Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back in Phoenix

Just got here. Will be spending a week getting more education, establishing connections and taking care of some biz. Will stay in touch. (I’m open for lunch…)
Good Real Estate Agents, Creative Real Estate Investors and Sweet Deals
Corporate Credit?

December 10th, 2006 at 7:20 pm

Is RK going to give you some money so you don’t have to BK ? Or work at BK ?

I hope that you aren’t there to GIVE him more money !
December 10th, 2006 at 7:21 pm

Are you serious? You should be concentrating on paying your monthly bills, not stacking up more debts that you won’t be able to pay. The rule should be, and always should have been, if you don’t have cash to pay for it, or can’t pay cash for it within the next month, you don’t need to buy it.

Did you even take a single class in personal finance during college? Can you even balance a check book? I’m guessing not.
December 10th, 2006 at 7:23 pm

Kiss kiss, makeup with prbiz ladies?
December 10th, 2006 at 7:31 pm

First Comment! W00T!
December 10th, 2006 at 7:32 pm

Keep the ads, Casey! I click them whenever I visit.

Enjoy Phoenix… It’s supposed to be 70 degrees this week.
December 10th, 2006 at 7:34 pm

Playing more games with the audience, huh?

You are an arrogant, smug little p**ck aren’t you?
Take Some Responsibilty
December 10th, 2006 at 7:35 pm

Ha ha ha
In other words, paying more money to get more bad advice.
And taking care of some “sweet” biz = “loosing” more money on even more bad deals.

Lookup “Greater Fool” in the dictionary and I bet there is a picture of you. PT Barnum made a fortune off of people like you.
December 10th, 2006 at 7:46 pm

Fascinating choice of priorities, considering that this is about the one state where you DON’T own a house. Did you pay for your own ticket?
December 10th, 2006 at 8:22 pm

I don’t know why you keep this agony going. Your only option is bankruptcy. Even under the best scenario you will owe thousands in unsecured debt. Since you are unemployed, you are a good candidate for chapter seven. Do it, get it over with and move on with your life. And stay away from all those gurus. Remember Charles Givens? I guess people never learn.
Casey the sepp
December 10th, 2006 at 8:23 pm

“A number of bad gurus are pushing bird dogging as a real estate investment strategy. Should you do that?


Suppose you have no such job. You are just going to bird dog by wandering around looking for good deals. Look at it from the perspective of the guy who is supposed to pay you the finder’s fees.

If I am a real estate investor, my main strength is being able to find deals. In other words, successful real estate investors are their own bird dogs. I would not be interested in relying on some beginner layman to find deals for me. I would assume that I would be faster doing it myself and I have to be fast to beat out the other investors with whom I am competing for the best deals. “
Philip Kaplan Adbrite CEO
December 10th, 2006 at 8:30 pm

I’d love to buy you lunch, there’s a great little Italian place on 14th and Minna. I could meet you there around noon. Bring a baggie for your leftovers
December 10th, 2006 at 8:40 pm

Let’s join us for a lunch in our jail. You;ll love it, amigo
Wilson the volleyball
December 10th, 2006 at 8:51 pm

Another RK seminar? Don’t you know this guy is a fake.

Go here:
some dude
December 10th, 2006 at 9:15 pm

You should be specific with what kind of biz you are taking care of or else nobody will care (it’s a struggle for me at this point). You don’t have any houses in AZ, is the business with prlinkbiz?
Joey Bobo
December 10th, 2006 at 9:23 pm

What are the odds Ms. Serin is out shopping for a new husband this week?
Hooray for Homey da Clown!
December 10th, 2006 at 9:35 pm

Three cheers for homey da clown! Can more people be this motivated in digging up stuff on this kid?

P.S. Casey, post your adsense revenue. It’s the honest thing to do.

P.P.S. When was the last time you made a payment on any of your debts?
December 10th, 2006 at 9:35 pm

Here is a deal for you to check out while you’re over there. 200K cash back at close = Sweet. Maybe one of your in-laws had good credit and you can talk one them into letting you use their credit for a cut of the profits. Gotta be creative, right?

December 10th, 2006 at 9:38 pm

Hey Casey I singed up on that myebid site a asked the seller if you were getting any of the money from the shirt sell. They responded and said they would donate the money they make to you via your tip jar.

I will be buying a shirt, so please let me know if you get the money. Thanks!
December 10th, 2006 at 9:48 pm

How are you paying for this?

You are such a loser, can’t wait for you to go to jail. Then the only thing you will be flipping is you matress.
Casey's Serin Story is a HUGE LIE
December 10th, 2006 at 9:57 pm

Check out this post entry, they are claiming Casey’s story and blog is simply a huge lie, a fictional story to monetize from.
December 10th, 2006 at 10:13 pm

Nobody is this stupid except anyone here who believes this to be true. Casey, you had us going for a while. Hope you drink some e-Coli infected Jamba Juice.
December 10th, 2006 at 10:20 pm

PHOENIX????? Noooooooo, Casey!
December 10th, 2006 at 10:35 pm

Casey, I hope you brought bodyguards. PRLeechBeatch and her cronies may be out to get you. Tell me it ain’t so!
December 10th, 2006 at 11:05 pm

Mr. Casey sir.
Why have you gone to Phoenix sir?
What “biz”ness deals do you have going on there sir?
Are they “sweet” enough to drive your attention away from more important matters such as selling your homes sir?

I’ve clicked on your google ad two times again for a great entertainment you are providing.

This time, for your sake, be sure to talk to your wife before signing one of those “sweet” contracts with your new “biz”ness partners.
December 10th, 2006 at 11:27 pm


Well, tell us what kind of seminar you will be attending. The question on most people’s minds is how you are paying for everything. And can you update us on the 4500 you are borrowing at 36(?) %. Is it 4500 or 45000?
December 10th, 2006 at 11:55 pm

Everyone Lets Try To Get Caseys Story On The Front Page Of Digg!

Just Click On The Link Below and Join Up To Digg His Story.

We Can Do It!
December 11th, 2006 at 12:14 am

What will you be doing in Phoenix?
December 11th, 2006 at 1:12 am

The message to you Casey is clear.

Now we need to get the message out to your wife to leave you… what is her email address?
Soup Nazi
December 11th, 2006 at 2:22 am

Wow. I mean, just…wow. I’m lost for words! MORE “education”?? Takin’ care of BIZ? What “biz” would that be? Please tell us! (Unless you’re doin’ the nasty with PRLINKB*tch … that’s a lot ‘o territory to cover!)

I’m thinkin’ this HAS to be a joke. I mean, seriously…

I just don’t know what to say - other than, “No soup for….”

Oh, nevermind.

Soup Nazi
December 11th, 2006 at 2:48 am

I think the haters comments have gone to far. I hate Casey too but once you’ve read 1000 “I hate Casey” comments, you’ve had enough.

I have a couple of observations.

1. Casey is not making a lot of money from adds on his site, thats just stupid.

2. Casey is not a fake. If he hadn’t really bought those houses I’m sure someone would have found out by now.

3. Casey asks for good advice, gets it, then does the opposite.

4. This blog has become a vaste of my time. Bye.
December 11th, 2006 at 3:46 am

Hey Casey,

I’ve been checking your blog for a while.

Here’s an income generating idea for you, you may have already considered this . . .

Set up a new blog.
Realestateknowhow or realestatetips or something like that.
Advertise it prominently on your site and start directing your huge traffic to it while you still have the excellent visitor numbers that you currently enjoy.

On the new site, keep it clean, no personal stuff, just interesting and useful information about the RE business.
You know the web, the secret is to provide quality information regularly. You can write well. You’ve been on the a load of expensive courses. Use their info, re-write it and give the information away in a series of daily articles. You’ll corner the market, create an interesting and valulable resource and attract millions of users

Aim to make it the absolute best site of it’s type on the internet.

You’ve got some quality visitors to your site at the moment. Capitalize on them.
You could have a discussion forum. Raise issues and encourage these knowledgeable types to comment on them.
You could generate an awesome community.

You’ve got the informatioin and you’ve got the necessary webmaster and writing skills.

I think that your notoriety with is limited and you’re generating negative comments.
You’re running the risk of hurting your reputation if you continue in this vein.

This is a great opportunity.
You’ve got to be fearless though. Be prepared to give away the best information you have.
Look at the stevepavlina example. That guy writes his heart out, he gives real value and his hits and adsense earnings reflect this.

You could get on the speaker circuit.
Run your own seminars. Make a fortune.
But I think you’ll have to start a new site untainted by but feeding off it’s traffic.
You’ll have to move fast on this.

Whatever happens.
You’ll be okay, you’ll still have your life and you’ll learn a lot from this hardship.
Good luck mate.

Phil Cowin
Dont enhale the Serin Gas
December 11th, 2006 at 3:48 am

Going to see PRLeakyBiz? going to try and go out of that contract, too bad you cant.

I think we need a poll on people who thinks this is real or not? Casey saying he is going to take the ads down shows me that this is fake since he doesnt care about the ad revenue? Yet others here claim to have seen documents with his name on them that show it isnt? When I search his name I get some strange results?
The Trailer Park Boys
December 11th, 2006 at 3:50 am

Hey Casey,

Me and my friends Ricky and Bubbles want to work a sweeet deal with you.

See, we own some trailers in a place called Sunnyvale Trailer Park. After we use these trailers for some “organic farming”activities(you know what I mean) we need to move them. Thats where you come in. With all your vast experience in the RE market and the contacts you have, we want you to help us “flip” the trailers. I am doing all the rehab with the help of my buddies Corey & Trevor. I figure we can sell them to some retired old folks and make at least 50% profit, which we could invest in some more dope, oops, I mean farming trailers. I can get local financing from Rickys dad.He is an ex-OTR Trucker and lives in a cab-over here at Sunnyvale.

This is a sweeeet deal and I wouldnt offer it to just anyone.

Well, thats it. Be careful not to get caught by Mr. Lahey(trailer park supervisor) or Randy (asst trailer park supervisor). If they call you, you dont know me. Ive got to go get Ricky out of jail, he made parole. Were going to celebrate with his girlfriend, Lucy over at the nudi bar where she works.

Thanks and I look foward to meeting you soon.

Ethical Realtor in DC
December 11th, 2006 at 5:06 am

“getting more education” - what, from the infomercial idyuts who have taught you how to lose (loose!?!) your shirt. Real education comes from real investors, not your infomercial gurus who profit from you buying their courses, and no from having actually been successful themselves. How can you afford to take a week off work to do more of this BS which has already proved to be a waste of your time and energy. As someone has said before on this blog - insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome. You have done courses like this before and where did they get you? Millions in debt with a bunch of unsaleable dumps to your name.
Casey Serin
December 11th, 2006 at 5:25 am

Almost forgot to check-in for my early riser thing. I actually never went to bed last night. I’m trying clean-out my email box from all the unanswered email and catchup on some stuff.

I will have to load up on caffeine to stay awake for today’s class on foreclosures. That should be fun. Maybe I can tell the class what it’s like to be on the other side.

It’s ironic that I’m facing foreclousre on a bunch of houses and I will be learning how to buy from people in my situation.
Big Cheese
December 11th, 2006 at 5:34 am

Not going to bed definitely makes you an early riser.

F*ck Ben Franklin.

-Big Cheese

PS- good luck on your class. I hope you get paid for this.
December 11th, 2006 at 5:37 am

………..”I will be learning to buy from people in my situation”


What are you going to use to buy anything ? Monopoly money ? What is this “class” you are taking and who is teaching it ?
December 11th, 2006 at 5:44 am


Thanks for clearing up why you’re in Phoenix. How exactly do you intend to secure financing for foreclosures under your circumstances?

We, the bubble sitters, who have loads of cash and no debt are ready to steal all the worthwhile deals out from under you. You are wasting more time and money. Just declare bankruptcy already and get a straight job. Real estate isn’t your game.
Soup Nazi
December 11th, 2006 at 5:55 am

“It’s ironic that I’m facing foreclousre on a bunch of houses and I will be learning how to buy from people in my situation.”

NO, it’s not “ironic”. It’s a stupid waste of time. You’re going to buy houses in foreclosure now? With what money?

Good luck with your “bidness”, fool.


Soup Nazi
December 11th, 2006 at 6:03 am


He’s making $$ on every click. Do no reward a person for crimes.

Failed as a Realtor But not as an AdSense Publisher
Noel Bautista December 6, 2006
Know More: adsense news, ads publishing, adsense, adsense tips

With the help of John Chow and Jon Waraas, Casey Serin, a real estate investor from Sacramento, Ca. who failed in his real estate investments, will soon be able to cover his debts. How? Through AdSense publishing.

Chow and Waraas started on helping him by donating $20 each. Chow’s better contribution is sending him an email on how to earn from AdSense with his site Igoogle_logo.gif am Facing Foreclosure. “I told him that he will see an increase if he adds a 300×250 AdSense unit under each post. Casey did as I suggested and over the weekend, I got this email from him

Yeah I placed my AdSense more strategically (under the first two posts) and my revenue doubled. I am getting some good ideas about monetizing the blog from reading your posts. Thanks for offering to help. As I start to experiment with more stuff, I may have some questions for you.

Casey Serin

Via JohnChow
Hooray for Homey da Clown
December 11th, 2006 at 6:05 am

Three cheers for homey da clown! Can more people be this motivated in digging up stuff on this kid?

P.S. Casey, post your adsense revenue. It’s the honest thing to do.

P.P.S. When was the last time you made a payment on any of your debts?

P.P.P.S. How many dirty little pennies are you spending on your trip to Phoenix?
Astro Zombie
December 11th, 2006 at 6:10 am

I woke up at the crack of noon this day. It feels good to be a Lazy Bastard!

Casey - you’ve missed at least half the days this week on your life changing early riser program. What about your December goals? The month is pretty much half over and you haven’t done anything.
December 11th, 2006 at 6:11 am

why exactly are you doing courses, is this for your job with chris?
December 11th, 2006 at 6:14 am


I have been watching your situation for some time now. I felt bad for you in the begining but that has been replaced with utter disbelief in the choices you have made and continue to make. These seminars you are going to are only making the people that hold them rich. The tactics they teach are often border line illegal and definetly immoral.

The choices you are currently making will destroy your dreams of being a Real Estate investor. You really need to stop chasing the quick buck. I think you know the right thing to do but are not willing to make that choice. Until then you will continue to lose what little you have left and some things you will lose cannot be replaced.

I have been working towards building my Real Estate portfolio for 4 years now and have experienced a lot of different scenerios all which have helped me grow my holdings and education in Real Estate investing and speculating. I hold some property and flip others. This has served me well. You need to clean up your mess soon and start over but much slower.
You Suck Punk
December 11th, 2006 at 6:21 am

Your such a liar Casey!!! Borrowing money to go to more seminars. Come On!! How stupid do you think we are?
December 11th, 2006 at 6:36 am


What kind of education are you doing in Phoenix? Also, how much is it costing you?

December 11th, 2006 at 6:37 am

Couldn’t afford Tony Robbin’s class in Palm Springs, huh? Guess this was the next best thing. What’s the point in learning to buy houses in foreclosure when you HAVE NO MONEY????

How did the Jetta hold up on the trip down? Or did you fly?
NoVa Sideliner
December 11th, 2006 at 6:41 am

Oh gawd. You’re spending money to learn how to buy foreclosures? Or did the seminar organisers buy your plane tickets and pay you to to show up as Poster Boy? If the latter, then we forgive you. Maybe.

Nice move staying up all night dealing with e-mails, too (NOT!). Nothing like pying loads of money for a seminar and then nodding off through it and absorbing nothing. A related question: Since you check every e-mail, are you also opening and handling every snail mail certified letter that arrives from your various screwed lenders? Too many questions, I know.

In the case of this seminar: How on earth do you think you’ll actually be able to buy foreclosures if you have no money and can’t borrow any? The people you’ll be dealing with are in the same dire financial straits as you, and there’s nothing you can offer them to compete with real Buy Ugly Houses people who might have at least enough money behind them to pay one month’s payment and a court doc filing fee so they can steal the house from the unlucky, ignorant FB’s.

You should be spending your hard-borrowed money on a bankruptcy attorney. Seriously, the sooner you start that, the sooner you will be done with that, and the sooner you can start over clean and start rolling the dice again.
Wishful Thinker
December 11th, 2006 at 6:44 am

Anybody watch the TV show “Lost”? Each episode ends with a “Perils of Pauline” cliffhanger and the premise becomes increasingly absurd, but dedicated viewers can’t help but come back for more.

Anyway, I’m thinking old Casey may be a little smarter than I was giving him credit for. Although his use of “looser” “sweet” and the “loans” as trigger words isn’t very subtle, and his treatise on real estate brokers was more than a little over the top, he sure knows how to ping his audience.

And really, isn’t it all about generating comments? It’s internet theater of the absurd, and we are all in the cast. There are the Casey “groupies”, the earnest advice-givers, the jealous haters, the comedians, and of course, the intramural feuding amongst the posters.

I’m giving up on trying to figure him out; master manipulator or delusional meathead? I don’t care anymore. I’m just along for he ride.
December 11th, 2006 at 7:05 am

Darling, Casey,

Let’s meet at the Jamba Juice store and we can go to my place afterward. I pay you $200 per hour for your special service.,

your gf, wendy
December 11th, 2006 at 7:05 am

That’s an interesting thought Casey. How is a bank going to want to sell a property that is being foreclosed uponed to you? But that’s the world I live in. Your world is a little different than mine.
December 11th, 2006 at 7:05 am

There are ads?

(Firefox + AdBlock)
jonny quest
December 11th, 2006 at 7:09 am

Buy foreclosures!! You went to Phoenix for a class on buying foreclosures? That’s TOO rich!!!

If I may, pray tell with what will you be using to buy these foreclosures? Can’t be US Federal Reserve notes, since you don’t have any (or the ability to procur them on credit), right? Maybe Spaceman Spiff can ‘transmogrify’ (or whatever the word is) some dirt into diamonds for you. Good luck kiddo.
December 11th, 2006 at 7:09 am

LOL. I wonder if the folks that check you in at registration chuckle when they see you coming. do they think ‘here’s that idiot that totally blew it and he’s still coming back to our ’seminars’”. you are a FOOL.
The Trailer Park Boys
December 11th, 2006 at 7:21 am

Hey man,

We are fixing to hit the mall parking lot to do a little “Christmas Shopping”. I need a smooooth talker like you to help us out.

This is such a sweeeeet deal, I dont think you want to pass this up.

Afterwards I am going to “flip” and “short sell” a little merchandise to some of the trailer park residents. We are also having a Christmas lights contest and I want you to be the judge.

Bubbles said it would be ok for you to stay at his shed behind the dope, oops, “farming” trailer.

If you want you can stay over the Christmas holidays and spend New Years with us. We normally have a killer blowout, Drinking rum and eating pepporni in Rickys car.

Ricky said if you do come to bring some “smokes”. He said you would know what he was talking about.

Good luck in Phoenix.

December 11th, 2006 at 7:34 am

I think everyone whining about how we’re giving this kid revenue by reading is a little off base.

If this is invented, why not read it? People buy fiction, don’t they? Who gives a damn if reading this stuff earns him money? It’s not like anyone’s paying out of their own pocket. (Even if someone else researched the articles written about him and found out it was all true, nobody would believe them). How, exactly, is anyone else affected by whether this is true or not? I haven’t seen my bank balance go down one bit by reading this.

If it’s true, the poor undereducated thing needs all the money he can get, and he can tell us about prison life firsthand.
The Original Blah
December 11th, 2006 at 7:36 am

Officially my last posted comment and last visit to this site.

I’m done.

This guy really needs to get his own affairs in order, and this is one trainwreck I’m tired of watching now.

Bye bye Casey, good luck, but if this is true, I doubt you’ll do anything to get yourself out.
dumbererer and dumberereest
December 11th, 2006 at 7:40 am


i would probably expect that you will be escorted from the ‘class’

why would they allow attendance by someone who is an example of why the system they are teaching does not work?

a houses will sell because a buyer wants to purchase it, are you saying that no buyers have purchased from you because they havent been “taught” yet?
Sometimes, you just can’t look away. » Oh, Casey
December 11th, 2006 at 7:41 am

Kramer auto Pingback[…] Casey is in Phoenix — where he doesn’t own any property — establishing more connections, taking care of biz, staying up all night to respond to email and taking more classes. […]
December 11th, 2006 at 8:01 am


i can pay you $350 per hour, you know the place.

your love, yvonne
December 11th, 2006 at 8:16 am

I know casey is probably a troll but as long as I’m entertained (which I am), I will keep visiting. Unfortunately all good soap operas come to an end, but for now let’s keep the good times rolling.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Casey unloads one house only to buy another. I think he is addicted to the soap opera as much as the readers here.
December 11th, 2006 at 8:30 am

Here’s a novel idea… Has Casey ever taken a course on actual finance? Gone to a CC and registered for an Econ course, Accounting, Business, Finance, anything?

Not from a guru or shyster, but real *gasp* education?

The sad thing is that signing up for such a course would surely cost less than flying to Phoenix, staying for a week in a hotel, and paying for this asinine seminar.
Spaceman Spiff
December 11th, 2006 at 8:52 am


Last night while patrolling planet Zok, I was bunced by spme Space Aliens from another Planet. When I got done saving the galaxy, I flew home and I read your post.

I think I have found 2 ways that your newly minted education will pay off, and pay off big. 1. But that house from carig’s list. Take the 200 large and find peace with you lenders. Stop for a wheatgrass to reward yourself for doing the right thing. Then find a new realtor and offer to sell the house with a 300 large payday at closing. You’ll probaby have to pay like 8% or 9% because Phoenix is getting expensive but do it.

So, 200 large + 300 large = a $500,000.00 profit just for doing 2 sweet deals. Wow you da man!

2. Learn from your class on how to buy sweet foreclosure deals. For the first 2 or 3 (hell, maybe 4 or 5), buy from yourself (cash back at closing, naturally). You’ll probably want to keep the cash backs to no more that $25,000 per house, per flip because these lenders will be keeping an eye on you. Do each one 3 or 4 times and then finally market them to someone in the neighbrhood.

I’d say it win-win for everyone. There is no way to loose. Real estate always goes up.

Important info of the day:

Here is what my dad taught me last night before bed.

Calvin: “Dad, how do ATM machines work?”

Dad: “I’t really very simple son. The bank has a man inside the ATM booth with a printing press. When you put in your card and press the buttons for how much money you want it prints a receipt for the man. Then he prints the money and puses it out the little slot.”

Calvin: “Oh. Is that the same man that makes our garage door opener work?”…
December 11th, 2006 at 9:17 am

Hey Trailer Park Boys,
I don’t think that TV show is on air down in the States, so not too many folks are going to be understanding the references. But I’m sure that Sputnik the cat will appreciate Bubbles’ kitty park.

With glass in hand,
The Trailer Park Boys
December 11th, 2006 at 11:08 am

Kick a$$, Mike.

We are the best!!!!!!!!!!
December 11th, 2006 at 11:15 am


If they take the listing down just go to Phx Craiglist & do a search “200K cash back”. You will find it.

Lots of cash back at close (helicopter drops of money) offers in Phx!

That’s why you there, right?
December 11th, 2006 at 11:33 am

“It’s ironic that I’m facing foreclousre on a bunch of houses and I will be learning how to buy from people in my situation.”

It’s more than ironic. What you’re doing is wasting more time trying to distract yourself from matters at hand. You are not in the position and won’t be for a long time to buy anything from anyone.
Mr. Flipper
December 11th, 2006 at 11:58 am

Its hilarious to read the five ignorant bloggers above that criticize Casey for trying to learn how to buy foreclosures since he obviously has no money to buy them in the first place…

Here’s some edumication for you all. Read these next statements V E R Y slowly and carefully…

“Money is easy to find when you have a deal.”

“Money is easy to find when you have a deal.”

“Money is easy to find when you have a deal.”

“Money is easy to find when you have a deal.”

Read that again, please.

OK, now you can apologize to Casey for your ignorance on the matter and leave the criticsims to the professionals.
Casey's Serin Story is a HUGE LIE
December 11th, 2006 at 12:10 pm

Guys, I am confused now, is casey really saying the truth or lying to all of us? Check what I found..
December 11th, 2006 at 12:52 pm

How are the classes so far?

See this comment why I keep removing your posts referring to the name of the real estate investing college. Simply, they don’t want their good name to be affected by the “haters” on this blog and the negative publicity I have in the media and search engines.

As to the experience so far… The foreclosure class was pretty good. Most of it was a review for me though. I’m looking forward to the short sale and wholesaling classes later in the week. They actually had a pre-assessment and post-assessment with grades and stuff. They really are running this thing like college instead of another “re guru seminar”. Better quality and and much cheaper than the stuff I’ve gone to in the past. I’m impresses so far.
December 11th, 2006 at 4:39 pm

Casey, are you planning to market your own properties to the folks at the seminar?
Casey Serin
December 11th, 2006 at 4:42 pm

Sorry I can’t post the name of the real estate college at this point.

My student advisor asked me to not to share the name on the blog because I have “bunch of haters” here (that was the exact quote). Also I have a very high profile in the search engines and media (for not the best of reasons) and they want to keep their name clean. I can’t blame them.

I’m actually enjoying the college quite a bit. From what I’ve seen so far the quality of real estate education is much better than any of the other “guru” or “seminar” type of offerings out there. And much cheaper.

They even offer continuing education credit that can be transferred to other schools. It really is more like a “college” than a seminar.
December 11th, 2006 at 4:55 pm

Ca$ey says:

“My student advisor asked me to not to share the name on the blog because I have “bunch of haters” here (that was the exact quote)”

I am quite sure that wasn’t even close to what your “student advisor” said to you. When you use the expression “haters”, what is it that you mean ? Most of the people who have wasted their time responding to you in this blog have actually been trying to help you. You should try listening for a change.
December 11th, 2006 at 6:20 pm

Who is paying your tuition at this supposed real estate investing college? Who is paying for your plane ticket and hotel expenses?
December 11th, 2006 at 7:06 pm

Oh I see…you’re not good enough to use their name, but you’re good enough for them to accept your money. Sounds like you’re getting a SWEET DEAL.

“My student advisor asked me to not to share the name on the blog because I have “bunch of haters” here (that was the exact quote).”

Are you kidding me? Is this like bad real estate guru lingo or something? You all talk the same! I’m picturing you going to class, walking into a big conference room, filled with 50 disheveled 20-somethings, all wearing wrinkled blue dress shirts, sitting on blue ergonomic balls.
December 12th, 2006 at 12:21 pm

@Flipper Idiot

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.

Now go read again. This crap just doesn’t work except for 0.01% of the people who get lucky. Which is why 99.99% of those who try, fail. The gurus get theirs up front so they don’t care. The guru game is the place to be.
December 12th, 2006 at 4:49 pm

“You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than to find a chump willing to sell you his house for half its value.”


This happens every day all over the U.S.

the average price was $147,500… The developer had been selling the bigger units at the complex, dubbed The Hamptons at Tampa Palms, for $300,000-ish.

The question is not can you get 50% off (you can) but whether 50% off enough for it to be a safe investment. In this market you may need more like 75% off to really be safe.
December 15th, 2006 at 8:42 am

I stand by my statement. In your example, the purchaser is not buying at half of “value”. As you correctly point out value has already declined greatly. Your example is half of some former price which is meaningless.

In order to make a profit seminar-style you need some fool to sell you the place for $75K, when others will pay today $150K. That is the “sweet deal” they all seek. Buy today for half of what you could go sell it for next week, with no work. Find a “motivated seller” who doesn’t care what he sells it for. The moron who will sell to you, for half of what he could sell to someone else for right now in today’s market.

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