Man oh man… last couple of days have been crazy. I switched DNS like 3 times trying to find a server and provider that will handle the traffic on this foreclosure blog. I stayed up all night when I was on the front page of MSN (May 16th midnight till 9 AM PST) with Declan McCullagh’s World’s Most Hated Blogger article I was trying to see if I can do anything to keep the new dedicated server running but it came down to a crawl and then completely died.
Almost 16,000 visitors on Tuesday and almost 70,000 on wednesday! Those number would have been probably two to five times higher because if my site wasn’t down for a large part of the day on Tuesday and very very slow with intermittent downtime on Wednesday. The highest peak upto this point was 11,000 visits when I was briefly on the front page of (San Francisco Chronicle) for the “Would Be Real Estate Mogul” article by Carol Lloyd.
Check out the traffic graphs from SiteMeter and Google Analytics:
I got really pissed off (mostly at myself) for not preparing for this. I’ve been in different media since last October and had plenty of time to find a reliable hosting service.
Yesterday, a website designer buddy of mine recommended MediaTemple because they have a “digg proof” hosting (or MSN / CNet proof in my case).
At only $20/mo they have a sweet “Grid” platform which is a bunch of clustered servers that will keep your site running even if its hit by a surge of traffic. Because of the scalability this setup promised to be even better than a $100-200/month dedicated server.
If I need even more performance for an additional $20/mo I can get a dedicated MySQL container to keep my database running smooth. I will have to find a way to do some load testing to see at which point I will need something like that.
So far things are running very good. Let me know what your experience is like with the site. If you choose MediaTemple as your host, be sure to enter “” as your referring domain to give me a small kick-back. (Cash back at close… hehe)
Wow, we get it.. you had some more articles… server problems… is this all you have left?
oh yeah, MURST! I can’t do it over at EN, but it seems easier here these days.
Congrats on the server though, it’s good to be Digg-proof with the way stories spread through today’s interwebs.
Let’s take a look at how you’re sweeping through the tubes?
1 digg? hmmm…
Wow, I see some 20s there… hope you went dual processor.
Of course the story about your hair auction got 4 Diggs.
Not bad.
just checking out the site. looks pretty interesting. what’s going on here?
You got some traffic.
So what do you do next?
The marriage counseling sounds like a positive step. Well done Casey. You might also give some thought to individual counseling or evaluation.
You’re still trolling a bit with the “to be posted soon” postscript. I guess you just can’t resist it.
On the server issue, the DNS changes were very slow to propagate: many of us were still seeing the old server, which was carrying an outdated version of IAFF before it got suspended again, until late today.
You are aware that MediaTemple will bill extra you for any overages over your 1000 GPU monthly allocation? It’ll handle the traffic, but not for a flat $20.
Hey, that first SiteMeter bar chart vaguely resembles someone giving you the finger. How appropriate…
Can we see some future updates about your mother’s FICO credit score tanking over the next couple of months as your shell corporation repeatedly refuses to meet its debt obligations?? Thanks.
@ Lawnmower Man: You are aware that MediaTemple will bill extra
Of course he’s aware of it. But Casey’s in lender-ignore mode and hasn’t paid a bill in months. MediaTemple could charge him a thousand bucks, won’t make a difference to him…
BTW, Casey, that balloon payment of $22,000 coming up on May 22nd. I know you’ve been scrimping and saving furiously for that. Please let us know if you’ve reached your goal to be able to pay that off in time. Thanks again.
Hi Benoit and Lawnmower Man! How’s it going?
More than 90% of the people who take a real estate seminar quit after three months.
Why the high fallout rate? Lack of action and unrealistic expectations. Investing should be treated with the seriousness of a career. It takes months, even years for a business to cultivate customers and have a life of its own. You need to treat real estate like any other business.
I must say, you are still master of the cliffhanger. Too bad you can’t parlay that into cashflow.
So you know how to get the haterz riled up. I will never ever come here again nor will I ever click on any link you have to other sites
dude, I simply do not get that you managed to blow your one big chance - have you any idea how many potential readers and revenue you have lost by your site being down ?
116 days until success…better get cracking!
Who wants to pledge $10 for Casey to write on a piece of paper:
I committed mortgage fraud eight times and got away with it. What are you gonna do about it, FBI??
Then take a webcam pic of himself holding the paper and upload it to his Flickr account. Anyone?
Dig the picture below yours on the MSN screenshot - with the eternal question caption…
“Can scientists measure sweetness?”
You are Splenda-riffic, Casey, and have no Equal! You put the as* in aspartame.
Good luck with that counseling… is getting kinda boring.
Yawn….What’s the stuff at the top of your blog about another begathon Friday? Is that the big challenge news?
I personally think it’s time either to dump G. or try a trial separation. She’s been draining your resources both personal and financial, and you need to have all of your faculties for your 120-day renewal course to get back on the straight and narrow. By the look of it, you have no trouble breaking contracts, so it should be of little matter. -
Good ole’ Casey, a day late and a hundred thousand dollars short… excellent plan to upgrade your site after all your houses (and future content) are gone.
No comments on Duane LeGate’s tales over at Exurban Nation? Or are you just waiting to see how honest he’ll actually get?
Casey, you should switch to and let them handle the traffic, dude. If you have trouble transferring your old blog posts over, you can then redirect from to or something like that which would hold all of your old posts.
If you need donations, just post the link. I have $50 waiting for ya, buddy.
Casey RULZ
You live in Californa. If a woman can sue McDonalds for overly hot coffee, you may have a fighting chance. My advice would be to find yourself a pro-bono lawyer and see what you might be able to pull off.
Kid, kid, kid:
You’re giving us your “tech troubles”?
What is this crap? No one cares about that stuff.
It’s the pathos that draws ‘em in, little hobbit.
You’re a “juicer”….”juice” up the copy!
Has the missus suspended your “hormonal jollies account” at her “tubular credit union”?
Is the S-i-L secretly using your toothbrush to clean her toenail fungus?
Is Mom in the habit of “dry-firing” large caliber handguns at your head when you’re in range?
Which brings to mind…get to the free clinic and let the vetreinarian have a look at you, kid…seriously.
The blue fingernail beds in your “Keepin’ it Real” bleat is BAD.
Worse even than that “KC and the Sunshine Band-signature Polyester Disco-wear” shirt you’re wearing.It musta been warm that day, which means there are precious few reasons for your fingernail beds to be blue, kid.
Circulatory problems, anemia or oxygen deficiency among them.
While you’re waiting for your bloodwork to be done, you can do your taxes.
asw: signhere
i’m suppose to care about this why?
blueballed! haha
I think there are a few wordpress tweaks you can implement to cache content so it doesn’t have to keep accessing the DB.
I know the guy HeeKee who runs
go to the forums and read the truth about this blog. it is 100% a fictional story designed to bring advertising traffic and profits.
this site is as real as YouTube’s lonelygirl15..
do i have to spell it out for you? IT’S A FRAUD.
I can spend about $5,000 and get 70,000 visits
It only cost you a cool $200k-$250k, your marriage, and the reputation as the most hated blogger for the rest of your life.
I hear barnum and bailey needs clowns. You should see what they are paying. Maybe you can get paid to have people throw pies in your face.
ASW - squeeze
Speaking of you Squeeze, maybe the big news is the D word is on the cards?
About the personality disorder denial you posted: How many of these web2.0 (totally stupid label) are 170K in debt from their “normal self promotion”? A disorder is also diagnosed as something which has negative impacts on the person — you’ve got a huge list of symptoms that you meet and refuse to see the impact the disorder has created. YOU ARE SICK AND NEED HELP. Do you think self-diagnosis is accurate? Do you represent yourself in court (actually I bet you would)?
He who he a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and diagnoses himself, just confirmed the disorder. Of course you are the best, you aren’t sick, you can make all kinds of money, you CAN DO ANYTHING. That’s the disorder, and if you had it, how would you EVEN KNOW since like bulimia, this disorder is a distortion of self-image. You have cash-bulimia…
Think about that.
I “Heart” Casey!
sweet passive income RULES 110%
Googling for ‘perseverance’ quotations?
Now all you need is one of those ‘Hang in there!’ posters with a kitty on it.
Hey Casey:
It’s gonna come out of my fishy-treat budget, you know…
You may very well be the biggest idiot on the planet.
Sure I might possibly fit under a lot of those. But then which self-promoting marketer or blogger DOESN’T fit into that? Some healthy self-interested is not a bad thing and a must for personality Web 2.0 marketing nowadays.
You can argue it’s a bit of a grey area but otherwise you are saying “everyone else does it”. NO CASEY THEY DON’T. That is the problem you have. You get a yes to every one of those 9 points, I get a no to every one of them. If you don’t think it’s a problem take the criteria to your marriage counsellor and show them your answers. -
casey, you’re a f£c%ing nobstictly
So is there gonna be a beg-a-thon or not?
What the fock is a “talkcast”??
I hope you didn’t twist your ankle jumping the shark, Poll Boi.
You aren’t even faintly amusing anymore.
Remember: Dance, monkey, dance!
(Ah, those golden days….)
Looks like now it’s only about your precious traffix… just like the Pleathered One.
Lame. Totally Lame.
I doubt I’ll be generating any sweet page-views or click throughs or PPC’s for ya going forward
So sorry.
ASW: Toast
! Well, I’m pretty much convince after reading some parts of this blog & posting twice (this is my 3rd) - that what we have here is a FRAUD case on the net. All this is created for entertainment.
“Casey Serin” is doing fine.
Common people, if he was really in trouble - despite what he has signed/agreed/pledge to others, he’d be gone by now.
Mr. Serin, I’m the real deal in getting you back on the road to success - no strings attached. Hard to believe? Well, that depends on how much you want to succeed & proof the critics wrong. But that’s just gonna blow this whole blog-scam out of the water, right?
*When you plow - plow deep, don’t plow wide*
@ Casey # 39
“As far as other psychological problems. I kind of laught at that. ”
Ok, so in addition to being a real estate “tycoon” (or is that typhoon), you are also a psychiatrist? You have problems Casey. May I suggest that in addition to seeing a dentist and a GP that you also make an appointment to see a shrink?
While you are making those appointments, make an appointment with a barber. You look like a girl/f** .
Rock on, dude
I will keep my promise about the dinner and I haven’t forgotten. Have to pay my bills and when I have excess cash we WILL set something up.
Makes for good blog.
Keep up the good work. What you have done so far with this blog transcends any tiny foreclosure problems.
Something will break for you.
Getting what you want is all about laying the groundwork and following through without losing confidence.
Sure I might possibly fit under a lot of those.
No, Casey, you unarguably fit ALL of those. And a key symptom of NPD is being able to tick all those boxes unambiguously while still insisting that there’s no problem.
Presumably you think there’s no problem because you’re too special for conventional diagnosis to apply to you? If so… well, surely even you can recognize the irony!
Hi Casey
It is good to be an early riser. You up yet?
So - do tell - why should I “donate” money tonight during your beg-a-thon? What bills are due that you don’t have the funds to cover? Are they threatening to turn off your cell phone unless you come up with $500????? And, everyone knows you *need* your cell phone.
Only 116 days to success! Its 5:40 a.m. are you up yet?
Hi Casey:
Care to share more about what’s going on?
Why do you need money now?
Is it that you have a $22,000 loan due next week? Did your “private” lender promist to break your kneecaps if you don’t pay? I know you need those knees.
Congratulations on screwing up your chance at actually making some money, by not having the site ready when the big link day arrived.
As always, that’s what happens when you take naps instead of actually getting things done.
These things only happen once.
OK, here’s a more constructive suggestion: watch this documentary.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -
Part 14 -’s ‘The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive’, a brave and uncomfortably fascinating self-portrait by the English comedian Stephen Fry and how he came to recognize and come to terms with his bipolar disorder.
I’m no psychologist, but it seems to me that Fry showed symptoms that match Casey’s almost 100%. There’s the unexpected disappearance partway through the run of a play he was appearing in (”business trip” to Tahoe, anyone?). There’s the manic, indiscriminate spending sprees in order to help him feel better (though Fry had the major advantage of being a multi-millionaire). There are the dizzying, top-of-the-world highs and the blackly depressive lows, often swinging back and forth in quick succession, the total lack of empathy with anyone else (such as his fellow actors) - sound familiar?
But it’s also amazingly uplifting, because of its honesty. Now that Fry knows that he suffers from a recognized mental illness, he can keep it under control - and it clearly hasn’t affected his work, as he’s rarely off British television screens .
The crucial point is that admitting to being mentally ill isn’t any kind of admission of failure - on the contrary, it’s one of the bravest things a person can do.
When are you returning the money you stole from T/Nacho? You never produced evidence of the groceries.
Hand it over.
Hey Casey:
What happened to the beg-a-thon???? What’s with the talkcast?
You know, you are hitting many of us on the west coast at the dinner hour - how can you expect us to listen or participate?
With the beg-a-thon we were able to join the fun as the evening went on…. those on the east coast could get the party going (since it is 9:00 p.m. there) while we west coasters could join in a couple of hours later…
You are no fun man.
Will there be a beg-a-thon following the talkcast?
How can you expect to raise $$ in a talkcast anyway? Or, did you get an offer you couldn’t refuse? Did someone pony up $1,000 for an interview between you and the local FBI office?
Hey Casey:
Back on March 6 you declared the Utah trip a succes…. it has been over two months since the trip - what exactly has resulted since that trip? Have you made any deals? Earned any money from any deals? Where is your money partner now? What are (or were) your Utah plans exactly?
We are holding our breath waiting for the answer.
Any comment on Duane spilling the beans? You and Nigel both seem to be MIA. What’s up with that?
Reading Lawnmower Man’s on target post… it reminds me… it’s also possible for you to have concurrent diagnoses. It is possible, for instance, to have both NPD and bipolar disease. The diadem of depression and anxiety disorder is pretty common.
TROLLING!! And is this site even ever up? The DNS is either taking forever to change over or the new servers are horrible and unreliable. This place has gone down hill like an old mobile home park in south central los angeles. Soon enough we will see crackheads and prostitutes on the corners.
Whats with the Talkcast? -
Um, “America’s Most Ridiculed Blogger”?
I have never heard of this blog until a few days ago. Even though you appear to be some kind of deadbeat, I find the story extremely fascinating because of the way you just put it out there. Screw the “Haterz”, this is some great stuff. I have always wondered how some of these floppers…sorry, flippers could cause the economy to go to crap…well thank you for the education, now I know. Keep the blog going, great stuff.
Hey Pete, I do not take kinly to “Trailer Park” remarks…
Looks like Casey may be on crack!
Hey Kid:
“I drink wheatgrass to compensate and get a quick boost of nutrients. However, I need to get back into a regular routine of oversize and weight lifting.”
Yeah, that’s swell kid…just swell.
Wheatgrass and weightlifting.?
Your heart might not be pumping your blood properly, or your blood might not have enough oxygen in it, and you’re babbling colonic health and bodybuilding holistic alternative hippie save-the-earth mumbo-jumbo.
Hobbit…you don’t mind if I took a life insurance policy out on you, yes?
asw: signhere
Some ground rules for tonight’s beg-a-thon™. First, I will not be demeaned by any of you haters™ for any amount. Well, any amount less than $5. Next, you cannot make any reference to G™ at all. Except for any amount over $6. Since I have several potentially HUGHE business deals that will instantly net me large sums of money, they cannot be mentioned. Except for a $4 or greater credit.
Now, some suggestions:
Me in the Jetta™ - $1
Me on the hood of the Jetta™ - $1
photo of my mail stack™ (it is now about 1/3 the size of G’s sister’s™ back yard - $2
Picture of me opening the mail - yeah, right…
Picture of me fillimg out a job application - $25,000Well, you guys get the drift. I’m not going to eat any kind of creature or bug (except if you offer $2 or more). C’mon guys get creative. I’m going to take an extra long nap™ so I will be rested and ready. Since cash call is still squared away, my goal is to raise $37.50 between 8:00 PM and midnight.
That should be enough money to fund my grubstake™ to start my semi-foolproof roulette™ career! If all goes according to plan, I should be at South Shore by 5:00 AM and by noon (assuming 1 minute per spin, and my calculated payoof/win-win™ rate of 1.021:1), I’ll have $121,009 by noon. Sweet™! If I stay until 4:00PM, I’ll have $11,707,905!
I’m just not sure if I’m up to doing it for like 11 hours.
I just saw your interview with “Rich Dad”. Not that impressive, but very gutsy. Still cant figure out if you are a self marketing genius or just dumb lucky!
I just saw your interview with “Rich Dad”. Not that impressive, but very gutsy. Still cant figure out if you are a self marketing genius or just dumb lucky!
So Casey, why didn’t you listen to Duane about blowing $20K on NRU? Can you admit now that he was right and Chris is a scammer?
Oh and have you called the Utah lender to tell them you’ve wrapper their house?
Oh and have you called the Utah lender to tell them you’ve wrapper their house?
Don’t downplay the possibility of NPD/ADD etc. You could legitimately file for disability status and get all kinds of free benefits from the gubbmint, especially in Californica. Medi-Cal, hiring preferences, etc. Then apply for Social Security SSI. You get paid every month just for being yourself. So, you WANT to be as NPD/ADD as you possibly can. It will also help you in the event of any criminal proceedings if you can say you were suffering from one or more disorders. Mitigating circumstances.
It looks like you could use a good (semi-vegan) burger from In n Out…
Albacore is not frugal. Try canned sardines or mackeral.
what about answering the NON-trivial questions? save the In and Out burger for the BEG-A-THON! There are plenty of good ones that need to be answered (for the sake of your precious traffic) I personally want to know about NRU. Did you really add 20k to your debt for more guru education WHILE you were sinking? Are you insane?
Hey Kids,
It’s Friday and time for another 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™ challenge: Casey to John Travolta. -
Trailer Park Boys, sorry I did not indend to offend. I had the image of Casey’s old pool in my mind when I wrote that.
So I wonder how hard the begging will be today…. Hummm.
I am really having trouble sleeping….
Let’s see……………oh……………here’s Casey’s blog. What’s he talking about today.
Server issues, wheatgrasssssss..
Casey, so your readers can decide whether they want to listen or call in: what’s your agenda for tonight’s talkcast?
(And 5PM PST is a poor choice of time: all the West Coast W-2-ers will be either at work or in the Friday commute.)
And if you don’t have an agenda, maybe you could start taking questions now that you could address?
To start: how do you plan to repay the $22K loan that comes due next week? This was the $20K you borrowed (from Chris?) to attend NRU, right?
what’s sad is Casey is well on his way to making his parents
homeless.He’s gone and gotten corporate credit with his mother
as co-signer, which makes a lot of sense.
She has a job and credit.He’s going to make that out, to 5 or 10 or even $35K.
Remember he said the corporation had already
been a profitable investment, so we know he’s
got more credit from it then he invested buying it.Well, his,mom is going to start getting notices about
unpaid credit and she’s going to get stuck soon
and hard. -
Just discovered this blog and have spent the last few days reading it… my employer I am sure hates you by now for that
Anyway, I think you will probably be huge someday… sounds like you got a little… or a lot over anxious and screwed yourself, but you seem to have the balls to recover… even if you end up in jail for awhile, I still bet we will see you again on the right side of things.
I may have some php work to be done soon… if you are any good maybe I can get you some 1099 income alone that line… will post agian if so.
For those of you that are so certain that Casey has a real mental health problem, then why do you enable him by continuing to post on his site?
If you are so certain he is mentally ill, why do you continue to ridicule him? What kind of person spends their time ridiculing a mentally ill person not only on the mentally ill persons blog but then starts other blogs to taunt and poke fun of the actions of a mentaly ill person.
Is the hater community really that f****** sick in the head. What sad pathetic f**** you must be to spend your time this way. Hmmm, you can tee off on somebody that you believe has a mental illness.
It is very apparent who the real losers are in this saga.
@Akubi: will you be renaming your blog? With all the posts and comments from Casey about his hosting woes, IAFF has itself become “a blog about a blog”.
Casey, what’s up with the update time?
Wouldn’t your sponsors like it better if you updated more frequently? You used to update more frequently than now when you didn’t have a sponsor.
I think you should update it frequently if you want to have long term clients and new sponsors. -
Just looked at the spreadsheet, WOW!!!!! 22k due in a week! Well, i guess we will be seeing Chris’ story next! Casey, you are making a lot of enemies buddy! good thing you have Nigel to talk to. BTW, Where is Nigel? The EN guys all but shut him up when bringing Duane on the site.
Casey, I’ve seen your FLICKR photo … the one with TOP RAMEN and how you said “Didn’t want to eat unnatural ingredients though”
Let me tell you something and please listen for your own good.
If you eat ANY same thing over and over without trying out different food, then it’ll be bad.For example, you like WHEATGRASS shot right?
That shot doesn’t substitute for anything.
Just eating variety of vegetables (even in packages) will do you MUCH GREATER GOOD than drinking a shot of lawn grass (sorry wheat grass). I’m sure you’re thinking it has CHLOROPHYLL AND ITS ALL GOOD… are you a fking plant? You can’t process that crap in your body. Any FIBER will help you cleanse the craps from your body. All the other nutrients in wheat grass, you can get it in much greater portion else where. I’ll tell you once again… ITS THE VARIETY
I’ve taken chemistry, biochemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology courses as well.
You’re very ignorant in what you eat.
If you know how these “nutrients get digested, absorbed, processed”, you will know that what you are doing is called “UNHEALTHY EATING”You’ve been too brainwashed by ORGANIC GURUS…it’s time to snap out of it.
@lawnmower man,
Hmm, if this continues I might have to seriously consider a name change. Blog about a blog about a blog about a blog about a blog is rather long, but Baabaabaabaab might work… -
Hey Casey, how much would it cost me, if you were to like eat a bug or maybe drink some of that nasty pool water ???
Ill give you lets say 5 bucks…
Julian-The Original Trailer Park Boy
Hater -
Advice: Disable all unnecessary WP plugins to improve performance.
YAAAY!!! Is anyone bold enough to take on Schnapps this week? Our latest challenge is Casey Serin to John Travolta. The clock is ticking… [IMG ]
YAAAY!!! We love you Casey. Just keep keepin it real and honest and all that stuff!
You like personality tests. Please read this and consider carefully if you really might be a sociopath or a psychopath.
Me, I think you might be the latter.
Man, your situation really stinks. I have just found your blog and will keep you and the misses in my prayers. I will try to catch up over the next couple days and offer some more advice
I honestly don’t know how you do it. you are going through a very rough time and yet you let these people brow beat you. What you need is to be surrounded by people that will lift you and your marriage up. -
of a psychopath. They have been regularly observed to respond to both by becoming more cunning and hiding their behavior better.Now our boy hasn’t threatened suicide as far as we know… oops, I suppose we’ve been threatened by the death of the Internet’s Most Hated Blogger unless we do some leg work and figure out how to get Casey $1000 a week. Duane was spot on with his rationale to “out’ Casey. I think he’s really trying a bit of “tough love” with the young fliptard. The problem is, if Casey is as disturbed as he
This is what I love about America– you rock, Serin– good for you making money in a totally ridiculous way! People all absorbed hating you while you make money! (Do they even hate you? I didn’t even finish reading the MSN article. I just got to the part that you got in all this trouble, posted a bunch about it on a blog, and were making money from it!) I visited the site just to be another hit for your site. Rock on! -
well, the article got me to your site… “most-hated” is a title im always interested in. but your not really an emo kid at all. well, good luck. sorry your financial situation sucks.
xxx -
It’s ok to be the most hated Casey! You speak your own mind and a blog is not made to be politicaly correct anyway!
Be Yourself!
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