If you look at his property listings, you’ll notice the UT property is now SOLD, and in his opening bit on the right, the number 6 has been scratched out to show 5.
Not really that big of a deal, because if it won’t bail him out of foreclosure on the TX property, he’s still screwed.
Casey, I wasn’t joking in my prior email about paying for a credit score. I didn’t see the damn tip bucket before. As a prior poster noted, you can and should get your free credit reports. You can also get them if you claim that you were turned down for credit or a job within a certain timeframe. But I am more interested in the score and you have to pay for that. Use Equifax, they give a real FICO score. Some other services use their own scoring models which can be way off.
Look for a payment from The Man in Truth or Consequences, NM for $20. I rounded it up to leave a little bit of a tip in there after paying for the credit pull.
…he may have got a short sale ..but who would buy online..theres no pic…no lotsize…and the guy will probaby either scam you to death ..or try and make deals on everything and anything …i had a friend like casey ..except he lost a lot more…and he rang one day out of the blue talking about investing ..as soon as he heard i had some money stashed away ..he was around the next day in business suit trying to rope me into one of his shady deals …yous guys are so much alike…learn to seperate your dreams from your reality….because at the moment theres no seperation.
As a 29 year vet of the financial services industry I am amazed that you were able to obtain 2.2MM in mortgage debt. If true - the financial apocolypse in sub prime residential mortgage lending can’t be far off. In a best case scenario you will file chapter 7 and get a job. In a worse case scenario you will spend time in prison for fraud. The real estate speculation world you have been living in recently has come to an abrupt halt and you got caught without a chair when the music stopped. The good news for you is that you have litttle to lose. Others are not so fortunate.
Casey, after you’ve come out of bankruptcy, either served your time or avoided prison, and gotten a full-time job, you should pursue internet marketing in your spare time. You’ve already got 18 replies to a post that just says “Big News to Come Later Today…”. Brilliant.
Your story is great fun to read! I know several “investors” in the same or worse situation as yours and a couple more almost there. I was buying with bigg cash back for 2-3 years and put away 20-50k on each house(more than 50). Tried to do fix-ups but the time delays and cost overruns killed my budget. Sooo I found that many builders had a desperate level of inventory and they would readily pick up on the concept of cash back and play ball if you buy 3, 4 or more from them. Also the houses were new and easy to resell with alittle marketing. Even the same neighorhood and other agents bringing buyers in. The exit plan I learned saved my credit. I almost went 30 days late a couple of times but finally banged out enough sales to bail myself out. I always purchased as an investor and never as owner occupied.
The mindset between an Entrepreneur and an employee is like RAMBO vs. Pee-Wee Herman. Look at all of you critics out there. “What’s good enough for me is good enough for him”. Half of you took the so called “safe secure way”. Sitting in a j-o-b until age 47. This is really anything but safe in today’s global environment. The truth is that most of you are full of fear and afraid to take risks.
You are not on the same level as this guy. He has experience you will never receive from your college education or a j-o-b (Just over Broke). Entrepreneurs get a j-o-b as a last resort. Not a first. Do you have the first clue what emotions are involved in going back “the cubicles”? DO you know how hard it is breaking away in the first place? No, of course not.
It was not only the money but the human behavior that forced me out. For every $1; I’m making my employer $50. But wait! That’s still not good enough. Because anyway they can chisel me down ($) they will. In America inflation averages 2% a year. Employee raises average 3%. What does that number tell you?
Now add the office politics, fake good mornings, people taking credit for my hard work, seniority benchwarmer mindsets (yes you), underhanded office tactics, “intangible” benefits and the “smile or your fired” threat from middle management. This is just the surface.
We dream of independence. And as such all young entrepreneurs, myself included (27 years old) are on a totally different level than an regular employee even if we fail. You would not know what is like to hold a dream so close to your heart and put in the work it takes to achieve it to bring yourself back again and again from the brink of disaster. Giving up so much and working so hard to achieve our dreams. 70 hour work weeks, one day weekends…
You 47 year old whiners with kids. You fatties. Is it 5:00 yet?
Casey. No worries you will ride this out and get through it. And you will come out on top. The game will not be over for you when you declare bankruptcy. It’s just starting.8) you are going to be a multi-millionaire. Every successful entrepreneur has faced hardships a you have had more experience from this than any of these chicken little fearful critics on here pointing fingers and accusations. In 7 years most will still be in the same job. However when - and if - you have to declare bankruptcy it is only on your record for 7 years then its like it never happened. In the meantime you can focus on building yourself up.
My aunt and uncle did this and they KEPT their house and their cars using legal means. See what you can do. It is unlikely. But possible. That if you are physically living in one of the houses you can keep it. You will need to consult an attorney.
Banks are the ones giving home loans away. I have even heard of illegal immigrants owning houses and getting mortgages here in Los Angeles. This is total lack of government oversight and the banks are just as guilty. They are more than eager to fleece people. And if they want to use the “credit score” as thier “Holy Grail” to determine a person’s financial integrity to own a house then this is the result. Bush can use some of the 1 trillion dollars in “funny money” that he just printed to pay back the banks when this real estate market drops like a hot plate - and people are for-closed on. Casey is not the only one.
When it comes down to it he simply used the means available at his disposal to take the risks needed to get in on an appreciating real estate market and achieve success rather than be left out in the cold. Kudos to Casey. I was left out. Even though I can afford a house my credit sucks. Sir your income is good but your credit sucks. - is all I ever hear.
If that is their holy grail then so be it! I blame all of this on the government. That does not make what Casey did (allegedly) right. However the lack of government oversight, holding down interest rates to cover up a failed economy, the 50 year mortgage and everything else related to this “real estate” boom started a long time ago and all contributed to the present situation.
I sure hope the myebid thing a hoax/joke. If he is thinking that is going to clear $2M there is no way. If he ends up with $1.2M (just to be generous) what if the bank don’t accept the short sale? Where does he come up with $800,000K? Nothing like a good train wreck.
“I must sell all of my properties in less then two weeks and I am auctioning all of them off for one price. Get in on the best real estate deal in history!”
Most likely it is something like one poster said few days back. Someone saved his a??. ANd that person would be able to help others in forclosure or financial dispair.
Why on earth would anyone want a package of properties scattered across 4 states? Putting each one up for bid seperately would appeal to more buyers. Not a lot of buyers, but more than zero which is what a NM/CA/TX/UT package is going to attract.
good to see the Amway shills are out in force (only Amway and other MLM woud refer to a job as Just Over Broke). Despite what you like to think in your impetulent youth, many of us know what it is like to sweat for ourselves. I was self-employed for almost 15 years, longer than you’ve been working. So listen up and drop the kool-aid, ok?
Casey, and you, are convinced that jobs are for suckers, and this is just total horse puckey. Try telling people like Sam Palmisano, Jack Welch, and A Rod that jobs don’t pay well. Guess what? You’re wrong, dead wrong. Worse, you and he are not entrepreneurs, you’re deadbeats trying to act the part. I spent well over 60 hours a week working and your type thinks that you can spend 40 hours and sleep on the beach for the rest. Well forget it.
You reap what you sow and this is one bitter harvest.
hey michael. im 35, married with no kids….yet. i have a house(bought from my parents as i grew up in it) that sits on an acre in the city of alexandria just outside DC. that’s phat RE. backs up to 120 acres of park/woodland that cannot be developed. I have worked with the same firm for 12 years now since i graduated college. i have a corner office with 4 windows that is larger than most master bedrooms. Even though i got a 15k raise back in march(yes 15k). I am still frugal. I commute via bicycle(well i do this b/c i race mt bikes). We have over 30k in hard cash, 250k in my PST and her 401k and our Roth IRAs. I don’t fear as you say today’s job environment. See i have made myself indespensable at my firm. Along with being an economist I have taken on the added responsibilities of doing all of our IT work in-house saving us money and making the firm’s partners appreciate me even more(yep i am not a partner nor do i want to become one). ive got that corner office w/o being a partner. got that phat pay w/o being one. if i didn’t have to drive to race mt bikes and go camping i would never have to drive my car. I lead what i call a good life. comfortable yet not overspending(or doing stupid s*** like casey). I learned my lesson during the Tech bubble burst back in 2000. luckily I LEARNED from that lesson unlike casey or at least how it seems right now. You would have to be crazy to ‘invest’ in RE right now considering the market dynamics and environment. Only the true pros can make money in this now b/c you need hard cash and a strong stomach to deal with the fast moving pace right now. Unlike Casey I don’t consider myself experienced enough to jump into the market. I will however, keep my eyes on it as i expect some great deals in the next 1-2 years as more idiots like casey get flushed down the toilet dragging prices even lower. THEN will be the time to look for some investment opps. not now though. now even the vultures are being careful to not get poisoned by spoiled meat.
so michael not all of us live in ‘fear’ as you call it. you see a movie like office space and think everyone works in a cubicle. Far from it buddy. far from it.
If your employer is “chiseling you down,” then they must be stupid.
You should be getting offers left and right for 200%, 300%, 500%, heck even a 1000% raises. So why don’t you take one of those offers?
“Sir your income is good but your credit sucks. - is all I ever hear. If that is their holy grail then so be it! I blame all of this on the government.”
If your credit sucks, fix it. If you want to blame the government for your sub-prime status, okay. Have at it. But it won’t do any good.
This guy makes ‘lonelygirl” look like a 3rd grade science project.
Can’t say I didn’t tell you so. The fact that he “fooled? so NPR, USA today, and others is a testiment to the stupidity of the masses.
It appears that we are at about the 14 1/2 minute mark of his 15 minutes of fame.
I see the “sign up” for the illegal raffle button is still up. No more mention of the BK attorney. The nature of this site has gone full blown PR. If you people are not bright enough to see through the obvious charade of a story, then perhaps Casey is smarter than I thought.
Ponder this: RK comes to the “rescue” of Casey, bails his a** out for about $200-$300k. How much free publicity, how many more books, seminars, tapes, cs, etc will RK sell because of it?
Think of the endless number of possibilites here for RK to self-promote.
Do the math. Brilliant
So Casey, when did you and RK first cook this idea up?
Marriage is a team relationship. “Divorce would be a start”. Where do I even begin to slice and dice an irresponsible suggestion like this? Marriage is a team relationship. Quitters never win. And in my personal opinion, companies using credit scores in their hiring practices is an invasion of privacy. It goes too far and is just another example of corporate abuse. The 9th circuit precinct court in Los Angeles is addressing this now. Criminal report – Yes. Credit Report – No. How dare you sir.
Contrary to your uneducated accusations; I am self employed in a highly educated and skilled profession. I turned down a job offer in Los Angeles for $80, 0000/yr (“plus benefits” yea right they take them out of your paycheck) and wore sandals with my business suit to show my mockery. Then I went into business for myself. I am making much, much less.
I did it in part to escape the seniority bench warmer redneck mentality. I encountered this from the likes of you in the corporate environment. “Boy” I’ve been working in this here job for 15 years now! So drop the Kool-Aid! Shut up and listen! And you might learn something useful! (spitting skoal) College boy! Yee Haw!
No thank you. You learn. I’m better than you and will not end up like you. I learned enough from watching others act. And all those “employees” (including a professional; tennis player) you mention are the dire exception to the rules in today’s corporate environment.
As an Entrepreneur I know (and I’m sure Casey does) that we are not working “40 hours a week and sleeping on the beach”. I was not inspired by MTV. And I doubt this guy Casey was ether. He spent a ton of his extra time AND MONEY to learn real estate. Employees take their extra money (aka company table scraps) and go on a vacation. I work 70 hours each week. With 1 day weekends. Employees are the ones lying on the beach. After 5:00pm rolls around and their boss gives them permission of course.
There is too much too address in your letter. If you truly to enjoy working for someone else than good for you. I’m not going to argue it with you. We are just different. You are taking the safe and secure road and I am forgoing having a life, risking it all, and taking the road less traveled. It is very hard.
I could have stayed as an employee. Never knowing. Never trying. Telling myself I was already happy. But guess what. I took a risk and now I am at least surviving. Of course I don’t have my “mommy and daddy” to sell me there giant redwood house. But is it possible my choice might pay off more than you someday? (Aka tortoise and the hare)I think so. It’s also think its possible I will burn out and go back to your world with my tail between my legs because I have NO OTHER CHOICE and that’s the truth. I will be unhappy yea, but no worries, the “smile or your fired” threat from management (like you) will fix that. Then I cam start to really be happy. Making someone else rich all day.
You are obviously the best of the best. But look at how much you’ve made you employer. And then take a look at your “paycheck”. Not to mention the deductions the government STEALS out of it every time. On the contrary I am not paying any taxes. I’m using every legal means at my disposal to write them off.
I earn, spend, and then pay taxes at the very end after all my bills are paid. You earn, are (heavily) taxed and then try to live off what is left over. The more you make - the more they take!
Highly educated company superman like yourself always seemed to confuse me. Doing your best “for the team!” neglecting any dream of financial independence to enrich shareholders or bosses more concerned about their golf swing then your life and happiness. But I realized the truth. You are full of fear. Breaking away from “the firm” immediately gives you a deep seeded feeling of fear and insecurity. You fold up your tent.
Be honest with yourself. Look deep within yourself and say. “I’m quitting my job tomorrow” “I’m going to start my own business” and notice the first feeling that grips you. It’s called fear Aaron, Don’t deny it. I have been there. Some of us valiantly charge ahead and take the leap. Others end up in a corner office if they are good (not at just their jobs but that’s another story). It’s been my experience that you could have achieved much more. A corner office is just a Mirage; a corner office is a rented office in a big building.
Unlike working for yourself - where you are in control of your own destiny you my dear Aaron can receive a pink slip anytime at the employers little fancy for all your “hard work” through the years making them rich. Do you think they really care about you? Know you will be forgotten about the next day. The next day Aaron! Business is business. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but that’s the truth. .
No matter how “indispensable” you think you are and no matter how much you *love* your job this is what essentially separates yourself and me. You are an Employee and I am an Entrepreneur. Rambo and Pee-Wee Herman (in his redwood house). Meanwhile I’ve escaped from the Viet Cong prison camp. I’m running to rendezvous point pinned down under heavy fire in the jungle (With Mr. Casey. Damn I hope he doesn’t take a round from the guards (aka foreclosure). We will see who comes out on top in the end. I would like to fly in with my strike helicopter into the prison camp (aka take your customers) and you lose your little “corner office” and you. Because you are the type of P.O.W. I want working for me. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Oh so you are “pretty dammed sure” huh? Thats wishful thinking on your part. But lets not forget. Your the one who needs a job and I run the company. I never implied I would treat my employees badly. Quite the opposite. Unlike most companies I plan on being HONEST with them. Just not about my personal feelings on the differences between employees and entraprenuers.
Right now this does not apply becuase I am working 100% alone. When I get a few more accounts and need good employees to make it work I will know what qualities to look for and how to hire people that will benifit my company.
These people are called employees for a reason. They desire a paycheck, and pray they do well in the job interview becuase thier last employee handed them a pink-slip (lay off whatever) in a seconds notice and now the bills are stacking up.
You shut up. I dont need your curses. Dont try and jinx me. Monday morning you will go back to your hole and start “another day and other dolla” with the same subjects..
Good morning. How was your weekend? The weather was nice. How are you doing (this phrase occurs about 50x a day rendering it virtually the same as “hello”.) I’m going to lunch. What did you have to eat? I had a turkey sandwitch Hows the weather out there? Did I forget to mention the weather? Is it 5:00 yet Is it Friday yet Good night people.
Think whatever you want. I know the drill. I worked in a company making somone else $ for years. Underpaid, underappreciated with broken promises. Never again !!
I hope for your sake that you have someone else do spelling check for your business correspondences.
Another tip, browbeating your opponents with your MIA/POW credential in every argument you encounter might win you the battle, but it’s unlikely to win you any campaigns or wars.
And if you think salaried employees are just fearful losers, just check out the airline unions and the UAW, they have huge corporations working to pay their pensions. Ditto public employees - they may or may not be good civil servants, but you can bet their retirement benefits are fully funded.
Your rhetoric scares me… a LOT. You know why I’m frightened? Not because of the reasons you suggest… the idea of leaving my job… well, the hard work of going it alone, and the earning next to nothing doesn’t appeal to me, but that’s not the same as scaring…
No, the scary thing is how many signs you’re exhibiting of cultism. You’re exhibiting *all* the signs of being in the “business” cult known as Amway (though it’s gone under many other names through its years), but most of those signs could be part of numerous cults, so I won’t just label you…
I think you ought to read a little website, though… it’s a little long, and it’s rather frightening, but it’s a true story as written by an Amway Emerald, and how he had his life totally destroyed by the cult… Here’s the link:
There are a few chapters… it’s a long read, but worth it… Part of what I found ironic was that while Amway was feeding this man (and his family) the lines about earning your boss $50 for every $1 you see in your paycheque, his work for Amway was earning *him almost nothing, and earning the people at the top of the queue many many dollars… at a rate rather more than 1:50…
Oh, and by the way, the figures I’ve heard is that it costs your employer around $2 to $2.50 for every dollar they pay you (in terms of things like insurance and health benefits, and your annual leave, and having someone else available to work when you’re sick, etc etc etc…), and on average they tend to *make around $3 for every $1 they give you… so the loading they make isn’t as huge as all that.
A person like Aaron probably makes his employer a lot more - which is fine, because he enjoys it, and means that his employers are grateful as all get out, and very happy to let him dictate the terms of his contract. Sounds fine to me. I’d be happy being in a similar position by his age.
Michael, read the link I posted. Read it all the way through. Please. Then please, try to understand why your words scare people. If you aren’t a part of any cult, then I am glad, but please try to be a bit more understanding… accept that you might just be wrong about some things, and try to write with a little understanding, and a little less denigration.
oh michael. you gave me a chuckle with your response. I know i can be fired anytime. rest assured i realize that. the business we are in require skills in so many areas. I have learned them all and quite well i might add. I can be used for every project that comes our way from our clients. One thing you haven’t figured out yet. I don’t pay alot of taxes. in fact with all of our write-offs i probabaly pay what kids coming out of college make(say40-50k). You obviously aren’t to bright in terms of doing your taxes.
most ‘entrepreneurs’ fail. a slim percentage are successful. The question is which group will you be in when ya croak. Sure i may work for the man(so YOU think). however our firm is a partnership. I am an associate. As i Stated i have no desire to be a partner. partnership brings added responsibility for which I don’t desire right now. perhap I will but probably not. IF i wanted it all i would have to do is ask.
BTW, I paid only 60 k under market price for my parents house. since they didnt have to use a RE agent they got what they would have gotten in the open market using a RE agent. plus now they can come visit there friends anytime. It’s a win win situation for everyone. Well its time to get ready for a lovely hike out in the shenandoah. do enjoy your day michael and try not to work to hard
oh and michael. my benes don’t come out of my paycheck. full health coverage PST etc are on top of my salary. any extra hours(over 35 a week) add to my PST. so you see you are again wrong. work for a small firm(32 employees in ours) and you do VERY well if you are successful. we have been around over 50 years and ALWAYS have done well. call it a niche market we are in and we rarely lose.
You make me laugh. You don’t know any thing about my plans and how I weigh my plans. And just because you think unions should all be broken up and civil servants’ pay cut by half, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. In my neck of the woods, there are a lot of fat and happy civil servants than there are highly successful entrepeneurs, and not for the lack of trying by wannabe entrepeneurs.
There’s plenty of reasons to work for other people, either as an employee or a contractor — not the least to gain sufficient contacts and knowledge before going into business for one’s self.
Sorry I didnt mean to come across to strong. I’m not in Amway. I guess I get carried away a little much somtimes becuase of my personal (”cult” - ha!) beliefs in just being an entraprenuer vs. company man. Thats all. No worries. I’m not gonna try to sell you Herba-life.
That’s fine. You are a company man. I hope someday to have a fine specimen as you working for me. It would be nice to hire an expert like you. I knew a guy was in charge of specialty of K_____ & N______ entire North American operations. The gentleman (although some might refer to him via another name) was a nice guy and a full fledged expert. One day in the office the subject of entrepreneurship/going off on your own, came up. “Not me!” “I’m a company man!” he forcefully proclaimed to everyone. However I saw a weakness. This superman - had a weakness.
Aaron I would just like to point out something in Rich Dads book to ask you. Please if you would be so kind let me know your honest opinion. I would really appreciate your honestly - as a company superman.
Rich dads talking to Robert about company men (like you) and claims that in the end “only they will know it” that when they look deep down inside themselves “they didn’t have the guts” to go for it Or something to that effect.
As a company superman. Please. Aaron. I would love to hear your honest (keyword) response to rich-dads idea here. Personally I now believe that at least 99% of the time this scenario holds true as fact.
If your benefits don’t come out of your paycheck that makes you different than most employees in today’s corporate environment. When companies today say “plus benefits” it is in fact stated totally out of context. Because they are now just OFFERING you the plan. But you have to PAY it yourself (medical dental). On top of this - 401ks are at there lowest levels ever. 10% is a huge 401k. 15% is just enormous. Most people I know are lucky if they are getting 5%. The norm seems to be 3%. I was offered a job once with 2%. The average annual USA inflation rate.
Things have changed since President Moron took office. I’m not casting 100% of the blame on his administration. But there is a clear difference between companies now and then especially when the 401k gold path that was prevalent under Clinton and the “new economy” which now has seen more IT jobs and IT manufacturing outsourced under Bush than any other President. Most people don’t have it as good as you.
When people say “how can you afford to go out of your own?” My response is simple:
Honesty is the best policy. If you are always doing something you are bound to make mistakes. I’ve had my share but I’ve learned from them. I’ve left the RE Investing market for a more lucrative field. - http://www.LBGinfo.com
I'm a 24-year-old aspiring real estate investor from Sacramento CA. After going to few seminars I bought 8 houses in 8 months across 4 states with no money down. I fixed and sold 2 and then ran out of cash. I am now facing foreclosure on 6 houses. I'm learning my lessons, finding solutions and blogging about it. Comments appreciated!
October 27th, 2006 at 1:26 pm
Sold that Dallas house?
October 27th, 2006 at 1:33 pm
he won the powerball, sorry to ruin the surprise
October 27th, 2006 at 1:36 pm
Any bets he got bailed out?
October 27th, 2006 at 1:39 pm
If you look at his property listings, you’ll notice the UT property is now SOLD, and in his opening bit on the right, the number 6 has been scratched out to show 5.
Not really that big of a deal, because if it won’t bail him out of foreclosure on the TX property, he’s still screwed.
October 27th, 2006 at 1:41 pm
Hollywood movie deal.
October 27th, 2006 at 1:43 pm
Dr. Kervorkian is out of jail and making a house call.
He hacked all of our computer and took our money. Suckers
October 27th, 2006 at 1:44 pm
None of those. He’s got an approval for a short sale.
October 27th, 2006 at 1:47 pm
Casey, I wasn’t joking in my prior email about paying for a credit score. I didn’t see the damn tip bucket before. As a prior poster noted, you can and should get your free credit reports. You can also get them if you claim that you were turned down for credit or a job within a certain timeframe. But I am more interested in the score and you have to pay for that. Use Equifax, they give a real FICO score. Some other services use their own scoring models which can be way off.
Look for a payment from The Man in Truth or Consequences, NM for $20. I rounded it up to leave a little bit of a tip in there after paying for the credit pull.
October 27th, 2006 at 1:48 pm
I really hope it’s good news. All this negativity drags this place down a bit.
October 27th, 2006 at 1:53 pm
This dude is a joke
October 27th, 2006 at 2:04 pm
October 27th, 2006 at 2:23 pm
You popped a boil on your back? That’s always a relief!
October 27th, 2006 at 2:40 pm
Blah…you are on the ball!!!
October 27th, 2006 at 2:42 pm
…he may have got a short sale ..but who would buy online..theres no pic…no lotsize…and the guy will probaby either scam you to death ..or try and make deals on everything and anything …i had a friend like casey ..except he lost a lot more…and he rang one day out of the blue talking about investing ..as soon as he heard i had some money stashed away ..he was around the next day in business suit trying to rope me into one of his shady deals …yous guys are so much alike…learn to seperate your dreams from your reality….because at the moment theres no seperation.
October 27th, 2006 at 2:57 pm
Are you finally going to get a job? Wow! That is AMAZING!
October 27th, 2006 at 3:05 pm
Why not let us know about the news on my radio show tonight?
Send me an email I’ll call you on the show.
October 27th, 2006 at 3:20 pm
You are going to tell us what you are selling?
October 27th, 2006 at 3:24 pm
As a 29 year vet of the financial services industry I am amazed that you were able to obtain 2.2MM in mortgage debt. If true - the financial apocolypse in sub prime residential mortgage lending can’t be far off. In a best case scenario you will file chapter 7 and get a job. In a worse case scenario you will spend time in prison for fraud. The real estate speculation world you have been living in recently has come to an abrupt halt and you got caught without a chair when the music stopped. The good news for you is that you have litttle to lose. Others are not so fortunate.
October 27th, 2006 at 3:59 pm
I know… (wink)
October 27th, 2006 at 4:33 pm
Casey, after you’ve come out of bankruptcy, either served your time or avoided prison, and gotten a full-time job, you should pursue internet marketing in your spare time. You’ve already got 18 replies to a post that just says “Big News to Come Later Today…”. Brilliant.
October 27th, 2006 at 4:36 pm
What now? Gerbil fall out?
October 27th, 2006 at 4:44 pm
October 27th, 2006 at 3:05 pm Why not let us know about the news on my radio show tonight?
Send me an email I’ll call you on the show.
Hey that’s a nice site! I loved the suzanne researched this overture!
October 27th, 2006 at 4:45 pm
Arrest warrant?
October 27th, 2006 at 5:22 pm
Casey got a White House press pass???
October 27th, 2006 at 6:00 pm
Randy H granted you a pardon for the crimes he decided you’re guilty of? I know you’re still lurking here, genius.
October 27th, 2006 at 6:02 pm
Let me guess…
Bruce Norris gave your seminar money back!
If not, you are The Definition of Bad Publicity, and he should be cutting you a check post-haste.
October 27th, 2006 at 6:53 pm
3 hours left…
October 27th, 2006 at 7:13 pm
The fact that Casey is not replying is the BIG NEWS. Killed himself?
October 27th, 2006 at 7:14 pm
Your story is great fun to read! I know several “investors” in the same or worse situation as yours and a couple more almost there.
I was buying with bigg cash back for 2-3 years and put away 20-50k on each house(more than 50). Tried to do fix-ups but the time delays and cost overruns killed my budget. Sooo I found that many builders had a desperate level of inventory and they would readily pick up on the concept of cash back and play ball if you buy 3, 4 or more from them. Also the houses were new and easy to resell with alittle marketing. Even the same neighorhood and other agents bringing buyers in.
The exit plan I learned saved my credit. I almost went 30 days late a couple of times but finally banged out enough sales to bail myself out.
I always purchased as an investor and never as owner occupied.
October 27th, 2006 at 7:15 pm
Burn down all those houses.
Use the insurance proceeds to get out of this mess.
Then you’d have a perfect story to tell.
October 27th, 2006 at 7:34 pm
“Later Today”, yet it’s already 7:30PM AND YOUR HALF-WHIT RETARDO SPAZWAD numbnuts arse hasn’t posted.
I. Hate. You.
October 27th, 2006 at 8:27 pm
What is the big news? It is now 8:30pm PST.
October 27th, 2006 at 8:30 pm
October 27th, 2006 at 8:52 pm
Did you know the Cards where going to win the World Series? You must be psychic!
October 27th, 2006 at 9:33 pm
Maybe this is Casey’s big news.
October 27th, 2006 at 10:09 pm
what hapeens if the bid is low. shiverrme timbres!!!!! and bo-bo, also too, them bthe ills lad d up.
October 27th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
Holy Crap SQT! Nice find! Do you spend all day Googling Casey?
Now you’re getting creative Casey. I’m tempted to bid the minimum, but I don’t know if you’ll get a $2,190,000 short sale.
I do know Casey’s surprise, but I’ll never tell.
Good luck with the auction.
October 27th, 2006 at 10:25 pm
You want to sling blame?
The mindset between an Entrepreneur and an employee is like RAMBO vs. Pee-Wee Herman. Look at all of you critics out there. “What’s good enough for me is good enough for him”. Half of you took the so called “safe secure way”. Sitting in a j-o-b until age 47. This is really anything but safe in today’s global environment. The truth is that most of you are full of fear and afraid to take risks.
You are not on the same level as this guy. He has experience you will never receive from your college education or a j-o-b (Just over Broke). Entrepreneurs get a j-o-b as a last resort. Not a first. Do you have the first clue what emotions are involved in going back “the cubicles”? DO you know how hard it is breaking away in the first place? No, of course not.
It was not only the money but the human behavior that forced me out. For every $1; I’m making my employer $50. But wait! That’s still not good enough. Because anyway they can chisel me down ($) they will. In America inflation averages 2% a year. Employee raises average 3%. What does that number tell you?
Now add the office politics, fake good mornings, people taking credit for my hard work, seniority benchwarmer mindsets (yes you), underhanded office tactics, “intangible” benefits and the “smile or your fired” threat from middle management. This is just the surface.
We dream of independence. And as such all young entrepreneurs, myself included (27 years old) are on a totally different level than an regular employee even if we fail. You would not know what is like to hold a dream so close to your heart and put in the work it takes to achieve it to bring yourself back again and again from the brink of disaster. Giving up so much and working so hard to achieve our dreams. 70 hour work weeks, one day weekends…
You 47 year old whiners with kids. You fatties. Is it 5:00 yet?
Casey. No worries you will ride this out and get through it. And you will come out on top. The game will not be over for you when you declare bankruptcy. It’s just starting.8) you are going to be a multi-millionaire. Every successful entrepreneur has faced hardships a you have had more experience from this than any of these chicken little fearful critics on here pointing fingers and accusations. In 7 years most will still be in the same job. However when - and if - you have to declare bankruptcy it is only on your record for 7 years then its like it never happened. In the meantime you can focus on building yourself up.
My aunt and uncle did this and they KEPT their house and their cars using legal means. See what you can do. It is unlikely. But possible. That if you are physically living in one of the houses you can keep it. You will need to consult an attorney.
Banks are the ones giving home loans away. I have even heard of illegal immigrants owning houses and getting mortgages here in Los Angeles. This is total lack of government oversight and the banks are just as guilty. They are more than eager to fleece people. And if they want to use the “credit score” as thier “Holy Grail” to determine a person’s financial integrity to own a house then this is the result. Bush can use some of the 1 trillion dollars in “funny money” that he just printed to pay back the banks when this real estate market drops like a hot plate - and people are for-closed on. Casey is not the only one.
When it comes down to it he simply used the means available at his disposal to take the risks needed to get in on an appreciating real estate market and achieve success rather than be left out in the cold. Kudos to Casey. I was left out. Even though I can afford a house my credit sucks. Sir your income is good but your credit sucks. - is all I ever hear.
If that is their holy grail then so be it! I blame all of this on the government. That does not make what Casey did (allegedly) right. However the lack of government oversight, holding down interest rates to cover up a failed economy, the 50 year mortgage and everything else related to this “real estate” boom started a long time ago and all contributed to the present situation.
October 27th, 2006 at 10:33 pm
I sure hope the myebid thing a hoax/joke.
If he is thinking that is going to clear $2M
there is no way. If he ends up with $1.2M
(just to be generous) what if the bank don’t
accept the short sale? Where does he come up
with $800,000K?
Nothing like a good train wreck.
October 27th, 2006 at 10:38 pm
time’s a-ticking!!!!!!!!!!!
October 27th, 2006 at 10:39 pm
“I must sell all of my properties in less then two weeks and I am auctioning all of them off for one price. Get in on the best real estate deal in history!”
Choo choo go bye-bye
October 27th, 2006 at 11:50 pm
Most likely it is something like one poster said few days back. Someone saved his a??. ANd that person would be able to help others in forclosure or financial dispair.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:11 am
Why on earth would anyone want a package of properties scattered across 4 states? Putting each one up for bid seperately would appeal to more buyers. Not a lot of buyers, but more than zero which is what a NM/CA/TX/UT package is going to attract.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:05 am
OMG. Myebid? Who even uses that?!
October 28th, 2006 at 1:26 am
good to see the Amway shills are out in force (only Amway and other MLM woud refer to a job as Just Over Broke). Despite what you like to think in your impetulent youth, many of us know what it is like to sweat for ourselves. I was self-employed for almost 15 years, longer than you’ve been working. So listen up and drop the kool-aid, ok?
Casey, and you, are convinced that jobs are for suckers, and this is just total horse puckey. Try telling people like Sam Palmisano, Jack Welch, and A Rod that jobs don’t pay well. Guess what? You’re wrong, dead wrong. Worse, you and he are not entrepreneurs, you’re deadbeats trying to act the part. I spent well over 60 hours a week working and your type thinks that you can spend 40 hours and sleep on the beach for the rest. Well forget it.
You reap what you sow and this is one bitter harvest.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:27 am
hey michael. im 35, married with no kids….yet. i have a house(bought from my parents as i grew up in it) that sits on an acre in the city of alexandria just outside DC. that’s phat RE. backs up to 120 acres of park/woodland that cannot be developed. I have worked with the same firm for 12 years now since i graduated college. i have a corner office with 4 windows that is larger than most master bedrooms. Even though i got a 15k raise back in march(yes 15k). I am still frugal. I commute via bicycle(well i do this b/c i race mt bikes). We have over 30k in hard cash, 250k in my PST and her 401k and our Roth IRAs. I don’t fear as you say today’s job environment. See i have made myself indespensable at my firm. Along with being an economist I have taken on the added responsibilities of doing all of our IT work in-house saving us money and making the firm’s partners appreciate me even more(yep i am not a partner nor do i want to become one). ive got that corner office w/o being a partner. got that phat pay w/o being one. if i didn’t have to drive to race mt bikes and go camping i would never have to drive my car. I lead what i call a good life. comfortable yet not overspending(or doing stupid s*** like casey). I learned my lesson during the Tech bubble burst back in 2000. luckily I LEARNED from that lesson unlike casey or at least how it seems right now. You would have to be crazy to ‘invest’ in RE right now considering the market dynamics and environment. Only the true pros can make money in this now b/c you need hard cash and a strong stomach to deal with the fast moving pace right now. Unlike Casey I don’t consider myself experienced enough to jump into the market. I will however, keep my eyes on it as i expect some great deals in the next 1-2 years as more idiots like casey get flushed down the toilet dragging prices even lower. THEN will be the time to look for some investment opps. not now though. now even the vultures are being careful to not get poisoned by spoiled meat.
so michael not all of us live in ‘fear’ as you call it. you see a movie like office space and think everyone works in a cubicle. Far from it buddy. far from it.
October 28th, 2006 at 6:48 am
Michael, you’re a moron:
“For every $1; I’m making my employer $50. ”
If your employer is “chiseling you down,” then they must be stupid.
You should be getting offers left and right for 200%, 300%, 500%, heck even a 1000% raises. So why don’t you take one of those offers?
“Sir your income is good but your credit sucks. - is all I ever hear. If that is their holy grail then so be it! I blame all of this on the government.”
If your credit sucks, fix it. If you want to blame the government for your sub-prime status, okay. Have at it. But it won’t do any good.
October 28th, 2006 at 7:18 am
I’ve got to think the Myebid thing is a joke put up by someone else…
October 28th, 2006 at 10:00 am
Holy Crap SQT! Nice find! Do you spend all day Googling Casey?
Lord no! Someone posted it on Patrick.net. All I did was bring the info over here.
October 28th, 2006 at 11:00 am
This guy makes ‘lonelygirl” look like a 3rd grade science project.
Can’t say I didn’t tell you so. The fact that he “fooled? so NPR, USA today, and others is a testiment to the stupidity of the masses.
It appears that we are at about the 14 1/2 minute mark of his 15 minutes of fame.
I see the “sign up” for the illegal raffle button is still up. No more mention of the BK attorney. The nature of this site has gone full blown PR. If you people are not bright enough to see through the obvious charade of a story, then perhaps Casey is smarter than I thought.
Ponder this: RK comes to the “rescue” of Casey, bails his a** out for about $200-$300k. How much free publicity, how many more books, seminars, tapes, cs, etc will RK sell because of it?
Think of the endless number of possibilites here for RK to self-promote.
Do the math. Brilliant
So Casey, when did you and RK first cook this idea up?
October 28th, 2006 at 1:24 pm
Marriage is a team relationship. “Divorce would be a start”. Where do I even begin to slice and dice an irresponsible suggestion like this? Marriage is a team relationship. Quitters never win. And in my personal opinion, companies using credit scores in their hiring practices is an invasion of privacy. It goes too far and is just another example of corporate abuse. The 9th circuit precinct court in Los Angeles is addressing this now. Criminal report – Yes. Credit Report – No. How dare you sir.
October 28th, 2006 at 1:43 pm
Contrary to your uneducated accusations; I am self employed in a highly educated and skilled profession. I turned down a job offer in Los Angeles for $80, 0000/yr (“plus benefits” yea right they take them out of your paycheck) and wore sandals with my business suit to show my mockery. Then I went into business for myself. I am making much, much less.
I did it in part to escape the seniority bench warmer redneck mentality. I encountered this from the likes of you in the corporate environment. “Boy” I’ve been working in this here job for 15 years now! So drop the Kool-Aid! Shut up and listen! And you might learn something useful! (spitting skoal) College boy! Yee Haw!
No thank you. You learn. I’m better than you and will not end up like you. I learned enough from watching others act. And all those “employees” (including a professional; tennis player) you mention are the dire exception to the rules in today’s corporate environment.
As an Entrepreneur I know (and I’m sure Casey does) that we are not working “40 hours a week and sleeping on the beach”. I was not inspired by MTV. And I doubt this guy Casey was ether. He spent a ton of his extra time AND MONEY to learn real estate. Employees take their extra money (aka company table scraps) and go on a vacation. I work 70 hours each week. With 1 day weekends. Employees are the ones lying on the beach. After 5:00pm rolls around and their boss gives them permission of course.
October 28th, 2006 at 2:31 pm
There is too much too address in your letter. If you truly to enjoy working for someone else than good for you. I’m not going to argue it with you. We are just different. You are taking the safe and secure road and I am forgoing having a life, risking it all, and taking the road less traveled. It is very hard.
I could have stayed as an employee. Never knowing. Never trying. Telling myself I was already happy. But guess what. I took a risk and now I am at least surviving. Of course I don’t have my “mommy and daddy” to sell me there giant redwood house. But is it possible my choice might pay off more than you someday? (Aka tortoise and the hare)I think so. It’s also think its possible I will burn out and go back to your world with my tail between my legs because I have NO OTHER CHOICE and that’s the truth. I will be unhappy yea, but no worries, the “smile or your fired” threat from management (like you) will fix that. Then I cam start to really be happy. Making someone else rich all day.
You are obviously the best of the best. But look at how much you’ve made you employer. And then take a look at your “paycheck”. Not to mention the deductions the government STEALS out of it every time. On the contrary I am not paying any taxes. I’m using every legal means at my disposal to write them off.
I earn, spend, and then pay taxes at the very end after all my bills are paid. You earn, are (heavily) taxed and then try to live off what is left over. The more you make - the more they take!
Highly educated company superman like yourself always seemed to confuse me. Doing your best “for the team!” neglecting any dream of financial independence to enrich shareholders or bosses more concerned about their golf swing then your life and happiness. But I realized the truth. You are full of fear. Breaking away from “the firm” immediately gives you a deep seeded feeling of fear and insecurity. You fold up your tent.
Be honest with yourself. Look deep within yourself and say. “I’m quitting my job tomorrow” “I’m going to start my own business” and notice the first feeling that grips you. It’s called fear Aaron, Don’t deny it. I have been there. Some of us valiantly charge ahead and take the leap. Others end up in a corner office if they are good (not at just their jobs but that’s another story). It’s been my experience that you could have achieved much more. A corner office is just a Mirage; a corner office is a rented office in a big building.
Unlike working for yourself - where you are in control of your own destiny you my dear Aaron can receive a pink slip anytime at the employers little fancy for all your “hard work” through the years making them rich. Do you think they really care about you? Know you will be forgotten about the next day. The next day Aaron! Business is business. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but that’s the truth. .
No matter how “indispensable” you think you are and no matter how much you *love* your job this is what essentially separates yourself and me. You are an Employee and I am an Entrepreneur. Rambo and Pee-Wee Herman (in his redwood house). Meanwhile I’ve escaped from the Viet Cong prison camp. I’m running to rendezvous point pinned down under heavy fire in the jungle (With Mr. Casey. Damn I hope he doesn’t take a round from the guards (aka foreclosure). We will see who comes out on top in the end. I would like to fly in with my strike helicopter into the prison camp (aka take your customers) and you lose your little “corner office” and you. Because you are the type of P.O.W. I want working for me.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
October 28th, 2006 at 6:32 pm
Well Michael, I’m pretty damned sure nobody will ever want to work for you — or even with you.
That means you can pretty much kiss entrepreneurship goodbye.
October 28th, 2006 at 8:31 pm
Free advice.
Oh so you are “pretty dammed sure” huh? Thats wishful thinking on your part. But lets not forget. Your the one who needs a job and I run the company. I never implied I would treat my employees badly. Quite the opposite. Unlike most companies I plan on being HONEST with them. Just not about my personal feelings on the differences between employees and entraprenuers.
Right now this does not apply becuase I am working 100% alone. When I get a few more accounts and need good employees to make it work I will know what qualities to look for and how to hire people that will benifit my company.
These people are called employees for a reason. They desire a paycheck, and pray they do well in the job interview becuase thier last employee handed them a pink-slip (lay off whatever) in a seconds notice and now the bills are stacking up.
You shut up. I dont need your curses. Dont try and jinx me. Monday morning you will go back to your hole and start “another day and other dolla” with the same subjects..
Good morning.
How was your weekend?
The weather was nice.
How are you doing (this phrase occurs about 50x a day rendering it virtually the same as “hello”.)
I’m going to lunch.
What did you have to eat?
I had a turkey sandwitch
Hows the weather out there?
Did I forget to mention the weather?
Is it 5:00 yet
Is it Friday yet
Good night people.
Think whatever you want. I know the drill. I worked in a company making somone else $ for years. Underpaid, underappreciated with broken promises. Never again !!
October 28th, 2006 at 9:01 pm
I hope for your sake that you have someone else do spelling check for your business correspondences.
Another tip, browbeating your opponents with your MIA/POW credential in every argument you encounter might win you the battle, but it’s unlikely to win you any campaigns or wars.
And if you think salaried employees are just fearful losers, just check out the airline unions and the UAW, they have huge corporations working to pay their pensions. Ditto public employees - they may or may not be good civil servants, but you can bet their retirement benefits are fully funded.
October 28th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
Your rhetoric scares me… a LOT. You know why I’m frightened? Not because of the reasons you suggest… the idea of leaving my job… well, the hard work of going it alone, and the earning next to nothing doesn’t appeal to me, but that’s not the same as scaring…
No, the scary thing is how many signs you’re exhibiting of cultism. You’re exhibiting *all* the signs of being in the “business” cult known as Amway (though it’s gone under many other names through its years), but most of those signs could be part of numerous cults, so I won’t just label you…
I think you ought to read a little website, though… it’s a little long, and it’s rather frightening, but it’s a true story as written by an Amway Emerald, and how he had his life totally destroyed by the cult… Here’s the link:
There are a few chapters… it’s a long read, but worth it… Part of what I found ironic was that while Amway was feeding this man (and his family) the lines about earning your boss $50 for every $1 you see in your paycheque, his work for Amway was earning *him almost nothing, and earning the people at the top of the queue many many dollars… at a rate rather more than 1:50…
Oh, and by the way, the figures I’ve heard is that it costs your employer around $2 to $2.50 for every dollar they pay you (in terms of things like insurance and health benefits, and your annual leave, and having someone else available to work when you’re sick, etc etc etc…), and on average they tend to *make around $3 for every $1 they give you… so the loading they make isn’t as huge as all that.
A person like Aaron probably makes his employer a lot more - which is fine, because he enjoys it, and means that his employers are grateful as all get out, and very happy to let him dictate the terms of his contract. Sounds fine to me. I’d be happy being in a similar position by his age.
Michael, read the link I posted. Read it all the way through. Please. Then please, try to understand why your words scare people. If you aren’t a part of any cult, then I am glad, but please try to be a bit more understanding… accept that you might just be wrong about some things, and try to write with a little understanding, and a little less denigration.
Do you think you can do all of that? Please?
-Anonymous Aussie lass
October 28th, 2006 at 11:42 pm
I am NOT part of Amway! LOL!
October 29th, 2006 at 3:04 am
oh michael. you gave me a chuckle with your response. I know i can be fired anytime. rest assured i realize that. the business we are in require skills in so many areas. I have learned them all and quite well i might add. I can be used for every project that comes our way from our clients. One thing you haven’t figured out yet. I don’t pay alot of taxes. in fact with all of our write-offs i probabaly pay what kids coming out of college make(say40-50k). You obviously aren’t to bright in terms of doing your taxes.
most ‘entrepreneurs’ fail. a slim percentage are successful. The question is which group will you be in when ya croak. Sure i may work for the man(so YOU think). however our firm is a partnership. I am an associate. As i Stated i have no desire to be a partner. partnership brings added responsibility for which I don’t desire right now. perhap I will but probably not. IF i wanted it all i would have to do is ask.
BTW, I paid only 60 k under market price for my parents house. since they didnt have to use a RE agent they got what they would have gotten in the open market using a RE agent. plus now they can come visit there friends anytime. It’s a win win situation for everyone. Well its time to get ready for a lovely hike out in the shenandoah. do enjoy your day michael and try not to work to hard
October 29th, 2006 at 3:08 am
oh and michael. my benes don’t come out of my paycheck. full health coverage PST etc are on top of my salary. any extra hours(over 35 a week) add to my PST. so you see you are again wrong. work for a small firm(32 employees in ours) and you do VERY well if you are successful. we have been around over 50 years and ALWAYS have done well. call it a niche market we are in and we rarely lose.
October 29th, 2006 at 9:46 am
You make me laugh. You don’t know any thing about my plans and how I weigh my plans. And just because you think unions should all be broken up and civil servants’ pay cut by half, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. In my neck of the woods, there are a lot of fat and happy civil servants than there are highly successful entrepeneurs, and not for the lack of trying by wannabe entrepeneurs.
There’s plenty of reasons to work for other people, either as an employee or a contractor — not the least to gain sufficient contacts and knowledge before going into business for one’s self.
October 29th, 2006 at 3:13 pm
Anon -
Sorry I didnt mean to come across to strong. I’m not in Amway. I guess I get carried away a little much somtimes becuase of my personal (”cult” - ha!) beliefs in just being an entraprenuer vs. company man. Thats all. No worries. I’m not gonna try to sell you Herba-life.
October 29th, 2006 at 3:34 pm
That’s fine. You are a company man. I hope someday to have a fine specimen as you working for me. It would be nice to hire an expert like you. I knew a guy was in charge of specialty of K_____ & N______ entire North American operations. The gentleman (although some might refer to him via another name) was a nice guy and a full fledged expert. One day in the office the subject of entrepreneurship/going off on your own, came up. “Not me!” “I’m a company man!” he forcefully proclaimed to everyone. However I saw a weakness. This superman - had a weakness.
Aaron I would just like to point out something in Rich Dads book to ask you. Please if you would be so kind let me know your honest opinion. I would really appreciate your honestly - as a company superman.
Rich dads talking to Robert about company men (like you) and claims that in the end “only they will know it” that when they look deep down inside themselves “they didn’t have the guts” to go for it Or something to that effect.
As a company superman. Please. Aaron. I would love to hear your honest (keyword) response to rich-dads idea here. Personally I now believe that at least 99% of the time this scenario holds true as fact.
October 29th, 2006 at 3:47 pm
Aaron -
If your benefits don’t come out of your paycheck that makes you different than most employees in today’s corporate environment. When companies today say “plus benefits” it is in fact stated totally out of context. Because they are now just OFFERING you the plan. But you have to PAY it yourself (medical dental). On top of this - 401ks are at there lowest levels ever. 10% is a huge 401k. 15% is just enormous. Most people I know are lucky if they are getting 5%. The norm seems to be 3%. I was offered a job once with 2%. The average annual USA inflation rate.
Things have changed since President Moron took office. I’m not casting 100% of the blame on his administration. But there is a clear difference between companies now and then especially when the 401k gold path that was prevalent under Clinton and the “new economy” which now has seen more IT jobs and IT manufacturing outsourced under Bush than any other President. Most people don’t have it as good as you.
When people say “how can you afford to go out of your own?” My response is simple:
How can you afford not to go out on your own….
October 29th, 2006 at 3:48 pm
I agree with your last paragragh. That is true.
November 2nd, 2006 at 10:52 am
Honesty is the best policy. If you are always doing something you are bound to make mistakes. I’ve had my share but I’ve learned from them. I’ve left the RE Investing market for a more lucrative field. - http://www.LBGinfo.com