Robert Kiyosaki (The real Rich Dad) saw me in Monday’s USA Today article and agreed to meet me next week to hear more about my Facing Foreclosure story… Unbelievable!
This is amazing! I’ve been reading this guy for years!
Robert’s original Rich Dad Poor Dad book is what really got me started on getting out of the “Rat Race“.
I have always been entrepreneurial and had a dream to retire young and use my money/time to do good works. But I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books and playing the CASHFLOW Board Game cleared things up and showed me the way to get there. I just picked up the latest one
he wrote with that other guy… It’s awesome!
So… thanks to RK and his ideas, I am now Facing Foreclosure. (Just kidding!) I think the ideas are good but my execution and risk management wasn’t so good. And I should have never compromised my integrity. Painful lessons. Anyway…
The Plan?
I will be at the RichDad headquarters in Phoenix Arizona next Tuesday and Wednesday (and maybe longer).
I don’t exactly know what I’m going to be doing. The whole things just kind of happened all of a sudden and I’m just going with it. I have been very blessed with this opportunity and I’m very excited to see what may come next!
Huge thanks to Prlinkbiz of for contacting me and putting this whole thing together! She works with Kim Kiyosaki to develop See her post What Goes Around, Comes Around for how this opportunity came together.
Also thanks to John Seiferth for helping out. (Check him out on YouTube and wsRadio)
And since I was really hurting for cash, big thanks to fellow real estate entrepreneur from southern California, Todd Gregory of, who graciously sponsored my airfare and hotel.
Do YOU have any Questions for Robert Kiyosaki?
From the back of the book:
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad
, is a multi-millionaire investor, entrepreneur, author and teacher. Robert has sold 26 million books translated in 46 languages and has been on The New York Times best seller list for almost 6 years.
If you can ask Robert one good question or give him one good business idea, what would it be?
Please reply with your questions/ideas via comments below. I will take the 10 best questions and the 10 best ideas and present them to Robert next week. This may be a very unique opportunity for Robert to hear from “the average man on the street”.
Fire away!
October 28th, 2006 at 12:03 am
The myebid auction was better!
October 28th, 2006 at 12:11 am
Mr. Kiyosaki,
What are your opinions on juice fasting and detoxification?
Also, what IS every woman’s desire?
Señor BIG BOI.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:12 am
Whats with the divorce and sex books?????
October 28th, 2006 at 12:15 am
“Reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books and playing the CASHFLOW Board Game cleared things up and showed me the way to get there. I just picked up the latest one he wrote with that other guy… It’s awesome! ” - casey
Dude: take an entry level accounting course or two. Same sh*t.
No rich dad books, no board games, no pats on the backs nor any fancy seminars are going to help you make money.
Until you learn the fundamentals of accounting and finance, you aren’t going to understand how to evaluate risk, make trends of expenses over a period of time versus revenues, etc.
Take the time, learn the basics in an academic setting.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:20 am
So Casey, you were following what RK said to do in his book, and you are now in this horrible financial situation, and now you are acting so giddy to meet him? Personally if I had followed the advice of someone and I got into the situation you are in I would be using the book for toilet paper. Maybe I am just confused about kind of advice he offers in his book.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:25 am
Make the most of this opportunity. I am one of the few people posting here who have actually tried to help you consistently. This represents a serious chance to start working toward a solution.
Whatever you do, try to leave Kiyosaki’s office with a workable plan for getting those houses off your back and keeping yourself out of jail.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:38 am
Mr. K, how do you feel about the Lagos property market, particularly with respect to the former holdings of Mrs. Mariam Abacha? I am a solicitor who has been entrusted with the sum of ONE BILLION NINE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT MILLION SIX HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($1,998,667,348.00) UNITED STATES CURRENCY. I am currently seeking a partner who can help me move this sum out of Nigeria to avoid seizure by the authorities. Your sterling reputation in the world of business is made abundantly evident by your association with Mr. Casey Serin, whose mere name is enough to “turn s*** into solid gold.”
I await your prompt response, accompanied by the sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND U.S. DOLLARS in small unmarked bills.
Lagos, Nigeria.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:53 am
Now KIYOSAKI is in on this as well??
hahaha Casey this is a brilliant move. Talk about stirring the pot - this should be fantastic.
I’ve been lurking and reading the blog for a while now. I think Anon is right, you are some kind of idiot savant. Like most people i have serious doubts about the ‘reality’ of this story, but the comedy factor just keeps me coming back for more every day!!
October 28th, 2006 at 12:53 am
So is this the miracle that will bail you out? Also, is your MYEBID auction a hoax on you or is it real?
Good luck!
October 28th, 2006 at 1:13 am
“Robert’s original Rich Dad Poor Dad book is what really got me started on getting out of the “Rat Race“.
“I have always been entrepreneurial and had a dream to retire young and use my money/time to do good works. But I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books and playing the CASHFLOW Board Game cleared things up and showed me the way to get there.”
To get where? $2.2 million in debt? You really think he’s taught you anything good whatsoever? Where do you think you’d be if you’d read Ayn Rand books instead - employed? Is that so horrible?
You want to do good works? Puh-leez. You lied and cheated to bilk money from lenders.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:20 am
Mr. Kiyosaki,
Please explain the many differences between your approach to building wealth and losers such as Casey who are clueless imitators.
Also, he is apparently overwhelmed by having to sort through his mail on his six properties and figure out which bills pay for which property As such, could you ever consider hiring such a reckless, irresponsible charlatan clown with no concept of cash-flow for anything other than cleaning toilets?
October 28th, 2006 at 1:27 am
1) you made a fortune telling people to buy real estate. Now many of them will have their lives ruined, their financial futures destroyed, and their families out on the street due to your cheerleading. How do you sleep at night?
2) Now you’ve changed your tune, and are going to try to make money telling people that real estate is crashing, and to get out. Again, how do you sleep at night?
3) You’re a publicity w**** , so will use use Casey just to catch some of his publicity value right now, use him up for your own personal gain, and then spit him out?
4) There never was a “rich dad” was there? Liar.
How’s that? Have fun!
keith -
October 28th, 2006 at 1:28 am
Haha, oh wow.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:31 am
OMFG, you are drinking the kool aid at an unbelievable rate. RK isn’t half what he pretends to be, and you are just going in like a lamb to slaughter. You’re only hope is that he won’t let you go down if he takes you under his wing. Is this what you are hoping for? If so then I withdraw my previous posts about you being legitimate. You clearly are no better.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:36 am
Casey, you may not be much of a real estate investor, but you’re fabulous at getting publicity! There’s an army of Marketing VPs for online businesses out there who wish they had your talents… With some good decisions and a little luck you’ll be able to monetize your fame from the blog and more than pay for your negative $200k real estate investment.
I read Kiyosaki’s book way back and thought it was heavy on motivation and vision and short on substance. Never mind the questions - only results matter anyway. If he can pull you out of your mess through real estate deals then I’m a convert!
October 28th, 2006 at 2:08 am
Mr. Kiyosaki,
How do you feel about internet hoaxes?
October 28th, 2006 at 2:16 am
You are turning misfortune into more and more opportunity. Maybe we will be seeing that Facing foreclosure book soon.
October 28th, 2006 at 2:52 am
Oh boy, do you read a lot of junk!
It’s no wonder you’re going bankrupt; your library looks like the literary equivelant of the Hostess Bakery assortment.
Garbage In -> Garbage Out
October 28th, 2006 at 3:10 am
Casey, you’ve done it - the publicity whoring has finally attracted another publicity w**** , and this time, it’s someone with 1) money, and 2) an image and RE investing system to sell. My advice: arrange a deal with Kiyosaki for him to buy out all your houses at your cost, but with the agreement that it will be spun to the public as “Young real estate investor in dire financial straits gets mentoring/information from RE investing wizard, manages to escape bankruptcy through utilization of advice from same wizard!”
It’s so perfect - you’ve defrauded mortgage companies, purchased ill-advised properties, gotten yourself in a seemingly intractable financial situation, and then you come out smelling like a rose due to a “white” knight coming to your rescue at the last moment. Kiyosaki is seen as a miracle worker and sells another million of his books to idiots, and the rest of us get to sit back and laugh at it all.
Fraud, deception, and fake redemption - this is truly the America I know. God bless everyone involved in this scam.
October 28th, 2006 at 3:11 am
You should have saved your money and read this -
October 28th, 2006 at 4:37 am
casy will never learn nor do any good as he continues to lie to even himself. He has no morals and his faith in a higher power obviously is a sham if he can’t see that he has not changed his ways whatsoever. Sadly casey will always be a slave to money no matter what happens to him. He thinks there is an easy way out for everything. what a loooooooozer.
BTW….Seems you have managed to buy every freaking book put out by the ‘ghurus’ for everything in your life. Jeezus you are the epitome of ignorance.
October 28th, 2006 at 5:08 am
I understand his situation very compassionately. I had bought over 500 homes and flipped them within 1 year. I made the paper and the financial predators attacked and how. I forgot to mentiom my Mentor who taught me alot , especially a life lesson. We flipped the Homes and low n behold he was the Real Estate Agent, Mortgage broker etc… This Guy Got Paid and how. The 500 homes we split I sheltered the Tax Burden, he said that way I knew I owned the corporation, Shell Company. We sold the Homes and I found the Buyers, made repairs, help bring the Money to closing, Held 2nds etc… In the end the I.R.S. made the most money, oh yeah my partner with Diplomatic Immunity and so on ! The story never ends, I bailed myself out of the trenches of hard Money Loans on 1 year balloons at crazy rates. Long story goes like this, Quitters never win, and Winners never Quit. My mom informed me of the Education I received was priceless, I utilized the Knowledge and offer Life Experience to anyone who needs it.
In the Grand Scheme of things, 500 homes split equals profit from 250 yet Taxed at 36% meant the I.R.S. received the Profits from 100 of the Homes , Now I was utilizing my 150 Homes to pay all closing on the other buyers, tax on the Profits, repairmen for all 500 + the expense of Advertising. The funny thing is I did not become closer or more distant from my goals of Helping 1st Time homebuyers acheive success by being prepared for their Journey down Homeownership row. Casey if Rich dad can not help, which he clearly has a concept, However you need to re-establish a Life goal and reach it. Someone like you and I are not Quitters, If I can Help My private cell ***-***-**** I am Eric J. Herrholz the true “Real Estate Mentor”
I will personally Challenge any author to a Dual! Hence I can do and teach! the old phrase, The ones that can do get it done, While the one’s who can not, teach !
I have learned how to do both, Call me I am the way out and up!
October 28th, 2006 at 5:12 am
REOPLANET.COM want in on the Future casey?
October 28th, 2006 at 5:13 am
List your Property there ! I have a Great Idea, Let’s get to work !
October 28th, 2006 at 6:11 am
There are absolutely fantastic real estate bargains in Pheonix, and wealthy old people are flooding the state looking for housing. So while you are there look at some prospective properties. I think RK is going to advise you to get some cash flowing soonest, and the best way of doing that is investing in superprime Arizona properties that are quick to flip. You need Arizona in your portfolio.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:19 am
I certainly admire your fortitude, or energy, or whatever it is you have - “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower” and all that - but upon consideration I am struck with the hopelessness of your situation, despite today’s revelation of your audience with R. Kiyosaki. Here you are, gamely holding out hope under circumstances that would have given the Light Brigade or the drunken gunslingers of the Alamo pause, while disaster veers ever closer in the form of an unholy stew of forclosure notices, bills, tax assesments etc. all of which was built on a foundation of loan applications of a somewhat, shall we say, unsavoury, nature, and in the back of which loom a few burley young men with badges, truncheons and handcuffs and *no* I am not referring the rather vulgar works of Tom of Finland (look it up, out of sight of children.) Yesterday I took solace in the zaniness of you clinging to the thin reed of somehow finding a ‘creative’ solution (word to the wise: strictly speaking ‘creative’ is a word most properly reserved for God, if you believe in the angry old goat, or in a stretch Beethoven, Mozart etc. etc. - it does *not* apply to finagling mortgages.) Today I am struck with the realization that soon, I fear, it may be necessary to turn out the lights on this whole enterprise. You don’t need Kiyosaki, you need divine intervention, or at least a note of support from the papacy.
My dear boy, I just don’t see how you can dash about during the day doing whatever it is you do (or park your kiester on that ball (at which I am still agape) and ‘do deals’, whatever that is) and still do what is necessary to keep your loyal readers up to date with your shenanigans in a timely way. And as I’ve suggested before, timliness is everything. Not to beat a dead horse, but the moderation continues to be problematic (further counter-evidence to the ‘viralist’ crew, I should add.) Yesterday’s “slow reveal” was just a bit too slow for those of us on the Right Coast. But who could moderate this other than yourself? Perhaps when you have a whole atelier of highly-leveraged, underwater, near-bankrupt land-speculators co-blogging with you you could turn some of the reins over to one of them, but I don’t think you are there quite yet.
So, if you are going to be insistent in your persistence, I think you need to up the stakes a bit. Casey, what follows is a radical suggestion, badly thought out, perhaps foolhardy, but hear me out.
I know what you are thinking - you’re angry at the mere suggestion! This is a blog, godd*** it, it has some integrity, it’s the day-to-day written record of one young man-child’s struggle against being turned into something exchanged for cigarettes by heavily-tatooed felons! It is a gift to posterity! You’re not some s***** little high-school minor dressed up in a cheerleader’s uniform bouncing about for the onanistic pleasures of lonely, retarded old sex-maniacs - you’re a fellow going bankrupt! In real time! You have some standards! You’re here to deliver the blow-by-blow, the ups, the downs, the highs and the lows of the whole Serin circus! You’re meeting R. Kiyosaki, for Christ’s sake! But at this point in the game I think you need to at least consider all options in order to drive as much traffic to this site as possible. Heap scorn the viralists! Get some hits! Get some ads! Let’s be honest Casey, you began to cast aside your dignity the moment you… ah… embellished those loan applications. You stripped it off completely and rode Godiva-like into our lives (cubicles, home offices, whatever) the moment you put up this blog. This is no time to be sqeamish. There is no high road left for you to take!
I admit I have not really thought out how this would work, and my technical skills are down there with the IQ and sense of taste of some of your more simian correspondents (all-caps prison-wishers, I’m looking in your direction) but perhaps some kind of you-tubish “Casey’s Woe Of The Day” segment is in order - it would be quicker than writing, and could consist of simple, 1- or 2-minute segments of you piling bills up on the table, musing about your ‘rich dad’ (am I the only one who cringes and thinks ’sugar daddy’ when that phrase is bandied about?), fending off bailiffs, gazing awe-struck upon the image of R. Kiyosaki, and so forth. Might even be a place in it for the little lady - I don’t know, she could narrate some weekly “I’m so mad at this lovable dope because…” segment or some such thing. I know she’s trying to stay out of the spotlight, but she too needs to face facts.
And the fact is, privacy and a normal life are cheap to those that can afford them, very expensive to those that can’t, if you follow my drift. You are plainly tilting into the latter camp. Like bearded ladies, siamese twins, pinheads, sword-swallowers etc. your options are limited by your circumstances and ability. In your case this amounts to the impending knock on the door from the authorities in the first case and you rather odd capaciy for misadventure (which I speculated in a previous comment is perhaps an evolutionary advantage over the rest of us) in the second. I suspect that your only option at this point is further, admittedly rather unseemly, display.
Give it some thought, old bean.
Yours, in Deep Admiration.
PS To those kind people who have suggested Anon start a blog of his own he can only offer that his life is, by modern standards, of such monkish simplicity (especially when compared to the barn-burning, hellzapoppin’, credit-score-demolishing Casey Serin) that he can’t imagine such a thing having much of a readership, even among bemused, incredulous, semi-reactionary old-timers with a well-developed taste for the quiet life like himself. Thanks all the same.
PPS The glimpse of your bookshelf is another masterstroke.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:21 am
Mr. Kiyosaki,
In spite of some technical deficiencies in your “Rich dad, poor dad” book I still credit you for giving the most compelling explanation for the difference between an asset and a liability. This has undoubtedly motivated millions of people to invest and to think more about money.
That said, I’ve been perplexed about three things:
1) In your book you mention holding real estate in a C-corp, which is patently a bad idea from a tax perspective. Can you clarify your position on this?
2) When asked about your net worth you once responded that it was between 50 million and 100 million on a given day. What kind of portfolio experiences a swing in valuation of 100-200% on a given day!?! Does this reflect the volatility of your holdings or a desire to not answer the question? I respect if you want privacy, but your answer led me to believe that you only own volatile issues.
3) Since first publishing “rich dad, poor dad” it has been revised with more emphasis on multi level marketing. Indeed, your ongoing publications make a pitch for it. This history of MLM (amway, quixstar, etc) is a trail of tears for many who wasted years pretending to be business owners for others’ profit. Do you stand by this advice?
October 28th, 2006 at 6:23 am
Please open your copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and turn to page 77. Look half way down the page. You will see this:
“Rule one:You must the know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets. If you want to be rich, this is all you need to know. Its rule No. 1. It is the only rule. This may sound absurdly simple, but most people have no idea how profound this this rule is. Most people struggle financially because they do not know the difference between an asset and a liability.”
October 28th, 2006 at 6:25 am
When you speak with that assh** Kiyosaki, ask him why some lying, stupid f** didn’t make money after purchasing his book and spending 15 grand on Real Estate seminars. I really didn’t want to get into posting on your site because I knew it would work out like this in the end. Perhaps I should have posted just to later say “I told you so.” Anyway, not that it has already happened, but I believe you’ll make it out some way because of all of the publicity. I do think you’re a f****** idiot, however. Your site turned into a litany of rhetorical questions. You just kept asking what you should do and never followed anyone’s advice. I’m sure there were CPAs, lawyers, economists…giving you free advice. You chose not to follow any of it. Like the a****** that you are, you didn’t even open your mail when it should have been. I guess you can now classify me as one of the “haters.” I hope this all turns out to be a marketing ploy. I’ll feel better then. If ALL of what you have written is true, then your ignorance and stupidity is much broader than I imagined. I feel bitter about this whole thing because scumbags like you are the reason the housing market is in its current situation. People have been brainwashed into thinking that 500 thousand dollars for a house is no big deal anymore. So, you get these suckers that make 50 grand per annum buying those half million dollar houses that they don’t have the ability to pay for. I could go on and on about this. I hope it will suffice to say that I hope no one bails you out of this mess. You don’t deserve it. There were no “innocent” mistakes on your part. You used deception to procure those properties. Only in America can some a****** with no job purchase some 2 million dollars worth of real estate by just telling banks what they want to hear. Unbelievable.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:49 am
Here it comes, this is what we were being set up for all along. This site is nothing more than an infomercial. A clever scam that even duped a few non-fact-finding reporters. Even included a shill who just happened to find the myebid auctions. Puhlease.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:56 am
The blog seems to be doing what it is meant to do. Now the whole world knows Kiyosaki is in he has got to help turn this around I think… My bet is he comes up with or helps get the money to solve the Dallas problem and then a plan is put together to fix the rest of the mess… Still, it is weird that the title is “Getting Saved”, like Casey knew he would be saved, or maybe the aim of the blog is just to get saved… hmmm…
October 28th, 2006 at 7:08 am
“Robert’s original Rich Dad Poor Dad book is what really got me started on getting out of the “Rat Race“.”
I’m happy you were able to get out of the rat race by going to expensive seminars and reading books which only tell about the best case scenario. Keep drinking the coolaid and you should be able to be $4,000,000 in debt with twice as much negative cash flow very soon.
The rat race is for suckers: foreclosure and bankruptcy is for people who aren’t afraid to spend money on their education of seminars and boot camps from gurus. The coolaid will set you free.
mugu guymen:
I want to party with you dude.
October 28th, 2006 at 7:31 am
OHHHH, Ok, I get it now. Great marketing ploy by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Write a book together then find some idiot that is in deep trouble, bail him out, and boost sales on the book.
Casey, when did they REALLY contact you? 2 weeks before you started the blog? A month before? Great job in selling yourself and setting this all up! Kudos.
October 28th, 2006 at 7:42 am
October 7th, 2006 at 1:59 am Sigh…
I am going to have to call BS on your desire to repay all of your loans. Everything you have said and done thus far has pointed to the fact that you have and probably always will try to TAKE the easy way out. Like earning couldn’t be happy with trying one house to went for eight. Instead of getting a job and paying the lenders back a dollar at a time your reply is that “If I flipped burgers I woundn’t be able to pay even my credit card nut each month”. Instead you just sit on your butt (and lose a 70K per year do know that is almost twice what the avg. american makes right?) and continue this stupid blog.
I suspect that sooner or later we are going to see you stating that you have FINALLY (yeah right) decided to declare bankruptcy. I think with all this publicity you are hoping that you can cash in on some easy money with a book deal, tv show appearances, or even the lecture market (hell if that idiot Kato could do it you sure could). CHECK
Either that or you are waiting for some sugar daddy to bail you out and show you the Rich Dad Poor Dad or even Donald Trump…you of those guys that love to see themselves in print so much that they would do it just for the publicity. CHECK
I paid 90k in taxes last year…and it really pisses me off that it is probably going to be used to bail cretins like you out.
My predictions…
1. Casey will continue to take the easy way out (ie w**** himself out to the media..for a price of course) CHECK
2. Casey will declare bankruptcy.
Incidentally please get a vasectomy….
As you can see I predicted this peon would get one of these guys to “mentor” him more than likely for publicity. He and the Trump ARE selling a book after all, andyou can bet if he can bail your butt out of this mess more than likely he will use you to get even more publicity) his sales will skyrocket.
I am sure you are thinking “Ah…now that I have a REAL mentor I’ll learn all the secrets”.
Ask him this question, “how much of your fortune did you actually make buying real estate, and how much did you make selling your books?” I’m sure he will hem and haw and be very vague about it, as this is what he has done in the past.
Anyways, I’m still working on getting you jail enjoy your freedom while you still can.
October 28th, 2006 at 7:43 am
Try reading John T Reed’s analysis of Mr Kiyosaki’s books … this should bring a few good questions to mind. If nothing else it will give you some good background on the man before you meet him.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:11 am
You obviously didn’t read his books very closely. You remember that game of his you played? It was called the “CASHFLOW” game. The game is all about buying properties that “CASHFLOW” and make sense. Did any of the properties you bought actually “CASHFLOW” without a neg am loan?
How can you claim you followed RK’s advice when you clearly didn’t?
October 28th, 2006 at 8:15 am
Mr. Kiyosaki:
You personally are being blamed for inspiring average people to participate in, and cause, the biggest artificial “run-up” in real estate “values” in this Nation’s history. This “run-up” has made housing unaffordable for the majority of working Americans who currently rent or who must live with their parents. Additionally, this “run-up,” allegedly directed by you, has recently been determined will be causing more damage (in 2007/8) to the U.S. economy than the financial fallout from the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
1) In addition to helping Casey, how do you propose to begin to undo the damage your investment advice has caused this Nation?
2) Would you be willing to have a give-away of your most recent book?
Thank you in advance for answering my question.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:19 am
Seems like RK may be in the mood for damage control.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:23 am
Do you find it odd that people who write books with “get rich quick” schemes make more money on the book deal(s) than what they do with their own advice? If it’s so fantastic and profit making, why share it with the world for more people to be fighting for the same arbirtrage opportunities? Oh yeah, ’cause it doesn’t work and book deals are more lucrative.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:29 am
Casey: ” What’s next RK? Man, I never thought this crap story would go over so well!”
RK: ” Kid, people are suckers. Look how many bought my books, attended my seminars, actually believing this stuff!”
Casey:” WOW…. We are going to make millions!”
RK: ” I like your attitude kid. Never underestimate the power of stupidity.”
Pssst. people.. It’s a scam.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:46 am
That’s a pretty depressing set of books you have there. Imagine how much better off you would’ve been if you had read more boring books on topics such as property assessment, mortgages, or economics. I always wondered who actually bought those rich dad books. They’re pretty light on information and heavy on cheerleading.
As an aside, you seem to be a little out of touch with reality for investing. It’s less about vision and personal motivation, and more about understanding what normal boring everyday people want and selling it to them. RK and trump, for example, are successful at selling people dreams of being rich.
Good luck with the meeting. On a positive note, I have a feeling you’ll have a lot more success in the media than you’ll ever have real estate investing. You’re pretty good at drawing attention to yourself.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:52 am
OK, you played the cashflow game. How many houses did you lose while playing that?
Hmm, most people in the rat race don’t have to talke to lawyers, open notices of default, get forclosed on. They do have thousands of credit card debt, but them again, they have a house full of stuff they traded for it.
October 28th, 2006 at 9:06 am
HA-HA-HA! My crazy uncle regularly quotes RK, and he is still waiting for someone to discover his “inventions” (he is 55). You are NOT an entrepreneur, Casey Serin, you are a scammer and a media w**** (same as the person you are so gleeful about), when are you going to face it. Oh, yes, never - I forgot you are also crazily delusional. You disgust me.
October 28th, 2006 at 9:17 am
Mr. Kiyosaki,
Would you agree that it’s a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn’t buy, now, will be priced out forever? I understand that anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their property will continue its 30% yearly price increase.
Renters, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 starter home in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.
This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.
October 28th, 2006 at 9:18 am
I would ask Kiyosaki how he sleeps at night being such a con-man and charlatan.
October 28th, 2006 at 9:24 am
I agree with keith’s comments about Robert Kiyosaki. Although I would like to emphasize on a few points:
1) The guy Kiyosaki talks for a living as many other people do (i.e. pastor, etc)
2) Kiyosaki’s products include motivation, vision, people feel good, etc.
3) Every product must target some consumer base otherwise it won’t sell. Kiyosaki’s products have consumers like Casey Serin and the likes.
4) Kiyosaki made his fortune by selling books, speech, his mouth … not from his properties or stocks investment.
5) If you read his book or listen to his speech, you hear a lot of common sense and obvious stuffs. For example, during stock bubble he cited some individuals that became millionaires by trading stocks; during housing bubble he did the same thing by listing individuals that did well in real estate. All are obvious. People (like Casey Serin) with lots of dreams like Kiyosaki a lot because Kiyosaki makes people feel good about themself and their dreams.
6) I listened to Kiyosaki on TV and read several of his books and I realized the guy is a dream maker. Kiyosaki might have twisted the facts a little to maximize their effects but didn’t lie; keep in mind, Kiyosaki is a dream maker … and dreams don’t usually come true.
About Kiyosaki taking advantage of Casey Serin’s publicity for his marketing purposes, I definitely agree. I guaranty you in a near future Kiyosaki’s new book or speech will have Casey Serin as a case of study.
Kiyosaki is trying to sell his products that all. There’re still lots and lots of dreamers out there. I say Kiyosaki will still be doing well for a while.
October 28th, 2006 at 9:26 am
Ask him how he feels about lying on mortgage applications.
October 28th, 2006 at 10:15 am
A QUESTION FOR Robert Kiyosaki,
What are the top two things Casey should have done differently with his real estate investing business?
October 28th, 2006 at 10:18 am
Another fabulous post!
I’m frankly very disappointed by the quality of “relationship” guides on Casey’s bookshelf. All talk and no technique.
October 28th, 2006 at 10:19 am
I was in the give the poor kid (CASEY) a break camp, now I am in the Anon for President camp,
Like bearded ladies, siamese twins, pinheads, sword-swallowers etc. your options are limited by your circumstances and ability.
I wish I could think and write like that, Anon please keep writing, do not give up, even if Casey goes to prison and becomes (into something exchanged for cigarettes by heavily-tatooed felons!) keep writing, I am agape,
Best regards,
Oh, Casey you also need to keep writing,,, and how do you sit on that blue ball?
Anon for President
October 28th, 2006 at 10:35 am
Guess that’s it then, huh? It’s a Kiyosaki viral marketing campaign? Weeeee. I’d better go order all his books.
Fun while it lasted, though.
October 28th, 2006 at 11:10 am
This is your big news? You get to spend more money that you don’t have to fly down to AZ and meet Kiyosaki? What exactly is that going to achieve in helping you get out of your current predicament? Will it get you any current income or get any of your properties sold?
I thought that maybe you’d gotten one of your properties sold off. That would be news. Of course, it’s always possible that this is going to end up by Kiyosaki deciding that leveraging Casey’s situation is a good way to generate publicity for himself. Perhaps he’ll even give the kid a job. We shall see.
I am now more sure than even that Casey’s last act will be pitching books, seminars, CDs, etc. It’s clear that real estate is not his calling. Maybe sleazy salesmanship is.
October 28th, 2006 at 11:13 am
Casey, how did you even afford to buy this guy’s book?
And if he bails you out, he will seem like even more of a douche. After all, you followed his system, right? And you had to be bailed out of bankruptcy! LOL!
October 28th, 2006 at 11:37 am
QUESTION for Robert Kiyosaki,
We’re all reading about and learning from the many mistakes Casey has made. What is the largest mistake you have made in your investing career and what did you learn from it?
October 28th, 2006 at 12:10 pm
Anon, you absolutely have to start your own blog. You can see how many people already want to read your musings. This is because you are a brilliant writer! Even if you simply comment on world news or pick other absurd blogs to comment on for a month each, you will have a large readership base. I know I will tell all my friends to read. It’s obvious you enjoy writing, so don’t deprive us all and write for an audience!
October 28th, 2006 at 12:16 pm
Oh yeah, question for Mr. Kiyosaki.
You say that advice to work hard, save money, and diversify is a bad idea. This seems to have worked in the past for the majority of relatively successful people, but because the dollar is fiat currency and will plummet it’s a bad idea now. So the question is why not work hard, save money, and diversify into foriegn markets? Passive income is the same regardless of whether it’s from individual deals or mutual funds.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:24 pm
That is the big news? I got to meet Robert Kiyosaki at a book signing. Big Fat Deal
October 28th, 2006 at 12:30 pm
Your “webcam” proposition had me laughing out loud for five whole minutes. Preposterous, but hilarious.
The audience does have a point about the moderation of comments. Perhaps you could recruit a cadre of moderators you trust to help out. Change the moderation email to a hotmail account and instruct your moderators what you would approve. Share the password and assign shifts so the burden wouldn’t be too heavy on any one person. When the moderator checks in, they simply clear the queue.
I happily volunteer for 12 pm, MST.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:50 pm
Oh damn, this is the “jump the shark” moment of this blog. Others called it earlier, but yeah.
God job Casey, you fooled a great many people.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:56 pm
greetings from the U.K!
(remember us? - we’re the fools who stupidly went into iraq with you chaps)
anyhow i’ve just had the most fantastic idea - why doesn’t casey go into business with this chap:-
their respective character traits should complement each other admirably…
October 28th, 2006 at 1:03 pm
How humorous, appropriate, and yet ironic that Kiyosaki is the inspiration for all of your mis-guided risk-taking (and future bankruptcy).
I read “Rich Dad” years ago too, but I thought it was simple pablum for simple minds. In other words, perfect bs to sell to the Get Rich Quick crowd.
From what I understand, the guy is a fraud anyway–all his talk about making money in real-estate, but public records searches of property ownership records do not bear out his claims of making money in RE. All his money is from selling books to GF’s!
October 28th, 2006 at 1:05 pm
How humorous, appropriate, and yet ironic that Kiyosaki is the inspiration for all of your mis-guided risk-taking (and future bankruptcy).
I read “Rich Dad” years ago too, but I thought it was simple pablum for simple minds. In other words, perfect bs to sell to the Get Rich Quick crowd.
From what I understand, the guy is a fake anyway–all his talk about making money in real-estate, but public records searches of property ownership records do not bear out his claims of making money in RE. All his money was made by selling books to GF’s!
October 28th, 2006 at 2:02 pm
Question for Bob Kiyosaki:
What’s the best way to go about committing suicide?
Should you mount a knife on the wall and run straight into it as fast as you can, or just jump off a bridge?
October 28th, 2006 at 2:19 pm
I know this has been posted before, but you should ask him for a rebuttal to John T. Reed’s review of his book:
To my knowledge, Kiyosaki has never attempted to respond to any of Reed’s arguments, which suggests to me that Kiyosaki is more of a salesman/scam artist than a legitimate real estate guru.
October 28th, 2006 at 2:23 pm
Mr. Kiyosaki,
Why do you place monetary wealth over personal satisfaction? Or, do you believe that monetary wealth IS personal satisfaction?
How can money be so personally satisfying when the pursuit of it causes people like Mr. Serin to ruin his life?
Also, how can large corporations be given legitimate status when the average drug dealer is practically just as amoral?
October 28th, 2006 at 2:29 pm
Another sign that this has all been a publicity sham.
I can’t decide how I feel about the latest development. I don’t want you to be bailed out (especially by Kiyosaki!), but I know it will provide incredible fodder for the next week of blogging. I’m torn.
One thing I know for certain is Anon has surpassed Casey for hilarity.
October 28th, 2006 at 2:38 pm
I am beginning to think that Anon is Alan Coren (UK), and in which case ICM£5. Or, possibly, Ian Hislop.
October 28th, 2006 at 2:53 pm
I’ve got to laugh at all of these comments. (and I hope Casey is also)
What I see here is a guy who formed a plan (not a good one) and took ACTION!
Sure, he made some mistakes, some really dumb ones, but he’s determined to make things happen even with the obstacles in front of him.
Most people in this world who actually have the balls to go after their dreams will crumble at the first sign of trouble. Their dreams will vanish as soon as they realize that it’s not as easy as they thought.
Casey ain’t doing this. He knows what he’s capable of and he’s going against the odds to make it happen. He’s not going to let anything stop him.
I’ll continue to check out this blog and can’t wait for the day that he’s not only out of debt but has 100K in the bank. It’s going to happen sooner than people here think and I can’t wait to see what people have to say then.
As Rocky Balboa said….
“You or nobody ain’t never gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit… it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward… how much you can take, and keep moving forward.
If you know what you’re worth, go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit.”
October 28th, 2006 at 3:05 pm
To those that keep pointing out John Reed’s review of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, could you please point me to any profitable deal that John Reed has ever done. (all of his deals are posted on his website)
And to those saying that Kiyosaki never responded to it, here it is….
October 28th, 2006 at 3:12 pm
Anon is…. H.L. Mencken’s ghost?
October 28th, 2006 at 3:35 pm
Your writing touches and tickles my heart! You can come over and peruse my bookshelf any day!
Is RK picking up the tab for your pilgrimage to AZ?
October 28th, 2006 at 3:40 pm
i would ask RK if he knows how much weight it takes tto tear the ears off of a man?
Then i would show him.
Honestly, bring a gun, stab that mother-F^&*ker
October 28th, 2006 at 4:10 pm
For over a month, people have been pointing out repeatedly that this blog was nothing more than a manufactured marketing campaign, just like lonelygirl15 on youtube. Everyone said “just wait, in a few days Rich Dad will show up and offer to bail him out, while simulatenously marketing a foreclosure avoidance book to the millions of F’ed flippers in the country”
Is anyone this stupid? Did anyone, for a single second, think that casey would admit to felony mortgage fraud a dozen times over on his blog and avoid prison?
October 28th, 2006 at 4:23 pm
casey you should read into anon’s posts more. he offers much more than your ghuru you are going to visit.
October 28th, 2006 at 4:43 pm
To: Mr. and Mrs. Casey Serin and All Interested Parties
From: Misstrial
Dear Mr. Serin:
I hereby claim all copyright protections and compensation rights for my postings made under the Username of “Misstrial” on this Site:
I declare these facts to be true under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New Mexico.
Executed on October 28, 2006 in Las Cruces, New Mexico
October 28th, 2006 at 5:08 pm
Jim Kaiser?
Are you satisfied that Kiyosaki “respond(ed)” to what Reed wrote?
The more I look at what seems to be Kiyoskai’s pretty pathetic, pro forma critique, all I see is the total lack of “substance in his “analysis.”
And, you know, it could be that we are all wrong, and Kiyosaki is all right.
Somehow, I doubt it.
Somehow, I think that Kiyosaki made his money from selling books, tapes, and “tools” to AMWAY-type people, and people who want to believe that, they, too, can accomplish the impossible with Positive Mental Attitude.
“Ya Gotta BELIEVE!”
I’ve said earlier that I thought there was a lot less substance to this than it seemed, and damn if I wasn’t right.
If the “library” (using THAT term very loosely!) pictures are not staged, then Casey seems to be either (1) an idiot savant of viral marketing, or (2) one of the best reasons for getting out of the real estate investment industry altogether for, say, a decade. I suspect one of Casey’s investments just might have been several cases of The Dessert Food for CATS:
My guess - given the seemingly propitiuous timing of Kiyoaski’s entrance, and what seems to be the willingness of Casey’s creditors to be played for fools (even NOW!), is that there is a lot more to this story than meets the eye, and none of it speaks very favorably about Casey, or those who trusted him.
And, a special point for Jim Kaiser - Reed’s comments went FAR beyond anything Kiyosaki addressed in “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” They went to issues of substance, like the assets and income of Kiyosaki, and Reed’s comments that several pieces of Kiyosaki’s advice would - let’s be kind - raise the eyebrows of the IRS.
Tell me, Jim - have YOU ever seem Kiyosaki’s tax returns, and their attachments?
Didn’t think so.
Tell me, Jim - do YOU take Kiyosaki’s advice, and hold your real estate in “C” corporations?
Didn’t think so.
Tell me, Jim - do YOU take Kiyosaki’s advice about…
No, you don’t.
You know what’s fun about this, Jim?
ALL of the people who took Kiyosaki’s advice seem to be AMWAY people; you know, the original “fake it till you make it” crowd, the same dumb bastards that pay money to hear Donald Trump - with others! - tell THEM how to Make It Big, off of the efforts of Others even less mentally acute than THEY are (like Casey!), while THEY Make It BIGGER off of THEM!
You know, Jim, I just might be wrong.
Tell you what: you post Kiyosaki’s tax returns for the last seven or so years, and we’ll see who has what to say.
And, if Kiyosaki doesn’t trust you - or Casey - to look at his tax returns, maybe you both should think long and hard about what is really going on.
Casey’s entire enterprise here had the smell of being, well, something less than forthright; I never really trusted we were getting the truth from him, but this did not make any sense at all.
However, things seem to be coming to a head just in time for a new book to come out by Kiyosaki, and this is a blog written by someone who has gone to great lengths to praise Kiyosaki, without questioning what errors were made in Kiyosaki’s advice…
There WEREN’T any errors in Kiyosaki’s advice, were there?
Of course not.
That would get in the way of Marketing, I suppose.
If I were the editor of USA TODAY, though, I would have my reporter come in, and do a LOT of explaining, and quickly.
Tomorrow would be fine.
October 28th, 2006 at 5:13 pm
Am I the only one here that thinks Anon is nothing more than a pretentious blowhard?
October 28th, 2006 at 5:20 pm
Ask Mr. Rich Dad / Poor Dad just how long he thinks our paper tiger economy can hold up under all the corruption inherent in a capitalistic system based on nothing but debt.
How about you educate yourself by reading the following and tell us why the following is not going to destroy the once great USA?
Grandfather Economic Report:
Words of Hypertiger:
What makes many of us who grind out a living day in and day out is that fact that a debt based economy at some point destroys any progress we made as ’speculators’ destroy real wealth in their greed to get rich.
I’m sorry, many of us hope you go to jail.
October 28th, 2006 at 5:46 pm
Dude, lighten up, seriously.
I never claimed to be satisfied with Kiyosaki’s reply to Reed but I posted it because people were saying that there never was one.
You’re reading too much into this just as you are reading too much into Casey’s motives here.
Your assumptions here are just plain silly.
I have no doubt that that RK has made far more from book sales than he ever did in real estate. I say good for him! I’d LOVE to be able to write multiple best sellers.
I also agree that much of the advice in RDPD was questionable.
As RK stated in his reply to John Reed - RDPD was never meant to be a technical manual. It was all some pretty basic and simple stuff that few people actually understood before the book was written.
If you look at and understand the overall theme of the book, it’s actually a really good book with some solid advice that I absolutely have followed.
October 28th, 2006 at 5:59 pm
I’m a scumbag!
October 28th, 2006 at 6:18 pm
Robert Kiyosaki wrote an article about RE flippers last June. His article is 6 month too late.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:29 pm
Congratulations Casey!
October 28th, 2006 at 6:34 pm
“Meeting Robert Kiyosaki Next Week!”
Who give a rats, by then your homes will be gone!
October 28th, 2006 at 6:46 pm
Hey Casey,
Ask him if a lot of people with poor judgment have reported that they were emulating “Rich Dad” while they got skinned alive this year? Also ask him about a possible spike in traffic to his site from your link?
For the commenters bashing “Rich Dad Poor Dad” it is obvious who has not read his books. Just because Casey idolizes the guy does not mean the author missed the boat. Rich Dad preaches financial education, opportunity analysis and creating cash flow with passive income from rental property…not flipping or even speculating.
I can’t wait to see how this chapter turns out. Even if this blog is fiction I’ll admit I’m hooked for now!
Keep swinging Casey.
October 28th, 2006 at 7:12 pm
Wow- oh, WOW!!! What a total unexpected surprise!!
Just imagine the statistical chances of (a) a kid making a fool of himself in RE, (b) blogging about it in an increasingly promotional manner, (c) his hero and a similarly bloviating RE ‘tycoon’ publish a book, (d) the end for our blogger is near…
… and FINALLY [startling coincidence of an unbelievable magnitude] (E) our foil’s denoument and his hero’s book publicity tour MAGICALLY coincide!!!!
Wonder what’ll happen next - h’mmm…?
In all seriousness - Casey, in the increasingly remote chance that this is for real, please be careful. Meeting your hero in person is usually a disappointing event. RK is singularly focused on promoting and selling his book - nothing more, nothing less. If your story can help him, he’ll use you to his benefit. If you benefit in the process, so be it, but please don’t be deluded that such benefit to you is his intent.
So, my interest in this apparently fabricated fable is waning, but best wishes to you if your Maker decides you deserve them!
October 28th, 2006 at 7:22 pm
Someone else posted this article by RK earlier in this thread. I just read it. Sounds like he had Casey in mind when he wrote:
“…[they] have to cough up the money for the purchase in the hopes there’s a greater fool than they were somewhere out there real estate.”
“… we’ll see an increase in people dumping real estate they can’t afford. … Investment properties that you have to feed money to every month are fondly known as alligators — if you can’t afford to feed the property every month, it eats you. ”
“… I prefer to call people like him speculators rather than investors…
“…it’s the amateurs who come late to the party — and who eventually donate their money back to the professionals….”
October 28th, 2006 at 7:41 pm
I would not be surprised if you get a cease and desist for using “Rich Dad” phrase.
OR, could it be a book deal:-
“Rich Dad, Poor Son”
I just have to know how this ends up.
BTW, can you tell us your current hit rate?
Loyal Reader.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:06 pm
Ditto what Misstrial said, except I also reserve the right to veto the publication of any comments by “Astrid” and “astrid”…
Oh hell, publish whatever you like Casey (I’m feeling generous tonight), if this is a scam, you (or whoever masterminded this effort) have a bright future in reality TV writing/editing.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:37 pm
“Darwin’s Black Box” is a good, thoughtful book. Why would you want to read the rest of that junk? No doubt you’ll have a lot more time to read good books soon….
October 28th, 2006 at 9:45 pm
Truly successful individuals are characterized by passion, knowledge, and godly wisdom.
Passion comes from a vision within. Passion precedes action, and honestly, there are few substitutes for action. Casey obviously has passion. Does he have knowledge?
Although he had enough knowledge to purchase 8 homes, he appears to be lacking in the knowledge to responsibly manage the resulting commitments.
The weakest link appears to be in godly wisdom. According to the Book of Proverbs:
“Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase.”
“Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, But those who deal truthfully are His delight”
Deception always leads to destruction.
According to the Proverbs, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Knowing what you are doing, and why you should or shouldn’t be doing it is very difficult when the focus is on self. Seek God and He will reveal His plan for you.
If you doubt there is a real loving God, I challenge you to actually pursue that truth with reckless abandon. Of the books pictured above, I highly recommend “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel, and “Darwin’s Black Box” by Michael Behe. They are well researched and may challenge many of your assumptions.
Just think about this - In a few days, weeks, months, or years, all of us will die - yes, that means you, me, Casey and Mr. Kiyosaki. The real question that we should be obsessed with is - what next? Don’t you think it is irrational for people to live their entire life without seriously considering and challenging what they know or believe about the circumstances surrounding their eternal existance? If you think there is nothing after death, take just two minutes to imagine awakening and realizing you were wrong! Also imagine realizing you spent your entire life teaching others including your children the same “truths” that turned out to be dead wrong. If these thoughts are not disturbing, you should be very concerned. To ignore the real possibility of an eternal horror in your life, for eternity, goes against every innate rational desire for self preservation and pleasure. Think about it.
I share because I know to depths of soul that there is a God and He has clearly revealed the existence of a heaven and a hell. If I am wrong, no harm. If you are wrong…
Bond Servant of Christ, husband, father of 7, engineer, full-time Real Estate Investor and former Physics Instructor.
PS: Just because someone can not find property deeded to Kiyosaki, does not mean he does not own or control real property. We take title to all of our property in indvidual land trusts with LLCs as beneficiaries. This is a fairly common practice with serious investors concerned with privacy, asset protection and estate planning. This is how Walt Disney was able to buy up all the land in Florida for his theme park without any of the locals ever knowing what was going on.
PPS: Although RDPD was generally on target, I am always reminded: “He who trusts in riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like foliage.”
October 28th, 2006 at 9:50 pm
If by “pretentious blowhard” you mean to say “clever, droll, erudite and entertainig”, then yes, Anon is, indeed.
October 28th, 2006 at 10:02 pm
Kiyosaki’s “genius” is fading fast. He is only a “genius” as long as real estate holds up. In a few years no one will care about RK as it becomes obvious even to clueless superbulls like him that economic reality has, once again, prevailed. I hope he is smart enough not to believe his own BS and get into cash before he is too late. The liquidation of the greatest credit bubble (by far!!) in the history of humanity lies in front of us and it ain’t gonna be pretty. The illusion of being able to endlessly go into deeper and deeper into debt is about to become an almost unimaginable nightmare (remember Argentina?).
October 28th, 2006 at 10:40 pm
Kiyosaki has been telling people to get out of real estate for the last couple of years…
October 28th, 2006 at 11:32 pm
Planet earth calling Dale.
October 28th, 2006 at 11:42 pm
[…] The “I Am Facing Foreclosure” Saga By Silicon Valley Blogger Last I checked, Casey Serin is having a ball with the current events in his life right now. His life is almost as dramatic as mine has been this year (although I’d rather not divulge all my own personal details here) but the roller coaster he’s been on must sure be thrilling, especially when you’re about to meet your hero, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki himself! […]
October 29th, 2006 at 1:15 am
I know times are hard right now, and as an investor I have myself made some mistakes. But remember this: It’s only when you give up that you’ve lost. As long as you get up every time you fall down, you’re still in the game.
As far as RK books go, all I can say is that their purpose is to educate people who aren’t familiar with the concepts that are so familiar to seasoned investors. They’re not instructional books, they’re supposed to be inspirational and eyeopening. Anyone thinking he’s going to be rich after just reading them should seriously get their head checked.
Casy, you have an uphill battle to fight right now, but keep at it. I feel bad for you for being in the situation you’re in, but let that be a lesson to you, not a deterrent.
Good luck to you and I hope your meeting with RK goes well.
October 29th, 2006 at 3:43 am
This is just Nero fiddling while Rome burns.
October 29th, 2006 at 5:23 am
Casey: you mentioned that you have tried to start businesses in the past, but they did not take off. Can you explain in more detail? What were these businesses, and why did they not succeed financially? What did you learn?
Was Amway or something similar one of these businesses? I ask because RK seems to be very similar to Amway.
October 29th, 2006 at 9:09 am
anybody notice the book…
thats exactly the advice casey followed when he posed for his pic at richdad’s office
October 29th, 2006 at 10:31 am
If you are interested in reading a few books about how to succeed that are not just full of crap like this “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” garbage then try these:
“The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive”
“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”
“The Five Temptations of a CEO”
The author is Patrick Lencioni.
of course they don’t tell you how to be rich, just how to modify your behavior so you can succeed. And they do not preach some “magic bullet” plan, just hard work and dedication to success.
But that’s probably not up your alley since you would prefer to hear how you can retire in a few years and go maintain your active social life.
October 29th, 2006 at 10:54 am
These are questions that RK REFUSES to answer. Since you will have a first hand audience with him, ask him:
1. What is the name of the “RICH DAD” he refers to in his book? As this man is the KEY TO RK’S SUCCESS, why not give him credit? Maybe because he doesn’t exist?
2. Why did he feel it necessary to lie in his books, thus having to add the following, ” Although based on a true story, certain events in this book have been fictionalized for educational content and impact.” in very small type on the copyright page of his FICTIONAL book.
3.Why in his 1992 book “If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don’t Go To School?” does he say that his FATHER was “the best teacher I ever had,” yet in his 1997 book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” he says that Rich Dad was the best teacher he ever had. BTW, In a 4/18/06 Yahoo! column, Kiyosaki says the best teacher he ever had was Buckminster Fuller.
4. Ask him about the 20/20 story of 5/19/2006,;page=4.
5. Exactly what is his net worth as he has stated, ” his net worth is $50 million to $100 million depending on the day” I have never heard such nonsense. His net worth fluctuates 50 million in one day?
6. When and where did RK declare bankruptcy as he claimed about 30 years ago? No federal records of that, nope.
7. Ask him to provide the details on the Maricopa County deal where he claimed to have bought one property for $20,000 and sold it immediately for $60,000. Smart Money, when they did a story on RK. Smart Money could not find any purchase which he paid less than $40,000, and no property which he sold in less than 20 months.
Holding my breath on these as you won’t ask them.
October 29th, 2006 at 11:28 am
Can we see some more pictures of you sitting in your empty office at your unpaid “job”, sitting on you giant blue round Chair of Suckcess, typing away at your blog and “bird-dogging” and blogging for “a thousand dollars an hour?”
Because that picture was classic.
October 29th, 2006 at 12:05 pm
Anyone see “Flip That House” last night? I’d like to bend that little realtwhore Brandi over her granite countertops. Especially when she called the $1 million house built in 1999 “sooo dated.” I wonder how many clueless guys have been seduced into flip-debtorship by the siren song of such tasty strumpets.
Blah- Be careful who you call a pretentious blowhard. Randy H and/or Dale might get jealous and report you to the authorities.
October 29th, 2006 at 12:26 pm
Dale is now back on his planet, please no more references. Sorry folks for the mishap (-head commander of his ship)
October 29th, 2006 at 12:44 pm
Mugy guymen
she kinda reminded me of alicia silverstone in clueless. Yea I’d hit it.
October 29th, 2006 at 1:25 pm
Hmmm… why is the book with EASILY the most creased spine the one entitled ‘The Case Against Divorce’?
Been reading that one a lot, have we?
Conversely, most of the real estate books look damn near pristine.
October 29th, 2006 at 1:30 pm
My complaments for trying.
From the little info I read by you, you made some common mistakes beginners make.
Hopefully, one mistake you will not make is listening to all those negative reponses in your in box.
I have followed Robert’s advice and have gone from a negative net worth of nearly 500,000 to a positive cash on hand and looking to invest of 1,700,000 in just 2.5 years.
This may sound strange but, you are heading in the wright direction. The education you are getting from your mistakes is priceless but only if your learn from them.
Congradulations on your one on one.
October 29th, 2006 at 1:45 pm
Mr. Kiyosaki,
While I have read many criticisms (such as John T. Reed’s) of your writings, I am still a fan of yours. I read your column on Yahoo’s finance site every single week. I read your first book twice, actually. The first time I read it, I was very skeptical of the content. It was around the second time that I read it that I really grasped what you said.
I’ve come to believe that other people’s criticisms of your writings stem from the idea that so many people believe that there is a fixed, standard method to generating wealth. They read your book hoping to find a panacea that serves as a remedy to all of their financial problems, but fail to understand that wealth generation requires a fundamental shift in thoughts and attitudes about money. Your description of your poor dad is an excellent example of the typical person’s attitude and why they can’t become wealthy.
The core idea that I took from your works is that one cannot afford to think the way the median-income earning American thinks about generating wealth. Indeed, your lesson is mirrored in several different fields. In a game of poker, you cannot think like the standard player. The same is true in trading stocks or flipping real-estate. In wealth building, what ultimately needs to be said is that people need to find some sort of edge and then look to exploit that edge or scale that edge to the point where they can acquire money. Your book focuses on looking for cashflow edges; however, your concepts are applicable in many other areas.
If nothing else, I’d like to voice some support for your ideologies. While many have stated that it’s your distinction between an asset and a liability that is the true eye-opener, I believe it’s your ability to stir up thoughts regarding “thinking different” that’s of value. I did not take much from your methods regarding cashflow, but have managed to channel “different thoughts” into the creation of wealth nonetheless. I would not have been able to take the well-calculated risks had I not read your books.
One more note: I lost some money applying your ideas as well. People fail to realize that every venture will not result in success. However, I was able to afford the money I lost and use the experience as a means of iteratively refining my approach to wealth building. I firmly believe it is unreasonable for people to criticize your works based on the outcomes of one or two failed attempts at investing.
Much thanks to you, Mr. Kiyosaki.
Your student,
October 29th, 2006 at 1:55 pm
Casey, check out this article on my site, and the related review of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”
I think there are a lot of interesting questions raised in the article that would make great questions for your meeting!
October 29th, 2006 at 2:23 pm
I’m ashamed to admit that I went snooping in Casey’s flickr archives. A glimpse of his life when he was still on top of the ball. The seminars!
Look at all the stuff he bought.
Look at him planning the deals:
And behold all the “crazy travels”:
There is a sad lack of travel arrangements from August to October. What a disappointment after the frenzy of earlier months.
But next week brings hope! This Kiyosaki dude better buy all Casey’s properties otherwise he’s just a timewaster.
I think Casey’s #1 question should be how quick Kiyosaki can close the deals.
October 29th, 2006 at 2:55 pm
[IMG ] Casey reads a lot of self-help books. They’re really self-centered navel-gazing books, and for some reason millions of people are taken in by them.
October 29th, 2006 at 3:23 pm
OMG Casey you went to a RUSS WHITNEY seminar???? Why didn’t you tell us? Don’t bad-mouth him or he’ll sue you (see J.T. Reed)
October 29th, 2006 at 6:11 pm
Do let these dumb sh*ts get to you. From what I have read all they do is talk/write and nothing else. No guts ,no motivation, just slaves to the job. Some of us have dreams to better ourselves and our families and to travel and meet new friends while others just sit and rag on any new thing that comes along but do not have the guts to try it. Or if they do try it and not get the results they expected, they run and blame others for the misfortune. I have met you and know this is not a scam. You know my # call me if you would like to talk. The question for Robert is: Would he be able to be a guest speaker at roundtable meeting. Good luck and see at rountable.
October 29th, 2006 at 7:47 pm
Just to second the comment, noticing the book ‘Get on the ball’ marked in blue font… an excellent call back to the blue ball shot as well as the other blue features in the staged shot (shirt, LAN cable, etc)
It’s this type of attention to details that make people question the organicness of the site.
Casey, you have a instinctual gift or…. some professional help.
Big Cheese
October 29th, 2006 at 8:01 pm
Filp that house.
You know I can’t help but think what the buyer is thinking when he watches ‘flip that house” and finally see’s how much he/she/ overpaid.
I saw an old episode of “flip that house” made something like 500k in one week? Or something? It was the house in Myrtle Beach, NC. Can you even imagine the look on the debtors face when they realized what it cost wholesale as a fixer? (it was already overpriced-even for beachside). Then they see how much the repairs cost then how much $$$$$ they paid?
Does anyone ever contemplate this kind of stuff? Honey we just put 500k into a flippers pocket on a 50 year mortgage. Wow. It boggles the mind.
October 29th, 2006 at 8:09 pm
Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,
Can people get financed (in the USA) on a RE loan to purchase internationally? I was thinking about purchasing in Russia. Stated income of course
October 29th, 2006 at 9:08 pm
Casey has been in my employ for about 8 months now. His story and his blog is an ideal test for the new system of creating wealth that I will be rolling out next year. Prepare to be empowered and make money work harder for you!
R. Kiyosaki
CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc.
October 29th, 2006 at 9:23 pm
You can turn to academia and make your situation a really good case study. They’ll spend years analyzing your life.
October 29th, 2006 at 10:11 pm
I only watch Flip That House for entertainment value. It MUST be produced/paid for by the NAR because if you take out a 6% commission on most of the deals, the flippers are losing money or barely breaking even.
That said, I will repeat, I’d do all sorts of naughty stuff to Brandi from last night’s episode.
October 30th, 2006 at 12:37 am
Man, I can’t believe how many extremely negative, ridiculing people there are hanging out here.
Do you guys really get off that much by expending such energy and wordcraft to picking and tearing somone else apart like this?
Is there anyone here who has never made a mistake? Is there a single person here who can honestly say he/she has never lied, cheated or stolen?
No, not one. Not me, not you, not anyone.
But the apparent difference between Casey and most of the rest of us is that rather than run and hide away in fear of losing face or being exposed, he’s willing to admit what he’s done, apologize for it, and try like the dickens to make it right.
Casey, you have my support.
And I hope your visit with Kiyosaki is a productive one.
October 30th, 2006 at 7:59 am
Was that the real Robert Kiyosaki who just posted here? Please indicate one way or another.
October 30th, 2006 at 8:02 am
I am a real estate agent in Phoenix and I would love to know what his thoughts are about the real estate market. Especially in the Phoenix area.
October 30th, 2006 at 4:48 pm
Casey - Like so many others have commented, I’m not sure whether or not to believe any of what you’ve written. I will say one thing - it was an interesting way to kill an hour while I sat in the hospital this morning (reading your tale).
I’m somewhat skeptical of some parts of your story - especially where you freely admit to committing loan fraud. In my part of the world (Canada), the admissions you’ve made would have resulted in charges being laid immediately. So how is it you can do so with impunity in CA?
One things for sure … you’re likely attracting a whack of traffic to your blog now (I’m guessing into the several-to-many thousands of unique visits per day). So how’s the Google Adsense (PPC) doing? Lot’s of impressions, but what kind of CTR are you seeing? Again, I’m only speculating, but I’m betting you’ve planned this whole thing all along. I might suggest running the AdSense down the sides of your blog … better visibility and likely far more clicks ($$’s)
Best of luck from Canada …
October 31st, 2006 at 1:35 am
Casey being from the same area it sounds to me like you had a loan broker who really did’nt care about your financial health putting you into harms way with the wrong type of loan product.I think it is important that people recognize the many different loan products are like tools to a builder and it is obvious you don’t use a hammer to saw a 2×4! Hopefully this makes people question their next homeloan and the financial strategy.An unethical broker will let you put the rope around your neck and hang yourself to fill his pockets. I am more than happy to discuss this with people to make the public aware.My clients I handle in California are greatly appreciative that I honestly disclose and educate them on the advantages and disadvantages of the many loan products including hard money LOL !! Anyhow I’m available for email questions especially from California. “Some people Love talking about sports I love talking about loans”
Best Regards
Mark Stebbins Jr.
October 31st, 2006 at 4:19 am
Casey, my office sends me your blog. I have been in your shoes. When I was 23, I bought 3 properties with no money/little money down within 6 months (learn that from Robert Allen no money down seminar). Then the real estate markets crush (90’s). Unable to pay my loan the bank foreclosed on me. Oh the IRS was there. I got a great accountant who got me out of the jam. One things for sure I did not quit my job. Now I own properties in 3 different states (NY, NJ, CT) with $$Millions dollars in equity.
From my mistake, I learned how to deal with the contractors, be my own handyperson, and how to make deal. Your mistake was not researching the area you are investing, not listening to your inner voice (kick the greedy one out), trusting too much, and got too greedy too fast. The other guy you mentioned beside R. Kiyosaki is Donald Trump, he is my guru. Even Mr. Trump faces Bankruptcy. Maybe you should be reading his book on The Art of Survival and The Art of the Comeback.
My advice, don’t take things personally, but learn from it and rise above it. Never make the same mistake twice. If you do meet R. Kiyosaki or one of his aids, take this opportunity and let them SHOW and GUIDE you how to get you out of debt. Have them ASSIST you how to negotiate with the bank or buy time with the lenders till your houses are sold. Don’t think about making $$$ when your debts are drowning you (U know foreclosure is not that bad, just take you back to square one, like working). Seriously, take all your bank info and vital paperwork with you. Please leave copies behind at home. I hope they truly help you beside a ploy to help promote their books. If they do help you, it will be a win win situation. You’ll be out of debt and they get to sell more books.
Fyi, I am helping a close friend of mine who like you buy tons of fixer upper homes and can not flip it. He has the same dream about roads to riches instead meets Mr. Nightmare. Since I know constructions and whom to hire(you meet good and bad people through out your journey), I am helping him out in that area. Thank God, he did not quit his job. He is renting some of his property till the market is strong again in (5yrs?). But, at least the tenants are paying most of his expense. Good Luck and I hope that the IRS or the Fed is not reading/printing ur blog. U will be either a witness, a criminal, or celebrity. As Mr. Trump will say Don’t trust yourself. Follow advice that can deliver. To me talk is cheap. Let Mr. Kiyosaki get you out of the rat race.
November 1st, 2006 at 8:07 pm
For all you critic haters consider this:
You say people who criticize Casey are jealous and bitter.
Well, by your motard logic, that must mean you critic haters are jealous of us Casey critics.
You critic haters are a lonely bitter group. You’re just jealous, because you never took the chance in life to have a laugh and make fun of morons.
People make negative comments about Casey, not because they are jealous (seriously what is there to be jealous of?), but because it’s fun to do so and because he drank the Guru Kool-Aid big time.
November 3rd, 2006 at 8:08 am
jb- that was not the real Robert Kiyosaki. Casey is not employed by him, nor does RK get online much. PS that’s not him over on My Space either.
November 8th, 2006 at 9:55 am
I’m being sincere when I say that I feel really bad for you.
I too read several of RK’s books and I admit I was tempted to jump onto his bandwagon as well. Still, a part of me kept thinking, “this guy is full of himself and, most likely, bullshit as well”.
Well, it turns out I’m not the only one. Check out John T. Reeds excellent analysis of Kiyosaki:
I think the best advice anyone could give you right now is to STOP taking advice from RK.
Good Luck!
November 9th, 2006 at 8:23 am
I have a question? re:foreclosures
If you walk from a house that has a First and Equity Line, and it goes into foreclosure can one or both of these lenders go after other properties I own? or put liens on the other houses?
very interesting blog-still reading it.
November 28th, 2006 at 6:05 pm
I look forward to reading this.
November 29th, 2006 at 2:24 pm
When Mr. Robert Kiyosaki will come to Romania?
Best Wishes!
January 21st, 2007 at 7:30 am
When Robert Kiyosaki comes to Singapore?
February 8th, 2007 at 10:15 pm
Mr Kiyosaki,
You are the most admirable salesman I have ever heard of, your books contain utter rubbish yet they sell like toilet paper. Keep up the good work, please use recycled paper next time as its not worth printing your books on normal paper.
February 12th, 2007 at 11:29 am
What a mess! Clean it up!
February 21st, 2007 at 7:34 pm
great stuff
February 25th, 2007 at 4:18 pm
you know what i want to happen? i want you to succeed and show all your skeptics they were all wrong. good luck man.