Sunday, July 29, 2007

“Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted” -Robert Kiyosaki

Thanks to John of Rich Dad Underground for posting this Rich Dad’s INSIDERS video with Robert Kiyosaki.

Enjoy the video! For more on my last trip to Phoenix see:

* Big News to Come Later Today…
* Meeting Robert Kiyosaki Next Week!
* On Rich Dad TV with Robert Kiyosaki
* Back Home from Phoenix
* What Really Happened in Phoenix

Why Should I NOT File Bankruptcy?
Real Estate Investing College

December 15th, 2006 at 3:01 pm;userID=11

I see you sold a shirt, way to go Casey!
December 15th, 2006 at 3:07 pm

Grand theft mortgage fraud is a sin that deserves 10 to 20 years hard time.
December 15th, 2006 at 3:07 pm

Geeze Ca$ey

I HATE re-runs. Anyone who wants to see how you wasted time & money the last time you went to Phoenix can easily find out. What happened THIS time ? Another wasted trip I suspect !
December 15th, 2006 at 3:08 pm

And explain this

How can you possible call what you have done “a mistake” ?
December 15th, 2006 at 3:15 pm

Casey is my RK!! yah!
Kevin L
December 15th, 2006 at 3:26 pm

That doesn’t even make sense.

A mistake is a mistake, if you admit it or not.
It is not a sin to not admit making a mistake.
Truth Monkey
December 15th, 2006 at 3:40 pm


This reminds me of an episode of “Millennium” that spoofed Scientology. One of the “Selfosophists” takes a flying leap off a building (and dies) because he believes that positive thinking alone is going to protect him from all harm.

Didn’t Richard Feynman say, “reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled”?

Read up on your friend here:
jonny quest
December 15th, 2006 at 3:50 pm

Casey, if these Phoenix deals with your richdads don’t pan out, don’t despair. I was talking with my smartdad, Dr. Benton Quest, about your financial problems and we think we have a solution. Please contact Spaceman Spiff. If you two bring down his transmogrifier to Palm Key, Dr. Quest will reverse engineer it for you. Once he has the prototype worked out, I’m sure entrepreneurs like Messrs. Flipper and Cote (and Tim too along with all his rich friends - btw Tim do you have time to help my dad with the engineering work?) will seed your venture, and with your sweet, win-win business skills, you’ll be out of debt in no time. No BK for you!

PS: Hadji says he will help setup manufacturing and support in India. And Race will use his contacts to ensure patents are protected and enforced.

PPS: Hey Sputnik, Bill told me to tell you if you don’t start using the correct spellings of “Aack” and “Thbbbt” in your posts he’s bringing Jeanne Kirkpatrick with him to pay you a visit and they’re going do more than cough up a few hairballs on your mangy ass!
December 15th, 2006 at 3:52 pm

Casey - old, old news…

How is your December planned launch of going? You didn’t list your houses there per your Week 1 plan.

How’s your financial analysis going? (Isn’t that ‘due’ next week?)

December 15th, 2006 at 3:53 pm

WTF does “Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted” mean???

Does that mean it’s OK to defraud and f*** up as long as you’re public about it?
John Smith
December 15th, 2006 at 3:57 pm

December 15th, 2006 at 4:02 pm

I watched as much of it as I could stand, and unless the content radically altered towards the end, I got the impression that there was a huge amount of congratulating Casey (for what, exactly?) and literally NOTHING in the way of useful advice as to how best to climb out of the financial pit.

All of which is fine if Casey just wants more fuel for his delusions, but he’d be far better off listening to some of the more intelligent commenters round these parts - even if he doesn’t like what they have to say.
December 15th, 2006 at 4:22 pm

Does it seem to anyone else like RK was mocking Casey a little?
December 15th, 2006 at 4:23 pm

Hey Casey,

You’re gonna get out of all this and be richer than any of us combined. Pick a good real estate mentor (or several, don’t just learn from one), and you’ll have continued success. You’re on the right track, and that’s a good thing.

And, that’s what we do. We take risks. We are entrepreneurs. I don’t want to have to learn the same lessons as you, but I know that if/when I do in the future, I’ll look to you for inspiration on courage.

I am 30, and if I started full-time real estate earlier in my life, I’d be in a completely different situation. I don’t know where I’d be exactly, but it’d be adventurous. Don’t get me wrong, I would never quit my day (and night) job as an anesthesiology resident because it’s fun and I absolutely love it. But, it’s nice to think about other ways of life once in a while.

Still, as a real estate investor myself, I applaud your courage to take risk and admit your mistakes.

PS - I seem to have read somewhere that stock/options traders who loose (haha) their ego and who can admit they’re wrong are the most successful ones…
December 15th, 2006 at 4:42 pm

Somebody watched this?!?!
Eric Cartman
December 15th, 2006 at 4:44 pm

RK is not laughing WITH you, Casey. He is laughing AT you. We all are!
December 15th, 2006 at 4:44 pm

More mindless drivel from one of the men who gave you the advice to help ruin your financial future.

I still can’t believe you put him on a pedestal.
Casey is a Genius
December 15th, 2006 at 4:46 pm

The only thing that Kiyosaki taught you is when he drew up that make-shift graph of the housing market. Buy Low & Sell High.

Yes!!!! We all know that, but Casey for some reason knew that he was buying when the market has peaked and He still bought all these houses. No wonder you’re paying so much for education….errrrrrrrrrrr seminars.

Ohhhhh and if you’re on the course of admitting all your mistakes…How about airing out all the dirty laundry of your past…Ponzi schemes, Promising 30% return, and the Con some of your buddies didn’t get away with.
Emmanuel Sharp
December 15th, 2006 at 4:48 pm

Why admit to wrong-doing when doing right by yourself felt so awesome?

Sins Schmins. What I care about is the almighty dollar. Tied for second place are “getting even with people that double-cross you,” and “eating a nice rhubarb pie.”

There are a lot of people trying to get rich. You’re actually on your way. Let me know if you need any further help. I’d be happy to star in a YouTube video with you. Or if you need another “mortgage,” let me know.

- e-bomb
December 15th, 2006 at 4:54 pm

*yawn* The video is so boring. RK chicken dance would be fun to watch.
Ask Me How
December 15th, 2006 at 4:58 pm


This real estate stuff is a complete waist of time. Go get yourself a Herbalife franchise like I did. Sure multi-level marketing is slow tobegin with, but in about 6 weeks, if you bird dog it, you’ll have Level A in place.

Make sue you select sweet dealers for your Level A people because thi sis the criticalstage of the organization. Next, let Level A recruit Level B, etc. Once you are at about a Level F guy, you can relax. Just hold sales meetings, motivational seminars and hand out rewards abd you are set.

One important thing, never, never EVER, divulge at which level an individual or syndicate is. If they can figure out how high (or low) in the food chain they are, its eithe bad for them or bad for you.

Now, go! Supplements! Anti-Oxidants! Protease inhibitors, Alpha blockers! Go! Go! GO!

Just remember in th eimmortal words of Tommy Vu: “Okay. You’ve seen me make a lot of money. You’ve seen my students who are average people make a lot of money. Isn’t is about time for you to go out and make a lot of money?”
December 15th, 2006 at 5:00 pm


Stick to the plan… be boring. Save money to invest first. Stay away from debt.

Cubicle Feed
December 15th, 2006 at 5:29 pm

More mumbo jumbo eh?
DR. Mariam Ajao Omotoriola
December 15th, 2006 at 5:29 pm

DEAR sir,

I’m interested in purchases your advertised
the prices $349,900 is okay by me. I’m shipping it down to
Bournemouth, Dorset in England and if i can pay with a check drawn
in an American Bank. If this is okay with you do get back to me
immediately for me to arrange the payment. Concerning the shipment,
Because my shipper will need to come and pick it up from you as will
seal this transaction and before my shipper can come to your location,
i will need to pay my shipper first. So I want you to help me because
i will prepare you the cashier check of $400,000 and you will deduct the
cost of your 1910 MUNCY DRIVE, MODESTO, CA 95350 because i
want you to help me by sending the remaining balance to my shipper
through via western union money transfer around you for fast shipping
arrangement, so that my shipper can travel down to your location.
Well i am a born again christain and i will like to do business with
a God fearing person, and i will like to know if you are a born
again christain, cos i will like to trust you and i will also like
to do more business with you. So if you are okay with my suggestion
do get back to me immediately with your Full name, Contact address
and Phone number for me to issue the check with your name. Thanks
for your understanding in anticipation.

God Bless!
Sharp as a Blunt Knife!
December 15th, 2006 at 5:38 pm

Sharp like a blunt knife…lots of hugs and kisses and you are deeper in doo doo than when that interview occured…

I guess you have a sharp mind but don’t know how to use it correctly because it has ruined your life for a long time to come…that doesn’t mean you won’t make some money but you have really screwed yourself…it’s definitely going to be may times more difficult for you…

You Go Sharpy!
December 15th, 2006 at 5:46 pm

You did not make 30K on your first deal. Period. It’s like if I offered you 100K for your Jetta, you would take it right? Well what about if, to get the deal done, you had to pay me $99,800 for my car which happened to be a 1986 Chevette? And you had to pay the cost to tow it from my junkyard. Would you still do the deal? Do you get the point?
Honestly Wondering
December 15th, 2006 at 5:50 pm

WOW. Holy crap.

If you don’t watch any of the rest of this, just forward to the 24 minute mark and watch the next five minutes. Kiyosaki talks about doing his own liar loans (”99% of entrepreneurs lie on their loan applications anyway”), calls working people “cowards” and “losers”, and blathers on at length about how the only thing an entrepreneur needs to succeed is a positive attitude (and apparently a complete lack of honesty). I’m profoundly amazed that people take this guy seriously - he’s snake oil from start to finish.

And I’m saying that as an entrepreneur myself, self-employed for six years and doing reasonably by it. The stuff Kiyosaki’s pushing over those surreal five minutes is more than just wrong: it’s damned dangerous, Pied Piper stuff. It’s terrifying to think that so many folks out there are actually following people like him.


That economy was certainly nice while it lasted.. maybe it *is* time we started a debtor prison system in the US.
(the original) Voice of Reason
December 15th, 2006 at 6:13 pm

Far too many times I’ve read and heard Casey referring to himself as things he simply is not, giving a bad name to those who actually are.

1. “Programmer”

You are not a programmer. Learning some HTML and slapping together a few web pages, and putting up pre-packaged sites do not even remotely constitute programming. Real programmers have gone to school, have studied diligently and have earned proper degrees. You’re a tourist, calling yourself a programmer with a half semester of introductory Linux “‘cuz all your friends were doin’ it”. This is like Paris Hilton calling herself an actress because her amateur sex video is publicly viewed on the web.

2. “Entrepreneur”

You are not an entrepreneur. Real entrepreneurs, first and foremost are passionate about something other than money. Their passion is usually about some product, some idea, or some way of changing lives for the better. They have a clear understanding of their domain, and a clear vision of what they want it to become. They have a clear goal, and a clear working plan. They have something real to offer.

A desire to get rich fast as *the* goal, with absolutely nothing to offer to society, is not entrepreneurship. It is nothing more than pure, unadultrated greed. No true and successful entrepreneur’s dream was ever primarily to get rich fast. This is a point that has sadly been lost on you because none of your gurus ever taught you this. Late night RE gurus sell a lot of things, but lessons in entrepreneurship are never among them.

Your escapades in flipping real estate can only be called gambling, and nothing more. You are no more an entrepreneur than a stock market day trader is an entrepreneur. You simply gamble with properties, and you do a very poor job of it.

3. “Business Owner”, or “Businessman”, or any reference to having a “Business”

You have never had a real estate business. None outside of your fantasies, anyway. A business is a corporate entity registered with the state, with certain responsibilities. A real estate business owner does not take out loans to buy business properties stating intent of owner-occupancy. Only a dilettante does that. And this is to say nothing of falsified income statements.

The most respectable terms that can describe you are “real estate speculator” and “full-time flipper”. And I’m being very generous with these.

My sincere advice to you: go to school and learn something after the dust of your current mess settles, however long that takes. You seriously lack education, and that’s why you have repeatedly been conned by real estate scam artists and find yourself in this mess. You are the textbook victim of these scams. Few educated people ever get taken by the likes of Kiyosaki, which is why he is always promoting and celebrating lack of education.
Cornholio Mangus
December 15th, 2006 at 6:32 pm

“Mistakes are only sins when not admitted.”

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tell that one to the prosecutor!
December 15th, 2006 at 6:34 pm
December 15th, 2006 at 6:45 pm

How much will your taxes be once you get debt forgiveness in BK. Guessing you will get $1 million forgive, the tax on that is gonna be what, something above $200,000. It will take you at least 5 years to pay that, probably though more like 15 years. You could be well into your forties before you fix this mess. Your wife made a huge mistake when she got hooked up with you Casey.
Montana Bubble
December 15th, 2006 at 6:56 pm

You come across pretty well in this, Casey. But think really hard about why RK is a book salesman now instead of out making real money in sweet RE deals. And why he did not offer you one piece of advice to get out of this mess.

I have even less respect for RK after watching this (see the John T. Reed link too). Let me paraphrase the video for those of you who don’t want to watch it:

Kiyosaki: “Well, Casey, you took the helm of the Titanic and steered it straight for an iceberg. But at least you have the courage to admit that you hit an iceberg, and at least you realize that you’re about to sink into icy water. I really admire you for that. And here’s the amazing thing: You’re in the ‘dead zone’ now. This is the point in life that most people hope they’ll never reach. Good job! But your head is still above water. The longer you can stay here, the more amazing you are. You’ll come out stronger. Good luck with that.”

“And to all the people prudently navigating the icy waters in tiny vessels: Screw you! You’re such losers for keeping your ‘day job’ and never taking real risks. How dare you criticize Casey for bad steering on a big ship he had no business piloting?”

Woman at the end: “I really admire what you’ve done here. Most people who commit crimes don’t have the courage to have their picture and on the front page of USA Today”
December 15th, 2006 at 7:01 pm

And the laughable part of that whole kyosaki video is this:

The “Rich Dad” referenced in Kyosaki’s famous book is FICTITIOUS! Everybody got that? He is not real. Fake. A figment of the imagination.

Upon REPEATED requests for Kyosaki to divulge who the actual Rich Dad individual was that inspired his book, he has never made that public. And after repeated investigations into the area near where Kyosaki grew up and “alleged” that this “Rich Dad” was his neighbor, they have never and I repeat NEVER been able to determine who this person was. And the Hawain island where Kyosaki grew up was not very large so it should not have been difficult to ascertain who this person was if he really existed.

And get this: when pressed repeatedly by individuals from Smartmoney magazine, here is the excerp:

“In the February 2003 issue of SmartMoney magazine, Kiyosaki backed off his claim that his “rich dad” was a real person, instead stating “Is Harry Potter real? Why don’t you let Rich Dad be a myth, like Harry Potter?””

Um, no ‘Bob’, you can’t make Rich Dad a myth. You see, your books sell in the non-fiction section while Harry Potter sells in the fiction section. Actually, in retrospect, it should be the other way around since at this stage, I have more believe in Pollyjuice potion than anything that Bob Kyosaki claims. He is no different than that ‘million little pieces’ author. A BS fabrication of information, conjecture and false conclusions used to sell books and fill the seats of seminars with weak minded people like Casey.
December 15th, 2006 at 7:04 pm

wow this blog is like an 8th grade level ‘how to make money’ book report. ONLY FOR REAL.

Kiyosaki is the pied piper for uneducated retreads.

I’m starting to think I should take advantage of the less educated/less intelligent among us like RK does.

But its sooooo slimy and sleazy. Drug dealers and pimps are more honest than RK. In fact you could get mugged on the street 10 times and lose less money than RK and his ilk will suck out of you. And after being mugged your better off, you wont have ‘nonsense’ in your head and end up a seminar zombie like poor CS.

What grand wasto time this site is, Casey I applaud you!!

Here are some ideas for next week:
1. Join Amay ’sell soap to your friends’ cult and let us know how it goes.
2. Answer as many ‘work from home’ ads as you can and update everyone how much you make.
3. Become reseller for Avon and cutCo knives and give us the scoop.
Cubicle Feed » Blog Archive » You’re a Phony, Casey Serin
December 15th, 2006 at 7:37 pm

[…] This guy Casey goes on and on and on and on about these guru lessons. For example, his most recent entry is a quote from Robert Kiyosaki “Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted”. Pseudo-philosophical bullshit with a hint of lemon-flavored religion will NOT teach you how to get out of debt. Why is Casey so in love with these gurus? I think in anywhere from 6 months to a year Casey is going to manage to get out of his hole and succeed. And when he does who do you think he’s going to thank? The gurus. And when he does who do you think will be signing his paycheck for all the amazing publicity? Robert Kiyosaki. Trust me, this is nothing but an elaborate scam to push more copies of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. […]
December 15th, 2006 at 8:13 pm

Here are some more quotes:

“Things are more like they are now than they have ever been.”

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

Pretty much as useful as the one from Kiyosaki.
December 15th, 2006 at 8:31 pm

Mr. Casey
I clicked on your adsense 4 times

You did a spectacular job on rich dad TV.

Would you now file for bankrupcty sir?
Big Cheese
December 15th, 2006 at 8:47 pm

RK is a smug bastard on this video. He really gets pleasure whenever you say that you owe money or how far deep you are. Cue it up to 31:00 minutes and see the huge belly laugh RK has when you say that in August you had 6 properties in foreclosure. I don’t think he is pulling for you like you think.

And is that PRLINKBIZ in the audience (large chick with the curlyish hair?)

Big Cheese
Michael Cooke
December 15th, 2006 at 9:04 pm

Nice speech. You seemed very polished; without trying. You are a good public speaker.

However RK acted like a prick. Reminding everyone you bought “at the peak”, calling you a “greater fool” pointing, laughing ect. Then his outburst “Oh shit!” when you revealed bought at 500k for the NM property (like oh! what a dumb ass I would have never made that mistake when I first started).

He seemed very arrogant to me. No doubt his money and fame have gone to his head. As the saying goes “power corrupts”.

Allot of his advice is good. But at the end of the day advice isn’t going to pay the bills.
Homey Da Clown
December 15th, 2006 at 9:08 pm


YO YO YO… why you keeps deleting my posts man?

Iz it cuz you knows Homey be tellin the truth? I thought you wazn’t a scared? I ain’t got nothin on you right?

Yo Casey, tell us a story about your last job at that place with that cat Jose. HE is gonna testify, you knowz dat fo sho. Set us all straight man…


Big Cheese
December 15th, 2006 at 9:29 pm

A few other points:

Did anyone catch the big sheepish cute smile that Casey gave when RK brought up taxes? Casey, do you really think you can charm your way out of bad situations all your life? You may have cute hypnotic eyes but that only gets you 30% in life. You have to from your mistakes and do some critical self reflection.

I also have contempt for RK when he scorns coming up in a career and dismisses that for Losers (while holding a big L on his forehead). People in careers take big risks too- for me to move to Asia to take a different job on a 2 year assignment is a big risk. But also a high potential reward, both in experience of career and personal enrichment. Well Xerox was a bad company so RK can admit that- but he could have done very well in a J.O.B. Look at the likes of Tim from Monetery and his ilk. I really think that scorn of RK was totally unwarranted.

-Big Cheese
Big Cheese
December 15th, 2006 at 9:35 pm

I’ve got a puzzle for people on the blog… try and figure out the code below:


Winners get to ask Casey Serin any question… and a free Casey doll! And no, it’s not a Russian phrase.

Casey, I know puzzles are not on topic so I guess you won’t post this.

-Big Cheese
Lou Minatti
December 15th, 2006 at 9:56 pm

Thanks for posting this, Casey.

You should know by now that I am not a “hater”. Have you contacted a criminal defense attorney yet? And have you looked into personal self-defense classes? You will be going to prison soon and since you are young you will need to defend yourself against the hardened cons.

Your credit scores mean nothing at this point. You should be concerned with personal survival for the next decade in the pen. I am not kidding around.
Mind Petals: Young Entrepreneur Network
December 15th, 2006 at 11:58 pm

links from Technorati “Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted” -Robert Kiyosaki
December 16th, 2006 at 12:18 am

“99% of the frigging population are liars.” - RK

This looser doesn’t even try to pretend to be honest.

Screw you too, Robert Kiyosaki.
Mr. Flipper
December 16th, 2006 at 12:27 am

To “Michael Cooke” who wrote:

“…RK acted like a prick. Reminding everyone you bought “at the peak”, calling you a “greater fool” pointing, laughing ect. Then his outburst “Oh shit!” when you revealed bought at 500k for the NM property (like oh! what a dumb ass I would have never made that mistake when I first started).
He seemed very arrogant to me. No doubt his money and fame have gone to his head. As the saying goes “power corrupts”.”

MF: Say what you will about RK’s style and character flaws, but I’ve found very few successful entrepreneurs who are essentially unlike RK.

For whatever reason, this personality type just naturally fits most of the operators I know of.

Nonetheless, these folks have their insecurities, too, but sometimes not obvious because they are right under our/their noses.

That said, these are pugnacious self-starters with enough negative feedback in their history from putz’s like some of us might be, that they have learned to roll right over us in making a way forward for themselves.

Without getting too philosophical or hippy-pop-psychofied we can learn to sift through RK’s work/personality, and very precisely pick out what we think would work for us, and what might not, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

It’s a sophisticated person that can see through the shortcomings of an RK, but continue to skim off the cream…whatever amount we care to recognize as cream anyway…

In any event we can learn “something” from even the brightest AND dimmest stars, if we choose to.

Very thought provoking post! Thanks, Michael.
December 16th, 2006 at 12:39 am

you all have to admit tho, Casey is a hottie. To bad he’s married … maybe he could be a stripper? model? hot ones (like him) make lots of $
December 16th, 2006 at 12:42 am

You could go to a “cash for your title, you keep the car” place and get some quick equity out of the sweet Jetta. Probably beats 36% interest, but not by much. Then, BK it away!

Do these places exist in CA? TX has them everywhere.
December 16th, 2006 at 1:34 am

Casey -=- So what’s the resolution for the mortgage payment snafu? Did you go there? Are you still in Phoenix? You keep leaving all these kinds of threads hanging.
Joey Bobo
December 16th, 2006 at 1:36 am

Wow Casey, I’m looking at the video. I’m shocked you didn’t punch Kiyosaki in the face.

They brought you on the show to mock you.

At 12:53, Kiyosaki let out a big samurai laugh when you mention your predicament, and
At 12:59, he mocks you for buying at the top of the market, mentioning how other guys are able to get out.
At 13:13, Kiyosaki is calling you the greater fool. Thankfully, no one else in the audience found his “humor” funny, and he moves on.
At 20:49, Kiyosaki takes perverse pleasure in describing human/canine sex acts.
At 31:11, Kiyosaki makes a funny kabuki face, taking perverse pleasure in your description of marital strains.
At 31:15, Kiyosaki bursts out in pure childlike laughter when you again mention facing foreclosure on 6 houses.
At 32:40, Kiyosaki mocks your stupidity, and again bursts out in laughter, with the audience joining in.

Your body language showed a sad, broken man. Your hands were on your side, or folded, and you kept your head down often. Your voice was unsure, and soft.

Did you feel humiliation during this taping?

Thankfully, Kiyosaki gave you a little pep talk at the end. Maybe he felt guilt at mocking you, but I don’t think that man is capable of feeling guilt.
December 16th, 2006 at 2:19 am

If I were you, I would never again mention RKs name on this blog. That jackass called you a fool and he and PRlink**** were laughing at you throughout.

December 16th, 2006 at 2:30 am

you have to hand it to RK for being so frank and kissing up to Casey…
December 16th, 2006 at 2:35 am

you have to give credit to RK and, no, he didn’t kiss up to Casey, so he’s showing Casey how agnostic business people can be.

WTF does “Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted”

the word sin means “falling short” so if you admit your sin, then you get up, dust yourself off and “make things right.” if you don’t admit your mistake, you’re sinning because you’re not being all you can be and falling short.
December 16th, 2006 at 3:08 am

Casey -

What has happened to the “early riser”??? It is December 16 - It looks like you’ve not kept up with the goal you set for rising at 5:55 a.m.

RK is NOT your friend. You were caught up in the “attention” you were getting, not to mention “star struck” — RK was mocking you — and laughing all the way to the bank!

He knows 99% of the population lies because he lies 100% of the time….

Hope to see a 6:00 a.m. post from you soon –
Daniel (foreign)
December 16th, 2006 at 3:18 am


That was really good I really enjoyed. You still look very shy, you must overcome that.

It made me smile and laugh. I really loved this video.

You will succeed, keep that in mind.

I don’t understand why there are still so many critics here. Why do you (haters) still waste your time here? Is it that you don’t have anybody to drop your negative energies?
Why do you haters spend so mucho of your energy seeking somebody to blame at.

Dear Casey, you did screw up but you are going to succeed. This is a great video and I really enjoy, smile and laugh. I keep up a good sense of humor in all this mess.

“In five years watch my dust” I liked that. “In five years, or in ten years I could be succesfull, but you will still be a critic” I loved that too.


PS: I also think that RK is kind of a little cheater, but I love his lessons… and I think he’s really good. Great leader, great motivator… and most of all he is succesfull.
Big Cheese
December 16th, 2006 at 4:17 am


Any guess on the puzzle?

Hint: think 1-800-GEICO.

-Big Cheese
The Trailer Park Boys
December 16th, 2006 at 6:06 am

Looks like Robert is going to give you something
December 16th, 2006 at 6:25 am

What little free information Rich Dad has on his website seems sound. But it doesn’t give anyone a license to be an idiot.

Studying the various markets, researching, planning, etc. and making your money work for you = smart.

Buying up anything with a for sale sign on it expecting someone else to give you more for it and lying on loans to do so = stupid.

As for the whole “jobs are bad” thing that’s the dumbest crap I’ve ever heard. Just because someone has a job doesn’t mean they work 8 hours a day then come home and go to sleep on the sofa. Many of them take the income they make from that job and reinvest it to make that money work for them. Having a job doesn’t mean you can’t put your money to work.
December 16th, 2006 at 6:48 am

I am a real estate developer and have gone belly up twice since 1981. I watched two of your videos to see what went wrong so I could learn and I realize the critical mistake you made (but so did I) when you sold the property and bought back this buyer’s. This is a crutch deal: it cannot make it on its own. I do not allow these to myself any longer. If I cannot sell my property at a certain price: I drop the price until it creates the kind of volume of buyers which is a slight undersell and gets people going and their checkbooks open. Also I do not deal with 100 % financing unless real or potential rental income covers the financing.
But hang in there: you can negotiate anything with banks when you have no money! I really had to change my thinking when I was in your place: you (and I) said you wanted to pay back every dirty penny back… you (and I) are not being realistic: you should go in with the banks and work out a repayment plan using the cashflow of the property and forcing them to take a haircut. It works. Good luck.
Law Vibe
December 16th, 2006 at 6:57 am

“Mistakes are only sins when not admitted”.

Sins as in what? Religious type sins? Or legal type “sins”?

For some reason, I don’t think judges will buy that logic. And if going for the religion angle, I’m pretty sure your higher power knows what you did. So yeah, what the heck does that mean?
Law Vibe
December 16th, 2006 at 7:02 am

Was anyone else disturbed when RK said, “He may go to jail and become somebody’s boyfriend.”

And the audience laughs. Damn Casey, this is your hero?
John Smith
December 16th, 2006 at 7:04 am


Main Entry: 1sin
Pronunciation: ’sin
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sinne, from Old English synn; akin to Old High German sunta sin and probably to Latin sont-, sons guilty, est is — more at IS
1 a : an offense against religious or moral law b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible c : an often serious shortcoming : FAULT
2 a : transgression of the law of God b : a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God
Bob Ross
December 16th, 2006 at 7:48 am

Casey will not file bankruptcy, will not give any more deeds in lieu of foreclosure to his mortgage companies, and will not take any major steps to resolve this situation while he has the chance (and avoid a ton of interest, penalties and legal fees that are currently being added to his debts), because he has a fundamental inability to throw in the towel and call it quits. He knows that once he does that, that’s the end of his hopes and it will all be over. He still is full of too much euphoria. Frankly, he’s enjoying the spotlight and the excitement of potential skin-saving “sweet deals.” Once he calls it quits, that will all abruptly come to an end. How much longer could this site really last if he returns all the houses to his lenders? What would there be to blog about? And how likely is it for this site to continue during a contentious bankruptcy case or criminal case? No attorney will want to represent Casey if he is just going to undermine all of the attorney’s assistance and advice by continuing to blog on this site. And as exciting as bankruptcy or criminal proceedings could potentially be, they can also be quite tedious at times.

Casey, there is only one thing I can think of that can be done to potentially dig yourself and your wife out of this hole: your wife needs to write a book. Note that I said your wife, not you. You’re still full of silly dreams and cult-like guru indoctrination. Nobody would want to read a book by you. However, I can see a book by your wife describing step-by-step how her life was destroyed by your, err, “irrational exuberance” could do extremely well. A lot of spouses have had to deal with that problem or can at least realize that they may have to at a future point. A book by your wife really could be educational - as opposed to this blog, for instance, which is pure entertainment. It could touch a real personal, emotional chord. It also might be very therapeutic for your wife. (Note that I am presuming that your wife is a sane, rational person and not guru-crazy or involved in your schemes. If your wife is just like you, then fuggetaboudit. You need someone sympathetic. I suppose the fact that she hasn’t left you let and attempted to limit her exposure to the avalance of new and increasing community property debts that are about to hit her would suggest maybe she is irrational like you and my idea wouldn’t work.)
December 16th, 2006 at 8:09 am

i know i shouldn’t be amazed by all the fools’ responses on these post anymore… but i guess i still am. first of all… it’s LOSER not LOOSER. i love when some ape critizes casey and yet they can’t spell as well as my 7 year old neighbor. anyways, bottomline i enjoyed the video of RK and i don’t perceive his criticism as ridicule but the contrary. his message is “embace FEAR”… you are facing it now and doing well. this will pay you exponentially in the future. the only point i have a difference of opinion on with RK is that he seems to think this “bottom” in the RE market is just part of the cycle. normally i would agree but what we have to be very aware of this time is M3 levels and geopolitical risk. the fallout could be quite different from recent bottoms….. the great depression lasted roughly a little more than ten years until after ww2. who knows what will happen this time but the only one on these post that seems to have a clue is “mr flipper.” good luck casey… don’t file BK.
December 16th, 2006 at 8:38 am

I am hard pressed to figure out why you posted this video. In some deluded fashion do you think that it paints you in any type of favorable light??? I do have a serious question though. You have gotten alot of really good advice from the posters on this blog, many of them quite successful in their fields, but have opted not to listen to ANY of them. Why??? Are you working under the assumption that free advice is worth what you pay for it ? ? ? If they were to charge you some obscene price would you be more apt to listen? All I got out of RK was that you are a loser, but his plans would work for OTHER people. And his other little gem of flipping the finger to anyone who may havea differing opinion.
Honest Joe
December 16th, 2006 at 8:46 am


You had your moment of fame and RK asked you if you had anything to say or ask…you were amazingly blank. Unbelievable. You must think about your situation day and night and you must have been dreaming about the ways that RK might help you. Did he beat you down and tell you what you could, and could not say during the taping?

Or please explain why you didn’t ask the simple question, “Mr. K, with your vast knowledge and RE connections throughout the world, how can I work with the various parties in my RE transactions to correct this situation so I can put this chapter of my life behind me and move on to more profitable transactions like the ones you explain in your many books and videos?”

Please tell us about the briefing he gave you before the show. Unfortunaely you are still young and naieve, otherwise you probably would have called RK to the floor and asked him to solve your problems and to stop laughing at you. In my opinion, he dug your hole a little deeper and broke your spirits further.

I have a few RK books and I like them. However, I never thought of them as the “bible” of RE. I would go through them and look for the ideas and parts that could potentially help me. I have lost all respect for this guy…as he was blatantly rude and incosiderate while potentially making money off of you. That is not how you treat the “hand that feeds you”. I will not feed him again.

Good luck.
December 16th, 2006 at 9:14 am

Anyone who thinks RK gives sound advice has no college education.

Unfortunately that is his market. His message sounds good to people with no education and no significant money to start out in ‘business’. Basically he tries to throw the widest net possible to collect as many fish as he can. “get rich with no money down and education and jobs are for suckers” come on!

For god’s sake dont give RK any more $. If you must then only buy his lame books, nothing else, but buy some REAL books also dont spend $ on any mentoring crap. An accountant can get you started out better.
Underwear Model
December 16th, 2006 at 9:15 am


I can see you really want to be financially free, and as far as I can tell you seem willing to do so work (you rehabbed 7 homes I think). You are almost certainly facing jail time. This blog is not going to save you from jail time. The best path for you is to write a book about what not to do. You have become a mini celebrity.

No one is going to take your advice in real estate. No one! But they may take your mistakes to heart to try to avoid them. Get this book:;s=books


Put together a book proposal on your story. Someone is bound to front you some money to write it then you make money on the backend.

There are alot of people willing to buy anything in the RE market. Look at all the seminars and how popular they are. I don’t think Bancruptcy is the answer because we all suffer for it.

You probably won’t become a high roller in RE but you could become an RE GURU of what not to do. Your just as qualified as some of the other gurus who sell dreams.

I don’t like how RK is saying it was ok to lie cause everybody does it. It wasn’t ok to lie on your loan aps.
December 16th, 2006 at 9:25 am

I would like to turn this blog into a REVEAL THE TRUTH ABOUT KIYOSAKI blog.

He’s a fraud and liar and he writes the worst financial books ever. Only noobs ‘worship’ him like the Casey Crowd.

F you Kiyosaki !!
December 16th, 2006 at 9:25 am

@ Bob Ross

“Note that I am presuming that your wife is a sane, rational person”

Have you forgotten that Ca$ey’$ wife hasn’t left him yet ? Is that the action of a sane or rational person ?

All that aside, I think that a book written by Ca$ey’$ wife would be interesting, much more so than one written by the one trick pony !
Damn Noobs
December 16th, 2006 at 9:30 am

Hey Rat (the Accidental Hater)-
I know you don’t realize this, but everyone who writes “looser” on this blog (except Casey) is doing it to make fun of Casey’s past spelling deficiencies. It’s an inside joke now, so maybe you should actually read the blog before you start calling people apes who can’t spell as well as your 7 year old neighbor. Because when you say such a thing, like it or not, you’re really dissing on your boy Casey, not the “hater” who wrote it.
Underwear Model
December 16th, 2006 at 9:33 am

I just saw the “strategy” in the Post Script of the video offered by RK and can’t believe my ears. It sounds immoral and illegal to “stiff the bank” and then buy it back after the “bank takes the loss.”

Since you seem to have a knack for making bad/illegal choices, this is probably the route you will take.

Even the audience members were gasping at this advice.
December 16th, 2006 at 9:58 am

Mr. Casey,
Wasn’t RK criticising you in the beginning?
Was that why you were asking RK how to deal with criticism?
Sorry, but the haters here (”who are 99% liars”) are the true supporters.
That make sense to you?

Clicked on 4 ads
RK is a Jerk
December 16th, 2006 at 10:26 am

Casey…It’s pretty sad when people like this is on your side. He mocks and laughs at you for your mistakes right off the bat. He and everyone else think you are an idiot for not even considering having to pay taxes. And I love how you tried to weasel in RK to come out to Sacramento…LOL. He doesn’t care about you. And I love his empty promise to you that he’s gonna come out and speak at your real estate club. Ohhhhhh he forgot to mention that he’ll come out if you pay him 100K for his services. So get cracking on saving your money to get your hero into your town. But that’s almost as funny as his little pep talk on how you’re gonna be ahead of the pack in 5 years…HAHAHAHAHAHA I just marked the 5 year date on my calendar. Casey in 5 years…Bums collecting cans will have more money than you.
December 16th, 2006 at 10:29 am

There’s 4 people in the audience. 1 is casey, 1 is the prlink chick. So there’s 2 people in the audience??

This robert kiyosaki guy is kind of a douche.

A mistake is a mistake, period. Fraud is fraud, period.
Grammar Teacher
December 16th, 2006 at 10:31 am

The problem with “Mistakes are only sins when not admitted” is that it is grammatically incorrect.

Correctly stated, it would be “Mistakes are sins only when not admitted”.
Dont enhale the Serin Gas
December 16th, 2006 at 10:38 am

Hey Rat, how do you “embace fear”?
Dont enhale the Serin Gas
December 16th, 2006 at 10:40 am

Casey, watching this for the first time I felt bad for you. Watching this man who you think of as your idle belittle you, while sounding like a pompous prick is tough.

Mr Flipper, I know what you mean about “these types of people” and how this “attitude is typical for them”, but the way he was treating Casey made him look like a “hater” to me.
Time Will Tell (not jealous)
December 16th, 2006 at 10:42 am

You’re gonna get out of all this and be richer than any of us combined.

More of this misapplied positive thinking crap!

Positive thinking is simply a tool aimed at conditioning the mind to get past the obstacles in our way, allowing us to focus and accomplish our plans. By itself it’s as pointless as using a screwdriver to remove a lug bolt.

If you don’t have a solid workable plan, you don’t control the obstacles, or the obstacles turn out to be a immovable. Positive thinking won’t make a bit of difference.

In CS position a wise person with positive thinking would say, “Well, this did not work out so well. I’ll try something else”
Time Will Tell (philosopher)
December 16th, 2006 at 10:46 am

And if we are talking of platitueds and pop psychology, see who this might fit:

Dr. Phil’s definition of insanity (paraphrased): ‘repeating the same actions that have failed in the past, expecting a different result.’
December 16th, 2006 at 10:48 am

That guy’s manners would horrible. It’s one thing to pick on someone on these message boards and such. But to heckle someone while they are talking to a group is low class I don’t care who they are. It would be one thing to point out Casey’s mistakes and say what he could do to fix it or just what he could do to avoid it. But to bring him up there and call him fool and such is pathetic.
Hooray for Homey da Clown!
December 16th, 2006 at 10:56 am

Why do you keep deleting Homey, man??! What’s the story with “res-com”?

P.S. Casey, post (more than one month of) your adsense revenue. It’s the honest thing to do.

P.P.S. When was the last time you made a payment on any of your debts?

P.P.P.S. How many dirty little pennies did you spend on your trip to Phoenix?
December 16th, 2006 at 11:02 am

With all due respect to (the original) Voice of Reason, calling Casey a gambler is an insult to self respecting gamblers anywhere. If Casey were a gambler, he would borrow his stakes and hit on 20.
December 16th, 2006 at 11:19 am

Big Cheese, I think you are off by one…did you mean Y1M?
December 16th, 2006 at 11:51 am

“Was anyone else disturbed when RK said, “He may go to jail and become somebody’s boyfriend.”

And the audience laughs. Damn Casey, this is your hero?”

Yes, I was also disturbed by this. RK is some piece of work. I actually felt sorry for Casey in that video. Yes, he was trying to make fast money the easy way. Yes, he is one of the many speculators that drove up the market and make housing unaffordable for so many hardworking people. And yes, that’s reprehensible behavior. But RK’s behavior during the taping of this piece was even more reprehensible. The guy is a snake oil salesman and I feel sorry for people like Casey who buy into his crap.

RK even had the b@lls to suggest Casey should continue to attend seminars?!!! WTH?

Casey my man, the bottom line is that you’re screwed. There is no fast or easy way out of this. I can’t believe you haven’t had a nervous breakdown by now. I don’t know what I would do if I were in your situation. My heart goes out to you.
December 16th, 2006 at 11:54 am


“Few educated people ever get taken by the likes of Kiyosaki, which is why he is always promoting and celebrating lack of education. ”

This is seems more like the truth after watching this video.

One of the best skills I learned from my college education was how to think critically for myself. As such, I have never purchased a RK book, but I have read through them at the local bookstore. (I refuse to pay for that kind of general knowledge).

Some of the stuff in his books is good, but after watching this video, I really think he was laughing at you Casey and doesn’t care what harm his books do to others. His fat belly has become large with greed, and he gets the last, hearty laugh because of people who fall for his charming writing style.

I used to have more respect for RK. Think critcally for yourself Casey. And don’t rely on everything the gurus say as education. It’s not. It’s profit-motivated.

Yes, you took a risk. But just taking risk is foolish without proper preparation ($30,000 seminars don’t count).
December 16th, 2006 at 12:00 pm

Also, I have an idea for you. What I think you need to do is come up with a bit of cash….attend garage sales and go to thrift stores to purchase several bunk beds, a few couches, and things of that nature. Then put two to four beds in each room.

When that’s done, attend some Narcotics Anonymous meetings in the areas where your homes are located. During the break, pass out a few flyers that’ll advertise your properties as sober living facilities. Rent each bed out for $400 or so a month. That should give you enough cash to pay the mortgages.

A friend of mine has three houses here in So Cal with four beds in each room and he’s got a long waiting list of recovering people who need a place to live. Then find the most responsible of the bunch and have that guy manage the place for you in exhange for free rent.

This is the creative solution you’ve been looking for.

You’re very welcome.
December 16th, 2006 at 12:03 pm

“Dont enhale the Serin Gas”
December 16th, 2006 at 10:38 am

Hey Rat, how do you “embace fear?”

The same way you “enhale”. LOL
Yamama Sofat
December 16th, 2006 at 12:30 pm

That video is funny. RK wasn’t very sympathetic was he? Although, he came off better than I expected. I was expecting him to be putting some kind of spin on the whole thing. He was pretty much like “Yep, you screwed up big time! Doh!” I don’t see what people see in him. What he’s saying seems to be decent advice, but why pay for it? Well, actually the sneaky BK investment technique was disgusting. Bonus points for the closeups of PRCheezBlintz.

“In five years, the critics can watch Casey’s dust.*”
Attention future critics - a good places to watch for Casey Serin dust: accumulated on his common sense from lack of use.

“Does this make sense to you guys?”
(flaps arms)
“Does this make sense to you guys?”
(flaps arms)
“Does this make sense to you guys?”
December 16th, 2006 at 1:06 pm

From: Federal Reserve Board Chairman Bernanke.

Speaking on behalf of all the Fed members we thought it was time to honestly address the situation the country is facing. This is part of our new policy to be as candid and honest as possible. Quite frankly we are frightened by the rapid falloff in housing permits, the rise in jobless claims, the rise in inventories, and the slowdown in consumer spending. It now appears the landing is not going to be soft and it is also doubtful the financial markets are fully prepared for it.

This slowdown in jobs and wages could not have come at a worse time because consumers are cash strapped already. We now forecast a downward spiral in construction jobs that will spill over into other segments of the economy resulting in additional losses in wages and jobs. Compounding the problem is the fact that many home buyers took the advice of former chairman Greenspan by taking out adjustable rate mortgages with teaser rates that are now about ready to be reset.

Unfortunately we can’t start cutting interest rates just yet because we are also frightened by the massive speculation in the financial markets with stock buybacks, mergers, leveraged buyouts, and trillions of dollars in derivatives floating around some of which we do not even know who the ultimate guarantor is. We are hoping but do not know that the ultimate guarantor of these derivatives is not Madame Merriweather’s Mud Hut in Malaysia.

We do not want to fuel further speculation in the equity markets so we have decided to do nothing for as long as possible. Another reason for doing nothing right now is the rapid fall in the US dollar. This frightens us too. All in all, we have decided the best policy decision is to do nothing while hoping that things get better. Please bear in mind, however, that hope is unlikely to work.

Many financial analysts have suggested that corporate spending will take the place of consumer spending when the consumer is finally tapped out. That can’t and won’t happen. Businesses have no reason to expand headed into a consumer led recession. But instead of wisely holding cash for the rough times ahead, businesses have been spending it on stock buybacks at an all time record pace. As you might guess, this further frightens us.

That we are frightened by so many things is clearly visible in the price of gold. In fact, we really have been trying to figure out why the price of gold isn’t much higher given how frightened we are. This is indeed our latest conundrum.

In the past we have avoided talking about such issues because of fear that we might simultaneously prick the bubble in houses and the bubble in the equity markets. Careful analysis, however, shows that the average consumer is benefiting from the rise in equity markets as much as he benefited from the $34 billion in bonuses that Wall Street just handed out (which is another way of saying not at all). Real wages have been falling for the average guy on the street and that is shown by 19 consecutive months of negative savings rates, which is of course still another thing we are frightened by.

Make no mistake about it, a recession is where we are headed. We admit our role in fueling these bubbles by holding interest rates too low too long. Rather that attempt to cover up past mistakes our new policy at the Fed is honesty, and honestly we really do not know what to do. When we do decide what to do, we will tip off the banks first (just as we always have) because our biggest fear of all is a collapse of the banking system.
Level 40 Elite Hate Ninja
December 16th, 2006 at 1:34 pm

Homey and Hooray-
Shut up already. Somebody already posted the link to the res-com thing and it’s not even very interesting. So Casey (and a lot of other people) worked for some scam artists a few years ago. Wow. All it mentions is his name in passing, and doesn’t implicate Casey at all. Unless you’ve got something juicier than that, take your super-sleuthing abilities and juggalo talk back to the Insane Clown Posse forums.

And what’s up with the people always posting links to boring or irrelevant news articles. “Uh oh! Bubble bursting!” “Uh oh! Flippers in trouble!” “Ruh Roh! Somebody going to prison!” Duh. We already know flippers are in trouble. Or the one (might have been on a different post) where some guy was stealing the identities of homeless people to get loans. If anything that’s an example of why Casey won’t go to jail, because they’ve got bigger fish to fry.

I’m a hater I guess, but you guys are making us look bad. There’s plenty of things to hate on without getting desperate.

Mainly I just wanted to call Homey a juggalo though.
December 16th, 2006 at 1:48 pm

Casey ..its one things to makes mistakes ..but i agrre with a few other posts in that RK treated you very badly was more than obvious and you should not be promoting him in any fact i would start a reverse marketing campaign on him if i was you and only stop when he pays for his transgressions - bank cheque please….as for prlinkbiz..geez she wasnt wrong when she told you you was playing with the “big dogs”….wow ..what breed is she…lol
Free lessons in real estate
December 16th, 2006 at 1:59 pm

Lesson #1: Buy low.

Deceptively simple. And yet you either never learned (after $20,000+ in guru courses) or just ignored the most important lesson in RE flipping.

Next lesson to follow tomorrow.
December 16th, 2006 at 2:02 pm

I have said it before I will say it again. These so called experts that sell you on ideas on how to become rich are no better than the snake oil salesman of the 1800’s. The only difference now is they are selling you on false promises and ideas rather than a product.

As Aristotle Onassis once said;

“The secret of success is to know something nobody else

Look at the whole picture, Bill Gates does not open up his source code for the world to see, Warren Buffet is not out there revealing his investing secrets to anyone who will listen, Edward Johnson or his daughter Abigail are not out there revealing there trading secrets, and the list can go on. The point is true wealth and power is only accrued through knowledge of something that no one else has. The people who have created that wealth will not and do not share there knowledge of a system they used to get it with the rest of the world. If everyone knew the secrets there system would be ineffective and useless because of over saturation (economics 101).
You have shown that you are weak minded and are trying to reach out to superman for help. Superman is not real just like these experts you seem to go to for advise. You want advise, take it from people who have nothing to gain from helping you. Find people who have experienced something like you are going through right now and made it out to see another day. As Oscar Wilde said it best, “Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.”
December 16th, 2006 at 2:21 pm

Big Cheese and PrCheezWhiz,
If Y1K should really be Y1M, that’s an amusing mistake since Y1K is “Sweetwater, Texas” (according to Google).

Or if Y1K is really correct, is that where the “sweet RE deals” are now?
Who Cares
December 16th, 2006 at 2:36 pm

This is getting old. Move on to something else.
Mr. Flipper
December 16th, 2006 at 2:38 pm

To “Dont enhale the Serin Gas” who wrote:

“Mr Flipper, I know what you mean about “these types of people” [Robert Kiyosaki] and how this “attitude is typical for them”, but the way he was treating Casey made him look like a “hater” to me.”

MF: I can see your point. But when someone who’s been through a similar experience as me; lives to talk about it; laughs at the situation (or me); but offers me encouragement and constructive criticism…then I would consider it both an empathetic gesture, and an acceptance into his “club”.

I fnd that my family and friends will both laugh “at” me, and “with” me, but my enemies will only laugh at me. I don’t think Casey represents an “enemy” to RK.

Thanks for your comment!
Astro Zombie
December 16th, 2006 at 2:48 pm

I didn’t get up until the crack of noon today. It feels good to be a lazy bastard! How is the early riser program going casey? You haven’t given any updates in a week or so. I imagine you’ve given up by now…

You have to give RK some credit. He shuns the $0 down, expensive houses, cash back at closing, flipper type attitude and appears he recommends the long haul / cash flow positive approach. I’m not saying he’s any good, but just that his approach is far different than casey’s.

Casey - remember that you will go to jail for tax evasion. I don’t care how good a CPA you have, you’ll get 1099s on your short sales and will have to pay the taxes. The IRS is the only one that still has the debtors prison.
December 16th, 2006 at 2:49 pm

Do you suffer from ADHD or bipolar disorders by any chance?
December 16th, 2006 at 2:58 pm

Where are you Casey??? You are moderating but are very quiet. Did you rise early today? Are you home yet?

What did you learn on your trip and how can you educate US???
* - News and Rants from the Left Side of the Culture War
December 16th, 2006 at 3:25 pm

links from Technorati I am Facing Foreclosure .com » “Mistakes Are Only Sins When Not Admitted” -Robert Kiyosaki There be more people like him when the bubble finally pops. Tags: Uncategorized
The Neighbor's Dog
December 16th, 2006 at 4:00 pm

On that video- What does Robert K. say about the nieghbor sleeping with a dog. He comes across as rather illiterate.

What happened on the recent trip?

This place is such a scam. Sigh…
Dont enhale the Serin Gas
December 16th, 2006 at 4:47 pm

To Mr Flipper

I see your point as well, but we all know Casey screwed up, he didnt need RK taking pot-shots at him. I may not always agree with you, but at least you can put a sentence together. I am curious at your real feelings about Mr. Kiyosaki? Personally, he seems about as useful as a kick in the pills. Casey has learned more about real estate by being in the trenches than any seminar/speech/book.

To Rat, watch out, there is a cat on this site who likes to poop in shoes, I am sure he would love to chase a piece of crap like you around.
Grammar Czar
December 16th, 2006 at 5:35 pm

@Grammar Teacher

“The problem with “Mistakes are only sins when not admitted” is that it is grammatically incorrect.”

No one ever accused Kiyosaki of being a literary giant. Ever read his “books”? I’ve seen 8th graders with better mastery of the language.

His language skills do suit his target readers perfectly, however. To them, he’s Edgar Allan Poe. Not that many of them have ever heard of Poe.
Hair Club for Men
December 16th, 2006 at 7:07 pm

I’m no fan of Rat, but he did kind of pwnzor you on that one, Enhale.
RK Fanclub
December 16th, 2006 at 7:11 pm

Grammar Czar-
We do too know who Edgar Poe is. He’s the guitar player for Matchbox 20 right? And you’re the one with bad grammar. It’s ceasar, not czar. You’re fired.
Big Cheese
December 16th, 2006 at 7:27 pm

December 16th, 2006 at 11:19 am Big Cheese, I think you are off by one…did you mean Y1M?
PRCheezWhiz- look at your phone keypad… there is no letter for 1.

You’re pretty close to solving the puzzle. Then call the number.

-Big Cheese
Mr. Flipper
December 16th, 2006 at 7:32 pm

To “Dont enhale the Serin Gas” who wrote:

I am curious at your real feelings about Mr. Kiyosaki? Personally, he seems about as useful as a kick in the pills.

Casey has learned more about real estate by being in the trenches than any seminar/speech/book.”

MF: I’m at a loss to explain the mean criticisms of RK. OK, so there are some inconsistencies in his personal life, and yes, maybe his books are somewhat simplistic, and continually fail to meet the expectations of the literary/financial class, but wow, I would just say, “Don’t buy his books, for crying out loud, and leave the rest of us to wallow in our humble, misguided, admiration of someone who has “horses” in the game, and is trying (poorly) to show us how to get our own horses.”

If one believes that RK, or any other author is a sack of s—, then by all means ignore everything they wrtie. But let’s not spend our energy trying to run him into the ground. What’s that do for us in the end?

If he’s the misleading, incompetent, knucklehead that some claim him to be, it’ll come out in the wash. Meantime, I continue sifting through his work looking for thought provoking nuggets.

I would agree that Casey has been in the trenches, and I would suggest that he’s qualified to teach a thing or two about real estate finance… But wait a few years when he’s achieved some perspective, and he’ll be the bullfrong investor we dreamt of bieng oursleves.

One thing that RK mentioned on that video that I thought was most profound. He told Casey that if he can get past this, without giving up, he’ll be further ahead than any of us (or something to that effect). I believe that.

I can’t imagine being in Casey’s shoes today, but I believe that 10 years from now, many of us will only be able to fantasize about being in his shoes then — only if he pushes through to the other side, and doesn’t lose his nerve.

Great comments “Don’t Enhale”.
Big Cheese
December 16th, 2006 at 7:38 pm

December 16th, 2006 at 11:19 am Big Cheese, I think you are off by one…did you mean Y1M?
My bad. (Casey-ism intended). You are right PrCheezWhiz. Well done!

Who else solved the puzzle?

-Big Cheese
Ethical Realtor in DC
December 16th, 2006 at 7:48 pm

“some of them consitute fraud. He could end up in jail and find he’s someone’s boyfriend” - from the mouth of the guru himself.
Big Cheese
December 16th, 2006 at 7:49 pm

Big Cheese and PrCheezWhiz,
If Y1K should really be Y1M, that’s an amusing mistake since Y1K is “Sweetwater, Texas” (according to Google).

Or if Y1K is really correct, is that where the “sweet RE deals” are now?
Umm, that’s Sweeeeeeeat Water, TX. And many houses are priced to flip and still make good rental / mortgage ratios. Are you paying attention Casey?

-Big Cheese
December 16th, 2006 at 8:09 pm

RK Fanclub:

Making fun of RK, or don’t know how to spell “caesar”?

(”Czar” is still correct, of course).

(And czar vs. caesar isn’t grammar anyway.)
December 16th, 2006 at 8:26 pm

…though I really like “tsar” best - the Russian pronunciation emphasizes the initial “t”.

And, this is about as bad a tangential post as many of Casey’s recent ones!
December 16th, 2006 at 11:36 pm

My impression was that RK was doing damage control. The internet is the biggest threat to cons and it was obvious that RK is PO’d that he’s getting free publicity in USA Today - the worst kind of publicity imaginable.

Watch his face every time he goes back and picks it up. It’s like “Oh S$%^” each time he nervously grabs at it and he’s not even smart enough to hide his anger.

RK was bad on his feet, lost control giving the finger, made comments about sex with a dog and you having a boyfriend in jail.

Anyone of these guys will tell you that they don’t sell soap, real estate, investing strategies etc.. They sell hope to the desparate and there is never a shortage of buyers.

Why on earth do you want to have anything to do with this guy?
December 17th, 2006 at 2:42 am

I just watched your YouTube video, and first, I will say that you seem to have great potential Casey, but you need to get yourself out of this mess then take a step back for a few years before you get your feet wet in RE again. Second, RK is classless. His references to “screw you” to the people who don’t understand, and his other foul language made me nauseous. He has no class, and reminds me of a sleazy car salesman. Bluch!!
Grammar Teacher
December 17th, 2006 at 5:06 am

I finally watched the video last night and I agree with others’ comments - RK was crude, classless (finger, boyfriend, sex with dogs). He appeared to be putting distance between himself and you and was clearly laughing at you, calling you stupid.

With friends, like that…

Did you and prlinkbiz speak to each other? - the tension between the 2 of you was obvious.

What a disastrous trip for you!
Dont enhale the Serin Gas
December 17th, 2006 at 6:08 am

Mr Flip, I would have to agree with you on that 100%. I guess I just have a lot of issues with him for blatantly admitting he lied, as well as giving entrepreneurs a bad name by claiming that 99% of them lie as well. From the way you carry yourself, I can tell that you have probably been successfull without using these tactics. I dont always agree with what you say, but I am in the industry and have been for some time. I dont agree with all the hype that the market is dead or ever will be. You dont have a link with your name, curious if you have a blog of your own?
Dystopian Society
December 17th, 2006 at 6:57 am

The reason Casey won’t say anything negative about RK is because that would require him to also look at himself and admit that maybe he’s on the wrong track. And Casey obviously has no intention of changing course. RK is successful, at least by Casey’s standards, and Casey wants to get there one way or the other. Admitting he (or RK) is wrong is also admitting he lost the game (this round).

Casey is like a general who charges headfirst into battle, and after a devastating blow, refuses to give up the charge even though the prudent thing to do would be to fall back and regroup. Except, he really wasn’t a general to begin with, although he did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. (Got the room for full price on Priceline! SWEET!!)
Chris G
December 17th, 2006 at 9:28 am


For your sake, I hope you don’t file BK unless you think it is somehow necessary to save your marriage, although I doubt that will be necessary. Like RK says, it’s not like somebody is going to shoot you (or at least someone cannot do it legally).

And I know that some people don’t like RK’s comments (I thought the “saints having sex with a dog” comment was a bit much myself) but I applaud RK’s “screw you” comment. RK says “screw you” to the know-it-alls because he knows that 99% of the people out there don’t have a clue what you are going through. They are a bunch of armchair critics who are saints only in their own minds.

Someone here recommended that you get your real estate license and become a Realtor at some point. Personally I can’t think of a worse way to spend your time, seriously. I have been through a real estate agent licensing course myself, and while I think it helped me understand some of the legalities involved in buying and selling real estate, it has no bearing on how creative real estate deals are structured. The average real estate agent or Realtor doesn’t know Jack Squat about what makes these deals tick.

Keep going, Casey. Remember what that guy said to you at the end of the video….it’s a good thing you’re 24 because you have a lot of time to get it right for the next real estate boom. As difficult as things are now, the trough of a real estate cycle is where the next real estate millionnaires are made.
December 17th, 2006 at 11:34 am

@college girl,

Could you please elaborate? Do I simply type in “sweet deal” or ” Hater” in a google search?

Thanks in advance.

PS. Casey, you are a first class twink.
December 17th, 2006 at 12:26 pm

You are real life comedy show. People are laughing at you. You made mistakes after mistakes. You have to admit it that you are speculator not and investor. Started investing in 2005? You are too late for the game. I hope you dig yourself out of the hole one day.

Anyway thank you for sharing your story with us.
Michael Cooke
December 17th, 2006 at 8:15 pm

“Your body language showed a sad, broken man. Your hands were on your side, or folded, and you kept your head down often. Your voice was unsure, and soft.
Did you feel humiliation during this taping?”

I think when you are speaking at an event and all the focus is on you and you have someone laughing or get a “heckled” you do the best you can. At least he didn’t pull a Michael Richards. I can think of plenty of things Michael Richards might have said going nuts on RK. I mean look at his wife. There is some EASY comedy material with that match. 8)

I was at the Los Angeles RE expo in Feb and Donald Trump mentioned how several people he knows always talk about one of his “friends” wife in completely inappropriate way. I could not help but think he was referring to RK.

Casey let it go “past him” and that takes allot of cool. It’s amazing how people can see the same thing totally differently. Under the circumstances I didn’t see a “sad, broken man” at all. Quite the opposite. Polished. Articulate. Forthright and transparent. Being “humble” can actually be a good quality speaking of RK could use a HUGE slice of pie himself.
Mr. Flipper
December 17th, 2006 at 10:08 pm

@Dont enhale the Serin Gas

“From the way you carry yourself, I can tell that you have probably been successfull without using these tactics….You dont have a link with your name, curious if you have a blog of your own?”

MF: Thank you for the compliment! Nope, no links; no blogs of my own. I barely have enough time, as it is, to survey and respond to this blog! But thanks for the comments!

@Michael Cooke

“Casey let it go “past him” and that takes allot of cool. It’s amazing how people can see the same thing totally differently. Under the circumstances I didn’t see a “sad, broken man” at all. Quite the opposite. Polished. Articulate. Forthright and transparent. Being “humble” can actually be a good quality speaking of RK could use a HUGE slice of pie himself.”

MK: You have some great posts! I agree with what you wrote. It really does take some character/guts/polish to stand and have someone editorialize negatively on your life…to your face, despite the accuracy.
December 18th, 2006 at 6:50 am

Most of you RK haters should go to schook and get good grades, get a SAFE, SECURE job with benefits, 401k, and PRAY for the stock market to go up and hope that charles shwab has your interests over there interests with YOUR money being 100% at risk…… You dummies!!!
December 18th, 2006 at 7:05 am

Most of you RK haters should go to school and get good grades, get a SAFE, SECURE job with benefits, 401k, and PRAY for the stock market to go up and hope that charles shwab has your interests over their interests with YOUR money being 100% at risk…… You dummies!!!
December 18th, 2006 at 12:40 pm

Frauds Are Only Crimes When Caught.
click away
December 18th, 2006 at 1:36 pm

Did it ever cross your kooaide mind that millions of people go to therir safe, secure jobs and then use that good money to invest safely in real estate.

Just because your lack the ability to come up with the funds to make a down payment on investment properties, doesn’t mean the rest of us have to resort to your method.

I live next to and do a large majority of my work in a community made up of exclusively second homes. The majority of these home owners, have traditional J.O.B.s. They are certainly not, just over broke.
December 19th, 2006 at 2:41 pm

To quote George Costanza: “….. it’s not a lie if you believe it.”
December 19th, 2006 at 6:17 pm

RK admits to “whiting out” on his income statement so he can change the amount his employer reported and get a bigger bank loan, and that everyone does this sort of thing.


And he hands Casey a book from his new real estate guy and says this guy is for real . . . but the earlier guy they had on board wasn’t.


And RK just goes on and on, rambling incoherently about virtually everything . . . making no sense whatsoever.


It astounds me that anyone would follow this guy’s advise about anything. Who can’t tell, by now, that he’s got nothing of value to say?

Not me.
January 3rd, 2007 at 6:15 pm

Bubbers said:

To quote George Costanza: “….. it’s not a lie if you believe it.”

Isn’t that what Slick Willy and Dubya fall back on when pressed ?

Kiyosaki appeared to reveal a good deal of his true character in this video. What a guy …
Gill Bentry
January 5th, 2007 at 2:16 pm

RK belongs in prison. He encourages unlawful behaviour. No different than a Mafia boss ordering a “hit”.
January 5th, 2007 at 10:10 pm

links from Technoratithey are, the dumber they get? Anyone who knows anything about Turkish finance scandals should have thought twice, even if they believed Hakan was genuinely rich. Poor ol’ Hakan is just “failing forward” Casey style, I suppose. “It’s all good!” “Mistakes are only sins when not admitted!” Have we bred an entire generation of pablum-spouting scammers?

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