Sunday, July 29, 2007

One of Those Days :-(

The car sux. Another impulse buy. I thought I was getting better. Not sure about this job. Additional foreclosures still looming. Debt is building. Maybe I can BK out. Maybe not.

Have a pounding headache. Just wanna give up…


(Nothing like a good despair poster.)


Filed under personal / feelings
Man, I Need a Real Job Or Something
Facing Foreclosure Video #1

1. dan harley
November 9th, 2006 at 7:18 pm

My friend, who give’s a fiddler’s feck about you and your greed based problems?
2. dan harley
November 9th, 2006 at 7:20 pm

My friend who gives a fiddler’s damn about you and your greed based problems.

People really really want to see you skewed…

This dude Jeff Skilling got 25 years for basically lying, cheating and stealing. Isn’t that what you did, but on a weaker more pubescent scale?
3. dave
November 9th, 2006 at 7:21 pm

4. Jon
November 9th, 2006 at 7:26 pm

“Maybe I can BK out. Maybe not. ”

What would keep you from BK’ing out? I hate to say it, but I don’t see any other good option for you.

Don’t let it get you down too badly, though–many very successful people have been through BK and bounced back to successful careers thereafter. Just learn what you can from the experience, and apply those lessons to assessing risk/reward in the future.

5. Jeff
November 9th, 2006 at 7:29 pm

What do you mean by “Not sure about this job” ?

A: Not sure it will come through
B: Not sure if it’s what you need
C: Not sure if it’s what you want

If the answer is B or C, then suck it up, be a man, and take the job because you need to.

If it’s A, then keep looking.

It sounds like you’ve never really looked all that hard for a job, ever in your life.
6. Anomalous Blowhard
November 9th, 2006 at 7:33 pm

Casey has already discussed his real estate mistakes at length. Now we get to talk about his used car buying mistakes. I’m guessing they’re all on this list:

1. Not checking the car’s NADA and KBB value before negotiationg
2. Not getting a title history
3. Not getting the car inspected by a mechanic before purchasing
4. Not getting an estimate for all needed repairs

#3 is the most serious of those, and one I see all the time. Mechanic’s inspections have saved people from buying many a lemon.

Other mistakes I can think of include buying sight unseen and not getting the title, but I think even Casey is savvy enough to avoid those.
7. Tuscadaro
November 9th, 2006 at 7:34 pm

Your the type of guy that makes me want to leave you $5000 ( my credit card max) in your tip jar.

Then in a month when the credit card bill arrives, I’ll dispute the charge ( since I would have reported my credit card stolen the day I left you the tip.) Then paypal will come after you for the $5000 which you will have already spent.
8. The Man
November 9th, 2006 at 7:34 pm

Your joking, right? This is starting to sound just too scripted.
9. Realist Not Real Estate Agent
November 9th, 2006 at 7:35 pm

Casey, brighten up. You need to learn to smile more often.
You’ll soon be flipping burgers at McDonald instead of homes.
You’ll need to show a lot of smile to keep the customers happy.
10. Steve the car guy
November 9th, 2006 at 7:42 pm

Casey I dont wana sit here and say I told you so….. but I have no other choice, I specifically warned you not to buy without my inspection, I told you not to buy at night! but now I know how people that comment on this website feel now. You did not want to listen. You think im just some kid that knows nothing I guess….. I’ve been buying and selling cars for a long time now, and one thing I know for a fact is, when some one is desperete to buy a car, they will buy the first thing they see without really thinking about it. This of course can be applied to a lot of things when a person is in desperation, but in this case im refering to cars. I dont think I can help you any more….
11. T.White
November 9th, 2006 at 7:46 pm

Can a headache really be brought on by stress?
(None I’ve ever had were).
12. walt526
November 9th, 2006 at 7:50 pm

Casey, I’ve had some friends and family who have significant mental health issues and I’ve experienced my share of depression as well in my early 20s. So I say this in all sincerity, as one human being concerned for the welfare of another: please seek some professional help.

As bad as the past few months have been, its going to get a lot worse for a long time before it starts to get better. I’m seriously concerned what you might do to yourself or others when things seem to be totally unsurmountable. You need help, not from RK but from someone who has some actual expertise and interest in seeing you get better.

As much as I despise what you’ve done, I don’t want to turn on the TV one day and hear that financial problems drove you to a tragic situation.

Take care of yourself.
13. Reality Bites
November 9th, 2006 at 7:51 pm

Yes, we all have those days. Quit whining.

NOW - be a man, suck it up, and fix (as best you can) the problems you created.
14. Delusional
November 9th, 2006 at 7:53 pm

This is just a stupid hoax. Now you are playing. More than an idiot, and a media w**** . You are way beyond hope, and it’s wasting everyone’s time.
15. Cheryl
November 9th, 2006 at 7:56 pm

Seek help. NOW!

Talk to your pastor or a counselor and stop the madness.

16. Unbelievable
November 9th, 2006 at 7:58 pm

Can’t you do ONE thing right ? How hard is it to buy a car ? I assume this is a used car, any chance you purchased it from a dealer who can possible help you fix it (or do whatever needs to be done).

Do you actually READ the responses you get on this blog ? Some of the advice that has been offered (for months) has been good. Has it EVER occurred to you to give any of this advice an actual try ?

BOO HOO “I just wanna give up”, are you trying to evoke sympathy ? You brought every bit of this on yourself and you are so hell bent on snubbing your nose at anyone who has tried to offer help or advice. Why SHOULD I feel sorry for you ?

You mentioned that you had some money left over after buying the car, have you paid your rent yet this month ?
I suggest that you do so……….. yesterday.

Here’s my advice: Take an aspirin, get some rest tonight and get out tommorrow and find a job (or two) that will help pay for at least the basics. Forget about RE, you are DONE there.

Have you talked to an attorney about filing for bankrupcy ? Put that on your to-do list for tommorrow or Monday. You might as well get that over with.

It’s done, it’s over, quit crying like a baby and DO SOMETHING pro-active.

I would love to see you actually answer the questions that have been asked on this forum.
17. The Man
November 9th, 2006 at 8:00 pm

Not that you are in Chicago, but here is a job opportunity I just received. He is a recruiter that I worked with a long time ago that never took me off his email list for these types of positions. I don’t have a problem in receiving this email because it keeps me up-to-date on the local job market:

“Dear Joseph,

If not you, then who? In this very busy marketplace - email is a great way to network. I use email to notify people of opportunities that are new on my desk. I have one for you today.

Position: SQL Server Development DBA
Location: Chicago - Loop
Salary: $90,000 - $115,000
Short Scoop On The Opportunity:
Degreed 5+ years of development exp with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Candidate must prefer database development over administration, however should also be solid with administrative functions to support the development groups. Must have DTS.”

I get these all the time. I disagree with a prior poster saying that computers are in decline. They were, but they have rebounded. I could take this position without a problem, but I am not at all interested in this position. I don’t want to work downtown. I already have a job. The current job pays $110K anyway.

Consider this when you thumb your nose at working for a living. It really isn’t that bad. Computer skills are in demand. Having a $600 car payment and a $2000 house payment doesn’t hurt at all when you make $6000 a month prior to witholding.
18. NLG
November 9th, 2006 at 8:21 pm

Buying buying buying… you have a problem.

“Hmm… I’m in debt $2.2M, even if all my properties sold, I’d still owe somewhere between $250,000 and $500,000… I can’t pay my sister-in-law rent, nor can I buy groceries (according to the last post)… I think I’ll take $5000 of mystery-money and buy a car… surely they wouldn’t repo my car if I declare bankruptcy in a month, so I better buy a POS now!”

WTF? Anyone?
19. TheJudge
November 9th, 2006 at 8:31 pm

If you give up, people here will not have any entertainment for the next few days untill someone else for some reason no sane person can find out, feels like disclosing not only their mistakes but every illegal act they have done in the past year…..

Kinda reminds me of kids who post about under aged drinking, statutory rape, drug abuse and vandalism on myspace and then wonder how the cops found them.

How long till the DA comes along and finds this….. what if he/she already has.

Well I won’t do that, but I will alert other people to your plight through my own blog, at least you will get more of the fame you are reveling in, it is the least I can do for the entertainment…..
20. HaveAGoodTime
November 9th, 2006 at 8:35 pm

Rent your places out by the night…you gotta get creative…
November 9th, 2006 at 8:36 pm

Might be time to grow up you moron.
22. Nate
November 9th, 2006 at 8:38 pm


If you recognise this bad behaviour, why do you keep engaging in it?

Seriously, it’s time to talk to a therapist before you further damage your life and your fiance’s life.
23. Meirinn
November 9th, 2006 at 8:42 pm

Casey, you have to stop. Stop thinking you are going to find a way to fix this. All your commenters are right, this has gone way too far to be fixed. I have some sympathy for you, but it’s time for you to give it up. Not for ever, just for now. Go see a bankruptcy attorney or a credit counselling service and find out how you can get the crippling debt load off your back. Go bankrupt. Work at a job. Take no credit - you cannot handle it. Just do it now. It is heartbreaking to watch you keep on going through this. You are like a rat caught in a maze. There are ways out for you, you just need to take them. You cannot fix this.
24. Kevin
November 9th, 2006 at 8:44 pm

My only advice to you is to get in contact with Dave Ramsey:

If you want a mentor that will look out for your best interests and may actually be able to stop the drowning, he is it.

25. Me
November 9th, 2006 at 8:44 pm

If it’s any comfort, the mentors may not be doing any better than Casey. Rich Dad, Poor Dad memegraph and timeline -
26. CPA1298
November 9th, 2006 at 8:50 pm

I am so sick of this blog, and of Casey. I would like to start a boycott right now; no more posting responses to any of his ridiculous entries. This dumbass needs to do something with his time besides repeatedly convincing us how stupid he is. I think the whole thing is a fraud, as there is no way anyone as stupid as him could continue to carry out involuntary muscle movement.
27. goZar
November 9th, 2006 at 9:09 pm

to all those telling him to see a bankruptcy atty - how is he supposed to pay for one?
28. Good Advice Guy
November 9th, 2006 at 9:10 pm


Always remember, down not across
29. Nobody
November 9th, 2006 at 9:11 pm

CPA1298, I agree with you. This is starting to look too ridiculous…
30. Fred Fry
November 9th, 2006 at 9:13 pm

Here you go:
31. Anomalous Blowhard
November 9th, 2006 at 9:15 pm

Steve the car guy: You’re kidding, right? Please tell me he didn’t really buy the car after only seeing it at night.
32. pud
November 9th, 2006 at 9:23 pm

Can I have your stereo?
33. JoeMomma
November 9th, 2006 at 9:29 pm

Hi Casey,
Just file BK and start anew. Next time your timing will be a little better and you will be able to shine. You only have one life so don;t dwell on the negative. Let the banks lose their money that they so foolishy gave to you and move on. It’s only money.
34. Mort
November 9th, 2006 at 9:42 pm

It sounds like your “new” car is going through the school of hard knocks too. Alas, you are probably as bad at fixing cars as you were at fixing houses. I could’ve found you a nice house and a newer truck together for under 100k, but, you wouldn’t have listened anyway. Oh well, live and learn.
35. Take Some Responsibilty
November 9th, 2006 at 9:43 pm

“Have a pounding headache. Just wanna give up…”

You certainly have a pounding coming… The medium security kind of pounding. Ever hear of the prison term : “Circle The Wagons”?
36. nona
November 9th, 2006 at 9:53 pm

I get it. It’s not a viral maketing scheme - it’s a good old fashioned morality play!

How will our tagic hero Casey kill himself? Hanging? Shooting? Comically botched self poisioning? Who will take the blame? RE gurus? Liberal lending policies? The capitalist system in its entirety?

Tune in all next week as “The Rise and Fall of Casey Serin” contines….
37. Sprezzatura
November 9th, 2006 at 10:10 pm

Someone posted in the last thread that you should join the Army. And thinking about it, that’s actually a really good idea.

It would give you a job, benefits, and some security. Since you have computer skills, you’d probably get an MOS doing something with computers.

Not that you’ll do it, of course, but it might be worth looking into.
38. MJR
November 9th, 2006 at 10:11 pm


You are always the victim.

That’s the role you are playing in life.

Cast yourself a new role. Victor.

You need to recondtion your mind and emotions. Right now they are all negative based.

You need to make a radical changed to your emotional state.

The best way to do so is by changing YOUR PHYSIOLOGY.

Move. Go for a run.
39. mariusz pudzianowski
November 9th, 2006 at 10:16 pm

people, this is a fake blog!!!!! why waste your time posting any meaningful comments, you gullible idiots!
40. yneone
November 9th, 2006 at 10:17 pm

Some of the comments are so cruel. The comments are coming from a place of hatred and I dont know how Casey does it - sit and blog allday…because you can’t help but read these blogs. It is terrible and bound to put Casey in a state of mind that is borderline suicidal. I hope Casey that when you start to get depressed that you have a source of inspiration, something that keeps you going and keeps you positive. I’m curious to know what is that source of light? What keeps you going despite the odds? Something or someone is keeping you momentarily sane. I’d say lean on that someone and continue to do so until this mess gets resolved.
41. Andy
November 9th, 2006 at 10:21 pm

CPA1298, I called this blog jumping the shark on the 6th with the “What Really Happened in Phoenix” post. This blog deserves to be boycotted, but it is so unreal I can’t help but post my reactions to this mess called Casey’s life.

Casey, I can’t believe you bought a car! Actually, given your history, I’m not at all surprised, but what do you need a car for? To commute to your job?

I gave up my car seven years ago and now own (and maintain) my own fleet of bicycles. I’m healthier than most men half my age, I save about $500 per month, I don’t contribute to global warming or fund mideast terrorism.

$5000 will buy the Rolls-Royce of bikes, but you blew it on a junker that will nickel and dime you to death in repair costs. $500 will get you a very serviceable commuter.

You need to take a look at your financial situation and start spending and living accordingly.

As far as your high and mighty demands to get a job in real estate that pays a minimum of $3000/mo. Hah! The industry is tanking and RE layoffs are rampant. What are you going to put on your resume, that you royally screwed up six properties! Get real, get a REAL job - one that pays $7-$10/hr and find out what it’s like to live like the majority of America.
42. Abigail
November 9th, 2006 at 10:31 pm

Maybe you could get Xzibit to ‘pimp’ your ride, and then sell it on eBay?
43. John
November 9th, 2006 at 11:07 pm

You need a LiveJournal.

There are always hard days. Remember to exercise and eat right and don’t even read the haters. Uncertainty is more annoying than certainty. But if you still see light, keep digging.
44. Real Estate Monkey
November 9th, 2006 at 11:09 pm

car-ma is a b**ch!
45. Wayne
November 9th, 2006 at 11:48 pm

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;……

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!
46. Jack
November 9th, 2006 at 11:52 pm

more important nona:
how will we find out what he did when he finally saw there was no happy ending?
47. Todd
November 10th, 2006 at 12:24 am

Shades of Lonelygirl15… this really is scripted. Fishing for donations?
November 10th, 2006 at 12:47 am

Casey please make sure you have someone ready to take over blog updates when you are unable to.

i.e. You are in jail.

The public wants to know.

49. Big Daddy
November 10th, 2006 at 1:06 am

I have an awesome deal for you Casey. It’s a 5 bedroom, 4 bath house in an up and coming area of Flint, Michigan. The bank has it assessed at 450,000 but the vendor will let it go for 230,000. I can get you out of bankruptcy and fix your credit too. Contact me and we can work something out
50. Catherine
November 10th, 2006 at 1:10 am

Hmmm I am rather interested in Funkylovers offer in the porn industry… do you need a writer? I’d like that paying gig!!
PS. Casey, please go see a medical doctor about the stress you are under.
51. SidFinster
November 10th, 2006 at 1:22 am

Preguntas mas estupidas:

What is the story behind the car?

What is a “Baldwin”?
52. TheJudge
November 10th, 2006 at 1:56 am

You know, as I and one of my partners sit here discussing the amazing stuff that is here, we kept saying “this can’t be real”. But then we started talking and came up with the names of some people who we know who are actually just like you.

Now when I say JUST like you, I mean JUST like you, which to us gives validity to your story or at least makes us believe that you, just like us, MUST know someone like them.

My gf actually came up with a term for this type of person. Ignor-a*** . Basically its someone who does not know a lot, but swears they do, to the point where they are down right, @$$^&)#$ about the fact that they think they know more than you who uses common sense. Sometimes they get downright ugly about it while being completely wrong.

Time and time again I have heard these people say and do some of the most off the wall things and they have a lot in common with each other, and with you.

1) They use macs and think that they are “up and coming” or “trendy/cool” and that they and the people who use them are superior to everyone else using Windows/IBM compatible
2) Rather frail in build, balding, pale, look like old teenagers, terrible genetics
3) Almost always work in web development/programming because it is a field that people with social issues can get by in because of the work dynamics
4) Typically caucasian in race

other things include no common sense, OCD/AD(H)D like actions, depression and amazing ability to remain delusionally optimistic about their lives.

Another thing that seems to happen with them is in social situations or through time, any situation, they seem to reverse common mental synapsis. In other words the normal people look at a situation, apply logic and come up with a course of actions that they follow for good/normal results. You and the others look at a situation and while your brain may apply logic on some level, you inact the EXACT OPPOSITE of the logical couse of action while your brain percieves it as you having done the most logical. It is only after someone forces the fact of the results down your throat that you may even begin to see that your course of action was not right. Your brain has still reported that the logical/correct course was taken and this causes you to look at the others as “foolish” and keeps you on your course. Over time you start to believe that you are the smartest person alive, that everyone around you is inferior, and your brain somehow blocks out the reality of the situation. That others are moving forward while you never get closer to your goals. One day though it breaks and your eyes become open, no need to post what the end result is.

This is a real issue, besides OCD/AD(H)D there is something called Asperger’s (google it). I do not have a phd, hell I did not even major in psych, did not even finish up as a pre-med. But I have learned how to pick people apart in short order to get the best results I can, its a part of charisma that most business people need.

Funky, I have some ties to the adult industry……. there are already to many people in it like him and you know it, “the industry” really does not need anymore self proclaimed masters/know it alls who do not take advice and have nothing but debt and failures to show. His “expertise”, I am hoping you are being sarcastic. He has not proven anything, children and housewives can run blogs, they can also run google adds and beg people to paypal them money, but you go ahead and let him work on projects for you and see if he doesn’t flake, be waiting on your blog about how your life was ruined or for the production of a bunch more cookie cutter TGP from crap sponsors or a hairbrained Affiliates Program that shaves to make money….
53. Jip
November 10th, 2006 at 3:02 am

BK won’t solve anything for two reasons;

1. The new laws that took place last year make it harder to file. Plus, you can no longer totally walk away from you dept.

2. It does not get to the source of your REAL problem; Your lack of discipline. PLEASE get help to control your impulses. If you can’t, you will only keep falling in the same money trap.
54. Sputnik the Cat
November 10th, 2006 at 4:58 am

Ooh, I just woke up from my nap. What’s dipshit done now?


Ah, still not taking any of the good advice on this blog I see. I’m thinking BK is the anwer, but hey I’m just a cat. Maybe you can’t file BK if you’ve obtained the liabilities to be expunged via fraud. I dunno…

Maybe you shoulda spent the money on a good lawyer instead of a s***** car. Or a gun and a bullet (actually, better buy several bullets - you’d probably f*** that up the first few times too..)

Now…where’d I hide my catnip?

- Sputnik_the_Cat
55. The Unwelcome Guest
November 10th, 2006 at 5:43 am

I’m confussed I must admit.

When I’m broke, I tend not to have 5k lying around to spend on a crap car.
56. John Daniels
November 10th, 2006 at 5:49 am

well…it wont be easy faking your own death and assuming a new identity: you’d be surprised how much the gov has clampped down on just “disappearing”. try cashing a check over 3000 nowadays. the system is locked in, like the # of the beast…which worries me, the whole ‘patriot act’ effects on innocent americans.

i have my own regrests…In fact, ANYONE who bought residential property in 2005 has buyers remorse, no exceptions.
57. DMan
November 10th, 2006 at 6:23 am

I’m starting to agree with others that this entire website is made up and just scamming people for ad clicks. ..

I mean after everyone on here is basically screaming the same thing over and over and he doesn’t listen then gets more depressed when he screws himself even more. It just seems humanly impossible for someone to be so obtuse when it comes to reality.
58. Mike
November 10th, 2006 at 6:43 am

1 - People buy cars all the time. For 5 grand, how bad can it be after 1 day. I bought a $300 car for the station a year ago and all I’ve put into it is a battery.

2 - Dave Ramsey would run away screaming after talking to you for two minutes

3 - Claim bankruptcy. There is no saving your credit at this point and you just can’t keep bleeding 20 grand a month. Once it’s all said and done, you’ll live on cash and get a job. Alot of people live without credit. Maybe if you move into one of the houses, you’ll get to keep it as a primary residence and continue the mortgage.

4 - Why are you paying rent while having all these houses empty. How hard is it to throw a mattress on the floor and save $500 a month

5 - To Casey’s credit, stress headaches are real
59. Jozsibacsi
November 10th, 2006 at 7:42 am


While you plot your next career move, you may want to consider a few things. First, the real estate market in California and other areas is suffering a downturn that does not show any signs of letup soon. See for instance
Sacramento is expected to suffer a decline through the second quarter of 2008. This is a very difficult environment for you to succeed in, especially with the huge number of new and experienced real estate agents fighting for scraps.
Second, I don’t know what kind of computer and web design skills you have, but if you just do a simple search on, you will see many jobs available in Sacramento for web design.
Some financial gurus like to play up the idea of escaping the “rat race” as you have alluded to, but right now your best hope for financial survival is to have a steady dependable income that you can count on.
60. StingyFinance
November 10th, 2006 at 7:46 am

Is Bankruptcy an option in this case?

61. Voice of Reason
November 10th, 2006 at 7:48 am

Serious question - what made you think you’re getter better WRT implusive decision making? There’s been no evidence of any behavioral changes in this blog.
62. PT Barnum Is Alive and Well
November 10th, 2006 at 8:38 am

Are you running out or “hooks”?

This story is old.

I am gone.
63. BT98
November 10th, 2006 at 8:45 am

All I can say here is Casey is the best internet begger ever. By appear so screwed up, he make us feel better and we (the suckers) keep coming back for more of this soap opera/reality sob show. His website get more hit and ad money keeps pour into his pocket and he gets more publicity.

Come think of it, we are being scammed.

64. Joe
November 10th, 2006 at 9:17 am

You’re a bad actor Casey. This is all seeming to be some scheme. Very bad acting Casey.
65. Cow_tipping
November 10th, 2006 at 9:22 am

OK now you bought a busted car … WTF … is it a disease, is it contagious … what the f**k is wrong with you. I bought plenty of cars in my life and all of them used and never have I been ripped off totally.
Here is a new idea … like your old hit “Dont worry, Be happy” why dont you sing another hit song and you can again roll in the money and live it up like MC hammer.
Yea … 1 hit wonder … my a** , you can be a 2 hit wonder.
66. Jobu
November 10th, 2006 at 9:31 am

Dear Mr. Casey Serin,
My name is Jobu and I come from Nigeria. My late uncle, Mr. Kinshasa Otinwabe, was the Prime Minister of Nigeria. During a recent coup, my uncle was killed, but he managed to before his death, secretly hide away 10 million us dollars in his account. However, due to the new government in our country we are unable to free these funds. I am looking for a honest respectable business person like yourself to assist in obtaining these monies and bringing them to the us of a. For your honest help, you will receive 4 million of these dollars. I have recently read of your plight and I feel that we can be honest with each other and help each other. All that I ask is that you be honest and give me your bank account number so that we may commence these transactions. I await your reply and dealing with an honest US entrepreneur that will be helpful to me.

Mr. Jobu
67. fijirobe
November 10th, 2006 at 9:31 am

Dude, as someone who has dealt with anxiety and depression for about 8 years now and has finally gotten a grip on it, GO SEE A THERAPIST NOW. This site is doing nothing but pushing you down a spiral to do something not smart(wouldnt be the first time for you). I dont feel bad for you because of your choices, but you are a human and I wouldnt want to see you do anything stupid. Ignore this advice if this is just part of your marketing plan
68. Sam
November 10th, 2006 at 9:32 am

Get a life and grow some BAL@#.
What makes you think you deserve a free ride thru life.
Get ANY job you can, for ANY rate of pay.
stop dreaming of real estae riches!!!
Start working and maybe you can get somewhere before you are 60.

AND stop spending you days with this bull sh@t on the internet.
GO TO WORK like most people have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
69. Sam
November 10th, 2006 at 9:42 am

every day when you post something else, you show more and more how much of a LOSER you are.
LOSER, get a life. or return to whatever country you are from!!!!!!!
70. Unbeliever
November 10th, 2006 at 10:53 am

Nice of you to help yourself to’s bandwidth to host images for your blog. Is there anything you *won’t* steal?
71. MJ
November 10th, 2006 at 10:56 am


Wow! Talk about jumping on when someone is down! Don’t listen to all these morons who take some kind of personal delight in seeing you crash and burn… they probably enjoy seeing others misfortunes to make them feel their pitiful lives are really better than they are! They are probably stuck in a boring 9-5 and see no end in sight, so they beat up those that take risk.

Casey, I have been where you are and I have come back from it. What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. I remember when I was facing foreclosure and lost all of my properties. I just regrouped and started again at a later date. The second time around I made a killing on my investments in real estate. I learned what not to do, and was much better the second time around! Do I still make mistakes? yes; but they tend to be smaller and more of a hindrance than a life changing event. If you are having a bad day, just take a break form all the noise. Only take on these enormous tasks when you feel strong and powerful, not when you are having a bad day! If you do, then you will make even MORE mistakes.

Keep your head up, don’t listen to all the nay Sayers and negativity they have to offer. Look for the positives in your life (there are some) and keep moving in the direction your gut tells you. Life has a way of making paths in the direction you need to go, just keep your eyes open, they are usually the things that seem to “click” and you enjoy doing.

I read somewhere that those that are successful have overcome and learned to deal with MASSIVE amounts of frustration! I think you have a good attitude despite all these setbacks. The nay Sayers will always tell you it can’t be done and to just give up and run back to the safety of a 9-5! DON’T LISTEN TO THEM! You may have to work at an hourly rate for a while to get some cash… but don’t forget to keep your dream alive. Watch for your next opportunity to make an entry back into the real estate market, or whatever your new adventure might be. Make your own path in life and you will truly be happy!

Good luck my friend… A good book that got me through some tough times was Eckart Tolle’s “The Power of NOW”. Get it and read it. It has nothing to do with real estate and everything to do with life.
72. Joe
November 10th, 2006 at 10:59 am

Despair? It’s called reality, pal.
73. Ray-Ray
November 10th, 2006 at 11:06 am

I agree with nona, this is probably going to end with casey “killing himself”. it is crazy, and not to be believed. Is some of it true, sure, but now it is just a script and formula
74. BT98
November 10th, 2006 at 11:11 am


how did u go from

“The $3,000 that I borrowed from a friend got us through last month. Now that’s all gone.”


“Another good thing that happen is we bought a quality cheap car today. There is even some insurance money left over because we didn’t spend the entire $5,000. That’s a good thing. Maybe we can save the money and buy a second cheap car a bit later.”

in 0 second? why didn’t you pay him back with $5000 you have.

75. Allenm
November 10th, 2006 at 11:19 am

Want a job? For real? Big money? Here it is!!
KBR Wants you!!!
Last chance sucker!!!
Big money for you to bail yourself out!!!
76. Postman
November 10th, 2006 at 11:33 am

Wow, you guys are really mean! Why can’t we come together, as a community, and help Casey?

I suggest a fund-raiser. We all donate into a fund, and once it hits $3000, Casey has a vasectomy. When we get the confirmation that his sperm count is zero, we release the funds.

Everybody wins.
77. Jim
November 10th, 2006 at 12:10 pm

What’s wrong with the car? Why don’t you stage a picture of you in overalls with a shop rag in one hand and some grease/dirt on your face working under the hood of that POS fixing it? (Or would that involve getting your hands dirty, something you clearly despise).

Anyway, like I said before, learn to negotiate a little. It’ll save you money in life.
78. Sir Cornholeo
November 10th, 2006 at 1:25 pm

“The DA in CA has officially openned up an investigation on you - did you see that? ”


Please provide a link to confirm this. I think you are blowing smoke up our asses.
79. Gustavia
November 10th, 2006 at 1:29 pm

Hey Casey,

How is the job search coming along?

Just wondering, since you cant sell your houses, what makes you think someone will pay you 36k (after taxes) to not sell theirs?
80. walt526
November 10th, 2006 at 1:34 pm

“Someone posted in the last thread that you should join the Army. And thinking about it, that’s actually a really good idea.”

No, the US military will most certainly not let him enlist on account of his debt and pending legal troubles. One of the things that they check is to make sure that servicing existing debt (including court-ordered child/spousal support payments) will not exceed 40% or something of gross income. This change was instituted sometime in the late 1980s, IIRC. Go to for more details. They may have relaxed this requirement in the past two years with recruitment down, but it should still exist to some degree and Casey would represent an EXTREME case.

Also, having seen pictures of Casey, it would not surprise me if he has trouble meeting the minimum physical standards as well.
81. Amanda
November 10th, 2006 at 1:50 pm


I just have to ask you one thing. Is any of this getting through to you? So many people (and I realize there are exceptions to this) have put a lot of thought into trying to talk some sense into you. I would do the same, but I feel like my efforts would fall on dead ears and well, frankly, I have a job!

82. Sac Realtor
November 10th, 2006 at 1:51 pm

Realist Not Real Estate Agent sounds like someone too stupid to make the big bucks flipping homes.
83. Mac
November 10th, 2006 at 2:34 pm

Yep. This latest posting convinces me THIS IS A SCAM. This is my last post… maybe I’ll read for a while, maybe not. Cya.
84. John
November 10th, 2006 at 2:40 pm

Since you love adventure so much and are looking to earn some money to get out of your financial hole, you could become a paragliding instructor taking people on tandem rides of a paraglider. You could bird dog properties from the air.

I will give you a free tandem paragliding flight near Seattle if you want to check it out.

You can see videos of tandem paragliding at to see if you are up to it.

Maybe risking your life instead of your money will give you a better feel for risk and return in potential real estate deals.
85. Joseph
November 10th, 2006 at 2:56 pm

To Sir Cornholeo:

No link - need to check public records at local office and yes, there are lots of people here blowing smoke up your asses starting with Sir Casey.

Nobody can be this stupid. This is all good fun and entertaining.
86. Unbelievable
November 10th, 2006 at 3:01 pm

So did you take the advice I offered last night ? I told you to take an aspirin and get a good nights rest. Then today, you were suppose to go find a job and talk with an attorney about filing for bankrupcy. How many of those tasks did you manage to complete ? Was your whole day spent hunting for those posters ?

Are you even REAL ?
87. Duh
November 10th, 2006 at 3:04 pm

Ummm, you do know that this guy is trolling you, right?

There are no houses, there are no foreclosures.

This guy is some bored loser who wants attention.
88. Unbelievable
November 10th, 2006 at 3:05 pm

Oh and let me remind you of the title of your blog

Buying & Selling Houses, Shady Loans, Getting Overleveraged, Foreclosure, Bankruptcy… and Coming Back!

So, when will we hear about the “coming back” aspect of your life ? I am tired of SSDD.
89. q
November 10th, 2006 at 6:36 pm

wtf. i mean really.
90. Unbelievable
November 11th, 2006 at 7:45 am

The first link is the only one that works.
91. Fran
November 11th, 2006 at 9:51 am

Thank you for letting us know about P.T.’s Son.

I am done.

We were fools
92. Boulder Colorado Real Estate Research Blog: Sunday Reading - 11/12/06
November 13th, 2006 at 12:13 pm

[…] 10. The highly publicized efforts of Casey Serin to avoid foreclosure don’t seem to be panning out as well as he hoped. The I am Facing blog is quite popular and he even landed an interview with Robert Kiyosaki and some fairly mainstream media outlets. Perhaps the publicity will help others will learn from his mistakes. Lately, Casey seems to be getting depressed. He’s even started video blogging his efforts, which are somewhat interesting to watch. The biggest problem the kid faces, in my opinion, is that he’s still looking for dodgy shortcuts to success, suggesting he’s not learning the lessons from his mistakes. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for the kid or feel disgusted with him. Lately, it’s a little of both. […]

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