Sunday, August 5, 2007

Change of Talkcast Location, Official IAFF Song, Satire Pics

Hey guys, sorry for late post today. I was at Capital Garage Cafe but their internet wasn’t working, so I couldn’t finish my post. Now I’m at Infusion Cafe two block down on K and 17th street (Sacramento).

Well, the whole IAFF them song and photoshop contest didn’t go all that great. I only got two people who submitted photos and one of them was inappropriate. So I’m posting some of the photos I myself was able to grab from hater sites over the last several months.

So no contest. I took a risk, it failed. It’s all about trial-and-error. Itsallgood

There are a ton more I’ve seen out there but I am not a regular visitor to hater sites never got a chance to snag them. Hey haterz, you know I’m always one to give credit where credit is due (for creativity), you had your chance to display your work… oh well.

Official IAFF Theme Song

So since this is the only song, the award goes to AUDIOFOIXXX for the Official IamFacingForeclosure Theme Song.

I really like the music and the lyrics. Very much the mood I’ve been lately with all the crazyness happening and all the pressure from all sides: civil, government bureaus, relationship, internet circus monkeys, etc.

Satire Pics

I don’t have time to post all the new ones, here is one I think is pretty funny…


Click the picture to see the rest of my Satire set on Flickr.

Let me know if you are an author of these pics and I’ll give you some credit in the caption.

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