Sunday, August 5, 2007

Another Ex Parte… This is Getting Old

Mr. Serin:

Please be advised that on Tuesday 17 July 2007, at 10:00 am in Department 53 before His Honor McMaster, I shall appear Ex Parte and request a shortening of time under C.C.P. §1005. The Court’s Law & Motion Department is located at 800 Ninth Street, 3rd Floor; Sacramento, California. Local Rule §2.04(a) applies.

The Application for Shortening of Time shall be pursuant to C.C.P. §1005, concerning supervision of the stipulated settlement pursuant to C.C.P. §664.6. I have reason to believe you are attempting to sell the IAFF domain outside the scope of the stipulated settlement, and that you are an extreme flight risk.

Not only is this wasting my time and taking my attention away from MUCH bigger issues, but it also wastes court’s resources and YOUR tax dollars. Here is the quote again from my previous post on Ex Parte:

… a request for ex parte relief often (1) places unrealistic demands on the judge to decide complicated matters in a few minutes, (2) severely impacts the court’s calendar, or (3) constitutes a waste of the court’s limited time and resources.

How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?

Since this is not any kind of an emergency, why is this character not following the proper process, serving me papers and giving me time to hire an attorney and properly defend myself?

Just to show I’m NOT the bad guy here. I’ll be up late tonight preparing for tomorrow, if you wish to talk you know my number. If I don’t hear from you, however, please don’t think I’m not prepared to go forward.

I’m done wasting my time “talking”. Talking has only gotten me deeper into this mess. Not a “bad guy” heh?

On a positive note… I made some great progress on my other issues today.


  • I paid roughly $7,000 in California state taxes last year and if it took all of that and more to bring your felonies to light to the state I say let the state take as much time as it needs.

  • Wow. This guy is something. Casey, don’t lose your cool man. You’ve dealt with far worse…and won. Sounds like a poorly disguised wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    One Man. One Year. $100,000 online. How’s he doing it?

  • 3. OneOfTheLurkerz
    July 16th, 2007 at 11:51 pm

    “On a positive note… I made some great progress on my other issues today.”

    You found a job?

  • 4. you are deluded
    July 16th, 2007 at 11:52 pm

    One day you may come to the realization that 1) a little 9-5 gig isnt such a bad thing, millions of us live quite comfortably on them, 2) your gurus and mentors all seem to take great delight in totally trying to take the piss outta you, and 3) at your core you are basically an idiotic little loser who is constantly after that next big thing just around the corner. You should really just step back and ask yourself if this is where you saw yourself, and how did you screw up so bad to get here. The answer may surprise you if you are honest with yourself. For myself, I honestly don’t care anything about you. Like I said when you first started the blog, you are nothing but enterainment for me. And when youre gone Ill just look for the next idiot that thinks that posting all his failures for the world to see is somehow commendable. Thinking about doing what is right and actually doing the right thing are very VERY different there scooter.

  • 5. Dread Pirate
    July 16th, 2007 at 11:52 pm

    “YOUR tax dollars”

    At least you’re not lying and saying “OUR tax dollars”.

    “Not a “bad guy” heh?”

    You need to go to CHC. General consensus there is that Mark is scum.

  • Last time he did one of these Ex Parte thingies, you agreed to give him $1500+ and the rights to your book. Why are you surprised he’s back for more? I can’t wait to see what else you agree to tomorrow!!!

  • Casey, every respondant thinks the plaintiff’s case is frivilous. It isn’t your place to declare that it’s a wasteful abuse of the court system, that’s up to the judge.

    As for not giving you time to retain counsel: You were told to retain counsel by LossMit in your own talkcast more than 2 weeks ago. Are you seriously telling us that you haven’t done it yet, despite everything that’s happened here? What the hell is wrong with you, man?

    In any case, legal representation isn’t required right now. An ex parte appearance means you aren’t invited and there’s no reason for you to turn up. No reason why you can’t if you want to, but if you feel like a nap instead it won’t matter.

  • I hope the f***er gets slapped with sanctions! You should counter-sue, on contingency!

  • Like I said get a lawyer, quit writing about or talking to these guys. Got a lawyer yet? You will need one for various things. If you have a lawyer go in to court with you this will be thrown out, if not it will drag further making you get a lawyer anyway and will probably cost more then. GET A LAWYER! SHUT UP ABOUT THESE PEOPLE PERIOD.

  • Casey,

    DO NOT talk to Mark. All it ever does is get you in more trouble. Why are these people in such a rush? Why don’t they want you to talk to your own lawyer?

    Get a lawyer of your own, and SOON.

  • Casey,

    You don’t need time to hire a lawyer. It’s a pretty simple contract. A 9 year old could understand it.

    A 9 year old also would understand that you have breached the contract.

    Just follow through on it. All he’s making you do is keep your promise to use the proceeds to pay off your wife’s debt. That’s a convienent fact you forget to mention. It’s also what you promised. Maybe it’s not what you want now, but it’s the right thing to do.

    If you would just do the right thing for once this wouldn’t turn into another drama. You are such a drama queen.

    Plus you claim others are bullying you? Coincidence that its more than 1 person? Nope. You are acting like a child and the adults in your life are treating you as such. Just like when a 14 year old cant remember to make his bed to get his allowance, the adults have to remind him there’s some responsibilities for that allowance.

    You, my friend, are acting like an immature 14 year old. If you would just follow through on a single thing that actually required you to do something besides blog and whine about your problems, this whole episode would be over and many of your problems solved. Too bad you don’t see it that way.


  • Since this is not any kind of an emergency, why is this character not following the proper process, serving me papers and giving me time to hire an attorney and properly defend myself?

    Surely you’ve had weeks to hire an attorney and prepare a proper defense?

    You need to be proactive about this, Casey. This court action is going to be the first of many, and stamping your foot and calling it “old” or “stupid” isn’t going to make it go away.

    First of all, you need to gather together every single contract that you’ve signed. Then hire an attorney to scrutinize them - paying particular attention to contracts whose stipulations contradict each other (for instance, contracts that say you should take the blog down versus contracts that order you to keep blogging).

    This won’t be easy, either for the attorney or you, as you’ve made some unbelievably stupid decisions in the past year or so - but hopefully he or she be able to come up with some advice, which you should listen to and act upon.

    In particular, you need advice as to how to avoid a contempt of court charge, which you seem hell-bent on acquiring with your apparent belief that contracts can be altered according to your whim, even if their provisions were agreed in front of a judge.

  • I won’t speak for Mark, but it seems pretty obvious that the urgency to enforce the settlement agreement is motivated by a fear that you will sell the blog for cash and high-tail out of the area. I have mixed feelings about the validity of the suit, but his concern will likely be seen as reasonable by the judge.

    You signed the settlement agreement. It’s long past time for you to start living up to your obligations, just like the rest of us.

  • Casey,
    Keep ignoring him…and don’t talk to him. Honor McMaster is going to laugh at him. Seriously - total bogging down of the court system. Who files a hearing less than a day after not being able to get a resolution(?) It’s like someone grabbing his ball and going home and telling his mommy.

    If Mark had any business sense he would have included an arbitration clause which would be a lot cheaper for him and you and not waste court resources.

    What does this guy actually do? I think what we have to keep in mind is that it this guy (Mark) probably has a lot of the same things going on that others do…has been tinkering around the internet since the early days trying to make his buck and his mark in the business. Probably has people around him telling him he will never amount to anything…so he sees preying on you as his one big break.

    I dunno what else would motivate these guys. I mean thin about it…this is no different than someone buying say David and going to use it to peddle magic equipment or something and then some other clown signing a contract for him to give away the rights to his life story.

    Do these guys realize they are a laughing stock at this point??? People think YOU will never get a job again because of your notariety..wait until the new breed of Haterzzzzz is unleased on them!!


  • Why am I being dragged into court again? What exactly did I do to this guy? What loss did I bring to his business? Who asked him to be involved on the internet past the time our business arrangement didn’t work out (which he was gonna do for free anyway)?

    Oh well, what’s the use.

    By the way, if you’re local, go ahead and swing by and say hi. I may or may not be there. But at least you’ll get to see the “opponent”.

  • Casey,
    You are right, he gots nothin’. Did he email you his hearing notice or post it to the web this time? Maybe next time he’ll get real creative and text it you. LOL

  • This IS getting old. Get a lawyer.

  • 18. Deaf Programmer
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:18 am


    How are your financial affairs going? All the fuss you have received is taking your effort and time away from your financial management.

    You need to get back into it. Let’s your lawyer handle it and you just focus on your financial management. Tell them to contact your lawyer.

    I have been reading your blog movements almost every day and I too have financial problems. I’m in the process of getting rid of the debts and outstanding bill payments.

    Kindly Regards,

    Deaf Programmer

  • Why is there a nonstop line of middle aged white men who want you in their life? creepy if you ask me

  • Why am I being dragged into court again? What exactly did I do to this guy?

    You reached a legally-binding agreement in front of a judge, and then blew it off almost immediately.

    Part of the problem is that you’ve got away with this behavior in the past, so you clearly think you should be able to get away with it indefinitely. Unfortunately, you’ve finally come up against someone who’s not prepared to let you.

    But you have only yourself to blame, as this was guaranteed to happen sooner or later. You’re actually very lucky that Marty hasn’t filed suit for what appear to be multiple breaches of contract on your part, leading directly to financial loss on his - he’d have every right to do so.

  • Soon your Blog will get foreclosed too! HaHa!

  • I’ve had several people who have been disgusted by all this offer me support toward legal expenses. I think I will actually take these people up on their offer.

    Now I just have to find an attorney that can help me out and reasonable on his/her fees. Need a business attorney who understands contracts and litigation. Experience with intellectual property and internet matters is a plus.

    If you have a referral in Sacramento and or San Francisco Bay Area, let me know.

  • Casey -

    It appears the guy has semi-reasonable cause to bring this motion forth.. I’m becoming sorry I moved.. I would have loved to see this play out in person.. But the weather .. blah!

    Not showing up to court probably wouldn’t help your case.. Yeah, he’s being a bully, but you kinda knew you were swimming with sharks when you started this whole blog. If you don’t contest it, it will be granted.

    I’m beginning to think you have some mental illness you desperately need to have attended to. Depression, ADHD, narcissism, sociopathic tendencies and probably others.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    ASW: itsallgood

  • 24. ForYourEyesOnly
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:24 am

    HOLY S*** Casey.

    Your lack of understanding of how the world works is mind-boggling. You are about to have a freight train ran up your a** (legally as well as figuratively…), and you think waving a magic “NO DEAL” stick will make it all better.

    You are not drumming up support by falsely claiming the court is being abused or that our tax dollars are being wasted. I would pay extra taxes just to see your hearing executed. The courts time is well spent in this case.

    Your supporters are gone. Not your “supporterz” (lame putting a z after everything, btw) but your supporters. The people who would literally “support” you in life and in your journey.

    Your journey is in a fucked up place and nobody wants any part of it, Casey. Everybody who associates with you has their life ravaged. Everybody.

    You are toxic. You are the problem. You are the evil here. You are the source of all the problems and everything bad that has happened here.




    For f**** sake. Wake up Casey.

  • 25. Loads o Money
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:24 am

    Hey Casey,

    Why do you think the fbi have not moved yet? Have they offered you a plea bargain ?

    Let me know about that subject to in dallas and if you want to go forward.

    Can I predict what will happen. You will start a w2 job, but soon give up. You are not cut out for a w2 job. Casey, can you please define a w2 job and let me know why its so bad?

    Why don’t you become a real estate salesman ? This is a people business and you may do okay in it. Its purely commision based,

    Loads O Money

  • This is such a terrible waste of taxpayer money and the time of a hard-working judge. But you need an attorney to bury this guy or he’s going to take the last valuable thing you have in your life, and leave you naked in the wasteland with no resources and no recourse.

  • Reason I haven’t hired one is because I don’t have much money to spend on this stupidity and childishness… the little I have needs to be saved for a MUCH bigger issue with it’s own associated attorney fees (from the looks of it, it will take $20K or more do get it done right)

    This Mark guy knows this but he keeps kicking a person who is down, under stress and out of money. Not a “bad guy”?? Right.

    Thanks to those who offered to help with attorney fees towards putting a stop to this circus. I know many of you used to be haterz, but now are willing to extend a helping hand to somebody who is trying to make a turn-around here.

    (Don’t worry, i’m still on track to follow through on my promises)

    Thank you.

  • 28. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:29 am

    So sell the domain as agreed, dumbbell.

  • You’re going to want a public defender for your future fraud case. You really can’t afford anything else. Your case is pretty complicated, spanning several states, 8 properties, multiple lenders..

    To get someone decent to run your defense would require money you do not have.

  • 30. ForYourEyesOnly
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:33 am

    I am greatly enjoying watching you realize you’ve destroyed your own life.

    It is great fun.

    I wish I could taste your tears.

  • How long can you ‘make a turn-around’ before you realize you are only going in circles?

  • Casey,
    Did the “settlement” get approved by the court yet?
    Is the original case still set to appear on July 20th?

  • 33. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:39 am

    I don’t believe a word of this “I don’t need a lawyer for a stupid court case” business.

    Casey, _every_ court case is serious business. You don’t want to go in there undefended. Trying to defend yourself is a big mistake, because in any battle of wits you are disadvantaged.

    If you _do_ have funds for a lawyer (which I doubt) then you should hire him/her for _this_ case first. Consider it as on-the-job training, to become familiar with your scams and lack of integrity. This same person can defend you in the criminal proceedings to come.

    Also you can think of it as an investment. If you get an actual proper lawyer, you have a chance to counter-claim against Mark, possibly sue Duane, and you might be able to win a judgement which will give you enough funds to fight the big battles to come against the IRS and FBI.

  • 34. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:44 am

    It’s amazing that when Casey screws somebody he thinks they should “just walk away” from it.

    Banks - just walk away from the lost $$$

    Mark - just walk away from the ruined online reputation

    Duane - just walk away from the other arrangements he made after making agreements with Casey

    Marty - just walk away from the failed book deal, the hours spent making transcriptions and the photoshopped book cover

    Casey, man, you should be apologising to all these people (and corporations).

    Say, did you get in touch with Cashcall yet? You said you were gonna do it.

  • 35. From_The_Edge
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:44 am

    LMP does indeed have just cause to take you to court…

    You violated the terms of the settlement agreement. And the timing of rulings or enforcements of which may be important to them if it interferes with their business planning. (whether it is of relavence to you or not).

    This is very straightforward and is simple business.

    At least he is seeking a resolution in a fair and legal manner… You gotta give him credit for that. (which is better than harrassment on a personal level.)

    If you feel you are in the right legally, you have nothing to fear from having a neutral third party determine what is fair and right for all involved.

    (Unless you know that you have wronged them… in which case, you stand to lose alot…. and many people think that you have indeed violated your legally binding agreement to them… as well as violating agreements of various other parties ranging from Cash Call, to Duane, etc..).

  • Has it become apparent this domain has become his target for “damages” since the book right cannot be assigned. This is the last thing of value you have they could liquidate for damages.

  • Courts dont quite like soap operas being played out in their venue.

    Baseless, and legal fees to defend could easily be recovered.

    Funny really.

  • 38. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:54 am

    Oh, what was I thinking about the advice to Casey to get a lawyer and counterclaim and sue?

    When Casey gets excellent advice he always ignores it. So I gave him some excellent advice, and now I’m certain he’s not going to do anything like that.

    Just think how effective a weapon the Fliptard could be. With a capable lawyer on his team (lawyers do all the detail work) and the Casey there to direct the attack, it would be like the Donald Sutherland character in Virus (1999) … human head, robot body, an unstoppable litigation machine.

    Casey, litigation is easier than flipping houses, just find your target and send your robot lawyer after them. Settle for whatever they’ve got, build your war chest and repeat. You’ve got standing to sue any number of people now, for anything from loss of reputation to online stalking to fraud. But choose your targets carefully. Begin with the weakest - separate it from the herd - move in for the kill. As I said, build your war chest. In 2010 you could be suing Kiyosaki.

    Revenge is sweet - passive income is sweet (because your robot lawyer would be doing all the work) - itsallgood

  • Casey -
    Ignore this. Seriously. What can they do to you? NOTHING. Go out and make sweet deals and show the world what you’re made of. They can’t touch you.

    Just wait until that GSPG stock hits it big. You’ll be laughing at them!

  • 40. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:55 am

    Back on the previous thread, if the blog was therapy - better get a new therapist, because it’s not working.

  • 41.
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:56 am


    Don’t talk to anyone until you speak with a lawyer. Best wishes.

  • 42. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:02 am

    I don’t think Casey realises how he has destroyed his life. He’s still “making a turn-around”.

  • 43. Some Love from LongBeach, CA
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:08 am

    duane legate and lossmitpro enjoy licking ca-ca off of eachothers ding-dongs while they blog about redneck pastimes such as playing horse-shoes and couch loafing.

  • Casey as far as I can tell his beef with you is that you signed a contract that you then didn’t go through with. Of course this is based on what you have been saying here so it could be inaccurate, but I can understand him being upset.

    To those wanting to donate legal funds to keep this spectacle going, well its your money you are throwing away I guess, but honestly surely starving children in Africa are a better cause than someone who to be frank is being hoist by his own petard.

    David Hunter

  • As much as I find the legal tactics here dispicable, I gotta agree that you have been told _ time, and time, and time again _ to get a lawyer.
    Strikes me, you do have a argument to counter this really weird effort of someone to get involved in the truly unbelievable Casey saga: He got you when your guard was down, your marriage threatened, and the FBI calling. You were under understandable strain, hadn’t had your wheatshot, and it was a really long flight back from Oz that left you confused, tired, upset, dazed and lonely. You were tricked mercilessly under duress, and now are being forced to deplete your meager financial resources to deal with a nuisance suit that threatens the last glimmer you have of coming up with any resources to deal with your multiple problems. The only reason you are being harassed this way is because you have a Web site that has attracted an astonishing 1 million viewers and sparked such national attention that at least five Web sites monitor your daily activities and news articles about you appear regularly. Vultures are now circling, hoping to cash in big time from your deteriorating condition, and pocket the money you earned. And what flight risk? If there were any, you would be attending a concert at the Sydney Opera House, rather than back where your family lives.

  • @ Casey
    “Why am I being dragged into court again?”

    You are being dragged into court because you’re failing to honor the terms of the settlement agreement that you signed last week. It’s pretty simple really.

    I have mixed feelings about the actual merits of his lawsuit, but you have absolutely no right to complain about returning to court so soon. YOU brought this on yourself, yet again.

    Remember, had you simply transferred the IAFF domain on Saturday, you wouldn’t be dealing with this right now. Maybe it’s time to start living up to your commitments?

  • 47. Roadside Bomb
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:39 am

    “Not only is this wasting my time and taking my attention away from MUCH bigger issues, but it also wastes court’s resources and YOUR tax dollars.”

    YOU are wasting OUR tax dollars AND valuable FBI man power by not just turning yourself in. The FBI investigation is confirmed right? Just walk in the local office with an attorney and turn yourself in. It will show the feds you are contrite about what you’ve done. Its a WIN-WIN-WIN. Taxpayers save money, FBI has more man power to deal with more important issues (terrorism), and you go to prison.

  • 48. Conversekidz
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:44 am

    This is entertaining, you should write a screen play

  • “How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?”

    As someone else mentioned, Casey, I’m not sure it’s up for you to determine if this case is “abusing” our legal system. There is a dispute between you and Mark, and courts exist to settle disputes. Since the judge didn’t throw out his case last time, I’d say that there is a fair chance that Mark has a legit beef with you.

    That being said Casey, I’d be willing to contribute to your defense fund if you can meet two criteria:

    1) Prove that you’ve taken a W-2 position somewhere. Anywhere.

    Jamba Juice is not a bad place to work while you apply for real jobs. Many people work at places like that when times are rough and they are between incomes.

    2) If you can provide a means for us to pay the lawyer directly.

    I don’t want my money going to you, because I fear it’ll end up being spent on “living expenses” like a new laptop, instead of your actual defense bills.

    “Since this is not any kind of an emergency, why is this character not following the proper process, serving me papers and giving me time to hire an attorney and properly defend myself?”

    Because you’ve already proven yourself as a flight risk. You left the country once, on extremely short notice. I’m sure you weren’t intending to “flee the country”, but that’s what it looks like.

    “I made some great progress on my other issues today.”

    If you did, and you are not just blowing smoke up our asses, then please explain. What issues and how did you make progress?

  • 50. See You Here August 4th!
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:59 am

    I wanted to publicly thank Casey for serving as the guardian of our tax dollars. Thanks, Case!

  • 51. WeWantTheFunk
    July 17th, 2007 at 2:02 am

    @ 11. Casey Serin
    “(Don’t worry, i’m still on track to follow through on my promises)”

    Follow through? YOU? Since when? What promises? To whom?

    That’d be a first.

  • CS

    You are still da man.

    I’m confused about the domain transfer. You were about to transfer it. You should have had the $20k in escrow first, and then performed the transfer with the subsequent release of the $20k. It appears that you were about to transfer the domain without any possibility of being paid.

    Give what you have said, it appears that you would likely neither receive your 50% of revenue nor the $20k had you made that transfer. It is unreasonable to expect that you would not demand that the $20k be held in escrow pending the release of the domain, AND that you receive your 50% of revenue at quarterly (or monthly), with you holding some determination as to how that revenue would be generated. For example, had the domain simply been parked on a blank page, there would be no revenue, and that would not be in your interests, nor reasonable.

    Stop apologizing, indicate to the court that your friend has not been damaged, and that you do not intend to sell your property for something under market value.


  • 53. MexicanMike
    July 17th, 2007 at 2:37 am


    Looks like Mark is giving you time to get a lawyer. You don’t have to show up at this point and the court will have to give you time to defend yourself against Mark’s claims.

    But to avoid problems after showing up the first time to court (and then botching up and agreement) may show the judge that something is wrong. He may require additional conditions that makes you sure you stay in Sac.

    Either way, this doesn’t look good. Get a lawyer even if you can’t afford it!

    I hope you do well.


  • 55. I See Debt People
    July 17th, 2007 at 3:02 am

    Que Si,
    The reason you feel like you are being pushed around is because you have been standing still. You had a good chance to sell the blog and do the right thing for your wife. You stood still and tried to keep your options “open”. Now you have fewer options. This will continue until you have only one option. I don’t know what that “choice” will be but clearly, only then will you really take the next step.
    I’ll know you’ve hired a lawyer when this blog disappears without a trace.
    If you are going to court, you need to clean up your appearance. It does make a difference.
    Time to get honest, not organic… but honest.

  • 56. Annie - the one and only
    July 17th, 2007 at 3:03 am


    IMHO you are being “dragged” back to court because you indicated you would enter into a agreement with Mark that would “settle” the case he filed last week.

    Since you have decided not to honor the agreement and have effectively said “go away” he is informing the court that you are (a) not honoring the agreement and (b) are a flight risk because you have demonstrated that you have “supporterz” who are willing to pay for airline tickets that allow you to leave the country.

    Given the events of this past weekend, what did you expect?

    Now, the question of the day, what is your involvement with the Is this your brainchild? How will you be receiving the funds?

    This looks very fishy to me.

  • 57. NoVa Sideliner
    July 17th, 2007 at 3:20 am

    Your blog is dying from lack of content. As usual, it’s just whine, whine, whine, followed by this:

    “On a positive note… I made some great progress on my other issues today.”

    Sigh. As usual, vague hints about something we can only guess at. Maybe you think it’s being clever to say nothing that way. Nah.

    Too vague, too boring. Yaaawn.

  • off on off on off on

    don’t see you working W2 - don’t see you as employable - too flaky.

    Stick with the blog, the book, and other sales type jobs.

  • Did you agree to sell the domain to Duane as part of your last settlement with M****** V******? I kind of got that impression from the last talk show. It is good to hear you are making progress at something. Did you see the donation site in your last post’s comments? Is this something you have sanctioned?

  • I’m can’t believe I’m posting here again, but hey, that’s what you want and I may as well give you a parting gift. You could have made this all go away by shutting it down.

    Don’t talk to me about wasting taxpayer dollars: The government bailout of banks who are struggling as a direct result of your “few mistakes” are gonna waste WAY more taxpayer dollars than some ex parte hearing in California.

    Think about that while you try to scrape up 20K for your divorce. Make sure it’s done right so you can dump all her debt on her. That’s your way.

    Think about that while you try and scrape up however much you think you may have to lay out to cover your impending criminal charges (I’m sure you think THAT’S a waste of taxpayer dollars too?)

    I can’t wait to see how much your “Supporterz” can scrape up. From what I’ve heard thus far, it’s doubtful they can put together much more than a farewell lunch for you at Macaroni Grill.

  • But you ARE the bad guy. Mark may not be good in his intentions, but you are not innocent and you deserve anything that is coming to you at this point. You’ve made a lot of bad decisions even when people on here have been telling you what you should do for the entire length of this saga. It took you quite a bit to get into the mess you’re in, and it’s going to take twice the effort and pain to get out. Why couldn’t you just listen to people all along?

    And quit whining already.

  • Why do you think you can break an agreement from the court and not be sued over it??

  • Hang in there Casey! It will all work out for the best in the end.

  • This is it …….. this may be your last taste of freedom in a long while.

    I hope you have your escape routes (yes, plural - just in case) well thought out and ready to roll at a minutes notice.

    Because they are coming for you. They won’t give up until they see you in a cage.

    My advice? Run Casey, Run !

  • Son you brought this on yourself.

    What I would be worried about is if the FBI file charges and you are found guilty you have committed a felony and will be deported.

  • Ok this guy Mark obviously has no life. I really get a kick out of this tough guy on how he only goes after easy marks (people who can not defend themselves). I want to see this guy take on someone like that woman from Boston on the last PodCast. All he is trying to do is circumvent the legal process.

  • “Why am I being dragged into court again? What exactly did I do to this guy?”

    Your “aww shucks, what did little ol’ me do to deserve this?” schtick is vomit inducing. You need to learn something about honoring contracts and obligations. I am however impressed that your time span for violating contracts is ever-decreasing. This one lasted, what, 3 days? Pretty soon you’ll be violating contracts as you’re signing them. You have the time horizon of a fly.

  • Casey,

    No offense man, but you have to toughen up. Stop this victim stuff. It only highlights the fact that you created this whole saga and also that you committed fraud. Focus on the fact that LMP is bonkers and is constantly dragging you into court and Duane is in constant communication with G. I agree with you that they need to back off, but everytime you whine, it just solidifies that you are not a businessman. Successful businessmen would never come off so weak. Its all about image, and their competitors would pounce on them in a minute. Stay with the topics at hand:

    1. Duane becoming best friends with your wife - offering her money (BTW, if some “MAN” offered my wife money and talked to her daily, I would kick his f***** a** !!)

    2. LMP, the wannabe lawyer, using legal loopholes to get his case seen quickly. Pretending to help you, then stealing your blog and your book.

    There is plenty for people to sympathize with you, but not if you continue to act like an “innocent” victim. Just my opinion. Good luck

  • 69. Loads o Money
    July 17th, 2007 at 4:49 am

    Hey Casey,

    Here is what you do. Now that you know there in an fbi investigation, go to them and offer to work with them, telling them everything you know. Try to work out a deal where you get the minimum or no jail time.

    If you wait until they arrest you, you will have no leverage.

    Loads O Money

  • I wish people would stop complaining about how this site is dying. Look at the site meter, peeps… this “ex party” is only getting started. The site is morphing from real estate train wreck rubbernecking into a poignant reflection of California litigation culture, obsessive internet personalities and creepy SoCal scammers. It’s like “Death of a Salesman” on crystal meth.

    The more meta things get here, the more layers this saga is accruing. Hell, Casey will soon be funded by those McArthur guys or MOMA.

  • I posted on your other blog about the funds. I wouldn’t give money to you for anything, not even water if you were on fire. You lied, cheated the system, and defrauded the banks and the American citizens.

    For those of you who think, “Oh, it doesn’t hurt anyone except the banks and they can afford it”…mmm….NO. Casey and those like him injure those who are trying to buy a home by inflating prices to an insane level.

    They injure those who invest in banks by stealing the banks’ money. This hurts all of us, incidentally, as banks fold or tighten regulations or simply refuse to lend money except to those who obviously don’t need it, not to mention the immorality of it.

    I have purchased five houses over the past year myself, using my W-2 salary and the equity in my primary residence.
    On all of the loans, I told the unvarnished truth including the fact that I was buying multiple properties at the time.

    I did not inflate my income, and I provided complete documentation of my assets, debts, and income to the banks. I put down 15-20% on each property and did not get any “sweet cashback”.

    I have just sold one, after owning it for seven months, for a good profit ($46k). It can be done. It isn’t as easy as the “gurus” suggest but it isn’t impossible, either.



    P.S. Casey, get a job!

    ASW: lawsuit

  • Hey Casey,

    Maybe you can convince all parties (LMP, Duane, and M***y) to settle everything once and for all via arbitration. The courts often have a number of arbitration experts on a panel from which you can choose.

    If you can convince these guys to go that route (and LossMitPunk will be the hardest … he seems to live for this court drama) - then you can put these issues behind you and move on with settling your financial mess.

    Good luck.



  • 73. Locate My Purse
    July 17th, 2007 at 5:43 am

    casey, why dont you get a snap shot of LMP so we can make fun of his recending hair line?

  • Casey,

    Do what you can to get a lawyer. You really need one.

  • Casey did not do all this to himself. Casey finally managed to be a successful businessman when he was making money with his blog and was about to get his book published. Had he continued, everything would have been much better. And I do not consider that several thousand dollars a month is very little money. If he ended up making very little money, that’s because he reimbursed advertisers because he shut down the blog and is probably going to shut it down again. If he just kept the blog open and kept making money from advertisers, not to speak of the book (which, even if it did not bring him lots of money, would still have brought something), Casey would have been in a much better financial situation and with fewer, if any, potential lawsuits.

    Casey, next time you are making several thousand dollars a month just from sales, you should know to be ruthless to anybody who is trying to make you stop. As they say, true love can wait. How many hours of work at Jumba Juice would allow you to make 4-5 thousand dollars a month? Even if you made less, that could have been added to income from a job or other business. It was almost passive income. If you just kew to say “no” and “let me do whatever I want” as firmly as you said it by your gesture of going to Australia, you would not only have an income, but people like the “characters” would not have the excuses they have now to sue you.

    It is not because your questionable deals that you are having legal problems and worse financial troubles than you would have had if you maintained your income stream from the blog and the book. It is because you have normal, kind human feelings after all. If you get arrested, that’s because you could not just disappear for a few years somewhere far away, like in Uzbekistan, when you had plenty of time to do so (and who knows if you don’t have time to do it even now?). You decided to return home. And if you only knew to say “no” when you were being pressured into shutting down the blog, you would not have lost advertising money and the book deal, which are among the few successes you had in business and could have continued to be successful to this day. If you want to do shady deals, you can’t love people and places like a normal, caring human being. You have to be ready to dump everything when you have to save youself from serious trouble.

  • All he is trying to do is circumvent the legal process.

    No, Casey’s the one trying to circumvent the legal process. This latest stage would never have happened if he’d fulfilled his legally binding obligations.

  • 77. Professional plaintiff
    July 17th, 2007 at 6:00 am

    You are dealing with a professional plaintiff.

    He makes his money by trying to screw people through the legal system.

    He saw you as the perfect defendant.

    Young, No legal background, Little Money, and a couple of assets left.

    His goal was to get those assets from day one.

  • 78. James.Marks
    July 17th, 2007 at 6:03 am

    Yeah, wasting MY tax dollars, because we already know YOU don’t pay taxes, Snowflake.

  • @54 Tesla

    The only thing vomit inducing is your post.

    These guys are just plain ol run of the mill stupid. Mark and his goon ‘goodfellas’ wannabes seriously make me wonder why God doesn’t end it all right now. I would just like to get those stuttering pieces of s*** Shark and Dewayne in the ring for 15 minutes.

    I have a relative that is a judge and I don’t know how it works in California but if Mark V********* and his stuttering freaks were to try to pull this “agent of the court” crap here he would devour you right there in the courtroom. I don’t think he would appreciate the fact that you guys disrespect the court system like you do by acting like you know what you’re doing. If Casey were to counter sue them for public harassment, mental & physical anguish & punitive damages he might very well drop the hammer on Mark and his monkeys right there. Especially after being sent these podcast recordings. This would piss would an ethical judge off to no end. Real clever guys…

    I also like how Mark says that he is going to clear his name off the internet. ROLMFAO

  • ***********CASEY PLEASE POST THIS***************

    OMG, Mark and Duane are truley obssesively in love with Casey!

    Several factors create a climate for obsessive love:

    1. leisure: too much time on their hands with nothing to do. (need I say more)

    2. education: nearly all obsessive lovers are educated people and thus able to think about and analyse their feelings. (Mark and Duane seem to be smart, well-spoken individuals)

    3. feelings of vulnerability and a perceived failure to belong (this one definitely fits Duanes and Marks profile): applicable to people such as those who do not have a recognised place in the world (e.g., those who are required to perform an unfulfilling job), and those undergoing dramatic life changes and the associated fear and lack of self-confidence.

    4. an inflated opinion of oneself (this one fits all the major players in this debacle, especially Mark and people at EN): this is believed to ultimately stem from insecurity, with this insecurity driving the obsessed to seek an individual with attributes that they want for themselves

    5. particular childhood experiences: such as deep feelings of unworthiness during childhood that lead the obsessed to seek out one who finds the obsessed similarly unworthy in adulthood (I cant say for sure on this one, but can you share anything with us about your childhood Mark?)

    6. feelings of being special and/or different: there is an apparent correlation between feelings of distance from peers (whether real or perceived) and obsessive love (Mark definitely believes he has special litigation skillz)

    7. inequality between the lover and the beloved: the beloved may be married, older, too young, famous, or otherwise unattainable (Casey is too young for Mark and he is of the same sex, therefore, Mark knows that he cannot be with Casey-plus, Casey is already married)

    Since obsessive love is more of a delusion than actually falling in love with a real person, it can lead to dangerous results depending on how far the obsession grows. Obsessive love can lead to stalking, rape, murder, and other harmful things to the target of obsessive love or anyone the person believes is “in the way” of their delusion. In one case, John Hinckley’s obsession for actress Jodie Foster caused him to attempt an assassination on former President Ronald Reagan, because he believed it would grab her attention.


  • casey you either have to show up today in that courtroom or call the courts ask to speak with the clerk tell them that you need a continuance to obtain legal counsel to answer the allegations motioned today for an ex parte hearing.

    call as many times possible and record the discussion however if u can make it to the courtroom do so this will prove to the judge that you are not a flight risk and he would allow continuance so that u may afford the opportunity to acquire legal counsel if u still have a financial problem to acquire counsel the courts can appoint counsel in your defense but do that after you have exhausted your opportunity to negotiate for one.

    once again ask them to please grant you a continuance so that you have the opportunity to acquire legal counsel to answer the allegations presented and motioned to the courts.

    they will say yes trust me

  • This is boring as s*** . Post some pictures or something. Tell us where you are staying. Open some mail! (yes, even opening bills is better than fake lawyer talk).

    This legalese brings out the worst in the commenters (who would want to PRETEND to be a lawyer - LMP included?).

    Your posts and comments are dry as a sailor’s nuts after a three-day shore leave in TJ.

    Even your trolling (”positive note?” Yay!) ain’t what it used to be.

    Its even worst than the ghost-written crap we got when you first went to Australia.

    Shut down the blog, Casey - seriously. Within a month of shutting it down, all of this lawsuit stuff will fade away and you can get back to salvaging things. And then you can restart the blog!

  • It’s okay if my tax dollars get spent on this. Finally, this is getting entertaining again….

  • 84. James.Marks
    July 17th, 2007 at 6:21 am

    “How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?”

    I dunno. When are you going to pay your debts, stop lying and behave like a 24 year old? I guess, never.

  • 85. dirtysanchez
    July 17th, 2007 at 6:21 am

    Your defense should be that you were coerced into the agreement under duress.

  • M is drawn to publicity like a moth to flame. He has been out on the internet harassing people since at least 2000. He likes his name out there and has made himself a public person with his postings and involvement in this case. But when the going gets tough he runs to the court and whines. Casey has an excellent case for civil harassment and business interference.

  • 87. DC Economist
    July 17th, 2007 at 6:31 am

    Stop it Casey

    Dont say “Im making progress” We wont believe that at all

    SHOW US.

    You can’t. Or you won’t.

    Like : “I put together all my tax information and have an appoitnment with a tax advisor on Monday”

  • Either you’re incredibly dense or a bald face liar.
    I think you’re a liar…

    This insn’t a NEW lawsuit

    YOU made and agreement to sell, YOU gave the sale rights to Lossmit, YOU gave the book rights to Lossmit, YOU agreed to sell to Duane.

    This was done as a settlement of his lawsuit… the deed is done, theres no backing out. All lossmit is doing today is getting you to do what you agreed to do, and you’re whining like a little child.

  • Maybe you can convince all parties (LMP, Duane, and M***y) to settle everything once and for all via arbitration.

    This may be the only viable option, given that Casey has apparently signed contracts whose requirements contradict each other - making it literally impossible to fulfil all their obligations, even though they’re legally binding.

    But this isn’t cunning on Casey’s part, just boneheaded stupidity. I’m not even sure he bothers to read what he’s signing, and he certainly doesn’t show much sign that he understands it. But hey, attorneys are W-2 loosers, right? Best not get involved with them.

  • “Ha! I was a little guy waiting for the afternoon (west coast time), when my birthday party was to start. About 50 kids were invited… Needless to say the event traumatized me so much that I grew to take my aggressions out on others, as a COLLECTOR!

    Hay does anyone remember hula-hoops?”

  • Here is your problem:

    You agreed to the Stipulated Agreement. Mark is holding you to it. Since no one has actually held you to an agreement before it is quite a shock that people will actually go to some pretty far lengths to make sure the agreement is honored.

    Part of it is that the agreement has not been published where I can read it so we know the particulars.

  • As i understand it:

    You had a stipulated agreement with Mark.

    Part of that agreement was to sell
    The agreement was to sell the domain within a certain time limit (20 days).
    Mark is moving to accelerate the time frame (10 days instead of twenty).

  • This is real simple. You make an agreement, you stick to the agreement and you don’t get sued. If the idiot does sue you when you live up to your end of the agreement, you will not lose in court. On the other hand, when you break an agreement you very often get sued and it is pretty much 100% sure you will lose.

    If this is real, put it behind you by living up to your agreement with this guy. You don’t actually have to do anything if the agreement is what you indicated in earlier posts. Give him this worthless blog. Give him your worthless book. Go get a real job and focus on living a quiet, normal life for awhile.

  • “How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?”

    You have got to be f*cking kidding me. Get off your high horse. What about ‘How long will this abuse of our lending system continue?’ ‘How long will this abuse of spouses continue?’ ‘How long will this abuse of family continue?’.

    Apparently you broke ANOTHER binding agreement, the settlement. That’s why you are going back to court. Think about it.

    For those who think Casey hurts no one - wrong. Take Casey and multiply him by many and as we are all seeing, record foreclosures are coming. Massive loan defaults have already driven a number of lenders out of business meaning lost jobs. Credit has been tightened already so those at the bottom can’t get the loan they may have gotten 6 months ago. That means no loan for them, no income for the HONEST parties involved in a mortgage transaction - appraisers, title companies, attorneys, brokers, loan officers, processors, and a few more. Of course there were shady folks out there (just like Casey) but the honest people are the ones being hurt.

  • 95. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:13 am

    Hey Casey,

    When did you realise you need a lawyer? Yesterday? Last Week?

  • 96. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:18 am

    zintradi … yep, it’s ALL Casey’s fault.

  • 97. Sold already
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:18 am

    Casey, get a lawyer.

    From what you’ve posted, yes, Mark could get nailed for both harrassment and abuse of process, not to mention having all his claims denied. (They seem laughable from what we’ve seen.)

    But there’s something you don’t understand: That may not matter if the judge hears only his side. The judge doesn’t know you’ve received threats of violence and duress; that Mark was never your employee; that Marty had an inalienable interest in your site and book deal. Mark won’t tell him.

    Nor will Mark raise the procedural objections that a lawyer would bring up–i.e., there is no conceivable excuse for an ex parte hearing rather than proper notice.

    Only a lawyer could do that.

    You think this is small potatoes compared to other problems. It’s not–because Mark could walk away owning your life, and prevent you from conquering any of those other problems.

    Do this today:

    Find every REPUTABLE law firm in Sacramento that handles business litigation and IP cases. ASK WHETHER THEY WOULD HANDLE A PRO BONO CASE FOR A CELEBRITY BLOGGER WHO HAS APPEARED IN THE MEDIA. (May wanna fax the article.) If they say no, ask for a referral. Then try another one.

    DO IT TODAY. You don’t understand that you may lose your right to come back and undo the damage later.

    I don’t actually expect you to follow this advice, but I felt obligated to give it anyway.

  • 98. The Guy Next Door
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:19 am

    Somehow I think that if you’d needed to fix up a house or clean out that pool in Modesto in order to save your blog, you’d do it. But you weren’t willing to take those steps in order to get your properties sold, and you aren’t willing to do that sort of work in order to save your marriage.

    You’ve got some seriously mixed up priorities, Casey. They have been your undoing. And I bet, even now, you think others have been responsible. Right?

  • The deal you made before was ridiculous. He said his losses were under $10,000. To settle his claim, you agreed to give him:

    Sale rights to a blog worth $100K (as valued by Duane)
    The rights to your book
    Whatever else

    No way is that a fair exchange. You were desperate, you had no attorney (and you SHOULD

  • 100. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:21 am

    To fulfil the agreement, all you have to do is transfer the domain registration to Duane.

    Too hard for you? I bet explaining yourself in front of a Judge will be much harder.

  • sorry I somehow clicked submit when I didn’t mean to.

    … You SHOULD show the judge the post where Mittens says he discouraged you from getting a lawyer. The judge won’t like that!

  • 102. Arthur Wankspittle
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:24 am

    How many months ago did I tell you that judges are detail guys? No “sweet deals” just around the corner? Why am I not surprised?

  • You should also point out that, for someone who is supposed to be HELPING you sell the blog, his posts all over the Internet can only DISCOURAGE buyers, because who wants to become involved when the first thing someone says is the purchase can be reversed!?

  • Hey Kid;

    You keep listening to the dildoz who tell you that this is all BS
    and that LMP is bluffing,and you’ll see the inside of a jail cell in no time at all.

    Remember,hobbit…all of’em talk a good game, but NONE of em are gonna pay for your lawyer or do your time for you.

    They appealed to your pride,and you scuttled adeal that would have paid off Toilet Scrubber’s debt.

    Your Pride and Greed outweighs her need.

  • 105. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:34 am

    Why is Casey so special only he doesn’t have to follow the rules?

  • 106. Bubba Brigham
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:44 am


    I had a dream.

    In my dream, Casey was smart enought to see that Mark and Guru Duane were trying to gain the links and page rank that this domain has.

    So Casey doesn’t fight it. Casey is actually ready to hand over this domain.

    But first, Casey uses a bot to comment spam this website all over the internet. Casey then uses another bot to post hundreds of thousands of links on free for all sites.

    This destroys the sites pagerank.

    Casey then posts adds for porn sites. Not regual things, but women drinking vomit while riding their dogs. Sick stuff.

    Google blacklists this site…. then Mark and Guru Duane can do with it as they please.

    That was my dream. Too bad in reality Casey will just erase the content and give this domain to Mark and Guru Duane. They can then laugh about what a sucker Casey was.

  • 107. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 7:45 am


    Do you regret spending $1000 of your “supporterz” money mucking around in Australia rather than on hiring a lawyer?

  • Looks like somebody setup a whole website for raising support for my legal defense. Thanks for that.

    Keep in mind, if somebody wants to donate specifically for my legal defense and wants to MAKE SURE the money is used for that, feel free to contact me directly and once I have a bill from the attorney you can pay all of it or a portion of it directly. That way I will not see the money and you’re money will go to good cause.

  • How appropriate of you to say “YOUR tax dollars”, rather than “OUR tax dollars.

  • I seem to recall Duane saying he would pay for any legal expenses when you were dealing with the two women from Arizona, he should have no problem with paying for this defense. How about Duane, there’s no difference between those two and the new b**** suing Casey. Both have the same agenda.

  • 111. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:02 am

    It’s really quite an astounding lack of forethought. Like there’s some kind of disconnect between the immediate action decision part of the brain and the part which models the world outside and predicts consequences and future probabilities.

    Tell me Casey, do you walk in front of cars on the road too? Are you surprised when suddenly there’s a screech of tyres and an angry driver beside you?

    A court case is much like a highway, except the other driver is trying to hit you and the judge rules whether the kill is legal.

  • 112. DC Economist
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:07 am

    Note that website was set up by one of Casey’s sponsors (John Hoarty) and that he takes a 15% commission on any donation.

    Seriously…Casey… you will not raise 20K for an attorney from an audience of 700 haterz, which is your audience

  • To retain an attorney, you generally have to pay a retainer in advance. Lawyers like their money up front.

  • 114. Milton's Ghost
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:10 am

    Casey’s advice is sound for once. Do not send him any money directly. Pay his lawyer’s bills if you must, but do not give Casey himself any money.

    Although I fail to see what kind of a “good cause” it is to keep you out of jail, snowflake. The general public needs to be protected from you.

  • Even though I don’t agree with some of the things you’ve done, I think this LMP guy is even worse.

    Here are some legal aid groups:
    Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) Legal advice for low-income individuals (refer to the county you reside).

    Sacramento County Office
    515 12TH Street Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: (916) 551-2150 FAX: (916) 551-2196

  • 116. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:29 am

    “Since this is not any kind of an emergency, why is this character not following the proper process, serving me papers and giving me time to hire an attorney and properly defend myself?”

    1. You are actively trying to sell the domain, which is something you don’t have a right to do, according to the settlement agreement. It is “proper process” to take action quickly to stop you from doing that.

    2. How have you “not had time to get an attorney”? Jeebus, how long has this been going on, three weeks. You won’t answer, you never answer, but what in the name of bloody hell do you DO ALL DAY?!?!?

    “the little I have needs to be saved for a MUCH bigger issue with it’s own associated attorney fees (from the looks of it, it will take $20K or more do get it done right)”

    Two words, Casey: PUBLIC DEFENDER. You’re insane if you think that doing it any other way makes sense. Because you are going to lose a criminal case. Besides, if indeed you are facing federal charges for mortgage fraud, $20K isn’t going to come close to covering it. Perhaps you fixated on that figure because someone told you that would be the initial retainer (look that up if you don’t know what “retainer” means) - but you’re looking at $100K, easy, especially if there is a trial. Think of all the sweet media THAT would generate!!!

  • 117. JohnDiddler
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:34 am

    you need the attorney. do not put it off another day. hire.

  • Casey,

    Thank you for sharing everything that is going on. This latest stuff is crazy, but that’s the way the world works. There will always be the Mark Anthony VillaseƱor vultures out there. As a businessperson, you must be prepared to deal with this ilk.

    Getting a lawyer would be the best thing. If you can’t afford one, then you’ll just need to research all this on your own. You have stated that you are not a details man, but the law is all about details. You need to get your s*** together if you are going to fight and win.

  • 119. Mister Gash
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:46 am

    Whatever that IQ test said, you are about as sophisticated as an average second grader. I think your Real IQ ™ is more like 82.

  • “How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?”

    For as long as you are walking free.


    asw: juice

  • 121. David Lee Roth
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:48 am


    This chapeter in your life is REALLY boring.

    Please buy another house (or two), take on more debt and get yourself into more silly foreclosure situations. Your complete incompetence in that area was highly amusing. I fall asleep now.


  • Hi Casey,

    You can get this dismissed and then go after markie for stalking and harassment and threats. But………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MUST listen to everyone this time and get a lawyer. Without representation you could lose everything. You have many supporters Casey and little markie has many many haterz, I hear there are sites springing up all about markie as we speak….

    Best to you as always, Casey.


  • 123. Web
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:58 am


  • Hey Casey.

    Some helpful thoughts for you.

    Get some nut restrainers. Seriously. Last time you want to court, your nuts ran out on you and you agreed to everything. This time, get some nuts restrainers - they are are like jockey straps, but made of metal.

    Good luck.

  • 125. Dick Renegade
    July 17th, 2007 at 9:07 am

    It would probably be best if you sidelined any discussion relating to the lawsuit until it is finished. If anything, you can only hurt your position in court by communicating here.

    In addition, you should probably get a new domain and move the site. Then post a forward from this domain to the new one. This gives you some options if you end up transferring the previous domain to this joker.

    You should also add a disclaimer to your comment posting form that stipulates that the poster is disclaiming all rights to the content of their post and agrees to not to hold you responsible for subsequent generated by you or other posters which may reference the original poster or their post.

    You should also post a privacy policy and adhere to it.

    BTW, why exactly did you settle with this guy? What was the motivation? It seems to me that you gave up alot to this predator in a potential settlement in order to try to avoid a lawsuit.

  • 126. HungryBear
    July 17th, 2007 at 9:08 am

    Mark is trying to get your blog and book rights for free.

    What could be more important than getting a lawyer to stop that?

    If you don’t get a lawyer, and go to court on your own he will just hustle you again. If you don’t go to court anything could happen.

    You don’t need to hire a criminal defense lawyer until you are indicted or charged with a criminal complaint. However, given the circumstances it wouldn’t hurt to have one lined up and ready to go.

    You need to figure out why you keep making impulsive decisions, signing crappy deals without thinking it through, and then backing out the next day.

    It could be a brain biochemistry thing. Maybe a psychiatrist could help you figure this out. Not hating you, just saying, its not normal.

    Unless you are purposely acting out a preplanned script to build up more sweet traffic?

    If the latter, its working, you have most everyone fooled.

  • If it’s Ex Parte, by definition you aren’t being dragged into court.

  • #112 Anonymous Economist

    The economizer apparently overlooked a small detail - that I will have to pay taxes on these donations. That will be my contribution to Casey and/or G. Calling 15% a “commision” is awfully misleading.

    I do not condone Casey’s actions, nor am I a “sponsor”. I was, for a short time, an advertiser. Seriously, where did you get your moniker?

    The intent is to get Casey legal assistance, and G some financial relief. The playing field is not level until Casey gets a lawyer. More at later!

  • They are thugs pure and simple. You may not have made the bet decisions along the way, but you don’t seem to be malicious. These “people” are merely trying to screw you over to make a few bucks. They need their asses kicked.

  • So what you’re saying, Casey, is that the last few posts you made — the ones saying you were renegging on the settlement — were fabrications? If this legal action is frivolous to you, then that has to be your opinion.

    Unless, of course, you have no clue of what you’re doing. Again.

  • #128

    So how is taking 15% your “contribution” to Casey?

    Also, considering that the money is not being paid for any service, it would constitute a “gift”, which does not trigger a taxable event unless extremely large sums of money were involved. However, because it’s a gift, the donor may not claim it as a deduction.

    So no John, you ARE collecting a 15% commission and that’s kinda low.

  • Casey, your post is correct in one way:
    “…this is getting old”

    After losing your houses the only interesting things left were:
    (1) your w*** dumping you, and (2) “relocating” to the clink. Well, #1 has basically happened and #2 looks to be around the corner. As an added bonus you became homeless. Thank you for meeting and exceeding my expectations.

    Flushing your life down the toilet: 100% success

  • Casey,

    Show up in court and explain to the judge your side and let the chips fall where they may.

    I can tell by your “opponet’s” response he wants/hopes you will settle prior to court. CALL HIS BLUFF. Do not agree to any settlement with him whatsoever with 1 exception that he agrees to stop frivilous lawsuits etc and for -o- dollars and simply goes away.

    He is hoping you will give and get scared etc or agree to some outlandish deal with him. Do not do it. Fight it.

    GOOD LUCK Casey!!

  • 134. Annie - the one and only
    July 17th, 2007 at 9:40 am

    Come on Casey -

    in post #108 you make it sound like you’ve just learned of - it is stated on the site (dated 7/15) that you are aware of and support the efforts of the site soliciting funds.

    What I find VERY interesting is that the copyright date for both that site and this site is 2006…. same mistake made by different people? Or same mistake made by same person?

    Honestly folks - do not give Casey any money. He needs to pay for something from money he has earned in a legitimate fashion, not by soliciting, begging, lying or cheating.

    Casey, you need to stop being a free loader and start taking responsibility for yourself through your own financial independence…. which means not taking on additional debt… not asking other people to give you money…

  • casey, why dont you counter sue them?

  • “Making a turn-around?!?”

    Yesterday you declared a court settlement null and void because you didn’t feel like living up to it!!

    That’s not any kind of new territory for Casey Serin!

    For God’s sake people, why are you feeding money into this black hole of a boy? Who cares if the guy suing him is a jerk? Casey’s finally facing some consequence for all the pain he’s been causing.

  • Casey the best ammo this guy has as far as I can see is ONLY what you are giving him. ie; agreeing to give interest in domain etc…For your sake DO NOT OFFER ANYTHING ANYMORE as he knows he cannot will not win unless you continue to give him ammo……Respectfully do not do it.

    It is not in your best interest only his.

    You’re a good guy Casey that just got caughtup in the hype then and now. Make educated deliberate decisions and you will be fine. 1st step hire a good attorney to guide you through the legal battles criminal and otherwise.

    You will be amazed how much stress can be lifted and allow you to concentrate on more important things like family and income.

    Best of luck!!

  • 138. Casey's PR
    July 17th, 2007 at 9:50 am

    That Shxt is afraid that Casey leave the USA and he will not get a penny from Casey if he’s outside of the country.

    Casey., you can drive to Canada or Mexico and go to Russia.

    Casey, do not buy an airline ticket in USA as they will get you before you leave the country. use the land travel.

    good luck , c u in russia.

    rich woman is waiting for you…

  • “YOUR tax dollars”

    Well isn’t that just interesting. Suddenly, MY tax dollars should be the mitigating factor as to whether or not you have to deal with the court. So I suppose your next post will be “FBI - Please back off” and “the FBI is wasting your tax dollars”.

    Just to clarify something to you Casey. I do not consider Mark’s use of the court system against you to be a waste of my tax dollars. I gladly pay them. Nor do I think that the FBI investigating you is a waste of my tax dollars.

    Here is where I see MY tax dollars wasted.

    - A bailout of mortgage lenders by the government to compensate for idiot fliptards like yourself.

    As a corrolary to that, I also see a waste of my dollars in general in the form of higher interest rates and fees on accounts I hold due to jackasses like yourself defaulting on millions in loans.

    But hey, that’s just my viewpoint of the world. I don’t see things through Casey goggles.

  • 140. gaddington the bear
    July 17th, 2007 at 9:54 am

    @79. Left on Red

    What’s so funny about that? Google is a California corporation bound by the laws of the State of California… how can mittens NOT get his name off the Internet!?!?1111one1

    I think he’s just using Casey as a test for his future lawsuit against Google. He’ll scare Google with his limited legal knowledge and then force them into a settlement for his time and expenses (2000 hours @ $700/hour) including sole and absolute discretion as to Google’s ranking of the search term “M*** V*********” (edited for you, Casey) and any variations. I bet he’ll win too… he’s just that good and powerful.

    Casey: Rent the domain, don’t sell it. You can be a virtual landlord and that’ll be almost as sweet as being a real one. Eviction is also easier too.

    I’d also like to see you get back into brokering casino deals. It sounds like there’s a lot to be made off the top on such a deal and it would instantly propel you into the big time and out of failure. Don’t give up on all that potential.

  • A psychiatrist would not actually analyze Casey’s biochemistry. Much of what is known about the link between brain biochemistry and psychiatric illness or psychiatric drugs is based on speculation. But in ancy case, a psychiatrist would just prescribe drugs. In some cases, there are blood tests to determine the concentration of the drugs in the patient’s blood, but not the actual brain biochemistry. But Casey is a sane individual, and since psychiatric medication tends to harm patients or just make them sleepy and unable to concentrate, Casey would not benefit from psychiatric treatment, if there is such thing as beneficial psychiatric treatment in the first place. He already takes enough naps as it is.

  • 142. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 17th, 2007 at 10:16 am

    omg - I just figured out why Casey is so upset! The ten day acceleration could mean that he has to stop blogging before August 3rd!!!

    Here’s my impression of Casey on August 3:
    “Just one more hit…. just one more… this is the last one, I promise!”

    Not that I’d bet money that he will actually stop blogging on August 3rd, or anything.

  • 143. lawnmower man
    July 17th, 2007 at 10:18 am

    Find every REPUTABLE law firm in Sacramento that handles business litigation and IP cases. ASK WHETHER THEY WOULD HANDLE A PRO BONO CASE FOR A CELEBRITY BLOGGER WHO HAS APPEARED IN THE MEDIA. (May wanna fax the article.) If they say no, ask for a referral. Then try another one.

    Casey, this is good advice.

    You need a lawyer, now, if nothing else than to protect you from yourself.

    The settlement you entered into should have happened after consultation with your legal representation; not after a five hour “heart to heart” with your legal opponent.

    I have no idea if it’s too late to undo the settlement — but that again is exactly why you need a lawyer. Because telling your opponent to “back off” and “walk away” isn’t going to cut it in chambers or in court.

  • Look,

    As anyone who reads hear™ knows, I don’t have alot™ of money right now. Sure I need a lawyer, abuout 50,000 of you have said that. But with no money, how do I pay a retainer? So, I did the next best thing. For a little over $80, I spent the night in a Holiday Inn Express.

    It was wonderful. I woke up this morning at 9:15 (sorry, no early riser™, but I’m on a mission), and immediately began typing my brief (it’s funny why they call it a brief because mine is over 80 pages, and counting - about the same as my book™).

    Anyway, my team of highly trained professionals™ is about evenly divided as to whether or not to show up in court. On the one hand, it could either be interesting to see the process, but if I am spotted, then it won’t be ex-parte, right?

    So I am thinking of having and ex-parte-party™ tonight at Harlow’s down at 2708 J Street. If any of you want to come by, you are more than welcome. I am thinking about 6:30 and maybe you can proof my brief and add any comments.

    See you then.


  • >How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?

    Before I give my opinion… I do believe LMP is a scum by his actions toward you. That said, it’s funny how you think LMP is abusing the legal system. LMP is doing “what everyone has been doing - sue to get rich.”. Only thing he’s after is your LONE asset, this blog. Now think back, CS, didn’t you once said it’s “ok” for you to lie on the mortgage application because everyone else were doing it? You’ve abused our mortgage system and obtained many properties. So you still think “abusing” a

    LMP’s lawsuit cost us tax $$? And your failure to pay back your mortgage isn’t going to raise other banking fees? Now you see how your past actions are very identical to what LMP is doing? Except what LMP has done is legit, although I think his tactics make him a scum. However CS, you’ve sunken below that. You can whine, but a huge majority will just laugh you off.

  • 44. David Hunter

    To those wanting to donate legal funds to keep this spectacle going, well its your money you are throwing away I guess, but honestly surely starving children in Africa are a better cause than someone who to be frank is being hoist by his own petard.

    Starving children in Africa aren’t as entertaining as Casey is. All they do is sit in the dirt and squall, and that gets to be boring.

    With Casey, there is a plot!

  • Dude, these guys are freaking SHARKS going after the only sweetly monetized ™ resource you got, the blog. You are being taken advantage of!

  • You don’t address the accusation that you are attempting to sell IAFF outside of the agreement.

  • @141. Monica

    Casey is a sane individual

    The jury’s still out on this…



    P.S. Casey, get a job!

  • if Casey gets a lawyer, lawyer will eventually get thrown under the bus too.

  • 151. LordThisIsComicGold
    July 17th, 2007 at 10:46 am

    This is funniest bunch of Jerry Spring bungling get rich quick chasing bozo’s I EVEAR seen.

    Casey this is comic GOLD your story is now COMEDY and those scripts sell for a HIGH AMOUNT since they are cheap movies to produce (no special effects really) and very very difficult to write. Anyone can write an action flick (but those are pricey to film).

    OMG this is funny I know is a disaster for you but for us its tragicomic. You are the kid in home alone being chased by bungler cons over and over. You outwit them with buckets of water over the doorway type of tactics. Only to sign some other junky deal to get rich–> repeat.

    You better keep blogging no matter what. Get an attorney to help you win back your rights to your story. LMP is a smooth smoothie he KNOWS he can sell this for HUGE$ IMO. Get a movie made and never work again!

  • 152. Just in case this isn't all fake
    July 17th, 2007 at 10:48 am

    Do you have ANY idea how pissed a judge will be to have this thrust on him/her on an ex parte basis?? It will go something like this…”You want an immediate order…ok, I’ll give you a 2-fer….1) GET OUT, and 2) STAY OUT.

  • “I’ve had several people who have been disgusted by all this offer me support toward legal expenses. I think I will actually take these people up on their offer.”– LUCKY YOU

    Now I just have to find an attorney that can help me out and reasonable on his/her fees. Need a business attorney who understands contracts and litigation. Experience with intellectual property and internet matters is a plus. — HMM ONLY 100-200 AN HOUR FOR LAWYERS OF THOSE SKILL LEVELS.



  • Casey, i know the law - these guys dont have a chance! You were forced to sign the contracts under duress, that makes it null and void - its like a POW forcing to sign a “confession”. They have no case against you. Ignore all the court stuff. Sell the blog for a lot of money. Your wife will understand - you can use that money for the next big investment that WILL pay off - you’ve earned it!

    Dont listen to anyone, follow your dreams. I know you can do it. You WILL succeed - all you need is one more chance, and this is it!

    thst would only apply to criminal cases-YOu are free to fly anywhere you want, lol.
    Are you sure mark is a real lawyer?

  • Update PLEASE! Did you show up or not?

  • “once I have a bill from the attorney you can pay all of it or a portion of it directly”

    Casey there is absolutely no way that any sort of reputable attorney is going to take on a case like yours with someone who likely has no assets and is facing federal prosecution without a significant retainer, several thousands of dollars. They aren’t just going to do it and send you a bill, frankly it’s kind of astonishing that you think that they would.

  • 158. Bobbsey Twins
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:21 am

    Why do people keep insisting that Casey violated a court settlement. The settlement has not been reviewed or accepted by the court. The other party to the settlement has not agreed to it either.

    Once a judge and all of the parties named in the lawsuit have signed off on the settlement and the case is take off the court calendar and deemed settled, THEN you can cry that Casey violated the settlement when he doesn’t agree to the terms.

  • 159. California Civil Code
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:30 am

    1565. The consent of the parties to a contract must be:
    1. Free;
    2. Mutual; and,
    3. Communicated by each to the other.

    1567. An apparent consent is not real or free when obtained
    1. Duress;
    2. Menace;
    3. Fraud;
    4. Undue influence; or,
    5. Mistake.

    1575. Undue influence consists:
    1. In the use, by one in whom a confidence is reposed by another, or who holds a real or apparent authority over him, of such confidence or authority for the purpose of obtaining an unfair advantage over him;
    2. In taking an unfair advantage of another’s weakness of mind; or,
    3. In taking a grossly oppressive and unfair advantage of another’s necessities or distress.

    (Not a lawyer but California code is readily available on the internet.)

  • You’re an infant. Do you have any rocks in that murse? Maybe you can eat some when you’re bored with holding your breath. Gawd, where are retroactive abortions when you need them? Your poor mother. Your poor wife. You punk.

  • Don’t drop the blog. The blog is the only loyal thing going on in your life.

    Your marriage is going going gone no matter whether you have the blog or not.

    You can get a w-2 job AND run the blog.

    Don’t be shortsighted.

  • I think that the “ex parte” this Mark character is after is spelled with an S.

    Meet him only in public, well-lit places, Casey.

  • @159

    no way can casey get out of the settlement by showing lack of consent or undue influence. the ca code might be available on the internet but it’s basically meaningless if you don’t know how to interpret it properly.

    casey, you need a lawyer asap. and, as an aside, anyone who gives you money in any form is out of their mind at this point.

  • 164. I can't believe I'm posting a comment
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:45 am

    @ Monica 141.

    “But Casey is a sane individual, and since psychiatric medication tends to harm patients or just make them sleepy and unable to concentrate, Casey would not benefit from psychiatric treatment, if there is such thing as beneficial psychiatric treatment in the first place. He already takes enough naps as it is.”

    Monica, Monica, Monica. You almost had me won over with your lucid explanation about the theoretical basis for most pharmaceutical psych treatments. I also tend to agree that for many people they do more harm than good (in that they are greatly overprescribed). However, they are helpful (extremely helpful) to people who need them.

    However, your “recent visitor” status is showing in your declaration that “Casey is a sane individual.” Well, the whole sane/insane dichotomy is pretty archaic and simplistic. At this point though, it’s not clear that he couldn’t be declared incompetent by a court.

    In any case, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s been watching this for a while that Casey has some pretty severe “mood swings”. My armchair diagnosis would be rapid cycling severe manic depression (or “bipolar disorder” if you prefer, same thing, new name). I have a good friend with this who lived unmedicated for a couple of years. I watched him go through hell. (Not anywhere near the consequences of Casey, but damn, the highs, crashes, and lows are evident just from READING THE DAMN BLOG. Stephanie J even graphed the mood swings (half-jokingly) on her blog.

    Short answer: meds would probably help him. In his case, it’s certainly worth a shot. Yes, Casey does take a lot of naps, but I’d be willing to bet that he goes through periods where he barely sleeps at all. Those are called the “manic phases”.

  • casey, it would be disgusting if you accept one cent from anyone who donates to your fund. you’ve stolen money and deserve to pay the price. if you wish to panhandle hang out on the streets with the rest of the bums. i donate to starving children not mortgage thieves.

  • 166. HoustonHater
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:50 am

    I hope people are not so stupid to give you money. That is even more money to waste on you than the “tax dollars”

  • #
    158. Bobbsey Twins
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:21 am

    Why do people keep insisting that Casey violated a court settlement. The settlement has not been reviewed or accepted by the court. The other party to the settlement has not agreed to it either.

    Once a judge and all of the parties named in the lawsuit have signed off on the settlement and the case is take off the court calendar and deemed settled, THEN you can cry that Casey violated the settlement when he doesn’t agree to the terms.

    159. California Civil Code
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:30 am

    1565. The consent of the parties to a contract must be:
    1. Free;
    2. Mutual; and,
    3. Communicated by each to the other.

    1567. An apparent consent is not real or free when obtained
    1. Duress;
    2. Menace;
    3. Fraud;
    4. Undue influence; or,
    5. Mistake.

    1575. Undue influence consists:
    1. In the use, by one in whom a confidence is reposed by another, or who holds a real or apparent authority over him, of such confidence or authority for the purpose of obtaining an unfair advantage over him;
    2. In taking an unfair advantage of another’s weakness of mind; or,
    3. In taking a grossly oppressive and unfair advantage of another’s necessities or distress.

    Casey those above bloggers made statements worthy of praise and intellectual prowess. im gonna say it again
    d u r e s s . even if u didn’t show up for court get an attorney to file an emergency motion to squash the above ex parte hearing with collection pawn and get this whole case thrown out of court. u really then need to sue collection pawn for 50k and have him incarcerated since he is abusing the court system. the courts will probably put him on probation and possibly legal fees will be reimbursed or u will have to place a judgement on him and garnish his wages. however i am sure u will get a protection order along with a restraining order barring collection pawn and con man wannabe oh i sold 30 billion in real estate from u, your family, your wife, marty, your blog, and further preventing him from slandering u on the internet. if they break the order of protection they will go to jayyeel and im telling u the jail that they will preview will not be pretty it will probably have felons,murderers, and my favorite rapists.

    remember young man do not let anybody hustle u, con u, or blackmail you this is America god dam it not a half a** trailer park carnival slide show. put those bastards on the floor in the court room man and put a f****** lien on their gold fish for good measure.

  • what entertainment!

    trainwreck +++ vultures feasting on wreckage.

    seriously…quit signing anything…hire a lawyer…quit interacting with vultures who claim to be your friend.

    and why did you screw up the book deal?

  • Casey,

    Where are you living now?

  • 170. Wake Up People
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    When your pension shrinks and/or your stocks start to decline because the CDO’s are re-valued as junk grade investments, you can thank Casey and the Caseys of this world. His poor choices aren’t just harming the banks. These bad mortgages have already been repackaged and sold to pensions funds and conservative investment accounts (under the guise of investment grade bonds). His callous and cavalier attempt at “sweet passive income” is coming out of YOUR pockets.

    I’ll be interested to see how “supportive” you will be when it is effecting your bottom line.

  • 171. I'll say it again
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:19 pm

    Do not listen to any of these posts EXCEPT for the ones written by “a lawyer”.

    Out of all the posts written here, he is the only one who knows what he is talking about. Trust me, if you follow his advice you will not only get those guys off your back, but you will give them a taste of their own medicine, and rightfully so. You might even wind up getting enough money from them to pay some credit card debt for a significant other.

    It’s time to strap your boots on and do what needs to be done.

    If you need help, email me.

  • 172. Mr. Advice
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    Casey, don’t worry if you cannot afford an attorney, the court will provide one for you.

    Some helpful things:

    Condense all of your massive paper work, blog pages, deals, etc, into a short 2 sentence line on a 3×5 card.

    Your attorney will have about 5 minutes max to listen to your case before he runs to the next, so make sure those 2 lines are brief and to the point. If you can, make it 2 or 3 words max instead to make sure you get full representation.

    Good luck.

  • casey you need lawyers, guns and money and you need them now, that is how you respond to haterz, they’ll sing a different tune when you are armed to the hilt, full body armor and bristling with automatic weapons.

    time to get medieval on peoplez.

  • @–TLG™

    I’d ignore this whole crazy khazeray and get some real work done, but for posts like yours.


  • 175. DC Economist
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:11 pm

    I am not involved with any legal proceedings with Casey. Casey was going to sell the domain to me. Casey backed out. Im okay with it. If he sells it to someone else, fine. Im done with fliptard.


  • Casey,

    I’ve been watching your story for a few months now but I’ve never posted before. Reading that your supporters are starting a legal fund drove me to post. That’s what we in the business call a potential tipping point.

    I’ve been in public relations a long time, Casey. Big firms and small, and even a few celebrities, people get themselves into messes that get just blown way out of proportion, and then people like me have to clean it up and get things fair again. That’s where you’re at now, it seems. If you’re serious about digging in and fighting the worst thing you can do is shut down this blog on 8/3. You don’t have a choice anymore, you have to stay public or else you’re going to get your head handed to you.

    Rule one in PR, CONTROL THE MESSAGE. Always, always, always. You take the blog down, you give up control over the message, and its over for you! Why do you think the FBI hasn’t hit you yet? Its not because they don’t have the goods, its because right now if they do, its going to be loud and MESSY. Police doesn’t like being in the news, Casey, and hitting you right now puts them in the news - because you’re so public. Your publicity is the best thing you got going for you now.

    I know you want to let this go and get on with your life but it’ll be a big mistake. Keep your voice out there, control your message or others will control it for you. Look at the events of the last week for proof of that.





  • 177. Breaking News
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:19 pm

    Breaking News!

    BLOG correction-

    Casey’s IQ of 131 has been misrepresented, its actually his credit score!

    And like his IQ, they both keep going down….

    Reporting live, from BNN, Breaking News Network

  • 178. IDigSmartLadies
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:30 pm

    “How long will this abuse of our legal system continue?”

    Quo usque tandem abutere, Casey, patientia nostra? Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet?

    How long, Casey, will you continue to abuse our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us?

  • 179. John Jones
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    @ Casey: “(Don’t worry, i’m still on track to follow through on my promises)”

    You idiot! What frickin’ promises have you *EVER!* followed through on???

    “That way I will not see the money and you’re [sic] money will go to good cause.”

    You are *NOT* a “good cause”! You’re a homeless guy with a laptop and no business accumen (look it up).

    And, you’re greedy. REALLY greedy.

  • 180. Breaking News
    July 17th, 2007 at 1:42 pm

    Breaking News!

    Sacremento, CA, 1:21pm:

    Casey has been seen at the Interstate 5 on-ramp south of downtown Sacremento.

    Sources say he borrowed money to purchase a magic marker and used cane from a Goodwill Dontation Center.

    Serin reportedly was holding a cardboard sign stating “Will work for sweet deals, no W-2 or 1099 employment”, using the cane as a sympathy prop while wearing a John Deer hat and flannel shirt, and holding out an old Jamba juice cup begging for donations.

    Apparently an altercation occured, when an older homeless man accused Serin of moving in on his territory on I-5, causing him to beg only $17 from passerby’s. Allegations by the homeless man are being filed at the Sacramento Court House, under the premise of de-monopolization of illegal income & encroachment parameters (stating the unwritten rule by homeless that beggers keep a 50 yard distance on all I-5 entrance and exit ramps dictated by seniority).

    Live, from BNN


  • @176 A PR Pro:

    You’re completely right! I’m so glad someone else sees it! It’s a shame people can’t see what’s going on here. It’s not right. This kid is trying to turn his life around and these sharks are trying to con him out of a goldmine. It’s disgraceful and I’m ashamed for them.

    Casey, they’re trying to trick you into walking away with all this cuddly talk about your marriage and family. IT’S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! They just want the website and all the traffic and they’re hoping you just believe it and walk away.

    It’s a con game! This is how con games work!

    Don’t let them do it! You’re not a criminal until a jury says you are. You’re still free to travel and make your own decisions. Get some distance from everybody and tell them all to shove it. But PRP is right - you HAVE to stay online until the smoke clears and you can take it down on your own terms. Right now you’re giving them the power. That’s going to leave them with a high traffic website and you with nothing but legal problems.

    Don’t fall for it!!

  • Your concern to conserve the court’s time and prevent wastage of tax dollars is a wonderful thing. I may have to revise my opinion of you.

  • Casey, It has been along time since I have posted on your site.

    You have heard people tell you to get an attorney, get an attorney, get a f****** attorney.


    You do not have an option. All of these people telling you it is all bs are lying to you.


    Mark is not f****** around and you are. All the people that say to ignore it are not your friends…You have an agreement that was negotiated and consumated by a judge.

    That means you cannot wish it away, you cannot wish mark away and it will not go away.

    And all the people telling you you were under duress is bullshit too. You and I both know that you were not under duress. Maybe you can get an attorney to argue that point for you but it will be in vain.

    These people egging you on are not doing you any favors casey. Look at the history of when you listened and let yourself be elevated by your supporterz and fan club. You lost your wife, you lost your self respect, you loss your integrity, you lost your dignity, and you begged for money.

    If you think you cannot go any lower then wait and see. With the FBI a calling you will see rock bottom.

    The last thing you have right now is your freedom…and that is about to be gone too.

    This blog that you love so much IS NOTHING….Look at what would have happened if you would have stopped it 8 months ago. None of what is happening to you would be happening now…the FBI would not be there, the haterz would nto be there, you wouldnt have had your a** kicked by a kangaroo, and your wife would still be there.

    See casey, you have to know how to pick and choose your fights….I am suprised that you did not learn this before the age of 10. You are fighting a battle you cannot win. That is a fact.

    Some would say that fighting this battle shows tenacity from you….It does shows stupidity on a level I have never seen before.

    This is how the next 3 weeks will play out casey..

    —Lossmit will get control of IAFF and blank and park it.

    —You will come to the conclusion that your wife will not have you back in any way shape or form. (the next time you will see her is at the divorce hearings)

    —The FBI will start moving forward with their formal indictments.

    At the conclusion of IAFF being taken from you forcibly, and blanked and parked,

    Around that time I will do a final haterzcast and everyone will go their seperate ways while you go to prison.

  • 184. Lost Cause
    July 17th, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    Extreme flight risk…Casey, are you are liable to lose another $100,000 any day now? You hemorrhage cash like a walking “Your honor, I have reason to believe that this man will lose even more money than he has already. Stop him before he does it again.”

    Sue the bastard for being a nuisance. I cannot see the personal gain in all of your “crimes.” You took it in the shorts in every deal.

  • 185. wowie zowie
    July 17th, 2007 at 4:23 pm

    I’d spend my cash on a civil attorney. You say you’re broke, you should be able to get a Federal Public Defender to represent you if (when?) the FBI and the United States Attorney’s office finally come down you.

    I don’t think Mark is abusing the courts — the statutes are there, he’s using them just what they are there for. It just sucks to be on the other side of it.

  • 186. James_Marks
    July 17th, 2007 at 5:37 pm

    Casey, it’s all good. Buy two or three more houses, get some cashback, and flee the country.

  • 187. Ignore the HATERS!
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:30 pm

    175. DC Economist:

    You are a fool but a luckly fool.

    Your name is pretty much mud these days and owning the IAFF name would be worthless if Casey split. No traffic. No value. Getting out was the smart play.

  • 188. Someone who Knows Better
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:39 pm

    I thought you HAD an atty.
    You said you had one on your team.
    Why are you waiting until the 11th hour to ask for a referral?

    My brother does pro bono work and would sink his teeth into this, I know. He lives in San Francisco. But Damn. You need to give a guy more than a day’s notice.

    What happened to your Dream Team of attys and advisors?
    See, bluffing and letting us think you had it all under control. Or as my ASW “itsallgood”…….not paying off for you now.

    Good luck tomorrow.
    I gave the bro your url so he can read what went down in Casey town.

  • 189. Bobbsey Twins
    July 17th, 2007 at 8:59 pm

    183. c_h_J_t_s
    July 17th, 2007 at 3:02 pm
    Casey, It has been along time since I have posted on your site.

    You have heard people tell you to get an attorney, get an attorney, get a f****** attorney.


    You do not have an option. All of these people telling you it is all bs are lying to you.


    Mark is not f****** around and you are. All the people that say to ignore it are not your friends…You have an agreement that was negotiated and consumated by a judg

    The only problem is that the agreement was never negotiated and consumated by a judge. Why do you not comprehend this. In fact the agreement has not been seen or signed off on by the other party in the lawsuit. If it is a settlement agreement, then it has to be agreed upon by all the parties in the lawsuit.

    Maybe there is another reason Mark didn’t show up for court today and wants a settlement before the 20th. Some of this FBI garbage is really starting to stink the place up.

    At least Forrest Gump is smart enough to take his box of chocolates and slink back to Georgia, before he finds his a** playing hotdog warmer for Bubba.

    Bubba may need a viagra presciption to keep up with the mouseketeers that are heading his way.

  • 190. Alexander Manuel
    July 17th, 2007 at 10:32 pm

    I wonder if this is the same Judge McMaster that made headline news a few years ago for supporting same-sex marriage laws. Some activists apparantly tried to get that Judge McMaster removed:

    If so, it seems that Judge McMaster needs to disclose the list of attorneys and plaintiffs who donated to his defense:


    Could your plaintiff’s name be on that list. If so…would’nt that be grounds for requesting the case be heard before another Judge?

    Alexander Manuel

  • Clearly, Villasenorita is delusional and psychotic. Not only does he think that the FBI is under his command, now he thinks that by telling the court that you are a “flight risk” that they will give him whatever he wants without even following proper procedure. Casey, really, if he threatened you with going to the FBI for not selling him the blog below market value, particularly if he had anyting to do with the crank FBI call, he is guilty of blackmail and extortion. Prosecuting you for mortgage fraud is problematic for the authorities because stated income loans are so widespread and implicitly invite the borrower to overstate their income. Prosecuting a loser for extortion and blackmail might be much more interesting to a county of federal prosecutor than Lost*ittPro may imagine.

  • I’ve never heard a civil defendant referred to as a “flight risk”… sounds like someone has been watching too much “Dog the bounty hunter”…

    Civil court is about money, you don’t have any…

    In the absolute worst case, the plaintiff manages to snark this website, which you’ve said you were killing anyway…

    For once in your life, doing nothing may be the right action… I’ve learned in my own experience that you never know what is going to happen when you go to court… If you aren’t there, at least you know you won’t implicate yourself further ( one of the plaintiffs stated goals for this case)…

    Who knows, maybe the the plaintiff goes to court with his tinfoil hat on and starts talking about you being a “flight risk”, and ends up in a rubber room for a few days…

    That’s alot more likely than you being able to handle yourself properly in court, and we all know you won’t hire a lawyer ( that’s way too easy for you, Casey)…

    Go have a Jamba, and check out some “sweet dealz”…

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