Sunday, August 5, 2007

It’s All Good In Tha Aussie Hood

Uh... Australian breakfast?

Since my secret trip to Australia has been outed, my copyrighted content stolen and my blog being threatened (though I’m tempted to call their bluff) I might as well enjoy whatever is left of my stay here and post a few pictures…

Aside from the obvious things like driving on the wrong side of the road and the accent, most things here are the same. Yet there are definitely some interesting nuances.

Click the photo above for my Australian set. I will be adding to it on a daily basis. I’ll even try to spot some kangaroos.

Oh and I enjoy hearing people say things like “G-Day Mate” and I think I’ve even heard “Krickey!”. Too bad Steve Irwin is not around anymore…


  • Lord knows if there’s anyone who’s against theft, it’s Casey Serin. If this copyrighted content of yours was so bloody precious, why’d you leave it in publicly findable internet space? When I do webcomic work, I don’t leave upcoming stuff in any kind of public folder! You know there’s people who have nothing better to do than scour the internet for all traces of you, so just put your crap into a password-protected area, or else quit belly-aching.

    Either that or this whole thing is a show because you ‘wanted’ those files found to get more publicity for your upcoming dust-gathering tome, and if that’s the case, you could be less annoying about it.

  • Am impressed with how you stay positive in the light of so much adversity…while people may not want to follow your real estate ideas, you are a good example of optimism.

  • Casey - the bird is a Kookaburra…. (a member of the kingfisher family)

  • Hey Kid;

    Yeah…that looks yummy.

    And those are some swell digs they’ve put you up in, hobbit,
    so why you diss your hosts by referring to it as a “prison cell”?

    If the accommodations ain’t up to your high personal standards, you’re always free to arrange your own Down Under “pied-a-terre”.

    That Ford certainly looked more apt for a “liveaboard” than the car that we may not mention…

    (Aside to Comment Coolie: MUCH more like it, Toby! Your blog-master should be pleased.)

    asw: vdubs

  • bluff?


  • 6. OneOfTheLurkerz
    June 15th, 2007 at 9:39 am

    Good luck KC! Maybe you can get one of the kangaroos to bird dog for you.

    asw: manbag

  • Thank you for sharing the photos. You should sue those bastards who stole your material. They better hope I’m not on the jury if you do. Have a nice trip in the land “down under”. :)

  • The weird Ford looks like a Ford Mondeo. If it is, it’s the Ford chassis that the Jaguar X-Type is built on in the States.

  • protect that copyright man,

    they are really in the copy-wrong!

  • love the pink suitcase..

    I noticed all the pics were from 5 to 6 days ago, are you STILL in australia…the interwebz are flying with rumorz

  • Casey, oh my man, you sound like bad things happened.

    Shake it off, be happy, nothing you said is that bad. We are still here for you. Your positive attitude is all you need, and looks you have good people to stay with.

    Be POSITIVE - you know that salvation is at hand! The cash register is ringing!

  • Crikey, that photo of spagetti on toast makes me nauseous!

    Why don’t you take some photos of hot chicks on the beach? Do you think Australian or California chicks are hotter?

    When are you going to do another Foreclosure Fridays podcast?

    Why did that Lossmit guy post your files on his business web site? What did you do to him to get him that P.O.’d? I cannot see how his action could possibly reflect well on him or his business. If you do become the subject of a criminal investigation or indictment, you need to get a real criminal defense attorney to represent you, not some low rent flake. You seem to be a huge magnet for flakey guys (and ladies) Casey. Its unreal. But it’s all good. And Sweet.

  • I’m glad to hear everything is all good in the australian hood…Casey

  • 14. Casey Worse than Hitler
    June 15th, 2007 at 10:31 am

    Too bad Steve Irwin is not around anymore…

    Why so you could steal money form him?

  • Casey good things ahead. Dude you gotta think big to win big. I got a sweet business plan for you. My mobile carrier is verizon I have the data plan on a Motorola Q. The internet access is crap at my house. Last night I was trying to cruise the net from my backyard while getting stoned. Thats when the idea hit me. You should start your on mobile phone carrier service. Head down to the bank try securing a business loan. What you think? Maybe even start your own mobile phone manufacturer. It will be a very simbiotic relationship between your companies. you are always talking about your fancy phone. that gives you some marketing tie-ins.

  • Hi Casey,

    Australia sounds like a great place. I have some vacation accrued I would totally love to go there. But I dont have that much extra money. I have been making extra payments to my mortgage. I know you think i am stupid for making mortgage payments only suckers do that. Hey i am thinking a good way to drum up some hater comments is to maybe solicit recommendations for where you will take your next vacation. Maybe you can post email offers from your fans of places you can stay for free. Then maybe have a beg-a-thon to raise money for last minute airfare.

    This whole saga is getting very boring. please do something to punch it up. Even EN is boring. I am mad at you for forcing me to go over there. It’s funny getting those dopes all riled up. its too easy. do you want to partner up on trolling EN. I think a partnership with you is bound to be very successful.


    my antispam word is FEN

    as in F–k EN

  • Get used to that Pasta on Bread…I hear that is normal American Prison food.

  • 18. FBeye Inthesky
    June 15th, 2007 at 11:02 am

    Such a tale of sordid dust. A life of denial leaving a crowd in the aisle. They say the difference between a genius and a madman is history’s judge. I say the difference between a criminal and a layman is an internet blog.

  • Wait one minute.

    Casey, I thought you were down-under to focus, to find productivity, to finish your book, to monetize your website, to support yourself and your family, to turn your story into a success story afterall.

    Don’t tell us that this is another vacation. Because, dude, you can’t afford vacations.

  • 20. Sam(fedup) and now throwing up
    June 15th, 2007 at 11:17 am

    That is the most disgusting food I have ever seen! Seriously it almost made me throw up.

  • Casey said: I might as well enjoy whatever is left of my stay here and post a few pictures…

    I love how quickly your ‘work’ trip has turned into a vacation! Yeah, like we all didn’t know that was going to happen…

  • The last 3 posts don’t seem like Casey’s writing. He mentioned on the podcast that he might sell the site, and the possibility of it coming back but not run by him. This whole Austrailia thing just sounds really contrived, and stupid. Is there any way we can get the real Casey back?

  • You know what “I’m tempted to call their bluff” sounds like?

    A bluff.

  • Yo Casey, when is the next Talkcast?

  • I don’t know whether to shake my head in silence at the events of the last week or try yet another probably futile attempt at offering advice, but my conscience is troubling me, so here’s what I honestly think you should do:

    1. Seek medical help

    I couldn’t be more serious. Far, far too many people have independently suggested that you have mental health issues. Even a layman like me can see that your behavior just isn’t rational or reasonable by any stretch of the imagination - and we can all come up with countless examples, very much including this impulsive trip to Australia.

    OK, it’s hard to admit this kind of thing: I appreciate that. But wouldn’t it be easier if it turned out you had a problem that was medically treatable? Or - better - that it was sufficiently serious to provide mitigating circumstances in the event of legal action against you? Sounds pretty much like a win-win to me.

    2. Turn yourself in

    Again, I’m serious. If the contents of these MP3 files and other information that’s coming out are anywhere close to the truth, it’s beginning to look as though you’re on the periphery of a mortgage fraud ring.

    That’s organized crime, Casey. Do you have any idea how much more serious that is, and how long the likely jail sentence might be if you’re convicted?

    For what it’s worth, I don’t for one second think you’re any kind of criminal mastermind. But I do think - in fact, I know: we all do - that your biggest problem is that you’re unbelievably naive and gullible. And if there’s the slightest possibility of the FBI breaking up this mortgage fraud ring, its members are going to make damn sure that you get as much of the blame as possible.

    But if you make the first move, and contact the FBI and agree to shop all the shady people you’ve been involved with in exchange for some kind of plea-bargain deal, who knows how much better off you might be?

    Face it, Casey - good things are not around the corner, and these sweet deals don’t exist. No-one is going to ask you to broker a ten-figure casino deal, and you cannot possibly pay your debts off - the interest alone must be crippling. Neither can you declare bankruptcy because your debts were obtained by fraudulent means. So all you’re looking at is the culmination of a criminal investigation, possible arrest, charges and a long prison sentence.

    And that’s what you need to try to minimize. Starting now. I know you won’t, but you can’t claim that no-one ever suggested it.

  • 26. Loads o Money
    June 15th, 2007 at 1:06 pm

    Hey Casey - when you say your content has been stolen, your blog threatened etc… when the heck are you talking about ?

    Are you letting a small minority of people get to you. I think the vast majority of people that come to this blog dont know what you’re on about.

    Could you enlighten us - and perhaps give examples of what you’re talking about so we can be in the game,


    Loads O Money

  • 27. Loads o Money
    June 15th, 2007 at 1:08 pm

    Also - looks like a healthy meal Casey.

    You will have to give us something interesting - if you want to be very secretive; then your blog will not be that interesting. Posting spag bol doesnt really hold my interest.

    Anyway Casey - can you answer my previous question - What is your goal !

    Loads O Money

  • Casey, how many advertisers have re-upped? Are you selling more? If the blog is back, remember…


  • Is that vegan spaghetti? It looks positively yummy! Is it winter in Australia? How is your book coming along? I can’t wait to read it.

  • Hey Casey.

    Is it true that you are back at the USA? What happen to all of the LossMitPro posts on IAFF? Where is Marty and Duane?

    You keep removing posts - there wont be anything left dude. Remember, it’s all good!

  • Let’s see, wearing a purse, traveling with a pink suitcase, growing your hair long….it sounds like you may have some gender issues. Are you in Australia for a sex change operation? Will you be coming back to the US and posting as Cassandra?

  • Casey, how is the book coming?

  • Casey,

    You got a typo there. People either drive on the right side of the road or the left side. There is no wrong side.

    BTW visit Brisbane if you can and go for a a cruise and scuba diving. There are no words to describe the experience. Even a HDTV is pale when compared to the real thing.

    G-day Mate!


  • Don’t seek mental health treatment. You seem to be able to think rationally and to explain yourself, and that’s all that matters. But a psychiatrist would give you drugs that could make you drowsy and unable to concentrate and create various physical health problems as well. Moreover, you would become a mental patient, which means that you would lose credibility and various rights, and suffer discrimination (in employment, for example, although you don’t seem to want a job). A mental patient can also suffer forced hospitalization and medication (often by injection) when, for some reason, such as saying the wrong thing or not taking his medication, a doctor feels that he may be dangerous or in need of treatment. Don’t give up one of the advantages you still have, that is, the advantage of not having a psychiatric history.

    As for turning yourself in, if you do so, you will regret it all your life, because you will never know what would have happened otherwise. Not all criminals, especially white-collar criminals, are prosecuted, especially if they no longer live in the same jurisdiction. Moreover, your “victims” are the banks, who may choose to leave you alone and say very little to protect their confidential information and reputation (they obviously lended money to you much too easily). Don’t create legal problems that may well never occur if you don’t turn yourself in. As a matter of fact, if you get arrested, why not fight for your freedom (I don’t mean physically, but by doing your best to stay free as long as possible) and enjoy each day of freedom that is still available? If you were to get a large sentence, wouldn’t you regret the extra days of freedom you lost by turning yourself in before they come and get you, as well as the chance, no matter how slim, to remain free after all?

    What you could do, since you were not prevented from getting a visa or a plane ticket, is finding a long-term way to move far from the long arm of the law before it is too late to do so legally. Many countries do return criminals to their country of origin, but you did not commit any violent crime, so the authorities may not bother getting you.

    You should also try to get some legal information about the statute of limitation for the various civil and criminal lawsuits that could be brought against you. The danger only lasts for a few years, while if you turn yourself in, you may be in prison longer. Notice that the banks know what you did and if they wanted to take action, they probably would have by now.

  • Hey Casey, I call bullshit on your airfare story. No way will they let you into Australia unless you have a return ticket. You need that round trip, dude, or no go. So what’s the really story? Still making this stuff up as you go? How about showing us the ticket? Doesn’t hold together man.

  • i cant believe you bought those penny stocks. Do you have any words for us in hindsight on this purchase. Like regret. isnt it obvious to that you have a gambling addiction. Dude you should stick to what you know… real estate. I mean real estate is what got you here. champ chump. whatever.

  • Where’s the Publisher? I look forward to more impotent threats!

  • 38. MassiveAction
    June 15th, 2007 at 2:40 pm

    Man these haterz are such dopes.

    Who is he supposed to turn himself into? There are no criminal charges against him and no law enforcement agency wants him.

    Now you renters out there who are so proud of your net worth and are harassing Casey? Are you aware that you could be opening yourself up for a judgement?

    Stalking him, slinking around with cameras, trying to provoke action from his creditors, anyone whining to the FBI?- that all sounds like actions calculated to damage Serin. That may open you up for liability. Is he a public figure? Marginal.

    Casey may be judgment-proof- are all you renters? If not you may find yourself contributing to his financial well being.

  • 39. Wine Country Dude
    June 15th, 2007 at 2:42 pm

    That plate of gunk is about as appetizing as your legal and financial position. Are you reduced to this–posting pictures of Chef Boy-ar-Dee?

    (OK, maybe this is a play on Macaroni Grill. If so, I have to praise your sense of humor–if nothing else).

  • 40. Bright Happy Days
    June 15th, 2007 at 2:55 pm

    Since only the cheery, feel good, bright and shiny posts seem to be getting through:

    Looks like you’re getting much needed rest, Casey. I hope all is well and you come back all rested and refreshed and ready to tackle all that debt.

    Have a good two shoes day,


    ps. Just gotta ask. Any notion on that Utah payment?

  • 41. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    June 15th, 2007 at 3:18 pm

    mmmm, canned spaghetti on bread. That canned pasta is usually loaded with preservatives! I guess you’ve had to relax your high dietary standards while you sponge off of your Aussie hosts. How can you stand it? (At least the bread looks to be whole-grain).

  • Keith at Housing Panic is treating you like a leper. He is a real turd. I am your friend, Keith is a freak.



    Note to Tavington and his joke of a “supporterz” cast:
    You are a F A N A T I C ( I hope Casey stays the hell away from you, becasue you are scary)

    How can you claim to “support” Casey when you know NOTHING about him and his story…good or bad???

    Let me tell you a few things about Casey Serin…THE LEGEND:

    1. He is the first to say that he has made mistakes in his life…you dumbass!!!

    2. He ACCEPTS any “constructive” criticism, even if he does not act on all of them…he just wants his family kept out of the drama…you stupidass!!!

    3. He does not need a f****** crazyass FANATIC like you…stalking him on top of all the present troubles he is dealing with. He is just trying to right his wrongs and get his family life together…you idiot!!!

    4. Like the idle haterz, you are just as pathetic to go to the trouble of setting up a “supporterz” cast in the first place. What are you gonna do now? Set up a supporterz web site???…you tool!!!

    5. Next time…do a little background research before you latch on to the next SUPERSTAR…and by the way…I wish you had come back to me so I could pull an M.Singh on your pathetic a** and go off on you…you dodo bird(in Caseys back yard in OZ) hehehehehe

    6. Ofcourse that was Shark on the phone(a 5th grader would have known that)…you moron!!!

    7. You DO NOT represent me and my views on the Casey matter(even though it is none of MY damn buisness either). I proudly stand alone in MY demographic!

    Look…Tavington…this is not some puppy love bullshit going on here. The man is fighting to get his “real life” back in order. If you have nothing to bring to the table…pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee stay in your car like the rest of the other lurkers and STFU… or just buy the damn book when it comes out.

    Still MOCHA “mos def” Casey supporter…pissed off at this “Tavidiot” but still patiently awaiting the release of THE FORE CLOSURE CODE…I said it would happen and it is :-P

  • 44. TinyLittleJooAds!
    June 15th, 2007 at 3:43 pm

    G’day, mate!

    Crikey, look at the size of that murse!

    Hey, quick question: Is that what they’re serving at the Australian version of Macaroni Grill?

  • yuck, that does not look very appetizing.

  • Free as a bird.

    Another win for Team Casey!

  • Casey,

    Have you been earning any “passive” income in Australia?
    I think there would be great opportunities for you around Oxford Street and Bondi Beach.

  • Okay, so I’m not a hater but I’m anxious to see the next step in your plan. The last bit has been devoid of info. Do tell…

  • When are you due back here?

  • G’day Mates!

    Just up from down under™.

    I am not sure if this post from the future to all of you in the past will make it through the Binford 9000™ server I upgraded too™. (That’s a little inside joke you’d know if my previous posts hadn’t gotten caught up in that time/space continuum, but that’s all in the past (or, actually the present, which used to be the future™, but then, those posts didn’t make it, did they?™

    Anyway, right now it’s saturday night and that means only one thing… Keep clicking “refresh” on the browser on the SacBee website for the sweet™ Lotto numbers. Once I get them here in the future, I’ll email them to the past (which is Friday) to “those of who we cannot speak”™ and she will but the winning numbers. I ave fine tuned my time/space cotinuum and realized that with the Binford 9000 server, I can wait until the website posts how many winner of the Lottery their™ are before I email ifo to “thos eof which we cannot speak”™.

    If the pot is to™ small or if their™ are to™ many winners, I won’t bother so that “those of which we cannot speak”™ won’t arouse any suspicion.

    Anyway, Saturday night down hear™ is affectionately referred to as “Sheila fest”™ wow. I can’t express my feelings (part of the agreement I have with “those of which we cannot speak”™, in order t keep the blog going).

    Anyway, yesterday™ (oh yeah, thos eposts didn’t get through), I’ll email all of you in th past™ and let you know whatthe future has in store!™

    G’day from the time-traveller, Lotto winner™, dirty penny™ paying back, book writing, new to Oz Casey™

  • Why did Casey really go to Australia? Work trip? Vacation? Sweeeet deals?

    My sources say the real reason was that Casey was about to get a visit, from a man wearing a uniform and a badge…and no not his favorite server at Jamba Juice.

    I suppose the USA have a pretty solid extradition agreement with Australia. Which makes Casey’s flee, like everything else he’s ever done, just a temporary “solution” that creates even larger problems for him.

  • Now that even Nigel has turned on you and Tavington has admitted to being a prankster devoted or riling up the Haterz, you are down to Mocha as the last remaining Supporterz and even she is troubled by your flight to Austria (thanks to Tav!).

    Is it getting through to you?

  • Hey Monica -

    Right on, sister! Are you a “Friend of Ron”, too?

    Meet me at the Celebrity Center and maybe we can figure out a way to get Casey some comped sessions while he gets back on his feet.

    (Are you the same Monica that next to me at the TomKat wedding rehearsal dinner? If so, didn’t you think Posh’s boobs we SOOOOOO pre-Clear? Hate to be “hatin’ on a theytan”, but that’s just ugly.)

    And, Casey - hang in there and AVOID those head shrinks!

    G’Day, Mate - and Rock On!

  • My Dearest Casey -

    So glad you have managed a little antipodean sojourn! And so glad to see you have taken this blog in a new direction - or for that matter any direction. A few days ago you were bemoaning your fate in the usual style, a couple of days later your are on the other side of the planet! And leaving us wondering who in your domestic menage is wrestling whom for the “can of Foster’s”, if you follow me (and frankly I’m not sure I want to! Ha!)

    (But why, old bean, are you apparently eating such garbage? Never mind, I’m sure all will be revealed, in due time, under the “Southern Cross”!)

    All of these demented goings-on - the get-away, the apparently rather pukka digs, the right-hand-drive lemon - will certainly teach your humble correspondant to not take his eye off the Serin (blue) ball! And who was that bogus pseudo-publisher, anyway? I ask rhetorically, as the attempts to out this character have left me rather perplexed, but clearly this dolt was simply some jumped-up telephone-book-printer c** direct-mail-marketeer, and not one worthy of the demented bits of wisdom that drop from the Serin fingers the minute you touch the keyboard. Brush this “Sheila” aside, I say! He/She/It/They etc. have no place on “teh internets”!

    So glad to see the “support-erz” (did I spell that correctly?) are out in force as well. Particularly taken by this “Mocha” creature - very “home-girl-ish”! May I offer her a sincere “shout-out”? She has an “earthy” and “urban” quality poor Anon finds quite fetching - but not to worry, dear hearts! Anon makes a fool of himself for these outspoken, wide-hipped street urchins on an embarassingly regular and financially ruinous basis.

    Looking forward the the “coriolis effect” of your next missive!

    Your “jolly swagman”,


  • I’m thjinking, correct me if I’m wrong, that if Casey get’s paid in Australia, and banks dinero in Australia, that money is beyond the reach of his current creditors, even if he isn’t beyond the reach of the law.

    Hmmm, if I could make and collect thousands outside the country, like, for instance, for the sale of his web-site, wouldn’t I want to get paid in a nice, stable, democratic country, where the funds would remain my own?

    Is that far-fetched, would that have crossed Casey’s mind, is that nonsense?

    I know nothing about international banking laws, don’t ask me…

  • Here http://www.expatintelligence.c.....lia.shtml, you can find some information on the actual treaty. Here http://www.internationalextrad....._ftnref10c there is some information on “Extradition from Australia to the United States—Larry Richard Williams (the case involved the IRS and the statute of limitation was about to expire), as well as on other extradition cases (this blog belongs to “an international extradition law firm that defends individuals charged with transnational crimes, terrorism crimes, and international crimes” and their contact info is there). But I wouldn’t be so sure that there will be any legal problems, or larger problems. In fact, for problems to be larger, it would be necessary for the authorities to bother doing what they have to do to get Casey, which they may not, to know his “approximate location”, and for Casey to do things by the book such as trying to renew his visa, using his real name and real ID, and staying at that “approximate location”. And by the time the statute of limitations is about to expire, Casey, who looks very young, may actually look physically different, even if it’s just because he can gain weight, get a haircut, die his hair or have a beard or a moustache.

    I’m not saying that Casey should hide. I’m just pointing out that the reason it is so easy to arrest people is that most people’s location is known for reasons such as working and paying taxes, and because the way they look like is known and shown in pictures. Anybody who fears arrest just has to stay out of the system, not cause trouble and not appear in recent pictures that are associated to his name, although the need to make money and find (and afford) housing may make that difficult.

    The wheels of justice turn slowly. Or, being far and moving around futher slows down the process and increases the chances that things won’t get done or the case will not be deemed worth pursuing, even if it’s just because it’s too expensive and time-consuming, especially if no violent crime is involved. Or, if, by now, there are no criminal charges, things may turn out OK. If Casey “was about to get a visit, from a man wearing a uniform and a badge”, that was a local issue, and Casey had a known address and was known in the area. It was just too easy.

    Also, being able to focus on the book may make things better, because the proceeds can be used to reduce the debt. I understand that the proceeds of crime can be seized, but we are not there yet. There is no conviction and there may not be before the book is sold (or never, for that matter), and paying off debt is not the same as getting rich.

  • 57. Blinky Bill
    June 15th, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    Hey Casey,

    it’s a Kookaburra…

    Hope your friends in Australia can hook you up with some deals while you are here…!

  • Casey,

    LossMitPro has BIG balls. As you know, LossMitPro has put a threat against you at EN.

    Are you going to shutdown IAFF and run like a girl?

    This will be fun. I love the fact that you have to read this, even if you dont aprove it.

    Life is ALL GOOD!

  • So Casey, do you have the BALLS to stand up to LossMitPro?


    Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaaaaaaaaa

    Oh man, This is better than the FBI taking you. I LOVE THIS!

  • Don’t listen to the negative people. Have a great time in Australia.

  • This is really getting a little old.
    What’s with the lame moderation?
    It can’t be that hard to train a new little chimp to handle the tasks of the well known dancing monkey.

    Are there very few new posts? Is your new chimp incapable? Have you determined this is all a waste of time?

    Let’s see: You’re in a foreign country with a ticket someone else paid for, eating food and staying in a place someone else is paying for. Yeah, you’re successful.

  • So how is the GSPG trade going ?

    Hey Casey, if still interested in Commodities, I am launching a TA Commodities website, check it out :

  • you’re already thin enough, gain some weight already. You’re like an 11 yr old boy…

  • Have you had a chance to check out the Aussie property market yet?

  • KC’s song:

    I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali
    I’m going back to Cali.. hmm, I don’t think so
    I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali
    I’m going back to Cali.. I don’t think so

    Case, you’ve been back in SacTown for days. How about some updates?

  • Did you know you’ve made frontpage in some days ago ? is the website of the most selling newspaper in Argentina, and it has 1 million visits each day (and more)

    Didn’t your australian friends tell you not to take pictures at everything ? lol

  • Casey,

    Too bad you have to rush the first voume of the SERIES of books and info products you got coming out. However…the content for the first volume already exists…so it should be OK. Your RE/foreclosure audience I am sure would be much interested in how exactly you accomplished this great feat of purchashing 8 houses in several states in under a year. Even those in it for the entertainment value or for the story in general will enjoy it. Face it…Casey Serin is quite an interesting character.

    However do try to step back a bit and think of the consequences before you make big leaps…you are inpulsive to a fault. I understand your reluctance to follow advice from the group here though. Judging by the examples of Duane Legate and Mark V********* …I kinda don’t blame you.

    But, please, please, please make sure you are consulting professionals behind the scenes to make sure that you are rectifying any thing that may be considered as illegal while you were doing your deals (even though I am sure you were not aware at the time of the transactions that you may have been breaking any laws.)


    As for the haterz…I hope you are having fun living vicariously through Casey. You gotta give him his props when they are due. The boy is finally making it happening!!!You push him and push him and when he makes a move in the right direction, you stand in his way by sabotaging his legit opportunities.

    Why don’t you go pick on some one your own age…you “beer belly(men and women)-drunk a** -my f****** daugter is really a mom at 16- dunno where my baby daddy is-my son wear’s his mom’s undies-my boss hates me-my husband/wife is cheating on me-wanna be cyber s**** -lonely 40 yr. old cat lady still trying to get a GED-balding(men and women)-sexually deprived-mostly geeks/nerds-over the hill mutha fuckas.”

  • Seriously, not posting all of the ‘real’ posts that are coming in is going to ruin your site. You advertisers will be slipping away.

    And your so-called ‘prison cell’ (grateful, eh?) with a view like that is considered pretty amazing by most! Someone has offered you this place free (supposedly), yet you complain?

    Where did you get the funds for a rental car? I guess this means $1K wasn’t put on the kitchen table last week!?

    Betcha $25 you don’t post this!

  • Dude…shouldn’t that be a picture of Vegimite?

    and BTW…are you making your own Jamba Juices now that you have the recipe

  • @ Post 35, S.Hovanes

    Not true - you can legally get into Australia without having an onward ticket. I did actually check with the Dept of Immigration - 131881 if you’re in Australia. If not, take a look at the visa information under - for an ETA or tourist visa, an onward ticket is not mentioned as a necessity.

    Immi officials may look for an onward ticket if there’s no visible means of support for a tourist, but if a visitor - say, Casey - has someone willing to say they’ll support him, Immi will probably let him through.

  • Welcome to Sydney!!

    Spag on toast is great. Its not bolagnase, just a tomato sauce like baked beans. The Ford is a locally designed and built Falcon. Any real Aussie man will tell you a Holden is better.

  • Did anyone else notice that the knife and fork are placed on the wrong side of the plate in the photo?

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