Sunday, July 29, 2007

Listening to People In Foreclosure

I’m staying an extra day here on my business trip to Phoenix because I have a pastor friend here who wanted me to say a few words at his church today.

He was preaching a sermon about God’s peace in adverse times. He wanted me to speak about how I am handling my financial crisis. So I gave a quick 5 minute talk talking about how I made some mistakes as an aspiring real estate investor and how I am under a bunch of debt and am facing foreclosure on 4 homes. I talked about my secret to having peace in the middle of this crazy financial storm.

After the church service I was approached by somebody who is also facing foreclosure. She gave me a hug and started telling me a little bit of her foreclosure story. I listened and gave her some advice on different ways to avoid foreclosure and told her about some of the stuff I am doing with my houses (short sale, selling with owner financing, etc..)

Her house was near the church so I decided to take a look and see if I can give her any more tips. It’s a 1 year old 2600 sqft 4 bed 2 bath 3 car house with a pool. The house is in perfect condition and is ready to be moved in.

It has been listed with a realtor but the listing is about to expire. By the looks of it the only reason the house hasn’t sold yet is because of the price. The problem is that there is too much owed against the house. Lowering the price any further is not possible without a short sale.

During the walk-through she told me the rest of the story about why she is facing foreclosure and the things they have already tried to do to save the house (refinance, etc). Like me, she has been getting calls from the lenders and lots of foreclosure mail. She also talked about the emotional issues of facing foreclosure and how this crisis is affecting her marriage and other relationships.

I listened and empathized because I know what it’s like. Even though I have had a very positive outlook there has definitely been a few of those days. I identified with the pressure and despair she is feeling and the effect on marriage.

She thanked me for listening and said it felt better just to share with somebody who understands.

I’m not out of it yet, but I can already see the the silver lining of my foreclosure experience, which is this: having the perspective to help other people who are facing foreclosure… even if it is nothing more than to just listen and offer encouragement.

This made my day.
Real Estate Investing College
Back in Sacramento

Robert Coté
December 17th, 2006 at 7:07 pm

Before you can start hrlping people you need to stop hurting people. Anyone being hurt? Say the children of those school districts in California that won’t recieve your tax payments? Say my kids who will be facing higher taxes and interest rates their entire lives to cover investor fraud?

Casey you are hurting my children with the actions you think are helping others. Is what you are looking for is an outside action so that you can claim that without being stopped you would have made all right?

Everything you have done these last 3 months has hurt everyone more than anything else you could have done. You’ve chosen a path of maximum destruction and I need yo know; are you concerned for what you’ve done to my children and are you going to stop?

Casey, are you going to stop hurting my children on your own or do you need a push?
The Trailer Park Boys
December 17th, 2006 at 7:12 pm

Casey Dude,

You, I repeat, YOU are the LAST person that needs to give advise to anyone concerning R/E. You are good at BS and other such things.

Stick to selling cars…
Plan It
December 17th, 2006 at 7:25 pm


Everyone would like the world to be a better place…a place of hugs, forgiveness, wealth, peace, etc. etc…but only a handful of people have the integrity and strength to make it a better place.

If you had any integrity, you would consult a lawyer with experience in the field and figure out the best way to declare bankruptcy and to settle your loans. You should consult with a criminal defense lawyer and determine if it is in your best interest to turn yourself in.

Any more “sweet” deals you make are just hurting more people. You can’t dig your way out of this. YOU ARE IN TOO DEEP.
** Ego **
December 17th, 2006 at 7:38 pm

Hey Casey,

I found this on iTulip:

“The ‘forgiveness’ formula went like this. Rather than absorb the defaulting loan property by foreclosure and subsequent expenses, if a defaulting homeowner had the means (employment or otherwise) to make some monthly payment, the lender would tack the previously defaulted monthly payments plus penalties on to the end of the loan, extending the years of payment, and a new loan was structured so that monthly payments were reduced to allow the homeowner to keep the property. This eliminating the lender’s capital expense problem of marketing a property in a spiraling down market.”

This may be a solution for some people facing foreclosure (not for you, though).
December 17th, 2006 at 7:40 pm

I have been reading your blog for a few months now and it amazes me that you are handling it very well. I don’t know how you do it.

You should look at this whole experience and think about what it has taught you. And what you can do with your knowledge. Maybe this is your calling.

You can set up foreclosure seminars all across the US and us the money you make teaching people to pay back your debt. You might even make a profit!

Grammar Teacher
December 17th, 2006 at 7:56 pm

Casey: “but I can already see the the silver lining of my foreclosure experience”

Yes - having destroyed your life (for many years), you can offer an experienced shoulder for others to cry on. Makes it all worthwhile, huh?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:01 pm


How can you speak before a church, when you have not repented? You may have admitted your sins, but you obviously have not changed your ways. Are you a practicing Chrisitan?

It is tough to admit you were wrong, but the even tougher part is to stop the sins. Anyone can say they were wrong, but why are you not stopping the activity and mindset that put you into trouble in the first place?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:01 pm

Mr. Casey, I’ve clicked on your adsense ads 8 times.
I hope that my click is enough to provide you with daily food money.
It must be hard going through this mess that you’re in sir.

You’re young.
You can start over again.
File for bankrtupcy now sir.

Don’t delay the inevitable. You’re only hurting yourself and your wife in this process.
What is the realistic chance that you’ll bounce back and have a positive cash flow?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:01 pm

How did you come to have a pastor friend in Phoenix?

What church did you speak at? Perhaps your pep talk is available online?

And how about the listing for the home you toured? Perhaps you could link to it? Could linking to it help her sell it?
Astro Zombie
December 17th, 2006 at 8:15 pm

I got up at 9AM this morning, ate breakfast and then went back to sleep. It feels good to be a Lazy Bastard! How is the life changing early riser program going Casey?

What about the December goals? It seems like you’ll do anything to avoid working on your OWN problems.
The Man
December 17th, 2006 at 8:23 pm

First of all, “affect on marriage” should be “effect on marriage”. Lots of people get those words mixed up though, so don’t be too embarrassed (I knew you wouldn’t be).

OK, now for some real advice. I am not sure why no one pointed this out to you yet. You are screwed. This woman is screwed. There really is no way to avoid foreclosure anyway. However, very stupid banks have put you in charge of these houses. You can leverage that.

Now, of course that leverage is limited. You really can’t rent them. You can’t sell them unless the bank deals, and we know that they won’t do that because they have been setting unreasonable minimums for short sales. But you can still get a few bucks out of these houses. How? Easy!

These houses have appliances, do they not? Sell them on eBay, in the local Craigslist, or locally to the scrap yard. A normal American house should have a washer, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, water softener, microwave, furnace, garage door opener, and AC unit. Pretty much everything can be sold, don’t let the fact that it is bolted down deter you. Sinks, toilets, door handles, locks, and the like can easily be removed. Since you are in California, you might even have a bidet to sell! Tiles can be removed, if in decent condition, and resold. If any of the houses have iron pipes you can get a few bucks out of the scrap. Copper scrap is worth more. If you can’t sell major appliances, they can be sold for scrap. If the windows are nice, consider selling these also. A windowless house might let in the elements and cause some minor damage, but that is not really your problem.

Given what you are facing already, you might want to consider taking a little bit of your money “off the table” before the banks take back the properties. It’s only fair that you get something out of your deals before the go permanently sour.

You should advise your friend of these creative ways to pull money out of a property. These ideas may be able to help both her and you.
Butt Mullins
December 17th, 2006 at 8:25 pm

You are a good christian, Casey. Maybe you, George W. Bush, and Jerry Falwell can start up a new Christian network in the next few years. Falwell can preach, W can offer political analysis, and you can provide personal financial advice. After all, there is nothing more Christian than refusing to account for your personal behavior. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with those who identify with modern Christianity. You continue down a destructive path, hurting people along the way. In the meantime, you refuse to accept that you are out of control and maintain that you are innocent. You are self destructive and destructive to other people. WWJD? I don’t know. But I bet he wouldn’t continue hurting people by borrowing money that will never be paid back and delaying the inevitable. Declare bankruptcy. That is all you have left.
December 17th, 2006 at 8:28 pm

Casey, you’re brilliant! You’re probably making enough money off of this website from the google ads to live comfortably.

Don’t worry about what everyone else has to say and continue to do whatever it is you feel you need to do ( and keep looking for good business deals and trying to make all of the money you can along the way).

Best of luck.
The Sangha
December 17th, 2006 at 8:30 pm

Rock on, Casey! You made someone’s day and offered a sound, reasonable outlook on life, and the haters still use that to stab you in the back and take cheapshots.

You are clearly on a much higher moral plane than your haters. Don’t let youthful mistakes make you feel bad about yourself. I am sure the haters have their own demons lying in the closet. They should look in the mirror!
December 17th, 2006 at 8:41 pm

Staying an extra day to speak five minutes at a church for a pastor friend does not speak well for your marriage.

Unless, of course, KH (your roommate at the “college”) is your wife…….

How much additional did this “extra day” cost you - in hotel charges, rental car, meals, air travel change fees??

You need to focus on the goals you set at the beginning of the month….

Get a good night’s rest - tomorrow we expect you to become an “early riser” once again and provide us with your plan for the week.
Ethical Realtor in DC
December 17th, 2006 at 8:45 pm

Did you mention in your talk at a church how you broke the commandmane “thou shalt not steal”??? After all, defrauding a financial insitution is stealing in my bible. And as for “thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house” - you seem to break that one in every deal you do. And… “thou shalt have no other gods before me” you sure seem to worship money, sweet deals and Kiyosaki more than any version of God that requires you be honest
December 17th, 2006 at 8:46 pm

I am a sucker I guess since I have a job. I’m penciling out my taxes for ‘06 and it looks like I grossed $117K this year. I’m trying to figure out why I should feel bad about this.

Anyway, two of my clients own their own insurance companies (One’s networth $60M drives a toyota tacoma and the other $12M drives a ford explorer) and we had Sunday brunch this morning. I showed them your blog and after they stopped laughing we were talking about starting a business and they both brought up something interesting.

Yes it’s true that every sucessful business person has failures, but they knew when things went south that they had to cut their losses. This is what made the difference between failure and catastophic disaster for them.

You’re making no effort whatsoever to stop the bleeding.

There are posts on this blog that have given you many ideas on ways to get out of the trouble that you’re in. What blinds you from paying attention?

You stated that this blog is intended to help others in your situation. Are you telling others in your situation to ignore all rational advice and keep attending seminars?

Or, is this blog just your hail mary pass that will hopefully generate enough traffic to employ financial methods that can exploit it?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:52 pm

“So I gave a quick 5 minute talk talking about how I made some mistakes as an aspiring real estate investor and how I am under a bunch of debt and am facing foreclosure on 4 homes. I talked about my secret to having peace in the middle of this crazy financial storm. ”

And did you tell them that you committed mortgage fraud?
December 17th, 2006 at 8:53 pm You are committing AdSense click fraud. You keep clicking on ads with no intension of any commercial interest, except to drive up a commission check.

You are a very very bad man… {{Wagging fingers from side to side}}
December 17th, 2006 at 8:55 pm

I see that even as we approach the week of Christmas people are relentless in their bitching at you. Why you are the cause to their angst is beyond me. Each week homes are selling ( )
just at a slower pace - which is not unusual for this time of year. It’s funny how the public will vilify real estate, but say nothing about banks who issue their Visas or Mastercards and the APR they pay on those credit cards, or the type of index they are tied to. Many don’t realize their balance won’t be paid off for 20 years. Often, people’s home problems are about consumer debt, over-spending, and not their monthly mortgage payment.
Merry Christmas Casey. I hope the New Year rings in a change of fortunes for you.
December 17th, 2006 at 8:58 pm

After reading almost all of the posts I this site I’ve come to one conclusion. Casey just wants to feel like a big shot. Like someone who matters. That’s why the Starbucks, Jamba Juice, and his latest little adventures. Really sad if you ask me. Poor pathetic kid. AND how in Christ’s name do you come to the conclusion that you can help anyone?? I hope for her sake that poor woman didn’t actually listen to a word you said. I heard a saying once that I think applies to you, although I can’t remember who said it or where I heard it. “Healer, heal thyself “
December 17th, 2006 at 9:50 pm

Would you people STOP clicking adsense ads just to help Casey? If you have no legitimate interest in the ads, DO NOT CLICK! You are defrauding HONEST people because they ave to pay for every friggen click. Casey, you should be responsible enough to ask people not to click just for the purpose of clicking.
fighting rhino
December 17th, 2006 at 10:08 pm

i don’t see how you could be (or are) a sinner

and by golly i won’t be taking your advice on foreclosure until you have actually gotten thru it!!!
on the other hand its good to gain experience through your adventures (living dangerously through your blog!)
December 17th, 2006 at 10:11 pm

I shoulda called ya for lunch.. I was in town this weekend.

DB — N. Scottsdale
December 17th, 2006 at 10:42 pm

You are in a position UNSUITABLE to give any kind of advice to anyone!


“You can set up foreclosure seminars all across the US and us the money you make teaching people to pay back your debt. You might even make a profit!”

You must be a member of the RK cult (or something similar), with about the same level of education, i.e. virtually none. And perhaps you haven’t been paying attention. If Casey had any clue how to address a foreclosure situation he’d be getting out of his own mess.

Exactly what nugget of wisdom would you have people pay for in his “seminars all across the US”? The sum total of what he has to offer is how to get INTO a foreclosure. Getting out of one is far beyond his grasp.
December 17th, 2006 at 10:43 pm

“I listened and gave her some advice on different ways to avoid foreclosure and told her about some of the stuff I am doing with my houses (short sale, selling with owner financing, etc..)”

It’s bad enough you are deluded yourself. It’s much worse when you spread it to others.

How would you have any advice on avoiding foreclosure? You’ve been foreclosed on. The rest of the houses are moving rapidly towards the same end.

Your lame attempt at a short-sale blew up in your face. You haven’t sold anything seller-financed and you won’t.

Since you started this blog you haven’t accomplished anything except for going in debt another ten or twenty thousand. You’ve wasted all this time.

Enjoy your fantasy while you can I guess. You only have a few more weeks before reality kicks you in the face.
Tim, from Monterey Bay area
December 17th, 2006 at 11:44 pm

“Since you started this blog you haven’t accomplished anything except for going in debt another ten or twenty thousand. You’ve wasted all this time.’

I calculate his monthly burn rate at closer to $20K, so in the past three months of this blog, he is out about $60K. In direct costs, that is, not counting any declines in the market value of his properties.

If this is incorrect, Casey should give us some semblance of a balance sheet on his various properties.

–Tim from Monterey
December 17th, 2006 at 11:51 pm

Let Mr. Wikifortune click as much as he likes. I promise, if he returns here each day to click on ads from the same IP address and w/the same Google cookie, Google will close Casey’s Adsense account under the assumption he’s behind the fraud.
thank you
December 17th, 2006 at 11:57 pm

Casey~Thank you so much!
my wife and i met and spoke to after the church service.
Even though I never heard of your blog until we spoke, you are a born motivational speaker, my wife and I have a better feelng about our situation after your talk and we are so grateful for all of your kind and generous words.
I wish the best of luck and we hope to one day get the chance to talk to you again!
Take care, God bless you!!
I clicked the adsense about 25x and my wife and son are clicking away now:)
December 18th, 2006 at 12:05 am

America has been in a real estate boom in prices and demand but this is over in many over valued markets due to the rise in interest rates. Quoting the National Association of Realtors from USA Today, 11/29/2006, “Prices of existing homes - which fell a record 3.5% last month - will likely drop further through year’s end, delivering the bitter medicine needed to restore the health of the housing market.”

Now the Fed has stabilized rates and the real estate price downtrend is slowing. But the dollar is falling quite dramatically in value. This week, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke are heading to China for some “strategic economic dialogue” because China holds $1 trillion in dollar reserves. I believe they are going “hat in hand” to get China’s cooperation in preventing a dollar collapse.

Economist, John Williams agrees with me. He recently stated, “The central bankers around the world know they are going to take a hit on their dollar holdings. None of the central bankers want to start a dollar panic, but none ….want to be the last out of the dollar, either.”

Most Americans could care less about the value of the dollar. But with the 2008 Presidential Election coming up, the public will be closely following their real estate values, so you can expect the Fed to hold or lower rates. This almost guarantees a far weaker dollar. But when the other central bankers really switch more of their dollar holdings to the other major currencies, expect a major collapse in the dollar.

Recommendation: get ahead of the investment crowd, before the public realizes we’re on the cusp of a major dollar crisis. Take some of your real estate profits and invest in European currencies. Second, look for undervalued real estate bargains adjacent to the high priced stuff the salesmen are pushing in this kind of market so you don’t buy at the top here in the United States. Or buy European real estate denominated in the Euro.

Understand that both professional and amateur investors get caught up in investment manias at the peaks of the market. I’ve watched successful entrepreneurs buy gold, tech stocks, and recently large real estate transactions at the very top of the market. So don’t follow the herd. Take action now to protect yourself from this dollar crisis, before it gets any worse.
Los Alamos County, NM representative
December 18th, 2006 at 12:14 am

I don’t know what that clown Sheriff Trujillo is up to in Sandoval County, but try those tricks in Los Alamos County, and you’d find yourself in the county jail, waiting transfer to the state penn.

It’s people like you that turn decent communities into slums. Stay out of Los Alamos County. We don’t take kindly to mortgage fraud.

We know all about you here in the Sheriff’s office.
Casey Serin
December 18th, 2006 at 12:25 am

Thanks for the comments everybody… I’ve been pretty busy this week with the real estate investing college so you haven’t seen much response from me. I’m going to try to get back into the swing of things (including early rising, getting back to the goals, etc) when I get back home Monday.

Google Ads:

I appreciate your desire to support me but PLEASE don’t just click the ads unless you are legitamately interested in the offer. I don’t want Google to shut me down for fraudulent clicks. It’s also not fair to the advertisers who are paying for your fake clicks.

In the future I may start deleting comments that talk about Google AdSense to prevent abuse. Also, please stop asking for the advertising revenue for the same reason. I will tell you when I’m ready.
** Ego **
December 18th, 2006 at 12:25 am

From Google AdSense Terms and Conditions:

Prohibited Uses. You shall not, and shall not authorize or encourage any third party to: (i) directly or indirectly generate queries, Referral Events, or impressions of or clicks on any Ad, Link, Search Result, or Referral Button through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent or other invalid means, including but not limited to through repeated manual clicks, the use of robots or other automated query tools and/or computer generated search requests, and/or the unauthorized use of other search engine optimization services and/or software;
December 18th, 2006 at 12:58 am

lol..i love this whole sin stuff…look out Casey ..your gonna get to the ummmm ..well they were pearly….its seems god got into flipping and turn them into granite for the steps up there …well sheez..cmon americans want escalators..cmon this sinnin and forgivin is hard work enough ,let alone having to climb steps ..hey he does a deal…0% apr for eternity with zero cash down …ohhhh sheez but casey he wants collateral …hey thats ok you goit collateral hey
December 18th, 2006 at 1:08 am

@ The Man

I fell out of my chair and my sides are still sore from laughing so hard!
December 18th, 2006 at 1:16 am

Casey, are you allowed to reveal the name of the church you spoke at?
December 18th, 2006 at 1:23 am

Mr. Casey sir
About the adsense… since this seems to violate google terms (according to what I’ve read here), I will be selective on the ones I click (ie the ones that are of interest to me).

Have a good day sir.
December 18th, 2006 at 1:50 am

What a hypocrite you are. You lie to get loans, a form of stealing, you blithely break promises to pay on contracts you signed, you maintain you are working out your problems while obviously doing nothing that would require action.
As others have noted, it’s not you who will carry the burden of these misdeeds, but the rest of us who face higher interest rates, and declining values of our properties because of what you have done. Yet you continue to pose yourself as an RE expert.
You are no expert, but just a sad shell of a human being. Do something unusual this week and open your mail, Casey, and read the damage you have wrought.
Hooray for Homey da Clown!
December 18th, 2006 at 3:26 am

You’re going to start deleting Adsense comments??? To prevent abuse?? Next, maybe the posts that mention bankruptcy? Why push you before you’re ready? How about posts asking you to open your mail? Surely, you will open your mail when you want to.

P.S. What’s the story with “res-com”?

P.P.S. When was the last time you made a payment on any of your debts?

P.P.P.S. How many dirty little pennies did you spend on your RE college trip (instead of paying back your lenders)?

P.P.P.P.S. What’s your Adsense revenue?
Chris G
December 18th, 2006 at 3:37 am


This may be your calling for the next few years….to lend an ear to those FB’s who got over their heads and ended up in an upside-down house.

I hear a lot of people on this board keep saying that you are not the least bit qualified to give advice about how to remedy their upside-down situation. I strongly disagree. I think very few people know the situation better than you do, and getting out of an upside-down house is very difficult and very time-consuming, but you know what needs to be done.

Someone also mentioned that good businesspeople cut their losses when they realize they are over their heads. I agree with that, but I think you are way beyond that at this point. The time to cut your losses was after you bought a few houses, but since you bought so many houses so quickly, it was either sink or swim. You would either become a millionnaire or you would go broke.

As you know, the armchair critics will continue to bark at you. Some have said they will only come back to get a good laugh. Rest assured that those people have little to look forward to in life… hope equals no future. And the people who quote Bible verses or the Ten Commandments, give me a break. Just about everyone has broken at least one of the Commandments, especially “Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain”. So don’t worry about those people — they definitely are the pot calling the kettle black.

Note to the person named “Ego” on this board: The situation you describe is a version of a forebearance agreement with a slight monthly reduction. Any investor who deals with foreclosure situations should be aware of this method.
The Trailer Park Boys
December 18th, 2006 at 3:47 am

Hey Casey Dude,

We are all going to church on Xmas eve and then Ricky is having a party at Lucy’s trailer.

Guess what????

You are invited.

We felt really bad about dissing you the other day, so we want to make amends. Were still not going to do business with you, but that doesn’t mean we cant party.

I still need a judge for the Christmas lights contest.

Mr Lahey(trailer park supervisor) is in rehab so we wont have any trouble with him. Lucy said she would take care of randy for us(hint,hint)

Thanks alot,

p.s. Bubbles said you can take the kitten home if you want. He is alot better now. Peace and Smiles…
December 18th, 2006 at 4:28 am

Look at the adwords shown to me below, not one is for an ‘honest’ business. By the way, i clicked on every one for you Casey..go get em, hope that will help with your next sweeeeeet deal!

Simply Stop Foreclosure
Trusted by Non-Profit Centers Our Caring Counselors Help You

Hyannis Foreclosures
Free list of foreclosures, fixer uppers and estate sales save 1000’s

Foreclosures for Sale MA
Foreclosed Homes list-Free Service Foreclosure Database- Updated Daily

How To Stop Foreclosure
Change Lender In 3 Weeks! Avoid 3 Common Mistakes.
December 18th, 2006 at 4:43 am

“I appreciate your desire to support me but PLEASE don’t just click the ads unless you are legitamately interested in the offer. I don’t want Google to shut me down for fraudulent clicks. ”

By happy coincidence, I recently watched the classic film ‘Kind Hearts and Coronets’, in which the “hero”, having murdered nearly a dozen people to get at an inheritance, is finally arrested for the one crime that he DIDN’T commit.

And the parallels get even more startling because…


…after being arrested, Casey - sorry, Louis Mazzini - is just about to be led to the gallows, when he’s suddenly reprieved as it’s established at literally the last minute that he didn’t commit that particular crime. So he blithely walks out of the prison, supremely confident that he’s got away with murder, only to be asked by a journalist about the rights to his memoirs, which he’d been writing in his cell (and in which he confessed all). And he suddenly realises with a sickening lurch that he left the manuscript behind in his cell.

Of course, in Casey’s case he decided to publish his memoirs upfront even before getting to a prison cell, so the parallels fall down a bit there. But I still think it would be supremely ironic (or poetic justice, if you’re less charitable) if he got barred by Google over this when, for once, it’s not actually his fault.
Ricky Roma
December 18th, 2006 at 5:16 am

Why must you insist on deleting posts and editing out the names of the “college” you attended? Seriously, this site used to be fun and you used to have a sense of humor about it but now you’re taking things way too seriously.

I really hope you enjoy prison, I do. With your winning attitude you might lose a few teeth in addition to your self-esteem. You have such a positive outlook on things because you’re mentally unbalanced and/or a naive twit. Nothing can save you from BK and the more you edit out comments and take a holier-than-thou approach to answering questions the more readers you’re going to lose and the more adsense $ are going to dwindle.

Print this, don’t print this, I could really care less. But if you think people aren’t laughing at you for going to that joke of a “college” […] you’re really deluding yourself. Oh, and telling us “I’ll tell you when I feel ready” is a real bitch move. We all KNOW that you’re making money off of the ad clicks and that you’re cheerleaders are gaming the system for you. Give it up.
December 18th, 2006 at 5:26 am

God loves loosers too I guess
Less than zero
December 18th, 2006 at 5:29 am

Remember when Casey bought himself a Jamba Juice on the first day of his early riza program to reward himself?

Good times, good times.
The Man
December 18th, 2006 at 5:32 am

“In the future I may start deleting comments that talk about Google AdSense to prevent abuse. Also, please stop asking for the advertising revenue for the same reason. I will tell you when I’m ready. ”

Why should people stop asking for the advertising revenue “for the same reason”? Is posting the revenue AdSense abuse also? If so, you have already done it. If not, we can only assume you are hiding something. Don’t try to pretend you “can’t” post the revenue. The simple fact is you don’t want to and that says enough. In any case, good for you. This is why people keep commenting that you should be in marketing (proper) and not flipping.
December 18th, 2006 at 5:49 am

casey….integrity… yeah right. talk about irony!
Grammar Teacher
December 18th, 2006 at 6:16 am

The Man: “I am not sure why no one pointed this out to you yet. You are screwed.”

You must be new here :=) Welcome !!

Many people have been saying this to Casey over and over for weeks & months.

He doesn’t want to hear it, he doesn’t listen well…
December 18th, 2006 at 6:24 am

Advising from the helm of a sinking ship!
Your trying harder to promote yourself for Pre-Foreclosure status, yet stated visited a Church? then Her Home?
Business on the Lord’s Day?
He knows better than you do, so remember he is a lender as well, he lent his Son Jesus Christ to Us to die for our Sins !
Not on His day!
December 18th, 2006 at 6:25 am

Tell her to Post it on
Register and Advertise the Home for free !
Using Discount Code : freesell
you are crazy!
December 18th, 2006 at 6:39 am

I’m with WTF but in a different sense. I think that CS is into avoidance. Anything that takes his mind off his current problems and puts him in a “good place” (delusions of future real estate successes, making lists in coffee shops, blogging, Jamba Juice, talking about his situation over and over again with newbies, thinking about his “maker”, not eating, rising early, etc) will become priority #1 for him. He wants to avoid reality but then it comes crashing through, he posts about desperation, hopelessness, etc before swinging back into maniacal activity–whether or not it is relevant to his own mess.

PS: Are you saving or splurging for Christmas this year, Casey?
December 18th, 2006 at 6:46 am

Did it occur to you that you’re the last person to give anyone advice?

Just because you know you “made mistakes” doesn’t mean you have a clue what you’re doing NOW. “Short sale”. Geez. I hope that poor woman talks to an actual lawyer before she decides to try and pull a Casey.
Grammar Teacher
December 18th, 2006 at 6:50 am

Hey - Early Rising sleephead, where are you?

You have houses to sell, sweet deals to chase, money to make, December goals to achieve…
December 18th, 2006 at 7:17 am

I also clicked on your AdSense many times as well!!!!!
December 18th, 2006 at 7:26 am

Casey, it’s great that you were able to give that lady a shoulder to lean on for a moment. I’m sorry that you can’t find it somewhere in your heart to post her property here. What better way to get it some exposure and perhaps not have her foreclosed upon.

Look into your heart Casey. Is this blog and experience all about you and you only? Or is it here to help people, as you initially stated you wished do? You’ve got a perfect opportunity to help someone in need. Yet I am left to wonder about the end game here for you. Soon I’m sure we’ll find out.

As for clicking on the Adsense ads or not, those businesses that placed their ads here have made a business decision to get their ads placed here and elsewhere on the web. Most of them are aware that there will be plenty of garbage clicks on their links. But it’s a number game for them. Just one sweet deal and it easily pays for a month or more worth of clicks.

As for your financial need to have the ads here, it probably does get you some money. And I feel that is part of the end game, whether it plays out your way or not. Good luck either way.
December 18th, 2006 at 7:51 am

You’ll let us know your adsense revenue when you’re ready? You mean when you finally let everyone know that this whole thing is a scam?
December 18th, 2006 at 8:08 am

Casey, i click 50 ad links each day just to help you.

good luck, man
The Unwelcome Guest
December 18th, 2006 at 8:42 am

“As for clicking on the Adsense ads or not, those businesses that placed their ads here have made a business decision to get their ads placed here and elsewhere on the web. Most of them are aware that there will be plenty of garbage clicks on their links. But it’s a number game for them. Just one sweet deal and it easily pays for a month or more worth of clicks.”


“Sweet deals”

You should totally change the comments template from “interesting” to “sweet”!

134 Sweet comments!!!

You know you want to Casey!
Old Fart
December 18th, 2006 at 8:45 am

Why do I read this blog? It’s like the Gladiator movie with russel crowe. I want to see if Casey can survive the lions. The odds are stacked against him. Can he do it?

If I were in your shoes here’s what I would do:

-explore chapter 7 bankruptcy. Talk with a lawyer if you will be facing criminal charges for fraud and to what extent and how likely is serving time in prison. Your job should be to find some “creative” and “sweet” way to file for chapter 7 without going to jail. Get a prepaid legal membership for 26 bucks a month and consult with one of their attorneys over the phone. Try to see if you will get sympathy as a naive inexperienced 24 year old who got greedy and bought into all that get rich quick stuff. This blog is working against you in that respect. But you do have the 30k you spent on get rich quick seminar training to work in defence of your “youthful stupidity”.

-If you can file for chapter 7 without getting jailtime, do it. Try to use being an active member in your church to get community service instead of jailtime.

-quit thinking about networking and making others happy and all that win-win stuff. All that matters is survival. No more business trips. Cash is king so stop the minimum payments on your credit cards. If you can’t file for chapter 7 successfully, do whatever you can to hold on till early march to short sell. Whatever 1099s you get, get a lawyer who has experience with tax authorities to negotiate that down. Suppose you get 1099s totalling around $300,000 and you then owe roughly half of that in taxes. Try to get that reduced due your hardship circumstances and get a monthly installment payment plan. Use any of your “creativity” to get credit cards so you can shift as much of the taxes owed to the cards and then file for bankruptcy. If you wait till early 2007 the 1099s won’t come home to roost until april 2008 so you’ll think of something in the meantime. Use that time to get as much credit as you can to shift the taxes to. You can try for that. Of course you will be piercing the corporate veil, but the alternative is certain ruin, and you want to stay in the game right?
Grammar Teacher
December 18th, 2006 at 9:00 am

I find myself very interested in the many unique once-in-a-lifetime ads posted on Casey’s site. I am legitimately interested over and over.
December 18th, 2006 at 9:13 am

So are we or are we not clicking on ads to help Casey with his money problems?

What is the official word from our wise leader?
December 18th, 2006 at 9:14 am

PS. You don’t have to tell us your revenue. I’m more curious about your CTR
December 18th, 2006 at 9:31 am

How much did that real estate College cost you? With your current financial situation, was it worth it?

Stephanie J.
December 18th, 2006 at 9:55 am

I can just picture Casey, striding through this woman’s property, his tiny, blue-clad chest puffed out, scanning everything with his experienced, skillful investor’s eye–pointing out this and that, offering her nuggets of great wisdom he heard in a book. We all know how important it is to *look* like you know what you’re blathering on about. Who cares about the looming disaster he’s got waiting for him when he returns from his little REI sabbatical…?

Other peoples’ situations should not be your priority right now, young Mr. Serin. They will handle it as best they can; and frankly, will probably do better without advice from you. Neither should you waste time on seminars, and all other crap you think will save you from foreclosure and somehow still have you end up with a profit from what are ultimately BAD investments. You are deluded if you think this can be an end result to all this. You’ve had opportunities for occasional clean breaks from some of your properties, but your constant ‘holding out for something better’ is going to be your ultimate failure.

Face the problems. Open your mail. Face your obvious slide into depression; deal with your addictive behaviour, which is unmistakable; and GROW UP. This is not ambition or accomplishing one’s dreams, this is blind folly–and an exercise in stupidity–and it’s bringing down a wife along with it.

Be an adult and stop running away from your problems, Casey.
Stephanie J.
December 18th, 2006 at 9:59 am

@ Julie: I’m sorry to say, your awe is misplaced, because He’s not ‘handling’ it. At all.

@The Sangha: Call us what you may; I don’t think committing fraud with lenders qualifies as ‘high moral ground’.
December 18th, 2006 at 10:19 am


My paws are too thick to click on the ads properly!



PS - Homey da Clown rules. He can pet me anytime. I will sit on his lap and purr happily.
Homey Da Clown
December 18th, 2006 at 10:33 am

Casey, Here is a test to see if you are being honest with all of us.

Simply copy/paste ( you know how to do that at least) the following, and reply to it on your blog, with the following- ” YES, I ADMIT THIS IS TRUE AND CORRECT”

That’s it.

Here it is:

I declare under penalty of perjury as per “U.S. Title 28,§ 1746. Unsworn declarations under penalty of per­jury”, and California Penal code 118 &118(a), that everything I, Casey K. Serin, have posted on my online blog known as is true and correct.”

Executed on December 18, 2005. Casey K. Serin

You say that this site is not a scam. PROVE IT.
December 18th, 2006 at 10:35 am

People, don’t just click on the google ads for no good reason! Not only are you defrauding good people who are providing useful information on how to:

1. stop your own foreclosure
2. get listings of foreclosures (presumably of people who didn’t use the services of advertiser #1)
3. find 75+ hot houses in houston for making $3 to $30k each!

etc., you’re gonna get Casey kicked out of the program and depriving him of his only source of steady income! Then who’s going to pay for the blog?
Great jorb
December 18th, 2006 at 10:55 am

Casey - what was “Hi-Riser”?
December 18th, 2006 at 11:06 am

Misery loves company.
Chin-y Chin Chin
December 18th, 2006 at 11:06 am

In China, we crick ad 50,000 time each day for our good Amelican fliend Casey.

Hope it herlps!
hater repellent
December 18th, 2006 at 11:14 am

Yo Casey,
I clicked one ad 100 times. That should tide you over for a while.
Hater Mike
December 18th, 2006 at 11:33 am

Case, it’s 12/18. We’re well overdue for a status report of the Dec deliverables. This is basic project management. Since you defined goals due by the end of the month, you don’t wait until then to measure and report.

To make sure that you stay on track, more frequent statuses are required so that you can know when something is slipped and take corrective action. You are making and measuring progress, right (smirk)?

To the posters that want to see the property of the woman owned by the NM woman, it would be easy for the Mighty K to post a link but she and the house don’t exist. K is emulating Kiyosaki in every way which means that either half of what he says and everything that he says is BS. There may be some truth jazzed up with wild exaggerations (read: lies) or no truth whatsoever. I’m still undecided about Casey and Kiyosaki in this regard.
December 18th, 2006 at 12:13 pm

“getting out of an upside-down house is very difficult and very time-consuming, but you know what needs to be done.”

If that was true, he wouldn’t still be sitting on these houses. The only way out of them will be foreclosure.

This thread seems to have an unusual amount of fools and idiots in it. Did Casey invite his fellow “college” members here?
Meet Your Maker
December 18th, 2006 at 12:24 pm

I was just thinking that not many groups of Christians I know really refer to God as “My Maker”. Not saying it isn’t true but usually that is more of a new age type thing or a sudo christian group. Do you have chalices of jamba juice and an early riser assembly?

Don’t get me wrong having a relationship with God is good but don’t buy into the false prosperity gospel message…
December 18th, 2006 at 12:37 pm

Yes, Casey, you are hurting my children as well! I second everything that Robert Cote has said. Since you are not doing anything to aleviate the situation, when are WE going to do something about it?????
December 18th, 2006 at 12:56 pm

Casey -

I asked this yesterday, but don’t see it posted.

Is the reason you are attending these “seminars” because you did not graduate high school and therefore can not attend a four year university?

Please tell us you graduated high school - which high school was it? What you did you graduate?

It is a basic question - one I’ve not seen asked, nor answered.

There is no shame in not having graduated - my grandfather didn’t (he had an 8th grade education, but went on to be a business manager and owner of many rental properties). The late Peter Jennings also did not graduate high school.

Please let us know.
December 18th, 2006 at 1:08 pm

Where oh where is Yneone when you need her? I so miss that cheery, vapid voice of spurious positivity.
click away
December 18th, 2006 at 1:27 pm

I’ll click on the links 50 times a day too, until Casey tells us the adsense revenue for Oct and Nov.

By not posting it Casey is telling us pretty loudly that he is not comitted to being honest, so I say that we should all click away until Casey tells us the adsense.
December 18th, 2006 at 2:22 pm

Horse seeks horses; cow seeks cows. That’s what you see at herbivore university.

I clicked your websense ads too. What the hell heh. Just want to be fair that all. I had fun picking on you and your stupidity.
Michael Cooke
December 18th, 2006 at 3:04 pm

“Anyone being hurt? Say the children of those school districts in California that won’t recieve your tax payments?”

“Casey, are you going to stop hurting my children on your own or do you need a push”

LOL! I almost fell out of my seat reading this one…how silly!
Chris Johnson
December 18th, 2006 at 3:36 pm

Yes, I think this and last week’s theme is “Avoidance!” Casey pulled his head out of the sand just long enough to make his posts and go back to ignoring his problems. Oh, and also to scold us for wanting to know more than his carefully selected info–can’t we just ignore what we’re not getting and come to the wrong conclusion, e.g. the conclusion Casey would like us to come to?

Casey, your manipulation skilz need serious work, but I know you’ll learn from this and soon your victims will have no idea they’re being played. Good luck with that.
December 18th, 2006 at 4:35 pm

So Casey hates wage slaves yet he’s hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. I think i’ll just stick to my crappy wage slave job and live life rather stress free. How’s that house flipping working out for you Casey? LOL
Turn Yourself In
December 18th, 2006 at 4:45 pm

You asked Joremo what you should do and he told you to TURN yourself into the FBI for the FRAUD you committed.

What are you waiting for? It’s costing us taxpayers more money the longer you wait.
December 18th, 2006 at 6:37 pm

First of all. You have not learned one thing. Going into business is about realistic expectations. You have none. Secondly, get a job now, because of your credit and impending criminal record you will not be able to: buy a home, or get a job in the mortgage or real estate market for the next 10 years. Third, you committed mortgage fraud, and I pray that many are looking at your site and your lenders. Those that I pray are looking at your site are the taskforce on the FBI for mortgage fraud. Every mortgage is public knowledge. I am actually copying this right now to the All of you need to be in jail. From your processor, underwriter, loan officer, etc. Regardless of how you tried to hide, all was public knowledge and on your credit report. To your lender be well aware. This gentleman was at the beginning stupid enough to put his housing information and name on his site. It is amazing what public info is out there now. You knew it then, and regardless if you are not working for the company that you did this, you can and will be arrested.

You can go to as many classes as possible, however you committed fraud, are a fraud, and need to be in jail. You are 24 years old, and have not figured out that you need money to make money. You have been trying to sell houses that will not sell. You bought them overpriced in a market that is changing. You bought houses that you could not afford in the first place. You said that you were living in the houses to get the rate you did. Regardless of getting married, who in their right mind would want to invest with a person that is as clueless as you? You are no sales person. Just a stupid person that got in way over his head, and screwed every person you could. Now you use a website to get sympathy and maybe a little money. It is sad… Have fun in jail. Maybe when you are there you will learn what it is really like to get screwed! Enjoy!
Mind Petals: Young Entrepreneur Network
December 18th, 2006 at 6:59 pm

links from Technorati Listening to People In Foreclosure
December 18th, 2006 at 7:42 pm

Cassey,what’s with the pics on flicka
You can’t sell a house with a pic of trash cans, no base boards, unpainted walls,weeds, a junky house across the street,trees not trimed,a dirty bath.
Get Real
Take sum better photos.
You dunderheads
December 18th, 2006 at 9:22 pm

If Casey doesn’t get caught, you folks made him a ton of money…
Nadia Belemi
December 18th, 2006 at 9:27 pm

I have been inspired by this website. I’ve been inspired to install the adblock add-on for firefox/mozilla. Thanks, Casey.
December 19th, 2006 at 7:16 am

Casey has got to look into more product placement and/or sponsorships with places like Jamba Juice. He can be just like Jared, the Subway guy. I propose he do a video and post it here, then contact Jamba Juice.

Cue the cameras. Casey, wearing blue shirt and khaki’s, strolls through one of his dilapidated neighborhoods.

Casey: Hi, I’m Casey. You may also know me as the ‘I am Facing Foreclosure’ guy from the internet, Usa Today, and tv.

He motions to the crappy house behind him.

Casey: I’m in a bit of a mess as you may know, but with the help of my Maker, my darling patient wife, Savvy Chris, RK, Rich Dad II, and PrCheeseWhores d’euves, plus all the good folks on my blog, I’m trying to work my way out of it.

Behind him, the garage on the house falls in, dust exploding everywhere.

Casey: Oops, needs a bit more work there to complete this sweet win-win deal. Let me make a note of that action item for January.

He pulls out a notepad and jots it down, then continues to walk and at the street, opens the door to his sweet Jetta.

Casey: Check out the rims….sweeeeeeeeeeet. But you’re not here to check out my sweet ride. My point here is that amid all the chaos of sweet win-win deals, failing forward, early rising, my college education and all the piles and piles of that pesky mail, only one thing gets me through the day.

He reaches into the Jetta and pulls a big cup from his console drink holder. He holds it up.

Casey: Jamba Juice. Wheat grass is my favorite. I may have pissed away millions, but no matter how bad things get, I’ve always got an extra $37 for a Jamba Juice.
Jamba Juice - always a win-win.

Takes a big swig.

Casey: Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!

Copyright Jobu 2006.

Bartender, Jobu needs a refill.
Jams O'Donnel
December 19th, 2006 at 7:41 am


Dr. Johnson wrote in his dictionary that ‘patriotism is the last resort of a scoundrel’. With you, it’s religion.

What a thoroughly odious man you are.

…bottle of brandy….revolver…yes?
Jams O'Donnel
December 19th, 2006 at 8:24 am


God doesn’t exist

December 19th, 2006 at 1:59 pm

Unbelievable: Just so you know I have a Master’s in Accounting!! I have spent alot of money on my education. And let me tell you something, You do not need an education or a reason to make money in this world. Do you know how many people teach at seminars that have never flipped a house or who have never owned a home that was in foreclosre? ALOT!!

When Casey is done with this mess he is in he will know enough to get himself out of another sticky situation (Real Estate or Not) What he is learning here is responsibility, organization, how to deal with criticism, public speaking, and how to continue on with life.

I bet you Casey will turn out to be a wealthy man. Look at Donald Trump he made Millions and then claimed Bankruptcy and now he is right back on the top. Trump took his failure and turned it around because that is the type of person he is: Strong, Dedicated and Brilliant.

Casey: I am on your side!!
December 19th, 2006 at 9:02 pm

HAHAHA I just clicked on your adSense ad’s about 45 times.. I’m going to get you suspended from Google ;D
Dale D
December 19th, 2006 at 10:41 pm

hey Mind Petals, you suck and your blog is total crap. I want to wipe my butt with your mind petals. Hey Casey don’t let the haters get you down. Lame Haters! They’re just jealous because your so smart and make sweet deals with ease. Congratulations on graduating from real estate college I’m sure you’ll be making alot more money now. Really cool how you can pick and click on those houses. One you get your corporate credit you’ll be fine. Don’t listen to all the haters I know that this blog is just to help all of the stupid people out there. Don’t let Mind petal post any more he’s a racist fanatic!
Thanks for keping us updated on all the events and for answering so many questions. I’m going to click on your adds for a good hour tonight. I’m also gonna buy a few dozen shirts.
Chris G
December 20th, 2006 at 3:33 am


Thanks for responding to something I have posted. But no, I’m not one of Casey’s “college” acquaintances. However, I see that you enjoy beating people when they are down, as well as insulting people like myself. I guess you just couldn’t stop at just insulting and berating Casey, could you?

When I said to Casey that “getting out of an upside-down house is very difficult and very time-consuming, but you know what needs to be done,” I was saying that he knows virtually all of the possible methods that one can employs to try and avoid foreclosure, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he will avoid foreclosure. The banks will decide in due time if he needs to be foreclosed upon. In other words, he knows what he needs to do, but it might not work out for him in the end. All he can do is try the very best that he can.

I posted all of that for you, so that you would understand. See, sometimes people won’t post all of the negative stuff that people such as yourself like to post, but I figured I would explain to you in intricate detail since apparently I am the idiot.
December 20th, 2006 at 3:06 pm

As to not being able to attend a four-year college without graduating high school… balderdash. I dropped out at age 16 (thrown out of the house) and attended CC until I could transfer. I now hold a BSBA and MBA from SJSU.
December 20th, 2006 at 4:28 pm

Ruh roh.
December 22nd, 2006 at 12:45 am

Casey….. I read the posts and I feel for you…. If only some of these people knew that the message you conveyed was not about your situation but about the message Pastor Steve was delivering….about the Peace you can feel with God in the midst of your chaos all around… I think it took guts for you to stand in front of our congregation and speak! It was good to meet you and as shallow as it may make me feel….I know that right now I am blessed for where I am at in life. I told you I lost my husband just over a year ago….his loss of income almost caused the foreclosure sale of my home, I was lucky, I was able to over come my situation. But I was even luckier …. for I have God on my side….!
Good luck to you … and hopefully you will come back to our church

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