Saturday, July 28, 2007

Facing Foreclosure on Vigilant Investor

Thanks to Johannes Ernharth of for a net-radio interview last week about the Facing Foreclosure story. I go into some details on how I ran my loans and why. The rest of the show Johannes and other callers provide some interesting commentary on the real estate / credit bubble and comparing it to the stock bubble of 2000. Worth listening!

People talk about a soft landing in the housing bubble, but have they considered how speculative the housing markets are, and how reckless the lenders have been? Hold on to your hats! Here’s a story about a 24 year old guy who easily borrowed far more than he ever should have been allowed — and — go figure — he’s now belly up and blogging about it.

Download MP3 audio right here (26MB) and also visit his previous shows here.

Here is also a quick video from back when he first found my blog:

Filed under uncategorized, still, sweet video, sweet audio, press and interviews, mortgage fraud, borrowing / loans
Back Home from Phoenix
Live Call-in Show Tonight

1. goZar
November 2nd, 2006 at 11:15 pm

what the heck? so nothing more about meeting RK? did he really offer nothing to help you?
2. Sac Realtor
November 2nd, 2006 at 11:44 pm

Only a few more months until Spring when values will start to rise. Hang in there and don’t let Mr. Flipper make all the money.
3. ROKIT88
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:43 am

Juice by Casey!
Juice by Casey!
whoo whoo whoo whoo

c’mon c’mon c’mon, give use the Dallas update

I’m still waiting for more of the “let me help you” letters/offers sent to you by other CREI kids triggered by the NOD.
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:54 am

5. SidFinster
November 3rd, 2006 at 1:55 am

I thought you were going to spend less time on self-promotion and more time trying to dig your fool self out of this mess?

Oh wait, that was yesterday.
6. deodand
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:32 am

“what the heck? so nothing more about meeting RK? did he
really offer nothing to help you?”

What were you expecting, you kool-aid drinking fraud monster. What did you expect that guy to do? His schtick is to sell castles in the sky in the form of poorly-written, comically inept books. John T. Reed has blown this and many other a guru out of the water for years. You would hope that maybe before someone borrowed TWO MILLION DOLLARS they might consider the bear case.

I really find “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” offensive and vile. If he was only plying his dirty wares through spam and idiot seminars, fine. But the fact he regularly appears on PBS, which is indirectly and in part funded by our tax dollars, is disgusting.

PBS personnel being so utterly clueless about financial reality it is not hard to see how this happened. But I’m sorry, if there’s a real estate frenzy and morons across the country are throwing their money and their credit at pipe dreams, don’t waste my money encouraging and abetting a national stupidity.
7. Jeff
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:52 am


You’ve written an awful lot about what other people are saying about your story. How about you give us a real “status report” on what you’re doing for yourself right now?

What’s going on in your real estate deals, and how is your situation shaping up?
8. Unbelievable
November 3rd, 2006 at 4:41 am

Someone else offered to help Casey out and he turned down the deal

Why did you even BOTHER going to AZ ?
9. Rick
November 3rd, 2006 at 6:12 am

RK smelled a con man…that’s what Casey is. A fast talking sheister looking for a quick buck.
10. prlinkbiz
November 3rd, 2006 at 8:00 am

You can read the summary of Casey’s visit to Phx (from my perspective) over at .
11. Realist
November 3rd, 2006 at 8:33 am


Last night you said:

“So what I really need to do is to focus. All this hype and “notoriety” has been distracting me. I have a big mess to solve. It’s time to get serious and get down business.”

This morning, your latest post was more “hype, notoriety and distraction”. Nothing about action plans from Phoenix or actions around the DIL.

You’ve been making dramatic statements for weeks using words like “focus” “I must” “I will”… Just empty words without actions to support them.

Your situation and results are not going to change until your actions change.
12. JC Ernharth
November 3rd, 2006 at 8:45 am

Thanks for the plug, Casey. Enjoyed having you on the show. As for the comment about “just wait for spring”, watch out for when a ton of folks who pulled their properties off the listing for the winter months suddenly flood the markets at the same time in the spring — just a possibility, especially as the economy appears to be sliding into a serious recession. Be very careful, folks.
13. Jill
November 3rd, 2006 at 8:56 am

14. edward allen
November 3rd, 2006 at 9:42 am

Hang on. Stock market hitting new highs, November unemployment report shows unemployment continues to go down. That all equals a boom economy and real estate fortunes. The Real Estate Associaiton is right: bad period has passed.
15. Dr Housing Bubble
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:14 am

So RK did end up saving you:

It seems like you are on a publicity tour lately.
16. Leigh
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:18 am

Bored now.
17. oodles of poodles
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:31 am

it’s called supply and demand. demand in RE is inventory. Sacramento MSA is close to 10:1, Listed:Closed. That’s an boatload of inventory. Good thing there’s 10 gazillion freshly minted quick-buck RE agents to move all that inventory when the legions of buyers who have not yet been identified surface in the spring. Uh huh, the “bad period has passed.”
18. Joe
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:48 am

The dude is an idiot. I hope he goes down, hard. He’s looking for fame, yet he will not get any. What a pathetic, sorry excuse for a man, or boy I should say.
19. Tom
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:08 am

To Dan complaining about Casey sending you spam:

You know you are insane for putting a valid e-mail address on this blog.
20. edward allen
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:23 am

To all those contending Casey is facing legal problems: Look, mortgage fraud laws are like the illegal alien laws — they are just guidelines of what people should properly do that aren’t being enforced. Here’s a tip for Casey to get back on track that I picked up from a recent housing forum in Denver: buy a $500,000 on the condition the seller says he sold it for $650,000. The seller won’t mind because he’s getting his money, and you can get the appraiser to include the basement in the square footage so the mortgage company will think it’s a real big house. Then take the $150,000 and pay off the amounts due on the other houses you own. Viola, you are back on course with your business plan.
21. Crashlander
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:27 am

Hey guys the scam artists at apparently only offered to let him work for free for them. (mentoring! haha) Slave labor. They probably wanted exclusive marketing on his dumb story in exchange he could ‘work for free’ for them. What were they offering that would need a non disclosure form?? See they can’t be trusted. Casey is learning.

I love how he is running into soooo soooo many con men and sneaky snakes on his downward spiral of an adventure in capitalism. You either bend someone over or they bend you over. Thats america. Casey is learning this faaaast.

Welcome to Amerika!… Now get to work.
22. Misstrial
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:42 am


*Thank you* for your post.

I clicked on the link you provided and thoroughly read your perspective. Thank you for all the time, effort, and paperwork you and others at “Rich Dad” provided to assist Casey. As a woman investor, I will try to visit your helpful Site more often. The blogs/links are fascinating too :)

RE: The sunken deal/Ms. Serin - There is a proverb you may have heard: “Water seeks its own level.”

And another: “You attract that which you are.” (Courtesy of Dr. Robin and Oprah) Its called “The Law of Reciprocity.”

One thing that troubles me: Casey posted how RK gave us the “middle finger.”

If this is true, then I am disappointed that Mr. K resorted to this crude way of expressing his displeasure. Certainly, there are those on this Board who used crude language when giving Casey their .02 on his dire situation.

However, not all of us did.

In sum, I expect a more measured response from RK (a well-known, published author and lecturer) than I would from a nameless poster.

~Misstrial, copyright 2006
23. ymous
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:44 am

Re: Edward Allen - Yes, probably a good time to get back in with both feet! While it’s true that real estate bottoms usually last several years, finally turning when values and demand go down and stay down until total mental capitulation occurs, if the “Real Estate Association” has called the turn, it must be so.
24. Realist
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:04 pm

{Knock, Knock}

Casey - hello?? Anyone home??

You let an outstanding “Plan A” offer in Phoenix pass you by. From reading other’s blogs, sounds like the trip to Phoenix was at BEST a waste of time, and more likely you offended and frustrated your hero’s rep, who had a concrete plan to help you.

What’s Plan B? Blog until people with badges knock on your door? Sit on your blue ball until $5-10K ‘bluebird’ leads fly in the window and land in your lap?

You’ve apparently thrown away the best bail-out offer you’ll ever see. Too stubborn to let others help? Pride? Too deep in denial?

Anxiously awaiting an open, honest, factual response - no more spun blogs about yet another PR spin/interview/article please. I’d love to hear from YOU!

Time to grow up and be a man.
25. Anon
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:35 pm

So it looks like Robert Kiyosaki didnt save Casey after all or did he?
26. Chris Johnson
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:40 pm

I feel the way the others do–I’m tired of watching you resolve to get out of this mess, ask for others’ help, even plead for it, have them bend over backwards, then walk away thinking maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe you can get a better deal yourself, or negotiate with someone else using that last deal. I realize the other people are in it to help themselves, too, but they’re experts! Which means you need them and can learn from them and eventually, maybe, do it yourself, once you’ve learned how to actually do it. Instead, you’ll probably want to keep all the potential $$ for yourself, and will go down in flames with foreclosed properties behind you, cursing your “luck” and saying “I was this close!” or “If only…” I’m a lawyer, so I hear these stories all the time, and have people refuse my advice all the time, lose, come back, ask for more advice and then ignore that too. I’ve learned my lessons too, and know to help people who really want to be helped, not those who think they know more than the experts. I’d hope you’ll learn something from this, but so far, I kinda doubt it.
27. Real Estate Scam?
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:41 pm

Wait, did you really try to lure people into a real estate “24% fixed/reliable returns—your money doubles every 3 years” scam? http://www.iwillteachyoutoberi.....ision.html

Why haven’t you mentioned that on this blog yet (in the name of coming clean)?
28. Zed
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:16 pm

After hearing about this latest transgression in Phoenix, coupled with the attempt to fleece friends and family for funds, I respectfully request that you return to me the penny I left for you in the tip jar. On second thought, I will let you keep the $0.01 to invest providing that a 24% fixed return is guaranteed.

P.S.: By name alone, was I the only one who thought that was a porn site?
29. thehollowman
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:24 pm

edward allen
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:23 am To all those contending Casey is facing legal problems: Look, mortgage fraud laws are like the illegal alien laws — they are just guidelines of what people should properly do that aren’t being enforced. Here’s a tip for Casey to get back on track that I picked up from a recent housing forum in Denver: buy a $500,000 on the condition the seller says he sold it for $650,000. The seller won’t mind because he’s getting his money, and you can get the appraiser to include the basement in the square footage so the mortgage company will think it’s a real big house. Then take the $150,000 and pay off the amounts due on the other houses you own. Viola, you are back on course with your business plan.


First off, I think he knows about ‘cash back on closing’ because he did it on just about every house he closed on. Second, just what kind of drugs are you on? Laws are just guidelines, since when? I suppose you don’t believe that the likes Ken Lay, Benard Ebbers, or the Rigas family were guilty of breaking any laws either? No, they were just bending some guidlines, right?

Your posts honestly sound like a lot of drug users and alcholics I know. The alcoholics think that everyone drinks 12+ beers a day (including a few for breakfast) and they think that ‘at least I’m not doing drugs’. The druggies are always willing to tell you that they may be doing ‘x’, but at least they’re not like the other guys doing ‘y’ because that drug is bad for you. This begs the question, how many RE scams like this are you pulling?
30. John
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:40 pm

Edward Allen - Casey got in at the end of a long ponzi finance scheme, and, unfortunately, doing another “deal” and stealing another 150 grand from another lender will not save him or this economy.
31. thehollowman
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:40 pm


you give Nigel way too much credit. From what I’ve seen of his behaviour he’s not any better. Check out this link to the SDCIA message board.;trail=30

Near the bottom of the page he boasts that Yahoo News picked up his ‘lame story’ on Casey. Even the mod seemed impressed until another poster pointed out that Nigel payed for the ink on PRWeb (which is picked up by Yahoo News). As Mistrail stated (and I use this quote a lot) “water seeks its own level”.
32. Nigel Swaby
November 3rd, 2006 at 2:44 pm


I feel the same way the local news anchor feels about delivering news - indifferent. I was just writing a story…delivering a message.

I am not Casey’s keeper.

33. Unbelievable
November 3rd, 2006 at 3:32 pm

End of story, I guess we’ll be seeing some “Closed” signs on those properties now, eh ?
34. Brian
November 3rd, 2006 at 4:14 pm

Anon, that’s an interesting link (are you the same Anon who writes so well? If not RIP anon).

For some reason nobody has found the humor in this link with Casy on another ball at RK’s place

I admire that you are staying above the harsh critics, but I think you should respond to the recent issues of the sketchy email and why you didn’t go through with the deal offered in Pheonix. For a while I think you commanded sympathy as someone who has done some stupid things but has a good heart, but now most people aren’t so sure how good your heart is. Your fame could disappear in a heartbeat.
35. HN
November 3rd, 2006 at 4:33 pm

Chris Johnson,

You sound like if someone gives Casey a deal then Casey must take it. I thought law schools require students to understand the basic of: A does not neccessarily infer B (i.e. someone giving Casey a deal is not equivalent to Casey must then take it). Let me make it simpler: Casey should take the deal IF AND ONLY IF (or “ONLY IF”) it is a good deal.

Do we know wether it is a good deal or a bad deal? NO !!! I give Casey benefit of the doubt and I presume it is a bad deal and Casey should not take it.

Vultures feeding on the wounded disgusts me.
36. Frank In SF
November 3rd, 2006 at 4:39 pm

Looks like a productive visit to Phoenix after all.

RK may have just scored an amazing PR move for himself and you may have been saved. We’ll see it this is real, but as I’ve said before I’m pulling for you. With some guidance you’ll definitely become a great success.

Frank in SF
37. Legion
November 3rd, 2006 at 5:05 pm

Hollowman - I’ve been to his website, and it is obvious that he used Casey to increase his readership, it was a far more compelling and interesting story than that pseudo journalist could come up with on his own. He is obviously one of those “gurus” trying to ride the Casey coattails while the going is hot. Check it out yourself..I am sure he has plugged his website ad nauseum in these blogs.

Nigel, so now you are a a journalist..I’ve read your is most decidedly slanted and puts him in a good don’t give me that nonsense about just delivering the news..if you are, then do some research…or would you rather I pick apart your arguements one by one..anyone who has read your comments here would know that you have been fawning all over Casey..shall I start quoting you? How does it make you feel now that you have read about his ponzi scheme with Ramit? Care to deliver the “news” on how you feel about that?
38. HN
November 3rd, 2006 at 5:26 pm


Since you signed NDA with nolimitsladies women, I went over to nolimitsladies blog and asked them to disclose the terms in their proposed deal. I don’t think they like my question very much. Thus, we may never know what they proposed to you and I don’t suggest you to tell either. I truly hope that NDA is the only thing that you signed with those women and nothing else.
39. PleaseExplainYourself
November 3rd, 2006 at 5:39 pm

Casey, you really need to address some of the issues brought up.
1) What is up with the myebid thing? Did he in fact bail you out? If he didn’t then how do you explain the auction?
2) These emails that were posted by your “friend” does not jibe with your assurance of being honest and “learning your lesson.” Would you please give a rebuttal or explanation of this new information?
3) I read the blog post by prlinkbiz. The offer (My partner was going to help him with all his houses (fly to see them, market research, negotiate with the banks, as well as help him get some cash going, set up a team, find a place to stay, basically hold his hand through everything) all at her own expense. My job was to document and manage the process. Casey’s job? Get out of his mess.) sounded to me like they genuinely wanted to help you and you turned it down because you didn’t want anyone else to mentor you besides your own “rich dad”. Could you please explain your thinking behind this because it seems like it was yet another poor decision on your part.

I look forward to your addressing these issues. Thanks
40. Jeff
November 3rd, 2006 at 5:54 pm

So, Casey, I’m going to ask again: Are you actually making any progress? Or, are you just out there burning bridges and throwing away each of the hundreds of opportunities that people are offering you?
41. correction
November 3rd, 2006 at 5:59 pm

>Together with partners(Bullshit, there were NO partners and Rich Dad hadn’t hired him yet)
42. bill
November 3rd, 2006 at 6:19 pm


Listen to the people who are telling you to talk to a lawyer. Do a google on “krishan chari”

43. PT Barnum is alive and well
November 3rd, 2006 at 7:09 pm

Isn’t this the auction where you posted in another topic earlier that it was someone else and not YOUR auction?


Man, you are a POS.

If anyone still thinks this is not a viral marketing campaign, I have a few hundred beenie babies, some swampland in Florida, some cabbage patch dolls, and a few hundred pet rocks I need to sell you.

Out of all the available properties in the United States, RK RANDONMLY decides to plunk down TWO MILLION DOLLARS for several properties from a kid he met for 20 minutes?
I’m outta here. I am tired of giving this jerk any more free publicity. I am tired of this POS marketing scam.

BTW… ANY of my posts may not be republished, transmitted, or used by Casey Serin, Robert Kyosaki, Gilani Serin, or any entity associated with these individuals for any purpose without my written authorization. All of my posts are opinion only and are not to be construed for any legal or financial advice. All readers and posters are to do their own due diligence and research.
44. ghostrider
November 3rd, 2006 at 7:14 pm

45. Nigel Swaby
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:16 pm

“Nigel, so now you are a a journalist..I’ve read your is most decidedly slanted and puts him in a good don’t give me that nonsense about just delivering the news..if you are, then do some research…or would you rather I pick apart your arguements one by one..anyone who has read your comments here would know that you have been fawning all over Casey..shall I start quoting you? How does it make you feel now that you have read about his ponzi scheme with Ramit? Care to deliver the “news” on how you feel about that?”


Now you are a journalist – No, read the press release. I’m an aspiring web journalist.

I told his story in a good light – So? It was an interview from Casey’s perspective. Nobody else was doing it, so why not? I’ve already made two analytical posts about him and I’ll do another when the interview series is over now that I know his full story.

Fawning comments – No, sympathetic comments. No need to quote me, Casey already did. Again, so what?

Ponzi scheme with Ramit – See the comment section on my blog, Part 4.

And for the rest of the board, see my comments about the inspiration of the Casey interview here.
46. thehollowman
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:23 pm

Legion, I share your sentiment regarding his website. I would also add that his ‘articles’ are difficult for me to read without getting a headache. Apparently, he doesn’t believe that writing skills are a prerequisite for an aspirant in journalism. Heck, you don’t even need to read his articles to get a feel for what they are like. Just take a look at the malapropism in his last post; it’s ‘disinterested’ not ‘indifferent’. If he were indifferent then he wouldn’t be writing the articles in the first place. However, it doesn’t take long to realize that he is far from disinterested.

…and for the love-of-god Nigel, please learn how to use prepositions…
47. Tom
November 3rd, 2006 at 10:36 pm

PT barnum you twink, the high bidder on the myebid auction is obviously not the actual Robert Kiyosaki, its just an imposter name. You shouldn’t take things at face value and get all frothy over an obvious troll.
48. Max Stein
November 3rd, 2006 at 11:43 pm

Legion, PT, Hollowman,

I admire your courage in voicing your criticism of everything on this blog safely protected behind a screen name of anonymity. The world is a kinder, gentler, safer place because of people like you. How I wish we had more.

Your dedication to making critical posts at all times of the day and night must prevent you from doing anything else with your life. I appreciate your sacrifice. It’s because of you America is a safer place.

Keep up the stellar work!


49. thehollowman
November 4th, 2006 at 2:00 am

Gee Max, you are tugging at my heart strings right now. BTW I’m in the military you jackass. So yes, you do owe me.
50. Sid Finster
November 4th, 2006 at 6:38 am

Edward Allen:

you must be a really great defense lawyer! If you are not, you should become one. Your novel and innovative theory that certain criminal laws are in fact “guidelines” not intended to be normative will doubtless clear the names of many innocent men and women accused of white-collar crimes.

That said, Casey may not go to jail for this, unless one of the lender he has defrauded screams loudly enough to the DA. Of course, if the DA does press charges, it is a fairly open and shut case. If the DA demands jail time, Casey will probably go down.

Returning to Casey’s wacky 24% pyramid scheme - I take it back. IF that email reached anyone dumb enough to give Casey any money, Casey could be on the hook for civil and criminal securities fraud, whether under the Investor Advisers Act and/or straight up ‘33 Act fraud. The SEC has pushed the definition of “security” pretty far, and the courts have been willing to back them up.

None of this is intended as legal, investment, or accounting advice and therefore should not be taken as such.
51. Legion
November 4th, 2006 at 9:45 am

Max Stein

You are correct of course…like Casey, I have made this blog and my criticisms my “job”. Would you like to know my real name? It is Max Stein…there, I am not anonymous anymore. Like you I had the courage to put my REAL name on this blog. I am glad that you think that America is a safer kinder place because of people like Hollowman, PT and myself..I mean, we go after crooks, tell them to do the right thing and hope that they do go to jail. How about yourself, do you think crooks should just slide? Do you think you are above criticism? If so look at your above comment, where like a slimeball you try to come off as non offensive, but it is obvious your post is dripping with
1) Sarcasm
2) Criticism of myself and 2 other posters.

Now, since you profess that I hide behind my anonymous post..well then I ask you kind sir (lol) WHERE DO YOU LIVE?
Unlike myself, I am sure you have nothing to hide, and courageously have no qualms about bearing your all on this blog.

Titillatingly yours as always Max,

Max Stein
52. Legion
November 4th, 2006 at 10:16 am

Quotes from Nigel

“I’ve been able to speak with him and asked him some questions from an investment perspective. All the media coverage he’s received recently has painted him as being stupid. I thought I would offer my perspective based on about three hours of conversations I’ve had with him.

My first installment is here:”

Self promotion is what Nigel is after.

For anyone who is interested, I have posted part two of my Casey Serin story. Part 3 should be posted Sunday. I’ll let you know when it’s up.

Wow! My “lame” articles on Casey made Yahoo! News today

Originally Posted by nswaby

Wow! My “lame” articles on Casey made Yahoo! News today.

Why did you purchase a press release for this? All of these PRweb purchased press releases get distributed via Yahoo as well
Maybe I’m not quite as impressed. I thought it was a regular Yahoo story. Now I see its a press release. NSWABY did you originate this yourself?

Ahh, I feel bad. That was a little misleading. I do like the way Yahoo!News packages their press releases.

The truth is, most business news is generated by press releases. Tickle Me Elmo 10 wouldn’t be the hottest thing this Christmas without a well timed press release from Mattel.

Part 4 of Casey Serin’s story is now up. Only one more to go. I’m starting to get tired of writing this.

When issuing a release like this, I was hoping for just two things - pickup by the mainstream media with the possibility of further interviews and widespread distribution on the web. No calls yet, but I did get this pickup.


Casey also made a post on his foreclosure blog which sent a ton of visitors this way. Thanks Casey! (Wipes brown stuff from his nose)

Some of the comments made by visitor to Casey’s blog suggest his whole story is fake, perhaps a marketing ploy or hoax. The writers of these statements cite his age and the amount of credit borrowed as evidence of their claims. It is difficult for them to fathom how a 24 year old could dig a $2.2 million dollar hole. These same writers also think blogging about his problems is absolutely insane. Though Casey has certainly not put his problems behind him yet, his blog has morphed into something he never dreamed of. Since he started posting, Casey has placed two properties under contract (one sold), been featured in USA Today, NPR and a host of California media and taken a meeting with Robert Kiyosaki, best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. (Now he can die a happy man!)

I suspect that the reason Nigel NEEDS to believe in someone like Casey, needs to believe that he can come out of this ok, is because, let’s face it, Nigel is in the same business. Admitting that CAsey is a fraud and is screwed means Nigel will have to admit that he wasn’t very ethical in his mortgage brokering, that he himself is screwed, and that with all the SUCKERS gone from the market..his business is kaput. But go on and keep blogging away and buying more press releases and bragging how it was picked up by national wires. You go on and keep doing nothing about getting a REAL job like your hero Casey here is doing. Then again, that kind of explains why you are following him and his life like a cultist/lost puppy.

Nigel, you are an oopurtunist just like Casey, and you really don’t care if you ARE just using him to advance your own agenda do you? Why don’t you join the man hating “no limit ladies”.. they work the same way you do.
53. Legion
November 4th, 2006 at 10:18 am

Hey hollowman, you being in the military explains a lot. Now I know why we think alike. Thanks for the service, and stay safe:-)
54. Max Stein
November 4th, 2006 at 11:00 am


That would explain the attitude. Thanks for clearing it up. Any chance you’ll be put in harms way soon?

55. thehollowman
November 4th, 2006 at 1:04 pm

Max Stein
November 4th, 2006 at 11:00 am Hollowman,

That would explain the attitude. Thanks for clearing it up. Any chance you’ll be put in harms way soon?


Any chance you’ll be one of the targets on the range next time?

Normally, I’m very proud of the uniform I wear, but it’s difficult when I know that there are total dumbasses like you and criminals like Casey benefiting from my sacrafice.
56. thehollowman
November 4th, 2006 at 1:20 pm

Legion, except that you pay more tax than I make. ;-)

Thanks for the support, I find most people are very supportive, but then you get some one like Max (he’s real name of course*rolleyes*) who is, obviously, some young punk who doesn’t understand that he only enjoys his lifestyle because someone put on a uniform and fought for it. Perahps the best thing for Casey, and Max for that matter, isn’t jail, but the military. They would learn all about diginity, ethics, and hard work. They would learn things like cutting corners is not a good idea, especially if you are digging a shell scrape.
57. Max Stein
November 4th, 2006 at 1:38 pm


Congratulations on picking up on the sarcasm. I underestimated you. You are obviously a worthy adversary.

58. Legion
November 4th, 2006 at 8:38 pm


Congratulations on picking up on the sarcasm. I underestimated you. You are obviously a worthy adversary.


Unfortunately I can’t say the same about you.

MAx Stein

Anyway, Hollowman, you wouldn’t be on an AFB with a similar name would you? I just came from that state.
59. thehollowman
November 5th, 2006 at 4:21 am

Legion, AFB as in Air Force Base? I’m in the Air Force, but I don’t frequent any such sites under this nom de plume. I use this handle on very few site and all, save one, have a connection to this site. My choice of names was due to the fact that I am a T.S. Elliot fan.
60. PT Barnum is alive and well
November 5th, 2006 at 10:29 am


As that auction has at least one ‘real’ bidder and someone used RK’s name, how can you assume it was a shill.

That was a legally binding auction. Also, as Casey has not denied the authenticity of the auction, you cannot rule out that it is accurate.

Provide some proof that the auction was not real. As with everything else on this site, we are made aware of truths after the fact, mostly from outside sources.

Perhaps if you had a brain larger than your thumb you could see that this kid Casey would try and use an online auction such as that to unload his properties. If someone else perpetrated this, then Casey has a persuable action. If that were me, I would be major league pissed that someone stole my identity and made a false auction.

But then again, you know all these things and have all the answers.

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