Sorry for slow updates… here are some pictures from last few days.
Presents with the Mrs. | Getting Things Done Book |
Mrs. Serin | Stockings at my Parents’ place |
Christmas Gifts from Family | Cleaning Up After Gifts |
Hard Drive About to Crash | Wells Fargo Account |
No Banks Needed | Homeless Car, Neighbor’s Boat |
I think you look like Kato Kaelin.
Just more troll bait - e.g.:
“I haven’t been at the Budett property in a while and the mail is spilling over. I guess I forgot to forward it. ”
My multiple posting aliases and I have made a New Year’s resolution to no longer take Casey’s bait. We do, however, reserve the right to make snide comments and poke fun. But, we won’t take this seriously any longer.
Here’s to a New Year full of self-inflicted (and intentionally created? - the old suspicions are returning) drama from Casey!
Here’s to a sweet 2007!
It’s all good!!
I understand why you want it to appear as though somone was living on the property, however, having a boat in your driveway constitutes an attractive nuisance. In other words, its an attractive “toy” that could draw neighborhood children or teens. Should a child playing on the boat fall from it and injure himself, you could be held liable — especially since you gave the neighbor permission to park the boat on your property. You might have a leg to stand on if the neighbor parked the boat without your permission. The last thing you need is a negligence lawsuit. -
You take the cake - how much more time are you going to waste on this silly blog! I notice that so many people have asked exactly what you have accomplished in the last several weeks - where are the answers, Casey? Your readers are getting bored with your childishness - showing holiday pictures of your family?!?! Get your act together - how could you expect anyone to think of you as a busineesman until you start acting like an adult?
Casey - I’m glad that you’re not taking your problems too seriously and that you have time to relax during the holidays and post family pictures.
Here’s a SWEET idea - use your gift card to buy a calendar of world-wide holidays. I bet almost every day is a holiday that’s important to someone. During those holidays you owe it to yourself to have some guilt-free time off.
lol @ your inlaws looking annoyed. I can imagine you’ve long since worn out your welcome with them.
The Burdett pictures are more proof of your laziness. It’s ridiculous, nearly insane that you have junk laying around and an untrimmed yard at that house. No wonder you can’t sell anything. How pitifully lazy are you that you can’t spend a few hours making the property look presentable? The boat is a bad idea too. Why didn’t you tell the car-sleeper to move along? I’m amazed you got into all these houses with the intent to do a quick flip and now it’s obvious you can’t seem to move anything on your own. Do you feel foolish yet?
Only you would make putting up a for-sale sign an accomplishment.
I can’t believe she hasn’t filed for divorce yet.
I think you should use 2007 as an education and revitalization year. Go to more classes, repeat 2006’s mistakes so you’re sure you learned those lessons.
Do your spreadsheets and plans in 2007, then hit it hard in 2008.
Ha ha ha, your phone number is listed on one of the signs on the photosets. Get any interesting calls already?
Your wife is fine, was she a mail order?
Mortgages are basically made of other people’s money. Looking at how festive and not-plain your setup looks, it makes me ill knowing that you are spending other people’s money propping up your wasteful spending and delusions of grandeur. You should not have been getting any presents or feasting. You should have been working your ass off every second.
I see nothing but sadness and despair in Mrs. Serin’s eyes. Very sad - especially at a time of year that should be joyful. She sure hooked up with a real winner!!! -
That picture of the mail spilling over and dropping on the ground around the mailbox. What an absolute staged crock. Do you actually expect us to believe that the mail carrier is just dropping your mail on the ground because it is not fitting in your mailbox ? Don’t know how much longer you can keep this site going , your obviously grasping at straws now to get a rise out of a few idiots that seem to believe everything you put on here at face value.
Who sent the traffic cone to the Budett property? P.S. You have a hot wife. Try to use an exposure faster than 1 second next time.
Wow. We’re to the point where the ads would be more interesting than the content.
you’re always so good looking in your pics. people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to look half as hot as you. so in that regard, you’re ahead of the game financially. some people say beauty is superficial. money is too. its only money so who gives a crap. i always enjoy looking at your pics, you’re such a hottie. i wonder if you were ugly if you’d receive half the attention you do presently (allbeit mostly negative). I sense that people are jealous of you, beautiful you, beautiful wife, BALLS to be successful at a young age. F*** em Casey - you got something that most of em don’t: very good looks.
You really do not know how to take photos, please hold your hand stable and not shaking,,, are you on drug???
by the way, your wife look very pretty. she can marry me and i’ll buy all your houses cash.
Robber K.
Mrs. Serin is attractive.. Ya sure she can’t do better than a failed “real estate investor” with $2M+ in debt, no money, no job and in a declining market who committed outright fraud and trashed her FICO in the process?
As one of my alter-ego / posting personas said earlier, Casey’s losing interest in blogging now that the Ad $ are gone.
Where’s the next web trainwreck to go watch?
Since you’re banned by Google AdSense, are you accepting other sponsors?
A picture says a thousand words. This sums you up.
Look, I know the Mrs ain’t giving you any but take it easy will ya?
There has been a great deal of good advice given here. (Although over the months it is fragmented.) As well as mature perpectives given on difficult problems.
It is becoming clear that Casey alone for whatever reasons, cannot work with the financial problems he has created for himself. There are people here who have good judgement and experience and have reached financial independence and may even be retired. I suggest they meet with Casey. Draft a detailed plan covering all the problems. Then work with Casey to accomplish the plan and revise and update it as needed.
You could say he should mitigate the losses to his creditors, but I think Casey really needs to mitigate the financial and legal damage to his own standing. As well as navigate the rough waters that lie ahead and somehow keep afloat. -
Anon would be very, very proud. You finally cater to your audience by posting the much requested picture of your wife. But NO - not a clear one. A blurry one. This is brilliant… she actually looks like she could be a Real Doll or manequin through the photo treatment. And the thought of her shoes? Intensely lifeless; positively gripping in their lack of motion when contrasted against the head shot.
This is your Mona Lisa. The slightest hint of a smile. Is she happy? Annoyed? Sad and confused? You have captured every possibility in an immensely sublime photo. This is reminicsent of, and may actually be superior, to your legendary “Blue Ball” photograph.
Casey, please do another podcast. I have some great ideas for one; I’d actually like to co-host it with you. I was the guy who asked what your favorite entree at the Macaroni Grill was. I am confident that we can make an hour long pod cast immensely entertaining, educational, and popular.
Please consider it. Thanks.
That is Mrs. Serin? Picture is blurry but I’m surprised she is so good looking. I expected less. Not because of you Casey, just the circumstance.
There is a picture of a guy from SWAT. Were they there to aprehend you? hehe
Ever contemplate calling on a higher authority to help — bury a St. Joseph statute on the property? Might help, might not: -
You’ll be receiving fine notice about those illegal post,
it’s $150 per post in sac, I hope you have enough money to pay for it -
Welcome to my house for a free New Year party..3pm-3am
1420 E Roseville Pkwy
Suite 140-331
Roseville, California 95661 -
anon re the mybid action figure: i spilt coffee on the keyboard over it. genius
casey, since you’re not doing adsense anymore, turn off commenting… why bother with everyone insulting you and your family?
oh, and why the heck didnt you get your brother or inlaw or whoever is the car mechanic to check out your jetta!!?
“A friend of mine called me today to see how I’m doing, specifically how the Early Riser thing is going (he has been reading my blog).
I told him that I’m about 30% successful on that goal this month. ”
Yeah? Well, whoop-de-do. I’m 100% successful in my Early Riser thing, and have been ever since my first child was born nearly four years ago.
Do I get a free Jamba Juice?
Sorry, Casey, but 30% is truly pitiful. You really are the laziest S.O.B. I’ve ever come across.
“Chris is willing to give me another shot at tech consulting in January as long as I actually take it seriously this time.”
Like I said about the Early Riser thing: pitiful.
Casey, have you ever done a proper day’s work in your life? And you call yourself an investor - but have you ever invested your own money in anything? Even your Jamba Juice shots were bought with money “borrowed” from the bank!
If I were Chris, I’d have fired you after the first month.
But then again, if I were you, I’d have applied for a proper job in the first place. Even burger flipping would have netted you more than a measly $500.
Phone’s ringing dude.
Casey your the best, Like Saddam hang in there!
Casey, Be happy, you’ve got a wonderful family backing you up. Don’t let them down!
“As one of my alter-ego / posting personas said earlier, Casey’s losing interest in blogging now that the Ad $ are gone.
Where’s the next web trainwreck to go watch?”
Have you checked out Crasey’s blog yet? -
this has to be staged. No way you changed your apparal 3 times during your stay with the inlaws. Green shirt, blue shirt, red shirt.
Hey casey I’ll buy your domain name for $2250 !
Happy New Year ! I own, you moderate , etc…..
let’s talk casey I am still the Undisputed #1 Real Estate Investor ! -
Goto work for me pushing NPL’s! pay attention Casey this is my last attempt to conform you !
You can make a good amount of money from other advertisers also. According to John Chow dot Com, Text Link Ads provide a close 2nd to google adsense. That along with feedburner and Intellitxt you’ll make more than you did with Adsense.
Let me know if you need any help with it.
Please do some more podcasts. That one you did a few weeks ago was interesting. Your posts OTOH are getting repetitive. You keep telling us what you plan to do, only to follow up a few weeks later by admitting you haven’t done anything.
- Your wife. Enough said. What the hell are you doing at 1:19 in the morning at your parents house?
- Getting up at 7:00 is not getting up early.
- Can’t you keep the local properties looking decent? It’s not like you’re overwhelmed by work. -
“I am fully awake now. Its time to put this thing down and go have an awesome productive day!!”
Great - but what are you actually going to do?
Since you clearly have organizational problems (understatement of the century), how about writing down six definite things that you need to do a.s.a.p, each directly aimed at improving your present financial situation?
And then go out and do them?
And - this is the difficult part - DON’T DO ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL THEY’RE DONE.
No Jamba Juice. No going back to bed for another snooze. Not even any moderating this blog - you can get away without updating for another 48 hours. Just write down six tasks, post them here, and then come back and tell us that they’re done.
And then post six more tasks.
“I had sort of an early riser morning today - around 7am. I went on a 3 mile jog and got my work day started at 10am. I went to checkup on the Burdett property (see pictures above) and to put up the For Sale By Owner signs.
My motivation is coming back!!”
So by 10:30 in the morning your sole accomplishment is that you’ve put up a SIGN? Whoo-hoooo! What an entrepreneur you are! Steve Jobs, watch out!
“My dad reads it too but he skips the comments - because they are too hateful.”
So why not give him a digest of the genuinely helpful and constructive comments?
Tim from Monterey’s would be a good start, as they’re the most detailed - both in terms of supplying actual figures relating to your situation, and the forensic analysis of why many of your proposed solutions are more likely to make your situation worse (assuming they’re not actually illegal, as most seem to be).
And since you routinely ignore all but the most generalised suggestions (and I’ve seen no evidence that you’ve even carried those out - where’s that spreadsheet?), perhaps your dad might be more inclined to listen?
I’m serious - extract Tim’s comments for the last month, put them together, print them out and show them to your dad. God knows you need someone cracking the whip, and this might just encourage it.
Casey said — Sorry for slow moderation lately… I’m still trying to figure out the future fate of this blog….
I say —- told you so; interest dying without Ad $
Casey said — Good thing I took a nap at 3PM. That will keep me going.
I say —- troll bait; yawn…
Casey said — Chris is willing to give me another shot at tech consulting in January as long as I actually take it seriously this time.
I say —- yeah, that’ll happen!
Casey said — I really need that $3,000 base income.
I say —- you said $3500 the other day. It’s so hard keeping half-truths and lies straight…
Casey said — So another thing I need to do is put together a strict budget and cut out any fat (If I can find any).
I say — there’s NO fat; PDAs, wireless at Starbucks, gym, etc - ALL are essential to a big shot!
Casey said — No more gym for me because if I go there I will have to deal with a two month late bill. I am probably going to have to cancel the membership as part of “fat trimming”.
I say —- “probably”? Keep it up please - no need to make any decisions. Happy to know you’ve been paying the gym recently, but not your lenders; the BK judge will think that’s really Sweet! It’s all good.
Casey said — Thank you to everyone for keeping me accountable on my promises and goals. You guys have been a great audience!
I say —- Casey’s feeling his audience slipping away and is grasping for us.
Does anyone know the requirements to legally commit someone in California? It looks like Casey is determined to continue to do damage to himself and all around him until he is forcibly stopped. Everyone says this blog would be evidence of fraud, but its becoming evidence of a diseased mind.
I’m not even going to ask how the heck you’re thinking you’d finance yet another deal, or how it could possibly work out in your favor.
Instead, here’s a discussion topic: What’s the right amount of work to do in a day/week/month/year?
Casey here has obviously had his leisure time null and voided, even if he doesn’t think so, so let’s not consider someone who’s in dire financial shape. But think about this: you’re a man or woman with a spouse, possibly children, plus friends and family. You have a job that pays the bills, you have debt but nothing major. What’s an appropriate amount of time to spend at work?
Many of the people on here present visions of a world that to me sounds pretty awful. 11-12 hour work days, working Christmas day, never taking a vacation, and making sure that everyone knows how hard you’re working.
Is that necessary or even right, especially if you have children? At that point, are you simply hiding from the other things in your life, or are you so slanted towards work that it’s the only thing that makes you happy?
Casey obviously drinks far too deep from relaxation, but what’s the right amount? Personally I think you have to relax at some point or you go nuts, and everything else in your life starts crumbling. What kind of life do you live if you never let grandma take the kids and have a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, just the two of you? What kind of life where you never once take a personal day, just to have a day off? Where those accrued vacation days pile up and never get used, so that when the kids see Disneyworld for the first time, you aren’t there?
Before you all pounce on me, I’m not saying to do these things the Casey way, where every other day is a ‘reward’ or a day off. And I know that sometimes what we’d like isn’t what we can have. If no one can take the kids tonight, no nice dinner alone with a bottle of wine.
But seriously, in your own life, what kind of balance between work and pleasure do you think is best? How much does it matter to have breathing time, even if time away from work is the time you use for your own little start-up business?
Please keep up the blog Casey - I really appreciate your honesty and you write well. I’m not sure how well things will turn out for you but you have the rare gift of always seeing the good in situations.
I hope you don’t lose your optimism or give up trying.
Hey, I see that you have $181.02 in available credit at WF.
GO GET IT - don’t let them steal it from you. They OWE it to you.
How does it feel to be the black sheep in your family?
Go ask that guy sleeping in his car how he got that way. You two probably have alot in common.
@Casey: No more gym for me because if I go there I will have to deal with a two month late bill. I am probably going to have to cancel the membership as part of “fat trimming”.
You think? Gym membership ($20-30), Starbucks Hotspot ($30-40), and I’m sure a mountain of other $20-40/month bills that you’re “probably going to have to cancel”. Sheesh.
A little clue, here. You know why so many service providers price their monthly subs at the $20-40 level? Because they know that people will just put it on their credit cards and forget about them - for a lot of folks, $20/month is very easily overlooked. The dollar amount isn’t high enough to cause real pain by itself, but it’s high enough to keep the company in a nice profit margin. Problem is, they add up.
Yes, the gym membership has to go. So does the Hotspot. Got a Netflix account? Dump it. Go through your entire monthly expenses and make a list of all the $20-40 plagues you have in your life, and ditch as many as possible. Find alternative means that don’t cost money, or at least as much.
@Casey: No my wife was not a mail order. I am blessed to have such a wonderful wife who sticks by me “for richer or poorer”.
I’ll admit, that blurry photo (cute touch) was the first time since this drama began that I’d agree with you being “blessed”. While a creative blur can hide a lot, it’s obvious that Mrs. Serin is an attractive woman. Why she’s putting up with all this, though, is anyone’s guess - I suppose divine intervention is the only logical possibility.
Your neighbor offered to park in the driveway… hahaha… Sorry, this is funny. Your neighbor is taking advantage of you. He is saving $20-$50 per month by parking there or at least the eyesore is not in his driveway.
i paid $25 per month to park my boat in a boat yard. You should be charging him.
Or you and Mrs. Serin should move into that house so it looks lived in. This takes the burden off your inlaws, saves you rent money (which can be used to pay the mortgage), reduces your jail time since it is owner occupied, and keeps the homeless off your property.
Who can sell a house with all that in your yard. What’s next? It becomes a vacant crack house? That really “ups the resale value.”
What page are you on in Getting Things Done?
Vhat? You’re parents are aware of your fraudulent activities?
Vhow! Those are nice values and ethics not to mention work ethic your parents taught you.I really hope you have to pay it all back! SWeeeeet deal!
“I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal.”
ha ha ha ha ha
may we, your devoted fans take it from the above that you are **still** trying to buy property after all you have been doing (or rather, not doing) for several months now?
where does the $500 come from exactly - you can’t exactly con it out of wells fargo, can you?
i’m from the U.K. and news of the U.S. real estate bust has even reached here. our economy is probably even worse than yours and 2007 is probably going to be the year when all the horrendous debt, deficit spending and general financial chicanery is going to blow up.
and casey is still trying to buy property?
Why dont you clean up all the crap that is in the walkway of that house? Also, a boat in the driveway screams “white trash” louder than a couch on the roof.
Also, your wife is good looking - it’s a shame she’ll bhe leaving you soon.
Dude, please speed up this train wreck. I am leaving for a 2 week vacation to Africa and don’t want to miss the shit hitting the fan.
BTW, great job on imaginative scripting. Still waiting to discover what you LA marketing guys are ultimately trying to promote.
No hate here. I am really sorry for you and your family. Point that you seem to miss is that you started this blog with intentions of being of service and picking up ideas on how to handle your foreclosure problems intelligently and responsibly, yet you have gone off on many tangents while, for the most part, largely ignored the problems and the actions that would have at least been seen in keeping with your proposed intentions.
What this has become is a sad farce. You just have to understand that its not just that you’ve blunderd big time and will suffer for a long time to come but that you find yourself in this situation and display yourself publicly exposing weaknesses and poor attitudes that compound your problems and are the initial source of this debacle.
You have not handled this maturely. That is what infuriates many. Your family should understand that the comments here are more reactions to what I’ve mentioned above rather than hate. Sorry more to them that they should have to see their son and brother lambasted like this. But it’s your own doing.
They’ll love you no matter what but haven’t you been the source of the energy that has resulted from his blog? Think about it…
I’m not an early riser.
Mostly I wake up, naturally, around 8 to 8:30. Sometimes later, especially if the previous night had been a long one.
A lot of the “early to bed, early to rise” philosophy has to do with a farming or farming-supporting economy: farmers who need to work with the sunlight, merchants who need to be at their shops early, even factory workers who need to product and ship goods during daylight hours.
But the modern technological and commuting society tends to turn this on its ear: evenings are often the only time for people to socialize or plan, due to long commute times and not getting home, in many cases, until after the time once reserved for going to bed (when the sun went down).
You yourself have mentioned many late night meetings…
It’s tough for someone in the modern economy to not have late night meetings, or time for socializing, or time for reading and suchlike. A handful of people, like George Bush Jr., say they go to bed at 9 p.m. each night….
In my opinion, there’s a happy medium between “didn’t get up until 3 pm” and “the alarm went off at 5:55 am.” It varies from person to person; in my case, it’s around 8 to 8:30 am.
It’s more important that you are rested, alert, and able to sit down and do the key action items for the day.
Just my opinion.
–Tim from Monterey Bay
“I did catch the mailman and told him to hold the mail. I also gave him my card so that he can tell me about any vacant or boarded up properties in the area for investing. I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal. Hasn’t happened yet but if I keep putting the word out it will.”
ok this is getting crasey now…
1) YOU have a business card? can we please see it? what does it say?
2) why are you telling him to look for more properties. you can’t buy them. looking at them is just a waste of time/energy. -
Dude, you have to put the Casey “I am Facing Foreclosure Talking Action Figure” pic on the front of your blog, that shit is off the hook!
Did you read the Item Description on its too funny, I was dying.
Peace out!
What is the age of consent in Kalifornia these days?
it’s funny how modern day entrepreneurs think sometimes. they’ll ponder and spend days coming up with cool sounding company names and slogans, etc. but they lack the core/foundation of a profitable business model (remember all those cool sounding names)
i used to be one of them so i know where Casey’s head is at. he’s even commending the T-shirt and doll guys for “entrepreneurship” effort when those items are just goof items with no real future.
it’s interesting…i’m an entrepreneur myself and have started several businesses in my life. some good, some bad. but the best and most profitable businesses i ever had were started by accident. the last one i started didn’t even have a name. i literally had to incorporate and buy liability insurance under my birth name the same day i started it because i had no time to think of a name for it. no business cards, no brochures nothing…yet i had $9,000 in sales my first day and had to get it going fast because customers were calling me left and right. it’s funny how life works like that.
Casey, quit thinking of all the Bullsh*t and think of what people actualy NEED. find a niche and the customers will put you in business faster than you can imagine.
No my wife was not a mail order. I am blessed to have such a wonderful wife who sticks by me “for richer or poorer”.
Am I the only one here who thinks that the reason Casey hasn’t BKed yet is because he suspects that if he and his wife BK successfully (which may or may not be the case what with the liars’ loans and all…), next day he’ll probably get served with divorce papers and promptly thrown out to the curb. Then, he’d probably have to join the guy sleeping in his car in one of the photos (the wife might get to keep the V-dub).
Did your postman give you a change of address/mail forwarding kit? If not, you’ll want to go to the post office to fill out the cards and submit them. It’s not difficult. If you had been keeping up with opening and reading your mail, you might have noticed you weren’t getting any mail from your Burdette property.
Taking your past performance into consideration, what do you expect to do with any property your mailman might spot for you? Do you honestly believe you’ll be able to get a mortgage?
“I also gave him my card so that he can tell me about any vacant or boarded up properties in the area for investing. I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal. Hasn’t happened yet but if I keep putting the word out it will.”
LOL, can’t believe he wrote this. The guy is in a 2.2 $M mess and he still talks about “investing”. R U serious ?
To: Casey’s MOM
Since you do read the comments…WHY Haven’t you kicked your son’s a** by now??? He’s only 2 months behind on gym payments??? Casey never listens to anyone. That should be something that was cancelled long, long time ago. But I guess it doesn’t help because Casey lives in a galaxy far, far away. Ohhh and (his wife) looks like she won’t have any problem finding someone else once you guys get a divorce.
dude, I like your spirit, but you really need to get a job. Plain and simple, even if it’s not your life’s passion. You owe it to your wife and to yourself, and even though working for a paycheck is not a “sweet deal,” slow motion is better than no motion. Or in your case, negative motion. You’re not just digging the hole, you’re burying yourself.
“I did catch the mailman and told him to hold the mail. I also gave him my card so that he can tell me about any vacant or boarded up properties in the area for investing. I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal. Hasn’t happened yet but if I keep putting the word out it will.”
Close a deal on what? You don’t have the $500 to pay anybody anything at all. And even if he were to bring you a property which turns out to be a Sweet Deal, just who in the “f” is going to lend you money to purchase it? Further, your track record on your previous properties is approaching the Planck scale, so why burden yourself with yet another property? This isn’t monopoly the board game, dude.
Your best shot at this point is to go BK and bust your ass for Chris who for whatever cosmic reason is giving you a second chance in January. Build up your Sweet Skills and eventually you’ll be able to command a higher salary. Save your money and return to the game after you are a hell of a lot wiser (and smarter).
The guy who built or photoshopped the Casey Serin doll *nailed it*. Hell, if you were really smart you’d build your own dolls and t-shirts and other merchandise that makes a mockery of your situation. Instead, other people are doing it, pulling in a few bucks, while you visit a property that the mailman dreads to approach.
Also, it’s nice of you to admit that you were 30% successful but that also means that you were 70% a failure with your stated goals. Which side do you think has more weight in determining the short-term probabilities of your future?
Casey, no mention of filing BK. Have you thrown this by the wayside?
Also, I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt (really!), but I don’t understand why you haven’t been by the Burdett house in a couple weeks!!?? My gosh, it’s in your same city! Do you care AT ALL???? And, a FSBO sign in the front is lame. What else are you doing besides a stupid sign? Have you listed it on Craigslist? Local paper? Set up an Open House? Other avenues?
P.S. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Please remember that, as long as you have your wife and family, you’ll be able to get through this stormy time.
Do the “big picture” spreadsheet that Tim suggested. See a bankruptcy attorney. See your accountant. Clean up your local properties and send the keys back to the bank, if your attorney thinks that’s the best thing to do. Consider moving into one of the houses to shelter it from foreclosure and give you somewhere to live. With your wife, put a plan together for the next year - outlining your general financial goals and the steps you need to take to make this work. Keep consulting!
Take some time off from blogging, if you have to. We’ll still check in periodically to see how you’re going.
Best wishes for 2007!
The Post Office will only forward first class mail, not bulk mail, ads, magazines, etc.
We enjoy the blog. Keep it going!
Чеctиta Нoba Гoдина!
funny how you want to have full disclosure but only have blurry photos when its convenient
hoes the vdubs?
what did you buy / beg / borrow or overdraft for xmas gifts????????????????????
HUH casey????
Wow. Your bros is in the Marines? Maybe you could get him to kick your ass a little for you. Maybe it’ll knock some discipline into you. You’ve knocked on the guru’s doors but you forget your richest uncle of all… Uncle Sam is always hiring!
No discipline = massive debt load + no income
Seriously, if you had half a chance as an entrepreneur you’d be too ashamed to write any of this stuff. The fact that you’re blogging about your failures so freely while continuing to do diddly points out how poorly matched your personality is to being a self-starter. You’re only good for working hard and long for another person and let them call the shots.
Of course those who can’t enterprise and can’t work usually wind up either homeless or in prison. You’re too much of a candy boy to go the third route… organized crime.
“Woke up at 5:55 and Jason beats me and calls me at 5:56. It was supposed to be my turn to call today but it’s all good. We say a word of encouragement to each other and end the call. I kind of cheat and stay in bed for a few more min but the snooze reminds me to get up.”
So you failed again on Day 1 of a new challenge. Where’s your will power?? Seriously… You did not wake up at 5:55am. Anyone can set an alarm for 5:55am, wake up, hit snooze and go back to sleep and then wake up later.
If you read Steve’s article again, it involves waking up and getting out of bed right away.
Yes, we are all going to Casey’s modesto house for the New Year Party. We’ll have lots of fun in the house and we’ll paint the house for free.
Keep going Casey. I’m rooting for you. I question some of the mistakes that you have made, but it doesn’t change how I feel. Even if you have to file BK eventually, some good will come out of this someday.
Continue to surround yourself with energetic, motivated, smart and creative people. I think the best way to learn in this business is to continue to network with others who know what they are doing.
Thank your lucky stars for Chris (not me, ha ha) giving you a second chance on the job. Do NOT take it lightly. Be sure to thank him often for the opportunity — second chances are rare indeed.
And keep getting up early, like your Marine brother. You absolutely must get up early to keep yourself going strong.
Keep it up,
P.S.: Miguel and star, you are two extremely hateful losers. And by “losers”, I mean the finger-wagging, told-you-so, negative, pitiful losers that you are. When you feel like berating Casey, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve YOU. I bet there’s a laundry list in the waiting.
you really are silly…
the boat makes it look like a dump.
your neighbor is taking advantage of you! free boat parking -
Hi People,
I can buy your house ALL CASH,
pls call me 925.251-256610 sellers only
You lost 2000 in income from Chris because you were not taking the tech consulting job seriously?!?!?
*sighs, shakes head*
You talk about everything except what really matters. You and your troubles may be real, but this site and your incendiary comments are total BS.
You are a
T otally
R idiculous
O blivious
L oser
L ooser**
I think I saw Stephanie J and Kevin out on a date last night. -
You may think this is a joke, but it’s not.
If you worked in the adult film or escort service industry, you could make $1-200K/year. Honestly, doing the escort service route is not as outrageous as it sounds. Consider it seriously.
Alternatively, if you can’t stomach those, teach yourself to program from a C++ book. Get an entry-level QA/developer position at $50K/year. After a year, if you’ve done well on the job, you’ll be able to move to another position with a $100K pay. In another year, you may be able to get as much as $150K if you’re as smart as you think you are.
If you file bankruptcy, work for 2-3 years, saving the majority of your income, you could actually be debt free at the end of that period.
With a clean slate, then use your day job income to start investing in cheaper properties in parts of the country where real estate has not already run up. Over time, this can be turned into the type of fortune you want.
Tim from Monterey Bay–Mr. long winded, master of the obvious,
“It’s tough for someone in the modern economy to not have late night meetings”. I guess crack dealers have late night meetings. People in respectable businesses don’t.
No body cares when you wake up. -
AndyBrown -
Uh oh, I think you’ve given Casey an idea. If the UK RE market is poised for a melt-down, there’s no better place for Casey to pick up some sweet deals!
Is your neighbor whith the boat’s name tom sawyer? -
Maybe you’re mailmain-birddog will bring you the address’ of other vacant houses you own. Then you can pay him a fee, and buy the house from yourself. -
$500 to “Bird-Dog”? How do you spell ‘T-R-O-L-L’???
I think you’ve been listening to your Russ Whitney tapes again.
Maybe he lives with the In-Laws for FREE MEALS too?
Miguel said: “Just write down six tasks, post them here, and then come back and tell us that they’re done.
And then post six more tasks.”
____________________________________Hey, Miguel - I think that’s a bit much for our Casey. 6 tasks probably more than he can handle in a 48 hour time frame. I say we urge him to start with three tasks. Three tasks are manageable and will better fit his short attention span.
So come on, Casey my boy! Let’s get a three task list going and then you get out there and get er done!
too bad your married, as another poster said earlier, male escort would not be a bad move for you. not that i would need to, but i’d likely pay up to $1500 for a night of your company partly cause you’re a true hottie and partly cause I feel for your situation. too bad its so trashy cause damn you could make some serious $ at it.
I noticed that every picture your wife is in is blurred a little bit. Apparently her surpressed rage is causing some interference with cameras and possibly other electronic devices.
Wow Casey…clicked your site the last hour and couldnt get here. Message appeared from WORDPRESS about a database malfunction. For the first time, I got this eerie feeling that you were arrested. While checking other websites (since I couldnt get to yours), some said that you had been arrested 12/20 and posted bail. Is this true Casey? Please Casey, enough now, please see a lawyer soon. Always in my thoughts. Y.
“Miguel and star, you are two extremely hateful losers. And by “losers”, I mean the finger-wagging, told-you-so, negative, pitiful losers that you are. When you feel like berating Casey, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve YOU. I bet there’s a laundry list in the waiting.”
My comments aren’t remotely “hateful”, but many of the tetchier ones are derived from extreme frustration at Casey’s boneheaded refusal to get his act together and do something proactive. Casey has many flaws, but the biggest one is that he simply doesn’t listen to anything that doesn’t fit his own image of himself - which is so far removed from the reality of his situation that he might as well be living in fantasy land. Which is why he badly needs someone close to him to read the more helpful and knowledgeable comments on this blog and sit down with him to work out how best to deal with his situation.
And if you read what I actually wrote, you’ll see that for every abusive comment there’s one that’s attempting to be genuinely constructive - for instance, the one where I suggested he write down six definite tasks every day and then do them. In fact, I’d be curious to know what he actually did yesterday - an hour-by-hour breakdown should reveal whether or not he’s serious about dealing with his situation or just fiddling while his own personal Rome burns to the ground.
As for your last point, Casey’s blog has indeed inspired me to look at my own financial affairs and come up with a 12-month debt elimination plan. Unfortunately, I can’t offer too many tips to Casey as my own debts are easily manageable, amounting to less than a quarter of my annual income.
Ok people, here’s the plan:
1. Casey will set up multiple Nevada corporations in the names of his wife, his parents, her parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, cats, dogs, and anyone else he can sucker into signing.
2. Each of these corporations will borrow as much as it possibly can and use the money to buy properties discovered by Casey’s army of mailman scouts, because no one knows real estate better than a mailman.
3. Once the credit lines are maxed out and all of the money is spent, Casey will buy the corporations for a nominal sum.
4. The corporations will flip their properties for huge profits because Casey has fallen forward and his investments can no longer fail. Also the market just bottomed and is heading back up (they said so on TV).
5. Casey will receive the profits as dividends and pay back every dirty penny of his personal debts.
6. The media will sing his praises, haters will hang their heads in shame, Kiyosaki will show him off at seminars, and his wife will have sex with him again.
It’s brilliant. What could go wrong?
Triple T, you should really shoot an infomercial. This sounds straight outta Don LaPre:
“the last one i started didn’t even have a name. i literally had to incorporate and buy liability insurance under my birth name the same day i started it because i had no time to think of a name for it. no business cards, no brochures nothing…yet i had $9,000 in sales my first day and had to get it going fast because customers were calling me left and right.”
That is just too funny — I wonder how you fit in incorporating a business and buying insurance all in the same day you got $9,000 in sales — without even having a business! The dangerous thing is people like Casey will believe you and ask you to mentor them — right into bankruptcy.
The people rooting you on sound like a bunch of zany scientologists.
Perhaps if Casey gets audited by an E-Meter he can exorcize his bad habits and make enough Sweet Deals to buy several lifetimes of gooey green wheat grass jamba juice.
Casey needs a pat on the back and soon after a kick in the head.
Your last post wasn’t posted when I posted mine, but it doesn’t change a whole lot how I feel about what you posted earlier.
And if you think I’m talking about you looking in the mirror about just your financial picture, think again.
Hey, there’s $8.66 credit left on your business card. DON’T LOOSE THE OPPORTUNITY!
Nice that your wife has the newest shoes in fashion……
I dont. -
I’ve never posted on here before, but one thing has been bugging me…it’s Casey’s use of the term “falling forward.” Unless you catch yourself (in this metaphor “catching yourself” could be filing for BK, mailing in keys, talking to a lawyer, etc.), you will always fall down. Falling forward implies you’re making forward progress, but the only thing you’ll do (again, unless you catch yourself) is crack your head on the ground. Without a previously applied horizontal force, the only thing acting on you when you fall is gravity…something pulling you closer and closer to the ground…or rock bottom in Casey’s case.
I don’t know about you, but falling forward doesn’t sound too “sweet.”
to Mejustme:
no really it’s true. i swear. here’s what i did…
i used to sell for another company. this wasn’t an invention or any new thing like that. the owner/contractor and i got into an arguement because he couldn’t keep up with my sales and customers were going elsewhere AFTER i promised them he’d start the job. he was always 2 or 3 weeks behind me even after doubling his employees. so i was told by him to take a “break” and “stop selling so much” so he could catch up. i took the next day off and then said “f*** this, i’m going to see how much i can actually sell with 100% effort”.
my first day off his books, i sold $9,000 worth of service work. the 2nd day i had to run out and INC myself, buy insurance, and print homemade carbonless contract/invoices at Office Depot. the 3rd day i went to the factories/dealers and financed the equipment needed. the 4th day went to work and. the next month my wife quit her job the same day she saw the bank statement come in.
til this day i still don’t have business cards or a fancy name or website. nothing. i’ts really amazing that i have been doing this a year without a biz card, brochure, or website. my biz name is still my birth name. all my business is from referrals or direct sales i make on my own. the only thing i have to give out is a homemade flyer with my business and prices. it’s 100% legal (so no it’s not drugs or pimping).
wanna here soemthing crazy…i answer my incoming calls with “hello, this is (myname).” no fancy company or professional sounding secretary. nothing. just me saying hello. but you se, they (the customers) don’t care. the customers call me for the service i provide. my dog could answer the phone it doesn’t matter.
this is what i’m trying to point out to Casey. provide a product or service that people NEED and the business will come to him. when he mentioned he had a business card i laughed. a business card doesn’t mean shit. it’s the business itself and your work ethic that makes EVERYTHING happen.
one last thing. when i work…i WORK. the reason people call me is because i show up, do the job, and treat them right. my competitors don’t even show up half the time. honestly, i think most of my sales are made because i show up the same day they call me.
Who thinks Casey is either a performance artist or clueless.
Seriously, Casey, I bet you have a LOT of fat to cut out of your budget. We did it one year, lived well on around $3k a month, paid down almost $20k in debt that year. We did it by having no fat whatsoever: no Starbucks, no gym membership, absolute basic phone service only, 2nd lowest internet package, cancelled the satellite TV, watched a handful of rented videos for entertainment ($2 each), no movie theatre trips or dinners out (maybe 2 for the year), got rid of the monthly payments for a minivan and bought a beater instead. For exercise we walked & biked and we borrowed free weights. We only shopped at discount stores for food, I took extra time to learn to cook gourmet meals for ourselves. We made our own wine, and our own bread. Part of that was because I choose to save money instead of work more hours or get a second job, I had more time to do these kind of things. It’s not a quick thing to shop well at a budget grocery store, not if you want to eat decent quality food.
But because we were so discliplined and caught up our business debt so fast, now I drive a drive a Jaguar (used, but looks new) and have a nice little home in the suburbs. Note that we did so in a much more afforable area than California - it means we can get so much more for our money. And this is just the beginning for us.
Problem for you I think is Mrs. Serin. My wife was happy to do it - we not only got by without her needing to work, we paid off a lot of debt in a short time. I’ll wager you could do it, too, but to force her to live that way? I’m guessing that’s not going to fly. Certainly seems like there’s enough people here ready to step in for you.
Predictions for 2007:
1 - Chris fires Casey for not doing anything. Casey blames Chris for not being understanding, not giving him enough time, etc.
2 - Mrs. Serin demands a “trial separation” that later turns permanent.
3 - All Casey’s houses go into foreclosure.
4 - Casey gets evicted from his apartment (his wife is already gone, of course).
5 - Casey starts looking for more “sweet deals” from the comfort of the street. He then proclaims how being a street person gives him more knowledge of the local neighborhoods, giving him an advantage over other investors.
It’s gonna be a wild ride!
Hey Casey, I really think you should maybe give Real Estate a miss and look at making money elsewhere…I hear that Commodore 64 computers are on the way back in…get in quick you’ll make a killing…
It is now 12:30 p.m. on New Year’s Eve Day
Did you rise early this morning?
What do you have planned for the day?
Have you completed your New Year’s resolutions?
Hope this new year brings you better opportunities and a new chance at life. Happy New Years! Take care.
“I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal.”
You’re not just delusional. You’re not just retarded. You are way beyond both. If it weren’t for people around you taking care of and watching over you 24 hours a day you probably would have died a long time ago of something really stupid and self-inflicted, worthy of the year’s Darwin Award.
I used to think you belong in the Big House. But now I’m convinced you belong in the Looney Bin. You should be locked up in an insane asylum, probably for good.
Your delusional remarks, exuding of self importance and grandeur like the above, your tirade about WF stealing “your money”, and your perpetual nonesense about making more sweet deals remind me of the insane asylum patient in “The Dream Team”, who thought he was a doctor (played by Christopher Lloyd), and who always carried a clipboard with him.
Somebody please lock this guy up already.
I’m wondering if Casey also lied to get the biz line of credit from Wells-Fargo. I’d have to bet he did.
In the past 3 months I have yet to see Casey sell a house. He’s not even maintaining these properties. He’s another 30-70k or more in debt during this time. He’s yet to have made an income in a months time equal to a minimum wage job. He still doesn’t have a grasp on his financial picture and tax liability.
It seems that about all that’s been accomplished the past 3 months was the hole being dug deeper. Fake accomplishments like the scam “new-rich” seminar or hanging a for-sale sign don’t count.
At this point I think it’s glaringly obvious that Casey is a long way from changing direction. He’s basically hopeless and running out of time. It’s only a matter of weeks until these houses get taken away and any still open tradelines get shut down. The tax-collectors will be popping up too and they don’t play around.
Corporate credit is a pipe-dream for Casey. Even bankruptcy isn’t going to clean up this mess. Criminal charges are a valid consideration. I doubt many around Casey believe much of what he says anymore. Although the picture is now cropped, the look on the faces of the in-laws at the table said it all. A mixture of disgust and distrust from everyone at that table. I’m sure all last year they had to endure Casey acting like a high-roller, throwing borrowed money around like it grew on trees and bragging about “sweet-deals”. Now the reality is he’s gotten their family member in a serious mess and saddled her with problems that can reach into many years ahead.
I think Mrs. Serin should start he own blog and then all the well-meaning people can try to help her instead of wasting good advice on Casey anymore. It’s more than obvious that Casey won’t listen to anything that doesn’t fit into his deluded fantasy world of “real estate investor”.
“…some said that you had been arrested 12/20 and posted bail. Is this true Casey? ”
When Casey gets arrested you will know: you too will be arrested as an accomplice for goading him on in his fraudulent ventures. Move to f**king Texas already, where you belong.
Buy an aged ‘Shelf-Corporation’. That is corporation that has already been set up and has an ‘aged’ history.
How do I cop me one of those Rich Dad thunder sticks? LOL.
Casey, my man… you have any idea what a jackass you sound like? “I pay bird dogs like these $500…..? Blah blah friggen blah.
You’re so full of cr@p I’m surprised your eyes aren’t brown.
You’re a schiesty guy. You’ll do more schiesty deals before this all plays out because that’s how you operate.
You’re not a successful guy. You probably never will be because you are lazy.
Okay: Several different people have suggested that you are bipolar, a psychopath or suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. GO TO A DOCTOR THIS WEEK. You’re in luck: you cannot actually be all three.
If you want to convince others that you exist have yourself committed and have your wife update the darn blog. That will be fantastic publicity (think of Dooce) and give you some kind of diagnosis. You will need this in court, for the bankruptcy hearings, and for the book and movie deals you so obviously want.
If you truly believe that you are entirely well then why are you approving the posts that say otherwise? Either you are allowing them as a publicity ploy or because deep down you know you are somehow NOT well. Please don’t bother to say it is because you want to be honest because, with all due respect, you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the ass.
Get a professional opinion and in the spirit of honesty post your diagnosis online. THAT would be helpful to others.
Have your wife take over the blog, that will break your unhealthy addiction and allow her to gain some kind of real grasp on the situation. THAT would be helpful to her.
Always assuming that you are a real person not a clever marketing campaign…..What you are doing now is deeply selfish in a way that most of us can barely comprehend. There are people who will actually believe the failing forward crap you are spouting and try to emulate your ridiculous fumblings. You should know, you believe it.
Casey - Happy New Year!
Start out slow and pace yourself - you’ve a busy 2007 ahead of you with your comeback and all.
It’s all good.
And a Happy New Year’s to the Utah buyers.
I’m sure that they will understand if your need to take the last 10 days off costs them their house.
But I’m sure most of the financial institutions have been closed for the holidays, so it most certainly isn’t your fault!
You’ve accomplished so much in 2006. Go get ‘em tiger - you can accomplish so much more in 2007 after every thing you’ve learned in 2006!
You should cut back a bit on the word “awesome” in 2007:
Lake Superior State University’s 2006 list of words banished “for mis-use, over-use and general uselessness”:
— Gitmo
— Combined celebrity names
— Awesome
I’ll bet that, as famous as you are becoming, that “sweet” will make the list for 2007! [Hint: that could be an objective in your 2007 plan. (You’re welcome)]
“My wife was not a mail order.”
LOL! Add this one to the Casey doll “Casey-isms”!
Casey keep you chin up. You can still make money on your places. The market is going to pick up in spring and will get back to normal. You can expect to make at least 100 grand on all of your properties. You are a really good flipper and I can tell you have some serious skills. As far as the gay escort thing you should look into that I think you’d make a great gay lover.
Casey’s obviously thinking:
1. “Holidays are SWEET - lots of parties and easy to rationalize not working. Jan 2 sux!”
2. “No use blogging much anymore - without ads, not gonna get rich quick there. Need to find the next SWEET gimmick on Jan 2.”
It’s all good!
to bad you screwed yourself so hard. You could have made money on these deals but your lack of experience
and knowledge caused you to make really bad decisions. Why did you buy all these houses? Duh!!!!! You should have made money one at a time and worked your way up. Your screwed. No more houses for you. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah -
When I look at you and your antics I see so much of myself it is frightening. You see I am a former daytrader who remembers what fun the stock market was in the 1990’s. Two important contrasts between us: 1. when things went horribly wrong for me I actually tried to fix things for myself. No runs, no jamba juice, no trading schools nothing. I cut out everything but essentials 2. I did not have a wife or kids to worry about. (If I did I do not think I would have risked what I did.)
My crash was somewhat delayed in that I had some success in fixing my situation. In the summer of 1998 I made 30K in stock options within 6 weeks because of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal and the Russian currency crisis. But ultimately I hit bottom…hard. I had only $203.71 in a savings account. I had to move back in with Mom and Dad at 29. Humiliating in so many ways. Much more than you may have faced. So……….I got a job. I am a tax accountant and I went to work and I am better off for it. Eight years later I have a healthy stock portolio of almost 6 figures. I paid Mom and Dad rent and God Bless Them every penny went into a Roth IRA for me. They saw that I was utterly defeated but more importantly they saw that I had learned my lesson. I did not “fail forward” I failed utterly. You see Casey when you own up to failures some people who love you will find sympathy in their heart and do what they can to help you. My “success”" has to do with the fact that I work and save.
A word about your wife, ultimately women want security. I was in love with a woman when I daytraded who really loved me. The proof? She spent a lot of time trying to talk me out of trading. Do anything but that she told me. I did not listen and she left. She is married to someone else now who appreciates her. No reasonable or decent woman should have hitched their star to me then. Think about that.
Best of luck Casey. You will need it.
Personally, I’m still trying to get over the whole “guilt free family time” thing. If you’ve done nothing wrong, like many of your little cheerleaders think, then what would you have to feel guilty about?? Complete and utter failure?? Nah. Cause in your mind you are still the big winner brokering SWEET deals and hanging with the big boys. But thank you for that humorous image of you telling the postman that you are an investor and will pay for good leads. I can only imagine how you presentedyourself. And to a guy who makes ALOT more than you do ! ! ! HAHAHAHAHAHAH THANKS BUDDY ! !! ! !
I love schizoid’s plan. Go for it!. You can’t go wrong with a plan. The guru told me so in the seminar I took. I will make $5,000,000 next year. -
casey I think your full of crap.
1. Mailman dont deliver to vacant houses.
2. Mailwoman dont deliver to vacant houses.
3. Mail carriers dont deliver to vacant houses.
4. Letter carriers dont deliver to vacant houses.If the mail was spilling over like that…it is obvious it is vacant and all of the mail goes back to the sender (with the exception of presort standard, bound printed matter, and non profit mail…this all goes in the waste and is recycled).
The rest of the stuff is either forwarded and with a lack of a forward it is all RTS..return to sender with the specific code of VAC (vacant on it).
The Post Office will only forward first class mail, not bulk mail, ads, magazines, etc.
TO the guy that wrote this…..the post office forwards magazines also…..Periodicals are the same as first class.
And all of the other stuff 3rd and 4th class..if it has change service requested, address service requested etc…etc…then the post office sends the current forwarding address back to the sender for a nominal fee.
Where casey said he talked to the letter carrier and offered him birddogging put my jaw to the floor…..he is actually doing something to find empty houses….the vacant ones are the best casey…especially with out of state owners….they will sell for a song and a dance.
I have a good idea for a new direction for your web site:
It can be the guru addict site. You and other guru addicts can come here and quote guru phrases like, “bird dog mail man”, “Just abOve Broke”, “double close, switch back, round the loop, wrap, flip, sandwich lease back, no bank, nothing down, no credit, double reverse mortgage”.
Quotes like, “I bought at the top of the market or I would be a millionaire right now”, or any other excuse will also be acceptable. What do you think? -
“Your last post wasn’t posted when I posted mine, but it doesn’t change a whole lot how I feel about what you posted earlier.”
Well, Chris G, what practical advice have YOU offered, aside from recommending that Casey “surround himself with energetic, motivated, smart and creative people” with the aim of helping him continue in a business that he’s already more than proved he’s intellectually, motivationally and temperamentally completely unsuited to?
Advice like yours will do far more damage than anything else. Casey needs a sharp dose of reality, not more fodder for his delusions. Absolutely the worst thing you can do with a fantasist is encourage him to continue with his fantasies - especially if others are getting hurt by them.
Besides, all the evidence suggests that whenever Casey encounters energetic, motivated, smart and creative people, he ends up worse off. That’s because the same evidence suggests that their immediate reaction is to think “wow, here’s a sucker and a half!” and rip him off for everything he’s worth.
Hi Casey
It is the start of the new year - 12:20 a.m.
Will you be rising early in 2007?
What did you accomplish this week(end).
What are your plans for the up coming week?
Why did you (when you promised your wife you wouldn’t):
Post a photo of her?
Post a photo of your WF account?Does your wife know you did this when you promised you wouldn’t?
Your family looks pretty normal - I hope you didn’t go around the house this holiday saying how stupid the 9 to 5 working guys are - because it looks both your brothers could clean your clock. And, come 40 or 50 years from now, you’ll find both your brothers enjoying the good life resulting from hardwork and saving.
A quick question: you said: “My wife stayed home today because she’s getting over a cold. She waiting for me right now to come home.” Are you sure your wife isn’t just tired of the entire situation and is planning her “exit” from your marriage? Avoiding family gatherings at the holidays is one of the first signs a spouse is no longer committed to the relationship.
A few words on your poor language skills:
Stop saying “I pay bird dogs like these 500 or more after I close on a deal.” You’ve NEVER paid anyone to “bird dog” for you so why say “I pay” as if you have done so…. I know you have a good grasp of the English language…
“I really have been neglecting this propery for a couple of weeks” - the correct statement would be “I have been neglecting all my properties for months now”
Why do I point your languate skills - because when it comes time to make depositions and testify in court (for either the BK, civil or criminal trials), your use of language can/could come back to haunt you because it is misleading and deceptive - and once you’ve lied under oath (yet another crime) the judge (and jury) can and will discount ANY testimony you offer.
Think HARD before you speak or write - use language correctly and honestly.
For 2007 put “speaking and writing the TRUTH” at the top of your list…..
Yay! You’re a dork! Hope 2007 brings you more than 2006 did, maybe even a positive cash flow! If you’re lucky, you won’t get people drunk dialing your website on new year’s eve just to heckle you. But wait, you won’ t publish a comment like this unless it has some meaning for the world at large!
Uh… keep your chin up, even when life has completely destroyed you. That’s a platitude from the gurus, I’m sure Robert Kiyosaki said it at some point.
Now thoroughly publishable! You better be up in 3 hrs and 51 minutes, then you’ll be an early riser! The world will respect you then!
Q for triple t. I know you don’t want to say what business you’re in, but I bet a lot of us are intrigued. Anyone can say anything they like on the internet, but I have the feeling you’re on the level, with a little embellishment thrown in. I’m guessing something in the home improvement area that’s not too capital or labor intensive. Security, windows, or carpet cleaning, perhaps? My final answer would be security. Am I warm?
Aelfscine, you are correct about the need to balance work and family. But your examples have very little to do with Casey. I mean, really, he worked very little last month, stays away from his local property for at least a fortnight (he had no for sale sign posted until now!).
I know investors who do not work a 40 hour week, but have no problem working twice, thrice that time when needed. They analyze, bone up and generally worry. I for one would not be able to sleep a wink if I had Casey’s problems.
So I think the issue here is discipline. So far the closest Casey comes to that is blogging and attending seminars where he can feel the love. Postponing the difficult, he’s only making tougher on himself.
This is Casey’s moment to work, to make every second count. Two, three months down the line he’s going to regret his lack of discipline during these days. We’ve been painfully reading about this for going on four months. And during that time he only managed to dig his hole deeper.
Mind you the comments here are not exactly pretty or polite, but you could write a financial tract with some of the free advice he’s gotten here.
Yet he does nothing, or very little, and that’s what makes people angry, some deal with him as if he were a small child with ADD: threaten him with the worst possible consequence to get him going. So then you have the mock posts about jail time, deportation, divorce, prison rape, etc.
So, good advice, Aelfscine, for someone who actually is disciplined and focused. Unfortunately, that does not apply to Casey.
Try using a flash, so that the shutter speed will not stay open to try to get the correct exposure. This is why you are getting a blur.
Alternatively, if your camera has no flash, or you don’t know how to use it, put it on some sticks (aka a tripod).
Is the capturing of blurry pics indicative of every last detail in your life being so half-assed?
Also, once again, fcuk the haters, even though they are the very source of great entertainment on your blog.
And finally, here are five very small and quick tasks on your path to financial freedom you can accomplish in one afternoon.
1. work out some adsense alternative so I can click click click you back into a guilt free jamba juice habit every morning at 6:15 AM, after your 5:55 wake up call and 300 meter jog.
2. go to and upload a quick and dirty design with your mug on it. Put it on the thong or a baby-t. Have your wife model it and post it on this blog I guarantee you will sell a lot of them.
3. cut up all your plastics. Move whatever you have in cash to a 5.03 % paypal money market account. If you have to keep it in a savings account, my God, keep it in an interest bearing one. I have not checked ING Direct’s rates.
4. Post all your properties on craigslist at least once every day. Yes, EVERYDAY. Change the wording around so craigslist doesn’t flag it as multiple posting.
5. mobilize a fix and flip party at least to the houses near you in Sac. Have people come over with paint brushes and gardening tools and have a big bbq while bringing your properties up to par. I’m sure you have groupies by now ready to be a part of this casey serin real estate bubble lore. People are chomping at the bit trying to help you out here. Let them put words into action. You have to make your dumpster houses look like “sweet deals” to other people trying to buy it.
Today is Jan. 1 2007. Is this year going to be different for you? Put thoughts into action. Stop being half-assed like your blurry pics.
Good Morning and Happy New Year
It is 6:30 a.m. - where is our early riser today?
I also find it amusing and telling in the photos that while others are working to clean up the Christmas mess, Casey is sitting back and taking photos rather than helping. This kind of sums things up, doesn’t it? It’s just a shame he doesn’t have someone following him around 24/7 documenting every aspect of his amazing life, as he expressed in a previous post, so he could actually DO something, isn’t it? Poor Casey.
Did yooz give up tryin to trace my IP yet? I knows you been tryin my man. My peeps been on dat fo sho.
So, what did yo daddy say to you about turnin yoself in to da man? I knowz you dunn talked to him bout dat too. I knowz dat you daddy and mommy been reading dis here blog fo a LONG time. Dey dunn told dam man already everythin. THEY ain’t goin to jail for YOU. ( BUT da man may still go after yo daddy, beyin he be in da cahoots wit you on alot of scams.)
When you gonna tell everyone who you REALLY work for? We all knowz what Chris do fo a livin, and dat he posts here too.
Smart move closin out dat WF account wit a CASH CALL still open. That be a felony. I guess you gonna add it to your list.
Did the FBI contact you yet?
You ain’t never gonna swear under penalty of perjury dat everything you post is da troof, is you? WHY NOT?
PS.. Leroy is waitin in Cell block 2 North
PSS. I hope SPutnik done ate lots of fishy treats to makes a big poop in your wifes shoozes too .
HAPPY NEW YEAR. What did you do for 2006 ? BWAHAHAHA… except ruin people’s lives, run up 2.5 million in debt, lie on loan applications, cheat, steal, commit multiple fraud, scam, bring shame to your family, ruin your marriage, get yourself, your wife and your family in trouble with the FBI, IRS, DOJ, drink jamba juice, and whine? NUTHIN.
When you gonna tell da peeps dat you sold their email addresses fo spam mail? C’mon, you ain’t makin dat $$$ no more cause they shut you down for fraud- AGAIN.
So, what did yo daddy say to you about turnin yoself in to da man? I knowz you dunn talked to him bout dat too. I knowz dat you daddy and mommy been reading dis here blog fo a LONG time. Dey dunn told dam man already everythin. THEY ain’t goin to jail for YOU. ( BUT da man may still go after yo daddy, beyin he be in da cahoots wit you on alot of scams.)
When you gonna tell everyone who you REALLY work for? We all knowz what Chris do fo a livin, and dat he posts here too.
Smart move closin out dat WF account wit a CASH CALL still open. That be a felony. I guess you gonna add it to your list.
Did the FBI contact you yet?
You ain’t never gonna swear under penalty of perjury dat everything you post is da troof, is you? WHY NOT?
PS.. Leroy is waitin in Cell block 2 North
PSS. I hope SPutnik done ate lots of fishy treats to makes a big poop in your wifes shoozes too .
I predict that Casey’s next big announcement will be that “the Mrs.” is pregnant as a result of their 30% success rate in using birth control.
Hey Casey,
I think you’re out of your mind posting all that ‘Account Summary’ information about your Wells Fargo account. I mentioned it to my wife and she said, “Maybe he WANTS someone to steal his identity!”
*grin* Yep. That’d be pretty funny. I can hear it now: “OMG, I’m Casey Serin. NOOOOOO!!!!”
This board has now jumped the shark for the following two reasons:
1. Casey suggesting he’d pay a mailman $500 to bird dog for him.
2. When the gays come out of the woodwork and start upping the creep factor in a thread, that’s one of the tells that a board is about to die.
Unfortunately, like any addict, Casey is going to have to hit absolute rock bottom to have a prayer of changing.
The people around him are his enablers. Chris is one of them. He threw $500 his way because he felt sorry for him. Did Casey do any actual work that warranted the $500? Probably not.
The relative that collects his rent (how ironic) is another. Apparently there are a lot of loved ones around Casey who obviously love him, but they don’t realize Casey’s state of mind.
His parents, who he said are reading this blog (I have my doubts) are also his enablers. By reading this blog they should clearly see that he is in a delusional state of mind. You would think that the family (his and his wife’s) would attempt to force him into a plan that would give him a fighting chance for the future and would save his marriage.
It’s sad to see that some people really have to fall hard to break free from their delusional outlook. Casey is an extreme case in that he is unable to fully comprehend probabilities. He writes away his misfortunate as a chance to “fail forward”.
A poster above said that Casey is like the character who acted as a Dr, carrying his clipboard around with him. That’s quite accurate. Casey so desperately wants to believe that he will beat the system and become rich, he won’t believe otherwise until the probabilities reach zero.
Casey, I’ve been worried about you. How did your talk with [your wife] go last night? Have you resolved your marital issues? I hope so. The last thing you need is the added stress of having marital problems on top of financial ones.
You’d be good as a burger flipper but not a house flipper.
“Woke up at 5:55 and Jason beats me and calls me at 5:56. It was supposed to be my turn to call today but it’s all good. We say a word of encouragement to each other and end the call.”
One can only imagine how creepy this call was:
JASON: “Casey? Casey, it’s me, Jason. Want to see if you’re up”
CASEY (rubbing sleep out of eyes): “Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks, man. I was just going to call you. How are you doing?”
JASON: “Good. Listen, man. I believe in you. You are going to get through this. It’s going to be OK.”
CASEY (choking back a sob): “Th…thanks, Jason.”
JASON: “So….what are you wearing right now?”
“I think there is a somebody living in that car. I’ve seen it there several times. Today I saw some dude sleeping inside”
Look at the bright side and be thankful its him and not you.
to Joe:
i know exactly what you mean. Casey needs to be humbled big time.
i was humbled in the past. i said on this blog that i had several businesses…some were good and some were bad. after one of the bad ones went belly up in 1993, i had to suck it up, move in with a neighbor and deliver pizzas at Little Ceaser’s to make ends meet. at the time all my friends were graduating business college and getting nice paying jobs and hooking up with hotties. i was too miserable and too embarrassed to even hang out with my old friends. thanks god i worked through it and got myself back together. man, my ego got a major ass whooping that year.
Casey is still too young and immature to realize what he has done. can you imagine how cocky he would be if bought 8 homes in 2003 during the boom. he’d be quoting seminar cliche’s left and right. he doesn’t realize that what he is doing is simply effortless gambling relying solely on timing. Casey is no different than a daytrader or slot machine gambler. it’s easy come easy go. no work involved to sign a loan. what the younger generation doesn’t have is the knowledge of seeing past cycles and downturns. yeah i remember the stock heydays where we would count our stacks of “paper” money. i also remember watching my tech stocks falling 90% too and that sickening gut wrenching feeling when you watch MSNBC announce that your stock has just lowered guidance and you lost 30% that morning alone. but by then i had other investments to fall back on so it wasn’t so bad.
I sympathize with Casey’s addiction to Jamba Juice and Starbucks. Between the two I spend over $150 per month. Easy.
This blog is dying.
For richer, for poorer
In honesty, in fraud
Til jail do you part….You can’t be serious that a house you were tryign to sell that is in the same town as you was left onmown, unweeded and with mail - and WITH NO SIGN until recently. How did you think it would sell? Your tactics scream “distressed seller.”
Good luck to you and the Mrs! My future husband is going thru something similar right now and it is my privelage to support him! You have a good woman but your already aware of that LOL
WOW, Joe!
Great story, and some of the best observastions that have been posted.
Glad you ‘failed forward’ by deciding what really works.
You managed to take most of December off - cool!
Your problem involves other people’s money (fraudulently obtained for the most part), so not much of a sense of urgency here, huh?
You gonna work in January?
How did those December goals work out for you?
Happy new year Casey! What are your 2007 goals? You got to have goals if you want to succeed.
My sole 2006 goal was: Make $50,000 in stocks or real estate. I ended up doing it in real estate.
Now, my sole 2007 goal is: Double my current cash flow from ~$1000 / month to $2,000 via refinancing current properties, increasing rents, and purchasing more units.
I feel a little superfical having this goal when others are say things like “lose weight,” “think positively,” or “exercise more.” But we are all at different stages in life, and certain goals are appropriate at certain times.
Good luck this year!
Retire in 6 years -
I just found your blog and it is fascinating… my brother wants to get involved in flipping… I must tell him about your site.
Have you seen
Fannie Tightening Underwriting Standards
Fannie Mae has announced that, effective Jan. 30, borrowers must be qualified at “a fully-indexed rate that assumes a fully-amortizing repayment schedule” in order to qualify a loan for purchase by the government-sponsored enterprise. The GSE is also eliminating its “InterestFirst” interest-only loan product category and reclassifying it as a loan “feature” to be used with other mortgage products. In addition, Fannie will be permitting temporary buydowns for fixed-rate mortgage loans with an IO feature and making other changes to its IO underwriting.There goes the bottom end (first time buyers) of most of the US market. Prices are going to seriously drop in February to April.
Bnkrupcy is going to be your only way out of thids mess.
re: “Post all your properties on craigslist at least once every day. Yes, EVERYDAY. Change the wording around so craigslist doesn’t flag it as multiple posting.”
Anyone who’s seriously looking for real estate on CL can spot the spam posts easily. Most of them are flippers upside down in their homes and asking way too much or suckers heloc’d and/or ARM’d above their means. It’s become a source of entertainment to watch the same desperate ads being posted day after day.
I flag most of them because they’re annoying.
Casey, can I get one of those $500 birddog fees you pay out? (LOL!) There’s a vacant pre-forclosure house at 6842 Burdett Way, Sacramento, CA 95823 and I hear the seller is beyond desperate to unload it.
I’m amazed you still want to play big-shot high-rollin “real estate investor” when it should be painfully obvious by now that you’re not cut out for that gig.
Opened any mail lately?
Casey, I have learned a lot from the smart folks who’ve posted here. I simply cannot understand what’s keeping you from becoming proactive about your situation. Some of these ideas are stellar! Believe me, if many of us lived in Sacto, I’m sure we’d all get together to help the curb appeal. Have you considered calling the cops about the car that’s parked out front? Are you going to have the neighbor move the eye sore of a boat? Please post an update of your goals for the month.
Did everybody watch The Ring in those photos?
To Triple T and Time Will Tell:
Thanks for your kind words. Several more contrasts between myself and Casey stand out: 1. I had a lot of money to lose. Casey did not, as a result soon he will be “Less Than Zero” (Remember that book and film? Seems like an appropriate metaphor for Casey’s life-not being cruel you understand-just seems appropiate. Rent the film Casey maybe you’ll recognize a few things.) not only financially but in so many other ways. 2. The only person I lied to was myself. Cruel enough to lie to yourself but Casey lied to so many others and in a criminal way to his lenders. 3. I grew up and faced facts. Casey does not appear to be growing at all. Many people never do until it’s too late.
I wrote what I wrote more for the people in Casey’s life who really do love him. Maybe they’ll stage an intervention.
“Try using a flash, so that the shutter speed will not stay open to try to get the correct exposure. This is why you are getting a blur.”
Get a clue. Those are deliberate blurs, Photoshop-style.
The clue is two-fold: many parts of the image are in focus, and only certain faces are “offset-blurred” (doubled, tripled, etc.).
Casey is doing this deliberately, for obvious reasons.
–Tim from Monterey Bay Area
Michael Cooke, are you 2.2 mil in debt too? If not, than it’s a little different.
I laughed myself to the point of tears over that doll…
In your shoes, It’d be hard to figure out whether to be flattered or humiliated; but my god if that wasn’t funnier than hell.
::wipes her eyes::
If you’re good for anything, Casey, you’re good for a hard, soul-cleansing laugh. ::sigh:: I needed that.
“Make 2006 resolutions…drink the Kiyosaki Kool-Aid…Buy magic beans…go on vacation in Hawaii…buy more magic beans…drink more Kool-Aid…wait for money to start rolling in from magic beans…money not rolling in–must need more Kool-Aid!…start blog…drink more Kool-Aid….borrow money to buy more magic beans…make 2007 resolutions!”
–Tim from Monterey Bay Area
No. I’m not 2.2 million in Debt. I just empathize becuase I’m addicted to Star-bucks and Jamba Juice too. I mean who can measure the indirect benifits?
I’m going to get a iced latte right now…
They are not deliberate blurs. They blur b/c there is movement in the frame and not enough light to capture the correct exposure, whilst the shutter staying open and allowing for movement.
Look at the “all the brothers and one sister” shot. There is clearly a flash b/c of the glare on the wood door behind them, thus enough light and correct exposure and short shutter speed and sharp focus.
Anyway, this is stupid and off topic.
Your in the U.K.? When do you think the GB Pound is going to lose some steam ? Whats the feeling over there? UK economy is at a peak right? Or is it going up more?
I’m waiting until it gets to gbp/usd = 2.00/1.00. I’ve got a sell GBPound order. $2000 on a 100/1 margin. Do you think it will go higher than 2/1? What are the real estate lending standards like in the UK right now? Same as US? Is the bubble the same?
I’ve got my sell order for $200,000.00 (100/1 margin).So if it goes to 2.01 - my goose is cooked and that will be another 2,000 I lose. Making the total 17,000+.
Do you think the Sterling index will climb higher?
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