read
the mail you can do HTML
And tales of Brave SerCasey
How is creative blog was shut down
by PRLinkBiz’s shady dealing
Tiny purple fishes
Get eaten though you’re a vegan
and you want to hot/cold shower
after you wake up early rizer.
-Big Cheese
January 27th, 2007 at 12:47 am
Hey Casey, make sure you consider our pain and suffering when negotiating the settlement.
January 27th, 2007 at 12:49 am
HAHA!! Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are equally ugly inside and out. Calling those two things scumbags is a disservice to scumbags everywhere. Karma is a b**** and those two jokers will get what they deserve. If Rosie O’Donnell loses her girlfriend she has two replacements.
January 27th, 2007 at 12:53 am
Tim from the Monterey Bay Area -
You’re mistaken, Bram Cohen (developer of BitTorrent) graduated from high school and attended (but did not graduate) from college.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:33 am
Good job exposing these “ladies”. Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are amateur scam artists. I would never do business with people like these. Their actions are reprehensible and completely indefensible… they’re a liability to RK too.
In the future, trust your initial judgment of people in business dealings. It’s not prejudice if you’re up front about it - and you were. Good business is good whether the contract is signed today, tomorrow, 6 months, or 3 years from now - as long as it takes for your partners to convince you they are on your side and willing to work hard to succeed through good times and bad.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:36 am
It appears there have been many legal precedents PROTECTING FREE SPEECH on the internet/blogs. Remember they threatened to sue CS/bloggers(ha!) for defamation and such.
This guy got sued AND TOTALL WON last year for nasty comments on a blog. hehe. See page 10 on the pdf he links to.
I sure hope they sue and waste money and time and end up looking foolish when casey wins he will get EVEN MORE traffic and newspaper stories !! He coula ALSO be a 1st ammendent poster boy, aint america awsome, sue away b****** !!!!!!
Consider this - duane knows they are dumb enuf to sue him and knows they will lose and the victory will be very traffic generating (that they pay for!) and also get that ‘con-tract’ off CS’s back who now is accetable to root for as the underdog. GO Serin!
housing bubble ends in flippers sueing each other and everyone who watched!! horrray!!!
January 27th, 2007 at 1:40 am
Hm. Spend all day putting up your blog & discussing PR strategy with your new shiny object, Duane. Or spend a few hours with a RE, BK or Criminal attorney to sort out the reasons you started this blog (”pay back every dirty penny”).
Glad to see you got your prorities straight.
I am sure you are getting a great adrenaline rush with all the love & support you enegndered today. ENJOY it Casey, it’s been a rough day!!! but tomorrow everyone will remember that you lied on your loans, purposely attempted to commit fraud, withhold information on this blog, etc etc etc
January 27th, 2007 at 1:43 am
Do you really want to fight with those two ladies? If they are as bad as you described, wouldn’t you afraid that they will play nasty and contact FBI about your mortgage frauds?
Whether they can make any damage to you by reporting you to FBI, it might not be something that you are looking forward to happen…?
Even if they don’t report you to FBI. Would you really want to eventually bring them to court about the contract? What if they bring up your mortgage frauds in front of the judge? Again, it might not be something that you are looking forward to happen…?
Just a thought for you before they make this Soap Opera worse…
January 27th, 2007 at 4:40 am
you got balls Casey. man am I glad you’re back up. best blog on the internet.
keith - hp
January 27th, 2007 at 4:42 am
To Alex, who said “Do you really want to fight with those two ladies? If they are as bad as you described, wouldn’t you afraid that they will play nasty and contact FBI about your mortgage frauds?”
I’m sure that at least some people in the FBI already know. I don’t see how they couldn’t know.
January 27th, 2007 at 5:21 am
Hmm, when I read the contract it has only two parties listed, Casey and Tao realty (Joy ODay). Erin is a party only to the non-disclosure agreement.
Looks like Joy is trying to put the screws to Casey ad Erin both.
January 27th, 2007 at 5:26 am
Casey, we won’t allow others to mess you like that.
January 27th, 2007 at 6:49 am
@ Urkel Post 69
“1. Casey met with an attorney on more than one occasion. What was their view on this contract?”
This is a question for Casey.. not sure if he wants those discussions public.
“2. Casey has all but admitted that YOU have desires on securing rights to his story, replacing Erin and Joy…. Is this your true motive here?”
Wow. You are doing some serious stretching here… here is EVERYTHING that we have talked about regarding future possibilities…
Casey has 2 things remaining, his website and website skills. With the “iron clad” contract out there… I briefly discussed with Casey the possibility of me buying the website.. Announcing the purchase.. Flush the NLL out of there hole… let them try and do something about it if they were truly going to…. me bust there contract…then giving Casey an option to buy the site back at any time for any reason for a penny. That was only discussed after I spoke with Erin and Joy… and it was only discussed once.
What Casey is referring to “future possibilities” is the fact that we have discussed him working (GASP>> WHAT??) yes working for me.. contract employee… to do some site work I need.
Casey needs money. I need stuff done. If he continues to try and make amends with the banks then I will continue to try and help.
That’s IT!
There are no other deals, discussions, implications, or anything else.
Hope that helps
January 27th, 2007 at 6:49 am
‘Lose’ is always a verb. ‘Loose’ is always an adjective. You are constantly using an adjective as a verb! You can check the dictionary if you don’t believe me. The English language is crying out with the pain… (I think others may have noticed too…)
P.S. I think you’re off the hook with that contract by default — it doesn’t make any sense in any language presently known to humankind, so there’s nothing to enforce. I think the ‘liquid lunch ladies’ are just trying to salvage what’s left of their MLM-lovin’, neighbour-scammin’, guru advice givin’, tragic ‘reputation’, or whatever it is they do the rest of the day…
January 27th, 2007 at 7:03 am
Good for you, Casey. I can’t offer any legal advice, since I’m totally ignorant of the law.
But don’t let those cows get away with this. They seem like a bunch of MLM promoting southern cows. Let them go back to conning their fellow church members with some Amway products, and stay off the internet.
January 27th, 2007 at 7:05 am
@ Anony Mouse, Urkel, Beezer –
Thank you for being voices of reason in this latest episode. Many posters are proving to be as un-focused as Casey — what a nice diversion this is from the REAL problems he’s facing.
Casey, stop reveling in the drama and refusing to take responsibility for your own actions — YOU SIGNED THE CONTRACT! — and get back to what’s important.
Also, whenever you prepare to type the word “hater” please type “realist” instead.
January 27th, 2007 at 7:06 am
I wasn’t a big fan of your sweet deals, but you know what? I hate people who make frivolous DMCA claims even more than that.
Take screenshots of the google cache for NLL’s entries on your Phoenix trip, contract, and maybe even Erin Morgan’s admission of receiving cash back at closing.
January 27th, 2007 at 7:06 am
I was walking by 6th Avenue in Manhattan, NYC yesterday. I saw my first Jamba Juice! It might have been there 20 years for all I know, but I noticed it because of you and this blog.
I actually thought of you for a few seconds, then I got distracted by a hot woman’s rear end.
Did you ever think of being sponsored by them?
January 27th, 2007 at 7:16 am
Hey, is this the same Erin Morgan:
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Wonder what that contract looks like? lol
January 27th, 2007 at 7:32 am
NLL might be down, but the O’Days’ real estate site is up, and you can see where the “prlinkbiz” handle comes from:
January 27th, 2007 at 7:32 am
Casey- If you continue to delete my posts, I will never come back. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO HIDE?
It is SO OBVIOUS that Casey and probably Duane are posting comment after comment to the tune of “go Casey go, don’t let those beotches steal your story”.
Notice the similarities in the following:
82. Old Fart
70. yneone
66 & 67. Jerry
77. Cheburashka
64. moom
57. Lookin Good, Casey!
49. Dwight
January 27th, 2007 at 7:36 am
There is a Wiki-like article on NoLimitsLadies:
Using RichWoman icon –
January 27th, 2007 at 7:38 am
Well, that was a nice diversion from reality wasn’t it?
Still not sure why you and Duane chose to fight that battle in that manner. Perhaps they’ll leave you alone now, perhaps they’re lawyering up.
In any event, it was fun and dramatic for us, your audience. Thank you.
The psychology of your audience’s reaction is what really fascinates me. It amazed me how quickly people switched to cheerleading when they see ‘their’ scammer crying ‘victim’ and being pushed around by other scammers over a contract he willingly signed.
On to the next adventure!!!
January 27th, 2007 at 7:40 am
Are you still on Hostgator as the page footer states?
Did you switch to another provider?
January 27th, 2007 at 7:42 am
How about some details behind the story yesterday?
Who talked to whom at Hostgator? Who advised you that you had no legal exposure in leaving the content up? etc, etc.
January 27th, 2007 at 7:56 am
Great news when you Google “no limit ladies” crooks you are the top hit. I hope both the ladies need to start a Blog called…
January 27th, 2007 at 7:58 am
Robert Johnson, the legendary delta blues guitarist, sold his soul to the Devil so he could make great music. He influenced generations of musicians and groups, like Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Grateful Dead.
You, Casey, sell your soul to the Devil and you don’t even get $1.
Speaks volumes about your serious lack of business skills.
Things for Casey to Do:
1) Shut down this blog.
2) File for Bankruptcy.
3) Hire a couple of attorneys.
4) Start taking your meds.
5) Get a job or twelve.
6) Start paying back all the loans not discharged in bankruptcy.
7) Learn to live within your means. (When you have some.)
Special instructions: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
p.s. Yah. I couldn’t stay away from my daily internet drama fix.
I guess I’m joining the small, but devoted mob of women dissin’ you. I can’t hold a candle to Stephanie J. I drive a POS Ford Escort. But unlike you, I own real estate and didn’t use a “liar loan” to get it. Though the broker tried his damndest to persuade me, saying “Everyone does it.”
I finally ripped him a new one and told that I wasn’t going to lie and secured a home loan from my credit union at 5.25%.
Good thing my real estate agent didn’t suggest cash back at closing, because I would have kicked him in the balls.
@ Steve While I’m not a bull d*** , I do associate with bull d**** and calling the Boobsey Twins bull d**** gives bull d**** a bad name, you homophobe.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:00 am
“Detailed analysis of public records (including SEC and county registrar of deeds) find no evidence to support Kiyosaki’s status as a successful investor and businessman prior to the formation of his present venture, Cashflow Technologies, Inc. They claim that his wealth has come only as a result of selling books and audio presentations about topics he has not personally succeeded in and that he is probably worth far less than the US$50 to US$100 million he once claimed in an interview. They note he has claimed to be bankrupt as recently as 1985, a high school dropout and a deserter from the military. Some of these items do not agree with records and may have been stated for “dramatic effect”. In several of his books he makes claims about his accomplishments which appear to be exaggerations, fabrications or misdirection.”-
incase some of you didn’t know
haha but sux that this place got shut down
January 27th, 2007 at 8:08 am
Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are two of the biggest scumbags. Any time someone googles their name, they will not do business with either of these two leeches.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:08 am
lol did you play this game casey?
January 27th, 2007 at 8:09 am
@ beezer – “You don’t consistently moderate without someone standing over you, you’re not telling us about how you’re dealing with the entire POINT of the blog… what’s the point, Casey?”
The point now seems to be to improve Duane LeGate’s Google Page Rank by having Ca$ey’s high traffic site link to it. He doesn’t even care that most people here are smart enough to see that he is just another GRQ Guru pitching his magic beans, because he’s not really after traffic from this site, he’s after traffic from Google Search. That is what this is all about.
The reason, I believe, Duane told Ca$ey to post the contracts is because he knew it would spike traffic and further his cause. I’m guessing he told Ca$ey something along the lines of “Gee Ca$ey I’d love to have you work for me, but with the contract hanging over you I just can’t. Hey here’s an idea, why don’t you post the contracts on your site?” Then he hung up the phone and laughed his A$$ off.
What a great marketing ploy, bring back the old villainous NLL, have Ca$ey emerge victorious and shift attention away from the fact that the only thing Ca$ey has done in the last 5 months is post on his blog, take naps and move his Blue Ball around.
Once again Ca$ey is the pawn.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:21 am
I used to want you to crash and burn, now that you are at last taking a stand against those scumbag ladies, I am on your side. How did that happen?
Just some Dude
January 27th, 2007 at 8:31 am
This is just like TRUMP vs. ROSIE!
Trump was attacked by Rosie just like Casey was attacked by these ladies! Rosie and these ladies are nothing but BULLIES!!!
But both Trump and Casey decided to FIGHT BACK!!!
There are two types of people in this world, those that fight back and those that don’t.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:35 am
Yneone is back! It’s like a disfunctional family reunion. Yneone, Ogg, Sputnik, Tony Soprano, Homey, Big Cheese, Tim MBA, we want to see a big group hug.
This is great. I bet seeing Yneone reveling in this is really sticking in Prstinkbiz’s gullet. (And you knooooooow she’s reading this thread.) Especially after that spat they had back in the day. Sorry Pr, but you just got served like a Grand Slam at Denny’s.
Big Cheese-
“Tiny purple fishes
Get eaten though you’re vegan”
January 27th, 2007 at 8:40 am
I’ve ripped on you a few times in the past but this time I have to complement you. Well done sticking it to them. They are trying to play you and you’re stepping up on them. Good for you.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:50 am
Over at Robert Cote’s, somebody dubbed NLL “Not Looking Lovely.” HIGH-larity I tell you. I would like to try smoking pot before reading this site, but I’m afraid I would laugh so hard my eyeballs would shoot out of my skull.
January 27th, 2007 at 9:21 am
I beginning to suspect you have two distinct and split personalities within you, coexisting in perfect harmony. The first side of you is Pinky, the scatter brained dolt who can’t help doing incredibly foolish things. Things like buying 8 homes in 4 different states in a declining housing market, signing contracts without understanding them, living way above your means, making resolutions like showering and drinking more juice while at the same time facing financial collapse and ruin, committing and then admitting to financial fraud, and so on, “zort!”. The other side of you is Brain, the personality with grandiose ambitions, never ending over confidence, and schemes that always end in bitter disaster. Ironically enough, the Brain side of you lacks any and all intelligence, completely yielding to Pinky, “narf!”.
Casey thinking to himself as the Brain: “Come Pinky, we must prepare for tomorrow night.”
Casey thinking to himself as Pinky : “Gee Brain, what are we doing tomorrow night?”
Casey thinking to himself as the Brain: “The same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!”
January 27th, 2007 at 9:33 am
@87: Alex
Good point. Seems to me that anyone with a laundry list of self-admitted federal offenses (intended or otherwise), would want to stay far away from a courtroom. For any reason.
May still be easy for prosecutors to just leave you alone now. Dropping in on the courtroom down the hall may be a little too in-your-face for them to ignore.
Just one man’s opinion…
January 27th, 2007 at 9:39 am
@Alex #87
The question is do those two Rich Dad shills want the whole thing blown out in the media? How would that be for seminar sales to have them, Kawasaki, and Casey all in the same news story?
January 27th, 2007 at 10:58 am
Could you have someone video tape some of you phone conversations with the banks or something similar. It would be pretty entertaining. You may also be able to use it for a special feature to a book or dvd if that ever happens for you. It would add a lot of entertainment value.
If you wanted to make some money off of that idea without a book or video, you could record a series of these and sell them as a set or as a subscription on your blog.
January 27th, 2007 at 10:59 am
Is there some kind of “magical” mentoring out there that I don’t know about?
Casey’s situation is what it is. Meaning he was already at the point of no return. No one can change the fact that you can’t sell a house for more than what buyers are willing to pay.
Was a mentor going to turn around the market for him by 20% so he could break even?
They will eventually sell through the banks or a short sale for what they are actually worth and any mentor would add zero value.
January 27th, 2007 at 11:03 am
Casey say: “I only had a few moments to glance at the contract before the chat and it looked like I was going to be signing my whole story away to them. ”
-This is the kind of stuff that is going to hurt you. The sad fact is that you knew exactly what you were signing. Yes, you are an idiot and yes it was a bad deal but you signed it.
All this sounds too much like your contention that you didn’t realize what you were signing when you lied on your loan applications. I also recall your indignation when Wells Fargo took money from your checking account (in accordance with the agreement that you signed when you opened the account) to cover part of the debt that you owed them.
The nolifeladies aren’t exactly some huge corporate powerhouse with the ability to exert massive leverage on you. It kind of sounds like they are rather large ex-wives collecting child support and trying to sell jewlery on Ebay and blogging about it. How in the Holy Ham Sandwhich could anyone get steamrolled by these two?
It’s too much of a pattern at this point. You sign something that you believe at the time will benifit you. When your “plans” don’t succeed you decide you have been taken advantage of and don’t fulfill your commitments (file under; credit cards, wells fargo, country wide, hard money lender, prbiznuts, local rich dad, savvy chris, cashcall, etc).
Either you should begin to honor your obligations or be declared legally incapable of handling your own affairs.
I don’t think you could possibly be as stupid as your actions would imply. I do believe you are deluded and lazy.
January 27th, 2007 at 11:16 am
Oh, master of truth, honesty, and the American way. I found some statements made by you and your criminal prodigy that require further clarification on your part. I would ask the Boy Blunder, but I wouldn’t trust him if he told me the time.
DL on asked what would cause him to end the business relationship with Casey:
”10. Given Casey’s self admitted public record of illlegal activity, what further actions on his part would be an appropriate catalyst to cause you to end your relationship?
Lying to me. Not following through on things that he and I agree to privately. Believe me, I am trying… TRYING… to get him thinking in the right direction. If he continues to do the things that I ask that slowly gets everyone whole, I will continue to help, if not, I am gone.”
Ok, Duane, follow the bouncing ball.
On the subject of the extent of your present and future business relationship with Casey:
” • 186. Duane LeGate
January 25th, 2007 at 7:36 pm
@Endgame post 135
“- The upside is that Duane, by coaching Casey to financial health (although Casey has proven otherwise numerous times, sounds like Duane thinks Casey may be coachable), gets his piece through story rights/participation.”
NO SIR! Print and Save… You will never see me trying to own anything of Casey… I may employ him one day doing website development, I may continue to sponsor this blog (if it helps from a SEO standpoint), or I may help him by letting him speak to my attorney… etc… as long as… AS LONG AS.. he continues the road he is on…trying to do the right thing… making restitution… owning up to mistakes…
THERE will be NOTHING more.. EVER than this type of relationship…
But.. on a lighter side.. thanks for thinking of me. “
Explain how that jives with Casey’s statements:
a. ”Then I started talking to Duane LeGate of HouseBuyerNetwork and REI.TV about advertising, sponsorships, and future possibilities.”
b. ”However, he wanted me to come clean with EVERYTHING that might be a potential liability.”
c. ”I told him about the contract and that the ownership of “my story” may be in jeopardy.”
d. “He told me he needed to see the contract before investing any money or time into my blog to prevent issues with future liability. I told him this might violate the NDA. He told me not to worry about it. I didn’t want to lose this opportunity to move towards financial stability. So I let him see that contract.”
Who’s lying her Duane, you or Casey? He is quite clear and specific when he states, ” advertising, sponsorship, and future possibilities.”
What ‘future possibilities’ did you and Casey discuss? If you didn’t as he alleges, isn’t that a lie? And if he is lying to you as he has to every other person he meets in life, be the catalyst for you to end the relationship as you have stated? You see, there’s the problem. That’s what you get when you hitch your wagon to a criminal, a pathological liar, and a con man. Like it or not, your credibility in now in question Duane. One of you is lying. Time to fess up.
I’m not going to bother going into the other “discrepancies” found between you and the Boy Blunder’s statements. They are out there in black and white.
Of note to the audience is the great sound of silence that is DL’s response to my #187 post which Urkel reposted above. Kinda sucks when you have to refute your own words, huh boys?
DL, Are you going to be a man of your word, or are you the man that most of us assume you are?
January 27th, 2007 at 11:45 am
Workedsavedrich: Sounds like you wish you were as popular as Casey.
Lunar Lander: Great to have an actual spacecraft on the BLOG.
Robert Coté: You must know by now that Casey does not listen to a single thing you say.
Clotpoll: I didn’t know that Quackosaki is a tranny., think the No Limit Ladies may be dudes in drag?
Mike from az: I bet the “Ladies” will be happy to have you sign a contract.
Georgia Girl: Casey will be back doing “Sweet Deals” without the No Limit Ladies.
Casey Serin: How about a mirror site in Eastern Europe in case the b****** try and take you down again.
January 27th, 2007 at 11:53 am
I’m surprised Joy O’Day would be involved in something like this. Legality issues aside, if you look at the contract, it’s unclearly unethical. They get everything of value that Casey has while he gets advice and mentoring. Now her position seems to be that since Casey signed it, he’s stuck with it.
I’ve bought a couple of houses in my time, and each time at closing there has been stacks of documents to sign. I need to TRUST my agent to not screw me over by having me sign something that is not in my interest. Now, we haven’t heard Joy’s side on this, but it’s looking like a pretty shady and unethical deal here. If I were buying or selling real estate in the Tucson area, I’d think twice before dealing with her. Why risk getting tricked like Casey has when there are lots of honest and ethical agents out there?
January 27th, 2007 at 11:54 am
I have been reading for a while… Is Prlinkbiz a person? Is it Erin Morgan? Did she change her legal name? What a bunch of crapp.
Go get em Casey..
January 27th, 2007 at 11:56 am
Now the Joy O’Day web site is down, too. Fortunately Google has a cache. What is it with people who go up against Casey? Their sites keep crashing. Will Well Fargo be next?
January 27th, 2007 at 12:14 pm
This event is nothing more than a distraction from what you should be focusing on Casey.
Make money - not in RE…
Use the skills you do have. Everyone else is making it (yes, me too).
January 27th, 2007 at 12:39 pm
Keep all of our email address’ to notify us as to where you land if they shut you down.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:34 pm
Casey I’m a lawyer. Do not trust Duane because he is nice and smarter than those ladies and seems to have your best business interest at heart. No one should be offering you anything at this point for those “rights” and if they are you need to find an agent for 15% and thats it. Your “rights” to these stories are the only assets you have. Do not sell, give or sign them away. The ladies’ contract may not be enforcible as is, but it can cloud rights and you should hire a lawyer. now.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:45 pm
Wiki is keeping a file on Casey Serin. It is updated regularly. I assume someone will also post a new link there when mr. Serin goes down the tubes.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:49 pm
Casey doesn’t always act like the brightest guy in the world obviously, but these RichDad groupie chicks are terrible.
That Slavery contract is a joke and so was their DMCA complaint.
But see Casey, these are the scum you CHOOSE/CHOSE to be involved with when you buy into this BS RK/RichDad Guru Cult.
STAY AWAY from these people. Erase all that Richdad “Mentor” and “build my team” crap from your mind.
This is what happens when you look for “Mentors” who are just a bunch of chicks who post on Richdad and worship RK and dont do anything or create anything of value but try to take advantage of people like you with attempts at legal slavery.
January 27th, 2007 at 1:50 pm
Casey 1 World 2,200,000
Nice victory Casey. I sense a comeback!
So does a former Fed governor:
MarketWatch: So in your mind, the housing sector won’t get worse.
Gramley: “I don’t think the drag from housing is over yet. I think we’re getting closer to the bottom. Sales have basically been going sideways for five months. Inventories are no longer rising. Applications for loans to purchase houses are going back up again now. And I think the most important conclusion to draw from that is that concerns that home prices would fall out of bed have largely been alleviated.”
January 27th, 2007 at 2:07 pm
As the original author of the Casey doll, I think it’s high time we get a PRlinkBiz* doll of Erin Morgan.
The doll could have the following catch phrases:
1. I do people.
2. I bought the rights to Casey Serin in exchange for some vague advice.
3. Us rich girls have to stick together.
4. Oh, Erin O’day- we are the no limit ladies!
This could get really cool- we could have the PRlinkBiz doll with Cheese Blintzes** in hand to throw at the Casey doll. While the Casey doll can throw back his oversized Jamba Juice.
So readers, what other phrases can you come up with? Let’s keep this organic…
-Big Cheese
* Trailer park and two kids sold separately
** Any relation of this name to the authors Nom du Plume are purely coincidental
January 27th, 2007 at 2:12 pm
Am I the only one who finds this new chapter in the Casey Serin Story ((c) & (p) 2007) a bit boring?
I came here to post that because I’d much rather be with Robert and the gang at his blog.
Face it Casey, your lazy method of moderation will kill this place and don’t tell me there would be enough “cheerleaders” (you know the ones you CLAIM send you all these wonderful emails!) to keep this site afloat with regards to attacting new “sponsors” like Duane (no offense Duane - I am still unsure why you feel this kid is worth all this hassle).
If we all go away, you lose. Funny how us “haters” give you the stats and proof that people “care” about your story. You need us a heck of a lot more than we need you.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
@ 177
117. I got ADHD so does CASEY
Answered this post already at post number 91 section 2..
Sorry to burst your bubble..
But future possibilities are not what you are implying…
January 27th, 2007 at 2:18 pm
@ 125
January 27th, 2007 at 2:20 pm
@ 126
Casey has not lied to me. If he does I am out, if not, I will help.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:21 pm
@ 108. Robber Kamikaze
“This is just like TRUMP vs. ROSIE!”
That’s a good analogy. Trump and Rosie both ended up looking like petulant, whining 3rd graders. Same for Casey and his Phx friends. Not one sympathetic character among the 5 of them.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:25 pm
Chris job?
Response to top 5?
January 27th, 2007 at 2:35 pm
Maybe this is a stupid question, but isn’t mentoring an activity that is usually performed for free? I see many opportunities to formally mentor in my line of work, but it is always a free service wherby a person’s time is donated to help some underprivledged or at risk youth. I have never heard of a person paying to get “mentor”-ed. I think the proper term for that is tutoring.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:37 pm
Yes Ca$ey
What’s up with your Chris job ?
What happened to the top 5 list ?
Is DL moderating your forum now ?
January 27th, 2007 at 2:41 pm
@Ngel. Just….stop.
@Duane. You keep saying you post answers, I say you dodge people’s probing follow-ups. Do you know the purported purpose of this blog? It is to post the process Casey goes through to dig himself out of the hole.
Casey has been advised by all posters with more than a 3rd grade education to see a lawyer. He tell us he hasn’t. You tell us he has & then even offer up your own to meet him.
You also tell us he has been meeting with creditors.
So…what is the point of this blog? Seriously. If you haveth boy genius working everythingout, he should either tell us. Or re-invent the blog so we don’t (a) waste our time with advice (b) know for sure every “I just spent more $$” comment is just a troll. Or as you may say in Georgia, a trawl.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:42 pm
@138 Duane. See my other post as to the purpose of this blog. So who has Casey been lying to? You or all of the readers here? Please advise. Thanks…..
January 27th, 2007 at 2:42 pm
You’re not the only one.
January 27th, 2007 at 2:57 pm
I have a sick feeling when I see the video of Robert Kiyosaki capping on Casey about hitting the links in Sac when Casey is bouncing checks in order to afford a Jamba Juice. I think this is the perfect juxtaposition — Casey out on a limb, and Robert Kiyosaki busily sawing it off behind him. I bet he was much uglier in person, huh Casey?
Interesting Wikipedia entry under Casey Serin. How does it feel to be a sock puppet, Casey?
January 27th, 2007 at 3:05 pm
@133. Nigel Smarmy - “Nice victory Casey. I sense a comeback!
So does a former Fed governor:”
Actually article says “WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Former Fed governor Lyle Gramley says the next move by the Federal Reserve will be to hike interest rates.”
This will be good for home values?
Hey Kool-Aid!!!!
January 27th, 2007 at 3:09 pm
I still don’t understand why so many are foaming at the mouths over the actions of the NLL.
Casey and Duane have openly stated that it was their INTENT to flush them out and push this contract, and push a response.
The NLL did not come out of the blue and start demanding a share of Caseys ad revenue or do anything to interfere with this blog. The realists of this blog should give them some credit for being realists and not letting Casey off the hook for something which he signed using his own free agency.
According to Caseys own initial summary of the events, he was not coerced into signing this agreement and the NLL gave him sufficient time to look over the contract and AMEND it into an agreement that would meet his needs.
Look at the contradictions that Casey has stated concerning how this went down. It is unbelievable that so many now want to paint poor Casey as a victim. It is no wonder that he continues this behaviour and remains deluded.
Casey and Duane started all of this baby mama drama FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT and for THEIR OWN ENDS.. The NLL contract was doing nothing but sitting in a drawer collecting dust. The NLL did not “bring down Caseys blog” as he so melodramactically tries to whine. They asked that a certain “portion” be removed.
The true “realists” in this story are none other than the NLL. Rather than spouting crap off on a blog like the rest of us do in order to get Casey to wake up to the delusion of his life, they are actually in real life simply asking Casey to stand up to the commitments which he has made. Isn’t that what every “hater”, “critic” and “realist” on this blog has been pounding their heads and keyboards to get Casey to do.
Yes, the contract is absurd for the most part, but Casey, being the Casey that he is, didn’t negotiate anything better for himself, even though he plainly tells us in his initial summary, that he was given the time and encouragement to add or change the contract.
I say, way to go to the NLL for actually doing what is is that we all tell Casey he should do 250 times a day on this blog. MAN UP to the bullshit you have gotten yourself into.
Like any of you would have let Casey agree to something to your face and then turn around and try to get out of it.
January 27th, 2007 at 3:17 pm
136. Duane LeGate
January 27th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
@ 177
117. I got ADHD so does CASEY
Answered this post already at post number 91 section 2..
Sorry to burst your bubble..
But future possibilities are not what you are implying…
137. Duane LeGate
January 27th, 2007 at 2:18 pm
@ 125
138. Duane LeGate
January 27th, 2007 at 2:20 pm
@ 126
Casey has not lied to me. If he does I am out, if not, I will help.
Wow that was really informative.
They only way I can respond to that is:
#145 Vague Guru
@ 124 Duane Le D********
See Previous Post^^
#147 Vague Guru
@ 113 Duane Le Scumbag
Morals and Ethics are for Loosers. Ha, Ha, Ha!
#158 Vague Guru
@ 97 Duane Le Pew
Criminals are fun. Especially when can get Google traffic from them.
January 27th, 2007 at 3:19 pm
Is that really you? Why no website backtrack in your response?
BTW… answer the questions. They won’t go away. The more you comment, the less credibile you sound.
What does future possibilities refer to? Your boy Casey took the time to write it out, so it can’t be a slip of the tongue. No implications here chuckles, just a fairly simple question. Like I said, is he lying or you? `
January 27th, 2007 at 3:39 pm
Hey maybe the No Luck Ladies will sue all 1200 posters who made a negative comment about them. Like some said they were fat and unethical.
I would like them to sue everyone possible. They must own homes and have assets/reputations. Homes can be liened. Reputations ruined.
I can’t imagine why they would pay good money to attorneys who are more than willing to take $300 an hour to milk them till thier empty in a losing case.
The Electronc Frontier Foundation will provide pro-bono(free) legal help to destroy them! They are VERY concerned about first ammendent rights on the internet since the internet is shedding light all spin and misdeeds. See the wiki above on Kamakaze.
Lucky for me I connect to internet thru neighbors unsecured wireless connection - I’m always hoping I don’t get him in trouble, the poor bugger! muwahahahah.
January 27th, 2007 at 3:46 pm
Nice to see you back Anon. Excellent post in the last blog. One nitpick, I would have used Plenty O’Toole just for the alliteration.
January 27th, 2007 at 4:01 pm
Did you ever notify the lenders on the Utah wrap as to what you were doing? Remember how you kept promising that you would call them and fill them in about the wrap.
So what was the response? Remember, be honest, Duane is pretending to make your honesty a prerequisite for doing business with him.
Also, why not tell people taht Chris make shis money by getting people to go to that real estate school. I notice that he had made almost $96,000 from it already in the last thre months alone. I have never seen a school where half of the tuition went to the people that recruited the students. If this doesn’t go through I will just post it on Roberts site anyway…
January 27th, 2007 at 4:13 pm
‘You can find Erin Morgan (aka Prlinkbiz) in a crowded room by her laugh. She is an entrepreneur who has a lust for life and mochas. She is known for her gift of connecting people and has coined the phrase “I do people.” ‘
Do me.
January 27th, 2007 at 4:17 pm
Is Joy O’Day a prostitute or a porn actress? That name can’t be for real.
January 27th, 2007 at 4:31 pm
“I still don’t understand why so many are foaming at the mouths over the actions of the NLL.”
It’s because DMCA abusers occupy the second-to-lowest circle of hell. They’re one rung higher than child molestors, and a quite a few rungs lower than your garden-variety scammers.
January 27th, 2007 at 4:39 pm
Once again Ca$ey
What’s up with your Chris job ?
What happened to the top 5 list ?
Is DL moderating your forum now ?
January 27th, 2007 at 5:06 pm
“I still don’t understand why so many are foaming at the mouths over the actions of the NLL.”
If you’re not a front for the scums, then you are truly a moron. Though I do think you’re a front. So which one are you? Jeremy the Legal Eagle?
You claim that ‘They asked that a certain “portion” be removed.’.
Scroll back to the top of the page and read the letter youself. In case you can’t scroll, here it is:
“I am writing this to demand the removal of the content displayed at the domain ”
They asked for the contents to be taken down and it was.
“they are actually in real life simply asking Casey to stand up to the commitments which he has made”
and what mentoring and advice have they delivered? If I sign a paper, of my own free will, selling myself to you as a slave, then you think it’s all legal? Man, you must the IQ of a Jeremy.
“The NLL contract was doing nothing but sitting in a drawer collecting dust.”
So why won’t Erin “I do people” Morgan just give it back? Because it was NOT just doing nothing…
The letter was a piece of crap. What does the link to Robber Kiyosaki’s video have anything to do with anything? I hate people who twist the law to harass people, and that’s exactly what the three of them (you?) were doing.
January 27th, 2007 at 5:18 pm
@Nigel #133
Don’t you have a house to go show or something? How’s the market in SLC? The phone ring yet? Anyone show up to drink the kool-aid at your latest open house?
I can’t decide if you’re getting off on enabling CS with his delusions or if you’re just full of it.
You’re both, but mostly, I think you’re just full of it.
January 27th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
hey Casey,
after reading your blog on and off again since October, you seem like a real nice guy, who has had some bad luck lately, and i feel sorry for you and your situation.
i am outraged that those two dirtbag dunces in Phoenix, AZ Joy O’Day and Erin Morgan pulled a fast one on you by coercing you and exploiting you in your unfortunate position for their own amusement and profit.
i have decided to help you and have retained the services of my brothers at the Hells Angles chapter in Phoenix to personally visit both of those damn d*** wenches and to once and for all resolve, rescind, and VOID those documents they drew up to screw you out of potentially millions of dollars.
as you know from our previous messages to you, we have both b****** home addresses and will take care of this matter promptly.
Hells Angels Sacramento chapter will contact you when the issue is resolved in the coming days.
all my best,
yer pal,
TTT 81
HAMC Frisco chapter
January 27th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
@156. LostCause
Is Joy O’Day a prostitute or a porn actress? That name can’t be for real.
No, evidently Joy O’Day is an agent with High Profile Realty (”Your Premier Real Estate Company”) in Phoenix, Arizona and has a BS from the University of Arizona. Not sure how she knows Erin Morgan or if she’s ever even met Robert Kiyosaki or Kim Kiyosaki — but surely she’s read “Rich Dad. Poor Dad”
(This won’t get into the search engines, will it? [Hi Joy!])
January 27th, 2007 at 5:57 pm
I may be going out on a limb here, but I get the feeling Vague Guru may not be a fan of Duane. Just a hunch.
Anyhoo, Big Cheese, here are some more phrases for your prblimpwiz doll.
1. I am financially independent.
2. I do people. Lots of people.
3. More Money Mondays.
4. Seriously, I am financially independent from selling handbags on the internet. Ok I meant I am financially independent from selling my internet startup company that has never been identified. Well ok, I am financially independent from flipping cars. Nevermind, I meant I am financially independent from flipping Casey upside down and shaking him until his Jamba Juice gift cards all fell out.
5. B**** , get your hand away from my milkshake!
6. Can I borrow $1000 to open escrow on my first no money down real estate sweet deal.
7. Ok, now I am financially independent from my cash back at closing.
8. B**** , stay away from my chicken mcnuggets!
9. I am close personal friends with the blind man who picks out Kim Kiyosake’s wardrobe for her.
10. The name of the contract shall be Casey Serin and it shall be governed by the king of Arizona in perpetuitude.
January 27th, 2007 at 6:10 pm
Ah yes - this blog is getting back to its true nature! Love it!
The Casey sycophants have largely disappeared (probably all at Nigel’s place tonight) and we’re getting brutal again…
Casey - again, congratulations - I didn’t think prlinkbiz would tuck tail and fold like the little sissy she is quite so quickly!
Good job - you’re rid of her and her ilk!
January 27th, 2007 at 6:11 pm
Doesn’t Joy O’Day sound like kind of like T*** Du Jour?
January 27th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
Guys, lets not be so vulgar. Just because the ladies are trying to mess with me doesn’t mean we should personally attack them. Lets voice our opinions but at least try to keep it reasonable.
Thanks for everybody’s support. We will get back to my foreclosures and answering the questions shortly. (Unless the ladies try to interfere again)
Hey who wants me to do another interactive podcast with live calls. I can update everybody , take questions and maybe even have my sponsor say a few words.
Give me some feedback …
January 27th, 2007 at 6:32 pm
@post 150 I responded post 92…
“Wow. You are doing some serious stretching here… here is EVERYTHING that we have talked about regarding future possibilities…
Casey has 2 things remaining, his website and website skills. With the “iron clad” contract out there… I briefly discussed with Casey the possibility of me buying the website.. Announcing the purchase.. Flush the NLL out of there hole… let them try and do something about it if they were truly going to…. me bust there contract…then giving Casey an option to buy the site back at any time for any reason for a penny. That was only discussed after I spoke with Erin and Joy… and it was only discussed once.
What Casey is referring to “future possibilities” is the fact that we have discussed him working (GASP>> WHAT??) yes working for me.. contract employee… to do some site work I need.
Casey needs money. I need stuff done. If he continues to try and make amends with the banks then I will continue to try and help.
That’s IT!
There are no other deals, discussions, implications, or anything else.
Hope that helps
January 27th, 2007 at 6:34 pm
I’m an attorney, but my participation here is intended as recreation, and certainly not legal advice. (And, no, I’m not looking for any insolvent clients to hire me.)
The “contract” is unintelligible gibberish.
To the extent that the contract is enforceable .. the last paragraph is an arbitration clause, which means that a lawsuit isn’t the next step in this dispute, an arbitration demand is the next step .. unless the NLL people didn’t read or understand their own gibberish.
Also, as so many have pointed out, Casey is insolvent - his debts significantly exceed his assets. How much money are NLL going to spend on suing someone who’s already insolvent? It makes no sense at all. The best they can do would be to win, then force Casey into involuntary bankruptcy .. where his meager assets will go first to pay the bankruptcy attorney, and after that the holders of secured debt (e.g., the banks who lent the money for the mortgages) and NLL gets in line after them .. which means they collect zero, and Casey walks away from the bankruptcy to start again. That’s the best case scenario for NLL.
Oh, yeah - if you interpret the contract in the fashion most favorable to NLL, they get the IP that Casey has created so far - which is pretty much worth zip, without the comments and the activity surrounding Casey and his situation. Nobody really gives a s*** about a picture of a 20-something guy with a blue exercise ball and a pile of unopened mail.
I hope NLL aren’t planning to make a lot of cash from that.
I thought the “sweet real estate deal” stuff was a giant load of crap .. but reading the “agreement” was a valuable reminder that no matter how stupid something appears, someone else, somewhere else, is doing something even dumber.
NLL apparently think they’ve got a super-duper unbreakable ironclad industrial-strength death grip .. on Casey’s vast (insolvent) empire. Way to go, NLL! Sweet deal!
Perhaps you’ll have some money left over when this is done, and you can pay Casey to teach you how to find sweet deals, and then you’ll all be better off..
The Casey/NLL arrangement reminds me a lot of the deals that were common during the dotcom era, where one company with no products and no revenue would sign a multimillion dollar deal with some other company with no products and no revenue for cross-promotion on each other’s websites .. each side got to send out press releases about their great business development success and their cash flow, without ever explaining that the $5M incoming cash was going to be netted against a $5M invoice for banners on the other guy’s website .. so nobody wrote anyone a check, but everyone got to talk about a sweet deal. Whee!
January 27th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
It seems kind of counterproductive you would tell me to shut up and then ask a question. Here’s your answer though. Salt Lake real estate is doing great!
P.S. I’m not a realtor. I don’t show houses.
January 27th, 2007 at 6:48 pm
148. Urkel
Yes, the contract is absurd for the most part, but Casey, being the Casey that he is, didn’t negotiate anything better for himself, even though he plainly tells us in his initial summary, that he was given the time and encouragement to add or change the contract.
That thing isn’t a contract. But other than that, great point!
January 27th, 2007 at 7:01 pm
168. Greg
January 27th, 2007 at 6:34 pm
To the extent that the contract is enforceable .. the last paragraph is an arbitration clause, which means that a lawsuit isn’t the next step in this dispute, an arbitration demand is the next step .. unless the NLL people didn’t read or understand their own gibberish.
I have my doubts about the validity of the arbitration clause. All of the arbitration clauses I’ve seen have a recitation and agreement that the contract concerns interstate commerce.
Anyone know if this is fatal?
January 27th, 2007 at 7:11 pm
SacRealtor suggests:
Robert Coté: You must know by now that Casey does not listen to a single thing you say.
He tries to listen but the story isn’t about Casey and hasn’t been for a long time. I don’t post or blog for any one person’s benefit. I post for an understanding of the surrounding issues. Since Casey started blogging 16 subprime mortgage brokers have closed. Countrywide has reduced their workforce in my county by 1400 and is in rescue talks with BofA. Gee, you think that housing prices in my area down 5.9% y-o-y and 1400 white collar layoffs are related? You think Countrywide and the bad loans Casey used with them are related? You think? I knew backin Sept what the macroresults of Young Casey’s adveenture would be. I don’t stop speaking truth just because those who could benefit most don’t like the answer. Likewise justice delayed is justice denied so I’ll be posting this same comment elsewhere and have 30 good observations in anyone interesting manages a the replies before Young Casey gets around to approval. And by the time someone posts a reply in the next round of moderation the realtime discussion will have moved on four more posts.
January 27th, 2007 at 7:34 pm
For an attorney, you have a redeeming quality, you’re funny!
January 27th, 2007 at 7:39 pm
Hello commrade! It is your friend Borat, and I have arrived in United States from Mother Country. I see you have, what we say, a sweet deal and are a happening guy.
We must swing with American foxes like the two real estate snow bunnies. We are….two wild and crazy guys!
Forgot to say. I have some material I bring from Russia to trade for large American lands. I don’t know what is but it glows in dark and make hair fall out. Need to do sweet deal fast. Do you know of anyone with house to sell?
January 27th, 2007 at 7:49 pm
167. Duane LeGate
No that doesn’t help. Casey doesn’t work, quit his job 14 months ago. Working is for ‘loosers’.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:04 pm
Casey, you asked:
Good God, man - you’re supposedly a technology guy, so listen to me (and my old aliases) when I tell (they told) you that A PODCAST IS NOT LIVE. A live webcast can be later released as a podcast.
Wikipedia says: A podcast is a media file that is distributed by subscription (paid or unpaid) over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers
Please pretend that Duane is the one telling you this, and it may stick this time ;=)
And no - I’d prefer that you just answer the darn questions we keep asking you the (relatively) old-fashioned way - 10 fingers and a keyboard. Don’t let shiny things like ‘podcasts’ distract you from answering our questions!
January 27th, 2007 at 8:10 pm
Casey - please use your 10 fingers and keyboard to answer this question now:
What about the job with Chris?
Do it now - 1 sentence is just fine; it really isn’t that hard to type 1 sentence RIGHT NOW.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:27 pm
Is the interactive podcast yours or your sponsor’s idea?
January 27th, 2007 at 8:45 pm
getting stale, remind me again, just wtf is it that you do all day?
ps nigel sucks
January 27th, 2007 at 8:52 pm
Not to dis Robert Cote, his pictures on his blog are GREAT.
I don’t want to get all NIGEL suck up like, but really I laugh every time I think about “Duane in too deep or…)
check it
out for yourself
by the way where is homey da clown?
January 27th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
I recommend against a podcast; the majority of your audience doesn’t want to sit and listen to you for a half-hour; they just want to drop in, see if you’re posted something new, read it, possibly defecate in your loafers, and leave.
January 27th, 2007 at 9:46 pm
No Casey,
We don’t want you to be Dr. Fill, We don’t have mcuh time as you do to spend on this blog or podcast.
We do not want to see you in the video, you’ll make us puke after lunch.
Please answer people’s top 5 or top 10 list like you promise ( oh, i forgot, Casey never do what he promise, just like the liar loans)
January 27th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
I assure you that I am neither of the No Limit Ladies, Joys husband, nor due I have any affiliation with any of them. Never even heard of them before this blog. In five minutes I’m sure Casey could tell you who I am as I have been visiting this blog since its inception using the same ISP. If Casey cares to out me, that is fine.
I thought that the NLL folks were taking advantage of Casey when this deal went down and laughed endlessly at them when they made their “running with the big dogs” statement. On the other hand, Casey walked into this trying to profit as well and holds some responsibility for what he was able to negotiate. He is the gifted one, endowed from his Maker, to spot these golden opportunities and contacts.
I am just adding some balance to this train wreck. I still believe that they were asking for specific content to be removed, in fact they were requesting for the content which they listed to be removed, and when it was removed, Casey was able to put his blog up yesterday afternoon.
I do appreciate you actually answering my question as to why you are so upset. If you are upset at what you believe to be a fraudulent DMCA claim and view it as an abuse, then that is a valid claim. My only point was, what did everyone expect? Wasn’t that the POINT of posting the contract, to smoke the terrorists out, to get em on the run. This was executed to get the response, so big whoop.
If everyone was so concerned with not abusing the law, then Casey and Duane should have hired an attorney and done this the correct way, and had a competant attorney show the NLL group that their contract was unenforcable. As most on here agree, it would not have been hard to do.
Do you think this latest adventure has done anything to help Casey out of his troubles or help him to take accountability for the silly deals he so readily jumps into. Casey, rewriting the history of his problems will not help him.
This is entertainment for 99% of us, but the poor advice from Duane set some things in motion yesterday that will not help Casey in his legal issues and unfortunately brought him even more unwanted attention. Unfortunately, it was Casey that got played yesterday. Fun distraction for all of us, but did nothing to help Casey out of his mess or monetize this website for HIS benefit.
I do respect your feelings of outrage at the DMCA complaint, I hope you are as passionate about other rights and laws, as well…urkel
January 27th, 2007 at 11:40 pm
@ DL
What is your purpose for wanting to purchase Casey’s web site from him? What’s up your sleeve? You also say he could buy it back at any time for a penny. Then WHY do you want to buy it? What’s in it for you, and how would it benefit Casey?
You also say NLL’s contract is “iron clad” when in fact it may not be iron clad AT ALL. Are you doing this to instill fear in him so you can get what you want from him?
Casey, DON’T sell your site to DL. I smell another rat.
January 27th, 2007 at 11:59 pm
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Urkel. You’re right this does nothing to help Casey’s original problem. But the DMCA abuse was just so blatant - I think that’s gotten many of Casey’s haters upset, myself included.
By the way, Casey was able to put his blog back up because he moved to a new host.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:05 am
@Endgame observer… since you are so persistent. I will continue working for Chris on a project by project and/or weekly basis and see how it goes. I sure need the money right now. He has become a good friend and has helped me a lot. So I don’t want to just drop out on him. This coming up week he is going to be really busy with stuff and I will be there to help. And NO he is not the same person as my Rich Dad.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:08 am
Man.. I am reading throug the comments more closely and am realizing I let through way too much inappropriate stuff about the ladies. Trying to keep pase with moderation sometimes I let stuff through - I am not great with details remember.
On the other hand I try to keep things pretty organic around here and not filter too much to encourage free speech. That’s what makes this blog what it is. But now looking at all these hater comments I am feeling kind of sorry for the ladies. Some of this is going too far.
Gonna have to clean up some of this stuff when I get back to my laptop.
I told Joy on the phone that this might happen if I post the contract with her full name. I really didn’t want to take this step. But she wouldn’t listen and told me she doesn’t care if I use her name on the blog. She said her reputation wouldn’t be affected in any way. She pretty much told me to “bring it on”.
I don’t think she realized the power of Google and a PR5 blog with a viciouse community.
Guys… I hate to fight in this way but I was getting tired of being bullied around. Keep in mind I was giving these ladies the benefit of the doubt the entire time. I really did buy their lies that they care for me as a person and want to see me “win”.
If they truly wanted to help me, why would they not let me change my mind about this contract 10 minutes after signing?? Especially since no services have been performed on either side. Robert K meeting doesn’t count because it was never part of the deal.
And why did they continue ignoring my repeated requests to cancel/settle this contract for the last several months? (Even if the contract is crap I wanted to settle it peacefully)
The thing is that I trusted them and continued to see them as basically good people until the end. I kept blaming myself for the fallout. And I continued to write good things about them on this blog as you can see from my older posts.
Well after I just recently become convinced that it has always been about the money for these people I realized that I need to be more careful with trusting people. And when I am being taken advantage of I need to stand up for it. I am usually a pretty passive guy and sometimes let people walk all over me. No more of that ladies!
January 28th, 2007 at 12:20 am
So basically Casey, you pretend to work and Chris pretends to pay you?
Sweet deal!
January 28th, 2007 at 12:21 am
“Hello commrade! It is your friend Borat, and I have arrived in United States from Mother Country. I see you have, what we say, a sweet deal and are a happening guy.”
I’m calling BS. Anyone with half an iota of knowledge of the real Borat would know that he hates the entire Uzbek nation and thinks that anyone associated with it is an evil nitwit with a bone in the middle of his brain.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:31 am
168. Greg wrote:
“How much money are NLL going to spend on suing someone who’s already insolvent? It makes no sense at all. The best they can do would be to win, then force Casey into involuntary bankruptcy ..”
Exactly, Did NLL ever ask Casey for any part of the Google adsense money? Did they ever ask that you put ads or monetize your blog? Did they ever ask any of the blog material or use it in any profitable manner? NO
Casey, did you ever make a single offer to buy back the contract? NO
NLL was just and is just still trying to teach you to grow up. You have been signing stupid contracts your whole life. All of a sudden you can’t get out of one and you’re crying like a baby. NLL is making you stick to this contract to teach you a valuable lesson. Do you think they are really fighting you because they believe you or your site will make them money? NO
If not for money then why? It’s for principle. I bet they weren’t even going to use your story at all. It’s cause you need to be taught a lesson. Signing an NDA and then disclosing everything shows you have no respect or integrity for anything that you do.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:32 am
“Do you think this latest adventure has done anything to help Casey out of his troubles or help him to take accountability for the silly deals he so readily jumps into. Casey, rewriting the history of his problems will not help him.”
The other long-term problem is that this will make it extraordinarily difficult for Casey to enter into a contractual relationship with anyone else - regardless of what you think of the NLL duo’s behavior (which I agree has been pretty shabby), would you want to sign a contract with someone who thinks the best way of getting out of it is to post it in public and boast about how he’s violated the attached NDA in doing so?
It seems to me that if the NLL ladies want to sue Casey, they’ve got an ironclad case right there. Casey signed a legally binding promise not to disclose the content of the contract to anyone, let alone post it in public. He broke that promise (and how!). And given that he’s also allowing some spectacularly defamatory reputation-trashing comments through, my guess is that he’ll be hit with a lawsuit sooner rather than later - and, yet again, it will have been entirely avoidable and his own stupid fault for not thinking more than thirty seconds ahead.
Playing devil’s advocate, if you were Erin or Joy, what motive would you have for NOT suing Casey? (Aside from the rather obvious problem that he has no assets - but as this is a point of principle, this may not be an issue)
January 28th, 2007 at 1:20 am
Well, that was gross.
I really didn’t want to take this step.
Own ANYTHING. God. You clearly DID want to take that step, as you… wait for it… took that step. You accompanied it by a toddler-like tantrum with whining about how people don’t just do what you want and capitulate to your constantly-changing whims, even if it’s not in THEIR best interests.
I really did buy their lies that they care for me as a person and want to see me “win”.
I don’t understand how you STILL fail to comprehend but… these things are not mutually exclusive to doing business. People on here wanted to see you “win” too, and after spending a little while listening to you, they now want to see you in prison. That doesn’t just reflect on them Casey. You inspire this in other people. If you hadn’t jerked them around, if you hadn’t been such a complete flake, if you weren’t trying to find the best deal FOR YOU, even while they were doing things, believing YOUR LIE that you were committed to them, maybe they would have remained interested in actually helping you. As with most of your audience, your behaviour, entitlement, attitude, and completely unprofessional behaviour turned them off. Own it.
If they truly wanted to help me, why would they not let me change my mind about this contract 10 minutes after signing?? Especially since no services have been performed on either side. Robert K meeting doesn’t count because it was never part of the deal.
Gee, because they’re adults, unlike you? It’s business. Get a grip. You can want to help someone and still be rational enough to take care of business. You flipped and flopped and flipped and flopped and wonder why actual adults don’t just let you keep doing it, even as you completely inconvenience them and mess up their schedules?
It doesn’t count? They didn’t try to help you? You said they did, before you completely flaked out on them, tried to drop them when you thought you could get a better deal elsewhere even though you’d said you were going to work with them, and you wonder why they wanted you to sign a contract?
Finally, so you DON’T read these comments and consider all the advice carefully? Colour me unsurprised.
January 28th, 2007 at 2:07 am
@Casey. Duane has posted elsewhere that you have benetalking with REAL attorneys & others to straighten up your finances. Since that is the purpose of this blog, please tell us WHAT you have been doing.
Since Endgame’s “Big Daddy” apporach worked and got an answer from you, let me try my Bad Daddy.
Casey! Boy! Stop what you are doing & type an answer to this question. It will take 2 minutes & you may get passive income from it! (did that work?)
January 28th, 2007 at 3:51 am
Casey - “Man.. I am reading throug the comments more closely and am realizing I let through way too much inappropriate stuff about the ladies.”
Yeah letting the J*** Queen comments go through, in retrospect was probably a bad idea.
Oh well at least it was organic, and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters.
January 28th, 2007 at 4:07 am
You are one dumb mofo Casey.
Don’t sign any more papers. Filter everything thru a lawyer / agent / manager.
Don’t ever do business with women - they are selfish, scheming, conniving manipulators ruled by their emotions. Whatever bad karma you had will most assuredly rub off on them, they are fcuked for sure. In business, reputation is everything and their reputation is fcuked. Keep plastering their names everywhere!!!
January 28th, 2007 at 4:49 am
January 28th, 2007 at 6:55 am
Hay Casey,
First a couple things:
1. It is highly improbable you will go to Jail for mortgage fraud, of course I cannot guarantee anything, but I doubt it.
The reason why is that most banks are interested in things like deposits and loans and credit cards and keeping nice with FIDC and other Gov. departments. They are not that interested in sending people to jail - in fact I would suggest that they would rather not have a reputation for helping send customers to jail. And in fact sending clients to jail would be probably at the very bottom of the said list… assuming it was on the damn list in the first place..
Banks will most likely just take the loss (like millions of banks have done in the past) and move on.
2. Fight these scum sucking women. If what you say is true, tell them to go $%# themselves. They are just trying to SCAM in every sense of the word, scamming some $$$ of you, for the privilege of paying for a cheap a** stay in a motel and getting you to meet Kiyosaki seems like part of their SCAM (you get star struck, etc). Probably Kioysaki would of interviewed you anyway (as you’ve got a story to tell). So screw ‘em.
3. At the end of the day your still young - it’s better to make a screw up at this side of your life… As long as your LEARN the lessons. Anyway you seem to be learning at least some lessons. O’h and the most important thing in Real Estate: You make your profit when you buy.
You don’t make a profit by renting, L/O, selling, reno, etc - You make a profit by buying cheap enough.
Anyway good luck and NEVER, EVER lose you nerve
P.S. I would rather you not post this as, well, I’m pretty private.
January 28th, 2007 at 6:58 am
Hey Casey why are you bothering with real estate when you can make some real money with . Just read and start counting your profits come rolling in. You’ll be out of debt and rolling in cash with them in no time.
“Aiming to the best investment yield and profitable profits for all the investors, Neo-Yield will be running and suppling two valuable daily investment plans.
Seven plan, which we offer investors 7% returns daily for 24 days, would be a total 168% profit within a period of 24 days.
Eleven plan, which we offer investor 11% returns daily for 12 days, would be a total 132% profit within a period of 12 days.”
What are you waiting for , scrap up some leftover cash and start making you millions today.
January 28th, 2007 at 7:00 am
Let’s get this straight, Case:
1) NLL are a bunch of $2 tricks. They are loud, stupid, larcenous and aggressive. Also, possibly brainwashed.
2) You are a $2 trick. You are quiet, stupid, larcenous and passive. You are definitely brainwashed, but I think your future roomie, Bubba, will be able to deprogram you in no time.
3) Where do you and NLL intersect? Since I can’t post a Venn Diagram, here we go: stupid, larcenous and brainwashed.
4) The only reason so many here have got your back now is that we don’t want our entertainment- you- taken away. You are OUR meat, not the NLL’s!
This latest drama has convinced me that you are utterly beyond hope. And, that’s the best thing that’s happened to your blog. Things were getting pretty stale around here a couple of weeks ago; now you have more stroke than Heroes.
Go you!
January 28th, 2007 at 7:03 am
Okay, coming out of retirement. Don’t get used to it; everything I said when we broke up I still mean, and I’ve moved on with my life.
@Casey: ‘I told Joy on the phone that this might happen if I post the contract with her full name. I really didn’t want to take this step. But she wouldn’t listen and told me she doesn’t care if I use her name on the blog. She said her reputation wouldn’t be affected in any way. She pretty much told me to “bring it on”.’
You what I love about you, man? You do something, knowing full well what the most likely results are going to be. The results do indeed happen, and then you say “Wow, never thought it’d *actually* happen!”, and spend lots of time apologizing and backtracking. Then once the spotlight’s off, you come out and say, “Well, I kinda knew it was going to happen that way,” while preparing to do it or something like it again.
You know the tone of this board - you should, you’ve been beaten up by it for months now. You also know that several people are quite expert at ferreting info based on only a few details. When you posted the contract, you knew damned well what was going to happen - you even told her that it *might* happen. So why be coy about it now? Again, like I’ve been saying all along, be a man about it. Enjoy her anger. You made it happen!
About the contract.. I run a small business myself, and even I know that the contract’s a joke. She’s not going to sue you, not unless you suddenly get (relatively) deep pockets that you sure don’t have now - she’ll take it to a lawyer, he or she will tell her exactly how much it’ll cost her to chase it in court, will tell her exactly her chances of success (ambiguous at best). If she then wants to roll the dice on tens of thousands of dollars, she’s a bigger idiot than any of us give her credit for.
Truth is, the entrepreneurial world is made up of about 2-5% solid and successful folks, and about 95-98% hustlers, wannabes and paraders. It’s a sad truth that comes with the freedom to make your own rules - nothing reflects true human nature better than the freedom to fully exercise it, and that’s what self-employment provides. You’re a case in point. So is she. And court just mucks all that up.
You’re wasting far too much time on these people. Worse yet, you’re using them as a distraction from your *real* legal problems. Get your blog on better hosting - one that will actually require some sort of documentation to back up a DMCA claim - and then forget the whole PR-Chick drama until her lawyer comes knocking. It likely won’t happen. Then get your butt back to work.
And if somehow you do happen to magically pull yourself out of this, and somehow manage to capitalize on your story, get thyself to a good lawyer and talk about the contract then. She’s got no real reason to come after you until you’ve got some money to take. That’s likely when she’d become a hassle, but any decent attorney can get you out of it, with that POS contract.
January 28th, 2007 at 7:40 am
Casey, you let the obnoxious comments through because they served your purpose. You wanted to get NLL to drop the issue, and having the Casey Liberation Hater Army (CLHA) on your side helped you accomplish it. The fact is, if the contract is crap now, it will still be crap in five years. They were not actively pursuing you, they were biding their time. You forced the issue now, and this battle didn’t even need to happen. So don’t try to distance yourself from the comments now. Besides, if your story becomes valuable, whoever is seeking to purchase it will be willing to front for a lawyer to make the contract disappear.
@ Urkel -
Another thing that was annoying about their complaint was that they claimed to be the sole copyright holder of an RK video when they clearly are not. Also, loved you on the show, you sure did give that Carl a hard time! But since you never seemed to get it on the show, yes, you usually DID do that.
Explain one thing. How is it morally any different for you to take money from the bank without any concrete plan to repay it, than it is for NLL to take your media rights without any concrete plan to help you get out of debt? And I don’t mean legally. Legally, you would have gotten out of the NLL contract one way or another. I mean explain your indignation toward NLL. From where I’m standing it looks like NLL was screwing over another scammer. You on the other hand are screwing over a lot of companies with a lot of employees. It makes you look like a hypocrite.
January 28th, 2007 at 8:05 am
By this point, everyone is aware of your aversion to mail. Hey, who can blame you? Unopened mail is like kryptonite to you. Yet everyday that damned mailman keeps bringing more and more. Figure out a way to take care of that hater mailman, and all of your problems go away. Make him disappear, and your debts disappear, capiche? Call Tony S.
Vinnie B
January 28th, 2007 at 8:27 am
Casey- Erin has no legal stance regarding the Robert Kiyosaki video. I’d say you can continue to use it.
Another thing- Robert doesn’t give a damn what slanderous things are said about him. In fact, he thrives on it and encourages it as it creates more attention to himself.
Didn’t Darth Seif (John) at Richdad give you permission to use it?
January 28th, 2007 at 8:46 am
@Casey 188 “@Endgame observer… since you are so persistent…….”
LOL - in the real world my company sometimes uses me as a troubleshooter / fixer on projects gone wrong. I have a rep for persistence and getting things done.
Casey - thanks for taking the minute or two to answer, the level of detail was just fine!
January 28th, 2007 at 8:52 am
Hey Case,
Do you want me to send several emails to the ladies telling them how inappropriate they have acted and this is a disgrace.
Once you approave it, I will start immediately.
guys try to help him out with usefull toughts, ideas and some actions.
January 28th, 2007 at 8:57 am
Casey wrote “Well after I just recently become convinced that it has always been about the money for these people I realized that I need to be more careful with trusting people. And when I am being taken advantage of I need to stand up for it. I am usually a pretty passive guy and sometimes let people walk all over me. No more of that ladies!”
Casey, how about those people you cheat and lie to?? i’m sure you will said “they deserve it”.
Don’t do it to others unless you want to do it to yourself.
Go read your BIBILE AGAIN.
Your GOD
January 28th, 2007 at 9:24 am
Casey, since you live in CA, you may be able to avail yourself of California’s anti-SLAPP law if you are sued (and perhaps even make some money). Check out further info here:
January 28th, 2007 at 9:36 am
So you are upset with the ladies because they tried to “help” you, but really all they wanted to do was control you and take advantage of you.
But it’s not like they asked you to stop living your dream of investing in real estate, right? That would be really low, to try and tell you how to live your life.
Oh wait, isn’t that what Duane is doing? No real estate for 6 months? Pretty steep if you ask me.
It’s too bad none of the people that you meet will let you live your own life. I think the worst part is that you give it all away.
What happens when it doesn’t work out with Duane? You know it won’t Casey, look how many people you have been through already: East Coast Mentor, the ladies, Rich Dad, Chris…
When are you going to take control of your life and do things your way? Every one of these people I mentioned want a piece of you for their own benefit. Once you move on to the next ‘mentor’, they still go on living life without you. They have money to pay their bills, they’re probably pretty content. While you end up further in debt than when you started and no closer to your goal of financial independence.
Good luck, but remember, even if you do reach your goal of $5K a month in passive income, someone is going to want a piece of that. Cut the cord already!
January 28th, 2007 at 9:39 am
Qoute “Upon termination or dissolution of the Agreement, the Agreement will be promptly liquidated, with all debts being paid first, prior to any distribution of the remaining funds. All remaining fund will be the sole property and earnings of Tao Realty LLC”.
So does this mean they can pay off the balance of the homes??
January 28th, 2007 at 9:43 am
[…] Here’s an extreme example of “gaming” in the real world: Casey Serin, somehow wheedled into signing a stupid contract signing his life and the contents of his blog over to some ill-meaning ladies. Who then try to shut his blog down, saying they now own it. Casey was “gamed” by amoral people. […]
January 28th, 2007 at 9:50 am
Hey wait, Tony S., don’t whack the mailman. I forgot that Casey needs him to birddog sweet deals. Props to ianff for reminding me.
January 28th, 2007 at 10:12 am
RE #188- “I will continue working for Chris on a project by project and/or weekly basis and see how it goes. ”
I checked the English/Serin dictionary for you on this one. It translates something like this:
“Chris said I am doing any real work for him so he is not going to pay me anymore. He said if he needed me he would call me… but not to call him as he is very busy right now and will find me if he has work he needs me to do.”
I think Casey may have also made a spelling mistake on this post as well. Casey rarely works “weekly” it is far more likely he meant “weakly” which is his usual technique and would make his statement a little more reasonable. I will post the question and maybe we can get clarification in 3 or 4 days.
January 28th, 2007 at 10:31 am
@Casey 189: PLEASE don’t limit your vow to be less passive to the “ladies.” The vultures are circling, and they’re not here to help you find water.
“Well after I just recently become convinced that it has always been about the money for these people I realized that I need to be more careful with trusting people. And when I am being taken advantage of I need to stand up for it. I am usually a pretty passive guy and sometimes let people walk all over me. No more of that ladies!”
January 28th, 2007 at 10:53 am
From PRLinkBiz:
“Since I became a single mom this past year, I have had to build my credit, since I literally had none. No bad debt, but no history to speak of either.”
Next paragraph:
“For months now, I have been waiting while they went to work correcting my report, disputing baddies…”
Is she confused, a liar, or delusional? Doesn’t make sense.
And how could a financial savvy women just now start building her credit?
Lastly I find it ironic that they try to take your blog down unsuccessfully and in return she has to take her’s down (for whatever reason).
January 28th, 2007 at 11:30 am
Once again, Casey pulls out of a snag. I don’t see any congratulations, though. The haters are quiet on this one.
On the “contract”. First of all, if you look at it, whoever wrote it up appears to have taken this:
and changed all the words “partnership” to “agreement” and edited the rest (poorly) to make it mostly one sided.
Because of that, none of it makes sense to me. How do you liquidate an “agreement”? How do you determine salary for an “agreement”?
For a partnership, the document makes sense. When you change “partnership” to “agreement” everywhere, it just doesn’t make any sense at all. How does an agreement have parties that have a place of business?
Secondly, some people seem to be saying that him posting the “contract” is a violation of the NDA. Or posting the NDA itself is a violation of the NDA.
Now… where has it been stated that the NDA itself and the “contract” are confidential? Are they confidential because you all wish they were? Were they marked confidential?
Also, Casey also got a stay on his foreclosure so he could short sell the house. Where are the haters on that one?
It is clear that Casey is moving forward successfully right now. He is cleaning up his mess so he can get on to investing in better deals once these dead properties are taken care of.
And he has learned a little bit about signing contracts and has someone he is working with.
I’d say he should get some congratulations but the 9-5 cubers have so much hate in them toward anyone living outside the norm they can’t bring themselves to do it.
Lighten up, people.
January 28th, 2007 at 11:33 am
AHAHAHAH…Still laffin. This is grrrreat.
Special Note: I am thoroughly disappointed at what you tried to do. I know all about it and I’ve forwarded the information to the appropriate people. How could you?
January 28th, 2007 at 11:43 am
so casey, whill you sign a contract if i calim to be a successful real estate investor and can introduce you do another seminar/DVD set guru…
how about a sit down wiith carlton sheets?
how about lunch with russ dalby?
or maybe a handshake and a photo op with any of these characters…
January 28th, 2007 at 11:55 am
You got Pwned
Signing an NDA and then disclosing everything shows you have no respect or integrity for anything that you do.
Thinking that the NDA says that he can’t post the “contract” shows that YOU have no brains.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:19 pm
Why don’t you rally your readers behind you and give them a site where they can find the number for these broads, I’d glady call them to inquire why they are f’ing with you. I’m sure 10K other people calling them asking the same thing would be quite sad.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:32 pm
RobetteBBB said:
“and changed all the words “partnership” to “agreement” and edited the rest (poorly) to make it mostly one sided.”
So….they took a form and changed a term and then changed everything else that didn’t suit them? Jeez, what a dufus.
Why the male identity here? Anything you want to share? Frustrated with your gender?
January 28th, 2007 at 12:41 pm
Casey, regardless of the poor financial decisions you have made in the past, that doesn’t mean you deserve to be taken advantage of like this re: contract etc.
I have a very poor opinion of the NLL women as a result of how they pressured you to sign this contract.
It’s interesting that they pulled their site, isn’t it?
January 28th, 2007 at 12:44 pm
Casey said
Casey - Alert, Alert: You’ve just learned a very valuable lesson!
In business, it usually is about the money.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:54 pm
Casey - kind of following up on my previous quote about business usually being about money:
From a business perspective, I wouldn’t think the ladies would pursue you - ‘blood from a turnip’, you know.
BUT, you may have made this personal for them by handling it in the non business-like manner you chose (for reasons I still can’t comprehend).
AND, you are allowing new content to be posted that they will perceive (key word) as slanderous attacks.
Making it personal is usually a BAD idea in business. They may be fixin’ to teach you that lesson.
January 28th, 2007 at 12:56 pm
LETS KICK SOME SHE-B***** A** !!!!!!!
January 28th, 2007 at 12:56 pm
@ Anony Mouse 196
“Endgame’s “Big Daddy” apporach”
January 28th, 2007 at 1:04 pm
Ok. let’s recap your positions over the last week.
1. I am only paying Casey more than this but less than that in return for clickthroughsand that’s it
2. I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs and that’s it.
3. I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs, and he showed me the NLL contract, and I have been talking to him for months,and I told him to violate the NDA and post it online, and the NLL are *%*#), and that’s it.
4.I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs, and he showed me the NLL contract, and I have been talking to him for months,and I talked to the NLL but not one lender, realtor, broker, bank, or the Utah buyers, and I told him to violate the NDA and post it online, and the NLL are *%*#), and that’s it.
4.I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs, and he showed me the NLL contract, and I have been talking to him for months,and I talked to the NLL but not one lender, realtor, broker, bank, or the Utah buyers, and I told him to violate the NDA and post it online, and the NLL are *%*#), and I know he is working “behind the scenes” with his lenders,and that’s it.
5.I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs, and he showed me the NLL contract, and I have been talking to him for months,and I talked to the NLL but not one lender, realtor, broker, bank, or the Utah buyers, and I told him to violate the NDA and post it online, and the NLL are *%*#), and I know he is working “behind the scenes” with his lenders, and allowed Casey to use my website, my company resources, and helped him get IAFF back up, and that’s it.
6.I am only paying Casey $750 upfront and $750 next month in return for clickthroughs, and he showed me the NLL contract, and I have been talking to him for months,and I talked to the NLL but not one lender, realtor, broker, bank, or the Utah buyers, and I told him to violate the NDA and post it online, and the NLL are *%*#),, and I know he is working “behind the scenes” with his lenders and allowed Casey to use my website, my company resources, and helped him get IAFF back up, briefly discussed with Casey the possibility of me buying the website.. Announcing the purchase.. Flush the NLL out of there hole… let them try and do something about it if they were truly going to…. me bust there contract…then giving Casey an option to buy the site back at any time for any reason for a penny. That was only discussed after I spoke with Erin and Joy… and it was only discussed once,the fact that we have discussed him working (GASP>> WHAT??) yes working for me.. contract employee… to do some site work I need..Casey needs money. I need stuff done. and that’s it.
Seems like your position has changed in as many days as you have appeared on the scene. It appears that for once Casey was telling the truth, and you were lying about the depths of your relationship. I trust nothing you say sir. You failed to disclose upfront your true intent and only when backed into a corner do you come clean. I for one, ain’t buyin what you’re sellin.
January 28th, 2007 at 1:25 pm
@ Rob BBB
We weren’t able to berate him for half a day and we have some catching up to do, so what do you expect? Anyway, I’d say this thread has been relatively congratulatory relative to the normal tone of the comments.
How’s that identity theft suit going by the way?
@ Yneone
You should send prblinkbitz a sarcastic sympathy note. I’m sure she would appreciate it. hee hee
@ Casey
Nigel said he is going to take the increased ad revenue that he got from the traffic spike due to the slow moderation and your site going down and give it to your lenders in your name.
Ok, he didn’t really say that. He should though.
Also # 201 said to not post their comment at the bottom.
January 28th, 2007 at 1:38 pm
@ Yneone
Did you see the top search terms list Casey put up a few posts back? You had two entries in the top fifty. That makes you a verifiable IAFF comment celebrity. You, Ogg, Sputnik, Homey, Tim, Nigel, Big Cheese, and several others shall have your portraits hung up in the hallowed halls at IAFF.COM HQ.
Please explain the #222 special note part. If not here, then at one of the other related blogs.
January 28th, 2007 at 1:49 pm
@167. Duane LeGate
Dear Duane,
You may already be aware the Chris hired Casey onto some vauge, under-the-wing mentoring gig, so we are reluctant to let Casey spend more time working for free. You are also aware of the harsh realities of Casey’s world: hovering vultures, cackling albatross, wolves at the door. Therefore, I implore you to offer Casey a regular position with a predictable paycheck and clear responsibilities. I only hope that you can look back at some bleak period in your own life, and have sympathy. I suppose that you already have a decent checking account to furnish such largess. PS — I wouldn’t count Casey out — narrowing him down to just this site and his html skills is selling short his potential. Look at all of the publicity that he has managed — that is really world class. And his comment count just get’s bigger with every episode.
Best regards,
L. Cause
January 28th, 2007 at 1:55 pm
221. Rob BBB
January 28th, 2007 at 11:30 am
Once again, Casey pulls out of a snag. I don’t see any congratulations, though. The haters are quiet on this one.
Casey has yet to “pull out” of anything. This isn’t over.
Also, Casey also got a stay on his foreclosure so he could short sell the house. Where are the haters on that one?
How is that material? He’s still upside down on the deal. As for avoiding a foreclosure, he already has one foreclosure. Another one won’t make a difference. One your cherry is popped, it is popped.
It is clear that Casey is moving forward successfully right now. He is cleaning up his mess so he can get on to investing in better deals once these dead properties are taken care of.
Um. Right. Where is he going to get the money to invest? What about all of that debt he will still have?
You are either a shill or a troll.
January 28th, 2007 at 1:59 pm
192. You got Pwned:
I have to take issue with your chauvinism here. You assume that the NLL were altruistically trying to “teach Casey a valuable lesson” about the way the world works - and why? Just because Erin Morgan and Joy O’Day are women?
Newsflash - the NLL are not nannies or schoolmarms! They’re professional businesswomen, and as professional businesswomen, they’re looking out for their own interests. Period.
In this case, the NLL looked around, and saw that popular internet personalities like Heather Armstrong, Stephanie Klein, Karyn Bosnak, Jeff Vogel, and Tucker Max were getting lucrative book contracts(1) based on their cult followings. They decided to sew up Casey’s story for themselves. That was a good business decision for them(2).
To claim that the NLL were motivated by principle or by maternal feelings for young Casey here does these BUSINESSWOMEN a real disservice.
(1) Over $200,000 on average.
(2) Putting their reputations at stake by filing false DMCA claims, rather than pursuing Casey through the usual legal channels? Not such a great business decision, imo - but I expect that they examined the possible fallout and decided it was worth it.
January 28th, 2007 at 2:11 pm
No, that contract looks to me as if it is iron-clad. It’s meaningless as long as Casey doesn’t make money, but it’s a huge problem once big bucks roll in from book or movie deals, which is why this Georgia hick wanted to know about it. Don’t believe me? There are thousands of cases of young girls whose pix appear on who also believed the simple model contracts they signed were meaningless.
January 28th, 2007 at 2:24 pm
I love how Casey makes sure that he states his feelings *against* vulgarity when it comes to the two s***** from AZ (#166) — however he somehow forgets to moderate the posts that call them s***** , t**** , w***** , c u next tuesdays, and more.
January 28th, 2007 at 2:30 pm
For the people commenting about Casey’s supposed tech skills: Using wordpress and editing out a few variables are not examples of technical savvy. Starting a one-off blog such as this and hitting a home run just once is not an example of tech aptitude.
We have yet to see examples of Casey’s original work. To whisper in his ear and suggest that he could land a Sweet IT Gig might be hurting him rather than helping. Even the lowest common denominator of IT jobs require a reasonable skillset and level of knowledge. From Casey, we haven’t seen evidence of this.
What I do suggest for Casey, if he goes the IT route once again, is to take a few math classes, a data structures class, and a few other computer science classes. Sure, a lot of it is theory but those classes will Expand His Mind and make him a more rounded tech person.
A good database class, as an example, will show you some of the math behind the efficiency of indexes, one query versus another, etc. It’s important to know this stuff so you don’t hammer out junk code that seems to “work fine for now”. Efficiency is paramount.
Personally, I don’t see Casey as a coder. I would also bet against him having high technical aptitude. However, I do see him doing well with the internet marketing / biz dev side of things. He’d probably be much better at dragging traffic to a previously unknown website than he would be at creating a complex database schema that the website itself operates from.
Anybody else agree / disagree?
January 28th, 2007 at 3:21 pm
Well, I had a bit of a personal epiphany about an hour ago. I tried to come here and got an error message from the host. I figured this site got pulled down for some reason. What surprised me was how disappointed I was that I was unable to get here. How about that? I guess I’ve been assimilated!
I do wish this blog was threaded. It’d be a lot easier to follow the side conversations, etc. Doesn’t vBB offer a bare bones free version?
Well, carry on, folks.
January 28th, 2007 at 4:52 pm
And the drama keeps right on coming:
@Yneone 222: Special Note: I am thoroughly disappointed at what you tried to do. I know all about it and I’ve forwarded the information to the appropriate people. How could you?
C’mon Yneone, spill the beans…what was it? This blog is now REALLY starting to spike. You’d be doing Casey a real favor by telling.
All of us are disappointed about what CS has tried to do. That’s why we are all here, isn’t it? If there is something in particular, I think this kind group of Casey well wishers would love to comment on something that CS has done. Rest assured we’d do it in a caring and supportive way.
January 28th, 2007 at 5:20 pm
Hey Casey,
In terms of real estate and money, when you first deal with people in these areas - you have to assume they are trying to screw you and are after your money. Then, you can give them small tests to see how they re-act. But always assume that people in this RE game and money game are out to screw you and get your money. You have to assume initially that people dont give a **** about your well being.
When those birds wanted you to sign that contract straight away, you could have said to give you more time. People looking out for your interest would have been okay with giving you more time. But - as you said - they persisted. This did raise your red flag as you say. If this happens again - you need to run a mile,
Remember - its a dog eat dog world out there,
Loads O Money
January 28th, 2007 at 6:24 pm
Still protecting Rob BBB, eh Casey? Are you and him one and the same? You always moderate me out, well I’d guess that you are Rob BBB.
January 28th, 2007 at 6:28 pm
You aren’t good with “details?” How the heck do you claim to be so talented with business then? YOU HAVE TO be aware of details to succeed.
January 28th, 2007 at 6:33 pm
Special shout out to fellow “haters” Stephanie J and Leigh!
Love, a critic named Dolph who is not a hater (how the heck could ANY “haters” be jealous of any of this mess!)
January 28th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
The lovely Stephanie J has an excellent point. Why tell us how you will be moderating against “vulgarity” with regards to your fellow AZ “investors” yet I keep reading “hater” comments from the smarter people who post here (and trust me, you ain’t as smart as you think you are).
Remember kid, I don’t hate you and I could care less. This to me is both entertainment and research for a project
January 28th, 2007 at 6:38 pm
@ Tina #239
“In this case, the NLL looked around, and saw that popular internet personalities like Heather Armstrong, Stephanie Klein, Karyn Bosnak, Jeff Vogel, and Tucker Max were getting lucrative book contracts(1) based on their cult followings. They decided to sew up Casey’s story for themselves. That was a good business decision for them(2).”
I don’t think that anyone has ever questioned that they showed good instincts by recognizing that Casey Serin *might* one day land a book deal and that he would be stupid enough to sign it away. For basically nothing (a Southwest airline ticket and a burger), they had him eating out of the palm of their hands (quite literally, when it comes to the burger). But from there, they screwed up.
First, their “contract” is pure crap. Anyone who had taken a community college class on Business Law can plainly see that. They obviously did not seek any legal advice on how to structure something legally binding, which pretty much negates being able to spot Casey for being such a sucker.
Second, their DMCA complaint tells me that they either have no ethics or don’t have a basic idea of what a copyright is (or perhaps both).
I don’t fault the NLL for seizing an opportunity (I suspect that they were one of many who tried to do this). But their execution was so poor that they basically pissed away any real shot at profiting off Casey’s expense.
As a secondary matter, I don’t really see how anyone could take them seriously as “business women.” They have shown themselves to be utterly incompetent, unprofessional, and vindictive. They certainly aren’t role models. Neither is Casey, but that’s really not the issue.
January 28th, 2007 at 6:40 pm
Beezer: As I stated earlier…this site is dead if it keeps turning into a disingenuous piece of commerce vs. being the soapopera of Casey’s life.
With new characters and defenders everyday, our young wannabe is pretending to be looking for new opportunities whilst unleashing his alterego…errrrr….new found friends on the so-called haters.
This site will die without the so-called haters. I understand Duane’s motivation. He knows this site won’t drum up business from users. He uses it to build up his Google search rankings and I get it completely. Props to him if it works. Problem is Casey will try this with other sponsors and will lose (loose in Caseyspeak) the very folks who give this site all it’s hits.
Oh well. What do I know anyway? After all I am only a “hater” (a simplistic term which Casey applies to any situation. The kid’s lack of education is extremely apparent when he uses his trademark words).
January 28th, 2007 at 6:54 pm
You ignored my question “Are you still on HostGator? The page footer says so.”
1. Did you stay at HostGator?
2. If so, why migrate to another server?
3. If so, when are you going to remove the content as you promised them?
4. What did Duane’s tech people help you do?
January 28th, 2007 at 7:13 pm
239. Tina
To claim that the NLL were motivated by principle or by maternal feelings for young Casey here does these BUSINESSWOMEN a real disservice.
These aren’t businesswomen. They are a couple of MLM hustlers. To top it off, they are sleazy, ignorant white trash.
As for your “chauvinism” quip, why don’t you go burn your bra, you sweet thang? And iron my shirt while you’re at it.
January 28th, 2007 at 7:35 pm
@242. sean-sisb
I’d say that all available evidence points towards Casey being an IT poser, not a skilled developer.
Consider the following:
1) Lack of education. Other than over priced real estate coursework, his only college work consists of a single Linux class taught at the local community college.
2) Work history - At 19, he was making $35k a year as a “programmer”. When he quit working to become a flipper, he was making somethin